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AD-A261 679 Carderock DivisionI llhIIIIIIII I II Naval Surface Warfare Center S0h!ada, MD 20084--000 CARDEROCKDIV-SME-CI-17-92 January 1993 , . Ship Materials Engineering Department Research and Development Report J and CTOD Estimation Equations for Shallow Cracks in Single Edge Notch Bend Specimens by Mark T. Kirk, University of Illinois Robert H. Dodds, Jr., University of Illinois Under contract to Naval Surface Warfare Center Annapolis Detachmenti Carderock Division Code 2814 Annapolis, MD 21402-5067 Prepared for DTIC Division of Engineering ELECTE Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research U 0 3 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission S Washington, DC 20555 NRC FIN B6290 93-04443 !~~11 I IHI WIPll III1111 IIIII II II• Approved for public releas; distributlon unlirmted. 93 3 2 11"
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  • AD-A261 679Carderock DivisionI llhIIIIIIII I IINaval Surface Warfare CenterS0h!ada, MD 20084--000

    CARDEROCKDIV-SME-CI-17-92 January 1993, . Ship Materials Engineering Department

    Research and Development Report

    J and CTOD Estimation Equations forShallow Cracks in Single Edge NotchBend SpecimensbyMark T. Kirk, University of IllinoisRobert H. Dodds, Jr., University of Illinois

    Under contract toNaval Surface Warfare CenterAnnapolis Detachmenti Carderock DivisionCode 2814Annapolis, MD 21402-5067

    Prepared for DTICDivision of Engineering ELECTEOffice of Nuclear Regulatory Research

    U 0 3U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission SWashington, DC 20555NRC FIN B6290

    93-04443!~~11 I IHI WIPll III1111 IIIII II IIApproved for public releas; distributlon unlirmted.

    93 3 2 11"

  • NUREG/CR-5969UILU-ENG-91-2013




    Mark T. KirkRobert H. Dodds, Jr.

    Manuscript Completed: November 1992Date Published-

    Prepared forU.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission

    Office Of Nuclear Regulatory ResearchDivision Of EngineeringWashington, Dc 20555

    NRC FIN No. B6290

    Prepared byNaval Surface Warfare CenterAnnapolis Detatchment, Carderock Division

    Code 2814Annapolis, Maryland 21402-5067


    Fracture toughness values determined using shallow cracked single edge notch bend,SE(B), specimens of structural thickness are useful for structural integrity assessments.However, teoting standards have not yet incorporated formulas that permit evaluation ofJ and CTOD for shallow cracks from experimentally measured quantities (i.e. load, crackmouth opening displacement (CMOD), and loadline displacement (LLD)). Results from twodimensional plane strain finite-element analyses are used to develop J and CTOD estima-tion strategies appropriate for application to both shallow and deep crack SE(B) specimens.Crack depth to specimen width (al/W) ratios between 0.05 and 0.70 are modelled usingRamberg-Osgood strain hardening exponents (n) between 4 and 50. The estimation formu-lan divide J and CTOD into small scale yielding (SSY) and large scale yielding (LSY) compo-nents. For each case, the SSYcomponert is determined by the linear elastic stress intensityfactor, K1. The formulas differ in evaluation of the LSY component. The techniques consid-ered include: estimating J or CTOD from plastic work based on load line displacement(Apt I =), from plastic work based on crack mouth opening displacement (A,, I CMOD), andfrom the plastic component of crack mouth opening displacement (CMODPI). A 11CMOD pro-vides the most accurate J estimation possible. The finite-element results for al, conditionsinvestigated fall within 9% of the following formula:

    J K2(1E vE) + 'BbAPICI MOD ;where ,j.- - 3.785 - 8,101,l+ 2.0a8()2

    The Insensitivity of tlJ-c to straln hardening permits J estimation for any material withequal accuracy. Further, estimating J from CMOD rather than LLD eliminates the needto measure LLD, thus simplifying the test procedure. Alternate, work based estimates forJ and CTOD have equivalent accuracy to this formula; however the r coefficient. in theseequations depend on the strain hardening coefficient. CTOD estimates based on scalar pro-portionality of CTOD~.y and CMODpi are highly inaccurate, especially for materials withconsiderable strain hardening, where errors up to 38% occur.

    NTIS CRA&W ,DTIC TABUnannouncedJustification ... ....

    By . ...................DistrIbution /

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  • Contents

    Section No. Page

    Abstract ................................................... iii

    List of Figures ............................ ...... ......... ...... . vi

    List of Tables ............................. ....... . . . . ......... .. ...... vii

    1. Introduction ......................... ...... ....... .. ...... . 1

    2. Approach ........................... ...... ....... .. ..... . . 18. J and CTOD Estimation Procedures ................... 2

    3.1 Current Standards ... ......... ....................................... 23.2 New Proposals ...................................................... 3

    4. Finite-Element Modelling .............................................. 4

    5, Results and Discussion ............................................... 65.1 Perfectly Plastic and Finite Element Proportionality Coefficients ....... 85.2 J and CTOD Estimation Errors ...................................... 85.3 Recommended J and CTOD Estimation Procedures ................... 12

    5.3.1 Requirements for Accurate Estimation ...................... 125.3.2 J Estimation ............................................. . 135.3.3 CTOD Estimation ......................................... 14

