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Foreword Spiritual songs are defined as those that affect the spirit of the soul. Many of our early African American spirituals were simple expressions of pent up emotions exhibited in memorable, often somber melodies. Spirit songs may also reflect a lighter mood or perhaps even the anticipation of a brighter home in heaven. Tapping into ten well-known traditional melodies, Spirit Songs! captures the heartbeat of each melody and canvases the music with an artistic palette and brush. Enjoy the light swing adaptations of songs like Down by the Riverside, Every Time I Feel the Spirit, and This Little Light of Mine. Then journey through the dramatic portrayals of Wayfarin’ Stranger, Give Me Jesus, and the rich sonority of Deep River, just to name a few. Some tunes have been paired with relatable themes to offer a broader range of content. A labor of love, these arrangements for solo piano have varying degrees of difficulty. But even the most challenging setting may be played at a tempo comfortable to the performer. There are no rules here. Simply adapt and enjoy the musical experience of reliving familiar tunes in fresh, innovative settings all designed to revive the human spirit through music. – Mary McDonald About the Arranger A lifelong native of East Tennessee, Mary McDonald has been playing piano since she was five years old. The youngest of six musical children, she became the family accompanist at holiday gatherings while the older children would sing. While growing up in a local Baptist church, Mary acquired a love for the church organ and, during her teenage years, began playing and arranging hymns for church. In 1974, she attended Carson-Newman College on a Home Economics scholarship but, upon hearing her play, was transferred into the Church Music department where she received formal study in organ. After graduation in 1978, Mary became church organist in an area church near Knoxville and began arranging and composing music for organ and eventually church choirs. Today, Mary McDonald is a well-known composer of over 1000 choral anthems and many keyboard collections. She previously served as sacred music editor for a major church publishing company and continues in an editorial consultant role. She is published with every major publisher for church music and has had numerous top-selling anthems. Her unique blend of heart, hands, and humor, combined with a wide range of writing and performing styles has kept her in constant demand for nearly 40 years as a composer, keyboard artist, and as a choral clinician. Mary is married to Brian, a Knoxville architect, and they have two married children and four grandchildren. Contents Down by the Riverside.........................................................................................................................................................3 This Little Light of Mine .....................................................................................................................................................8 Wayfarin’ Stranger .............................................................................................................................................................12 Swing Low, Sweet Chariot with I Want Jesus to Walk with Me ........................................................................................16 Jesus Walked This Lonesome Valley with Nobody Knows the Trouble I’ve Seen............................................................20 I’ve Got Peace Like a River with Standin’ in the Need of Prayer .....................................................................................24 Give Me Jesus ....................................................................................................................................................................30 Every Time I Feel the Spirit ...............................................................................................................................................34 Deep River .........................................................................................................................................................................38 There Is a Happy Land.......................................................................................................................................................44 2 763220-2

9780787763220 Spirit Songs insides - Lorenz · melodies, Spirit Songs! captures the heartbeat of each melody and canvases the music with an artistic palette and brush. Enjoy the light

Oct 07, 2020



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Page 1: 9780787763220 Spirit Songs insides - Lorenz · melodies, Spirit Songs! captures the heartbeat of each melody and canvases the music with an artistic palette and brush. Enjoy the light


Spiritual songs are defined as those that affect the spirit of the soul. Many of our early African American spirituals were simple expressions of pent up emotions exhibited in memorable, often somber melodies. Spirit songs may also reflect a lighter mood or perhaps even the anticipation of a brighter home in heaven. Tapping into ten well-known traditional melodies, Spirit Songs! captures the heartbeat of each melody and canvases the music with an artistic palette and brush.

Enjoy the light swing adaptations of songs like Down by the Riverside, Every Time I Feel the Spirit, and This Little Light of Mine. Then journey through the dramatic portrayals of Wayfarin’ Stranger, Give Me Jesus, and the rich sonority of Deep River, just to name a few. Some tunes have been paired with relatable themes to offer a broader range of content.

A labor of love, these arrangements for solo piano have varying degrees of difficulty. But even the most challenging setting may be played at a tempo comfortable to the performer. There are no rules here. Simply adapt and enjoy the musical experience of reliving familiar tunes in fresh, innovative settings all designed to revive the human spirit through music.

