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A catalogue of the descendants of Thomas Watkins, of ...

Oct 22, 2021



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Page 3: A catalogue of the descendants of Thomas Watkins, of ...

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Page 4: A catalogue of the descendants of Thomas Watkins, of ...
Page 5: A catalogue of the descendants of Thomas Watkins, of ...
Page 6: A catalogue of the descendants of Thomas Watkins, of ...
Page 7: A catalogue of the descendants of Thomas Watkins, of ...



—or THi:


rnoMAS Watkins,.




';•-•• FRANCIS \. WATKINS.'ly PKINi'F. ICOWAI;;.. CO.. VA.



r Any member of the family wanlirijjr one will address,


ATr..\a iTii.srix; (ovvany,H£\lit:us50,V, N c

Page 8: A catalogue of the descendants of Thomas Watkins, of ...

f^l (Credit I ^-^'^''^ "^ 'i^f ^ <-^

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I have endeo-vored, as occasional leisure and opportu-

nity would allow me to indulge my curiosity, co ascertain

,the names and history of my paternal kindred. Theannexed catalog'ie is one of the results of my inquiries.

[t is mainly designed to be a register of the names f)f the

descendants of Thomas Watkins, of fhickahomony, (mypaternal grandfather) and of his youngest brother, Benja-

min VVatkins, of Chesterfield, and is printed only for cir-

culation among my friends. 1 regret that I have not beenable to learn the descendants of the brothers and sisters

. of these ancesrors, but hope that this information may be

obtained at some future time. I have supposed that someinterest would be imparted to this paper, by recording a

few of the mnmorials of the virtues nnd history of some of

our ancestors, a?id I have therefore prefixed this intro-

ductory note.

The extremely migratory charficter of the early settlers

of Virginia, am] che absence of parish, and even of family

registers, render success in genealogical investigations, al-

most impossible, These fMCts will, in part, account for the

defects and imp*-^rfections of this paper; and ! do nc->t knov/

that my own note? would have gone to the printer except

, that i am induced fo believe. aiid hope from the encour-

aging interest 'vhicli some of my kinsmen have manifested

in my humble elfort to preser\-e the memory of at least the

«^z."/c'.y of the kindred, that the information necessary t(.

• complete the catalogue and notes may be hereafter fur-

nish.ed. anci ihe defects in the papf^r f>e supplied, and its

'-': errors corrected in a future edition.

The tradition that the Watkins family is of Welsh ori-

gin is, T doubt not, authentic: and I h.ive nsccrtained oneor two facts, wfiicw induce me to believe tliat our ances-

tors \vcre, as 1 have often heard, tray-viakers. The earliest

record of the name 1 meet wich is of Jairie.s Watkins,

i 'labourer.' (see r Smitli's flist, of Va.. p. i72W>ne of tla.^

Page 11: A catalogue of the descendants of Thomas Watkins, of ...


CKnigrants in the Phoetiix, about ICoy or '?, and ^vho

sfcms to have generally accompanied V'aptaine JohnSmith" in his adventures and voyages of discover}^ "of

the Cliisapeack Bay,"' and elsewiiere, Si>me have sup-

posed that we arc descendeci Irom tins .]:!ir,es. My ^^aiher

(Mr. Henry E. Watkins) tells me 'S^ ^ {\\&.l\' \va^ a tradition

in the family, ofrencd mentioned i ni.:, f.^.' znd otjicrs,

thnt two brothers emigrated t', V ;•.•. .rom Wales andtiiat the one settled near Richmo;;, ;>'.u.! he orhci on the

liappahannock. A Mr. Dmv^! " itknis tf Marvlarid.

often visited my grjtndfather ( Nj. i Junce-^^ Watkins), and

resembled him in apjtear.^nctr. Thc}' call ".;ch other cous-

in but never could trace the reiatton^iiip. Tnere are sev-

eral families of the name. resiJinj^ i.'; Pov/hatan, Appomat-tox, Pittsylvania, and elsewhere mi \a. . wYu) r;re supposed

to be connected with those nici; i ^>iU'd in the annexed cat-

alogue. I regret that I have iv-.'. been .ible to ascertain

the connection.

Dr. Foote in his "Sketches of Vh.,'" (p. J 38) rc-feis to a

]")resentment made in 1743 bv the Grand Jury of the then

C»eneral Court of Virginia, of erne ThoiTias \\'.'-.ikin3, -.r,'!

of Kdward Watkins, of the parish and Couniy of ii/.riccs

for reflecting on the Established Religion.' It may be

that the tarly records of the General Court, or some of the

('ourts of <"he Eastern counties, (to which I have not hadaccess), might discover to us whether this Edward wasnot the grandfather of Tliomas of C'hickahomony rcterred

to below. •

'i'he common ancestor, from w hom tiiose mentioned in

the annexed catalogue sprung, wa.s Thomas Watkins. Here.^.idcd en Swift

,Creek, in Powhiitan County, \''irginia,

then Cumberland County. My only knov>ledge of him is

derived from his will, which was recorded from the CountyCourt of Cumberland at the ,Iune term of the Court in the

year 1760. and bears" date in March of ihe same year.

From that paper I ascertain thai he had son^ and daugh-ters as follows, viz,


1. SUSA^•^•AH WooD.^ON is mentioned b) the testator

as his daughter.

2. Mary WoobSON, v.dfe of John Woodson, of Gooch-

Page 12: A catalogue of the descendants of Thomas Watkins, of ...


lai^d. is also mentioned. Of thcr,c families, I have a?, yetascertained nothing larthcr than what we learn from thewill.

.3. FhoMas \\ ATKINS is mentioned as his eldest son,

H;-' joscendants are enumerated in the annexed c-italogue,

4. lUl.ZABKTH !*-^ lET. is recordc/d as the name of an-other f.'nu filter. S ._va? iht- ppternai <Traudmother of the^e W'm Da^.^^f'-^r , and from her is descended Mr^F!!<iU;i, \lr^. '.'oit^rjian, of Cumberland, G. VV. Daniel, of

!''araiv,l:<.-. hlcy, Eilet, M;s. Wood Bouldin, Judge WniDariicl. A the Va. Tr.sjrt of Appeals, C. D. Coleman, Esq.,

of <'uir!liC:!c.nQ, an(^-theis. '^•^ '*^**7pC»-a-^&«L, /-H^

5. SiKi'iiLN Wa'IKTN- uas another sGiMvho died before

the iarh'.T. iiis children, Sieplien di'd h.iizabcih., are me!'.-

tioned in ;hf \\' ill as lesidin^ in Aniclia, The late Mr, I'.

VV. !,eij.:h, intormf d mc liiat M-s Ihos. ('lav, of Dinvvid-

'ilt, A'as a dau^hrer i)! this Stcplien.

K -JAEN WaTKINS" is also me!iti'.ned as a daughter,ana her sons Joseph and Thomas are rrrli^rred to.

7. JOFI, WatKINS is a son nnd one of the executors, 1

b'ivc s..!ppost.d b.f -Aar- ihr ancestor of the AppomattoxWatkinses.

'^. r.)-,"-' ! AM IN 'X.xiKiN^ vvcis tlie vounfjest son of Thorn-as of Sv\-s[t Ci'Ctdx His dcsctriVoants as far as I couldlearn ti;ei;i

iare Ciiumorated bs-iovv. .



THOMAS WATuIXS, c-f Chicahonu^ny,

(Fji by this tiilt ho v}!> .^f^neraiiy 'lesi..;nnted }. ^^.\^ the

j'ldest -on iif Th^funas ;)i SAJfc (reel:, above !le

mrirried a Miss" And'ernon (hciice tht ;nidd!e name so often

found in tids brunch of the \\ atkins family j, probably .'>!

fhestcrfield She was a sister of Claiborne .4iider.«ion, of

Chesterfield, the g^randfather of the late Mrs. VVm. R.

Johnson. 'J'homas Watkins residt-d near BcjttonTs Hridgeand died in 178.3. .\i\' limited knuwU-dge of him was de-rived from a few old papers found amonj:j those of his sonFrancis Watkin.s, of Pr: Edward, and from the late Mr.Leirrh. "Of Thomas Watkins, of Chicahomony," haid Mr,Leigh. ':! have heard very full accounts from my motherand from my uncle Thomas, both of whom knew him very

Page 13: A catalogue of the descendants of Thomas Watkins, of ...

6 A C\rALOi;["i" OF TIIK DF~^crNI»ANTS

well; he \va-: a man of the hiyh'-'^'t re'-poctiibiiity in cvei-y

point of viov,', and, in particular, .) man of the !no:-;t indc^-

faLi;.xabIe industry. He rcaicd a large family of .childrvji;

(four sons and seven daugliterh), vvi':h limited iri'-au';, andvvh';n ihev' entered upon tiic active duties v)f life, he ceiits

to liave made bat little, if any advancen.ient.s. to hi-^ sons at

least. lea\in;; them, either from "oe''essit>' or T-mdential

considerations, to depend mainiy Oi> ^Vnrou-n envr;,-;y and

resources. I hav'e seen 'nis vvill. and imd amon;j:; the papers

of hir. exeeiit ors. in relation to its evecution. evicenct's ol

a vcvy aiTectioriate re^^ard a-nionj:,^ the childi'-r. for the

v.'i.'dies of the father, aiKi ot their ^Teat inte^n-ity. 'I here is

a coiJicil attaelied to his v.ii!, in wh.ich !ie desi^iuxi to de-

vise real and personal e-tate, of a \Mlac i infer, equal to

my bequest in the v/il! to pers'^^ns n.>t members of h;s fam-ily. There v.-as no [>ro(>f '.if the evc-'Uti' 'U of the writing.

pr.rponhiL^ to be a codicil to the wil!, i):-)^\ it never went lo

.record. B>' the ofteratior. of th^ then evist'n;.; ;a\v, Ll^e old

jrian died intestate as tr) the proficrty meuiioneu in tlic

codicil, arid the real estate desccnilcd to t'le ehiesl son.

Henry, and the persona! assets, bv virtut' of the will, werif

to tiie brothers and si-.tcrs. The <ons. da.!^li*:!::r-;, aiu!

sons-in-iaw appear to iiavc been t^nxious to carr)' -jJt & '..•

eld gentlemai.'s v/is'ies, alth''ii.:jh it de;>riy.-. d theiv, (.;-

cst of some % to them. There bein^; ijifan^.s ir-i.cre-

ed 'the childre ' ..>f I'honias .) i., •vho <''edi sone diisV

cujtics occurred in cnrryinr.]^ out the intf-n'.ions (")f the i.e.-c;;'.-

Tor, The cliildrcn not only reliiKji.^-^hed tf> tt\c iii!.en;.'ed

beneficiaries their ri^:;ht and title to the pr';pe!cy in eaics-

tion. '^ut JHcidi- libera! con.tribnti'..>ns tt, thv: intcCid.rd de


') he children of Ti)<MlKl^ vViiikins. of (.'liicahomony were:

!. Henry Watkins."-- of '.'lince lui'.vcird Co., Va.,

'.!. J-h-nn.cis Watkins, do. •. ,:

ill. loel Walkins. Charlotte.

'S"C' t'xpljiiiJi tioii C)f tti'- cntali'i;'!!'' lollowiiiii tiii--' iiit''':itn'-t( ry

iif>t( 'I hf i!uni(:'i-alrt iivc M(ri;;;"i. lioth iti The .XoU- i-.nd in tb<^

<;!'" jjtouuf, to tilt' ria!fK>.«i of tht- t. liil'h-fu of Thomas V.a'.kii.K. of

<'hu-Kiihotuo!i,v. IMiP spoils and dci-ciidan is iU!- (irsi (ucn i ioiie*!.

I ienns th;;t .\ir.s. .VJas.s(>y ua.s thcii- ohit'sr HlauirVittT ^.rKl .\hv.

Ro.v.-tcr tht' .ViMjTi^'KJt. 1 liHVf jjut aM-tM'U>iii<'(J tho pcrujvivS oJ'IkvMiiii Ol" Ui" 'Ir'ib'u.

Page 14: A catalogue of the descendants of Thomas Watkins, of ...


\\ . Thomas Watkiiis, f^ovvhatan.\'

. Betsy, who married Maj. Natli'l \[a>hie, of Gocchlarid.

Vi. Susamia, who married (oi. \Vm. Ntorton, Charlotte

VIJ. Su'Iy, who iTiarried .lolin Spencer, E.sq.

VIII. Mary, who married Stephen Pankey, Manchester.

IX. Nancy, who married Smith B'akey.. Henrico.X-. Jane, who married Cliarle.s Hundley, Goochland.XI. Prudence, who married Win. [{oyster.

I. jHI^NRV WATKINS was the eldest child of Thomas.of Chickahomony. He married Temperance Hughes, of

Chesterneld, the near r-elativeof the Jes.^ie Mughi-s whomarried a daui,>-hrer of the late Capt. Hez. Morton, oi

i^i'ince Kdwprd. lie removed at an early period after hi.s

maraiage. or about that time, to Prince F.dward, and lo-

cated himself on tiie head watprf^ of P.iisl\ iliver, residing at

the deatli, at tlie pr<"seni residence (in 1853) of thr wido\'.-

of the late lieni)- .\. Watkins. He also owned a farm near

Prince Kdward C. \\. He v.asa plain, unpretc'ndin;^ m:in,

greatly respected and beloved, especially by his Uinsnien;

tiiat he w?s a ^reat favorite with ttiem is sho^vn by t!ie

f-Kt XXyaX s(j many of his rel.'itivps are named after him;. Hewvi- distincniished for Iris indostr)" and for his benevolence,and withour being parsimoniou>M he practiced, both fromprinciple and neeessity, g-reat economy. Wy mother tells

ine he was rej^arded as the ^'nccuicl httsdoiu'i'^'" of his day;tnd hi.s neighbors used to say 'thnt his w if.-'s death cansedhis own.' He died about the year rjqS. He raised a lar^e

family of chihlren. who, wi:h their desceitdants. ;ire men-tioned in the catalogue. One of theri!, TfiCM \S W \rKiXs,

dt.servf.s most "hon.orable iviention." His father deter-

*OiH- ur!'-!p Hf^nry is not th^^ only one of thf» name who iiopr.-i

to he^rc'inc'!>ih'.-'!viJ its the ninij(-} htish^ai'l. it' inct'k ami bfC'UiiH.iii-

siibn^ission. to homo aiithoiity, am! iovc .'ind ;i(lmirnrii>ii ofthcir'vcivts eoastirute any '.•iaini ro that title, there an* niauvru»e sjitcinionis of uneii a cli;'-('.icti-r ;onoi)j.>' tlio race, and i tVei

('illy nuUioi-ized to vfU'v to s.^•i'^.ll oi" my kinsmen. uikI ifnuxios".Hlhiuefi me, ti> him who pen-- I hesc lin«'s a-* proof jiosiiivc \it

4Wh;U I have Siiiii: I iit)i:ht nor rh.-it sonio of uiy hachehjr tVif-nrls

'.vill thank me Cor >);^r[ictua tinii- tIk' mtje.Hi-y ot tiiis e.\ei'lii'nr,

family vii-tu?: [am s;nie I sii;ill U.t ve ren<''^nHl them som.' si-i-vii-f,

if 1 si!;)!]. \:y thl.-; monn-;. promot*; xlnMr ititere.sts. witii the ln'3i'.\-<.

whi) an|»Knr lie;t^tof(.re ti> l>o rather insen.^'h''-' t^e tlii'Ir ti^crits in

t !!i.< vviir: vn .

Page 15: A catalogue of the descendants of Thomas Watkins, of ...


mined to give hwn the ad\'antar(es of the educntion afford-

ed by the best .'-chools 1)5 the period of Ids vouth. and al-

though tho Rc\ohition.irv tvar prevciited the full cxecu-tioi'i of his purposes in this respect, he received mote culti-

vation than was usually bcwtC'wed on (jje sons of planter;^.

In 1780 '82 Thomas Watkins made an earnest appeal to

the pntrii:)tism cf his neighbors and youtdifui companions,to rendci- their aid in achieving- the liberties of their coun-

try. By his successful efforts a troop of xoiunteer ^cavalr>'

was organized in T'^irict' ICdward. and he vas elected ijs

captain. He offered his cosnpany t' fiien., and de-

sire(; t(» be received into his "Lt-jjion': his troop (iresentii.g

a rather plain and unar tractive appearance Ids applicatifwi

Vv'at^ refused; suhscqueri*" events proved that Gen. i^'c had

acted unwisely, and when tiic General aflcrwardh re

quested thai' the Princn Kdward troo[. should join liiin,

Capi Watkins indignatitly refused to acquirsce in t!)c:

proposition. Reserved under Gen. Gi-een^. and at Guil-

ford C. H., in March 1781. waK disf ing-uished tor his bra-

veiy. I have heard often ot th.c «;aliaiitry of thiscornpanyon the occasion, and authentic anecdotes have been pre-

served of their bold, dwrinj^ captain, who was ofteji seen

on the field, insrnring, by his conduct and. h'-^ words, adtb

courage, the spirits of a dL'^hearte;:ed soldier}-, and. in suv-

j:i^ie combat he won laurels. C(d. Washing-ton v. rote Capt.

