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7TH International TERRESTRIAL user meeting laser scanning

7TH International TERRESTRIAL laser scanning 2014 · 7TH International TERRESTRIAL ... software for the ILRIS with the introduction of the ILRIS Scan Suite and OPMMS ... Slope Stability

Aug 20, 2018



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Page 1: 7TH International TERRESTRIAL laser scanning 2014 · 7TH International TERRESTRIAL ... software for the ILRIS with the introduction of the ILRIS Scan Suite and OPMMS ... Slope Stability

Accuracy & Productivity Matter


June 12-13, 2014 Rome, Italy Sapienza University of Rome

7TH International


user meetinglaser scanning

June 12-13, 2014 Rome, Italy Sapienza University of Rome

Static & Mobile Survey Solutions

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20147TH International

TERRESTRIAL laser scanninguser meeting


General Conference Information

Venue This year’s meeting is taking place at the renowned 700-year-old Sapienza University of Rome. On your time off, you can explore Rome’s heritage of almost three thousand years of world-famous art and architecture on nearly every street corner, or relax at the city’s numerous fine restaurants and nightlife spots. Join us for a great meeting and to soak in the history and culture of this ancient city!

Sapienza University of Rome Piazzale Aldo Moro, 5 Roma Italy Building: Geologia Room: Aula Grande

Registration and Information DeskThe registration desk will be open starting Thursday, June 12 from 8:00 am until 2:00 pm and Friday, June 13 from 8:00 am until 2:00 pm. It is located in the pre-conference area. We will be happy to assist you with any questions or concerns you may have.

Dinner Gathering An informal dinner gathering will be taking place at the Efeso il Barrocciaio Trattoria and Pizzeria on the evening of Thursday the 12th at 8:00 pm. Come enjoy an evening with your fellow attendees and the Optech team. This dinner is not included under the conference fee, but we have secured a rate of €35 per person, including wine, which each attendee pays directly to the restaurant. If you plan to attend the dinner, please drop by the registration desk to confirm your attendance.

AddressTrattoria Pizzeria “Efeso il Barrocciaio”12 via dei Salentini, RomeTel: 06490408

Directions To get from the University entrance to the restaurant:1. From the University entrance, head south on Viale delle Scienze.2. At the Piazzale Aldo Moro roundabout, head south on Via dei Liburni.3. Turn right onto Via dei Ramni.4. Turn left onto Piazza dei Siculi.5. Go to the south end of Piazza dei Siculi and exit onto Via dei Salentini.

Efeso il Barrocciaio is directly on your right.

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Dear Attendees,

On behalf of Optech, I would like to welcome you to our 7th International Terrestrial Laser Scanning User Meeting!

We are pleased to be providing this forum for the free exchange of best practices, field experiences, the latest technologies, and new applications and services for terrestrial laser scanner systems. Attendees can benefit from each other’s expertise and have the potential to improve the industry as a whole. It will also be an excellent opportunity for networking by facilitating communication between new attendees, established users and Optech’s team. Returning attendees will have a chance to reconnect with other professionals in their sector of the industry.

Optech’s static and mobile lidar technologies have both seen exciting advances since the last user meeting. This includes a new, easy-to-configure mapping-grade option for the Lynx Mobile Mapper™, plus new workflow, automation, and remote control software for the ILRIS with the introduction of the ILRIS Scan Suite and OPMMS. I hope that this meeting will spark lively discussions regarding how these advances can improve existing workflows and expand laser scanning into new applications.

The economy of the last few years has been rough on the market, making it crucial for the surveying and mapping industry to reduce costs with more efficient practices and attract new customers with fresh and useful deliverables. This meeting will help you keep abreast of such developments and let you grow your business even in times like these.

Again, I would like to thank you very much for attending, and I know that your participation will help this 7th meeting to be the best one yet!

Dario ConfortiWorldwide Channel Partner ManagerTerrestrial Laser Scanner ProductsOptech

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20147TH International

TERRESTRIAL laser scanninguser meeting


Keynote Speakers

ANDREA TAMBURINI Advances in the Investigation and Monitoring of Rock Cliffs and Glaciers with Terrestrial Lasers during the Last Decade: An Overview Dr. Andrea Tamburini is a geologist with a PhD in geomatics, the president and co-founder of IMAGEO, and a member of the Italian Glaciological Committee. His main expertise is in the use of geomatics for the study and characterization of unstable slopes, both at local and regional scales, and he has worked on several projects regarding landslide and glacier monitoring and hazard assessment in Pakistan, India, and Chile. From 2001 to 2003 Dr. Tamburini was a lecturer in Geology and Engineering Geology at the University of Trieste. Since 2007 he has been helping Tele-Rilevamento Europa (TRE) interpret InSAR data to characterize unstable slopes and support reservoir management for enhanced oil recovery, CO2 capture and sequestration, and underground gas storage.This keynote address will explore how improvements to TLS equipment and data processing software in the last decade have enhanced our ability to monitor unstable slopes and glaciers. Both the survey speed and operational range of TLS systems have improved significantly, reducing the time required and making more areas available for surveying. On the software side, the development of advanced software packages has enabled users to map the distribution of significant parameters influencing the behaviour of the rock mass, such as discontinuity spacing, fracture density, and URV. Moreover, the ability to drape high-resolution digital images over point clouds or 3D meshes has enhanced the resolution of our 3D models and improved our ability to extract geometrical information from the surveyed surface.