    6. Summary and Conclusions ............................................ 15

    7. References .......................................................... . 16

    Appendix: Summary of Coefficients for J and CTOD Eftimation ............ 17



    Figure No. Page

    1 Ramberg-Osgood stress strain curves used in the fuin#i-,-lement analysis ....... 4

    2 Finite element model of the a/W=O.25 SE(B) specimrin .......................... 5

    3 Variation of coefficients in J and CTOD estimation equations with a / W and n ... 7

    4 Variation of constraint factor () with a / W and n .............................. 85 Comparison of limit solution and finite-element results for a/W-O.15, n=50 ..... 96 Variation of J and CTOD with LLD and CMOD for a/W=nO. 15, n=5 SE(B) ........ 107 J and CTOD estimation errors for a/W=O.15, n-5 SE(B) . ...................... 108 Variation of coefficients in J and CTOD estimation errors with a/W and n ....... 11

    9 Effect of strain hardening on the linearity of the CTODhy - CMOD Irelation fora/W =O.50 ............ ...................... . .................. ................ 12

    10 Comparison of eqn. to finite-element data ............................. 13

    11 Error associated with using tl;- values from eqn. ...................... 1412 Relationship between strain hardening coefficient (n) and ultimate to yield

    ratio (R) for a Ramberg-Osgood material .................................... 14

    -Vi -


    Table No. Page

    1 SE(B) specimens modelled ................................................. 2

    2 Calculation of coefficients in J and CTOD estimation formulas ................... 6

    Al Variation ofvpi with a/W and n forJ estimation by eqn. 3.1.1 ................... 17

    A2 Variation of vj.c with a/W and n for J estimation by eqn. 3.2.2 ................. 17

    A3 Variation ofm with a/W and n for CTOD estimation by eqns. 3.1.2, 3.2.1, 3.2.8,an d 3.2.4 ................................................................... 17

    A4 Variation of Ic. with aiWandn for CTOD estimation by eqn. 3.2.1 ............. 18

    A5 Variation of Vex with a/W and n for CTOD estimation by eqn. 3.2.3 ........ . 18

    AS Variation of rj with a/W and n for CTOD estimation by eqn. 3.1.2 .............. 18

    A7 Variation of 16 with a/W and n for CTOD estimation by eqn. 3.2.4 ............... 18

    -vii -

  • ADMINISTRATIVE INFORMATIONThe work reported herein was funded under the Elastic-Plastic Fracture Mechanics of LWR

    Alloys Program at the Annapolis Detachment, Carderock Division, Naval Surface Warfare Center,Contract number N61533-92-R-000. The Program Is funded by the U.S. Nuclear RegulatoryCommission under Interagency Agreement RES-78-104, The Technical Program monitor is Dr. S.NMalik at the USNRC. Technical monitoring of the contract was performed by Mr. Richard E. Link(CDNSWC 2814).


  • 1. INTRODUCTIONStandardized procedures for fracture toughness testing require both sufficient specimen thickness toinsure predominantly plane strain conditions at the crack tip and a crack depth of at least half the apec-imen width (1-3]. Within certain limits on load level and crack growth, these restrictions insure theexistence of very severe conditions for fracture as described by the Hutchinson Rice Rosengren(HRR) crack-tip fields [4,S]. These conditions make the applied driving force needed to initiate frac-ture in a laboratory specimen lower than the value needed to initiate fracture in common civil andmarine structures where such severe geometric conditions are not present. As a consequence, struc-tures often carry greater loads without failure than predicted from fracture toughness values mea-sured using standardized procedures.

    Both Sumpter [61 and Kirk and Dodds 17] achieved good agreement between the initiation frac-ture toughness of single edge notched bend, SE(B), specimens and structures containing part-through semi-elliptical surface cracks by matching thickness and crack depth between specimen andstructure. These results demonstrate that toughness values determined from shallow cracked SE(B)specimens am appropriate for assessing the fracture integrity of structures. However, testing stan-dards have not yet incorporated formulas permitting evaluation of J and CTOD for shallow cracksfrom experimental measurements (i.e. load, crack mouth opening displacement (CMOD), and loadline displacement (LLD)), This investigation developsJ and CTOD estimation procedures applicablefor both shallow and deep crack fracture toughness testing for materials with a wide range of strainhardening characteristics.

    2. APPROACH"IWo dimensional, plane-strain finite--element analyses of SE(B) specimens are performed for

    crack depths from 0.05 to 0.70 a/Wwith Ramberg-Osgood strain hardening coefficients (n) between4 and 50. Thble 1 summarizes the conditions considered. The analyses provide load, CMOD, and LLDrecords to permit evaluation of coefficients relatingJ and CTOD to measurable quantities. The rangeof parameters considered in these analyses allows evaluation of the dependence of these coefficientson aiW and n. The estimation formulas divide J and CTOD into small scale yielding (SSY) and largescale yielding (LSY) components. In each formula, the SSYcomponent is defined by the linear elasticstress intensity factor, K1. The formulas differ only in the LSY'component. Procedures to estimate theLSY component include:

    1. Jbr from plastic work (area under the load vs. LLDp, curve, or ApI LD)2. CTODb as a fraction of CMODpI using a rotation factor3. CTODby, from plastic work (area under the load vs. LLDpj curve, or Ap, 1 w)4. 1Jsy and CTODj. from plastic work (area under the load vs. CMODp, curve, or

    Api I cMOD)

  • 5. CTODuy as a fraction of CMO)pl without the notion of a rotation factorExisting standards employ the first two techniques [1-3]; the remainder are new proposals.

