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Mass Media and Communications 7 2020-21

7 Mass Media and Communications · Under British rule newspapers and magazines, films and radio comprised the range of mass media. Radio was wholly owned by the state. National views

Aug 10, 2020



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Page 1: 7 Mass Media and Communications · Under British rule newspapers and magazines, films and radio comprised the range of mass media. Radio was wholly owned by the state. National views

Mass Media and




Page 2: 7 Mass Media and Communications · Under British rule newspapers and magazines, films and radio comprised the range of mass media. Radio was wholly owned by the state. National views

Social Change and Development in India


T he mass media include a wide variety of forms, including television,

newspapers, films, magazines, radio, advertisements, video games and CDs. They

are referred to as ‘mass’ media because they reach mass audiences – audiences

comprised very large numbers of people. They are also sometimes referred to as

mass communications. For many in your generation it is probably difficult to

imagine a world without some form of mass media and communications.


Ø Imagine a world where there is no

television, no cinema, no newspapers, no

magazines, no internet, no telephones,

no mobile phones.

Ø Write down your daily activities in a day.

Identify the occasions when you used the

media in some way or the other.

Ø Find out from an older generation what

life was like without any of these forms

of communication. Compare it with your


Ø Discuss the ways work and leisure has

changed with developments in

communication technologies.

Mass media is part of our

everyday life. In many middle class

households across the country

people wake up only to put on the

radio, switch on the television, look

for the morning newspaper. The

younger children of the same

households may first glance at their mobile

phones to check their missed calls. Plumbers, electricians,

carpenters, painters and sundry other service providers in many urban centres

have a mobile telephone where they can be easily contacted. Many shops in

cities increasingly have a small television set. Customers who come in may

exchange bits of conversation about the cricket match being telecasted or the

film being shown. Indians abroad keep regular touch with friends and families

back home over the internet and telephone. Migrants from working class

population in the cities are regularly in touch with their families in the villages

over the phone. Have you seen the range of advertisements of mobile phones?


. K

. La




Page 3: 7 Mass Media and Communications · Under British rule newspapers and magazines, films and radio comprised the range of mass media. Radio was wholly owned by the state. National views

Mass Media and Communications


Have you noticed the diverse social groups that they are catering to? Are you

surprised that the CBSE Board results are available to you on both the internet

and over the mobile phone. Indeed this very book is available on the internet.

It is obvious that

there has been a

phenomenal expansion

of mass communication

of all kinds in recent

years. As students of

sociology, there are

many aspects to this

growth which is of great

interest to us. First,

while we recognise

the specificity of

the current comm-

unication revolution, it

is important to go back

a little and sketch out

the growth of modern

mass media in the

world and in India.

This helps us realise

that like any other

social institution the

structure and content

of mass media is shaped by changes in

the economic, political and socio-cultural contexts. For instance, we see how

central the state and its vision of development influenced the media in the first

decades after independence. And how in the post 1990 period of globalisation

the market has a key role to play. Second, this help us better appreciate how

the relationship between mass media and communication with society is

dialectical. Both influence each other. The nature and role of mass media is

influenced by the society in which it is located. At the same time the far reaching

influence of mass media on society cannot be over-emphasised. We shall see

this dialectical relationship when we discuss in this chapter (a) the role of media

in colonial India, (b) in the first decades after independence and (c) and finally

in the context of globalisation. Third, mass communication is different from

other means of communication as it requires a formal structural organisation

to meet large-scale capital, production and management demands. You will

find, therefore, that the state and/or the market have a major role in the structure

and functioning of mass media. Mass media functions through very large

organisations with major investments and large body of employees. Fourth,

there are sharp differences between how easily different sections of people can

use mass media. You will recall the concept of digital divide from the last chapter.


Page 4: 7 Mass Media and Communications · Under British rule newspapers and magazines, films and radio comprised the range of mass media. Radio was wholly owned by the state. National views

Social Change and Development in India



The first modern mass media institution began with the development of the

printing press. Although the history of print in certain societies dates back to

many centuries, the first attempts at printing books using modern technologies

began in Europe. This technique was first developed by Johann Gutenberg in

1440. Initial attempts at printing were restricted to religious books.

With the Industrial Revolution, the

print industry also grew. The first products

of the press were restricted to an audience

of literate elites. It was only in the mid 19th

century, with further development in

technologies, transportation and literacy

that newspapers began to reach out to a

mass audience. People living in different

corners of the country found themselves

reading or hearing the same news. It has

been suggested that this was in many ways

responsible for people across a country to

feel connected and develop

a sense of belonging or ‘we

feeling’. The well known

scholar Benedict Anderson

has thus argued that this

helped the growth of

nationalism, the feeling that

people who did not even

know of each other’s existence feel like members of a family. It gave people who

would never meet each other a sense of togetherness. Anderson thus suggested

that we could think of the nation as an ‘imagined community’.