MARCO GAROZZOLynx Mobile Mapper: The First Mobile Lidar Mapper and its Applications, from Design to ImplementationMr. Marco Garozzo is Executive Director and Technical Director of Sineco Ltd, and is responsible for coordination and supervision of all technical and production activities of the company. He graduated in Aerospace Engineering at the Institute of Technology, Milan and has 20 years of experience in the field of road construction, maintenance and operation. His main technical experience is in the design and works management of several road, bridge and tunnel projects. He is also the Sineco R&D Manager, participating in national and international research projects and promoting research to develop new road and infrastructure monitoring and diagnostic systems.Sineco was the very first adopter of the Lynx Mobile Mapper™, giving Mr. Garozzo a unique perspective on its genesis and evolution. Starting with how the idea of creating a mobile lidar mapper was conceived, Mr. Garozzo will follow the development of the Lynx from its planning phase to the system’s current configuration. His address will also illustrate the initial difficulties encountered in post-processing Lynx datasets due to the lack of software capable of managing the large point clouds it created. Finally, Mr. Garozzo will highlight some of the most significant applications of the Lynx in the last six years, and describe the development and changes Optech has made on the software side for management and data processing to help the system realize its true potential.

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Conference Presenters and Abstracts(alphabetical order by last name)

Venerando Amaro1, André Santos2, 1Federal University of Rio Grande Do Norte, 2UFRN/IFMATerrestrial Laser Scanner Applied to Monitoring Beach Morphological Changes in a High Energy Coastal Zone, Northeast Brazil

This work reports the application of terrestrial laser scanning, based on lidar, to monitor the morphological changes of Soledade beach in Rio Grande do Norte State (northeast Brazil), along the oil well field named Macau-A located on the intertidal zone. This has been accomplished through the comparison of DEMs generated quarterly from the surfaces of the beach face, backshore, near-shore and oil industry anthropic occupations. This coastal zone is controlled by dynamic factors that modify the beach morphology with widespread erosion/accretion and short-time coastline changes, generating an area of high environmental sensitivity. The objective was to evaluate the volumetric changes through the surface comparisons provided by high accuracy spatial analysis operations. The results for the monitoring period showed a negative volumetric sediment balance of -16,718.08m3, with the erosion zones concentrated near the anthropic occupations.

Dave Beattie, Autobuild Africa (Pty) LtdSlope Stability Monitoring at Letseng Diamond Mine

Static terrestrial laser scanners have been an important component of slope monitoring for some time, and many solutions for monitoring the progress of a slide have been devised over the years. However, all of these solutions have required users to operate the lidar equipment in the field, creating a high cost in time and resources, especially if the surveys must be performed very frequently. This paper presents a new solution for monitoring slides, developed using a TLS and an automated data acquisition, processing and analysis system. A diamond mine in Lesotho purchased four ILRIS sensors for this purpose, and this presentation will present some of the field work and show how this solution has proved invaluable in automatically detecting and alerting users to potential danger within the monitored areas while lowering the cost and work required for monitoring. An explanation of the entire system and a post-acquisition data demonstration will be included.

Dario Carrea1, Antonio Abellan1, Michel Jaboyedoff1, Richard Metzger2, Marc-Henri Derron1, 1University of Lausanne, 2TerranumGround-based Lidar Point Cloud Simulator: An Application to Assess 3D Deformation Algorithms on Unstable Slopes

Terrestrial laser scanning is used to characterize natural hazards, like monitoring unstable slopes. Nonetheless, TLS still has several limitations affecting the accuracy of 3D point clouds. A challenge in developing TLS applications consists of understanding the influence of instrument parameters on measurement errors during TLS acquisition. Indeed, different parameters interact with the scan’s quality, such as range, spatial resolution, laser beam diameter, incidence angle, etc. The objective is to test these parameters on simulated point cloud data to quantify sources of error that may limit our ability to monitor slope deformation. We built in a MATLAB environment a TLS point cloud simulator that is able to recreate the multiple sources of errors related to instrument settings. We generated series of high-resolution point clouds with different point densities and points of view. Then we modelled small surface changes to test a developed 3D deformation tracking algorithm to determine the lower detection threshold.

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20147TH International

TERRESTRIAL laser scanninguser meeting


Edward Cheesman, Teledyne BlueViewAdvances in 3D Underwater Scanning

This presentation describes how Teledyne BlueView multibeam sonar technology is leveraging lidar tools to create homogenous, high-resolution point cloud data sets, creating a holistic approach to bridge and platform inspection. A technology overview and case studies from real-world bridge and platform inspection projects will be given.

Paul Crisp, Blom AerofilmsMobile Laser Scanning on the UK Highways Agency Network

Blom UK is a leading European service provider for the acquisition, processing and modeling of geographic information. The UK Highways Agency has commissioned mobile imagery and lidar collection for its entire network. Previous contracts focused on airborne data, be it imagery or lidar, and on a project-specific basis. So why have a national scheme? This presentation looks at the data and how it was acquired, and at the products abstracted from it and their purposes. It also aims to answer the question as to why collect it all in advance. Furthermore, we look at some current and future opportunities arising from this project, as well as some of the difficulties encountered.

