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National Aeronautics and Space Administration A Computer Code for Estimating Installed Performance of Aircraft Gas Turbine Engines Vol. I - Final Report By Edward J.. Kowalski December 1979 Advanced Airplane Branch Boeing Military Airplane Company Seattle, Washington 98124 Prepared for National Aeronautics and Space Administration NASA-Lewis Research Center Contract NAS3-21238 NASA CR 159691

A computer code for estimating installed performance of aircraft gas turbine engines. Volume 1

Feb 03, 2022



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Page 1: A computer code for estimating installed performance of aircraft gas turbine engines. Volume 1

National Aeronauticsand Space Administration

A Computer Code for Estimating Installed Performance

of Aircraft Gas Turbine Engines

Vol. I - Final Report

By Edward J.. Kowalski

December 1979

Advanced Airplane Branch

Boeing Military Airplane Company

Seattle, Washington 98124

Prepared for

National Aeronautics and Space AdministrationNASA-Lewis Research Center

Contract NAS3-21238

NASA CR 159691

Page 2: A computer code for estimating installed performance of aircraft gas turbine engines. Volume 1

For sale by the National Technical Information Service. Springfield. Virginia 22161

NASA-C-168 (Rev. 10-75)


1. Report No.


2. Government Accession No. 3. Recipient's Catalog No.

4. Title and Subtitle


5. Report Pate




6. Performing Organization Code

7. Author(s) 8. Performing Organization Report No.


10. Work Unit No.


11. Contract or Grant No.


13. Type of Report and Period Covered

12. Sponsoring Agency Name and Address




14. Sponsoring A gency Code

15. Supplementary Notes




16, Abstract

A computerized method has been developed which utilizes the engine

performance data generated by the NAVY NASA Engine Program (NNEP)

to estimate the installed performance of aircraft gas turbine

engines. This installation includes:

o engine weight and dimensions

o inlet and nozzle internal performance and drag

o inlet and nacelle weight

o nacelle drag

17. Key Words (Suggested by Authors )Engine weight

Inlet Weight

Weight Analysis

Nacelle Weight

Inlet Performance Turbine Engines

Nozzle PerformanceInstalled Engine Performance

18. Distribution Statement

Unclassified - Unlimited

19. Security Classif. (of this report) 20. Security Classif. (of this page) 21. No. of Pages 22. Price

Unclassified Unclassified

Page 3: A computer code for estimating installed performance of aircraft gas turbine engines. Volume 1


This report documents the work accomplished during NASA LeRC Contract No.

NAS3-21238. It was the purpose of this contract to develop a supervisory

computer program which would tie together the routines (either presently

existing or to be developed) to access the installation of a propulsion

system. The contract was divided into seven tasks:

Task A - Data Base

Task B - Supervisory Program

Task C - Nacelle Weight and Drag

Task D - Nozzle Boattail Drag

Task E - Pitot Inlets

Task F - Two-Dimensional Inlets

Task G - Axisymmetric Inlets

In TASK A, standardized formats for:

Inlet performance and drag

Nozzle internal performance and aftbody drag

were compiled for the data base described in this contract. In TASK B, a

supervisory computer program was developed which evaluates the

installation penalties associated with the inlets and nozzles of TASK A.

The NASA NAVY Engine Program (NNEP), modified through the contract

NAS3-21205 to predict bare engine weight, was used as this computer

program's driver routine. The supervisory computer program also has the

capability to determine the changes in inlet performance due to

perturbations in engine cycle characteristics and/or inlet design

parameters. In TASK C, computer procedures were developed for estimating

nacelle weight and drag. In TASK D, a computer procedure was developed

for estimating boattail drag for the nozzle data base of TASK A. In TASKS

E, F, and G, a theoretically-based computer proceure was supplied to

estimate conceptual design, performance and weight for pitot inlets, mixed

and external compression axisymmetric and two-dimensional inlets.


Page 4: A computer code for estimating installed performance of aircraft gas turbine engines. Volume 1

Mr. L. J. Winslow was Program Manager for the Boeing Company. E. J.

