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WINTER 2015 NEWS AND HEALTH INFORMATION FROM SUMMIT MEDICAL GROUP healthy connections NEXT UP: WORLD-CLASS CANCER CARE Page 6 High Tech Help for Incontinence Join the Road to Health Tour

816M Summit Wi15€¦ · Discover Help Beyond Hearing Aids From children laughing to cars beeping, sounds bring the world alive. When all goes well, sound vibrations travel through

Jul 11, 2020



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Page 1: 816M Summit Wi15€¦ · Discover Help Beyond Hearing Aids From children laughing to cars beeping, sounds bring the world alive. When all goes well, sound vibrations travel through

WInter N ews aN d H e altH I N for matIoN from su m m It m edIc al G rou p

healthyconnectionsNext up:

world-class caNcer care

Page 6

High tech Help for

IncontinenceJoin the road to

Health tour

Page 2: 816M Summit Wi15€¦ · Discover Help Beyond Hearing Aids From children laughing to cars beeping, sounds bring the world alive. When all goes well, sound vibrations travel through

Summit Medical Group Services At our state-of-the-art medical campus, patients of our multispecialty practice have ready access to compassionate care from more than 350 highly qualified healthcare providers.

} Acupuncture} Adolescent Medicine} Allergy} Ambulatory Surgery} Anesthesiology} Annual Wellness Visit} Audiology} Aviation Medicine} Bariatric Surgery} Behavioral Health

Center} Breast Care Center} Cardiology} CDL Physicals} Chiropractic Medicine} Colon and Rectal

Surgery} Community Health

Lectures} Complementary

Medicine} Concussion Program} Cosmetic

Dermatology} Coumadin Clinic} Dermatology} Diabetes Live Well


} Electrophysiology} Emergency Medicine} Endocrinology} Endoscopic

Ultrasound} ENT} Extensivist Medicine } FAA Examinations} Facial Esthetics} Family Medicine} Fast Track Services } Gastroenterology} General Surgery} Genetic Counseling} Geriatric Services} Gynecology} Hand Therapy} Hematology} Hospitalists} Imaging} Immunology} Infectious Disease} Integrative Medicine} Internal Medicine} Laboratory Services} Laparoscopic Surgery} Laser Hair Removal

} Laser Skin Resurfacing

} LASIK} LGBTI Medicine} Male Infertility} Massage} Medical Research} Medication

Management} Nephrology} Neurology} Neurosurgery} Neurotology} Nutrition} Obstetrics} Oncology} Ophthalmology} Orthopedics} Otology} Palliative Care} Pediatric Behavioral

Health} Pediatric Cardiology} Pediatric Pulmonology} Pediatrics} Pharmacotherapy} Pharmacy

} Physiatry} Physical Therapy} Plastic Surgery} Podiatry} Preventive Medicine

Program} Proctology} Pulmonology} Rheumatology} Sleep Disorders

Center} Speech Therapy} Spine Surgery Center} Sports Medicine} Surgical Oncology} Therapeutic Massage} Thoracic Surgery} Travel Medicine} Ultherapy } Urgent Care Center} Urodynamics} Urology} Vascular Screenings} Vascular Surgery} Vein Care Center} Weight Management

}} take a look at what we have to offer—you may be surprised! Visit for information on more than 75 medical specialties and services we offer, plus related links.

Of all the amazing things happening at Summit Medical Group these days, I am most pleased to announce our intent to partner with MD Anderson Cancer Center, a national and global leader in oncology care. When the partnership is finalized, MD Anderson will share with Summit Medical Group its world-renowned treatment protocols, extensive clinical trials, and cutting-edge research. Summit Medical Group will be able to provide its oncology patients world-class care and treatment, all while maintaining and continuing relationships with their very own SMG providers.

Look for more information on this planned partnership on our website, social media and newsletters, including news about the future building of our northern New Jersey cancer center.

