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Atmos. Chem. Phys., 17, 855–866, 2017 doi:10.5194/acp-17-855-2017 © Author(s) 2017. CC Attribution 3.0 License. A comparison of Loon balloon observations and stratospheric reanalysis products Leon S. Friedrich 1 , Adrian J. McDonald 1 , Gregory E. Bodeker 2 , Kathy E. Cooper 3 , Jared Lewis 2 , and Alexander J. Paterson 1 1 Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Canterbury, Canterbury, New Zealand 2 Bodeker Scientific, Alexandra, New Zealand 3 X Project Loon, 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA Correspondence to: Adrian McDonald ([email protected]) Received: 11 May 2016 – Published in Atmos. Chem. Phys. Discuss.: 27 May 2016 Revised: 13 October 2016 – Accepted: 13 December 2016 – Published: 19 January 2017 Abstract. Location information from long-duration super- pressure balloons flying in the Southern Hemisphere lower stratosphere during 2014 as part of X Project Loon are used to assess the quality of a number of different reanal- yses including National Centers for Environmental Predic- tion Climate Forecast System version 2 (NCEP-CFSv2), Eu- ropean Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ERA- Interim), NASA Modern Era Retrospective-Analysis for Re- search and Applications (MERRA), and the recently released MERRA version 2. Balloon GPS location information is used to derive wind speeds which are then compared with values from the reanalyses interpolated to the balloon times and locations. All reanalysis data sets accurately describe the winds, with biases in zonal winds of less than 0.37 m s -1 and meridional biases of less than 0.08 m s -1 . The standard deviation on the differences between Loon and reanalyses zonal winds is latitude-dependent, ranging between 2.5 and 3.5 m s -1 , increasing equatorward. Comparisons between Loon trajectories and those cal- culated by applying a trajectory model to reanalysis wind fields show that MERRA-2 wind fields result in the most accurate simulated trajectories with a mean 5-day balloon– reanalysis trajectory separation of 621 km and median sep- aration of 324 km showing significant improvements over MERRA version 1 and slightly outperforming ERA-Interim. The latitudinal structure of the trajectory statistics for all reanalyses displays marginally lower mean separations be- tween 15 and 35 S than between 35 and 55 S, despite stan- dard deviations in the wind differences increasing toward the equator. This is shown to be related to the distance travelled by the balloon playing a role in the separation statistics. 1 Introduction X (an Alphabet company, formerly known as Google[x]) Project Loon, hereafter referred to as Loon, aims to pro- vide worldwide Internet coverage using a network of long- duration super-pressure balloons. These balloons fly in the stratosphere at approximately 20 km altitude with flight du- rations averaging 55 days (maximum 187 days, median 42 days). In this study zonal and meridional wind speeds, de- rived from Loon location information obtained from the on- board GPS, are compared with interpolated winds from four different reanalyses. The reanalyses used are the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) ERA-Interim reanalysis (Dee et al., 2011), NASA’s Modern- era Retrospective Analysis for Research and Applications (MERRA) (Rienecker et al., 2011), the recently released MERRA-2, and the National Centers for Environmental Pre- diction (NCEP) Climate Forecast System Version 2 (CFSv2) analysis (Saha et al., 2011) (which we refer to as one of the reanalyses). The reanalyses assimilate a range of data to tightly constrain a global atmosphere–ocean climate model simulation. Using satellite data, in situ observations from ra- diosondes, and other data sources, the reanalyses generate a data set that provides a best estimate of the state of the global atmosphere. Published by Copernicus Publications on behalf of the European Geosciences Union.

A comparison of Loon balloon observations and …...Project Loon, hereafter referred to as Loon, aims to pro-vide worldwide Internet coverage using a network of long-duration super-pressure

Aug 16, 2020



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Page 1: A comparison of Loon balloon observations and …...Project Loon, hereafter referred to as Loon, aims to pro-vide worldwide Internet coverage using a network of long-duration super-pressure

Atmos. Chem. Phys., 17, 855–866,© Author(s) 2017. CC Attribution 3.0 License.

A comparison of Loon balloon observations and stratosphericreanalysis productsLeon S. Friedrich1, Adrian J. McDonald1, Gregory E. Bodeker2, Kathy E. Cooper3, Jared Lewis2, andAlexander J. Paterson1

1Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Canterbury, Canterbury, New Zealand2Bodeker Scientific, Alexandra, New Zealand3X Project Loon, 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA

Correspondence to: Adrian McDonald ([email protected])

Received: 11 May 2016 – Published in Atmos. Chem. Phys. Discuss.: 27 May 2016Revised: 13 October 2016 – Accepted: 13 December 2016 – Published: 19 January 2017

Abstract. Location information from long-duration super-pressure balloons flying in the Southern Hemisphere lowerstratosphere during 2014 as part of X Project Loon areused to assess the quality of a number of different reanal-yses including National Centers for Environmental Predic-tion Climate Forecast System version 2 (NCEP-CFSv2), Eu-ropean Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ERA-Interim), NASA Modern Era Retrospective-Analysis for Re-search and Applications (MERRA), and the recently releasedMERRA version 2. Balloon GPS location information isused to derive wind speeds which are then compared withvalues from the reanalyses interpolated to the balloon timesand locations. All reanalysis data sets accurately describe thewinds, with biases in zonal winds of less than 0.37 ms−1

and meridional biases of less than 0.08 ms−1. The standarddeviation on the differences between Loon and reanalyseszonal winds is latitude-dependent, ranging between 2.5 and3.5 ms−1, increasing equatorward.

