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9XR Pro Ersky9x Explained 2014-07-06

Feb 28, 2018



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  • 7/25/2019 9XR Pro Ersky9x Explained 2014-07-06


    Open Source Firmware

    ErSky9x Explained

    for the Turnigy 9XR Pro

    This manual is based on version r204 of theErsky9x firmware, issued in May 2014. or more

    information, see !a"e 44.

    #$reen shots show a !re%!rodu$tion transmitter.

    Ersky9x Ex!lained & version 1

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    ErSky9x Explained

    Contents'ntrodu$tion.................................................................................................................................. 1(avi"atin" in Er#ky9x..................................................................................................................2

    )utton (avi"ation....................................................................................................................2(avi"atin" )etween *a"es......................................................................................................2(avi"ation in a Menu...............................................................................................................+

    ome *a"es............................................................................................................................+#tatisti$s #$reens....................................................................................................................-

    adio /eneral #ettin"s................................................................................................................adio #etu! !a"e 1 113..........................................................................................................

    )oot eason !a"e 11 113.....................................................................................................12# 5ard #tat !a"e 10 113....................................................................................................125alibration !a"e 9 113..........................................................................................................12 6(6 6nalo" 'n!uts3 !a"e 7 113...........................................................................................1+

    '6/ ia"nosti$s3 !a"e 113.............................................................................................1+ate%Time !a"e - 113...........................................................................................................1+

    8ersion !a"e 113...............................................................................................................14Trainer !a"e 4 113................................................................................................................14Memory #tat !a"e + 113.......................................................................................................1-

    adio #etu! 2 !a"e 2 113.....................................................................................................1-Model #etu! Menus...................................................................................................................1

    Model#el Model #ele$t3........................................................................................................1#etu! :: !a"e 1 1+3............................................................................................................19

    eli #etu! !a"e 2 1+3...........................................................................................................2+

    Modes li"ht Modes3 *a"e + 1+3.........................................................................................24Ex!o !a"e 4 1+3.............................................................................................................24Mixer !a"e 1+3...................................................................................................................2-;imits !a"e - 1+3..................................................................................................................+15urves !a"e 1+3................................................................................................................+25ustom #wit$hes !a"e 7 1+3................................................................................................++#afety #wit$hes

  • 7/25/2019 9XR Pro Ersky9x Explained 2014-07-06


    IntroductionThis manual !rovides a detailed overview of the ErSky9x o!en sour$e firmware used in the Turnigy9XR Pro transmitter. The "reat flexibility of this !ro"rammin" system means that there is a lot that

    needs to be des$ribed. >ou mi"ht see this as intimidatin", but you don?t need to learn everythin"before you $an en@oy flyin" with this transmitter. That?s why we have !rovided a se!arate andsim!ler "uideA First Steps with ErSky9x . Be re$ommend you read that first to "et the overall !i$tureand to learn enou"h to "et you flyin". 6lso be sure to read Introduction to the Hardware seeC urther 'nformationD at the end of this manual3.

    Be also re$ommend that you make use of the available 5 forums and es!e$ially!en 5forums.$om, whi$h is dedi$ated to the various o!en sour$e 5 firmwares in$ludin" this one.

    There you will find enthusiasts, in$ludin" the !ro"ram and hardware develo!ers, ready to hel! you"et the most from this amaFin"ly advan$ed and still evolvin" 5 software. Bhile there, you should$onsider makin" a donation for their efforts.

    The features of the 9XR Pro transmitter runnin" ErSky9x firmware in$ludeA +2 model memories !lusan unlimited number on your $om!uterG u! to 24 $hannel o!erationG !otential for telemetry$ommuni$ation and dis!lay on the s$reenG s!oken announ$ement of alarms, swit$h settin"s andtelemetry valuesG $om!letely free mixes allowin" almost unlimited !ro"rammin" of $ontrols andswit$hesG !oint and 9 !oint $ustom $urvesG assi"nment of any $hannel to any fun$tion. The radioalso su!!orts an # $ard for the stora"e of audio, firmware, telemetry lo"s and manuals to whi$hthis one belon"s. ErSky9x su!!orts )luetooth $ommuni$ation if the reHuired hardware is added tothe $ir$uit board. 't also !rovides I#) a$$ess to the $om!uter%based Eepskye !ro"ram, whi$hallows u!datin" the firmware, model memory and # $ard. Eepskye also simulates the sti$ks,sliders and swit$hes on the radio, both for !ro"rammin" and for develo!in" model settin"s. Easyu!datin" of the firmware allows you to benefit from the im!rovements $ontinually bein" develo!ed.

    The $ombination of extremely flexible !ro"rammin" and a !owerful new main board desi"ned by #ky(orth results in an inex!ensive transmitter that is amon" the most $a!able available today.

    Ersky9x Ex!lained & version 1 !a"e 1 of 4

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    Navigating in ErSky9x

    Button NavigationThe transmitter has six in!ut keysA a $ru$iform set of '/ T ;E T I* B( keys, !lus $ontextualME(I and E:'T keys.

    The '/ T ;E T I* B( keys to the left of the s$reen move the $ursor or !a"es in thea!!ro!riate dire$tions. (ote that short !resses and lon" !resses will !rodu$e different results.

    or exam!le, when you turn your transmitter on it will start at one of five J omeJ !a"es. #hort!resses of the I* and B( keys will take you to different home !a"es. Ea$h !ress of the keybrin"s a new s$reen, eventually takin" you ba$k to where you started. Bhi$hever s$reen you lastused will be the home s$reen that a!!ears when you next swit$h the transmitter on.

    'f, however, you !ress the I* key for about half a se$ond i.e., lon" I*3 you will be shown a s$reenwhi$h has information about the )attery and related matters see !a"e - 3.

    5onfusedK on?t worry, all this "ets Huite easy on$e you have handled the transmitter for a shortwhile.

    Navigating Between Pages.The home !a"es form a $entral $ore from whi$h you $an "o ri"ht, left, u! or down to a$$ess sets of!a"es whi$h have similar fun$tions see dia"ram below3.

    6 lon" ;E T !ress takes you to the adio #etu! se$tion where short !resses '/ T or ;E T allowyou to $y$le throu"h the 11 !a"es.

    6 lon" '/ T !ress takes you to the 14 !a"es of the Model #etu! se$tion. 6 lon" I* !ress from thehome !a"es takes you to three #tatisti$s !a"es as you $an see in the dia"ram above. 6nd a lon"

    B( !ress takes you dire$tly to the Telemetry !a"es.

    The Telemetry !a"es $an also be a$$essed from the ome !a"es by short !resses of B( or I*a number of times until the first telemetry !a"e shows. These !a"es are re$o"niFable be$ause theydo not have the trim !osition "ra!hi$s alon" the bottom and ed"es of the s$reen.

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    n$e on a !a"e, short !resses of ;E T and '/ T ste! throu"h the various items found there, su$has !hysi$al and $ustom swit$hes.

    Navigation in a Menu (avi"ation in a menu is strai"ht forwardA The I* B( '/ T ;E T keys will navi"ate between

    editable fields, or lines of fields de!endin" on the s$reen.*ressin" ME(I will enter the edit mode. 'n this mode, '/ T ;E T $han"e the value, while ME(Ior E:'T validate the in!ut and return to navi"ation. 'f there is only one value on a line to be edited,the ;E T and '/ T keys $han"e it dire$tly without !ressin" ME(I.

    6 short !ress on E:'T "oes ba$k to the !revious navi"ation level, but a lon" !ress "oes ba$k to thehome !a"e where you started. To return to the !revious !a"e, lon" !ress the ME(I button.

    'n edit mode, a short$ut is available to reverse the si"n of a value. Bith the $ursor on the value,!ress ;E T and '/ T keys to"ether and the si"n will $han"e from !ositive to ne"ative or vi$eversa. This works even with the $ru$iform key arran"ement, as the keys re"ister $lose enou"hto"ether for the radio to re$o"niFe the short$ut.3

    Home PagesThere are five ome !a"es, four of whi$h show the same basi$ information in the to! !art of thes$reenA model name, transmitter battery volta"e, timer value, timer swit$h identity, and trimin$rement settin". Trim !osition "ra!hi$s are shown on the sides and bottom of the s$reen. The fifth

    ome !a"e shows telemetry.

    Home Page 1 (Stick and Pot Positions)

    'n the first ome !a"e view, the lower half of the s$reen shows a "ra!hi$al re!resentation of sti$kand !otentiometer !ositions. 6 list of the swit$hes shows those in the Lu!? !osition in normal text,while those in the JdownJ !osition are !resented in white letters on a dark ba$k"round i.e.,

    reversed3. 'n other words, this s$reen shows the in!uts to the !ro$essin".

    'n the u!!er half of the s$reen, the transmitter volta"e is dis!layed in lar"e !rint, alon" with the trimin$rement ty!e, here LMed? see !a"e 20 3. The $urrent value of Timer 1 is also shown in lar"e !rint,alon" with the swit$h used to a$tivate it, here LT s? see !a"e 19 3. 'n addition, the $urrent li"htMode will be dis!layed if it is other than the default M01.

    Home Page 2 ( rap!ic Servo Outputs)

    'n the se$ond ome !a"e view short !ress down from the !revious s$reen3, the u!!er !art ofthe s$reen is identi$al to ome *a"e 1, while the lower half of the s$reen shows in bar "ra!h

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    form the $hannel out!uts. These bars refle$t the out!uts resultin" from the !ro"rammin" for the!arti$ular model !ro$essin" the in!uts of the sti$ks, !ots and swit$hes.

    (ote that @ust above the $hannel out!ut "ra!hi$ is a bar showin" whi$h $hannels are bein"dis!layed. 6 short !ress of the '/ T or ;E T key $han"es the $hannel view from the first set of 7$hannels 1%73 to the se$ond set 9%1-3 and then to the third set 1 %243. Bith the ne$essary

    hardware, the transmitter is $a!able of $ontrollin" 24 $hannels.Warning A 't?s easy to "ive a short ri"ht !ress inadvertently and dis!lay $hannels not bein" used onyour transmitter. This $an be very $onfusin".

    Home Page " (Numeric Servo Outputs)

    'n the third ome !a"e short !ress down from the !revious s$reen3 the lower half of the s$reenshows the $hannel out!uts in di"ital form from %100 to N100 .

    6"ain, the bar shows whi$h $hannels are bein" dis!layed here 1%73. The u!!er !art of the s$reen isidenti$al to the !revious s$reens.

    Home Page # ($imers)

    'n this ome !a"e the lower half dis!lays @ust the Timer 2 readin" in bold ty!e for easy visualreferen$e.

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    Home Page % ($e&emetr' Series)

    'n the fifth ome !a"e short !ress down from the !revious one3 the s$reen shows various sets oftelemetry data. These may in$lude /lobal *ositionin" #ystem /*#3 data, volta"e, tem!erature, rateof $limb, battery $a!a$ity used or other information, de!endin" on what sensors you have installed inyour model.

    6 lon" !ress of the ME(I button will reset the maximum altitude and maximum s!eed readin"s toFero. or further information on telemetry see !a"e +- .

