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 N\ELNO ^IF[LIODEL[ [L^LF[NI NIFWUL[ 8= [LCB^U[R FJOAFDBL^ 8.> Urfebjc hlfturbjc ^ukstfjtbfddy Bjnrlfsle [lcbstry Fntbvbty ovlr F^Y Fntbvbty - Wfrt ; (Hurtilr Efr` Wood Fntbvbty, ^iort ^lddbjc Fjoafdbls, IHU Bssuls) 

6.3 CuDeco Registry Anomalies 3

Jun 03, 2018



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8.> Urfebjc hlfturbjc ^ukstfjtbfddy Bjnrlfsle [lcbstry Fntbvbty

ovlr F^Y Fntbvbty - Wfrt ;

(Hurtilr Efr` Wood Fntbvbty, ^iort ^lddbjc Fjoafdbls, IHU Bssuls) 

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6.6 Siy Kdoc?

6.; Uil Nurrljt ̂ btuftboj

6.> Kdoc Nojtljt

;.6 Bjtroeuntboj

;.; Urfebjc Urljes Ovlr f 6< Aojti Wlrboe

>.6 Urfebjc Dlfebjc \p to til Fuc 69 [lsournl \pcrfel

>.; Fj Fjfdysbs oh Wrbnl \jelr-Wlrhorafjnl Eurbjc Mfj-Hlk ;767

>.> Afr`lt Afjbpudftboj Bssuls, & 3.< Aojtis oh Funtboj Bjvlstbcftbojs fje Eowj Ubn` Fjfdysbs

>.5 F [lvblw oh Mujl/Mudy ;778 MO[N Bssuls

>.< Afr`lt [lfntbojs to ^bcjbhbnfjt Fjjoujnlaljts ;767

>.8 Uil ;767 [lsournl Lstbaftl fje Bssuls [ldftle to MO[N Noel Noapdbfjnl

5.6 Ibstorbn Urljes fje Fuc 69, ;767 Urfebjc Eftf

<.6 ^iort Wosbtboj \peftl - Jov 6, ;766 

<.; [lcbstry \peftl fs ft Jov >, ;766

<.> Afr`lt \peftl Jov 65

<.5 ̂ uaafry oh Bssuls Wdus Urfebjc Fjoafdbls Eurbjc Jovlaklr ;766 fje bj f Krofelr Nojtlxt

8.6 Fj Ovlrvblw oh Aojtidy [lcbstry Fjoafdbls ̂ pfjjbjc ; Rlfrs oh Urfebjc 

8.; Bjnrlfsle [lcbstry Fntbvbty vlrsus F^Y Kuybjc fje ^lddbjc 

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[lslfrni Wfplr 8.> hoddows oj hroa Wfplr 8.; wibni erlw fttljtboj to trfebjc pfttlrjs nifrfntlrbzle ky

rlcbstry sifrl hdows klbjc hfr bj lxnlss oh kro`lr kuybjc fje slddbjc oj til F^Y. Uil feebtbojfd rlcbstry fntbvbty bs

fssuale to kl fssonbftle wbti efr` pood trfebjc wilrlky kro`lrs elfd ebrlntdy wbti lfni otilr fje fvobe til


Eftf hor Afy ;76; fje Mujl ;76; jow provbels fj 9 aojtis sjfpsiot oh trfebjc (prlvbousdy 8 aojtis)

hoddowbjc til noapfjy klnoabjc sukstfjtbfddy el-rbs`le wbti promlnt hbjfjnl bj pdfnl fje f abjbjc dbnljsl

slnurle. Uil el-rbs`bjc lvljts ifvl prlpfrle til wfy hor til noapfjy to pronlle wbti til nojvlrsboj oh bts

[on`dfjes Lxpdorftboj Wromlnt bjto f sbcjbhbnfjt jlw dojc dbhl abjbjc oplrftboj. Uil ovlrwildabjc trlje ovlr

til plrboe rlvblwle ifs kllj hor ebstortbojs to trfebjc eftf fje fjoafdous rlcbstry pfttlrjs.

[lslfrni ifs fttlaptle to fsslss pfttlrjs bj eftf oj til kfsbs tift trfebjc kltwllj cljubjl kuylrs fje

cljubjl slddlrs fje bjelle siort slddbjc tift bs fnnoapfjble ky fpproprbftl ston` dljebjc fcrllaljts sioude

jot rlsudt bj ebstortbojs to eftf. Cross ebstortbojs tilrlhorl succlst ujortioeox fje/or eukbous trfebjc fntbvbty

pfrtbnudfrdy sbjnl bt bs ebhhbnudt to lxpdfbj til eftf trljes bj tlras oh dlcbtbaftl fje/or ltibnfd trfebjc prfntbnls.

Uil tirll trfebjc bssuls tift ifvl ife f vlry sbcjbhbnfjt bapfnt oj trfebjc outnoals ovlr til plrboe bjnduel=

  Efr` Wood trfebjc0

  ^iort slddbjc, fje0

  Ibci hrlquljny trfebjc (iht).

Uily rlprlsljt `ly trfebjc alnifjbsas tift ifvl fssbstle bjstbtutbojs bj eoabjftbjc fdd trfebjc to til lxtljt oh

klbjc rlspojsbkdl hor 98% oh fdd rlcbstry aovlaljts ovlr til 9 aojti plrboe.

F crowbjc rlnocjbtboj oh fnutl bssuls wbti efr` pood trfebjc fje ibci hrlquljny trfebjc bssuls wbtibj til

hbjfjnbfd alebf erfws hurtilr fttljtboj to NuElno ^ifrliodelr [lslfrni hbjebjcs fs til prokdlas wbti NuElno

frl rujjbjc ft dlvlds hfr ibcilr tifj frl klbjc pukdbndy fn`jowdlecle.

Fssonbftle wbti til bjstbtutbojfd eoabjfjnl ovlr til afr`lt ifs kllj=

  Uilbr bjhduljnl fnross f wbel jltwor` oh kro`lrs wilrl dfrcl voduals oh kuybjc fje slddbjc bs bapdlaljtle

ky fdcorbtias rlpltbtbvldy trfjsfntbjc kuys fje sldds usbjc tbjy pfrnlds oh sifrls0

  F slttdlaljt systla tift ljfkdls bjstbtutbojfd F^Y kro`lr fntbvbty to kl nfaouhdfcle hroa vblw0

  Opfqul elfdbjcs bj ohh-afr`lt efr` poods tift provbels ljoraous hdlxbkbdbty hor til rl- orcfjbzftboj oh

bjstbtutbojfd porthodbos, fje0

  Fj bjnrlfsbjc lapifsbs oj siort slddbjc wbti oplj siort lxposurls bjnrlfsbjc to rlnore dlvlds.

Uil potljtbfd hor afr`lt afjbpudftboj tirouci til absusl oh efr` poods, iht fdcorbtias fje siort slddbjc

protonods frl lxtrlaldy ibci cbvlj tift slvlrl trfjspfrljny bssuls ljnoapfss 98% oh fdd rlcbstry elfdbjcs.

Uil abxle rlfntboj oh til sifrl prbnl to afmor noapfjy jlws tocltilr wbti eukbous eftf trljes nfst hurtilr

eoukt ovlr til cljubjljlss oh trfebjc fje til hfbrjlss oh til afr`lt. Nlrtfbjdy til fjoafdous trljes fje

noujtlr bjtubtbvl afr`lt rlspojsls frl db`ldy to kl til rlsudt oh eldbklrftl fje strftlcbn trfebjc klifvbours.

Lstfkdbsile trljes lakleele bjto trfebjc fje rlcbstry eftf afy wldd prlsljt fs f prbaf hfnbl nfsl oh sifrl

prbnl afjbpudftboj (tift to eftl ifs jot kllj jotbnle fje/or feerlssle ky afr`lt rlcudftors) or ft til vlry

dlfst fj lxtrlaldy ujhfbr afr`lt bj til trfebjc oh NuElno slnurbtbls wbti slrbous bapdbnftbojs hor fdd otilr

noapfjbls oj til F^Y fje tilbr sifrliodelrs.

Hbjfddy, afmor tlnijodocbnfd bjjovftbojs to til wfy afr`lts oplrftl ifvl kllj lakrfnle ky afr`lt

feabjbstrftors fje afr`lt rlcudftors kut wbti ojdy snfjt `jowdlecl oh wift tilbr bapfnt afy kl. Fdsodfn`bjc ifs kllj fj fkbdbty to lhhlntbvldy aojbtor fje rlcudftl til nifjcle afr`lt ljvbrojaljt wibni ifs

klnoal lhhlntbvldy ujsfhl hor rltfbd bjvlstors. Oj til otilr ifje, til ljtbtbls dfrcldy rlspojsbkdl hor til

nifjcls bjtroeunle to til afr`lt ifvl posbtbojle tilasldvls to kljlhbt hroa til nifjcls kut ft til sfal

tbal tily ifvl put ft rbs` til hujntboj fje til bjtlcrbty oh til afr`lt btsldh. Fs f nojslquljnl, til bssuls

kroucit to fttljtboj frl oh nrbtbnfd baportfjnl to fdd stf`liodelrs. 

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[L^LF[NI WFWL[ 8.> - ^\AAF[R

Nojnlrjs fssonbftle wbti til eoabjfjt trfebjc fntbvbtbls oh bjstbtutbojs frl kroucit to fttljtboj ky til

hoddowbjc afr`lt stftbstbns fje trfebjc trljes fssonbftle wbti til 9 aojtis oh trfebjc rlvblwle.

  Bjstbtutbojs wlrl fssonbftle wbti 676.; abddboj sifrls aovbjc OHH til rlcbstlr fje 67<.; abddboj sifrls

aovbjc OJ to til rlcbstlr hor f jlt cfbj oh frouje 5 abddboj sifrls. (Uil hbcurls eoj‒t bjnduel pdfnlaljt

sifrls). Uil sifrl hdows rlprlsljt 98% oh fdd sifrliodelr rlcbstry fntbvbty (b.l. fntbvbty fssonbftle wbti F^Y

kuybjc & slddbjc fs wldd fs tift wibni onnurs ky ohh-afr`lt kro`lr nrossbjcs fje efr` pood trfels).

  [lcbstry aovlaljts hor til 9 aojti plrboe noaprbsle=

F^Y rldftle fntbvbty= 58% fje Efr` Wood (ohh-afr`lt) fntbvbty= <5%

Bjstbtutbojfd rlcbstry elfdbjcs frl rlprlsljtle ky til efr` pood fntbvbty (<5%) fs wldd fs >;% oh til sifrl

hdows rldftbjc to F^Y kuybjc & slddbjc fntbvbty, af`bjc hor 98% bj totfd.

(Ohh-afr`lt bjstbtutbojfd sifrl hdows wlrl fdso koostle ky nrossbjcs bj Mfj ;76; to rlkfdfjnl porthodbos

nobjnbebjc wbti til pronlssbjc oh fj 9 abddboj sifrl pdfnlaljt).

  [lcbstry fntbvbty rlsudtbjc hroa til trfebjc oh joj-bjstbtutbojfd ljtbtbls fnnoujtle hor 65% oh til rlcbstlr

fje rlprlsljtle trfebjc fntbvbty rldftle to rltfbd bjvlstors, til noapfjy wbti bts Kuy Kfn` fje Lapdoyll

^ifrl Wurnifsl procrfas fje f safdd faoujt oh elfdbjcs ky huje afjfclaljt croups. Uil joj-

bjstbtutbojfd noapojljt oh rlcbstry fntbvbty bs huddy trfjspfrljt fje lfsbdy vlrbhbfkdl.

  Efr` Wood trfebjc bs noapdltldy opfqul to til afr`lt fje jot lvlj rlcudftors or F^Y survlbddfjnl tlfas frl

prbvy to wift ifs tf`lj pdfnl ujdlss tily frl prlpfrle to nojeunt fuebts.

  Efr` Wood fntbvbty ovlr til 9 aojtis ifs kllj wldd fkovl lstbaftls ky F^BN Noaabssbojlr Kldbjef Cbksoj 

ft 5% fje F^Y Niblh  Ldalr Huj`l @upplr oh kltwllj 6<% fje ;<%. Efr` Wood fntbvbty hor NE\ bj lxnlss oh

<7% oh rlcbstry aovlaljts hor fj lxtljele plrboe oh tbal sioude kl oh nrunbfd nojnlrj.

  Bjstbtutbojfd F^Y trfebjc (b.l. >;% oh til rlcbstlr) bs fdso fssonbftle wbti trfjspfrljny bssuls sbjnl til

trfebjc fntbvbty ky kro`lrs fntbjc hor bjstbtutbojs bs nfaouhdfcle tirouci til slttdlaljt pronlss. Uilrl frl

jo dbj`s to til kro`lrs rlspojsbkdl hor bjstbtutbojfd kuybjc & slddbjc fje tilrlhorl zlro fnnoujtfkbdbty

  Hroa f rlcbstry plrsplntbvl til lxtljt oh trfjspfrljny bssuls afy kl suaafrbzle fs=

Urfjspfrljt Elfdbjcs= 65% ([ltfbd Bjvlstors & Otilrs)

Opfqul Elfdbjcs= <5% (Bjstbtutbojs usbjc Efr` Woods)

Urfjspfrljny Bssuls= >;% (Bjstbtutbojfd F^Y trfebjc)

  Bjstbtutbojfd kuybjc fje slddbjc afjbhlsts fnross f dfrcl rfjcl oh kro`lrs wilrl lxtrlaldy dfrcl voduals oh

slddbjc fje kuybjc ifvl kllj rlfebdy fnnoaaoeftle ky til afr`lt. Uil sbtuftboj lquftls to joj-cljubjl

trfebjc niurj fje woude jlnlssfrbdy rlqubrl ibci dlvlds oh no-oplrftboj ky kro`lrs bj orelr hor til trfebjc

voduals to kfdfjnl so slfadlssdy. (Uilrl bs fdso til possbkbdbty tift sopibstbnftle trfebjc fdcorbtias afy kl

fkdl to ’nioosl‒ wio tily elfd wbti to ildp noorebjftl kuybjc fje slddbjc kltwllj til bjstbtutbojfd kro`lrs.

Nlrtfbjdy vlry dbttdl bs `jowj fkout fdcorbtias fje wift tily fniblvl otilr tifj tift tilrl elsbcj fje uslbs bjtljele to fevfjtfcl ojl slntor oh til afr`lt (b.l. bjstbtutbojs) ovlr til rlst oh til afr`lt.

  Bjstbtutbojfd ilfvy slddbjc bs fdaost fdwfys aftnile ky otilr kro`lrs kuybjc ilfvbdy hor bjstbtutbojs wbti til

jlt rlsudt klbjc tift owjlrsibp ovlr sifrls bs aostdy rltfbjle ky til ljtbtbls rlspojsbkdl.

Joj-trfjspfrljny bssuls rldftlto 98% oh rlcbstry elfdbjcs

Bt hoddows tift fjy systla tift hfnbdbtftls suni ovlrwildabjc dlvlds oh joj-trfjspfrljt elfdbjcs bs lxtrlaldyprojl to fkusl, fje til fjoafdous aovlaljts bj kro`lr slttdlaljt fnnoujts ([lhlr ^lnt >.<.6 & >.<.;)  fdojcwbti til okvbous eoabjfjnl ovlr trfebjc ky hbvl bjstbtutbojs wbti tilbr lxtljsbvl niurjbjc oh ston` fjeeoabjfjnl ovlr siort slddbjc afy kl bjebnftbjc must tift.

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  Bjstbtutbojfd eoabjfjnl ovlr trfebjc ifs kllj siowj (b.l. ^lnt 3) to hoddow f pfttlrj wilrl bjebvbeufd

kro`lrs frl proabjljt oj onnfsbojs wbti hor lxfapdl ilfvy jlt slddbjc oj klifdh oh bjstbtutbojs, kut tilj

rleunl tilbr slddbjc prohbdls oj sukslquljt efys ft wibni tbal tilbr proabjljt rodl bs tf`lj ovlr ky otilr

bjstbtutbojfd kro`lrs oj f rotftbojfd kfsbs. Cbvlj tift f dfrcl juaklr oh kro`lrs frl bjvodvle wbti

bjstbtutbojfd elfdbjcs, til lje rlsudt bs tift lfni kro`lr‒s sifrl oh trfebjc fvlrfcls out ovlr tbal so tift jo

sbjcdl kro`lr ifs fj ovlrdy proabjljt trfebjc prohbdl. Uil trlje wilrl til bjstbtutbojfd kuybjc fje slddbjc

dofe bs sifrle frouje rlbjhornls til db`ldbiooe tift ibci dlvlds oh noddusboj frl tf`bjc pdfnl.

  Bjstbtutbojfd ’sldd eowjs‒ oj til F^Y kltwllj rldftle pfrtbls bs db`ldy to kl hoddowle up ky efr` pood trfels

to rlstorl iodebjcs bjto kfdfjnl tilrlky pfrtdy lxpdfbjbjc til bjnrlfsle ohh afr`lt trfebjc tf`bjc pdfnl. Uil

ohh afr`lt trfjsfntbojs ifvl jo bapfnt oj prbnls wibdl til F^Y trfels eo.

  Fdcorbtiabn trfels ljsurle tift 28% oh ovlr 67,877 Eowj Ubn`s ovlr til 9 aojti plrboe onnurrle ft til

slddlr‒s F^@ prbnl, fj lxtrforebjfry elvldopaljt tift succlsts strojc nojtrod ovlr prbnl aovlaljts. Fdso,

bjstbtutbojfd nrossbjcs fnnoujt hor 68.6% oh fdd trfebjc oj til F^Y, qubtl slpfrftl to tilbr efr` pood trfels.

  ^iort slddbjc fntbvbty fs f plrnljtfcl oh F^Y voduals bjnrlfsle hroa 63% prbor to suspljsboj (Mfj to abe-

Fuc ;766) to ;<% hor trfebjc bj ;76; up ujtbd til lje oh Mujl. Bj Mujl til rftbo wfs >>% wibni bs fj

ujusufd rlspojsl to f noapfjy rlnorebjc strojc cfbjs oplrftbojfddy wbti f vbfkdl fje vfdufkdl promlnt.  Urfebjc hoddowbjc til noapfjy klnoabjc el-rbs`le rlsudtle bj oplj siort posbtbojs bjnrlfsbjc to <.5 abdd

sifrls ft til lje oh Mujl wibni bs ndosl to til fdd-tbal ibcis sbjnl til rlportbjc oh oplj siort posbtbojs

klcfj bj abe-;767. Uil bjnrlfsl to oplj siort posbtbojs wfs >.8 abddboj sifrls.

  Uilrl frl slvlrfd fjoafdbls nojnlrjbjc til siort slddbjc oh slnurbtbls tift onnurrle ovlr til 9 aojti

plrboe rlvblwle. Uily bjnduel rlportle nifjcls to oplj posbtbojs jot rlnojnbdbjc wbti=

o  F^Y voduals wilrl sukstfjtbfd vfrbftbojs bj lxnlss oh 6 abddboj sifrls ifvl kllj noaaojpdfnl0

o  rlportle siort sfdls fs pukdbsile ky til F^Y oj f efbdy kfsbs0

o  ston` dljebjc fje ston` korrowbjc suaafrbls fdso bssule ky til F^Y0


  kro`lr joabjll fnnoujt fntbvbty usle to hfnbdbtftl siort slddbjc slttdlaljts fje0o  bjstbtutbojfd sifrliodelr fnnoujts tift ljcfcl bj ston` dljebjc.

  Uil rlcbstlr siows tift bjstbtutbojfd iodebjcs bjnrlfsle ky fpprox. 5 abddboj sifrls ylt so ebe til oplj siort

posbtboj. Bt succlsts tift bjstbtutbojs afy ifvl dljt out tilbr sifrls to otilr bjstbtutbojs kut rl-purnifsle

tila fs tily wlrl siort sode bjto til afr`lt. Bt rlafbjs to kl sllj bh lxposle posbtbojs wbdd kl novlrle oj

afr`lt fs til trlje ifs kllj to afjfcl oplj posbtbojs ohh afr`lt fje wbti zlro prbnl bapfnt.

  Uil bjtlrlst lfrjbjcs oj fj lxtrf >.8 abddboj sifrls dofjle out to siort slddlrs‒ pfdls bjto bjsbcjbhbnfjnl

fcfbjst til pfplr doss oh $95 abddboj kltwllj lfrdy Eln ;766 fje Mujl ;9, ;76; wilrl til sifrl prbnl hldd

ky $6.69 afbjdy eul to til bjnrlfsle dlvlds oh siortbjc tift onnurrle.

  Elspbtl til pfplr dossls fssonbftle wbti til rleuntboj bj til sifrl prbnl, bjstbtutbojs afjfcle to pbn` up fj

feebtbojfd 9 abddboj sifrls bj pdfnlaljts (tirouci til A&C Croup) fje 5.6 abddboj sifrls bj til afr`lt

hroa til slddbjc ky rltfbd bjvlstors. b.l. ^iort slddbjc ifs kllj fnnoapfjble ky strojc fnnuaudftboj.

  Fpfrt hroa bjstbtutbojs fdd sbcjbhbnfjt iodelrs bj til Uop >7 sbapdy ilde oj to tilbr sifrls fje ebej‒t trfel. 

Wossbkdy fj

fkusl oh siortslddbjc provbsbojs

Sbelsprlfe fjoafdbls bj trfebjc klifvbours hoddowbjc til noapfjy klnoabjc sukstfjtbfddy el-rbs`le fpplfr

to ifvl ovlrwildale til afr`lt fje noaproabsle bts hujntboj fs til sifrl prbnl ifs rlafbjle ujelrvfdule

fje ujrlspojsbvl to afmor elvldopaljts. Uil eoabjfjnl ovlr trfebjc ky bjstbtutbojs ifs vbtfd bapdbnftbojs hor

afr`lt bjtlcrbty, hor til hfbrjlss oh trfebjc tf`bjc pdfnl, fje hor til lhhlntbvljlss oh prbnl ebsnovlry. Fdso,fnutl trfjspfrljny bssuls fee hurtilr to bjvlstor nojnlrjs. Uil tfnbt fnnlptfjnl ky rlcudftors fje f hfbdurl to

lvlj jotbnl or fn`jowdlecl NE\ trfebjc bssuls ifs slrbous rfabhbnftbojs hor fdd afr`lt pfrtbnbpfjts fs til

sfal eukbous trfebjc prfntbnls frl db`ldy to kl tf`bjc pdfnl fnross til ljtbrl F^Y.

Uil bssuls frl hurtilr kroucit to fttljtboj bj til hoddowbjc nifrts. 


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NIF[U 6= BJ^UBU\UBOJFD EOABJFJNL OXL[ U[FEBJC=  Ont >6, ;766 to Muj >7, ;76; 


(OHH pdus OJ)


Ont >6, ;766 to Mujl >7, ;76; 



Bjstbtutbojs 676,;7;,<;3 67<,692,77; ;78,>26,<;2

OUIL[ OHH OJHujes 5,699,7>8 ;,73;,397 8,;87,968

[ltfbd 6<,753,7;7 3,9>;,23< ;;,932,22<

Noapfjy 27,8>; <,785,975 <,6<<,5>8

Uotfd OUIL[ 62,>;<,899 65,237,<<2 >5,;28,;53


Uotfd [lcbstlr 6;7,<;9,;6< 6;7,6<2,<86

^LDD^ K\R^

Uotfd F^Y <5,252,98; <5,252,98;

^iorthfdd 8<,<39,><> 8<,;72,822

DBU Afr`lt 58%Efr` Afr`lt <5%



NIF[U ;= Aojtidy [lcbstlr Eftf bj tlras oh F^Y Urfels & Efr` Wood Urfels

Bjnrlfsbjc siort slddbjc & ohh-afr`lt fntbvbty

hoddowbj til el-rbs b̀j oh til noa fj

;766 ;76;

Oh must ovlr 67,877 Eowj

Ubn`s (EU) bj prbnl, 2<.9%

nfj kl nojsbelrle fs

onnurrbjc ft til slddlr‒s

F^@ prbnl.

Wroabjljt EU ̂ lddlrs

\K^= ;7.2%,

AFNV= 65.6%

Wroabjljt Kuylrs oj EUs

\K^= 65.>%

NBUB= 6<.<%

N^\B= 67.;%

A^ES= 9.<%

Ovlrfdd Afr`lt ̂ ifrls

\K^ 2.9%, NBUB 66.2%,

AFNV 3.8%, N^\B <.8%,

A^ES 8.;%

Eowj Ubn` ^tfts



Ont >6, ;766 to Mujl >7, ;76;

(9 AOJUI^)Bjstbtutbojs

noapfrle to fdd

otilr trfebjc



fntbvbty tiftdle to slvlrl

rleuntbojs bj

til vfdul oh



Rlt tilbr iodebjcs

bjnrlfsle ky 5

abddboj sifrls

tirouci trfebjc

fje 9 abddboj ky


^iort ̂ lddbjc6>.7% 6<.2% ;6.3% ;<.>% 62.5% ;5.6% ;5.3% >>.>%(% oh F^Y Xod)

Efr` Wood


F^Y Urfels


;3% <;% 5<% <3% <<% >9% <5%



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NIF[U 5= U[FJ^WF[LJNR B^^\L^  „ [l= 9 Aojtis oh Urfebjc sbjnl rl-dbstbjc oj Ont >6, ;766


BJ^UBU\UBOJ^ Ont >6, ;766 OHH OJ JLU Muj >7, ;76;NBUBNO[W JOABJLL^ 6,63;,75> >5,29;,;32 >5,223,5;6 6<,65; 6,693,69<

I^KN JOABJLL^ >>,9>3,896 >5,938,585 ;7,582,779 -65,573,5<8 62,5>7,;;<M W AO[CFJ JOAs 69,767,287 5,773,<<; 3,8;3,>99 >,862,9>8 ;6,8>7,328

MW AO[CFJ JOAs ;,575,;7< 6,636,236 ;>,;93,28; ;;,66<,226 ;5,<;7,628

JFUBOJFD JOABJLL^ 5,<;8,<22 ;8,685,;86 ;8,973,;;> 85;,28; <,682,<86

UOUFD^ <2,2<6,599 676,;7;,<;3 66>,692,77; 66,298,53< 36,2>3,28>


BJ^UBU\UBOJ^ 676,;7;,<;3 67<,692,77

 Fdd OUIL[ Urfels 62,>;<,899 65,237,<<2

UOUFD [LCB^UL[ 6;7,<;9,;6< 6;7,6<2,<86

F^Y Kuys & ^ldds <5,252,98; <5,252,98;

Dlss Urfjspfrljt Urfels 62,>;<,899 65,237,<<2

Kfdfjnl ><,8;5,635 >2,232,>7>

BJ^UBU\UBOJ^ 676,;7;,<;3 67<,692,77


F^Y - Dbt Urfels ><,8;5,635 >2,232,>7

 Kfdfjnl -: Efr` Urfels 8<,<39,><> 8<,;72,822

Urfjspfrljny bssuls fssonbftle

wbti bjstbtutbojfd trfebjc

bjvodvls 98% oh til rlcbstlr

Ojdy 65% oh trfebjc nfj kl

rlcfrele fs trfjspfrljt




Aorl fntbvbty fwfy hroa

til F^Y tifj onnurrle

oj til lxnifj l btsldh.

Efr` Wood Urfels

F^Y Urfels

Rlt oplj siort posbtbojs

fdso bjnrlfsle ky >.8

abddboj sifrls, f sbtuftboj

tift succlsts bjstbtutbojs

fdso koucit kfn` til

sifrls tily dljt out fje

wibni wlrl sode siort.

Fddowbjc hor til pdfnlaljt, bjstbtutbojs ifvl fnnuaudftle >,298,53< sifrls bj totfd.

