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8 HUAWEI BTS3900 Hardware Structure

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  • 8/19/2019 8 HUAWEI BTS3900 Hardware Structure


    Copyright © 2006 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.

    HUAWEI BTS3900

    Hardware Structure

    GSM BSS Training Team

  • 8/19/2019 8 HUAWEI BTS3900 Hardware Structure


    Page2Copyright © 2006 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.


     The !T"#$00 developed %y Huawei is an indoor macro!T". The !T"#$00 mainly consists o& the !!' and ()'s.

    Compared with traditional !T"s, the !T"#$00 &eatures

    simpler structure and higher integration.

    *n this slide, we+ll mainly introduce the hardware system

    structure, application scenarios, %asic &unctions o&

    modules, networing mode and typical con-guration o&

    the !T"#$00

  • 8/19/2019 8 HUAWEI BTS3900 Hardware Structure


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    《 !T"#$00 "ystem (escription》

    《 !T"#$00 Hardware (escription》

  • 8/19/2019 8 HUAWEI BTS3900 Hardware Structure


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    'pon completion o& this course, you will %e a%le to 1now the application scenarios o& !T"#$00

    rasp the hardware structure o& !T"#$00

    rasp the &unctions o& the modules 3aster typical con-guration o& !T"#$00

    1now the networing topology o& !T"#$00

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    Page5Copyright © 2006 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.


    4. !T"#$00 verview2. !T"#$00Hardware Components

    2.4 !T"#$00 %asic structure

    2.2 !!' hardware structure

    2.# 5ower supply system o& !T"#$00

    2. ther %oards and modules

    2.7 Ca%les connection o& the ca%inet

    #. Con-gurations o& the !T"#$00

    #.4 1ey parameters in !T"#$00 con-guration

    #.2 Typical con-guration #.# ) ca%le connection con-guration

    #. Topology con-guration

    #.7 Con-guration principles

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    1. BTS3900 Overview

    2. !T"#$00 Hardware Components

    #. Con-gurations o& the !T"#$00

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    Location o& !T"#$00




    Um Interface










     " Interface


    M    "  P  




    3" 3o%ile "tation !T" !ase Transceiver "tation !"C !ase "tation Controller

    HL) Home Location


    A'C Authentication Center 8*) 89uipment *dentity )egister

    3"C 3o%ile "witching


    :L) :isitor Location )egister "3C "hort 3essage Center

    :3 :oice 3ail%o; 3C peration and 3aintenance Center

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    8/94Page&Copyright © 2006 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.

    "ome unctions and eatures

    *t adopts the uni-ed !T" plat&orm developed %y Huawei

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    "ome unctions and eatures

    *t supports the hierarchical cell, concentric cell, and micro cell. *t supports multiple networ topologies, such as star, tree,

    chain, ring, and hy%rid topologies.

    *t supports the A7=#, A7=2, and A7=4 encryption and decryption

    algorithms. *t supports coe;istence with the !T"#042.

    A single ca%inet supports up to 42 carriers in the ma;imum

    cell con-guration o& "==.

    3ultiple ca%inets support up to 2 carriers in the ma;imum

    cell con-guration o& "2=2=2.

    )eceiver sensitivity on TCH=" is @44# d!m

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    10/94Page'0Copyright © 2006 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.


    4. !T"#$00 verview

    2. BTS3900 Hardware Components

    #. Con-guration o& the !T"#$00

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     2. BTS3900 Hardware Components 2.1 BTS3900basic structure

    2.2 !!' hardware structure

    2.# 5ower supply system o& !T"#$00 2. ther %oards and modules

    2.7 Ca%les connection o& the ca%inet

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    12/94Page'2Copyright © 2006 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.

    "tructure o& the !T"#$00Ca%inet

    -48V Cabinet -48V Cabinet 

    (') D*+,-e ra./* f/-ter +n/t(2) an ,*1(3) SM antenna an. TM"c*ntr*- m*.+-e(4) Bae,an. +n/t(5) D/rect c+rrent ./tr/,+t/*n+n/t

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    "tructure o& the !T"#$00Ca%inet

    +24V or +220V Cabinet+24V or +220V Cabinet

    (') D*+,-e ra./* f/-ter +n/t(2) an ,*1

    (3) Bae,an. +n/t(4) D/rect c+rrent ./tr/,+t/*n +n/t(5) Ca,-e /n!*+t +n/t(6) P*er +- +n/t

  • 8/19/2019 8 HUAWEI BTS3900 Hardware Structure


    Copyright © 2006 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.