    6 short !ress of the '/ T or ;E T key will $y$le amon" the five Telemetry s$reens, whi$h you $anada!t to suit your reHuirements. 5onseHuently, the information in the s$reens may vary from what isshown below.

    The next !a"e not shown3 has the u!!er half as des$ribed before and the lower half a $ustomiFablevalue, whi$h may be a timer or a telemetry value or other variable.

    The last Telemetry s$reen !rovides for information s!e$ifi$ to the #M !roto$ol and is intended foruse with a #M telemetry transmitter module. 't only a!!ears when #M2 or #M: o!eratin" modeis sele$ted in the Model #etu! #$reen 1 1+3.

    6 short !ress of the I* or B( key will take you ba$k to the ome s$reens and allow you to $y$lethrou"h them.

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    There are various o!erations usin" the E:'T button. 'f the timer is bee!in", a Hui$k !ress of the E:'Tkey resets it and sto!s the bee!in". 'f you are on a telemetry s$reen, a Hui$k !ress of the E:'T keyresets the telemetry.

    ; (/ E:'T resets both T'ME 1 and telemetry.

    Statistics Screens1. Batter' Screen

    rom the ome !a"es, a lon" !ress of the I* key brin"s u! a s$reen where the battery details, timeand L5*I tem!erature? are shown. $urrently, the tem!erature readin" is ty!i$ally as mu$h as 10O5too low, as shown3.

    The m6h readin" shows the battery $a!a$ity used sin$e the last reset, normally after $har"in" thebattery. To reset the number to Fero, lon" !ress the ME(I key. To ad@ust date or time, "o to !a"e- 11 of the adio #etu! s$reens.

    2. S$ $ Screen

    6 short !ress I* from the )attery s$reen brin"s a statisti$s s$reen whose main feature is a "ra!h ofthrottle !osition versus time. 't also shows the !eriods for whi$h the timers have been a$tive andtotal time the transmitter has been on.

    ". S$ $2 Screen

    6nother short !ress brin"s a s$reen whi$h shows the LtmainJ in millise$onds the maximum timetaken to run the main menu loo! in the firmware & this is mainly for the develo!ers3.

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    The s$reen also shows information relatin" to the )'( re!ly if a #M module is used and J)T re!lyJ)luetooth3, if the ne$essary hardware is installed. 6nother short !ress of the I* key brin"s you

    ba$k to the home !a"e from when$e you started.

    That?s it for navi"ation amon" the various ome, Telemetry and #tatisti$s s$reens that mainlydis!lay data. (ow we ex!lore the !a"es of adio #etu! that allow us to set the basi$ !arameters forhow the transmitter o!erates.

    Radio eneral Settingsrom the ome !a"es, a ; (/ !ress of the ;E T key yields the radio setu! menu.

    (avi"ation amon" the !a"es here is as follows. The I* and B( keys move the $ursor tohi"hli"ht values that may be edited. 6 short !ress of the ME(I key will $ause the $ursor to flash andallow the '/ T and ;E T keys to $han"e the values or o!tions in that field. 6 short !ress of theE:'T key will sto! the $ursor from flashin" i.e., will exit Edit mode3 and allow navi"ation u! or down.

    Be start with !a"e 1 11, as this $ontains many of the most im!ortant settin"s and is the first we$ome to by !ressin" ;E T. 6fter that we will $ontinue to !ress ;E T, whi$h takes us throu"h theremainin" !a"es in reverse order. Be $ould eHually well !ress '/ T and view them in nominal


    adio Setup (page 1*11)

    Owner Name

    This is the only field in adio #etu! where the entry method is different to the above des$ri!tion.5hoose a s!a$e where a letter is reHuired and !ress ME(I to hi"hli"ht it. Bhen the I* or

    B( key is !ressed the followin" are shown in seHuen$eA a blank s!a$e, u!!er $ase letters,lower $ase letters, numerals, JPJ and J% Jand J.J. Bhen you have the $orre$t letter or numeral in!la$e, !ress ME(I or E:'T to allow you to move left or ri"ht. i"hli"ht the next s!a$e, !ress

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    E(TE and sele$t the $hara$ter. 6nd so on. The name you enter will show on the o!enin"s$reen at startu! if L#!lash (ame? is ( see below3.


    There are six o!tions available for the duration of the bee!er soundA extra%lon", lon", normal,short, extra short, no%key and Huiet. 6s ea$h o!tion is sele$ted the bee!er makes the$orres!ondin" sound. The (oQey sele$tion eliminates the bee!s when editin" but allows alarmsto sound. Ruiet means no sounds or alarms at all.

    +ontrast, Screen contrast setting

    The hi"her the value the darker the s$reen.

    Batter' -arning

    #ets the volta"e at whi$h a warnin" messa"e will be announ$ed, alertin" you to Clow batteryD.The volta"e you $hoose de!ends on the minimum safe level for the battery siFe and ty!e youhave installed in the transmitter. The transmitter will work down to about - volts, but you needtime to land and your battery may have a mu$h hi"her minimum safe volta"e e."., about 9.+v for;i e $hemistry and u! to 11v for ;i*o3. #ee the manual 'ntrodu$tion to the ardware for advi$eon batteries and settin"s.

    nactivit' &arm,

    This reminds you to turn off the transmitter. 'f the transmitter is left turned on with no movement of the sti$ks for the !eriod of ina$tivity set here, this alarm will sound. 8alues $an be from 1 to 2 0minutes. To reset the timer sim!ly move one of the sti$ks. To disable the alarm, set the value toFero.

    Fi&ter /+, na&og to /igita& +onversion

    The 6 M !ro$essor in the 9: *ro is 12%bit, "ivin" 409- resolution $om!ared to 10%bit, 1024resolution for the 9: and 9: 68 !ro$essors3. #in$e the Ersky9x firmware uses 2047

    resolution, $onversion is ne$essary.There are three o!tions for the analo" to di"ital $onversionA

    #'(/A #in"le $onversion. This is the fastest !ro$ess, sim!ly readin" the value on$e and dividin"by 2 to a$hieve the resolution reHuired by the firmware.

    #M*A versam!lin". This o!tion avera"es four $onse$utive values to smooth servo res!onse.'t?s only sli"htly slower than #'(/ and is the best $hoi$e for most users.

    ';TA iltered. This o!tion avera"es over a lon"er time to minimiFe $onversion noise and therebyredu$e servo @itter. 't will, however, in$rease laten$y by about 10 mse$.

    $!rott&e everse

    nly if you fly with the throttle Cba$kwardsD i.e., with idle away from you and full throttle towardsyou3 should you set this to (. 't will also reverse the throttle warnin" on startu!.

    Minute Beep

    #et this ( if you want a bee! or announ$ement to sound every minute durin" timer o!eration.

    Beep +ountdown

    #et this to ( if you want the timer to sound bee!s or announ$ements durin" the last minute of$ountdown.

    Ersky9x Ex!lained & version 1 !a"e 8 of 4

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    F&as! on Beep

    #et this ( if you want the s$reen to flash every time the transmitter bee!s.

    0ig!t Switc!

    The ba$k li"ht $an be set to turn ( via any of the transmitter !hysi$al swit$hes I , ' 0, E;Eet$.3 or any of the virtual swit$hes #B1, #B2, et$.3.

    0ig!t O ter

    This may be set as or in se$ond intervals u! to -00 se$onds.

    0ig!t on Stick Movement

    This may be set as or in se$ond intervals u! to -00 se$onds.Sp&as! Screen

    This may be set to ( or . The s!lash s$reen is dis!layed at start u! with an announ$edwel$ome messa"e. 6n alternative is to have the model name announ$ed or some musi$ !layed.The s!lash s$reen and the announ$ements on start%u! $an be $ustomiFed usin" voi$e$ommands as ex!lained in a different !art of this manual.

    Sp&as! Name

    This may be set to ( or . 'f (, the name set in Owner a!e above will be shown on thes!lash s$reen.

    $!rott&e -arning

    'f ( this will show a warnin" when throttle is not at idle when the transmitter is turned on. Thetransmitter will not out!ut a si"nal until su$h alerts are $leared.

    &arm warning

    This will "ive you a Cheads u!D if the bee!er is silent. 'f ( and the bee!er is set to J0J Ruiet3 youwill re$eive a warnin" on startu!.

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    The $hoi$e here is * T, #T'5Q, ) T or ( (E. *ot #$roll means that two of the!otentiometers $an be used for $ontrol of the $ursor when a menu is ons$reen. The ri"ht !ots$rolls the $ursor u! and down to $hoose the item, while the left !ot ad@usts the value. ;ikewise,#ti$k #$roll enables the elevator rudder sti$k mode 13 or elevator aileron sti$k mode 23 to move

    the $ursor in a similar way.(ote that #ti$k s$rollin" doesn?t work in menus where the sti$ks themselves are involved, su$h asthe 6(6 !a"e, the 5alibration !a"e and the Ex!o !a"e. ;ikewise, *ot s$rollin" may notalways workG for exam!le, you $an?t use it to $hoose an a$tion on the Model #ele$t !a"e. 'n thesesituations, you should use the navi"ation keys, whi$h always work. (ormally, sti$k !ot s$rollin"will work a"ain after the a few uses of the navi"ation keys. 'f not, you may have to turn s$rollin"off and ba$k on a"ain.

    nterna& FrSk' &arm

    r#ky telemetry modules, when used with %series re$eivers, !rodu$e their own e$eived #i"nal#tren"th 'ndi$ation ##'3 alarm sounds see module instru$tions for details3. Bhere ##'

    alarms either voi$e or bee!er3 are set in the transmitter itself, the module alarms are normallyturned , as shown in the !i$ture below. /enerally you don?t want to have the module bee!in"as well as the transmitterS

    +ross $rim

    This allows you to swa! the trim buttons for ea$h sti$k swa!!ed to the o!!osite side of thetransmitter, i.e., Elevator trim is next to the throttle sti$k. This $an make trim ad@ustment in fli"hteasier, !arti$ularly for Mode 2 fliers, for whom it allows aileron and elevator trim to be ad@ustedwith the left hand for another way to assist in the trimmin" of a new model, see Tri! Switch under Model #etu!, !a"e 20 3.


    The o!tions $urrently available are ren$h, /erman, (orwe"ian and #wedish.

    +!anne& Order

    This settin" determines the seHuen$e of the first four $hannels that will be used in settin" u! anew model or a!!lyin" a tem!late. This is the order in whi$h the out!uts will be available from there$eiver. *o!ular $hannel orders in$lude T6E used for #M re$eivers, whi$h ty!i$ally !rovidethrottle failsafe only on $hannel 13 and 6ET used by many manufa$turers3. (ote that Ersky9x!rovides $om!lete flexibility in sele$tin" $hannel order.

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    Mode (i.e. stick mode)

    5hoose the Mode settin" 1, 2, + or 43 to suit your !referen$e and or mat$h lo$al !ra$ti$e. Mode 1throttle and aileron on ri"ht sti$k, elevator and rudder on left3 and Mode 2 elevator and aileron

    on ri"ht sti$k, throttle and rudder on left3 are by far the most !o!ular sti$k $onfi"urations aroundthe world. ;ess $ommon are Modes + and 4, whi$h are similar to modes 1 and 2 res!e$tively

    ex$e!t that they have aileron $ontrol on the left and rudder on the ri"ht.