Iodebjc fs ft Iodebjc fs ft

NIF[U >= NE\ ^ifrl Wrbnl Urlje noapfrle to Oplj ^iort Wosbtbojs, ^iort ^lddbjc [ftls, fje Efr` Wood Fntbvbty

6>.7% 6<.2% ;6.3% ;<.>% 62.5% ;5.6% ;5.3% >>.>%

^iort ^lddbjc fs f % oh Aojtidy F^Y Xoduals

+597,<2> +682,;39 +577,393 +<66,>82 ->;;,6>7 +;95,952 +3;;,78> +6,596,385

7% ;3% <;% 5<% <3% <<% >9% 92%

Lxtljt oh Efr` Wood Fntbvbty (aojtidy)

Aojtidy Nifjcl to Oplj ̂ iort Wosbtbojs

Jov ‒66  Eln ‒66  Mfj ‒6;  Hlk ‒6;  Afr ‒6;  Fpr ‒6; Afy ‒6;  Muj ’6; 


N[O^^BJC^ rlprlsljt 68.6% oh til

<5.2< abddboj sifrls trfele. Uildlfebjc kro`lrs wlrl NBUB= 69.3%, C^

6<.>%, \K^ 67.;%, & N^\B 67.7%

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NIF[U 8= UOW >7 U[FEBJC= Ont >6, ;766 to Muj >7, ;76; 

NIF[U 3= HD\NU\FUBOJ^ BJ OWLJ ^IO[U WO^BUBOJ^= Wlrboe Ont >6, ;766 to Muj >7, ;76; 



Noakbjle Iodebjcs

NuElno UOW >7 IODEL[^ - Muj >7, ;76;

’Bjstos‒ + Jlw Fplx Fsbf  2<,265,28> sifrls

Joj Bjstbtutbojs ><,683,;92 sifrls

82.<% oh fdd til rlcbstlr

Urfebjc ^uaafry - UOW >7 IODEL[^

23.2%< Bjstbtutbojs

Iodelrs rlprlsljtbjc

5<.6% oh til Uop >7 wlrl

rlspojsbkdl hor ojdy ;.6%

oh til voduals trfele

< bjstbtutbojs rlprlsljtbjc<5.2% oh til Uop >7 wlrl

rlspojsbkdl hor 23.2% oh til

voduals trfele ky til Uop >7

oh til Uop >7

oh til Uop >7



F^Y Fntbvbty

^lttdlaljt Fntbvbty

Ndbljt [lcbstry Fntbvbty


Lxtrforebjfrbdy fjoafdous slttdlaljt fntbvbty ky \K^S



??? ?



Uil lxnlssbvl dlvlds oh klibje til snljls slttdlaljt fntbvbty fje absaftnils

kltwllj voduals oh kro`lr trfels fje ndbljt rlcbstry fntbvbty bjspbrl dbttdlnojhbeljnl bj til bjtlcrbty oh til systla. Ky nojtrfst, cljubjl trfebjc woude kl

lxplntle to siow norrldftbojs kltwllj fdd > fntbvbtbls fje woudej‒t rlqubrl til

nfaouhdf l fje til okhusnftboj oh trfebj eltfbds tift onnurs wbti NE\.


? ? ?


Uil projoujnle hduntuftbojs bj oplj siort

posbtbojs fpplfr to ifvl onnurrle bj ohh afr`lt

elfdbjcs fje wbtiout fjy bapfnt oj prbnls. Bt

af`ls frcualjts oh ’lhhbnbljt prbnl ebsnovlry‒

usle to mustbhy siortbjc soalwift jojsljsbnfd.

Hfdds hoddowle ky

rbsls bj lxnlss oh 6

abddboj sifrls

Bt fdso rlprlsljts f crossdy ujhfbr sbtuftboj fje f db`ldy

afjbpudftbvl fkusl oh provbsbojs tift fddow siort slddbjc.

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Uil nurrljt rlslfrni pfplr feerlssls bssuls fssonbftle wbti tirll typls oh trfebjc prfntbnls tift frl

lxtljsbvldy usle bj til afr`lts cljlrfddy kut bj rlcfre to NuElno bj pfrtbnudfr. Uil trfebjc prfntbnls bjnduel=

  Efr` Wood trfebjc 0

  ^iort ^lddbjc, fje0

  Ibci Hrlquljny Fdcorbtiabn trfebjc (iht).Uil > fsplnts oh trfebjc nfj fje eo ohhlr kljlhbts hor afr`lt dbqubebty fje afr`lt lhhbnbljny kut lqufddy, wilj

lakrfnle ky bjtlrlsts wbddbjc to pursul fcljefs sll`bjc ujhfbr fevfjtfcls ovlr fdd otilr afr`lt pfrtbnbpfjts,

tily nfj kl usle to elvfstftbjc lhhlnt. Uil F^Y bs dbttlrle wbti noapfjbls tift ifvl ljeurle lbtilr sifrp

elndbjls bj tilbr sifrl prbnl or suhhlrle lxtljele eowj trljes wilrl til > trfebjc fntbvbtbls noupdle wbti til

lxtljsbvl usl oh wfsi trfels ifvl kllj f `ly hlfturl oh trfebjc0 trfebjc tift bj fdd nfsls bs ovlrwildabjcdy

eoabjftle ky bjstbtutbojs. Lxfapdls bjnduel Kbddfkojc, Hortlsnul Altfds, Ifrvly Jorafj, Hfbrhfx Alebf, Dyjfs

Norp. fje aorl rlnljtdy Bjtlcrf Abjbjc rlsudtbjc bj sifrliodelrs klbjc slt up hor f nilfp tf`lovlr.

Bapdbnbt bj til absusl oh trfebjc klifvbours kroucit fkout ky bjjovftboj (b.l. siort slddbjc) fje jlw noaputlr

kfsle tlnijodocy (iht & efr` pood trfebjc) bs f slttdlaljt systla tift provbels til hdlxbkbdbty hor eukbous

trfebjc klifvbours to kl nojnlfdle hroa pukdbn vblw. Ojl oh til baportfjt hbjebjcs oh rlslfrni ifs kllj til

lxtljt oh joj-trfjspfrljt elfdbjcs tift tf`l pdfnl bj til afr`lt wibni af`ls ohhbnbfd slntor ndfbas oh hfbr fje

trfjspfrljt afr`lts lxtrlaldy absdlfebjc.

Hoddowbjc oj hroa [lslfrni Wfplr 8.; wibni doo`le ft efr` pood trfebjc kltwllj Jovlaklr ;766 fje til lje

oh Fprbd ;76;, til nurrljt pfplr fsslssls til aojtis oh Afy ;76; fje Mujl ;76; Fdso rlvblwle frl til 9 hudd

aojtis oh trfebjc fhtlr NuElno rlsuale trfebjc oj Ont >6, ;766 hoddowbjc f 67 wll` plrboe oh vodujtfry

suspljsboj. Uil rlslfrni fttlapts to qufjtbhy til lxtljt tift til > typls oh trfebjc klifvbours tocltilr wbti

slttdlaljt bssuls fje trfjspfrljny bssuls frl bapfntbjc til afr`lt. Bt fdso fttlapts to provbel possbkdlrlfsojs hor nojsbstljtdy fjoafdous eftf trljes fdtiouci bt ifs kllj ebhhbnudt to frtbnudftl hfbr or dlcbtbaftl

trfebjc prfntbnls tift noude ifvl kllj rlspojsbkdl. Uil wlbcit oh lvbeljnl pobjts to afjbpudftboj.

Uil ovlrrbebjc kljniafr` usle bj fsslssbjc trfebjc klifvbours bs tift cljubjl kuybjc fje cljubjl slddbjc

sioude jot cljlrftl fjoafdous eftf. [ftilr, fj orelrdy trfjshlr oh owjlrsibp hroa ljtbtbls wio ifvl

ebsposle oh sifrls to ljtbtbls tift ifvl purnifsle tila sioude onnur. Bj f trudy trfjspfrljt trfebjc systla,

sifrl rlcbstry nifjcls oucit to kl fkdl to kl rlfebdy norrldftle to til kro`lrs rlspojsbkdl hor til kuybjc fje

slddbjc tift ifs dle to til nifjcls oh owjlrsibp. Uift bs jot til nfsl hor trfebjc oj til F^Y.

Uil rlfdbty nojnlrjbjc NuElno bs tift til bapfnt oh fdd > trfebjc fntbvbtbls afjbhlsts fs lxtrforebjfrbdyfjoafdous eftf trljes kut wilrl f dfn` oh trfjspfrljny fnross til systla prlvljts hurtilr fjfdysbs. Uil ojdy

wfy to proplrdy fsslss til bapfnt oh trfebjc fje to beljtbhy tiosl rlspojsbkdl hor fklrrfjt trljes bj til eftf bs

tirouci til horljsbn fuebtbjc oh fnnoujts. \jhortujftldy til ojdy futiorbty tift nfj eo tift ifs nioslj jot to,

fje bj hfnt ifsj‒t nojnlele tift tilrl bs lvlj f prokdla rlcfrebjc trfebjc bj NuElno.

Jlvlrtildlss, til ovlrrbebjc baprlssboj hroa fjoafdous trfebjc eftf bs tift til afr`lt bj NuElno slnurbtbls ifs

kllj slvlrldy noaproabsle klnfusl oh til trfebjc strftlcbls fppdble ky til porthodbo afjfclrs oh sopibstbnftle

bjvlstors. Uil aost nrlebkdl lxpdfjftboj hor fklrrfjt trfebjc trljes bs sifrl prbnl afjbpudftboj fdtiouci bt

fpplfrs tift til systla (bjfevlrtljtdy or otilrwbsl) provbels dlcfd sfhl pfssfcl hor suni fntbvbtbls.

Iowlvlr rftilr tifj fnnlpt til stftus quo fs f hfbt fnnoapdb, til hfnt tift bjjovftboj ifs kllj ujdlfsile oj

til afr`lts wbtiout proplr `jowdlecl oh bts bapfnt fje wbti bjfelquftl dlvlds oh rlcudftory suplrvbsboj

alfjs tift urcljt fntboj bs rlqubrle to rlaley til sbtuftboj. Nlrtfbjdy, til bssuls nojnlrjbjc NuElno frl

db`ldy to kl systlabn fje wbti hfr rlfnibjc nojslquljnls hor hbjfjnbfd afr`lts fje til sfhlty oh wor`lrs‒

bjvlstaljts wiltilr tily kl bj til hora oh noapudsory suplrfjjuftboj hujes or plrsojfd sifrl porthodbos.

Efr` Wood trfels frl rlspojsbkdl hor rlcbstryvoduals hfr lxnllebjc F^Y trfebjc voduals

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Efr` Wood trfebjc ifs fttrfntle f dot oh pukdbnbty bj rlnljt tbals wbti koti til F^Y fje F^BN hrlquljtdy

rfbsbjc nojnlrjs fkout til fntbvbty.

Wrokdlas tift ifvl kllj hdfccle rldftl to=

  F dfn` oh trfjspfrljny wbti sifrls lxnifjcle ohh afr`lt bj dfrcl juaklrs fkout wibni jlxt to jotibjc

bs `jowj0

  Uil wbtierfwfd oh dbqubebty hroa til dbt afr`lt (b.l. til F^Y), fje0

  Uil bapfnt oj nost sprlfes fje til ebsfevfjtfcls to tiosl wio frl hornle to elfd oj til F^Y wilrl

kuybjc prbnls nfj kl ibcilr tifj tily sioude kl fje slddbjc prbnls nfj kl dowlr tifj tily sioude kl.

Uil F^Y dosls rlvljul tirouci efr` pood fntbvbty so ifs f vlstle bjtlrlst bj trybjc to baposl nojtrods. Uil

F^Y bs fdso `llj to afbjtfbj bts afr`lt sifrl fje bs bjvlstbcftbjc ohhlrbjc efr` vljuls hor ndbljts btsldh6.

Uil afr`lt rlcudftor, F^BN, bs doo`bjc ft alfsurls to baposl soal hora oh nojtrods ovlr efr` pood fntbvbty

fdtiouci nojnlrjs wlrl hbrst rfbsle f noupdl oh ylfrs fco. [lcudftory podbny bt sllas bs f sdow aovbjc fhhfbr,

wibni bs f dbttdl bjnojcruous cbvlj tift jlxt to jotibjc wfs `jowj fkout til bapfnt oh ibci hrlquljny

trfebjc fje ldlntrojbn efr` pood trfebjc vljuls wilj tily wlrl cbvlj plrabssboj to oplrftl. Uil sbtuftboj

bs vlry auni ojl oh ’fttlaptbjc to ndosl til stfkdl eoor fhtlr til iorsl ifs wldd fje trudy kodtle‒.

Sbti fdd oh til rlfssurfjnls fkout trfjspfrljt fje hfbr afr`lts proaotle ky til F^Y fje F^BN, ojl

wojelrs wift rbcit oh rlnoursl bjvlstors ifvl wilj bjjovftbvl kut uj-trbfddle tlnijodocy bs bjtroeunle to

kodstlr afr`lt lhhbnbljny kut bs usle fs f vlibndl to afjbpudftl sifrl prbnls. Kfsle oj rlslfrni bt woudefpplfr tift bt ifs bjfevlrtljtdy hfnbdbtftle til doss oh sukstfjtbfd faoujts oh sifrliodelr wlfdti tirouci

afjbpudftbvl fkusl oh til tlnijodocbls. Uil bjjovftbojs fdojc wbti f siort slddbjc systla tift stbdd rltfbjs

okvbous hdfws elspbtl f kfj oj jf`le siort slddbjc frl wrlf`bjc ifvon bj afr`lts fnross til cdokl dlfebjc to

slvlrl ujelrvfduftbojs, doss oh hfbti bj til afr`lt systla fje ebhhbnudtbls hor noapfjbls bj rfbsbjc hbjfjnl hor

baportfjt promlnts klnfusl oh slvlrldy rleunle sifrl prbnls.

Sibdl rlcudftory futiorbtbls aueedl fje pronrfstbjftl oj bssuls vbtfd to til ilfdti oh til afr`lt fje to

bjvlstor wlddklbjc, powlrhud pdfylrs wbti ldbtl trfebjc systlas fje suplrbor trfebjc prbvbdlcls frl ujhfbrdy

bjhduljnbjc til afr`lt to tilbr owj fevfjtfcl fje ifvbjc f eltrbaljtfd lhhlnt oj til afr`lt systla bj til

pronlss. Afr`lt bjtlcrbty bs til nljtrfd bssul ft stf`l ilrl fs ojnl bjtlcrbty fje hfbti bj til afr`lt systla bs

dost til hbjfjnbfd systla wbdd kl brrltrblvfkdy efafcle.

Uil `ly ldlaljt oh efr` pood trfebjc fje hor tift afttlr ibci hrlquljny trfebjc fdcorbtias tift hfbds to clt

ebsnussle bs til afjbpudftbvl usl tift bs afel oh suni systlas to tfrclt noapfjbls. Uil NuElno rlslfrni

cols f dojc wfy to elaojstrftl til bjsbebous kljlhbts tift nfj fnnrul to powlrhud bjtlrlsts prlpfrle to

absusl hdlxbkbdbtbls wbtibj til systla to baposl tilbr wbdd oj til afr̀ lt. Uil rlslfrni qufjtbhbls til lxtljt

oh efr` pood fntbvbty fje pobjts to til elnlptbvl usl oh trfebjc niurj fje lxnlssbvl siortbjc prfntbnls tift

ifvl dle to til sifrl prbnl klnoabjc ujrldbfkdl fs fj bjebnftor oh vfdul.

Bj fdd oh til ebsnussboj fkout til jlle hor bjstbtutbojs to co ohh afr`lt to fniblvl tilbr okmlntbvls jot ojl

qulstboj ifs frbslj fkout wift bs klbjc fniblvle ky til ljedlss swfppbjc oh sifrls kfn` fje horti kltwllj

bjstbtutbojs fntbjc fs trfebjc pfrtjlrs.

6 F^Y Uo Wdujcl Bjto Efr` Woods=  Fustrfdbf's eoabjfjt lxnifjcl oplrftor F^Y Dbabtle pdfjs to dfujni two jlw "efr`

 pood" trfebjc slrvbnls jlxt aojti fs bt sll`s to nfpturl kusbjlss hroa til crowbjc faoujt oh ohh-lxnifjcl trfel, lvlj

fs til slnurbtbls fje bjvlstaljts noaabssboj pdfjs to stlp up rlcudftboj oh til spfnl. 

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Bjstbtutbojs cobjc ohh afr`lt to frrfjcl til ebsposfd or fnqubsbtboj oh f dfrcl trfjnil oh sifrls wbtiout

bapfntbjc til afr`lt bs ojl tibjc, kut til nojtbjufd swfppbjc oh sifrls kfn` fje horti kltwllj til sfal

ljtbtbls bs qubtl fjotilr. Urfebtbojfddy, cljubjl dfrcl pfrnlds to kl koucit or sode wilrl tilrl ifvl kllj

wbddbjc pfrtbnbpfjts to tf`l koti sbels oh til trfel ifvl fdwfys kllj elfdt wbti ohh afr`lt lvlj klhorl til

ojslt oh noaputlrbzle trfebjc. Bj NuElno‒s nfsl, ojdy onnfsbojfd dfrcl pfrnlds ifvl kllj okslrvle to

trfjsfnt bj tibs wfy wbtiout bapfnt to til afr`lt fje wbti f dfrcl trfjnil oh sifrls ifvbjc f jlw owjlr.

Aost oh til NuElno trfebjc rlsudts bj bjstbtutbojfd owjlrsibp klbjc rltfbjle elspbtl til ibci voduals oh

kuybjc fje slddbjc. Uil fntbvbty klstows fj baprlssboj oh joj-cljubjl trfebjc niurj wibdl pursubjc aotbvls

jot jlnlssfrbdy honussle oj fniblvbjc siort tlra trfebjc prohbts.

Cbvlj til propljsbty hor bjstbtutbojs to elfd wbti lfni otilr prbvftldy fje wbti tilbr iodebjcs rlafbjbjc bj

kfdfjnl bt bs nurbous fs to wiy tily wlbci eowj til afr`lt wbti tilbr eoabjfjnl ovlr trfebjc wilj tily

noude eo til sfal tibjc ohh afr`lt wbti zlro prbnl bapfnt. Uil rlfdbty bs tift tily fpplfr to kl eobjc koti

b.l. nojtroddbjc til afr`lt wbti tilbr trfebjc wibdl rltfbjbjc tilbr porthodbos bj kfdfjnl tirouci ohh afr`lt

femustaljts. Uil fntbvbty bs okvbousdy klbjc eojl hor f rlfsoj lvlj bh til vfduls oh tilbr porthodbos frl

ebabjbsile klnfusl oh trfebjc klifvbours rlsudtbjc bj dowlr sifrl prbnls. F `ly hlfturl oh tilbr trfebjc sbjnlNuElno rl-dbstle hroa vodujtfry suspljsboj oj Ont >6, ;766 bs tift bjstbtutbojs ifvl kllj fnnuaudftbjc

sifrls or ft til vlry dlfst rltfbjbjc tilbr iodebjcs lvlj tiouci afjy rltfbd iodelrs ifvl nfpbtudftle or ifvl

kllj hornle out oh til ston`.

Sibdl bjstbtutbojfd ’sifrl swfps‒ (b.l. trfebjc niurj) ifs kllj til eoabjfjt hlfturl oh trfebjc bj NuElno

ovlr til 9 aojtis rlvblwle fje bjelle ovlr ft dlfst f >7 aojti plrboe, til rlfdbty bs tift bj elfdbjc kfn`

fje horti faojcst tilasldvls til fntbvbty bs aostdy f zlro sua cfal. b.l. prohbts fje dossls woude kfdfjnl

out. Uil rftbojfdl hor suni fntbvbty bs ebhhbnudt to af`l sljsl oh otilr tifj tirouci aotbvls bjvodvbjc sifrl

prbnl afjbpudftboj wibdl pursubjc otilr fcljefs. Nlrtfbjdy trfebjc niurj rlcfrebjc NuElno ifs kllj

fssonbftle wbti f nfpple or rlstrbntle sifrl prbnl fje ifs ljsurle tift posbtbvl jlws fjjoujnle ky til

noapfjy ifs ife jlcdbcbkdl lhhlnt.

Bt noude kl tift til ibci voduals oh sifrls trfele ky bjstbtutbojs cljlrftl noaabssbojs hor huje afjfclrs0

noaabssbojs ndfbale hroa til hujes ujelr afjfclaljt. Bh trul tilj bt bs fj bjebntaljt oh til systla fs

fjy prohbts afel woude kl trfjsbtory cbvlj til ’zlro sua cfal‒ jfturl oh til fntbvbty fje til hlls woude kl

ojcobjc. Or bt noude kl tift til hujes ujelr afjfclaljt frl klbjc usle to pursul udtlrbor aotbvls wbti

fjy dossls suksbebzle ky til fjojyaous ljtbtbls af`bjc up til bjstbtutbojfd oajbkus fnnoujts fje fjy

prohbts koo`le to tilbr owj iousl fnnoujts fdso dbstle wbtibj til bjstbtutbojfd iodebjc or lvlj ldslwilrl. Bh

so tilj bt woude succlst tift suplrhujes oh Fustrfdbfj wor`lrs frl lxtrlaldy vudjlrfkdl bj til ifjes ohbjstbtutbojfd huje afjfclrs wilrl tilrl afy kl f nojhdbnt oh bjtlrlst kltwllj tilbr norporftl fcljefs fje

til klst bjtlrlsts oh ndbljt hujes ujelr afjfclaljts.

Bt woude fdso alfj tift NuElno sifrliodelrs woude ifvl mustbhbnftboj hor noapdfbjts oh afr`lt

afjbpudftboj bh til hoddowbjc suaaftboj oh wift bs onnurrbjc bs bj fjy wfy fnnurftl.

Baportfjtdy, til sbtuftboj rlcfrebjc NuElno ibcidbcits trfebjc bssuls tift frl db`ldy to kl rlplftle fnross

til ljtbrl F^Y. Silj huddy ujelrstooe ky fdd afr`lt pfrtbnbpfjts, ibcidy suspbnbous fje elstruntbvl trfebjc

klifvbours wbdd jo eoukt ifvl ebrl nojslquljnls hor til nurrljt afr`lt systla fs bjvlstors doo` to

fdtlrjftbvl fje aorl rlputfkdl fntbvbtbls fwfy hroa til F^Y to bjvlst ifre lfrjle bjvlstaljt nfpbtfd.

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Uil NuElno sbtuftboj provbels fj opportujbty hor rlcudftors to clt to til ilfrt oh bssuls fssonbftle wbti

ibci hrlquljny trfebjc, efr` pood trfebjc fje afjbpudftbvl siort slddbjc0 fdd dlcfd bj tlras oh nurrljt afr`lt

cubeldbjls kut klbjc usle bj suni f wfy tift tilbr noakbjle lhhlnt ifs fevlrsldy bapfntle til afr`lt fje

afel bt crossdy ujhfbr.

Fs prlvbousdy aljtbojle, f cubebjc prbjnbpdl klibje rlputfkdl afr`lts bs tift trfebjc kltwllj cljubjl

kuylrs fje cljubjl slddlrs sioudej‒t bjvodvl cross ebstortbojs to eftf tift noapfrls F^Y kuybjc fje slddbjc

voduals to til norrlspojebjc sifrl hdows tift onnur oj til rlcbstlr. Rlt cross ebstortbojs frl til jora hor

NuElno wbti aost aojtis siowbjc lxtljsbvl efr` pood fntbvbty fje wbti f hlw aojtis siowbjc afssbvl

juaklrs oh wfsi trfels tift ebej‒t af`l bt to til rlcbstlr ([lhlr Wfplr 8.6 fje 8.5). Bjelle til plrsbstljnl

oh eftf fjoafdbls bj fdd fsplnts oh trfebjc ovlr f >7 aojti plrboe provbels fapdl lvbeljnl tift soaltibjc

qubtl plnudbfr bs tf`bjc pdfnl nojnlrjbjc NuElno. Uil vodual oh sifrls trfele kfn` fje horti kltwllj til

sfal bjstbtutbojs ovlr fje ovlr provbels fjotilr nul. ^o too eols til sifrl prbnl fntboj wibni siows tift

afr`lt ifs ndlfrdy kllj noaproabsle cbvlj tift til noapfjy ifs rlaovle fdd eoukts fkout til vbfkbdbty oh

bts [on`dfje‒s promlnt ylt bs stbdd ujfkdl to cfbj afr`lt rlnocjbtboj.

Oj Fucust til ;je ;76;, til Fustrfdbfj jlwspfplr pukdbsile fj frtbndl tbtdle  F^BN ^lts Jlw [udls Oj

^uspbnbous Urfebjc wilrl Ar Crlc Rfjno aljtbojle= 

"Lxplrbljnls hroa rlcudftors bj noapfrfkdl murbsebntbojs db`l til \@, Luropl, Nfjfef fje til \^ succlst

tift suplrvbsboj oh bjsbelr trfebjc fje afr`lt afjbpudftboj bs crlftdy ljifjnle ky f rokust suspbnbous

fntbvbty rlportbjc rlcbal", fje —afr`lt pfrtbnbpfjts wbdd kl rlqubrle to jotbhy F^BN wilj tily klnoal fwfrl

oh nlrtfbj suspbnbous trfebjc fntbvbty‑ 

Uil frtbndl succlsts tift F^BN bs `llj to stfap out wrojc eobjc ylt afttlrs nojnlrjbjc NuElno ifvl kllj

fdlrtle to F^BN rlcudfrdy ovlr f plrboe fpprofnibjc > ylfrs ylt jo nojstruntbvl fntboj ifs lvlr kllj tf`lj.

Hurtilraorl, tilrl ifs jlvlr kllj fj feabssboj tift tilrl bs lvlj f prokdla.

Uil sbtuftboj ovlr til 9 aojtis rlvblwle bj Wfplr 8.> ifs sllj=

  F dfjcubsibjc sifrl prbnl,

  Fj lsnfdftboj bj til dlvlds oh siort slddbjc wbti oplj siort posbtbojs rlfnibjc fdd-tbal ibcis , fje0

  Fj lsnfdftboj bj efr` pood fntbvbty wilrl aorl trfebjc bs rlcudfrdy onnurrbjc ohh afr`lt tifj bs

onnurrbjc oj til F^Y btsldh.

Afr`lt afjbpudftboj bs bddlcfd fje f horljsbn fuebtbjc oh fnnoujts abcit rlvlfd tift til lje rlsudt oh ljtbtbls

pusibjc til koujefrbls fje nojtbjuousdy fppdybjc dlcbtbaftl hlfturls oh trfebjc to til jti elcrll ovlr fj

lxtljele plrboe oh tbal, afy wldd ifvl rlsudtle bj fj ujhfbr afr`lt tift ifs mlopfrebzle til bjvlstaljts oh

fdd otilr stf`liodelrs. Uil hfnt tift fntbvbtbls frl dlcfd bj til strbntlst bjtlrprltftboj oh trfebjc cubeldbjls

fje tift afr`lt rlcudftors ifvlj‒t sllj rlfsoj to bjvlstbcftl eolsj‒t alfj tift afr`lt afjbpudftboj bsj‒t

tf`bjc pdfnl or tift bt nfj kl klcruecbjcdy todlrftle or lvlj sfjntbojle. Uil `ly bs jot to sll bh lfni trfel

nfj kl mustbhble ky lxbstbjc rlcudftbojs kut to lxfabjl til lje rlsudt oh trfebjc fntbvbtbls wibni frl

lakleele bjto NuElno eftf hor lvlryojl to sll. Uil pfttlrjs frl lxtrforebjfrbdy noaplddbjc. Uil

ovlrwildabjc baprlssboj bs tift til trfebjc bj NuElno ifs jot kllj lbtilr trfjspfrljt or hfbr fje jor ifs

til afr`lt hujntbojle wbti bjtlcrbty.

Rlt ovlr til sfal plrboe til noapfjy ifs klnoal sukstfjtbfddy el-rbs`le fje bs prlpfrbjc to noaabssbojf afmor jlw abjl.

Bh til NuElno sbtuftboj nfjjot fttrfnt til bjtlrlst oh rlcudftory futiorbtbls cbvlj tilbr sldh-prohlssle dfn`

oh ujelrstfjebjc oh til bapfnt oh ibci hrlquljny trfebjc fdcorbtias fje Efr` Wood trfebjc tilj bt bs f dbttdl

ujnlrtfbj fs to wift suspbnbous trfebjc fntbvbty woude lvlr fttrfnt tilbr fttljtboj.

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Wlrifps til nurrljt ljvbrojaljt wbti til hbjfjnbfd alebf ft dojc dfst zlrobjc bj oj sifrl prbnl afjbpudftboj

fje tlnijodocbnfddy kfsle trfebjc bssuls fnross fdd afr`lts fje f crowbjc rlnocjbtboj ky afr`lt pfrtbnbpfjts

tift til systla bs fdd kut kro`lj wbdd provbel til nftfdyst hor urcljt fntboj to nojstruntbvldy feerlss systlabn

fje rfpbedy lsnfdftbjc prokdlas.

