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Ecological Modelling 192 (2006) 425–440 A dynamic transmission model of eastern equine encephalitis virus Robert S. Unnasch a , Tonya Sprenger b , Charles R. Katholi c , Eddie W. Cupp d , Geoffrey E. Hill e , Thomas R. Unnasch b,a Sound Science LLC, Boise, ID, USA b Division of Geographic Medicine, University of Alabama at Birmingham, BBRB 203, 1530 3rd Avenue South, Birmingham, AL 35294-2170, USA c Department of Biostatistics, University of Alabama at Birmingham, Birmingham, AL 35294, USA d Department of Entomology and Plant Pathology, Auburn University, Auburn, AL 36849, USA e Department of Biological Sciences, Auburn University, Auburn, AL 36849, USA Received 25 October 2004; received in revised form 26 May 2005; accepted 18 July 2005 Available online 12 September 2005 Abstract Eastern equine encephalitis virus (EEEV) is one of several arthropod-borne viruses (arboviruses) endemic to the United States. Interactions between arthropod (mosquito) vectors and avian amplification host populations play a significant role in the dynamics of arboviral transmission. Recent data have suggested the hypothesis that an increased rate of successful feeding on young-of-the-year (YOY) birds might play a role in the dynamics of EEEV transmission. To test this hypothesis, we developed a model to explore the effect of the interactions of the vectors and avian host populations on EEEV transmission. Sensitivity analyses conducted using this model revealed eleven parameters that were capable of disproportionately affecting the predicted level of EEEV infection in the vertebrate reservoir and vector populations. Of these, four parameters were related to the interaction of the vector with young-of-the-year birds. Furthermore, adult birds could not substitute for young-of-the-year in initiating and maintaining a predicted enzootic outbreak of EEEV. Taken together, the model predicted that young-of-the-year birds play a key role in establishing and maintaining enzootic outbreaks of EEEV. © 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. Keywords: Arbovirus; Avian; Mosquito; Stella; Alabama Corresponding author. Tel.: +1 205 975 7601; fax: +1 205 934 5600. E-mail address: [email protected] (T.R. Unnasch). 1. Introduction Arthropod-borne viruses (or arboviruses) are trans- mitted primarily between reservoir hosts by blood- feeding arthropods (e.g. insects, ticks and mites) that serve as vectors for these agents. Because arboviruses 0304-3800/$ – see front matter © 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.ecolmodel.2005.07.011

A dynamic transmission model of eastern equine ...Ecological Modelling 192 (2006) 425–440 A dynamic transmission model of eastern equine encephalitis virus Robert S. Unnascha, Tonya

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Page 1: A dynamic transmission model of eastern equine ...Ecological Modelling 192 (2006) 425–440 A dynamic transmission model of eastern equine encephalitis virus Robert S. Unnascha, Tonya

Ecological Modelling 192 (2006) 425–440

A dynamic transmission model of eastern equineencephalitis virus

Robert S. Unnascha, Tonya Sprengerb, Charles R. Katholic,Eddie W. Cuppd, Geoffrey E. Hille, Thomas R. Unnaschb,∗

a Sound Science LLC, Boise, ID, USAb Division of Geographic Medicine, University of Alabama at Birmingham, BBRB 203,

1530 3rd Avenue South, Birmingham, AL 35294-2170, USAc Department of Biostatistics, University of Alabama at Birmingham, Birmingham, AL 35294, USA

d Department of Entomology and Plant Pathology, Auburn University, Auburn, AL 36849, USAe Department of Biological Sciences, Auburn University, Auburn, AL 36849, USA

Received 25 October 2004; received in revised form 26 May 2005; accepted 18 July 2005Available online 12 September 2005


Eastern equine encephalitis virus (EEEV) is one of several arthropod-borne viruses (arboviruses) endemic to the UnitedStates. Interactions between arthropod (mosquito) vectors and avian amplification host populations play a significant role in the

feeding onelopednsitivitypredicted

teractionng andlay a key


dynamics of arboviral transmission. Recent data have suggested the hypothesis that an increased rate of successfulyoung-of-the-year (YOY) birds might play a role in the dynamics of EEEV transmission. To test this hypothesis, we deva model to explore the effect of the interactions of the vectors and avian host populations on EEEV transmission. Seanalyses conducted using this model revealed eleven parameters that were capable of disproportionately affecting thelevel of EEEV infection in the vertebrate reservoir and vector populations. Of these, four parameters were related to the inof the vector with young-of-the-year birds. Furthermore, adult birds could not substitute for young-of-the-year in initiatimaintaining a predicted enzootic outbreak of EEEV. Taken together, the model predicted that young-of-the-year birds prole in establishing and maintaining enzootic outbreaks of EEEV.© 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Arbovirus; Avian; Mosquito; Stella; Alabama

∗ Corresponding author. Tel.: +1 205 975 7601;fax: +1 205 934 5600.

E-mail address: [email protected](T.R. Unnasch).

1. Introduction

Arthropod-borne viruses (or arboviruses) are tramitted primarily between reservoir hosts by bloofeeding arthropods (e.g. insects, ticks and mites) tserve as vectors for these agents. Because arbovir

0304-3800/$ – see front matter © 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.doi:10.1016/j.ecolmodel.2005.07.011

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infect two very different types of hosts (vertebratesand invertebrates) the transmission dynamics are oftenquite complex. The interaction between the reservoirhost species and the arthropod vector is the one ofthe most important factors in determining whether anarboviral infection can be sustained in a given environ-ment (Black and Moore, 1996). Thus, knowledge of thedynamics of arboviral transmission ultimately requiresan in-depth understanding of how the vertebrate reser-voir and arthropod vector interact.

In North America, the most important arbovi-ral infections from a public health perspective arethose that cause encephalitis (the arboviral encephal-itides) There are five major arboviral encephalitidesin North America: eastern equine encephalitis (EEE),Saint Louis encephalitis (SLE), LaCrosse encephalitis(LAC), western equine encephalitis (WEE) and westNile encephalitis (WN) (Tsai, 1991). The viruses asso-ciated with these infections are classified in severaldifferent taxonomic families, but they share impor-tant features of their life cycles. For example, with theexception of LAC, all are commonly infections of theendemic avifauna. Transmission from bird to bird inthe enzootic cycle is generally thought to occur primar-ily through the action of ornithophilic mosquitoes, i.e.those species that feed primarily or exclusively uponbirds (Tsai, 1991).