    Board/ module

      Full Name Quantity



    BSBC Un/era- BBU S+,rac8 Bac8-ane te C (2U) ' '

    U#IU Un/era- #n/r*nment Interface Un/t ' 0

    TMU SM Tranm//*n an. Management Un/t f*r BBU ' '

    U#LP Un/era- #'!T' L/gtn/ng Pr*tect/*n Un/t ' 0

    UB" Un/era- BBU an +n/t te " (2U) ' '

    UP#U Un/era- P*er an. #n/r*nment /nterface Un/t 2 '

    DU D*+,-e a./* /-ter Un/t 6 '

    DCDU D/rect C+rrent D/tr/,+t/*n Un/t ' '

    "TM SM "ntenna an. TM" C*ntr*- M*.+-e ' 0DPMU P*er an. #n/r*nment M*n/t*r/ng Un/t ' 0

    PSU("C!DC) P*er S+- Un/t ("C!DC) 3 0

    PSU(DC!DC) P*er S+- Un/t (DC!DC) 4 0

    an ,*1 an ,*1 ' '


  • 8/19/2019 8 HUAWEI BTS3900 Hardware Structure


    Copyright © 2006 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.

    Logical "tructure and "ignallow

  • 8/19/2019 8 HUAWEI BTS3900 Hardware Structure


    Copyright © 2006 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.

    "tac 3ode

  • 8/19/2019 8 HUAWEI BTS3900 Hardware Structure


    Copyright © 2006 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.

    "tac 3ode

  • 8/19/2019 8 HUAWEI BTS3900 Hardware Structure


    Copyright © 2006 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.


     2. BTS3900 Hardware Components 2.4 !T"#$00 %asic structure

    2.2 BBU hardware structure

    2.# 5ower supply system o& !T"#$00 2. ther %oards and modules

    2.7 Ca%les connection o& the ca%inet

  • 8/19/2019 8 HUAWEI BTS3900 Hardware Structure


    Copyright © 2006 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.


     The typical power consumption o& !!' is #7<  The weight o& the !!' is 42 g at most.

    All the %oards can %e inserted &rom the &ront panel

     The 5ermissi%le range o& power input is F#. : (C to F7 : (C

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    Page2'Copyright © 2006 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.

    !oards and 3odules in !!'

    !"!C The universal !!' su%rac %acplane type C T3' The "3 Transmission, Timing and 3anagement


    '!A The universal !!' &an unit type A

    '58' The universal power and environment inter&ace


    '8L5 The universal 84=T4 lightning protection unit

    '8*' The universal environment inter&ace unit

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    Page22Copyright © 2006 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.

    !"!C !oard The !"!A provides slot 6 &or the T3', slot &or a main control

    %oard that supports #, and slots 0 to 7 as common slots. The T3'

    is 4 ' high. There&ore, &rom the view o& the &ront panel, the T3' is

    located in slots 7 and 6.

    5rovide %acplane inter&aces, communication channels, distri%ute cloc

    signal and E42: power supply &or the other %oards

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    Page23Copyright © 2006 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.

    T3'Controls, maintains, and operates the !T"

    "upports &ault management, con-guration management, per&ormancemanagement, and security management

    3onitors the &an module and the power supply module

    (istri%utes and manages !T" cloc signals

    5rovides cloc input &or testing5rovides the 8thernet port &or terminal maintenance

    "upports &our 84 inputs

    5rovides the C5)* ports &or communication with the ()'

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    Page24Copyright © 2006 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.

    T3' The ports on the T3' panel

    5ort Type Corresponding ca%le (escription



    (LC ptical -%er %etween!!' and ()'

    Connected to ()' &or the optical signaltransmission

    8TH )G7 "pecial 8thernet ca%le Terminal maintenance and

    commissioning80 )G7 8thernet ca%le A reserved port that per&orms the

    &ollowing &unction Connects the !!' to

    a routing device in the e9uipment room

    through the 8thernet ca%le &or


    84 (LC ptical -%er

    '"! '"! @ A reserved port that per&orms the

    &ollowing &unction Automatically

    upgrades the so&tware through the '"!


     T8"T '"! @ Tests the output cloc signals with a

    tester84=T4 (!26 !!' 84=T4 5rovides the input and output o& the &our

  • 8/19/2019 8 HUAWEI BTS3900 Hardware Structure


    Page25Copyright © 2006 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.

    T3' T3' indicators


    Color "tatus (escription

    )' reen n !oard has &ault

    reen I ot power input or the %oard is&aulty

    reen "low ?ashB4s on, 4s oID The %oard is operational.

    reen "low ?ash B2s on, 2s oID 3L is a%normal

    reen ast ?ash B0.427s on, 0.427soID

    !oard is loading so&tware

    AL3 )ed n A &ault occurs in the running %oard.

    I o &ault

    ACT reen n The %oard is operational.

    I !oard has &ault


    reen n 84=T4 local alarm

    ast ?ash B0.427s on, 0.427soID

    84=T4 remote alarm

    I ot used or alarm has disappeared


    reen n C5)* lin is &unctional

    )ed n C5)* lin is a%normal

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    T3'T3' toggle switch



    (escription4 2


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    T3'T3' toggle switch


    "tatus (escription

    4 2 #


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    Page2&Copyright © 2006 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.

    '!A The universal !!' &an unit type A B2'D B'!AD wors with the air inlet %o;

    o& the ca%inet to &orm a ventilation circuit, thus cooling the entire ca%inet.

