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A Dream of Mars

Jul 06, 2018



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  • 8/17/2019 A Dream of Mars


  • 8/17/2019 A Dream of Mars




    S G

    -D-S G, C G, D J,

    C A, J Z 

    -E-C J, A H, I S

    -C A- J H 

    -G D/L-

    S G

    OGL Compatible: Open Game License v 1.0a Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.System Reference Document. Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.; Authors Jonathan weet, Monte Cook, Skip Williams, based on material by E. Gary Gygax andDave Arneson.

    Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook. Copyright 2009, Paizo Publishing, LLC; Author: Jason Bulmahn, based on material by Jonathan weet, Monte Cook, and Skip Williams.

    Pathfinder is a registered trademark of Paizo Publishing, LLC, and the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game and the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Compatibility Logo aretrademarks of Paizo Publishing, LLC, and are used under the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Compatibility License. See fomore information on the compatibility license

    Compatibility with the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game requires the PathfinderRoleplaying Game from Paizo Publishing, LLC. See more information on the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game. Paizo Publishing, LLC

    does not guarantee compatibility, and does not endorse this product.

    A Product of Little Red Goblin Games, LLCQuestions? Comments? Contact us at

    [email protected]://© 2014, All Rights Reserved


  • 8/17/2019 A Dream of Mars




    Tis work is based on the works of Edgar Rice Burroughs that reside in the Public

    Domain. Edgar Rice Burroughs and Edgar Rice Burroughs, Inc. are not affiliated withthis work and do not sponsor or approve of its creation. Tis work is produced entirely

    by Little Red Goblin Games, LLC.

    Tis work contains material drawn only from the books in the series by Edgar RiceBurroughs that reside in the Public Domain in the United States of America. Tis workmay not be sold or reproduced outside the United States as the material referenced inthis work do not necessarily reside in the Public Domain outside of the United States of

     America. Please contact Edgar Rice Burroughs, Inc. for more information on licensingoutside the United State of America.

     We acknowledge that Edgar Rice Burroughs, Inc. has the following terms trademarked JOHN CARER; JOHN CARER OF MARS; JOHN CARER, WARLORD OFMARS; PRINCESS OF MARS; DEJAH HORIS; ARS ARKAS; BARSOOM;

    GODS OF MARS; and WARLORD OF MARS. Tey will not appear in this work.

    In order to maintain the good name of Edgar Rice Burroughs and Edgar Rice BurroughsInc., this work will feature no examples of nudity or adult situations despite their place inthe original source materials. Tis is also to secure Little Red Goblin Games’ compliance

     with the Pathfinder Compatibility License.

    Tis is not a work produced or endorsed by Edgar Rice Burroughs and/or Edgar RiceBurroughs, Inc., and it is not Little Red Goblin Games’ intent to deceive, mislead, and/

    or confuse the public as to the nature of the origin or content of this work.

    DedicationTis work is dedicated to every starry-eyed child who has ever gazed up at the red star in

    the night sky and wondered what mysteries it hides.

  • 8/17/2019 A Dream of Mars



    Native to the dead seas of Mars, green martians are

    towering, four-armed humanoids who eke out a triballifestyle in the forsaken landscape of the dying planet.Tese aliens are green-skinned and resemble extremelytall men with second torsos atop their normal ones,complete with a second pair of arms. Tey have wide-set, acute eyes with white sclera and red irises that canmove independently from each other. Tey also havesmall antennae-like ears located on their foreheadsand upwardly-turned tusks that jut out from theirlower jaws. Females are known to have lighter skin,stand shorter, and have curved tusks that rise higherproportionally to their size. Tey lay eggs on a yearlycycle rather than give birth to live young. Tese eggs arestored in temperature-controlled enclosures and kept instasis until the tribe is ready to welcome them into the world. Te children grow quickly, reaching full maturityand becoming a contributing member of society in just a few years. Te upper limits of the average greenmartian’s age is unknown, as many die in battle, butsome have reached a thousand years of age.

    Green martians are known to be aggressive and formvery few attachments (familial, emotional, or societal)outside of the warbands they roam in. A strict hierarchyand communal lifestyle augment their marauding ways,and all other races fear their advances due to theirsavagery. Tey laugh at cruelty and brutality, findinghumor in pain and death, and lack any real sense ofhumor. A green martian always keeps a weapon on him.If he attacks another martian, it is customary for themto fight with the same weapons.