Francesco De Giosa, Coastal Consulting & Exploration SrlDynamic Laser Scanner Survey: Two Survey Cases in Oman

This presentation examines two dynamic laser scanner surveys in Oman. The first case was in the Al Inshirah headland and its vicinity, located in the north-eastern side of Oman between the cities of Mutrah and Muscat. Here, we used a high-resolution laser scanner to survey the quay and seafloor, inspect waterfront structures, measure heights, and determine the design of the marine structures. This survey covered about 1.8 km2, centred on a promontory.The second case was in the sparely populated valley of Tibat, where the ground is almost wild and full of bushes, shrubs and trees, with the exception of asphalt roads and scattered buildings. A total of about 250 hectares were surveyed to determine ground elevation, map existing buildings and structures, and produce topographic charts and DTMs.

Andrea Faccioli, CodevintecGeomatics Assists Early Intervention on the Costa Concordia

On Monday the 16th 2012 at 18:45, only two days after the Costa Concordia’s disaster, Codevintec received a call from the Crisis Team of the Italian Fire Brigade asking for support during the rescue operations.The aim of the intervention was to understand and monitor the vessel’s status below the sea level to protect the rescue team members from any unwanted risk, as no information was available about the submerged area, such as the vessel’s integrity and stability, the seafloor type and slope, hazardous situations, etc. Codevintec used a combination of Teledyne RESON multibeam sonar, Teledyne Optech lidar and Teledyne TSS AHRS (Attitude and Heading Reference Sensor) to provide a rapid, accurate and highly detailed survey above and below the sea level.More than a scientific paper, this is a tale of an (extra)ordinary day of surveying, spent together with the Fire Brigade’s divers squad, who demonstrated outstanding professionalism and dedication.

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Janos Faust, GeoKonzeptgeo-X8000 and ILRIS: Combining UAV Data and Laser Scans into a Detailed Model

TLS is well-accepted as the most precise tool for surveying open pit mines, collecting ultra-dense measurements drastically faster than traditional land surveying with a GNSS receiver. However, while a TLS can capture the most important parts of a mine in only a few surveys, the remaining occluded areas of the mine require several additional surveys, extending the survey time.To drastically reduce the time required for a TLS survey while still providing good quality data, we have adopted an approach that augments TLS data with UAV-based aerial triangulation.

Fausta Fiorillo1, Salvatore Barba1, 1UniSaILRIS-3D Survey to Support Structural Analysis of a Reinforced Brick Masonry Vault

This research is based on the case of a reinforced brick masonry vault with damage caused by the detachment of brick from the slab. The final aim is to detect the dangerous zones of the vault and plot the results in a graphic representation useful for further analysis and monitoring studies. The standard survey method and regular probing with an endoscope was insufficient to identify the area with detachment. The proposed solution is the use of the Optech ILRIS-3D scanner to obtain the 3D model of the surface of the soffit and to develop a comparison between the real shape (surveyed) and the geometric shape (theoretical) of the vault. Through the transformation of the scans in CAD data (by sectioning with fixed step), it has been possible to measure and represent the deviation to locate potentially damaged areas. The next step will be an analysis of the curvature of the vault applied to the total 3D polygonal model with software like Rhinoceros; this approach allows us to work directly on the 3D shape.

Vincenzo Giannico1, Raffaele Lafortezza1, Giuseppe Colangelo1, Giovanni Sanesi1, Elena Gioscia1, 1Dipartimento di Scienze Agro-Ambientali e Territoriali, Università degli Studi di Bari “A.Moro”Combining Airborne Lidar Data and Field Data to Assess Ecosystem Services in Urban Forest Areas

Most of the ecosystem services provided by urban forest areas are the consequence of the forest stand characteristics and conditions (Sanesi et. al. 2007). Assessing the status of forest stands in highly dense urban areas is therefore a priority as this could inform the process of land-use planning and management (Nakamura et al. 2005).Assessing a forest stand using only field data could be very expensive in terms of cost and time. Approaches that involve remote sensing techniques and field data could improve the assessment of the forest stand characteristics and conditions. In this paper, we aim to discuss some preliminary results based on a multi-source approach that uses laser scan data (lidar) and field data. In particular, we present a map of forest dendrometric volume, derived from a semi-empiric approach, in an urban forest located in the Nord of Milan.

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20147TH International

TERRESTRIAL laser scanninguser meeting


David Janssen, OptechMaximizing Efficiencies with Optech LMS Software

When mobile surveyors perform a 3D survey over multiple days, minor changes in GPS conditions, along with other sources of error present within the data, can misalign the data between the collects, often requiring experienced post-processing to fix. Simplification and automation techniques in Optech LMS for the relative alignment of overlapping datasets have made mobile surveyors reexamine traditionally accepted best practices for the collection and processing phase of their data.This seminar will explore how LMS exploits these techniques to use multiple planar features found within a point cloud and their unique spatial relationships to each other to maximize the relative alignment and overall data accuracy. The presenter’s specific experiences in the evolution of these techniques will be discussed.To exploit these techniques, the processor must identify the existing spatial relationship between the planes to maximize the number of common areas available for use, and then automatically extract those areas meeting the requirements of the process. LMS algorithms then determine the optimal boresight and calibration values using common features identified in the data. Identified features are converted to shapefiles to allow the software to produce a robust, repeatable and calculated output.

