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7 Ways that Looming Budget Cuts to Public Lands and Oceans Will Affect All Americans

Apr 04, 2018



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  • 7/30/2019 7 Ways that Looming Budget Cuts to Public Lands and Oceans Will Affect All Americans


    1 Center or American Progress | 7 Ways that Looming Budget Cuts to Public Lands and Oceans Will Aect All Americans

    7 Ways that Looming Budget Cuts to Public

    Lands and Oceans Will Affect All AmericansJessica Goad, Michael Conathan, and Christy Goldfuss December 2012

    On January 2, 2013 a se o large, across-he-board spending cus o nearly all ederal

    agencies is se o ake place in accordance wih he Budge Conrol Ac 2011.1 Tese

    massive slashesknown as he scal showdown or sequesraionare a direc

    resul o conservaives in Congress holding he American economy hosage in order o

    saeguard ax breaks or he wealhies Americans. While much has been writen andsaid abou wha his would do o he economy, healh care, naional securiy, and oher

    major domesic programs, one relaively unexplored issue is he eec i would have on

    some o Americas mos reasured asses: our oceans and public lands.

    Te scal showdown is he laes in a series o budge conics ha have come o a head

    over he las year. Because he Join Selec Commitee on Deci Reducionhe super

    commiteewas unable o come o an agreemen on how o address he deci, mas-

    sive, auomaic cus o ederal programs will ake place unless Congress agrees by years

    end on an alernaive se o budgeary measures o replace sequesraion. I hey ail o

    do so, ederal spending will be auomaically slashed by $1.2 rillion rom 2013 hrough2021,2 wih approximaely $109 billion in cus coming in scal year 2013.3

    Despie he ac ha Speaker o he House John Boehner (R-OH) oered a plan wih

    $800 billion in new revenue,4 he has no oulined any specic or realisic pah o ge

    here and wans o lower ax raesa plan ha heads in he wrong direcion. As a resul,

    he counry is now in a precarious siuaion. Only an elevenh-hour deal will preven

    cus ha ormer Secreary o Deense Rober Gaeswho served under boh Presiden

    George W. Bush and Presiden Barack Obamahas said would have a caasrophic

    eec on naional securiy.5 Sequesraions impacs could be equally calamious or he

    managemen o ederal programs ha saeguard American lives, uel our economy, and

    provide reasured sies or res and recreaion.

    Congressional Republicans are beginning o wake up o he realiy ha our nancial

    woes canno be solved simply by slashing spendingaddiional sources o revenue

    mus be par o he equaion. Several conservaives have recenly broken ranks rom

    GOP axaion ask-maser, lobbyis Grover Norquis, who is mos known or he pledge

    Sequestration will have a big

    negativeimpact on land and

    management agencies. Heres h

    aect all Americans:

    1. Less accurate weather ore

    2. Slower energy developme

    3. Fewer wildland frefghter

    4. Closures o national parks

    5. Fewer places to hunt

    6. Less fsh on your table

    7. Diminished maritime saet

    and security

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    2 Center or American Progress | 7 Ways that Looming Budget Cuts to Public Lands and Oceans Will Aect All Americans

    he convinced many in Congress o sign promising o rejec any ax increases.6 Sen. Bob

    Corker (R-N) recenly suggesed ha he is no obligaed o honor he pledge he

    made wih Norquis o oppose ax increases.7

    Tis is good news or he American people who enjoy governmen serviceseveryhing

    rom a srong miliary o he inersae highway sysem o public educaionbecause i

    means ha an hones conversaion abou addressing he deci ha includes boh new rev-enues and cus can move orward. Bu unless more conservaives join his rend, sequesra-

    ion will be ineviable, in which case we are going o have o sar making do wihou some

    o hese vial services we now consider undamenal o our daily lives.

    In his issue brie, we examine seven key areas where ederal land and ocean manage-

    men agencies, such as he Deparmen o he Inerior and he Naional Oceanic and

    Amospheric Adminisraion, make criical invesmens on which Americans have come

    o depend and wha cuting hese agencies migh mean, including:

    Less accurae weaher orecass Slower energy developmen Fewer wildland reghers Closures o naional parks Fewer places o hun Less sh on our ables Diminished mariime saey and securiy

    Overall, he Oce o Managemen and Budge prediced in a recen repor8 ha seques-

    raion will cu $2.603 billion in scal year 2013 alone rom he agencies ha manage

    he hundreds o millions o acres o lands and oceans ha belong o U.S. axpayers.9

    Tere is no doub Americans will eel he impacs o such massive cus. In paricular, we

    will see reducions in many services provided by land and ocean managemen agencies

    such as weaher saellies, reghers, American-made energy, and huning and shing

    opporuniies. Addiionallyand perhaps mos obviouslyhe cus will likely cause

    some level o closure, i no complee closure, a many o our parks, seashores, and

    oher cherished places. Losing unding or hese criical services and inrasrucure also

    reduces heir remendous value as job creaors and economic drivers.