You will recall how 19th century social reformers often wrote and debated in

newspapers and journals. The growth of Indian nationalism was closely linked

to its struggle against colonialism. It emerged in the wake of the institutional

changes brought about by British rule in India. Anti colonial public opinion

was nurtured and channelised by the nationalist press, which was vocal in its

opposition to the oppressive measures of the colonial state. This led the colonial

government to clamp down on the nationalist press and impose censorship, for

instance during the Ilbert Bill agitation in 1883. Association with the national

Visuals of a Printing Press and a TV Newsroom in

21st Century, India


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Mass Media and Communications


movement led some of the nationalist newspapers like Kesari (Marathi),

Mathrubhumi (Malayalam), Amrita Bazar Patrika (English) to suffer the

displeasure of the colonial state. But that did not prevent them from advocating

the nationalist cause and demand an end to colonial rule.

Under British rule newspapers

and magazines, films and radio

comprised the range of mass

media. Radio was wholly owned by

the state. National views could

not be, therefore, expressed.

Newspapers and films though

autonomous from the state were

strictly monitored by the Raj.

Newspapers and magazines either

in English or vernacular were not

very widely circulated as the

literate public was limited. Yet their

influence far out stripped their

circulation as news and

information was read and spread

by word of mouth from commercial

and administrative hubs like

markets and trading centers as

well as courts and towns. The print

media carried a range of opinion,

which expressed their ideas of a

‘free India’. These variations were

carried over to independent India.

Ø Though a few newspapers had been started by people before Raja

Rammohun Roy, his Sambad-Kaumudi in Bengali published in 1821, and

Mirat-Ul-Akbar in Persian published in 1822, were the first publications in

India with a distinct nationalist and democratic approach.

Ø Fardoonji Murzban was the pioneer of the Gujarati Press in Bombay. It was as early as

1822 that he started the Bombay Samachar as a daily.

Ø Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar started the Shome Prakash in Bengali in 1858.

Ø The Times of India was founded in Bombay in 1861.

Ø The Pioneer in Allahabad in 1865.

Ø The Madras Mail in 1868.

Ø The Statesman in Calcutta in 1875.

Ø The Civil and Military Gazette in Lahore in 1876.

(Desai 1948)

BOX 7.1



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Social Change and Development in India




In independent India, Jawaharlal Nehru, the first prime minister, called upon

the media to function as the watchdog of democracy. The media was expected to

spread the spirit of self-reliance and national development among the people.

You will recall the general thrust of development in the early

years of independence in India from your earlier chapters.

The media was seen as a means to inform the people of the

various developmental efforts. The media was also

encouraged to fight against oppressive social practices like

untouchability, child marriages, and ostracism of widows,

as well as beliefs of witchcraft and faith healing. A rational,

scientific ethos was to be promoted for the building of a

modern industrial society. The Films Division of the

government produced newsreels and documentaries. These

were shown before the screening of films in every movie

theatre, documenting the development process as directed

by the state.


Radio broadcasting which commenced in India through amateur ‘ham’

broadcasting clubs in Kolkata and Chennai in the 1920s matured into a public

broadcasting system in the 1940s during the World War II when it became a

major instrument of propaganda for Allied forces in South-east Asia. At the

time of independence there were only 6 radio stations located in the major

cities catering primarily to an urban audience. By 1950 there were 546,200

radio licences all over India.


Ask anyone you know from a

generation that grew up in the first

two decades after independence

about the documentaries that were

routinely shown before the

screening of films. Write down their




Page 7: 7 Mass Media and Communications · Under British rule newspapers and magazines, films and radio comprised the range of mass media. Radio was wholly owned by the state. National views

Mass Media and Communications


Since the media was seen

as an active partner in the

development of the newly free

nation the AIR’s programmes

consisted mainly of news,

current affairs, discussions on

development. The box below

captures the spirit of those


Apart from All India Radio

(AIR) broadcasts news there

was Vividh Bharati, a channel

for entertainment that was

primarily broadcasting Hindi

film songs on listeners

request. In 1957 AIR acquired

the hugely popular channel

Vividh Bharati, which soon began to carry sponsored programmes and

advertisements and grew to become a money-spinning channel for AIR.

AIR’s broadcasts did make a difference

In the 1960s, when the high yielding varieties of food crops,

as a part of the Green Revolution, were introduced for the

first time in the country. It was All India Radio which undertook a

major countryside campaign on these crops on a sustained day-

to-day basis for over 10 years from 1967.

For this purpose, special programmes on the high yielding

varieties were formed in many stations of AIR all over the country.

These programme units, manned by subject specialists,

undertook field visits and recorded and broadcast first hand

accounts of the farmers, who started growing the new varietiesof paddy and wheat.

Source: B. R. Kumar “AIR’s broadcasts did make a difference”.

The Hindu December 31st 2006.

BOX 7.2

When India gained independence in 1947, All India Radio had an

infrastructure of six radio stations, located in metropolitan cities. The country

had 280,000 radio receiver sets for a population of 350 million people. After

independence the government gave priority to the expansion of the radio

broadcasting infrastructure, especially in state capitals and in border areas.

Over the years, AIR has developed a formidable infrastructure for radio

broadcasting in India. It operates a three-tiered – national, regional, and local –

service to cater to India’s geographic, linguistic and cultural diversity.