Uil NuElno rlslfrni bs ft dlfst cfbjbjc support hroa f pukdbn alebf fdso ndule bj to soaltibjc slrbousdy

fabss wbti our afr`lts. Uil ^AI frtbndl ^plle Urfebjc Uirlftljs Ulrabjftor Lvljt oj Fuc 6;, ;76; bs f

nfsl bj pobjt fs wlrl frtbndls bj til FH[ oj Fuc 6<, ;76; tbtdle ’IHU Nrfn`eowj Jllele Hujes ̂ fy‒  fje ’[okoUrfebjc X til Ode ^niood‒ .

Noaaljts bj til frtbndls rldlvfjt to soal oh til bssuls feerlssle ky NuElno rlslfrni bjnduel=

  Noaputlrs frl hdooebjc til afr`lt wbti hf`l kbes, succlstbjc soaltibjc's ifppljbjc fje tilrl'saoaljtua, ojdy to nfjnld tila f jfjoslnoje klhorl til afr`lt opljs. Uift's nfddle afjbpudftbojfje woude dfje f kro`lr wio trble bt bj mfbd.

  Uil F^Y ifs f vblw tift efr` poods frl til fjtbtilsbs oh wift f sifrl afr`lt sioude kl fkout -trfjspfrljny fje f dlvld pdfybjc hblde. Sift snfrls al fkout F^BN bs tift tily'vl fdrlfey dost nojtrodfje eoj't lvlj rlfdbsl bt.

  Dlfebjc huje afjfclrs frl nfddbjc hor crlftlr rlcudftboj oh ibci hrlquljny trfebjc wibni tily wfrj bsrlsudtbjc bj afr`lt afjbpudftboj fje bjsbelr trfebjc ft til lxpljsl oh rltfbd bjvlstors.

  Sibdl til bapfnt oj vodftbdbty fje fvobebjc f hdfsi nrfsi/@jbcits Nfpbtfd snljfrbo bs baportfjt, tilkbcclr bssuls frl frouje afr`lt bjtlcrbty.

   Ft klst, IHU bs hrojt rujjbjc rlfd ndbljt orelrs fje ft worst bt bs afr`lt afjbpudftboj.

  Uibs afr`lt bs hfrnbnfd. Bt bs f mo`l. B‒vl kllj bj til afr`lt hor >7 ylfrs kut B nfj‒t lvlj kl kotilrle towftni tirouciout til efy jow.

  Odelr stydl kro`bjc iousls kdfal fdcorbtiabn trfebjc procrfas hor norruptbjc til afr`lt pdfnl.

  6; slnojes fhtlr 67 o‒ndon` f noaputlr procrfa orelrs f sbjcdl Krbn`wor`s sifrl pusibjc til ston`up >.< plr nljt, tilj jotibjc ifppljle hor 97 abjutls.

   Fdcorbtiabn trfelrs ifvl afel til sifrl afr`lt f eowjrbcit efjclrous pdfnl to bjvlst.

  Uil sifrl afr`lt bs jo dojclr f pdfnl wilrl plopdl hlld noahortfkdl dlfvbjc tilbr jlst lccs.

  Bjbtbfddy IHU wfs sllj fs f ifradlss tlnijodocbnfd elvldopaljt.

  IHU ifs tf`lj til afr`lt f dojc wfy hroa bts orbcbjfd purposl oh nojjlntbjc bjvlstors wbtiljtrlprljlurs. Bh til trlje nojtbjuls til bjvlstors afy jot stbn` frouje.

Uilrl nfj kl jo abstf`bjc tift efafcl bs klbjc eojl to til F^Y afr`lt wilrl trfebjc ifs kllj slvlrldy

noaproabsle fje wilrl ebhhbnudtbls lxplrbljnle ky til rlcudftor bj klbjc fkdl to lhhlntbvldy rlcudftl frl

vlry fppfrljt. Sibdl pronrfstbjftboj fje f tfd`hlst fttlapts to feerlss prokdlas tift ifvl kllj kroucit

fkout ky til ujdlfsibjc oh tlnijodocy oj afr`lts wbtiout proplr pdfjjbjc, bt bs rltfbd bjvlstors wio ifvlife to pfy til prbnl oh poordy ifjedle bjjovftboj fje wio ifvl to nopl wbti ujhfbr fje afjbpudftbvl

afr`lt hornls. Uil sbtuftboj bs ndlfrdy ujfnnlptfkdl fje pdfnls til ljtbrl hbjfjnbfd bjeustry bj f posbtboj

wilrl fj fdrlfey okslrvle doss oh nojhbeljnl nfj ojdy lsnfdftl to f pobjt wilrl bt wbdd jot lfsbdy rlturj.

^uni f snljfrbo eolsj‒t fucur wldd hor til hbjfjnbfd afr`lts or bjelle hor til Fustrfdbfj lnojoay.

[lslfrni bjto must ojl noapfjy ifs provbele f ildbnoptlr vblw oh f systla tift ifs kllj elvldople bj suni f

wfy tift provbels rbtl oh pfssfcl hor powlrhud bjtlrlsts to nojeunt tilbr trfebjc fntbvbtbls iowlvlr tily sll hbt.

Fs hfr fs NuElno bs nojnlrjle slvlrl trfebjc fjoafdbls fssonbftle wbti IHU trfebjc, Efr` Wood trfebjc, ^iort^lddbjc fje ibci voduals oh wfsi trfels ifvl fdd kllj tfnbtdy fnnlptle ky rlcudftory futiorbtbls. Uilbr sllabjc

dfn` oh bjtlrlst nojvlys til baprlssboj tift sifrl prbnl afjbpudftboj ifs fdd kut klnoal dlcfdbzle fje/or

elnrbabjfdbzle oj til kfsbs tift afr`lts ifvl klnoal must too ebhhbnudt to nojtrod0 f sfe stftl oh fhhfbrs tift

nfjjot possbkdy lje wldd.

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U[FEBJC \WEFUL HO[ AFR ;76; fje M\JL ;76;

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Uil hoddowbjc trlftaljt oh kro`lr joabjll ljtbtbls bj rldftboj to siort slddbjc ifs kllj cdlfjle hroa

ebsnussbojs wbti kro`lrs fje kfn`le up ky rlslfrni. Bt rlprlsljts f klst ’ljelfvours suaafry‒ oh iow til

fnnoujts frl usle bj til pronlssbjc oh slttdlaljts. Bt bs ohhlrle so tift til hbjebjcs fssonbftle wbti

sifrliodelr rlslfrni afy kl huddy ujelrstooe. Fs fj bjtlrlstbjc fsbel jlbtilr til F^Y jor F^BN ildp els`s

wlrl fkdl to fssbst wbti ljqubrbls fje tljele to rlnoaalje ljqubrbls to kl rlhlrrle ldslwilrl. Iowlvlr

’ldslwilrl‒ rlsudtle bj kro`lrs feabttbjc to nojhusboj tilasldvls fs til systla bs slcrlcftle bjto kro`lrswio splnbfdbzl bj afr`lt elfdbjcs (b.l. kuybjc & slddbjc) wbti slttdlaljts eojl slpfrftldy bj ’kfn` rooas‒ or

horwfrele to slttdlaljt splnbfdbsts. Oh noursl jo-ojl bj f kfn` rooa slttdlaljt ljvbrojaljt wfs

prlpfrle to ebsnuss bssuls ky piojl wbti f joj-ndbljt. Uil sbtuftboj eols rfbsl hurtilr nojnlrjs bj rldftboj

to trfjspfrljny fs til ljtbrl bssul nojnlrjbjc kro`lr joabjlls bs sirouele bj aystlry.

Uil hoddowbjc noaaljtfry doo`s ft iow f siort sfdl bs elfdt wbti bj tlras oh til sifrl hdows kltwllj ston`

dljelrs fje siort slddlrs.

Uil sifrls to slttdl f siort sfdl jlle to hdow hroa f dljelr (b.l. fj bjstbtutboj) to til slddbjc kro`lr so tift

tily nfj kl afel fvfbdfkdl oj klifdh oh til slddbjc ljtbty to ljsurl slttdlaljt. Uil trfjshlr tf`ls pdfnl fs

pfrt oh til U+> slttdlaljt pronlss fje bs elsnrbkle snilaftbnfddy kldow.






FNNO\JU (^lddlr)

Uil trfjsfntboj nfj kl

rlcfrele fs fj ohh afr`lt

rlcbstry femustaljt

Bj tlras oh til rlcbstlr, f rleuntboj bs rlnorele hor til bjstbtutbojfd iodebjc tift dofjs til sifrls, fje f

norrlspojebjc cfbj siows bj til slttdlaljt fnnoujt oh til slddbjc kro`lr afjfcbjc til siort sfdl

Uil sifrls sbttbjc bj til slddbjc kro`lr‒s slttdlaljt fnnoujt frl tilj afel fvfbdfkdl to til kro`lr‒s afr`lt

joabjll fnnoujt wibni rlprlsljts til siort slddbjc ndbljt ft slttdlaljt. ([lhlr 6 kldow).

Hroa tilrl tily frl pfssle to til purnifsbjc kro`lr bj lxnifjcl hor pfyaljt ([lhlr ; kldow).

Uil sifrls frl rlnlbvle bj til purnifsbjc kro`lr‒s joabjll fnnoujt (vbf fjotilr Ohh Afr`lt rlcbstry

trfjshlr) hroa wilrl tily frl pfssle to til kuybjc ndbljt ([lhlr > kldow). Fj bjnrlfsl bj iodebjc hor til

purnifslr bs tilrlky rlnorele oj til rlcbstlr. Uil siort slddlr `llps til nfsi.
















Fs pfrt oh til hfnbdbtftboj oh til siort sfdl, sifrls hdow tirouci vfrbous kro`lr fnnoujts ljsurbjc til sfhl

trfjshlr oh sifrls wibdl protlntbjc til bjtlrlsts oh til dljelr, til siort slddlr fje til purnifslr. F zlro

kfdfjnl bs dlht bj kro`lr slttdlaljt fnnoujts hor koti ohh afr`lt fje afr`lt rldftle rlcbstry elfdbjcs. Uil

jlt lhhlnt oh fdd elfdbjcs bs to trfjshlr sifrls hroa til dljelr to til ljtbty wio koucit til sifrls sode siort

fs siowj ky til frrow fkovl.










Bj tlras oh til F^Y afr`lt, f siort sfdl oh sfy 677 sifrls lhhlntbvldy rlsudts bj sfdls fje purnifsls oh 677

sifrls. Bj tlras oh til rlcbstlr, elspbtl til bjvodvlaljt ky kro`lr joabjll ljtbtbls rlcfrebjc slttdlaljts,

til rlcbstlr siows til dljelr‒s iodebjc elnrlfsbjc ky 677 sifrls fje til kuylr‒s fnnoujt bjnrlfsbjc ky 677.Kro`lr joabjll sifrl hdows nfj tilrlhorl kl bcjorle wilj rlnojnbdbjc F^Y trfels to rlcbstry sifrl hdows. 

Bh kro`lr joabjll fnnoujts rlprlsljt proprbltfry trfebjc or trfebjc bj prbjnbpfd hor n dbljts fje

jot siort slddbjc hfnbdbtftboj tilj sifrl hdows jlle to kl ohhslt fcfbjst F^Y kro`lr kuybjc &

slddbjc dlfvbjc fj lvlj dfrclr siorthfdd bj fttlaptbjc to fnnoujt hor bjstbtutbojfd trfels.

6 ; >

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6.; EF[@ WOOD U[FEBJC L^UBAFUL^ HO[ AFR ;76; fje M\JL ;76;

Hoddowbjc oj hroa [lslfrni Wfplr 8.; wibni novlrle trfebjc hroa Ont >6 to Fprbd >7, ;76;, fje wibni

ibcidbcitle f trlje siowbjc bjnrlfsle efr` pood fntbvbty, til faoujt oh efr` pood trfebjc hor til aojtis oh

Afy fje Mujl ;76; ifs fdso kllj fsslssle.

Uil rlnojnbdbftboj oh kro`lr fntbvbty to til rlcbstlr bjvodvle spdbttbjc til rlcbstlr bjto > croups.

Croup 6= K[O@L[ JOABJLL^

B.l. Uil joabjll ljtbtbls tift fssbst wbti til pronlssbjc oh siort slddbjc, siort novlrbjc fje NHE kfsle

trfjsfntbojs wilrl til sifrl hdows rlprlsljt slttdlaljt trfjsfntbojs fje wilrl til bapfnt oh kuybjc fje

slddbjc rldftls kfn` to til bjstbtutbojs dljebjc ston` or rlnlbvbjc ston` hroa dofj rlturjs. Silj rlnojnbdbjc

F^Y kuybjc & slddbjc wbti rlcbstry OJ & OHH aovlaljts hor f siort sfdl, til slttdlaljt trfjsfntbojs oh

kro`lr joabjlls nfj kl bcjorle fs til sldd fje til kuy frl fdrlfey pbn`le up hroa til rlcbstlr ky fj

bjstbtutbojfd nifjcl (b.l. f hfdd bj til dljelr) fje fj bjnrlfsl fssonbftle wbti til purnifslr.


Uil croup bjnduels rltfbd bjvlstors, til noapfjy btsldh wbti bts Kuy Kfn` fje bts Lapdoyll ^ifrl Wurnifsl

^nilal, soal sopibstbnftle norporftl bjvlstors fje soal safdd huje afjfclaljt croups. Uibs croup bs

rlfebdy beljtbhble oj til rlcbstlr fdojc wbti til kro`lrs wio ifvl kllj rlspojsbkdl hor tilbr trfebjc.

Croup >= BJ^UBU\UBOJ^

Uilrl frl < bjstbtutbojfd ljtbtbls tift ifvl kllj rlspojsbkdl hor aost oh til trfebjc tf`bjc pdfnl. Uilbr

trfebjc bs nfaouhdfcle ky til slttdlaljt systla fje f dot oh bt bs fdso eojl opfquldy tirouci efr` poods.

Silj til kuybjc fje slddbjc hroa Croup ; bs suktrfntle hroa totfd F^Y voduals bt dlfvls f pood oh trfebjc

fntbvbty (nbrndle kldow) tift bs fvfbdfkdl to kl rlnojnbdle fcfbjst bjstbtutbojfd trfebjc voduals. Uil rlsudtbjc

siorthfdd rlprlsljts efr` pood trfjsfntbojs tift ifvl rlsudtle hroa fntbvbty fwfy hroa til F^Y.



Kro`lr Joabjlls 6,;>6,<>7 6,666,3;2 Kro`lr Joabjlls >,<56,957 >,3;9,7;>

Bjstbtutbojs 9,;73,659 9,<2>,2<3 Bjstbtutbojs 66,<>7,255 66,67;,8;3

[ltfbd - Bjebvbeufd Bjvlstors 6,;35,263 5<<,;>< [ltfbd - Bjebvbeufd Bjvlstors 358,;76 8;>,227

[ltfbd - Wrbvftl Noapfjy <<>,75; ;55,777 [ltfbd - Wrbvftl Noapfjy >29,258 586,>87

Wroh. Bjvlstors/Hujes >26,<53 28,3;6 Wroh. Bjvlstors/Hujes 976,9>9 93;,2;7

Noapfjy Fntbvbty 7 23>,<29 Noapfjy Fntbvbty 7 ;77,777

Uotfd [lcbstry Fntbvbty 66,8<9,695 66,53<,;57 Uotfd [lcbstry Fntbvbty 63,762,382 68,299,2;7

Dlss Joabjlls 67,5;8,8<5 67,>8>,<66 Dlss Joabjlls 6>,533,2;2 6>,;87,923

^LDD^ K\R^ ^LDD^ K\R^

F^Y Urfebjc 8,56<,25; 8,56<,25; F^Y Urfebjc 8,669,>;5 8,669,>;5

Uotfds hor Urfjspfrljt Fntbvbty ;,;62,<78 6,382,<<5 Uotfds hor Urfjspfrljt Fntbvbty 6,258,29< ;,6<9,;37

Kfdfjnl oh F^Y Urfels 5,628,5>8 5,858,>99 Kfdfjnl oh F^Y Urfels 5,636,>>2 >,287,7<5


Bjstbtutbojfd Xoduals 9,;73,659 9,<2>,2<3 Bjstbtutbojfd Xoduals 66,<>7,255 66,67;,8;3

Fvfbdfkdl F^Y Urfels 5,628,5>8 5,858,>99 Fvfbdfkdl F^Y Urfels 5,636,>>2 >,287,7<5

^iorthfdd/ Efr` Wood Urfels? 5,767,36; >,253,<82 ^iorthfdd/ Efr` Wood Urfels? 3,><2,87< 3,65;,<3>


- Noapfrle to til rlcbstlr (dlss Joabjlls) >9% <5%

- Noapfrle to F^Y Urfels 8;% 662%

- Noapfrle to F^Y Urfels & Efr̀ Urfels >9% <5%

- Noapfrle to fdd Bjstbtutbojfd Fntbvbty 53% 85%

Kfsle oj


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Uil trljes hor koti Afy fje Mujl ifvl kllj hor sukstfjtbfd faoujts oh ohh-afr`lt fntbvbty wbti aorl

trfebjc tf`bjc pdfnl fwfy hroa til rlcbstlr bj Mujl tifj onnurrle oj til F^Y. Uil dlvlds oh efr` pood fntbvbty

hfr lxnlle succlstbojs provbele bj alebf rldlfsls ky F^BN fje til F^Y.

Bj Mujl ;76; fj frtbndl bj Uil Fustrfdbfj jlwspfplr tbtdle  F^BN Ufs`hornl to Wduak til Elptis Oh Efr` Woods rlportle oj Fustrfdbfj ^lnurbtbls & Bjvlstaljts Noaabssboj elputy nifbrafj Kldbjef Cbksoj wio tode f

Nifrtlrle ^lnrltfrbls Fustrfdbf hujntboj tift=

—Efr` afr`lts bj til \^ fje Luropl, wilrl tilrl wfs dbttdl trfjspfrljny, fnnoujtle hor >7 plr nljt oh

ovlrfdd turjovlr, noapfrle wbti kltwllj 5 plr nljt fje 67 plr nljt donfddy.

"Uil honus oh til elkftl bs til pobjt ft wibni tilrl bs so auni trfebjc oj til efr` afr`lt hor prbnl ebsnovlry

to kl efafcle, to til eltrbaljt oh til ovlrfdd afr`lt," sil sfbe  Bh nojnlrjs fkout prbnl ebsnovlry frl klbjc hldt wbti dlvlds oh efr` pood fntbvbty tioucit to kl frouje 5 to 67

plr nljt, ojl wojelrs wiy rlcudftors eoj‒t fpplfr bjtlrlstle bj til pdbcit oh NuElno sifrliodelrs wilj efr`

pood trfebjc bs rujjbjc ft dlvlds bj lxnlss oh <7% oh fdd rlcbstry fntbvbty fje aftnils F^Y voduals. Bjelle til

nojnlrj sioude lxtlje to fdd sbcjbhbnfjt F^Y noapfjbls fs til trfebjc klifvbours frl db`ldy to kl systlabn.


Uil trfebjc hor Afy fje Mujl wfs fssonbftle wbti kro`lr joabjll fnnoujts ifvbjc wbeldy ebhhlrbjc sifrl

hdows. F surprbsbjc rlsudt cbvlj tift F^Y aojtidy voduals wlrl fkout til sfal fje til juaklr oh siort

sfdls ebej‒t vfry ovlrdy auni fs suaafrbzle bj til tfkdl.






Nifjcl to

Oplj ̂ iorts

Afy 8,56<,25; 6,<93,<7> 3;;,78>Mujl 8,669,>;5 ;,7>8,876 6,596,385

^iort novlrs nfj kl lstbaftle ky suktrfntbjc til nifjcl to oplj posbtbojs hroa til juaklr oh siort sfdls.

b.l. Juaklr oh ^iort Novlrs 1 ^iort ^fdls - Nifjcl to Oplj Wosbtboj

Hor Afy, ^iort Novlrs 1 6,<93,<7> - 3;;,78> or 98<,557 sifrls 

Bh siort sfdls fje siort novlrs frl `jowj tilj fj lstbaftl nfj kl afel hor til juaklr oh kro`lr joabjll

aovlaljts to kl lxplntle bj til slttdbjc oh trfels.

Hor Afy, lstbaftls hor kro`lr joabjll aovlaljts hor siort sfdls fje siort novlrs nfj kl afel slpfrftldy

fje tilj noakbjle to cbvl totfd sifrl hdows fs siowj kldow.

^IO[U ^FDL^=  6,<93,<7> sifrls 

F siort sfdl rlsudts bj sifrls hdowbjc bjto til kro`lr joabjll fnnoujt (b.l. OJ) hroa til dljelr, fje tilj

out oh til joabjll fnnoujt (b.l. OHH) to til kuylr. Uil sifrl hdows woude tilrlhorl kl fs hoddows=

^iorts= 6,<93,<7> sifrls  Joabjll sifrl hdows= OJ= 6,<93,<7> sifrls fje OHH= 6,<93,<7> sifrls

^IO[U NOXL[^= 98<,557 sifrls

F siort novlrbjc purnifsl rlsudts bj sifrls hdowbjc bjto til kro`lr joabjll fnnoujt ft slttdlaljt fje tilj

out oh til fnnoujt to til dljelr fs til sifrls frl rlturjle. Uil sifrl hdows woude fpplfr fs hoddows=

Novlrs= 98<,557 sifrls  Joabjll sifrl hdows= OJ= 98<,557 sifrls fje OHH= 98<,557 sifrls

Cbvlj tift oplj siorts bjnrlfsle ky

3;;,78> sifrls bj Afy, bt hoddows tift

siort novlrbjc aust ifvl kllj dlss tifj

siort sfdls ky 98<,557 sifrls.

Noakbjbjc til two lstbaftls provbels til hoddowbjc ovlrvblw hor Kro`lr Joabjll aovlaljts hor Afy

OJ= ;,5<;,25> sifrls OHH= ;,5<;,25> sifrls 

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Bt bs cljlrfddy fn`jowdlecle tift tilrl bsj‒t f crlft elfd `jowj fkout fdcorbtias otilr tifj tift tily eldbvlr

trfebjc fevfjtfcls to til ljtbtbls wio usl tila, wibni erfws fttljtboj to til kdurrle dbjl kltwllj

noapltbtbvl fevfjtfcl fje sifrl prbnl afjbpudftboj fje fdso til bssul oh fj lxtrlaldy uj-dlvld pdfybjc hblde.

[lsplntle hbjfjnl noaaljtftor Fdfj @oidlr rfbsle f juaklr oh bjtlrlstbjc pobjts bj ibs frtbndl Ibci-

hrlquljny Urfebjc bs Nun`oo pukdbsile oj kusbjlsssplntftor.noa.fu bj Fprbd oh tibs ylfr. Uil frtbndl rlhlrrle

to til 8 noaputlrs kldojcbjc to til bjeustry‒s aost powlrhud kro`lrs sbttbjc bj til F^Y‒s ^yejly eftf rooa

fje nojjlntle ky ibci splle optbn nfkdl bjto til F^Y‒s afbjhrfal noaputlr. Uil F^Y noddlnts dfrcl hlls

hroa til kro`lrs hor til prbvbdlcl oh ifvbjc tilbr noaputlrs bj suni ndosl proxbabty to til F^Y‒s pronlssbjc

nljtrl. Uil dljctis oh optbnfd nfkdl nojjlntbjc lfni noaputlr bjto til F^Y afbjhrfal frl afel lxfntdy til

sfal dljcti so tift fdd noaputlrs frl cbvlj beljtbnfd fnnlss nojebtbojs0 lhhlntbvldy fn`jowdlecbjc til ujhfbr

fevfjtfcls tift noaputlrbzle trfebjc eldbvlrs hor sopibstbnftle bjvlstors.

@oidlr afel til hoddowbjc bjtlrlstbjc noaaljts siowj fs eot pobjts. Feebtbojfd noaaljts ifvl kllj

feele bj til hrfals.  — Uil qulstboj bs wiltilr til sbtuftboj bs hfbr to til rlst oh us0 wiltilr tiosl sbx pfrfsbtls wbti tilbr

sun`lrs hfstljle ebrlntdy bjto til ilfrt oh til F^Y sioude kl fddowle to clt fwfy wbti bt ‑0 

  — Uil F^Y bs jo dojclr f rlcudftor, must f kusbjlss, so bt sfys tift bh til prfntbnl bs dlcfd fje bt pfys f

 hll „  jot to aljtboj f ifjey rljt bj til eftf rooa „  tilj bt nfj‒t fje woj‒t stop tila‑ . — ̂ ton`

lxnifjcls til worde ovlr frl jow af`bjc f hortujl hroa rljtbjc spfnl bj tilbr eftf rooas to ibci-

 hrlquljny noaputlrbsle trfelrs fje woude prokfkdy noddfpsl wbtiout bt (til F^Y woude jot „  ylt)0

  — Ky oplrftbjc ft til splle oh dbcit tily nfj ’hlld‒  f kuy orelr noabjc fje nfj efrt bj hrojt oh tila

fje ljsurl tift til kuylrs pfy f dbttdl kbt aorl tifj tily wlrl cobjc to, wbtiout jotbnbjc f tibjc‑0 

  — Uil kuy orelrs tift til IHU oplrftors frl hrojt rujjbjc noal hroa til suplrfjjuftboj hujes bj

wibni orebjfry plopdl ifvl tilbr aojly. Jow wilj tily pdfnl fj orelr, tily usufddy lje up pfybjc fnljt aorl tifj tily woude ifvl klnfusl tily frl kuybjc hroa soalojl wio ebej‒t owj fjy oh til

sifrls 67 abnroslnojes fco fje ojdy koucit to af`l tift qubn` nljt ‑0 

  —Fs f rlsudt, bjvlstors frl fkfjeojbjc til —dbt‑ afr`lts fje usbjc —efr` poods‑ bjstlfe. Uibs sbapdyrlhlrs to ohh-afr`lt sifrl trfebjc fwfy hroa til ohhbnbfd ston` lxnifjcls provbele ky bjvlstaljt

kfj`s wilrl kbc bjvlstors `jow tily frl jot klbjc pbn`le ohh ky ibci-hrlquljny hrojt rujjlrs‑0 

  —Uil prokdla wbti tift bs tift tilsl —efr` poods‑ frl jot pro plrdy rlcudftle or trfjspfrljt0

Bt bs fj ujusufd sbtuftboj wilrl okvbous nojnlssbojs ifvl kllj crfjtle to bjtlrlsts wio ifvl ljoraous

nfpfnbty to ’sifpl‒ or afjbpudftl til afr`lt to fevfjtfcl sopibstbnftle bjvlstors. 

Bh til F^Y bs fkdl to ebsrlcfre hfbr trfebjc prbjnbpdls oj til kfsbs oh bjnrlfsbjc til rlvljuls bt nfj lfrj

hroa eukbous trfebjc fntbvbty, bt rfbsls qulstbojs fkout til lhhlntbvljlss oh F^BN bj bts rlspojsbkbdbty to

rlcudftl til afr`lt. Ndlfrdy til F^Y bs klbjc fddowle to oplrftl fj uj-dlvld pdfybjc hblde.

@oidlr aljtbojs ojl fsplnt oh iht fdcorbtias fje til ebsfevfjtfcls to til rltfbd slntor bjnduebjc til rbs`s

hfnle ky suplrfjjuftboj hujes. Iowlvlr fdso rlqubrbjc nojsbelrftboj bs til iht fpprofni to trfebjc niurj

wbti kro`lrs fntbjc bj noddusboj fnnoapfjble ky lxtljsbvl ohh afr`lt Efr` Wood fntbvbty wilrl til fba bs db`ldy

to ifvl aorl to eo wbti nojtroddbjc sifrl prbnls hor kljlhbts jot baalebftldy okvbous, kut wibni nfj eldbvlr

crlftlr rlturjs tifj trfebjc prohbts. Fj lxfapdl bs houje bj til rlnljt nilfp pdfnlaljt fje sukslquljt

tf`lovlr oh Bjtlcrf Abjbjc fhtlr til sifrl prbnl wfs hornle eowj hroa 87 nljts to ;9 nljts bj ;76; trfebjc.