– Mary McDonald

About the Arranger

A lifelong native of East Tennessee, Mary McDonald has been playing piano since she was five years old. The youngest of six musical children, she became the family accompanist at holiday gatherings while the older children would sing. While growing up in a local Baptist church, Mary acquired a love for the church organ and, during her teenage years, began playing and arranging hymns for church. In 1974, she attended Carson-Newman College on a Home Economics scholarship but, upon hearing her play, was transferred into the Church Music department where she received formal study in organ. After graduation in 1978, Mary became church organist in an area church near Knoxville and began arranging and composing music for organ and eventually church choirs.

Today, Mary McDonald is a well-known composer of over 1000 choral anthems and many keyboard collections. She previously served as sacred music editor for a major church publishing company and continues in an editorial consultant role. She is published with every major publisher for church music and has had numerous top-selling anthems. Her unique blend of heart, hands, and humor, combined with a wide range of writing and performing styles has kept her in constant demand for nearly 40 years as a composer, keyboard artist, and as a choral clinician.

Mary is married to Brian, a Knoxville architect, and they have two married children and four grandchildren.

ContentsDown by the Riverside .........................................................................................................................................................3

This Little Light of Mine .....................................................................................................................................................8

Wayfarin’ Stranger .............................................................................................................................................................12

Swing Low, Sweet Chariot with I Want Jesus to Walk with Me ........................................................................................16

Jesus Walked This Lonesome Valley with Nobody Knows the Trouble I’ve Seen............................................................20

I’ve Got Peace Like a River with Standin’ in the Need of Prayer .....................................................................................24

Give Me Jesus ....................................................................................................................................................................30

Every Time I Feel the Spirit ...............................................................................................................................................34

Deep River .........................................................................................................................................................................38

There Is a Happy Land .......................................................................................................................................................44



Page 2: 9780787763220 Spirit Songs insides - Lorenz · melodies, Spirit Songs! captures the heartbeat of each melody and canvases the music with an artistic palette and brush. Enjoy the light





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Light swing q=ca. 116 (qr=qce)


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African American SpiritualArr. by Mary McDonald

Down by the Riverside

© 2018 Lorenz Publishing Co., a division of The Lorenz Corporation. All rights reserved. Printed in U.S.A.UNAUTHORIZED REPRODUCTION OF THIS PUBLICATION IS A


PLEASE NOTE: Copying of this product is NOT covered by CCLI licenses. For CCLI information call 1-800-234-2446.763220-3

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Page 3: 9780787763220 Spirit Songs insides - Lorenz · melodies, Spirit Songs! captures the heartbeat of each melody and canvases the music with an artistic palette and brush. Enjoy the light




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Spirited q=ca. 100-104 (qr=qce)

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African American SpiritualArr. by Mary McDonald

This Little Light of Mine

© 2018 Lorenz Publishing Co., a division of The Lorenz Corporation. All rights reserved. Printed in U.S.A.UNAUTHORIZED REPRODUCTION OF THIS PUBLICATION IS A


PLEASE NOTE: Copying of this product is NOT covered by CCLI licenses. For CCLI information call 1-800-234-2446.763220-8

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Page 4: 9780787763220 Spirit Songs insides - Lorenz · melodies, Spirit Songs! captures the heartbeat of each melody and canvases the music with an artistic palette and brush. Enjoy the light



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Traditional American SpiritualArr. by Mary McDonald

WayfarinÕ Stranger

© 2018 Lorenz Publishing Co., a division of The Lorenz Corporation. All rights reserved. Printed in U.S.A.UNAUTHORIZED REPRODUCTION OF THIS PUBLICATION IS A


PLEASE NOTE: Copying of this product is NOT covered by CCLI licenses. For CCLI information call 1-800-234-2446.763220-12

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Page 5: 9780787763220 Spirit Songs insides - Lorenz · melodies, Spirit Songs! captures the heartbeat of each melody and canvases the music with an artistic palette and brush. Enjoy the light




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Traditional American SpiritualArr. by Mary McDonald

Swing Low, Sweet Chariotwith

I Want Jesus to Walk with Me

© 2018 Lorenz Publishing Co., a division of The Lorenz Corporation. All rights reserved. Printed in U.S.A.UNAUTHORIZED REPRODUCTION OF THIS PUBLICATION IS A