    Thble 1: SE(B) specimens modelled.Ramberg- Osgood StrainHardening Coefficient (n)

    aiW 4 5 10 500.05 A' A" A' A"0.15 ;0 X' ;W0.25 e oo ;00 "0.50 e" e e ;"0.70 1 e P A'


    Existing test standards forJ and CTOD [I--3] employ the following estimation formulas:K2(1 - v2) I(3.11)J= E +Bb~pI-K2(1 - v2) rp, bCMODpl (3.1.2)

    maowlE rplb + awhere

    K linear elastic stress intensity factorv Poisson's ratio11 P1 plastic eta factorB specimen thicknessb remaining ligament, W - aAp, LW area under the load vs. LLD# curvem constraint factoroneow flow stress, average of yield and ultimate1

    Srp, plastic rotation factorCMODpl plastic component of CMOD

    Values of Ipp m, and rp, are well established for perfectly plastic materials based on closed form solu-tions. For deeply cracked specimens (a/W t 0.5), current test standards use qp, w 2, m - 2, andr, 1.u=.44 Sumpter [8] and Wu., et al. (9] have proposed the following relations to account for crackdepth less than 0.5 a/W.1, ASTM E1290 and BS 5762 both use yield stress in the CTOD estimation equation. In this investigation, flow stress isused instead.


  • - 0.32 + 12a - 49.5(.& -+ 99.8(!) for a/W < 0.282 (3.1.3)"-q - 2.0 for a/W z 0.282

    W (*)2rPI - 0.5 + 0.42 a - 4() for a/W < 0.172 (3.1.4)rPI - 0.463 - 0.04 a for a/W k 0.172

    Sumpter derived the qipl equation from limit analyses of the SE(B), while Wu, Cotterell, and Mai useda slip line field analysis to determine the variation of rp, with a/1. Material strain hardening alters thedeformation characteristics of the specimen, thereby altering 71,,, ni, and rp1 . Existing procedures ne-glect any influence of strain hardening.

    &2 New ProposalsThe estimation formulas presented in Section 3.1 have received the greatest attention as the coeffi-cients relating J and CTOD to experimental measurements are amenable to closed form solution, atleast in the non-hardening limit. For hardening materials, closed form solution is not possible, there-fore either experimental techniques [10] or finite-element analyses [11] are used to provide datafrom which qp, m, and r., are calculated. Quantities other than CM041 and A,, I tLn measured dur-ing a test can also be related to I or CTOD, if the proper proportionality coefficient is known. Thefollowing are some alternatives:

    1. Estimate CTODLV from plastic work (A,, I Lw):CTOD - K - V,,C L A (3.2.1)

    This formula is analogous to eqn. 3.1.1 for J testing2. Use plastic work defined by the area under the load vs. CMODP curve (A.,I cMOD) to

    estimate either Ak or CTODty:K 1(2(1 - v2) + nj-CAp I coD(3.2.2)

    CTOD K 2 - v2) +2jS.p C (3.2.3)mon,,E Bba lDow

    This technique eliminates the need for LLD measurement, which simplifies Jtesting.3. Express CTODby as a fmaction of CMODpj:

    K2(1 - v2)CTOD- moaV + 6CMODp1 (3.2.4)

    Eqn. 3.2.4 and 3.1.2 are functionally the same, thus 16 and rp, are related:rI b (3.2.5)rlb -~- + a

    Sorem (11] found rp, to be extremely sensitive to the CTOD-CMOD relationship forshallow cracks. This estimation procedure was proposed to circumvent this sensitivity.The validity of this approach is based on the observed, nearly linear dependence ofCTODhy on CMODpj in finite-element solutions.


  • In this investigation, finite-element analyses provide data from which ti pig n, ,p, p C - L C -, '11 c- C'and %1 are calculated.

    4. FINITE-ELEMENT MODELLING"Wo-dimensional, plane strain finite-element analyses of SE(B) specimens are performed usingconventional small strain theory. The analyses are conducted using the POLO-FINITE analysis soft-

    ware [12] on an engineering workstation.Uniaxial stress strain behavior is described using the Ramberg-Osgood model

    6 + (4.1)where oo is the reference stress (0.2% offset yield stress when a - 1), E. - Co/E is the referencestrain, a - 1, and n is the strain hardening coefficient. Strain hardening coefficients of 4, 5, 10, and

    50 model materials ranging from highly strain hardening to nearly elastic - perfectly plastic. Figure1 illustrates these stre3s - strain curves.

    J2 deformation plasticity theory (nonlinear elasticity) describes the multi-axial material model.Tbtal strains and stresses are related by

    El + + 20 log/ so + I -' 1 2v j,, - (4.2)

    where st is the stress deviator, a, is the Mises equivalent tensile stress, o~kk is the trace of the stresstensor, and 611 is the Kronecker delta.

    2.0 .. .n =4




    0.0- ,0 2 4 8 8 10

    Figure 1: Ramberg-Osgood stress strain curves used in the finite-element analysis.


  • 1,308 Nodes395 Elements } Half symmetric model

    Figure 2: Finite-element model of the a/W-0.25 SE(B) specimen.

