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6 th English Ch-4 Six And Out

6th · Simple tenses and simple verbs Define simple tense: the definition of simple tense is a verb category that covers

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  • 6th EnglishCh-4 Six And Out

  • Poem

    The Pitch was only smooth in parts:

    It sank at either crease,

    And motor vans and bakers’ carts

    At times disturbed the peace

    The Bowlers found it hard to hit

    The lamp post’s slender stem

    The broader wicket opposite,

    Was cleared at 6 p.m.

    It was a keen, determined school,

    Unorthodox and free:

    Harsh circumstance oft made the rule,

    And not the MCC.

  • Summary

    The poem tells about some children playing cricket in open

    because the field was scheduled to close at 6 in the evening.

    Outside, neither the pitch nor the field was regular. The batting

    pitch was uneven on both sides. The lamp-post worked as the

    stump and the problem of children was aggravated. The ball hit

    by the batsman broke glass of a vehicle and they ran away.

    The man came out of the car and shouted at them. However,

    they were gone before he could do anything to any of the kids.

  • Answer The Following Questions

    1) Describe the pitch where the match was held

    2) Why did the bowlers find it hard to hit the wicket?

    3) What role did the scorer play?

    4) From where did the scorer keep up his ‘fire of talk’?

    5) Why did the players run away?

  • Answers

    1. The pitch was only smooth in parts and it sank at both sides of the


    2. The bowlers found it hard to hit because the lamppost had a slender


    3. The scorer was a commentator, umpire and played the role of


    4. The scorer was seated by the well.

    5. The players ran after hearing the loud voice of an angry man.

  • PW:B Complete the following table by matching the

    binomial expressions in Column A with the

    meanings in Column B.

    A1. By and large

    2. Neat and tidy

    3. Sick and tired

    4. Short and sweet

    5. Up and down

    6. Loud and clear

    7. Back and forth

    Ba) Moving first in one direction and

    then in another

    b) Annoyed or frustrated with

    something or someone

    c) Moving between the same two

    points repeatedly

    d) Very clear and very easy to


    e) Something very quick and to the


    f) On the whole

    g) Clear and tidy

  • Answers

    1. - f

    2. - g

    3. - b

    4. - e

    5. - a

    6. - d

    7. - c

  • English Grammar

    Chapter Title: Tense forms

    Chapter Number: 11

    Work sheets: 4

    Video links: 2

  • Simple tense

    Definition: The simple tense is a tense in English with no aspect that expresses actions occurring in the past, present, and future.

    What is the Simple Tense? Past, Present, and Future Tenses in English

    What are simple verb tenses? The simple tense in English is the most basic way to express action. The simple tense is a verb tense for past, present, and future events.

    Infinitive verb for example: to jump

    Simple past: I jumped.

    Simple present: I jump.

    Simple future: I will jump.

    Examples of The Simple Tense

    The simple tenses are usually just called past, present, and future. Below we will go over each grammatical tense and explain how to use them.

  • What is the Simple Past Tense?

    Past present future tenses of verbs The simple past tense (also called the past

    tense) is used to express actions that are completed at any time (recent or

    distant past) or for any duration (length of event).

    For regular verbs, add “-ed” to the end of the verb to create the simple

    past tense.

  • Verb conjuction for simple present

    tense regular verb:

    I: jumped

    you (singular) : jumped

    he/she/it: jumped

    we: jumped

    you (plural): jumped

    they: jumped

  • Simple past tense used in sentences:

    My voice echoed in the cavern.

    Garry walked to the park after he finished his meal.

    We shared our meal with strangers.

    What is the Simple Present Tense?

    Present future tense in English grammar The simple present tense (all called the

    present tense) is used to express action that is happening in the present, now,

    relative to the speaker or writer.

    The simple present is generally used for actions that are factual, normal, or

    regular in occurrence, sometimes called habitual actions. Habitual actions are

    actions that occur in the present but are not necessarily happening right now.

  • For Example

    The Yankees win a lot.

    This is sort of a timeless statement. The Yankees might not be playing

    right this second, but it is understood that they win a lot as a team that

    presently exists. Compare this to the present progressive tense,

    The Yankees are winning.

    This clearly indicates that the Yankees are playing right now, and they

    are winning.

    Some examples of actions the present tense expresses include: habits

    (habitual actions), directions, general truths, and unchanging


  • Verb conjuction for simple present

    tense regular verb:

    I: jump

    you (singular) : jump

    he/she/it: jumps

    we: jump

    you (plural): jump

    they: jump

  • Simple present tense used in


    She bites her nails. (habit)

    Do not bite your nails. (direction/instruction)

    Skunks smell (general truth)

    I live in San Francisco. (unchanging situation)

    We love chocolate cake. (unchanging situation)

    NOTE: The simple present tense is not always used for actions

    happening now. Sometimes the simple present can be used for things

    not currently happening or for future events.