The major constraint for the popularisation of radio initially was the cost of

the radio set. The transistor revolution in the 1960s made the radio more

accessible by making it mobile as battery operated sets and reducing the unit

BOX 7.3Indian film songs and commercials were considered low-culture and not

promoted. So Indian listeners tuned their shortwave radio sets to Radio Ceylon

(broadcasting from neighbouring Sri Lanka) and to Radio Goa (broadcasting

from Goa then under Portuguese rule) in order to enjoy Indian film music, commercials, and

other entertainment fare. The popularity of these broadcasts in India spurred radio listening

and the sale of radio sets. When purchasing a radio set, the buyer would invariably confirm

with the vendor that the set could be tuned to radio Ceylon or Radio Goa. (Bhatt : 1994)


Ask your elders about Vividh Bharati programmes. Which is the generation that remembers it.

Which part of the country was it more popular? Discuss their experiences. Compare them with

your own experiences with listener’s request


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Social Change and Development in India


price substantially. In 2000, around 110 million households (two-thirds of all

Indian households) were listening to radio broadcasts in 24 languages and 146

dialects. More than a third of them were rural households.


Television programming was introduced experimentally in India to promote rural

development as early as 1959. Later, the Satellite Instructional Television

Experiment (SITE) broadcasted directly to community viewers in the rural areas

of six states between August 1975 and July 1976. These instructional broadcasts

were broadcast to 2,400 TV sets directly for four hours daily. Meanwhile, television

stations were set up under Doordarshan in four cities (Delhi, Mumbai, Srinagar

and Amritsar) by 1975. Three more stations in Kolkata, Chennai and Jalandhar

were added within a year. Every broadcasting centre had its own mix of

programmes, comprising news, children’s and women’s programmes, farmers’

programmes, as well as, entertainment programmes.

As programmes become commercialised and were allowed to carry

advertisements of their sponsors, a shift in the target audience was evident.

Entertainment programmes grew and were directed to the urban consuming

class. The advent of colour broadcasting during the 1982 Asian Games in Delhi

and the rapid expansion of the national network led to rapid commercialisation

of television broadcasting. During 1984-85

the number of television transmitters

increased all over India, covering a large

proportion of the population. It was also the

time when indigenous soap operas, like Hum

Log (1984–85) and Buniyaad (1986–87)

were aired. They were hugely popular and

attracted substantial advertising revenue for

Doordarshan as did the broadcasting of the

epics—Ramayana (1987–88) and

Mahabharata (1988–90). Today, the

situation of the television industry is like this — the Annual Report released by

TRAI for the year 2015–16 clearly stated that India has the world’s second

largest TV market after China. As per industry estimates, as on March 2016, of

Wars, tragedies and expansion of AIR

Interestingly, wars and tragedies have spurred AIR to expand its activities. The

1962 war with China prompted the launching of a ‘talks’ unit to put out a daily programme. In

August 1971, with the Bangladesh crises looming, the News Service Division introduced

news on the hour, from 6 O’ clock in the morning to midnight. It took another crises, the tragic

assassination of Rajeev Gandhi in 1991, for AIR to take one more step of having bulletins

round the clock.

BOX 7.4


Identify a cross section of people

from an older generation. Find out

from them what television

programmes consisted of in the

1970s and 1980s? Did many of

them have access to television?


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Mass Media and Communications


Hum Log: A Turning PointHum Log was India’s first long-running soap opera… This pioneering

programme utilised the entertainment-education strategy by intentionally

placing educational content in this entertainment message.

Some 156 episodes of Hum Log were broadcast in Hindi for 17 months in 1984-85. The

television programme promoted social themes, such as gender equality, small family size,

and national integration. At the end of each 22-minute episode, a famous Indian actor,

Ashok Kumar, summarised the educational lessons from the episode in an epilogue of 30

to 40 seconds. Kumar connected the drama to viewers’ everyday lives. For instance, he

might comment on a negative character who is drunk and beats his wife by asking; “why do

you think that people, like Basesar Ram drink too much, and then behave badly? Do you

know anyone like this? What can be done to reduce incidents of alcoholism? What can

you do?

(Singhal and Rogers, 1989). A study of Hum Log’s audience showed that a high degree of

parasocial interaction occurred between the audience members and their favourite Hum

Log characters. For example, many Hum Log viewers reported that they routinely adjusted

their daily schedules to ‘meet’ their favourite character ‘in the privacy of their living rooms’.

Many other individuals reported talking to their favourite characters through the television

sets; for instance, “Don’t worry, Badki. Do not give up your dream of making a career”.

Hum Log achieved audience ratings of 65 to 90 per cent in North India and between 20

and 45 per cent in South India. About 50 million individuals watched the average broadcast

of Hum Log. One unusual aspect of this soap opera was the huge number of letters, over

400,000, that it attracted from viewers; so many that most of them could not be opened by

Doordarshan officials. (Singhal and Rogers 2001)

BOX 7.5

BOX 7.6The advertising carried by Hum Log promoted a new consumer product in

India, Maggi 2-Minute noodles. The public rapidly accepted this new consumer

product, suggesting the power of television commercials. Advertisers began

to line up to purchase airtime for television advertising, and the commercialisation of

Doordarshan began.

the existing 2,841 million households, around 1,811 million have television sets,

which are being provided services of cable TV, DTH and IPTV, in additon to a

terrestrial TV network of Doordarshan.


