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“The 7 Fatal Errors That Keep Would-be Pilots Chasing Their Dream

Permanently Grounded...and How to

Avoid Them”

Insider “Secrets” to Becoming a Successful

Commercial Pilot... by

Two Current and Experienced Commercial Airline Training Captains


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Why It’s Okay for You to Chase Your Dream.....................................3

Who the Hell are Craig and Naomi and Why Should I Listen?........4

Fatal Error #1........................................................................................7

Fatal Error #2........................................................................................8

Fatal Error #3........................................................................................8

Fatal Error #4........................................................................................9

Fatal Error #5........................................................................................9

Fatal Error #6.......................................................................................10

Fatal Error #7.......................................................................................11

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Why It’s Okay for You to Chase Your Dream If you’re one of the many people who have grown up with a childhood ambition of wanting to fly...

If the freedom of opening the throttles and letting ‘er rip has always thrilled you...

If the idea of safely landing your plane and its cargo in all weather conditions is the challenge you’d love to face...

If you crave the exhilaration of soaring off into the wide blue sky...

...then well done, you’re in the right place!

Because that’s the way all successful pilots start...with a dream. And that’s perfectly ok... So if the joy of flying an aircraft for a living is flowing through your veins...only one question remains...

What is stopping you?

Why have you not pursued your dreams and realised that aviation can really provide you with a challenging and rewarding career? There are many reasons why people who have started flight training don’t continue, or don’t start with initially...however if you are considering a career in aviation, you could not have chosen a better time to commence your training. We will explain the world aviation cycles and the current supply/demand situation being experienced. If this sounds like the vocation for you and you are prepared to follow the approved curriculum to attaining the necessary pilot licences, and avoid all the frustrating, annoying and potentially expensive pitfalls – THEN READ ON AND LET’S GET YOU ON YOUR WAY!

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Who the Hell Are Craig and Naomi and Why Should I Listen to Them?

We’re glad you asked, and well done, you’ve passed your first test! All pilots need to be questioning and analytical in their approach to ALL they do. So if this thought popped into your mind, give yourself a big tick! If you didn’t think this straight away, now you know one of the skills you may have to work on to get your wings!

Ok, so you know exactly who you’re dealing with...

It’s Captain Craig Baker and Captain Naomi Radke here and we are both currently Boeing 737 Training Captains (we instruct new airline pilots) flying in domestic and international operations. We welcome your career choice. In fact there isn’t a better job in the world! And together we will assist you in attaining a rewarding and challenging career as a professional pilot. So if you want to be a pilot, you’re in the right place at the right time and our website has been created especially for you. Most people assume that becoming an airline pilot is the pinnacle of aviation. This is purely a personal choice. Many factors need to be considered to decide what division of professional aviation suits you best. From the experience and knowledge we have collected over our careers we want to offer this service to you as a valuable resource in your toolkit to becoming a professional commercial pilot. This knowledge and a service such as our website has never before been offered to budding aviators and it is “a must have” to fast track you through your aviation theory and flying training...potentially saving your hard earned $$ along the way. As a thank you for answering our call to provide feedback that you consider pertinent to be included in this ground-breaking new service within the aviation sector, we have provided our industry-first FREE report “The 7 Fatal Errors That Keep Would-be Pilots Chasing a Dream Permanently Grounded...and How to Avoid Them” as a sample of some of the vital “insider” information we will include in your package. Our experience has taught us exactly what it takes to succeed in the aviation industry. Naturally, along the way, we’ve seen what works and what doesn’t. We’ve seen who succeeds and who doesn’t. And we’ve seen all the mistakes that even the smartest and most committed would-be pilots make as they pursue their dream.

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And we’ve packaged it together succinctly in this special FREE report (valued at $197). We hope you enjoy the content and if you have any questions relating to the report or any other aviation related topics please email us at [email protected]. Come and experience the freedom and excitement of aviation with us! Regards, Craig Baker and Naomi Radke Boeing 737 Training Captains

That’s  us...Craig  (left)  and  Naomi,  with  son  Mitchell,  in  the  cockpit  of  our  favourite  aircraft,  the  Boeing  737...we  want  to  help  you  achieve  your  aviation  dreams!  

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Ok, here it is, our long awaited special “insider” FREE report (Valued at $197.00) that gives you a kick-start into the exciting world of aviation...

“The 7 Fatal Errors That Keep Would-be Pilots Chasing a

Dream Permanently Grounded...and How to Avoid


...Let’s Get Started

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Fatal Error #1 – Taking Off Without a Planned Budget Just as no pilot lifts off without a flight plan, no would-be pilot should begin their training without a spend plan.

One of the most common questions asked is “how much will it cost?” To answer this question directly for each of you goes far beyond this document. It depends on many factors such as location, aircraft, instructor qualifications and airfield where you are training. To name just a few. We see time and again, keen and talented people who just jump straight in. Without insider knowledge and a well thought out plan, sadly many run out of money...and the dream dies. There are a number of available ways to finance your aviation training and once again this is a personal choice, which will need to be considered carefully. We can provide you with 5 options of financing your pilot training. Once you have attained the necessary qualifications to be able to work as a professional pilot, depending on which way you chose to conduct your training, there may be a bond or return of service clause to offset the expense of training you to the licence standard you have achieved.

And this is where specialist, insider advice can be the difference between success and failure.