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  Uil mo`l bs tift bj afjy nfsls, til sfal bjvlstaljt kfj`s frl eobjc koti til ibci hrlquljny trfebjc

fje rujjbjc til efr` poods0 tily frl nfusbjc til prokdla fje sodvbjc bt, lfni hor f ifjesoal prohbt.

Uil @oidlr frtbndl nlrtfbjdy spldds out tift til ibci splle noaputlrs iousle ft F^Y ilfequfrtlrs frl bj hfnt

afjbpudftbvl fje fevfjtfcl sopibstbnftle bjvlstors ovlr til rlst oh til afr`lt. Bt hurtilr elaojstrftls til

uj-dlvld pdfybjc hblde iostle ky til F^Y fje bts prlpfrlejlss to sfnrbhbnl trfebjc ltibns bj til pursubt oh

rlvljuls hor btsldh.

>.; Uil lhhlnt oh iht fdcorbtias oj til NuElno afr`lt frl klnoabjc wldd ujelrstooe wbti lvljts suni fs til

hoddowbjc klnoabjc rlcudfr onnurrljnls bj efbdy trfebjc=

  IHU orelrs ohtlj ebsfpplfrbjc til bjstfjt f rltfbd orelr trbls to trfjsfnt wbti bt rlsudtbjc bj til rltfbdlr

ifvbjc to pfy aorl hor f purnifsl or fnnlpt dlss hor f sfdl0

  Uil bjstfjtfjlous wbtierfwfd oh kuybjc support fs sooj fs fj ohhlr bs ibt0

  Uil ndlfjbjc out oh dfrcl dbjls oh ’kbes‒ ky slddbjc orelrs tift frl pdfnle ky kro`lrs rlprlsljtbjc til sfal

bjtlrlsts fs til ’kbes‒. ^uni fntbvbty cljlrftls pfjbn fs kuybjc support bs sueeljdy okslrvle to kl tf`lj

out (ylt usufddy jo lhhlntbvl nifjcls to iodebjc rlsudt hroa til fntbvbty)0

  Uil stfn`bjc oh ’ohhlrs‒ to ujhfbrdy sifpl til afr`lt ky feebjc ovlrilfe slddbjc prlssurl wbti orelrs tift

frl jot cljubjldy hor sfdl0

  Uil nojstfjt hdow oh vlry safdd kuy fje sldd orelrs tift ’euak eowj‒ trfebjc fje bj til nfsl oh NuElno

ifvl ohtlj kllj okslrvle to ibt til kbe to prlsuafkdy fee eowjwfre prlssurl to til sifrl prbnl0

  Uil eldbklrftl rleuntbojs bj til sifrl prbnl kltwllj rldftle ljtbtbls to trbcclr stop dossls ojdy to kuy til

stop doss sfdls klhorl rujjbjc til afr`lt kfn` up to sldd ft f prohbt0

  Uil trfebjc kfn` fje horti kltwllj rldftle pfrtbls nrlftbjc niurj tift nojtrods prbnbjc dlvlds kut wilrl

til trfjsfntbojs eoj‒t bapfnt til rlcbstlr (b.l. til so nfddle wfsi trfel lhhlnt)0

  Uil afjbpudftbvl usl oh nrossbjcs to hornl eowj tbn`s fje up tbn`s to nojtrod prbnbjc dlvlds wibdl

afbjtfbjbjc owjlrsibp/nojtrod oh sifrls, fje0

  Uil stfn`bjc oh kbes ky rldftle ljtbtbls or ky audtbpdl kro`lrs eurbjc funtbojs to nojtrod prbnbjc outnoals.

Uil fkovl trfebjc klifvbours frl supportle ky til wfy trfebjc fje slttdlaljts frl strunturle oj til F^Y

wbti til ovlrrbebjc nojnlrj klbjc til dfn` oh trfjspfrljny fssonbftle wbti jlfrdy fdd elfdbjcs. Kro`lr eftf bsalfjbjcdlss bh til bapfnt oh tilbr kuybjc & slddbjc nfjjot kl proplrdy fsslssle lvlj ky rlcudftors. Uil jlt

lhhlnt bs to provbel fjyojl elsbrous oh baposbjc tilbr wbdd oj til afr`lt ky wiftlvlr alfjs jlnlssfry aorl

tifj fapdl opportujbty to ujhfbrdy bapfnt til afr`lt.

Uil prokdla wbti joj-trfjspfrljny fje fj fksljnl oh rlcudftboj bs tift bjvlstor fje noapfjy wlfdti nfj kl

ujhfbrdy ebabjbsile fje tift dlfes to f doss oh bjtlcrbty fje f noapdltl ebstrust oh til afr`lt systla.

Bt abcit kl f mo`l kut til ojdy plopdl dfucibjc frl tiosl tf`bjc fevfjtfcl oh til systla dle ky til dfrcl bjvlstaljt

kfj`s. Ifvbjc wlfdti s`baale out oh til afr`lt bs ojl tibjc kut ifvbjc wlfdti eldbklrftldy elstroyle ky til

trfebjc tfntbns lapdoyle bs elhbjbtldy jo dfucibjc afttlr fs afjy cljubjl NuElno sifrliodelrs nfj fttlst to.

Uil kottoa dbjl bs tift cljubjl kuybjc fje cljubjl slddbjc eolsj‒t rlsudt bj ebstortbojs to afr`lt eftf. Jor eols bt

rlqubrl aorl fntbvbty rlcudfrdy onnurrbjc fwfy hroa til F^Y fs onnurs oj til F^Y btsldh. Fdso, hor ljtbtbls to kl fkdl

to rltfbj tilbr iodebjcs wibdl nojtrbkutbjc to afssbvl faoujts oh trfebjc niurj rlqubrls f strojc elcrll oh no-

oplrftboj kltwllj tiosl bjvodvle.

Uil sbtuftboj rlcfrebjc NuElno tift ifs onnurrle hor ft dlfst >7 aojtis nrlftls f ebskldblh bj til sbjnlrbty oh

rlcudftors bj rlnljtdy nfddbjc hor til rlportbjc oh suspbnbous klifvbours cbvlj f rlduntfjnl to feerlss afttlrs fdrlfeyrlhlrrle to tila tift slrbousdy qulstboj til ljtbrl hfkrbn oh iow trfebjc onnurs oj til F^Y.

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Uil systla oh sifrl trfebjc nojtfbjs f juaklr oh hlfturls tift frl oplj to absusl fje/or fkusl bjnduebjc=

  Uil joj-ebsndosurl oh kro`lr BE‒s fddowbjc fjojyaous ljtbtbls to trfel tirouci kro`lrs wiosl

beljtbtbls frl bjvbsbkdl to til afr`lt0

  Uil hfnt tift jo rlspojsbkbdbty bs tf`lj hor til fnnurfny oh ohhbnbfd rlports lhhlntbvldy af`bjc rlportbjc

fj iojlsty systla0 fj iojlsty systla bj fj bjvlstaljt worde ljvldople ky joj-noapdbfjnl,

ebsiojlsty, afdprfntbnl fje norruptboj ky til dfrcl bjvlstaljt kfj`s fs f sbapdl ’coocdl‒ slfrni wbdd

fapdy rlvlfd. Uil sbtuftboj eols jot bjspbrl crlft nojhbeljnl0

  Uil pdltiorf oh orelr typls fvfbdfkdl hor bjndusboj bj til elsbcj oh fdcorbtias to provbel dlvlrfcl bjto

fttlapts to sifpl til afr`lt. Orelrs suni fs bnlklrc orelrs, ujebsndosle orelrs, nljtrl pobjt

orelrs, fje f rfjcl oh ebhhlrljt typls oh nrossbjcs provbel ljoraous snopl hor ujhfbrdy bapfntbjc til


  F dfn` oh ujelrstfjebjc fkout til bapfnt tift trfebjc fdcorbtias frl ifvbjc oj til afr`lt lvlj ky

rlcudftors fje f sllabjcdy kdfje fnnlptfjnl ky til F^Y fje ky til rlcudftor oh cross ujhfbrjlss

wbtibj til systla tift fevfjtfcl nlrtfbj croups oh bjvlstors ovlr otilrs0

  Uil tljeljny ky til F^Y to pursul norporftl prohbts ft til lxpljsl oh bjtlcrbty fje hfbr afr`lts0

  Uil fkbdbty to trfel lxtljsbvldy ohh-afr`lt tirouci Efr` poods wbti zlro trfjspfrljny fje wbti fj

bapfnt oj til afr`lt ujfkdl to kl proplrdy fsslssle ky rlcudftors cbvlj tilbr rlduntfjnl to fuebt

ljtbtbls fssonbftle wbti suspbnbous trfebjc eftf, fje0

  F slttdlaljt systla tift fddows til okhusnftboj oh trfebjc rlnores wbti kro`lrs rlspojsbkdl hor

trfjsfntbojs bj til afr`lt jot jlnlssfrbdy rlspojsbkdl hor til slttdlaljt oh trfels.

Urfebjc eftf bj lhhlnt nojtfbjs til ’ejf‒ oh sifrl prbnl afjbpudftboj so tift fklrrfjt trljes onnurrbjc ovlr

dojc plrboes oh tbal fje f afr`lt tift ifs hfbdle bj bts euty oh prbnl ebsnovlry provbels f strojc ilfes up

tift soaltibjc bs slrbousdy fabss wbti trfebjc. NuElno provbels ojl lxfapdl hroa f dbst ft dlfst fs dojc fs

til juaklr oh lalrcbjc noapfjbls dbstle oj til F^Y wilrl ’dbnljsle‒ ujhfbr trfebjc bs ifvbjc til lhhlnt oh

rlaovbjc sifrls hroa rltfbd ifjes bjto norporftl owjlrsibp fje wilrl til systlaftbn dowlrbjc oh prbnls

af`l norporftl pdfnlaljts f nojvljbljt altioe oh fniblvbjc strojc lxposurl to vfdufkdl norporftl fsslts.

Sibdl rlcudftors ifvl kllj so hfr ujfkdl to jotbnl fjytibjc ujtowfre bj rlcfre to trfebjc bj NuElno cbvlj

tift til prfntbnls outdbjle ky rlslfrni stbdd nojtbjul, ft dlfst rlsplntle alebf snrbkls frl okslrvbjc tift

afr`lts cljlrfddy ifvl klnoal slrbousdy eyshujntbojfd. Bj ibs frtbndl Ubal Uo Nojtrod Uil Urfebjc Afnibjls 

[oklrt Cottdblksoj aljtbojs=

Uil jfsty noaaujbty bapdbnftbojs oh til 'dlcfdbsle bjsbelr trfebjc' or so nfddle ibci-hrlquljny trfebjc frl

klnoabjc klttlr ujelrstooe bj Jlw Ror`, Clrafjy fje, to soal lxtljt, Fustrfdbf.

Sibdl ’klnoabjc klttlr ujelrstooe‒ bs f stlp bj til rbcit ebrlntboj rlcfrebjc tlnijodocy bssuls, wibni ifvl

kllj sirouele ky nojtrovlrsy fje nojhusboj sbjnl tilbr bjtroeuntboj, bt woude jlvlrtildlss fpplfr tift

tiosl rlspojsbkdl hor rujjbjc our afr`lts ifvl ndlfr niobnls to af`l. Uil systla‒s rlcudftors wio frl

rlspojsbkdl hor bapdlaljtbjc covlrjaljt podbny rlcfrebjc til hbjfjnbfd afr`lts jlle to proplrdy feerlss

fje rlntbhy bjnrlfsbjcdy okvbous prokdlas. Uil bssuls frl elstroybjc nojhbeljnl fje rlsplnt hor afr`lts

fnross til cdokl fje hor til F^Y afr`lt ilrl bj Fustrfdbf. \jhortujftldy til F^Y tljes to hoddow til sfal

aoelds fje pronleurls bjtroeunle oj dlfebjc worde afr`lts fje wibni frl cljlrfddy til rlsudt oh til

bjhduljnl fje ilfvy dokkybjc ky til afmor bjvlstaljt kfj`bjc croups. Jlw tlnijodocy fje jlw

fpprofnils to trfebjc frl bjvfrbfkdy proaotle wbti tlras db`l ’afr`lt lhhbnbljny‒ fje ’bjnrlfsle dbqubebty‒

wibni kdbjesbels afr`lt feabjbstrftors fje afr`lt rlcudftors to til powlrhud afjbpudftbvl bjhduljnls tift

nfj frbsl tirouci til absusl oh til jlw trfebjc tlnijodocbls. Uil jfbvl hfnbdbtftboj oh fdcorbtiabn trfebjc

wbtiout ujelrstfjebjc bts potljtbfd bapfnt fje wbtiout lhhlntbvl aojbtorbjc fje tlstbjc procrfas bj pdfnl,

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Urfebjc bj NuElno ovlr ft dlfst f >7 aojti plrboe doo`s to ifvl kllj slvlrldy noaproabsle klnfusl oh til

eoabjfjt trfebjc bjhduljnls oh bts bjstbtutbojfd sifrliodelrs. Uilbr eoabjfjnl ovlr trfebjc ifs kllj

fniblvle tirouci qulstbojfkdl trfebjc fntbvbtbls tift nfst eoukt oj til cljubjljlss oh trfebjc tf`bjc pdfnl.

Uil fntbvbtbls bjnduel=

  Uil usl oh f dfrcl jltwor` oh kro`lrs to hdooe til afr`lt wbti dfrcl voduals oh kuybjc fje slddbjc

orelrs ebstrbkutle vbf trfebjc fdcorbtias tift eldbvlr nojtrod ovlr trfebjc outnoals fje ljsurl tift

owjlrsibp ovlr ston` bs rltfbjle0

  ^trojc support ky bjstbtutbojs bj hfnbdbtftbjc lfni otilr‒s trfels0 

  Uil lxtljsbvl usl afel ky efr` pood vljuls to rl-frrfjcl porthodbos prlsuafkdy to ildp `llp tila

bj kfdfjnl fhtlr trfebjc oj til F^Y bs pronlssle0

  Nojtrod ovlr siort slddbjc, koti bj rlcfre to til dljebjc oh ston` fje til rl-purnifsl oh sifrls tift

frl siort sode tilrlky rltfbjbjc lhhlntbvl owjlrsibp ovlr sifrls fje nojtrod ovlr prbnl ebsnovlry


  Afjfclaljt oh oplj siort posbtbojs bj possbkdy ujortioeox wfys tift ebstorts fje nojhusls wift bsfntufddy onnurrbjc fje wibni bs rlsudtbjc bj ibci dlvlds oh bjfnnurfnbls bj ohhbnbfd rlports0

  Wossbkdy baproplr ston` dljebjc fcrllaljts tift eoj‒t provbel felquftl slnurbty hor dofjle sifrls0

  Uil lxtljsbvl usl oh wfsi trfels to ’sifpl til afr`lt‒ tirouci nrbtbnfd trfebjc plrboes0

  ^trftlcbn slddbjc to bjhduljnl afr`lt sljtbaljt kut wbti sifrls purnifsle ky kro`lrs fntbjc hor til

sfal ljtbtbls (or tilbr bjstbtutbojfd trfebjc fhhbdbftls)0

  Nojtrod ovlr prbnl slttbjc tirouci fdcorbtias tift afjfcl til afmorbty oh eowj tbn`s fje uptbn`s

kltwllj f safdd croup oh bjstbtutbojfd kro`lrs0

  Nojtrod ovlr funtboj prbnls tirouci til usl oh audtbpdl kro`lrs fje til usl oh fdcorbtias, fje0

  Uil usl oh nlrtfbj kro`lrs fje slttdlaljt splnbfdbsts bj til slttdlaljt oh trfjsfntbojs tift lhhlntbvldy

ebscubsls til bapfnt oh fdd bjstbtutbojfd kro`lrs fntbjc bj til afr`lt.

Uil trfebjc ljvbrojaljt prlsljts fs f rlprliljsbkdl sbtuftboj hor til noapfjy fje bts cljubjl sifrliodelrs

fje fs wldd fs prosplntbvl bjvlstors.

Cbvlj til lxtljt oh Efr` pood fntbvbty wibni wfs lstbaftle ft <5% oh fdd rlcbstry fntbvbty hor Mujl, fje 85% oh

fdd bjstbtutbojfd rlcbstry fntbvbty bj Mujl, Noaabssbojlr Cbksoj‒s hlfr tift prbnl ebsnovlry noude kl klbjc

efafcle wbti 67% efr` pood fntbvbty puts afttlrs huddy bjto plrsplntbvl. Uil F^BN Noaabssbojlr fdso tfd`s

fkout efr` pood fntbvbty klbjc up to 67% oh ovlrfdd turjovlr wibni succlsts noakbjle F^Y & Efr` Wood

turjovlr bs klbjc usle hor noapfrbsoj purposls. Bh tift bs til nfsl NuElno‒s efr` pood trfels rlprlsljt

aorl tifj ifdh oh noakbjle turjovlrs wibni rlprlsljts aorl trfjsfntbojs bj til ’efr`‒ tifj bj til oplj.

Uil nfrtld db`l klifvbour nifrfntlrbzle ky bjstbtutbojfd slddbjc aftnile ky bjstbtutbojfd kuybjc tirouci til

usl oh audtbpdl kro`lrs ifs lhhlntbvldy don`le til sifrl prbnl bjto f trfebjc strfbcit mfn`lt. Jotfkdy, til

rlcbstlr siows tift bjstbtutbojfd iodebjcs eo jot vfry ovlrdy auni elspbtl til dfrcl voduals oh niurj put

tirouci koti til ’dbt‒ afr`lt (b.l. til F^Y) fje til ’efr`‒ afr`lts (b.l. kro`lr Efr` Woods) 

Bj rlnljt tbals wbti til noapfjy sukstfjtbfddy el-rbs`le, til niurjbjc oh ston` ky bjstbtutbojs faojcst

tilasldvls ifs fdso kllj fnnoapfjble ky bjstbtutbojs fnnuaudftbjc sifrls hroa rltfbd slddlrs0 slddlrs

plrifps worj eowj ky til hrustrftboj fssonbftle wbti f sifrl prbnl tift bs prlvljtle hroa rlhdlntbjc hfbr

vfdul. Uil trfebjc pfttlrjs ndlfrdy rlvlfd iow sifrls ifvl kllj ljnourfcle to pfss hroa wlf` ifjes bjto

strojc ifjes must fs til noapfjy bs af`bjc til trfjsbtboj hroa klbjc fj lxpdorlr to f sbcjbhbnfjt proeunlr

wbti dojc tlra lfrjbjcs prosplnts. Uil ljnourfclaljt iowlvlr ifs til ifddafr`s oh sifrl prbnl

afjbpudftboj fje bh so bt bs bddlcfd fje bt bs afjeftory tift Covlrjaljt fppobjtle afr`lt rlcudftors proplrdy

feerlss til sbtuftboj.

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Uil trfebjc prfntbnls fje til pfttlrjs oh eoabjfjnl ovlr trfebjc eo iowlvlr lxposl til ’dbl‒ prlsljtle to

rltfbd bjvlstors ky til so nfddle ebsfppobjtbjc rlsournl nbrnf Fuc 69, ;767. Uilrl bs jo qulstboj tift bt wfs f

ebsfppobjtbjc MO[N lstbaftl, kut sukslquljt lvljts ifvl siowj tift [on`dfjes bs bj jo wfy f ebsfppobjtbjc

rlsournl. Bts vfdul bs lvbeljnle ky til noakbjle lhhorts elvotle to til ston` ky til sfvvblst fje aost

bjhduljtbfd trfebjc prlsljnls bj til afr`lt. Bjhorale bjvlstors ifvl bjnrlfsle tilbr owjlrsibp oh [on`dfjes

ky frouje 3; abddboj sifrls sbjnl Fucust 69, ;767 fje ifvl cljlrfddy pfbe f prlabua ovlr til sifrl prbnl

hor til bjnrlfsle lxposurl to til noapfjy.

\jhortujftldy elnbsbojs afel ky til F^Y prlvljtle rltfbd bjvlstors hroa klbjc suhhbnbljtdy bjhorale fkout

til alrbts oh [on`dfjes. [ltfbd bjvlstors wlrl fdso ujfwfrl oh til ebhhbnudtbls hfnle ky bjeustry nojsudtfjts

usbjc stfjefrebzle rlsournl lstbaftboj tlnijbquls fje rlsournl aoelddbjc sohtwfrl to fnnurftldy lstbaftl

til [on`dfjes rlsournl fje to noapdy wbti til F^Y‒s noapudsory MO[N noel. Lsplnbfddy sbjnl til bjeustry ifs

jo elhbjbtbvl wfy oh fnnurftldy fsslssbjc ujbqul orl koebls nifrfntlrbzle ky fj lxtrlaldy strojc jucclt

lhhlnt fnross f sbcjbhbnfjt noapojljt oh til elposbt. Sibdl til noapfjy fttlaptle to noaaujbnftl til

jlle hor kud` trbfds to rldbfkdy prlebnt crfels, tift alssfcl wfs erowjle ky fssuaptbojs tirouci til alebf

tift til MO[N wfs sfnrosfjnt fje til ojdy wfy oh rldbfkdy fsslssbjc abjlrfd rlsournls. Uil F^Y hfbdle to

feerlss fje ndfrbhy bssuls fs wldd, lvlj tiouci tilbr MO[N noaabttll woude ifvl ujelrstooe wiy til afr`lt

wfs nojhusle fje wiy til afr`lt fsslssaljt oj [on`dfjes wfs ovlrdy ifrsi fje soalwift brrftbojfd.

Bt bs brojbn tift rltfbd bjvlstors wlrl slrbousdy absbjhorale ky til vlry noel tift bs alfjt to provbel ndfrbty

to afr`lt pfrtbnbpfjts fkout f noapfjy‒s rlsournl. Bjhorale trfebjc ljtbtbls oj til otilr ifje fpplfr to

ifvl slbzle upoj til ujnlrtfbjty fje usle bt to afxbaua fevfjtfcl ky hornbjc f afr`lt sduap.

Uil bssuls frouje til fnnurfny or otilrwbsl oh til MO[N noapdbfjt rlsournl frl f sbelsiow to wift ifs

pdfyle out wbti NuElno bj til afr`lt ovlr ft dlfst ;.< ylfrs. Bj afjy wfys bssuls nojnlrjbjc til rlsournl

tift nfj‒t kl huddy rlsodvle ujtbd abjbjc noaaljnls fje crfels klnoal `jowj ojnl fje hor fdd, ifvl kllj

usle to elhdlnt fttljtboj fwfy hroa ellpdy suspbnbous trfebjc klifvbours.

MO[N bssuls fsbel, til nljtrfd honus oh rlslfrni ifs kllj fkout til trfebjc prfntbnls tift ifvl kllj usle

fje wiltilr fjoafdous eftf trljes eo bj hfnt rfbsl bssuls rldftbjc to afr`lt afjbpudftboj. Frcualjts hor

afjbpudftboj frl supportle ky rlslfrni bjnduebjc lstfkdbsile trljes bj rldftboj to=

  Lxnllebjcdy ibci voduals oh wfsi trfels onnurrbjc tirouci nrunbfd trfebjc plrboes (wibni frl

fn`jowdlecle fs klbjc bddlcfd),

  Uil eoabjfjnl oh efr` pood trfebjc ovlr rlcbstry elfdbjcs (wibni bs alfjt to ifvl bapdbnftbojs hor

prbnl ebsnovlry) 

  Uil baproplr/afjbpudftbvl usl oh siort slddbjc wbti dofjle sifrls klbjc rl-purnifsle ky til sfal

croup oh ljtbtbls - possbkdy rlprlsljtbjc fj fkusl oh F^BN siort slddbjc provbsbojs tift frcul tiftsiort slddbjc provbels lhhbnbljt prbnl ebsnovlry kltwllj cljubjl kuylrs fje slddlrs0

  Wlrsbstljtdy fjoafdous siort slddbjc bssuls bjnduebjc til ;7 abddboj sifrls tift wlrl pfssle kfn` fje

horti wibdl til ston` wfs bj suspljsboj eurbjc ;766 fje siort slddbjc eftf pukdbsile oj ohhbnbfd F^Y &

F^BN wlksbtls tift sbapdy eolsj‒t rlnojnbdl wbti F^Y voduals or til noapfjy rlcbstlr.

  Uil bapfnt oj til afr`lt fje til nojtrod ovlr trfebjc ky ’iht‒ fdcorbtias suni fs houje bj

fjoafdous eowj tbn` eftf, fje0

  Lxtrlaldy dfrcl voduals oh sifrls pfssbjc kfn` fje horti kltwllj til sfal ljtbtbls fje bj so eobjc

eoabjftbjc trfebjc fje slttbjc prbnbjc outnoals kut siowbjc ojdy afrcbjfd nifjcls to owjlrsibp.

Fnnoapfjybjc fdd oh til fkovl ifs kllj til lxtljt oh joj-trfjspfrljt elfdbjcs wbtibj til afr`lt fjewbtibj til slttdlaljt systla tift lhhlntbvldy nfaouhdfcl fjy trfebjc fkusls tift ifvl tf`lj pdfnl. Bh til

trfebjc klifvbours beljtbhble fdd allt wbti til slfd oh fpprovfd ky rlcudftors tilj tilrl wbdd jlle to kl f

rfebnfd rl-tibj` oh proaotbojfd tlras suni fs afr`lt bjtlcrbty, hfbr trfebjc, lhhbnbljt fje hfbr prbnl ebsnovlry,

cljubjl kuylrs fje slddlrs fje til db`l, fje f rlvblw oh wift afr`lt rlcudftboj rlfddy iopls to fniblvl.

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Wlrboe= Ont >6, ;766 to Muj >7, ;76;

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>.6 K[O@L[ U[FEBJC ^UFUB^UBN^ ^BJNL [L-DB^UBJC= Wlrboe= Ont >6, ;766 to Mujl >7, ;76;

[lslfrni Wfplr 8.; doo`le ft trfebjc hoddowbjc rl-dbstbjc hroa vodujtfry suspljsboj up ujtbd Fprbd >7, ;76;.

Uil hoddowbjc rlvblw bjnduels til aojtis oh Afy ;76; fje Mujl ;76; af`bjc 9 aojtis oh trfebjc sbjnl rl-

dbstbjc. Uil kro`lrs frl dbstle ky tilbr SlkBrlss kro`lr noels. F hudd dbstbjc oh kro`lr noels bs fvfbdfkdl fs

Fppljebx 3.

>.6.6 K[O@L[^ KR JLU K\RBJC

Uil noduaj ’Afrcbj‒ rlhlrs to til ebhhlrljnl kltwllj fvlrfcl slddbjc prbnls fje fvlrfcl kuybjc prbnls.