    G M R

    •  Ability Score Racial raits (2): Green martiansare strong, nimble, and savage. Green martiancharacters get +2 Dexterity, +2 Strength, and -2Charisma.Note: Green martians are strong by comparison toother native martian species who grew up on Mars’lower gravity. Earthborn creatures are consideredstronger due to their heavier gravity upbringing.

    • Size (7): Green martians are Large (tall) creaturesand gain a -1 size penalty to their AC, a -1 sizepenalty on attack rolls, a +1 bonus to their CombatManeuver Bonus and Combat Maneuver Defense,and a -4 size penalty on Stealth checks.

    • ype (0): Green martians count as humanoids withthe green martian subtype.

    • Speed (0): Green martians have a base speed of 30feet.

    • Languages (1): Green martians begin play speakingMartian. Green martians with high Intelligencescores can choose any languages they want (exceptsecret languages, such as Druidic). See the Martian

    language section below for more details.• Four-Arms (8): Green martians possess four arms.

    Green martians can wield multiple weapons;however, only one hand is the primary hand, andall others are off-hands. Green martians can alsouse their hands for other purposes that require freehands. Green martians can shift themselves to moveon their legs and bottom set of arms. Tis causesthem to gain the quadruped racial trait below.Tey can shift their stance as a swift action. Greenmartians use this stance frequently and only use

    their quadruped forms when necessary.


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    • Quadruped (2): When using their bottom set ofarms to aid in moving, green martians possess fourlegs and two arms. Tis grants them a +4 racialbonus to CMD against trip attempts and a +10foot bonus to their base speed. Green martians may

    resume their normal four armed stance as a swiftaction. Unlike other quadrupeds, green martiansremain as large creatures and use armor and weapons suited for large creatures.

    • Keen Senses (2): Green martians receive a +2 racialbonus on Perception checks.

    • Intimidating Riders (2): Green martians preferto beat their mounts into submission rather thanbefriend them. Tey may use Intimidate in place ofRide and receive a +2 morale bonus on such checks.

    • Martian elepathy (1): Green martians begin with

    Martian elepathy.Racial Points: 25

    F   AVORED  C  LASS  OPTIONS Te following favored class options are available to allgreen martian characters who have the listed favoredclass, and unless otherwise stated, the bonus applieseach time the favored class reward is selected.

    -: G M A F C B

    Class Bonus Source

    Barbarian Add +1 to the number of rage rounds per day. Pathfinder Core Rulebook  

    Cavalier +1/2 on Intimidate checks to ride a thoat. Pathfinder Advanced Player’sGuide

    Fencer +1/4th dodge bonus to AC against ranged attacks. En Garde

    Fighter +1/5th insight bonus on grapple and trip attempts. Pathfinder Core Rulebook  

    Gunslinger +1/5th bonus on damage rolls with firearms. Pathfinder Ultimate Combat

    Noble +1/3 on Intimidate checks to demoralize a creature. ome of Ingenuity and Noble &Skirmisher

    -: R S A

     Adulthood Intuitive1 Self-aught2 rained3

    5 years +1d4 years

    (6 - 9 years)

    +1d6 years

    (6 - 11 years)

    +2d6 years

    (7 - 17 years)

    1 Tis category includes barbarians, oracles, rogues, and sorcerers.

    2 Tis category includes bards, cavaliers, fighters, gunslingers, paladins, rangesummoners, and witches.

    3 Tis category includes alchemists, clerics, druids, inquisitors, magi, monks,  wizards.

    R H W

    Gender BaseHeight


    Base Weight


    Male 10 ft. +1d6 ft.

    (11 - 16 ft.)



    (399 - 435lbs.)

    Female 8 ft. +1d6 ft

    (9 - 14 ft.)



    (344 - 380lbs.)

  • 8/17/2019 A Dream of Mars



    “A D REAM  OF   M  ARS "  VS  P  ATHFINDER Tis work holds to the assumption that a campaign isplaying on Mars rather than integrating martian racesinto a traditional Pathfinder setting. Campaigns thatintegrate can still use the information presented in this work but with a few minor changes.•  Any races that have the martian telepathy racial trait

    no longer have access to said trait.• Te Martian language is no longer available, and

    the Martian language is replaced with Common.