Understanding how aviation cycles work and which training option to chose is an important step to decide on, one which we will be happy to discuss with you further at

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Fatal Error #2 – Taking Off With Too Much Baggage

This is a big one. And by “too much baggage” we don’t mean luggage, freight and so on. Where a lot of beginners come unstuck is they begin without taking into account the time required. If you are hungry to finally reach this dream, then you will need to reorganise Work/Home life to ensure continuity of training. Full time training is best but not always realistic when still earning an income. There is a way to continue working and realise your dream. We help you with that. One important tool that pilots must acquire is time management. If you can fine tune this skill at the outset of your training this will propel you forward. We have created a unique Training Timeline document to give you the foundation of managing your training schedule. Ensures you succeed, where many beginners fail.

Fatal Error #3 – Taking Off Without Appropriate Pre-Flight Checks

As a professional pilot you are required to conduct regular aviation medical examinations (physicals). At the commencement of your training you should complete a full aviation medical to the highest standard (Airline Transport Licence) to ensure there are no underlying health issues that may affect your training and possibly your career as a professional pilot. Again, some simply rush in and get part way through their training only to discover a previously unknown health issue. Their dreams are left in ruins as a result. We help you strategically take your examination to ensure you don’t face the frustration and disappointment of a poor medical report. Holding a pilot licence is also a great way to stay healthy generally because of the routine check-ups.

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Fatal Error #4 – Taking Off Without Checking Weather Conditions

It’s not a matter of looking outside and seeing if the sky’s blue or not! Weather can and does play a significant role in your pilot training. What many fail to grasp is this: Choose the time of year and location that reduces the

training days lost due to bad weather. Don’t waste your valuable time wishing you are UP, UP and AWAY!!! Initially your training will be entirely visual which requires good weather to find your way around. And rather than spending hours making phone calls and researching on the internet, it’s best to get the RIGHT ADVICE from an INDUSTRY PROFESSIONAL to find the right time and location to get the best and MOST EFFICIENT TRAINING you can.


Fatal Error #5 – Taking Off Without a Proven System to Follow

If you don’t have a system it’s like stabbing in the dark. And this is YOUR future we’re talking about. You NEED a proven and tested system to give you the best chance of success. Like many professions, aviation requires a proven system tailored to suit your own

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needs and wants for “your aviation career”. There are many pathways to aviation success – how do you know which one to take and when? We have developed a strategic Suitability Checklist so you can navigate your way through the industry. Commercial Airline Flying is very rewarding and we have created a fantastic lifestyle from our careers as airline pilots. You can too. In addition to airline flying, there are numerous other professional pilot career options available to budding aviators. Because we have been flying commercially for over 20 years and operated in many facets of the aviation sector including:

flight instruction charter and freight regional airlines maritime patrol aero medical rescue domestic airlines international airlines.

...we are able to guide you as you find your own pathway to success in this varied and vibrant industry. You get access to all this knowledge and experience. You apply your own personality and dreams...and through our carefully crafted Suitability Checklist, you get to decide what suits you. The sky is literally the limit! Fatal Error #6 – Taking Off Without a Proven Co-Pilot Let’s get this straight. It’s your life. You’re the captain. But just as every experienced commercial pilot need a good co-pilot. And as you navigate your way to your pilot’s wings, it’s important to get the advice, support and assistance of a seasoned mentor co-pilot. Just to help you that little bit.   Just to keep you on track.

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Just to answer that tricky question, offer some wise counsel or point you in the right direction. Every successful professional has a “coach” or “mentor” to guide them. Someone who knows what it takes and is excited to watch you progress and reach your goal. And this is ever so important in aviation. Look, it’s a competitive industry. Not impossible to break into by any means. But it does attract a high calibre of person. That’s not being elitist, it’s reality. And to ensure you’re able to “compete” in this league, you need to be able to access a trusted and experienced person to call on. Having a mentor to guide you throughout your training puts you ahead of others. Helps you through each of the steps as you grow in confidence. And helps you believe it is possible. You have access to audio interviews with some “Industry Pioneers” who were our mentors when we were training. Having contacts in this industry is a MUST to ensure you stand out ahead of your competition. Like many other things in life, “It’s not WHAT you know but WHO you know that counts”. Aviation is no different. We will offer a limited number of positions to trainees for personal mentoring throughout your aviation training. To see if you qualify to go Imagine having insider information for pilot recruitment and training at your fingertips! Fatal Error #7 – Landing at the First Sign of Rough Weather As you well know, when you become a commercial airline pilot, you join elite company. Just getting those wings is a massive achievement in itself. Let’s be crystal clear about this though. Reaching this level is NOT IMPOSSIBLE. Many do it every year. But... To get there requires skill, dedication, commitment, willingness to learn and grow...and not being afraid to fail.

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No one, repeat no one, gets there without ups and downs along the way. You’re smart enough to know that though, that’s why you’re reading this. Where some come up short though is this...

At the first sign of “rough weather” it all seems too hard and they chuck it in and the dream is lost.

One thing we’ve learned is that you only get one shot at life and one shot at following your dreams to fly. And if you really want have to persist. You have to keep going. All of us have. And that’s why we’re successful. And that’s also where a mentor proves your support, your guide and your professional friend along the way. You want to succeed. We want to help you succeed. We know this vital information will launch you into your Aviation Career. Please visit us at to find out more and access the insider knowledge that could save you Thousands of $$$! Happy flying,

Craig and Naomi  

Naomi  and  Craig...helping  ordinary  people  achieve  their  dreams  in  the  aviation  industry!