Hannu Korpela, TerrasolidRenovating More Tarmac Road Miles with Mobile Lidar

In road construction, the focus has been to automate the construction process using machine control systems. However, less attention has been paid to the maintenance and renovation of old tarmac roads. The most critical part is often the road surface, with its holes, ruts, pools and deformations due to failing ground. In Finland, five pilot projects were carried out in the last two years to analyze the situation and use more sophisticated methods to renovate the road surface. The main idea has been to combine surveying, design and construction together. Lidar data was used to detect the road geometry components, which were exported to the design packages for redesigning the vertical alignment. During design, the idea was to optimize the milling and filling of asphalt to optimize cost-efficiency. Finally the new alignment vectors were used in 3D machine control systems during the construction.

Andrew Kos, Terrasense Switzerland LtdMaking Sense of Surface Changes and Deformations Measured with Terrestrial Lidar and Radar Interferometry

Combined measurements using terrestrial radar interferometry and laser scanning offer new insights into understanding the temporal and spatial evolution of geological hazards. Using case studies, measurement strategies for quantifying spatial deformations using a portable radar interferometer and terrestrial laser scanner are presented. The fusion of data derived from different sensor types is described, along with an illustration of their use in interpreting mechanisms and processes relevant for the stability of selected geological hazards.

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Matt Lato, RockSense GeoSolutions Inc.Mapping Topographical Slope Change along a Transportation Corridor using Long-range Lidar: A Case Study from a Project with CN Rail

The mountainous slopes of the Coastal mountain range in British Columbia, Canada that run alongside the Trans-Canada Highway and the CP and CN Railways are prone to natural hazards that threaten the operational security of the corridors. These hazards, located on complex slopes, are not fully understood with respect to failure mechanics, triggers, and frequency/magnitude. An active research project at Queen’s University in with the CN and CP Railways has examined various sites with high temporal resolution TLS data, collected at intervals of 1 to 5 days for numerous months. The work has enabled an understanding of slope behaviour, failure paths, and rock-fall activity. The data were collected with an Optech ILRIS-HD scanner in western Canada.

Richard Metzger1, Matasci Battista2, Dario Carrea2, Greg Stock3, Michel Jaboyedoff2, 1Terranum, 2University of Lausanne, 3Yosemite National ParkColtop3D: New Tools for Rock-fall Susceptibility Assessment and Geological Mapping in Vertical and Overhanging Rock-faces

Two new tools are currently being developed and implemented in Coltop3D software to enhance the possibilities of geological and engineering analysis of TLS point clouds. First, we programmed a new instrument for the detection and mapping of the most susceptible rock-fall source areas of a cliff. Second, we developed a semi-automatic methodology to build 3D geological models. The first tool was applied to point clouds of Yosemite Valley’s cliffs. The latter was tested on the Dents-du-Midi limestone massif (Swiss Alps). In both cases, an Optech ILRIS-LR laser scanner was used to collect the 3D point clouds with a mean point spacing of 9 cm.

Richard Metzger1, Clément Michoud1,2, Lars Harald Blikra3, Carlo Rivolta4, François Baillifard5, 1Terranum, 2University of Lausanne, 3Åknes/Tafjord Beredskap, 4Ellegi Srl, 5Norbert SAUnderstanding Landslide Kinematics by Coupling Terrestrial Lidar Point Clouds with GB-InSAR Displacement Time Series in Coltop3D

For coupling high resolution geometrical data from terrestrial lidar with high precision displacement time series from GB-InSAR, tools have to be produced to truly combine the strong advantages of both techniques and overcome their limitations. We thus developed a new exportation module into the processing chain of LiSAmobile (GB-InSAR) devices in order to wrap radar results from their particular geometry on high resolution 3D point clouds with centimeter-level mean point spacing. Furthermore, we also added new importation and visualization functionalities into Coltop3D (software for the geological interpretation of 3D point clouds) to display those results in 3D and even analyze displacement time series. This new method has also been optimized to create as few and small files as possible, to optimize processing time, and to automatically and continuously import new acquisitions in the case of real-time visualization.

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20147TH International

TERRESTRIAL laser scanninguser meeting


DAY 1 - Thursday 12th of June7:30 – 8:30 Registration

9:00 – 9:10 Welcome Address - Dario Conforti

9:10 – 9:50

Keynote Address: Advances in the Investigation and Monitoring of Rock Cliffs and Glaciers with

Terrestrial Lasers During the Last Decade: An Overview Andrea Tamburini, IMAGEO Srl

Session: LTS and SAR Moderator: Michael Xinogalos

9:50 – 10:10 Making Sense of Surface Changes and Deformations Measured with Terrestrial Lidar and Radar Interferometry Andrew Kos, Terrasense Switzerland Ltd.

10:10 – 10:30 Sensor Fusion Applications for Snow and Glacier Feature Mapping Francesco Zucca, University of Pavia

10:30 – 10:50Understanding Landslide Kinematics by Coupling Terrestrial Lidar Point Clouds with

Gb-InSAR Displacement Time Series in Coltop3D Richard Metzger, Terranum

10:50 – 11:20 Coffee Break Sponsor: Codevintec

Session: Geological EmergencyModerator: Janos Faust

11:20 – 11.40 Surveying and Monitoring Using ILRIS TLS and Reconstructor R3 Visualization Giorgio Paolo Maria Vassena, University of Brescia

11:40 – 12:00 Slope Stability Monitoring at Letseng Diamond Mine Dave Beattie, Autobuild Africa (Pty) Ltd.

