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80k traffic hacks

Jul 24, 2016



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Legal DisclaimerWe have taken every precaution to ensure that the information presented in this eBook is 100% accurate and with your best intention in mind.

Every effort has been made to accurately represent this product and its potential. There is no guarantee that you will earn any money using the techniques and ideas in these materials. Examples in these materials are not to be interpreted as a promise or guarantee of earnings. Earning potential is entirely dependent on the person using our product, ideas and techniques.

Any claims made of actual earnings or examples of actual results can be verified upon request. Your level of success in attaining the results claimed in our materials depends on the time you devote to the program, ideas and techniques mentioned, your finances, knowledge and various skills. Since these factors differ according to individuals, we cannot guarantee your success or income level. Nor are we responsible for any of your actions.

Materials in our product and our website may contain information that includes or is based upon forward-looking statements within the meaning of the securities litigation reform act of 1995. Forward-looking statements give our expectations or forecasts of future events. You can identify these statements by the fact that they do not relate strictly to historical or current facts. They use words such as “anticipate,” “estimate,” “expect,” “project,” “intend,” “plan,” “believe,” and other words and terms of similar meaning in connection with a description of potential earnings or financial performance.

Any and all forward looking statements here or on any of our sales material are intended to express our opinion of earnings potential. Many factors will be important in determining your actual results and no guarantees are made that you will achieve results similar to ours or anybody elseʼs, in fact no guarantees are made that you will achieve any results from our ideas and techniques in our material.

Copyright © Income Hacks | All Rights Reserved


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Table of Contents1. Introduction

2. Traditional Traffic Generation

3. How To Get Free Buyer Traffic

4. A New Twist To Getting Traffic

5. The Big Break-Through

6. Case Study #1: Eureka!

7. Case Study #2: Striking Gold Twice

8. Don’t Have Your Own Product?

9. Step-By-Step Guidelines

10. Your Next Step

11. Massive Imperfect Action


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A Personal Note From The Authors…There is one thing we think every business must do well in order to succeed and that is… to thank their customers at every chance they get.

Tina and I have been lucky to build a small base of loyal, engaged customers in a very short period.

Many of you have welcomed us into your work lives and trusted us to advise you towards your journey to financial freedom. Itʼs a huge honor and we don't take it lightly.

Taking that to heart, everything we create is always with your best interest in mind.

So, we hope youʼll find not just some value... but massive amounts of it in the following pages to come.

We appreciate you and we’re genuinely so thankful for you.

With Gratitude,

Taylor Rizer Co-Creator, Income Hacks

Tina KaneCo-Creator, Income Hacks


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IntroductionTraffic. It’s that thing we all want more of.

It’s that big barrier faced by all new internet marketers. Like an unscalable summit.

Yeah, its a biggie. You put all this work into your new website. It has the makings to be a hit. You’re certainly hopeful.

But, once you’ve put it out there for the world to see, nobody seems to come to your site.

It can be frustrating and rather depressing. It makes you wonder how all those other people out there managed to do so well.

Without traffic, we’re left talking to ourselves. And all of our big plans for our website or business fall to the wayside.

Traffic is like blood flow. In the same way that a limb of your body will fall asleep and go limp when blood flow is cut off, the same thing will happen to your business without traffic.

You get no traction, no list, no sales, no nothing.

The Cold Hard Truth

There is a cold hard truth that isn’t going to be very pleasant to a lot of beginners. And that is…

It is a very, VERY steep uphill battle to grow your website’s traffic if you don’t understand how to attract it.


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Of course, I’m guessing a large number of you have seen this in your own traffic stats so you know it is true.

If you start a website and put out your best stuff, it doesn’t mean jack crap when it comes to getting any traffic.

Traffic Used To Be Hard

When I first got started, I assumed that if I just built a website and plopped in onto the internet, thousands of people would start flooding my website overnight.

I thought having a “good idea” was enough. I thought a “good idea” was the recipe for viral success and thousands of dollars rushing into my bank account.