A Message from the ChairmanWe’ve reached a milestone—50+ locations in northern New

Jersey, including a new Urgent Care Center in Westfield. See pages 5, 6, and 8 for more providers, services, and information.

If you are looking for a fresh start in 2015, join us on the Road to Health, a campaign to get everyone in our communi-ties involved in living well and staying well. Page 7 has details—I invite you to learn more.

Happy, Healthy 2015!

Jeffrey LeBenger, MD Chairman of the Board and CEO Summit Medical Group

Connect with us! Keep up with breaking health news, new physicians, new services, events, videos, and more from Summit Medical Group.

Sign up at

2 healthy connections WINTER 2015



Page 3: 816M Summit Wi15€¦ · Discover Help Beyond Hearing Aids From children laughing to cars beeping, sounds bring the world alive. When all goes well, sound vibrations travel through

H e a r i n g H e a lt H

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Listen Up: Discover Help Beyond Hearing Aids

From children laughing to cars beeping, sounds bring the world alive.

When all goes well, sound vibrations travel through your outer and middle ears until they reach your inner ears. There, they are turned into nerve signals, which are passed on to your brain. Sometimes, however, the journey through the outer and middle ears runs into a roadblock, and that affects your ability to hear.

HIGH-tecH solutIoNOrdinary hearing aids may not solve the problem. But a different technology, called a bone conduction hearing system, offers a way around it. Sound vibrations bypass the outer and middle ears and are sent through the skull straight to the inner ear. The system is particularly helpful for people with:• Structural problems that prevent

wearing a hearing aid (such as lack of an ear canal)

• Skin problems that prevent hearing aid use (such as chronic swelling and drainage)

• Single-sided deafness (the system can pick up sound on the deaf side and transfer it through bone to the hear-ing side)

“Sound is transmitted through bone with little energy loss, so sound waves get to the inner ear very efficiently this way,” says Jed Kwartler, MD, an otologist/neurotologist (a doctor special-izing in ear surgery and ear-related problems) at Summit Medical Group. “In the right patients, this type of system can be highly effective at restoring hearing.”

A bone conduction hearing system has three parts:• Anexternalsoundprocessor, which

picks up sounds outside the body• Aconnector, which holds the

processor against the person’s head

• Ahearingimplant, which is surgi-cally placed in the skull behind the ear

devIce offers maGNetIc appealIn earlier systems, the connector was a small metal post that stuck out through the skin. “Some patients were bothered by how it looked when they took the sound processor off,” says Dr. Kwartler. “There was also a risk of skin irrita-tion or infection.” In the latest model, the post has been replaced by a magnet that is completely hidden under the skin. The magnet attracts to a magnet on the sound processor, holding it in place.

Outpatient surgery to insert the hear-ing implant takes about 20 minutes for one side. “The incision heals within

AdVAnced c Are do you have dif f iculty hear ing? Learn more about our advanced ser vices at w w vice/ear-Specialty-center.

about a week,” says Dr. Kwartler. “It takes another six to 12 weeks for bone to grow into the implant and secure it. Then patients meet with an audiologist, who programs the sound processor, and they’re on their way!”

otHer optIoNs avaIlaBleA bone conduction hearing system is just one option for people with a hear-ing problem based in the outer or middle ear. Depending on the problem, other options may include traditional hearing aids, medication, or surgery. “There is an effective solution for most hearing problems,” says Dr. Kwartler. “We encourage people who are having trouble hearing to come in and have a conversation about what can be done.”

Page 4: 816M Summit Wi15€¦ · Discover Help Beyond Hearing Aids From children laughing to cars beeping, sounds bring the world alive. When all goes well, sound vibrations travel through

i n c o n t i n e n c e

Nearly 18 million U.S. adults have bowel

control problems, also known as fecal inconti-nence. Yet you’d never know it based on the silence surrounding this issue.

