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6º primaria repaso

Jul 08, 2016



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Entrega este cuaderno a tu profesor/a de 1º ESO. Te puede suponer hasta 1 punto adicional a sumar a tu nota de la 1ª Evaluación.


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El verbo to be

Pon la forma correcta - am/is/are.

1. It cold today.

2. I at home now.3. They Korean.4. There a pen on the desk.5. My name Nikita.6. We from Ukraine.7. That right.8. I OK, thanks.9. Clara and Steve married.10. She an English teacher

El verbo to be - más práctica

Pon las palabras en orden para hacer frases

1 am twenty-five years old. I

2 are from Venezuela. We

3 a My is and Anton name I'm student.

4 book. This my is

5 day It's nice today. a

6 name brother's Her Paul. is


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7 John an engineer. is

8 name is Johansson. husband's My

9 twelve There in are my students class.

10 the is new My top address at letter. of the

Pon las frases en forma negativa

1. This exercise is difficult.

2. We're from Spain.

3. My grandmother's name's Adelaide.

4. The kids are in the garden.

5. You're English.

Preguntas con el verbo to be

Pon en orden las palabras para hacer preguntas.

1 hot? Are you


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2 your Is book? this

3 from Is Unites Mr. the Peters States?

4 they married? Are

5 wrong? or right I Am

There is o There are? REGLAS:

1. Usa there IS para nombres en singular 2. Usa there IS para nombres incontables. 3. Usa there ARE con nombres en plural.

There is a spider on the wall. There is milk on the floor. There are pencils on my desk.

Decide la respuesta. Tacha lo incorrecto

1. There many animals in the zoo.

2. There a snake in the window.

3. There a zebra in the grass.

4. There lions in the zoo, too.

5. There many baby lions near their parents.

6. There a bird next to the tree.

7. There many monkeys in the trees.

8. There an elephant in the zoo.

9. There some water in the lake near the elephants.

10. There birds in the zoo.

Completa las frases en afirmativa, negativa o interrogativa, según corresponda


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1. a fly in my soup.(There is, There are)

2. many parks in New York.(There is, There are)

3. any tigers in Africa.(There isn't, There aren't)

4. lots of hotels in big cities.(There is, There are)

5. a bank near here?(Is there, Are there)

6. life on Mars?(Is there, Are there)

7. a telephone I can use?(Is there, Are there)

8. a football game tomorrow.(There is, There are)

9. 8 students in my class.(There is, There are)

10. many people my town.(There isn't, There aren't)


Completa con: have / has 1. We beautiful flowers in our garden.

2. Jane five new English books.

3. I an expensive sport car.

4. They a big villa not far from the beach .

5. My sister a lot of dolls in her room.


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6. My father a computer in his office.

7. Sandra and I five pets .

8. My mother a pretty orange bag.

9. Orit some friends in Haifa.

10. You ten notebooks.

Elige la opción correcta:

1. My dog have /has a long tail. 2. The coffee have/has milk in it. 3. They have/has the correct answer. 4. The flag of Israel have/has a star on it. 5. I never have/has a clean room.

Pon haven’t o hasn’t

1) I your T-shirt.

2) She a workbook.

3) We lunch at school.

4) Steve a brother.

5) My brother a TV in his room.

6) They a van.

7) Mr Jones a red jacket.

8) The boys pink pencil cases.

9) This car five doors.


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10) Tom and Emily books on their desk


El plural de los sustantivos normalmente se forma agregando al singular una "s" o "es", cuando termina en "o", "s", "x", "ch" o "sh".

one cat - two catsone tomato - five tomatoes

Si el singular termina en consontante + "y" se cambia por "ies":

one baby - two babies

Existen formas especiales de plural de algunos sustantivos:

man (hombre)- men (hombres)woman (mujer) - women (mujeres)

knife (cuchillo) - knives (cuchillos)wife (esposa) - wives (esposas)

sheep (oveja) - sheep (ovejas)


1. story 2. box 3. monkey 4. dress 5. toothbrush 6. man 7. mouse 8. orange 9. sandwich 10. camera

11. car


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12. room

13. book

14. girl

15. bus


Orden de la frase:

Sujeto verbo complemento

I speak English

Si tiene más elementos

Sujeto verbo comp.Indi comp. DirecCCLugar CCTiempo

I will tell you the story at school tomorrow


Ejemplo: a green house, a red car, a yellow pencil

Pon en orden las palabras para hacer frases.

1) they sit on the bench

.2) we often walk in the forest

.3) the boys hockey playing are

.4) school Frank and Robert after meet

.5) she is from Scotland

.6) I read books at home

.7) tests write we sometimes


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.8) he one and has brothers sister two

.9) every to the club Saturday go the girls

.10) the in are you kitchen


1) homework do not like we

.2) breakfast Doris does not make

.3) not are swimming you

.4) do the Millers in a flat live not

.5) she at school does not play handball


Can (poder) presenta la misma forma para todos los pronombres

I/you/she/he/it/we/they CAN

Para oraciones negativas utilizamos CAN + NOT (CAN`T)

I/you,he…... can’t go

Formas interrogativas: can I/you/he/she, etc ?