    Finite-element models are constructed for aIW ratios of 0.05, 0.15, 0.25, 0.50, and 0,70. TheSE(B) specimens have standard proportions; the unsupported span is four times the specimen width.Symmetry of both geometry and loading permit use of a half-symmetric model. Each model containsapproximately 400 elements and 1300 nodes; the a/W w 0.25 model is shown in Figure 2, Eight-noded, plane -strain isoparametric elements are used throughout. Reduced (2 x 2) Gaussian integra-tion is used to eliminate locking of the elements under incompressible plastic deformation. The samehalf- circular core of elements surrounds the crack tip in all models. This core consists of eight, sized wedges (22.5 * each) of elements in the 6 direction. Each wedge contains 30 quadrilateral ele.ments; the radial dimension decreases geometrically with decreasing element distance to the cracktip. The eight crack-tip elements are collapsed into wedges with the initially coincident nodes leftunconstrained to permit development of crack-tip blunting deformations. The side nodes of theseelements are retained at the mid-point position. This modelling produces a lir strain singularity ap-propriate in the limit of perfect plasticity. Crack-tip element sizes range from 0.2% to 0.02% of thecrack length depending on the a/W modelled.

    Load is uniformly distributed over two small elements and applied at the center of the compres-sion face of the specimen to eliminate the local singularity effects caused by a concentrated nodal load.Load is increased in 30 to 50 variably sized steps until the CTOD reaches 5% of the crack length. Strictconvergence criteria at each step insure convergence of calculated stresses and strains to the third sig-nificant figure, iWo to three full Newton iterations at each load step are required to satisfy this criteria.As deformation plasticity is strain path independent, converged solutions are load step size invariant,

    The J-integral is computed at each load step using a domain integral method [13,14]. J valuescalculated over domains adjacent to and remote from the crack tip are within 0.003% of each other,as expected for deformation plasticity. CTOD is computed from the blunted shapf. of the crack flanksusing the 45 intercept procedure. LLD is taken as the relative displacement in the loading direc-tion of a node on the symmetry plane located approximately 0.4b ahead of the crack tip and of a nodelocated above the support, This procedure eliminates the effect of spuriously high displacements in


  • Thble 2: Calculation of coefficients in J andCTOD estimation formulas.

    Eqn. Coefficient X Y

    3.1.4 Bb A____.___3.2.2 Tj-C API CMOD P3.2.2 'li-c Bb Jp

    ________ Bb _ _ _ _ _3.1.2 o80nwt

    3.2.1 11C-L Bboflw PI

    3.2.3 lic-c ApI CMOD _6_____ Bbgo,wp

    3.1.2 r1, CMOD1, , 6"

    3.2.4 'J8 CMOD,,,

    :It is the slope of this line, rP1, b(-p)i:8= CTODb(-&

    the vicinity of both the load and support points. The ij, m, and rp, coefficients are determined fromthese results by calculating the slope of the quantities indicated in Tbble 2 at each load step. Slope cal-culation is initiated with data from the final three load steps. Data from earlier load steps are includedin this calculation until the linear correlation coefficient (r) falls below 0.999. This procedure elimi-nates data from the first few load steps, which are predominantly elastic, and therefore not expectedto provide reliable relationships between plastic quantities.

    5. RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONThe variation of the ni, m, and re coefficients with a/W and n determined from the finite-elementresults is summarized in Figures 3-4, and in the Appendix. Solutions for non-hardening materials,where available, are indicated on the figures. Each coefficient shows considerable variation with crackdepth. The variation with material strain hardening is also a common feature of all coefficients exceptlj-o which relates JLb to Ap, I CMOD. nj -C is essentially independent of n fora/W2 0.15. The remain-

    der of this section examines the differences between perfectly plastic and finite-element solutions,and the errors associated with each estimation procedure. Finally, recommendations of J and CTODestimation formulas for use in 'fracture testing of SE(B) specimens are made.


  • 2.5 p (a) 'rj c(b)2. 1 * 4.00Limit Load 3.75 l2.0- a 13.50- n -50o

    '4n6 LO

    1.6- 3.25-

    1.0n5n io 2.75

    0.5 2.50[0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8

    a/W &/WflC-L (C) YC (d)1.50 . * 3.0

    1.62.5- =


    0.75-6 =

    0.5000.25 1.0

    0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8a/W a/W

    0.5 Feld Slutio 0.8- Field Solution nM50.61



    0.1 5

    0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8afW a/W

    Figure 3: Variation of coefficients inl and CTOD estimation equations with aIW and n. (a) eqn. 3.1.1,(b) eqn. 3.2.2, (c) eqn. 3.2.1, (d) eqn. 3.2.3, (e) eqn. 3.1.2, (0) eqn.3.2.4.


  • 5.1 Perfectly Plastic and Finite Element Proportionality CoefficientsThe variation of both rp, and -nawith a/W for a low strain hardening material (Figure 3 e-f) agreeswell with the slip line field solution of Wu, et al. [9] above a/W=O.15. However, at smaller aIW theelastically dominated response, ignored in the slip line field solution, causes a deviation between theslip line field and finite-element rp, and % values.

    The variation of q., with a/Wdetermined by finite-element analysis has a different functional formthan determined by Sumpter [8) using a limit load solution (Figure 3a), The limit load derivation em-ploys the following approximation for plastic work:

    UPL - PM " LLDPL (5,1.1)where

    PuM "[BW 2 fo"S

    t mI- 0.33W - 6(* + () -S - unsupported bend span

    Thus, the accuracy of -q., values determined by limit analysis depends on the equivalence of plasticwork calculated by eqn. 5.1.1 and the actual plastic work (area under a load vs. LLD0 diagram) fora strain hardening material. This equivalence is not achieved even for the low strain hardening n-50material, as illustrated in Figure 5.



