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765th TRSB Newsletter 2007 December 2007

May 30, 2018



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  • 8/14/2019 765th TRSB Newsletter 2007 December 2007


    ".rttf rnrD utttrrrr otf!0llllrDfrd; ]lr3tr^


    fl! totlrf mrfic ntftpttn ntt,Icundrd: lgSrSla t llo-l9tf'! , t ,A . i ] t177

    Astle 18022Dog Bar Road,GrassValley,[email protected] Kwiatkowski 9 Grandprix r. CheeklowagaN.Y.14227h.716-668-1095Bill Hill l0l GrahamRd.Jasper, n.37347 Ph.423-942-2644Utah Reunion coordinator: Joe& JeanAstle(Address bove)coordinators:SueHamilton,2024Windng CreekLane,Mason,Oh.45040, h 513-398-0713-mailSheryl& PerrySchneider0560McKelveyRd. Cincinnati,Oh.45240h 513-648-0351Letter: Bob & Dan Kalan 2158King MesaDr. Henderson, v. 89012 Ph.702-260- 224, e-mailPhotographer:FrankRowe755RacineAve.Columbus,Oh. 43204ph614-274-52701929HixsonPike Chattanooga,Tn.37405h423-265-5147Site: NancyCunningham5634Richard,Dallas,Tx. 75206,Ph. 214-823-9366,[email protected]

    History site, http //, http:/griffincunningham.neVT65reunionorg/main.hun


  • 8/14/2019 765th TRSB Newsletter 2007 December 2007


    Dear765Friends,HappyHolidays o all! Wewishyou andyoursavery Merry Christmas nda mostHappy andHealthyNew Year.Ourprayers oto Dick Kwiatkowskiwho hasbeenon the sick ist for quitesome ime.It washard on him but he and Cindycame o our Ohioreunion n October;he spentmostof his time in awheelchair.We were very happy o see hem but after theyhad returnedhome,he woundup in the hospital again, n the ICU. Crurentupdates n him is that he sout of ICU andholdinghis own. They're ryingto figureout how to hook up the otherwire on hispacemaker. indyhasbeenat his sidemostof the ime.Also in our prayers, ememberElaine Harris. After returninghome rom thereunion,shehasbeen eceiving adiation reatmentsor her bonecancer.Somehow or another, taffected er hip oint andshe ell andseparateder shoulder.Right nowshe s uststarting o eat betterand n a few weekswill be receivingChemo.Also we rememberSueHamilton who had a Gall bladderattack heother day andhadsurgeryon the8ft. Hopefully,she s recovered y now.Ourprayers ndbestwishesgoout o all of you!Sueandher daughterSheryland Perry all worked very hard on arrangingand carryingout amostsuccessfuleunion or all of us n October n Ohio. It really ook a lot of workto planand carryout everydetail aswell as hey did. We can't thank hem enough,everyoneappreciated verything hatthey did. Theirhospitality room food and drink wasbeyondgreat.Our bingogames andled y Billie Hill andFrankConawaywerea dailysourceof fun. Everyoneenjoyed hemand heparticipationbroughtmonetary ewardsootx 765 reasuryas did our auctionand silent auction.The only cloud n everythingwas when our Dan suffered4 GrandMal seizures nenight andhad o be rushedo thehospital.After x-rays,cat-scansndekg, etcand?nights n thehospital hey otrndno reasonor him to haveseizures.t's been15yearssincehe hashad seizures,While n the hospital,Billie, SueandSherylcame o visit himandoffler heir support,thatmeant lot to us andDan. He was eleased aturdayaftemoon n time to meet hegroup or lunch at theHofbrau House.EveryonegaveDana warmwelcomeback, his meanta lot to him aswell as us,you area gteat groupoffriends. n fact,before eaving or home,we hadall kinds of offersfor help includingdrivingus home. Whatagreatbunchof people ou are!Again,many hankso Sue,SherylandPerry,you did amarvelousob with the2007reunion! Audrev.Bob andDan

    P.S.. Yes,Ben,you are ight! Whendriving hroughOklahomaCity, theCowboyHeritageMuseums avery niceplace o visit. Wishwe couldhavehadmore ime ospend here.Thanks or tellingus about t.

