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  • 8/11/2019 7 Days Course


    Day1- slants in handwriting

    Emotional outlay and social aptitude


    The main function of emotional expressiveness is how someone processes their feelings.

    The main clue or indicating factor is the size of the handwriting and the slant.

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    Leftward Slant:60 to 70% of the strokes will end up at an angle to the left of 90 degrees.

    People with this trait may have a hard time expressing their feelings and connecting with

    other people. There is a lack of trust.
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    Right Slant:A heart ruled person. They will be impulsive and let their emotions rule their

    life more so than the emotionally withdrawn person (leftward slant).

    Concentration:Very intense, focused individuals, (Engineers, fighter pilots, scientists). The

    tiny writing will sometimes confuse the analysis based on the slant. There are traits that will

    offset other traits and diminish the meaning, even though it is still accurate.
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    Ambivert: Middle of the road. Not an introvert or extrovert. This person relates to both left &

    right slants. They will be more conservative in a lot of their decisions.


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    Day 2- intelligence and thinking pattern

    Day 2 intelligence and mental pattern



    One of the most common reasons why people want to use handwriting analysis in their life

    is they want to know how intelligent somebody is, how ethical they are and they want to

    know how compatible they would be in a romantic or business situation.

    Are You Smart?

    Intelligence is the capacity to learn, to reason, and to retain knowledge. The ability to be

    creative and the ability to be analytical are different forms of intelligence. The words smart

    and dumb are poor indicators of any real intellectual capacity, or lack thereof, in a person.

    However, when we were young, we were probably labeled smart or dumb in our minds and

    spent the rest of our schooling proving ourselves correct. Since, by our definition,

    intelligence is the capacity to learn, our formal level of education has little to do with how

    intelligent we are.

    In my opinion, psychologists do a tremendous disservice to young people by labeling them

    with an IQ score. Now, after decades of using this standardized intelligence test, IQ tests

    have been almost completely discredited as an accurate and predictable indicator of


    Obviously, smart people have different thinking processes from those we perceive as

    dumb. The difference lies not in their brain capacity, but in how they think. The important

    issue is the method used to process and sort information; the education they possess has

    little to do with intelligence. Numerous research studies have found no correlation existing

    between good grades and financial success in life.

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    Our more in-depth courses discuss three basic groups of thinking patterns: Cumulative,

    Investigative, and Comprehensive. Then we will look at some variations of these three basic

    patterns. The thinking patterns are shown in the middle zone letters m, n, h, and even r.

    However, most of your information will come from the two lower case letters m and n. You

    will be looking at the way the upper humps are formed: curved, pointed, or retraced. You

    also will be looking at the way the down-strokes are formed: v-shape, looped, retraced, etc.

    In each of these strokes, you will be able to determine a different aspect of the persons

    method of thinking. Just observe the strokes of the letter to determine the pattern.

    I noticed something interesting when I was in school. During high school and college, both

    valedictorians of my class were cumulative thinkers. I knew both women fairly well. And,

    between you and me, they werent the sharpest people Ive ever met. In fact, they were

    average or below average in common sense. But they did master the skills of studying,

    memorizing, and testing in the American school system. Most US based school systems are

    designed for the student to examine the material, memorize it, and then regurgitate it on a


    The process leaves the probing investigative student totally bored out of his mind, because

    he has to wait on the slowest student in class. In many cases, the child with the greatest

    natural ability to synthesize information and think creatively is stuck in a system designed

    for students to only achieve minimal requirements. You already know intelligence hasabsolutely nothing to do with getting high grades in school. Getting great grades involves

    such factors as motivation, attitude, interest, and self-discipline. The cases of learning

    difficulties are usually a matter of instructors teaching ineffective thinking and learning

    strategies. If teachers could present information in a style appropriate and conducive to

    each individual students learning patterns, we wouldnt have so many delinquent students.

    Learn about your own thinking pattern and learn within that style. If you have a cumulative

    style, take one step at a time; on the other hand, if you are super-exploratory; jump into the

    middle and gather all of the facts as fast as you can in any particular order.

    Cumulative Thinker

    The slowest of the thinking patterns is the cumulative thinker. This is shown in the humps of

    the letters m and n. The more curved and round these letters are, the longer it takes for the

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    writer to absorb information. However, once this person learns something, he tends to

    remember it much longer than the fast comprehensive thinkers.