Of the arboviruses endemic to the United States,EEEV is particularly dangerous. In the southeast, horseinfections with EEE virus occur commonly in the sum-m ases.I ish thes neu-r hasei e ofs

uth-e itoesilc .,2 omt d toa theb estedt oodm t

al., 2004a; Hassan et al., 2003). These findings are con-sistent with previous observations that have suggestedthat nestlings and young-of-the-year (YOY) are moreoften successfully fed upon by arboviral vectors thanare adult birds (Blackmore and Dow, 1958). Further-more, laboratory studies have suggested that nestlingsand YOY of some species also develop infectious cir-culating viremias more rapidly than adult birds andpeak viral titers present in nestlings are as high as orhigher than those seen in adult birds (McLean et al.,1995). Taken together, these observations suggest thatmosquitoes might be feeding intensively on YOY of thechosen host species and that this concentration mightincrease the intensity of EEEV transmission (i.e. theincidence rate in the vector and amplification host pop-ulations).

Here, we report the development of a model for thetransmission of EEEV that concentrates upon the inter-action of the vector and avian reservoirs. This modelcontains separate modules for adult birds, YOY andmosquitoes, allowing us to test the hypothesis thatfeeding on YOY may affect the dynamics of EEEVtransmission.

2. Materials and methods

2.1. Development of the model

The model was created using Stella® (Wallis eta nedf i-l eco-l andV al.,2 dV 7a elc OYa ra ma).T ity,i nc-t iona s isc ap-t ctor.E are

er months, accompanied by sporadic human cnfection with EEE virus in both mammalian hostsighly virulent, with death resulting in about 70% ofymptomatic cases. Most survivors have residualological sequelae and health care during acute pllness and afterwards may result in the expenditureveral million dollars per person (Villari et al., 1995).

Previous studies of EEEV transmission in the soastern USA have suggested that vector mosqu

n this region (includingCuliseta melanura, Coquil-ettidia perturbans, Aedes vexans and Culex errati-us) targeted particular avian species (Hassan et al003). Furthermore, most blood meals derived fr

he most commonly fed-upon birds were confinerather narrow time frame that coincided with

reeding season of the targeted birds. This sugghat the vector mosquitoes were taking more bleals from nestlings than from adult birds (Cupp e

l., 2002), a software package specifically desigor modeling dynamic systems. Stella® has been utized by other researchers to create models ofogical (Angelini and Petrere, 2000; Costanzaoinov, 2001; Gertseva et al., 2004; Suplicy et003; Vitale et al., 2003), economic (Costanza anoinov, 2001), physiological (Narayana et al., 199)nd clinical (Anderson et al., 2002) systems. Our modontains three interacting modules; adult birds, Ynd mosquitoes (Fig. 1). It is structured to run fosingle transmission season (200 days in Alaba

he adult bird module models in-migration, mortalnfection and recovery of adults. Natality as a fuion of time and the size of the adult bird populatnd mortality, infection and recovery of young birdaptured in the YOY module. The third module cures the population dynamics of the mosquito veEEV transmission and the growth of the virus

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Fig. 1. A schematic diagram of the model: large boxes highlight the three modules described in the text. Variables that affect the interaction ofthe three modules are listed in the small boxes interrupting the arrows that connect the modules. The arrows connecting the modules indicate thedirection of the interactions among the modules. Within each of the modules, the white boxes indicate stocks of the avian reservoir and vectormosquito species in different states (e.g. uninfected or infectious). Grey boxes indicate conveyors, in which animals moving from one stock toanother must rest for a defined period of time before moving to the next stock. The boldXs indicate death of animals in a given stock, resulting inremoval from subsequent iterations of the model. Arrows indicate the direction that animals may move from stock to stock. Arrows interruptedby a circle indicate that movement from one stock to another stock is governed by a single variable. This variable is indicated by the curvedarrow pointed to the circle in question. Arrows interrupted by hexagons symbolize that movement between the stocks indicated is controlledby multiple variables, most of which affect the interactions between the modules. The variables affecting the transitions in each of these areas follows: (Hexagon A) number of uninfected adult birds (susceptible and immune), number of uninfected YOY (susceptible, recovered andimmune), feeding success on YOY, feeding success on adult birds and YOY/adult relative feeding preference. (Hexagon B) Number of infectiousadult birds, number of infectious YOY, feeding success on YOY, feeding success on adult birds, YOY/adult relative feeding preference, YOYreservoir competence and adult bird reservoir competence. (Hexagon C) Total number of adult birds, total number of YOY, feeding successon YOY, feeding success on adult birds and YOY/adult relative feeding preference. (Hexagon D) Number of infectious mosquitoes, number ofsusceptible adult birds, YOY/adult relative feeding preference, feeding success on adult birds and vector competence of mosquitoes to adultbirds. (Hexagon E) Number of infectious mosquitoes, number of susceptible YOY, YOY/adult relative feeding preference, feeding success onYOY and vector competence of mosquitoes to YOY. A complete list of initial parameter values employed in the model may be found inTable 1.

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captured through the interactions among modules andthe proportion of each population that is infected. Themodel contains 18 fixed parameters, 7 time-dependentparameters and 4 latency periods. The model uses asecond-order Runge–Kutta algorithm (Press, 1992) tosimultaneously iterate all 29 parameters in the modelon a daily time-step. We used standard population-dynamics models and published equations for the cal-culation of vectorial capacity (Black and Moore, 1996)as the foundation for this model. Initial values for allparameters in the model were obtained from previ-ously published sources, or from observations collectedin 2001 at the Tuskegee National Forest (TNF) studysite described in detail below. Starting values for eachparameter, and the sources used to determine the valuesfor each of the parameters are provided inTable 1.