    Te GM must select suitable replacements for anyother racial languages presented in the races’ entries.

     T HE  M  ARTIAN  L  ANGUAGE Martian is the common language spoken on Mars. It isnoted to be simple to speak and easy to learn. Martianseems to be the only spoken language. However, theterm “languages” as a whole also applies to writtenlanguages, which differ greatly.

     A S  AVAGE  D YING  W ORLD Mars is a dying world. It was once flourishing and thick with life. All Survival checks have their DCs increasedby +5. Survival checks should be more common becausethe daily struggle for survival is more prevalent in thissetting.

    “A Dream of Mars” is a turbulent setting where lifeis hard and existence is fleeting. While there maybe heroes, death constantly stalks everyone, and theadvantage always lies with the enemy. Te mechanicsof this setting are geared towards challenging players.Te difficulty of combat is harder than a traditionalPathfinder setting, and GMs should be aware that acharacter from this setting will be less powerful thana character from a “normal” game. Tere is no magic,very little healing, danger lurking in every shadow, and

    the threat of death hangs over every action.

     M  ARS   AND  C HARACTER  C  LASSES Due to the removal of magic from the setting, a numberof classes no longer exist and are thus not available toplay. Generally, classes with supernatural or spell-likeabilities are not suitable for this setting.

    Te following Paizo base classes are considered

    playable within this setting: barbarian, cavalier, fighter,gunslinger, monk*, ranger*, and rogue.

    Classes marked with an asterisk * can be played with some modification. reating a monk’s abilitiesas extraordinary rather than supernatural could besufficient, with GM approval, to be played in thissetting. A ranger can take a variant that does nothave spellcasting (such as the skirmisher rangerarchetype). An alchemist may be acceptable, but special

    consideration should be given to the manner in whichit is treated within the campaign setting.


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    Te following Little Red Goblin Games base classes areconsidered playable within this setting: brave*, fencer,martialist, medic, noble, skirmisher, and wrestler*.

    *A brave may correspond with the green martian racebetter than other races because green martians arepartially inspired by Native Americans but portrayed asmore cruel and savage. A martialist or wrestler has issuessimilar to the monk.

    Te following Dreamscarred Press classes are consideredplayable within this setting: psion and psychic warrior.Please see the “Mars and Psychics” section below formore information on these rare classes.

     M  ARS   AND  M ONEY Green martians do not use money. Tey communallyown everything, and a warrior only “owns” his own weapons and sleeping silks. If he has more than heneeds, he serves as the custodian of this surplus until itis allocated. A warrior gains another’s goods and metal ifhe defeats him in fair single combat. Tese trinkets andadornments are a symbol of status and pride amongst

    the green martians. As a result of this communallifestyle, green martians do not have a system ofcurrency.

    Other cultures use a system similar to the standardPathfinder system, so the traditional copper, silver, andgold system may be used. However, this currency is ovalshaped and has different names. A copper is called a pi;a silver is called a teepi; and a gold is called a tanpi.

     M  ARS   AND  F  IREARMS  A Dream of Mars uses advanced firearms and all racestreat them as martial weapons.

     M  ARTIAN  T ELEPATHY  All creatures, sapient or animal, native to Mars havesome level of telepathy. Tis telepathy has a range of 30feet and follows all the rules described in the UniversalMonster Rules section of the Pathfinder Bestiary. Evencreatures with low Intelligence (such as riding animalsand watch dogs) are capable of this, but they maynot fully understand more complex thoughts. Mostcreatures are capable of understanding only what theythemselves are able to project.

    Native creatures with an Intelligence score of 10 orhigher can use detect thoughts as an extraordinaryability with the same range as their telepathy for anumber of times per day equal to 3 + their Intelligence

    modifier. Tey use their character level as their casterlevel for the purposes of this ability. A creature musthave telepathy and be native to Mars in order to besubject to this ability.

    Earthlings are not native to Mars and, as such, are notable to use telepathy. However, they also do not register with the detect thoughts extraordinary ability. Teymake take the ability to use telepathy in place of a feat,but they still retain their inability to be detected by themental scans.

