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7.18.21 ONLINE Master

Nov 19, 2021



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CHRISTIAN CHURCH (Disciples of Christ)


2647 CHILI AVENUE ROCHESTER, NEW YORK 14624 585.247.2494

JULY 18, 2021

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(Disciples of Christ and United Church of Christ)

July 18, 2021 10:30 AM

The Reverend Steven Price Pastor Mr. Ron Strong Choir Director Mr. Frankie Bones Church Musician Mr. Ryan Hubbell Technical Support

Outdoor Worship LGBTQ Worship

GATHERING Words of Welcome

As we begin our service, just some notes of preparation: 1. For Communion: get a cracker/bread/juice/beverage. 2. Prayer requests – Please text your prayer requests to Pastor Steven by the time we’re

listening to Special Music at 585.733.7121. State your name should your number not be in his contact list and your requests will be read during community prayer. Thank you. **In case of rain and we’re all on ZOOM, type into the chat function as normal/AAA Elizabeth Fulkerson – Our thanks to Beth for reading them.

3. You’re invited to join the ZOOM link to say “Hello” to our friends worshipping online! 4. After the Benediction we’ll have Announcements followed by a little fellowship time. 5. Now take this time to center yourself as we listen to this morning’s Prelude.

Land Acknowledgment: Our physical space stands on unceded land originally stewarded by the Seneca people. As Community Christian Church, we acknowledge and honor the Seneca nation, their elders both past and present, as well as future generations. As we learn and unlearn the history that has brought us here; the lies of Christian supremacy, the truth of settler colonialism, we seek to walk a path that leads to equality and justice for all.

Prelude Frankie Bones

Opening Prayer “A Collect of Colors” ~ by Jane Richardson Jensen

GRACIOUS GOD, you chose a rainbow as a sign of hope for the future of humanity, and as a sign of hope for all life on Earth. We praise you for the way rain works in the atmosphere during or after a storm to create something as beautiful and bright as a rainbow. Thank you for the way the reds, oranges, yellows, greens, blues, and violets, bend into an arc across the sky! So too we thank you for the colors of nature; the browns, blacks, whites, silvers, and golds. May we, like the colors all around us, reflect in some small measure the breadth and depth of your Love for and Grace to all others. Amen.

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Opening Hymn God of the Sparrow, God of the Whale Chalice Hymnal, No. 70 Song Leader: Ron Herman

God of the sparrow, God of the whale, God of the swirling stars… How does the creature say Awe? How does the creature say Praise?

God of the earthquake, God of the storm, God of the trumpet blast… How does the creature cry Woe? How does the creature cry Save?

God of the rainbow, God of the cross, God of the empty grave… How does the creature say Grace? How does the creature say Thanks?

God of the ages, God near at hand, God of the loving heart… How do your children say Joy? How do your children say Home?

Summer Kids Time Bendable Jesus is always with us… even when we’re helping around the house! Please check out the latest link to see who noticed Jesus helping around the house this week! This link will be available on our website for viewing later on.

Special Music Frankie Bones

ENGAGING Ancient Testimony Psalm 23 Lector: Jen Kann

1The LORD is my shepherd, I shall not want. 2He makes me lie down in green pastures; he leads me beside still waters; 3he restores my soul. He leads me in right paths for his name’s sake. 4Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I fear no evil; for you are with me; your rod and your staff— they comfort me. 5You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies; you anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows. 6Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life, and I shall dwell in the house of the LORD my whole life long.

Contemporary Testimony ~ by Micah Bucey Lector: Don Lyke We are a rainbow and we are a cloud, Born of color and tears, of triumph and tragedy, Feeding the arc of a moral universe that has trampled us, Even as we decorate the damn thing and teach it how to bend.


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We are serious and sassy, glittery and grim, Furious and filled with fear that fools itself into fabulosity. We are everything I describe and nothing I describe. We are everything I see and so much I do not see. We can pick out one another on the street, And we can be strangers in the same parade. We are more than fits inside our ever-expanding LGBTQA initials, And we are only as much as we allow ourselves to be.

We are a rainbow and we are a cloud, Bending and bursting, beautiful and terrifying. And I sing praises to the rainbow and I sing praises to the cloud. I sing praises to the colorful progress, And I sing praises to the storm that shouts, “Progress is a myth. Stop acting so small. You are the Universe in ecstatic motion.” I sing praises to the Universe that we are, To the rainbow that we’ve been, and to the cloud we will all become…

Sermon Pastor Steven

RESPONDING Offertory Sentence and Blessing ~ by Kimi Floyd Reisch

Giggling is one of the few human acts that is entirely spontaneous. Some people giggle when they are happy. Others only when they are uncomfortable. Finally, some only when they forget that they are too old, too proper, or too adult to let go and spon-taneously giggle. God’s love is like a giggle, it bubbles up from within, often surprises then flows through us, bringing rich blessings to our lives.

While our giving isn’t spontaneous, we recognize that our gifts, once shared, bubble up and flow through this community, bringing blessings to our own and others’ lives. God, we bless you for these and all gifts. Amen

While no plates are passed during the offering, your gifts are still needed and appreciated for the continuation of our ministries. You are welcome to use the app on our webpage, send a gift via U.S. mail, or through your bank. *An offering plate is available up front for those who would like to give after worship.