Kowalski was principal investigator, The following individuals

contributed to the work accomplished during this contract: G. W. Klees,

general consulting; R. A. Atkins, Jr., computer programming; S. G. Kyle

and R. J, Pera, inlet performance; R. W. Rankin, inlet and nacelle weight;

A. Hagen, A. Killinger, J. Welti, document preparation.


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Page 30: A computer code for estimating installed performance of aircraft gas turbine engines. Volume 1
Page 31: A computer code for estimating installed performance of aircraft gas turbine engines. Volume 1
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Page 94: A computer code for estimating installed performance of aircraft gas turbine engines. Volume 1
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Page 110: A computer code for estimating installed performance of aircraft gas turbine engines. Volume 1
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Page 130: A computer code for estimating installed performance of aircraft gas turbine engines. Volume 1
Page 131: A computer code for estimating installed performance of aircraft gas turbine engines. Volume 1
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Page 134: A computer code for estimating installed performance of aircraft gas turbine engines. Volume 1
Page 135: A computer code for estimating installed performance of aircraft gas turbine engines. Volume 1
Page 136: A computer code for estimating installed performance of aircraft gas turbine engines. Volume 1
Page 137: A computer code for estimating installed performance of aircraft gas turbine engines. Volume 1
Page 138: A computer code for estimating installed performance of aircraft gas turbine engines. Volume 1
Page 139: A computer code for estimating installed performance of aircraft gas turbine engines. Volume 1
Page 140: A computer code for estimating installed performance of aircraft gas turbine engines. Volume 1
Page 141: A computer code for estimating installed performance of aircraft gas turbine engines. Volume 1
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Page 143: A computer code for estimating installed performance of aircraft gas turbine engines. Volume 1
Page 144: A computer code for estimating installed performance of aircraft gas turbine engines. Volume 1
Page 145: A computer code for estimating installed performance of aircraft gas turbine engines. Volume 1
Page 146: A computer code for estimating installed performance of aircraft gas turbine engines. Volume 1
Page 147: A computer code for estimating installed performance of aircraft gas turbine engines. Volume 1
Page 148: A computer code for estimating installed performance of aircraft gas turbine engines. Volume 1
Page 149: A computer code for estimating installed performance of aircraft gas turbine engines. Volume 1
Page 150: A computer code for estimating installed performance of aircraft gas turbine engines. Volume 1
Page 151: A computer code for estimating installed performance of aircraft gas turbine engines. Volume 1
Page 152: A computer code for estimating installed performance of aircraft gas turbine engines. Volume 1
Page 153: A computer code for estimating installed performance of aircraft gas turbine engines. Volume 1
Page 154: A computer code for estimating installed performance of aircraft gas turbine engines. Volume 1
Page 155: A computer code for estimating installed performance of aircraft gas turbine engines. Volume 1
Page 156: A computer code for estimating installed performance of aircraft gas turbine engines. Volume 1
Page 157: A computer code for estimating installed performance of aircraft gas turbine engines. Volume 1
Page 158: A computer code for estimating installed performance of aircraft gas turbine engines. Volume 1
Page 159: A computer code for estimating installed performance of aircraft gas turbine engines. Volume 1
Page 160: A computer code for estimating installed performance of aircraft gas turbine engines. Volume 1
Page 161: A computer code for estimating installed performance of aircraft gas turbine engines. Volume 1
Page 162: A computer code for estimating installed performance of aircraft gas turbine engines. Volume 1
Page 163: A computer code for estimating installed performance of aircraft gas turbine engines. Volume 1
Page 164: A computer code for estimating installed performance of aircraft gas turbine engines. Volume 1
Page 165: A computer code for estimating installed performance of aircraft gas turbine engines. Volume 1
Page 166: A computer code for estimating installed performance of aircraft gas turbine engines. Volume 1
Page 167: A computer code for estimating installed performance of aircraft gas turbine engines. Volume 1
Page 168: A computer code for estimating installed performance of aircraft gas turbine engines. Volume 1
Page 169: A computer code for estimating installed performance of aircraft gas turbine engines. Volume 1
Page 170: A computer code for estimating installed performance of aircraft gas turbine engines. Volume 1
Page 171: A computer code for estimating installed performance of aircraft gas turbine engines. Volume 1
Page 172: A computer code for estimating installed performance of aircraft gas turbine engines. Volume 1
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Page 176: A computer code for estimating installed performance of aircraft gas turbine engines. Volume 1
Page 177: A computer code for estimating installed performance of aircraft gas turbine engines. Volume 1
Page 178: A computer code for estimating installed performance of aircraft gas turbine engines. Volume 1
Page 179: A computer code for estimating installed performance of aircraft gas turbine engines. Volume 1
Page 180: A computer code for estimating installed performance of aircraft gas turbine engines. Volume 1
Page 181: A computer code for estimating installed performance of aircraft gas turbine engines. Volume 1
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Page 186: A computer code for estimating installed performance of aircraft gas turbine engines. Volume 1
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Page 188: A computer code for estimating installed performance of aircraft gas turbine engines. Volume 1
Page 189: A computer code for estimating installed performance of aircraft gas turbine engines. Volume 1
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