Pon en orden las palabras para hacer frases

1) play can she the trumpet



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2) write they e-mails can

?3) I can TV watch

?4) climb the cat can the tree

?5) can your pictures brother draw


Responde a las preguntas

1) Can she fly a kite? - Yes, .

2) Can they write these words? - Yes, .

3) Can he sing? - No, .

4) Can I open the window, please? - Yes, .

5) Can Doris speak French? - Yes, .


Utilizamos el infinitivo del verbo. En la 3ª pers. del sing.

–he, she, it- añadimos una –s o –es al infinitivo.

Frases afimativas

I/we/you/they play football.He/she/it plays football.

Frases negativas

Utilizamos el auxiliar do + not. En la 3ª pers. does + notI/we/you/they do not play football.He/she/it does not play football


Utilizamos Do + I,you,we, they

Does + he, she, it

Do I/we/you/they play football?Does he/she/it play football?


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1) We our dog. (to call)

2) Emma in the lessons. (to dream)

3) They at birds. (to look)

4) John home from school. (to come)

5) I my friends. (to meet)

1) Tom stamps. (not/to collect)

2) You songs in the bathroom. (not/to sing)

3) Julie in the garden. (not/to work)

4) I at home. (not/to sit)

5) Tina and Kate the windows. (not/to open)

1) you mineral water? (to drink)

2) Sarah and Linda their pets? (to feed)

3) your teacher your homework? (to check)

4) they in the old house? (to live)

5) the cat on the wall in the mornings? (to sit)


Utilizamos am, are, is) + infinitive + -ing

Frases afirmativas:

I am playing volleyball.He/she/it is playing volleyball. We/you/they are playing volleyball.

NOTA: Usamos am con I - is con he, she, it – y con we, you, they are.


I am not playing volleyball.He/she/it is not playing volleyball. We/you/they are not playing volleyball


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Ponemos el auxiliary (am, are or is) delante del sujeto (Auxiliar - Sujeto - Verbo - ing).

Am I playing volleyball?Is he/she/it playing volleyball? Are we/you/they playing volleyball?


1) The teacher the door. (not/to close)

2) you the washing-up? (to do)

3) They the printers. (to check)

4) your grandmother at birds? (to look)

5) We the checkpoint. (not/to pass)

6) they to help? (to try)

7) She to the centre of the town. (not/to walk)

8) the policemen into the bank? (to run)

9) Look! Steve's mother a cup of coffee. (to make)

10) You the words correctly. (not/to link)


El Pasado del verbo to be es was para I, he, she, it y were para we,you, they

Elige la opción correcta

There ____ many people at the show.


wereQ2 - ____ you tired?


WereQ3 - They ____ late.




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Q4 - I ____ very annoyed.


wereQ5 - She ____ there.


wereQ6 - Everybody ____ pleased.


wereQ7 - There ____ no trouble at the party.



Q8 - ____ there any difficulty in finding it?


WereQ9 - Who ____ at the meeting?


wereQ10 - It ____ no bother.



Pon was o were en los espacios en blanco

1) I in Canberra last spring.

2) We at school last Saturday.

3) Tina at home yesterday.

4) He happy.

5) Robert and Stan Garry's friends.

6) You very busy on Friday.

7) They in front of the supermarket.

8) I in the museum.

9) She in South Africa last month.

10) Jessica and Kimberly late for school


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What? Que / Cual *

What time? Que hora / A que hora

Where? Donde

Where...........from? De donde

When? Cuando

Which? Cual *

How? Como (generalmente para salud o estado de ánimo)

How old? Como de viejo ( para la edad)

How much? Cuanto/a

How many? Cuantos/as

How often? Con que frecuencia


Elige la opción correcta

. A) "________ do you go to school?" B) "I go to school in California."




2. A) "________ does Jack work ?" B) " He works every evening."




3. A) "_________ cars does your family have ?" B) "We have two cars."

How much

How many

What4. A) "_______ does the dog want ?" B) "She wants a big bone." How many


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5. A) "_________ do you eat for lunch every day?" B) "I eat rice and vegetables for lunch."




6. A) ________ dog is hungry? B) The black dog is hungry, but the white dog isn't hungry.




7. A) ____ did you call last night? B) I called Maria last night.




8. A) "____ your brother swim in winter ?" B) "No. He doesn't swim in winter.




9. A) "________ is that ?" B) "It costs 3 dollars."


How much

How many


En general podemos decir que SOME significa algo, alguno, algunos y ANY, nada, poco, un poco.


Se utiliza Some con nombres incontables y con plurales

Nota : incontable es lo que no se puede contar: las bebidas y alimentos, aunque no todos los alimentos.

I have some bread.I have some apples.


Se utiliza ANY con contables e incontables


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I have not any bread.I have not any apples.


Se utiliza ANY con contables e incontablesHave you got any bread?Have you got any apples?