“Many people feel embarrassed to talk about a bowel control problem with family, friends, or even their doctors,” says Kevin Holzman, MD, a colorectal surgeon at Summit Medical Group. “In addition, some don’t bring it up with their doctors because they believe that nothing can be done. But the truth is, we have a wider range of treatment options available today than ever before.”

devIce makes a dIffereNceThe latest advance is a small, battery-powered device called a neurostimulator, which is similar to a heart pacemaker. The device is surgically implanted in the lower back during an outpatient procedure. Once in place, it sends out electrical pulses that stimulate nerves

4 healthy connections WINTER 2015

BreAk the SILencedon’t let this condit ion make you a pr isoner in your own home. call one of our exper ienced physicians in Gastroenterology at 908-277-8940.

controlling the anal sphincters—mus-cles that keep the anus closed tight until you’re ready to have a bowel movement.

The first treatments tried for a bowel control problem are usually behavioral strategies (such as going to the bath-room on a schedule) and medications. If those don’t work, the only alternative in the past was major surgery.

“Now we can offer an option in between,” says Dr. Holzman. “That’s very helpful for many patients, and the risks are minimal.”

varIety of causesA wide variety of medical conditions can lead to bowel control problems. Women who sustained pelvic floor damage during childbirth sometimes develop bowel control problems years later. Other possible causes include chronic diarrhea, diabetes-related nerve damage and prior anal or rectal surgery.

Symptoms range from frequent diarrhea leaks to complete incontinence.

Not everyone responds to the neuro-stimulator. “To find out how well it’s likely to work for a particular patient, we put in a test device first,” says Dr. Holzman. “The patient keeps a diary of how they respond for two weeks after-ward. If the patient has a good result, we replace the test device with the final one. If not, we simply remove the test device, and the patient is no worse for the wear.”

“I see a lot of patients with bowel control problems who have stopped leaving the house or who have given up activities for fear of having an accident in public,” says Dr. Holzman. “In about 80 percent of those who get the neuro-stimulator, the number of bowel acci-dents is substantially reduced. That can make a huge difference in their quality of life.”

kevin holzman, Md

A small implanted device allows increased freedom and mobility.

Take Control of Embarrassing Problemtreatment eases common Worry about getting to the Bathroom in time

Page 5: 816M Summit Wi15€¦ · Discover Help Beyond Hearing Aids From children laughing to cars beeping, sounds bring the world alive. When all goes well, sound vibrations travel through

FREE lECtuREsAll lectures are held at Summit Medical Group, 1 Diamond Hill Road, Lawrence Pavilion, Conference Center (near Café), Berkeley Heights, NJ 07922, unless otherwise noted. For your convenience, please park in lot 1 or 2 and enter through the Lawrence Pavilion. Reservations required: 908-277-8889 or

JANUARYhemorrhoids: A common condition And effective treatment Optionskevin holzman, Md, colorectal Surgeonthursday, January 15, 7 p.m.Join us for a lecture on hemorrhoids, including discussion about causes and preventive measures as well as effective nonsurgical and surgical treatment options.

Beating the Blues: Practical Solutions for a common health ProblemLiz nikol, MSW, LcSW, Actthursday, January 8, 7 p.m.Did you know that your state of mind can affect your overall health? It can! Join us for a lecture on depression, including information about causes, symptoms, and treatment. Learn to distinguish depression from feeling down. Find out how practical tech-niques can help improve short-term and long-term blue moods, sadness, and depression.

FEBRUARYAbout congenital heart diseasedonald Leichter, Md, Pediatric cardiologist thursday, February 5, 7 p.m.Join us for a lecture about the history of congenital heart disease, including developments in diagnosing, understand-ing, and treating it. The presentation will include a discussion of potential future treatment options.

Is Urinary Incontinence dampening Your days?rhonda Walsh, Md, Urologistthursday, February 26, 7 p.m.Join us for a brief and informal talk about the causes and types of urinary inconti-nence and how it is evaluated and treated. Learn about effective new approaches to help manage and resolve urinary inconti-nence in women of all ages.