    To $han"e mode in the adio #etu! !a"e, move the $ursor to the number below LMode?, !ressME(I and use the arrow keys. This will $han"e the sti$k assi"nments shown below the sti$kfun$tion dia"rams.

    The !hysi$al sti$k arran"ement of the "imbals must mat$h the $hosen mode. #!e$ifi$ally, thethrottle sti$k is normally non%$enterin", usin" fri$tion or a rat$het to hold its !osition, while otheraxes use a s!rin" to return the sti$k to $enter. (ormally the transmitter is !ur$hased in thedesired mode 1 or 2 !hysi$al $onfi"uration, but this $an be $han"ed by the user thou"h doin" somay void the warranty3.

    5han"in" the sti$k mode reHuires removin" the ba$k of the transmitter, !artly disassemblin" ea$hsti$k unit and inter$han"in" the s!rin" $enterin" me$hanism on the verti$al axis of one with thefri$tion me$hanism on the other. 6 video showin" the !ro$ess in detail $an be found on the'nternet. 1 6lternatively, a !air of sti$k assemblies in the a!!ro!riate mode 1 or 23 $an be!ur$hased inex!ensively and substituted relatively easily for the existin" sti$ks.

    The other feature available in this area of adio #etu! is to be used (;> if the transmitter"imbals are u!"raded to a different ty!e. oin" so may reHuire that the o!eration of one or moresti$ks be reversed to a"ree with the dire$tion of the $orres!ondin" trim swit$hes. To use this$a!ability, move the $ursor to the sti$k fun$tion dia"rams, !ress ME(I and hi"hli"ht the axes tobe reversed. To $han"e ba$k to normal sti$k dire$tions, !ress ;E T re!eatedly. o not use thisfeature to a$hieve servo reversal.

    That?s the end of adio #etu!, the lon"est s$reen of all. ortunately, it isn?t ne$essary to $han"ethese settin"s very often, and most $an be left on their default values.

    (ow to other !a"es that set !arameters or dis!lay information, startin" at the last.

    Boot eason (page 11*11)Bith the $ursor on the to! line of the !revious s$reen, a short ;E T !ress moves to a s$reen whi$hshows how the transmitter was last started normally L*ower n?3. 'f you have an unex!lained start%u! or shut%down, this information may hel! in troubleshootin".

    1 htt!sA$om wat$hKvU+oi$2b$ ... redire$tU1

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    S/ +ard Stat (page 13*11) 6nother short !ress of the ;E T key brin"s u! this s$reen showin" information about usa"e of thememory on the Mi$ro%# $ard.

    +a&i4ration (page 5*11);E T a"ain brin"s u! the s$reen that allows the firmware to re$o"niFe the limits and $enterin" of thesti$ks, as well as the limits of the three !ots !otentiometers3.

    Vust follow the instru$tions on%s$reen, !ressin" ME(I to start, then $enterin" the sti$ks and

    !ressin" ME(I a"ain. inally, move the sti$ks to their full extent in all dire$tions don?t !ress harda"ainst the sto!s3 and twist the !ots throu"h their full ran"e. *ress ME(I a"ain and you?re done.

    ( TEA 't is essential to $alibrate the transmitter initially and whenever there are any $han"es that$ould affe$t the sti$k or !ot out!uts e."., re!la$ement of a sti$k assembly3. Bith the 9: *ro unlikethe 9: 3 the $alibration data are stored in /eneral #ettin"s, se!arate from model memories.

    N ( na&og nputs) (page 6*11) 6nother short !ress of the ;E T key brin"s u! a s$reen that shows the analo" in!uts sti$ks, !otsand battery volta"e3 in hexade$imal format to save s!a$e.

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    61..64 are the "imbals sti$ks3. 6 ..6 are the !ots. 67 is battery volta"e. 8alues ran"e from 0 to0x 0 to 204 de$imal3.

    'f you hi"hli"ht the battery volta"e, !ressin" ;E T '/ T will ad@ust the value, enablin" you to$alibrate the readin" to eHual what you measure with a voltmeter at the battery itself.

    This s$reen also shows the $urrent bein" used by the transmitter in milliam!s m63.

    / (/iagnostics) (page 7*11)#hort !ressin" the ;E T key brin"s u! a s$reen that shows the !osition of every !hysi$al swit$h asseen by the transmitter. 'f a swit$h is u! or ba$k3, a Fero is shown. (ote that if, for exam!le, aswit$h has be$ome loose, this !a"e will tell you if it is mounted the ri"ht way u!. The a$tion of thetrim swit$hes is also shown not the trim settin"s themselves3.

    /ate8$ime (page 9*11)This is the s$reen where the transmitter?s real%time $lo$k is ad@usted to show the $urrent date andtime. Ise the I* B( keys to navi"ate and the '/ T ;E T keys to ad@ust the values. (ote thatthe transmitter uses the 24%hour $lo$k.

    The $alibration 5al3 value may be $han"ed to $orre$t ina$$ura$ies in the $lo$k.

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    :ersion (page %*11)This s$reen shows the version information for the $urrent firmwareA

    #8(A (ame of the $urrent release in the #ubversion mana"ement system.

    8E #A 8ersion number used by the develo!er.

    6TEA 5om!ile date for the $urrent firmware.

    T'MEA 5om!ile time for $urrent firmware.

    M A Main $ir$uit board model

    #in$e Er#ky9xr is o!en sour$e, anyone who has !roblems is wel$ome to lo" on to the internetforums and seek hel!. Bhen you seek a solution, !lease use the release and version numbersshown in this s$reen here r20+, 8.+ 93.

    >our !arti$i!ation is what hel!s make the firmware better.

    $rainer (page #*11)This menu is used when the transmitter is fun$tionin" as the Master in a Cbuddy boxD arran"ement

    the Master is the transmitter held by the instru$tor and is the one to whi$h the model?s re$eiver isbound3. The menu allows the **Min trainer3 in!uts $omin" by $able or wirelessly3 from the student#lave3 transmitter to be mat$hed to the $hannel setu! of the Master transmitter. The $hannel order

    of the #lave transmitter and the Master do not need to be the same, !rovided this s$reen is used tomat$h them u! $orre$tly. The slave transmitter does not have to be a 9: *roA $om!atibletransmitters in$lude the 9: , 9: and #!ektrum. Transmitters su$h as utaba $an also be used butmay reHuire s!e$ial $ables.

    Transfer of $ontrol to the student transmitter for a "iven $hannel is done by a$tivatin" the swit$hshown in the last $olumn. (ormally this would be T ( the momentary to""le swit$h3 for all$hannels, thou"h sometimes instru$tors !refer to transfer $ontrol sele$tively with se!arate swit$hesfor some $hannels. Bhen the Trainer #wit$h is held (, **Min from the #lave transmitter is

    substituted for in!ut "enerated by the Master transmitter itself and the student has $ontrol of themodel. 6ll the mixes on the Master Tx are a!!lied to the student in!uts. This in$ludes, for exam!le,ex!o or delta win" elevon3.

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    The !"ode# $olumn sele$ts how **Min is used when the Trainer #wit$h is a$tivatedA

    off Channel unused . (o in!ut from student sti$k

    $% &dd student sti$k value to instru$tor sti$k value sometimes used for trainin"3

    '% Replace instru$tor sti$k value with student sti$k value normal trainin" setu!3

    The !(# entry a!!lies a wei"htin" to the **Min value from %100 to N100. Ise %100 to reverse thein!ut. 8alues $loser to 0 redu$e the studentWs $ontrol sensitivity.

    The Lsrc# entry sele$ts the **Min $hannel for the fun$tion. 'n this exam!le, the buddy box uses the#!ektrum V $hannel order of T6E , while the master uses ET6.

    The Ls)# entry sele$ts the swit$h used to a$tivate trainer o!eration, normally T (.

    *ultiplier A 6d@usts **Min values by a fa$tor from 1.0 to .0. (ormally left at 1.

    This is used to raise the in$omin" si"nal level if it is too low for the 9: *ro.

    Cal A 5enter $alibration for first 4 **Min values.

    6llows you to $alibrate the mid%!oint for $hannels 1 to 4. i"hli"htin" L5al? and !ressin" ME(Iwill ad@ust the in!uts from the slave to mat$h the master.

    ( TEA There is an o!tion under Model #etu! to enable or disable the trainer fun$tion for that model.'f you do not need a model to su!!ort trainer mode you may disable the fun$tion and use the trainerswit$h for somethin" else see !a"e 21 3.

    Bhile a trainer setu! normally uses only the first four $hannels, all **Min values are available to themixer if reHuired.

    Memor' Stat (page "*11)This !a"e "ives the hexade$imal address for the start and end of ea$h model in memory.

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    adio Setup 2 (page 2*11)This !a"e deals with a number of additional settin"s.


    This value may be set from 0 to 2+. The volume of the bee!s as you $han"e the settin" showsthe new value. (ote that within Model #etu!, further $ontrol of volume $an also be assi"ned toone of the three !ots *1, *2, *+3 or a /lobal value /84 to /8 3.

    Speaker Pitc!8alues from 1 to 100 may be set. The !it$h varies one tone u! for every five value in$rements.

    Haptic Strengt!

    8alues from 0 to may be set. This !arameter determines the stren"th of the vibration.


    This refers to the s$reen bri"htness when the ba$kli"ht is swit$hed on. 8alues from 0 fully dark3to 100 very bri"ht3 may be set.

    +apacit' &arm

    Bhen the battery $a!a$ity used sin$e last reset rea$hes this value an alert messa"e will beannoun$ed. )attery $a!a$ity used may be viewed and reset on the )attery s$reen one lon"!ress I* from any of the ome s$reens3.

    Bt Baudrate

    #!eed settin" for )luetooth $ommuni$ations )luetooth reHuires additional hardware3.

    otar' /ivisor

    The am!lifi$ation of a rotary en$oder may be set here. The ran"e of values is 1,2, and 4. Thisvalue de!ends on the make of the en$oder. 6 rotary en$oder is not in$luded in the 9: *ro but$an be added as a '> !ro@e$t.

    Stick ain

    This is only needed if another ty!e of sti$k "imbal, su$h as 6urora 9, is fitted to the transmitter.

    L;8? means ;eft 8erti$al, et$. 'f ne$essary, individual sti$ks $an be reversed in the Mode se$tionof the adio #etu! menu.

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    *odel Setup *enus'n the first s$reen of the Model #etu! menus, all the +2 memory slots models are listed and anymodels that have already been $reated are shown. n$e a model is sele$ted, a series of s$reensdefinin" its $hara$teristi$s $an be a$$essed.