Comparisons between Loon trajectories and those cal-culated by applying a trajectory model to reanalysis windfields show that MERRA-2 wind fields result in the mostaccurate simulated trajectories with a mean 5-day balloon–reanalysis trajectory separation of 621 km and median sep-aration of 324 km showing significant improvements overMERRA version 1 and slightly outperforming ERA-Interim.The latitudinal structure of the trajectory statistics for allreanalyses displays marginally lower mean separations be-tween 15 and 35◦ S than between 35 and 55◦ S, despite stan-dard deviations in the wind differences increasing toward the

equator. This is shown to be related to the distance travelledby the balloon playing a role in the separation statistics.

1 Introduction

X (an Alphabet company, formerly known as Google[x])Project Loon, hereafter referred to as Loon, aims to pro-vide worldwide Internet coverage using a network of long-duration super-pressure balloons. These balloons fly in thestratosphere at approximately 20 km altitude with flight du-rations averaging 55 days (maximum 187 days, median42 days). In this study zonal and meridional wind speeds, de-rived from Loon location information obtained from the on-board GPS, are compared with interpolated winds from fourdifferent reanalyses. The reanalyses used are the EuropeanCentre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF)ERA-Interim reanalysis (Dee et al., 2011), NASA’s Modern-era Retrospective Analysis for Research and Applications(MERRA) (Rienecker et al., 2011), the recently releasedMERRA-2, and the National Centers for Environmental Pre-diction (NCEP) Climate Forecast System Version 2 (CFSv2)analysis (Saha et al., 2011) (which we refer to as one ofthe reanalyses). The reanalyses assimilate a range of data totightly constrain a global atmosphere–ocean climate modelsimulation. Using satellite data, in situ observations from ra-diosondes, and other data sources, the reanalyses generate adata set that provides a best estimate of the state of the globalatmosphere.

Published by Copernicus Publications on behalf of the European Geosciences Union.

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These reanalyses are often used to study stratospheric dy-namical processes. In particular, reanalyses winds are used tocompute forward and backward trajectories to trace the mo-tion of air parcels. For example, a Lagrangian chemical boxmodel can be used to determine ozone loss rates in an air par-cel by measuring the concentration of ozone at various timeswhile keeping track of the parcel through isentropic trajec-tory modelling (Vondergathen et al., 1995). Trajectory analy-ses are also important for quantifying mixing between differ-ent air masses which can affect atmospheric chemistry. Thisis important as many chemical processes depend non-linearlyon the concentrations of the reactants (Stohl et al., 2004), e.g.the rate of ozone loss in the stratospheric polar vortex (Tucket al., 2003). Calculated trajectories are also used to infer var-ious metrics of mixing (Nakamura, 1996; Haynes and Shuck-burgh, 2000; Smith and McDonald, 2014). Determining tra-jectories is also central to domain-filling techniques whichallow fine-scale structure in chemical constituent fields to bederived from space-based measurements (Sutton et al., 1994;Smith and McDonald, 2014). Loon flights are therefore alsoused to examine the accuracy of trajectories derived from thereanalyses.

Stohl et al. (2004) discuss the importance of reanalysisquality in mixing studies. In particular, features such as thepolar vortex, which act as barriers to mixing, may be dis-placed in an analysis relative to the position a forecast fromthe previous analysis would have predicted. The reason forsuch a displacement is unphysical and arises from the assim-ilation of observations. In a transport model used with theseanalyses, an air parcel may therefore find itself on the otherside of a mixing barrier without actually crossing it in a phys-ically meaningful way. Thus, understanding the quality of thereanalyses fields is important in stratospheric chemistry stud-ies.

Measurements of the stratospheric wind field are sparse.While routine radiosonde flights are made once, twice, orfour times daily at more than 100 upper-air sites within theglobal observing system, because the resultant data are as-similated into the reanalyses, they cannot provide an inde-pendent verification of the quality of the reanalyses. Inde-pendent data from long-duration balloon flights thereforeprovide a valuable assessment of reanalysis accuracy. Theballoon–reanalysis comparison reported on here adds to thebody of knowledge encompassed in previous studies, whichused a range of models and balloon flights (Knudsen et al.,2002; Hertzog et al., 2004; Knudsen et al., 2006; Hertzoget al., 2006; Parrondo et al., 2007; Boccara et al., 2008;McDonald and Hertzog, 2008; de la Camara et al., 2010;Podglajen et al., 2014). These previous studies have been per-formed in varied geographical regions, generally using fewerballoons than are used in the analyses reported here. To pro-vide a context for the results reported on below, a brief sum-mary of the key results from previous comparison studies isprovided.

Hertzog et al. (2004) used six super-pressure balloonslaunched from high northern latitudes to assess the quality ofECMWF and NCEP/NCAR reanalyses in the lower strato-sphere. The NCEP/NCAR reanalysis temperatures showeda 0.8 K warm bias relative to the observations, while theECMWF analyses showed a 0.3 K cold bias. The temper-ature observations exhibited small-scale fluctuations whichHertzog et al. (2004) attributed to mesoscale inertia-gravitywaves. Both analyses accurately represented the winds withbiases of less than 0.3 ms−1 and standard deviations rang-ing from 2.3 to 2.7 ms−1 using data with a 15 min temporalresolution. Trajectory comparisons suggested that ECMWF-derived trajectories were more accurate than those deter-mined using NCEP/NCAR wind fields, with trajectory er-rors after 15 days of 1000± 1200 km for ECMWF and2300± 1300 km for NCEP/NCAR trajectories.

Knudsen et al. (2006) examined data from 11 balloonslaunched from Brazil in 2004. Relative to the balloon-basedtemperatures, the temperature extracted from the ECMWFoperational analyses had a mean 0.9 K cold bias, with astandard deviation of 1.3 K. ECMWF winds showed biasesof less than 0.4 ms−1, with standard deviations of about3 ms−1, resulting in average trajectory separations of about500 km after 5 days.