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MARCHcolorectal Screening: Your Best Protection Against colorectal cancerthursday, March 19, 7 p.m.John M. dalena, Md, GastroenterologistSummit Medical Group gastroenterologist John M. Dalena, MD, will discuss benefits and risks of the procedure as well as when and how often you should be screened.

Food Facts for kids Ages 8 to 12Jasneet kaur, Md, Family MedicineWednesday, March 25, 7 p.m.Join us for a lecture-demonstration to learn about ingredients of some commonly consumed foods/drinks that can contribute to childhood and adult obesity, differentiating between healthy and unhealthy foods, and nutrition and exercise options for child and adolescent health.

SERiESconsidering Weight-Loss Surgery? robert Bell, Md, Bariatric Surgeon Mondays, January 12, February 9, March 9, 7 p.m. Wednesdays, January 28, February 25, March 25, 7 p.m. Does being overweight or obese have a negative effect on your life? Learn how weight-loss surgery can help you improve your health, feel better, and get your life back! Join us for a review of surgical options, including discussion about lifestyle changes to keep you on track with a healthy weight after weight-loss surgery. To register, please call 908-277-8889 or visit

Wednesday, February 4

11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.

at our cafe in Lawrence Pavilion

1 diamond hill road, Berkeley heights, n.J.

Join us to learn about heart disease and stroke, including:

• A12:15p.m.lecturefromatopSMGcardiologis


• Preventivedietaryandlifestyletipsfromour


• Bloodpressurechecks

Enter to win a raffle prize and enjoy our heart-healthy snacks

during the event.

** Please wear red to show your support! **

celeBrate Heart day!

Page 6: 816M Summit Wi15€¦ · Discover Help Beyond Hearing Aids From children laughing to cars beeping, sounds bring the world alive. When all goes well, sound vibrations travel through

ClAssEs & EvEntsClasses and events take place at Summit Medical Group, 1 Diamond Hill Road, Berkeley Heights, NJ 07922

Breast cancer Support Group for newly diagnosed PatientsMondays, January 12, February 9, March 2 carol Boyer, APn-c, Breast nurse Specialist; elizabeth nikol, MSW, LcSW, ActPatientsshareconcernsandadviceabouttheirexperiencewithbreastcancertreatments and more. No registration required.

Breast cancer Survivorship Group for Patients Who Are a Year or More Post-diagnosisMondays, January 26, February 23, March 23carol Boyer, APn-c, Breast nurse Specialist; elizabeth nikol, MSW, LcSW, ActPatientswhohaveexperiencedbreastcancerreceivesupportfromotherswithsimilar experiences and share information about ways to manage common concerns for breast cancer survivors.

The breast cancer support groups meet from 5 to 6 p.m. in the private dining room next to the Café. For more information or to register, please call 908-277-8670.

Look Good, Feel Better (American cancer Society-sponsored)Monday, February 9, 10 a.m. to noon ThisfreeAmericanCancerSociety-sponsoredprogramteachesbeautytechniques to women who are undergoing cancer treatment to help them combat the appearance-related side effects of radiation and chemotherapy. Limitedto10participants.Toregister,call to find out more.



CLASSESBasic YogaWednesdays, 9:30 to 10:30 a.m.

chair YogaMondays, 11 a.m. to noondina Leyden, Pt, teachesbothBasic YogaandChairYogaintheLawrencePavilion,ConferenceCenter(nearCafé). A10-classcard($100)isgoodateither BasicorChairYogaclass.

tai chithursdays, 10 to 11 a.m. (no class on december 25 or January 1) risa Silverstein, MS, LAc, teaches TaiChiintheLawrencePavilion,ConferenceCenter(nearCafé). Thecostfor10classesis$80.


Living with a Vestibular disorder?Wednesday, February 11, 6 p.m.

