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a great change Old paradigm uniminded new paradigm pluriminded

A great change Old paradigm uniminded new paradigm pluriminded.

Jan 13, 2016



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Page 1: A great change Old paradigm uniminded new paradigm pluriminded.

a great change

Old paradigmuniminded

new paradigmpluriminded

Page 2: A great change Old paradigm uniminded new paradigm pluriminded.

© EBBF – European Bahá’í Business Forum

“that which enables one to overcome a difficulty”, therefore the human resource is “a human or intellectual tool which enables one to overcome a difficulty

Definizion of Definizion of resource from enciclopedia

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managing human resources would mean: “the management of human or intellectual means which help one to overcome a difficulty

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© EBBF – European Bahá’í Business Forum

It seems an obsolete, archaic and unacceptable definition, which makes seven billion human beings ask themselves: “do we exist, work, reproduce and spend our lives solely to be able to solve or overcome a difficulty? Isn’t it then too reductive for a human being to be defined solely as a human resource?


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Wouldn’t it be propitious then, through the creative development of innovative paradigms, to propose new definitions?”

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the word paradigm, as defined in the Webster Dictionary– a Group of basic hypotheses, which constitute a vision of the world or a new model – can be applied to the particular field of human resources

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“Man is a mine rich in gems of inestimable value, the lack of proper education has, though, deprived him of what he inherently possesses

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Man is a mine rich in gems of inestimable value, the lack of proper education has, though, deprived him of what he inherently possesses

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A new vision

We are all flowers of the same garden

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therefore the management of human resources involves a very challenging activity which is that of managing “mines rich in gems of inestimable value”.

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the term management, loses the old meaning and denotes: “sharing”, through a “process”, which unveils “the gems of inestimable value”, therefore to “educate” – to bring out – what we “inherently possess”, to become aware of it and consciously put it at “service” of others for the “growth” of all.

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Four driving Four driving forces forces

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• Globalization of the markets

Globalization of competition

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economy based on information and comunication

quality control as a must

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• Prioritise the human aspect rather than only the financial one

•Why do we operate

Forze al LavoroForze al Lavoro

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Phisical level

Intellectual level

The level of emotions

The level of will

The spiritual Level

the five levels of interactionthe five levels of interaction

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physical appearance, friendliness, aesthetics , smell, hair, glance, voice musicality

The phisical level The phisical level

• Space light , air , square meters, noise , smell , people

• Security stress, danger , ripetitivity , boring etc.

• Wage Too low, too high, …..

• Tools and instruments Old , modern, adequate, …..

• company assets Strong weak

• Space light , air , square meters, noise , smell , people

• Security stress, danger , ripetitivity , boring etc.

• Wage Too low, too high, …..

• Tools and instruments Old , modern, adequate, …..

• company assets Strong weak

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education, the capacity to express oneself, memory, vocabulary and learning speed, intellectual brightness, quickness in reasoning, and the capacity to propose, think and reflect.….

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- - IntellectualIntellectual

• Challenging

• Learning day by day

• Innovation and creativity

• responsability

• quality

• Make mistakes

• Challenging

• Learning day by day

• Innovation and creativity

• responsability

• quality

• Make mistakes

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- - EmotionsEmotions

•How many times have we realized that the level of emotions has sometimes misled us in relationships with others? …

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- - EmotionsEmotions

• Respect

• support

• incouragment

• Sharing

• Respect

• support

• incouragment

• Sharing

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Thinking before answering

Lissening before answering

Be kind

Thinking before answering

Lissening before answering

Be kind

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A kindly tongue is the lodestone of the hearts of men. It is the bread of the spirit, it clotheth the words with meaning, it is the fountain of the light of wisdom and understanding..


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- - EmotionsEmotions

Do not defend your opinion too much

Try to detach your self from your ideas

Do not defend your opinion too much

Try to detach your self from your ideas

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When a thought of war comes ,oppose it by a stronger thought of peace…


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A thought of hatred must be detroyed by a more powerful thought of love .


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Finally :truthfulness is the foundation of all human virtues


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will will

The capacity to do one’s best to succeed, the challenge to go all the way to solve problems and face tests

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the strength to go through pain and carry on, the determination to be patient in certain circumstances or to avoid confrontation with others: where do you think all these skills come from


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They come from this remarkable level, which each of us develops as a muscle and without which many of our capacities would remain concealed


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will will

• desire for Changing

Make sacrifices to change

• Do not be ashame of your changes

• desire for Changing

Make sacrifices to change

• Do not be ashame of your changes

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will will

Do not change for others but for your self

Do not change for others but for your self

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The intrinsic qualities, those which prophets and messengers call talents, inner or spiritual qualities, are the most precious jewels in our mine rich in gems of inestimable value.


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Each of us is unique in the universe and within our own uniqueness we possess infinite intrinsic qualities, but often we are not aware of them or we are not able to make them function properly

Inner qualities

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– – Spiritual or Spiritual or The level of intrinsic qualities

Values and virtues

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. Trustworthiness, the capacity to love and be loved, justice, patience, purity, joy, generosity, abnegation, fairness, credibility, respect, sincerity, honesty, and the spirit of service towards others, are only part of a micro list which will enable the reader to understand what we are talking about.