  • 8/14/2019 765th TRSB Newsletter 2007 December 2007


    qrN.crNuaTr--qgToBBR2007october arrived and we wereall setWe'll make t to Cinn. by 2 p.m.wasBill's bet.When we arrived therewereseveralalready hereSayingwe're ready or bingoletsgoupstairs.The eveningwasgreat,no onewas n a rush.Theonly pmblemwas,noonewanted o hush.Thrnsdaymorning and heCity

    Towwas inthe plan.Man, hiswasn't ust nice, twasabsolutelygrard.Thegreat orn guidecrossedevery'?oanddottedeach I"On eachand everystreetas we passed y.'Wesawso muchandlearneda lot,If I hadeverknownwhat she oldus, then hadforgot.The tour endedat theB&B Riverboatsite,whereour hmchon theriverWasawesome,ulfilling our nigbt.ThiswasBill's first realobstacleafterhis hip surgeryAnd theuphill climb to the bus ookhim, hiswalker andhelp from 2 or 3,Back to thehotel and stuffedheel o toeEveryonewas ready o relax andplay bingo.Sueand Sheryl illed thehospitality roomwith homemade temsgaloreAnd asusualwe all stuffed ourselvesjust a little more.

    About 1l:30 P.M.we gota call.Dan Kalanhadbeenarnbulancedto thehospital,which upsetusall.Fridaymorning was theBusinessMeeting or this year.Thenoffto the hospital o checkonDanand see f we could help here.The banquetandauctionwason theagendaor tonight.Thebanquetsettingwasa beautifulsight.The auctionwentwell and

    greatgrftsgot oatheirwayTo makeothershappy oranotherday.Saturday rewere up and outbeforeeight.WehadWright PattersonMuseum nDaytonandHofbrauhaus ordinner andwe couldn't be ate.No one could seeWright Paterson njust one day,But we tried to put it all in anyway.Hofbrauhauswas a dining treat I'msureglad didn't miss.It's not evry dayyou haveanExperienceike this.When Dan Kalan arrived atdinnerat Hofbrauhauswith a smilefrom earto ear,Thiswascertainlyahighlight forall thisyear.Only a few knewDan had beenreleased,and his anival for dinnerpul ourminds atpeace.

  • 8/14/2019 765th TRSB Newsletter 2007 December 2007


    Sue,Sheryland Perryareduean extraPatontheback.For all thehad work andeffort theyPut forth to keepuson track.Salt LakeCity, Utah s our destination

    for nextyear.Don't forgetwe promisedJoe and Jeanwewould bethere,soSEEYOU NEXT YEAR.START PLANNING NOW

  • 8/14/2019 765th TRSB Newsletter 2007 December 2007


    Hi Bob.Audrey andDan,I wasglad to hear hatyou hadarrived,andeverythingwentokay for you goinghome.I know it had o bea harddrive,andyou areprobablyexhausted.Thankyou for all the temsyou brought or thesi-lent uction. thinkeveryone adagood ime. Both the silentauction andthe regularauctionwent well. We weresorry forDan, but glad hewasable o rejoin usas soonas hedidI didn't know if you hadgottena copy of thenewspaperhatwe were nterviewedn ornot,so I copied t off for you.Wealsohada letter rom ErnieFletcher,hegovernor fKy. thatI am sending longalso.I appreciateeveryonewho came his year,and ook forwardalready, o nextyear-Someof our groupwereable o attendhis year,by it beingwithin drivingdistance,hathaven'tbeenable o travel or the astcoupleof years,and am soglad o havehad hem.Thanks o all who brought hings,and o all for their help. Sheryland Perrydid a greatjob, and couldn't havedone t without hem.Tell DanI wish him thebestof health,and will keephim in thoughtandprayers.twasgood o talk to him lastnight also.Till next ime,Sue

    Dear Bob,Audrey & DanThanks or the nice note. really oved Dan'scardandphonemessage.Everything urnedout great n spite of Dan's inconvenienceo him, andwethank heLord for his quickrecovery. have o tell you this. I thought t waspriceless.Only a fewof us knewyou werebeing released rom the hospitaland would meetusat therestaurant. o,whenyou came n andElaineHarris sawyoushe eplied'ol,ord knewyou would answerour prayerswith so manygoingup from all the Catholics,Protestantsand wo Jews." replied he knowsusall."Takecareand et us hear rom you.Bill is doinggreat. Bill&Billie

    He didn't ikethecasserole. .....And edidn't ike mycake,He saidmy biscuitswere oo hard....Not ike his motherused o make.I didn'tperk hecoffee ight... . ....Hedidn't ikemy stew,I didn't nend issocks.. ........Thewayhismotherusedo do.I ponderedor an answer. ......I was ooking or aclue.Then I tumed aroundandsmackedhe shit out of himLike hismotherused o do.