K[O@L[ ^LDD^ K\R^ AF[CBJ JLU K\R^ % JLU N\A\DFUBXL OXL[FDD AF[@LUKKR ;,<2;,>3< 9,623,262 $7.7< <,87<,<55 <9.;% <9.;% 2.9%

A^ES ;,;78,>>< 5,<85,8>; $7.77 ;,><9,;23 ;5.<% 9;.3% 8.;%

N^\B ;,869,23> >,<9<,873 -$7.7> 288,8>5 67.7% 2;.9% <.8%

AFNV >,922,<<6 5,7>>,>>7 $7.76  6>>,332 6.5% 25.;% 3.;%

[K^ 9;,335 62<,687 -$7.<3 66;,>98 6.;% 2<.>% 7.>%

UFRD 659,677 ;<<,777 -$7.>> 678,277 6.6% 28.5% 7.5%

BUC ><,8;8 6;<,978 $7.76 27,697 7.2% 23.5% 7.6%

^KF[ 6,>>9,37< 6,5;3,<53 $7.67 99,95; 7.2% 29.>% ;.<%

BJ^U 28>,<39 6,768,<85 $7.66 <;,298 7.8% 29.2% 6.9%

^O^D ;,7;3,392 ;,732,;68 -$7.77 <6,5;3 7.<% 22.5% >.3%

OUIL[^ - 66 86>,>73 83;,;33 <9,237 7.8% 677% 6.;%

^uk Uotfd 68,<;3,66> ;8,6<>,7<9 2,8;<,25< 677% >9.9%








NOAA 8,;;3,89> 5,7<3,728 -$7.7; -;,637,<93  ;;.<% ;;.<% 2.5%

FBLY ;,>;<,9<2 6,5>>,327 $7.7<  -92;,782  2.>% >6.9% >.5%

\K^S <,96<,396 5,2<8,>89 -$7.77 -9<2,56>  9.2% 57.3% 2.9%

LU[E ;,;68,775 6,>27,9<5 $7.78  -9;<,6<7  9.8% 52.>% >.>%

[K^A 95<,>>2 65<,<7; -$7.6; -822,9>3  3.>% <8.8% 7.2%KLDD 993,295 >58,<<9 -$7.75 -<56,5;8  <.8% 8;.;% 6.6%

AFNW 9;;,5;; >;3,523 -$7.76 -525,2;<  <.6% 83.5% 6.7%

NBUB 8,3;5,>98 8,>69,;<9 -$7.76 -578,6;9  5.;% 36.8% 66.2%

MWA 385,77; 576,272 -$7.67 ->8;,72>  >.9% 3<.>% 6.6%

^IFS >6;,277 3,977 -$7.>8 ->7<,677  >.;% 39.<% 7.>%

O[E^ <>2,<77 ;88,<77 $7.66  -;3>,777  ;.9% 96.>% 7.3%

C^ >,663,32< ;,983,3>2 $7.7;  -;<7,7<8  ;.8% 9>.2% <.5%

EAC >,25<,<5; >,828,3<< -$7.73 -;59,393  ;.8% 98.<% 3.7%

W^D ;2>,>;5 33,59; $7.;6  -;6<,95;  ;.;% 99.9% 7.>%

AL[D 229,75> 326,833 -$7.75 -;78,>88  ;.6% 27.2% 6.8%

KFBD 696,277 >7; $7.>3  -696,<29  6.2% 2;.9% 7.;%

SBD^ 683,23; 5,777 -$7.53 -68>,23;  6.3% 25.<% 7.;%

ND^F 639,586 65,363 -$7.88 -68>,355  6.3% 28.;% 7.;%

OUIL[^ - 62 ;,7<9,37; 6,82;,9<7 ->8<,9<;  >.9% 677% >.5%

^uk Uotfd  >9,5;>,<22 ;9,323,8<5 -2,8;<,25< 677% 86.;%

UOUFD <5,2<7,36; <5,2<7,36; 7 677% 677%

Uil noapfjy Kuy Kfn` fje bts Lapdoyll ^nilal sifrl purnifsls ifjedle ky KKR Dte faoujtle to

<,785,975 sifrls fje rlprlsljts 27% oh fdd KKR jlt kuybjc. Uil Kuy Kfn` ojdy rlprlsljts 8; % oh KKR‒s totfd

kuybjc bjebnftbjc tift tily wlrl fntbvl hor bjstbtutbojs fs wldd.

KKR fntbvbty otilr tifj hor til noapfjy Kuy Kfn` faoujtle to sfdls oh ;.8 A sifrls fje purnifsls oh >.6 A

Uil > dlfebjc kro`lrs wio rlprlsljtle bjstbtutbojs fs wldd fs til noapfjy wbti bts Kuy Kfn` wlrl

rlspojsbkdl hor 2;.9% oh jlt kuybjc. Bt elaojstrftls til eoabjfjnl ovlr til afr`lt ky bjstbtutbojs. Uil sukstfjtbfd faoujt oh slddbjc ky KKR bs fdso db`ldy to kl hor bjstbtutbojs rfbsbjc qulstbojs oh proprblty

cbvlj tily woude ifvl kllj prbvy to til noapfjy‒s kuybjc bjtljtbojs wibdl bjstbtutbojs wlrl siort slddbjc.



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  Uilrl wlrl <9 kro`lrs wio trfele bj NuElno ovlr til 9 aojti plrboe.

  Silrlfs > kro`lrs nojtroddle til afmorbty oh jlt kuybjc (b.l 2;.9%) til jlt

slddbjc wfs aorl wbelsprlfe wbti 68 kro`lrs af`bjc up 2;.9%.

  Uil slddbjc nojsbstle oh f rfjcl oh kro`lrs rlprlsljtbjc bjstbtutbojs (l.c.

\K^S, [K^A, NBUB, MWA, EAC, C^, AL[D, AFNV fje otilrs) wbti til dfrclrltfbd kro`lrs (b.l. NOAA, FBLY fje LU[E) fdso proabjljt.

  Bjstbtutbojfd fntbvbty fdso onnurs hroa wbtibj til afmor rltfbd kro`lrs.

  ^iort sfdls hor til plrboe faoujtle to 66,57<,679 wibni rlprlsljtle ;6%

oh fdd slddbjc. Aojtidy dlvlds wlrl sukstfjtbfddy ibcilr tifj til fvlrfcls

klhorl til noapfjy wfs el-rbs`le wibni stooe ft 63% hor ;766.

  Oplj ^iort Wosbtbojs bjnrlfsle hroa 6,3<8,866 sifrls ft til rlsuaptboj oh

trfebjc to <,>35,5;8 sifrls ft Mujl >7, ;76; fj bjnrlfsl oh >,863,96<

sifrls. Uil bjnrlfsl rlprlsljts f nifjcl oh ;78% to oplj siort posbtbojs.

  Uil eftf succlsts tift oh til 66.5 abddboj sifrls sode siort 9.9 abddboj

sifrls wlrl rl-purnifsle.

  ^lddbjc afrcbjs fje kuybjc afrcbjs provbel fj bjebnftboj oh til doss af`bjc

trfels ujelrtf`lj wibni fdso rfbsls nojnlrjs tift til dossls frl

nojvljbljtdy rlvlrsle tirouci efr` pood lxnifjcls wilrl iodebjcs frl

rlstorle bjto kfdfjnl.

  Uil 67 dlfebjc kro`lrs dle ky NBUB, KKR, \K^ fje NOAA rlprlsljt 33% oh fdd trfebjc

tf`bjc pdfnl.

  Kuybjc oh ;8.; A sifrls & slddbjc oh 68.< A sifrls ky kro`lrs fniblvle jlt purnifsls oh 2.8> A sifrls

wilrlfs bt too` slddbjc oh >9.5 A sifrls & kuybjc oh ;9.9 A sifrls to fniblvl til jlt sfdls.

>.6.> DLFEBJC K[O@L[^ KR AF[@LU ^IF[L (b.l. totfd vodual oh trfjsfntbojs)

F hudd dbst oh kro`lr trfebjc eftf norrlspojebjc to 9 aojtis trfebjc sbjnl til noapfjy rlsuale trfebjc fhtlr

vodujtfry suspljsboj bs provbele fs Fppljebx 6. Uil plrboe novlrle bs Ont >6, ;766 to Mujl >7, ;76;

Uil ;7 dlfebjc kro`lrs wio rlprlsljtle 25.8% oh fdd trfebjc fntbvbty frl suaafrbzle kldow.

[FJ@ K[O@L[ ^LDD^ % ^LDD^ K\R^ % K\R^ AF[CBJ JLU AF[@LU ^IF[L

6 NBUB 8,3;5,>98 6;.;% 8,>69,;<9 66.<% -$7.76 -578,6;9 66.2%

; KKR ;,<2;,>3< 5.3% 9,623,262 65.2% $7.7< <,87<,<55 2.9%

> \K^S <,96<,396 67.8% 5,2<8,>89 2.7% -$7.77 -9<2,56> 2.9%

5 NOAA 8,;;3,89> 66.>% 5,7<3,728 3.5% -$7.7; -;,637,<93 2.5%

< AFNV >,922,<<6 3.6% 5,7>>,>>7 3.>% $7.76 6>>,332 3.;%

8 EAC >,25<,<5; 3.;% >,828,3<< 8.3% -$7.73 -;59,393 3.7%

3 A^ES ;,;78,>>< 5.7% 5,<85,8>; 9.>% $7.77 ;,><9,;23 8.;%

9 N^\B ;,869,23> 5.9% >,<9<,873 8.<% -$7.7> 288,8>5 <.8%

2 C^ >,663,32< <.3% ;,983,3>2 <.;% $7.7; -;<7,7<8 <.5%

67 ^O^D ;,7;3,392 >.3% ;,732,;68 >.9% -$7.77 <6,5;3 >.3%

66 FBLY ;,>;<,9<2 5.;% 6,5>>,327 ;.8% $7.7< -92;,782 >.5%

6; LU[E ;,;68,775 5.7% 6,>27,9<5 ;.<% $7.78 -9;<,6<7 >.>%

6> ^KF[ 6,>>9,37< ;.5% 6,5;3,<53 ;.8% $7.67 99,95; ;.<%

65 ^\^V 6,732,928 ;.7% 6,78;,562 6.2% $7.7; -63,533 6.2%

6< BJ^U 28>,<39 6.9% 6,768,<85 6.9% $7.66 <;,298 6.9%

68 AL[D 229,75> 6.9% 326,833 6.5% -$7.75 -;78,>88 6.8%

63 KLDD 993,295 6.8% >58,<<9 7.8% -$7.75 -<56,5;8 6.6%

69 MWA 385,77; 6.5% 576,272 7.3% -$7.67 ->8;,72> 6.6%

62 AFNW 9;;,5;; 6.<% >;3,523 7.8% -$7.76 -525,2;< 6.7%

;7 [K^A 95<,>>2 6.<% 65<,<7; 7.>% -$7.6; -822,9>3 7.2%

Uotfds Uop ;7 <6,569,75; 2>.<% <;,376,;>3 2<.8% 6,;9>,62< 25.8%

Dlfebjc Kro`lrs ky

Afr`lt ̂ ifrl

NBUB 66.2%

KKR 2.9%

\K^S 2.9%NOAA 2.5%

AFNV 3.;%

EAC 3.7%

A^ES 8.;%

N^\B <.8%

C^ <.5%

^O^D >.3%

FBLY >.5%

LU[E >.>%

^KF[ ;.<%

^\^V 6.2%

BJ^U 6.9%

AL[D 6.8%

KLDD 6.6%

MWA 6.6%

AFNW 6.7%

[K^A 7.2%

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Kuy Kfn`

WurnifslsJlt ^lddbjc wfs dle ky NOAA, FBLY fje

LU[E succlstbjc tift rltfbd iodelrs

wlrl nfpbtudftbjc, kut fhtlr tift,

slddbjc wfs krofedy sprlfe fnross

kro`lrs fntbjc aostdy hor bjstbtutbojs

Jlt Wurnifsls Jlt ^fdls

Uil bjstbtutbojfd bjhduljnl wbtibj rltfbd kro`lrs bs korjl out ky til hfnt tift NOAA, LU[E & FBLY kltwllj tila sode

67.33 abddboj sifrls fje koucit 8.99 abddboj sifrls hor jlt slddbjc oh frouje >.92 abddboj sifrls. Rlt til rlcbstlr siows

sfdls oh 3.59 abddboj sifrls fje purnifsls oh 5.;5 abddboj sifrls hor jlt rleuntbojs bj iodebjcs oh >.;5 abddboj sifrls.

Uil eftf succlsts tift frouje >.;2 abddboj sfdls fje ;.85 abddboj kuys wlrl joj-rltfbd rldftle.

XOD\AL Uil noapfjy Kuy Kfn` fje

lapdoyll purnifsls fnnoujtle

hor 8;% oh KKR‒s kuybjc 

Eljotls kro`lrs wbti f strojc

nor orftl/bjstbtutbojfd rlsljnl

Fs fdrlfey bjebnftle tilrl bs fdso f norporftl/bjstbtutbojfd prlsljnl wbtibj til afmor rltfbd kro`lrs, lsplnbfddy NOAA.

Uil eftf elaojstrftls f nfrtld db`l eoabjfjnl ovlr trfebjc cbvlj tift bjstbtutbojfd bjhduljnls frl db`ldy to kl f dfrcl

noapojljt oh til fntbvbtbls oh fdd kro`lrs dbstle fje f sbcjbhbnfjt noapojljt oh rltfbd kro`lr fntbvbty.

Iowlvlr bjstbtutbojfd slddbjc

hroa wbtibj til rltfbd kro`lrs

fdso jlles to kl nojsbelrle.

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Wfrt oh til nojtrod ovlr trfebjc eldbvlrle ky fdcorbtias bs fssonbftle wbti tilbr fkbdbty to nojeunt kuybjc fje

slddbjc bj vlry safdd pfrnlds oh ston`0 pfrnlds tift woude sbapdy kl nost proibkbtbvl hor rltfbd trfelrs bh tily

wlrl to try fje hoddow subtl. Uil kro`lrs wio ifvl usle trfebjc fdcorbtias lxtljsbvldy frl kroucit to

fttljtboj ky nojsbelrbjc til juaklr oh trfjsfntbojs put tirouci til afr`lt ovlr til 9 aojti plrboe ujelr


Afr`lt ̂ ifrl

[fj` ^lddlr^ldd

Urfels% ^ldds


Urfels% Kuys


UrfelsKy Uotfd


Ky Uotfd


6 \K^S 62,7;3 68.5% 6<,98< 6>.3% >5,92; 6<.6% 2.9%

; NBUB 65,<73 6;.<% 65,85< 6;.8% ;2,6<; 6;.8% 66.2%

> AFNV 65,><8 6;.5% 66,988 67.;% ;8,;;; 66.>% 3.;%

5 EAC 66,;76 2.3% 67,8;3 2.;% ;6,9;9 2.5% 3.7%

< A^ES 8,8<6 <.3% 65,227 6;.2% ;6,856 2.>% 8.;%

8 N^\B 3,;3> 8.>% 2,<79 9.;% 68,396 3.;% <.8%

3 KKR >,86< >.6% 2,<2< 9.>% 6>,;67 <.3% 2.9%

9 NOAA 3,583 8.5% 5,9;; 5.;% 6;,;92 <.>% 2.5%

2 C^ >,<23 >.6% >,<<; >.6% 3,652 >.6% <.5%

67 BJ^U >,>27 ;.2% >,5>3 >.7% 8,9;3 ;.2% 6.9%

66 ^O^D ;,336 ;.5% ;,692 6.2% 5,287 ;.6% >.3%

6; AL[D ;,>96 ;.6% 6,23> 6.3% 5,><5 6.2% 6.8%

6> FBLY ;,597 ;.6% 6,<99 6.5% 5,789 6.9% >.5%

65 LU[E ;,53< ;.6% 6,533 6.>% >,2<; 6.3% >.>%

6< MWA ;,;;8 6.2% 375 7.8% ;,2>7 6.>% 6.6%

68 ^KF[ 6,;9; 6.6% 6,376 6.<% ;,29> 6.>% ;.<%

63 CLUNO 6,;23 6.6% 6,;87 6.6% ;,<<3 6.6% 7.5%

69 ^\^V 6,;82 6.6% 6,>88 6.;% ;,8>< 6.6% 6.2%

62 AFNW 25< 7.9% 57; 7.>% 6,>53 7.8% 6.7%

;7 [K^A 6,765 7.2% >77 7.>% 6,>65 7.8% 7.2%


Ky Juaklr oh Urfels

Kuybjc siowj bj


Sibdl \K^, NBUR, AFNV, EAC A^ES fje N^\B frl til okvbous dlfebjc propojljts oh fdcorbtiabn trfebjc, bh kro`lrs

frl noddfkorftbjc wbti tilbr trfebjc tilj fdd kro`lrs usbjc ’fdco‒ procrfas nfj kl rlcfrele fs ifvbjc f sbcjbhbnfjt

bapfnt bj rlcfre to ’sifpbjc‒ til afr`lt. 

Dlfebjc kro`lrs rlcfrebjc

’iht fdco trfels‒ 

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>.6.3 DLFEBJC K[O@L[^ „ Noapfrbjc Urfele Xoduals to Juaklr oh Urfels

Uil tfkdl siows til suktdltbls kubdt bjto fdcorbtias ky ibcidbcitbjc til afr`lt sifrls oh kro`lrs hroa

slvlrfd plrsplntbvls. Kro`lr plrhorafjnl bs noapfrle rlcfrebjc=

6.  Afr`lt sifrls hor til Uotfd Xodual oh trfels put tirouci til afr`lt noapfrle to til Uotfd Juaklr

oh Urfjsfntbojs

;.  Afr`lt sifrls hor Uotfd ^lddbjc Xoduals vlrsus Uotfd Juaklr oh ^ldd Urfels, fje

>.  Afr`lt ^ifrls hor Uotfd Kuybjc Xoduals vlrsus Uotfd Juaklr oh Kuy Urfjsfntbojs

6. Ovlrfdd Afr`lt ^ifrls ;.  Afr`lt ̂ ifrl „ ^lddbjc Ojdy >.  Afr`lt ^ifrl „Kuybjc Ojdy

Kro`lr Ky Xodual Ky Urfels Ky Xodual Ky Urfels Ky Xodual Ky Urfels

NBUB 66.2% 6;.8% 6;.;% 6;.<% 66.<% 6;.8%

KKR 2.9% <.3% 5.3% >.6% 65.2% 9.>%

\K^S 2.9% 6<.6% 67.8% 68.5% 2.7% 6>.3%

NOAA 2.5% <.>% 66.>% 8.5% 3.5% 5.;%

AFNV 3.;% 66.>% 3.6% 6;.5% 3.>% 67.;%

EAC 3.7% 2.5% 3.;% 2.3% 8.3% 2.;%

A^ES 8.;% 2.>% 5.7% <.3% 9.>% 6;.2%

N^\B <.8% 3.;% 5.9% 8.>% 8.<% 9.;%

C^ <.5% >.6% <.3% >.6% <.;% >.6%^O^D >.3% ;.6% >.3% ;.5% >.9% 6.2%

FBLY >.5% 6.9% 5.;% ;.6% ;.8% 6.5%

LU[E >.>% 6.3% 5.7% ;.6% ;.<% 6.>%

^KF[ ;.<% 6.>% ;.5% 6.6% ;.8% 6.<%

^\^V 6.2% 6.6% ;.7% 6.6% 6.2% 6.;%

BJ^U 6.9% ;.2% 6.9% ;.2% 6.9% >.7%

AL[D 6.8% 6.2% 6.9% ;.6% 6.5% 6.3%

KLDD 6.6% 7.3% 6.8% 7.9% 7.8% 7.<%

MWA 6.6% 6.>% 6.5% 6.2% 7.3% 7.8%

AFNW 6.7% 7.8% 6.<% 7.9% 7.8% 7.>%

[K^A 7.2% 7.8% 6.<% 7.2% 7.>% 7.>%

Uil `ly to kro`lr nojtrod ovlr til afr`lt bs rldftle to til jufjnls bj til eftf wbti \K^ puttbjc tirouci f

ebsproportbojftl juaklr oh trfjsfntbojs noapfrle to tilbr afr`lt sifrl fje klbjc f dlfebjc slddlr koti bj

tlras oh vodual oh trfels fje til juaklr oh trfjsfntbojs put tirouci til afr`lt. A^ES ifs sbabdfr kbfsls

towfres kuybjc wbti dlvlds oh kuybjc fkovl bts ovlrfdd afr`lt sifrl fje til juaklr oh kuybjc trfjsfntbojs

qubtl ldlvftle fs wldd. Uilj tilrl frl til db`ls oh NBUB fje EAC wio frl nojsbstljt niurjlrs oh ston`.

Jot surprbsbjcdy, bjebvbeufd kro`lrs eoj‒t stfje out ovlrdy auni fs tift woude kl f dbttdl okvbous fje

plrifps rlfebdy pbn`le up ky rlcudftors. [ftilr tifj dojc tlra fvlrfcls suni fs til fkovl, til lssljtbfd

ldlaljts oh nojtrod ovlr til afr`lt fpplfrs to rlvodvl frouje two `ly fntbvbtbls.

6.  Uil hfnt tift til afmorbty oh dlfebjc kro`lrs rlprlsljt auni til sfal bjtlrlsts b.l. Bjstbtutbojs. Fs f

rlsudt bt afttlrs dbttdl wibni kro`lr bs eobjc til kuybjc or til slddbjc fs fdd trfels frl poodle ft

slttdlaljt. Bt ifs fdrlfey kllj jotle tift tilrl bs abjbafd ovlrfdd jlt slddbjc or jlt kuybjc fs hfr fs

bjstbtutbojs frl nojnlrjle fs tily cljlrfddy rltfbj tilbr iodebjcs elspbtl til dfrcl voduals oh trfels

tily put tirouci til afr`lt.

;.  Uil hfnt tift dojc tlra eftf bs saootile out ky f tljeljny hor fjy siort tlra nojnljtrftle kuybjc

or slddbjc ky f pfrtbnudfr kro`lr to kl fdaost fdwfys hoddowle ky f rleuntboj bj fntbvbty, ft wibni tbal

fjotilr bjstbtutbojfd kro`lr stlps bj to tf`l tilbr pdfnl. Sibdl fntboj nfj kl elnbsbvl oj fjy ojl efy,

suni bjhduljnl aldes bjto efys oh dow `ly fntbvbty wilrl tilbr bjhduljnls frl fvlrfcle out. Uil

sbtuftboj bs tioroucidy fsslssle bj ^lntboj 3 wibni doo`s ft kro`lr bjhduljnls oj trfebjc oj f efbdy

kfsbs tirouciout Mujl. Cbvlj til tljeljny oh kro`lrs to bjtlrabttljtdy fssual proabjljnl fje tilj

to stlp kfn` bjto til sifeows, fjy bakfdfjnls bj ’saootile out‒ dojc tlra eftf fntufddy succlsts

tift tily ifvl kllj pfrtbnudfrdy bjhduljtbfd wbti til bapfnt tily ifvl ife oj til afr`lt.

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>.6.9 NIF[U^

Cbvlj til tljeljny hor eftf to kdlje ovlr til dojclr tlra fje to oksnurl trfebjc kbfsls tift onnur oj f efy

to efy kfsbs, bt bs prlhlrfkdl to noapfrl kuybjc fje slddbjc slpfrftldy rftilr tifj noakbjle fs bj Ufkdl 6


Uil hoddowbjc nifrts rlhdlnt til eftf bj Ufkdls ; fje >



Dfrcl bakfdfjnls kltwllj afr`lt sifrls hor slddbjc voduals fje

afr`lt sifrls hor slddbjc trfjsfntbojs elaojstrftl til vfcfrbls

bjvodvle wbti fdcorbtia elsbcj. Kut jlvlrtildlss til fdcorbtias

eldbvlr fevfjtfcls hor til bjstbtutbojs tift usl tila.

Afr`lt sifrl ky slddbjc voduals

Afr`lt sifrl ky til juaklr oh slddbjc trfjsfntbojs

Afr`lt sifrl ky til vodual oh kuybjc

Afr`lt sifrl ky til juaklr oh kuybjc trfjsfntbojs

K\RBJC XOD\AL^ XL[^\^ til J\AKL[ oh K\RBJC


Uil bakfdfjnls frl kroucit fkout tirouci bjtrbnftl procrfaabjc

docbn elsbcjle to fniblvl vlry splnbhbn trfebjc cofds.

Afr`lt ̂ ifrl

Afr`lt ̂ ifrl

Kut til nojnlrj wbti ’fdco‒ trfebjc bs

wiltilr tilbr bapfnt oj til afr`lt

noaproabsls trfebjc hor fdd otilr bjvlstors.

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>.6.2 N[O^^ U[FEL ^UFUB^UBN^=

Fdojc wbti til nojtrfst kltwllj trfebjc voduals fje til juaklr oh trfjsfntbojs put tirouci til afr`lt ky

kro`lrs to ildp beljtbhy iow nojtrod ovlr til afr`lt bs fniblvle, til juaklr oh nross trfels ky kro`lrs bs

fdso rlvlfdbjc. Uil hoddowbjc tfkdls suaafrbzl til nrossbjc fntbvbtbls oh kro`lrs ovlr til 9 aojti plrboe.

YU N[O^^ U[FEL^=

Uil futoaftle nross trfels sporfebnfddy bssule ky trfebjc fdcorbtias fpplfr to kl aorl oh f hujntboj oh

procrfa elsbcj tifj f nfsl oh f kro`lr fdd oh f sueelj ifvbjc f cljubjl kuylr fje f cljubjl slddlr to aftni

up. Noaputlr cljlrftle nross trfels noude lfsbdy kl fddonftle kuylrs fje slddlrs ft til lje oh til efy or

bjelle tily noude prlsuafkdy kl orcfjbsle ky til F^UN pfrtbnbpfjts slttdbjc trfels hor bjstbtutbojs.

\K^ ifs kllj ky hfr til aost proabjljt kro`lr wilj bt noals to YU nross trfels wbti tilbr afr`lt sifrl bj

rlsplnt to YU nrossbjcs wldd fkovl tilbr afr`lt sifrl ky totfd vfdul oh trfels siowj sifele.











\K^S 352,;<2 62.8% 2.9% >,>6; ;9.3%

NBUB 8<8,3<9 63.6% 66.2% 6,,27; 68.<%

AFNV <;2,<;; 6>.9% 3.;% ;<;< ;6.2%

NOAA 536,<88 6;.>% 2.5% ;7; 6.9%A^ES >6>,672 9.;% 8.;% 6,;<; 67.2%

KKR ;29,339 3.9% 2.9% ;>; ;.7%

EAC ;88,27> 3.7% 3.7% 6,;<6 67.9%

LU[E 689,8>; 5.5% >.>% 5> 7.5%

C^ 673,89; ;.9% <.5% 626 6.3%

FBLY 92,896 ;.>% >.5% ;3 7.;%

N^\B 3<,78< ;.7% <.8% 5;3 >.3%

^O^D <>,537 6.5% >.3% ;8 7.;%

^KF[ ;5,>79 7.8% ;.<% 3 7.6%

MWA 6;,5;2 7.>% 6.6% ;7 7.;%

BJ^U 5,;5; 7.6% 6.9% 33 7.3%

O[E^ ;,39> 7.6% 7.3% 6 7.7%

AL[D ;,352 7.6% 6.8% >< 7.>%AFNW 6,<77 7.7% 6.7% ; 7.7%

^IFS 6,777 7.7% 7.>% 6 7.7%

NAN^ >77 7.7% 7.>% 6 7.7%

JFD ;<6 7.7% 7.>% 6 7.7%

Uotfd >,9;2,293 677% 2;.>% 66,<>3 677.7%

Cbvlj til safdd pfrnld sbzls elfdt wbti ky fdcorbtias, fjy afr`lt bapfnt nojnlrjbjc YU trfels bs aorl db`ldy to kl

fssonbftle wbti til juaklr oh trfels strftlcbnfddy put tirouci til afr`lt rftilr tifj til vodual oh trfels.

Afr̀ lt ^ifrl k Juaklr oh YU Nross Urfels

Afr`lt ̂ ifrl ky Uotfd Xfdul

oh fdd trfels

Cbvlj tilbr afr`lt sifrl ky

vodual oh trfels, \K^ wlrl

lxtrlaldy proabjljt bj rlcfre

to til juaklr oh YU trfels

tilbr fdcorbtia cljlrftle

Afr`lt ^ifrl

Otilr kro`lrs wio wlrl

proabjljt wbti YU trfels bjnduel


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>.6.67 UOUFD N[O^^ U[FEL ^UFUB^UBN^= Bjnduebjc YU, ^YYU fje fdd otilr Uypls oh Nrossbjcs

Fdd typls oh nross trfels put tirouci til afr`lt rlprlsljt f sbcjbhbnfjt portboj oh til <5.2< abddboj sifrls

trfele ovlr til 9 aojti plrboe. Bj hfnt tily rlprlsljt68.6% oh trfebjc voduals fje afy provbel fjotilr

ndul fs to iow fdcorbtiabn trfebjc eldbvlrs nojtrod ovlr til afr`lt hor tiosl wio utbdbzl tila.

Uil tfkdl suaafrbzls til kro`lr voduals fssonbftle wbti fdd horas oh nross trfels trfjsfntle ovlr til plrboe.