12:00 – 12:20 Terrestrial Laser Scanning Used in Emergency Environments Michele Potleca, Protezione Civile del Friuli Venezia Giulia

12:20 – 12:40Ground-Based Lidar Point Cloud Simulator:

An Application to Assess 3D Deformation Algorithms on Unstable Slopes Dario Carrea, University of Lausanne

12:40 – 1:00Terrestrial Laser Scanner Applied to Monitoring Beach Morphological Changes

in a High-Energy Coastal Zone, Northeast BrazilVenerando Amaro, Federal University of Rio Grande Do Norte

1:00 – 1:10 Lunch Sponsor: Terrasense

1:10 – 2:30 Lunch

Session: Cultural HeritageModerator: Giorgio Vassena

2:30 – 2:50 ILRIS 3D Scanner at the Gladiator’s Battlefield Zlatan Novak, Geo3D d.o.o.

2:50 – 3:10geo-X8000 and ILRIS:

Combining UAV Data and Laser Scans into a Detailed Model Janos Faust, GeoKonzept

3:10 – 3:30 ILRIS-3D Survey to Support Structural Analysis of a Reinforced Brick Masonry Vault Fausta Fiorillo, UniSa

3:30 – 3:50Experiments Using Terrestrial Laser Scanning for Geological and

Architectural Applications: An OverviewArianna Pesci, Istituto Nazionale Geofisica Vulcanologia

3:50- 4:10

Delphi, Greece: 3D Laser Scanning and Modeling for the Design of Protection Measures Against Rock-fall Activity

in the Cliffs Above the Archaeological SiteMichael Xinogalos, LaserAction






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DAY 1 - Thursday 12th of June (continued)4:10 – 4:30 Coffee Break Sponsor: Teledyne Technologies Incorporated

Session: GeologicalModerator: Andrew Kos

4:30 – 4:50Mapping Topographical Slope Change Along a Transportation Corridor Using Long-range Lidar:

A Case Study from a Project with CN Rail Matt Lato, RockSense GeoSolutions Inc.

4:50 – 5:10Contactless Geomechanical Characterization of a Sedimentary Rock Cliff from

Terrestrial Laser Scanning and Thermal ImagingGiordano Teza, University of Padua

5:10 – 5:30Coltop3D: New Tools for Rock-Fall Susceptibility Assessment and

Geological Mapping in Vertical and Overhanging Rock-FacesRichard Metzger, Terranum

5:30 – 5:50 Innovative Use of Unlimited Point Cloud Data Zlatan Novak, Geo3D d.o.o.

5:50 – 6:00 Closing Remarks

DAY 2 - Friday 13th of June9:00 – 9:10 Welcome Address: Michael Zarzeczny

9:10 – 9:50Keynote Address:

Lynx Mobile Mapper: The First Mobile Lidar Mapper and its Applications, from Design to ImplementationMarco Garozzo, Sineco

Session: Mobile MapperModerator: Federica Zampa

9:50 – 10:10 Mobile Laser Scanning on the UK Highways Agency NetworkPaul Crisp, Blom Aerofilms

10:10 – 10:30 Combined Use of Ground-Penetrating Radar and Laser Scanning for Bridge Health Assessment Stefano Oppioni, Sineco

10:30 – 10:50 Renovating More Tarmac Road Miles with Mobile Lidar Hannu Korpela, TerraSolid

10:50 – 11:10 Combining Airborne Lidar Data and Field Data to Assess Ecosystem Services in Urban Forest AreasVincenzo Giannico, Dipartimento di Scienze Agro-Ambientali e Territoriali, Università degli Studi di Bari “A.Moro”

11:10 – 11:40 Coffee Break Sponsor: Arbonaut

Session: MarineModerator: Zlatan Novak

11:40 – 12:00 Combined Bathymetry and Laser Surveys: Developing a Robust WorkflowAndrew Stanley, MMT UK

12:00 – 12:20 Dynamic Laser Scanner Survey: Two Survey Cases in OmanFrancesco De Giosa, Coastal Consulting & Exploration Srl

12:20 – 12:40 Advances in 3D Underwater Scanning Edward Cheesman, Teledyne BlueView

12:40 – 1:00 Geomatics Assists Early Intervention on the Costa ConcordiaAndrea Faccioli, Codevintec

1:00 – 1:10 Lunch Sponsor: Optech

1:00 – 2:30 Lunch

2:30 – 5:30Lynx Seminar:

Maximizing Efficiencies with Optech LMS SoftwareDavid Janssen, Optech

5:30 – 6:00 Closing Remarks




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20147TH International

TERRESTRIAL laser scanninguser meeting


Zlatan Novak, Geo3D d.o.o.ILRIS-3D Scanner at the Gladiator’s Battlefield

Pula Arena is the name of the amphitheatre located in Pula, Croatia. The Arena is the only remaining Roman amphitheatre to have four side towers and all three Roman architectural orders entirely preserved. It was constructed in 27 BC - 68 AD and is among the six largest surviving Roman arenas in the world. It is a rare example among the surviving 200 Roman amphitheatres of unique technological solutions. It is also the best preserved ancient monument in Croatia.The Arena was built as the city of Pula became the regional center of Roman rule, and was called Pietas Julia. The name was derived from the sand that, since antiquity, covered the inner space. It was built outside the town walls along the Via Flavia, which is the road from Pula to Aquileia and Rome. The Optech ILRIS scanner played a significant role in the preservation of this monument. The model is used for the documentation required in various preservation and conservation tasks. It is used for reconstruction designs, archaeological and architectural studies and static calculations. It is also used for 3D reconstructions and presentations for exhibitions and touristic purposes. A virtual reality as a measurable 3D model is of extreme importance here and allows us to recreate and preserve one of the world’s most famous Roman amphitheatres. Without these unique ILRIS features, which include the long range, this task couldn’t be accomplished.