    Mode&Se& (Mode& Se&ect)

    *ress ; (/ '/ T from the ome !a"es to rea$h the Model #ele$t s$reen. n this s$reen,models stored in the transmitter?s EE* M memory are listed and $an be sele$ted, $o!ied, moved,or deleted. 'n addition, individual models $an be ba$ked u! to the Mi$ro%# $ard and subseHuentlyrestored to the transmitter.

    n$e a model slot has been hi"hli"hted, #E;E5T, 5 *>, M 8E, E;ETE and )65QI*$ommands be$ome available, as shown below. Move the $ursor usin" the I* or B( key and!i$k the o!tion by !ressin" the ME(I key.

    ctive Mode&

    6n asterisk next to the model number indi$ates that this is the $urrently a$tive model. nly the a$tivemodel $an be edited.

    To #E;E5T a model or memory slot, hi"hli"ht it, !ress ME(I, $hoose #E;E5T and !ress ME(Ia"ain to make it the a$tive model.

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    *ress short '/ T to enter the first of the Model #etu! !a"es for the $hosen model.

    on?t be sur!rised if you see an 6;E T s$reen tellin" you that swit$hes need to be moved to safe!ositions. The default swit$h settin"s in Ersky9x are asso$iated with individual models and thus mayvary from one to another. They are $he$ked every time you $han"e models, not @ust when thetransmitter is turned on. This is an im!ortant safety feature but $an be turned off if desired. Thethrottle !osition is also $he$ked when the a$tive model is $han"ed.

    'f a blank memory slot is made the a$tive model, a basi$ fixed win" model based on the sim!le four%$hannel tem!late see !a"e 41 3 is $reated by definin" standard mixes for $hannels 1 throu"h 4. Thenew model is initially named M E; ::, where :: is the slot number.

    Ot!er +ommands

    (ote that the $ommands in the Model #ele$t menu #E;E5T, 5 *>, et$.3 a!!ly to the model whosenumber you have hi"hli"hted whi$h may not be the a$tive model3.

    To 5 *> a model, hi"hli"ht it and !ress ME(I. 5hoose 5 *> and !ress ME(I a"ain to $onfirmthat you want to !ro$eed with the du!li$ation. The $o!y will be $reated in the first available blank

    slot.To M 8E a model, hi"hli"ht it and !ress ME(I. 5hoose M 8E, !ress ME(I a"ain. Ise theI* B( keys to move it to a different memory slot and !ress ME(I to dro! the model there.Movin" a model will not overwrite other models.

    To E;ETE a model, hi"hli"ht it and !ress ME(I. 5hoose E;ETE and !ress ME(I. >ou will beasked to $onfirm. eletin" a model moves u! the models below it in the list. (ote that you $annotdelete the a$tive modelG you first need to make another model the a$tive one.

    To )65QI* a model to the Mi$ro%# $ard, hi"hli"ht it, !ress ME(I and $hoose )65QI*. *ressME(I to $om!lete the a$tion. >ou will see CME##6/EA M E; #68E D on the transmitter s$reen.

    To E#T E a model from a ba$ku! file, hi"hli"ht a blank memory slot, !ress ME(I and $hooseE#T E. i"hli"ht the model you want to restore and !ress ME(I. >ou will see CME##6/EA

    M E; E#T E D on the transmitter s$reen. (ote that you $anWt use estore to re!la$e anexistin" model without first deletin" that model.

    )a$ku! files are saved on the # $ard with a!mD extension in a folder $alled M E;#. They$an be $o!ied to the $om!uter via I#) or by usin" the # $ard for the transfer see "o!!unicating with a "o!puter 3.

    'n addition, .ee!m files whi$h $ontain a sin"le model3 $an be im!orted from the # $ard into theEe!skye !ro"ram. There they $an be edited and saved to the # $ard, the $om!uter or thetransmitter?s EE* M file. #ee the manual #sing Eepskye .

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    Setup ;; (page 1*1")The #etu! s$reen has many lines and !resents a wide ran"e of settin"s s!e$ifi$ to the individualmodel that is $urrently a$tive Model (umber ::3. #ele$t items in the menu usin" the I* and

    B( keys. ere are the first itemsA

    Name (mode& name)

    This item works like wner (ame in the adio #etu! !a"e. 5hoose a s!a$e where a letter isreHuired and !ress ME(I to hi"hli"ht it. Bhen the I* or B( key is !ressed the followin" areshown in seHuen$eA a blank s!a$e, u!!er $ase letters, lower $ase letters, numerals, JPJ and J% JandJ.J. Bhen you have the $orre$t letter or numeral in !la$e, !ress ME(I or E:'T to re"ain the abilityto move left and ri"ht. Ise B( to "et to the next item.

    :oice nde<

    ere you s!e$ify the voi$e file that will be announ$ed when the model is sele$ted. i"hli"htin"the number and !ressin" ME(I will $ause the voi$e file to be !layed. The ran"e of numbers is2-0 to +09 &.if you don?t want a name to be announ$ed, @ust assi"n a number that doesn?t have avoi$e file asso$iated with it !robably a hi"h number3. or more on this see ErSky9x $oiceExp%ained .

    $imer 1 $imer 2

    There are two fully !ro"rammable timers, that $an $ount either u! or down. )y default, the timersare set to and are not o!erational.

    $rigger $rigger B

    Two tri""ers are available to start and sto! ea$h timer. !tions for Tri""er 6 referred to assim!ly Tri""er in the s$reen3 are , 6)#, T s, T , or $1 to $24 .

    6)# $ounts u! all the time, T s runs whenever the throttle sti$k is not at idle, T $ounts u! at as!eed !ro!ortional to the throttle sti$k !osition, i.e., at 0 throttle the timer runs at 0 of fulls!eed. The o!tion of $1 throu"h to $24 means the !ro!ortional out!ut of any $hannel from 1to 24.

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    Tri""er ) o!tions are any !hysi$al swit$h or any virtual swit$h more on those later3. )oth 6 and )swit$hes $an $ontrol either $ount u! or $ount down.

    >ou $an also enable voi$e announ$ements of time. JMinute $allJ will say the time every full minute,while J)ee! $ountdownJ will "ive announ$ements several more times durin" the last minute. These$an be a$tivated on !a"e 1 11 of the adio #etu! menu.

    $8$rim ($!rott&e $rim)

    This is a useful feature for fuel%!owered models. Bhen a$tivated 13 the $entre detent for the throttletrim is removed and 23 throttle trim affe$ts only the ClowD side of the throttle ran"e. That means you$an use the trim for settin" idle while full throttle remains un$han"ed. Bhen not a$tivated, throttletrim has no effe$t.

    9. $8= nsta$rim?)

    Bhen this swit$h is a$tivated, the $urrent !osition of the sti$ks is $o!ied to the subtrim settin"s

    ;imits !a"e3. 5hoose a swit$h that is easily rea$hed but unlikely to be fli!!ed a$$identally e.".,I 3. The fun$tion is tri""ered by movin" the swit$h from its default !osition. To tri""er it a"ain,

    the swit$h must first be moved ba$k to its default !osition.

    This fun$tion is very useful for first fli"hts, as it avoids the need to take your hands off the sti$k to!ress the trim buttons. #im!ly hold the !lane level with the sti$ks and fli$k the sele$ted Trim#wit$h. 'mmediately $entre the sti$ks and the !lane is trimmed. ine trimmin" $an still be donewith the trim buttons.

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    ( TEA 't is advisable to disable this fun$tion on$e initial trimmin" is $om!leted as it $an haveseriously ne"ative results if tri""ered a$$identallyS

    =. 0imits

    Extended limits. 6llows $ontrol limits to "o to !lus or minus 12 instead of the normal 100maximum. *lease test to make sure this does not $ause unwanted mixin" between $hannels orex$eed servo me$hani$al limits. (ote that 100 on the Ersky9x firmware already $orres!onds to12 on most other transmitters, so extended limits should not normally be reHuired.

    $rainerTrainer ( or . This allows you to sele$t whether for this !arti$ular model the trainer in!utsare available from a $onne$ted student transmitter. This is for use when the transmitter is servin"as Master in a buddy box arran"ement. #ee !a"e 14 for an ex!lanation of the Trainer fun$tion.#ele$tin" frees u! a swit$h, usually T (, for other !ur!oses.

    uto 0imits

    This settin" allows #ubtrim to override the ;imits settin" so that servo throw remains the same onboth sides of $enter. The value here determines the maximum amount the limits $an be ex$eeded

    e."., a settin" of 10.0 allows a limit set at 100 to "o as hi"h as 110 3. )e $areful when usin"this feature as the $ontrol limit values are no lon"er absolute and $ould allow a servo to ex$eed a

    me$hani$al limit.Switc! -arning

    'f ( will show a warnin" when the swit$hes are not at their default !ositions when thetransmitter is turned on with this model sele$ted or when the sele$ted model is $han"ed to thisone. The transmitter will not out!ut a si"nal until the alert is $leared.

    /e au&t Switc!

    #ets the default swit$h !ositions at start%u!. #et the swit$hes in the desired !ositions, then !ressthe Menu key. The swit$hes in the Lon? !osition u! ba$k3 will show as bla$k on white, while thosethat are Loff? down forward3 will show as white on bla$k.

    :o&ume +ontro&

    This $an be set to use one of the three !otentiometers *1, *2, *+3 or a /lobal 8ariable /84 to/8 3. The volume $ontrol only works after you exit the menus.

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    Beep +nt (Beep +entre)

    ere you $an set in!uts to bee! when $entered. ET612+ $orres!onds toA I , E;E, T , 6';,*1, *2, *+ in!uts. This is useful for lo$atin" the $entre of the !ots without lookin" e."., whileflyin"S3. *ress ME(I to turn on $entre bee!in" for an in!ut.

    Proto (encoding protoco&)

    **M is the !roto$ol used for many !lu"%in modules in$ludin" the ran"e : #M2 #M:and the r#ky VT3. >ou $an set the number of $hannels to en$ode and the !ulse s!a$in", but inmost $ases, the settin"s should not be $han"ed. 'f you use a #!ektrum M9 module, sets!a$in" to + 0u#e$ for more a$$urate $enterin".3

    The *:: settin" $an be sele$ted for the newer r#ky :7 module.

    The #M2 settin" is used where an internal module extra$ted from a #!ektrum transmitter isXha$kedX into the 9: *ro. 'nstru$tions for doin" this $an be found atAhtt!A o!enr$forums.$om wiki index.!h! owPtoPmodifyPyourP9xPtoPtheP #MP!roto$ol

    The #M2 settin" may also be used with future #M telemetry modules.

    (oteA Ea$h of the *roto settin"s o!ens u! a different set of o!tions. The followin" a!!lies only to the**M settin". or *:: and #M2 see do$umentation for that a!!li$ation.

    Start +!anne&

    This is the $hannel whi$h is first in the **M stream and is usually left at 1. ther start numbersmay be needed when usin" a fli"ht $ontroller whi$h a$$e!ts the raw **M.

    PPM Fr0en (Frame &engt!),

    The len"th of ea$h frame within the **M train. (ormally need not be $han"ed.

    S!i t Se& (S!i t se&ect)

    * # (E/. #ele$t si"nal shift. * #itive or (E/ative. ;eave at * # if in doubt.