Summit Medical Group café

dina Leyden, Pt, certified in vestibular rehabilitation, and

Gina Byrnes, MSW, LcSW, Act

Share experiences and concerns, get your questions

answered, and learn strategies to manage and cope with


or sign up online at

Bariatric Surgery Support GroupMondays, January 5, February 2, and March 2, 5:30 to 6:30 p.m.

Summit Medical Group, Lawrence Pavilion,

conference center (near café)

robert Bell, Md, Bariatric Surgeon

Join the founder and former medical director of the


concerns, setbacks, and triumphs with weight-loss surgery.

Get answers about recovery and ways to manage lifestyle

changes.Call908-277-8950 to learn more.

How to Battle Winter Dryness

Add Humidity

Be Skin Savvy

Drink Up

As temperatures drop this winter,

so does the moisture level in the

air. And this cold, dry air can cause a host

of health problems—from dry, itchy

skin to asthma flare-ups.

Don’t wait until you’re thirsty to reach for a sip. To stay properly

hydrated, try to drink 8 to 10 glasses of water a day. Juice, milk, and

sports drinks are also OK. Just avoid caffeinated drinks and alcohol, which

can have the opposite effect.

Winter’s cold air can irritate the airways. But the drying effect of

forced indoor heat is a double risk—especially to people with asthma. Help

prevent asthma flare-ups by using a humidifier, which puts moisture back

into the air. Try to maintain an indoor humidity level between

25 and 40%.

Harsh, dry air can wreak havoc on skin. Keep skin healthy by taking brief

showers with warm—not hot—water. Opt for gentle cleansers over

deodorant soaps and, after bathing, apply a moisturizer when your

skin is still damp.

But with a little prevention, the chill of

winter doesn’t have to take its toll on

you. What can you do to protect yourself

all season long?

Stay hydrated.

save & post

To register for either class, please call 908-277-8936.

Page 7: 816M Summit Wi15€¦ · Discover Help Beyond Hearing Aids From children laughing to cars beeping, sounds bring the world alive. When all goes well, sound vibrations travel through

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o u r d o c t o r s

Solmaz Amirnazmi, MdInternal MedicineLivingston973-994-2200

keren Bakal, MdPulmonologyMorristown973-775-5151

howard B. Baum, MdGastroenterology Internal Medicineclifton973-777-7911

ruth dietz, MdFamily MedicineBerkeley heights908-277-8878

BGB Associates in Family and Sports Medicine Joins SMGSummit Medical Group is pleased to welcome Michael E. Beams, DO, FACMQ, Michele Gilsenan, DO, FAOASM, and Peter F. Barry, DO, FACOI. Drs. Beams, Gilsenan, and Barry will continue practicing at 67 Walnut Avenue in Clark, N.J.

To schedule an appointment, please call 732-388-7300.

Gastroenterology Group of New Jersey Joins SMGSummit Medical Group welcomes Warren Finkelstein, MD, Raymond Kenny, MD, Yong Kwon, MD, and John Imbesi, MD.

Drs. Finkelstein, Kenny, Kwon, and Imbesi will continue their practice at 123 Highland Ave., Suite 103, Glen Ridge, NJ 07028.

For a convenient appointment, please call 973-429-8800.

Michael e. Beams, dO, FAcMQ

Warren Finkelstein, Md

Peter F. Barry, dO, FAcOI

raymond kenny, Md

Michele Gilsenan, dO, FAOASM

Yong kwon, Md John Imbesi, Md

Summit Medical Group Welcomes 11 New DoctorsScott Fields, MdInternal MedicineBerkeley heights908-273-4300

evan Fischer, Mdhand SurgeryMontclair973-744-7900

Jasneet kaur, MdFamily MedicineWestfield908-228-3675

Lisa Joseph, MdInternal MedicineShort hills973-379-4496

Soma Mandal, MdInternal MedicineBerkeley heights908-277-8964

Steven Porbunderwala, MdSurgeonMorristown973-267-6400

Adeep thumar, MdUrologyclark973-436-1070

LOOkInG FOr A PhYSIcIAn? check out our physician-f inder online

at w w

Page 8: 816M Summit Wi15€¦ · Discover Help Beyond Hearing Aids From children laughing to cars beeping, sounds bring the world alive. When all goes well, sound vibrations travel through