    Americans depend on our public lands and ocean managemen agencies in hree

    crucial areas:

    Providing saey and securiy (weaher orecasing, park rangers, reghers, he Coas

    Guard, ec.)

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    Enhancing economic conribuions (he Deparmen o he Inerior leveraged $385

    billion in economic aciviy such as oil and gas, mining, imber, grazing , and recre-

    aion in 201110)

    Preserving Americas shared hisory, heriage, and recreaion opporuniies (naional

    parks, oress, seashores, and hisoric landmarks)

    Voers recognize he value o hese services and by nearly a 3-o-1 margin oppose

    reducing conservaion unds o balance he budge. A poll conduced by he Naure

    Conservancy deermined ha 74 percen o voers say ha, even wih ederal budge

    problems, unding or conservaion should no be cu.11 And in he 2012 elecion,

    voers across 21 saes approved ballo measures raising $767 million or new parks and

    conservaion iniiaives.12 As hese saisics clearly show, many ciizens are willing o

    pay a litle more in order o und conservaion and relaed programs.

    In order o coninue providing hese necessary services o he American people, con-

    gressional Republicans mus pu orward a realisic plan ha embraces boh revenueincreases and spending cus. Such an approach would mainain as much unding as

    possible or hese criical and valued governmen programs. Te cos o adminiser our

    lands and ocean agencies is a sound invesmen or Americans due o he economic and

    socieal benes hey provide.

    Atemping o balance he budge and avoid he scal showdown simply by cuting

    spending wihou a plan o increase revenue means we will be less prepared or he nex

    Hurricane Sandy. I means we will be unable o conrol massive wildres as quickly as

    we can oday. And i means we will have ewer places o hun, sh, and relax.

    Impact on public lands and oceans

    Te Whie House Oce o Managemen and Budge released a repor in Sepember

    deermining ha he sequesraion percenages or he non-deense uncion would be

    a reducion o 8.2 percen or discreionary appropriaions and 7.6 percen or direc

    spending.13 All o he cus described in his issue brie are nondeense discreionary,

    excep or one accoun in he Coas Guard ha has a deense uncion and would receive

    a 9.4 percen cu oaling $50 million in scal year 2013.

    I is imporan o noe ha he Oce o Managemen and Budge does no provide

    much speciciy abou how hese cus would be adminisered o individual programs

    wihin agencies. I liss hem only in erms o high-level budge line iems where appro-

    priaions are racked. For example, he analysis shows ha he Naional Park Service

    operaions budge will lose $183 million, bu i does no speciy which services or which

    parks will bear he brun o his reducionhose decisions are le o he agencies and

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    4 Center or American Progress | 7 Ways that Looming Budget Cuts to Public Lands and Oceans Will Aect All Americans

    deparmens hemselves. I is hereore dicul o guess wha sor o cus he agencies

    migh makeor example, which areas migh close, which programs migh end, how

    many jobs will be los, and oher deails. Neverheless, we can easily assume ha cus on

    such a massive scale will have a major impac on a number o rons, and ha Americans

    will eel hem wih regard o he services and values ha he agencies provide.

    Less accurate weather forecasts

    One o he mos imporan and eviden invesmens ha he ederal governmen makes

    is in weaher predicion. Bu sequesraion could hreaen he governmens abiliy

    o provide accurae weaher orecasing by cuting he budge or he agency where

    weaher predicion is housed. I his happens, Americans will ge less precise daily

    weaher repors and will suer hrough less accurae naural disaser predicions or hur-

    ricanes, blizzards, droughs, ornadoes, and oher weaher evens rom he mundane o

    he caasrophic.