Podglajen et al. (2014) used data from three equatoriallong-duration balloon flights, launched in 2010, to exam-ine the performance of ERA-Interim, MERRA, and ECMWFoperational analysis. The results of the temperature compar-isons were relatively similar to those of previous compar-isons, with small warm biases (up to 1 K for MERRA), andstandard deviations ranging from 1.5 K for ECMWF to 2.2 Kfor MERRA. The analysed winds, however, were found toshow higher biases than similar analyses in the extra-tropics,with concomitant large differences in derived trajectories.All of the reanalyses were found to have zonal wind biasesgreater than 2 ms−1, with the standard deviation of the re-analysis wind differences ranging from 3.5 to 5.8 ms−1 us-ing data with a 1 min temporal resolution. Detailed analysisof cases of persistent (more than 10 days) significant biasesin the reanalyses, with zonal wind biases and standard devia-tions of ∼ 9 ms−1, suggested that these events correspondedto large-scale equatorial Kelvin and Yanai wave packets withsmall vertical wavelengths which were not resolved in thereanalyses. Podglajen et al. (2014) also discussed the likelycauses of the poor representation of stratospheric equatorialwaves and concluded that one of the key factors was thelack of wind speed observations assimilated by the analy-ses, particularly over the data-sparse eastern Pacific and In-dian Ocean. More recent work detailed in Kawatani et al.(2016) also suggests that at 50–70 hPa the geographical dis-tributions of the disagreement between the different reanaly-ses are closely related to the density of radiosonde observa-tions.

Hertzog et al. (2006) assessed the ECMWF ERA-40 andNCEP/NCAR NN50 reanalyses in the Southern Hemisphere

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upper troposphere and lower stratosphere based on compar-isons with 480 super-pressure balloon flights, most lastinglonger than 100 days, from the 1971–72 Eole experiment.These comparisons indicated that, in the sub-polar latitudes,both NN50 and ERA-40 exhibited a cold bias of 3 and 0.5 Krespectively, while both had a warm bias of ∼ 1 K in thetropics. The winds were found to have biases of ±1 ms−1,with latitude-binned standard deviations ranging from 5 to15 ms−1.

Boccara et al. (2008) used data from 27 super-pressureballoon flights with a 15 min temporal resolution, launchedas part of the 2005 Antarctic Vorcore campaign, to exam-ine the quality of ECMWF operational analysis and NCEP-NCAR NN50 reanalysis. The NN50 reanalysis showed a1.51 K warm bias while the ECMWF analyses showed a0.42 K cold bias. The winds in both reanalyses showed bi-ases of less than 0.15 ms−1, with standard deviations rangingbetween 2.4 and 3.4 ms−1, with ECMWF performing betterthan NN50. These results indicated an improvement relativeto those in Hertzog et al. (2006) which is likely related to thelack of data assimilated in the Southern Hemisphere prior tothe satellite period. Boccara et al. (2008) attributed the small-scale fluctuations in the wind and temperature data to gravitywaves that were unresolved in the reanalyses. By applying alow-pass filter to remove these small-scale fluctuations, theydetermined that a significant proportion of the standard devi-ation was a result of these perturbations. Trajectory separa-tions were found to exceed 1000± 700 km after 5 days usingNN50, and 10 days for ECMWF.

McDonald and Hertzog (2008) compared temperaturemeasurements in the Antarctic stratosphere made by theCHAMP radio occultation satellite and in situ temperaturemeasurements from Vorcore campaign balloons. The analy-sis compared near-simultaneous and co-located temperatureobservations made by these instruments and found excellentagreement between the temperatures measured in two verydifferent ways. The mean bias between the data sets was−0.52 K, with CHAMP temperatures being cooler than theballoon-based measurements, with a standard deviation inthe differences of 1.6 K. This paired data set also enabledMcDonald and Hertzog (2008) to show that an empirical cor-rection used to remove the influence of radiative heating onthe balloon temperature sensors, a variant of which is com-monly used to correct balloon-based temperature measure-ments, did not produce any additional bias.

The remainder of this paper documents the Loon ob-servations (Sect. 2.1), introduces the methodology used inour analysis and specifically details the trajectory modelused (Sect. 2.2). Comparison of the Loon zonal and merid-ional wind speeds with reanalysis products is then detailed(Sect. 3.1) and the Loon flight paths are used to examinethe accuracy of trajectories derived from the reanalyses inSect. 3.2.

04−2014 05−2014 07−2014 09−2014 10−2014 12−2014

Time (mm−yyyy)




−60 −40 −20 00















50 60 700






Pressure (hPa)







Figure 1. General Loon flight information including a (a) set of allballoon trajectories viewed from south pole, (b) timeline showingindividual balloon launch times and flight durations, (c) histogramof observation distribution as a function of latitude, and (d) his-togram of observation distribution as a function of pressure.