We Celebrate Our 50th Location as New Jersey Physicians, LLC, Joins Summit Medical GroupNew Jersey Physicians, an outstanding practice with offices in Clifton and Rutherford, has joined Summit Medical Group as its 50th location. New Jersey Physicians at Summit Medical Group offers a wide range of specialties and services, including internal medicine, cardiology, gastroenterology, pulmonol-ogy, geriatric medicine, rheumatology, physical medicine and rehabilitation, and physical therapy.

Howard B. Baum, MD, FACPPadma Chava, MDDavid A. DeBell, MDFrank C. DeGiacomo, MDMarc A. Goldberg, MD, FACP, FACRNeil K. Goyal, MD, MPHDavid J. Graber, MD, FACPJose D. Ibarbia, MDJennifer C. Igbokwe, MDDavid L. Isralowitz, MDHarold I. Jawetz, MD, FACPSeth G. Jawetz, MD, FACCIra Kurz, MDRobert M. Lintz, MDJoseph P. O’Brien, MDCornelio J. Porras, MD, FACPNajm-Ul-Haq Rana, MDBoris Reydel, MD, FACPBrian N. Schactman, MD, FACPRobert P. Wooton, DO

New Jersey Physicians at Summit Medical Group will continue its practice at Brighton Road, Clifton, N.J., and 128 Union Avenue, Rutherford, NJ 07070.

For a convenient appointment, please call 973-777-7911.

6 healthy connections WINTER 2015

o u r s e r v i c e s 50LOcAtIOnS

Summit Medical Group and MD Anderson Cancer Center have signed a letter of intent to develop a joint outpatient cancer center. An extension of

MD Anderson’s partnership with Cooper University Health Care, the collaboration will provide an integrated, multidisciplinary approach to oncology care in north-ern New Jersey.

When formalized, Summit Medical Group will become a member of MD Anderson Cancer Network®, the institution’s program to elevate the quality of cancer care in communities throughout the nation and the world. MD Anderson, in Houston, Texas, is the largest freestanding cancer center in the world.

“We are thrilled to have MD Anderson, a national and global leader in cancer care, bring its unique knowledge and unparalleled expertise to this relationship,” says Jeffrey LeBenger, MD, chairman and chief executive officer of Summit Medical Group. “Together with our multidisciplinary model that is transforming how healthcare is delivered in New Jersey, we are better positioned to provide comprehensive, world-class cancer care to patients and their families.”

The relationship will provide Summit Medical Group patients access to MD Anderson’s world-renowned treatment protocols, extensive clinical trials, and cutting-edge research, while remaining in the care of their Summit Medical Group primary care physicians, oncologists, and other healthcare specialists.

Planned Collaboration to Bring World-Class Cancer Care

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o u r s e r v i c e s

At Summit Medical Group, we see ourselves as more than just a

multispecialty medical group. We’re a community—not only of doctors, nurses, therapists, and technicians—but also a commu-nity that includes all those whom we serve.

While each of us has our own interests, activities, and daily routines, we all share a collective goal to Live well, Stay well through better health. For that reason, we’ve created an ongoing campaign to bring us together, get us talking, keep us talking, and support each other on the Road to Health.

wHat we Hope to accomplIsH The Road to Health Tour will be a means to connect us to each other, unite us, and drive us to share our knowledge throughout our communities, in innovative ways, not usually seen in major medical groups.

The best part is that we can deliver on our promise to Live well, Stay well with the added benefit of having plain and simple fun while doing it. Passionate about healthy living practices and overall well-being, we’re rallying together to help spread the word—that the Summit Medical Group family is here for each and every person, whenever and for whatever they need.

wHat you caN expectThroughout the year, beginning in January, our communities will have different opportunities to participate in conversations and activities pertaining to health and well-being.