The beginnings of the print media and its role in both the spread of the social

reform movement and the nationalist movement have been noted. After

Independence, the print media continued to share the general approach of being

a partner in the task of nation building by taking up developmental issues, as

well as, giving voice to the widest section of people. The brief extract in the following

box will give you a sense of the commitment.


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Social Change and Development in India


The gravest challenge that the media faced was with the declaration of

Emergency in 1975 and censorship of the media. Fortunately, the period ended

and democracy was restored in 1977. India with its many problems can be

justifiably proud of a free media.

At the start of the chapter we had mentioned how mass media is different

from other means of communication as it requires a formal structural

organisation to meet large scale capital, production and management demands.

And also like any other social institution the mass media also varies in structure

and content according to different economic, political and socio-cultural context.

You will now notice how at different points in time both the content and style of

media changes. At some points the state has a greater role to play. At other

times the market does. In India this shift is very visible in recent times. This

change has also led to debates about what role the media ought to play in a

modern democracy. We look at these new developments in the next section.


We have already read about the far reaching impact of globalisation as well as its

close link with the communication revolution in the last chapter. The media have

always had international dimensions – such as the gathering of new stories and

the distribution of primarily western films overseas. However, until the 1970s

most media companies operated within specific domestic markets in accordance

with regulations from national governments. The media industry was also

differentiated into distinct sectors – for the most part, cinema, print media, radio

and television broadcasting all operated independently of one another.

Journalism in India used to be regarded as a ‘calling’.

Fired by the spirit of patriotic and social reforming

idealism, it was able to draw in outstanding talent as

the freedom struggle and movements for social change intensified

and as new educational and career opportunities arose in a

modernising society. As is often the case with such pursuits, the

calling was conspicuously underpaid. The transformation of the

calling into a profession took place over a long period, mirroring the

change in character of a newspaper like the Hindu from a purely

societal and public service mission into a business enterprise framed

by a societal and public service mission.

Source: Editorial ‘Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow’, The Hindu, 13

September 2003, quoted in B.P. Sanjay 2006)

BOX 7.7


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Mass Media and Communications


In the past three decades, however, profound transformations have taken

place within the media industry. National markets have given way to a fluid

global market, while new technologies have led to the fusion of forms of media

that were once distinct.

BOX 7.8Globalisation and the case of music

It has been argued that the musical form is one that lends itself to globalisation

more efficiently than any other. This is because music is able to reach people

who may not know the written and spoken language. The growth of technology- from personal

stereo systems to music television (such as the MTV) to the compact disc (CD) – have provided

newer, more sophisticated ways for music to be distributed globally.

The fusion of forms of media

Although the music industry is becoming ever more concentrated in the hands of a few

international conglomerates, some feel that it is under a great threat. This is because the

Internet allows music to be downloaded digitally, rather than purchased in the form of CDs or

cassettes from local music stores. The global music industry is currently comprised of a complex

network of factories, distribution chains, music shops and sales staff. If the internet removes

the need for all these elements by allowing music to be marketed and downloaded directly,

what will be left of the music industry?


Read the texts in the box carefully. Discuss.

1. Find out the names of a few music conglomerates or corporations.

2. Have you thought of the ring tones that people now download for their mobile phones? Is

this the fusion of forms of media?

3. Have you watched any of the musical contests on television where the audience is

expected to SMS their choice? Is this again an instance of the fusion of forms of media?

What forms are involved?

4. Do you enjoy songs whose words you may not understand? What do you feel about the

new forms of music where there is a mix not just of musical forms but also of language?

5. Have you heard any fusion music of Rap and Bhangra. Where did the two forms originate?

6. There are probably many other issues that you can think of? Discuss and write a short

essay on your discussions.

We began with the case of the music industry and the far reaching

consequences that globalisation has had on it. The changes that have taken

place in mass media is so immense that this chapter will probably be only able

to give you a fragmentary understanding. As a young generation you can build

up on the information provided. Let us have a look at the changes that

globalisation has brought about on the print media (primarily newspapers and

magazines), the electronic media (primarily television), and on the radio.


Page 12: 7 Mass Media and Communications · Under British rule newspapers and magazines, films and radio comprised the range of mass media. Radio was wholly owned by the state. National views

Social Change and Development in India



We have seen how important newspapers and magazines were for the spread of

the freedom movement. It is often believed that with the growth of the television

and the Internet the print media would be sidelined. However, in India, we have

seen the circulation of newspapers grow. As Box 7.9 suggests, new technologies

have helped boost the production and circulation of newspapers. A large number

of glossy magazines have also made their entry to the market.