  • My plain leaves tomorrow at 11:00 a.m.

    Steve says you sold your house.

    The first sentence is in the simple present tense, but it indicates a future event.

    Similarly, the second sentence indicates an event that has already happened.

    What is the Simple Future Tense?

    The simple tense of verbs The simple future tense (also called the future tense)

    is used to express action that will certainly occur at any time later than now.

    Add “will” or “shall” before the first person present conjugated verb to create

    the simple future tense.

  • Verb conjuction for simple present

    tense regular verb:

    Verb: to jump

    First person present: jump

    I: will jump

    you (singular): will jump

    he/she/it: will jump

    we: will jump

    you (plural): will jump

    they: will jump

  • Simple future tense used in sentences:

    They will go to New York tomorrow.

    You shall see a play this fall.

    I will walk to school tomorrow.

    Beware of the Simple Present

    Past and present tense As noted above, the simple present is not

    only used for actions happening in the present. It can be used for

    actions not currently occurring and for actions in the future.

  • To express habitual actions or repeated


    We ride horses every afternoon.

    The sun rises in the East.

    The rain falls heavily in February.

    To express future after a conjunction:

    We won’t leave for the party until you are ready.

    I eat dinner when my mom says it is time.

    The Simple Aspect

    Past future verb tenses grammar The simple aspect is the verb form used to express a fact.

    The simple aspect can be confusing because it does not delineate if the action is a complete action or a habitual action.

  • Example:

    • He chews gum.

    This is a fact; however, it is unclear whether this action is habitual or just a


    To provide more context:

    • On Sundays, he chews gum.

    Now it is clear that this is a habitual action, not just a fact.

  • Summary: What is Simple Tense?

    Simple tenses and simple verbs Define simple tense: the definition of

    simple tense is a verb category that covers the simple present, simple

    past, and simple future tenses.

    Define past tense: the definition of past tense is a verb tense expressing

    an action or state of being that occurred in a time before now, the past.

    Define present tense: the definition of present tense is a verb tense

    expressing an action or state of being in the present time.

    Define future tense: the definition of future tense is a verb tense

    expressing an action or state of being that will happen in the future.

  • In summary,

    The simple tense is the “simplest” way to express past, present, and

    future events.

    Present regular verbs are conjugated by adding “-s” to third person


    Past regular verbs are conjugated by adding “-ed” to all verb forms.

    Future verbs are conjugated by adding “will” before the first person

    singular form of the verb.

  • Present Continuous Forms :-

    The present continuous is formed using am/is/are + present participle.

    Questions are indicated by inverting the subject and am/is/are.

    Negatives are made with not.

    Statement: You are watching TV.

    Question: Are you watching TV?

    Negative: You are not watching TV.

    Complete List of Present Continuous Forms

  • Present Continuous Uses

    USE 1 Nowpresent continuous nowUse the present continuous with normal verbs to express the idea that something is happening now, at this very moment. It can also be used to show that something is not happening now.Examples:

    You are learning English now.

    You are not swimming now.

    Are you sleeping?

    I am sitting.

    I am not standing.

    Is he sitting or standing?

    They are reading their books.

    They are not watching television.

    What are you doing?

    Why aren't you doing your


  • USE 2 Longer Actions in Progress Now

    present continuous longer duration

    In English, "now" can mean: this second, today, this month, this year, this century, and so on.

    Sometimes, we use the present continuous to say that we are in the process of doing a longer action which is in progress; however, we might not be doing it at this exact second.

    Examples: (All of these sentences can be said while eating dinner in a restaurant.)

    I am studying to become a doctor.

    I am not studying to become a dentist.

    I am reading the book Tom Sawyer.

    I am not reading any books right now.

    Are you working on any special projects at work?

    Aren't you teaching at the university now?

  • USE 3 Near Future

    present continuous near future

    Sometimes, speakers use the present continuous to indicate that something will

    or will not happen in the near future.


    I am meeting some friends after work.

    I am not going to the party tonight.

    Is he visiting his parents next weekend?

    Isn't he coming with us tonight?

  • USE 4 Repetition and Irritation with


    Present continuous always habit

    The present continuous with words such as "always" or "constantly" expresses

    the idea that something irritating or shocking often happens. Notice that the

    meaning is like simple present, but with negative emotion. Remember to put

    the words "always" or "constantly" between "be“ and "verb+ing."


    She is always coming to class late.

    He is constantly talking. I wish he would shut up.

    I don't like them because they are always complaining.

  • Distinction between simple present tense and present continuous


    Simple Present:

    *Tells us of actions done always or usually like: hobbies, routines,

    universal truths/ sayings/geographical facts/scientific facts.

    Present Continuous:

    *Tells us about something that is happening at the moment.