Adult birds were modeled to follow a standard sus-ceptible, infected, recovered (SIR) paradigm. Young-of-the-year birds were permitted to follow two paths,based on a time-dependent function. This was donebecause studies have suggested that the immune sys-tem of a nestling is not capable of producing a vigorousresponse to an antigen until roughly 12 days follow-ing hatching (Mast and Goddeeris, 1999). Thus, newlyhatched birds were modeled to cycle between suscepti-ble and infected states for the first 12 days of life. Afterthis period, the YOY were modeled to follow the SIRpattern, identical to that used for the adult bird popu-lation. Similarly, values for YOY/adult relative attackrate and feeding success on YOY were modeled usingY ofl ldh siveb ed-i wasa birdp tersa ultb reed-i oft ncew ted,t ro-lv e toa

beo ch/

EEEmodel.html. This web site contains the model, atext file describing how to navigate the model’s inter-face and a link to a free engine that may be used to runthe model.

2.2. Collection of experimental data

Data collected at swamp-forest study site during thesummer of 2001 were used to set some initial parametervalues in the model, while similar data collected duringthe 2002 and 2003 transmission seasons at the samelocation were used to validate the model’s performance.This study site has been described in detail in a previouspublication (Cupp et al., 2003). In brief, the study sitewas located in the Tuskegee National Forest (TNF) inMacon County, Alabama [32026′′00′W, 85038′′44′N].The site is characterized by a maturing wet forest thatis re-growing over depleted farmland abandoned in theearly 1900s. Much of the site is seasonally flooded.EEEV was documented in mosquitoes at this site ineach year of our survey from 2001 to 2003 (Cupp etal., 2003, 2004b).

Mosquitoes were collected by using portable CDClight-traps baited with CO2 and by vacuum collection,as previously described (Cupp et al., 2003). Mosquitoesin each collection were sorted by date and species intopools with a maximum size of 50 individuals and testedfor the presence of EEEV, as previously described(Cupp et al., 2003). Initial vector mosquito numbers,mosquito population growth rates and mosquito infec-t ctiond r ofc r of1 thei ark-r % oft tionmB houtt tech-n


withd 003.T usedt ida-

OY-specific parameters for only the first 98 daysife. After this, it was assumed that the YOY wouave begun to develop adult plumage and defenehaviors. Thus, after 98 days, the YOY/adult fe

ng preference and feeding success for the YOYdjusted to gradually approach that of the adultopulation, reaching equality with the adult paramet day 120. This time of transition from YOY to adirds was based upon extensive observations of b

ng bird behavior in the southeastern USA by onehe authors (G. Hill, unpublished data). In accordaith laboratory studies suggesting that once infec

he majority of mosquitoes remain infected for a ponged period (Howard and Wallis, 1974), we modeledectors to move uni-directionally from a susceptiblpermanently infectious state.A downloadable version of the model may

btained from

ion rates were estimated based upon these colleata. In conducting these estimates, the numbeaptured mosquitoes was multiplied by a facto000 to obtain an estimate of the overall sizes of

nfected and uninfected vector populations, as melease-recapture studies suggest that roughly 0.1he mosquito population are sampled using collecethods similar to those used here (Service, 1993).ird populations at the site were censused throug

he season by point count and mark recaptureiques, as previously described (Hassan et al., 2003).

.3. Validation of the model’s performance

The performance of the model was evaluatedata collected at the TNF study site in 2002 and 2hese data were independent of the 2001 data

o parameterize the model. In conducting the val

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Table 1Initial values of parameters

Parameter Initial value Source for value

Avian birth rate TDPa: 1–36 0% day−1, 37–78 3% day−1,79–115 1% day−1, 116–150 0.5% day−1,151–200 0% day−1

TNF 2001 observations (Unnasch, T.R., Hill,G.E. and Cupp, E.W., unpublished)

YOYb immunity rate TDP: 0–12 days post hatch 0, >12 days posthatch 1.0

(Fair and Myers, 2002; Mast and Goddeeris,1999)

Uninfected/immune adult bird death rate 0.1% day−1 (Wallace and Mahan, 1975)Infected adult bird death rate 0.5% day−1 (Stamm, 1966)Uninfected YOY death rate TDP: 1–200 0.2% day−1 (Yapp, 1970)Infected YOY death rate 10% day−1 (Guy et al., 1993)Starting number of immune YOY 0 TNF 2001 observations (Unnasch, T.R., Hill,

G.E. and Cupp, E.W., unpublished)Starting number of uninfected YOY 0 TNF 2001 observations (Unnasch, T.R., Hill,

G.E. and Cupp, E.W., unpublished)Starting number of susceptible adult birds 1150 TNF 2001 observations (Unnasch, T.R., Hill,

G.E. and Cupp, E.W., unpublished)Starting number of immune adult birds 50 (Bigler et al., 1976; Durden et al., 1997)In-migrating infected adult birds 0 TNF 2001 observations (Unnasch, T.R., Hill,

G.E. and Cupp, E.W., unpublished)In-migrating uninfected adult birds 0 TNF 2001 observations (Unnasch, T.R., Hill,

G.E. and Cupp, E.W., unpublished)In-migration rate (birds) TDP: 1–200 0% day−1 TNF 2001 observations (Unnasch, T.R., Hill,

G.E. and Cupp, E.W., unpublished)Time adult birds remain infectious 1 Day (Komar et al., 1999)Time YOY remain infectious 3 Days (Guy et al., 1993)Mosquito growth rate TDP: 1–31 7% day−1, 32–118 9% day−1,

119–125 12→ 20% day−1, 126–13120% day−1, 132–139 1% day−1, 140–2000% day−1

(Cupp et al., 2003)

Resting mosquito death rate 1% day−1 (Johnson, 1998)Questing uninfected mosquito death rate 7.5% day−1 (Johnson, 1998; Mokgweetsinyana, 1987; Nasci

and Edman, 1984)Questing infected mosquito death rate 10% day−1 (Scott and Lorenz, 1998)Starting number of questing infectious

mosquitoes500 (TNF 2001 observations (Unnasch, T.R., Hill,

G.E. and Cupp, E.W., unpublished),Cupp et al.,2003)

Starting number of questing uninfectedmosquitoes

200000 (TNF 2001 observations (Unnasch, T.R., Hill,G.E. and Cupp, E.W., unpublished),Cupp et al.,2003)

Time needed to digest a blood meal 3 Days (Service, 1968)Extrinsic incubation period (mosquito

latency)3 Days (Sardelis et al., 2002; Scott et al., 1984; Scott

and Burrage, 1984)YOY/adult relative feeding preference TDP: 1–98 0.8, 99–200 0.5 (Blackmore and Dow, 1958)Feeding success on adult birds 1% (Blackmore and Dow, 1958)Feeding success of YOY TDP: 1–115 5%, 116–120 5%→ 1%, 121–200

1%(Blackmore and Dow, 1958)

Reservoir competence (infectious bird tomosquito)

1.0 (Scott et al., 1984)

Vector competence adult birds (infectiousmosquito to bird)

0.75 (Komar et al., 1999)

Vector competence YOY (infectiousmosquito to bird)

1.0 (Howard and Wallis, 1974)

a TDP, time dependent parameter. Values of time dependent parameters vary in a non-linear manner during the course of the simulation. Thevalues for each iteration (day) in the simulation are given. An arrow (→) indicates that the value was adjusted from the left value to the rightvalue over the period indicated.

b YOY, young-of-the-year.