Watkins a letter, after the!\ at (iuilford. in whichthe conduct of the Prince F^dward troop and their con^-

manding iifficer \ver.- highly commended. After t)ie ch)-e

of ihe war Co! V\'atkins (ff>r hir* waH made a colonel of no-

li' ia) lived in [*rince Edvvard, at the plant.ition aitcr-vards

o^vned by hiH 80n Dr S. V. Wajkins. He rendered muchusefu' ^iervice to his count rv as a Justice of the Peace andas a good citi/en. l)uring his last illness he revealed a fnc'.

which had caused him jruich unhappiness, but winch he ha;.l

until then concealed from his friends. He stated that in a

furious char;^e ar Guilford, in a personal encounter with a

British officer, the latter asked for "quarter," but, m Ins

im[n;tuo^ity, the Colonelstated that h.e killed his advei'^ary

'I'iie evvi^U, he added, had caused Jdm much unhappmcS'from itFoccurrencc to t'he end of his life, lie (bed about

1797- .•...


.>,•, .

Page 16: A catalogue of the descendants of Thomas Watkins, of ...



•' '

II' FRANCIS \VA TKINS, oi Poplar (iiil, v/as the sec-

ond son ofrho'.fias. of Chi<'kahomf)ny. At dn earl}' age h^

"; was received i:i the offn-e of his uncle Benjamin VVatkin-^,

•:, the celebrated f.rst clerk of Chesterfield. Hisii-nired edt


' cation was obtained v.nder his uncle's traitiincr, and his sub-

sequent practical and useful life demonstrated the benefirs

he derived froin these early associations. He ever fcH"

- verv grateful to his uncle for his kindness. He became a

deputy sheriff of ChesterBeld count\-; and enrercd Ids life

of business witii a sin^^le "pistarepu" as his forrune. 'I'lu

• first monev he e\-er earned lie appropriated to the purchase' of Rollins' An:ient Hi.-.!ory ; and alihou^h uneducated in

the h^arning of the schools }ic did not allcvv his mind to

be uncultivated, but exhibiled the industry v.hich he i-a.-

ried into other pursuits, in acquiring u.>^efui and practical

knowledge. About i 76; he came r(. {Vinct- Kdward and

qualified du.ring the year as deputy (o Mr. J. Le Neve, the

/ iirst clerk of Prince lOdward. In 1 783 (at Mr. Le Neve"s

dearh) l;e was eleced the clerk of fhe county court, a-

' also those ,)f thf* clerk of the District ar:d !,'i.->' eoui'tvs,

h- held till til- ynr 1825, a period of forty-two years.

Hp rt-.siuiipii f.i.K otfici's durin<: thi.s year and died ii* ISL'^'.

-• • - ,Hc n!airi-d ALf;!^•s, daughter of fliehard Woodson an 1

s f>f Naiiu'e, ills foIMn^M "A-ifH, formeriy Ntinnie Mieheaux. a' French woinan of lluu-ijenot celebrity. A laithfu! .>^kfteh

•of the life and rharacter of Mrs. A^'ties Watkitis mij^ht o-"

]M-olitaiiii- and intei-estinu:. esp'ecialiy to her descendaiith.

Slie wiiB a r<^m!ifkable woman in many respects, arsii (>'

. viJKbudJtpd wMiius 'j'ld^ narrative couid be cxt«-nded ffir

iir>yonii the limii.-! I propo-e to nixself. uiiii Muthee.tie

';.. ;r.iecdotns, lohi by tiie old people or • day, of

t hi'' i;-reat ingenuit^• of .Mis. WMtkins, as displayed in In f

(}v'ii.r.'u:i\ calico piitits. i^iu fah-am-e ^>i hera«j;p', of her >dl:

tn.-inufncf nri'S, of !he loom riiMoi- by h^=r dirertions. at;d *•!



' isei' iioai';- uiade <.;•?. mat lor teactdno- hpr dauuhtt-MS tir- cle-

:* ns-'ntary 'prMieipics of music. She tot) wjs.s fis nrm at d

daring" in action n--! si.." v/as bold and ori^in:d in tlamjir.l.

• A dest.Tlsa- from (iti.erai rarlrt ui'.s [or(;\s .ir Moore's Or-'

. dinarx', in th*^ unifonii of nnd .<nppo.'<ed by iiff lo ce a

'.: oriti^li soldic-r, a' tianpit-d i ti [I'i-hti-u her on ou'' (''Cvi^-

sioit; lie .-^i^on ['ouia.l, th.')t iiy flight alone lie e c-sin pe

Page 17: A catalogue of the descendants of Thomas Watkins, of ...


the Mic of her :mU\ \n the us- of which aho was practicc'dand skillful S!ie dk^d jih.oiu 1S20Francis Wfiikins iiiicl wj!V liv.-.lfor tlie whol" of their

louL'- jHi.l h;i;)|u- mfirrit'd iife nt [^oplMr [Jill, tlie jXMseiittrsidcace (»f thi'ii- t'TaiiflMon Pr;irKisP Wood.Of the chai<ic(er (;f Fniiicis Wntkiiis I have uMtr.inljy

iicnrdmorf \i\:\ri of Isis hroi iicrs .-iiid sister:-;. Up seems tohave \>f'.'i] heJd in hioji cstefni for his sound itid-nH-iit .

v^i-ent iI)(eo|•it^•, indusfrv ;ind bencvolonco, hv' a!! \v!ioknew iiiui. Thf. judjj,>'.s antj huvvers fsonu:' of eini?ien(e),who tttreniied thf session of ihe i)isli'i.'r {U)ni't at. ]\i:u\^Edward C. H., were his friend-- ;ii;d frequcn! (i'ljcsts, ar.J(blonel Patrick llciirv ,na: Ucuia-Jv stM^ns to h;; ve licen o ".

teraui of intiniacv with hins and his coriesjio/uhMtt Tl)eRon. ih'ovuv M. I'dhl), (a nntive (,f Prince E(iw;)rd and ;

U,^^ Senator frouj Kt-nticky) s.iys of hnn "Uu-.t lie unsmost punctiHoes in the d^schari^c of tlic (iuties of ids

Oiiice, an expevicnced clerk, of great intePiyence, of com-prehensive mind, and by lo'-.w- ex-;jerience and oljservati'M;had bc'-ome wei! versed in th»' j^^cticra! jirinc"; les of !;i\v

and equity, without havini^r f,een a regular studeist of thelaw. Mis habits of business, his j^^reat inte^cfrit)- and i;p-

rightnes.s, and the scrupulous performance of his duu'es in

al! the relations of life, hail L;ained'for him the respect arid

confidence of tlic judges, the lawyers, and the coaimuidty."

in. JOKi; WATKINS of \Voodf(>rk, Chariotte, v.^as

the third son of Thornas of Chickaliornony, and p'-obablywas youMi^^er th'oi one or more of his sisters He ren^ovdfrom Menrico to CJiarh^r.te x\ hen a voui^,:^'- iiian, at tiie

perscasion of his brother-indaw, Col. U iUiain ?vb.,;t..n'.

herein often mentioneci. fie married Ajriies .Morton. ?.istVjr

of Colonel Mortem. llis residence a few miles northor Charlotte C. li., at VVorulfork. !{e dud afItioui t!u

year . Few i;ien apprar to have been more belovcithan this excellent old m;m, "T never kncv/ him/' said.\Jr. Leij^h' "and 1 am ver\- sorr_\- for it, for, accordin^^ 'oi

my intormation. he wa-^ the ver>- best man thai evt<" 'o ed:n this worhb'" lie \vd> remarkable, s;,ys another uhv^knew him v.eli, "for benev(dencc, and infe{^rit\


a pattern of /,7'/.vi7/-r, one of tiie kindest of friends —Cac


Page 18: A catalogue of the descendants of Thomas Watkins, of ...

OF TI[Oa!AS WATKiNS. .ITfj'icrul rtf the ft!CiMil>;ss, oih; v.'ho corafortcd live widow in

afliiclion. the fatht^r to the orph'ui, .1 friend to the p!"'>".

the adviser of ycs'itii, without an cncriiy, and his deathtviourned by all. "" ''^ '• '' "lie would court the coni-

pan}- of youth." •' * * "T have heard him compare^J t<;

the fathi^r of hi-: countiy." Another st}ied him the "gr;;al

[)caceinaker.'' There was one virtue for whicfi he and lii^

brother Francis were noted, and which deserves mentior.

I refer to their parity of chtracter as exhibited by ;

coidiai disgust ac hearing vidgar and unciiaste coi;versa-

ti'jii. 'j'heir kindnes-^ and politeness might sotne'cimes

prevent apparent rudeness to the retailers of such reijiarki

but they g^ave no sig'ns of encouragement to the conversa-

tion; and Col. Joel Watkins wouh"! start off to light in^

pipe. Among the papcr-^ of the iate ibm. John Randolphwas found a MS v.ritten by himself, of which the folJo-viiig

is a Copy:— "()n Suntiay, tiie 2nd dav Januarv, depf,«r!ed

livish'fe, ar an ndv;-nced age. beloved, honc>red and Ui


mrnted b}' all u lio knew him. Col. Jnel Watkins, of the

county <"'! ("harh)tte and State of X'irginia. U illnjt

shining abihfies (^r ( he advantages of an education, bypiain, straiglitfiirwaicl industry, under the gui<laT;ce ot

old-faskioiu'd hon',;^ty find practical good sense, he accu-

Uiulated an ample fortutie, in which, it is hrmly bcHevni.there uas not one dirty skiilini;. 'i'hese fruit.s of ovn.'abors he distributed with m promjjtitude and h'berality

seldoni eopialed, but nt'ver surpassed, in suitable provi-ion

to his children at llieir enirance in'o life, and on e^erydest:rvin|j; oi)jvCt of private benevoieiice or pubhc ^piIi*.

reserving t(i himself the means of a generous but itnosien.-

t;(ri HIS hospitality. Nor was lie Hbcra! of his rn<>ne\' •inly

His time, his trouble uerc ne\er wiiliheld (?n the b-nch.

or in his neighborb.ooth whim they cc^nd be useful')^ em-ployed. !f, as we are assured. tliaf peacemakers are

blesseii, adio shall feel stronger a<^urance of bliss, thanmust have smoothed this old man'.-j passage to ar, unk^n-Anworid."

. IV. idlOMAS WArKiNS. JR, was the you:;gc^t

-xyci of Thimas cf Cliick'.ihomonv-. and may ha\M beet!

younger than s(mie of his sisti^rs. None of his ciescenduuh

Page 19: A catalogue of the descendants of Thomas Watkins, of ...


reside in X'irin'ni''^. ^^^i^^ ' ha\-e but a few sctaps of his

liistory. f{e mrirricLl proviiJM-; to 1763, atu! dicl before

his.fathtjr, who died in ij^'v 1 have not been abic to

gratify v,\y curiosity in ascerlainini;- who he married, ex •

ceijl thht her christian name was "Saily."' and that she

niarric'd. ag;ain ta a Mr. Morris, and renioved ti) Kf^ntucky;

from thi> second marria-c sprung' Mr. jolui Morris, Mrs.

i?sl-y 'Vaij!]^, and perhajis orhcrs. Tiioni^is \\'atkin.>^, Jr,

lived on Swift Creek," in f'ouharan, tlien Cuinbt-rhand i

infer, from faets exhibited b)' old papers, that he met with

misfortune and lei't little or no patrimony to his children.

Their falher'.s family, and particularly their uncle i*'ranci.s,

vv'ere kind to then'!, \n aiding thrm in obtaijjing mi ctluca-

tion; and I fmtl an^ioiig the pipers tiled by mv grandfather,

lettf-Ts from several of the gentlemen of this family (a!!

of whom emigrated t'-^ ihe South and West,) vt.-ry credita-

ble to the hearts and head.-; of the writers, fud of expres-

sions of their grateful remfmbmncf' of Inm. Son>e of

tiiese letters show the}- \\t re nien i>f undo.'.bted

genius and well cultivated minds, and \hct public aiKJ

private hi.stors'- of the numerous' descend. inls of Tliomas

Watkins, Jr., give evidence of great emTgy, indu.-.!iv -u-

tegrifyand talenfs. As a legislator in (Georgia, Robert\\'atkins, (a son) was distingaisiu-d for an act of rcj.resen-

tative fidelity and integrity, which made his name hon-

ored v>ijerever ir was known. George C. W'atldriS, a

grandson 01 Thomas, has Miled or now occipies the ottice

of Attorney G^-neral of Arkansas, and is regirded as fMie of

the most learned and able lauyers .>f tiic State. T'liiise,

ofthenai'ne. who in my opinion, feel a laudible lut'o-;'!)-

wiih regard to their kindred and cot.nectiiui, ;nid weo gixe

r.ot undue credence fo the doctrine ot the descent of

moral, intellectual, and ph\-ii-ai qualities, wdl regret v/iil>

me that wc know so jirt'o of the wife of Thorn, -.s, and the

mother of his children, '["he iraditio'uis "tliat she wa.s a

;eni»fk;d)!e Wf>" 1 !er descendant s in.riCi iti^i pon-ibly

!roin her. that energy and n^-irked ciiaracter wiiich

crovvticcl their eff(jr!s with no little success in life.

r. S. Hei- second husb;ind'.^ name v/as Josliua Morris,

of Kentucky, 'i'he children of the last warriac-c were


Page 20: A catalogue of the descendants of Thomas Watkins, of ...


John Vlorris, of jllinois, and Mrri. Betsey Craig, of Ken-


V. BETSEY VVATKINS is supposed to have been the

oldest of the dau^^hters. vShe died before her father and

v/as not known to any of the present generation. Ali I

have been able to learn of her history from any of her^

descendants is, that she married Nathaniel Massie,'bf

Goochland, a most respected gentleman of high character,

who manifested in the early and eventful period of his

country's history, great patriotism. He held an office in

{he revohi*"ioT-ary arniy, ranking as Colonel. Sons of his

descendants have attained eminence in Ohio and the

West,. _

VI. SUSANNA WATKINS was the name of another

daughter, i-ihe married Col. \Vm. Morton, of Staunton

River, ('harlotte, on the 29th October, 1764. This excel-

lent woman i^ still rem.ymbered with great veneration and

affection by the old p'-ople of the countr}', and was be-

lovHd for her devoted piety, uniformly exhibited di'.ring a

long and consistent life. Distinguished for the **meek

and qniet spirit," .vhich so beautifully ndorned her life,

lier virtues siione m.jst conspicuously al Jiome, and to her

husband and children siie was of priceless value. iVut it

.Mrs. Morton had been a v/ovnan of no marked and dis-

tinctive character, th.e alliance with Col. Morton brought-

mucii honor to her name. He must have been an extra-

ordinary man. rie seems to have held som.e office, v/hile

a Vijung man, which called him occasionally to Williams-

burg, the then seat of government of Virginia. On one

of these jourr^eys, he called at the residence of Thomas'»\"atkins of Chickahomony. and the acquaintance uith his

daughter resulted in their marriage. He settled on the

Staunton River, at the plantation now (in KS52) occupied

bv his y-randson. He enlisted in the patriotic service of

his country, and exhibited muc/i ga!ianti-\ at the battle of

Guilford C. 11. lie was /ifter.vards a faithful nnd useful

justice of \\\{i I'eace in Charlotte County; and on one

occa>^ion refused to vote for the nomitiation to the execu-

tive of \'!rgin!a. for a militia olhcer to be commissioned as

a major, 'j'hc othcer demanded his reason; Col. M. told

Page 21: A catalogue of the descendants of Thomas Watkins, of ...


hirn, ''that when he ran at Guilford from the enemy's tire,

he {Col. M ) ///rtnvhi/ him back into the lines.'' A per-

.sonal dilliciilty was apprehended by the friends; atvd whensomeone anked the Colonel if lie did not feel some apprc-

Iien.sions for iiis safety, in makin*^^ so grave a charge, he

promptly replied, '•no, I th.rashed hitn once, and can do it

again it neces>ary." The charge caused n lawsuit; the

Colonel hnd son^e difTiculty in obtaining the proof of the

alleged slander, but \vhen he was full}' sustained by an old

soldier who 'A itncsscd the scene, the prosecution of the

suit vvas abandoned. Few men were held in higher venera-

tion and regard, 'oy all, young and old, tlian Col Morton;

and .mainly for his piety and benevolence, and for all these

high and ennobling virtues which make up and complete

tfie character of the "good citizens." As an evidence ot

his exceeding kindness of heart, no love of profits could

induce hirn to sell corn to the poor beyond the lowest

market price, during a season when, from great scnrcity

in the country, corn wa« commanding a very high price.

And at such times he liberally supplied the wants of the

extremely poor, without price. In fhe devfiof>ment of

wonderful sagacity of mind, Ctil. M. exceeded any man of

whom 1 have ever heard: and especially in ferreting out

crime. He vvas emphatically a "terror to e\'il doers,"

The various nnd authentic anecdotes of his r.kill, at tracing

others by * /njt^^/;/_.f' them, arc most vv'onderfu!. Among

the many facts which are lold of him in thi.s particular, I

mention one. A riding horse was stolen, while the con-gregation were engaged in public worship, on .some ncca-

-sion at Rriery ('hurcli. Col. Morton followed the track of

the horse into North Carolina; the thief evidently designedto prevent pursuit, if practicable, by often leaving; the

direct road; but he could n«>t evade the Cnjonel. Hepursued him, by following the horse's track, and withoutaid, he apprehended hinV The thief was brou^^lit back to

Virginia, and convicted and punished.