2 Data and methodology

2.1 Balloon dataset

In this study, 70 individual Loon balloon flights are exam-ined, with flight durations varying from a few days to nearly200 days. The flights occur predominantly in the SouthernHemisphere mid-latitudes, with the majority of the balloonsbeing launched from Tekapo in New Zealand. The flight dataoccur over the period March 2014 to January 2015. Flightdistribution information is shown in Fig. 1. The pressure lev-els of the balloon flights vary between 30 and 70 hPa withan actively controlled altitude, although this active controlis used relatively rarely, typically with multiple days be-tween altitude changes. The Loon group use forecasts fromthe NCEP global forecast system (GFS), as well as fore-casts from other sources, to simulate expected balloon tra-jectories. Based on these forecasts, decisions are made bythe Loon team to occasionally adjust the balloons’ altitudes, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 17, 855–866, 2017

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which is done by pumping air into or out of an internal blad-der to modify the balloon density. While super-pressure bal-loons typically move along isopycnic (constant density) sur-faces during the rare occasions of altitude control, this is nolonger the case. Intervals during which the altitude of a bal-loon is being modified can be clearly identified by very rapidchanges in the pressure. In the following analysis, whenevera pressure change greater than 5 hPa occurs within 1 h, theballoons are considered to be undergoing an altitude controlmanoeuvre and the data from that period are excluded fromthe subsequent analysis.

Each balloon data set includes three-dimensional GPS po-sition, pressure, and balloon lift-gas temperature, all of whichare typically recorded at 1 min intervals with occasional gapsdue to telemetry failures. Throughout this study our analysisuses this 1 min temporal resolution data for comparison withinterpolated reanalysis data or trajectories derived from thatdata. Although no specific details of the instruments used oneach of the balloon flights are recorded, the Loon team haveprovided an upper bound on the uncertainties of the sensors,viz. 1.5 hPa for pressure, 10 m for GPS location, and 10 K fortemperature. The GPS uncertainty suggests an upper boundof 0.23 ms−1 uncertainty on derived wind speed measure-ments. The upper bound on the pressure sensor uncertainty israther large and could potentially lead to uncertainties whenvertically interpolating the reanalyses data sets to the bal-loon locations. Using the hydrostatic equation shows that a1.5 hPa pressure uncertainty equates to about 300 m in alti-tude. Given a 3.0 ms−1 change over 2 km at the bottom ofthe stratospheric jet in the Southern Hemisphere winter (ap-proximated from ERA-Interim climatology), this equates toabout 0.4 ms−1 in the worst case.

Comparisons of Loon pressure sensor measurements withpressures extracted from reanalyses, where the reanaly-ses’ geopotential heights have been converted to geomet-ric heights to allow direct comparisons with the GPS-referenced Loon data, indicate that each individual balloonflight exhibits pressure sensor biases ranging from −0.5 to+1.70 hPa, in agreement with the provided uncertainty esti-mate. Mean biases against NCEP-CFSv2 reanalyses (Loonminus reanalyses) are 0.535± 0.537 hPa. Adjusting the pres-sure data for these biases has only minor impacts on thesubsequent analysis. The temperature measurements, beinga measure of the lift gas and not the ambient air, are of ques-tionable scientific utility in the current context; their usabilityis further examined in Sect. 3.3.

2.2 Methodology

For the comparisons between the Loon observations and thereanalyses products a methodology very similar to that usedin Boccara et al. (2008) is used to interpolate the reanaly-sis data to the temporal and spatial position of the balloon. Asummary of the resolutions of the reanalysis products used inthis study is provided in Table 1. Our interpolation scheme is

Table 1. Resolution of the model outputs used in this study. Thelast column identifies the number of pressure levels between 30 and70 hPa inclusive. All model products provided in 6 h intervals.

Latitude Longitude Pressure Levelslevels in range

ERA-Interim 3/4◦ 3/4◦ 37 3MERRA 1/2◦ 2/3◦ 42 4MERRA-2 1/2◦ 5/8◦ 42 4CSFv2 1/2◦ 1/2◦ 37 3

a cubic spline fit over 6 data points in both horizontal direc-tions, log-pressure, and time. Simple bilinear interpolationschemes occasionally displayed signs of discontinuities inthe reanalysis fields, likely related to the assimilation of data,which subsequently produced dynamical inconsistencies aspreviously identified in Stohl et al. (2004). The latitude andlongitude GPS location data are combined with a simple fi-nite difference calculation to derive the zonal and meridionalwinds which advect the balloons. Use of a five-point deriva-tive calculation scheme, which is more robust in the presenceof noise, produces almost no difference in the velocities de-rived, but is impacted more by occasional data gaps than thesimple scheme, and was therefore not used in this study.

A Lagrangian trajectory model was also used to comparetrajectories derived from reanalyses against the balloon tra-jectories. Every 6 h along a balloon flight, an 8-day trajec-tory was initialized. While super-pressure balloons closelyfollow isopycnic surfaces, and hence isopycnic trajectoriesare generally used (Hertzog et al., 2004; Boccara et al., 2008;Podglajen et al., 2014), in the model used here the verti-cal motion is also accounted for by setting the altitude ofthe modelled trajectory to correspond to the pressure levelof the balloon, as is done by Knudsen et al. (2006). Whilethis approach decreases the impact of potentially failing torecognize small altitude modifications, the range of poten-tial trajectories is still limited by the occasional large alti-tude changes. Even when calculating trajectories with alti-tudes prescribed from the balloons, non-isopycnic altitudechanges can exacerbate small separations in modelled andactual trajectories. Therefore, for the purposes of this analy-sis, any trajectories that encounter non-isopycnic balloon al-titude changes are truncated such that the data after the alti-tude shift are excluded from later analysis.

The Lagrangian trajectory model used in this study wasdeveloped at the University of Canterbury and is a modi-fied version of that used and discussed in Alexander et al.(2013), McDonald and Smith (2013) and Smith and McDon-ald (2014). It uses a fourth-order Runge–Kutta algorithm,with a 10 min time-step, with reanalysis wind speeds deter-mined at the trajectory position using the spatial–temporalinterpolation scheme detailed above. A polar stereographic

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22/07/2014 24/07/2014 26/07/2014 28/07/2014 30/07/2014 01/08/2014








u (m

s )


22/07/2014 24/07/2014 26/07/2014 28/07/2014 30/07/2014 01/08/2014







v (m

s )





Figure 2. Wind speeds measured from Loon flight no. 263 along with interpolated reanalysis winds. This shows the typical behaviour forcomparisons of balloon and reanalysis wind speeds, including the tendency for the balloon winds to oscillate about the reanalysis winds.

coordinate system is used equatorwards of 70◦ to avoid thesingularity at the pole.

