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8. A Life Like None Other Our journey ends with a call to surrender to the grand agenda of God.

Jan 05, 2016



Lizbeth Hall
Welcome message from author
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Page 1: 8. A Life Like None Other Our journey ends with a call to surrender to the grand agenda of God.
Page 2: 8. A Life Like None Other Our journey ends with a call to surrender to the grand agenda of God.

8. A Life Like None Other

Our journey ends with a call to surrender to the grand agenda of


Page 3: 8. A Life Like None Other Our journey ends with a call to surrender to the grand agenda of God.

“With all boldness, Christ will even now,

as always, be exalted in my body, whether by life or by death. For to me, to live is Christ

and to die is gain.” Philippians 1:20b-21

Key Verse

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For Paul, the purpose of his existence was to place ultimate value on Christ, so he desired above all that Christ be

exalted in his body.

Paul wanted to live in such a way to exalt Christ. Christ was prized above everything in life. Paul considered everything in life a loss compared to knowing and cherishing Christ.

Philippians 3:7-10

How did he intend to do this?

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Whether in life or death, we are to exalt God. Such a life and death removes fear and

provides courage to live the most radical and meaningful life possible.

Self-sacrifice, relentless love, grace and hope

characterize such living.

Trust, joy, peace and courage distinguish

such dying.

Even in his death, Paul desired to exalt Christ. He knew he would do this, if Christ was cherished above life.

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Like the men and women before you, you are meant for God’s glory. This is the journey for which you were created. “To miss the journey

is to miss the reason for existence!”

This pilgrimage requires us first to renounce other gods through which we might seek security and hope. We must learn to treasure God more than

life and to detach ourselves from the puny

gods of this world.

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You and I must be like the man who found a treasure in a field, hid it and sold all he had in

order to buy the field. The treasure was so valuable that it warranted radical and

immediate action (Matthew 13:44).

This parable teaches us that the reason for life can be missed, if we are not ready and willing to take radical and immediate action.

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Everyday, each church

and every person stands at a crossroad.

What value will we place on God

and His RENOWN?

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We can continue to mimic the cultural godlessness and self-centeredness around us,

or we can take unusual and radical action to be in covenant with God and His purposes. In

taking this action, we place all that we are and all that we have at risk.

We can continue to mimic the cultural godlessness and self-centeredness around us,

or we can take unusual and radical action to be in covenant with God and His purposes. In

taking this action, we place all that we are and all that we have at risk.

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We are challenged to be radically disposed to the passion of God! Declare that God’s

RENOWN is the purpose of creation and life. Having declared this as the truth above all


Determine that you will do whatever it takes to walk the journey of faith toward His GLORY and

RENOWN. This journey begins with the step of faith in which you renounce all false gods and name God as the only God

and leader of your life.

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As God’s RENOWN becomes the point of our lives, we stand in the river of His blessing to the nations. We run the race with resolve to glorify

His name.

We sell all we have to hold the pearl of great price

-- HIS GLORY. We stand ready with

our lamps trimmed, so that we do not miss the

prize of knowing Him and the joy of taking part in

His purpose.

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Give yourself to the following disciplines so that you do more than just live and die.


The journey has begun!

The key to completing this journey successfully is to walk, talk, act and live

surrendered in key areas of your life.

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1. WORSHIP God Sing praises to God. Acknowledge with your words God’s goodness and care Continually tell your neighbors and the nations of God’s glory.

2.EMBRACE Jesus Christ--His ways, words & life Saturate your life with Jesus’

words. Memorize the instructions of Jesus. Act, speak and live for His glory.

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3. WALK by faith rather than by sight.

► Believe the promises of God.► Do not live by the agenda of others or for the praises of others.► Visualize God’s renown among the

peoples of the earth

4. RETURN to God the resources He has entrusted to you.

Stay out of debt and be free to give to God. Give sacrificially of your resources to the spread

of God’s renown. Surrender your time, talents and life to God.

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5. PRAY and FAST regularly so that you may know Him and His ways.

Spend time everyday in prayer before God.Hunger for God.Select a people group and intercede for them daily.

6. LIVE passionately, radically and faithfully -

every moment, every day.

Live unto Christ.Live free from guilt and regrets.Live today as if it were your last day.

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7. STAND with the Church – the body of Christ.

Minister in and through your local church. Love and embrace your church.

8. GROW in global awareness.

Develop a mind and spirit oriented toward people groups. Read the newspaper; read books on countries and peoples. Travel to the ends of the earth.

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9. OBEY radically and immediately the commands of God.

Ask God’s Holy Spirit to instruct and prompt you. Decide to obey God no matter what. Fear dishonoring Christ in your

life. 10.FIGHT the good fight – to the very end.

Resist Satan. Embrace persecution. Finish the course – keep the


Page 18: 8. A Life Like None Other Our journey ends with a call to surrender to the grand agenda of God.

Your prayer at this point should be that God would reveal to you the unique courses for your church’s

journey. Name and define disciplines similar to these ten that you feel are necessary for your

church if it is to be ignited for God’s RENOWN.

For the church to exist for God’s renown, it must discipline itself for specific action in key areas.

Page 19: 8. A Life Like None Other Our journey ends with a call to surrender to the grand agenda of God.

You are invited to make a Declaration of God’s Renown. This declaration is a statement of what you

intend to do differently as a result of your understanding God’s purposes.

Church of the Lord Jesus Christ, Sell all that you have in order to purchase the field that contains

the treasure of incalculable worth.

In order to strengthen your resolve to live by this declaration, share what you have written with someone else and ask that person to co-sign the declaration with you.