PLEASE NOTE: Copying of this product is NOT covered by CCLI licenses. For CCLI information call 1-800-234-2446.763220-16

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Page 6: 9780787763220 Spirit Songs insides - Lorenz · melodies, Spirit Songs! captures the heartbeat of each melody and canvases the music with an artistic palette and brush. Enjoy the light


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Slowly, freely q= 58-63

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Traditional American SpiritualArr. by Mary McDonald

Jesus Walked This Lonesome Valleywith

Nobody Knows the Trouble I’ve Seen

© 2018 Lorenz Publishing Co., a division of The Lorenz Corporation. All rights reserved. Printed in U.S.A.UNAUTHORIZED REPRODUCTION OF THIS PUBLICATION IS A


PLEASE NOTE: Copying of this product is NOT covered by CCLI licenses. For CCLI information call 1-800-234-2446.763220-20

Do NotPhotocopy

Page 7: 9780787763220 Spirit Songs insides - Lorenz · melodies, Spirit Songs! captures the heartbeat of each melody and canvases the music with an artistic palette and brush. Enjoy the light




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Traditional American SpiritualArr. by Mary McDonald

I’ve Got Peace Like a Riverwith

Standin’ in the Need of Prayer

© 2018 Lorenz Publishing Co., a division of The Lorenz Corporation. All rights reserved. Printed in U.S.A.UNAUTHORIZED REPRODUCTION OF THIS PUBLICATION IS A


PLEASE NOTE: Copying of this product is NOT covered by CCLI licenses. For CCLI information call 1-800-234-2446.763220-24

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Page 8: 9780787763220 Spirit Songs insides - Lorenz · melodies, Spirit Songs! captures the heartbeat of each melody and canvases the music with an artistic palette and brush. Enjoy the light



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Expressively q=ca. 69


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African American SpiritualArr. by Mary McDonald

Give Me Jesus

© 2018 Lorenz Publishing Co., a division of The Lorenz Corporation. All rights reserved. Printed in U.S.A.UNAUTHORIZED REPRODUCTION OF THIS PUBLICATION IS A


PLEASE NOTE: Copying of this product is NOT covered by CCLI licenses. For CCLI information call 1-800-234-2446.763220-30

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Page 9: 9780787763220 Spirit Songs insides - Lorenz · melodies, Spirit Songs! captures the heartbeat of each melody and canvases the music with an artistic palette and brush. Enjoy the light


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Spirited q=ca. 108


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African American SpiritualArr. by Mary McDonald

Every Time I Feel the Spirit

© 2018 Lorenz Publishing Co., a division of The Lorenz Corporation. All rights reserved. Printed in U.S.A.UNAUTHORIZED REPRODUCTION OF THIS PUBLICATION IS A


PLEASE NOTE: Copying of this product is NOT covered by CCLI licenses. For CCLI information call 1-800-234-2446.763220-34

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Page 10: 9780787763220 Spirit Songs insides - Lorenz · melodies, Spirit Songs! captures the heartbeat of each melody and canvases the music with an artistic palette and brush. Enjoy the light

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Slowly, with feeling q=ca. 52

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African American SpiritualArr. by Mary McDonald

Deep River

© 2018 Lorenz Publishing Co., a division of The Lorenz Corporation. All rights reserved. Printed in U.S.A.UNAUTHORIZED REPRODUCTION OF THIS PUBLICATION IS A


PLEASE NOTE: Copying of this product is NOT covered by CCLI licenses. For CCLI information call 1-800-234-2446.763220-38

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Page 11: 9780787763220 Spirit Songs insides - Lorenz · melodies, Spirit Songs! captures the heartbeat of each melody and canvases the music with an artistic palette and brush. Enjoy the light


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Traditional SpiritualArr. by Mary McDonald

There Is a Happy Land

© 2018 Lorenz Publishing Co., a division of The Lorenz Corporation. All rights reserved. Printed in U.S.A.UNAUTHORIZED REPRODUCTION OF THIS PUBLICATION IS A


PLEASE NOTE: Copying of this product is NOT covered by CCLI licenses. For CCLI information call 1-800-234-2446.763220-44

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