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PAGE 2-A TORRANCE HLrtALD, In THURSDAY. OCIOBLR :'8. 1!MJ KMTTKKS NEEDED roif KHAKI SWKVTKK.S Sirs. Maude Lock, production <:hainiuin. Toi ranee branch Americnn Red Cioss. Is issuint' an uigcnt request for knitters to work on khnki sweaters. Yarn lor (his purpose may he secured at headquarters, 1100 Craven-- Drew's Flower Shop 732 AVALON BLVD. ' WU.MINGTON Ynn; l.K.\l'l.\c KI.OKIST" SLIM, BLACK AND BEAUTIFUL- Arc These LARGE SIZE DRESSES Slenderizing, Flattering Frock . . Well Made and Fit Perfectly Sizes 16' 2 to 26' 2 from $8.95 ^Gay Shop 1319 SARTORI AVE. Woman's Club \Vill Present Noted Artist Torrancc Woman's Club mem hers and their guests will at end the regular monthly meet in.K at tho clubhouse next Wed icvclay :irternnnn at 12:30 p. u.'icheon vlU be served and Mrs. Gcoige Mcrgan will pro side ai iiir business session. Mrs. R. R. Smith, program chairman, will present Mrs. Jen nie Crawford, as guest artist From her own floral arrange ment, the artist will paint a canvas in oils. During the 11 production she will drmonstrnt her progress, explaining he work. Mrs. Crawford, a graduate o :igo All Institute and : i'.Ber of the Women Artists, . the West, has exhibited I: jaintings widely and hor pn ence at the club is anticipated with much interest. Inaugurating the year's infoi mal lunchenn meetings Torranc Woman's Club members met at ;he clubhouse last Wednes afternoon. Mrs. iMarie Morgan presided :it the short busin session and reported on a pi idents' council meeting. Recently admitted to club membership were Mmes. Thorn as Adams, 1-148 Pott ave.: Fred Cooper. 3225 Beech ave.; G. S Evans, 1229 Boech ave.; VV. R. Hoover. 1424 Acacia, avc.; Earl V. Kent, 2007 Gramercy ave.; Edward Ludwig, 1328 Beech ave.; Kloyd R. Miller, 13-16 En- iiiacia ave.; William Snelson. ?0« Torrance blvd. and A. C. Thumh. U-!S l^ost ave. * * + Spiiisu-i' Shower Precedes Wedding Of Recent Bride Among the lovely prenuptial courtesies given for Mrs. Philip Bird, the former Marget Barthol omew, was a spinster shower at I he home of Mrs. C. W. Bartholo- mew at 1423 Acacia ave. All white floral arrangement- suggested a bridal motif and shower games with prizes for high-score holders, were enjoyed. Individual corsages of talisman loses were the guests' favors, following the presentation of a liandscme personal group gift re Ireshmcnts were served. Places vi'i-e marked for II guests C * * HIKTIIDAV NOTKD VI' DI.NNKK PAKTY She-nil E. Beadle and hi.' brother-in-law. Koy Battershell. shared birthday honors at a din ner party 'Sunday when Mrs. Esther Smythe entertained at. her Los Angeles home. Guests were Mrs. Beadle and daughter. Cynthia, Mrs. Battershell and Ronald, Miss Lynn Smythe and Patrick Smythe. Golf furnished diversion for the group following the dinner. WHETHER SHE'S SIZE 9 OR 44.. .WE HAVE A DRESS FOR HER! Whatever her size, whatever her a«e you'll rind (he period «il'( I'or her here! Choose from our collodion ol' smooth casuals, suit drosses, drossy types in styles to flatter every figure. All .sixes. From .