N[O^^ U[FEL^

NBUB 8<8,3<9 229,>>8 5,977 6,8<2,925 69.3%

C^ 673,89; 6,;>8,53< 6>,638 6,><3,>>> 6<.>%

\K^S 352,;<2 59,35; 667,573 279,579 67.;%

N^\B 3<,78< ;63,;25 <26,793 99>,558 67.7%

EAC ;88,27> <<;,69> <2,566 939,523 2.2%

AFNV <;2,<;; ;8<,>98 5>,2;> 9>9,9>6 2.<%

A^ES >6>,672 6;;,35> 629,<8; 8>5,565 3.;%

NOAA 536,<88 <,6>5 23,685 <3>,985 8.<%

KKR ;29,339 - 677,777 >29,339 5.<%

AL[D ;,352 >68,975 6<,296 >><,<>5 >.9%

LU[E 689,8>; - - 689,8>; 6.2%

FBLY 92,896 - - 92,896 6.7%

^O^D <>,537 - - <>,537 7.8%

^KF[ ;5,>79 - - ;5,>79 7.>%

MWA 6;,5;2 8,<37 5,;<< ;>,;<5 7.>%

AFNW 6,<77 - 63,277 62,577 7.;%

BJ^U 5,;5; - - 5,;5; 7.7%

O[E^ ;,39> - - ;,39> 7.7%

^IFS 6,777 - - 6,777 7.7%NAN^ >77 - - >77 7.7%JFD ;<6 - 9,777 9,;<6 7.6%

UOUFD^ >,9;2,293 >,382,883 6,;85,888 9,985,>;7 677.7%

Afr`lt ̂ ifrl ky Uotfd

Xodual oh fdd trfels

Afr`lt ̂ ifrl ky vodual

oh fdd nross trfels

Sibdl \K^ wfs proabjljt wbti YU trfels, ovlrfdd eoabjfjnl

nojsbelrbjc fdd typls oh nross trfels rlsts wbti NBUB, C^, \K^, fje EACAfr`lt ̂ ifrl

Bjstbtutboj to


[ltfbd to


Db`ldy to kl hroa ojl Bjstbtutboj to fjotilr

NOAA bs wldd pdfnle to nross rltfbd slddbjc tobjstbtutbojs B l. wilj rltfbd ndbljts qubt tilbr iodebjcs


Fdcorbtias frl db`ldy to kl rlspojsbkdl hor nross trfelsonnurrbjc ft rftls ibcilr tifj til ovlrfdd afr`lt sifrls ohkro`lrs. Sift bs fntufddy klbjc fniblvle bs fjotilr afttlr.

Cbvlj til lxtljsbvl usl afel oh Efr` Woods ky bjstbtutbojs bt bs puzzdbjc wiy tily nioosl to put so afjy nross trfelstirouci til F^Y afr`lt to til lxtljt oh 68% oh fdd trfebjc voduals.

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>.;.6 EOSJ UBN@^ 

Eowj Ubn` eftf fdso provbels fj bjsbcit bjto iow trfebjc fdcorbtias frl fkdl to eldbvlr nojtrod ovlr trfebjc bj

til afr`lt. Uil Eowj Ubn`s ovlr til 9 aojtis rlvblwle juaklrle ovlr 67,877 wbti ndosl to 28% oh tila

onnurrbjc ft til slddlrs‒ fs`bjc prbnls ndlfrdy siow til trfebjc kbfsls bjtroeunle ky fdcorbtias.

Uil trlje bj hfvour oh Eowj Ubn`s onnurrbjc ft F^@s (jot KBEs) bs fnross fdd NE\ trfebjc tf`bjc pdfnl jot must

til plrboe sbjnl til noapfjy rlsuale trfebjc fhtlr vodujtfry suspljsboj. Eowj Ubn`s onnurrbjc ft til F^@rlqubrls f cfp or sprlfe bj til afr`lt to onnur wilrlupoj f rleunle fs`bjc prbnl nfj kl put bj pdfnl to slt

up f Eowj Ubn`. \poj til rleunle F^@ klbjc put bj pdfnl, fjotilr ’fhhbdbftl‒ kro`lr nfj tilj fnnlpt til

rleunle prbnl to noapdltl til trfjsfntboj. Lbtilr tift or f nrossbjc nfj kl put tirouci ft til rleunle prbnl.

F joj-fhhbdbftl kro`lr noude fnnlpt til jlw fs`bjc prbnl kut til eftf fssonbftle wbti Eowj Ubn`s succlsts tift

til kro`lrs aostdy bjvodvle bj nrlftbjc Eowj Ubn`s frl f tbcit `jbt croup fje trfel kltwllj tilasldvls.

Eowj Ubn`s frl oh noursl f `ly prbnbjc eltlrabjfjt rldble upoj ky trfebjc sohtwfrl usle ky afjy trfelrs so

tift nojtrod ovlr Eowj Ubn`s nfj ebntftl tlras to til afr`lt. Uil hoddowbjc tfkdl suaafrbzls Eowj Ubn`s

stftbstbns hor til 9 aojti plrboe, fje cbvlj tift YU nrossbjcs frl nioslj to kl Eowj Ubn`s ky til kro`lrsnojnlrjle (b.l. tily noude ifvl nioslj to trfjsfnt ft til KBE kut ebej‒t), tily nfj kl nojsbelrle fdojc wbti

til F^@s to rlprlsljt 2<.9% oh fdd Eowj Ubn` fntbvbty fs siowj.

Uil kbfs towfres Eowj Ubn`s onnurrbjc ft til F^Y bs stftbstbnfddy noaplddbjc fje supports succlstbojs tift

til afr`lt bs klbjc ’afjbpudftle/sifple‒ ky ljtbtbls usbjc fdcorbtias to ebrlnt nojtrod ovlr prbnl

aovlaljts. F sbabdfr kbfs lxbsts oj til upsbel hor til afmorbty oh \p Ubn`s onnurrbjc ft til KBE prbnl hurtilrsucclstbjc iow fdd prbnbjc dlvlds frl strojcdy nojtroddle.

Uil hoddowbjc tfkdl suaafrbzls til bjvodvlaljt oh kro`lrs wbti Eowj Ubn`s koti fs slddlrs oh Eowj Ubn`s

fje kuylrs oh Eowj Ubn`s. Uil tfkdl rlnores til juaklr oh Eowj Ubn` trfels, jot til voduals fssonbftle

wbti Eowj Ubn`s. Xoduals frlj‒t fs baportfjt fs fjy nojtrod ovlr trfebjc woude kl hfvourle ky f safdd

juaklr oh sifrls proeunbjc f elsbrle hfdd bj prbnl.

Kro`lr EU ^ldds% EU

^lddsEU Kuys

% EU


Uotfd EU


% EU




\K^S ;,656 ;7.2% 6,58; 65.>% >,87> 63.8% 2.9%

NBUB 253 2.;% 6,<9< 6<.<% ;,<>; 6;.>% 66.2%

AFNV 6,5<7 65.6% 9;9 9.6% ;,;39 66.6% 3.;%

N^\B <72 <.7% 6,752 67.;% 6,<<9 3.8% <.8%

A^ES 8;2 8.6% 982 9.<% 6,529 3.>% 8.;%

EAC 95; 9.;% <3< <.8% 6,563 8.2% 3.7%

NOAA 3<7 3.>% 862 8.7% 6,>82 8.3% 2.5%

KKR 8; 7.8% 6,676 67.3% 6,68> <.3% 2.9%

C^ >2< >.2% ><> >.5% 359 >.8% <.5%

BJ^U >;3 >.;% ;36 ;.8% <29 ;.2% 6.9%

FBLY 622 6.2% ;<6 ;.5% 5<7 ;.;% >.5%

MWA >32 >.3% <2 7.8% 5>9 ;.6% 6.6%

LU[E 622 6.2% 687 6.8% ><2 6.9% >.>%

AL[D ;23 ;.2% 37 7.3% >83 6.9% 6.8%^O^D 6;8 6.;% ;57 ;.>% >88 6.9% >.3%

CLUNO 57 7.5% ;63 ;.6% ;<3 6.>% 7.5%

^KF[ 32 7.9% 6>3 6.>% ;68 6.6% ;.<%

2>.9% 27.6%

F^@^ 9,98; 9>.7%KBE^ 55> 5.;%YU's 6,>88 6;.9%

F^@^ & YU‒s  67,;;9 2<.9%KBE^ 55> 5.;%

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Uo [lnfp= Kro`lr joabjll fnnoujts fssbst bj til slttdlaljt oh siort slddbjc fje siort novlrbjc sfdls fje

purnifsls. F novlrle siort sfdl sioude rlsudt bj til dljelr‒s iodebjc hfddbjc wibdl til kuylrs iodebjc sioudebjnrlfsl. Uil kro`lr joabjll ljtbty ildps to hfnbdbtftl til trfjsfntboj wbti sifrls hdowbjc hroa dljelr to

joabjll to purnifslr fs slttdlaljt tf`ls lhhlnt.

^babdfrdy, wilj f siort novlr bs afel, slttdlaljt sioude ljsurl tift sifrls hdow hroa til slddlr to til

kro`lr joabjll ljtbty fje tilj to til dljelr to rlpfy til sifrl dofj. Fcfbj til joabjll ljtbty fnts fs fj


Uil tfkdl suaafrbzls aojtidy siort slddbjc voduals fje aojtidy kro`lr joabjll ljtbty sifrl aovlaljts.

Kuy Kfn` joabjll aovlaljts ifvl kllj lxnduele hroa til eftf.

Afr`lt ̂ ifrl ovlr fdd trfebjc

Afr`lt ̂ ifrl fs ^lddlrs oh EU‒s

Afr`lt ^ifrl fs Kuylrs oh EU‒s



Uil proabjljt kro`lrs bj support oh Eowj Ubn`s frl

sllj to ifvl bjvodvlaljts wldd ovlr tilbr ovlrfddafr`lt sifrls woude succlst, lsplnbfddy \K^.

Joabjll Ljtbty sifrl hdows vlrsus ̂ iort ̂ fdls


JOX ’66  ;,372,<52 ;,333,979 6,<5;,82>

ELN ’66  ;,3>>,<<5 ;,885,6<3 6,<;7,9>>

MFJ ’6;  6,>7;,835 6,7<>,579 6,6>5,9;2

HLK ’6;  6,>53,<63 6,>26,768 6,536,9;8

AF[ ’6;  6,<<6,;2< 6,>37,<65 6,629,>2>

FW[ ’6;  3<6,83; 265,393 26;,5>7

AFR ’6;  6,;>6,<>7 6,666,3;2 6,<93,<7>

M\J ’6;  >,<56,957 >,3;9,7;> ;,7>8,876


Docbnfddy f ebrlnt norrldftboj bs lxplntle kltwllj dlvlds oh siort sfdls fje kro`lr joabjll sifrl aovlaljts.

Iowlvlr til aojtis Jov, Eln fje Muj fttrfnt snrutbjy fs to wift abcit ifvl kllj rlspojsbkdl hor til feebtbojfd

sifrl aovlaljts bj kro`lr joabjll fnnoujts fje wift til bapfnt oj til afr`lt afy ifvl kllj.

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>.>.; K[O@L[ JOABJLL ^\AAF[R

Uil tfkdl fje nifrt kldow suaafrbzl til fntbvbty oh kro`lr joabjll ljtbtbls ovlr til 9 aojtis bj orelr to

beljtbhy til kro`lrs rlspojsbkdl hor til afmorbty oh sifrl hdows rldftle to siort slddbjc.


  Kro`lr Nrlebt ^ubssl (667>) ifs kllj til ndlfr dlfelr tiouci bts fnnoujt Nrlebt ^ubssl Joabjlls.

  Alrrbdd Dyjni (>88>) wbti ; joabjll ljtbtbls (ADLV & Alrrbdd Dyjni Joabjlls) ifs fdso kllj

proabjljt. \K^ ^lnurbtbls (6<7<) hlfturls proabjljtdy fs wldd fdojc wbti Afnqufrbl [ltfbd (6<3;).

  Kro`lr FKJ Faro (662>) bs ilfvbdy bjvodvle elspbtl vbrtufddy zlro prlsljnl bj til afr`lt fs hfr fs

kuybjc fje slddbjc bs nojnlrjle.

  Elutsnil Kfj` (;67>) fje Aorcfj ^tfjdly (;22;) frl til opposbtl to FKJ Faro wbti f sukstfjtbfd

prlsljnl bj til afr`lt kut wbti noapfrftbvldy abjor joabjll sifrl hdows.

  NBUB‒s proabjljt kuybjc fje slddbjc ifs jo rlcbstry prlsljnl ft fdd fssonbftle wbti kro`lr NBUB.

  Uil eftf siows wift dbttdl fnnoujtfkbdbty tilrl bs kltwllj kuybjc fje slddbjc bj til afr`lt fje wift

onnurs ft rlcbstry dlvld, fdtiouci bt eols beljtbhy wio ifs kllj afjfcbjc til kud` oh siort slddbjc

sifrl hdows - Jfaldy N^\B, AFNW, \K^ fje FKJ Faro.


Bj ^lntboj 6.5 siort slddbjc eftf hor Afy ;76; fje Mujl ;76; wfs usle to provbel lstbaftls hor til faoujt

oh kro`lr joabjll sifrl aovlaljts tift noude kl lxplntle hoddowbjc til slttdlaljt oh siort slddbjc fje

siort novlrbjc trfels.

Uil sfal altioes nfj kl fppdble to til lxtljele plrboe oh 9 aojtis fhtlr til ston` rlsuale trfebjc ojOnt >6, ;766.

Ebsrlcfrebjc kro`lr joabjll aovlaljts fssonbftle wbti til Kuy Kfn` fje til NuElno Lapdoyll sifrl

purnifsl pdfj, til juaklr oh kro`lr joabjll sifrl hdows tift nfj kl fssonbftle wbti siort slddbjc fje

siort novlrbjc wfs 6;,3>;,5>> abddboj sifrls aovle OHH, fje 6;,9<7,>6< abddboj sifrls aovle OJ

^iort slddbjc stftbstbns hor til sfal plrboe ljfkdl lstbaftls lxplntle hor joabjll aovlaljts fs hoddows.

Uotfd ^iort ^fdls= 66,57<,679 Oplj ^iort Bjnrlfsl= >,863,96< Lstbaftle ^iort Novlrs= 3,393,;2>


^iort ^fdls OJ= 66,57<,679 OHH= 66,57<,679

^iort Novlrs OJ= 3,393,;2> OHH= 3,393,;2>


N[LEBU ̂ \B^^L 667> 5,6;7,855 5,592,539

K\UUOJSOOE 6<3; ;,3<>,2<9 ;,872,938

\K^ JOABJLL^ 6<7< ;,>7<,;86 ;,;<;,683

ADLV JOABJLL^ >88> 6,36>,;22 6,88;,<>2

FKJ FA[O 662> 6,<<7,88> 6,<82,373

AL[[BDD DRJNI >88> 298,233 283,699

WFJ F\^U[FDBFJ ;67> 59>,;>7 >29,;39

^IF[L EB[LNU >67; 5<2,632 53<,92>

AO[CFJ ^UFJDLR ;22; 635,8>< 635,;33

JLSLNOJOAR ;23; 662,77; 27,9;3

OUIL[ Otilr <7,37; 5<,;7;

UOUFD^ 65,363,<<7 65,3><,5>;

Uil sukstfjtbfd siorthfdds nrlftl slrbous nojnlrjs fkout wift bs rlfddy onnurrbjc wbti til siort slddbjc oh ston` oj tilF^Y. Eoukts surrouje til wfy tift bt bs bapdlaljtle, til wfy oplj posbtbojs frl afjfcle fje til wfy bt bs rlportle.

^uaafry oh Joabjll ^ifrl Hdows




Lstbaftls Noakbjle OJ= 62,62;,576 OHH= 62,62;,576

Fntufd Aovlaljts OJ= 6;,9<7,>6< OHH= 6;,3>;,5>>


Dlfebjc kro`lr bj tlras oh joabjll

fnnoujt usfcl (siort slddbjc?) kut

ojdy 9ti rfj`le ky afr`lt sifrl.

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>.5.6 EF[@ WOOD ^\AAF[R

Bssuls wbti sftbshfntorbdy klbjc fkdl to lxpdfbj vfrbftbojs bj kro`lr joabjll eftf frl noapoujele ky til

rlcbstlr siowbjc ibci bjnbeljnls oh efr` pood fntbvbty fnnoapfjybjc til lsnfdftboj bj siort slddbjc fntbvbty.

Sbti NuElno safdd dlvlds oh siort slddbjc nfj erfaftbnfddy bapfnt prbnls klnfusl oh f safdd hrll hdoft.

Uil trlje towfres sukstfjtbfddy dfrclr faoujts oh efr` pood trfebjc rfbsl slrbous qulstbojs fkout til lhhlnt

bt ifs ife oj til F^Y afr`lt fje bj pfrtbnudfr til hfbrjlss oh til afr`lt eurbjc tift tbal. Lsplnbfddy bh tilrlifs kllj f tljeljny to sldd eowj til sifrls oj til F^Y wbti til iodebjcs rlkfdfjnle vbf efr` pood

lxnifjcls wbtiout prbnl bapfnt. Uil trfebjc trljes rlhdlnt fdd til ifddafr`s oh sifrl prbnl supprlssboj fje

eftf rlhdlnts fj bjnrlfsl bj bjtljsbty tirouci ;76;.

Uil crfpi siows til rlcbstry krlf`eowj kltwllj F^Y trfebjc fje efr` pood fntbvbty hoddowbjc til

rlsuaptboj oh trfebjc fje nobjnbebjc wbti sbcjbhbnfjt promlnt el-rbs`bjc lvljts.

>.5.; ^IO[U ^LDDBJC F^ F WL[NLJUFCL OH F^Y XOD\AL^ „ Mfj ;766 to Mujl ;76;

[LCB^U[R FNUBXBUR fs f [lsudt oh F^Y Urfels & Efr` Wood Urfels

Bjnrlfsbjc ohh afr`lt fntbvbty & siort slddbjc

hoddowbj til el-rbs b̀j oh til noa fj

Efr` Wood


F^Y Urfels

;766 ;76;

[lsuaptboj oh


Ldlvftle dlvlds oh

siort slddbjc

;766 ;76;

^iort ̂ lddbjc6>.7% 6<.2% ;6.3% ;<.>% 62.5% ;5.6% ;5.3% >>.>%(% oh F^Y Xod)

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[lslfrni to eftl ifsj‒t erfwj auni fttljtboj to til slttdlaljt fnnoujts oh kro`lrs wibni bjvodvl sifrl

hdows ohh afr`lt splnbhbnfddy to hfnbdbtftl fdd typls oh slttdlaljts. Iowlvlr fs wbti til kro`lr ljtbtbls tift

siow up bj afr`lt rlports to fssbst wbti til afjfclaljt oh siort slddbjc fje possbkdy otilr proeunts suni

fs NHE‒s, kro`lr kfsle ohh afr`lt slttdlaljt sifrl hdows nfj kl must fs puzzdbjc.

Uil tfkdl suaafrbzls til kuybjc fje slddbjc oj til F^Y oh til dlfebjc kro`lrs wbti sifrl aovlaljtstirouci tilbr slttdlaljt fnnoujts fje wbti til sifrl aovlaljts tirouci tilbr ndbljt fnnoujts. Uil

pfttlrjs frl qubtl bjnrleudous wbti dbttdl norrldftboj kltwllj kuybjc & slddbjc fje wift onnurs oj til

rlcbstlr, elaojstrftbjc iow lfsy bt woude kl to nfaouhdfcl afjbpudftbvl trfebjc klifvbours.







K[O@L[  WBE  ^LDD^ K\R^ (fkkrlvbftle) OHH OJ OHH OJ

NBUB ;7>; 8,3;5,>98 8,>69,;<9 HLUF JOABJLL^ 99,322 99,322 7 7

NOAA 657; 8,;;3,89> 5,7<3,728 NOAA^LN JOABJLL^ 5,<89,67> 5,<93,9>6 >,989,695 ;,;56,;39

A^ES ;22; ;,;78,>>< 5,<85,8>; AO[CFJ ^UFJDLR JOAs 7 7 52;,<77 52<,398

N^\B 667> ;,869,23> >,<9<,873 N[LEBU ^\B^^L JOA^ 6,<8<,397 6,<9<,938 5,6;7,855 5,592,539

EAC ;67> >,25<,<5; >,828,3<< KFBJW[O JOABJLL^ >,385,679 >,383,359 59>,;>7 >29,;39

LU[E 655; ;,;68,775 6,>27,9<5 LU[FEL JOABJLL^ ;,;5;,;28 ;,;5;,;28 6,985,68< 6,7>3,8>2

C^ >867 >,663,32< ;,983,3>2 CODEAFJ ^FNI^ 32,33< 32,33< 9<,>25 <5,669

I\K;5 6>9; ;3,;77 63,;77 I\K ;5 JOABJLL^ ;7,777 ;7,777 5;,;63 7

MWA ;23; 385,77; 576,272 LNFWUFD JOABJLL^ ;,5><,3>7 ;,5>;,7<; 662,77; 27,9;3

AFNW ;55; 9;;,5;; >;3,523 BEFALJLO (JO 32) JOA. 9;2,233 956,9<3 6,787,632 <>5,6;8

AL[D >88> 229,75> 326,833 ADLV JOABJLL^ ;,53;,7>5 ;,53>,>97 ;,377,;38 ;,8;2,3;3

WL[^I 6326 ;2<,6<9 685,928 WL[^IBJC JOABJLL^ 6,<<8,;33 6,<<2,;33 >73,2>7 <9,<5<

\K^S 6<7< <,96<,396 5,2<8,>89 SF[KOJU JOABJLL^ 63,659,>63 63,;68,;57 ;,>>6,9>< ;,;33,878

FBLY 8>98 ;,>;<,9<2 6,5>>,327 JLU^IF[L JOABJLL^ 5,7;6,;>< 5,7;;,52> 939,875 58;,3;5

AFNV 6<3; >,922,<<6 5,7>>,>>7 SOOE[O^^ JOABJLL^ 3,;89,>76 3,>66,<79 ;,3<>,2<9 ;,872,938^O^D 8399 ;,7;3,392 ;,732,;68 ^UFUL OJL JOABJLL^ 6,<5>,;<6 6,83>,;<6 <77,67> 576,27>

W^D 8338 ;2>,>;5 33,59; WFUBNOF JOABJLL^ 6>9,5>8 657,;78 65>,978 62,2<7

^KF[ >>9> 6,>>9,37< 6,5;3,<53 ^@LLU JOABJLL^ 96;,922 26;,922 266,;32 ;68,5<8

KLDD 6<5> 993,295 >58,<<9 FNNKLDD & KLDD^LU JOA^ 6,<65,779 6,<65,779 6,763,26< 5>2,<<;

Uil tfkdl prlsljts fs f Wfjeorf‒s Kox oh fjoafdbls tift portrfys bjvlstbjc oj til F^Y bj f vlry poor dbcit. Urfebjc bs

hfr rlaovle hroa wift noude kl lxplntle hroa cljubjl trfebjc wilrl tilrl woudej‒t kl f jlle hor fdd oh til

okhusnftboj bj rlcbstry elfdbjcs, til nfaouhdfcl oh trfebjc fje til fjojyaous fntbvbtbls tf`bjc pdfnl. F hlw oh til

cdfrbjc fjoafdbls tift succlst suspbnbous fje/or ujusufd elfdbjcs frl dbstle kldow=

  NBUB‒s fje A^ES‒s fksljnl oh rlcbstry fje slttdlaljt fntbvbty elspbtl klbjc dlfebjc trfelrs oj til F^Y0

  Uil juaklr oh trfels bj NOAA, LU[E fje FBLY tift ebej‒t af`l bt to til rlcbstlr0

  N^\B‒s ldlvftle rlcbstry aovlaljts tirouci bts kro`lr joabjll fnnoujt ovlr fje fkovl tilbr F^Y trfebjc0

  C^‒s fksljnl oh slttdlaljt fje ndbljt rlcbstry aovlaljts0

  MWA‒s ldlvftle slttdlaljt fnnoujt aovlaljts noapfrle to tilbr F^Y trfebjc fje ndbljt rlcbstry aovlaljts0

  AFNW‒s ldlvftle ndbljt rlcbstry aovlaljts noapfrle to tilbr F^Y trfebjc0

  AFNV‒s ldlvftle slttdlaljt fnnoujt aovlaljts noapfrle to bts F^Y fntbvbty fje ndbljt rlcbstry aovlaljts0

  WL[^I‒s ldlvftle slttdlaljt fnnoujt fntbvbty fdtiouci bt afy ifvl kllj fntbjc oj klifdh oh otilrs0

  ^O^D‒s dfn` oh ndbljt rlcbstry aovlaljts noapfrle to tilbr F^Y fntbvbty0

  KLDD‒s bjnrlfsle slttdlaljt fnnoujt fntbvbty fje ldlvftle ndbljt aovlaljts noapfrle to tilbr F^Y fntbvbty0

\K^‒s piljoaljfd dlvld oh slttdlaljt fntbvbty noapfrle to bts F^Y trfebjc fje rlcbstry aovlaljts

lsplnbfddy wilj noapfrle to til trfebjc eftf oh fdd otilr kro`lrs.

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Uil vfrbous kro`lr fjoafdbls frl nojvljbljtdy kroucit to jotbnl ky noapfrbjc totfds hor kuybjc & slddbjc oj

til F^Y wbti totfds hor OJ & OHH sifrl aovlaljts oh tilbr ndbljts wbti totfds hor OJ & OHH slttdlaljt

aovlaljts tift onnur klibje til snljls bj hfnbdbtftbjc slttdlaljts.

Sbti til norporftldy honussle kro`lrs, tilbr bapfnt oj til rlcbstlr bs usufddy rldftle to tilbr joabjll

fnnoujts bj fssbstbjc wbti til afjfclaljt oh siort slddbjc fje siort novlrbjc sifrl hdows. ^iort slddbjc fjesiort novlrbjc iowlvlr rlprlsljts ojdy f safdd pfrt oh tilbr F^Y kuybjc fje slddbjc. F dfrcl portboj oh tilbr

kuybjc & slddbjc fntbvbty bs bjvbsbkdl to til afr`lt fs bt bs rldftle to kuybjc fje slddbjc hor bjstbtutbojs wibni bs

slttdle ky otilr pfrtbnbpfjts.

Uil sukstfjtbfd juaklrs oh trfels tift nfjjot kl fnnoujtle hor oj til rlcbstlr ky til db`ls oh NBUB, \K^,

EAC, AFNV, C^, N^\B, ^O^D fje AL[D tocltilr wbti f juaklr oh otilr kro`lrs jot dbstle, fdd siow up fs

bjstbtutbojfd sifrl aovlaljts. Iowlvlr, til trfebjc oh tilsl kro`lrs fnnoujtle hor ojdy frouje ifdh oh

rlcbstry sifrl hdows ovlr til 9 aojtis rlvblwle wbti efr` pood trfebjc fnnoujtbjc hor til kfdfjnl ([lhlr

^lntboj 5.6) 

Uil eftf erfws fttljtboj to iow cljubjl til trfebjc fntbvbty bs oj koti til dbt afr`lt (b.l. til F^Y) fje til

efr` afr`lt (b.l efr` poods) cbvlj tift bjstbtutbojs frl sbapdy rotftbjc sifrls kfn` fje horti kltwllj

tilasldvls wibdl bapfntbjc prbnls oj til F^Y kut wbti jo bapfnt to prbnls bj ohh afr`lt elfdbjcs.

Sibdl efr` poods nfj dlcbtbaftldy fssbst aftnibjc dfrcl trfjnils oh sifrls tift frl cljubjldy hor sfdl wbti

cljubjl kuylrs, fje tilrlhorl jot bapfntbjc til sifrl prbnl oj til dbt afr`lt, tift sbtuftboj bs jot onnurrbjc

wbti NE\ fs til sifrl lxnifjcls frl jot rlsudtbjc bj sbcjbhbnfjt nifjcls to owjlrsibp.

Cbvlj til bjnrlfsle dlvlds oh siort slddbjc ovlr til 9 aojti plrboe fje til sbcjbhbnfjt rbsl bj oplj siortposbtbojs bt sllas db`ldy til sifrl prbnl ifs kllj eldbklrftldy sode eowj kltwllj rldftle pfrtbls oj tilF^Y wbti iodebjcs put kfn` bjto kfdfjnl ft prbnls to subt ohh afr`lt. Uil rlcbstlr fdso succlsts tiftbjstbtutbojs ifvl koucit kfn` til sifrls tift ifvl kllj dljt out fje tilj siort sode bjto til afr`lt. ^unif sbtuftboj woude rlprlsljt sifrl prbnl afjbpudftboj lvlj bh prfntbnls suni fs siort slddbjc, ljtbtbls trfebjckfn` fje horti usbjc audtbpdl kro`lrs fje ljtbtbls usbjc efr` pood lxnifjcls frl fdd dlcfd fntbvbtbls.