The Indian Language Newspaper RevolutionThe most significant happening in the last few decades has been the Indianlanguage newspaper revolution. Hindi, Telugu and Kannada recorded thehighest growth. Print publications in the country had an increase in the average daily circulation

of 23.7 million copies from 2006 to 2016. From 39.1 million in 2006, the average number ofcopies circulated a day grew to 62.8 million, a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 4.87per cent from 2006 to 2016. Among the four main geographic zones, the north showed thehighest growth at 7.83 per cent. Growth in the south, west and east was 4.95 per cent, 2.81 percent and 2.63 per cent, respectively. The top two Hindi dailies in India are Dainik Jagran andDainik Bhaskar with average qualifying sales of 3.92 million and 3.81 million, respectively

(July-December 2016).Source: Audit Bureau of Circulation, 2016-17.

The Eenadu story also exemplifies the success of the Indian language press. Ramoji Rao the

founder of Eenadu, had successfully organised a chit-fund before launching the paper in1974. By associating with appropriate causes in rural areas, like the anti-arrack movement inthe mid-1980s, the Telugu newspaper was able to reach the countryside. This prompted it tolaunch 'district dailies' in 1989. These were tabloid inserts or features carrying sensationalnews from particular districts, as well as, classified advertisements from villages and smalltowns of the area. By 1998, Eenadu was being published from 10 towns in Andhra Pradesh

and its circulation accounted for 70 per cent of the audited Telugu daily circulation.

BOX 7.9


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Mass Media and Communications



Page 14: 7 Mass Media and Communications · Under British rule newspapers and magazines, films and radio comprised the range of mass media. Radio was wholly owned by the state. National views

Social Change and Development in India


As is evident, the reasons for this amazing growth in Indian language

newspapers are many. First, there is a rise in the number of literate people who

are migrating to cities. The Hindi daily Hindustan in 2003 printed 64,000 copies

of their Delhi edition, which jumped to 425,000 by 2005. The reason was that,

of Delhi’s population of one crore and forty-seven lakhs, 52 per cent had come

from the Hindi belt of the two states of Uttar Pradesh and Bihar. Out of this, 47

per cent have come from a rural background and 60 per cent of them are less

than 40 years of age.

Second, the needs of the readers in the small towns and villages are different

from that of the cities and the Indian language newspapers cater to those needs.

Dominant Indian language newspapers such as Malayala Manorama and the

Eenadu launched the concept of local news in a significant manner by

introducing district and whenever necessary, block editions. Dina Thanthi,

another leading Tamil newspaper, has always used simplified and colloquial

language. The Indian language newspapers have adopted advanced printing

technologies and also attempted supplements, pullouts, and literary and niche

booklets. Marketing strategies have also marked the Dainik Bhaskar group’s

growth as they carry out consumer contact programmes, door-to-door surveys,

and research. This also brings back the point that modern mass media has to

have a formal structural organisation.

While English newspapers, often called ‘national dailies’, circulate across

regions, vernacular newspapers have vastly increased their circulation in the

states and the rural hinterland. In order to compete with the electronic media,

newspapers, especially English language newspapers have on the one hand

reduced prices and on the other hand brought out editions from multiple centres.

Shift in circulation of Newspapers in India

According to recently published data of National Readership Study (NRS 2006) the largest growth

in readership has been in Hindi belt. Indian language dailies as a whole have grown substantially in

the last year from 191 million readers to 203.6 million readers. The readership of English dailies on the other hand,

has stagnated at around 21 million. Hindi dailies Dainik Jagran (with 21.2 million) and Dainik Bhaskar (with 21.0

million) are heading the list, while The Times of India is the only English daily with a readership of over five million

( 7.4 million ). Of the 18 dailies which are in ‘five million club’, six are in Hindi, three in Tamil, two each in Gujarati,

Malayalam and Marathi and one each in Bengali, Telugu and English (The Hindu, Delhi, August 30,2006).

BOX 7.10


Ø Find out how many places do the newspaper you are most familiar with brought out from?

Ø Have you noticed how there are supplements that cater to city specific or town specific interests

and events?

Ø Have you noticed the many commercial supplements that accompany many newspapers these days?



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Mass Media and Communications


Many feared that the rise in electronic media would lead to a decline in the

circulation of print media. This has not happened. Indeed it has expanded.

This process has, however, often involved cuts in prices and increasing

dependence on the sponsors of advertisements who in turn have a larger say in

the content of newspapers. The following box captures the logic of this practice.

Changes in Newspaper Production: The Role of Technology

From the late 1980s and early

1990s, newspapers have become

fully automatic – from reporter’s

desk to final page proof. The use of

paper has been completely

eliminated with this automated

chain. This has become possible

because of two technological

changes – networking of personal

computers (PCs) through LANs

(local area networks) and use of

newsmaking software like

Newsmaker and other customised


Changing technology has also

changed the role and function of

a reporter. The basic tools of a

news reporter — a shorthand

notebook, pen, typewriter and a

plain old telephone has been

replaced by new tools — a mini

tape recorder, a laptop or a PC, mobile or satellite phone, and other accessories, like

modem. All these technological changes in news gathering have increased the

speed of news and helped newspaper managements push their deadlines to dawn.

They are also able to plan a greater number of editions and provide the latest news

to readers. A number of language newspapers are using the new technologies to

bring out separate editions for each of the districts. While print centres are limited,

the number of editions has grown manifold.