^6.95 to W5. i;w) s Torrance AVKNTK 1'hone 818 Faculty Members Are Received By Ministers Outstanding in the week' eial activities was the animal Ministerial reception for Tor ranee faculty members held Tuesday aflerncon at Central Evangelical Guild hall. Kev. H Wesley P.oloff served as chair man and presented Mrs. Agnes Fester of the Nazarene church n a group of red classical selections and Mrs. Harry Wag- ner cf Central Evangelical church who gave humorous read ings. More' than 100 were pros nut including representatives from Torrance high. Fern Ave- nue, Torrancc Elementary and Carson Street schools. An autumn decorative theme ,as suggested by the use of rrangcmcnts of colorful chry» nthemums. Refreshments won eived. * * * NATAL DATE IS NOTKD H. C. Alien was honcrce at dinner party Sunday at his >me, 1-147 Post ave., when Mrs. \llen entertained on the occa- ion of his birthday. Covers were laced for Mr. and Mrs. Ray :iuseinan of Los Angeles, Miss Jean Sommers and family mem- bers. * + -K lALI.OWK'KN PAKTY S SC'IIKIH'LKD Narbonne and Tci ranee high ichool students and their friends ijoy a Hallowe'en dancing Faren-White Vows Exchanged At Las Vegas Mi;.s Alta Louella White be- came the bride of Robert V. Faien. Army of the United States, at a ceremony performed Sunday, Oct. 17 at Las Vegas, Nev. Kev. C. W. Mellon, pastor IfejSERVICE SHORTS' ith con- if the Baptist church tin ficiated. The brid' blue afternoon gowr Hasting accessories and her flowers were a corsage ol orch- ids. Mr. and Mrs. Hay White of Torrance, her brother and sis- ter-in-law, attended the coupli DALE IIO\VK ... a corporal, corps, is now ."tallnnrd convalescing at a Ncrth African Diego. She spent last base hospital, was both pleased visiting her mother and surprisod to learn that the n-lalives here, patient at an adjoining room in -,',- the hospital was his cousin, Jim- KltKD .\ | JN{ Ol j my Reeve, formerly of Torrance. ., Ilvj at | or; c 'adL, t| ;. , attired in a i The boys report having visited tioned at Marana, Tucsoi Bob Everett and Jinn Studley, also formerly of Tor ranee. •A- MARSHALL -I. LOFTUS . . . an aviation cadet, stationed at Also present were Miss Virginia j Alva. Okla.. was signally hon- rteclor and Bruce White of Gar- i oied by his advance to flight lena. The bride, a daughter oti leader of his company following Mr. and Mrs. Clarence A. White na and formerly of Tor- us graduated from Tor onlv th's training. PARKC MONTAGUE . . . serving with tin lost to his wife n secretarial work at Calship. ' Virginia, when she visited him Her husband who attended Chat-i last weekend at his baw, Cam| tanooga college, Ten!)., is a pri vate first class attached to a nedical corps at Palm Spring?. He is a son of M ranee , ranee high school, class of win- j storekeeper ter of '-12 and is now employed! j Seabees Parks. riiomas r.-a and Mrs. en Follow hride x FRANK r. <X>KBKT . . . pri- ite 1 c, was graduated Oct. 6 of Hark Knolls, from Curtisa Wright technical honey-! training school, Camp Curtissair. e with ; Buffalo, N.Y. Townsend Club No 1 By BKTII PAKiE LEO H. (BUSSIK) SIDEBOTII- ' AM ... a private, serving with i the A.A.F.. is now stationed at Jackson, Miss. PAT CARLIN ... a sea 2/c, attached to the medlea iarty Saturday ng at Duck nn. 2-IStli and Nai-bonm ^omita. Guests are to wear acky clothes. Everyone Is iiivil d. * * + PAKTV I'HIS UVBNINO Hostesses for this week's Cath- >lic Ladies- card party are Mrs. ..cuis J. Smith and her commit ee, Mmes. Bray, Probert, ichmidt, Lilk-r.thal, Obole, Webr nd Miss Mary Jane Smith. Ev- ryone is cordially invited. The irsl dooi' prize will be given i way promptly at 8 o'clock and' games of contract and auction Ige, pinochle and icgin immediately. Is will be served. 