3 Results

3.1 Winds

A sample of the zonal and meridional winds derived fromone of the Loon GPS data sets, along with the correspondingreanalysis winds, is shown in Fig. 2. This flight is shown asan example since it exhibits a wide range of zonal wind ve-locities. The comparison shows a good correspondence be-tween the Loon observations and all four of the correspond-ing reanalysis wind time series. While some differences areobserved between the reanalysis data sets, these are gener-ally smaller than the differences between the reanalyses andthe Loon data. High-frequency variability at periods closeto and below 1 day is more noticeable in the Loon obser-vations than in any of the reanalyses, which suggests thatthese small-scale variations might be important in explainingany differences. The differences likely represent the impactof small-scale waves, with a number of studies identifyingthat inertia-gravity waves may be important.

Statistics of the reanalyses minus Loon-derived wind dif-ferences, over a wide range of southern latitudes, show thatthe Loon-derived wind fields match well with the reanaly-

ses. Histograms and key statistics of the wind differences areshown in Fig. 3 and Table 2. The wind differences shown inFig. 3 all exhibit Gaussian distributions with biases less than0.37 ms−1 and standard deviations less than 3.4 ms−1. Thesevalues are larger than those derived by Boccara et al. (2008)who found zonal and meridional standard deviations of 2.43and 2.38 ms−1 for the differences between ECMWF opera-tional analyses and the Vorcore-derived winds. However, thelarger standard deviations derived in our study are consis-tent with the observed latitudinal trend for the standard devi-ation as discussed below. Table 2 also shows that the meanzonal wind difference between the Loon-derived winds andthe reanalyses is larger for ERA-Interim and CFSv2 than forMERRA and MERRA-2. It is also clear that inter-reanalysisdifferences in the standard deviations of the zonal and merid-ional wind differences are small. However, the statistical sig-nificance linked to the difference in the means of the Loonobservations and the reanalysis output have been calculatedusing the student’s t test and the f test for the significancelevel for the differences in the variances of the distributions.In every case, the differences between the Loon observationsand the reanalysis output are significantly different at greaterthan the 99 % level.

The latitudinal structure in the differences between theLoon and reanalyses winds, shown in Fig. 4, shows a ten-dency for the standard deviation in the wind differences to Atmos. Chem. Phys., 17, 855–866, 2017

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860 L. S. Friedrich et al.: A comparison of Loon balloon observations and stratospheric reanalysis products

−10 −5 0 5 100









− uobs

u (m s )diff



ce (


−10 −5 0 5 100









− vobs

v (m s )diff



ce (



-1 -1

(a) (b)

Figure 3. Zonal and meridional wind difference histogram outlines. Histograms are binned by steps of 0.25 ms−1. Corresponding statisticsare shown in Table 2.

Table 2. Statistics of the wind differences between the reanalysesand the Loon balloons. Corresponding histograms are plotted inFig. 3. Units are ms−1.


udiff Mean 0.3662 0.2204 −0.0090 0.0992vdiff Mean 0.0502 0.0462 0.0747 0.0671udiff SD 2.8609 3.1378 3.1254 2.9090vdiff SD 3.1481 3.3522 3.3199 3.1817udiff Skewness 0.1173 0.0741 −0.0230 0.0969vdiff Skewness 0.0281 0.0224 0.0268 0.0149

increase closer to the equator. Although there is no obvioustrend in the zonal wind biases, ERA-Interim has a consistentpositive bias over all latitude ranges as opposed to the biasesin the other reanalyses which switch sign. Note that the 99 %confidence interval associated with the biases are such thatthey are similar to the width of the line representing the bias.

The large ERA-Interim zonal bias statistic listed in Table 2is therefore not an indicator that ERA-Interim is worse in thisrespect than the other reanalyses, but rather that it exhibits aconsistent bias across latitudes whereas the other reanalyseshave biases of similar magnitudes which cancel when aver-aged over latitudes. Across all reanalyses, there appears tobe a trend in the meridional biases with net over-estimationpolewards of ∼ 40◦ S and under-estimation equatorward of∼ 40◦ S.

While the region closest to the equator has larger biasesand standard deviations, these biases are significantly smallerthan those derived by Podglajen et al. (2014). This may be re-

−2 0 2















3 4 5












0 5

x 105










Data points−0.5 0 0.5














3 3.2 3.4 3.6 3.8












Figure 4. Zonal and meridional wind differences binned by latitude,in 1◦ steps. There is a clear tendency for wind difference standarddeviations to be larger near the equator. There also seems to be atrend in the meridional wind differences, with net over (under) esti-mation poleward (equatorward) of 40◦ S.