    It was ate. I was ired. All the motelswere irll. So calleda motelchain.'1'm just outsideLouisville,"I said. s thereanyplacewith a vacancy n I-64?"'T.loton 64,'ohe womansaid,checking ermap, but I've gotone ust offit.""How far off[?" I said."About an inch."

  • 8/14/2019 765th TRSB Newsletter 2007 December 2007



    Dec.8,2007DearKalancrew,Seasons reetingsanda Merry X-mas. Hopealt is fine atyour housewe all areok andbeingveryproductive andenjoying ife andour families. We arevery fortunatebecausehe

    famities G on$ I hour awayand closer. Marge ook upretirementn July. But afterbeing here17years, heChurchand he goodFatherhasher backaboutonea week. So,shedoesn'tgetbored.I havehada very busyyearupgradingafew thingson the rentals. But with thehigh rents,you have o givebacktoo, Weare a little belowmarket. But don't haveanyvacancies.Amie andSwen's daughterwas wo in November. Shesure oveshergrandma Margegets o babysit everyTuesday,hey ive a half houraway,she s a little gem. I get o seeherasoften as can also.Got a newvan lastweek. The old onedid notpassheSmog est. Was n Vegas n

    OctoberStevenhad aboothat the conventionaboutdrug testingequipmentat theOrleans;keptusboth busy. Theregularpersoncouldnot attendbecause ishouseburneddown inSanDiego. Encloseds a check or $60.00 orthe newsletter. sureenjoy t, if more sowed,let meknow. Thankyou for all your service,Art (Stahovich)Subject:ReunionFrom : "JeanAstle"Date:Wed,14Nov200711:58:090800To: "BobKalan"DearBob,Justa note o letyouandeveryone nowwhata great imewe hadin October t the reunionn Ohio. Wewere eallyhappy o seesomanyof our riendshathadbeen aidup astyearwereback.Wehavebeenworking n nextyear n SaltLakeCity. lt willhave o betoward hefirstpartof $eptember, s there sa Woman'sConferencehe astweekof Sept.AndGeneralConferencef theChurchs always he irstweek-end f October. herewon'tbe anyroomsavailable.Wedon'twant oget oo ate n theyear,as SaltLakegetssnow. (Thatprobably ouldn't other omeof our moreheartiermembers,ut t is hard ogetaroundna wheelchairrscootern thesnow.)Anyway,t depends n a lotof differenthings.Hopeeverythingsokwithyou. Love o all, JoeandJeanAstle

  • 8/14/2019 765th TRSB Newsletter 2007 December 2007



    The765 TRSBReunionGroupmet in Cincinnati,Ohio, October3-7 ZA07Themeetingwasopenedby the PresidentRon Torii who led thegroup n the PledgeofAllcgiance o the flag.Bob Kalan'sson, Dan, became uite ll last night andhad o be aken o the hospital. Ron askedthat all remainstanding or a minuteof silentprayer or Danand his family.The minutesof theprevious eunionwere readby the secretary,Bill Hill, and approvedasread.The treasurer'seport wasgivenby Bill Hill. All bookswerepresntor audit anddeclaredcolrect and n order. The reasurer's eportwasaccepted nd approvedas readby all. All correspondencewasread.OLD BUSINESS:Any address hanges, honenumbers,aracodes,etc. shouldbe reported othe Sec./Trea., i ll Hill assoonaspossible, nd o the newseditor,Bob Kalan.NEW BUSINESS: Wehad an sxcellent Reunion. Therewere58present,and his wasa happy,fun reunion- Many thankswereextended o SueAllen Hamiltonand her daughterSheryl andSon-In-LawPerrySchneider. Theywent aboveand beyondon everything.The Reunionsitesaredrasticallychanging he way theyhandle heReunionsnow. Due o this,wehave ound t necessaryo make somechangesn howwe ac,cessur membersor the Reunions.The following recommendations eremadeand approvedby all present.L A depositor full paymentmust be madeby eachmemberattending90 day beforekickoff

    date.2. Full paymentmustbe made30 daysbefore euniondate.3. In caseof a cancellation,nomoneywill berefundeduntil after the reunion. and henonly iffunds are available.Ourgroupdoesnot want to put any reunioncoordinators n any awkwardpositionswithout money o coverall expenses.All officen and members otedunanimouslyon this.We have o be able o coverourselves incewe have o guaranteehenumber o bepresentor allevents.A site for 2008wasnext on our agenda. SaltLakeCity, Utah had beensuggestedast year. Joe