I remember telling all my friends and family about my new website… harassing people to share my stuff. Bothering influencers within my niche… Waiting for my website to go viral…

But of course… none of those successes happened.

Man, I was naive!

I’m sure you know exactly what I’m talking about. Maybe you’ve had the same thought process before. Or maybe you know better…

Whatever the case… you’re here because you’re still struggling with traffic.

The thing is… most internet marketers struggle with

• Driving traffic to their offers and


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• Driving PROFITABLE traffic that actually translates into money

Well I’m going to share with you exactly how to overcome both of these problems at the same time and start demanding the income you deserve.

Traffic The Easy Way

Now, the funny thing about traffic is that we tend to complicate the hell out of it. And by doing that, we make it seem more scarce for ourselves.

See, we human beings tend to value those things which have the most complexities on the line.

Money, for example, is inherently a pretty simple subject. Yet, it has been made complicated. And most people barely know where it even comes from. So the result is that we never have enough money.

Well, traffic is much the same way. It seems as if it is hard to get, but the truth is that we’ve just made it complicated.

All these little traffic strategies and little tactics people talk about, it leaves people chasing all these things and never making any real traction.

Well, as I’ve said before, one of my big strengths is the ability to take a big subject and simplify it.

I’m a “big picture” sort of guy. It is just my nature.

But, I also believe that true power comes with simplicity. The moment we make things complicated, we lose.


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So, I’ve boiled the topic of website traffic down to a very simple formula.

Best part of all, this is a “set it and forget it” system.

Meaning - you do the work once, and the traffic continues to come in… day in and day out.

How does that sound?Well in this case study… I’m going to share with you, how I drove 86,000+ visitors and made $22,000+ last month in two brand new niches with no list, no name, and no reputation.

When structured properly this system is absolutely low cost, takes minimum time to set up and produces a huge influx of sales in as little as one or two days.

Are you ready?!

Let’s get started!


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Traditional Traffic GenerationLast month, my business partner, Tina, and I were planning on launching a brand new product in the weight-loss niche where we knew no one, had no connections, no affiliates, and no list.

(We unfortunately lost the list we had built due to letting it grow cold over 6 months… but that’s besides the point).

We had our product ready to go, but the problem was that we didn’t have any traffic coming to our website.

Our ebook was just sitting there on our website… collecting cyber-dust and not making any sales.

Sound familiar?

So we decided to spend $100 on Facebook ads just to see if we could get people to come visit our website and buy our product.

The thing is… I’m definitely not a Facebook whiz and I didn’t want to blow through too much money without making an ROI. So I decided to just set a $100 budget and start experimenting.

I figured, even if it didn’t work… it was a small investment to at least get a grasp of how Facebook advertising worked.


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So here’s what happened…

We created an ad and targeted women who were interested in “Jillian Michaels” (a guru in the women’s weight-loss niche).


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The women who saw this ad while browsing Facebook… and clicked on it would land on our sales page which can be seen here:


Simple. Nothing too fancy.


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Looking at the numbers:

We let this exact Facebook campaign run for a few days and these were the results we got:

• $100 spent on Facebook Ads• 273 Clicks To Salespage• 3 Sales• $78.85 Total Revenue

Okay decent results, but we were losing money.

For $100 spent, we only made back $79 and added just 3 subscribers to our customer list.

Normally I don't mind losing money in order to build a customer’s list… but since we didn’t have any other monetization plans for Slender Shortcuts just yet, I wanted to know if there was a way where we could at least break even.

Meaning, for every $100 we spent, I wanted to generate $100 back so that we were at least building a customers list for free.


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How To Get Free TrafficBecause we were losing money on the campaign, I decided to scratch the Facebook advertising idea and refocus on other traffic strategies.

There’s SEO… content marketing… solo ads…

… and my favorite, leveraging other affiliates to promote for me.

Now before you start grumbling about affiliates as a traffic strategy… (like I normally do) keep reading because it gets good.