    Te Naional Oceanic and Amospheric Agency is he cenral agency or criical weaher

    predicion resources. Is Naional Weaher Service is he naions primary source o he

    daa and analysis, orming he basis o everyhing rom he orecass you receive rom

    meeorologiss on he morning news o he Naional Hurricane Ceners sorm-racking

    capabiliies o he long-erm projecions o global climae change.14 Even he Weaher

    Channels orecass come rom his agencys daa.15

    Te Unied Saes is already alling behind oher naions when i comes o orecasing

    capabiliies. As accurae as he Naional Oceanic and Amospheric Agency s predicions

    o he rack o Hurricane Sandy proved o be, European models prediced is landalldays beore U.S. models did.16 As a resul, when meeorologiss sough o predic he

    arrival and inensiy o he large sorm ha slammed ino he New York/New Jersey area

    less han a week aer Sandy, hey requenly reerenced he European models predic-

    ions o lend more credibiliy o heir repors.17

    Even hough our domesic weaher predicion capabiliies rail he Europeans in many

    capaciies, sequesraions 8.2 percen cu would make hem even worse. One specic

    example involves he ongoing eor o replace our naions aging weaher monior-

    ing saellies. Te Governmen Accounabiliy Oce prediced ha even a curren

    spending levels, o buy replacemen saellies, here will likely be a gap in saellie

    daa lasing 17 o 53 monhshe ime i akes he old saellie o shu down and

    when is replacemen can come online.18 During his ime, he accuracy o advance

    warnings o impending weaher disasers such as hurricanes and blizzards could

    decline by as much as 50 percen.19

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    5 Center or American Progress | 7 Ways that Looming Budget Cuts to Public Lands and Oceans Will Aect All Americans

    Te Naional Oceanic and Amospheric Agencys Procuremen, Acquisiion, and

    Consrucion accoun would ace a $149 million reducion, according o he Oce o

    Managemen and Budges projecions. Tis would almos cerainly exend he amoun o

    ime he counry will have o ge by wih lower-qualiy sorm predicions and warnings,

    poenially causing more damage and aaliies due o inaccurae weaher predicion.

    Slower energy development

    Energy developmen is an imporan and legiimae use o our lands and oceans. Boh

    onshore lands and he Ouer Coninenal Shel (lands owned by he U.S. ha are

    underwaer oshore) provide subsanial naural resources used or energy. In ac, 32

    percen o he oil, 21 percen o he naural gas, and 43 percen o he coal produced in

    he Unied Saes comes rom ederal lands and waers.20 Sequesraion, however, could

    poenially hinder governmen agencies rom planning, sudying, and permiting his

    energy developmen by limiing heir resources and available sa.

    Public lands and oceans also oer signican opporuniies or renewable energy develop-

    men. Recenly, he Deparmen o he Inerior announced ha i had approved 10,000

    megawats o solar, wind, and geohermal energy on public lands, more han all previous

    adminisraions combined.21 Te agency is also making progress when i comes o oshore

    wind developmen. Te Cape Wind projec has received all is permis and is preparing o

    begin consrucion on he counrys rs oshore wind arm, in Massachusets Nanucke

    Sound.22 And aer compleing he rs phase o is Smar rom he Sar iniiaive, which

    idenies areas o he Alanic coas ha will be oered o developers,23 he agency issued

    is rs lease under he program in Ocober.24

    Bu all o his progress could be drasically slowed under sequesraion. Land and ocean

    managemen agencies ace cus o he programs ha allow hem o plan or, sudy, permi,

    and help build ossil uel and renewable energy projecs on an ecien imeline. Tis

    means projecs will ake longer o ge approved and se up, delaying he process o energy

    developmen and in some cases poenially sopping i compleely. Te salling o energy

    developmen rom our own public lands and oceans will also mean a greaer reliance on

    oreign energy sourcesan oucome weve been rying o ge away rom or years.

    Specically, he Deparmen o he Ineriors Bureau o Land Managemen aces an $85

    million cu o is Managemen o Lands and Resources accoun in scal year 2013 alone.

    Par o his accoun is devoed o energy and minerals managemen, including permi

    processing and environmenal analyses o energy projecs. Te Deparmens Fish and

    Wildlie Service also has unds ha allow i o sudy he impacs o energy developmen on

    species and habias, bu he accoun ha is in par devoed o his purposeResource

    Managemenwill be slashed by $105 million in 2013 under sequesraion. Tese ypes

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    6 Center or American Progress | 7 Ways that Looming Budget Cuts to Public Lands and Oceans Will Aect All Americans

    o cus could delay he environmenal review process, making i more dicul or renew-

    able energy projecs on public lands o acually ge o he ground.