Newspaper chains like Meerut-based Amar Ujala, are using new technology for news

gathering, as well as, for improving pictorial coverage. The newspaper has a network

of nearly a hundred reporters and staffers and an equal number of photographers,

feeding news to all its 13 editions spread across Uttar Pradesh and Uttarakhand.

All hundred correspondents are equipped with PCs and modems for news transmission,

and the photographers carry digital cameras with them. Digital images are sent to the

central news desk via modems.

BOX 7.11


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Social Change and Development in India


A media manager explains the reasons for this:

The trouble with the print media is the high gestation period for returns and

the high cost of production. The newspaper’s or magazine’s cover price alone

doesn’t cover these costs. …If the cost of producing the paper is Rs. 5 and if you are selling it

at Rs. 2 then you are selling it at a higher subsidy. Naturally, you have to depend on advertising

cost to cover your cost.

The advertiser, thus becomes the primary customer of the print media…So, I, the print media,

am not trying to get readers for my product, but I get customers, who happen to be my readers,

for my advertisers….Advertisers like to reach readers who are successful, who celebrate life,

who consume, who are early adopters, who believe in experimentation, who are hedonists.

The then Director of the Press Institute of India elaborates on the implications of

newspapers that cater to potential customers of advertisers.

For several weeks I have been going through mainline English-language newspapers looking

specifically for field reports and feature articles on happenings in the rural parts of our country,

small towns and growing slum colonies. Some 70 per cent of our people live in these areas

which, to my mind, comprise the ‘real India’…the national press, presumed to provide the

information that moulds the opinions of senior policy makers, politicians, academics and

journalists themselves. They are expected to serve as watchdog over the system of governance,

a role traditionally described as that of the ‘Fourth Estate’.

(Chaudhuri 2005:199-226)

BOX 7.12


Read the text carefully.

1. Do you think readers have changed or newspapers have changed? Discuss.

2. Discuss the term infotainment. Can you think of examples. What do you think the effect

of infotainment will be?

BOX 7.13The effort of the newspapers has been to widen their audience and reach out to

different groups. It has been argued that newspaper reading habits have

changed. While the older people read the newspaper in its entirety, younger

readers often have specific interests like sports, entertainment or society gossip and directly

move to the pages earmarked for these items. Segmented interest of readers imply that a

newspaper must have a plurality of ‘stories’ to appeal to a wide range of readers with varied

interests. This has often led to newspapers advocating infotainment, a combination of information

and entertainment to sustain the interest of readers. Production of newspaper is no longer

related to a commitment to certain values that embody a tradition. Newspapers have become

a consumer product and as long as numbers are big, everything is up for sale.


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In 1991 there was one state

controlled TV channel Doordarshan

in India. By 1998 there were almost

70 channels. Privately run satellite

channels have multiplied rapidly

since the mid-1990s. While

Doordarshan broadcasts over 20

channels there were some 40 private

television networks broadcasting in

2000. The staggering growth of

private satellite television has been

one of the defining developments of

contemporary India. In 2002, 134

million individuals watched satellite

TV on an average every week. This

number went up to 190 million in

2005. The number of homes with access to satellite TV has jumped from 40

million in 2002 to 61 million in 2005. Satellite subscription has now penetrated

56 percent of all TV homes.

The Gulf War of 1991 (which popularised CNN), and the launching of

Star-TV in the same year by the Whampoa Hutchinson Group of Hong Kong,

signalled the arrival of private satellite Channels in India. In 1992, Zee TV, a

Hindi-based satellite entertainment channel, also began beaming programs to

cable television viewers in India. By 2000, 40 private cable and satellite channels

were available including several that focused exclusively on regional-language

broadcasting like Sun-TV, Eenadu-TV, Udaya-TV, Raj-TV, and Asianet.

Meanwhile, Zee TV has also launched several regional networks, broadcasting

in Marathi, Bengali and other languages.

While Doordarshan was expanding rapidly in the 1980s, the cable television

industry was mushrooming in major Indian cities. The VCR greatly multiplied

entertainment options for Indian audiences, providing alternatives to

Doordarshan’s single channel programming. Video viewing at home and in

community-based parlours increased rapidly. The video fare consisted mostly

of film-based entertainment, both domestic and imported. By 1984,

entrepreneurs in cities such as Mumbai and Ahmedabad had begun wiring

apartment buildings to transmit several films a day. The number of cable

operators exploded from 100 in 1984, to 1200 in 1988, to 15,000 in 1992, and

to about 60,000 in 1999.

The coming in of transnational television companies like Star TV, MTV, Channel

[V], Sony and others, worried some people on the likely impact on Indian youth

and on the Indian cultural identity. But most of the transnational television

channels have through research realised that the use of the familiar is more effective

A television showroom


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in procuring the diverse groups that constitute Indian audience. The early strategy

of Sony International was to broadcast 10 Hindi films a week, gradually decreasing

the number as the station produced its own Hindi language content. The majority

of the foreign networks have now introduced either a segment of Hindi language

programming (MTV India), or an entire new Hindi language channel (STAR Plus).

STAR Sports and ESPN have dual commentary or an audio sound track in Hindi.

The larger players have launched specific regional channels in languages such as

Bengali, Punjabi, Marathi and Gujarati.

