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Source Program LexicalAnalyzer Syntax Analyzer Sem antic Analyzer Interm ediate Code Generator tokens AST LexicalAnalyzer Syntax Analyzer Sem antic Analyzer Interm ediate Code Generator Sem antic Analyzer Interm ediate Code Generator tokens AST Front- End Code Optim izer Target Code Generator IC Back- End Code Optim izer Target Code Generator IC Back- End IL IL Object Program Intermediate Language Compiler Model Front-End language dependant part Back-End − machine dependant part [1/34]

9.1 Introduction [1/3]

Mar 18, 2016



Portia kupempha

Compiler Model Front-End − language dependant part Back-End − machine dependant part. 9.1 Introduction [1/3]. Introduction [2/3]. IL 의 필요성 Modular Construction Automatic Construction Easy Translation Portability Optimization Bootstrapping IL 의 분류 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation
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Page 1: 9.1 Introduction [1/3]

Source Program

Lexical Analyzer

Syntax Analyzer

Semantic Analyzer

Intermediate Code Generator



Lexical Analyzer

Syntax Analyzer

Semantic Analyzer

Intermediate Code Generator

Semantic Analyzer

Intermediate Code Generator



Front- End

Code Optimizer

Target Code Generator


Back- End

Code Optimizer

Target Code Generator


Back- EndILIL

Object Program

Intermediate Language

Compiler Model

Front-End− language dependant partBack-End − machine dependant part


Page 2: 9.1 Introduction [1/3]

IL 의 필요성 Modular Construction Automatic Construction Easy Translation Portability Optimization Bootstrapping

IL 의 분류 Polish Notation --- Postfix, IR Three Address Code --- Quadruple, Triple, Indirect triple Tree Structured Code --- PT, AST, TCOL Abstract Machine Code --- P-code, EM-code, U-code, Byte-code

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Source Front-End ILS ILS-ILT ILT Back-End Target

Intermediate Language

Two level Code Generation

ILS 소스로부터 자동화에 의해 얻을 수 있는 형태 소스 언어에 의존적이며 high level 이다 .

ILT 후단부의 자동화에 의해 목적기계로의 번역이 매우 쉬운 형태 목적기계에 의존적이며 low level 이다 .

ILS to ILT ILS 에서 ILT 로의 번역이 주된 작업임 .


Page 4: 9.1 Introduction [1/3]

Polish mathematician Lucasiewiez invented the parenthesis-free notation.

Postfix(Suffix) Polish Notation earliest IL popular for interpreted language - SNOBOL, BASIC

general form :e1 e2 ... ek OP (k ≥ 1)

where, OP : k_ary operator ei : any postfix expression (1 ≤ i ≤ k)

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Source Translator Postfix Evaluator Result

Intermediate Language

example :if a then if c-d then a+c else a*c else a+b 〓〉 a L1 BZ c d - L2 BZ a c + L3 BR L2: a c * L3 BR L1: a b + L3:

note1) high level: source to IL - fast & easy translation

IL to target - difficulty2) easy evaluation - operand stack3) optimization 부적당 - 다른 IL 로의 translation 필요4) parentheses free notation - arithmetic expression

interpretive language 에 적합


Page 6: 9.1 Introduction [1/3]

most popular IL, optimizing compiler General form:

where, A : result addressB, C : operand addressesop : operator

(1) Quadruple - 4-tuple notation <operator>,<operand1>,<operand2>,<result>

(2) Triple - 3-tuple notation <operator>,<operand1>,<operand2>

(3) Indirect triple - execution order table & triplesIntermediate Language

A := B op C


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(*, c, d, t1) (/, t1, e, t2) (+, b, t2, t3) (=, t3, , a) (*, c, d, t4) (=, t4, f)


1. (*, c, d) 2. (/, (1), e) 3. (+, b, (2)) 4. (=, a, (3)) 5. (*, c, d) 6. (=, f, (5))

operationsIndirect triple

triples1. (1)2. (2)3. (3)4. (4)5. (1)6. (5)

(1) (*, c, d) (2) (/, (1), e) (3) (+, b, (2)) (4) (=, a, (3)) (5) (=, f, (1))

Intermediate Language

example a = b + c * d / e; f = c * d;


Page 8: 9.1 Introduction [1/3]

Note Quadruple vs. Triple

quadruple - optimization 용이 triple - removal of temporary addresses⇒ Indirect Triple

extensive code optimization 용이 IL rearrange 가능 (triple 제외 )

easy translation - source to IL difficult to generate good code

quadruple to two-address machine triple to three-address machine

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Page 9: 9.1 Introduction [1/3]

Text p.386

Intermediate Language

Abstract Syntax Tree parse tree 에서 redundant 한 information 제거 .