    1.0 a n 1ea n-10

    0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8a/W

    Figure 4: Variation of constraint factor (m) with alWand n.

    5.2 J and CTOD Estimation ErrorsFigure 6 illustrates the variation of J and CTOD with LLD and CMOD for an a!W-0.15, n-5 SE(B)determined by finite-element analysis. This dependence of fracture parameters on measurablequantities is contrasted with that predicted by the ) and CTOD estimation procedures usinig ii and "Icoefficients calculated from the finite-element results. Work-based J and CTOD estimates (eqns,


  • 3530 0

    00 Umit Solution25 \. ...0 Finite Element

    .. 0Results32 20


    5 n-SOo ( I- I , a I - 6 1

    0.000 0.005 0.010 0.0 15 0.020 0.025Plastic Load Line Displacement [inches]

    Figure 5: Comparison of limit solution and finite-element results for a/W-O.15, n -50.

    3.1.1, 3.2.1, 3.2.2, and 3.2.3) match the finite-element results much more closely than do formulasthat calculate CrODby as a traction of CMOti (eqns. 3.1.2 and 3.2.4). Figure 7 shows J and CTODestimation errors, more clearly illustrating the differences between the estimation procedures, Toevaluate the effects of both a/W and n on estimation accuracy, the following error measure is defined:

    E E /FpfI W (5.2.1)


    El 1OQ~ I-rpfJ percent error at load step I


    N total number of load stepsP1-uoo estimated J or C0D at load step i

    FPO I or CTOD at load step i from finite -element analysisFor an a/WaO.l5 In=5 SE(B), the~value for CTOD estimation using r.1, eqn. 3.1.2, is 21%. Com-.parison of this value with the data in Figure 7demonstrates that r is a root mean square error mea.sure.

    The variation of EM with a/Wand nt for the six estimation procedures is shown in Figure 8. Er.rors associated with work-based J and CTOD estimates (work calculated from CMOD) are below5% for all a/Wand n. If work is instead calculated from LLD, J.and CTOD estimation erors are alsogenerally below 5%, with the exception of shallow cracks in a very low strain hardening material(a!Wi0.05, n-=5). However, equations that express CTQDby as a fraction of CMOip, are inaccuratefor all a/W(=0. 17%) in highly strain hardening materials (n s 5). As the maximum estimation er-


  • J [in. _ kips/in2] CTOD [inches]

    JjSy from Plastic CTODay as a Fraction of CMODO,Work Eqns. 3.1.2 and 3.2.4

    1.5- !qns. 3.1 .1 and 3.2.2 0.0 12-

    1.0 Finite Element

    0.5. lnts Element 0.004-Results

    CTO&4y from Plastic WorkEqnh. 3.2.1 and 3.2.3

    0.0 - 0.0000.000 0.025 0.050 0.075 0.000 0.008 0.010 0.024 0.032Load Une Displacement [Inches] CMOD [Inches]

    figure 6: Wrlatlon ofJ and CTOD with LLD and CMOD for atW"O.15, .n5 SE(B).

    40 1 1 40

    S20 -20.


    2Eqn. 3.27.1

    20- ak rm Plsi qTL, Tf~ ISGWrWok 8, -20 C Eqn 3.2.3CTO.4y as a fration of CMOC1"Eqn. 3.1.1 * Eqn.3.1.2T Egn 3,2,2 I i qn,24fl .22 Ecin 3.i.4-40'

    -L -- 40 - I ' "0.0 0.8 1.0 1.5 2.0 0.000 0.004 0.008 0.012 0.010

    J (In. klps/in2J CTOD [Inches]

    Figure 7: .J end CTOD estimation errors for n/W-0.15, n-5 SE(B).

    ror can exceed M by up to a factor of 2 (Figure 7), E values above 17% are clearly excessive,Accuracy improves (M'RM< 12%) for materials with less strain hardening (n > 10). However, theseestimates have accuracy comparable to work-based CTOD estimates only for deep cracks in essen.tially non-hardening materials. Thus, the validity of assumptions made in deriving the various es.


  • S(a) ~ %] (b)30 ' , " 30 . .

    4,y from Jlmy fromPlastic Work Plastic WorkBased on LLD x n=4arned on CMOD20 I"nnn401020

    9 n-jO

    10 10

    C 00,0 0.2 0.4 0,6 0.8 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8

    &/W a/W

    3 30 . , .CTODA from CTOIky fromPlastl Work Plastic WorkSued on LLD Based on CMOD

    20 20

    10- 10-

    0 C 10.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8

    a/W a/W30 Egg [%] (@) ... ... 3 (f)

    303 *Crop, a a CTO~.y asaFraction of CMODi,- Fraction of OMOIp

    20 20.


    0-0.80.0 0.2 0.4 0.0 0.8 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8

    a/W a/WFigure 8: Variation of J and CTOD estimation orrors with a/W and n. Symbols represent the same

    conditions in each figure. (a) eqn. 3.1.1, (b) eqn. 3.2.2, (c) eqn. 3.2.1, (d) eqn. 3.2.3, (e) eqn.3.1.2, (f) eqn. 3.2,4.