Perhaps the most dramatic adoption of localisation was carried out by STAR

TV. In October 1996, STAR Plus, initially an all English general entertainment

channel originating from Hong Kong, began producing a Hindi language belt of

programming between 7 and 9 PM. By February 1999, the channel was converted

to a solely Hindi Channel and all English serials shifted to STAR World, the

network’s English language international channel. Advertising to promote the

change included the Hinglish slogan: ‘Aapki Boli. Aapka Plus Point’ (Your

language/speech. Your Plus Point) (Butcher, 2003). Both STAR and Sony

continued to dub US programming for younger audience as children appeared

to be able to adjust to the peculiarities that arise when the language is one and

the setting another. Have you watched a dubbed programme? What do you feel

about it?


You may have watched on television the whole rescue operation. If not you can choose from any other event.

Organise a debate in class around the following points:

1. What is the likely impact of this competition among television channels to outdo one another in

running exclusive live coverage of events for gaining higher viewership.

2. Can we look at this issue as a kind of voyeurism (peep into some other people’s private/intimate

moments) indulged in by television cameras?

3. Is it an example of the positive role played by television media in highlighting the plight of rural poor?

BOX 7.14The Rescue of Prince

Prince, a 5-year old boy had fallen into a 55-ft borewell shaft in Aldeharhi village in Kurukshetra,

Haryana, and was rescued by the army after a 50-hour ordeal, in which a parallel shaft was dug

through a well. Along with food, a closed circuit television camera (CCTV) had been lowered into the shaft in

which the little boy was trapped. Two news channels… suspended all other programmes and reporting of all

other events and for two days continuous footage of the child bravely fighting off insects, sleeping or crying out

to his mother was splashed on the TV screens. They even interviewed many people outside temples, asking

them “what do you feel about Prince?” They asked people to send SMSes for Prince. (Prince ke liye aapka

sandesh hamein bheje xxx pe). Thousands of people had descended at the site and several free community

kitchens were run for two days. It soon created a national hysteria and concern, and people were shown praying

in temples, mosques, churches and gurudwaras. There are other such instances when the TV is shown to

intrude into the personal lives of people.



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Most television channels are on throughout the day, 24X7. The format for

news is lively and informal. News has been made far more immediate,

democratic and intimate. Television has fostered public debate and is

expanding its reach every passing year. This brings us to the question whether

serious political and economic issues are neglected.

There is a growing number of news channels in Hindi and English,

a large number of regional channels and an equally large number of reality

shows, talk shows, Bollywood shows, family soaps, interactive shows, game

shows and comedy shows. Entertainment television has produced a new cadre

of superstars who have become familiar household names, and their private

life, rivalry on sets feed the gossip columns of popular magazines and

newspapers. Reality shows like Kaun Banega Crorepati or Indian Idol or

Bigg Boss have become increasingly popular. Most of these are modelled along

the lines of western programmes. Which of these programmes can be identified

as interactive shows, as family soaps, talk shows, reality shows. Discuss.

Soap opera

Soap operas are stories that are serialised. They are continuous. Individual stories may come to an

end, and different characters appear and disappear, but the soap itself has no ending until it is taken

off the air completely. Soap operas presume a history, which the regular viewer knows – he or she

becomes familiar with the characters, with their personalities and their life experiences.


In 2000, AIR’s programmes

could be heard in two-third of

all Indian households in 24

languages and 146 dialects, over

some 120 million radio sets. The

advent of privately owned FM

radio stations in 2002 provided

a boost to entertainment

programmes over radio. In order

to attract audiences these

privately run radio stations

sought to provide entertainment

to its listeners. As privately run

FM channels are not permitted

to broadcast any political news

bulletins, many of these channel

specialise in ‘particular kinds’ of

popular music to retain their

audiences. One such FM

BOX 7.15



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channel claims that it broadcasts ‘All hits all day’! Most of the FM channels which

are popular among young urban professionals and students, often belong to

media conglomerates. Like ‘Radio Mirchi’ belongs to the Times of India group,

Red FM is owned by Living Media and Radio City by the Star Network. But

independent radio stations engaged in public broadcastings like National Public

Radio (USA) or BBC (UK) are missing from our broadcasting landscape.

In the two films: ‘Rang de Basanti’ and ‘Lage Raho Munnai Bhai’ the radio is

used as an active medium of communication although both the movies are set

in the contemporary period. In ‘Rang de Basanti’, the conscientious, angry college

youth, inspired by the legend of Bhagat Singh assassinates a minister and then

captures All India Radio to reach out to the people and disseminate their

message. While in ‘Lage Raho Munna Bhai’, the heroine is a radio jockey who

wakes up the country with her hearty and full-throated “Good Morning Mumbai!”

the hero too takes recourse to the radio station to save a girl’s life.

The potential for using FM channels is enormous. Further privatisation of

radio stations and the emergence of community owned radio stations would lead

to the growth of radio stations. The demand for local news is growing. The number

of homes listening to FM in India has also reinforced the world wide trend of

networks getting replaced by local radio. The box below reveals not only the

ingenuity of a village youth but also the need for catering to local cultures.