The Presbyterian church had few more useful, con-

sistent, and zealous, and wise members ttian Col, Morton;he wa.s, for a long period, a Ruling Elder of tliC denomi-nation.

Page 22: A catalogue of the descendants of Thomas Watkins, of ...


Mrs. Morton died some years before her husbaiid. Verynumerous descendants survived thf-m; their children andj^rand children are among the most honorable and re-

spected in the commonwealth, vvhose useful lives illustrate

the benefits of the examples and counsels ol:' tht^ir excel-

lent ancestors.

VII. SALLY WATKINS was another daotjhter of

Thomas VVatkins of ("hickahomcrty- She married Capt..

j((hn Spencer, of Tharlotte. She too was eminent for herdevoted piety and sound sense. She led a very retired

and noiseless life, contr-nted at home, and devotii-CT hertime and attention to the training of her children. Howsuccessful she whs in accomplishing this f^ood wurk washappily iliustrated in the lives of iier children, two of

whom it haw been ruy good forfune to know, viz: ('apt.

Thomas Cole Spencer, who died some few years sincf


leaving to hin amiable famii}' a name synonymous with all

that is virtuous and good. • 1 have seldom known morereally kind hearted christian gentlemen than these tworespecct'd broti:ers. Tht-ir sisters emigrated to the South,carrying in good and honest hearts the seeds of holyu i.-^dom sown bv a mothers hand brin'nng forth in their

hv'cs the matured fruits of righteousness. •

VIFL MARY VVATKINS. another daughter, marriedMr. Stephen I'ankey, an Inspector of Tobacco at Man-chester. They died before most of the generation wa^born, and I have learned but few particulars of them.They were noted, for iheir affectionate regard to .Vlrs.

I'ap.key's relations; and Mr. Pankey enjoyed in an eminentdegree, the respect and confidence of rhe public. Theirdescendants reside ma'nly in .Arkansas, where they lead

useful and h^norMble lives, some of them having renderedefficient and value'.! service to their Commonwealth.

IX. NAMCY W.A.TKINS, another daughter, marriedMr. Smith Blakey. of Henrico,—a hij^hly honorable man,a ho by ;^reat industry and straightforward hone'^ty ac-

quired an am[jle fortune. He manifested great gener-osity and kindness to his wife's relatives, very liberally

aiddng seme of Uuur., and otherwise promoting (heir

interests. * He hn.d only two children; one of whom

Page 23: A catalogue of the descendants of Thomas Watkins, of ...


(ThonKis) was killed b)' ;^ fall from a Iiorse, the orlier.

(Gcot'i^e) left but few dcscentiants. The la^t son. in

miiny points of character, resembled his ancestors, and in

appearance and habits wos very much a 'W'atkins.'

X, JANE WATKINS was the name of another

(hui^htcr She married Charles Hundley. The only

member of this branch of the family whom I have ever

known, wp.s Joel Hundley, of Springheld, Kentucky, a

soldier in the late Mexican war, and a very worthy and

honest man, 1 hope, if the ('atHloj^ue ever goen to «i

second edition, that \.\\v defects in this note will be


XI. PRUDENCE WATKiXS was the youngest child

of Thomas Watkins of ('hickahom;>ny, She married W'mRoyster, of Goochland,—a gentlcrnnn of great worth. Aii

I can learn of his wife is. that i^he was ^^reatly beloved byher kindred, and by all \vho knew her. It ha.s been mvgood fortune to have kno'.vn some of l:ier descendants, and

I regret that 1 do not know 'Jicm all.

To my kinsmen, let me sa\- in conclusion of this note, 1

respectfully dedicate this very huir.ble attempt to keepalive tlie remetr.brance of the names of the members ;tf (lie

various families with which \vc jire connected. 1 hopethsy will take the trouble to send me for a future edition,

corrections of the errors which ! know will be found in

these pages. I was dependent upon correspondence f!>r

much of the information attempted to be given, and no

doubt have made mistakes in transcribing names.

i will frankly confess that curiosity first yjrom.pted meto these investigations. I had often heard, thut there

was a m:irked resemblance, personal and intellectual,

betvv'pcn the vaJ'iou.s members of the family, and I desire

to ascertain the fact in relation to this allegation Thi.<;

little pam.pii'.c-t has cost me some labor and expense bur

i shall feel amply reinunerated, if it shall at all confirm

the truth of the inspired les.son, more than all that

human philosophy can teach, that, "a ,;n>(?i7 name is rather

to be chosen than great great riches."

F. x\'. VVATKIXS.Fur/n,ilL, f'f., Sept 1853,

\ w

Page 24: A catalogue of the descendants of Thomas Watkins, of ...

Ol mow \s WAT KINb


To tlie names of tbe children of Thomas \Vatkin>, of

Chickahomonv, Roman numorals (L 11. III. IV. &.c' } ,\re

afhKed; to the names of ?//£'/> children, viz., those of the

sciond generation, letters of the alphabet, in small capitals,

[\, B, c, &c.); to their children, viz., of the third genera-

t'on, small letters of the alphabet (a, b, c,); to their

children, viz., olxh^ fourth generation, figures (1,2, 3, S:c)

and to their children, viz., of the fifth generation, small

f.j'ures. (as la, 2/>, 3t-. ) Tl:ie names of brothers and sis-

ter-^ are in similar type, and designed to be in direct lines

under each other The of children are in someinstances designated simply b>' the initial of the fam.ily.

Residence in 1852, or at the time of death is gerierally

stated. Names ot tliose whi) died in early life are gen-.

( r-xlly omitted.

Names of children, of marriages of members of the race,

ire in.»^erted under the father'.s, and not repeated underthe mother's names.

Page 25: A catalogue of the descendants of Thomas Watkins, of ...



1. HEXRY WATKiXS, of Prmre Edu-ard, marriedTemperance Hughes.

1.—ROBERT WATKINS, of Vrinve Edward, m. Fnuay Mortor,. daug^bter of Col. Wm. %forfon.

A.—JoKL Watkins. of Mecklenburg:, rp. Jnrilth Daniel, iaftfr-warda Mrs. Dr, Graftam.)


Joel V/atkivs, o( Mecklerjbure, m. .'^ally Terry.1.—Lucj Watkins. 2.—.Tudy \Vatkin«.

B.—WiLLr.AM Hknry Watkin's. of Prince KriwB.v<}, m. Jt3<31th

Ali^^u (aftern'ftrd!-! Mrf*. Ool. J. Rioe. of Missouri.)

a.—Claries A. Watkiris, of MisisourS, ra. Heiin'ptta Uivt^s.

1.—Judith A. WatVins. 2, —William H. Watkin.^. . S.-riffiriettrf Watkina. 4.— fftfiios A. Watkins. 5

Charles R. Watkinsc.—Tkmperanck Watkins. ip. Ist, Jaek HiindU\s'. o/

Kentucky.a.—Joal Uinja'ley. of K^ntupky, and other cbildren.

rn. 2nc5, Bfnl. Prit^e. of F'rinoe Edward./>.

Thowns I'rii'e. of Cumberland. Va.. m. .imao'aColama?).

1 —Susan T 'tiff. 'J —.John B Price. :t — RileTi T. Price.-

, 4,— Joel fj. Price. .">.—Thonvas Warkln.^ Price. ti.—

V.aleriJi Prfre. T — Ropa C. Price.

c.— [jonifiH C, Prlcf^. m. Frederick VV Smifh ofCumbeH*inn\1.—Wnii.Tm Smith. •„».—Thomap II. Smith. :'•.—.Vannlf^

Sniitii. 4;—Amanda A- Sfinth.

(1.—John M. Pricp, of Ctiniherlanii, ^'a ,ni. Martha Spencer1.—Mary P. Price. 2 —SJii-on S. P: fc-f. 3.-.John M. Price

, n.—8(;<iA.\ Watki.nh, m. John G. Daniel (died \x\ N, CaroHna)a.—.Xvn D.Hitiel. vn. .Tohn r^uy^iiv, of Ffirinvilie,

h.— Mo'^p.s fHnicl. <}t

Page 26: A catalogue of the descendants of Thomas Watkins, of ...


c.—Richard Daaiel. of North Carolina, ni. Mary Grac^Verjai)le,

1.—Isabella iJa aid.

r:.—Mary Watkixh, m. Daniel S, M'CorEolek, of PriacsEdward.

A.—Robert M'formick.b.— Frances M'Corruick, m. Rev, E. HinetJ, of N. Carolina.

1.—Mary J. Hines.c —Mary J. M'Corciick. '

K.—Bktsy i\. WATKtvh, died HlQ^le,fi.—Thomas Wat kins, died Kingle. •

•3. ~COL. THOMAS WAT^IJ^JS. of Prince Edward, m.Betsey Ann Venable, daughter of Nathaniel Venable.


Martha ^'atkin«, m. 1st, Tbomns Ligron, of PrinceEdv^ard,

a.—James D. Liffon. of Prince Edvirard, ru, Mary Venable,daug-hterof R. N. Venahle.

1.—Martha Hujrhes I^iaron 2.—J. Goodrich LiKon, 'i.—Mary M. Ligon, 4.—Richard V. Liion. 5.— Fanny



N. Liffon. 6.—Susan Ballentine Ligon. 7.—Eenj. W.. Lii^on.

h,—tTon. Thornii.^ W. Liizon, of Maryland, m. .Mary W.Dorsey.

1.—M. WorthiiijrtoQ Liffon. 2.—Caleb D. Lij^onHi. 2nd. Dr. Jack Vaughun of Prince Edward.-

c—Louisa V. Va-'m^han, m. Venable Crute, of Mecklen-burg, Va.

!.--.Samuel Cmt<^. 2.—John L. Crute. 3.—Martha VV.

Crute. 4.— Rerty Oute. 5.— famee V. Crute. 6.

Ma Mid a Crute.-//.— Botsev Ann Vnug-fiaa, va. Stephen Lockett, of Meck-

lenbu"g. Va.1.—Henry Loek»^tt. 2.—Betty l.o-ckett. 3.—Samuel L.

Lockett. 4.—Stephen Lockett. 5.—Chrintopht-rLockett. 6.—.Jenny Lockf^tt. 7.—.Martha 11. Lock-ett. 8 —John !M. Lrx-kett.

e — M;ittlie\v W. Vii'iishnh.f— Elizii W. Vanah-in. in. Gfu. W. Lookett, of .Missouri.1.—SarnuHl Lock^it. 2.—?*iartha .A. Lockett. 8.—Lonina

Lockett. 4.— Wrttkins LockeU. 5.—Maty ClayLockett. (!.—Betty Vaiiichan liOekf^tt; and others.

ST.—Matiidii V;iU!^h.Hn. in, Wm. D. R'althall, of .MirfSfiuri.

l.-John Walthall. 2.~Brancli SValthail. :l.— .MaryWnlrhali; nrid otli^rs.

fi.~S;iririH W. ra((\i;7;/*fi, of Prince Kdsvurd, ni. Lucy O,V Loci;ett.

L—Wiiliain L. Vautf;han. 2.-—Martha .'.\. Vauffhaa. :].

—Jr^nny Vaiiijhan."~-~ ii — B(<'.THKY WooD.iiON' W.vTKi^'s. Hi. fnxeph Morton, of


fl,— Fuiinv Mnrt-'tri, \\\. Thomas Hdimmds. i>f Charlutte.

Page 27: A catalogue of the descendants of Thomas Watkins, of ...



1.—Nicliolas HdnnirirlB. 2.— B.»trv Juf Enmumla A—Ihonins W. i:<Juji!ncJs. 4.—Jnue W. iMiinuiids .">.— •

fanny (J. IMniunrls, 6.—Samuel AT. HdiTinii.lH, 7.—Alary U. i:,imuij(i.s. S.—Sttirliii-? F^dmund.-;. 'J-SallyEdmunds.


b.— WmUiin G. Mortoti, of Mecklenhurp:. 'n A merica ('nrter1.—Joseph Morton. l!.--\Viinam Morton. :l—Thnm.-iH

Mnrion. 4—Hcniy Morton. 5.—Bottv Morton. <}


hainutl Morton.'



c.~-?,fart!ia. II. Morton, m. Rtv. Wiliinni C. Scott, ofCharlotte.

I.— Wiiiinrn 8. Scott. a.-JoHppb S^-ntt. ;!.—Tluunas^^curt, 4 — Ishjjc Scott.

rf.-~-T//orj?/j5 U. T/o/ton. of Charlotte, m. At^n<\s L^ckott.1.—Henry .Morton. 2.—Betty W. Morton.

p.--JoM-pb Morton, of Charlotte, m. Ann Dauiei. *i

].—Nathaniel I). Morton. 2.— Bettv W.i>kins . Mf»i ton.,., '?.—Annie DuiJock Mo! ton. 4.—-Lut-y F. .Morton. ('^Hnl

vounsr.) -^—'^-'Seph Morton, (dit-d •, ouiiir.) H—Jan. *••»

i. .Morton. 7.—Sarah B. M<;rtou. 8.—.Jo.s^pn W.Morton. 1».—Samuel V. Morton. )<).—Alice ./.'

Morton.1-—Nathaniel I). .Mortoa. m. Mar^-arettP Cole. \^'ila—Pn'or^e }-:dnj(jn»«on Morton. 2/'.--MHr«arpt to

Cole Morton. -'Ir.— .\jjnie Venable .\Iort(jn. 4,/.—'. BariC'diia Baird Morion. ,ri^.--Xf)than)el Dariu-i

Morton. G/'.— .Josephine Bovd Mortou. 7y-—. - Mary Booker .Morton. S/j.—P.pttie U'a tkin « Mor-

ton. &/."-Frank Huiloek MortiMi. -:

2.—Bettie VVatkins .Morton, m. ]>;t, Capt. vVcn. G. B-ird.•

^''^•-^Joseph .Morton Baird, (m. [Cmma iJiUe.spie. i

o * = ,^ .,m- 2nd. .r. D. Bookor. fno rhfldren.) -


-i.—Annie dul'.ot-k Morton, ni. J. F. Cole, (no children.) .. ;

t;.~JanieH T. Morton, m. let, Su.san Greffory.Iri.—John Gregory Morton.. 2/.*.—Janie.s T. Morton. V. '

-, ^ ' «n. 2nd, F'annie C. Dauiei. " .

; ». .3f.—Gforse Daniel Morton. 4^/.—.fosoph Buird - . "

Morton. ./'"j^

".--Sarah B. Morton, m. John F. Cole.'

VIfi.—Annie Daniel Cole. 2/>,—.Sara ts Boyd Ci)le. / .''

j?;c' ^ —Josen'' \V. Mortou, m. Mary Taz Wilson.


la.--\Vii!iam Wilson Morton. 2/;.—Annie EUza .\[or-'

: .

..- - ton. 3c.—Joseph. Mortou. 4(/.—T iz\vf>ll Norveli •



9,—Samuel Venahle Morton, ni., Fannie Webb. - V- I: •

la.—Annie Daniel Morton. 2/;.— Fannie Wehh .Mor- '

f;. '


: ' m. 2nd, Hattie Dani^'i. '\ I-, -^ ^'C'.—n<'ssie rrirch^ou Morton. 4'/ — Siimu"! VenaMc '.'

..Mort<;n. ' . C' . t

( . - II'

Page 28: A catalogue of the descendants of Thomas Watkins, of ...


10.— Alice J. Mortou, ni. William Bnrwel!.

L-i.— Bettie AriiiHt^'ad r.urwell. 21). VVilliam Spott.-.-

wood Burwell. 'ie.—Ariii^tead Burwell. 4 J.

JamCH Murroii Burwell. 5fe'.—Annie Burwcl!. H/".

Nuthauiel Bi]f\vel!. 7^'.— Mary Boyd Burue!!. Ah— Mar;;^arette Venobie Burwell. :)/.—Joseph Morton t'.urwell.

f.—Scinnwl Morton, of Clarke?vilte, Vn. m. Rebecca T^u-ry.

1.—Rebecca Morton.g—E. Woodson Morton, ni. Tlionuus E. Parkinson, of

prince Edward.1.—Jesse H. Ptikiuson. :.•.— Lizzie M. PerkiiiHon.

h.— Susnn Morton.-^^(._Hi:>KY N. W.vTKixs, of Prince Ed\vard. ui. Mrs Miklied


n —Bftsey .-inn lV:it!<in.'<, m. Rev. E. Ballentiue, of PrinceEdward.

1.—Mary Balleutine, "J,— H^nry 3.—AnnaTliankful B:il!eutiue. 4.— Lizzie BalientiDe. 5 —Fanny Ballentine. G.— Wiliiaoi B. Bailentine.

b.— \ViUiiin: Wntkins, of Pi-iuce Edward, ra. CatherineFriend.