500 Refr« VOKKKKS MOKDKD h'OK lilil) C'KOSS Mrs. Marie Beale, staff assist nt chairman, Torrance branch. American Red Cross, requests egistration of Torrance ladies i-ho are willing to devote a ninimum cf three hours a week o complement the office staff, "or further information call Red >oss branch headquarters, 152-1 II-M. Scale at 577-R. K -K * M)VAL MJIGHliOILS IKLTIMi PLANNKD Torrance Camp No. 8908, Roy 1 Neighbors of America, will old a business meeting Wed esday evening, Nov. 3 at Men's Sible Class bldg. SHU'LL LOVE A JU.MPKR! Fron, 4.95 No. I teen fashion—versa tile jumpers for many-cos tume change. Choose hers here corduroys, velvet eens, wools. 10—16. ^' !t ' Gay Shop MI'7 SARTOPI AVfr ToiidMce f'lmnr Sin Tomorrow. Friday evening, our ub holds its gala Hallowe'en insquerade and dance at our, ill on Cravens, opposite the li-jO.L.O. UttlCei'S, brary. Heads of committees fol- ]\Jg]-)-|foers Attend Davis and corps of assistants; j (il'ancl Chapter lecoi-atinns and lighting, Mrs.: Paige, Mrs. Wise, Frank Shields; j Torrance Chapter No. 380, Oi program and music for first half,' dor 'of the Eastern Star, wa Mrs. Paige; music for dancing, i well represented at the recent airs. Janie Sellers and musicians three-day TOth Grand Chaptel frcm Los Angeles clubs; ticket' convention held at Long Beach committee. Fred Wheeler, lately 1 Those attending were Mrs. Bil ,-olthy matron; Hill ,-orthy patron; of Chicago club 6"; finance, Mrs. i He Kcrber. Alberta Boiddin of Lomita. A short program at 8 o'clock, grand judging, sp( march, costumi ally prize and prizes for prettiest and funniest ostumes. Everybody welcome. Our special social danc hereafter be held in the last Friday evening in each month. Woman's Club Informal Party At Rui'chett Home Tin- home of Mrs. hett at 150-1 Post It. Lc the usettii s H. , was delightful "Conie as - You Arc." breakfast given this morning as a benefit tor Torrance Woman's Club. She was assisted by Mrs. M. A. Bau- man as co-hostess. A Hallo- we'en motif was followed and arrangements of yellow chrysan- themums and matching tapers were used to enhance the attrac- tively appointed breakfast table. More than 50 clubwomen and their guests attended. * * * P.T.A. HEALTH PKOOKAM OUTLINED Gateway and Lomita-San Pe dro P.T.A. Councils were repre- sented at a meeting of the Health Centers Bureau, Los An Angeles last Thursday. A tour of the Yale Street clin ic and a discussion of its func lions were given by Mrs. Evan Lewis. Mrs. Lewis has undei her direction five medical clin- including al; three ey( ear, nose and throat clinics; "l9 ye, ear, and dent- clinics, five eye, Frances Buckley, Iron; Earl W. Bahcock, assoeiati pairon; Naomi Brown and Haze] Fossuni, conductresses, and Hel- en Miller, junior past matron. In addition to the line officers many chapter members present. Logan R. Cotton, past worthy patron of Playa Linda Chapt Hermosa Beach, was installed as associate grand pat TOWNSKNI) Cl.l'B NO. '-' PLANS PAKTV Members of Torrance Tov send Club No. 2 will enjoy "hard-times" party this evening at Men's Bible Class bldg. . and Mrs. David Attebory < furnish old-time music for (In ing. Refreshments in keeping with the hard-times them be served. The public is cordial- ly invited. * + * NEWS OK WOMKN OF THE MOOSK Torrance Chapter No. ! !. Wn- men cf the Moose, hus changed its business meeting hi:ur from 10:30 a.m. Wednesday to an eve- ning meeting. The next session will be held at Moose hall, 1951 Cat-son st., at 7:45 p.m., Friday. Nov. 5, according to Lela Heg- lin, publicity chairman. * * * P.T.A. I.ADIIOS ATTICNl) CONKKBKN'CE Attending Tenth District pub licity conference at Los Angeles Tuesduv Uowa Mmes. J. B. Spill irran%> Elementary PT.A.. d M. Schott. Fern