    In erms o oshore energy developmen, he Bureau o Ocean Energy Managemen

    will be cu by $13 million in scal year 2013 i he sequeser moves orward. Tis agency

    manages exploraion, science, leasing, permiting, and developmen o oshore energy

    resources, boh ossil and renewable.25 Such a large cu o his agencys budge couldslow down he recen progress made on oshore wind energy developmen on he

    Ouer Coninenal Shel.

    Addiionally, oshore drilling saey could be compromised by he scal showdown.

    Te Oce o Managemen and Budge noes ha he agency ha oversees oshore oil

    and gas rigs o ensure saey and environmenal sandardshe Bureau o Saey and

    Environmenal Enorcemenis slaed o be slashed by $16 million alogeher in scal

    year 2013. As his agency noed in is budge jusicaion:

    Te bureau conducts thousands o inspections o OCS [Outer Continental Shel]acilities and operationscovering tens o thousands o saety and pollution preven-

    tion componentsto prevent oshore accidents and spills and to ensure a sae working

    environment. Te bureau strives to conduct annual inspections o all oil and gas opera-

    tions on the OCS, while ocusing an increasing proportion o resources on the highest

    risk operations in order to examine saety equipment designed to prevent blowouts,

    fres, spills, and other major accidents.26

    A $16 million cu o hese operaions could be dangerous or worker saey and well-

    being, as well as ha o he ecosysems, communiies, and businesses ha rely on a

    healhy ocean.

    Furher reducions o he budge o he U.S. Coas Guard, which serves as he rs

    responder in he even o an oil spill, could also aec is abiliy o respond o emergen-

    cies and are deailed laer in his repor.

    Fewer wildland firefighters

    Our land managemen agencies also make criical invesmens in ghing ores and

    wildland res. Tis year saw devasaing res on boh privae and public lands bu was

    paricularly bad or naional oressa re in he Gila Naional Fores, or example, was

    New Mexicos larges-ever re.27 And he Naional Ineragency Fire Cener has deermined

    he amoun o acreage burned by wildres has been increasing in recen decades.28 Land

    managemen agencies provide rs-responder resources and capaciy in erms o regh-

    ers, equipmen, and criical unding or ghing hese blazes. Tey help keep American

    amilies sae in imes o need, paricularly hose whose homes are close o wild places.

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    8 Center or American Progress | 7 Ways that Looming Budget Cuts to Public Lands and Oceans Will Aect All Americans

    TABLE 1

    Potential cuts to the National Park Service in fiscal year 2013

    AccountCut in FY 2013

    ($ millions)

    Percentage cut (discretionary

    or direct spending?)

    Operation o the National Park System 183 8.2

    Construction and Major Maintenance 13 8.2

    National Recreation and Preservation 5 8.2

    Land Acquisition and State Assistance 8 8.2

    Historic Preservation Fund 5 7.6

    Other Permanent Appropriations 1 7.6

    Recreation Fee Permanent Appropriations 3 7.6

    Total $218

    Source: Ofce o Management and Budget

    Te Operaion o he Naional Park Sysem accoun also conains much o he und-

    ing or agency sain scal year 2012 nearly all o he unds o pay he Naional Park

    Services employees were housed in his accoun.32

    An 8.2 percenor $183 millioncu o he Operaion o he Naional Park Sysem

    accoun could cripple some o he mos imporan uncions o he Naional Park

    Service, which was already acing a decreasing budge and a serious mainenance back-

    log. While i is dicul o know or sure wha exacly would be cu due o lack o inor-

    maion rom he agency, he Naional Parks Conservaion Associaion speculaes ha

    hese cus would very likely lead o he urloughingor indenie closureo naional

    parks. A cu o his magniude would also likely lead o he loss o many park rangers,

    paricularly during he busy visiing season.33

    Te organizaion also warned ha cus o his magniude could lead o park closures andcalculaed ha an approximaely 8 percen cu would be equivalen o closing up o 200

    naional park unis wih he smalles operaing budges, closing 150 parks wih low visi-

    aion raes, or closing a handul o large and amous parks such as he Naional Mall and