Offertory Frankie Bones

Feel free to grab a cracker or slice of bread and small cup of juice

before the reading of these words of preparation and institution of the Lord’s Supper.

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Blessing the Bread, the Cup

Elder 1: Jeannie StrongFriends, this is the joyful feast of unity. Christ has gathered his people around the earth to commune at tables real and virtual. Across political lines and economic lines, in places of power and affluence, among the poorest of the poor, we share this meal. We share this meal remembering and celebrating the One who proved shalom possible. So, come: Come with your doubts, come with your hopes, come with your inadequacies and with your strengths. Come, for this is a table where all are invited, and all are welcome.

Elder 1 On the night before Jesus died, He took a loaf of bread, Gave thanks, broke it, and said, “Take and eat, this is my body, given for you. Do this, in remembrance of me.”

The bread of Life, let us take and eat together.

Elder 2: Pam Bakst After supper, Jesus took the cup saying, “This is the cup of the new covenant, poured out for you and for all people for the forgiveness of sins. Do this in remembrance of me.” Let us take and drink this cup together. Elder 2 And now let us go forth with the understanding that we go bearing the bread, carrying the cup, and laying the table within a hungering world. Amen.

Prayers for Our Community and the World

Continued Prayers during this pandemic: For the way this pandemic has impacted all of creation: God we continue to pray for all of those we love, as well as strangers, who are on the front lines and potentially in harm’s way during this global pandemic. For health and human service providers, for educators and all school personnel, for emergency responders, for law enforcement personnel and for essential workers everywhere.

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Hear now our community prayers read by Beth Fulkerson. After request… God in your goodness, grace or mercy… People: Hear our Prayer.

Let us say together the prayer Jesus taught those he loved . . .

The Lord’s Prayer Our Father (or Creator) which art in heaven hallowed be thy name.

Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors.

And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil for thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen.

GOING FORTH Concluding Hymn The Rainbow Connection Williams and Ascher

Song Leader: Ron Herman

1. Why are there so many songs about rainbows And what’s on the other side? Rainbows are visions, but only illusions And rainbows have nothing to hide So we’ve been told, and some choose to believe it. I know they’re wrong; wait and see.

Chorus Someday we’ll find it, the Rainbow Connection; The lovers, the dreamers and me.

2. Who said that every wish would be heard and answered When wished on the morning star? Somebody thought of that, and someone believed it; Look what it’s done so far? What’s so a mazing that keeps us stargazing, And what do we think we might see? (Chorus)

3. All of us under its spell; we know that it’s probably magic. Have you been half asleep and have you heard voices? I’ve heard them calling my name Is this the sweet sound that calls the young sailors? The voice might be one and the same I’ve heard it too many times to ignore it. It’s something that I’m s’posed to be. Someday we’ll find it, the Rainbow Connection; The lovers, the dreamers, and me.

La da da dee da da do la la da da da de da do!

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God, whose creative Spirit burst into the colors of the rainbow and beyond even those in Crayola’s super color pack, we sing and we say, THANK YOU. Thank you for the precious gift of sight that enables us to appreciate how you have painted the universe…

Thank you too for the gift of our other senses that pick up the sounds and smells, the textures and tastes that bring us joy and wonder. As we prepare to go our separate ways, let us be mindful of these amazing gifts that you have shared with us and with all others. Amen

& & & Announcements – See page 8.

Fellowship Time (either in person or virtually on ZOOM)

Elders for the month of July – Jeannie Strong and Pam Bakst


READY TO SERVE: The Reverend Steven Price, Pastor Pastor Steven can be reached at 733-7121 or [email protected].

Sandy Hubbell, Office Administrator Sandy can be reached at [email protected] or if you need immediate assistance, call her at 617-4009 and leave a message.

COMMUNITY CHRISTIAN CHURCH 2647 Chili Avenue † Rochester, NY 14624 † (585) 247-2494

e-mail address: [email protected] web page:

The Reverend Steven Price, Pastor (585) 733-7121

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News You Can Use at Community Christian Church

Today’s ZOOM service was recorded. To access the recording, visit our website at It will be posted early this week.

1. HOPES and PRAYERS – Tuesdays at 10:00 AM. Join Pastor Steven via ZOOM for a time of sharing those things heavy on your heart as well as lifting up the ways God has already blessed your life or answered your prayers. A ZOOM invitation will be sent Monday evening.

2. Our WORSHIP SCHEDULE for the next few weeks … July 25 – Outdoors August 8 – Outdoors w/ Blessing of the Animals August 1 – Outdoors

In the event of rain we will cancel outdoor worship that Sunday morning and resume with ZOOM worship as usual. You will be notified by 8:30 AM. August 15 and August 22 – Indoors at church for the first time!

3. PRIDE PICNIC 2021 … TODAY at 4 PM! The Pride Picnic will be at Ron Herman’s house (1160 Park Avenue) today starting at 4 PM. Bring a dish to pass and a drink if you are feeling jubilant! Games like Ladder Golf, Corn Hole and Flip Cup will be enjoyed by all.