Avenue lental clinics. Last year more | P.T.A., James Vail, Walteria P than -10,000 children were cared j T.A.. and Mrs. John It. Gai-nw. for in these clinics through the i Loniita-San Pedro Council. efforts of Tenth District's Health I Centers bureau, the volunteer AT FIRST services of prominent physicians I SIGN OF A and surgeons and the health di- vision of the L.A. city schools. The tuberculin test administered to junior and senior high school j students will be continued this j year, it was stated. USE 6i6 TABLETS, S/V.VE. N&Su (T IT'S THE PARTY OF THE YEAR HALLOWE'EN HI-JINKS THE DUCK INN Saturday Night, October 30 WEAR YOUR OLD CLOTHES ... WEAR YOUR FANCY CLOTHES... COME IN THE SPOOKIEST OUTFIT YOU CAN FIND Everyone- U ill Have a (iood Time SPECIAL FEATURES AND FAVORS 2-1730 NA11BONNE AVENUE I/Ml IT A CEOKiiE I^VNC'ASTEK eutenant, is enjoying a ;nve with his mother. H> ing : attai HAROLD KKHUKK . . R.O.T.C., returned today versity of California at ley where he la majoring chanical engineering. iiKNitY DAY' . . . returned Monday to Fort Ky., fcllowing the funeral lather, William Day. Fit ED HICKS . . . Navy man 3/c and Mrs. Hicks, thi met- Relda Briggf, were end guests at the home o mother, Mrs. R. E. Briggs. West 215th st. Their home San Diego where he is stati s'r. StiT. .IOE MAKEK ... is with his parents. Mr. and J. P. Marek of 1308 Portola a furlough from K Field, Mire., where he has i training for some linn 1 i expecting a new assigi pon his return to duty. l''LOY» If. STKVKNS ... a ivate 1 /(-. attached to an Arm ed Infantry group at Fort Knox, Ky., is a patient at his base hospital. He is a son ol Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Stevens ol 1100 Torrance blvd. & KI.MO IIAI.L". . . U.S.N., \va* Hast to his mother, Mrs. Flor nee Hall and his aunt, Mrs k- ist wi Moon, id his . ekend. ife at Coronaili- KK'HAItU C.. KI'SSKLI, . . . is :>w a seccnd lieutenant follow- IK completion of a course at ransportation Corps Officers ihool. New Orleans. Following i visit here with his- parents he will leave tor San Francisco for :tive duty. (iKOKGK L. POTI'OIU-T . . . chief machinist's mat., at San Diogo and Mrs. Pottoj-fl were kend guests of Mr. and Mrs. r L. Cheadlc and Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Miller hole. DONALD S. THOMPSON . . . gunner's mate .') c enjoyed a 21-day leave recently with his other, Mrs. Itose Norris, 1312 221st st. Your eyes probably arc working harder.and longer these days. But with proper illumination, reading, writing and all dose visual tasks are easier...your eyes arc protected against strain. By n ing belter uscof your present lighting equipment, you can impi the illumination in yout home. You will enjoy greater living vcnicnce, your hoaie will be brighter and more pleasant. Hm two easy ways to maki the cost or use of elect! your light go fartlit :ity. huut i the lamp base. shades take a heavy roll nr light. Wa frequently .11 l.ghiinijxl.i.swarc globrs and dirhiiing bowls in wor soap suds. Dusr, brush or dry cli- lump shades. SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON COMPANY LTD. A gift she'd /ove t from Charlene 's Choose a Chesterfield from Our Quality Collection She'', practically living in casual clothe', these days —gi/e her a warm wonderful all-wool sporh coat she'll wear over everything. It's a most practical gift for duration service. SKIRTS ale Strutter Clot S3-98 Tailored, Durable Strutter Cloth, Kick Pleats, back and f.ont . . . Sport Shop 1327 Surtori Avon in- TORRAMCT.