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Time (hours)


20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 1800













Time (hours)


20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 1800







MeanMedianInterquartile range95 % confidence interval

20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 1800











of tr




Time (hours)


Figure 5. Trajectory separations as a function of time. (a) shows a comparison of the trajectory quality of each of the reanalyses withsolid lines representing the mean and dashed lines the median separations. (b) provides a more detailed plot of the MERRA-2 trajectories,including confidence intervals and inter-quartile ranges. More detailed plots for the other reanalyses show very similar characteristics to thoseobserved in (b). (c) provides information on the number of trajectories included at each hour mark, decreasing due trajectories running overaltitude changes.

lated to seasonal differences, where most of the Loon flightdata were collected through the Southern Hemisphere winter(June to September), while the measurements analysed byPodglajen et al. (2014) were collected in February. However,given the lack of strong seasonal variations in the tropics, thisinference is questionable. Another possibility is that inter-annual variability in the mean winds could play a significantrole; the phase of the quasi-biennial oscillation could be im-portant. The fact that Podglajen et al. (2014) also examine anarrower latitude band (within 10◦ of the equator) may alsobe important. The work in Podglajen et al. (2014) also high-lighted large wind biases in specific regions (i.e. the IndianOcean and the eastern Pacific) where in situ observations arescarce. Therefore, given the limited quantity of observationsnear the equator in both studies, we cannot exclude the ef-fects of sampling bias between the two data sets.

The wind difference statistics indicate that of the four re-analyses analysed, ERA-Interim and MERRA-2 perform thebest with MERRA-2 showing a measureable improvementover MERRA.

3.2 Trajectories

The trajectory model described above was used to initial-ize a simulated trajectory every 6 h along the observed Loonballoon trajectory. The resultant separation statistics betweenthe observed and simulated trajectories are shown in Fig. 5and Table 3. The mean and median values of the trajec-tory separations as a function of time are shown in panel aof Fig. 5 for the four different reanalyses. A more detailedrepresentation of the separation of the trajectories calculatedfrom the MERRA-2 wind fields from the observed trajecto-ries is shown in panel b of Fig. 5, including confidence inter-vals and inter-quartile ranges.

Table 3. Statistics of the trajectory separations after 5 days in kilo-metres. Corresponding separations over time plots are provided inFig. 5. The errors on the means are the 90 % confidence intervals.


Mean 638 ± 29 661 ± 30 764 ± 33 625 ± 34Median 381 415 486 327

If a trajectory’s corresponding balloon underwent rapid al-titude changes over the course of the simulated trajectory,only the separation data up to that altitude change are in-cluded, resulting in a decreasing number of available tra-jectories as time progresses (Fig. 5c). The results plottedin panel a of Fig. 5 show that after the first day, both themean and median separations increase roughly linearly withtime. For MERRA-2, the median separation grows at a rateof roughly 48 km a day. However, the growth of individualtrajectory separations is far more chaotic. The departures be-tween the mean and median values of the separation at aparticular time along the trajectory suggest there are signif-icant contributions due to extreme outliers, with the meanapproaching the upper quartile of separations (Fig. 5b). Thisalso suggests that the median is likely a better indicator of ex-pected trajectory separation. Histograms of the 5-day separa-tions between the reanalyses-based simulations and the Loontrajectories are displayed in Fig. 6. After 5 days, the separa-tions resulting from the MERRA-2-derived trajectories showa smaller number of large outliers and also a slightly higherproportion of simulations at lower separations than the otherthree reanalyses (Fig. 6). The histograms display a roughlylog-normal distribution. A log-normal process is the statis-tical realization of the multiplicative product of many inde-pendent positive random variables, and this form is therefore Atmos. Chem. Phys., 17, 855–866, 2017

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0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 30000











Separation (km)







1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.50











Log−separation (log (km))10






Figure 6. Histogram of the trajectory separation distribution after 5 days. (b) is the same as (a), but using logarithmic separation to highlightthe log-normal distribution, with a long tail of extreme outliers which is not visible in (a).

suggestive of the fact that a combination of multiple factorsimpacts the separations observed. Comparison between theMERRA and MERRA-2 distributions also shows that theMERRA-2-based trajectories follow more closely the actualLoon trajectories.

The separation statistics shown in Fig. 5 compare wellwith the analyses detailed in Hertzog et al. (2004) and Boc-cara et al. (2008) although, surprisingly, the ECMWF anal-yses used in Hertzog et al. (2004) have somewhat smallerseparations at 5 days than those in this study. This may re-sult from the higher quality of reanalyses in the NorthernHemisphere relative to the Southern Hemisphere identifiedin some previous studies. That said, given the improvementin the quantity of data being assimilated by the more recentreanalyses, and underlying model improvements, this is stilla little puzzling.

If trajectories after forced balloon altitude manoeuvres arenot excluded from the analyses, we find that the comparisonsof the observed and modelled trajectories decrease signif-icantly in quality. The median MERRA-2 separation after5 days increases from 240 to 574 km, increasing at a rateof roughly 88 km per day. This increase could be expectedas trajectories that were initially separated due to small bi-ases in reanalyses, but still follow along the same generalflow, might suddenly find themselves in different flow re-gions when the pressure level is adjusted, leading to highertrajectory separations. However, this apparent degradation intrajectory quality could also be an indicator of selection bias.The Loon team uses a numerical weather prediction (NWP)model output to forecast balloon trajectories, and any balloonmotion not predicted by the NWP might require adjustmentusing forced altitude changes. This would then result in ouranalysis excluding the effects of the long-term behaviour ofthese inaccurate trajectories. Similarly, if the reanalyses havedifficulty modelling these trajectories, this would lead to anautomatic selection bias with the long-term separation statis-

tics including more “good” trajectories. The short-term sep-aration statistics are likely to be more reliable and less proneto this sampling bias.