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     M  ARS   AND  P  SYCHICS  As described above in the Martian elepathy section,all creatures native to Mars are slightly psychic. Terare, odd, wayward creature can, through trainingor natural gift, elevate this to a practical and evenlethal level. In game terms, only 1d4 psychics of anyreal skill may be present on Mars at a given time (ornone). Tis means that there is no economy for psychicequipment, crystals, or places of formal training. It istypical that any psychic is either a player character, aprominent figure in the story, or even the antagonist.Te rules presented in Psionics Unleashed publishedby Dreamscarred Press are highly recommended asan addition to this concept. Te psion and psychic warriors classes are the most appropriate for this setting.

    However, the concept of psychics is optional; the GMis the final arbiter of whether a given game has psionics.Races with racial Intelligence bonuses tend to be thebest suited to becoming psychics, and races with racialIntelligence penalties are unheard of as psychics.

     T HOATS Toats are immense eight-legged horse-beasts that arecommon on Mars. While there are many varieties (some

    are bred for food, others for riding, and some remaindangerously feral), they can be domesticated. Tey eatthe great fields of yellow mossy vegetation that covervast swaths of the surface. Physically, thoats possess wide, flat heads with gaping maws that split their headsentirely in two horizontally when they open theirmouths. Tey have thick skin, similar to young rhinos,and long fleshy tails tipped with wide leaf-shapedclusters. In many other ways, they resemble muscular,grayish horses all the way down to their hooves.

    Te domesticated riding variety are perfect miniaturesof the 10-foot tall feral thoats that stalk the wastes andbasons of Mars.

    Toats use the following statistics:

    , R (CR ) XP 600N Large animalInit +4; Senses scent; Perception +8

    DEFENSE AC 15, touch 13, flat-footed 11 (+4 Dex, -1 size, +2natural)hp 19 (2d8+10)Fort +8, Ref +7, Will +3

    OFFENSESpeed 50 ft.Melee bite +5 (1d6+5), 2 hooves* +0 (1d6+2)Space 10 ft.; Reach 5 ft.

    *While thoats possess 8 limbs, only the first two aresuitable for attacking.

    SAISICSStr 20, Dex 18, Con 21, Int 2, Wis 17, Cha 11Base Atk +1; CMB +7; CMD 21 (25 vs. trip)Feats Endurance, RunSkills Perception +8SQ Combat trained, martian telepathy 

    CStarting StatisticsSize Large; Speed 50 ft.; AC +4 natural armor; Attackbite (1d6), 2 hooves (1d6); Ability Scores Str 16, Dex13, Con 15, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 6; Special Qualitiesscent, martian telepathy 

    -L A Ability Scores Str +2, Con +2; Special Qualities combattrained.

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    M R“Our own fire never diminished, and I doubt if twenty- 

    five per cent of our shots went wild. It had never been given me to see such deadly accuracy of aim, and itseemed as though a little figure on one of the craftdropped at the explosion of each bullet, while thebanners and upper works dissolved in spurts of flameas the irresistible projectiles of our warriors mowedthrough them.” Prerequisites: Green martian, BAB +1, proficient withfirearms.Benefit: You ignore the penalty for the first 3 rangeincrements with firearms.

    E “I did not apprise him of my ability to sense his mentaloperations, and thus I learned a great deal which provedof immense value to me later and which I would neverhave known had he suspected my strange power, forthe Martians have such perfect control of their mentalmachinery that they are able to direct their thoughtswith absolute precision.” 

    Prerequisites: Earthling, Int 12.Benefit: You gain the ability to use martian telepathybut remain unable to be detected by the detect thoughtsfunction of that ability.

    W OULD  Y OU  L IKE  T O S EE  M ORE  OF   M  ARS ?So would we! If you enjoyed this first small product and would like to see more material like it published in thefuture, please share the link to this product with yourfriends and leave some positive feedback. We want to write about calots (like wulla), red martians, the savage white apes, and all of Edgar Rice Burroughs’ fantastic world but we cannot do it without your support! Yourresponse to this free product can prompt a full-scaleproduct in the future with full feat support, the variousraces of Mars, exotic equipment, the savage martialcreatures who live there, and so much more! Tanks forreading!