L—Henry Watkins. l'.—Thomas F. Watkina. 3.—Willidin Watkins.

c.—ltichm-d il. Watkins, r.f Prince Edward C. H.

(i 'Susan Wiitkin.^. -.

(i.—.\'at'ninieJ V. Watkias. -:

f.--P;ittie V. Wiitkiu.<^.—-A).— N-:VNCY WATKiNS, 111. Dr. Thonia.s Allen, of Missouri.

:i.— XatluinieJ V. Alhfi.

b:~WiUinni L. .-Mifu, of .Mi.ssouri, m. Jane '.Tarrett.

I.—Mary Anii Alien,

c— Hfz^r.v ir. 47/e//, of .Mirf.sissiypi. rii. vSaltie S. Crane, of.\li!!iaissi[)[n.

, t/.—3/ary I'. AUen, ni. Pliilip L. Edward.s, of Missouri.

1.—Laura A. Edwards. 2.—Tiiornay C. Edwards. .3.—

Edward Edwards. 4.—Jane Edward.s.

e.— fJlizabeih .A. Allan, in. Col. Eph'tr, B. Ewins- Mi^-souri.

L—Auue K. Kwint;-. -'.— Ali<.'e B. Ewing. o.— Henry W.Ew i n !^-



Ch^rhs B. Mien.


tiichnrd G. Alk-n.''


——E.—Dk. Sami'Kl V. Watki.ns, ni. Nancy Daniel,


Dr. Beverly D. W.-itkias, of Mecklenburg-. .

b.—.^[HrL'nntt W'utkins. "'

.' - /

- a —Xnnnio W;irkins.

d^—.Jatuf's Wntkins.

«;.— Funny W.-Jtkins. '. . ; '-

Page 29: A catalogue of the descendants of Thomas Watkins, of ...



Fanny THoNtAs Watkjns, ra. Joseph M, Daniel, Charlotta

ti.—Betspy A. Daniel.

b.—PatiUne Dartiel.

c.—Frankey D.yniel. '' -

(i.—Joseph M. Dznifl, Jr. - '


Henry Daniel


f.—Thomas Daniel. -. .

g.—Abram Daniel, ...' • ,

h.—John Daniel.

i.—MarthsL Daniel. , ,

A". D.ioieJ. . .


-FRANCES W. VVATKINS, m. 1st, Oen. MatthewWalton, of Kentucky, and 2d, Hon. J. Pope, Kentucky

(No children I


Nantz, of Kentucky.


Harriet \a\tz, m. Stfph^n Cnr-ke. of K'^ntm-ky,


Susan foeke. m. Hnjrh M'Eiroy, of Kcntnoky.1.—Mary M'Eiroy, ni. Richard Brown, o!' Kerfruckv.

la.—Robert A. M'Eiroy.

h.—Rev. Stephen foeke, oT Te.xas. m. Ann A. Blanfl, ofVirtrinla.

1.—HarTl*»t E. Tov-kf. 2—Ann A. Cook*'. 3 — FrrriprickCocke, nnd others.

e.—Dr. liohert foeke, ct Texas, m. Rehecca Bland, <»f'


1.—Medora Cockf, '2,—Gualca Cocke. ".—Thomas V.Ci)cke.

B.—Francks VV. Nantz, m. Ist. Wni. L. Veuable. of HavMarket. I'rlnce PMvvard. '"^v

a.—Frnnce.^ M. Veiuihle, in. ThomaK Flournoy of Char-lotte, Va.

l.r—Mary A. F!<njrnoy. m Or. Wrn. H. Mnrshall, of <"har-

lotte. 2.—DavM Fiou»'Doy. .^.— T''anTiy Fiournoy. iti.

T. T. Boiildin, of Charlottf. 4.— Amanda Flf>urnoy..".— Martha V. Plouruoy. H — \a tlianif^I .A. F!o\irnoy.7.— Bf^ttie.A. Flfuirnoy. ^.—.Tacoh M ^^loiirnoy. 9-Loul.sta •';. Flournoy. 10.

WilliMm V. F!onrnf».v.

b.—Thomas F. Vennhle. of 9cott GrcMii. Prince Edward,m. Mary P. Venable, dnn^hter of .V. E. Venahle.

1,—William \j. Venahle. 2.—.Vathaniel E. Venable. 3.

•. Abran>- B. Venahlp. 4.—Clem P. Venable. ?» — Harriet

A. Venable. 6.

('atiirine E. Venable. 7.—MatthewW Venable. S.—Gertrude Venable. l) — Rohei-t V.Venebhj

Page 30: A catalogue of the descendants of Thomas Watkins, of ...


c.—Dr. N:ithau1e] A. Vcnahle, xa. Allies C. Venable,dauj^hter of N. E. Vooablfi.

d—.Marthn W. VenabJi^, m. WllliBm C. Flournoy, (.f

Prince Eiiward1.—John Flournoy 2.—Florida 'Flournoy. 3.—Sarah

V. Flournoy. 4.—Oporjjje M. Flournov. 5.—LandouC. Flournoy.

e.— WilliHn} G. Veimhle, m. l«t. Mildred Carrlneton, 2d,

Sally Tucker Venable, daughter of Dr. P. C. V.1.— Frederick Venablf. 2.--Mildred Venable

c.—RoBKKT H. Nantz, of Kentucky, m. NJary A. Demit.

a.—Martha, A. Nitntz. in Ri-'Jiar-l Rldurley .•

h.— Thnrnas Nuntz.

e.— Louisit Ti. Xantz. .. , ' V :

fl.— Mnria, F Nnntz,

e —NfiTicy T Nantz.

i>.—Thomas Nantz. of Kentucky, m. Elizabeth Redding.


Mnrtha Nfintz, , .

h -—Rphfoc/i Santz. , , ....'.p.—An;jr^!in!i Santz. .

(I.— Lntjis.f .Wfintz. \'" '^ '':':''"-/:i ._: ..;'::

/•.— Thomufi Wtntz.'


f.—Joella NnntzF,.—Louisa V. .Va.ntz. m, WilllHrn B. Booker, of Kentucky&,-~Miirtha R. Booker, m William Holloway. of Kentuckyb.— Harrier F,, m Rev JoRhua L, Green, of Kentuckyc.—Dr. Paul 1. Bookerd.—Samuel Booker, m —— Lewise.—Msri3 Hetty Booker, ni Dr. Prather. St Louis


f.~Lonisa Booker, in. — Wortham, of Arkansas«•.— WiUiHW F. Bookerh,--Thoma.s J. Booker -

L--EIiz;i BookerF. --.Mahia W. Nantz. rn Jonathan Balnhridi2:e, Indiana

(Namefi of children not known)G,—Matthfw W. Naxtz. m, Mary Balnbridge

iNanies of children not known)h.—Mahtha Hcghks Navii'z, tn. Int. John Hut?heH, of Ken-

tucky, and L'd, H. Fihinton


.\f.itthen' Walton Hnghcs.>

h.—John B. hlus^hs:^.

c —Robert Hnahei^: m 1st, Susannah Davidson, and 2d,

Mary M'Elroy

L— F'.iiaH Davidfi<»n Hufthes, ami otheri*.

p...\fa.rfhu Tj. Ilm^iie'^, tn Dr. J, Leake of \IlssN^if)|)l,

Page 31: A catalogue of the descendants of Thomas Watkins, of ...


/:— T/;om,KS' P. ////.u/ycN. of Texas.

g.~MHri;i L. fiiii^iips. m. Mann, of Mis:sissip[il.'

h.—Dr. Frrdcrk-k !: f{ni>I)Pf;. of Toxns. m. Mixry Venablf^.

^aiin-hter of Dr P. C. V.


IKinif'l II. llitfilit's.

1.—Henkv W. Xantz. m. Maria Chandler.

s.—lsiibelln.\;in(z.\n. —; Scantliiif^.

b.—Siir/ih \J. NauTz.'


Aman;>a a. Nant.'. ni. Col. J, Rk-o, of \[iss()uri.

;?.— WnU.-uii /^-fv/i/ /.';cr, of Missouri, ni .Mary E. lviu;^o.

K.— Mahian' (. Nantz. m. Joliu LewiK. of Kentucky.

n—.FrPilerick Levisb.—James I}, hcwis.

c.—Siirfih U', Lf^iv is.

5.—POLLY WATKIXS, ni. Ricliar.l Cockp, of Kontucky.

A.—JoKi, U'atkixh Cor-KK, ui. l.'^t, Eliza Pope.


John P. t'lii-kf.

b-—Miiry W. Cockf.

c — Fniuces Cfi-ice.

m. 2d, tn. Armstrong:.

B —KiniAKi) CocKi;, ni. Guthrie.

H.— Kit hard Cache.

. < c—Mauv A. Cocke. lu. .Iu(l:i-e Hin^;-o, of Ar(Names of rhiidreij uiikuowu)

D.—Fkancks W.Cocke, m. Frederick T'rapnfcli. oi Ar



ll.—FRANCJS WATKINS, Sen., of Poplar Ilil!', Pr-'nce

Edward, m. Agnes VVoodson.L—UrCHARD VVATKLN'S, of Tennes.sef", Ui. Mrs Catiierui"


A.—Air.vEs F. Watkins, ui Dr William P. Sayle, TenueSvSeo

a.—John J. Sayla.

L',—ELIZABETH WA'IMCLVS, ui. JudL^-e .]().«e[)h Venable, of

Shelby, Ky.A—JosKFii ViiKAnu:, of Kentucky, \\\. Mary F. Cowan.

u.—Joseph Fen.v,/;/r^ of .Vllssouri. iii. D^lia Cocbrati.

1—Hannah M. Vfnfit>le. 2.—.Tor^eidi M. Venalde. :{.—

Mary C. Venable. -t.—.Sarah V. Venable. ;".— Eliza-

btjth Venat)le.

b.—Mary C. Vcuablo, m. Jaine.- Blythc, of Evansvilie.

l.~Eflwanl W. BIythe. 2.—J. Morton V. Blytlie. u'.—.laniPH H. Biythe. 4.—G(-.orge C, BIythe. .5.— Ui'.hardB. Blithe

o —John C Vena bin. , »' /

Page 32: A catalogue of the descendants of Thomas Watkins, of ...




(i.—Geov^e C. Vennhle.

c.—[jliziiheth Veivitilt', ni, Cochran.1.—James Coohrau, 2.--Jume:s V. ^.'o''hrun.

f.—Judith J. Venable. ' -.

g.—.\s:m!S W. Vennble..

. '

h.—Jnmos Venable.


Betsky MR. Vj:.\\bi,k, m.Quinn ^[ortClIl, ofSljelby, KyH.—Ur, WiUiaiu /. Morton, of Kenrucky, la. Eilon Waters.

1,—Mary E. Morton^ 2,—WUliaai Q. Morton, taiuJ others

b.— /1/roe.s; .V. Mortem, m. William Haana. Shelby. Ky.1.—Elizabeth M. Hanna. 'J.—William T. Hann?j. o.—

James Q. Haana. 4. Marparet J. HaniiM ^k—John S. Hauna, C—Charles M. IJaujia. 7.— A^jju* s

VV Hanna,C.— iUizfibcth A. Morton.d.—Quhi Morton, Jt-fferjioti Co.. Ky., in. Elizaix'tii A.


1 —Alenander S. Morton. 2.—William Q. .Morton. L!.

Mary M(H-ton.


CliiirJes J. Morton.f.~Franci.s I'. Morton, m. Ann Martin, daughter of ihiv.

W. W, Martin.


Selinn J Morton, m. Rpv. James W. Canfield, D^'Ka'.b,

Co., Mw.1.— Helen Walton Canfleld.

h —Henry T Morton. '

« "

i.—John S. Morton. . . - "•


j.—Anderson M Morton,h.—Joseph V. Morton.c—JuoiTfl Venable, m. Thomas Joyes, of Loui'^vMle, Ky.H.—Patrick Joyes.

D.— F'kanci.s W. Vt;N.vBr,E, of Clark.sviUo, Va., m. NancyNeK>-on.


Marirniet VemiMe. .

b.—Robert N. Venable. •


e.~Mary J . Venable. •-

d.—Lucy II. Vennbh.n.—Jamkh Vexahls:. ot Indiana, in. Durothv C RM '•.

H.—Selinn J, Venable lu. Samuel, oi'InliaiM.

b.~E. M'F Venable.

e.—Judith E. Venable. -

d.—(rilbert V. Venable. -


.Samiel L. V'kmaui.e. of (.)xford, N'. •'., ni. Eliza F. Mor-ton, daughter of Col. V\'. L.

a.-—Geor<jre Venable.

b.— WiUiuui M. Venable. .'


Page 33: A catalogue of the descendants of Thomas Watkins, of ...


J. W, iMortoi). or Farmville. Va.

C,—Joseph ^'('J),'itllr. . \

(J.—Muiy l\nz Vonahh'.'



Ski-ixa Vk.njaiu.i;. in. Rov. J. M. Cliasc, of Illinoiy.

a.—Henry Chase.

b.—Joseph Chase. ,• •


Jnuifs M, Chase. :.' .'

(J —Albert M. Cha.^e. ,,'-

e.— William T. Cliasc. ^-. : . /

f.—'(reorue F. Cha^c. ~

ff—Mavy .-4. Chasr.

u.— ?Jaky .1. V'enaisi.k. ni

n.— y.-tniiie E. Mortnn.b.—Martba If. .\forton.

0.—ynthanirl .'^. .Murtnu.

d.—.\r. Jiiae Morton.e —W. DnuM'hiss Murtou.f.—AgDCS W. Morton.

g:—G. Baxter Morton.b.— Eli^a. J. Morton.

I,— Ufc;v. Hknky I. '\'ena1!1.e, <>t Indian;

Marton, dauyhtPT of F{»'v. W. W.K—Rkv. William T. Vkna!!(.e.

la. Mar'liii A

;}— \GXP:S WATKIXS, m. Dr. David Flouriuj.v, of PrinceEdward.

i — FFIA.NCr.S WA.TK!.\S. o( Alabatna, ni. Ann TIa.«^kin.-







EN.) AM IN WATKLWS, of Ben LomondENRY i:. WATKINS. of Princf' Edward, ni. .A-zncM W>nali!e, dan<j:hter of Col, Saniuf*! V.

.— Franci.s N. Watkins, iu, .Martha .\. Sfott, daimhtpr ofJ. \V.


Henry I. Wntkins. b.— Hetty Irvii.e W.itkins. c~Aanes V. W.ttkins. d.—Charlotte IK Watkins. e—Kate C. WatkJns. i'.—Frank S.^inp.^on na/Ay'n.s.

i».-He.\ry E. Watkin's. . . ^,

c.-.Mary O. Watkin.s. /. .

1).—Rev. S. W. W atkins."


E. .VONES W. Watkin.'^. .'. 7

E.—Lizzie Ann.Watki.n.s.''

v '•

r,.— Kk.'hakd V. Watkins.H.— Mahl-aket C. \Vati<l\.s. .^' ' *—____

Page 34: A catalogue of the descendants of Thomas Watkins, of ...


I.—ITENuricfTA M. Watki.n.s.

J.—CATHr:uiNE A. Wat KINS.


Fkances S, Watkixs.

7.—JOSEPH VVATKINS, of r,en Lotnoud, m. 1st. lliith Hunt.A.—JoSEPiiiNK Watkins, m . Or. Joel VVatkirjH.

!'.—3UHAN Watkins, m William Robards, of looclihin*!.

r.—Dk. Fr.vncls B. Watkins. in. Mary ElKreth, Phil;i(U'Ii)liia

a.—Ruth,T. Wfitkins. b.-^-EUa C. WntUins. c.—J. Ell-

fret >' Wntkins. "



li.—Bet'i . Fank W'ATuixs, ni (.'ol. Horace Rohards.

^ELINA A. WATKTXS, m. S. L. Lookett. of MecklinbnrE:. VaA,— Fraxctcs a. Lockktt. m. Alhrrt Jones, of A!ai)fiina.

a.--Charles O. Jnnes. h.—Selina A. Jorws. c.—Mary E.

Jones. (L— Eliza L. Jones, e.—Sarah V. Jones f.—Williani A. Jones, juc. -Laura Jones , : *

B — Mary, m. Napo Lockett, of Alabama.a,~ Powhattan Lockett. h.-Sa;nuel fl. Lookett. c—W Albert Lockett. d.—Sus^n Lockett. e.—NapoleonLockett. f.—Mary J. Lockett. fs,—Henry W. Lock-ett. h.— Frances S, Lockett,

c— Cor., Hk.vry E. Lockett. of Mecklenbnr<?, m. Kato.Fobnson,

a.—Lelia E. Lockett. h.—Betiie J. Lockett. c.— LandonJ. Lockett. d, —Robert K. Lockett. e.—Aiii^nsta J.

Lockett. f.—Catherine M Lockett.

n.—vSklina Lockett. ni Georj^e Robard, of Aia)>rima.

.T,— nV/Z/Vzw.' L Rohards. b.--Fr:urces A. Robard.-^. c,—George Rohards. d.— Frank W Rohards. e.—SusanW. Robards, f.—Thomas V. Rohards

E.—LlTcirs J. LocKKTT, of Alabam.'i. tn, Bi^tty Fowlk*'.**.