To examine the separations in an alternative manner, wecan also inspect the relative separations. There are two vari-ants of this approach. We can examine the separation at sometime divided by the total distance travelled by the balloonover 8 days, or alternatively, the separation after h hours di-vided by the distance travelled by the balloon during thoseh hours. One motivation for the former method is that if tra-jectories that travel further have concomitant greater separa-tions, this might diminish the effect of these outliers. Theresulting relative separations are shown in Fig. 7. A no-table feature in the first relative separation method is thatthe MERRA-2 and ERA-Interim mean relative separationsare much more distinct, and that the mean relative separa-tions of the reanalyses are much closer to the median, lyingwell within the inter-quartile ranges. The second method alsoshows some interesting features, with median relative sep-arations remaining roughly constant after the first day: forexample the MERRA-2 shows a consistent median relativeseparation of ∼ 10 %.

Comparison of the results from Figs. 5 and 7a suggeststhat the trajectories with the highest separations tend to cor-respond to the flights with the longest distances travelled,which is also revealed when performing a more in depth ex-amination of individual events. In particular, there is a lowcorrelation (r = 0.34) between total distance travelled andthe resulting separation, but the mean separations for theupper-half of distance-traveled-balloons is nearly double thatof the lower half, suggesting that this factor might dominatethe observed variations. This would suggest that while thedifferences between the reanalyses and Loon winds are im-portant in defining the separation, the mean state of the windalso plays an important role, as one would expect. In addi-tion, the difference in separation statistics between the ERA-

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e se




Time (hours)


20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 1800













e se




Time (hours)


20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180








Figure 7. Relative trajectory separations as a function of time. (a) is similar to Fig. 5a except here, prior to deriving the statistics, theseparation of each reanalysis trajectory is normalized by the total distance travelled by the balloon during those 8 days. (b) is similar, excepthere the separations are divided by the the current distance travelled by the balloon, not the total.

Interim and MERRA-2 could then be identified as being re-lated to the larger bias in the zonal mean in the ERA-Interimthan the MERRA-2 dataset.

There is little latitudinal variation in trajectory accuracy,but we do find that for all reanalyses the mean trajectoryseparations are slightly lower between 15 and 35◦ S than be-tween 35 and 55◦ S. This is slightly counter-intuitive becausethe standard deviations of wind errors display the oppositetrend. This is likely explained by the fact that the growth ofthe separation depends on the type of flow; for example, over8 days the balloon trajectories tend to travel a greater totaldistance as the latitude increases, which might explain theobserved trend in trajectory accuracy. For the relative separa-tion, separation divided by total distance travelled, shown inFig. 7, the opposite trend is observed with greater separationsequator-ward.

Notably, we find that the MERRA-2 trajectories are sig-nificantly improved with respect to the old MERRA ver-sion 1 trajectories, resulting in trajectories with similar meanseparation statistics to those derived from ERA-Interim.While the mean separations are nearly indistinguishable, theMERRA-2 median separation is noticeably lower than thatof ERA-Interim, suggesting that the MERRA-2 separationdistribution is more skewed than that of the ERA-Interim.

3.3 Temperature

There are several difficulties associated with the Loon tem-perature data. As previously stated, the data result from mea-surements of the lift-gas temperature and not of the ambientair, resulting in strong solar zenith angle (SZA)-dependentdifferences between the lift-gas temperature and the ambientair temperature. These may result from the combination ofthe daytime radiative heating of temperature sensors and, wespeculate, the balloon envelope absorbing in the UV-visiblerange. Additionally, although we are not aware of the spe-

cific instruments used, it seems that the thermometer usedhas a high uncertainty and is intended as a diagnostic in-strument rather than for scientific data collection. An exam-ple of balloon–reanalysis temperature differences is shownin Fig. 8. The temperature differences between the lift-gasand ambient air can be corrected through the use of a cor-rection function, as is commonly done to adjust for temper-ature measurement biases arising due to radiative heating ofthe temperature sensors (Hertzog et al., 2004, 2006; Knudsenet al., 2006), but it should be noted that the impact of solarheating on the lift-gas temperature is much more significantthan the usual solar bias, up to+3 K as opposed to the typical∼ 1.5 K. The temperature differences can be modelled as:

Tdiff = (1)


β(1− e(θ−95)/λ0)+ γ e−(θ−90)2/λ1 θ ≤ 90

β(1− e(θ−95)/λ0)+ γ e−(θ−90)2/λ2 90< θ ≤ 95γ e−(θ−90)2/λ2 95< θ ≤ 150γ e−(θ−90)2/λ2 + δ · (θ − 150) 150< θ


where α, β, γ , δ, λ0, λ1, and λ2 are fit coefficients deter-mined from a linear least-squares regression. After remov-ing some flights with anomalous observations (unreasonablylarge differences, questionable GPS or pressure data), we usetemperature data from every second flight to fit the correc-tion function, and then apply this correction to the remainingflights. The fitted parameters are provided in Table 4, andFig. 9 shows the CFSv2 temperature differences with andwithout the correction applied. Application of the correctionfunctions reduces the mean Loon-reanalyses temperature dif-ferences to a few degrees, significantly improving the utilityof the Loon temperature measurements. However, the stan-dard deviation and the shorter-term, day-to-day differencesare still much greater than observed in other studies.

Ignoring the differences between lift-gas and ambient tem-peratures by focusing only on the night-time measurements, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 17, 855–866, 2017

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40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180−20












ce (


Solar z enith angle ( )o

Flight 322 temperature difference

Figure 8. Differences between Loon lift gas and interpolated MERRA-2 temperatures for flight 322. The SZA-dependent bias is clearlyvisible.