     The '!A module communicates with the T3' to regulate the

    temperature, ad/ust the &an speed, and report alarms. The '!A module is

    hot swappa%le.

    *ndicator Color "tatus (escription

    "TAT8 reen ast?ashB0.27s

    on, 0.27s oID

    Can notcommunicate withthe %oard and thereis no alarm

    generated)ed n There is alarm

    reen "low ?ashB4s

    on, 4s oID

    )uns normally

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    Page29Copyright © 2006 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.

    '58' The universal power and environment inter&ace unit type A BF :D B'58'D

    supports the F : (C power input, supplies power to the %oards, modules,

    and &an in the !!', and provides access to multiple environment monitoring

    signals.5ort Type (escription


    )G7 5rovides the input and outputo& the e;ternally collectedenvironment monitoring signalsto the T3' according to the)"7 communicationsprotocol


    )G7 )eserved

    8T@AL30 )G7 Transmits the e;ternallycollected environmentmonitoring signals to the T3'through communicationsprotocol related to the drycontact


    )G7 )eserved


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    Page30Copyright © 2006 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.

    '8*''8*' is the environment inter&ace %oard o& !!', it

    can support multi@route monitoring signal input

    '8*' is optional and is only used when more ports are

    needed5ort Type (escription


    )G7 5rovides the input and output o&the e;ternally collectedenvironment monitoring signalsto the T3' according to the)"7 communications protocol


    )G7 )eserved


    )G7 Transmits the e;ternallycollected environmentmonitoring signals to the T3'through communicationsprotocol related to the drycontact


    )G7 )eserved

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    Page3'Copyright © 2006 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.

    '8L5'8L5 is the 84=T4 signal lightening protection unit o&

    !!' and it can provide protection &or route 84=T4


    5ort Type )elativeca%les


    *"*(8 (!27male


     Trans&ers the &our 84=T4signals %etween the'8L5 and the T3'

    'T"*(8 (!26male

    84=T4 ca%le 5rovides the input andoutput o& the &our 84=T4signals %etween the!!' and the !"C

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     2. BTS3900 Hardware Components 2.4 !T"#$00 %asic structure

    2.2 !!' hardware structure

    2.3 ower supp!" s"stem o# BTS3900 2. ther %oards and modules

    2.7 Ca%les connection o& the ca%inet

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    (C(' 5anel

    a 5ower switch b 5ower output ports

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    Page34Copyright © 2006 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.

    3ain unctions o& (C('

     The &unctions o& the (C(' are )eceiving @ : (C power input

    (istri%uting the @ : (C power

    o& 40 outputs &or %oards and

    modules in the ca%inet

    5roviding surge protection o& 40

    A in diIerential mode and 47

    A in common mode and

    providing dry contact &or surge

    protection &ailure

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    Page35Copyright © 2006 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.

    5orts and "witches o& (C('

    Name Label Description

    P*er /n+t term/na- N#(:) DCDU -* -ee- /n+t term/na-

    TN(;) DCDU /g -ee- /n+t term/na-

    P*er *+t+t *rt SP"#2% SP"#'%BBU% "N% an. U5:U0

    P*er *rt +-/ng te '0*+t+t *f *er t* te BBU%DU% "TM% an. fan ,*1

    P*er /tc SP"#2% SP"#'%BBU% "N% an. U5:U0

    P*er /tc c*ntr*--/ng te '0*+t+t f*r te BBU% DU%"TM% an. fan ,*1

     "-arm *+t+t *rt SPD "LM Dr c*ntact a-arm *+t+t *rt

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    Page36Copyright © 2006 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.

    (53' and 5"'

     The wiring unit is connected to the e;ternal power supply throughthe terminals &or L and wires, and leads the power to the 5"'

    through the %acplane.

     The 5"' converts the input power into the @ : (C power.

     The (53' monitors the operating status o& the 5"'.  The wiring unit provides @ : (C power outputs through $O%&1'(),

    $O%&2'(), and *T+',).

    ') DPMU2) PSU


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    3ain unctions o& 5"'

     There are 2 inds o& 5ower "upply 'nit B5"'D, AC=(C and(C=(C. AC=(C 5"' converts 220: to @:M (C=(C 5"' converts

    E2: to @:

     The AC=(C and (C=(C 5"' monitor alarms related to module

    &aults Bsuch as output overvoltage, no output, and &an &aultsD,

    alarms related to module protection Bsuch as overtemperatureprotection, and input overvoltage=undervoltage protectionD,

    and power &ailure alarm

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    L8(s o& 5"'

    /n+t L#D (t*) reen On N*rma-=

    Off Tere / n* "C *er /n+t *r te f+e /.amage.=

    P*er r*tect/*nL#D (m/..-e)

    >e--* Off N*rma-=

    On P*er r*tect/*n f*r te PSU / ,e/ng tr/ggere.%f*r e1am-e% +*n /n+t*-tage!*er*-tage*r *ertemerat+re=

    P*er fa/-+reL#D (,*tt*m)

    e. Off N*rma-=

    On Irrec*era,-e fa+-t *cc+r /n/.e te PSU= *re1am-e% te fa+-t can ,e *+t+t *er*-tage% n**+t+t% *r fan fa+-t=

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    Page39Copyright © 2006 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.