;^.—.fnuins Lockf^tt.

x\—Tiio.M v.s Lo(.;i<F/rr of -Vle-kleiibiinj;-, VaC,— M, VlKOINFA LOCKKTT. .

". ;. ^

i). --FRANCICS A. WATKIN'S. m. James 1), Wood, of I'rfnoe

'-I Edward.A —AoNKH W, Wood, m r'TofR, O, I'.ranch, Fiinf'e Fdward,

Page 35: A catalogue of the descendants of Thomas Watkins, of ...


\ a.—Fanny VVinfred Bnuivh. h.—^Mavgnret k'i'itli Bninch.c.—Ag-iies A. Brnwh.

\i.— Du. Hk.vky A, Wood, of Fnrniville. .


Eliza W. Wciod,

> D.— Fi;an(IS P. \V(»()P. Ill, Pauliiui E. Scott. tJuuffhter ofJ. A. Scott.


a.—t:Uer) E. Wood. b.—AJive J Wood.K.

Susan .M. Wood. in. I\en- M. D. Hoge, of Ili<'IiniOD(l. Va.

n.—Bessy Lucy Hog(\ I)j—Mary Rocbie Floge.

p.—S, CllK.S[,KY VVt)OI).

({.—Fkan( i;s A. Wooit.

n. A. W'(M.)i). '.

I.—Cora V. WooT>. 1 i„-i„, .

,I.-S.'iifM: \V(:.oi) I


m._]OKL WAklNS, of Charlotte, m. Agnes Morton,sister of ol. William Morton.

1.—I'OLLY W. WATKINS. m. .Toliri Diipuy.


WatkI-n.s Dupyy, of Priiict' Edward, in. Eliza S. Walton.

a.—John B. Dupiiy, of Prlncn Edward, m. Henrietta L.Hunter,

1.— Watkiii.« Diipuy. 2—Bf^njaniin IT I)u[)ii.v. :>.

Henry G. rUipu3'. 4,— Betsf\v M. Dupiiy.

p..—Sttsan Dri'UY. m. Benjamin Watkins. of Fittsyl\'ai)ia,

a.—Agues M. W.itkins. m. r<d. Thomas 8. Jone.s, ofPittsylvania.

1.—SuHan J. 2.— Frances .\. .Jone.<t. :5.—BenjaminW. Jone.-^. + —.John E. lon^'S. ,") — TIioiuhh S. .Jon^s6.— Henry ('. Jones. 7.—Caroline H. fones. 8.

Mary E. .fones. :).— .Agiie.s .M. Jones. 10.— MarthaS. Jones*. 11.—SfiUv S. .fones.' 12'— Lizzie A. .fones,

h.—Stephen H. Wntkins.

c—Si]s;in E. \V;itkhis, ni. Dr. D. C. Mebane.l.~Mary E. Melnine. 2.— Benjamin W. Meb.-ine. 3.

Susan D. .Meliane. 4.— .Ann f>. Mebane.

(!.—Fnuicfs A. Watkins, m. Robeit Willianis.

l._H.obert M. Williams. 2.— Benjamin W. Wlllinms,

\,^ f\— Dr. llpnvy A, Wntklns, m. Susan A. Walker.


Jaiic E. Watkins, m. David Sc-ott.

. ' 1.—Benjamin Wjitkins Seott. 2 —Susan D. Scott, :.!.

Edwin H. Scott.

g.— WilliHni L'iFnycttc Wfitkins. ' '•


Benjamin F. Watlaas, m. Ann Paxton. "



' l.—Sam\iol P. Watkins. 2.—Sn.-^an C. WatkinH. •

i.— Watkin.',. "~--^

Page 36: A catalogue of the descendants of Thomas Watkins, of ...


' '29

j.—Mnvy Jj. IK-jtA/n.v. ni. H. O. Diuiie!.

1.—Silvan A, Daniel, ni. J. TiriHley. (^a.—Mary L,Tinsle.v.) 2.—ChriHtina A. Ttaniel, ni. Je^<.?e Tin^lpy.8.—William DaniHl. 4,— Benjairiin Daniel. 5.— Marv.A.Daniel, fi.—Ed w^in Daniel. 7.—John Daniel. S.

Robert Daniel. ;).—.laueC. Daniel.

k.—Caroline H. IVatkins, m. Major George Martin.

1.—William W. Mfirtin. 2.—.John H, Martin. 3.—Jos<^ph B. Martin. 4.—Georao W. Martin.


John D. Vl'atkins, m. Phebe <^. Stone.

1.— Mary F. Watkin«. •2.— Aup:ustiiH Watkins. ').—Virginia 0. \Vai kins. 4-.—Samuel C. Watkins, .Llflm.

A.J. Maitin.) 5.—SuKan E. \V^atkin?^.

r.—-HK.\RY Di'PiTY. m. Sally T. Tayior.

a.—Mary E. Dupny. m. Sf)encer GilHani, of .Ml.ssouri.

b.—F'mnci's R. Dnpiiy. m. < May ton Gililam. of Mis.^(>uri.

p.— Fane Dupuv. ra. Nicliola.^ Edmunfls, of Charlotte. '

a.— 77jow,'}.s' /tV//;j?;AKM, of riiarlotte, m. PVance.s Morton.1.—Nicholas Eflmunds. 2.—Thomas E'lmunrls. 3.

Betty .Joe Enniimil.x. 4.—Jane Edmumls. .").—Fanny^E<]miiu(].s. fi.— Frelin<i:huy.-<en Edmunds.

b.—Mary ('Uln)untls, m. Tol. joi^eph Dupuy, of PrinceEd word.


Henry Kilmnntls. of Cliailotte, in. Lucy J. Rassdale.

(Naniesi ofchildr^-n not ascertained.


(]:—Sii^;in Fjiiniuid^. in. Di-. V. H. Flonrnoy. of Charlotte.

(.\amts of children not ascertained.)

e.—S;illy K'lni'iix}.^. m. K-tiry E Scott, of Charlotte.

(\aiiie.s ofthlldren not ascertained.)

f—<- r:.l:i)iiuds, m. Dr. F'. R. Berkeley, of Prince Ed-ward ('. H. '

jr.—Nicholas Eihiiumls. .,, ,. ' .

' ^ ,

• .


X.innif Eilnminls.

K.— M.ilRY Di pt'Y. in. (\d. Williaiu To^vnes *W;ilker, ofPrince Edwrird.

a.—Siir.}f} WnlkfT. 2(1. wife of Col. Joseph Dupuy, of


Prince Ed ward.

1.— William Diipuy. 2.—Marv Oiiptiv. :).—Jane X.Dupuy, 4.—Eliza Du[iuy. 5.—Jo.seph Dupuy.

t,.—Judith T. Walker.('.— Dr. IV; ///< //; T. H'c//Aer. m. Jos-ephine S. .^ainj>son.

1.— Lelia Walker. 2.— Frank Walkf'r. :5.— Richard S,

Wfilker. 4—.FoKephine S, Wnlker. o.— M.-iry S.

Wnlk-r. (•).— Willinm T. Wnlker, Jr. (2d m. FnnnyHollidny.) I.—Gulit-lm;! Walker.

2.—Frank W.-ilker. m. .Muria -Sn'iith.son, ofCal

;{.— Uich S. WMlker, m Maud .M. Miller, Lynchbur^:, Va.

1;^/.— .Maud .M. Walker. :7;.--.losephinc S. Walkei-

Page 37: A catalogue of the descendants of Thomas Watkins, of ...


3c.—Riohrtrd Sanipson Wfilker, Jr. \il--{}uy MilK-rWalker. Of— RlizJibfth Kniulit U'nlkiM-. H/'.-WnuTowiifs WnlUfM*. 7^.— Khiticlie Ualkwr,

r>,— M.-iry S. VVjilkcr m Rev N. H. [lohcrHon, of Bedford' LOUIitV, Vfl.

Iji.— Willi*' VVMlkcr {{oJteri^on. 2/'.— Fautiie Rober.soi).

4e. liil! Rohcr-oii.

B.---\ViJ]iani T. U'alktT 111. .Vlai\\ Kfi-iierSloke-', of Piitice

EdvA'anI coiiiitv, \ad.—Mnrv \V:jlker.

e—.SusHii WalKer, in. Dr. 11. \. Watkins. of I'itt.-^.vlv.-miu.

f.— Betty Wulker,F.— Fhancls .\. Drmy. m .Ttio. Daniel. oC Cltnrlotte.

H.—.Tiw} W. Diiniel, CfiHrI<itti\

(..— \V.\!. H. DnpCY. m. A;;ncs Ware.H —Siisun lUij)iiy. '

b.—Jno, fiii/>ijy, ni Lizzio Woathcis.1.—"."atheiiiie. Diipiiy. J.— U'illia'ii Dijp".^'-

c~—M-iry Dupiiy, tii, VVm. Rifliai-il.<i.i).

1.— JupH;! Richai (i.^oii. "2.— .\<i:iu's 1' liio'i-ii'tNo'i ;^ —-Mary J. Kicliatdsdii.

d.~-\VUlian> liupiiy.

e.—Aii-nes \1. Impny


f.—Joel f>iji>ny.

II —,IoH.\ I>r;!'tY. n). Ann P.. Oaniel


Bevt-rly />upiiy. lK—('li;irlrs Dtirt'iv " -S//s in

D'!f!uy. iL- Suiitiy Du!>ny. c — IIh li I'lijui' > —Mfiiy <:. Du')ny.


Ok. J. .el VV. Dupi'v, ni. Paulinf KlMrnk-c>i.—lU',tty IJn'-uy. h.—Jos. T. lupin. <

— I'owfi it tnI'np'iy (I. ftio. T. Dijpiiy., f^ — [toh/f i^ /; I>iii>"\\

f.—JfiiDfs .4. Dnfiiiy. sj^.-hJh'H /mfnn li \hi f Ifiipi v

I —.1 wfics L. lU'Prv. Hnckiuharn, n \!m uid t H Ml* t

K — FijZA a. DrpiY. in JanieH H. lUi .ii\, To m,a —Ann Da/my. >

b.—Mary E. Diipiiy.

c.— Virfcitn'fi Diipiiy. in. M P. ('ayco, Mo(I.—Siilly Diipijy.

e—.FmiJOfS Dnptiy. \n, Rev. T.-(/. Smithf— Pi^ffiry Dufn/y, w. Thompson. Tt-nn

A' — Diipiiy.

h.—Joiin Dupijy. *

i.—Asa Diipiiy.

J.—Murthfi DnpOy.

2—SUSANNAH W ATKINS, m., \Vm. I' Hui.t. \f(|.

K —Jamks Hunt, r'harlotte, m. Bet'-ey I'.ihb

Page 38: A catalogue of the descendants of Thomas Watkins, of ...

OF tiioma:^ WATKINS. 3,1

u.—Jolin J. Hunt.B.— HfTH H. Hu.vr. III. I>r. Jo.-t'ph \^'atUitis, I'.cn I.oinorni.


Rkv. Tho. V. Hunt, <>( Pa., m Ann M. Ficlil.

ii.—Suftnri C. Hunt. b.—Ann M. Hunt, c- -Ruth Hunt.d.—Lrinv F, Hunt. e.— Betsey IF. Hunt, and Siisun-

nnh Wathins.m. 2(1. Rf'v. Dr. M()!--f>.s Hoj^e.

- (There ufic no children hy this JH8t niJirrifif^o. i

:) —HENRY A. W.ATKINS, Charlotte, tn. 1st. Nancy E<ltniinds.

a.-Bktsy W. Watkins, m.t'oL.J. P. Maiisiiall, ClmrlotteC Ha.---,vttnn;V K. Mnisbn}!.

b.—SHrnh .Mnrsb^iH, m. Dr. Rd Oainos. Charh)t-t'». /

e.—Jofl \V .\hir.sbnll.

(I.— VVillbini \[;irsbnll, in.. .Mary Fiournoy.. ' p.— Tbo. .\h,tsbnn.

f.- -KUziilwth MHrslUill, xu. J. Prosily Marshall. Chfirhjtte.

I.— Henry W. .Vfarshall. L>— John P. Marshall

^.— l.iiry (jTny Mnrsb;ilt. '.

b.— Bf-nJ. IF. Marsbfill.

Lt.- -'l^HoNfA.-.' F, Watkins. Charlotfi', in. Lucy WycheC.—Sally v\'atkins, in. Anderson ('. Mortonft.—-Mary Q Mortnu, in. — Hatcher, .Nh'cklcnhurs:.

Ik—Nan-nt- W. }f/>rton. m Easley, Mecklenhnr;.;-.

].—Williani R. Ka~lcy. 2.--\U)rti)n Ea><ley,

c.--PJ!lfiii l>, M'trton

d.-Saby .A. Mnrt<n.i. ni. Dr. Georj.ce C, Scott, Flnrkp.^trille.

1.- --Sally A, ScottP.— Dn .foKi. ^VxTKfNs, (;harlo«-^". ni. .ro>sc()hin«> Watkinsa.

Lei<iii Wutkins, b — .lo.-'f^fib Watkins. c— SusanM'atkins, d,— Henry A. \V.irl<ins f\—\anry h,Wiitkitis. f.- Tbontas H Watkitia, tc.— Francis I'.

. ' Watkins, fi.—J.inif's P. Watkinsi:,— .\\N F. Watkins, m (.', O. U.-ad, Fannville.

!*..'-.\a.nnio R. Head, m. Abm F f ari-intrton, Fharlotfe

b^- Lizzie (^ K^ad, c.—.Snr,i/i F Read, d.— ilenry A,Read. e.— /.saac Read

,F.--VF\KV N. Watki.ns, ni, Marshall Hani.-;. .\'idn>rst.

a.— Heniy Mead Harris.

4,—W ILLI \M .\L Watkin«<. Fharlottc, ni. F!iz;d.cth W. \>n-^ble. dau;^hter of f'oi. S. W. V, Sprinyficld .


Maky F. Watkins, m. Tucker^Farrinulofi, ( larkesviHe

ii.— Betty CarriniiTon, ni Wm.T, .lohnHon. ('umberlastd

1.— Mary .lohiiHon. i',— Williaui Joluii^on, 3.—TuckerV. Johnson.

Page 39: A catalogue of the descendants of Thomas Watkins, of ...


b,—Sully CHrrinirtotx.

e.—Mary Oiniu'^ton, ui. Dr, Jno. R. Loij^h, flarksvilic.

<f.—Aunt's Carrrins-ton. p — Emily Carrirmtun, f.—Tsa-

belhi Currington. ;?•.

GeortriH Cavrins^ton, h.—Mihlrcrl

Carrinfftnn. •

; « H.

AgntsS W. Watkins.c.

Samckf. V. Watki\«i. Ppti^rsbury:. m. Lrniisa Scott,dniti^htor of Capt. (MiarloM Scott, of Falklnn-I

a.—Mary Watkin.^. m. Dr. Nelson. <^ljirkKviilc.

1.—Watkins L. NtMson. 'J.—Louisa Nelson.

b.—Willmm Wiitkins. c—CfuiiiPs S. W.-it.kins. ,].—

Priscillfi W;}tkins, e.—Botty JV.itkins f.~-Mnria

Wiitkins, o:.— f^ouis^i ^\';1tkiIls h.—fJenry Wntkinsi.


Samuel Wntkins, j—I,elhi Wntkinn.D.

Wm. J. VVatki.xh. Charlotte, m. EHzalifth CoIps.

a..—Mary r. Watkins. h.—Tnekpr Wufkins. r.—Mihln'il

Wiitkins. rl,—Lis-l)trnnt Wntkins.

E.—Richard V. Watkins. Halifax, m. 1st-. Ph. Sims.

n» 2fl. Mary A. Ra^jkcrvillt^

a.—Charle."^ Watkins. h.— William Watkin.'<. c,— EVtza-

betb Watkins. d.—Lury W-itkins. c—.John Wat.kins. f.—Ricnnni ^Vatkins. e*

Tltnmas V\,itkin>

h.—Henry Watkins. i.—Xancy Watkins.


Tuo.mas WAT«<rNs, Halifax.


Dr. C. C. Wa tki.vs. Charlottp. ' *H.— IsA.\c R. VVatklv.*!, Richmond. 1



Elizu'.ktfi M. Watkins.J.—J. ViK(;r.M.\ Waticps. >

JANE WATKINS. m. 1st, Thomas Ponae.2(1. Col. ClPiTumt Cnrrinuti'ii, riiailottc

A —Jaxh W. CArun.NOTON', m. Or. Wm. W, Canin.:tori. ofHalifax.

a.~Vii'j:inia Carn'nQton. h.—Thomas Carvinatiyn <—

Clement Cnrrin^titn. rJ.— Bets(\v Cnrrinuton > —•' Susan H. t^arrinfxtnii. f.— \fary G. CarritiLtnn if —

•Ann R. Carrinffton. li,— William C/irrinL;t'in

B.—Nancy Cakki.\i;ton. m. .1. B. M Phail. C'harlotto.

a —Clement C. MPIiail. h.—Mnry M'Pliail. c -John'M'Phail. il.—XannieM'Phail. e.— Virixinia M'Phailf.—GoQr^t^ M'Phail. <jc,—Paul C. M' Pb ail. h,-Sirili


c-r-MM?v V f'ARHivriTON ni FTuKh R Ori'Jishy, I'harlotl*'

Page 40: A catalogue of the descendants of Thomas Watkins, of ...