The Power of An Affiliate Army

Setting up an affiliate program for your product is one of the best ways to attract more customers.

Why? Because you have other people doing the work for you!

The real money in the digital marketing business is made in finding what are called affiliates. These are other people who sell your stuff for you for a commission of the sale they generate.

Affiliates are your straight commission sales reps on the internet. The more affiliates you can attract, the better.

I’ve spent a majority of my career being a super-affiliate. Meaning – I’ve made a lot of money online selling other peoples’ products for a commission. Because in the beginning, I was too scared to create my own products.


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But here’s what I learned: traffic is the hardest part of internet marketing! So… Why put in all the effort and send traffic to somebody else’s business, when you can have thousands of affiliates doing the hard work sending YOU the traffic instead?

When this lightbulb went off in my head, it really changed the game for me.

Having your own affiliates promoting your product for you is the quickest and most effective way to drive traffic, make a lot of sales, and bring in a ton of targeted leads.

The reason this is the case is fairly obvious. You get either get:

1. Someone who already has access to and a relationship with a large audience, who then recommends your product or

2. Someone who is a master at driving traffic with paid traffic or free traffic (but they’re too lazy to create their own products)

Having other internet marketers drive the traffic for you makes any other traffic method easy to beat.

Tapping into someone else’s traffic through a joint venture or having an army of your own affiliates is the quickest & easiest way to get qualified buyers.

I’ve personally done this a number of times and it has almost always drastically increased the traffic flowing to one of my offers.

What’s The Incentive?


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There are two reasons why someone would want to promote your product:

1. Because they don’t have to create a product of their own, since yours is already finished; and

2. Because you pay them a commission every time they make a sale for you.

This is better than simply advertising on other websites because as an affiliate, these people have a reason to help you sell your product – the more they promote, the more money both of you make.

How Does It Work?

In this case study, I used to sell my product. So, I used to integrate an affiliate program.

If you’re using another shopping cart, you’ll have to do some further research into the particular service you’re using, or signup for a third-party affiliate program.

Most affiliate programs that you use will provide you with a link that you can send out to anyone and everyone you want to help you promote your product.

When people click on this link, they setup an account and are given special links that are unique to their accounts, which point back to your website.

The affiliate program keeps track of those special links and knows exactly when anyone who purchased your product came from one of your affiliates.


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It doesn’t matter if someone sells anything or not because you only pay them when they do.

However, here’s the thing…

The Pain of Recruiting Affiliates

Now here’s why most internet marketers avoid utilizing affiliate traffic…

1. Unfortunately building your own affiliate army is a giant pain in the butt.

2. Most marketers don’t want to create their own products or services.

This is why a majority of internet marketers ignore recruiting affiliates.

Hell! It’s the exact reason why I put it off for so long!

But don’t worry because I have the solution for both roadblocks.

Recruiting influential joint venture partners to promote your products is a daunting task - especially if you’re brand new to the niche with no existing connections, relationships, and influence.

Depending on what niche you’re in… Most influencers are bombarded with emails and joint venture requests.

So it takes time to nurture a relationship with the bigger players who can drive thousands of visitors to your website overnight.


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You can definitely hustle you way to building partnerships, but if you’re anything like me… you don’t like to “bother” people and perhaps you’re even a little bit shy.


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A New Twist To Getting TrafficNow here’s where it pays to have a business partner that’s much smarter than you…

Instead of going through the long process of building relationships and reaching out to potential affiliate partners…

Tina suggested that we try using Facebook ads again, but this time… instead of targeting our customers… we would target affiliates who could potentially promote our product for us.

Hmm… sounded great in theory, but would it work?

So we created another Facebook ad and targeted people who were interested in “Clickbank” and other “weight-loss affiliate groups” on Facebook.

This time, instead of directing clicks to our salespage, we were sending the traffic to our affiliate page where visitors could sign up to promote our product.