A gift she'd /ovet from Charlene 's · 2010. 1. 13. · DRESS FOR HER! Whatever her size, whatever her a«e you'll rind (he period «il'( I'or her here! Choose from our collodion

Sep 29, 2020



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Page 1: A gift she'd /ovet from Charlene 's · 2010. 1. 13. · DRESS FOR HER! Whatever her size, whatever her a«e you'll rind (he period «il'( I'or her here! Choose from our collodion



Sirs. Maude Lock, production <:hainiuin. Toi ranee branch Americnn Red Cioss. Is issuint' an uigcnt request for knitters to work on khnki sweaters. Yarn lor (his purpose may he secured at headquarters, 1100 Craven--

Drew's Flower Shop732 AVALON BLVD. '

WU.MINGTON Ynn; l.K.\l'l.\c KI.OKIST"


Arc These


Slenderizing, Flattering Frock . . Well Made

and Fit Perfectly

Sizes 16' 2 to 26' 2

from $8.95

^Gay Shop1319 SARTORI AVE.

Woman's Club \Vill Present Noted Artist

Torrancc Woman's Club mem hers and their guests will at end the regular monthly meet

in.K at tho clubhouse next Wed icvclay :irternnnn at 12:30 p. u.'icheon vlU be served and

Mrs. Gcoige Mcrgan will pro side ai iiir business session.

Mrs. R. R. Smith, program chairman, will present Mrs. Jen nie Crawford, as guest artist From her own floral arrange ment, the artist will paint a canvas in oils. During the 11 production she will drmonstrnt her progress, explaining he work.

Mrs. Crawford, a graduate o :igo All Institute and :

i'.Ber of the Women Artists, . the West, has exhibited I:

jaintings widely and hor pn ence at the club is anticipated with much interest.

Inaugurating the year's infoi mal lunchenn meetings Torranc Woman's Club members met at ;he clubhouse last Wednes afternoon. Mrs. iMarie Morgan presided :it the short busin session and reported on a pi idents' council meeting.

Recently admitted to club membership were Mmes. Thorn as Adams, 1-148 Pott ave.: Fred Cooper. 3225 Beech ave.; G. S Evans, 1229 Boech ave.; VV. R. Hoover. 1424 Acacia, avc.; Earl V. Kent, 2007 Gramercy ave.; Edward Ludwig, 1328 Beech ave.; Kloyd R. Miller, 13-16 En- iiiacia ave.; William Snelson. ?0« Torrance blvd. and A. C. Thumh. U-!S l^ost ave.

* * +

Spiiisu-i' Shower Precedes Wedding Of Recent Bride

Among the lovely prenuptial courtesies given for Mrs. Philip Bird, the former Marget Barthol omew, was a spinster shower at I he home of Mrs. C. W. Bartholo­ mew at 1423 Acacia ave.

All white floral arrangement- suggested a bridal motif and shower games with prizes for high-score holders, were enjoyed. Individual corsages of talisman loses were the guests' favors, following the presentation of a liandscme personal group gift re Ireshmcnts were served. Places vi'i-e marked for II guests

C * *


She-nil E. Beadle and hi.' brother-in-law. Koy Battershell. shared birthday honors at a din ner party 'Sunday when Mrs. Esther Smythe entertained at. her Los Angeles home. Guests were Mrs. Beadle and daughter. Cynthia, Mrs. Battershell and Ronald, Miss Lynn Smythe and Patrick Smythe. Golf furnished diversion for the group following the dinner.