    and JeanAstle did some nquiring on this and said f enoughwould say hatthey would come, hey woulddo a reunion here n 2008. SueAllen Hamilton and herdaughterSheryl andSon-in-lawPerry Schneiderwerevoted assistant oordinators o assist oe and JeanAstle. Look out Salt LakeCity, herewecome.A motion was madeby Bill Hill and 2d by Dick Kwiatkowski that4! our funre meetingsbe heldeither he3d or 4s week n September, r early Oct6ber. There s somuch*ti"tty takingplaceearly nSeptemberhatseveralwere having a hard ime coming hen. Motion passed.

  • 8/14/2019 765th TRSB Newsletter 2007 December 2007


    Billie Hill thankedall who broughtgifts for the bingo. Thiswassuchasuccessastyearandeveryoneseemed o have enjoyed t again. Billie also hanked he adies or their extradonationof $5.00each which will go into our treasury.A discussionwasheldregarding aising our dues n 2008from $20.00 o $25.00,starting n 2009.Let ushear rom you on this. It will be voted on at our Reunion n Ohio.Severaladiessuggestedharging he ladics35.00ayear. No motion was madcbut severalgavedonations rom $5.00 o $20.00ust to build our treasuy thisyear.Ron Torii suggestedhatthe duesbe$20.00 or all the single menand$25.00 or the marriedones,$20.00 or him and$5.00 or his wife. No actionwas aken.Theelectionof officers for 20078 ras held and hefollowing were elected:

    President: JoeAstleVice Pres.; Dick KwiatkowskiSec./Trea.: Bill HillChaplain Bcn SmithNews Editor: Bob Kalan& DanKalanPhotographer:Video: Frank RoweCoordinator 2"dVP SueAllenHamilton--Perryand SherylSchneider

    With no furtherbusinessBill Hill askedeveryonepresento rememberDan Kalan and his familyin ourprayen.PresidentRonTorii adjournedour meeting.


    Bill HillSecretary/Treasurer

  • 8/14/2019 765th TRSB Newsletter 2007 December 2007



    755T'I TRSB mEAST,RY REPoRTcrNcrNNAlr, oHro oqTgEEg3-7. 2007


    Secretary/Treasurer, Bi l l Hi l l , a f ter audi t ing the books upon myreturn f rom the reunion in At lanta, Georgia submits the fo l - rowing:Summary from date of 2OA6 audit until return deposit from th e2007 Reun j -on Oc t obe r 3 -? , 2OO1, i s as f oL l ows :

    DEBITS CREDITSBeg inn ing Ba lance 9 -22 -06 2 , Q95 . 27Deposits for 2A01Reunion return depositChecks writ ten for 2007

    1 ' t 8 4 . 9 53 , 5 3 0 5 0 7 6 2 5 . 4 8

    BALANCE: 10 -10*07 5 , ' 185 . 24

    DEBIIS: Deposi ts included:ffi Donat ions--BingoAuct ionRaf f IeMoney colected for Reunion expensesCREDITS: Checks wri t ten incl -uded:N"-slet t " r e" fns.

    PostageBereavement expensesReunion costsHotef expenseProgramsDeco ra t i ng expenseReunion BannersHospi ta l i ty room expense, etcUPS for f lags bei -ng shipped to reunion si teThe balance on hand will go toward th e upcomingnewslet ters, and to help def ray costs of the 2008 reunion in Sal - t LakeCi ty, Utah. I f you have any fur ther quest i -ons regarding this report

    p l ease f ee l f ree t o ca l l us .S ince re l y ,76 5 TRSB KOREANREUNION GROUP

    Bi l l H i t lSecretary, /Treasurer

  • 8/14/2019 765th TRSB Newsletter 2007 December 2007



    FHANKFORT.Y40(wzl 56,-2611F$(:(502) 25r7

    Dear Honored Guests:On behalf of the Commonwealth, Glenna and I are pleased o welcome you to Northern Keotucky for th