    “Whatever I may do to serve you will be prompted

    solely from selfish motives, since it gives me more pleasure to serve you than not.” 

    -Scott GladsteinProducer

    Little Red Goblin Games LLC

  • 8/17/2019 A Dream of Mars



    The Open Gaming LicenseVersion 1.0a

    Te following text is the property of Wizards of the Coast, Inc. and isCopyright 2000 Wizards of the Coast, Inc (“Wizards”). All RightsReserved.

    1. Definitions: (a) “Contributors” means the copyright and/or trademark owners who havecontributed Open Game Content; (b) “Derivative Material” means copyrighted materialincluding derivative works and translations (including into other computer languages),potation, modification, correction, addition, extension, upgrade, improvement, compilation,abridgment or other form in which an existing work may be recast, transformed or adapted;(c) “Distribute” means to reproduce, license, rent, lease, sell, broadcast, publicly display,transmit or otherwise distribute; (d) “Open Game Content” means the game mechanic andincludesthe methods, procedures, processes and routines to the extent such content does not embody the Product Identity and is an enhancement over the prior art and any additional contentclearly identified as Open Game Content by the Contributor, and means any work covered by this License, including translations and derivative works under copyright law, but specifically excludes Product Identity. (e) “Product Identity” means product and product line names,logos and identifying marks including trade dress; artifacts, creatures, characters, stories,storylines, plots, thematic elements, dialogue, incidents, language, artwork, symbols, designs,depictions, likenesses, formats, poses, concepts, themes and graphic, photographic and other

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    15. COPYRIGHT NOTICE• Open Game License v 1.0a Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.• System Reference Document. Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.; Authors

    Jonathan weet, Monte Cook, Skip Williams, based on material by E. Gary Gygax andDave Arneson.

    • Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook. Copyright 2009, Paizo Inc.; Author: Jason Bulmahn,based on material by Jonathan weet, Monte Cook, and Skip Williams.

    • Te Book of Experimental Might. Copyright 2008, Monte J. Cook. All rights reserved.• ome of Horrors. Copyright 2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.; Authors: Scott

    Greene, with Clark Peterson, Erica Balsley, Kevin Baase, Casey Christofferson, LanceHawvermale, ravis Hawvermale, Patrick Lawinger, and Bill Webb; Based on originalcontent from SR.

    • Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Advanced Player’s Guide. © 2010, Paizo Publishing,LLC; Author: Jason Bulmahn

    • Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Ultimate Combat. © 2011, Paizo Publishing, LLC;• Pathfinder® Roleplaying Game: Ultimate Magic™. © 2012, Paizo Publishing, LLC• Heroes of the West, Copyright 2014, Little Red Goblin Games LLC, Authors: Scott• Gladstein, Dayton Johnson, and Jeremiah Zerby • Engarde 2014, Little Red Goblin Games LLC, Authors: Jeremiah• Zerby, Scott Gladstein, Caleb Aylsworth, and Maverik Bishop• Heroes of the East II © 2011, Little Red Goblin Games LLC; Authors: Caleb Aylsworth

    Scott• Glastein, Maverik Bishop, Jeremiah ZerbyWar Journal 2014, Little Red Goblin Games

    LLC, Authors: Scott Gladstein,• Class Rebuilds: Noble & Skirmisher 2014, Little Red Goblin Games LLC, Authors:

    Scott• Gladstein, Caleb Aylsworth, Maverik Bishop, Jeremiah Zerby, Dayton Johnson• King of the Ring 2013, Little Red Goblin Games LLC, Authors: Jeremiah Zerby, Scott• Gladstein, Caleb Aylsworth, and Maverik Bishop• A Dream of Mars 2014, Little Red Goblin Games LLC, Authors: Scott Gladstein,

    Christos Gurd, Dayton Johnson, Caleb Alysworth, Jeremiah Zerby 

    Product Identity: Little Red Goblin Games LLC company names and logo; the cover artworkbackgrounds, and logos; all trade dress, and graphic design elements. Origional conceptresides in the public domain though some terms and related works are all owened by EdgarRice Burroughs, Inc.

    Open Content: All content not reserved above as product identity (including mechanics andproper names) book are Open Game Content as described in Section 1(d) of the PathfinderCompatibility License.