4. Red Cross Blood Drive at CCC – Friday, July 30th from 12:00-5:00 PM Summer is a critical time for blood donations with people away on vacations. This is also the time when the request grows (sadly) due to more car accidents, The 100 Deadliest Days of Summer (from May 1st through September) especially for younger drivers. Anyone who is able to donate can sign up on the Red Cross website for our drive. The Red Cross is also trying to work with local vendors to get some cool treats as a reward / gift for donating.

Don’t Forget: CCC is also hosting drives on August 20, September 17, October 29 and November 19. If you have any questions, please contact Judi Tellier at 585.732.3991 / [email protected]. Spread the word, bring a friend and know your gift of life is greatly appreciated.

5. Great News! ABUNDANT BLESSINGS RETURNS AUGUST 5th Foodlink has just announced that Abundant Blessings will start again on THURSDAY, AUGUST 5. We will distribute food and produce from 3:30 - 5:30 pm to anyone who has a need – no questions asked. Abundant Blessings is a weekly event so volunteers are needed on an ongoing basis. Since we need help for set up and take down, volunteers can assist any time between 2:15 and 6:15! Individuals and families are welcome! Please sign up with Pastor Steven at [email protected] or text at 585-733-7121 so we know who to expect. IF you cannot arrive until 5 pm or so that's perfectly fine because we will need help breaking down boxes and cleaning up.

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6. We’re Having a PARTY – Tuesday, August 24th

And YOU’RE Invited! We want to send Pastor Steven off on his sabbatical with a celebration which might just include a little dancing!

Dance to the Cel-e-brate! Cel-e-brate! Mu-sic!

AND, we’re going to joyously Welcome the Rev. Dr. Margo Markesteijn as our pastor while Pastor Steven is away.

7. Best Wishes to those Celebrating Birthdays & Anniversaries This Week . . . Birthdays Anniversaries July 18 Alex Shanley July 20 Ken & Sue Poulton July 23 Tony Giuseppetti Amy & Jeff Zimmer July 24 Bethany Thompson July 21 Jen & Amy Wanck-Kann

And WELCOME to another granddaughter of Ron & Jeannie Strong! Brynne Aurora Strong was born on July 12, 2021 to Adam & Natalie Strong.

Congratulations to the entire family!


Today, July 18th 11:30 AM Fellowship Time 4:00 PM PRIDE Picnic at Ron Herman’s home – 1160 Park Avenue

Tuesday, July 20th 10:00 AM Hopes and Prayers (ZOOM) 12:00 PM Deadline for bulletin announcements 12:00 PM Eastern Star (FH & Kitchen ‘til 2p) 4:00 PM CSA Produce Distribution – Atrium (til 6p) 7:00 PM 125th Anniversary Planning Mtg (ZOOM)

Sunday, July 25th 10:30 AM Worship – Outdoors (weather permitting; otherwise ZOOM) 11:30 AM Fellowship Time

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Angola Christian Family Camp 75 Years of

Renewal, Refreshment and Fellowship

September 3-6, 2021

A camp held each Labor Day Weekend for the past 75 years on the beautiful shores of Lake Erie near Angola, New York. Angola Christian Family Camp serves people by using the unique experience of Christian camping to foster spiritual renewal, Christian fellowship and physical refreshment.

Join us for a weekend full of fun, relaxation and recreation! Check out all it has to offer below:

WHEN: Labor Day Weekend (Friday evening, September 3 – Monday afternoon, September 6) WHERE: Cradle Beach Camp (on the shores of Lake Erie, Angola, NY) LODGING: Cabins each with their own built-in beds / bathroom / shower (hot & cold running water) WHO: Everyone! We’re all part of God’s Family! (Families / Couples / Singles) WHAT: Fun, Relaxation, Fellowship, Sunsets on the Beach, Great Food, Swimming in a Heated Pool, Singing, Activities (volleyball, kickball, ping pong), Playground for the kids, Talent Show, Sunday Morning Worship and much more! ADULT LEADER: Rev. Thaddaeus Allen, Northeast Regional Minister THEME: “Family Matters” (based on Luke 15:11-32) CLASSES: Adults led by Rev. Allen, kids by age groups, nursery. COST: Full-Time Campers: Adults - $105 for 4 days and nine meals** Children - $ 55 (4-11) Children 3 & under - free. First-Time Campers: Adults - $ 95 Children - $ 45 (4-11) **7 or more meals = Full Time

Part-Time Campers: Adults $ 12/meal Children $ 7/meal (4-11) TO REGISTER: Brochures and registration forms available online at: REGISTRATION DEADLINE: August 23rd – Must be postmarked by this date to avoid $10 late fee ALL registrations must be postmarked by August 27th or they will not be accepted. CAMP DIRECTOR: Our own Ron Herman!

Special Note: Commemorative Shirts on Sale NOW T-shirts, sweat shirts and hoodies are being sold to commemorate our 75 years of Family Camp. Information and an Order Form can be found on the website referenced above. Note: The absolute deadline for ordering is August 1st! If you have questions, contact Ron Herman.