  • timation procedures directly affects their accuracy. J and CTOD estimation from plastic work isachieved by partitioning total work into SSY and LSY components. Additive separation is exact be-cause, for a linear elastic body, K2(1 - v)/E is the elastic strain energy. Conversely, the linear relationbetween CTODsy and CMODpi assumed in eqns. 3.1.2 and 3.2.4 cannot exist (exactly) for any bodywith an elastic component that varies with load (i.e. for any amount of strain hardening). Strain hard-ening strongly influences the linearity of the CTODb - CMO1I relationship, as Illustrated in Figure9. Thus, eqns. 3.1.2 and 3.2.4 work best for minimally strain hardening materials.




    S0.004 T n-5 m0 n= 10 "IA rn ,,IO

    0.0000.00 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08CMOD 1 [Inches]

    Figure 9: Effect of strain hardening on the linearity of the CTOD - CMODp,relation for a/Wo0.50.

    5.3 Recommended J and CTOD Estimation Procedures

    5.3.1 Requirements for Accurate EstimationThe formulas used to evaluate fracture parameters from experimental data should not Introduce sub-stantial errois into the I and CTOD estimates. This need for accuracy favors estimating J1 andCTODky, from plasticwork. Even though estimation of the LSYcomponent from plasticwork requiresnumerical anteg. ation of experimental data, this seems warranted to reduce errors by up to five-fold(compare Figure 8d to Figure 80. In addition to using inherenly accurate formulas, selecting nh, i,and rp, coefficients corresponding to a specific a/W and material should not be a potential errorsource. In view of the ambiguity attendant to fitting experimental stress -strain data with a power lawcurve, insensitivity of 1, ni, and rpt to material strain hardening would be extremely advantageous.


  • 5.3.2 J EstimationThe only procedure that meets both of the aforementioned requirements is J estimation from plasticwork based on CMOD. By fitting the data in Figure 3b, the variation of ilj - c with a/W is expressedas follows:

    2- 3.785 - 3.101a + 2.018(* foralln, 0.05 s - s 0.70 (

    Figure 10 shows this fit together with the qj - c data. The use of n - c values from eqn. producesestimation errors of at most 9%, and generally much less, as illustrated in Figure 11. In situationswhere fracture toughness in terms of a critical ,I value is desired, estimation using eqns. 3.2.2 and5.3.2.1 is clearly superior to estimating J from plastic work based on LLD, where qpl depends on mate-rial strain hardening coefficient. Further, estimatingJ from CMOD rather than LLD eliminates theneed to measure LLD, which simplifies the test procedure.

    Despite the clear advantages of estimating J from plastic work based on CMOD, estimationbased on LLD may be necessary for very shallow cracks due to experimenta& complexities associatedwith clip gage attachment [15]. IfJ estimation using LLD is unavoidable, Y1.1 can be indexed less ambig-uously to the ratio of the ultimate strength to the yield strength than to the strain hardening coefficient.The ultimate tensile strength for a Rumberg-Osgood material is obtained by solving for the tensileinstability point, converting true stress to engineering stress, and taking the ratio of this value with0.2% offset yield stress. This calculation gives:The variation of 1/n with R calculated from eqn. is shown in Figure 12. This figure, along withthe information in Table Al, is used to determine the appropriate nplvalue for the experimental condi-tions of interest based on data from a simple tensile test.


    E\,, T~- 3.785 - 3.101 + 2.018(A3.50' _ 3.25


    2.75 n -10

    2.50 I I ,0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8

    a/W'Figure 10: Comparison of eqn. to finite-element data.


  • (I%] Maximum Error [%]30. 30

    JJ.V from Jily fromPlastico Work x n=-4 Plastic Work 2 n = 420 eaude OCMOD v n=5 Based on CMOD v n- 520 m n-1O 20 m nlO

    a n050 A n-Sa

    10 10

    01 0o0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8

    8lW a/W

    Figure 11: Error associated with using '1- c values from eqn.

    Rn- -(.)ePA ( ;. ' . , , " ' i' '




    n o0.1

    0.10 R


    1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0R - o./Oo

    Figure 12: Relationship between strain hardening coefficient (n) and ultimate to yieldratio (R) for a Ramberg-Osgood material.

    5.3.3 CTOD EstimationAs noted previously, CTOD estimation from plastic work Is considerably more accurate than CTODestimation directly from CMODp,. Use of eqn. 3.2.1 or 3.2.3 is therefore preferred to cqn. 3.1.2 or


  • 3.2.4. However, the 1, ni, and rpj coefficients in all of these equations depend strongly on Pt. The strainhardening coefficient is estimated from R as described in section 5.3,1. Appropriate il and lc-L orIlc-cvalues for the experlmental conditions of interest are then determined from Tables A3, A4, andA5, respectively.