    To make a letter m, n, h, or r in a slow, round, gentle fashion the writer is ordinarily gentle

    and slow also. This person is a cumulative and often creative thinker. (Creativity is found in

    people with all three types of humps.)

    She likes to have all the facts before making a decision. She thinks or creates much like a

    mason, stacking fact upon fact. Her thought pattern, the conclusion, will not be complete

    until the last fact is in place. This writer learns faster through demonstration than through

    written or verbal directions. She also learns easier through experiencing it herself, rather

    than by observing someone else doing it.

    Handwriting Clues

    A cumulative thinker is procedural and slow. They take their time. They analyze things and

    want all the facts before making a decision. Cumulative thinkers can be a very valuable and

    thorough asset. They have rounded ms and ns which form smooth letters.

    This is a methodical thinker, so she is able to build things and come up with new ideas

    based on previously learned material. In an argument, she often loses to rapidthinking

    people, but thirty minutes later she thinks about what she should have said. This reflects the

    speed of her thoughts, not the quality or ability to think intelligently.

    A comprehensive thinker has sharp, pointy ms and ns. They are fast thinkers and fast

    talkers. They dont always take time to dig deeply, unless necessary. They will make a fast

    decision and get bored quickly. The comprehensive thinker is often irritated by slow talkers

    or slow thinkers. When she drives a car, she gets irritated by slow drivers in the fast lane.

    She quickly becomes bored when being taught on the level of the slowest student in class.

    She may be on page five when the rest of the class is on page three. She thinks and

    evaluates circumstances very rapidly. She is curious and very active. In school she might

    have been a troublemaker because she thought so much faster than the other kids and she

    finished her work first, thus having plenty of time on her hands to make trouble!

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    The concept of intelligence is covered in much more depth, which includes combining other

    letters and formations in addition to the ms and ns. This is advanced trait stacking which

    is discussed in the level 5 home study course.

    Click here to view higher level courses


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    These pages are reprinted here with permission from the 304 page bookHandwriting

    Analysis for Love, Sex, and Relationshipsby Bart Baggett.Available online and worldwide.
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    Natural vs appearing at the baseline. Processes information with sound judgement and

    enjoys solving problems effectively. Curious

    Steeple-shaped, needle-topped ms, ns, hs, and rs. Processing information quickly. Often

    impatient. Fast Thinker.


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    Day 3The Traits of the Lower Case t



    The letter has contained many strokes with a variety of meanings. In this one hour t-party

    lecture, taken directly from the 14 CDLevel 301 Certification Home Study Course,Bart Baggett

    and Taylor Morgan discuss the most common personality traits revealed by this amazing


    You can always learn more from our Home Study Courses about evaluating and combining




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  • 8/11/2019 7 Days Course


    Day 4Lower Zones: Love, Sex and Relationships



    The lower zone of handwriting; the lines that fall below the line tend to deal with the physical

    realm. This of course includes sex drives as it is one of the most primal yet complex

    physical drives we have.

    Listen as Bart and Curt talk about the y and g loops and apply this to sex, love, relationships

    and trust. Extended long y loops indicates a strong physical drive. Wide or malformed y-

    loops indicates imagination and experimentation in the physical realm. No loop means a

    person usually likes to spend time alone. Youll have to look at the ys that do have loops or

    their g loops to find out more about their sexual nature.

    You can always learn advanced concepts from our Home Study Courses about evaluating

    and combining traits to be even more accurate when discussing the lower zones.



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  • 8/11/2019 7 Days Course


    Day 5Irritating Personality Traits


    FEATURE STORY: Emotional Baggage Are You Too Heavy to Handle? What Your

    Handwriting Reveals!

    Have you ever had anyone just walk right out of your life with no explanation at all?

    If so, does it completely mystify you to this day? Do your friends kindly describe you as

    intense or high maintenance? Are you often accused of trying too hard? or making a

    federal case out of everything? Does the phrase let it go make you cringe?

    If so, you just might be suffering from Irritating Personality Disorder!

    Your emotional baggage is too heavy to handle!

    An analysis of your own handwriting might help you learn to lighten up. Modern handwriting

    analysis can be used like a mirror to reveal to you what others already see.

    Often times, our ugly baggage doesnt show up until we are emotionally involved with

    someone we care about.