    3ain unctions o& 53'  The power and environment monitoring unit B(53'D

    Communicates with the central processing unit through the

    )"2#2=)"22 serial port

    3anages the power system and the %attery charging and


    (etects and reports water damage alarms, smoe alarms, door

    status alarms, and stand%y !oolean value alarmsM reports am%ient

    humidity and temperature, %attery temperature, and stand%y analog


    (etects power distri%ution and reports alarms, and also reports dry

    contact alarms

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    Page40Copyright © 2006 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.

    5orts o& 53'

    '= L#D

    2= P*er +- tet *rt

    3= S232!S422 *rt

    4= Batter c*ntr*- /tc

    5= COM *rt

    Ports Function

    S232!S422 *rt Ue. /n c*mm+n/cat/*n /t te centra- r*ce/ng +n/t

    Batter /tc Te ,atter /tc a t* c*ntr*- *rt ON an. O% /c are +e. f*r/tc/ng *n an. /tc/ng *ff te ,atter=?Pre an. *-. te *rt ON f*r 5:'0 ec*n. t* /tc *n te ,atter=?Pre an. *-. te *rt O f*r 5:'0 ec*n. t* /tc *ff te ,atter=

    P*er +- tet*rt

    T* *er +- tet *-e :4&$ an. 0$ are aa/-a,-e f*r mea+rementtr*+g an *r./nar m+-t/meter=

    COM *rt Ue. /n c*nnect/*n t* te e1terna- /gna- tranfer ,*ar.

    Bac8-ane *rt Ue. /n c*nnect/*n t* te ,ac8-ane

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    5ower (istri%ution 3ode 4

     The !T"#$00 ca%inet can use three types o& power inputs, namely,@ : (C, E2 : (C, and 220 : AC.

    *& the e;ternal @ : (C power input is used, no additional power

    system is re9uired. The e;ternal @ : (C power input is directly

    connected to the power input terminals on the (C(' B40 outputsD.

     Then, the (C(' distri%utes the @ : (C power to each module in

    the ca%inet.

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    5ower (istri%ution 3ode 2

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    5ower (istri%ution 3ode #

     This is the power distri%ution when a @ : (C ca%inet is stacedon a E2 : (C ca%inet or E220: AC ca%inet. The 5"'s convert

    the e;ternal E2 : (C or E220:AC power into the @ : (C

    power and supply @ : (C power to the (C('s in %oth

    ca%inets. Then, the (C('s distri%ute the @ : (C power to the

    modules in %oth ca%inets.

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    Page45Copyright © 2006 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.

    3ain unctions o& AT3  The "3 antenna and T3A control module BAT3D is a module

    that controls the antenna and T3A. The AT3 is optional.

    Controls the )8T antenna

    eeds power to the T3A

    )eports the )8T control alarm signals

    3onitors the current &rom the &eeder

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    5orts on the AT3Ports Connector Function

     "NT0 SM" fema-e Pr*/./ng *er f*r te #T antenna an. tranm/tt/ng c*ntr*- /gna-f*r te #T antenna

     "NT' SM" fema-e Pr*/./ng *er f*r te antenna

     "NT2 SM" fema-e Pr*/./ng *er f*r te #T antenna an. tranm/tt/ng c*ntr*- /gna-f*r te #T antenna

     "NT3 SM" fema-e Pr*/./ng *er f*r te antenna

     "NT4 SM" fema-e Pr*/./ng *er f*r te #T antenna an. tranm/tt/ng c*ntr*- /gna-f*r te #T antenna

     "NT5 SM" fema-e Pr*/./ng *er f*r te antenna

    COM' @45 Ue. /n c*nnect/*n t* te BBU

    COM2 @45 Pr*/./ng te e1ten.e. S4&5 *rt t* ,e caca.e. /t *ter .e/ce:4& $ 7

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    Page47Copyright © 2006 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.

    L8(s on the AT3LED Color Description Status Meaning

    UN reen In./cat*r *fte ,*ar.r+nn/ngtat+

    B-/n8/ng *nce eerf*+r ec*n.

    Tere / *er +- ,+t te c*mm+n/cat/*n/t te BBU / a,n*rma-=

    B-/n8/ng *nce eert* ec*n.

    Te ,*ar. / r+nn/ng n*rma-- an. tec*mm+n/cat/*n /t te BBU / n*rma-=

    Off  Tere / n* *er +- *r te m*.+-e /fa+-t=

     "CT reen In./cat*r *fte er/cer+nn/ngtat+

    On Te "IS -/n8 / n*rma-=

    Off  Te "IS -/n8 / a,n*rma-=

    B-/n8/ng freA+ent-an. /rreg+-ar-

    Te "IS -/n8 / tranm/tt/ng .ata=

     "LM e. "-arm


    On  "n a-arm / generate.% +c a an*erc+rrent a-arm=

    Off  Te m*.+-e r+n n*rma--=

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    eatures and unctions o& an!o; 5rovides &orced ventilation and dissipation &or the ca%inet

    "upports two modes o& ad/usting the rotation speed o& the &ans

    ad/ustment %ased on the temperature and ad/ustment controlled

    %y !!'