— •-




. > fl »•'^

. ; OF THOMAS \VATKINS. C^'^ ^-' " *"

^^^^ .^^

iV.—THOMAS WATKINS, m. Sallie ^(afterward,Mrs. ATox-ris, ) Kentucky,



John Watkinh. \

2.—GEORGE WATKINS. Gpo. m. '^—/ Early dau{,-hter ofGov, Karh. ' . f •\ t - 7 '

3.—riAIBORNE WATKINS, Geo., rn. Evelina C'raij?.

A.—EVKI.INA Watkins, m. Ro. Walton. Geo.B,—LontsA Watkins, III. Wni. Smith. Geoc—Lf;onh)as Watkixs.


.".—TRO.MAS WATKINS, Geo . in. Fox.


fi.-M\RY HUGHES WATKINS. in. Leu-is NiiekoN. Ky.A.— \)H. Geo. W. NiTCKoi.s. Slielhv villi'. Ky . ni. l^t, Liicin-da Thurston; rn. 2c). Mrss. A. Gih.-^on.

H.—Sa.mckl Ni'CKOt.s. Ky., ni.

H.— Louisa \urkulf: in. Dr. lies

h.--(.liiihoroe XuckoU,— Georfi^e .\nck'oIs.


fj.—r*>hn Milton Xtifkols.

r.—Saixik W. Ni;cKor,.s, ni. 1st, Trne. and '.M

r>— .Nk'koi.h, n;. \lcL;ine, (jf Kentucky.K —Lkwis. .Nickoi..'.;.

K.—ItoaKKT W. Ni(Kor..s. m. Miss Stone.(J,— Mrr.ToN Ni cKoLs. Texus.

H — Ei.izA .\. NrrKoi,.«i. in. Peake.I.— .Viii.o r. .Nr( Ki)i>, m jane Shortridu'e.


Por,i,Y NiTKoi.s, m. Peake.K.— LotisA Ni'CKoi.s. in. ^— I'ayne. ' "

r.-iSAAG WATKINS. Arkansas; tn.


Dk. RoiiKi'.r .\. U'a TKiNs, Aiknnsa.s, in.

n.—Punlimi W atkins, h.—Gfome Watkin.s. c.—I^nncWntkins. d.~Aii<if'rsorj Wutkins. e.—Cainproi? M'.it-

, kins. {'.—Claiborne Watkins. .i::—Roht>rt TIVi/A/zis


ft.— n'iHi-trn \V, W.ifkin^ i.—Goovjco W'.itkivs

Page 41: A catalogue of the descendants of Thomas Watkins, of ...


B.—Grouse C. Watkins. of Little Itock. ArW. ni. NfuryCrease.

H.—Anderson WHtkinf^. f>.—Cl.'iihorne Wntkias. c.—Walter \V<itkins. il.-Jnne M'.-itkins. e.—Loiiisn


c—Mary Watki.nx, m. J. J. Clendeiiin, Arkansas.

a.—Elizabeth Clendenin

V— BETSY WAKINS. m. Maj. Nathaniel Massie, of


1.—MARY MASSIK. m. James RobanLs. Gouelilaiitl.

A.—Cor.. Wii i.iAM RonARDs, m. Ann Sutterwhite, (Iran-vjlle. N. C.

a.— l/arr .4. J?o//V(rJ.s\ en. Thomas C. Miller, Gooohlao*}.

b.—Tbonuis Roh.-mls.

c.— Willinm linhurils. m. Susan A. W.itklns. daujrliter of

^.Dr. Josopli.

:/ 1,—Thomas S Kohard.*^. 2.—.foHf^ph W. Rohardn.

" 3.—Will>am -F. Rubardri. I.— Su.-'ari H. Robards.' - ' 5.—Eliza J. RobardH. (>.— Henry Robards.

d.—^t'oriTf AV>A>,TrrAs, of Alabama, m. Selina .\. Lockt;tt,'.-'. daughtPr of Col. S, Lockett.

e.— Col. Honu-e L, Rohiwds. of Salinbu'-y \. C. m. HettieJane Wntkins, <ia(ij^hter of Dr. .1. Watkins

1.—Anna K^vlinu: Watkiu.s./*.—i>r. Henrj' J. /v'-'/zarf/.v, of North Carolina.

S"-—J&ae E. Rohnrds, m. Stephen S. Roy.^ter, Goocidand.

/ 1.—Wjliiarn K. Roy.ster. 2.—Mary E.- Royster. :J—

il Xaney K. Roywter. 4.—('atherine J. Roy.Hter, 5.

John E Royt^ter.

2.—NATIi. .NfASSIE. ..f Ohio. m. Mead, u^ K^-ntiKky.


3.—HENRY MASTIC, of K»nitncky. ni. Helen F'.nllett.

-CONSTANCE MASSIE. m, Thomas .Miller, of Goocldand.A—Wir^i.iAM Mu.i.Ki?. m. Lucy Woodnon.ti.

Henry W. MHUt, of North (^aroliria. m. FannyDevereux.

b.—Churles F Miller, c— Thowhs C. Miller, d ,---Willj.iui

Miller. e.—H. Jonfs .Millnr.


Bktsey W. Mji.ler, ni. Di*. Josopli VVatkinn, of RenLomond.

<:.— Dr. NATfiANiKi. M, Mii.i.KR, m. Mary Christian,

H.—Rohavt Miller. h,— WHIium Miller. c.—IJzzie Miller.

B.—TMf).MA8 Mili.i:k, m. .Mary A. I{oi>»r(ls.

Page 42: A catalogue of the descendants of Thomas Watkins, of ...


^ .35


Hk.nry M. f»f Xortlj C'arolina, m. InabellaHinton

n,~ June C. Miller, h.— WiJlinru Miller, 0.— Willis Miiler


Dr. ,H. Junkh Mii.LBn. of Richmnn<l, in. MinervaChnetibn.

o.—Fredkrick Mii.i.rb, of fJuckin^ham, m, lat, SusanHolemau.

H.—Ofopffo ti. Millf^r. br-Marv Miller. o.-- StisanMiller.

2d marria;?o— Louisa Gnerrant.d— Louisa Miller. e.— rhoniH.'^ Miller, f. -Heath J.

Miller, g- - Frederick Miller.

VI.—SUSAN WATKLVS. m Col. William Morton, of


i.-"FAN.SY MOUToN, in. Uoi;Pi-t VV.'itkins.

2.—ANC.ES MORTON, n). Benjamin Morton, of Halifax.

A Jony A MoKToN, of Baltimore, in. Julia A. May. fJ^O' If^^

ii.—A^-nes Mortrni. b,—Eliz Mortna. c.—.ThHh .Morton,

d.—fieorfxe H". Morton, of Baltimore.

B —Wn,i,iA.M//.\IoKTo.N, of Meckiinbiirg, m. 1st Lavinia />52 •

Li^on.' '

, a.—S'a.san .\fortori m. .\. A Griff>?, of Amelia.1.—LaviniH GriftjJT. 2.—Elizabeth Gricje:. -i.— William

Grls^t;. 4.—


'olpri.lire Grigu:. 5.—Areher Grig's.

h.—Beijj-uniii(D) Morton. ^iw4*,l '^^a.-'w or^ntgt •

c.— William H. .Morton, ni. Antreiina Ballow.1.— Angf'lina Moi-ton. 2.---Lani*a A. Murtoti.

d.—MarvB Mortr>n.^-*:f^*^ax: „ -.


h'lizahetli L. .Morion.

III. 2«J. \lr.s. Mary Lanjiwortiiy.

C ~ -He.vuy MokTdx. Miss., m. Mr.ry Briant. Mass. <')^?

D —J.\.viKs Morton, Xpw Oiieanw^i Xw-t t Sop ' 4"^vI (*5^J


Bhtsey Morton, m. C<il. HtMiry r^arrinjj;ton, Halifax./ 75^a.—Agnes; Cavrinjjrfo n . h.—Henry Carria^ton.

F.—HicuARD V. Morton. MtK'klinl)urK. ^ if©V —.


G —N.KTH. S. MoKTON. Mecklinl)urf?, m. Eli^^abelh (\ Scott,ilaujjhter of Capt. Charl«-K. //6W~

it,— Hetty .'\. Morton, h •- Henry S, .MortiW. ('.-,.'<l!iry

P. S.\Mort(tn. d ~-V. Sally Mortoii. V

H.--.Bi':\.iA.\iiN .\I<irt<jn in. .\iin B^ll. / tfofc —

fi.— Petty .Morton. t> —,fohn Mortrui. r.—Jawea* Morton. t'.--Henry Morton. t^.—.'^iisan .Morion.

h.---freorf^e Morton. . <

Page 43: A catalogue of the descendants of Thomas Watkins, of ...


S.—NANCY NrORTON, m. Rev. W. Hill, D. D., Winchester

A.—SdSAN W. HiLi,, in. Thos. A. Thlhall, Winchester

H.—Joseph TitJhnl/. m.b.—Scott Thlhall, m. -c>>SC=*


4.—HENRY MOItTON, died in 170(;

-RETSSEY W. MORTON, m Jno. Morton, of Charlotte!


Jane D. MoKTo.v.

V.—Jacob Morton. Chnrlotfe, tn. T.ncy A. vSpencer.


Jaroh Ww. Morton. h.--Betspy A Morton, r,—Lncy J. .^forton. d.— IVkuihis tl. Morton, p.—SutmnWfttkiiis; Morti'n


I).— T. FiOOKKK .\!oKTt>N.

E.—SrsAN W, MoKToN, 01. Win T, Scott of riiarlotte.


S^illie E. Seait.


Lucy A. Morton, ni Jnmes M. Booker, Pr. Ed word,a.—John M. Booker, h.—Jnwes H. Honker, (difii single)

c.—Wm. D. Booker, d .--Sawi:e} H. Bnoker. e.—Martha W. Booker.


William Morto.n. ;


David F. Mokton.

fi—\!\RY MORTON, (ii Rii-liard \. Venahlo, i'rinc Bdwnrd.A

Bktsky Vena1!;-k, m. Saimu'l J). Morton, ''harloito.

ij —William Hknry Vk.nablk, Princf Fijucird, iit. Mar-jrarpt Reid, dan^rhter of Col. Andrew Heid.


Susan Vennhle.

h —Dr. liichiini X. Venable. Lynchbnra:.<'.

Magdalen VemibJe, \\\. William P, Dickinson, ofNottoway.

1.—Margaret Dickinson. 2.—Magdalen DirkinRon,

d.—Junell. Venutile. e .- -Mfi rf^n n^t Veiuihle. f.—Andrf^vR. Vennble. -.— n/7//V;/7j H. Venuhle.

r.—Fra.n<kh ^'K^aBI K ni. ]\ev. .7. H. C. Leach L). 0., ofCumherland.

fi.-'Mary lA'ach, ni. J. T. Spencer, Farnivi'lf,

1.— Fannj Spencer. 2.—James vSpencer.

}t —Fnnuy Leach, ni. J. A. Lancanter. Buckin;::hain.

1 .— Sall.y Lancast^'r. ,"


Dr. Ii. V LcHch. Fannville. /'


Jnines Le»rh, Bnckin^.'^harn C. H.

e.—Mitrthii Lenclt. f.- -Sn^-.-in Lench. '

Page 44: A catalogue of the descendants of Thomas Watkins, of ...

- ; . OF TirOMAS WATI-CINS. 37

I).—llicjiARD V'ENAiiLK, Charlotte, in. Mfif;;dftlen M'CanipbpUa,

John Vennhlo. h.—Mary R, V^-naltle. c.—M'DowoH> Venuble. rl.- -Htttiry Vt-nnhlo, e.—Richard Voiinblt^.


Maky Vf.nahle. in. J. I). Litron, Prince Etlvvanl.


Maktha \'K.VABr.E, tn. Richard J. Gaines, Charlo'>.A.- -Ricliiird G.iinex. h. -M;iry Gnines. c.— Rohfit fl.

Guirjfs. (K—WUUhw (iuiiies. e,—Betty Gnine!>. !'.—

Samuel M. Gaines. fv.—Jftries A. Gnines,

7—LUCY MORTON, m. (^ajit. Geortro Haiinali, CharlotteA.—GKoRiiKf. Hannaft, m. E. M, S|u-a£rcrins, daiijihter of

l^r. .Sprae:g:iiis.

n.>-SHiniiel B. HiiuUHh. h.—Jnliti S. Huiinfih. e.—Jael' flfinnnh. d.—Luey M. Hannah.

M.—William M. Hannah, Appox. in, Mary Richardson,ft,—John Hannali. h.---\VilliHm M. Hnnnah c.— G.

' Pivssly Hnnni^ili. d.— Lucy E. Hannnh.c—Susa.n Hannah, in. Qnin MDrton, MfMiiplii.s, Tenn.u,—George S. Morton. h.—Lncy .^Jorton, and otiiers.

>: -JOSEPH .\fOUTON. in. IJetsey W. \Vatl<ins.

-MARTHA VV. MORTON, ni.Capi-. Hfnry P:dmu(i<ls, Halifax

A.—Slsan Edmi:nds, ra. Robert b'. Gainew, Ct'Uilotle.

H.—.Martha W. Gaines. h,— WilliHrn Gainer, v.—Mary\ E. Gaines. d.—Susau vr. Gaines. e.—Rolievt F,

Gaines, f.—.Saliy A. Gaines, ir

tlenry Gaines. Ii—Clewent Gaines, i.—Joseph Gainer.

,n.—Jno. K. Ei).ml;nds, Halifax, m., MiidnMl <'(ili>.<.

H —Paul Kdniunds. b.—Nannie C. Edmnndfi. c.— flenryEdmund.^, d.—John R. EiJtnuatis. e.—Lizxie Li^'ht-

fooi Edninnds. f.—Siallie Edmunds.f".— CuAici.oTTi-: A. Ei).mi:ni).'^, in. Georjre W. Read, of

Ciuirlotte <.\ H.

a.—Alice r\ Read. b.—.Winnie E. Read. c.—Martlia W.Rf-ad. d.—Clara Read e.—.\lary Read, f Read


M.-ij'ir I^iTTLK.rouv ED.\ir\ii-;. Halifax, in Saliie W'iiite.

daui^liKM- of [)i-. White,

a.— Eliza Edmunds b.- Tlioinas Edmunds.• K.—Stkki.ino Ei).\ir.\;).s. llalila.v. in. Maiy J. f'lailiorne.

a.—.S7er/i«ir Edninnds b.— flenry Edmunds.F.

Emzahktu Er>Mi .nds, m i)r. ilohert Ji'iininiis. Hulifax.

a.—f lenient Jennings, b.— flenry Jennimss. v.—Robert.lennirms <l.—.Sally Jeniiiua:^. e — Kirhird Jeitnina-s.I.— Thomas Jennings. ix—J J. Jennin,u;s.

c.—S\KAH Edmind.-;. Ill- 'I'liomas Harksdjile, Halifax.

Page 45: A catalogue of the descendants of Thomas Watkins, of ...


a.—Mnrv C. Purksihile.

;.. H,—JoHEPH N. En\H:ND8, Charlotte, ni. Betty Hodge,' n.—Lmy tAlnnnidft. -a

10.—MILDRED MOllTOX. in, 1st,

A.—Edwin Rn.Nti'M).-^, Prince Echvard, in. Int. MariaRichardson.

a.—Faviiy Ediininds, m. Charles A. Hundley.

t).— Betty Ediiumrlf;. c— Henry Eflnmnus. d.—MildrodFjdmuiids. e.—Lmn'sH Edmunds, f.—Siisna Kd-miindn. g\-—Sally T. Edmunds.

•- m. 2d, Henry N. Watkms.

11.—SUSAN MORTON', in. Tliumas Throckinortou. Ky.

A — TnBocK.MoirroN. in. James Conn, Ky.

u.—Susan Conn, m, Orviile Cameron, Ky.

1.—James (\ Conn. 2.— Anna Conn.

h.—Junifit< Conn.

c.—Cassnndm Conn. ni. W'iiiiain Sucidsz-rass, Ky.

1.—Mary S. .Snod^rase.

d.—Betsey T. Conn, in. Stanfield Browniny;.

L*.— Si^SAN \V. THKoCKMoKTf)N, Ml. Francis Yimont, Ky.


John S. Viniont.,

h.—Mary R. Viinfiit, ni. William Ingles Ky.'. -_ 1.—Francis R. In);-!es. L'.—Gertrude In ft-leB. 3.—Susan

Morton fni^Iew.'-' c.~ArisT. Viniont. d.—.\un R, Vinii>'ii. e.—Bpt.<^pv T

Viniont. f.—Snsnn M. Viniont. a.—T.ouis Viniont.

h.—Jefferson Viniont.

i.—Thomas T. Viniont. in. Mnry Harnet.