Figure 9. Differences between Loon lift-gas temperatures obtainedfrom selected odd-numbered flights (red traces) and temporally andspatially coincident NCEP–NCAS–CFSR reanalysis temperatures.Mean differences in each 1◦ SZA bin are shown with a solid linetogether with the first standard deviation of the differences as un-certainty bars. Differences after the application of the correctionfunctions are shown in blue.

we still find standard deviations of∼ 6 K while other balloonstudies typically have biases and standard deviations lessthan 2 K. Additionally the night-time measurements show in-teresting behaviour with common consistent night-long dif-ferences of up to ±10 K. Consideration of the upper boundon the thermometer uncertainty provided by the Loon team,the significant difference which is much greater than thoseusually dealt with using correction functions, and the unusu-ally inaccurate night-time temperatures leads us to concludethat currently the quality of the Loon temperature data means

Table 4. Best fit correction function parameters as determined byapplying the correction to every second flight.

α β γ δ λ0 λ1 λ2

−0.4116 28.25 5.039 0.2345 21.39 113.5 13.76

it is of little value in assessing the quality of the reanalyses.Particularly, the variations in the differences between the re-analyses and the corrected temperatures is dominated by theuncertainty in the temperature observations, as the reanaly-ses show only a ∼ 0.2 K variation in the biases and standarddeviations.

4 Discussion and conclusions

Loon long-duration balloon GPS trajectory information hasbeen used to examine the quality of the horizontal windsin reanalyses along with the concomitant trajectory errors.The fundamental goal of this study is to test the potentialfor the Loon balloons to be used in the evaluation of reanal-ysis fields in the stratosphere. This dataset is potentially ofhigh value because with the exception of the EOLE exper-iment detailed in Hertzog et al. (2006) the number of mea-surements available in previous studies has been far lowerthan the current dataset. It should also be noted that theEOLE experiment took place in 1971–1972 and therefore oc-curred previous to the satellite era and thus potentially doesnot offer a good test of the quality of the reanalyses giventhe very limited amount of data that was assimilated in theSouthern Hemisphere before the satellite era. Our results aregenerally in agreement with the limited number of previous

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studies. In particular, we find differences between reanaly-sis winds and the winds derived from the Loon trajectoriesthat are comparable with those in Knudsen et al. (2006) andBoccara et al. (2008); these differences are also smaller thanthose identified by Podglajen et al. (2014) but slightly largerthan those identified in Hertzog et al. (2004). In this study,latitude-dependent wind biases of less than 0.5 ms−1 andstandard deviations of roughly 3 ms−1 are observed. In com-mon with Hertzog et al. (2006) and Podglajen et al. (2014)we also find that the standard deviation of these differencesincreases toward the equator. We also note that these South-ern Hemisphere measurements have larger differences withthe reanalyses than identified in the Northern Hemispherestudy detailed in Hertzog et al. (2004). Unfortunately, wealso find that currently the Loon temperature measurementsare not suitable for comparison with reanalyses even aftera correction scheme similar to the one developed in Hert-zog et al. (2004) is applied to the data. When consideringthe biases and standard deviations linked to the four reanal-yses used in this study (ERA-Interim, MERRA, MERRA-2and CFSv2), we find that ERA-Interim and MERRA-2 haveslightly smaller standard deviations than the other two prod-ucts, the improvement between the MERRA and MERRA-2reanalyses being a notable achievement.

When the trajectories derived from the reanalyses windsare compared to the balloon trajectories, we again find broadcomparability with previous studies. For example, the result-ing 5-day mean (median) trajectory separations are found tovary from 620 (320) to 760 (480) km while work detailedin Boccara et al. (2008) found mean spherical distances be-tween 400 and 1000 km after 5 days. We also note that thepresent results are somewhat better than those identified inKnudsen et al. (2006) (1300 km after 5 days) which mightbe a little surprising given that inspection of Fig. 2 in thatpaper suggests the standard deviations in the winds usedin the trajectory model are comparable. However, a largerbias in the zonal wind (0.7 m s−1) was identified in Knudsenet al. (2006) than in the current study. We also note that thedetailed methodology used in the current study and Knud-sen et al. (2006) are very similar and we therefore suggestthat this difference may be associated with latitudinal dif-ferences in the quality of the reanalyses. It is also notablethat MERRA version 2 performs the best out of all the ex-amined reanalyses, showing significant improvements overversion 1. The relative separation analysis detailed in Fig. 7is also suggestive that the mean state and therefore the dis-tance travelled by the balloon plays a role in these separationstatistics. This fact likely explains the latitudinal structure ofthe trajectory statistics, with marginally lower mean separa-tions between 15 and 35◦ S than between 35 and 55◦ S in allfour reanalyses despite standard deviations in the wind dif-ferences increasing toward the equator.

As it stands, balloons launched as part of the X ProjectLoon network provide a useful independent test of atmo-spheric reanalysis winds. More balloons will continue to be

launched which, if they are not assimilated into reanalyses,will allow significantly greater coverage for reanalysis com-parisons, and perhaps enable an investigation into the sea-sonal variability of reanalysis accuracy. Further opportuni-ties for understanding the mixing in the stratosphere usingthe currently available Loon data are also being currently ex-plored.

5 Data availability

Reanalysis data used in this paper is publicly available fromNCEP, ECMWF, and the GES DISC for the MERRA andMERRA-2 products. Loon data is available upon requestfrom the Project Loon team.

Acknowledgement. The work discussed would have been impos-sible without support from the New Zealand Antarctic ResearchInstitute. We also thank the X Project Loon team for the generoussupply of the Loon data. We also acknowledge the NCEP reanalysisdata provided by the NOAA/OAR/ESRL PSD, Boulder, Colorado,USA, from their website (,the ERA-Interim product provided courtesy of ECMWF( and the Global Modeling and Assimi-lation Office (GMAO) and the GES DISC for the dissemination ofthe MERRA and MERRA-2 products. The author team would liketo thank the anonymous reviewers for their valuable input.

Edited by: P. HaynesReviewed by: two anonymous referees


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