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430 R.S. Unnasch et al. / Ecological Modelling 192 (2006) 425–440

tion studies, three output statistics were used for whichexperimental data were available during all 3 years.These included the number of uninfected mosquitoes,the number of infected mosquitoes and the number ofmosquitoes containing a blood meal.

The overall goal of the statistical analysis compar-ing the model output to the field data was to determinethe extent to which the model predicted the behaviorexhibited by the observed data. The data can be viewedas a “time sequence or series” of values, and the modelis a mathematical attempt to predict the behavior ofthe underlying natural process over time. Thus, boththe model and the observations can be considered timeseries. In statistical time series analysis, Kendall’s Taustatistic (Kendall, 1938) is often used to measure theconcordance of a pair of time series. The statistic takeson values between−1 and +1, with a large positivevalue indicating a strong concordance and a small ornegative value representing poor concordance. Here,the term “concordance” is meant the degree to whichthe curves of the model and the data as functions oftime agree with each other in the sense that whereone curve is increasing or decreasing, so is the other.The statistic is non-parametric in nature, and is notgreatly affected by the relative sizes of the observedvalues.

The model is not subject to sampling error, whilethe observations from the field are. Recognizing thatour observed data was subject to some sampling error,we developed a smoothed curve fit to the data, andh Thes oth-i ingc d ofW ingt rawd paredt


f the2 nal-y everat thee asesw lesst tput

statistics indicative of the intensity of viral transmission(peak number of infectious mosquitoes, peak numberof infectious adult birds, peak number of infectiousYOY and total number of immune adult birds) was thendetermined. Parameter sensitivity was then estimatedby determining the mean percentage change in theseoutput statistics resulting from a 1% change in the inputparameter. Input parameters were then categorized as“drivers”, those having a relatively large effect on theoutput (i.e. an average change of greater than±2%in at least one of the output statistics resulting from a1% change in the input parameter) and “non-drivers”,those that had relatively small impacts (i.e. an averagechange of less than±2% in all of the output statisticsresulting from a 1% change in the input parameter).

3. Results

As the major goal of this study was to develop amodel for EEEV transmission that concentrated uponinteraction between the avian amplification host andthe vector population, and in particular on the role ofyoung-of-the-year (YOY) in this process, the modelwas designed to include three interacting modules(Fig. 1). The initial values for all of the parameters inthe model were determined as described in Section2.The model’s performance was validated with observa-tions obtained at the TNF study site in 2002 and 2003.As described in Section2, these data were independento rizet theo atis-t reh

f the2 ction2 ofe -foldr wasl f thep etectp them dif-f ionsw them gesi nu-

ave used these values in the analysis as well.moothed data was produced using a cubic smong spline model with the degree of smoothing behosen by the generalized cross validation methoahba (1990). The analysis consisted of calculat

he value of the Kendall’s Tau statistic for both theata and the smoothed data when separately com

o the output from the model.

.4. Sensitivity analyses

Sensitivity analyses were conducted on each o9 parameters in the model. In conducting these ases, the value of each parameter was changed simes over a 10-fold range if possible, or overntire possible range of the parameter in those chere the possible range of the parameter was

han 10-fold. The effect of these changes on four ou


f the 2001 observations used to initially parametehe model. The model was successful in matchingbserved data for both 2002 and 2003 with Tau st

ics ranging from 0.258 to 0.552, all of which weighly significant (Fig. 2).

Sensitivity analyses were conducted on each o9 parameters in the model as described in Se. In conducting the sensitivity analysis, the valueach parameter was changed serially over a 10ange (or if the possible range of the parameteress than 10-fold, over the entire possible range oarameter). This wide range was analyzed to dotential threshold effects or chaotic behaviors inodel. In several hundred runs of the model with

erent combinations of parameter values, no conditere identified that resulted in chaotic behavior ofodel. Similarly, no dramatic threshold-like chan

n any of the output statistics resulting from conti

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Fig. 2. Validation of the model: model validation was conducted as described in detail in the text. Comparisons of the model output to thedata collected in 2002 are shown in the left panels and comparisons to the 2003 data in the right panels. Values for the Tau statistic and thecorrespondingp-values from comparisons of the model output and smoothed data are provided in each panel.

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432 R.S. Unnasch et al. / Ecological Modelling 192 (2006) 425–440

ous changes in the model’s drivers were noted (data notshown).

The results from the sensitivity analysis were thenanalyzed to estimate the effect of changes in eachparameter on each of four output statistics indicativeof the intensity of EEEV transmission, as described inSection2. Based upon these analyses, input parameterswere categorized as drivers, (those having a relativelylarge effect on output values indicative of the intensityof EEEV transmission) or non-drivers (those thathad relatively small impacts), as detailed in Section2. Eleven of the 29 parameters were found to bedrivers (Table 2). Among the drivers, the mosquitopopulation growth rate resulted in the most dramaticchanges in the output statistics (Table 2). Four ofthe 11 drivers were parameters affecting YOY, withtwo of these (YOY/adult feeding preference andfeeding success on YOY) relating to the feedingbehavior of vector mosquitoes on YOY birds. Threeof the drivers were parameters relating to the adultbird population, with one of these (feeding successon adult birds) relating to the interaction betweenthe avian adult and vector populations. The remain-ing four drivers affected the mosquito populationalone.