    765thTRSB Annual Reunion. I commend you for taking time awayfrom busy schedules n order to participate ithis unique reunion. I am confident that your experiences his week will be enioyable and enriching.Kentucky enioys a long, rich tradition of service to our county and we are extrernely proud of our miliarheritage. Without the bmve men and women who have devoted their lives to serving this country, our greatnadon's history would be quite differenu All Americans should be humbled by the realization of what yourcommitment, courage and sacrificeshave contributed to the causeof freedom,This extraordinary region boastssome of the most beautifrrl landmarks and scenery maginable. From themagnificence of famous suspensionbridges that spanthe Ohio to historic pioneer villages and Civil War sites,Northern Kentucky offers ?n aftaryof breathtaking oppornrnities. \Uileare honored that you have chosen to mee

    here and hope that you will take advanage of the ar:ea's umerous attractions.As a proud veteran, Kentuckian and American,I welcomeyou to the Commonwealth,and thank you foryour service.


    Kemdr$Jnb'tle6ridtcom AnE$ral Oeportunity rplryerl#F

  • 8/14/2019 765th TRSB Newsletter 2007 December 2007


    December 4.2007Hello 765th,Justa coupleof lines rom beautifulCincinnati.Ohio!We ust wanteveryoneo knowh9w muchwe enjoyed aving hereunionhere his year. It isalwaysa good ime seeing ll the familiar facesandcatchingirpon thenewsof thepurty"*.Theweatherinally turnedcoolerandaftera summer f no ain, now it wonot top aining...orworsesnowing!As far asmy ami]v goes,Perryhadshoulder urgeryat theendof Octoberand s healingnicelyalthoughhe s still goes o physicalherapyhree imesa week. It hasn'tmadehim slowdownabit andhewasback o work in less hana week.I have ounda ob (finally) working or theHousingAuthorityof Covington,Kentucky.It is abit of a drivebackand orth everydaybut thework is proving o be nteresting.On thedownside,Motherwent nto thehospitalon December thandhadsurgeryo removehergallbladder n December 'h. Theyhad o do an open ncisionbecauseergallbladderwassobad' Shewas eleasedrom thehospital esterdayands going o spend cbupleof days n anursinghomeuntil shecangetherstrength ackenough; be;ble io climbstairs,etc. Thedoctorsays hatshe s doingwell as ar,ashe surgerywent,but it will takea little time to getthatspringback n herstep. I amsure hat f we a1lust keepher n ourprayers, hewill bebackto herold self n no time.We hopeall of you enjoy heholidays.We will bespending quietChristmaswith familyandfriends.GodBlessYouAll!SherylSchneider

    ThanksSheryl or your letter. Sorv to hearaboutPerry's shoulder,we'rehappy o hear hathe,sdoingwell' And thankyou for theupdate n yourmother's lrg"ry. This etterczunen after hadmy newsletterout to beprintedsoI couldnot correcthe tem hat I had-puin aboutyou mother.But you haveus up rospeed ow.Again, hankyou andperryfor helpingyourmotherwith thegreat eunion.Merry Christmas!lI/-1/inalUgot thefollrs ashesburied in the ittle cemeteryn oklahoma n october. Life is still anadjustment wemiss hem erribly.wassorry to hearof Dan's troubles n sept. Hopeall ofyou are well now.We'reof travelingfor 6 wks thru theholidayshopingweatherwill cooperateaswego to NM, oK, TX.Wishing ou thebest. VictorlaFarris (King,sdaughter)

  • 8/14/2019 765th TRSB Newsletter 2007 December 2007


    IIEWarlcb|t- l-r Lr|$'rtfrfr,r, rffitCrrq.dn, tElgl 37eg1!5. mAY. Gln!. l6:t


    COVINcIOht - RobertIklan andseveralotherKoreanWarveterans eturnedto South brea in 2005and.from the skyscraperso thedoubledeckerhighways,found t to bea muchdiffer-entcountry hanwhat hevleft deades earlier,flre visitwashostedbv asuccessfuKoreanbusinessmanwhoduringthe warservedasan nterprerer ortheAnny's 765tlrTransporra-tion llailroadShopBattahon.and t included hededic-a-tion of agraniterrnnunrenterectcdo honor heurdt."lt hasall tle nanmsof u_sthatwent o Koreaand s serin font of the oficcs of the765thhouse,"said talan.who servedwith rheunit['om l95l-53andnorv ives nHendcrson,.lev. Tirat wiiistay hereforever."'Ihe effofisof the 7ti5flrwererelved, retoldandre-nrcmberedhat iay ust astheywere nsidea l6th-floormeelingroomThursdavarthe RadissonHotel.Veieransof the unit and }e'ir fanrifies,almost60people n all.willspend he nexl tw()davs *tellingold storiesand our-ing aspartoftheir 23rdan-nualretrnion. he reunionvisitsadifferentcity each-vear."l\h re ust like brothersandsisters." aid sillHill ofJaspet, enn. "Our wivesgeralongust like'sisters.ycu;dbe surprisedhowour wiveshit it off."Mason esidentSueHar:r-iltrrn,whose atehusband.