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When a ClickBank affiliate saw this ad while browsing Facebook, they would click on it and get directed to our “affiliate program” page instead of our sales page:


Here they were invited to join our affiliate program to start promoting “Lose 10 Pounds in 10 Days” for 75% commission.


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Looking at the numbers:

We let this new Facebook campaign run for a couple of days and these were the results we got:

• $100 spent on Facebook Ads • 127 Clicks To Affiliate Page• 31 Affiliates Registered• 165 Sales• $2,030.55 Total Revenue

Whoa! I had to rub my eyes and refresh the page a couple of times to make sure there wasn’t an error.

I spent $100 essentially promoting the same offer, only this time it generated $2,030 in revenue and added 165 subscribers to my customers list!

Now, THIS was getting interesting!

All of this was done WITHOUT having to contact or even TALK to any affiliates.

Without even having to be in front of the computer! All on complete autopilot!

We simply attracted affiliates to US rather than the other way around.


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The Big Break-ThroughHere’s what was happening.

Previously when we were targeting our target audience with Facebook… with every new visitor, we had the opportunity to make either no sales or one sale.

Here were the two ways things could play out:

1. If the visitor didn’t like what we had to offer, they left the page.

2. But if they did like what we had to offer, they made a purchase.

On the other hand, when we targeted affiliates… with every new visitor, we had the opportunity to either make no sales or MANY sales.

Here were the two options:


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1. If the visiting affiliate didn’t like what we had to offer, they left the page.

2. But if they DID like what we had to offer, they promoted our product for us to many, many targeted customers for free! (All on autopilot without us having to do anything!)

This is invaluable because it’s free viral traffic that you don’t have to generate yourself.

By spending pennies on the click for a super-affiliate, you set yourself up for a future of THOUSANDS of FREE traffic coming to your site.

Best of all, this traffic is already pre-vetted to convert as soon as they hit your offer.

I honestly don’t know any better way to instantly send thousands of hungry pre-qualified buyers to your website overnight.

There is no limit to the amount of visitors you can drive to your site using your affiliates.

No More Painful Recruitment Process


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Most people understand the power of having their own affiliate army…

However, the biggest pain is having to go out there and make affiliate relationships.

Most internet marketers go about trying to get affiliates and joint venture partners the wrong way – by sending them an email asking them to promote their product.

The likelihood of that succeeding is close to 0%.

But now by using this method, you can easily build an affiliate army of your own by attracting them to your offer rather than you having to go and chase them down.

This allows you to send thousands of qualified visitors to your website without you ever having to:

• No more reaching out to influencers in your niche• No more taking months to build a relationship• No more wasting time having to build a reputation and

credibility in the niche

Unless you want to manually reach out to potential partners or do a bunch of forum posting or spend time writing great content on your blog…

Use your money to attract value to YOU. Not you having to chase it.

You don’t even need a lot of money to begin with.


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Even if you just invest $100 into advertising your product to affiliates, you could get on the radar of a bunch of potential affiliates and just one could easily recover the $100 (often times, many times over).

This isn’t even including the branding benefits, the long term value of those referrals, and the high likelihood of a new positive ROI from the investment.

With a good product and a well-written sales copy, you can easily create more traffic just by setting up additional Facebook campaigns.


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Case Study #1: Eureka!As soon as we saw that we were onto something, we immediately threw in more money at the fire.

We instantly doubled our traffic budget from $10 a day to $20 a day. Then $20 a day to $50 a day.

And after 20 days, we took a look at the results… and the insane happened…

In just a couple of days… this method resulted in over 81,000+ total visitors (about 5,700 visitors per day), over 1,400+ sales, and $16,000+ in revenue.

Here are the exact numbers:

• $703.50 spent on Facebook Ads• 938 Clicks To Affiliate Page• 225 Affiliates Registered• 81,014 Free Traffic To Salespage• 1,457 Sales Generated• $16,115.19 Total Revenue


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Eureka! We struck gold!

The conversions weren’t that great… but hey! I won’t complain about free traffic, free money, and a free customer list!