Whatever her size, whatever her a«e you'll rind (he period «il'( I'or her here! Choose from our collodion ol' smooth casuals, suit drosses, drossy types in styles to flatter every figure. All .sixes.

From .^6.95 to W5.

i;w) sTorrance

AVKNTK1'hone 818

Faculty Members Are Received By Ministers

Outstanding in the week' eial activities was the animal Ministerial reception for Tor ranee faculty members held Tuesday aflerncon at Central Evangelical Guild hall. Kev. H Wesley P.oloff served as chair man and presented Mrs. Agnes Fester of the Nazarene churchn a group of red classicalselections and Mrs. Harry Wag­ ner cf Central Evangelical church who gave humorous read ings. More' than 100 were pros nut including representatives from Torrance high. Fern Ave­ nue, Torrancc Elementary and Carson Street schools.

An autumn decorative theme ,as suggested by the use of rrangcmcnts of colorful chry» nthemums. Refreshments won eived.


H. C. Alien was honcrce atdinner party Sunday at his

>me, 1-147 Post ave., when Mrs.\llen entertained on the occa-ion of his birthday. Covers werelaced for Mr. and Mrs. Ray:iuseinan of Los Angeles, Miss

Jean Sommers and family mem­bers.


Narbonne and Tci ranee high ichool students and their friends

ijoy a Hallowe'en dancing

Faren-White Vows Exchanged At Las Vegas

Mi;.s Alta Louella White be­ came the bride of Robert V. Faien. Army of the United States, at a ceremony performed Sunday, Oct. 17 at Las Vegas, Nev. Kev. C. W. Mellon, pastor


ith con-

if the Baptist church tin ficiated.

The brid'blue afternoon gowr Hasting accessories and her flowers were a corsage ol orch­ ids. Mr. and Mrs. Hay White of Torrance, her brother and sis­ ter-in-law, attended the coupli

DALE IIO\VK ... a corporal, corps, is now ."tallnnrdconvalescing at a Ncrth African Diego. She spent lastbase hospital, was both pleased visiting her motherand surprisod to learn that the n-lalives here,patient at an adjoining room in -,',-the hospital was his cousin, Jim- KltKD .\ | JN{ Ol

j my Reeve, formerly of Torrance. ., Ilvjat |or; c'adL, t| ;. , attired in a i The boys report having visited tioned at Marana, Tucsoi

Bob Everett and Jinn Studley, also formerly of Tor ranee. •A-

MARSHALL -I. LOFTUS . . .an aviation cadet, stationed at

Also present were Miss Virginia j Alva. Okla.. was signally hon- rteclor and Bruce White of Gar- i oied by his advance to flight lena. The bride, a daughter oti leader of his company followingMr. and Mrs. Clarence A. White

na and formerly of Tor- us graduated from Tor

onlv th's training.

PARKC MONTAGUE . .. serving with tin lost to his wife

n secretarial work at Calship. ' Virginia, when she visited him Her husband who attended Chat-i last weekend at his baw, Cam| tanooga college, Ten!)., is a pri vate first class attached to a nedical corps at Palm Spring?. He is a son of M

ranee ,ranee high school, class of win- j storekeeperter of '-12 and is now employed! j Seabees


riiomas r.-aand Mrs.


hride x

FRANK r. <X>KBKT . . . pri- ite 1 c, was graduated Oct. 6

of Hark Knolls, from Curtisa Wright technical honey-! training school, Camp Curtissair. e with ; Buffalo, N.Y.

Townsend Club No 1By BKTII PAKiE

LEO H. (BUSSIK) SIDEBOTII- ' AM ... a private, serving with i the A.A.F.. is now stationed at Jackson, Miss.