Zlatan Novak, Geo3D d.o.o.Innovative Use of Unlimited Point Cloud Data

Imagine detailed lidar data acquired by one of Optech’s ALTM systems of a whole city, followed by detailed Lynx mobile mapping of the streets, and detailed 3D point cloud models of several cultural heritage objects obtained by an ILRIS system. This presentation will show how this huge point cloud data collection can be opened in less than a second, with an easy and smooth walkthrough. The possibility of measuring by adding bookmarks and labels is just one of the functions that are possible in a new software solution for managing an unlimited number of points. Moreover, streaming this data directly over a network opens a completely new way of using point cloud data.

Stefano Oppioni, SinecoCombined Use of Ground-Penetrating Radar and Laser Scanning for Bridge Health Assessment

Ground penetrating radar and laser scanning were used to evaluate the health of and assess possible interventions and repairs for a 40-year old highway bridge near Forte dei Marmi (Tuscany).Static and dynamic lidar surveys were undertaken and output an accurate 3D geometrical model for the whole structure, assessing the absence of structural and geometrical faults. However, dense ground penetrating radar profiles were acquired by the use of a ground coupled high frequency antenna, producing a detailed stratigraphy of the bridge (confirmed by in situ cores), locating the inner levels of the rebars and determining their spacing and depth, both on the extrados and intrados of the bridge and on the tops of the pillars. Georadar amplitude maps derived from the asphalt-concrete interface and by rebar reflections were finally rendered and compared, testifying to the presence of diffused deteriorations of bituminous layers, principally between hard shoulder and the driving lane, where some faults and cracks were visually located.

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Arianna Pesci1, Giordano Teza2, 1Istituto Nazionale Geofisica Vulcanologia, 2Università di PadovaExperiments using Terrestrial Laser Scanning for Geological and Architectural Applications: An Overview

This contribution provides an overview of experiments using TLS carried out in the last few years for both geological and architectural applications. These experiments were based on both the analysis of observational data and numerical simulations aimed at better understanding the potentialities of TLS in these research fields. In this way, innovative approaches to TLS data acquisition and analysis were fine-tuned and directly used in real contexts. Among the geological applications, there was the detection and analysis of mass collapses both in mountain and volcanic areas, with an emphasis on analogies and differences between the different environments. The architectural applications mainly concerned an evaluation of deformations of historical buildings induced by seismic events, in particular in conditions of earthquake crisis.

Michele Potleca1, Roberto Pagurut1, 1Protezione Civile del Friuli Venezia GiuliaTerrestrial Laser Scanning Used in Emergency Environments

In the last few years, the Friuli Venezia Giulia Region has been affected by many natural disasters, such as floods, landslides and river-bed hydraulics problems. The best technology in the market was required in order to ensure the protection of the environment and human lives by monitoring and analyzing dangerous events.Using new advances in terrain modeling, this technology gives important support to natural disaster prevention and ordinary land maintenance. Several acquisitions and applications in emergency environments are presented at both regional and national levels.Recently, thanks to new ILRIS technology that allows measurements on snow and ice, a campaign to survey a number of avalanche sites in the Friuli Venezia Giulia Region has begun.

Andrew Stanley, MMT UKCombined Bathymetry & Laser Surveys – Developing a Robust Workflow

Using laser equipment for data acquisition on bathymetric surveys has often been limited to providing an interesting finish to a survey but offering no real function as part of a client deliverable. MMT and the Port of London (PLA) have been using the Applanix LandMark Marine (Optech ILRIS-3D) as part of a combined multibeam and vessel-based laser survey suite offering to clients that aims to provide a robust and repeatable bathymetric and laser solution. This is achieved using various statistical approaches to test both data sets, which ensures that the quality of the data is reliable in terms of its horizontal and vertical accuracy and robust enough to withstand repeat survey operations.

Giordano Teza1, Gianluca Marcato2, Antonio Galgaro1, Alessandro Pasuto2, 1University of Padua, 2IRPI-CNR PaduaContactless Geomechanical Characterization of a Sedimentary Rock Cliff From Terrestrial Laser Scanning and Thermal Imaging

A deep knowledge of the geometry and kinematics of the rock mass is a prerequisite for effective rock-cliff monitoring aimed at evaluating the rock-fall hazard. For example, if a sedimentary rock system has sloping joints, an open joint could become a sliding surface and its conditions must be monitored. Remote sensing techniques such as terrestrial laser scanning (TLS) and infrared thermography (IRT) allow the fast, efficient, contactless geometrical and geomechanical modeling of a rock cliff. Therefore, they can be used to

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recognize those joints that require monitoring with on-site instrumentation (extensometers, inclinometers, and acoustic emission sensors). In this way, TLS and IRT surveys allow an optimization of the design of monitoring systems, whose sensors are generally quite expensive to install. Moreover, data gathered by TLS and IRT can be directly used in landslide hazard assessment. The proposed approach was successfully tested in the Carnic Alps (north-eastern Italy).