1.— pyinanuel P Vimont.^

C—An.n R, Thhockaiouton. m. .lohn S. Vimont.

a.—Thf>mas T. Vimont. b.—Flo^mnia Viniont. c--Lfin is Vimont.

(t.—SnsMn M. Vimont. m. Dr. Wm. Kinney.

l.—CharleH A. Kinney. 2 —Airne'' V. Kinney.

e.-.Ceril S. Vininnt. f.—Jo'neiili D. Vimont. .i^.—Ch^ir-

lottf^ M'.T Viuiont.

' D.—BKT8F.V .Vi. Tjihockmouton, m. .lohn E. Overby.

a.—.l/ar.r 5. Overfoj', m. Joseph Hardew.

b.—Henry T. Oi-erhy.

E.—Llcv Vi'NAni.E Throckmorton, rn, Gcorpe MBedinger, Ky,

•., a.~f\ Watkius liedin^^er. h.—Sus/ni Mortuu Bedimnvr.

V.—EhancisW TnKo( kmor : on.

U —MaR'^ H T'lKOCkMOK 1o\. ,

Page 46: A catalogue of the descendants of Thomas Watkins, of ...


H.—THOM.VH WaTKINS ThKOCKMORTON.I.— VV. Morton Throckmorton, m. Betsey Asheraft.

a.—John O. Tlirocknwrton. b.—MtirthH C. Throck-morton. ('.—Sitnrod A. Throckmorton, d.— WilliamM. Throckjuorton.

J.—MoRDKCAi Throckmorton, m. Hannah Hardew.a.— William M. Throckmorton, h.—Susan M. Throck-

mortun.K,--Joseph Morton TfiuocKMORTON, ni. Maria Payne.

a.—Hiiffh R. Throckmorton. h.-'Sunau E. Throck-morton.

12.—.lAXE MORTON, rn. James H. M/irshal!. Charlotte.


Willicim ^[c^rsh;lll, m. Virginia L. SpraifginH, daugh-ter of ,1. D. .S.

1.—Marv .1. Marshall. 2.—John S. Marshall. 3.—VVjlliaiii T. MarHhall.

f>.--Sanjh .Marsliall, ni. ,AI»s .!. Brook.s, (\ampbel!.

1.—^^Elizaheth J. Br-ookM. •2.--Frances V. Erook.s. 3.—Marietta M. Brooks- 4 — Nrinnle .M. Brooks.

H.—Benjamin W, M.trshfilL d.—John H. MavshnlL e.—liicluird v. MuishalL

VII.—SALLY VVATKhXS, m. John Spencer. Charlotte

1.—FRANCES A. SPENCEH. m. Jedse Winfrey, Georgia.


Eliza Julia Win FttKY. ni. 1st, Dr. Adtvm Walker, ofC<jlun>bia, (ii\. ~


a.—Robert W, Walker. :'

m 2d. Jonothan Wood, CJeorgia.

h.—.fonothnn Walker, ni. Niii^s Hunt. Geortria.

1.— Rev. J. Wood, .Vfeth. Ep. Ch.

B.—.Sarah W. WiNKitEV, ni. Isaac Walker, Columbia. Ga.a,— I'JIizH Wixikpr. rn. Ewell Marrow, G«?<)rt;ia,

(several chiUlren. )

m. 2d. Ewell M'(\)y, .Morj^an Co., G'h.

h.— Lcroy W. M'< o\\ in. Sarah Johnsit^n. Heard Co., Ga,

I.—Emma F. NCCoy.c.—MHrthH F. .\r(,o.v,

c.— BKN.IAMLV E. WiNFRKY, HI. Sarah Tin<lel; Columbia Co,»



Franoks a. VVinfrky, m. Dr. f). Coojier, Georgia.«.

Robert Washington Cooper, fell in Me.xieo.

ft.— .l/.vrj- .4. Cooper, m. Col. N. C. Barnett, Secretary ofState. Georgia.

l.-^Judith A. F^urnett. 2.—I'^mma C Rnniett. 3.

Willif C, Barnett. 4.—Su^;an H. Barnett. /,

Page 47: A catalogue of the descendants of Thomas Watkins, of ...


c— Davit] F\ Cooper, California.

d.—Mnrtha E.Cooper. ' ^

'. e.—Sarnh E. Cooper. ni. Joliu Fielil, TtMiiu'<'.

I.— lOmm.'i L. \V. Field ,


GforgiH J. CoojH-r.

fC—Aui^tistii It. Cooper.

E.—Ann Lek WiNFKKv, ui ThoinuH Colvard. <ieorji::in.

a.—Alfilieus Colvun], m. Ann Liiinnr. Mrioun, Ga.. h.—MnryF.Coh\in!.

c.--Jpsse ir;/i/re.» (i.lvunl.

2.—THCKVIA8 COLF 8PEN(m:r, rn. Ist, Frances Penrco.a.~SaL!,y \V. Spencfr. rn. Robert Smith, I'rinct- E<1\var<l.

a-=-f¥ai,;i^f>! i'. Smit'i. in. Ilohert V. Davis, I'l' Edward./.—TUomiiH C. D.tvis.

:. h—liohert J. D. Smith, m. DnwWn nai<er.

1.—Sarah B. Smith. 2.—Mnr.v F. Smith. :i.— nni^ilhi- - W., Smith.


Ann /'. Smith.d.—Rev. Thoni-is C. Smith. f>uni-nt)iii-^-, m. Fnuiccs

Dupuy dauKiitcr of J«\me.s H. I>iipuy.

; ;B.

Hauuiet (t. Spk.slkk. in. Wm. Mathews. .Vppox.a,~Thomafi F. .Mutheus.


c—Matilda Colic Si'i-j.M.'ER, in. .f;iinfs H. Wjh-<rjij, t,»'' - Princ'H Edward.V " a.—Elixnheth H. Wi'son. h —John .T. Wilson. >.—- SuHie Cole S. WH.^tni. d.—Jonny S. Wilson, h.—

Snthan M. Wilsftn. t'.— Ijiinm .A. M. Wilsioi.

n.—Er.viR H. Si'BNckk.K.—.Iank P. Spkvckk, rn. SaniueJ Ffallow.ny, KfMitiiL-ky.


ix.—Junies IJ. ir.ilhuvay, l>.— Thoin;is C. P. HnJlowny'

c.— Williinn I). H.ilP>wny. d.—S,-imuei F. H;tI/o\v;i,^


Chnrles M. IhiUowiiy. f.—Gfor^-f \V. Uallowuy>'.—Martha F. Spkncki:. m. Thoinas Hnrvey. Charlotte.

' a -"Elijuh C. IFirvey. b.—Saruh .\. M. Hnrvty. c.~Jumps I). H. Hiirvpy.

o —JoH.N J. SPK.Ne'EU. in. Eliza W. Baldwin. "*

a.~Fra.nces J. Sppnrer, m. jMlin \V. Spcia'er.I —Andrew Hasct»m Spencer. ''

b.—SciTiihC. Sjjt^ncfr. c- Bet tip M. Sjicnnttr. d.-Edmund M. Spenrcr. e.—Joseph Cole Spencer,

w - Henky' .M. Spknckr, m. flementine .S. Head. dauMJiterof Rev. W. S. Read, of Lynch bur?:

a.—fietnentinn /' sppucer b —iV. Hfid Sppurer o -••

i IIenr\ (i ^[lencer. d — Strtnhojie SpeiK er. i —Miir,y( SpciK f r


Page 48: A catalogue of the descendants of Thomas Watkins, of ...


I.—M. Lylic biPKNCEK, Lunenburg, m. I.outHa Xeal.


Mary !<\ Spencer. b.— Thoiiias J. Speneer. c.—^y^Snsnn R. Spenrer. d.— (7. Stoken SpeuP'ir. e.—

S (inihHin Spencer f.— FJiza TV. Spencer, ic.—Louisa.V. Spencer.

J.—TuoMAH C. Si'KNTKR m. Ist. Eliza \V. Fennell


John W. Sj/eacer. m. F. J. Spencer. (V. 2. o, 1.)

b.—Frances M. Spencer, c.— EIiz:ihetli E. Spencer, d.—WiJIiuni H. F. Spencer, e.—Charles B. Spencer, f.—ThoniHs C. Spencer, ^.—!\lary D. Spencer, h.—Suninel F. Spencer. .


n\. 2(1, Mrs. Purnell, wid. of Col. John Purnell. ofPriiiCf F^dvvard.

lANE SF*E.NCKR,ni. iKt, Alien Warren. Colunihla Co., GaA.—Sarah \V. U'arkkn, ni. Erlmuixl Bull, W.irrou Co., Ga.ii.-.Tnne Bull. b.—Robert Bull c.— TuUn Bull, d —

Virginki Ball, e.—Frances Bull. f.—Mary Bull.

u.—FuANCE.s T. Wakuhn, m. Thomas VV. Battle, Colyni-l)ia, Ga.

n.—Snrah Battle, ni. Frsuicis Douglas;^, StewartCo.. Ga.

b,—.\Iary .\. Buttle.

c.—yfHriH L. Battle, m. William Grarldy, Uanflolph, Ga.

c.~K. Jtlia Wai!ri:n, ra. Int, William B.Jtnies, Warren Gaa,— CHtnilhi Jones b -Surah A Jones, c.—S- Jones.

ra. '2(i. ThoniHK Yarboroujjh, Randolph, Ga.1) —Nancy B. Yaubououoii, ni. Rev. E. Smitli, Stewart, Ga.

H —T/ Sniith. b—.Mftrthn A.Smith. c.— Ele:izer•>'. Smith, d.—Siirnh Smith. e.—LouiSH Smith, f.—Samuel Smith


K.—JoHX S, Ya HBKocGir, ni. Martha F. Mutlievvs, dau^h-fer of Rev. J. .Miiriievv.^.

' a.— Louisa J. Y;xrl>r(>n<xii. b.— inn F. Yarhrow^h c.—i\illinm T. Yarfiron^b. d.—(lertnid^ S. Yurbrouu^h.e,—Ketuvuh J . Yarhn>u,i:;li.

V.— Thomas H. Yakhrocoh CufTee Co., .\la,, in. Eliza


a —Columbus E, Yarbvough. b.—[{onry Yarbrough,

G.—CnuisTOPHEH C. Y^ARBRorcH, Randolph Co., Ga., m.Mary IVarce.

a.—Ainandi Yarbrough. b.—Thomas Yarbrougfi. c —Henry Yarltrnvuli- d.—Charles ('. Yarbrduali . e.—Dixon Ya rbro ugh .

4.—ELIZAiiETH SPENMMOR. in. Dr. .fohtj Todd. rJeorgia.

A.—John S. roni>, Eauren.s, s. C, m. Eliza S. EltMuina:.

Page 49: A catalogue of the descendants of Thomas Watkins, of ...


n.— Eliza W. Todd. h.—Rehpcca L. Todd. c.—Mitry J.* Todd. d.—.\f;)tth-i A. Todd. (\-John FF. Todd, f—

S^imnel F. Todd. ^.—A<inline F. Todd. It.—CHiii^lthi

• ^ TodiL i.—F\iin^rui B. Todd. J.—N-hdcv M. TodiJ.,' \ k.—Roht'rr J. Todd. I.— Wiliinni A. Tndd. iv —

. - AmandiiF,. Todd.n,—Maky \V. Tonn. tn. Tucker HicpiiiH, Cluimhers Co Ala

.•J.— Elizaheth J. tfiiririns, b.—John FF. FFin'^in.H c —... William W. Ffii:-i:iiis, d.— R<tftfrt FJiwfriiis. c —

"; Stcrll.'}^ 7\ W/irA'vn.v. f.—Sirrwoii FFi^.zins.

C.—SAMfKI. T.' H. Toitl). ' , .



i>.— R()r{i:Rr E. I'orn*.

E.~Ivi,iz.v .1. ToDO, m. Dr. ('. P. Woodruff. Spart.-inshnriiS. ('.


Matii.oa J. Toni), ni. Jolm Floniirif^. lianrerm,'^ <'

a.—Mury J. Fl^mim:: h.— F^of;prt MT,. Flomitur. <' —John T. I'lt^niinu:.' d —Sanili W. Fleniin-jr. e.—

' " Martha Fa. F'lewinis. f.—SanniH Thomn^ Fli^miuir

(J.— F\\MELIA F. ToDn, in Geo. VV. Bobn, Spnrtanbiirtr ^ '

a,—.\ndren- T. Roho. b.—.Fajnes E. Roho.1!,—Maria L. Todd. m. Andrew Woodriiff.


Ja.mks R. Todp. m. .Inne L. M'dintoc, Lhui> ii>i S (\

:i.—Marv E. Totld. h.—J<din WC. T'>ild. e.— F'l )r>d!a

J. Todd.J.— \Vn.LiA\f A Todd. SpartanNburtr, S C. n\ Nt

.Ainnndrt AlU-n.

a.—Jfineph.-i.Todd. h.—Sn]':i}i W.Todd. c.-~riir rhcrirj

. ,":

: L. Todd.

d.— RohiTt E. . "Jil, Mnry A. Hoho

.— mCXiiV Sl'KN('i-:R. of Clvirlotti' in. S;iliy Douldin.

A.— Sally W. Si'R,\fKi;. m. ist. .Judiie T. V . Bouidit!. ofC'harlotte,

' a.— William <>. Boiihlin. of (Charlotte, ni. Rcboora Mort"<ni

daugfhter of .lolin .\forton.

T.—John HouMin. 2— Rliz;i fJonldin.

m. 2d. Richard [. <Jain<'S. Charlotte


Sakah B Spentkr, rn. Frank Miller, (if Lyneliimr;'


c.—LoiTisA F. SpKNTKR, m. Thomas Q. Nfr)rton. Charlotte.

a.—Sallie R. Morton.,

I).—Hknry SpKvrRK. of Bii('kiii:;iiani, *". H,

E.—Wn.ijAM K. .Sj'knckr, ofCharlotto, m. Snlnda^^-^ Ion *s

F.—RonKKT n. Sfkm'Ku, m. Jane Scott, daiiy:liter of lW\ ."

William Scott, r)f Hardy.,

a.-'William S. Sifnncor. 1} —FIfnry S'/jf^r-er, c

Rohot'tF^. Sppin'rr, fl. Sjipncf^r. ^

Page 50: A catalogue of the descendants of Thomas Watkins, of ...



• 4^

«,— Dr. Lkwis Spencer, ra. Joanna Bouhiin, tlaughter ofHon. James W. Bouldin.

a.— Eliza Spencer, h.—.Tames Spencer, a. —Sully H.Upencer. .

A'lII.—MARY VVATKINS, m. Stephen Pankev, of


1.—TEMPERANCE PANKKY. ra. Fowler, » .'


.\Iai(V Fowler, of Prince E'lu-ard, and fonr othernaineH not -iscf^tain'^d.

2.— FIt.ANOES A, PaNKEY. ni. Eiliott, of,

12 children, names not ascertained.

3.—BETSEY P^XKEY. m. — Walton.7 children, names not aHcertained,

4--JFDITH PANKEY. ni. Charles Xa^li. of \ikansan..i i-hildriMi.

5.—JANE PANKEY. in. Jamieson.'2 childrf^u.

t;.—SFSAN PANKEY. m. John Nash.4 children.

7.—Nancy PANKEY, m. Nathaniel JarU.s()n. of Prince Ki\\^ rird

S,—CATHERINE P.\XKEY. ni. i:iar, of .Arkan-sa-i.

2<"hiidren uanie.s not Hsceriaiiie'd.


1(1.—F R.\. XCIS PAX K EY


IX.—NA.VCY WATKIXS, m. Smith Rlakky, of Menrico

1—OEORGE BLaKEY. hi. Mar.v E. B. LI-htfMot, daughter of('oi Lightfoot, of SMndy F^nnt.

a.--An\ \V. Bl.^kky. ni. James H, Walthall, of Rie.hinoii^l

i/,— GeorA'-e Z>'. WnlthiiU. b.— Eliza M. W.Hlrfjull. c—JuinPiH. Wnlth.-ilL <L--Fentov P. Wnlthall. e.---

/ Tiunlin B. n'.-illh.-ill. r.— Wiliiam W. Walrlmll.{\\\ de;id.)

Page 51: A catalogue of the descendants of Thomas Watkins, of ...


b.~Mary E. BLAKKY.m. Bart M. C. Tomlin, of Hanover.


Eliz.'i L. Tomlin. b.—Fanny Ronri Tomlin. c—John H. Tomlin.

c—Thomas H. Blaki;y, ni. Eliza Wade.H.—John G. Bhikcv. b —.^fary E, lihikoy. c—WilUum

T. Blakey. ':

i».—John Mixok FU^akkt. .? —

X.—JANE WATKINS. m. Charles Hundley.

Mks. CRorcH. of Kentucky, a dansrhter— Jack Hl'ndi ey m

son—aiul JoKi- Hi', a grandson, are the onlyname)! of this branch ascertained *s yet.

XL—PRUDENCE Vv\\TK.l\S, m. William Rovsteu,

of Goochland. ' i»— .-> • - -^.