Leaf node -- variable name, constant Internal node -- operator

[ 예제 9.8]

{ x = 0;

y = z + 2 * y; while ((x<n) && (v[x] != z)) x = x+1; return x;}


Page 10: 9.1 Introduction [1/3]

Tree Structured Common Language(TCOL) Variants of AST - containing the result of semantic analysis. TCOL operator - type & context specific operator Context

┌ value --- rhs of assignment statement├ location --- lhs of assignment statement├ boolean --- conditional control statement└ statement --- statementex) . : operand - location

result - valuewhile : operand - boolean, statement

result - statement

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Example) int a; float b;...b = a + 1;

Representation ---- graph orientationinternal notation ----- efficientexternal notation ---- debug, interface

linear graph notation

Intermediate Language

AST: assign

b add

a 1

AST: assign

b add

a 1


b add

a 1

TCOL: assign

b float





Page 12: 9.1 Introduction [1/3]

Pascal P Compiler --- portable compiler producing P_CODE for an abstract machine(P_Machine).

P_Machine ----- hypothetical stack machine designed for Pascal language.

(1) Instruction --- closely related to the PASCAL language.(2) Registers PC --- program counter

NP --- new pointer SP --- stack pointer MP --- mark pointer

(3) Memory CODE --- instruction part STORE --- data part(constant area, stack, heap)

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MP current activation recordMP current activation record



constant area

Intermediate Language [13/34]

Page 14: 9.1 Introduction [1/3]

Ucodethe intermediate form used by the Stanford Portable Pascal compiler.stack-based and is defined in terms of a hypothetical stack machine.Ucode Interpreter : Appendix B.

Addressingstack addressing ===> a tuple : (B, O)

B : the block number containing the addressO : the offset in words from the beginning of the block, offsets start at 1.

labelto label any Ucode instruction with a label field.All targets of jumps and procedures must be labeled.All labels must be unique for the entire program.

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Example : Consider the following skeleton :

int x; void main() { int i; int j; // ..... }

block number- 전역변수 : 1- 함수 내 지역변수 : 2

variable addressing- x : (1,1)- i : (2,1)- j : (2,2)

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Page 16: 9.1 Introduction [1/3]

Ucode Operations(39 개 ) Unary --- notop, neg, inc, dec, dup Binary --- add, sub, mult, div, mod, swp

and, or, gt, lt, ge, le, eq, ne Stack Operations --- lod, str, ldc, lda Control Flow --- ujp, tjp, fjp Range Checking --- chkh, chkl Indirect Addressing --- ldi (load indirect), sti (store

indirect) Procedure --- cal, ret, retv, ldp, proc, end Etc. --- nop, bgn, sym

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Page 17: 9.1 Introduction [1/3]

Example : x = a + b * c;

lod 1 1 /* a */ lod 1 2 /* b */ lod 1 3 /* c */ mult add str 1 4 /* x */

if (a>b) a = a + b; lod 1 1 /* a */

lod 1 2 /* b */ gt fjp next lod 1 1 /* a */ lod 1 2 /* b */ add str 1 1 /* a */ next ...

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Indirect Addressing is used to access the array elements.

ldi --- indirect load replace stacktop by the value of the item at location

stacktop. to retrieve A[i] :

lod i // actually (Bi, Oi)) lda A // also (block number, offset) add // effective address ldi // indirect load gets contents of A[i]

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sti --- indirect store

sti stores stacktop into the address at stack[stacktop-1], both items are popped. A[i] = j;

lod ilda Aaddlod jSti

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Procedure Calling Sequence function definition :

void func(int x, int array[]) { }

function call : func(a, list);

calling sequence :ldp // load parameterlod a // load the value of actual parameterlda list // load the address of actual parametercall func // call func

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