Giorgio Paolo Maria Vassena1, Massimo Gelmini2, Massimo Dierna2, Giorgio Dotti2, Lorenzo Cavallari2 1University of Brescia, 2GexcelSurveying and Monitoring using ILRIS TLS and Reconstructor R3 Visualization

The paper deals with surveying and monitoring work carried out in northeast Italy. A large landslide was measured with the ILRIS laser scanner, and the church on top of the landslide was surveyed too, with a much higher resolution. In this same church, an historical painting has been measured, with a high resolution scanner and a high resolution color camera, and the complete area has been placed in a 3D DTM model of the entire region. The lidar data were managed thanks to JRC 3D Reconstructor, and all the 3D data were visualized using the multiplatform-multiresolution software PointR3. The deliverables were extracted thanks to a CAD plug-in.

Michael Xinogalos, LaserActionDelphi, Greece: 3D Laser Scanning and Modeling for the Design of Protection Measures Against Rockfall Activity in the Cliffs Above the Archaeological Site

The famous archaeological site of Delphi in central Greece is located in a complicated geological environment, with steep fractured limestone rock slopes overhanging the monuments, museum and road in the area. Rock falls caused by seismotectonic activity and slope instability are a permanent threat to the site and visitors. To assist the geological and geotechnical study for the proposal and design of protection measures, a detailed 3D model was required for 1.5 km of unreachable, steeply sloped surface. A laser scanning campaign took place on January 2014 for this purpose. The presentation discusses data acquisition techniques, processing workflows and results in combination with concurrent laser scanning activities of specific monuments for archaeological purposes.

Francesco Zucca1, Mattia Callegari1,2, Giorgio Vassena3, Guido Luzi4, Elena Pettinelli5, 1University of Pavia, 2EURAC, 3University of Brescia, 4Centre Tecnològic de Telecomunicacions de Catalunya, 5University Roma SapienzaSensor Fusion Applications for Snow and Glacier Feature Mapping

We present here some preliminary results of the integration-fusion of geophysical data of different natures or kinds related to a mapping effort in high alpine heterogeneous environment-terrain characterized by slopes in snow, mixed ice-snow, ice and mixed snow-ice-rock, collected during the April 2014 campaign in the area of Solda at Ortles (South Tyrol).The basic idea is to integrate gbSAR, gbradar and airborne lidar DTM measurements with TLS measurements (ILRIS-3D) in a climate characterized mainly by melting snow-packs and estimate the added values obtained with respect to single measure in order to evaluate the behaviour patterns of a natural system with great dynamics in a rugged topographic context.

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Poster AbstractsStefano Miele1, Giordano Teza2, Arianna Pesci1, 1INGV, 2University of PaduaRemote Sensing for Rock Mass Characterization Integrating Laser Scanning and Geo-Mechanical Measurements

The need for a fast, accurate and relatively simple remote sensing technique to characterize rock mass in the Apennine environment can be achieved using long range terrestrial laser scanning (TLS) technology together with in situ geo-mechanical measurements. Despite a problematic presence of high vegetation in the lower part of the studied rock-face, the ability to densely acquire data from different stationing points allowed an almost complete reconstruction of the area. The alignment of scans was obtained by applying Polyworks IMAlign algorithms (Innovemetric), assuring the correct geometry of the complete model and allowing the extraction (by means of model inspection) of features. The spacing and persistence of the main discontinuity families were evaluated together with the ones from direct in situ measurements, providing also a statistical hypothesis about the possible kinematics along the outcropping rock mass.

Samuele Pezzotti, Studio Tecnico Ass. Avalli & PezzottiUse of TLS in a Steel Mill for Vertical Control

Studio Tecnico Ass. Avalli & Pezzotti purchased their Optech ILRIS-3D TLS 2008 and have been using it primarily for environmental and architectonic surveying. This poster will describe a particular application, namely the control of verticality in an iron factory. In this factory, a mechanical arm is frequently used to move an electrode weighing 5 tons into an oven. Handling this much weight has the potential to deform or misalign the arm, which in time could cause it to fail and create a safety hazard. To monitor the effects of this stress, we surveyed the arm with the ILRIS and a traditional topographic survey and used the data to create an accurate 3D model. Using the model, we analysed the arm’s structure for any twisting, bending, or misalignment, ensuring its continued safe operation.

Sascha Schneiderwind1, Thomas Wiatr1, Jack Mason1, Klaus Reicherter1, 1Neotectonics and Natural Hazards Group, RWTH AachenSupporting Classical Trenching Investigations on Active Normal Faults – Combining Experience and Geophysical Facts

Shallow earthquakes (< 15 km) of a magnitude M > 6.0 on active normal faults leave footprints along the rupture zone. These subsurface coseismic features form important archives used to identify paleoearthquakes and estimate the seismic hazard potential for active fault zones. Traditionally, trenching investigations within the fault zone form a major element of paleoseismic research. For decades now, this has comprised manual logging and photomosaic methods, but the outcome of these techniques is highly dependent on the experience of the trench logger to define mappable units.To prove whether the aforementioned trench logging methods can be enhanced with objective methods, we combined routine logging with vertical ground-penetrating radar measurements (GPR; GSSI 400 MHz) and terrestrial lidar scans (Optech ILRIS-3D) at the Sfaka fault (Crete, Greece). Using the terrestrial lidar’s high-resolution surface DEM and backscatter signal data, we are able to accurately define individual layers due to the changing reflection characteristics, which correlate with distinct boundaries in the trench log and photomosaic. Combining this information with the GPR results leads to a 3D model of coseismic features within the hanging-wall with an expected error in the order of a few cm. Thus, GPR and terrestrial lidar have the potential to support the interpretation of paleoseismic trenches by improving the objective identification of distinct layers and providing quantitative data in 3D to reconstruct historical earthquake events.