    PPM2 Start +!anne&

    Bhere two re$eivers are used for extra $hannels, **M 1 is set to mat$h the $a!ability of the firstre$eiver, while **M 2 is set for the se$ond re$eiver. 'f first re$eiver is an 7%$hannel unit, then these$ond re$eiver will normally start at $hannel 9. The o!tions areA L ollow? or a s!e$ifi$ $hannelfrom 1 throu"h 1 .

    PPM2 +!anne&s

    The o!tions are 4 throu"h to 1- $hannels in 2%$hannel in$rements. This de!ends on the numberof $hannels your se$ond re$eiver or fli"ht $ontroller $an handle and how many $hannels youneed to send.

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    He&i Setup (page 2*1") 6 short !ress of the '/ T key will brin" u! the heli$o!ter 55*M head mixer s$reen. This !a"eallows settin" swash !late ty!e, and limitin" the $ontrol authority throu"h the #wash in" settin".

    (ote that many modern rotary win" models, whether flybarless heli$o!ters or multirotor ma$hines,use an on%board fli"ht $ontroller that $annot a$$e!t 55*M mixin". ;ikewise, $oaxial heli$o!tersty!i$ally reHuire only sim!le fixed win" ty!e in!uts for the rotors aileron, elevator, rudder3 andthrottle to $ontrol $limb and des$ent. or su$h models, you $an i"nore this !a"e.

    The in!uts to the 55*M mixer are the 6'; and E;E sti$ks, !lus the in!ut or virtual $hannel sele$tedin X5olle$tiveX whi$h has entries on the M':E !a"e for one or more !it$h $urves3. ere are thedetailsA


    This defines the ty!e of swash !late used by the heliA

    +,- A C#tandardD 120 de"ree swash !late. The C!it$hD servo is towards the front ba$k.

    +,-X A #ame 120 de"ree swash !late but turned 90Y so the !it$h servo is on one side.

    +.- A ;ess $ommon 140 de"ree swash !late & the C!it$hD servo is towards the front ba$k.

    9- A )asi$ally a sim!le 90 de"ree setu! where a sin"le servo o!erates the $olle$tive !it$h dire$tlyand aileron and elevator servos tilt the swash. May be used for fixed !it$h helis.


    This defines the sour$e of the $olle$tive in!ut. The idea is that you $an $reate a mix in a virtual$hannel above those sent to the re$eiver3 in$or!oratin" all the reHuired $urves and swit$hes,then sim!ly use it as the in!ut here to mix with the other in!uts.

    Swas! ing

    6s the name im!lies, this feature limits sti$k movement @ust like a !hysi$al swash rin". (oti$e thatthis feature only works on 6'; and E;E, re"ardless of radio mode sele$ted.

    =0=* 0*+O0 /irection

    These allow the dire$tion of the in!ut fun$tions to be inverted. Ise them to make the $ontrolsmove the $orre$t way when settin" u! your heli.

    The out!uts of the 55*M mixer are 5>51, 5>52 and 5>5+. These need to be assi"ned on theM':E !a"e to the $hannels that will drive the swash servos. The settin"s made here have no effe$tunless you use the 5>51, 5>52 and 5>5+ out!uts.

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    6s noted above, a multirotor or flybarless heli$o!ter whi$h uses onboard $om!uters mixers will ( Tuse the 55*M mixer or these out!uts.

    or more information on setu! !lease $onsult forums devoted to the relevant ty!e of heli$o!ter.

    Modes (F&ig!t Modes) (Page "*1") 6 short !ress of the '/ T key will brin" u! the fli"ht modes s$reen.

    #even fli"ht modes are availableA the default mode M0, !lus M1 to M0-. Ea$h $an be namedand has a sele$table a$tivation swit$h !hysi$al or lo"i$al3, a trim sele$tion array, and slow u! down!arameters for smooth transitions between modes.

    ne main reason for usin" li"ht Modes, rather than @ust !ro"rammin" the reHuired features dire$tly,is to allow se!arate trims for different modes. Bhen shown, , E, T and or 6 mean that a mode hasits own trim settin" for that $ontrol see below3G ea$h $an be $han"ed to a number $orres!ondin" toanother M and thus use the same trim values as that mode.

    The other main use of M is to determine whi$h mixes are turned on for ea$h mode.

    The !riority of the fli"ht modes is su$h that the first M that has its swit$h ( is the a$tive one.Bhen none has its swit$h (, the default M0 is a$tive.


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    n the se$ond line of Ex!o s$reen you $an sele$t to whi$h sti$k I , E;E, T , or 6';3 thesettin"s below a!!ly. The "ra!h $han"es as you enter values so you $an see if you are ad@ustin" theline in the $orre$t way and "et a sense of !ro!ortion. ere rudder is sele$ted.

    or ea$h $ontrol you $an in!ut values for both ex!o and by hi"hli"htin" the field and usin" thenavi"ation buttons to $han"e the value. or exam!le, to edit an ex!o value, !ress the B( keyuntil the $ursor blinks on the ex!o value. Then use the ;E T '/ T keys to $han"e the value. 'f thesti$k is in its $entre !osition, both ex!o values will blink and any entry will ad@ust the ex!o eHually

    both sides of $entre. owever, if, for exam!le, you hold the sti$k left of $entre, only the left value ofex!o will blink, and the keys will $han"e only the left side of the "ra!h and left side of sti$k travel. 'nthis way you $an have a different ex!o $urve on one side $om!ared to the other.

    or ea$h $ontrol you $an set two swit$hes. or a dual rate arran"ement, sim!ly $hose thea!!ro!riate swit$h say E;E3 for r#w1 and leave r#w2 blank. To have the swit$h work in thereverse dire$tion, $hoose the CnotD form SE;E3.

    or a tri!le rate arran"ement you $an us two swit$hes. The main swit$h $han"es between hi"h andmid%rate. 'f the main swit$h is ClowD i.e., mid%rate3 the se$ond swit$h $an then swit$h between midand low rate.

    The three !osition swit$h ' 0, ' 1, ' 23 swit$h $an also be used for tri!le rates. or r#w1 enter CS' 2D remember the ex$lamation mark means CnotD3 and for the r#w2 enter CS' 1D. The lo"i$ is that#w1 is not ' 2 so it must be either ' 0 or ' 1. ;ikewise if #w2 is not ' 1 it must be ' 2.


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    ere?s what a sim!le mixer !a"e mi"ht look like. This one has two $hannels for aileron 5 1 and5 23 to allow the two servos to be $ontrolled se!arately. )oth "et their in!ut from the aileron sti$k.

    The various $hannels numbered on the left of the s$reen are out!uts from the mixer to the servo. or exam!le 5 1 is servo slot number 1 on your re$eiver. 5 2 is servo slot number 2, and so on.

    Bhat this s$reen is tellin" you is, for exam!le, that the rudder sti$k in!ut is bein" routed by themixer, with a Jwei"htJ of 100 , to the servo !lu""ed into 5 4 on the re$eiver. #imilarly for theelevator, throttle and aileron $hannels.

    'n this $ase, the swit$h $olumn is em!ty, meanin" that the mixes are turned on all the time the usualsituation for the sti$k in!uts in a sim!le model3. The $urve $olumn shows that $1 and $2 are bein"a!!lied to 5 1 and 5 2, the two aileron $hannels in this setu!. They are !rovidin" ailerondifferential meanin" that the Lu!? aileron moves more than the Ldown? aileron.

    6 $hannel without a mixer $ommand line su$h as 5 - here3 will sim!ly $entre any servo $onne$tedto it. The servo will not move at all as it has no variable in!ut.

    Edit *ix

    ;et?s assume you have hi"hli"hted a $hannel in the s$reen shown above and "iven a lon" !ress ofthe ME(I key. >ou see this s$reenA

    Then you sele$t Edit and "et thisA

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    =diting t!e Mi<

    Be need to take a !ause here and look $losely at the $hoi$es available to us in settin" u! a mix.ere is where you $an determine how the sour$e in!ut3 will be transformed into out!ut that drives

    the servo s3 !lu""ed into that re$eiver $hannel.

    't?s im!ortant to understand that in the Ersky9x kind of !ro"rammin", the only way anythin" $an be$ontrolled is throu"h an ex!li$it mix. 'n many other radios, most of the mixes are built%in but hiddenGhere they are fully visible and editable, "ivin" the radio enormous flexibility and !ower, but reHuirin"that you $reate the mixes.

    ere are the available o!tions for ea$h mix A

    1. Source A This is the in!ut for the mix. 't $an be any of the followin"A

    Stick or potentio"eter I , E;E, T , 6';, *1, *2, *+3.

    /&01 A ut!ut is either 0 or Bei"ht. 't is $ontrolled by the desi"nated swit$h see -3.

    1200 A ut!ut is either %Bei"ht if the swit$h is or NBei"ht if the swit$h is (.

    3P4S A The Three *osition #wit$h ' 0, ' 1, ' 2. as three valuesA wei"ht, 0, %wei"ht.5entre !osition is 0 unless an offset has been defined.

    C5C+6 C5C,6 C5C3 A The three out!uts of the heli swash%!late mix. n$e swash mixin" isturned on eli #etu!, !a"e + 103 these mix in!uts be$ome a$tive and refle$t the resultof the swash mix.

    PP*+77PP*8' These are fed by the **M in!ut or Ctrainer !ortD. They $an be used to$onfi"ure a buddy system or to sim!ly extend the radio with more fun$tions like headtra$kin" for you *8 "uys3. (ote that the Trainer !a"e under adio #etu! deals onlywith 5 1 & 4. **M in!ut offers a more flexible means to share $ontrol of u! to ei"ht$hannels with a slave transmitter.

    C/+77C/,. A ut!uts of the mixes on virtual $hannels $hannels not sent to the re$eiver3.This $a!ability $an be used to $hain mixes for more $om!lex behavior.

    +77 : A The values of the /lobal 8ariables

    T/IS A 6 sour$e that re!resents the $ombination of all mixes for the $hannel to this !oint.

    2. ;eight A This value multi!lies the value from the in!ut. 't $an ran"e from %12 to N12 .efault is 100 .

    +. 4ffset A This value is added to the value from the in!ut. 't $an ran"e from %12 to 12 .efault is 0 .

    4. Tri" A Bhen this is (, the trim value if it exists3 will be $arried throu"h the mix. Bhen any trim value is i"nored.

    . Curve A This a!!lies a fun$tion or $urve to modify the a!!li$ation of the sour$e value.

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    xou have an o!tion of 1, 2 or + bee!s. Thewarnin"s will sound in su$$ession so you $an hear them individually.

    7. *ultpx multi!lex3A This value defines how the mix will affe$t the $hannel.

    &dd A This is the default value. Bith this value the mix is added to the !revious values in thesame $hannel.

    *ultiply A Ise this to multi!ly the !revious values in the same $hannel.

    Replace A This value is used in $on@un$tion with a swit$h. Bhen the swit$h is off the value isi"nored. Bhen the swit$h is on the value dis$ards the !revious values and !la$es itsown value in the $hannel.