    6. SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONSResults from two-dimensional, plane strain finite-element analyses are used to develop J andCTOD estimation strategies appropriate for application in both shallow and deep crack SE(B) speci.mens, Crack depth to specimen width (a/W) ratios between 0.05 and 0.70 are modelled using Ram.berg-Osgood strain hardening exponents (n) between 4 and 50. The estimation formulas divide J andCTOD into small scale yielding (S,) and large scale yielding (LSY) components. For each case, theSSY component is determined by the linear elastic stress intensity factor, K/. The formulas differ inevaluation of the LSY component. The techniques considered include: estimating J or CTOD fromplasticwork based on load line displacement (AP I LLD), from plastic work based on crack mouth displacement (Ap1 I CMOD), and from the plastic component of crack mouth opening displacement(CMODpI). Ap1 I CMOD provides the most accurate J estimation possible, The finite-element resultsfor all conditions investigated fall within 9% of the following formula:

    j VJ Ap, AI CMtoD ; Where 1, - w 3.7185i - 3. 101 * + 2.018(*)The insensitivity of jj- c to strain hardening permltsJ estimation for any material with equal accuracy.Further, estlmating J from CMOD rather than LLD eliminates the need to measure LLD, thus simpli.fying the test procedure. Alternate, work based estimates for I and CTOD have equivalent accuracyto this formula; however the qI coefficients in these equations depend on the strain hardening coeffi-cient. CTOD estimates based on scalar proportionality of CTOEN and CMODp, are highly inaccu.rate, especially for materials with considerable strain hardening, where errors up to 38% occur.

    I ........ ....... ... 15

  • 7. REFERENCES[1] ASTM Standard Test Method for Jjc, A Measure of Fracture Toughness, E813-89.[2] ASTM Standard Tbst Method for Crack-Tip Opening Displacement (CTOD) Fracture Tbugh-

    ness Measurement, E1290-89.[3] BS 5762: 1979, "Methods for Crack Tip Opening Displacement (COD) Testing," British Stan-

    dards Institution, London, 1979.[4] Hutchinson, J.W,, "Singular Behavior at the End of a Tensile Crack in a Hardening Material,"

    Journal of Mechanic and Physics of SollWd, Vol. 16, pp. 13 -31, 1968.[5] Rice, J.R., and Rosengren, G.F., "Plane Strain Deformation Near a Crack Tip in a Power-Law

    Hardening Material," Journal of Mechanics and Physics of Solids, Vol. 16, pp. 1 - 12, 1968.[6] Sumpter, J.D.G., "Prediction of Critical Crack Size in Plastically Strained Welded Panels," Non-

    linearFracture Mechanics: Volume II - Elastic-Plastic Fracture, ASTMS TP 995, J.D. Landes, A.Saxena, and J.G. Merkle, eds., American Society for Testing and Materials, pp. 415-432,1989.

    [7] Kirk, M.T, and Dodds, R.H., "An Analytical and Experimental Comparison ofli Values for Shal-low Through and Part Through Surface Cracks," Engineering Fracture Mechanics, Vol. 39, No.3, pp. 535 -551, 1991.

    [8] Sumpter, J.D.G,, "Jc Determination for Shallow Notch Welded Bend Specimens," Fatigue andFracture of Engineering Materials and Structures, Vol. 10, No. 6, pp. 479 -493, 1987.

    (9] Wu, S.X., Cotterell, B., and Mal, Y.W., "Slip Line Field Solutions for Three -Point Notch - BendSpecimen," International Journal of Fracture, Vol. 37, pp. 13-29, 1988.

    [10] Wu, SX., "Plastic Rotational Factor and J-COD Relationship of Three Point Bend Specimen,"Enn&eed fte:w Mechanics, Vol, 18, No. 1, pp. 83 -95, 1983.

    [11] Sorem, W.A., Dodds, R.H., and Rolfe, S.T., "Effects of Crack Depth on Elastic Plastic FractureTbughness," International Journal of Fracture, Vol. 47, pp. 105-126, 1991.

    [12] Dodds, RH., and Lope, L.A., "Software Virtual Machines for Development of finite-elementSystems," Internatonal Journalfor Engineering Wth Computers, Vol. 13, pp. 18 - 26, 1985.

    [13] LU, UZ., Shih, C.E, and Needleman, A., "A Comparison of Methods for Calculating Energy Re-lease Rates," Engineering Fracture Mechanics, Vol. 21, pp. 405-421, 1985.

    [14] Shih, C.F., Moran, B., and Nakamura, T., "Energy Release Rate Along a Three-DimensionalCrack Front in a Thermally Stressed Body," International Journal of Fracture, Vol. 30, pp.79-102,1986.

    [15] Theiss, TJ., and Bryson, J.R., "Influence of Crack Depth on Fracture Tbughness of Reactor Pres.sure Vessel Steel," to appGear in the ASTM STP resulting from the Symposium on Constraint Ef.fects in Fracture, held May 8-9 1991, Indianapolik, Indiana.



    Tible Al: Variation of nw with a/Wand n forJ estimation by eqn. 3.1.1.Ramberg-Osgood Strain Hardening Coefficient (n)

    1/W 4 5 10 500.05 0.670 0.746 0.901 1.1920.15 1.295 1.393 1.542 1.6870.25 1.639 1.686 1.763 1.7530.50 1.924 1.930 1,924 1.9270.70 2.109 2.130 2.086 2.052

    Table A2: Variation of p-.c with a/W and n for J estimation by eqn. 3.2,2.Ramberg-Osgood Strain Hardening Coefficient (n)

    a/ 4 5 10 500.05 3.848 3.793 3.482 3,4200.15 3.359 3.385 3.322 3,3760.25 3.152 3.138 3.130 3.1370.50 2.748 2,749 2.728 2.7230.70 2.613 2,641 2.595 2.562

    .Table A3: Variation of m with a/Wand n for CTOD estimation by eqns. 3,1.2, 3.2.1, 3,2.3,and 3.2,4,