PAT CARLIN ... a sea 2/c, attached to the medlea

iarty Saturday ng at Ducknn. 2-IStli and Nai-bonm ^omita. Guests are to wear acky clothes. Everyone Is iiivil d.


I'HIS UVBNINOHostesses for this week's Cath-

>lic Ladies- card party are Mrs. ..cuis J. Smith and her commit ee, Mmes. Bray, Probert, ichmidt, Lilk-r.thal, Obole, Webr nd Miss Mary Jane Smith. Ev- ryone is cordially invited. The irsl dooi' prize will be given

i way promptly at 8 o'clock and' games of contract and auction

Ige, pinochle and icgin immediately.

Is will be served.

500 Refr«


Mrs. Marie Beale, staff assist nt chairman, Torrance branch.

American Red Cross, requests egistration of Torrance ladies i-ho are willing to devote a ninimum cf three hours a week o complement the office staff, "or further information call Red >oss branch headquarters, 152-1

II-M. Scale at 577-R.K -K *

M)VAL MJIGHliOILS IKLTIMi PLANNKDTorrance Camp No. 8908, Roy

1 Neighbors of America, will old a business meeting Wed esday evening, Nov. 3 at Men's Sible Class bldg.


Fron, 4.95

No. I teen fashion—versa­ tile jumpers for many-cos­ tume change. Choose hers here — corduroys, velvet­ eens, wools. 10—16.

^' !t' Gay ShopMI'7 SARTOPI AVfr

ToiidMce f'lmnr Sin

Tomorrow. Friday evening, our ub holds its gala Hallowe'en insquerade and dance at our,ill on Cravens, opposite the li-jO.L.O. UttlCei'S,

brary. Heads of committees fol- ]\Jg]-)-|foers Attend

Davis and corps of assistants; j (il'ancl Chapter lecoi-atinns and lighting, Mrs.:Paige, Mrs. Wise, Frank Shields; j Torrance Chapter No. 380, Oi program and music for first half,' dor 'of the Eastern Star, wa Mrs. Paige; music for dancing, i well represented at the recent airs. Janie Sellers and musicians three-day TOth Grand Chaptel frcm Los Angeles clubs; ticket' convention held at Long Beach committee. Fred Wheeler, lately 1 Those attending were Mrs. Bil

,-olthy matron; Hill ,-orthy patron;

of Chicago club 6"; finance, Mrs. i He Kcrber. Alberta Boiddin of Lomita.

A short program at 8 o'clock,grand

judging, sp(march, costumi

ally prize andprizes for prettiest and funniest ostumes. Everybody welcome. Our special social danc

hereafter be held in the last Friday evening in each month.

Woman's Club Informal Party At Rui'chett Home

Tin- home of Mrs. hett at 150-1 Post

It. Lc

the usettii

s H. , was

delightful "Conie as - You Arc." breakfast given this morning as a benefit tor Torrance Woman's Club. She was assisted by Mrs. M. A. Bau- man as co-hostess. A Hallo­ we'en motif was followed and arrangements of yellow chrysan­ themums and matching tapers were used to enhance the attrac­ tively appointed breakfast table. More than 50 clubwomen and their guests attended.


Gateway and Lomita-San Pe dro P.T.A. Councils were repre­ sented at a meeting of the Health Centers Bureau, Los An Angeles last Thursday.

A tour of the Yale Street clin ic and a discussion of its func lions were given by Mrs. Evan Lewis. Mrs. Lewis has undei her direction five medical clin-

including al; three ey( ear, nose and throat clinics; "l9

ye, ear, and dent- clinics, five eye,

Frances Buckley, Iron; Earl W. Bahcock, assoeiati pairon; Naomi Brown and Haze] Fossuni, conductresses, and Hel­ en Miller, junior past matron. In addition to the line officers many chapter members present.