    Memorials, Yellowsone, Yosemie, and Gaeway Naional Recreaion Area.34 In addiion

    o he ac ha visiors may no be able o see hese places, heir closures could also lead

    o declines in revenue and even jobshe Naional Park Service simulaed $31 billion

    in economic conribuions and 258,000 jobs in 2011.35

    Fewer places to hunt

    Americas lands and oceans also provide imporan opporuniies or recreaion, including

    huning and shing. Many o he areas ha are open o hese aciviies also provide nonwild-

    lie-relaed recreaion opporuniies such as hiking, camping, boaing, and o-road vehicle

    use. No only are hese areas imporan places o play, hey also are imporan economic

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    9 Center or American Progress | 7 Ways that Looming Budget Cuts to Public Lands and Oceans Will Aect All Americans

    drivers: A recen repor rom he U.S. Fish and Wildlie Service ound ha more han 37 mil-

    lion Americans huned or shed in 2011, conribuing billions o dollars o he economy. 36

    A number o agencies ha oversee recreaional huning and shing ace budgeary cus. Te

    Bureau o Land Managemen, or example, manages 256 million acres o public lands, much

    o which is open o sporsmen. Te agencys larges budge line iem is Managemen o

    Lands and Resources, which includes nearly all o is unds o manage wildlie and sheries,wilderness, and oher recreaion resources.37 And ye he Oce o Managemen and Budge

    predics his accoun will see an $85 million cu in scal year 2013.

    Te U.S. Fish and Wildlie Service also has an v ial role in providing huning and sh-

    ing opporuniies because i unds wildlie programs and manages he naional wildlie

    reuges ha serve as sh and game habias. Te Resource Managemen accoun in is

    budge houses operaions such as visior services, law enorcemen, reuge mainenance,

    habia conservaion, and naional sh-hachery operaions.38 Tis accoun would see a

    $105 million cu in scal year 2013, according o he Oce o Managemen and Budge.

    Te Norh American Welands Conservaion Fund, which provides ederal grans oresore welands or sh and wildlie, would be cu by $3 million, while he Federal Aid

    in Wildlie Resoraion program (Pitman-Robinson), which provides ederal unds o

    saes or wildlie managemen and resoraion, would be cu by $31 million.

    Te Fores Service also aces cus ha would impair is abiliy o provide American

    sporsmen wih recreaion opporuniies. Is Naional Fores Sysem accoun, which

    would be cu by $129 million, unds prioriies such as ores resoraion, which provides

    new places o hun and sh; planning in order o manage recreaion opporuniies;

    and an enire accoun devoed o Recreaion, Heriage, and Wilderness. In addi-

    ion, is Fores and Rangeland Research line iem, which has a small subaccoun orRecreaion Research and Developmen, would be cu by $24 million, and he Sae

    and Privae Foresry accoun, which provides unds or open space conservaion and

    new proeced areas, would be cu by $21 million.

    While i is unclear exacly which programs will be cu a each o hese agencieswe

    have merely prediced poenial implicaions o budge cushere is litle doub ha

    cus would impac he huning and shing experience ha Americans currenly enjoy.

    And cus o his magniude could poenially lead o a decline in he qualiy o wildlie

    habia, ewer places ha are proeced or heir huning and shing values, less law

    enorcemen, poorly mainained hiking rails, deerioraion o visior aciliies, ewer

    educaion programs, unprocessed huning and access permis, and he basic disinegra-

    ion o visior experiences overallall o which means less revenue.

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    Less fish on your table

    Americas salwaer sheries, boh commercial and recreaional, are managed by he

    Naional Oceanic and Amospheric Agencys Naional Marine Fisheries Service. Despie

    an onerous and cosly legal mandae o end overshing in U.S. waers and se sric science-

    based annual cach limis in all sheries beginning in 2011, his services budge has already

    declined by more han 10 percen rom an all-ime high o $1 billion in 2010 o $895million or scal year 2012. Te Naional Oceanic and Amospheric Agency s Operaions,

    Research, and Faciliies accounwhich includes unding or day-o-day operaions o

    he Naional Marine Fisheries Servicewill be cu by 8.2 percen i sequesraion occurs.

    I he Oce o Managemen and Budge applies ha reducion equally across all he agen-

    cys deparmens, ha would mean a urher reducion o $73 million rom he Naional

    Marine Fisheries Service, on op o he 10 percen cu his year.