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BiosThe Optech TeamThe Optech TeamThe Optech Team

Dario ConfortiWorldwide Channel Partner Manager for TLS Products and 3D Laser Scanning SpecialistDario Conforti manages Optech’s worldwide TLS distribution network and uses his 11 years in the laser scanning industry to assist customers and demonstrate new applications for TLS. Dario studied urban architecture, cartography and photogrammetry in Milan, and is experienced with GPS and bathymetry.

David JanssenProduct and Application Specialist for Mobile Survey ProductsDavid Janssen is Optech’s Lynx specialist, with 6 years of experience in remote sensing and specific expertise in mobile lidar and its applications. As Product and Application Specialist, he performs demo surveys for interested surveyors around the world to show what the Lynx can do for them.

Fabrizio TadinaWestern Europe Regional Sales Manager for Airborne ProductsA veteran of airborne remote sensing with a Master’s degree in Applied Remote Sensing, Fabrizio Tadina works with clients and companies interested in carrying out airborne lidar surveys or improving their operations, helping them identify the best strategy for accomplishing their goals.

Nicola ScottoSales CoordinatorBased out of Optech’s office in Belgium, Nicola Scotto monitors customer preferences to make sure that Optech’s efforts are focused directly on the needs of our clients, analyses the competitive landscape to keep Optech at the front of the industry, and assists with Optech’s public tender procedures.

Michael ZarzecznySales Manager for Europe, the Middle East, and RussiaResponsible for all of Optech’s terrestrial, mobile, airborne, and bathymetric solutions, Michael Zarzeczny helps identify the most appropriate sensor configuration for their applications and develops strong relationships with Optech distributors and customers in Europe, the Middle East, and Russia.

Dave AdamsBusiness Manager for Static 3DSince 2006 Dave Adams has been the key link between clients and the ILRIS and CMS engineering team, working with clients to explore new applications for Optech TLS systems and directing the development of new features, software and products to keep Optech focused on surveyors’ ever-evolving needs.

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Sponsor Information

GexcelWith its JRC 3DReconstructor software and gexcel R3 tools, the Italian university spin-off Gexcel can provide full software solutions to manage large data sets of point clouds coming from multiplatform lidar data (ALTM, Lynx, ILRIS) and high resolution images. The software is organized into mining, tunneling, Stop&Go and full

SINECOSince 1987, Sineco S.p.A. has been operating in the field of engineering, with special reference to the control and planning of maintenance interventions for transport infrastructures.The Company offers qualified know-how in diagnostic research, and it has special competencies in road pavements and structures’ technical management and in carrying out maintenance planning on roads, performed with the use of different, highly performing technologies, as well as testing on materials used in maintenance works.SINECO’s main mission is to provide suitable support to road network operators in the identification, design and planning of maintenance, upgrade and monitoring activities of the concerned

TerrasolidTerrasolid Ltd. is the world leading software provider for processing airborne and mobile lidar data and images. All the applications - TerraScan, TerraModeler, TerraMatch and TerraPhoto – are well-integrated with each other and MicroStation. The software can be used for surface and city modelling, environment monitoring, volume calculation in mining, power line detection, road surface quality control and renovation.

ApplanixApplanix systems integrate advanced inertial technology with precision GPS to provide uninterrupted measurements of the position, roll, pitch and true heading of moving vehicles. By combining GPS and inertial technologies, Applanix offers a fully integrated, turnkey solution for highly productive in-motion surveying, direct data georeferencing, and robust mobile mapping. With global reach and innovative engineering excellence recognized worldwide, the company’s Position and Orientation Systems (POS™) are the industry-standard for airborne, land, and marine survey applications. Applanix is a wholly owned subsidiary of Trimble (NASDAQ: TRMB).

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Optech would like to thank the following sponsors:

Media Sponsors

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Thank you for joining us at Optech's 7th International Terrestrial Laser Scanning User Meeting

Because Accuracy & Productivity Matter

This is the community with the challenging need to accurately and efficiently map details in difficult to access or hazardous areas, and we are pleased to provide a forum for you to share your accomplishments, gain insight on new techniques from colleagues, and learn what’s new from Optech staff. Applications showcasing the capabilities of static 3D and mobile vehicle-based laser scanning systems range from geological, environmental, and safety, to engineering and asset management.

We thank our gracious hosts at the Sapienza University of Rome for providing a perfect setting in an amazing 700-year-old environment. We would especially like to thank our valued distributor Codevintec, whose efforts and dedication to organizing the event has made it possible.

We are here to help you accomplish faster, higher quality and more cost-effective surveys

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Mobile Terrestrial

and dedication to organizing the event has made it possible.

We are here to help you accomplish faster, higher quality and more cost-effective surveys

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