    (etects the temperature

    Communicates with !!' unit to report alarms and the ad/usted

    rotation speed o& the &ans to !!'

    "tops the rotation o& the &ans when the am%ient temperature is


    A &an %o; is con-gured with one C! and &our &ans. The &ans arecon-gured in E4 mode.

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    Connectors and L8(s o& an!o;

    ype Sil!"Screen Connector Description

    P*er *rt "#$ % 7

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    Page50Copyright © 2006 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.

    3ain unctions o& ()' ne dou%le radio -lter unit B()'D provides two T)s

     The ()' per&orms modulation and demodulation %etween

    %ase%and signals and ) signals, processes data, and com%ines

    and divides signals.

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    Page5'Copyright © 2006 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.

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    Page52Copyright © 2006 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.

    ()' *nternal "tructure  2 T)s and 2 duple;ers are integrated in ()' module which can %e connected

    to antenna directly

      The RX_IN/OUT   port o& ()' can support the receiving signal interconnection

    %etween 2 ()'s, so that it can support the diversity receiving %etween 2()'s

    I  n t   e r f   a  c  e P r  o c  e  s  s i  n g Uni   t  









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    Page53Copyright © 2006 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.

    5orts o& the ()'

    ype Connector Ports Description

      P*rt f*rtranm/tt/ng an.rece//ng /gna-

    N fema-ec*nnect*r 

     "NT' Ue. /n c*nnect/*n t* te antenna +,tem


      CPI *rt SP fema-ec*nnect*r 

    CPI0 Ue. /n c*nnect/*n t* te BBU% *r /n c*nnect/*n t*te +er:-ee- caca.e. DU

    CPI' Ue. /n c*nnect/*n t* te -*er:-ee- caca.e.DU

      P*rt f*rtranm/tt/ng /gna- ,eteenDU

    M" fema-ec*nnect*r 

    ' /n In+t *rt f*r ./er/t /gna- /n antenna canne- '

    ' *+t O+t+t *rt *f ./er/t /gna- /n antenna canne- '

    2 /n In+t *rt f*r ./er/t /gna- /n antenna canne- 2

    2 *+t O+t+t *rt *f ./er/t /gna- /n antenna canne- 2

      P*er *rt 7

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    Page54Copyright © 2006 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.

    L8(s o& the ()'LED Status Meaning

    UN On Te *er /n+t / n*rma-% ,+t te BBU / fa+-t=

    Off Tere / n* *er +- *r te m*.+-e / fa+-t=

    B-/n8/ng *nce eert* ec*n.

    Te m*.+-e / f+nct/*na-=

    B-/n8/ng f*+r t/me erec*n.

    Te m*.+-e / -*a./ng *ftare *r / n*t tarte.=

     "LM On " fa+-t a-arm / generate.=

    Off N* a-arm / generate.=

     "CT On Te m*.+-e / f+nct/*na- an. / c*rrect-

    c*nnecte. t* te BBU=Off Te c*nnect/*n /t te BBU / n*t eta,-/e.=

    B-/n8/ng *nce eert* ec*n.

    Te DU / ,e/ng tete. *n te S/teMa/ntenance Term/na-=

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    Page55Copyright © 2006 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.

    L8(s o& the ()'$S

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    Page56Copyright © 2006 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.


     2. BTS3900 Hardware Components 2.4 !T"#$00 %asic structure

    2.2 !!' hardware structure

    2.# 5ower supply system o& !T"#$00 2. ther %oards and modules

    2. Cab!es connection o# the cabinet

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    Page57Copyright © 2006 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.

    Ca%le Connection o& @:Ca%inet


    Cable Name Quantity

    ':'2 @+mer '2

    P':P2 #1terna- P*er Ca,-e (:4& $) 2

    P3:P& P*er Ca,-e Beteen te DCDU an. DU 6

    P9 P*er Ca,-e Beteen te DCDU an. an B*1 '

    P'0 P*er Ca,-e Beteen te DCDU an. BBU '

    P'':P'2 eere. 2

    S':S6 CPI S/gna- Ca,-e Beteen te BBU an.DU


    S7 #' Tranfer Ca,-e *f te BBU '

    S& M*n/t*r/ng S/gna- Ca,-e f*r te DCDU '

    S9 M*n/t*r/ng S/gna- Ca,-e f*r te an B*1 '

    S'0 #'!T' Ca,-e *f te BBU '

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    Page5&Copyright © 2006 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.