The effect of the four most sensitive drivers on theprevalence of infection in the avian reservoir commu-

Table 3Effect of the four most sensitive drivers on predicted infection in theavian population

Driver Increase(%)

Plateau %avian infection

Day plateaureached

None Baseline 13 118

Mosquito populationgrowth rate

+10 81 119

+50 100 92+100 100 73

Feeding success YOY +10 28 120+50 75 118

+100 85 117

Starting # uninfectedmosquitoes

+10 22 137

+50 65 138+100 86 128

Duration of viremia inYOY

+10 14 118

+50 39 118+100 72 118

nity are summarized inTable 3. The most sensitivedriver was found to be the growth rate of the mosquitopopulation. Doubling the growth rate throughout theseason resulted in infection of all of the avian hosts by

Table 2Input parameters characterized as drivers


itoesTotal number ofimmune adults

Peak number ofinfectious adults

Peak number ofinfectious YOYa

M 18.95 55.75 26.76F 7.52 15.53 11.86S 4.83 7.87 5.88D 2.82 3.8 5.06U −2.94 −3.69 −4.2Y 1.92 2.46 3I −1.94 −2.55 −2.63Y 1.75 2.42 2.64A 1.76 2.44 2.47S −1.59 −2.24 −2.23F 1.57 2.2 0.81

S er over a 10-fold range (or over the entire range of the parameter in cases wheret fect on four output statistics indicative of the level of viral activity, as described inS e level of viral activity were designated as drivers, as described in the text. Thee d here. Values represent the percent change in the output statistics listed resultingf over the total range of the sensitivity analysis.

river Output statistic

Peak number ofinfectious mosqu

osquito growth rate 9856.21eeding success on YOY 20.4tarting number of uninfected mosquitoes 11.08uration of viremia in YOY 6.43ninfected mosquito death Rate −3.76OY/adult relative feeding preference 2.92

nfected mosquito death rate −2.62OY reservoir competence 2.48dult reservoir competence 2.5tarting number of uninfected adult birds −2.32eeding success on adults 1.03

ensitivity analyses were conducted by varying each paramethe possible range was less than 10-fold) and examining the efection2. The parameters found to disproportionately affect thffect of each driver on each of the output statistics is presente

rom a 1% relative increase in the value of the driver, averageda YOY, young-of the-year.

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Fig. 3. Predicted effect of changes in feeding success on the preva-lence of infection in the avian population: the initial values formosquito feeding success on adult birds and YOY were increasedby 10 and 50% from their baseline values (0.01 for attacks on adultbirds and 0.05 for attacks on YOY). The feeding success on YOYwas a time dependent parameter, which was set to become equal tothe adult success rate by day 120, as described in the text.

day 60 of the simulation. Similarly, doubling the feed-ing success rate on YOY resulted in an epidemic, whichreached a plateau of roughly 85% of the avian popu-lation having been infected by the virus by day 112of the simulation. Similar effects were noted when thestarting number of uninfected mosquitoes and the dura-tion of viremia in the YOY population were increased(Table 3).

The major goal of this model was to explore theeffect that parameters affecting the interaction of theamplifying host and vector populations had on EEEVtransmission. In particular, we were interested in deter-mining if differences in the interaction of the mosquitovector population with adult birds and YOY mightaffect viral activity. The sensitivity analysis summa-rized inTable 2suggested that this might be the case, as3 of the 11 drivers were found to affect the interaction ofthe mosquito vector and the adult and YOY bird popula-tions. The effect of these parameters on the incidence ofviral infection in the avian population is summarized inFigs. 3 and 4. An increase in the probability of feedingsuccess of the vector on adult birds or on YOY resultedin an increase in the incidence rate in the avian popula-tion (Fig. 3). However, the effect of feeding success onthe intensity of infection was greater for YOY than foradult birds (Fig. 3). Similarly, the mosquito YOY/adultrelative feeding preference was found to influence theincidence rate, with the incidence rate increasing with

Fig. 4. Predicted effect of changes in the mosquito YOY/adult rel-ative feeding preference in the on the prevalence of infection in theavian population: values for the mosquito YOY/adult relative feedingpreference were varied and the predicted effect on the cumulative per-centage of infection in the avian population explored. The mosquitoYOY/adult relative feeding preference was varied from 80/20 (i.e. amosquito was four times as likely to choose to attempt to feed upon aYOY as an adult) to 50/50 (an equal probability of choosing a YOYor adult bird). In all simulations, the relative feeding preference was atime dependent parameter, where the preference for adults and YOYwas equalized by day 120, as described in the text.

increases in the relative preference for YOY over adultbirds (Fig. 4).

Of the 11 parameters found to be drivers in the sen-sitivity analysis, 3 were found to act negatively on theintensity of infection, i.e. increases in the values ofthese parameters decreased the intensity of infection.Increases in two of these drivers (death rate in theinfected and uninfected mosquito populations) intu-itively would be predicted to reduce the intensity ofinfection. Interestingly, however, the model predictedthat the starting number of adult birds was also a nega-tive driver in the system. Thus, increases in the startingresident bird population were found to result in dispro-portionate decreases in the rate of infection incidencein the avian population (Fig. 5).

Results of the sensitivity analysis suggested thatboth the number of uninfected mosquitoes and the num-ber of uninfected adult birds were drivers in the model.This suggested the hypothesis that the key underly-ing parameter in determining the rate of transmissionmight be the ratio of uninfected avian hosts to themosquito vector. To test this hypothesis, the initialnumber of infected mosquitoes, uninfected mosquitoes

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Fig. 5. Predicted effect of changes in the starting number of suscep-tible adult birds on the prevalence of infection in the bird population:the starting number of susceptible adult birds was increased by 10and 50% from the baseline value given inTable 1, and the predictedeffect on the cumulative percentage of infected birds was explored.

and adult birds were co-varied, maintaining a fixedratio among at least two of the three parameters ata time. If the hypothesis that the ratio of mosquitoesto birds was the key parameter, co-varying the abso-lute number of hosts and vectors while maintaining theratio between them should not affect the overall inci-dence rate in the avian population. This was found tobe the case. Doubling the starting values of all threeparameters (the number of infected mosquitoes, thenumber of uninfected mosquitoes and the number ofadult birds) had an insignificant effect on the inci-dence rate in the avian population (Fig. 6). Doublingthe starting number of uninfected mosquitoes and adultbirds, while keeping the starting number of infectedmosquitoes constant resulted in an incidence rate thatwas roughly half that of the baseline, consistent withthe fact that this change resulted in a halving of thestarting proportion of infected mosquitoes (Fig. 6). Incontrast, doubling the starting number of adult birdsand infected mosquitoes, while keeping the startingnumber of uninfected mosquitoes constant resultedin a striking decrease in the predicted incidence rate(Fig. 6).