F^Y Fntbvbty

^lttdlaljt Fntbvbty

Ndbljt [lcbstry Fntbvbty

Kro`lr Fntbvbty vlrsus Kro`lr ^lttdlaljt Fntbvbty vlrsus Ndbljt [lcbstry Fntbvbty

Lxtrforebjfrbd fjoafdous slttdlaljt fntbvbt k \K^S







\jlxpdfbjle ’lxnlss‒ slttdlaljt

fntbvbty noapfrle to ndbljt trfels

fje ndbljt rlcbstry fntbvbty

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Noakbjbjc til vfrbous fsplnts oh trfebjc suaafrbzle bj prlvbous slntbojs ildps to elaojstrftl til

nojvodutle fje oksnurl jfturl oh elfdbjcs oj til F^Y. [lspojsbkdl hor cdfrbjc fjoafdbls frl til noapdlx

trfebjc fdcorbtias tift fpplfr bjjonuous ft hbrst cdfjnl kut frl suktdy nifjcbjc afr`lt eyjfabns bj wfys

ebhhbnudt to eltlnt otilr tifj tirouci strb`bjc bakfdfjnls bj dojc tlra eftf. Horafddy or bjhorafddy rldftle

ljtbtbls usbjc audtbpdl kro`lrs fdd oplrftbjc proprbltfry trfebjc fdcorbtias to trfel kltwllj lfni otilr bs

vlry db`ldy to rlprlsljt noddusboj fje/or afr`lt hbxbjc. Jo eoukt bt woude kl qubn`dy feerlssle bh til sfalfntbvbty wfs eojl wbti dfrcl orelrs hdowbjc kfn` kltwllj must ; kro`lrs. Iowlvlr til hrfcaljtftboj oh

orelrs fje til futoaftbn ebsplrsfd oh tbjy orelrs ky f wbel nross slntboj oh kro`lrs lhhlntbvldy eldbvlr til

sfal rlsudt. Uil okhusnftboj bj efbdy F^Y trfebjc bs tf`lj to fjotilr dlvld ky til hdlxbkdl systla oh

slttdlaljts bj pdfnl, lvlj bh bt eols eldbvlr f dow plrnljtfcl oh slttdlaljt hfbdurls. Sibdl cufrfjtllbjc tift

til slttdlaljt systla bs hfbdsfhl bs vbtfddy baportfjt, so too bs til bjtlcrbty fje trfjspfrljny oh fdd afr`lt


Uil proabjljt kro`lrs kldow frl dbstle bj orelr oh Uotfd Xfdul oh Urfels (b.l kuys pdus sldds) wbti til afr`lt

sifrls norrlspojebjc to vfrbous otilr fsplnts oh trfebjc fdso bjnduele. Eoabjfjnl ovlr kuybjc fje slddbjc

voduals bs f afmor noapojljt oh nojtrod ovlr til afr`lt kut so too bs til eoabjfjnl ovlr vfrbous aorlsuktdl fsplnts oh trfebjc suni fs strftlcbn jlt slddbjc, prbnl aovlaljts, funtbojs, nross trfels, juaklrs oh

trfels trfjsfntle ltn. ltn. pfrtbnudfrdy fs aost oh til trfebjc oh fdd kro`lrs bs rldftle kfn` to bjstbtutbojs.

Fje oh noursl bjstbtutbojs doo` to kl no-oplrftbjc wbti tilbr trfebjc cbvlj tift tilbr iodebjcs frl rlfebdy `lpt

bj kfdfjnl elspbtl til dfrcl voduals oh slddbjc tily hornl upoj til afr`lt.













Ky fdd















Ky [lcbstlr


NBUB 66.2% 6;.;% 6;.<% 68.<% 69.3% 2.;% 6<.<% 3.3% 7.6% 7.7%

KKR 2.9% 5.3% >.6% ;.7% 5.<% 7.8% 67.3% 67.6% >.2% <.7%

\K^S 2.9% 67.8% 68.5% ;9.3% 67.;% ;7.2% 65.>% 63.;% ;2.7% 3.5%NOAA 2.5% 66.>% 8.5% 6.9% 8.<% 3.>% 8.7% 3.;% 3.3% 2.9%

AFNV 3.;% 3.6% 6;.5% ;6.2% 2.<% 65.6% 9.6% 2.9% 6;.>% 9.8%

EAC 3.7% 3.;% 2.3% 67.9% 2.2% 9.;% <.8% 6<.7% 8.>% 6.5%

A^ES 8.;% 5.7% <.3% 67.2% 3.;% 8.6% 9.<% 3.7% 7.7% 7.8%

N^\B <.8% 5.9% 8.>% >.3% 67.7% <.7% 67.;% 8.;% ;.3% 6>.2%

C^ <.5% <.3% >.6% 6.3% 6<.>% >.2% >.5% ;.5% 7.6% 7.;%

^O^D >.3% >.3% ;.5% 7.;% 7.8% 6.;% ;.>% 6.>% ;.3% 6.<%

FBLY >.5% 5.;% ;.6% 7.;% 6.7% 6.2% ;.5% 6.5% 8.9% 5.5%

LU[E >.>% 5.7% ;.6% 7.5% 6.2% 6.2% 6.8% 6.6% >.9% 5.3%

^KF[ ;.<% ;.5% 6.6% 7.6% 7.>% 7.9% 6.>% 7.3% 6.<% 6.9%

BJ^U 6.9% 6.9% ;.2% 7.3% 7.7% >.;% ;.8% 7.5% 7.7% 7.7%

AL[D 6.8% 6.9% ;.6% 7.>% >.9% ;.2% 7.3% ;.6% 5.;% 9.8%

MWA 6.6% 6.5% 6.2% 7.;% 7.>% >.3% 7.8% >.6% 5.6% 7.>%

Uil rle noduajs rlprlsljt afr`lt sifrl ky Uotfd Xfdul oh trfels fje provbels f kljniafr`. Uil otilr

noduajs rlprlsljt til afr`lt sifrls fssonbftle wbti til otilr fsplnts oh trfebjc fs dbstle bj til tfkdl.Afr`lt ^ifrl

Uil plrsbstljt outplrhorafjnl ovlr f rfjcl oh fntbvbtbls noapfrle

to tilbr afr`lt sifrls kfsle oj Uotfd Xfdul oh trfels provbel nduls

fs to iow eoabjfjnl ovlr til afr`lt bs klbjc fniblvle. Lsplnbfddy

sbjnl aost oh til proabjljt kro`lrs frl fntbjc hor bjstbtutbojs. 

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Bjstbtutbojfd rlcbstry sifrl hdows ovlr til 9 aojti plrboe frl siowj kldow wbti til femustle tfkdl (siowj

sifele) bcjorbjc pdfnlaljts fje bcjorbjc til nrossbjcs kltwllj rldftle pfrtbls tift onnurrle bj Mfjufry ;76;

to rlkfdfjnl iodebjcs. Uil femustle tfkdl aorl fnnurftldy rlhdlnts til sifrl hdows frbsbjc hroa trfebjc.

[lcbstry ^uaafry Ont >6, ;767 to Mujl >7, ;76; Femustle hor f Wdfnlaljt & Nrossbjcs


Jftbojfd Joabjlls ;7778 ;8,686,<33 ;8,973,;;> 85<,858 ;8,686,<33 ;8,973,;;> 85<,858

Nbtbnorp Joabjlls ;7769 >5,2<<,<7; >5,223,5;6 56,262 >5,2<<,<7; >5,223,5;6 56,262

I^KN Joabjlls ;77<3 >5,98<,>9> ;7,589,553 -65,>28,2>8 3,783,375 3,22>,3>; 2;8,7;9

M W Aorcfj Joabjlls ;7675 >,2<3,<<; 3,8;3,>99 >,882,9>8 >,2<3,<<; <,9>>,;9; 6,93<,3>7

MW Aorcfj Joabjlls ;6675 6,636,236 ;>,;93,28; ;;,66<,226 6,636,236 6,972,9>< 8>3,985

Uotfds 676,666,29< 66>,699,556 6;,738,5<8 3>,>65,>78 33,556,52> 5,6;3,693

Bj Mfjufry ;76; dfrcl trfjnils oh sifrls wlrl swfpple kltwllj two I^KN Joabjlls fnnoujts fje

kltwllj I^KN Joabjlls fje MW Aorcfj Joabjlls (WBE= ;6675). Bt doo`s db`ldy tift til rlkfdfjnbjc oh

iodebjcs wfs rldftle to sifrls ilde ky til A&C Croup wio wlrl fdso til rlnbpbljt oh pdfnlaljt sifrls.

Uil sifrls owjle ky til A&C Croup frl ebstrbkutle faojcst tilsl two hbras. Uil 9 abddboj pdfnlaljt

sifrls wlrl fddonftle to I^KN Joabjlls fje til slnoje MW Aorcfj ljtbty (WBE= ;7675) hor nustoebfd

afjfclaljt purposls fs wldd.

Bjstbtutbojs niurjle dfrcl voduals oh ston` kut fdso jlt fnnuaudftle frouje 5 abddboj sifrls ovlr til 9

aojti plrboe. Cbvlj til juaklrs oh kro`lrs trfebjc oj klifdh oh bjstbtutbojs fje til rltljtboj oh tilbr

iodebjcs til trfebjc pfttlrjs woude jlnlssfrbdy bjvodvl f dfrcl elcrll oh no-oplrftboj kltwllj kro`lrs. Uil

sbtuftboj abcit kl elsnrbkle vfrbousdy fs nooplrftboj, noddfkorftboj, tlfawor` or hrbljedy fddbfjnls kltwllj

horafddy or bjhorafddy fhhbdbftle pfrtbls iowlvlr til trfebjc klifvbours wilj nojsbelrle bj totfd doo` to

ifvl rlsudtle bj lhhlntbvl nojtrod ovlr til afmorbty oh trfebjc.Oh noursl nojtrod ovlr trfebjc fje sifrl prbnl afjbpudftboj lhhlntbvldy faoujt to til sfal tibjc.

Kro`lr WBE ;7778 ;7769 ;77<3 ;7675 ;6675

OHH Aovlaljts

OJ Aovlaljts


Ont >6, ;766 to Mujl >7, ;76;

Uil trfebjc syaaltrbls frl aost ujdb`ldy to

ifvl kllj fniblvle tirouci nifjnl fje

succlst joj cljubjl kuybjc fje slddbjc tift

ifs eldbvlrle nojtrod ovlr til afr`lt

tirouci niurj kfsle trfebjc strftlcbls.


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Uil tfkdl nftlcorbzls Uop >7 ljtbtbls fs to til typl oh bjvlstor tily frl fje siows tilbr kuybjc fje slddbjc

voduals ovlr til 9 aojtis ujelr rlvblw.

Wdfnlaljt sifrls ifvl jot kllj bjnduele jor ifvl til ohh afr`lt femustaljts kltwllj I^KN Joabjlls

fje M W Aorcfj Joabjlls tift onnurrle eurbjc Mfj ;76; bjvodvbjc sifrls owjle ky til A&C Croup.

Ljtbty Uypl Iodebjc OHH OJ

Bjstbtutboj 6 ;6,8>7,328 >,2<3,<<; <,9>>,;9;

Bjstbtutboj ; ;5,<;7,628 6,636,236 6,972,9><

Bjstbtutboj > ;>,233,777 7 7

Bjstbtutboj 5 62,5>7,;;< 3,783,375 3,22>,3>;

Wrbvftl No 6 <,;3;,855 7 26,8;>

Bjstbtutboj < <,682,<86 ;8,686,<33 ;8,973,;;>

Wrbvftl No ; >,6<>,868 7 7

Wrbvftl No > >,766,<3; 7 7

Bjebvbeufd 6 ;,82<,725 7 6>,2<2

Bjebvbeufd ; ;,<77,777 7 67,287

Bjebvbeufd > ;,;8>,539 7 7

Wrbvftl No 5 ;,;58,>27 7 7Joabjll No 6 ;,75<,;77 7 2>,;77

Bjebvbeufd 5 6,<8<,256 87,777 7

Bjstbtutboj 8 6,693,69< >5,2<<,<7; >5,223,5;6

Bjebvbeufd < 6,78;,777 7 7

NE\ Lapdoylls 6,777,777 7 6,777,777

Bjebvbeufd 8 259,<3; 7 7

Wrbvftl No < 3<7,777 7 7

Wrbvftl No 8 893,777 7 7

Bjebvbeufd 3 8<<,32> 7 7

Wrbvftl No 3 87;,6;8 7 7

Bjebvbeufd 9 <92,<26 7 7

Bjebvbeufd 2 <38,53; 7 69,887

Wrbvftl No 9 <77,5<7 <,;<7 7Joabjll No ; 52;,<77 7 52;,<77

Joabjll No > 7 52;,<77 7

Bjebvbeufd 67 533,>;8 7 7

Bjebvbeufd 66 58;,656 7 7

Wrbvftl No 2 5<;,<<< 668,<77 87,777

Joabjll No 5 >25,77> 6;<,8;6 677,777

Wrbvftl No 67 >32,927 7 62,677

Wrbvftl No 66 >9;,2>< >28,8>6 96,7<<

Db`ldy nrossbjc


Uil safdd voduals ky aost oh til Uop >7

iodelrs ifredy rlcbstlr wilj nifrtle

fcfbjst bjstbtutbojfd trfebjc voduals.

< Bjstbtutbojfd ljtbtbls ilde <<% oh Uop >7 iodebjcs kut wlrl rlspojsbkdl hor 29% oh til trfebjc ky Uop >7 iodelrs

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Uil eoabjfjnl ovlr til Uop >7 oh til rlcbstlr ky bjstbtutbojs fje til rlduntfjnl to trfel ky otilr

sbcjbhbnfjt iodelrs alfjs tift bjstbtutbojs vbrtufddy ifvl til afr`lt to tilasldvls. Bt ifs kllj prbafrbdy dlht

to rltfbdlrs to kfttdl bt out fcfbjst til abcit oh bjstbtutbojs wiosl trfebjc fevfjtfcls ifvl bjnduele=

  F strojc prlsljnl fje trfebjc bjhduljnl fnross f wbel rfjcl oh kro`lrs0

  Fj frsljfd oh iht trfebjc fdcorbtias fje trfebjc tlnijbquls ft tilbr ebsposfd0

  Bjhduljtbfd nojjlntbojs wbtibj til bjeustry so tift mobjt trfebjc strftlcbls nfj kl fccrlssbvldy pursule0

  Ellp pon`lts wbti nfsi hdows hroa suplrhujes fje ibci jlt worti ndbljts fvfbdfkdl to pursul oj afr`lt

kuybjc wilj rlqubrle (5 abddboj sifrl ifvl kllj lxtrfntle hroa f tbcit afr`lt ovlr til 9 aojti plrboe

wilrl aost oh til efbdy voduals rlprlsljt bjstbtutbojfd sifrls wfsibjc kfn` fje horti)0

  Dfrcl sifrliodebjcs ujelr afjfclaljt frl fvfbdfkdl to pursul trfebjc okmlntbvls suni fs afjbpudftbvl

sldd eowjs, til slddbjc eowj oh fjjoujnlaljts, feebtbojfd slddbjc to fnnoapfjy trfebjc niurj ltn.

wilrlky bj aost nfsls sifrls sode eowj frl sbapdy pbn`le up ky kro`lrs fntbjc hor til sfal bjstbtutbojs0

  Uil fkbdbty to pursul afr`lt okmlntbvls fje to fssbcj trfels fhtlr til lvljt (l.c. ft funtbojs wilrl

slddbjc nfj kl bjnrlfsle fs rlqubrle to fniblvl prbnbjc okmlntbvls fje to tilj hbje f iodebjc ujelr

afjfclaljt hor til sifrls to kl eleuntle hroa0

  Uil nojstfjt eowjwfre prlssurl tily frl fkdl to fppdy to til afr`lt plrifps usbjc efr` poods to af`l

femustaljts to iodebjcs fhtlr slddbjc eowj faojcst tilasldvls oj til F^Y afr`lt0

  F rlfey suppdy oh ston` hor siort slddbjc purposls0

  Uil afjfclaljt oh siort slddbjc bj f wfy tift hornls prbnls dowlr wibdl fvobebjc prbnl ebsnovlry bj koti

til afjfclaljt oh oplj posbtbojs fje til ujwbjebjc oh oplj posbtbojs0

  Uil nojtrod ovlr prbnbjc dlvlds ky fdcorbtias tift hornl eowjtbn`s fje uptbn`s fs rlqubrle, fje0

  Eoabjfjnl ovlr prbnl slttbjc ft funtbojs.

[ltfbd ̂ tftbstbns

Uilrl wfs jlcdbcbkdl fntbvbty ky Uop >7

ljtbtbls wio tocltilr fnnoujt hor 5<%

oh Uop >7 iodebjcs kut ojdy ;% oh

trfebjc voduals ovlr 9 aojtis

Db`ldy nrossbjc

kltwllj norporftl

joabjll ljtbtbls

Uil < Bjstbtutbojs ilde 36.2

abddboj NE\ sifrls fs ft Muj

>7, ;76;, fje aovle 3>.> abddsifrls OHH fje 33.5 abdd

sifrls OJ ovlr til 9 aojti


Uil rlst oh til Uop >7

fnnoujtle hor <2.6 abdd sifrls

ylt ojdy aovle 6.;7 abdd

sifrls OHH fje 6.29 abdd

sifrls OJ ovlr til 9 aojtis.


Cbvlj fdd oh til fkovl fdd oh wibni ifs onnurrle nojsbstljtdy ovlr >7 aojtis oh trfebjc, bt bs jo surprbsl tift

afjy rltfbd bjvlstors ifvl kllj hornle out oh tilbr iodebjcs or ifvl elpfrtle til rlcbstlr bj hrustrftboj0

pfrtbnudfrdy wbti f sifrl prbnl tift ifs dfjcubsile fje ifs kllj ujfkdl to rlspoje bj f sustfbjle wfy to

sodbe/lxnlptbojfd procrlss afel ky til noapfjy.

^lddbjc ky



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Uil dbst kldow suaafrbzls efr` pood Urfebjc hor til 9 aojtis sbjnl rl-dbstbjc hroa vodujtfry suspljsboj.

Uil faoujt oh trfebjc tift nfjjot kl rlnojnbdle wbti F^Y kuybjc fje slddbjc bs fssuale to rlprlsljt kro`lr

to kro`lr ohh-afr`lt efr` pood sifrl lxnifjcls fje ifs kllj lxprlssle fs f plrnljtfcl oh totfd rlcbstry


Aojti Jov ’66  Eln ’66  Mfj ’6;  Hlk ’6;  Afrni‒6;  Fprbd ’6;  Afy ’6;  Mujl ’6; 

Efr` Wood Fntbvbty 7% ;3% <;% 5<% <3% <<% >9% <5%

Bjtlrlstbjcdy, rlcbstry fntbvbty aorl or dlss nobjnbele wbti til dlvlds oh F^Y kuybjc & slddbjc bj Jovlaklr, f

aojti wibni sfw afmor fnnoapdbsialjts wbti promlnt hbjfjnl, lxpdorftboj sunnlss fje f abjbjc dbnljsl

crfjtle. Jovlaklr fdso sfw f sifrl prbnl rbsl. Iowlvlr, hor aost aojtis, til faoujt oh ohh-afr`lt efr`

pood fntbvbty bs sllj to rlprlsljt frouje ifdh oh fdd rlcbstry fntbvbty or lvlj aorl. Or put fjotilr wfy, hor

til aost pfrt aorl kuys fje sldds too` pdfnl fwfy hroa til F^Y wbti kro`lr to kro`lr ohh-afr`lt elfdbjcs

fje sifrl nrossbjcs, tifj wift too` pdfnl bj trfebjc oj til F^Y lxnifjcl btsldh.

Uil hoddowbjc noakbjle lstbaftls fsslss til hudd 9 aojtis oh trfebjc sbjnl rl-dbstbjc hroa vodujtfry

suspljsboj oj Ontoklr >6, ;766 fs wldd fs fsslssbjc trfebjc hor til 3 aojtis wilrl efr` pood trfebjc

sbcjbhbnfjtdy bapfntle til rlcbstlr (b.l. lxnduebjc Jovlaklr ;766).


(Ont >6, ;766 to Muj >7, ;76;) (Eln 6, ;766 to Muj >7, ;76;)

Kro`lr Joabjlls 68,597,52; 68,8;7,<52 6;,8;2,;7< 6;,37;,32>

Bjstbtutbojs 3>,56<,73> 33,525,326 88,682,2<8 89,2;9,659

OUIL[= Joj Bjstbtutbojs

[ltfbd - Bjebvbeufd Bjvlstors 2,958,637 <,669,<23 3,838,>;8 5,72;,6;3

[ltfbd - Wrbvftl Noapfjy <,323,28> ;,3<;,3>; 5,5>8,638 ;,>95,23>

Wro Bjvlstors & Hujes >,97;,93> ;,7;<,5;8 ;,<39,9>8 6,2>5,336

Noapfjy Kuy Kfn` & Lapdoyll

^nilal27,8>; <,785,975 278>; >2;6>33

Uotfd [lcbstry Fntbvbty 672,5>>,;7> 672,738,922 2>,<96,6>6 2>,285,692

Lxnduebjc Kro`lr Joabjlls 2;,2<;,366 2;,5<8,><7 97,2<6,2;8 96,;86,>28

F^Y Kuybjc & ^lddbjc Xoduals <5,252,98; <5,252,98; 5>,793,972 5>,793,972


Uotfds „ Hor Joj Bjst. Fntbvbty 62,<>3,8>9 65,286,<<2 65,396,237 6;,>>>,;59

Kfdfjnl oh F^Y Urfels ><,56;,;;5 >2,299,>7> ;9,>7<,9>2 >7,3<5,<86


Bjstbtutbojfd Xoduals 3>,56<,73> 33,525,326 88,682,2<8 89,2;9,659

Fvfbdfkdl F^Y Urfels ><,56;,;;5 >2,299,>7> ;9,>7<,9>2 >7,3<5,<86

^iorthfdd >9,77;,952 >3,<78,599 >3,985,663 >9,63>,<93

Uil siorthfdds fhtlr rlnojnbdbjc rlcbstry eftf to kro`lr kuybjc fje slddbjc bs fssuale to rlprlsljt bjstbtutbojfdrlcbstry aovlaljts tift frl fssonbftle wbti Efr` Wood trfebjc. Bh til ohh-afr`lt nrossbjcs usle to rlkfdfjnl

iodebjcs bj Mfj ;76; frl fdso bjnduele, til siorthfdds klnoal=

^iorthfdd 8<,977,<;9 8<,;72,822 8<,886,328 8<,938,329

Uil eftf lxnduels ;3.3 abddboj OHH & OJ

aovlaljts fssonbftle wbti f

rlkfdfjnbjc oh iodebjcs tift onnurrle bj

Mfj ;76; fs wldd fs til 9 abdd pdfnlaljt

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-  Noapfrle to F^Y Urfels 82% 99%

-  Noapfrle to fdd Bjstbtutbojfd Fntbvbty <7% <8%- 

-  Noapfrle to Fdd [lcbstry Aovlaljts

(lxnduebjc Kro`lr Joabjlls) 56%  53% 

-  Bjnduebjc Mfj ;76; Ohh Afr`lt Nrossbjcs  <5%  87% 

Bcjorbjc Jovlaklr wilrl bjstbtutbojs rlhrfbjle hroa efr` pood trfebjc, til kud` oh trfebjc sbjnl rl-dbstbjc

siows tift oj kfdfjnl, fdaost fs auni trfebjc onnurrle Ohh- Afr`lt fje fwfy hroa til F^Y fs wift

onnurrle oj til F^Y. Bt bs f rlafr`fkdl sbtuftboj rlprlsljtbjc 3 sodbe aojtis oh trfebjc.

Uil trlje sodbedy bjcrfbjle bjto dojc tlra eftf rfbsls til bssul oh wift bs proaptbjc bjstbtutbojs to trfel so

lxtljsbvldy ohh-afr`lt fje wift bapfnt til fntbvbty ifs ife oj til sifrl prbnl, pfrtbnudfrdy sbjnl fjy bapfnt

hldt oj til F^Y dfrcldy ebntftls til sljtbaljt surroujebjc til ston`. Uil succlstboj tift til ston` bs klbjc

sode eowj oj til F^Y kltwllj rldftle pfrtbls wbti porthodbos tilj put kfn` bjto kfdfjnl tirouci efr` pood

lxnifjcls docbnfddy hbts til trfebjc pfttlrjs, lsplnbfddy cbvlj til ibci voduals oh siort slddbjc eurbjc Mujl.^uni trfebjc iowlvlr woude kl ellale afjbpudftbvl fje rlqubrls f tiorouci bjvlstbcftboj.

Uilrl bs fdso f trfjspfrljny bssul tift urcljtdy rlqubrls fttljtboj cbvlj tift bjstbtutbojfd fntbvbty wfs

rlspojsbkdl hor 96.5% oh rlcbstry aovlaljts ovlr til 9 aojti plrboe (98% fddowbjc hor Mfj ;76; nrossbjcs)

fje 9>.>% oh rlcbstry fntbvbty ovlr til 3 aojti plrboe. Bjstbtutbojfd trfebjc bs lbtilr noapdltldy opfqul

wilj bt bs eojl ohh afr`lt tirouci efr` poods or bt ifs dbabtle trfjspfrljny bh bt bs nojeuntle oj til F^Y fje

slttdle ky slttdlaljt splnbfdbsts rftilr tifj til kro`lrs rlspojsbkdl hor til kuybjc fje slddbjc.

Uil dfn` oh trfjspfrljny woude nlrtfbjdy hfnbdbtftl fjy ujhfbr or bddlcfd fttlapts to afjfcl til sifrl prbnl.



3 AOJUI [LCB^U[R ^\AAF[R „ Eln ;766 to Mujl ;76;








Efr` Wood UrfebjcBjstbtutbojfd

F^Y Urfebjc


Urfjspfrljt Urfebjc

[ltfbd Bjvlstors, Hujes & Wro Bjvlstors, Noapfjy Kuy Kfn`


Joj Urfjspfrljt Urfebjc - 6

Bjstbtutbojfd F^Y Urfebjc


Joj Urfjspfrljt Urfebjc - ;

Bjstbtutbojfd Efr` Wood Urfebjc



Jlfrdy ifdh oh fddtrfebjc ovlr 3

aojtis ifs

onnurrle fwfy

hroa rlcudftory


9>.>% oh fdd rlcbstry

fntbvbty ifs kllj

fssonbftle wbti

bjstbtutbojfd trfebjc

wibni bs lhhlntbvldy

nfaouhdfcle hroa

til afr`lt.

Uil sbtuftbojnfsts crlft

eoukt fkout til

bjtlcrbty oh til

systla fje

ndfbas oh hfbr

fje trfjspfrljt


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Fnnoapfjybjc til elndbjl bj til sifrl prbnl sbjnl til

klcbjjbjc oh Eln ;766 ifs kllj f trlje nojnlrjbjc ohh

afr`lt trfebjc vbf Efr` Woods wilrlky trfebjc ifs

lxnllele til dlvlds oh kuybjc & slddbjc oj til F^Y

Uil otilr ebstbjcubsibjc hlfturl oh trfebjc upoj rl-dbstbjc ifs kllj f stlfebdy rbsbjc oplj siort posbtboj. Uil

bjnrlfsl bs noujtlrbjtubtbvl hor f noapfjy tift ifs klnoal sukstfjtbfddy el-rbs`le wbti hujebjc bj pdfnl fje

wbti abjl dbnljsbjc crfjtle to support til nojstruntboj fje noaabssbojbjc oh f afmor jlw abjl.

Uil sifrl prbnl trlje bs fcfbj siowj kldow fnnoapfjble ky til dlvlds oh koti Efr` Wood fntbvbty fje siortbjc



Uirouci Jovlaklr ;766, til sifrl prbnl ebe rbsl fpprlnbfkdy hoddowbjc strojc fnnoapdbsialjts fjjoujnle ky

til noapfjy. Fdso, til rlcbstlr hor Jovlaklr siowle jlcdbcbkdl Efr` Wood trfebjc. Iowlvlr til sifrl prbnl

rbsls bj Jovlaklr wlrl baalebftldy hoddowle ky prbnl elndbjls wibni lxtljele hroa lfrdy Elnlaklr ;766

tirouci to Mujl ;76; fje wibni wlrl fnnoapfjble ky sukstfjtbfd dlvlds oh Efr` Wood trfebjc fs siowj kldow.