1.—DAVID ROYSTER, of Goochland, m. Elizabeth .Samp^o'i

^ A.—JoEi. W. UoYSTKK. of Tenness(H>, ni. H. Giierrant

a.—H. H. I''>yster. nt. Dr. Eraser.

h.—Elizabeth liovt^tf^r. c.—Mnry I'oystor. <l.— l^HM'i

Itoyfiter, and otlwrs.

; u.—Dk. RiCHARi* W. U()YSTF;rj. of Huguenot Sprinjj''. "i.'' Martha Scott.

a.—Mury E. Royatf^r. b.~.Ann Roystfr. c.— fV/ j


c—.\NN C. Roy.«ti:r. in.'—' a.— Ebrnl Thvrman. b.—Jftiin Tbarmmi. c.—Edw nil

Thnnnnv, ami otliers.

j D.—Mahy E. Royster, m. .\r. Nelson, of Mi(ssissip[)i.

E.—Sampso.n' S. Royster, ni. Janp E. Flobards.

F.—Catherine I{oystei{. ni. Alex. r)nneld.>^on, Tennes^^ee,

H.—Hellen Donel'lsoii. b.—RichanJ R Dnnrldsou.

,' G —P. I. RoYSTER, m. Dr. Samuel Doneldson.

/ H.— Francis W. [voystek, m, Lake, otMeinpliis, Term

-THOMAS ROYSTEf;, m, Agne.s Kichanlson.


Elizabeth FIoystku, m. — Rutherford, of N. (.


Agnes Rovsteu, in. Underwood, of Tennessee.


Salej RoytjTER. m. John Di.smukes. of Tennessee.

u.— \Villinm Diamnkf'S. b.—Gfior:xe Disnitjkes. r —Saninel Dismiike.s. il.—JauiPs nismnk's. and others.


Marj RoysTER. in. Reese, of TeimeHsee.


4.—WILLIAM ROYSTER. m. Richardson.

Page 52: A catalogue of the descendants of Thomas Watkins, of ...



A.—Susan Roystkr, m, Woodson.B.—Maky IloYHTEU, m. F. M. Cocke.('. FKANCI8 S. KoYSTEU. "


p.— William KuYaTi.R. - - - - ,. -' .




ifARY ROYSTER, in. Reuht-u Blakoy, of Hanover.A —Smith Blakky.B.—Pkl'de>ce Blakicy, 111. Rev. Stith Mt-ad.

u.— Tbom.i.s L. />. Mead, of .MiBsouri, m. Mary Taj lor.

1.—Ltiiiuel .S. Mead. 2.~SamueI C. Mead, .•i.—t'h-iri<'>

VVatkirjei .Mead. 4.—Hcury C. Mead. Zi.—Lucy V.Mead.


h.—Saw iiel Mead. <j^ Xm\\i}Vi^t. ,'

c.—.S'i/fyj Jiea J, of California. /'

d.—A>>htiPvy Mund, ui kn\\\iiTnt. '-


e,~Mary Mead, ru. Alfred Taylor,l.— Pnidence Taylor. 1,',— William H. Taylor. 3.—

lilizabelh W. Thj lor. 4.—Mary \' Taylor. J.—Fanny C. Taylor.

f.—Frances Mead, m. Oliver Guthrie, of Missouri.

1.— Wiiliaai M. Guthrie 2.—Ann H. Guclirie. 15.—Mary U Guthrie.

c,—.Jaxk Blakev, ra. Dr. Edward lioyd, of New Kent.H.—Rtibeu Boyd, of Richmond, ui. .Miss Wildo.

[).—Eliza Blakp:y, m. Edmund lledford, of Lynchburq.E.—Fkanck.s BLAKSy. m, 1st. Dr." Natiian Read, of N. C.

ii.—A. D. Rend, of 2d, William Warwick, of Lynchbur;^.

b.—George WurnLk. c— Thomas Warwirk. d.—Marccllijs Wurwick,







Page 53: A catalogue of the descendants of Thomas Watkins, of ...

.•' V APPKNDIX. _. ',.

i- of r-ciijariin W'alhii:'^, _7-,ri;/,7^:7-'sf' h-^tktr ofT/iOin::s :l^a:.:u:j>^ ifC/:/i '.j^y ', f! 7 ^''n\


the young;e>t: som o? Thoni-ts, oi: S\v)ft Treek. rle wasthe first clerk, i>f Giiosterfield County, which oflice he held

to the time of his death. H?" was also the surveyor of the

county, and surveyed the !ot.> an.i streets in tht* town of

Manchester. Judge Fleminp; (3 Miinf. Rep. d. ii.) 'de-

scribes him as "a gentleman '.veil skilied in his office. ^x\i}i.

of undoubted;ity." Ue represented the Couiity of

{'hesterheid in the Colonial Assoniblies on sewral occa-

sions, and vva.1 a rneinber of the <'onvention of i;'76. lie

was a zealous supporter of the rij^-hts f>f the i-oi o^fiirs

agaitist usurpations attempted uiider GeorL;-e \\\ , aiid

correnponded on matters relative lu the ie;%isi;ance of the

colonies with Samuel Adams, John * Bancock, and otlier

leading patriots of the da}', {fe ua' regarded a-^ a raMti of

ability, and wan highly esteenaed • :"or h's great indus;.r\',

intejjcrity and benevolence. He was trained in the Secre-tary's olflce at Williamsburg. .My f.ithcr (Mr. M. i-";.

WATKIXv^), tells mc th>!t: in iiddilion to the above farts,

he often heard his uncle Benjnmiri •^pokp^' of f-ts a man of

genius, and that he, without being educated in the

schools, cultivated tiis excellent under,-, tnnding veryassiduous!^-, and was regarded .as an excellent scholar.

• fie married RuzaBETH Carv. of Warwick, and riuiiier-

r)us descendants sprung from theUi. 1 regret that .1 amunable to give the residence or liistory of the se\er./l

families of Beujamin W'atkins' der^ccndants. Although |i

know personalty but few of them, i have often i;cfi|j

them mentioned with affectionate regard. It has beenm.y good fortune to have kncvwn two of his grandsor.s, .Mr. .

Fienj. Watkfns Leigh, and his brotlier, Judge Wav Leigii,

The fnithful historian <if the country could not write its'

history without honorable mentl'>n of Ih.e former. H<*

was in my estimation the -Model Statcsnian: his geniu.s,

ability, and learnmg placed liim among rh*?—ii'st, \\ not

Page 54: A catalogue of the descendants of Thomas Watkins, of ...


the first, of the Viri^inia B;ir and his personal friends re-

member him as the very embodiment of all that wa-i

generous and noble. His brother, Judge \Vm. Lei.^h,

'survives him, and resides in Ilalitax Co., Va. It will be

nu violation, i trust, of g-ooa* taste to say of him, that tor

almost of a quarter of a century in v/hich he has been the

Judge of the Halifax Circuit, he has discharged each and

every of his duties with a fidelity and ability equal to aii>

other man in V'irginia, and has won, by universal consent,

the title to that of "a just and upright Judge.''

The following are the descen(iant3 of Benjamin Walking

of Chesterfield, as far as I have ascertained them., viz:

!._}{,\v:: AH WATKiNS, m. ii,t. \Villiam PiniTey, Amelia

A —Wir.f.l.v.M FiNNKV, 'Ti. Mfirthii Leig-h. ., • :.

a —Dr. WiUhuu Finnry, Miss. '

h.—Miiry J. F/z??};^.!-, n). Joiin Watkins. Pov^h.'itan.

1.—ElizHlx'th Watkins. 2.—Maria Watkin.s. 3..— Mar--. / ~. tha \\fitkiri.s!. 4,—Mary J. Watkins. fi.—La/n-i

. . / Watkins. B.— Vvjllinni Watkins. 7.— I'uwli.aauWarkins. S.—.Jchu Fiiine.v Walkius.


BfDjuniin W Fiiin<'}., m. Miry Skelt'.n.

1.—Julia L. Finup.v. '2.— Louisa Finney. 3.— E. V'm.Finijf'y. -1-.

tatlieririe l-'iniioy.

tL—M:)vihu Finupy, m. Dani»-1 Wor-shari), Amelia.

l.—Hfirinaii W(jr.sliam. 'J.—Ah'.xlna Wor.shain 3.—Fenlitiand L. Wor.siiam, 4.— .Mary J^- 'Vetta Wur.stMiu

5.—Martha Wur.^hani.

e.—John Fiiiriey,.'!^esv Orlean.s, ta. Jewetta Davi.s, Ky.

.', 1.- Mary Lui.^a Finney. -J.

— I'fitty Leigh Finne.v. 3.—. , i-aniiv Fey run Fin-iov. 4 — F'i a ard Kawliut? Finnf\

-, ii.— Ri;.N,T.\M[N Finn!:y. South Carolina, ni. .Mi.s.s Doj^TauMi-

frt-idt. LiiUfiii'iir^C-

(Names of !'!ii!itrt'n riot ii.-^ot'rtain"<l.




.' • c— .Mn.KH Fi.N.NKV. tn. Mis.>« Haskins.-! (Names ordiil'ircn. e.\cept Miles, net asrertaiuuj.


I).—Thomas f"i.\.\KY, m.,

''. ((yhildre.n nof: asiM-rtalned .)

..-": E.— H.X.N .v AH p'lWKY. It) .Jo.sepfi KoyaTl. ,

', a.—B^lianhflli /to.i.v//. in. Fortujialu.-: S. Sydnor,

, .:vi; ,1.— I^liznljelli S. ^^y.iti.M-. •>.— F(-r(yuatu3 S Xydiif)'-.

\j / '• ;; —.SiL-Jau Sychior,

•;'.> K.— I'.\GK Fi\m:y, ni. MtHH Oray Culpepper.

..i. >, (NamcH of children not ah'oertfiine.r t'

' ^ ''.

";' M ~\I \Rv- Fiv-.TV. ai n.iuiel \V(>rs'.arri, \m'lia, ...::

Page 55: A catalogue of the descendants of Thomas Watkins, of ...



Hannah Worslinni, m. Mr. Montague.h.—Rebecca Worshum. in. Mr. Colenuin.


Lucy Worsliuru, in. Mr. Doltou.

(J. lFor.s7i;u». 111. Mr. Murray, Tenu. .

\ . e. V\'t)rsh;im, iii. .Mr. Jeter,

f. Wursfjiini, m. Mr. Finney.

^. '— Daniel ]Varshai}i, ni. Martha Finney.

m. 2(1,' t>r. John WalUe, f)f Powhatan.'

Ii. John R. Widke, w. 1st, Mi«H Uranch. Che-.terii' Id

1.—John W. Walke, ni. ifiSs Uohortson, Amolia. 2.—Sydenham Wo ike.

" (And others nt)t kno^-vn.) '-

- /.

Mnrtha Wuluc, m. Mr. VVooldridue.

II—BENJA?>riN WATKINS, died umr.arried.

HI.—THO.MAS WATKINS, m. Rebecca Selden.' dau^-h-

ter of Rev. Miics S., of Ilenrico.

. A.

Marv SELDt.v Watki.ns. Qi. E^>fnjaniii) W. Leigh.


Rebecca Watkin's, ni. Williata Leikth" c.

Benjamin Watkins..'^' D.—Thomas Watkins, of Tenne^^see, m. I'^rancejj Holconibe.

..^ ;i.—Benjamiu Watkin^, ni. .Miss Boothc.


' b.—ThoiuHs Wat kins.

,, c.

Miles Waikins.(I.— William Watkins.


Milks .Seluex V>'a iKINs. .\Iabama, in. Mi-H--; Shelby..' -' a.—Miles Wai kins. • , 'J

,. b,—Tiiomas Watkips. "' '

e.—Selden Watkins and others. / -'" -

F.—Eliza Watkins. \


Rich vRU Watkins, otTeiines.s*>e. m. Laoy Sneed.

H.—HA^^NAH Cauy Watkins, m. Dr. John I'.arksdale, Halifax

a.—Th(ntias W. Barkiidale. b.—Alice S. Barksdule. c—B. W. Loip:b I'.arksdale. d.—Rebecca Barksdale. .'.

iV.—ELIZABETH WATKINS, m. Rev. W. h^\'g\\, of

^. _r Chesterfield. '^^ • :. .,.,:,.,,,.

1.—MAUTH.^ LEIGH, m. William Finney. (I. A.)

VJ.— Hon. BENJAMl.N W. LEIGH, m. Ist, Mary Selr}<iii_«'atkins

Page 56: A catalogue of the descendants of Thomas Watkins, of ...

OF n I':n J A M 1 .\ w a i k i n s, 49

A.—Thomas VV. Lkkih, MiH.sisHi[)pj.

- III. iKt. SnsuD CoUton, «laij;^htHr of RfUeigh ("olston. ofBer-keit'y, neice of Joii.i M;irsliall, C'liipf Justice.

11.— Llmt. "vViLLiAM Lkigii, U. .S. N., m. Ella \Vickni;ui,(lauurhler Of John Wickiuan, of Iliclunond.

n.—ElIa Lciuii.

c—Mary S. Li;i«h, hi. Conway Robin.s(jn, of Richiuond.u.— Leiffh R Robinson. h.—i2liza}){ith Robinson, c.—

W, Colston Robinson, il.—Cary 3<1, Juliii VVickiiian. •lautjhtin- of .Johu ^Vickinan.

D.—Elizahktu \V. Lkigu. (u. Charle.s M. Fry, of .Nf \v York,F..—Ctif>t. J. Wicliinun Leiifh, late U S. A., of California.

F.—f. Jobnsoa Leii^h, latn IJ. .V. .\., of California.

iS.—./u/i^i LHf^h, \n. Dr. Thomas IJ, Harrison, of Iliclunond.

I— VV. L«^iih Harrison.u—Ii. \V Lf'/>iii, of Meckleithnrg. V'a.

I — .4/y/iH tnrter Luig^h, m. Charlo.s Old. of I'ow liat<ii!.

1.—Wat Leij?h Old.

J.~Viri;-ini;i I^hJlcIi."


Alicp Litiiili.

•rciKiK \V[LM VM LF:T(JH, m. Rehfcc/i \V ifkins.

A.— P.Kx.fAMUN VV., ..f \lecklinbur«.n.—'riio.MA> Lfciori, of ilfdiiax, m. Rob'^ei-a A. Wimhish.


RubeccH Lciirb. b — fbomns [V, Fjeif^b.

c,—Rebe'Ca Lek.h.D—Mahv SKi.i.foN Lkkih. ni. Dr, Thomas .r. Williams.



;«-L kJE.^i-'wrvO ci.—A-i-i^f hl/fson Milih-ans: b.—./nnifs P. Willianjs.Gcor.>if-<\ Willinnis. ,/._U',7r I.tiub Willi.-inis,

Rfbevci^'^ViUinnis /;—-r4-r'«---^«V-H'*rh*wnis^,,,%v-w.i^^ iA.> Iti*-*.**.

"j E.—Dr. J. Hanuomm^ l.i:ioir. of Clarkfsviile, Va.. ni. Mary•^ C. Carriuj^^Lon, daii>;ht<:-r of Tucker Carrin^ton.

4,—ELIZABETH LEIGH, in. Nathan Harris.A.— W. Lkicii Haucis, in. Maria S ^.

n.— Watmn.s Ij. Hakkis. ot Mis.sissipi>i.

in. 2d, lU'MJainin Th^Aeatt.

/ t\—Pri T>K.NiiA TiiwEATT, ni . JoliH IJaker.

u.-~E(iinonia Bnker. rn. Richard .\L Heath., 1.—Jamc.'S E. Ht-ath.

h.—Mary BiikQi:

• c.—M.-tria Warrf linker, rn. Dr. William F. Lockott.

v.—RKP.ICCCA WATKIXS. m, BAr,n\VL\ Tearce.

Page 57: A catalogue of the descendants of Thomas Watkins, of ...



2.—RERKCCA PEARCE. m. John B. Goodrich, of riidlana.

3.—ELIZAFJETH PEARCE. m. EtDvjir.l Posoiul. (Ed. Pet Int.)

4.—HAN.VAH PEARCE. in. Mr, Pei^rain.

5.—JANE PEARCE, m. Rev. . of BaUltnorc.

(Tliere are other derfoond'ints of Mrs. Pearco unasciTtromMl l>y nin



VIII.—SU5.\N WATKINS. ir.. I)k. H. W., of


1.—ELIZA CARV LOCKETT, in. .Mr. Smith, of .Niohile.

2.—NAPOLEON LOCKETT, daughter of Col. .^. L. Lockett.

jX.—ANNK WATKINS. (the c.n-eat iavuritc of the fanuly)

X.—JAMMYATKIXS, :died youpp- )


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Page 59: A catalogue of the descendants of Thomas Watkins, of ...
Page 60: A catalogue of the descendants of Thomas Watkins, of ...
Page 61: A catalogue of the descendants of Thomas Watkins, of ...
Page 62: A catalogue of the descendants of Thomas Watkins, of ...
Page 63: A catalogue of the descendants of Thomas Watkins, of ...
Page 64: A catalogue of the descendants of Thomas Watkins, of ...