We encourage everyone to get involved—to share experiences, stories, tips, and draw inspiration from each other. We will do the same.

Be sure to look for our iconic Road to Health Tour symbol to identify the latest happenings on tour at our various locations, on social media, at events, and other community venues.

We can’t give away all our surprises, but we can tell you to expect the unexpected. Here’s to a successful journey on our Road to Health Tour!

‘Road to Health Tour’ Is Coming to Summit Medical Group

excIted ABOUt WhAt’S tO cOMe?We encourage you to get star ted and learn more by visit ing Also keep an eye out for updates in our newsletters, email, and social media channels.

Have You Signed Up for the Patient Portal?You can now stay on top of your family’s health care anytime of the day or night by using our new patient portal.

After logging in with your password, you can:• Request prescription refills• See your test results• See your billing statements

and balance• Make secure credit card

payments• Communicate with your

doctor’s office with secure messages

• Get health facts and informa-tion to help you live well and stay well

• Update your demographic information You may also request appoint-

ments and see them once they are scheduled. While you can’t confirm appointments online, a member of our staff will contact you to confirm the appointment after you make your request.

Signing up is simple. Just visit or scan the QR code below with your smartphone.

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Medical Group

summit Medical group1 diamond Hill roadBerkeley Heights, nJ 07922

he ALt hY cOnnec t IOnS Jeffrey LeBenger, MD, chairman of the board of directors. For more information or suggestions concerning this publication, please call the Marketing Department at 908-277-8834 or email [email protected]. Healthy Connections is published by Summit Medical Group. The information within this publication is intended to educate readers about subjects pertinent to their health and is not meant to be a substitute for consultation with a personal physician. © 2014. Printed in U.S.A.

Postmaster: Please deliver within december 8-12


We treat your urgent needs like

an emergency.

When you’re injured or feeling ill, head for care at Summit Medical Group’s new urgent care center in Westfield. This new center offers:

• An experienced team of board-certified emergency medicine physicians, nurses, and specialists available for consultation

• Shorter wait times and lower fees than a hospital ER visit

• Onsite diagnostic capabilities, including imaging and lab testing

• Coordinated follow-up care with SMG, if necessary

• 1 electronic file connecting your urgent care to your primary care if you are an established SMG patient

• Additional onsite services that include: orthopedics, physical/occupational/speech therapy, ENT/allergy, and more

Now, there’s care just around the corner that’s fast, qualified and committed to helping you feel better. For hours and directions, go to or call 908-673-7256.

OPEN NOW!574 Springfield Avenue, Westfield 908-673-72561 Diamond Hill Road, Berkeley Heights 908-277-8880

Summit Medical Group now has a new urgent care center in Westfield.



Fast track available for less urgent needs.

More new locations to Meet Your needsIn addition to our second floor office suites at 95 Madison

Avenue, we have now opened a suite of offices on the fourth floor in the same building, offering allergy, pulmonol-ogy, and pediatric pulmonology.

Our location on 202 Elmer Street in Westfield (formerly an orthopedics office), has reopened as a Family Medicine office suite. Christopher DeMasi, DO, and Jasnett Kaur, MD, Family Medicine, are now located in this office.

We’re also pleased to announce the formal opening of our new Urgent Care Center, accredited by the American Academy of Urgent Care Medicine, at 574 Springfield Avenue in Westfield. This state-of-the-art facility also provides 27 new exam rooms, on-site imaging, on-site lab services, and several medical specialties.

Now with more than 50 convenient locations in central and northern New Jersey, there’s a Summit Medical Group physician’s office near you! For a complete listing of services and providers at all of our new locations, please

SMG rolls out the welcome mat in Westfield at its new Urgent care center (L to r): cMO dr. robert Brenner, dr. david Schreck, Westfield Mayor Andy Skibitsky, and dr. Antonio drivas.