    9. @elay @o)nA2p A Ise this to delay a!!li$ation of the mix. Isually used with a swit$h. Bhenthe swit$h is turned ( or the mixer will wait the s!e$ified number of se$onds before$han"in" the value.

    10. Slo) @o)nA2p A #low the rate of $han"e in the $hannel. Bhen not Fero these will determinethe maximum s!eed with whi$h the value $an $han"e. The s!e$ified value is the number ofse$onds to "o between &100 and 100 .

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    Exa"ple of a *ix

    6n ele$tri$ !owered "lider usually flies a lot faster when $limbin" than when "lidin". The extra s!eed"enerates more lift from the win"s, so the model wants to do a lar"e loo!. 6 little down elevator isreHuired to kee! the nose from liftin". Be need a mix to do this automati$ally.

    6ssume the throttle is o!erated by a swit$h and therefore full !ower is a!!lied instantly. The /earswit$h /E63 is bein" used to $ontrol the motor and is on 5 , as shown belowA

    Bhen the /E6 swit$h is fli!!ed to (, the si"nal to the E#5 via 5 "oes from %100 to N100be$ause that?s how the I;; in!ut worksA the value is either &wei"ht or Nwei"ht.

    'n order to have this !ower%u! $ommand affe$t not only the motor via the E#5 but also the elevatorservo, we need the /E6 swit$h to $ontrol a mix in the Elevator servo $hannel 5 +3. )ut we onlywant a small effe$t, say wei"ht.

    To $reate this mix navi"ate down the M':E !a"e to hi"hli"ht the Elevator $hannel and !ressME(I.

    'n the resultin" !o!%u! menu sele$t '(#E T. This $reates a new mix line.

    *ress ME(I. This takes you into the edit menu for the new line.

    'n this menu, the first field asks for the sour$e of the mix. )e$ause we are usin" a swit$h and not asti$k we want the sour$e to be I;; or 6; . 6 swit$h has no intrinsi$ value unless a sour$e isassi"ned to it. Two !ossibilities are available for our !ur!oseA

    I;; o!erates from %%100 to N 100.

    6; o!erates from 0 to N100.

    or the elevator we $hoose 6; be$ause we only want Fero or ne"ative movement down3.

    The next field is the wei"ht. 'f we entered 100 the elevator out!ut would move from 0 with the swit$h to N 100 with it (. This is $learly too mu$h movement. 6s we need only a fine ad@ustment letJs

    try a wei"ht of . 6fter the test fli"ht this $an be in$reased or de$reased.

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    n the "round with motor dis$onne$ted, $he$k that the elevator $om!ensates in the $orre$t dire$tiondown3. 'f not, invert the wei"ht to minus . i.e., @ust hi"hli"ht the number and !ress both the '/ T

    and ;E T keys simultaneously3.

    ;eave offset at the default Fero. Be don?t want to shift the !oint where the mix o!erates.

    (ext to edit is the swit$h field, where we sele$t /E6 to serve as the throttle swit$h.The Jmult!xJ field determines how mixes intera$t. )y default it is set to JaddJ, whi$h in our $ase iswhat we want to do, i.e., add this small elevator servo movement to whatever in!uts $ome from theelevator sti$k.

    Those are the standard mix elements. (ow for somethin" a little more so!histi$ated.

    5onsider the behavior of the model when you a!!ly throttle. Even with the motor swit$hed to fullthrottle, the model will take time to a$$elerate and make the win"s "enerate mu$h extra lift. #o weneed to delay the a!!li$ation of lift $om!ensation down elevator3, let?s say by one se$ond. #o weenter 1 into the Jdelay u!J field. JI!J refers to the in$reasin" in!ut to the motor, not to elevatormovement. )ut the model will not a$hieve full s!eed until sometime later, say +. se$onds. To a!!ly

    the elevator $orre$tion "radually, therefore, we enter +. in the Jslow u!J field. The result is that whenthe throttle swit$h is a$tivated, the motor starts immediately, but the down elevator lift $om!ensationdoes not start for 1 se$ond, and then takes +. se$onds for full de!loyment.

    (ow $onsider what ha!!ens at the to! of the $limb. The throttle swit$h instantly $uts the !ower. Themodel will be "oin" fast so down elevator is still reHuired to !revent the model from !it$hin"u!wards. Be need to delay the return of the elevator to Fero by let?s say 2 se$onds to allow themodel to slow down. Enter 2.0 in the Ldelay down? field. To avoid an abru!t $han"e in the air$raft?sattitude we $an also slow the elevator movement so it takes say 1 se$ond to return to neutral for the"lide. 'nsert 1.0 in the Jslow downJ field.

    ere?s what the mix s$reen looks like with these $han"esA

    Be now have a mix line in the elevator $hannel, usin" the throttle swit$h as the sour$e, whi$h "ives down to $om!ensate for the extra lift "enerated under !ower. Be have a 1 se$ond delay before

    the elevator $om!ensation starts and a +. se$ond !eriod for it to rea$h full de!loyment. 6t throttleoff, we have a delay of 2 se$onds while the model slows and then a 1 se$ond !eriod durin" whi$hthe elevator resumes the neutral !osition for the "lide.

    (ow we test the model by flyin" it to see if the settin"s are $orre$t and $han"e them as ne$essary to"ive a strai"ht $limb tra@e$tory and smooth transition to the "lide.

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    0imits (page 9*1");imits o!erate on the out!ut $hannels. 'n the ;'M'T# menu you $an set the $entre !oint subtrim3,set the limits both left and ri"ht3 and reverse the out!ut of the $hannel '(8 for invert3. Ise theME(I key to a$tivate a field and then use the '/ T or ;E T keys to in$rease or de$rease thevalue. Ise E:'T to finish editin".

    Ea$h $hannel here $orres!onds to a $hannel in the re$eiver. The limits you set on a line a!!ly to that$hannel only. ere?s what you see in this s$reenA

    +o&umns,suBT A #ubtrim first $olumn3

    This sets the $hannelJs $entre !oint.

    The values of subT $an be %100 to 100. 'n$rements are 0.1, "ivin" fine resolution whensettin" the $entre for ea$h $hannel.

    >ou $an also use the sti$k to set the $entre !oint. Bhile subT is hi"hli"hted hold thesti$k so the surfa$e is $entred. ;on" !ress ME(I and the !osition will be re$orded.

    *inA*ax A ;imits se$ond and third $olumns3

    These set the end!oints of the $hannel. 6n arrow indi$ates whi$h side is a$tiveG it

    $han"es as you move the sti$k or other in!ut.Ea$h limit $an ran"e between %100 and N100 . The settin"s not only im!ose absolutelimits on servo throw but ad@ust the "ain and thereby maintain !ro!ortional $ontrolthrou"hout the servo movement.

    IN A 'nvert. fourth $olumn3

    This reverses the out!ut of the $hannel. 5hoi$es are L%%%L or L'(8?.

    6t the very bottom of the ;'M'T# s$reen is the o!tionA 5 *> T 'M

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    trims will be $onverted into subtrim values, and the trim !ositions shown on the L ome? !a"es willall be returned to $entre.

    (ote that 'nstaTrim $ontrolled by the swit$h sele$ted as LTrim #wit$h?3 offers another a!!roa$h totrimmin" by $onvertin" sti$k !ositions to subtrim in fli"ht see !a"e 20 3. The two methods are$om!lementary.

    +urves (page 7*1")5urves tell your servo how to move in res!onse to your sti$k movement. 'n Er#ky9x there are ei"ht

    %!oint $urves and ei"ht 9%!oint $urves.

    6 !t $urve is a $urve you $an edit at !ositionsA %100 , % 0 , 0 , 0 , 100 .

    6 9!t $urve is a $urve you $an edit at !ositionsA %100 , % , % 0 , %2 , 0 , 2 ,0 , , 100 .

    5urves 581 to 587 are %!oint, while 58 9%1- are 9%!oint. ere is an exam!le of a %!oint $urveA

    #$roll down to the $urve you wish to modify and !ress ME(I or '/ T. This will brin" u! thes$reen for editin" the $urveA

    >ou will see or 9 editable !oints with the values initially set a Fero. #$roll throu"h the !oints withI* B(. 5han"e the value with ;E T '/ T.

    'f you sele$t the C* E#ETD entry, !ressin" ;E T or '/ T will !o!ulate the values with a linear$urve i.e., strai"ht line3 that is a "ood startin" !oint. ;E T "ives lines slo!in" u! from left to ri"ht.

    '/ T "ives lines slo!in" the other way. *ressin" the key re!eatedly $han"es the slo!e. Theindividual !oints $an be edited by hi"hli"htin", !ressin" ME(I and then usin" the '/ T ;E Tkeys to ad@ust the value. *ress E:'T to navi"ate to the next !oint.

    The "ra!h will show the sha!e of the $urve as you edit the !oints.

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    +ustom Switc!es (page 6*1")These are lo"i$ swit$hes that are used to $om!are values and $ombine various $onditions. More!re$isely, they are a set of lo"i$al fun$tions that $an be used as swit$hes. There are 24 su$h $ustomswit$hes in Er#ky9x.

    The first $olumn shows the Xo!erationX, listin" several arithmeti$, lo"i$al and differential o!erations.'n arithmeti$al o!erations, v+ and v, re!resent variables, v re!resents a value, and ofs re!resentsan offset i.e., a $onstant3.

    8ariables $an be any sour$e, i.e., all those available in mixers, !lus the seven "lobal variables andall telemetry values. 'n lo"i$al o!erations the available sour$es are all the !hysi$al swit$hes and theother $ustom swit$hes. ifferential fun$tions $om!are the $han"es in a variable sin$e it was lastmat$hed to another value.

    n$e the defined $ondition is met, the value of the swit$h will be C (D.

    Setting @p a +ustom Switc!

    irst we define the $ondition or o!eration. This $an beA an arithmeti$ fun$tion, or a lo"i$al $ondition,or an evaluation between two sour$es.

    1. 'f youJve sele$ted a regular condition vZoffset, v[offset, \v\Zoffset or \v\[offset3, you need to

    s!e$ify a sour$e for the value and an offsetAThe sour$e $an be a sti$k, !ot, **M in!ut, out!ut $hannel or telemetry value.

    The offset $an be anywhere between %100 and N100. 't will be the test !oint for the$ondition.

    or exam!leA swit$h C (D only if throttle is above 0 T Z 03

    2. 'f youJve sele$ted a logical condition 6( , , : , ;at$h, % lo!3, the $onditions of the twosele$ted swit$hes are evaluated.

    or exam!leA swit$h C (D if either ' 1 or ' 2 is ( ' 1 ' 23.

    +. 'f youJve sele$ted an evaluation CUUD, CZD, C[D, et$...3, you need to sele$t the two sour$es to be$om!ared.

    or exam!leA #wit$h C (D only if 5 1 is less than I 81[82 5 1 I 3

    N/ Function

    5ustom swit$hes also offer an extra &N@ $ondition. 'f this is sele$ted in the first $olumn, it must be( for the $ustom swit$h to be$ome a$tive.

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    or exam!le to turn on the timer with the T swit$h and have the time announ$ed every +0se$ondsA

    #2 Time ff 2 ( T

    The last field T 3 is the 6( $ondition. The timer only runs when the T swit$h is (.