From the above analyses, it was apparent that therelative abundance of the host and mosquito vectorwas predicted to play an important role in the rate oftransmission. In addition, several of the drivers werefound to be parameters associated with the YOY and

Fig. 6. Predicted effect of changes in the starting number of unin-fected mosquitoes, infectious mosquitoes and adult birds on theprevalence of infection in the bird population: three parameters wereco-varied and the effect of these changes upon the cumulative per-centage of infection in the bird population explored. In the firstsimulation, the starting number of infectious mosquitoes, the start-ing number of susceptible adult birds and the starting number ofuninfected mosquitoes were all doubled, keeping the proportion ofall three populations identical. In the second simulation, the startingnumber of infected mosquitoes was kept constant, while the startingnumber of susceptible adult birds and uninfected mosquitoes weredoubled. This kept the ratio of susceptible adult birds to uninfectedmosquitoes constant, while halving the ratio of infected mosquitoesto uninfected mosquitoes and halving the ratio of infected mosquitoesto susceptible adult birds. In the third simulation, the starting num-ber of infected mosquitoes and susceptible adult birds were doubled,while keeping the starting number of uninfected mosquitoes constant.This kept the ratio of infected mosquitoes to susceptible adult birdsconstant, while doubling the ratio of infected mosquitoes to unin-fected mosquitoes and halving the ratio of uninfected mosquitoes tosusceptible adult birds.

their interactions with the mosquito vector population.However, an analysis of the temporal pattern of theinfection outbreaks predicted by the model suggestedthat the major period of transmission began around day115 and continued through roughly day 135. The peakin transmission occurred on day 122 in the mosquitopopulation and on day 123 in the bird population (datanot shown). This was interesting, because as describedabove, the YOY were modeled to begin behaving likeadult birds in their interaction with the vector at day99, and the transformation to adult behavior was com-pleted by day 120. Thus, when peak transmission wasoccurring, the YOY population was behaving more likeadults than YOY in their interaction with the mosquitovector. This suggested the hypothesis that the most

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important factor driving the appearance of the peaksin viral activity was a change in the relative numberof birds to mosquitoes at this point in time, and notsomething that was specific to the YOY. To test thishypothesis, the parameters of the model were adjustedto set the birth rate at zero. This prevented the introduc-tion of any YOY into the system. The parameters werefurther adjusted to permit in-migration of susceptibleadult birds at the same rate and to the same overall num-ber that was seen in the model set to permit productionof YOY. The overall effect of these changes resultedin a system where the population growth in the avianpopulation was identical in the two iterations. The onlydifference in the two iterations of the model were thatin the first case, new birds were introduced by birthand were therefore YOY, while in the second case newbirds were introduced by in-migration and were there-fore susceptible adults. If the hypothesis that the peakin viral transmission was driven by relative changes inthe numbers of birds and mosquitoes was correct, wepredicted that the two models would produce identicalinfection rates in the avian population. Instead, whilethe model introducing the new birds through birth pro-duced the expected incidence rate, the model in whichbirds were introduced by migration produced no infec-tion in the avian population (Fig. 7).

From the data presented above, it could be con-cluded that the ratio of uninfected mosquitoes to sus-ceptible birds and the intensity of feeding upon YOYwere both important parameters affecting the degree

F dultb ion:Y fol-l

of EEEV transmission. This suggested the hypothe-sis that control measures targeted to reduce mosquitonumbers during the period of most intensive feedingupon YOY might result in a more significant effecton EEEV transmission than would control measuresapplied later in the year. To test this hypothesis, themodel was modified to convert the questing mosquitodeath rate to a time dependent parameter. The death ratewas then adjusted to model a single-day 50% dieoff inthe questing mosquito population. A death rate of 50%was chosen as it has been suggested that a successfulaerial insecticide application will result in the death ofroughly 50% of the questing adult mosquitoes in thetreated area (Peairs, 2005). The date of the 50% mor-tality event was varied from day 40 in the simulationthrough day 122, the day representing the predictedpeak in the number of infectious mosquitoes (data notshown). The model predicted that a single day 50%mortality event occurring at day 40 resulted in inter-ruption of viral activity, as measured by the cumulativepercentage of birds infected (Fig. 8). Shifting the mor-tality event to day 80 (a time point roughly 40 daysprior to the peak in viral activity in the model run withbaseline parameters) resulted in a dramatic reductionbut not elimination of viral activity. In contrast, shift-ing the mortality event to day 122, when the number ofinfectious mosquitoes was at its peak, had little effecton viral activity (Fig. 8).

F venti birdp ustedt g as . Theh 80 or1

ig. 7. Predicted effect of substituting in-migrating susceptible airds for YOY on the prevalence of infection in the bird populatOY were substituted with susceptible in-migrating adult birds

owing the procedure described in the text.

ig. 8. Predicted effect of introducing a single mass mortality en the mosquito population on the prevalence of infection in theopulation: the death rate in the mosquito population was adj

o include a single day with a mortality rate of 50%, simulatiningle aerial insecticide application, as described in the textypothetical control event was modeled to occur at days 40,22 (the peak of viral infection in the mosquito population).