Spiritual = values and virtues

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How much are these spiritual qualities part of our life and how much does their influence affect our relations and decisions? Can we “manage a human resource” without involving this level of interrelation with the world around us? Isn’t this level a substantial part of our personality? How can we enable this level to play a role in our life?

Values and virtues

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The inability to use the qualities of this level, definitely leads to a failing in the management of human resources.

The level of qualities

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. Did someone at work, in school or among your friends ask how your own spiritual qualities are a factor in your daily decisions? Has your boss ever mentioned that, perhaps, if some of his or your spiritual qualities were shared, different relations could be built and different decisions could be made?

Inner values

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How many times did the person in charge of human resources in a company, not knowing the inner qualities or values of people, put the wrong individual in the wrong place?

Spiritual qualities

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Did we take into account that a financial director, besides his professional skills, should have values such as honesty, trustworthiness, and trust, or did we ever have a conversation with the marketing director on issues such as transparency, sincerity and fairness


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? When hiring a human resources or a personnel director have we considered talents such as justice, patience, far-sightedness, the capacity to encourage?


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When dealing with a colleague, a friend or a child have we ever tried to look beyond his physical appearance and intelligence, trying to perceive qualities such as perseverance, quickness, goodness, radiance, joy, mercy and insight?


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But it is those who manage human resources that are often introverted and deprived of these skills, causing unimaginable disasters and troubles. It is those who occupy managerial positions, especially in human resources, should have the capacity to sense, study, and observe these inner gems with patience and far- sightedness.


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And if we have worked well and have glimpsed these potentialities, we should do anything in order for these inner gems to be manifested and be taken into the field, because they are useful for the society around us both in terms of personal development and as a contribution for collective growth.

Inner values

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Certainly this is a new field and, like all new paradigms, needs experimentation, proofs and ideas.


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Trustworthiness, the capacity to love and be loved, justice, patience, purity, joy, generosity, abnegation, fairness, credibility, respect, sincerity, honesty, and the spirit of service

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- - SpiritualsSpirituals

•More we go up in the

career more we need

to take care of these

spiritual qualities

•More we go up in the

career more we need

to take care of these

spiritual qualities


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The five level of interactionsThe five level of interactions

How do they work together






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The five level of interactionsThe five level of interactions

good roots good fruits 1-Trustworthiness 2-the capacity to love and be loved3- justice4- patience5- purity6- joy7-generosity8- abnegation9- fairness10- credibility11- respect12- sincerity13 honesty14- the spirit of service

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5 dimensions5 dimensions


Fruits could be delightful, sweet and enjoyable if the process develops harmoniously. But if the roots are small, weak and underdeveloped the tree cannot receive the necessary nourishment to develop its potentialities. Thus it grows, undersized and very vulnerableSue proprie potenzialità

Hence it could dry up, not giving any fruit and be good only for the fire

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5 dimensions 5 dimensions

•Well nourished roots allow the tree to reach the soil on the surface, and through this effort, the will to come out and expand, and through good nourishment and control over emotions, to develop, over time, a solid trunk which will grow branches, that is to say, brilliant minds producing wondrous fruits

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5 dimensions5 dimensions

The process is connected to the five levels; therefore the base of the trunk must find a non-polluted environment because otherwise the trunk risks drying out.

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Creating a happy environment based on positive feelings, being interested in the things we are doing, experiencing inner harmony with co-workers, being kind and smiling, not answering straight off, but waiting and trying to understand what possible frictions could be generated, working on putting out and not igniting these conflicts, and encouraging a system of mutual sharing and learning are ways to diminish the toxicity of the environment and to protect the growth of the “resource”.

5 levels

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Obviously the development is proportional to the growth of the roots and to their strengthening over time. It is not necessary that roots are completely developed for the plant to emerge: when the spiritual awareness grows so does the will to come to the light. But the roots are not visible, if not through the growth of their external manifestation–the base of the trunk and the trunk itself. Therefore, spiritual qualities must be shown through visible actions. And the latter are further developed with the help of will, with sharing emotional states, with the brightness of intellectual qualities and with the participation of the body.


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If these levels work together, grow and develop harmoniously, the fruit we obtain is ripe, sweet and delicious. Therefore, decisions are made in a short time, the practicality of decisions is instantaneous, the assessment of their success is acquired immediately, others’ and your personal happiness is at its climax, respect, collaboration and care on the part of those around you are guaranteed due to a better way of managing problems, and mutual learning develops.

Qualities working harmoniously

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Nowadays the system works exactly in the opposite way; which means it gives primary importance to physical and intellectual relations, looking for comfort, stability and security, ignoring other levels. Thus, over a short time the “resource” dries up because it lacks nourishment (which is supposed to come from the roots that are not there). It moves to other areas looking for something which could fill the inner vacuum and enables him/her to unveil her/his gems of inestimable value.


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But the majority of those who manage human resources are not conscious of the correct process, searching for easier ways and comfort, thinking that polishing and making the fruit more beautiful can improve its taste. It is from well nourished roots and from the harmony of the five-level process that we can obtain delicious fruits.


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It is important to constantly dialogue on this topic, to give ideas and tools on how to nourish and develop the components of these five levels.

Do not be afraid

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