    To finish the @ob, a voi$e swit$h needs to be set. More on that in the next se$tion.0atc! and F&ip8F&op Functions

    Two s!e$ial fun$tions available in $ustom swit$hes are hel!ful when it is ne$essary to use a briefin!ut to tri""er a !ersistent state.

    The 0atch fun$tion allows a state or event to be $a!tured and held for as lon" as reHuired. orexam!le, the maximum altitude rea$hed by a "lider $an be retained until it is desired to measure anew maximum.

    Two swit$hes are used as in!ut to the ;at$h fun$tion. Turnin" ( the first sets the $ustom swit$hout!ut to (. Bhen the first swit$h is (, the se$ond swit$h has no effe$t, but when the first is ,turnin" the se$ond will reset the $ustom swit$h to .

    or exam!le, the followin" $auses #B+ to turn ( when the T ( swit$h is !ulled and off if the I

    swit$h is turned ( but only if the T ( swit$h is released to 3.

    #+ ;at$h T ( I

    The 1lip 1lop D1 1lop fun$tion CremembersD the in!ut state and !rovides it as the out!ut. 6"ain,two swit$hes are used for in!ut, one as the tri""er and the other to !rovide the CdataD.

    #o, for exam!le, if the momentary T ( swit$h is used as the tri""er, !ullin" it ( sets the out!ut ofthe $ustom swit$h to the $urrent state of the se$ond in!ut.

    or exam!le, the followin" entry $auses the value of $ustom swit$h 4 to $han"e every time thetrainer swit$h is !ulled, as the se$ond in!ut is defined as o!!osite to the $urrent state.

    #4 % lo! T ( S#B4

    Sa et' Switc!es Aand :oice Switc!es (page 5*1")This !a"e allows you to define safety swit$hes that will overwrite the existin" value for a !arti$ular$hannel. 't also in$ludes !rovision for audio warnin" swit$hes and voi$e swit$hes to announ$eevents.

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    Sa et' Switc!es

    There are four ty!es of safety swit$hA

    S #afety3A e!la$es the existin" value for the $hannel when a swit$h is on.

    X #ti$ky #afety3A verwrites the existin" value for a !arti$ular $hannel.

    & 6udio3A *lays a sound or ha!ti$ vibration $hosen from a list. 8oi$e3A *lays a voi$e file.

    To use the basi$ S type safety swit$h, su!!ose you want to set a sim!le safety swit$h to lo$k theEle$troni$ #!eed 5ontrol E#53 of an ele$tri$ model at Fero throttle. 'f 5hannel 1 is throttle, and fulllow throttle is %100, then what you need isA

    5 1 # T %100

    This means that when the T swit$h is ( the safety swit$h ensures that value of 5hannel 1 isalways %100, re"ardless of the !osition of the throttle $ontrol. Bhen the T swit$h is J J the$hannel works normally ty!i$ally $ontrolled by the throttle sti$k3. 'n the s$reen below, the first$olumn is the $hannel to whi$h the safety swit$h a!!lies, L#? identifies this as a safety swit$h andT identifies the !hysi$al swit$h.

    Barnin"S Bhen a safety swit$h is a$tive, the out!ut of the $hannel is re!la$ed by the defined safetyswit$h value here %1003. The value of the $hannel, however, $ontinues to be determined by thethrottle sti$k !osition and any other mixes that feed into it3. 'f you were to have a mix to feed indown elevator in !ro!ortion to the throttle settin", $uttin" off the motor at full throttle with the safetyswit$h would leave the elevator still in its down !osition.

    The X type safety swit$h works exa$tly like the basi$ safety swit$h, ex$e!t that it is Csti$kyD. )eforethe $hannel $an fun$tion normally a"ain, the throttle sti$k must be returned to full low %1003. 'n other words, the :%ty!e safety swit$h !erforms the same fun$tion as the #ti$ky T%5ut tem!late thou"h thelatter works in a different way3.

    The & type safety swit$h for 6udio3 at 4 se$ond intervals !lays a sound or ha!ti$ vibration $hosen

    from the followin" listA Barn1, Barn2, 5hee!, in", #$i i, obot, 5hir!, Tada, #iren, 6lm5lk,atata, Ti$k, a!t$1, a!t$2, a!t$+. ere?s an exam!leA

    5 2 6 6'; in"

    This will $ause a double rin" sound every four se$onds whenever the 6ileron swit$h is (.

    The type safety swit$h will !lay a voi$e file every 4 se$onds when the swit$h is (.

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    or exam!leA

    5 - 8 ' 2 1+

    This will say C la!s se$ond !ositionD when the +%!osition swit$h is full down. or full $ontrol of voi$eannoun$ements, use a 8oi$e #wit$h, as ex!lained below.

    :oice Switc!esollowin" the 24 #afety #wit$hes 5 1 to 243 are, by default, 7 8oi$e #wit$hes 8# 2 to +23 that

    tri""er the !layin" of a !arti$ular voi$e file and determine the $onditions and manner in whi$h it is!layed. 'f more than ei"ht 8oi$e #wit$hes are reHuired, #afety #wit$hes $an be $onverted into 8oi$e#wit$hes. 6t the to! of the s$reen the value of L(umber 8oi$e #w? $an be ad@usted to in$rease thedefault 7 u! to a maximum of all +2 swit$hes.

    The followin" !i$ture shows the lower !ortion of the list, where #afety #wit$hes "ive way to 8oi$e#wit$hes.

    'f the number of voi$e #wit$hes were in$reased to, for exam!le, 10, then 5 2+ and 5 24 wouldbe$ome 8#2+ and 8#24.

    'n this s$reen, the first $olumn identifies the 8oi$e #wit$h number.

    The se$ond $olumn may $ontain any !hysi$al or virtual swit$h su$h as I , E;E, ' 0, ' 1.....#B1,#B2, #B+,$.

    The third $olumn may $ontain (, , ) T , 1 se$, +0 se$, -0 se$, and 8aribl.

    ( means that when the swit$h is a$tivated, the item in the fourth $olumn will be announ$ed.L) T ? is a means of a$tivatin" both ( and voi$e swit$hes from the one $ommand line!rovided the two voi$e files are $onse$utively numbered and are $onse$utively ( and files.

    or exam!le, the $ommandA

    8#2- /E6 ) T -

    means that when the /E6 swit$h is a$tivated the transmitter !lays file - L/ear I!? and when theswit$h is dea$tivated it !lays file L/ear own?.

    The fourth $olumn may $ontain a voi$e file number, a telemetry value, Timer 1 or Timer 2 value, orthe value of a /lobal 8ariable see !a"e 42 3.

    $e&emetr' (page 13*1")'t is beyond the s$o!e of this manual to !rovide a detailed ex!lanation of the details of usin" any!arti$ular telemetry system, but the followin" !rovides an introdu$tion to the basi$ r#ky a!!roa$h

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    usin" analo" in!uts. or more detail on this and the di"ital a!!roa$h bein" used in$reasin"ly, "o toAhtt!A www.efli"htwiki.$om efli"htwiki index.!h!KtitleU r#kyPTelemetry.

    Ersky9x also su!!orts the Winged Shadow How Hi unit and will a$$e!t in!ut from #M telemetrywhen available.

    The first item on the !a"e is LIsr*roto?, where you sele$t between B# hi Winged Shadow How Hi 3,r ub FrSky Te%e!etry Hu( 3 and #Mx )S*+ or )S*X Te%e!etry 3. n the same line you $an

    sele$t either Metri$ or 'm!erial units.

    61 and 62 on this s$reen refer to the two analo" in!uts available on r#ky %series re$eivers. Thesein!uts $an a$$e!t a maximum of +.+v. To measure hi"her volta"es, therefore, a volta"e divider$onsistin" of a !air of resistors must be used. or exam!le, a divider with 4A1 ratio will measurevolta"es u! to 1+.2v 4 x +.+v3.

    The 61 in!ut is normally used to measure re$eiver volta"e. 6ll of the r#ky %series and :%seriesre$eivers do this by $onne$tin" the 61 in!ut by way of a built%in 4A1 divider.

    The 62 !ort does not !rovide an internal volta"e divider. 5onseHuently, to measure volta"es above+.+v, an external divider must be used as a volta"e sensor. or exam!le, to measure the volta"e ofa 4%$ell ;i*o battery maximum 1-.7v fully $har"ed3, a -A1 divider $an be usedG this will a$$e!tvolta"es u! to - x +.+v U 19.7v. Bith su$h a divider, 1-.7v will be seen as 1-.7v - U 2.7v as in!ut tothe re$eiver telemetry.

    (ote that the r#ky :7 re$eivers only have only one analo" in!ut, 61, whi$h is $onne$tedinternally to measure the volta"e of the re$eiver !ower su!!ly. 6 $onverter is available to enableanalo" in!uts 623 to the di"ital #.*ort of the :7 . The :- re$eivers have an external 61 !ort likethat on most %series re$eivers.

    Bithin the telemetry $ir$uits of the re$eiver, the value of the analo" in!ut between 0 and +.+v3 is$onverted to a number between 0 and 2 . This is en$oded di"itally and sent to the transmitter,where it is $onverted ba$k to a number re!resentin" the volta"e to do this the transmitter must be"iven the divider ratio3.

    'n the s$reen shot above, the numbers immediately to the ri"ht of C61 $hannelD and C62 $hannelDre!resent the measurement Range , whi$h de!ends on the divider ratio of the volta"e sensor. orthe 4A1 ratio used to measure re$eiver volta"e, this value should be set to 1+.2 i.e., +.+ x 43. or a-A1 ratio sensor, the ran"e would be 19.7.

    The number in the ri"ht hand $olumn .2 in the !i$ture3 re!resents the final Tele"etry read%out. 'f itdoes not a"ree exa$tly with the a$tual value measured with a voltmeter, the ran"e value $an bead@usted sli"htly. The usual $ause of ina$$ura$ies in the readin" is the toleran$e of the resistorsused in the volta"e divider.

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    The lower$ase Lv? followin" the an"e value re!resents one of four scaling factors used in$onvertin" the telemetry number 0%2 3 into a suitable read%out value. The Lv? settin" $orres!ondsto a read%out ran"e of 0 to 2 . volts, while a L8? settin" "ives 0 to 1 volts at redu$ed resolution3.#et to L6? for $urrent measurement, the telemetry number is $onverted to a ran"e of 0 to - 6m!s.

    inally, the L%L settin" dis!lays the un$onverted telemetry number 0%2 3, whi$h $an be used for

    !arameters other than volta"e or $urrent, su$h as tem!erature or *M, de!endin" on the sensor.The 62 read%out works in the same fashion. The an"e settin" will de!end on the sensor bein"used. or the )8#%01 volta"e sensor, usin" the default ratio of 1A-, the ran"e settin" would be19.7v. uel level, /*# !osition, 6ltitude, 5urrent and *M may also be measured usin" r#kysensors whi$h !lu" into a hub. The hub !rodu$es a stream of si"nal out!uts suitable for the serial!ort on some %series re$eivers.