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4. Discussion

The model reported here was developed to explorethe dynamics of EEEV transmission in the context ofthe interaction of the vector and reservoir host pop-ulations, and was parameterized with data collectedfrom a site with endemic EEEV. There have been pub-lished reports of several models that have been devel-oped to study arboviral transmission. These modelshave concentrated upon different aspects of the biol-ogy of arboviral transmission, including the effect ofclimate and habitat on transmission (Letson et al., 1993;Shaman et al., 2002, 2003, 2004) and the importanceof the density of the amplification hosts and vectorson arboviral activity (Lord and Day, 2001a; Wonhamet al., 2004). Our model most closely resembles mod-els for SLEV and WNV developed byLord and Day(2001a,b), which also concentrated upon the interac-tion of the amplification host and mosquito vector andalso considered potential differences in adult and YOYbirds. Their model and our model are both deterministicstate and transition models. However, our model differsfrom these previous models in some significant ways.First, our model explores the differences in the reser-voir capacity of YOY and adult birds in more detail. Forexample, the model reported here permits one to studythe ramifications on viral infection patterns resultingfrom both differences in searching behavior and rela-tive feeding success of foraging mosquitoes as well asdifferences in susceptibility and reservoir competencea causet ablet ed s toe l pat-t iona pacts( theri singd andi llya thes V isa at.

owu ponY ento bove

suggest that preferential feeding upon YOY may sig-nificantly promote the development of avian enzooticsof EEEV. Four of the 11 parameters categorized asdrivers were associated in some way with YOY, or theinteraction of YOY with the vector mosquito popu-lation. Furthermore, replacement of YOY with adultbirds resulted in a dramatic reduction in the intensityof viral transmission, demonstrating that some qual-ity of the YOY was an important driver in the model.This is perhaps not surprising, as the YOY were mod-eled to be more susceptible to both viral infection andmosquito attack than were the adult birds. However, allof the parameters specific to the YOY were modeledto be time-dependent, allowing the YOY to becomeidentical to the adult birds in their interaction withthe mosquito population as the season progressed. Thetransformation to adult bird parameters was completeby day 120. However, the peak period of viral trans-mission was predicted to begin around day 115 andcontinued through day 135, with the peak intensity ofinfection occurring on days 122 and 123. Thus, thepeak in transmission intensity occurred after the YOYwere modeled to behave as adult birds in their interac-tion with the vector mosquito population. This couldnot be explained as an artifact of the extrinsic incuba-tion period in the mosquito population or the pre-patentperiod in the avian reservoir, as these were set at 3days and 24 h, respectively, in the model. These results,when taken together, suggest that some event or eventsinvolving the interaction of the vector and the YOY thato pon-s ity.T delso latem iralo log-i ianh bilityo ion( tedt ea-s tivem pre-s s. As tingv o bem atd ither

mong these different age classes. Secondly, behe model is iterated on a daily time-step, we wereo include in our model explicit discontinuous timependent functions. Thus, our model enables uxamine the impact on both large-scale seasonaerns (e.g. differences in the time of nesting initiatnd nesting success in birds) and shorter pulse ime.g. mosquito control through spraying or weampacts). Finally, our model was parameterized uata collected from a study site endemic of EEEV,

s to our knowledge the only model that specificaddresses the ecology of EEEV transmission inoutheastern USA, where, apart from Florida, EEElong-standing but little studied public health threA major goal in the model’s design was to all

s to test the hypothesis that preferential feeding uOY might play an important role in the developmf EEE enzootic outbreaks. The results presented a

ccurred prior to the peak in transmission was resible for driving the subsequent peak in viral activhese results are in concordance with previous mof arboviral infections that have attempted to correeteorological data with the development of arbovutbreaks in Florida, which suggested that meteoro

cal conditions that lead to the concentration of avosts and mosquito vectors increased the probaf the development of an outbreak of transmissShaman et al., 2002). These predictions all suggeshat it might be possible that mosquito control mures directed at this critical point may be an effeceans of controlling outbreaks. The simulations

ented above provide support for this hypothesiimulated 1-day 50% mortality event in the quesector population that occurred at day 40 proved tore effective in reducing peak viral transmissionay 122 than did equivalent events occurring at e

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days 80 or 122. These results suggest that mosquitocontrol measures applied early in the year may prove tobe more effective at controlling transmission of EEEVlater in the year than are control efforts applied eitherjust prior to, or during the peak of viral activity.

In the sensitivity studies, small changes in themosquito population growth rate were found to resultin dramatic changes in the intensity of infection, both inthe mosquito and avian populations. This observationis concordant with observations of natural enzootics ofEEEV that have suggested that outbreaks of EEEV areassociated with an increased density of the mosquitovector (Pagac et al., 1992), and with predictions fromrecent models of SLEV (Lord and Day, 2001b) andWNV (Lord and Day, 2001a). Intuitively, one wouldpredict that an increase in the numbers of the mosquitovector would result in an increase in the intensity ofviral transmission. Surprisingly, however, the modelalso predicted that the starting number of adult birdswas a sensitive parameter, with the intensity of infec-tion decreasing with increases in the number of birds.Both of these predictions are similar to those made bya recent model of WNV transmission in North Amer-ica, which predicted that mosquito control measureswould decrease the chances of an outbreak of WNV, butbird control efforts would increase rather than decreasethe chances of an outbreak (Wonham et al., 2004).Together, all of these models suggest that the ratio ofmosquito vectors to avian hosts, and therefore the bit-ing intensity on the avian reservoir, may be a significantf lopa

thed ternU c toN heirl bea n ofo EVa ed-i rv hata theb .,2 viorsd udys theU

Although developed from data collected from fieldobservations in 2001, the model’s predictions werefound to correspond well to the data collected in 2002and 2003, which were independent of the 2001 dataused to develop the model. The model run with base-line values for the parameters predicts a major peakin viral activity lasting for roughly 20 days, begin-ning around day 115 and lasting through day 135. Asthe model was designed to replicate field collectiondata from the beginning of April through the middle ofOctober, this peak of viral activity represents a periodfrom the latter part of July through mid-August. Aspresented inFig. 2, this prediction corresponded wellto the temporal pattern of viral activity seen at the TNFstudy site in 2002 and 2003. Furthermore, this patternappears to be typical for EEEV activity in Alabamain general, as records of the Alabama Department ofAgriculture and Industries’ Veterinary Diagnostic Lab-oratory in Auburn, Alabama indicate that the major-ity of horse cases reported in the state occur duringlate July and August (Dr. George D’Andrea, personalcommunication). The fact that the model’s predictionsclosely matched observations collected independentlyfrom the data used to parameterize the model suggeststhat the model’s performance is robust. However, theobservations used to validate the model were collectedon a limited number of parameters. These all relatedto the mosquito vector population, including the num-ber of infected mosquitoes, the number of uninfectedmosquitoes and the number of mosquitoes having takena uatet ityi int val-i thed le.B it isi r ofi is-s te thet llym eraoS arec

29p ntri-c n in

actor in determining whether an outbreak will devend be sustained.