    Tese cus could have major impacs on geting sh o our kichen ables. No mater how

    he sequesraion cus end up being disribued, hey will mean he agencys sheries sci-

    eniss will have ewer resources wih which o carry ou research ha inorms he sherysock assessmens on which cach limis are based.39 I scieniss know less, hey will have

    o be more conservaive wih cach limis o ensure overshing does no occur. Tis means

    shermen will be orced o cach less, leading direcly o ewer recreaional opporuniies,

    less sh in he markeplace, and a loss o revenue o coasal businesses and communiies.

    Te cus will also have impacs on jobs because shing in U.S. oceans is a massive eco-

    nomic driver in coasal regions. Salwaer anglers spen $19.5 billion in 2009, according

    o Naional Oceanic and Amospheric Agency esimaes, and he recreaional shing

    indusry was direcly responsible or more han 300,000 jobs (hese gures do no

    include coss such as hoel rooms, meals, ravel, and oher services). Tis same reporound ha commercial sheries accouned or more han 1 million jobs and more han

    $116 billion in sales impacs.40

    Members o he House o Represenaives Appropriaions Commitee saed in a repor

    on he 2012 budge or he ederal governmens Commerce, Jusice, and Science

    accoun ha, Healhy levels o invesmen in [sheries] scienic research are he key

    o long-erm economic growh.41 And ye he legislaion accompanying ha repor

    sill slashed more han $200 million rom he presidens recommended budge.42

    Sequesraion will cu even more.

    Diminished ocean safety

    On Ocober 28, amid Hurricane Sandys 30-oo waves and wind guss o up o 70 miles

    per hour, he all shipBounty began o ounder abou 90 miles o he Norh Carolina

    coas. As he 16 crew members were orced o abandon ship, he U.S. Coas Guard wen o

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    work, launching wo helicopers ino he eeh o he sorm. ragically, he ocean claimed

    he lives o he ships capain and one o is crewmembers, bu jus a ew hours aer receiv-

    ing he disress call, he 14 oher crewmembers were saely on shore.43 All in a days work.

    Despie he Coas Guards high-prole, acion-movie-worhy heroics such as heBounty

    rescue or he remarkable eors o pluck housands o sranded New Orleans residens

    rom rooops during and aer Hurricane Karina, he h branch o our armed serviceslargely oils in anonymiy. Bu since he Coas Guard was shied ino he newly cre-

    aed Deparmen o Homeland Securiy in he deparmenal reshufing ollowing he

    9/11 atacks,44 is suie o missions has increased dramaically. In addiion o carrying

    ou search-and-rescue aciviies, parolling our mariime boundaries o preven narco-

    ics and il legal immigrans smuggling, enorcing sheries regulaions, and coordinaing

    response o oshore polluion evens such as he BP oil spill, one o he services core

    missions is now proecing our mariime border rom hreas including ha o a error-

    is atack. Sequesraion will only reduce he Coas Guards capaciy o accomplish all o

    hese asks eecively.

    Meanwhile, he ships he Coas Guard uses o carry ou is vial missions are lierally

    rusing beneah heir ee. High Endurance Cuterssuch as he 368-oo Gallatin,

    which led he search or heBountys missing capain in he days aer he rescueare

    on average 43 years old and heir age is showing.45 According o he Governmen

    Accounabiliy Oce, he eigh Cuters in he Coas Guard ee ogeher los 528

    operaional days in 2011 alone due o unscheduled mainenance issues.46 Te repor

    wen on o sae ha 10 o he 12 vessels deployed o Haii in he aermah o he 2010

    earhquake experienced severe ailures o pars or sysems, which diminished heir

    availabiliy o deliver emergency aid and perorm medical evacuaions.47

    As Shell and oher oil companies look o expand oil drilling operaions in he Arcic

    Ocean, he Coas Guard currenly has jus one uncional icebreaking ship, wih no

    plans o build any more.48 Tis is imporan because he Coas Guard is responsible or

    overseeing drilling saey operaions, and needs inrasrucure like icebreakers in case

    o a spill or oher disaser. By conras, Russia, which already operaes seven nuclear-

    powered icebreakers, recenly announced plans o build 30 more ships by 2030and

    hree more by 2015.49

    Te sequesraion process will have signican negaive ramicaions or boh

    he Coas Guards eor o build new ships o replace heir aging ee and or he

    services day-o-day operaions. Te deal would slash nearly hal a billion dollars

    rom he Coas Guard budge, which Republicans and Democras alike agree is

    already oo hin.50 Te reducions will include $247 million rom he Operaing

    Expenses accoun, and $115 million rom he Acquisiion, Consrucion, and

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    12 Center or American Progress | 7 Ways that Looming Budget Cuts to Public Lands and Oceans Will Aect All Americans

    Improvemenshe ormer accoun pays or Coas Guard personnel and missions,

    and he later or he consrucion o new ships and aircra. Tese cus will resul in

    decreased homeland securiy and mariime saey or al l Americans.