    Bhen usin" third !arty sensors, the s$alin" fa$tor of the volta"e divider de!ends on the ty!e ofsensor installed and the ma"nitude of the values bein" measured. efer to the instru$tions whi$h$ome with the sensor for details on how to install and $alibrate it.

    X;owX and X5riti$alX alarms for 61 and 62 will tri""er audio warnin"s bee!s3 when the measuredvalue "oes below the defined levels. These are defined as >ellow, ran"e and ed. to differentiateamon" the various bee! !atterns. 8oi$e warnin"s $an be enabled for 61 and 62 values if a $ustomswit$h is used to dete$t the alarm $ondition and a voi$e swit$h is used to !lay an a!!ro!riate tra$k.

    #imilarly audio alarms will be tri""ered at Cwarnin"D and C$riti$alD levels if the re$eived si"nal stren"thindi$ation ##'3 or the re$eiver volta"e falls below the set levels. These settin"s, at the bottom ofthe Telemetry !a"e, are shown above.

    $e&emetr' 2 (page 11*1")This !a"e $ontinues the telemetry settin"sA

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    RSSI ,%ar!s A Tx ##'alrm and x ##'alrm refer to the levels at whi$h warnin" bee!s are !rodu$eddire$tly by the r#ky module see !a"e 103. The numbers here are read from the transmittermodule. 'f you have modified a r#ky VT module in a$$ordan$e with the instru$tions in the manualIntroduction to the Hardware- these numbers may not a!!ear. They are normally set to Fero turnedoff3, as shown above, to avoid $onfli$t with the ##' alarms set on the Telemetry !a"e,.

    !,h ,%ar!. This warns when a set amount of battery $a!a$ity has been used. 6 $urrent sensormust be used to !rovide the ne$essary in!ut. The sound or ha!ti$ buFF used for the warnin" $an besele$ted from the list !rovided. This value is used for the $al$ulation of the !er$enta"e $a!a$ity usedand $an be dis!layed on the $ustom telemetry dis!lay.

    u! /%ades A (umber of blades for the *M sensor.

    ,%t,%ar! is the altitude alarm. 6ltitude is measured by a barometri$ devi$e in the Winged ShadowHow Hi unit. 6 freHuently used settin" is 122 metres whi$h will dis!lay as 400 feet if L'm!erial? issele$ted on the !revious telemetry !a"e3.

    $o%tage Thresh Threshold3A 6llows the alarm threshold to be $hosen.

    &ps,%t*ain is the /lobal *ositionin" #ystem /*#3 determination of altitude and may be turned (or . 'f (, the barometri$ altitude readin" is re!la$ed by /*# altitude.

    Tele"etry , Custo" @isplay

    #hort !resses of the B( key will take you to the $ustom telemetry dis!lay s$reen.

    I! to six telemetry variables $an be dis!layed on a sin"le s$reen in the order you sele$t. i"hli"htthe blank line and usin" the ;E T or '/ T keys sele$t from the o!tions available. >ou must havethe $orres!ondin" telemetry sensors and hub installed in your model. )T )luetooth3 . Telemetrymay be or (.

    r#ky *ort refers to the !ort used to $onne$t the r#ky telemetry hub to the re$eiver. 't may beeither !ort 1 or !ort 2

    Ea$h field in the $ustom dis!lay $an be one of the various available !arameters as followsA

    T!r0-+ A )oth timers in the transmitter RSSI A ;owest of the ##' values from the radio and re$eiver in 7 mode

    ,0- ,+ A 6nalo" !orts on re$eivers 6ltA )arometri$ altitude sensor

    Rp! A En"ine s!eed, number of blades is ad@usted in the settin"s above

    Fue% A uel level, m6h $onsumed 1The dis!lay is in !er$enta"e used. Bhen the r#ky fuel$a!a$ity sensor is used the $ustom telemetry s$reen dis!lays 100, , 0, 2 , and 0!er$ent. 'f a $urrent sour$e is sele$ted, the dis!lay is in !er$enta"e of the value set on

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    the TE;EMET > 2 s$reen as the m6h 6larm. The $a!a$ity $al$ulation is made in ste!sof -4 m6h. The dis!lay will $han"e a$$ordin"ly.

    T0- T+ A Tem!erature sensors 1 and 2

    Spd- )ist- &,%t A /*# s!eed, distan$e from startin" !oint and /*# altitude

    "e%% A ;owest $ell on ;8#%01

    "e%sA #um of all $ells on ;8#%01

    $'as A 6#%40 100 volta"e measurement

    "urr A 5urrent, sour$e $onfi"ured in the settin"s above 6# or analo"3

    "nsp A m6h $onsumed in total needs $urrent sour$e $onfi"ured $orre$tly3

    Powr A *ower, volta"e and $urrent sour$es $onfi"ured above

    ,ccX- 2- 3. 6$$eleration values from T6#%01

    Hdg. /*# headin"

    $spd. 8erti$al s!eed either $al$ulated by the radio or re!orted by the sensor, de!endin"

    on the sensor ty!e $hosen above3'n the $ustom telemetry dis!lay, when !ressin" ; (/ ME(IA

    'f 6;T is dis!layed, set to 0.

    'f 61 or 62 is dis!layed, and is measurin" $urrent, use the !resent value as an offset,thus settin" the dis!layed value to Fero.

    'f a #56;E is dis!layed see !a"e 4+3 and its sour$e is 6;T, the 6;T value is used asan offset to set the 6;T value dis!layed to Fero.

    The followin" is an exam!le of a $ustom telemetry !a"eA

    $emp&ates (page 12*1")The tem!lates are Xstartin" !ointsX for model setu!s. Bhen sele$ted with ME(I ; (/ they willeither add to or re!la$e the $urrent modelJs mixes and settin"s with standard ones for a !arti$ularusa"e s$enario. They are best a!!lied to a newly $reated model. They $an be tweaked to a$hievethe desired result, or sim!ly used to "et an idea of whatJs reHuired for the !arti$ular model ty!e.

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    6t the bottom of the list most Hui$kly rea$hed by !ressin" I* from the first item in the list3 wefind the o!tion to $lear all mixes in the Mixer s$reen.

    31 Simp&e #8+H

    5reates a basi$ four $hannel fixed win" model with 100 wei"htin" on ea$h of the $hannels.5hannel order is determined by the settin" in adio #etu! !a"e 1 11. (ote that a!!lyin" thistem!late overwrites anythin" already set for $hannels 1 to 4.

    32 $8+ut

    'nserts a mix line for the throttle $hannel that re!la$es throttle sti$k in!ut by %100 when theT .5IT swit$h is (. Bhen the swit$h is , the throttle sti$k is immediately a$tive.

    3" Stick' $8+ut

    e!la$es throttle sti$k in!ut by %100 when the T .5IT swit$h is (. Bhen the swit$h is movedto , the throttle sti$k remains ina$tive until moved to the throttle $losed !osition. The Csti$kyDme$hanism is lo$ated on 5 14, whi$h is not sent to the re$eiver.3

    3# :8$ai&

    'nserts mixes for both rudder and elevator in!ut into the two $hannels used for the tail servos. Bhenthe elevator sti$k is moved u!, both surfa$es move u!. Bhen the rudder sti$k is moved ri"ht, the leftsurfa$e "oes u! ri"ht and the ri"ht surfa$e "oes down ri"ht. (ote that this mix may overwrite existin"mixes.

    3% =&evon*/e&ta

    #imilar to 8%Tail but inserts mixes for aileron and elevator into the $hannels that $ontrol the elevonservos. Bhen the elevator sti$k is moved u!, both surfa$es move u!. Bhen the aileron sti$k ismoved ri"ht, the left surfa$e "oes down and the ri"ht surfa$e "oes u!. (ote that this mix mayoverwrite existin" mixes.

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    39 He&i Setup

    #ets u! basi$ 55*M mixes for a $olle$tive !it$h flybar%ty!e heli$o!ter with the $ommon 120Y swasharran"ement. The three swash servo out!ut $hannels are 5>51, 5>52, 5>5+. li"ht Modes are$ontrolled by the +%!osition swit$h. 5urves $1, $2, $+ are used for throttle on 5 , while $4, $ , $-are used for !it$h on 5 11 in this $ase a CvirtualD $hannel not sent to the re$eiver3. (ote that this

    mix may overwrite existin" mixes.37 'ro Setup

    5reates ad@ustable out!uts on 5 - $ontrolled by !otentiometer *2 and the /ear swit$h to set the"yro "ain for a heli$o!ter.

    36 Servo $est

    Ises mixes on $hannel 1- to "enerate an out!ut on $hannel 1 that slowly varies from %100 to N100and ba$k a"ain. To a!!ly this out!ut to another $hannel, set u! a mix with 5 1 as the sour$e.

    35 ange $est

    /enerates a varyin" out!ut on $hannel 24 that $an be used to drive servos on other $hannels andthus allow ran"e testin" with the transmitter in a fixed lo$ation and the model $arried to a distan$e.Maximum ran"e is indi$ated by servos $easin" to $y$le smoothly.

    (oteA The built%in tem!lates $annot be edited or re!la$ed. 6s a startin" !oint for new models, youmay wish to $reate "eneri$ models and store them either on the $om!uter usin" Ee!skye3, or inunused model memories of the transmitter, or on the # $ard.. >ou $an then sim!ly $o!y, renameand ada!t a suitable model as reHuired.

    &o4a& :aria4&es (page 1"*1")/lobal variables are values that $an be substituted for the usual number on any Bei"ht, ffset,

    ifferential or Ex!o settin". Their main use is to "rou! the ad@ustment of several !arameters thatshould have the same value. or exam!le, aileron differential on a "lider with four surfa$esres!ondin" to the aileron fun$tion. Bhen tryin" to find the sweet s!ot for the differential value,instead of havin" to se!arately edit the differential value in the mixers, all four $an be set to use a"lobal variable i.e., /81 $an be sele$ted by a ; (/ !ress of the ME(I key on the ifferentialfield3. Then ad@ustin" /81 on this !a"e is all it takes for all four differentials to be u!datedsimultaneously.

    or exam!le, to use a "lobal variable in the E:* menu, hi"hli"ht the Ex!o or value andthen lon" !ress ME(I key. >ou will then have the ability to sele$t /81 throu"h to /8 . Then in the/; )6; 86 # s$reen above3 define the /8x, whi$h you $hose to be any of the !otentiometers,*1, *2 or *+. /o ba$k to the E:* s$reen. 6s you ad@ust the !otentiometer, the value of theEx!o $han"es and the sha!e of the "ra!h $han"es.

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    Sca&ers 6 s$aler is a fun$tion that takes an in!ut value and a!!lies an offset and s$alin" multi!li$ation ordivision by a fixed ratio3. The result may be used forA dis!lay on the $ustom telemetry s$reen, voi$eout!ut, as the sour$e for a mix, or as a $om!arison value for a $ustom swit$h.

    or telemetry dis!lay !ur!oses ea$h s$aler may be "iven a four $hara$ter name. or both telemetrydis!lay and voi$e usa"e, the units may be sele$ted