  • Ex-1 :-Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the verbs

    given in the brackets :-

    1. Honesty _______in the long run. (pay)

    2. I ______obeisance in the temple daily. (pay)

    3. These days children _______to live in joint families (not like)

    4. When I go to Mumbai, I ______ with my cousin. (stay)

    5. America _________a lot of money on fast food. (spend)

    6. Failures _______the pillars of success. (be)

    7. A burnt child always_______the fire. (dread)

    8. Music ________ ventilation to our feelings(provide)

    9. I _______ loud music. (not like)

    10. Nothing _______ like success. (succeed)

  • Answers Ex:-1

    1 pays

    2 pay

    3 do not like

    4 stay

    5 spends

    6 are

    7 dreads

    8 provides

    9 do not like

    10 succeeds

  • Ex:-2Rewrite these sentences first in (i) The negative and then in (ii) interrogative forms :-

    1 The moon emits its own light.

    2 Our teacher excuses the latecomers.

    3 These students work very hard.

    4 New things attract me.

    5 My watch keeps correct time.

    6. Shobna ignores important points.

    7. Her elder brother encourages her.

    8. It rains heavily in July.

    9. This tailor stitchés good clothes.

    10. Players make much money.

  • Ex:-2 Answers(Negative - N and interrogative - I )

    1 N - The moon does not emit is own light.

    I - Does the moon emit it's own light?

    2 N - Our teacher does not excuse the latecomers.

    I - Does our teacher excuse the late comers?

    3 N - These students do not work very hard.

    I - Do these students work very hard?

    4 N - New things do not attract me.

    I - Do new things attract me?

    5. N- My watch does not keep correct time.

    I - Does my watch keep correct time?

  • 2nd Half

    6 N - Shobna does not ignore important points.

    I - Does shobna ignore important points?

    7 N - Her elder brother does not encourage her.

    I - Does her elder brother encourage her?

    8 N - It does not rain heavily in July.

    I - Does it rain heavily in July?

    9 N - This tailor does not stitch good clothes.

    I - Does this tailor stitche good clothes?

    10 N - Players do not make much money.

    I - Do players make much money ?

  • Ex:-4Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verbs given in the brackets :-

    1. The child ______ nuts to the monkeys. (throw)

    2. Rishma ______ her notes in English (prepare)

    3. Whom ______ you ______ for? (wait)

    4. A Chick ______ under the basket. (hide)

    5. The mechanic _______ my cellphone. (repair)

    6. Who ______ a speech? (deliver)

    7. The old woman _______ her socks. (darn)

    8. How many singers ______ in this competition (participate)

    9. Don't make a call, the doctor ______ an operation. (perform)

    10. Our car ______ at a speed of 80 km/h. (run)

  • Ex:-4

    1 is throwing

    2 is preparing

    3 are, waiting

    4 is hiding

    5 is repairing

    6 is delivering

    7 is darning

    8 are participating

    9 is performing

    10 is running

  • Ex:-5

    Fill in the blanks with simple present or the present

    continuous tense of the Verbs given in the brackets :-

    1. I ____ milk for breakfast. (have) But today I ______ cofee (have)

    2. It ______ heavily in July and August (rain).

    3. Both the twins ______ each other. (resemble)

    4 Don't disturb Raman, he _____ his notes now (prepare).

    5. A Jersey cow ______ a lot of milk. (give)

    6. The countryside of India ______ very fast. (change)

    7. Yuvi ______ to talk to the strangers (not like) But see, he ______ to a stranger

    in the other room. (talk)

    8. _______ your childhood days ? (you, recollect)

    9. She ______ up with her friend in Brisbane these days. (put)

    10. Your father is not well _____ on him ? (you, attend)

  • Ex:-5

    1 have, am having

    2 rains

    3 resemble

    4 is preparing

    5 gives

    6 is changing

    7 does not like, is talking

    8 do you recollect

    9 puts

    10 are you attending

  • SKYLARK WORKBOOKLesson no :- 4

    Six and out

    Page no. :- 22

  • PW:-B Find the meanings of these binomials

    and make a sentences with them

    1. Black and Blue :- Black Marks

    What is that black and blue mark on your leg ?

    2. Spic and span :- Neat and Clean

    I plan to spend the day cleaning so that the place is spic and span when my friends arrive

    3. Fire and brimstone :- Threat of hell or punishment

    The preachers sermon was full of fire and brimstone

    4. Milk and honey :- Prosperity and Abundance

    The foreign country would transform into a land of milk and honey

    5. High and dry :- Without any help

    We were left high and dry without any money or credit card.


    1. silk , gold , silver , glass

    2. copper , bronze , iron ,


    3. milk , flour, sugar , oil ,


    4. water , waste

    5. oil , fat, health


    1. princess , dress , crown ,


    2. man , tools , stones


    3. heena ,eggs , store

    4. pond , people

  • Living English

    Chapter number :- 19

    Chapter Title :- Choosing the right verb

    Worksheets :- 1