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To put all of this into perspective, for every dollar we spent, we drove 100 visitors, generated $20, and made back $5 immediately!


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Case Study #2: Striking Gold TwiceAfter the success we had with Slender Shortcuts, Tina and I wanted to see if we could replicate the results… but this time, for our internet marketing blog.

Again, Tina and I had no list, no connections, no reputation, nothing to do with the internet marketing community.

But here’s what we did: First, we created an ad. Then we targeted potential affiliates who were in groups related to “JVZoo” and “WarriorPlus.” (Two popular platforms for internet marketers):


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We then set a budget of just $20 per day and let the ad run it’s course.

And here were our results:

• $222.21 spent on Facebook Ads• $160.00 spent on W+ sponsor ads• 255 Clicks to Affiliate Page• 64 Affiliates Registered• 5,615 Free Traffic to Salespage• 468 Sales• $6,151.20 Revenue

We were even awarded “Deal of the Day” on our very first try!


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Obviously, this system just plain works. And we plan on taking full advantage of this all year long.

I suggest you do the same.


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Don’t Have Your Own Product?I guarantee that having your own product is the fastest way to drive traffic, build a list, and make money online. Period.

It’s the ultimate leverage you can have because you have complete control of your offer, your price points, your ownership, etc.

But maybe you don’t have your own product yet.

I’ve included as a bonus to this product a few PLR packages that you now own 100% rights to. Which means you can do whatever you want with them - even sell them as your own!

If you absolutely must, you can take these PLR packages, improve on them or just sell them directly.

However, if you want to truly build a business where you can give back and contribute to the world, I highly recommend creating your own products.

It’s not very hard!

If you already have a high-quality lead magnet that you’re offering for free on your squeeze page, I recommend selling it for $10 instead and giving 100% commission to affiliates!

That way you’ll at least leverage the power of affiliates wanting to make $10 commission. Because no affiliate will send you traffic to a squeeze page if they don’t make any money from it.


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Another Idea To Drive Traffic Without A Product

Now I haven’t actually implemented this because I’d much rather create and sell my own products, but if you absolutely refuse to build your own product, then you can run this exact case study to a squeeze page.

The only difference here - is that you won’t be getting paid… only the affiliates will get paid…

BUT you will be able to build a giant email list for free. You could then use this email list in the future to promote other affiliate products.

So you would still attract affiliates through advertising and you would still send them to your own “affiliate page.”

The only difference now is that you could offer a “cost per action” offer for each lead they send to your squeeze page.

The higher the CPA commission you offer, the more affiliates you will attract.

This would definitely work, but now you’re no longer leveraging “free traffic” because you would have to pay for each lead that actually converts.

Therefore, you can see why it’s MUCH more lucrative to have your own product.


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Step-By-Step GuidelinesSo how can you repeat these results for yourself?

Follow these step-by-step instructions and modify things as they apply to your offer and your niche.

Step One

The first step is to find out where the affiliates in your industry “hang out.”

The ideal candidate is someone with an email list, or who knows how to generate a significant amount of traffic on a regular basis.

They should be working in the same niche or market you are (or something relevant) because traffic needs to be targeted to convert well.

What Facebook fan pages do they like? What groups are they a part of? What online communities do they participate in?

Once you know where they are, spend the advertising money to get in front of them. Whether it’s Facebook ads, banner ads, solo ads… whatever it takes.

Just keep in mind… we’re targeting the affiliate marketers! Not our actual customers.

Step Two


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Create an affiliate page for your product or service. You want to provide all the necessary information your affiliates need in order to convince them to promote your offer.

Your affiliate will be sharing their own personal traffic with you. This could be their own readers, clients, or customers, or time running PPC campaigns, so they will be a bit protective.

Tell them about the offer, link them to the salespage, and maybe even offer to include a review copy of your product. The more they know about you and what you’re doing, the more likely it is they will want to partner with you.