    This hidden emotional baggage can also explain why some people choose to ignore you,

    not take you seriously or head for the hills at the very mention of your name. The good

    news is that by choosing the right self-help tools, you can train your mind to alter the

    subconscious drives that are the root cause of these destructive patterns.

    In handwriting analysis, this practice is called Grapho-therapy the science of changing

    your handwriting to change your life. Im also a trained hypno-therapist and have found the

    tool of time line therapy also very useful for clearing up past root causes.

    When it comes to relationships, some people treat a potential soul mate like a porter at an

    airport. They are always looking for someone to handle their emotional burdens for them as

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    they journey through life. Unfortunately, no matter how big the tip (how rich, attractive or

    needy you are) few people you meet in life will be qualified for the job. Its just too much


    You must learn to release your emotional baggage and travel light! People with deep rooted

    resentment always tend to carry grudges like Olympic torchesthe flame doesnt go out!

    People that press super heavy on the paper are more likely to hold grudges; but, heavy

    writing is not always a bad trait. Heavy writers tend to be better lovers and achieve more

    long term goals that require passion in order to see them through to completion.

    If you know someone that just emotionally holds onto things too longthey might have an

    excess of tenacity. This kind of tenacity is often represented in handwriting that contains t-

    bars that look like they have sprouted little fishing hooks at their ending point.

    Is that chip on your shoulder visible to others? A good way to tell if your resentment is

    showing is to examine the way you make the initial strokes of your lower case letters. The

    strokes are straight and rigid and tend to resemble a straight metal pole leaning into the

    next letter. The farther down it starts on the page indicates how far in the past the root

    cause of this anger really is.

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    Are you sharing too much every time you open your mouth? Take a good look at your lower

    case os. If they are open at the top, it may indicate a tendency to burden others with too

    much conversation about your issues. Personally, I think the trait of being talkative can be

    charming and pleasantif the person has happy things to talk about. But, if you combine a

    talkative person with a bunch of corrupted victim belief systems and anger and resentment

    . . . Id rather they not open their mouth.

    Are you so busy convincing others that you cant be convinced of anything yourself? Look

    for what we call the Go To Hell K. Your lower case k in a word like monkey.

    This is indicated by a lower case k that is larger than the other letters or by an unusually

    large buckle or loop in the upper case of the letter.

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    those around you. (Remember Jim Carrey in the movie Liar! Liar!? Telling the truth all the

    time can get you in big trouble.)

    You can see images of these traits here:


    Q: I have always thought I was a bit psychic. Is there anything in a persons handwriting that

    might indicate special extra-sensory abilities?
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    A: People who are intuitive show breaks between letters in their cursive handwriting.

    Handwriting that is part printed, part cursive is also thought to indicate a strong sixth sense.

    However, there is a fine line between psycho and psychic. Sometimes sociopaths and

    manipulators also display this trait. .


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    Day 6Doing Live Analysis

    The power of metaphor and words


    One thing many handwriting experts neglect to learn is how to tell someone they have anegative personality trait in a way they can understand and relate to.

    Would you tell your best friend he has low self-esteem? How about a fear of success?Probably not so directly. Its not the best way to keep friends or make new ones.

    Id like to invite you to watch this unreleased video segment recorded live in India and followalong as I explain how to describe personality traits using metaphors. Before you watch thevideo belowhere are a few examples of common negative personality traits that aredifficult to put across in a direct manner.

    Instead of telling your mother she is argumentativeyoud be better off suggesting shedargue with a telephone pole. This way youll get a laugh while still making your point aboutthe trait you see in her handwriting.

    (See Part 2 of this video inside theLevel 301 online



    See if you can think of metaphors for the negative personality traits below, then read theones weve come up with.
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    Try to match these metaphors to the personality traits above


    You hold your emotions in, but often one word can spark an emotional blow up.

    You like to keep projects going and feel a sense of loss when a project is over.

    You run out to the curb with the garbageright as the trash truck pulls up in the morning.

    If someone were to ask you your ageyou might not tell them.

    You cant help but honk or yell at an ignorant driver who cut you off in traffic.

    You leave important tasks to the last minute and barely get them done on time.

    Do you have a collection of unfinished projects in your garage or on your desk?

    If I told you something in confidenceI could count on you to keep it to yourself and not telleveryone what I said.

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