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05/24/22 M. Chatterjee 1 Public Key Algorithms

7/2/2015M. Chatterjee1 Public Key Algorithms. 7/2/2015M. Chatterjee2 Modular Arithmetic Public key algorithms are based on modular arithmetic. Modular.

Dec 21, 2015



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Public Key Algorithms

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Modular Arithmetic

Public key algorithms are based on modular arithmetic.

Modular addition. Modular multiplication. Modular exponentiation.

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Modular Addition

Addition modulo (mod) K Poor cipher with (dk+dm) mod K, e.g.,

if K=10 and dk is the key.

Additive inverse: addition mod K yields 0.

“Decrypt” by adding inverse.

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Modular Multiplication Multiplication modulo K Multiplicative inverse: multiplication

mod K yields 1 Only some numbers have inverse Use Euclid’s algorithm to find inverse

Given x, n, it finds y such that xy mod n = 1

All number relatively prime to n will have mod n multiplicative inverse

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Totient Function x, m relative prime: no other

common factor than 1 Totient function ø(n): number of

integers less than n relatively prime to n if n is prime, ø(n)=n-1 if n=pq, and p, q are primes,


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Modular Exponentiation

xy mod n = xy mod ø(n) mod n

if y = 1 mod ø(n) then xy mod n = x mod n

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RSA (Rivest, Shamir, Adleman)

The most popular one. Support both public key encryption and

digital signature. Assumption/theoretical basis:

Factoring a big number is hard. Variable key length (usually 512 bits). Variable plaintext block size.

Plaintext must be “smaller” than the key. Ciphertext block size is the same as the key


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What Is RSA? To generate key pair:

Pick large primes (>= 256 bits each) p and q

Let n = p*q, keep your p and q to yourself!

For public key, choose e that is relatively prime to ø(n) =(p-1)(q-1), let pub = <e,n>

For private key, find d that is the multiplicative inverse of e mod ø(n), i.e., e*d = 1 mod ø(n), let priv = <d,n>

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How Does RSA Work?

Given pub = <e, n> and priv = <d, n> encryption: c = me mod n, m < n decryption: m = cd mod n signature: s = md mod n, m < n verification: m = se mod n

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Why Does RSA Work?

Given pub = <e, n> and priv = <d, n> n =p*q, ø(n) =(p-1)(q-1) e*d = 1 mod ø(n) xed = x mod n encryption: c = me mod n decryption: m = cd mod n = med mod

n = m mod n = m Why????????

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e*d = 1 mod ø(n) So e*d = 1 + kø(n)

…med mod n = m 1 + kø(n)

m (m kø(n) mod n) = m ????

What is Fermat’s theorem???

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Why Is RSA Secure? Factoring 512-bit number is very

hard! But if you can factor big number n

then given public key <e,n>, you can find d, hence the private key by: Knowing factors p, q, such that, n =

p*q Then ø(n) =(p-1)(q-1) Then d such that e*d = 1 mod ø(n)

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Attacks on RSA

• Brute force key search• Mathematical attacks• Timing attacks

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Math-Based Attacks

Three possible approaches: – Factor n = pq – Determine F(n) – Find the private key d directly • All the above are equivalent to factoring n

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Brute Force

An adversary just tries all possiblekeys and keeps his fingers crossed

thatthe right key is not the last key he

willtry !

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Timing Attacks By measuring the time required to

perform decryption (exponentiation with the

private key as exponent), an attacker can figure out the private key

Possible countermeasures: – use constant exponentiation time – add random delays – blind values used in calculations

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Other Attacks on RSA Small encryption exponent e E=3, Alice sends the message m to three people (public keys (e, n1), (e, n2), (e,n3)) An attacker can compute a solution to the

followingsystem x = c1 mod n1 x = c2 mod n2 x = c3 mod n3 Then, compute m from x = m3 Countermeasure: padding required

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Forward Search Attack If message space is small, the attacker cancreate a dictionary of encrypted messages(public key known, encrypt all possiblemessages and store them) When the attacker ‘sees’ a message on thenetwork, compares the encryptedmessages,

so he finds out what particular message was encrypted

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Small decryption exponent d

Choosing a small exponent helps efficiency BUT

If size of d is 1/4 size of n (in bits) and gcd(p-1,q-1) is small, there is a way to compute d only from e and n.

Countermeasure: d should be about the same size as n.

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Common modulus attack Each entity must choose its own modulus Assume Alice and Bob generated keys

using the same modulus n, ((e1, n ), d1)) and ((e2, n), d2))

C1 = Me1 mod n, C2 = Me2 mod n (e1)a + (e2) b = 1 if gcd(e1,e2)=1 M = C1a C2 b mod n

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Cycling attack Intercepted ciphertext: C C1 = Ce mod n C2 = C1

e mod n C3 = C2

e mod n

Ck = Ck-1e mod n

If Ck = C then stop P = Ck-1

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Attacker Goals Total break: the attacker finds the key (thesymmetric key for ciphers or the private key for publickey cryptosystems); after that all ciphertexts can bedecrypted. Partial break: with some probability , the adversaryis able to decrypt previously unseen ciphertexts,without knowing the key. Or the adversary can findout info about the plaintext, just by looking at theciphertext. Distinguishability: with probability > 0.5, theadversary can distinguish between encryption of twodifferent plaintexts, or between an encryption and arandom string.

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Diffie-Hellman Key Exchange

Shared key, public communication No authentication of partners What’s involved?

P is a prime (about 512 bits), and g < p

P and g are publicly known

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Diffie-Hellman Key Exchange

ProcedureAlice Bobpick secret Sa randomly pick secret Sb

randomlycompute TA=gSa mod p compute TB=gSb

mod psend TA to Bob send TB to Alice

compute TBSa mod p compute TA

Sb mod p

Alice and Bob reached the same secret gSaSb

mod p, which is then used as the shared key.

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DH Security - Discrete Logarithm Is Hard

T = gs mod p Conjecture: given T, g, p, it is

extremely hard to compute the value of s (discrete logarithm)

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Diffie-Hellman Scheme

Security factors Discrete logarithm very difficult. Shared key (the secret) itself never


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Disadvantages: Expensive exponential operation

DoS possible. The scheme itself cannot be used to

encrypt anything – it is for secret key establishment.

No authentication, so you can not sign anything …

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Bucket Brigade Attack...Man In The Middle

Alice Trudy BobgSa=123 gSx =654 gSb =255 123 --> 654 -->

<--654 <--255 654Sa=123Sx 255Sx=654Sb

Trudy plays Bob to Alice and Alice to Bob

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Diffie-Hellman in Phone Book Mode

DH was subject to active man-in-the-middle attack because their public key-component was intercepted and substituted

Phone book mode allows everyone to generate the public key-component in advance and publish them through other reliable means, e.g. <TB> for bob

All communicating parties agree on their common <g, p>

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Encryption With Diffie-Hellman

Everyone computes and publishes <p, g, T> T=gS mod p

Alice communicates with Bob: Alice

Picks a random secret Sa

Computes gbSa mod pb

Use Kab = TbSa mod pb to encrypt message

Send encrypted message along with gbSa

mod pb

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Bob (gb

Sa)Sb mod pb = (gbSb)Sa mod pb = Tb

Sa mod pb = Kab

Use Kab to decrypt