Some good information to include:

• How much commission they will receive• How often they will be paid• How they can sign up to promote• Affiliate contest details (optional)

Offer tools that will make it easier for them to promote:

• Banner ads• Email swipes• Bonuses

Remember… affiliates are motivated by MONEY.

The more generous you are with your commissions and the easier you make it for them to promote, the more likely they will promote your product.

Also - affiliates are very lazy. (Trust me, I am one of them!)


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If you want to jump ahead on the recruitment side… realize your competitors are usually last minute, lazy, cheap, hard to reach, high maintenance, and don’t put the work in to make sure the product and promotion are as best at they can be.

If you do the opposite of those things and put in the work… you’ll grow fast.

Step Three

Create the advertising material you need in order to get in front of your affiliates. (Whether it be a Facebook ad, banner ad, solo ad copy, etc.)

… and start advertising!

Outsource any graphics if you need to on or even


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Step Four

Sit back and collect the checks!

Keep track of how much you’re spending on Facebook ads, how many affiliates you’re signing up, and how many sales are being made.

Make sure you’re profitable or at least breaking even in a matter of a week.

If you have products, services, or affiliate offers to promote in the backend, it’s okay to even lose money because you know you can turn a profit later down the line.

But That’s Too Simple!

You might be thinking this is so simplistic that it won’t work. And you may want to run and find comfort in all those fancy tactics and such that all the “traffic gurus” like to talk about (and sell).

What about SEO? What about link wheels? What about PPC and CPA? What about mobile? What about content syndication?

All that stuff is fine… and they all do work…

But to concentrate on all those tactics separately would be like trying to tear down a tree by individually pulling off all the leaves.

Don’t forget there is a big-ass trunk there and you can cut the whole damn thing down by tackling that.

This system is the biggest bang for your buck.


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The other thing is this…

Yes, it IS simple. But, it also takes work. Good ‘ol sweat equity.

People waste SO much time looking for shortcuts that they never make any headway.

If you rededicated that time you spent looking for shortcuts into actually executing the basics, you just might get somewhere.


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Your Next StepThe fact is, if you don’t have affiliate traffic, someone else does.

Right now, thousands of internet marketers are looking online to promote the product or service you have. If they are not finding you, they are finding someone else.

It’s your job to find out where all the affiliates are going and put yourself in front of them.

If you’re struggling with getting traffic to your offer, then I want you to purposely walk through this formula.

I’m betting that most internet marketers who are struggling with traffic are spending almost all of their time engaging in time wasting activities.

They’re off in a world of their own spinning wheels and wondering why nobody is joining their party.

This formula will get you out of your own head and into THEIR head.

That’s where you need to be. So, get out of your comfort zone and get out there where your affiliates are.

Then, purposely do each step of the formula. Concentrate on each part. Write out your action items for each step.

And make these actions a routine part of your week. If that means you have to slow down on other aspects of your business, then so be it.


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Massive Imperfect Action As you can probably tell by now, Tina and I do pretty well with internet marketing…

But we didn’t get to where we are by just reading about it. We learned by actually applying these concepts into practice.

The biggest single piece of advice I can give you at this point is:

Do NOT get lost in the weeds!

By this I mean, do not get lost in every tiny detail. Getting good at making money online requires you to just take action rather than trying to get every last detail in order.

Even if you are feeling unsure about whether or not youʼre doing things correctly, it is far more important to just get started. I canʼt stress this enough.

I promise that results will come with just some practice and some experience. That is literally the only thing separating you from the amount of income you desire.

Don’t worry about whether or not everything is 100% perfect or feeling skeptical whether or not this will work for you. Just do it.

All of these excuses will only stunt your growth.

Take action, NOW. Not tomorrow. Because your success depends on the action you take today.

With all of that out of the way…


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It’s been a great pleasure writing this manual for you and I sincerely hope this guide has brought massive amounts of value your way.

Take care and I canʼt wait to hear about the results you have with the strategies outlined in this book!


Taylor Rizer Co-Creator, Income Hacks

Tina KaneCo-Creator, Income Hacks


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