1. Jane doesn't have friends.

2. Have you got brothers or sisters?

3. Here is food for the cat.

4. There aren't apples

5. There are cats in the garden

6. My mum doesn't speak foreign languages.

7. I've got sweets for you8. There is .....................milk in the fridge9. There are ..................potatoes in the kitchen10. There isn’t ...................water in the fridge


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The United Kingdom

The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, or UK, is in Western Europe. It comprises the island of Great Britain (England, Scotland and Wales) and in the island of Ireland, Northern Ireland, together with many smaller islands. Northern Ireland is in the north of the Republic of Ireland.

The UK is between the North Atlantic Ocean and the North Sea, and within 35 km (22 miles) of the northwest coast of France, from which it is separated by the English Channel.

The Channel Tunnel ("Chunnel"), goes under the English Channel, it links the UK with France.


Responde TRUE (verdad) o FALSE (falso)


UK is in East Europe.

The Republic of Ireland is part of the UK.

Northern Ireland is part of UK.

Great Britain is 35 Km of France.

The Channel Tunnel connects France and Northern Ireland.

University of Cambridge


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The University of Cambridge is the second-oldest university in the English-speaking world (after Oxford).

It is situated in the town of Cambridge, England. According to legend, the university was founded in 1209.

Cambridge has more Nobel prize winners than any other university in the world.

The universities of Oxford and Cambridge have a significant proportion of Britain's prominent scientists, writers and politicians.


The University of Cambridge is the oldest university in England.True.False.We don't know.

2. The University of Cambridge was founded in 1902.True.False.We don't know.

3. Many Nobel Prize winners were students at the University of Cambridge.True.False.We don't know.

4. Many scientists, writers and politicians were students at the University of Oxford and the University of Cambridge.



We don't know.


London is the capital of the United Kingdom and of England and is one of the MOST BEAUTIFUL cities IN THE WORLD.

With over seven million inhabitants, it is the second-most populous cities in Europe, after Moscow.


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Founded as Londinium, the capital of the Roman province of Britannia, it was the centre of the British Empire.

Today it is a major financial centre along with New York and Tokyo.

London has one of the most influential powers in politics, finance, arts and fashion today.


Which is the capital of England?

How many inhabitants does London have?

What was the capital of the Roman province of Britannia?

What are the most influential powers of London?

Nasreddin and the PotOne day Nasreddin takes a pot from his neighbour Ali. The next day he returns it back with another little pot inside. "That's not mine," says Ali.

"Yes, it is,"says Nasreddin. "Your pot has a baby."

Another day Nasreddin asks Ali a pot again. Ali accepts, but days pass and Nasreddin do not return the pot. Finally Ali goes to demand his property. "I

am sorry," says Nasreddin. "I can't give you back your pot, it is dead." "Dead!" cries Ali, "how can a pot die?" "Well," says Nasreddin, " if you

believe pots can have babies, you can believe they can die.”

QUESTIONS1. Who is the owner of the pot?

A.   ?    NasreddinB.   ?    AliC.   ?    the baby

2. How many times does Nasreddin take the pot?A.   ?    onceB.   ?    twiceC.   ?    three times

3. How many pots does he retun back the first time?A.   ?    noneB.   ?    oneC.   ?    two

4. Why is the neighbour happy to lend his pot a second time?A.   ?    He thinks he is having two pots..


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B.   ?    He is a good neighbour.C.   ?    He has many pots.

5. How many pots does Nasreddin return the second time?A.   ?    noneB.   ?    oneC.   ?    two

6. What happens to the pot?A.   ?    It dies.B.   ?    The neighbour takes it back.C.   ?    Nasreddin has it.

Tornadoes in Kansas Kansas has got many things -- wheat, sunflowers ... and tornadoes!

Tornadoes are storms with rapidly rotating winds that form a funnel cloud. Also known as "twisters," the winds that rotate within a tornado usually reach a speed of almost 300 miles per hour!

A tornado often sweeps through an area quickly, but it can cause considerable destruction. There are a number of remarkable reports of tornadoes. For example there is a school demolished with 85 students inside it but none killed. There is also a case of five railway coaches, of 70 tons every one, lifted from their tracks.

1. What has Kansas got?

a. wheat

b. potatoes

c. sunflowers

d. a and c

2. How fast do the winds rotate within a tornado?

a. 85 miles per hour

b. 400 miles per hour

c. 300 miles per hour

d. 70 miles per hour

3. Tornadoes are also known as

a. thunderstorms


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b. typhoons

c. tempests

d. twisters

4. Which of the following statements is true?

A. Eighty-students died when a tornado struck their schoolhouse.

B. A tornado lifts five heavy railroad coaches from their tracks.

Anoka, Minnesota: The Halloween Capital of the World Do you know that Halloween has a capital? Anoka, Minnesota, is the "Halloween Capital of the World.” It is one of the first cities in the United States to have a Halloween celebration.

The Grand Day Parade includes a Mass Band. Another event is the Gray Ghost 5K Run, a marathon.

There are many competitions during the week, including the best Halloween house decorations. Most participants wear their Halloween costumes.


Which is the Halloween Capital of the World?

What are the events in the Grand Day Parade?

Are there competitions during the week?

What does the week include?

What do most participants wear?


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