This model was primarily developed to exploreynamics of EEEV transmission in the southeasS. However, many of the arboviruses endemiorth America share most of the salient features of t

ife cycles in common. This model might thereforedapted to study the role of YOY in the transmissiother arbovirusus in the US, such as WEEV, SLnd WNV. For example, recent studies of the fe

ng patterns of theCulex pipiens complex, the majoector for WNV in the USA, have demonstrated tsmall number of avian species predominate in

lood meals identified in this species (Apperson et al004). These data suggest that the feeding behaocumented for the vectors of EEEV at the TNF stite may be shared by the major vector of WNV inSA.

blood meal. Thus, it was not possible to evalhe model’s performance at predicting viral activn the avian reservoir. Additional data on infectionhe avian reservoir population will be needed todate the performance of the model in predictingynamics of infection in that part of the life cycecause viremias in infectious birds are transient,

mpractical to attempt to quantify the actual numbenfectious birds at any given time during the transmion season. However, it may be possible to estimaotal number of birds infected with the virus by seriaeasuring circulating antibodies to EEEV in the sf birds captured at the site (Chiles and Reisen, 1998).tudies to obtain such data at the TNF study siteurrently planned.

Although the model presented here containsarameters, it still does not address many of the iacies found in the ecology of EEEV transmissio

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the southeastern US. For example, the model is nowconstructed such that the vector mosquitoes feed exclu-sively upon avian hosts. This feeding behavior is char-acteristic of ornithophilic species such asC. melanura,the primary vector for EEEV in foci in the Northeasternstates and along the Atlantic Coast. (Nasci and Edman,1981). C. melanura is also present at the TNF studysite (albeit in limited numbers) and has historicallyexhibited the highest rate of infection of any speciesat this focus (Cupp et al., 2003). However, by far themost common mosquito species found at the TNF studysite (Cupp et al., 2003), and elsewhere in the southeast(Cupp et al., 2004a) is C. erraticus. In all 3 years, thegreatest overall number of EEEV positive pools at TNFhave been fromC. erraticus (Cupp et al., 2004a). It istherefore likely thatC. erraticus plays an importantrole in transmission of EEEV in the southeastern US.However,C. erraticus is a relatively catholic feeder,selecting avian hosts roughly 50% of the time (Hassanet al., 2003). Thus, modeling the dynamics of transmis-sion of an enzootic cycle vectored byC. erraticus willrequire modifications of the model to permit the choiceof blood meals from non-avian sources.

A second simplification present in the currentmodel involves the mechanism of over-wintering orre-introduction of EEEV in the southeastern US. Inthe results presented above, the model was run withEEEV initially introduced by infected mosquitoes. Thisassumption will be biologically correct if birds are theonly reservoir host for EEEV and the virus over-wintersi centd biansm alsob EV( itw on-t iana

onceb er,s evertt Fores -t er,2 uito,a usm the

number of infected mosquitoes to adjust for the possi-bility that some might revert to a non-infectious stateafter a prolonged period had little effect on the pre-dicted outcome (data not shown). Thus, it is unlikelythat altering the model to permit some proportion ofthe infectious mosquitoes to revert to a non-infectiousstate will change the predictions made by the model toa great extent.

Another simplification relates to the potential rolethat interrupted feeding by the mosquito vector mayplay in viral transmission. Studies involving an exoticcaged bird species (the European Starling,Sturnus vul-garis) suggested that interrupted feeding byC. mela-nura might be very common, with rates approaching40% (Hodgson et al., 2001). However, analysis of over500 blood meals from mosquitoes collected at the TNFstudy site demonstrated that only 2% of the blood mealsin all EEEV vector species were from more than onehost, and only 4% of the blood meals fromC. melanurawere from multiple hosts (TR Unnasch, unpublisheddata). These data suggest that while interrupted feed-ing upon captive European Starlings was quite com-mon, this observation did not extend to the behavior ofmosquitoes feeding upon free-living birds at the TNFstudy site. Thus, interrupted feeding is unlikely to playan important role in the dynamics of EEEV transmis-sion in the situation modeled in the current work.

A final simplification of the current model concernsthe extrinsic incubation period and time necessary todigest a blood meal in the mosquitoes. Currently, bothv luesd ;S ,o val-u ture,w ason(m ram-e

thei -l toi deedi iono os-s thata ingE the

n a vector mosquito found at the site. However, reata have suggested that reptiles and/or amphiay play a role as a reservoir for EEEV and maye serve as potential over-wintering hosts for EECupp et al., 2004b). If this is found to be correct,ill be necessary to modify the current model to c

ain an additional viral reservoir apart from the avmplification host.

Currently, the model assumes that a mosquito,ecoming infectious, remains so for life. Howevome laboratory studies suggest mosquitoes may ro a non-infectious state after a prolonged period.xample, studies byHoward and Wallis (1974)haveuggested that 58% of theC. melanura remain infecious 20 days following infection with EEEV. Howev0 days represents a very long life span for a mosqnd in the current model, only 12% of the infectioosquitoes are modeled to live this long. Reducing

alues are set at 3 days, which correspond to vaerived from laboratory studies (Sardelis et al., 2002cott and Burrage, 1984; Scott et al., 1984). Howeverther studies have suggested that both of thesees may be influenced by the ambient temperahich can vary widely across the transmission se

Chamberlain and Sudia, 1955). Thus, modifying theodel to convert these values to time dependent paters might improve the accuracy of the model.

As it is now parameterized, the model reflectsnteraction ofC. melanura with the entire avian popuation. However, the model may be easily modifiednvestigate the role that other vector species (and inndividual bird species) play in the overall transmissf EEEV. Using the model in this way, it may be pible to predict the vector-amplification host pairsre the most important in maintaining and amplifyEEV transmission. Furthermore, the results from

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model suggest that events resulting in significant short-term mortality in the mosquito population early in theseason may significantly affect viral amplification laterin the season. Thus, it is possible the environmentalfactors that result in significant early season mortality(such as a late freeze or a spring drought) may havean effect on EEEV transmission later in the summer.Experiments to address these possibilities are currentlyunderway.


We would like to thank Drs. Naomi Lang-Unnasch,David Maddox, Jason Karl and Louis Provencher forcritically reading the manuscript. This work was sup-ported by a grant from the US National Institutes ofHealth/National Science Foundation program in theEcology of Infectious Diseases (project R01-AI49724)to TRU, EWC and GEH.


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