    Ca%le Connection o& E2:Ca%inet

    Ca,-e Name

    ':'2 @+mer '2

    P'P2 P*er Ca,-e Beteen te PSU (DC!DC) an.DCDU


    P3:P& P*er Ca,-e Beteen te DCDU an. DU 6

    P9 P*er Ca,-e Beteen te DCDU an. an B*1 '

    P'0 P*er Ca,-e Beteen te DCDU an. te BBU '

    P'':P'2 eere. 2

    P'3:P'4 #1terna- P*er Ca,-e (;24 $) 4

    S':S6 CPI S/gna- Ca,-e Beteen te BBU an.DU


    S7 #' Tranfer Ca,-e *f te BBU '

    S& M*n/t*r/ng S/gna- Ca,-e f*r te DCDU '

    S9 In:P*/t/*n S/gna- Ca,-e f*r te PSU (DC!DC) '

    S'0 M*n/t*r/ng S/gna- Ca,-e f*r te an B*1 '

    S'' #'!T' Ca,-e *f te BBU '





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    Page59Copyright © 2006 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.

    Ca%le Connection o& E220:Ca%inetCable

    Number Cable Name +a


    ':'2 @+mer '2

    P'P2 P*er Ca,-e Beteen te PSU ("C!DC) an. teDCDU


    P3:P& P*er Ca,-e Beteen te DCDU an. te DU 6

    P9 P*er Ca,-e Beteen te DCDU an. te an B*1 '

    P'0 P*er Ca,-e Beteen te DCDU an. te BBU '

    P'':P'2 eere. 2

    P'3:P'4 #1terna- P*er Ca,-e (220 $) 2

    S':S6 CPI S/gna- Ca,-e Beteen te BBU an. DU 6

    S7 #' Tranfer Ca,-e *f te BBU 'S& M*n/t*r/ng S/gna- Ca,-e f*r te DPMU '

    S9 M*n/t*r/ng S/gna- Ca,-e f*r te DCDU '

    S'0 M*n/t*r/ng S/gna- Ca,-e f*r te an B*1 '

    S'' #'!T' Ca,-e *f te BBU '

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    Page60Copyright © 2006 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.


    4. !T"#$00 verview2. !T"#$00 Hardware Components

    3. Con/uration o# the BTS3900

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     3. Con/uration o# the BTS3900 3.1 e" parameters in BTS3900con/uration

    #.2 Typical con-guration

    #.# ) ca%le connection con-guration #. Topology con-guration

    #.7 Con-guration principles

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    Page62Copyright © 2006 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.

    Antenna 3odes Sin!e antenna

     The ()' module has 4 woring &eeder so there is no receive

    diversity or transmit diversity

    Sin!e antenna doub!e receivers

     The ()' module has 4 woring T=) &eeder and 2 way receive

    diversity, one o& the receiver is &rom the another ()'

    &oub!e antennas

     The ()' module has 2 woring T=) &eeders and 2 way receive


    &oub!e antennas - receivers

     The ()' has 2 woring T=) &eeders and way receive diversity

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    Page63Copyright © 2006 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.

    ()' utput 5ower in the!T"#$00

    &perating Fre*uencyBand

    +or! Mode &utput Po,er -.MS/$PS0

    900 MHE N*n:c*m,/nat/*n 45

    900 MHE C*m,/nat/*n 20

    '&00 MHE N*n:c*m,/nat/*n 40

    '&00 MHE C*m,/nat/*n '&

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    Page64Copyright © 2006 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.

    ()' Transmit 3ode and )eceive3ode

    &*U transmit mode  Transmit independency or com%ining


     Transmit diversity

    &*U receive mode

     Two way receive diversity

    our way receive diversity

  • 8/19/2019 8 HUAWEI BTS3900 Hardware Structure


    Page65Copyright © 2006 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.

    ()' Transmitting 3ode @ Transmit *ndependency or


    *n transmit independency or com%ining mode, the system decides which mode will wor actually

    *n independency mode, T) 0 occupies channel A while T)4 occupies channel !

    I  n t   e r f   a  c  e 

    P r  o c  e  s  s i  n g

     Uni   t  







    ()' T i i 3 d

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    Page66Copyright © 2006 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.

    ()' Transmitting 3ode @ Transmit *ndependency or


    I  n t   e r f   a  c  e 

    P r  o c  e 

     s  s i  n g

     Uni   t     DUP






    *n transmit independency or com%ining mode, the system decides which mode will wor actually

    *n transmit com%ining mode,the two T)s will %e com%ined and transmitted through channel A

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    Page67Copyright © 2006 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.

    ()' Transmitting 3ode @ 5!T *n 5!T mode, only the -rst T) can wor

    5!T mode can improve the transmitting power

    *n 5!T mode, only channel A is used %y downlin signal

    I  n t   e r f   a  c  e 

    P r  o c  e  s  s i  n g Uni   t  







    ()' T itti 3 d

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    Page6&Copyright © 2006 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.

    ()' Transmitting 3ode @ Transmit (iversity *n this mode, only the -rst T) can wor

     Transmit diversity mode improves the 9uality o& downlin signal

    *n this mode, the signal &rom the -rst T) is divided to 2

    channels and %e transmitted through channel A and channel !