Logan R. Cotton, past worthy patron of Playa Linda Chapt Hermosa Beach, was installed as associate grand pat


Members of Torrance Tov send Club No. 2 will enjoy "hard-times" party this evening at Men's Bible Class bldg. . and Mrs. David Attebory < furnish old-time music for (In ing. Refreshments in keeping with the hard-times them be served. The public is cordial­ ly invited.


Torrance Chapter No. ! !. Wn- men cf the Moose, hus changed its business meeting hi:ur from 10:30 a.m. Wednesday to an eve­ ning meeting. The next session will be held at Moose hall, 1951 Cat-son st., at 7:45 p.m., Friday. Nov. 5, according to Lela Heg- lin, publicity chairman.


Attending Tenth District pub licity conference at Los Angeles Tuesduv


Mmes. J. B. Spill irran%> Elementary PT.A.. d M. Schott. Fern Avenue

lental clinics. Last year more | P.T.A., James Vail, Walteria Pthan -10,000 children were cared j T.A.. and Mrs. John It. Gai-nw.for in these clinics through the i Loniita-San Pedro Council.efforts of Tenth District's Health ICenters bureau, the volunteer AT FIRSTservices of prominent physicians I SIGN OF Aand surgeons and the health di­ vision of the L.A. city schools.The tuberculin test administeredto junior and senior high school jstudents will be continued this jyear, it was stated.




THE DUCK INNSaturday Night, October 30




CEOKiiE I^VNC'ASTEKeutenant, is enjoying a ;nve with his mother. H>

ing : attai

HAROLD KKHUKK . .R.O.T.C., returned today versity of California at ley where he la majoring chanical engineering.

iiKNitY DAY' . . .returned Monday to Fort Ky., fcllowing the funeral lather, William Day.

Fit ED HICKS . . . Navy man 3/c and Mrs. Hicks, thi met- Relda Briggf, were end guests at the home o mother, Mrs. R. E. Briggs. West 215th st. Their home San Diego where he is stati

s'r.StiT. .IOE MAKEK ... is

with his parents. Mr. and J. P. Marek of 1308 Portola

a furlough from K Field, Mire., where he has

i training for some linn 1 i expecting a new assigi pon his return to duty.

l''LOY» If. STKVKNS ... aivate 1 /(-. attached to an Armed Infantry group at Fort

Knox, Ky., is a patient at hisbase hospital. He is a son olMr. and Mrs. C. W. Stevens ol1100 Torrance blvd.

&KI.MO IIAI.L". . . U.S.N., \va*Hast to his mother, Mrs. Flor nee Hall and his aunt, Mrs


ist wi

Moon, id his . ekend.

ife at Coronaili-

KK'HAItU C.. KI'SSKLI, . . . is:>w a seccnd lieutenant follow-IK completion of a course atransportation Corps Officersihool. New Orleans. Following

i visit here with his- parents hewill leave tor San Francisco for

:tive duty.

(iKOKGK L. POTI'OIU-T . . .chief machinist's mat., at San

Diogo and Mrs. Pottoj-fl were kend guests of Mr. and Mrs. r L. Cheadlc and Mr. and

Mrs. J. E. Miller hole.

DONALD S. THOMPSON . . .gunner's mate .') c enjoyed

a 21-day leave recently with his other, Mrs. Itose Norris, 1312

221st st.

Your eyes probably arc working harder.and longer these days. But with proper illumination, reading, writing and all dose visual tasks are easier...your eyes arc protected against strain. By n ing belter uscof your present lighting equipment, you can impi the illumination in yout home. You will enjoy greater living vcnicnce, your hoaie will be brighter and more pleasant. Hmtwo easy ways to maki the cost or use of elect!

your light go fartlit :ity.

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the lamp base.

shades take a heavy roll nr light. Wa frequently .11 l.ghiinijxl.i.swarc globrs and dirhiiing bowls in wor soap suds. Dusr, brush or dry cli- lump shades.


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