    I is clear ha he looming budge sequeser will have major impacs on our lands and

    oceans and he varied purposes hey serve or all Americans. Te criical services pro-

    vided by he land and ocean managemen agencies require unding, bu heir benes

    are widespread. We need a balanced approach o our counrys budge crisis, and i is

    imperaive ha new revenues be a par o he soluion.

    We urge members o Congress o look a new sources o revenue. Cus o nondeense

    discreionary spending should no come wihou he closure o ax loopholes or

    he wealhies Americans and geting rid o subsidies o some o our mos proable

    companies, such as ExxonMobil and Royal Duch Shell. No longer can congressionalRepublicans ry o ake axes o he ablea workable soluion can only include a air

    and avorable combinaion o boh ax revenue and spending cus.

    Jessica Goad is the Manager o Research and Outreach or the Center or American Progresss

    Public Lands Project. Michael Conathan is the Director o Ocean Policy at the Center. Christy

    Golduss is the Public Lands Project Director at the Center.

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    13 Center or American Progress | 7 Ways that Looming Budget Cuts to Public Lands and Oceans Will Aect All Americans


    1 Scott Lilly, How Sequestration Would Work (Washing-ton: Center or American Progress, 2012), available at

    2 Suzy Khimm, The sequester, explained,The Washing-ton Post, September 14, 2012, available at http://www.

    3 Ibid.

    4 Suzy Khimm, Boehner: GOP willing to raise $800 billion intax revenue, Washington Post, December 2, 2012, availableat

    5 Tim Mak, Robert Gates warns against catastrophic cuts,Politico, September 8, 2011, available at

    6 What is the Taxpayer Protection Pledge? available at (last ac-cessed November 2012)

    7 Philip Elliott, Grover Norquist, Republicans In Congress Pub-

    licly Butt Heads Over Anti-Tax Pledge, Associated Press, No-vember 27, 2012, available at

    8 Executive Oce o the President o the United States, OMBReport Pursuant to the Sequestration Transparency Act o2012, (2012), available at Unless otherwise noted, all uture reerences specicagency cuts due to sequestration are rom this report.

    9 This number includes: the Department o CommercesNational Ocean and Atmospheric Administration; theDepartment o Homeland Securitys Coast Guard; theDepartment o Agricultures Forest Service; and the Depart-ment o the Interiors Oce o Inspector General, Bureau oLand Management, Bureau o Ocean Energy Management,Oce o Surace Mining Reclamation and Enorcement,Bureau o Reclamation, Central Utah Project, United StatesGeological Survey, United States Fish and Wildlie Service,

    Bureau o Saety and Environmental Enorcement, NationalPark Service, Bureau o Indian Afairs and Bureau o IndianEducation, Departmental Oces, Oce o the Solicitor,Oce o the Special Trustee or American Indians, NationalIndian Gaming Commission, Department-Wide Programs,and Insular Afairs.

    10 Department o the Interior, The Department O The InteriorsEconomic Contributions, (2012), available at

    11 Lori Weigel and Dave Metz, American Voters View Conser-vation as Patriotic, and Strengthening on the Economy;Broad Support or Current Conservation Legislation, PublicOpinion Strategies and FM3, July 2, 2012, available at

    12 Trust or Public Land, Voters Give Landslide Approval

    For Conservation Spending Nationwide, Press release,November 7, 2012, available at

    13 Executive Oce o the President o the United States, OMBReport Pursuant to the Sequestration Transparency Act o2012, (2012), available at

    14 About NOAAs National Weather Service, available at accessed November 2012)

    15 Strengthening a key partnership, available at (last accessed November 2012)

    16 Dan Vergano, U.S. orecasts late arrival stirs weather tem-pest, USA Today, October 30, 2012, available at


    17 Wes Junker, Model backs of Nor easter snow potential orWashington, D.C. , The Washington Post, November 5, 2012,available at