    BurgessAllen,servr:dwiththe 7ti5th.organizedhisyea''sreunirn. Shehasat-temied rll but oneof thegafheringssinceher hus-banddied n 1990.'"Theseguysareaddic-tive,"shesaidwirha aush.,j S-e1soaught p n tlreir-lles.llte 765th ebuiltdc.stroyed ailroadsystems,andbuilt arrdmaintainedail-carsandserviceddieselandsteamengines roma shcpin Busan."lrVe uppoftedheKor*ati.national:ailroad y pro-udmg h'ansportationuppott" saidRonTorii. aveteran'ofheunit onrHomewtrod,ll. "Theyweresohappy c haveus or,erthc're."'Ilrc 765thprcpared rrxrp[aius andhospital rains orthecxchangeofpdsouers."lVhentheystadedex-chmging prisoners.hevhadwhat heycalled Uttle -Switclr' rnd'BigSwirch."'

    saidRichardBlastick,aconrpiulyconmtan(k'r.\lt' prc.paredhehoop lidus utransport hoseprisoners.Whatwehad o do, ofcourse,wasprotect he rlut-sidewindowsso he itrur-hKrrreansouldn'thnrwrocksor bornbsnto hetrain."l}re reunionkickcclolIThursdaywitha tourof Cirr-cinnatianda riverboatcnriscontheOhioRiver. t crintilr-tres odayandconr:ludesar-trdayuith a visit o Vrislrt-Pattersouir lirrce Basi,emd innerat he}{olblau-haus n Newptirt."!Vernake ight oIa krtofthings,"slastit*said. flur Ithink the're u a ot of nct>plehere hatknowsonie.body hat'suotasrurivoroftlrc war.*r wcwerevqv fix.Lurate.Wegot honreand rvt:can augirabout t and cast;about t. But \rye y to rrtnre.rnberhereu'erea lot rf

    them hatdidn'tcrrrneIrrlne."


    Robert_l(alanf LasVegas from ight);Jimpalsgroveottroy,Uhio:an dBillHil lof Jasper. enn., alk Th;ursdayabout heirexperiencesuringhe KoreanWar.

  • 8/14/2019 765th TRSB Newsletter 2007 December 2007


    Member$ftheArmy's 6bth atherforreunion f brothersandsisters'

    f h e Enquirer/f"4eqiga:lookr:rlohnandJackie anderfrookf Hawthorne, 'J.J.,ook hroughan albumof deceasedbattalionmembersThursdayat the reunionof the z6sti'Trapspo,tation Raiiroadshop Battalion.which ebuijt lestrcyedailroad ystemsdiirinll re Korea;: ta r

    From the countywhere drunkdriving is considered sport,comes his true story. Recentlya routinepolice paftol parkedoutsidea bar n ClearfieldPA after ast call the officer noticeda man eaving hebarsoapparentlyntoxicated hathecouldbarelywalk.Themanstumbledaround heparking ot for a few minuteswith the officer quietly observing.After what seemed n eternity n which he tried his keys on five different vehicles, he managedo findhis carand all into it. He sat here or a few minutesas a numberof otherpatronseft thebaranddrove off.Finally he started he car, switched he wipers on and off-it was fine,dry srunmernight--, flicked theblinkerson and off a coupleof timeshonked hehorn and hen switchedon the lights. He moved hevehicleforward a few inches, everseda little and hen remainedstill for a few more minutesas somemore of the otherpatrons'vehicles eft. At last, when his was he only car eft in theparking ot, hepulledout and drove slowly down theroad.Thepoliceoffrcer,having waitedpatientlyall this time, now startedup his patrolcar,put on theflashing ights,promptly pulledthe man over and administered breathalyzerest. To his amazement,thebreathalyzerndicatedno evidence hat theman hadconsumed ny alcohol at all!Dumbfounded,he officersaid,'o 'll have o askyou to accompanyme o thepolicestation Thisbreathalyzer quipmentmust be broken.""I doubt t," said he ruly proudRedneck. Tonight 'm the designatedecoy."