    I  n t   e r f   a  c  e 

    P r  o c  e  s  s i  n g Un

    i   t  







    ()' ) i i 3 d T

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    Page69Copyright © 2006 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.

    ()' )eceiving 3ode F Two

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    Page70Copyright © 2006 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.

    ()' )eceiving 3ode @ our

  • 8/19/2019 8 HUAWEI BTS3900 Hardware Structure


    Page7'Copyright © 2006 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.


     3. Con/uration o# the BTS3900 #.4 1ey parameters in !T"#$00 con-guration

    3.2 T"pica! con/uration

    #.# ) ca%le connection con-guration

    #. Topology con-guration

    #.7 Con-guration principles

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    Page72Copyright © 2006 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.

     Typical Con-guration 4


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    Page73Copyright © 2006 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.

     Typical Con-guration 2


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    Page74Copyright © 2006 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.

     Typical Con-guration #


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    Page75Copyright © 2006 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.

     Typical Con-guration


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    Page76Copyright © 2006 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.

     Typical Con-guration 7



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     3. Con/uration o# the BTS3900

    #.4 1ey parameters in !T"#$00 con-guration

    #.2 Typical con-guration

    3.3 * cab!e connection con/uration

    #. Topology con-guration

    #.7 Con-guration principles

    %l i

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    Page7&Copyright © 2006 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.

    ) Ca%le Connection 4One &*U modu!e

    One dua!(po!ari4ed


    Cell Type


      T M*.e "ntenna M*.e

    "4 BwithouttransmitdiversityD

     Transmit*ndependencyor Com%ining


    "4 BwithtransmitdiversityD



    "2 BwithouttransmitdiversityD

     Transmit*ndependencyor Com%ining


    C %l C i 2 B D

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    Page79Copyright © 2006 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.

    ) Ca%le Connection 2 B4DTwo &*U modu!es

    One dua!(po!ari4ed


    Cell Type


      T M*.e "ntenna M*.e

    "2 B5!TD 5!T "ingle Antenna

    (ou%le )eceiver

    "# BwithouttransmitdiversityD

     Transmit*ndependency orCom%ining

    "ingle Antenna

    (ou%le )eceiver

    " BwithouttransmitdiversityD

     Transmit*ndependency orCom%ining

    "ingle Antenna

    (ou%le )eceiver

    ) C %l C i 2 B2D

  • 8/19/2019 8 HUAWEI BTS3900 Hardware Structure


    Page&0Copyright © 2006 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.

    ) Ca%le Connection 2 B2DTwo &*U modu!es

    One dua!(po!ari4ed


    Cell Type


      T M*.e "ntenna M*.e

    "2 BwithtransmitdiversityD


    "ingle Antenna

    (ou%le )eceiver

    "2 B@wayreceivediversityD


  • 8/19/2019 8 HUAWEI BTS3900 Hardware Structure


    Page&'Copyright © 2006 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.

    ) Ca%le Connection #Three &*U modu!es

    Two dua!(po!ari4ed antennas 

    Cell Type"upported

      T M*.e "ntenna M*.e

    "7 Bwithout


    ()'0 Sin!e %ntenna

    &oub!e *eceiver 

    ()'4 Sin!e %ntenna

    &oub!e *eceiver 

    ()'2 &oub!e %ntenna 

    "6 Bwithout


    ()'0 Sin!e %ntenna

    &oub!e *eceiver 

    ()'4 Sin!e %ntenna

    &oub!e *eceiver 

    ()'2 &oub!e %ntenna 



    *r C*m,/n/ng



    *r C*m,/n/ng

    ) C %l C ti

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    Page&2Copyright © 2006 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.

    ) Ca%le Connection

    Cell Type"upported


     "ntenna M*.e

    " BwithouttransmitdiversityD

    "ingle Antenna (ou%le


    " BwithouttransmitdiversityD

    "ingle Antenna (ou%le



    *r C*m,/n/ng



    *r C*m,/n/ng

    our &*U modu!es

    Two dua!(po!ari4ed antennas 

    C t t

  • 8/19/2019 8 HUAWEI BTS3900 Hardware Structure


    Page&3Copyright © 2006 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.


     3. Con/uration o# the BTS3900

    #.4 1ey parameters in !T"#$00 con-guration

    #.2 Typical con-guration

    #.# ) ca%le connection con-guration

    3.- Topo!o" con/uration

    #.7 Con-guration principles

    !T"#$00 T l i "t

  • 8/19/2019 8 HUAWEI BTS3900 Hardware Structure


    Page&4Copyright © 2006 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.

    !T"#$00 Topologies @ "tar The star topo!o" app!ies to common

    areas especia!!" dense!" popu!ated

    areas such as cities. 


    *n the star topology, each site is directly

    connected to the !"C. *t has the &ollowing


    8asy networing

    8asy pro/ect implementation

    8asy networ maintenance

    8asy networ e;pansion

    High networ relia%ility &isadvantaes

    Compared with other topologies, the star

    topology re9uires more transmission


    !T"#$00 T l i Ch i

  • 8/19/2019 8 HUAWEI BTS3900 Hardware Structure


    Page&5Copyright © 2006 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.