    18 Government Accountability Oce, Changing Require-ments, Technical Issues, and Looming Data Gaps RequireFocused Attention, GAO-12-604, Report to the Committeeon Science, Space, and Technology, House o Representa-tives, June 2012, available at

    19 Andrew Freedman, NOAA warns weather orecasts willsufer rom budget cuts, The Washington Post, March 31,2011, available at


    20 Energy Inormation Administration, Sales o Fossil FuelsProduced rom Federal and Indian Lands, FY 2003 throughFY 2011, (Department o Energy, 2012), page 6 table 1-14,available at

    21 Jessica Goad, Interior Dept: 10,000 Megawatts O Renew-able Energy Have Been Authorized On Public Lands,ThinkProgress, October 12, 2012, available at

    22 Sara Brown, Cape Wind Edges Closer, Geological TestingBegins, The Vineyard Gazette, October 4, 2012, available at

    23 Department o the Interior, Salazar Launches Smart romthe Start Initiative to Speed Ofshore Wind Energy Develop-ment of the Atlantic Coast, Press release, November 23,2010, available at

    24 Scott DiSavino, US grants ofshore wind power lease orDelaware project, Reuters, October 24, 2012, available at

    25 Department o the Interior, Bureau o Ocean Energy Manage-ment, (2012), available at

    26 Department o the Interior, Bureau o Saety and Environ-mental Enorcement, (2012), available at


    27 Gila orest re becomes largest in NM history, AssociatedPress, May 31, 2012, available at

    28 Tom Kenworthy, Western Wildres Getting Worse in aWarming World (Washington: Center or American Prog-ress, 2012), available at (
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    29 Forest Service, Fiscal Year 2013 Presidents Budget: BudgetJustifcation, (Department o Agriculture, 2012), available at

    30 NPS Overview, available at (last ac-cessed November 2012)

    31 National Park Service, Budget Justifcations and PerormanceInormation, Fiscal Year 2013, (Department o the Interior),available at

    32 Department o the Interior, National Park Service, (Depart-ment o the Interior 2012), page BH-74, available at

    33 National Parks Conservation Association, Release o Long-Awaited Budget Report Conrms Impending Cuts CouldClose National Parks & Impact Local Economies Nationwide,Press release, September 14, 2012, available at

    34 National Parks Conservation Association, Prevent a Se-quester to National Parks in 2013 (2012), available at

    35 Department o the Interior, The Department O The InteriorsEconomic Contributions, (2012), available at


    36 U.S. Fish and Wildlie Service, 2011 National Survey o Fishing,Hunting, and Wildlie-Associated Recreation, (Department othe Interior, 2012), page 4, available at

    37 Department o the Interior, Bureau o Land Management,(2012), available at

    38 Department o the Interior, Fish and Wildlie Service, (2012),available at

    39 George Lapointe, Linda Mercer, and Michael Conathan,Counting Fish 101 (Washington: Center or American Prog-ress, 2012), available at

    40 Fisheries Economics o the U.S., available at (last accessed November 2012)

    41 Commerce, Justice, Science, and Related Agencies Appropria-tions Bill, 2012, House Report, 112th Congress 1st Session,available at

    42 Michael Conathan, Fish on Fridays: The (Nonsensical) Poli-tics o Fisheries Funding (Washington: Center or AmericanProgress, 2011), available at


    43 Peter Grier, The story behind the HMS Bounty, sunk bySandy of N.C. coast, Christian Science Monitor, Octo-ber 29, 2012, available at

    44 Missions: Ready today...Preparing or Tomorrow, avail-able at (last accessedNovember 2012)

    45 Danielle Ivory, Coast Guard Hailed or Sandy RescueThreatened by Sequester Cuts, Bloomberg Businessweek,November 5, 2012, available at

    46 Government Accountability Oce, COAST GUARD: LegacyVessels Declining Conditions Reinorce Need or More

    Realistic Op erational Targets, Report to CongressionalRequesters, July 2012, available at

    47 Ibid.

    48 Kiley Kroh, Michael Conathan, and Emma Huvos , Puttinga Freeze on Arctic Ocean Drilling (Washington: Centeror American Progress, 2012), available at

    49, Russia to Receive About 30 Icebreakersby 2030, October 19, 2012, available at

    50 Danielle Ivory, Coast Guard Hailed or Sandy RescueThreatened by Sequester Cuts, Bloomberg Businessweek,November 5, 2012, available at