It may well be the only village FM radio station on the Asian sub-continent.

The transmission equipment, costing little…, may be the cheapest in the world. But

the local people definitely love it. On a balmy morning in India’s northern state of Bihar, young Raghav

Mahato gets ready to fire up his home-grown FM radio station. Thousands of villagers, living in a 20

km (12 miles) radius of Raghav’s small repair shop and radio station …tune their … radio sets to catch

their favourite station. After the crackle of static, a young, confident voice floats up the radio waves.

“Good morning! Welcome to Raghav FM Mansoorpur 1! Now listen to your favourite songs,” announces

anchor and friend Sambhu into a cellotape-plastered microphone surrounded by racks of local music

tapes. For the next 12 hours, Raghav Mahato’s outback FM radio station plays films songs and

broadcasts public interest messages on HIV and polio, and even snappy local news, including alerts

on missing children and the opening of local shops. Raghav and his friend run the indigenous radio

station out of Raghav’s thatched-roof Priya Electronics Shop.

The place is a cramped …rented shack stacked with music tapes and rusty electrical appliances

which doubles up as Raghav’s radio station and repair shop.

He may not be literate, but Raghav’s ingenuous FM station has made him more popular than local

politicians. Raghav’s love affair with the radio began in 1997 when he started out as a mechanic in

a local repair shop. When the shop owner left the area, Raghav, son of a cancer-ridden farm worker,

took over the shack with his friend. Sometime in 2003, Raghav, who by now had learned much

about radio ...In impoverished Bihar state, where many areas lack power supplies, the cheap battery-

powered transistor remains the most popular source of entertainment. “It took a long time to come

up with the idea and make the kit which could transmit my programmes at a fixed radio frequency.

BOX 7.16


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That mass media is an essential part of our personal and public life today

cannot be emphasised enough. This chapter in no way can capture your life

experience with the media. What it does do is attempt to understand it as an

important part of contemporary society. It also seeks to focus on its many

dimensions – its link with the state and the market, its social organisation and

management, its relationship with readers and audience. In other words it

looks at both the constraints within which media operates and the many ways

that it affects our lives.

The kit cost me 50 rupees, “says Raghav. The transmission kit is fitted on to an antenna attached to a

bamboo pole on a neighbouring three-storey hospital. A long wire connects the contraption to a creaky,

old homemade stereo cassette player in Raghav’s radio shack. Three other rusty, locally made battery-

powered tape recorders are connected to it with colourful wires and a cordless microphone.

The shack has some 200 tapes of local Bhojpuri, Bollywood and devotional songs, which Raghav

plays for his listeners. Raghav’s station is truly a labour of love - he does not earn anything from it. His

electronic repair shop work brings him some two thousand rupees a month. The young man, who

continues to live in a shack with his family, doesn’t know that running a FM station requires a government

license. “I don’t know about this. I just began this out of curiosity and expanded its area of transmission

every year,” he says.

So when some people told him sometime ago that his station was illegal, he actually shut it down. But

local villagers thronged his shack and persuaded him to resume services again. It hardly matters for

the locals that Raghav FM Mansoorpur 1 does not have a government license – they just love it.

“Women listen to my station more than men,” he says. “Though Bollywood and local Bhojpuri songs

are staple diet, I air devotional songs at dawn and dusk for women and old people.” Since there’s no

phone-in facility, people send their requests for songs through couriers carrying handwritten messages

and phone calls to a neighbouring public telephone office. Raghav’s fame as the ‘promoter’ of a radio

station has spread far and wide in Bihar. People have written to him, wanting work at his station, and

evinced interest in buying his ‘technology’.

Source: BBC NEWS: (By Amarnath Tewary)

4735642.stm Published: 2006/02/24 11:34:36 GMT © BBC MMV


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Social Change and Development in India


1. Trace out the changes that have been occurring in the newspaper

industry? What is your opinion on these changes?

2. Is radio as a medium of mass communication dying out? Discuss the

potential that FM stations have in post-liberalisation India?

3. Trace the changes that have been happening in the medium of television.



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Butcher, Melissa. 2003. Transnational television, Cultural Identity and change:

When STAR Came to India. Sage. New Delhi.

Chaudhuri, Maitrayee. 2005. ‘A Question of Choice: Advertisements, Media and

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Prakashan. Bombay.

Ghose, Sagarika 2006, ‘Indian Media: A flawed yet robust public service’ in B.G.

Verghese (Ed.) Tomorrow’s India: Another tryst with destiny. Viking. New Delhi.

Joshi, P.C. 1986. Communication and Nation-Building. Publications Divison GOI.


Jeffrey, Roger. 2000. India’s Newspaper Revolution. OUP. Delhi.

More, Dadasaheb Vimal. 1970. ‘Teen Dagdachachi Chul” in Sharmila Rege Writing

Caste/Writing Gender: Narrating Dalit Women’s Testimonies. Zubaan/Kali.

Delhi, 2006

Page, David and Willam Gawley. 2001. Satellites Over South Asia. Sage. New Delhi.

Singhal, Arvind and E.M. Rogers. 2001. India’s Communication Revolution. Sage.

New Delhi.