    Ramberg-Osgood Strain Hardening Coefficient (n)a/W 4 5 10 500.05 1.908 1.786 1.496 1.2910.15 1.963 1.863 1.573 1.4230.25 2.036 1.938 1.648 1.5010.50 2.177 2.047 1.788 1,6870.70 2.200 2.093 1.932 1.810


  • Table A4: Variation of rc-1, with a/W and n for CTOD estimation by eqn. 3.2.1.Ramberg-Osgood Strain Hardening Coefficient (n)

    AMi 4 5 10 500.05 0.335 0.402 0.611 0.8000.15 0.640 0.743 0.982 1.2450.25 0.795 0.872 1.073 11 0.50 0.885 0.944 1.076 1.:,

    0.70 0.959 1.018 1.078 71.131

    Table AS: Variation of Vc-c with aIW and n for CTOD estimation by eqn. 3,2.3.Ramberg-Osgood Strain Hardening Coefficient (n)

    A/W 4 5 10 500.05 1.929 2.043 2.310 2.7010.15 1.659 1.806 2.115 2.493025 1.530 1.624 1.904 2.1120.50 1.263 1.344 1.525 1.6050.70 1.187 1.262 1.341 1.412

    Table A6: Variation of rp, with a/W and n for CTOD estimation by eqn. 3.1.2.Ramberg-Osgood Strain Hardening Coefficient (n)

    A/W 4 5 10 500.05 0.045 0.053 0.089 0.1420.15 0.132 0.171 0.261 0.4040.25 0.207 0.240 0.352 0.4310.50 0.292 0.343 0.380 0.4260.70 0,333 0.341 0.395 0.398

    i , , i Sl i H , ,

    "rkble A7: Variation of q6 with a/Wand n for CTOD estimation by eqn. 3.2.4.Ramberg-Osgood Strain Hardening Coefficient (n)

    a/W 4 5 10 500.05 0.459 0.499 0.627 0.7290.15 0.427 0.492 0.595 0.6950.25 0.382 0.418 0.512 0.5630.50 0.226 0.255 0.274 0.2990.70 0.125 0.127 0.145 0.146





    A DDRF, L~b 1 I Brown Univ.1 CNO/OP 09T 1 (Dr. C.F. Shih)

    2 OCNR 1 Univ. of Illinois1 1132 (Rajapak.) 1 (Dr. LH. Dodds, Jr.)1 1122 (Vasudivan)1 0225 1 Teas A&M Univ.1 4828 1 (Dr. T.L. Anderson)1 Lib

    2 NASALngley1 NAVPGSCOL 1 Lib

    1 (Dr. J.C. Newman)1 USNROTCU

    NAVADMINU MIT 1 Hibbit, Karloson and Sorenson, Inc.

    2 NEL1 Code 63801 Code 6884

    8 NAVSEA1 (SK,0SM)1 (BoA05M2)1 (8MA05P)1 (SADSP1)1 (SEAO5P2)1 (SEA05P8)2 (sEAOS)

    2 DTIC

    5 USNRCI (M. Mayfield)2 (Dr. S.N. Malik)1 (A. Hiser)1 (Dr. B.M. Hackett)

    1 DOB, Oak Ridge

    2 NIST, Boulder

    I (J. Berger)4 NIST, Washington

    1 Lib1 (L. Fields)1 (R. DeWitt)1 (J.T. Fong)



    1 01151 171 17021 17081 1722 17241 1782 178.31 174.31 1751 175.11 381 26015 3811 28121 2818

    12 28145 2814 (L Link)1 38151 84211 8422

    NAVS.AS1 0481 043.11 04C1 0451 045B

  • RE:'.T DOC'.,'EN'TATI'.' - --

    ~~~~. . ....... .... ,, ... . :... ... :



    6. AUTHOR(S) WU: 93-1-2814-554MARK T. KIRK AND ROBERT H. DODDS, JR.




    1; D, 0STRI'T:O' hVA:sA61.:TY STA L,';4N. 2b, DI ,rN7IO .'Di

    Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited

    13, kLSTFACI ihlaximurO 200wordsiResults from two dimensional plane strain finite-element analyses are used todevelop J and CTOD estimation strategies approprate for application to both-shallow and deep crack SE(B) specimens. Crack depth to specimen width (a W)ratios between 0.05 and 0.70 are modelled using Ramberg-Osgood strain hardeningexponents (n) between 4 and 50. The estimation formulas divide J and CTOD intosmall scale yielding (SSY) and large scale yielding (LSY) components. For eachcase, the SSY components is determined by the linear elastic stress intensityfactor, KI. The formulas differ in evaluation of the LSY component. Thetechniques considered include: estimating J or CTOD from plastic work based onload line displacement (AplILLD)' from plastic work based on crack mouth openingdisplacement (Al1 1Onl), and from the plastic component of crack mouth openingdisplacement (C-oDY ~A(:OD provides the most accurate J estimation possible.CTM estimates baseBn scalar proportionality of CTOD1sv and CMOD pl are highlyinaccurate, especially for materials with considerable strain hardening, whereerrors up to 38% occur.

    14. SUBJECT TERMS yWO : J-integral, crack-tip opening displace- 15. NUMBER OF PAGESment, fracture toughness, finite element method, shallow crack, 16, PRICEstructural intecjrity eta factor. CODE


    unclassified unclassified 7 unclassified JULN N SAQ0 *80*500Stanaarer, rorrn 296 (Rev 2-89)