    !T"#$00 Topologies @ Chain The chain topo!o" app!ies to sparse!" popu!ated areas in

    strip(!i5e terrain such as areas a!on hihwa"s and rai!wa"



     The chain topology reduces cost in transmission e9uipment, construction,

    and transmission lin lease.


    As signals pass through many nodes, the transmission relia%ility in the chain

    topology is reduced.

     The &aults in the upper@level !T"s may aIect the lower@level !T"s.

     The num%er o& levels in a chain networ should not e;ceed -ve.

    !T"#$00 T l i T

  • 8/19/2019 8 HUAWEI BTS3900 Hardware Structure


    Page&6Copyright © 2006 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.

    !T"#$00 Topologies @ Tree The tree topo!o" app!ies to areas where

    networ5 structures site distribution andsubscriber distribution are comp!icated #or

    e6amp!e an area where !are(sca!e coverae

    over!aps hot spot or sma!!(sca!e coverae.


     The tree topology re9uires &ewer transmission

    ca%les compared with the star topology.


    As signals pass through many nodes, the

    transmission relia%ility is reduced. This maes

    it diOcult &or maintenance and engineering.

     The &aults in the upper@level !T"s may aIect

    the lower@level !T"s.

    Capacity e;pansion is diOcult.

     The num%er o& levels in the tree should not

    e;ceed -ve.

    !T"#$00 T l i )i

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    Page&7Copyright © 2006 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.

    !T"#$00 Topologies @ )ing The rin topo!o" app!ies to common scenarios. &ue to its stron

    se!#(hea!in capabi!it" the rin topo!o" is pre#erred i# permitted b"the routin. 


    *& there is a %reaing point in the ring, the ring %reas into two chains at

    the %reaing point automatically. *n this way, the !T"s preceding and

    &ollowing the %reaing point can wor normally despite the %reaingpointM thus improving the ro%ustness o& the system.


    *n the ring topology, there is always a lin section that does not trans&er


    ()' T l i C - ti

  • 8/19/2019 8 HUAWEI BTS3900 Hardware Structure


    Page&&Copyright © 2006 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.

    ()' Topologies Con-guration

     The ()' supports

    various networ

    topologies star, chain,

    and ring.


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    Page&9Copyright © 2006 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.


     3. Con/uration o# the BTS3900

    #.4 1ey parameters in !T"#$00 con-guration

    #.2 Typical con-guration

    #.# ) ca%le connection con-guration

    #. Topology con-guration

    3. Con/uration princip!es

    !asic Con-guration 5rinciples

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    Page90Copyright © 2006 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.

    !asic Con-guration 5rinciples A single !T"#$00=!T"#$00A ca%inet provides up to 42 carriers

    with the ma;imum cell con-guration o& "==, and supports the

    dual@%and application.

    3inimum cost

    "mooth upgrade o& con-guration

    Antenna con-guration principles

    3inimum num%er o& ()'s

    3inimum num%er o& !!'s

    Highest relia%ility

    3ode o& con-guring two T)s in one sector

    ) Con-guration 5rinciples

  • 8/19/2019 8 HUAWEI BTS3900 Hardware Structure


    Page9'Copyright © 2006 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.

    ) Con-guration 5rinciples A ma;imum o& three levels o& ()'s can %e connected to one !!'.

    or "== cell con-guration and lower con-gurations, the star topology is

    recommended %etween the !!' and the ()'M &or the con-guration higher

    than the "== cell con-guration, the ring topology is recommended

    %etween the !!' and the ()'.

    3inimum num%er o& antennas. 8ach sector o& the !T" must %e con-gured

    with the minimum num%er o& antennas. or the 2@antenna receivediversity, each sector has two antenna channelsM &or the @antenna receive

    diversity, each sector has &our antenna channels.

    on@com%ination in the transmit channel. The non@com%ination

    con-guration is recommended &or the ()' to avoid the power loss in

    com%ination and to reduce the power consumption o& the !T". *&

    com%ination is re9uired, the cavity com%iner must %e con-gured outside

    the ()' and one com%ination is recommended.

    Con-guration 5rinciples o& the

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    Page92Copyright © 2006 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.

    Con-guration 5rinciples o& the!!' 3inimum num%er o& trun ca%les. Pou can determine

    the num%er o& trun ca%les as re9uired, and tae the

    e;isting con-guration &or saving transmission

    resources into account in networing.

    3inimum num%er o& '58's. The con-guration o& a

    single '58' is recommended. The redundancy

    %acup mode can %e con-gured i& re9uired.

    ne !!' supports si; C5)* ports. The star topologyis recommended %etween ()'s.


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    Page93Copyright © 2006 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.


    !T"#$00 &unctions and &eatures

    !T"#$00 hardware structure and components

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    Tan8 *+=+ae/=c*m