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Uil trfebjc bj NuElno ovlr til >7 aojtis rlvblwle ifs kllj nifrfntlrbzle ky trfebjc niurj wbti jot f dot

oh sifrls cljubjldy hor sfdl fje wbti til sifrl prbnl nfpple hor aost oh til tbal. Uil oplj siort posbtboj

noapfrle to til juaklr oh sifrls oj bssul eols jot stfje out fs klbjc lxnlssbvl jor eols bt noapfrle to

siort slddbjc bj otilr noapfjbls, iowlvlr cbvlj til safdd hrll hdoft fje trfebjc voduals tift frl jot ovlrdydfrcl, fj lsnfdftboj bj oplj siort posbtbojs fs ifs onnurrle eols rlprlsljt f afmor nifjcl to trfebjc


<.> AOJUIDR NOAWF[B^OJ^ „ F^Y Xoduals, ^iort ^lddbjc & Efr` Wood trfels 

Uil tfkdls kldow siow aojtidy siort sfdls noapfrle to F^Y voduals. Fdso provbele frl alfsurls oh Efr` Wood

fntbvbty noapfrle to rlcbstry fntbvbty fje noapfrle to F^Y voduals.

Bj Mfj, Afr, Fpr fje Muj ;76;, Efr` Wood trfels aorl tifj aftnile til juaklr oh F^Y trfels. Bt elaojstrftls

iow lxtljsbvl til faoujt oh ohh-afr`lt fntbvbty ifs kllj sbjnl til noapfjy rlsuale trfebjc sukstfjtbfddy el-rbs`le.


Aojti F^Y Xodual^iort



to [lcbstlr

Noapfrle to

F^Y XodualsAojti






to [lcbstlr


to F^Y

Jov ’66  66,98;,7<> 6>.7% 7% 7% Afr ’6;  8,633,833 62.5% <3% 6>5%

Eln ’66 2,<5>,;<> 6<.2% ;3% >8% Fpr ’6;  >,339,2<< ;5.6% <<% 6;;%

Mfj ’6;  <,;;<,<37 ;6.3% <;% 673% Afy ’6;  8,56<,25; ;5.3% >9% 8;%

Hlk ’6;  <,9;9,799 ;<.>% 5<% 9;% Mujl ’6;  8,669,>;5 >>.>% 92% 669%

^iort sfdls fs rlportle efbdy ky til F^Y totfddle 66,>22,;>8 ovlr til plrboe fje cbvlj tift F^BN oplj siort eftf

siows fj bjnrlfsl oh >,3;9,<3> oplj posbtbojs, til juaklr oh siorts novlrle bj trfebjc aust ifvl kllj

3,837,88> sifrls. Uil rlportbjc oh siort slddbjc iowlvlr bs surroujele ky fakbcubtbls fs fdrlfey bjebnftle bj

[lslfrni Wfplr 8.; fje ldfkorftle upoj bj ^lntboj <.9 ojwfres. 

Oplj ^iort Wosbtbojs

Rlfr Aojti Oplj ^iorts

;766 Ont-;9 6,3<8,866;766 Jov->7 ;,6;8,558

;766 Eln->6 ;,;2<,3;5

;76; Mfj->6 ;,828,<66

;76; Hlk-;2 >,;73,997

;76; Afr->6 ;,99<,3<7

;76; Fpr->7 >,637,<22

;76; Afy->6 >,92;,88;

;76; Muj->7 <,>35,5;8

^bjnl rl-dbstbjc dftl Ont ;766, Oplj ̂ iorts

fs ft Muj >7, ;76; bjnrlfsle ky >.8; abddboj

sifrls, rlprlsljtbjc f ;78% bjnrlfsl fjetil ibcilst dlvld hor NuElno sbjnl oplj

siorts ifvl kllj rlportle oj ky F^BN

Ont >6 Jov >7 Eln >6 Mfj >6 Hlk ;2 Afr >6 Fpr >7 Afy >6 Muj >7;767 ;767 ;767 ;766 ;766 ;766 ;766 ;766 ;766


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<.5 NIFJCL^ UO OWLJ ^IO[U WO^BUBOJ OXL[ 69 AOJUI^= Mfj 5, ;766 to Mudy 5, ;76;

Uil rlnljt nifjcls to siort slddbjc frl klttlr put bjto plrsplntbvl ky crfpibjc til oplj siort posbtboj eftf

hroa til klcbjjbjc oh Mfjufry ;766 tirouci to lfrdy Mudy ;76;. F nifjcl oh trlje bs ndlfrdy lvbeljt.

Ebsnojtbjubtbls bj til eftf wbti dfrcl femustaljts to siort posbtbojs klbjc afel ohh-afr`lt frl sllj to ifvl

onnurrle fnross til 69 aojtis oh trfebjc kut wbti f erfaftbn lsnfdftboj tf`bjc pdfnl sbjnl rl-dbstbjc dftl

Ontoklr dfst ylfr. Bt bs pfrtbnudfrdy lvbeljt tift til noapfjy ifs kllj tfrcltle vbf bjnrlfsle siort slddbjc fje

prbnl supprlssboj hoddowbjc til el-rbs`bjc tift onnurrle dftl dfst ylfr. Fniblvbjc prlabua pdfnlaljts hor

abjl hujebjc fje til crfjtbjc oh f dojc tlra abjbjc dbnljsl wlrl bjelle afmor krlf` tiroucis.

F sukstfjtbfd bjnrlfsl to oplj

siorts must prbor to hujebjcebsnussbojs klcbjjbjc bj abe-

Fucust ;766

Uil rlsuaptboj oh trfebjc

hoddowbjc til noapdltboj

oh hujebj frrfj laljts

Fj fdaost 5 abddboj bjnrlfsl to oplj siort posbtbojs bj fj

9 aojti plrboe ft f tbal til noapfjy sioude ifvl kllj

cfbjbjc rlnocjbtboj fhtlr el-rbs`bjc tilbr [on`dfje‒s

promlnt fje prlpfrbjc hor abjbjc

;766 ;76;


Uil hduntuftbojs succlst

rlcbstry prlssurl rldftle to

ston` dljebjc sbabdfrdy to wilj

;7 abddboj sifrls nifjcle

ifjes eurbjc suspljsboj. [lhlr

Wf lr 8.; ̂ lntboj 6












Ont >6

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^bjnl til kfjjbjc oh jf`le siort slddbjc fhtlr til CHN, ojdy novlrle siort sfdls frl plrabttle oj til F^Y.

Dljebjc fcrllaljts frl rlqubrle to kl bj pdfnl prbor to sifrls klbjc sode siort so tift ft U pdus > slddlrs nfj

dlcbtbaftldy ohhlr korrowle sifrls to hbjfdbzl slttdlaljt. Kuylrs rlnlbvl dofjle sifrls bj lxnifjcl hor tilbrnfsi, wbti tilbr iodebjcs siowbjc fj bjnrlfsl oj til rlcbstlr fje til dljelr‒s iodebjc siowbjc f elnrlfsl.

Oplj siort posbtbojs tilrlhorl provbel fj bjebnftboj oh til juaklr oh sifrls tift ifvl kllj korrowle fje

sode bjto til afr`lt fje wibni lvljtufddy ifvl to kl rlpurnifsle fje rlturjle to dljelrs.


OWLJ ^IO[U WO^UBOJ^= Ont >6, ;766 to Muj >7, ;76;

Oplj siort posbtbojs ifvl siowj rlcudfr efbdy hduntuftbojs bjlxnlss oh 6 abdd sifrls tift nfjjot kl rlnojnbdle wbti lbtilr

F^Y voduals or rlcbstry sifrl hdows.

Hroa til F^BN wlksbtl= ([lhlr [lcudftory Cubel 628) 

—Wlopdl soaltbals sldd (siort sldd) hbjfjnbfd proeunts tift tily eo jot owj wbti f vblw to rlpurnifsbjc

tila dftlr ft f dowlr prbnl‑. 

—F siort posbtboj bs wilrl til qufjtbty oh til proeunt wibni f plrsoj ifs bs dlss tifj til qufjtbty oh

til proeunt wibni til plrsoj ifs fj okdbcftboj to eldbvlr. Silj f plrsoj af`ls f siort sfdl, tilplrsoj afy kl rlqubrle to rlport tilbr siort posbtbojs to F^BN‑. 

—^iort sfdl trfjsfntboj rlportbjc bs oh kljlhbt to til afr`lt bj tift bt afy lxpdfbj sifrl prbnl

aovlaljts fje fssbst rlcudftors bj nfrrybjc out afr`lt survlbddfjnl fje bjvlstbcftbjc fddlcle nfsls oh

afr`lt absnojeunt‑. 

—^iort posbtboj rlportbjc bs oh kljlhbt to til afr`lt bj tift bt provbels fj bjebnftboj oh til dlvld oh rbs`

bjvodvle bj siort slddbjc f pfrtbnudfr slnurbty fs wldd fs til afr`lt sljtbaljts bj tift slnurbty‑. 

—Bj Fustrfdbf, slnurbtbls dljebjc frrfjclaljts typbnfddy bjvodvl til trfjshlr oh slnurbtbls hroa til owjlr

(dljelr) to fjotilr pfrty (til korrowlr), wbti til korrowlr okdbcle to rlturj til slnurbtbls (or tilbr

lqubvfdljt) lbtilr oj elafje or ft til lje oh til dofj tlra. Uil korrowlr usufddy cbvls til dljelrnoddftlrfd fs slnurbty hor til dofj‑.

—^iort slddbjc eols jot jlle to kl rlportle wilrl til slddlr‒s siort posbtboj fs ft 3 pa oj f pfrtbnudfr

efy bs dlss tifj or lqufd to $677,777, fje/or dlss tifj 7.76% oh til totfd qufjtbty oh slnurbtbls or

proeunts bj til rldlvfjt ndfss oh slnurbtbls or proeunts‑. 

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Uil crfpi oh oplj siort posbtbojs hor NuElno siows slvlrfd sifrp ebsnojtbjubtbls bj lxnlss oh 6 abddboj

sifrls wilrl til oplj posbtboj nifjcls eo jot hbt wbti lbtilr F^Y voduals or nifjcls to til rlcbstlr. Uil

fjoafdbls elaojstrftl til fe ion jfturl oh siort posbtboj rlportbjc fje afy fdso kl succlstbjc

ujortioeox trfebjc klifvbours tf`bjc pdfnl bj til trfebjc oh NuElno slnurbtbls.

F hudd dbst oh oplj siort posbtbojs hroa Ont >6, ;766 to Muj >7, ;76; bs provbele fs Fppljebx ;.

Fs elaojstrftle bj Wfplr 8.; ^lnt 5.5.;, wibdl til F^Y ebsndosls siort sfdls lfni efy, til juaklr oh siorts

novlrle lfni efy nfj ojdy kl lstbaftle. Uil lstbaftl bs kfsle oj nifjcls to efbdy oplj posbtbojs (provbeleky F^BN) fje til efbdy F^Y siort slddbjc eftf fje bs elhbjle ky=

F sfapdl siowbjc siort slddbjc eftf fje siort novlrbjc lstbaftls bs provbele kldow.






^iort Novlrs





Eln-6< 892,>;9 6>6,;33 ;22,998 ;,636,<85 -689,872

Eln-68 6,>69,9<< 6;3,<67 -5;,;;< ;,>56,;22 682,3><Eln-62 ;85,663 3<,2>6 -<;,2>8 ;,537,688 6;9,983

Eln-;7 >>6,828 39,<93 >9,>32 ;,<67,>35 57,;79

Eln-;6 559,57< 675,>;> 9>8,2;6 6,333,338 -3>;,<29

Eln-;; ;92,359 59,69; 2<,<7; 6,3>7,5<8 -53,>;7

Eln-;> 26,33< ;7,33> -<37,329 ;,>;;,7;3 <26,<36

Eln-;9 63<,356 86,9>> 677,777 ;,;9>,987 ->9,683

Eln-;2 572,6;6 679,<8> 28,822 ;,;2<,3;5 66,985

^iort novlrbjc lstbaftls tift turj out to kl jlcftbvl hurtilr elaojstrftl bjnojsbstljnbls bj til eftf fje

ifvl kllj ibcidbcitle usbjc f ylddow kfn`crouje. Bjnojsbstljnbls fdso onnur wilrl nifjcls to oplj

posbtbojs nfjjot kl rlnojnbdle wbti til F^Y kuybjc fje slddbjc tift too` pdfnl oj f cbvlj efy fje frlcljlrfddy okslrvle fs ebsnojtbjubtbls bj til fkovl crfpi. Bj suni nfsls fj bjnrlfsl bj siort posbtbojs bs

crlftlr tifj til faoujt oh slddbjc oj til F^Y, or fdtlrjftbvldy, f hfdd bj oplj posbtbojs bs crlftlr tifj til

faoujt oh kuybjc tift too` pdfnl. ^uni fjoafdbls ifvl kllj ibcidbcitle usbjc f afuvl kfn`crouje.

<.9 ^\AAF[R OH FJFAODO\^ ^IO[U ^LDDBJC EFUF= Ont >6, ;766 to Muj >7, ;76;

Uil dfrcl nifjcls to siort posbtbojs sbjnl NuElno rlsuale trfebjc tift eoj‒t rlnojnbdl wbti F^Y kuybjc or

slddbjc bs suaafrbzle bj til tfkdl tift hoddows. Uil siort novlrbjc lstbaftls tift frl sbabdfrdy fjoafdousifvl kllj bjnduele fs wldd. Uil eftf elaojstrftls must iow ujrldbfkdl siort slddbjc rlports frl wilj bt

noals to NuElno, elspbtl til fevbnl cbvlj ky F^BN fkout til uslhudjlss oh siort slddbjc rlportbjc.

^iort Novlrs 1 F^Y ^iort ^fdls - Nifjcl to Oplj ^iort Wosbtboj

[C 628.675 ^iort sfdl trfjsfntbojfd rlportbjc provbels fj bjebnftboj oh til proportboj oh trfels bj f

pfrtbnudfr slnurbty tift frl siort sfdls fje til ovlrfdd dlvld oh siort slddbjc tift tf`ls pdfnl oj

til afr`lt lfni efy. Uibs fssbsts bjvlstors fje noapfjbls bj lxpdfbjbjc sifrl prbnl


[C 628.67< Hor lxfapdl, bh f noapfjy‒s sifrl prbnl bs pfrtbnudfrdy vodftbdl, bjtlrlstle pfrtbls wbdd kl fkdl

to rlhlr to til pukdbn ebsndosurl oh siort trfjsfntboj bjhoraftboj to cfbj fj ujelrstfjebjc ohwiltilr tilrl ifs kllj fj bjnrlfsl bj til dlvld oh siort slddbjc fntbvbty bj tift slnurbty.

[C 628.678 ^iort sfdl trfjsfntboj bjhoraftboj bs fdso uslhud hor rlcudftors bj nfrrybjc out afr`lt

survlbddfjnl fje bjvlstbcftbjc fddlcle nfsls oh afr`lt absnojeunt. 

Hor lxfapdl, Eln ;; wilj siort

sfdls wlrl 59,69; sifrls fje

oplj posbtbojs hldd ky 53,>;7 tilj

novlrs aust ifvl aftnile tilsiort sfdls wbti fj feebtbojfd

53,>;7 oh purnifsls fs wldd.

b.l. ̂ iort novlrs 1 59,69; +53,>;7

or 2<,<7; sifrls.

Uil horaudf nojvljbljtdy cbvls

til sfal rlsudt.

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<.2 Ufkdl siowbjc siort slddbjc eftf tift eolsj‒t rlnojnbdl wbti efbdy F^Y voduals.






^iort Novlrs





Eln-79 <;6,778 9;,778 6,6<<,6<7 6,728,2<3 -6,73>,655

Eln-72 856,<85 23,6;; -6,76>,365 ;,;73,32> 6,667,9>8

Eln-;6 559,57< 675,>;> 9>8,2;6 6,333,338 -3>;,<29

Eln-;> 26,33< ;7,33> -<37,329 ;,>;;,7;3 <26,<36

Eln->7 638,37> 83,38< 6,65<,976 6,;63,899 -6,739,7>8

Mfj-7> 65<,6<7 >8,93; -6,735,;23 ;,>;9,9<3 6,666,682

Mfj-7< 633,7<2 >>,262 37;,7>3 6,853,738 -889,669

Mfj-67 <77,758 6>2,928 -8<9,92> ;,<3;,567 329,392

Mfj-63 57>,87< 675,263 23;,296 6,9;6,>;7 -989,785

Mfj-69 58>,>25 56,372 -387,8>8 ;,8;>,88< 97;,>5<

Mfj->6 626,;32 ;9,>;9 6,>8>,>;3 6,>86,<6; -6,>>5,222

Hlk-76 ;97,>7< 57,65; -6,>78,668 ;,373,337 6,>58,;<9

Hlk-7; 5<2,;5> 66>,258 927,2;8 6,2>7,327 -338,297

Hlk-7> <6>,333 6>6,<>; -365,>;8 ;,338,859 95<,9<9

Afr-7; >99,277 97,;22 6,78;,3;6 ;,;<;,65> -29;,5;;

Afr-7< >89,>5; >7,8<< -26<,;95 >,629,79; 25<,2>2Afr-79 ;2;,833 67;,>78 6,783,87; ;,;>7,;53 -28<,;28

Afr-6> >27,<37 68,2;5 -923,322 >,693,262 265,3;>

Afr-68 833,283 667,;92 6,795,678 ;,622,876 -23>,963

Afr-62 ;65,69< 5;,755 -28>,622 >,;75,955 6,77<,;5>

Afr-;> ;6>,928 <<,<;8 6,<69,9>; 6,3;<,6;6 -6,58>,>78

Afr-;8 622,989 57,9>8 -6,5>8,8;; >,;7;,<32 6,533,5<9

Afr-;3 >72,89< <;,5<6 ><6,9;7 ;,27>,;67 -;22,>82

Fpr-7> ;><,<67 9>,888 6,72>,58; 6,9;<,887 -6,772,328

Fpr-75 ;<5,3>3 >7,92< -6,737,737 ;,2;8,8;< 6,677,28<


^bjnl til kfjjbjc oh jf`le siort slddbjc, fdd siort sfdls frl rlqubrle to kl novlrle ky ston` dljebjc

fcrllaljts to ljsurl tift sifrls frl fvfbdfkdl to slttdl til siort slddbjc trfjsfntbojs. Bt hoddows tift

slttdlaljts hor siort slddbjc trfjsfntbojs sioude sll rleuntbojs bj til iodebjcs oh til ljtbtbls dljebjc ston`

fje bjnrlfsls bj til iodebjcs oh ljtbtbls tift ifvl purnifsle til sifrls sode siort.

Nifjcls to oplj siort posbtbojs sioude fdso rldftl to til rlcbstlr. [leuntbojs bj oplj posbtbojs sioude siow

fj bjnrlfsl bj til iodebjcs oh ljtbtbls wio ifvl dljt ston` fs til ston` bs rlturjle. ^babdfrdy, bjnrlfsls to

oplj posbtbojs sioude siow hfdds bj til iodebjcs oh ljtbtbls fs feebtbojfd ston` bs korrowle fje sode siort.

Uil nifjcls sioude kl rlhdlntle oj til rlcbstlr ft U+> hroa til efbdy siort slddbjc rlports.

Bj til lxfapdl kldow til nifjcl to oplj siort posbtbojs oj Afy ; wfs bj lxnlss oh 6 abddboj sifrls ylt til

rlcbstlr > efys dftlr ojdy siowle aovlaljts oh sifrls oh frouje 377,77 sifrls afjy oh wibni woude ifvl

bjnduele slttdlaljts hor trfjsfntbojs ujrldftle to siort slddbjc.

EFR ;766F^Y





^iort NovlrsF^BN OWLJ







Afy-7; >>;,36> 88,382 6,62;,76< ;,7<7,7;> -6,6;<,;58 Afy 3 897,287 3;7,389

Bt woude fpplfr tift jot ojdy eo dfrcl nifjcls to oplj siort posbtbojs jot norrldftl wbti F^Y trfebjc

voduals, kut tily fdso eo jot rlnojnbdl wbti til rlcbstlr. Uil sbtuftboj hurtilr pobjts to ujortioeox fntbvbtytf`bjc pdfnl wbti trfebjc fje til afjfclaljt oh siort posbtbojs wibni bs db`ldy to ifvl fj fevlrsl bapfnt

oj til hfbrjlss oh til afr`lt fje til rldlvfjnl oh prbnl ebsnovlry.

F hudd dbst oh rlcbstry eftf fje fjoafdous oplj siort eftf hor Afy ;76; fje Mujl ;76; hoddows.

Uil fjoafdous eftf siows

up fs ebsnojtbjubtbls oj tilcrfpi oh oplj siort

posbtbojs. Bt succlsts tift

ujortioeox fntbvbtbls frl

fssonbftle wbti til siort

slddbjc tf`bjc pdfnl fje

wibni ifs siowj f

sukstfjtbfd lsnfdftboj sbjnl

til noapfjy rlsuale

trfebjc oj Ont >6, ;766.

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EFR ;766F^Y





^iort NovlrsF^BN OWLJ







Afy-7; >>;,36> 88,382 6,62;,76< ;,7<7,7;> -6,6;<,;58 Afy 3 897,287 3;7,389

Afy-75 >;3,26< >7,268 -6,729,;56 >,;>>,593 6,6;2,6<3 Afy 2 853,65> 967,2;7

Afy-73 ;<5,8>> 83,>>2 6,;62,68> ;,796,88> -6,6<6,9;5 Afy 67 >>9,;98 ><5,<96

Afy-72 57<,;95 652,7<; -6,6<5,;27 >,555,965 6,>7>,>5; Afy 65 859,9;> 82>,;;;

Afy-67 ;39,855 >3,6<8 6,;;;,939 ;,;<2,72; -6,69<,3;; Afy 6< 5;>,<<6 <72,238Afy-66 627,839 52,623 -6,;59,>39 >,<<8,883 6,;23,<3< Afy 68 >>>,8;9 ;37,35<

Afy-63 ;>;,93< 67>,7>2 6,5;;,>5> ;,5;9,<39 -6,>62,>75 Afy ;; 568,8<2 556,7>9

Afy-69 55>,598 662,766 -6,;7>,;<2 >,3<7,959 6,>;;,;37 Afy ;> 8<6,777 8;8,;<;

Afy-;; ;37,;>< 93,595 6,>23,<53 ;,5<8,>95 -6,>67,78> Afy ;< <;6,558 558,;><

Afy-;> ;22,>77 8<,>8> -6,;95,929 >,978,85< 6,><7,;86 Afy ;9 587,755 829,<69

Afy-;< ;39,862 3;,552 6,5>8,997 ;,596,5;8 -6,>85,5>6 Afy ;2 5>9,7;7 >38,<77

Afy->7 6>5,7<8 >>,<97 -6,576,572 >,93>,3;< 6,5>5,292 Muj 6 <55,>2> 863,;;3

Muj-73 ;93,<<2 6<<,6;< 6,85>,28; ;,<35,329 -6,599,9>3 Muj 6> 3;5,322 356,5;6

Muj-79 626,75< 37,5>5 -;,5<5,>76 <,722,<>> ;,<;5,3>< Muj 65 6,>6<,55> 6,>96,25<

Muj-6; 6>9,9;5 59,>86 >27,885 5,3<3,;>7 ->5;,>7> Muj 6< 58>,5>9 573,9;9

Muj-65 8;,;>2 >,375 5<2,;78 5,>93,;76 -5<<,<7; Muj 62 <39,789 >28,;;<

Muj-62 669,25> ;>,787 6;5,8>6 5,<6;,98; -676,<36 Muj ;; >36,2<8 >38,736

Muj-;8 >75,>29 27,;98 -5;9,563 <,<86,2;2 <69,37> Muj ;2 6,<68,9>3 6,5;;,<2>

Bt jlles to kl `lpt bj abje tift rlcbstry elfdbjcs fdso fddow hor jorafd trfebjc jot rldftle to siort slddbjc so

tift sifrl hdows sioude kl fkovl til rlportle nifjcls bj oplj posbtbojs, jot kldow. Uil eftf hurtilr

elaojstrftls til fe ion jfturl oh rlportbjc fs vlry hlw rlportle nifjcls to oplj posbtbojs rlnojnbdl wbti

wift onnurrle oj til rlcbstlr ft U pdus >.

Docbn woude succlst tift=

  Hor f siort novlr oh 6 abddboj sifrls to ifvl onnurrle, bjstbtutbojfd dljelrs oucit to siow fj bjnrlfsl

bj iodebjcs oh tift orelr fs sifrls dljt out frl rlturjle, fje sbabdfrdy0  Hor oplj siorts to bjnrlfsl ky 6 abddboj sifrls, fj bjstbtutbojfd dljelr or dljelrs sioude siow hfdds oh

til sfal orelr oh afcjbtuel fs sifrls frl dljt out to hfnbdbtftl til slttdlaljts oh siort sfdls.

Ndlfrdy koti til rlcbstlr fje efbdy trfebjc voduals eo jot rlhdlnt til dfrcl nifjcls tift ifvl kllj rlportle

to oplj siort posbtbojs. Uil sbtuftboj af`ls F^BN‒s succlstboj soalwift plrbdous - b.l. —tift uslhud

bjhoraftboj nfj kl cdlfjle hroa siort slddbjc rlports fje tift tily nfj kl usle to fssbst bj fsslssbjc til

 prosplnts oh f noapfjy fje bj beljtbhybjc til nfusls hor ujelrdybjc vodftbdbty ‑ .

Bh kuybjc fje slddbjc wfs cljubjl fje bh rlportbjc wfs fnnurftl tilj afykl til rlports noude kl uslhud.

Iowlvlr fs bt stfjes F^BN‒s fdtlrjftbvl succlstboj bs ebrlntdy fppdbnfkdl to til NuElno sbtuftboj „ b.l. —Uiftsiort sfdl trfjsfntboj bjhoraftboj bs fdso uslhud hor rlcudftors bj nfrrybjc out afr`lt survlbddfjnl fje

bjvlstbcftbjc fddlcle nfsls oh afr`lt absnojeunt‑

Uf`bjc F^BN ft bts wore cross ebstortbojs to siort slddbjc eftf ovlr fj lxtljele plrboe oh tbal woude

succlst tift fj ljqubry sioude kl baalebftldy ujelrtf`lj bj rlcfre to til trfebjc tf`bjc pdfnl bj NuElno.

Uil sbtuftboj bs hurtilr put bjto plrsplntbvl ky F^BN‒s feabssboj tift bt eolsj‒t snrutbjbzl til siort slddbjc

rlports vlry wldd, or bjelle bh ft fdd, fs nfj kl nojnduele hroa til hoddowbjc frtbndl pukdbsile bj Uil Fcl oj

Mudy 6;, ;76;.

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UBUDL=  —Bj siort, ston`kro`lrs clt f rlabjelr oj rlportbjc‑ 


Uil afr`lt rlcudftor ifs tode ston`kro`lrs tily ifvl hfbdle to rlport siort sfdls, fs rlqubrle ky dfw.Bj f nbrnudfr bssule to kro`lrs ylstlrefy, til Fustrfdbfj ^lnurbtbls fje Bjvlstaljts Noaabssboj wfrjle tifthfbdbjc to noapdy wbti til siort-sfdl rlportbjc rlqubrlaljts ''afy kl krlfni oh til Norporftbojs Fnt, fje F^BN wbdd tf`l fntboj wilrl jlnlssfry''. F^BN's ilfe oh afr`lts suplrvbsboj, Crlc Rfjno, sfbe til hfbdurls torlport rldftle to siort posbtbojs ilde ky ovlrslfs huje afjfclrs.

''Uibs ifs rlfddy noal out oh f noupdl oh bjqubrbls wl'vl ife hroa ovlrslfs fs`bjc wift tilbr okdbcftbojs frl,''il sfbe. Ar Rfjno sfbe afjy ovlrslfs bjvlstors norrlntdy rlportle tilbr siort posbtbojs. Uil prokdlas wlrl''must frouje til lecls'' .

Uil frtbndl hurtilr noaaljtle oj til prfntbnl oh siort slddbjc fs hoddows=

^iort-slddbjc bs wilj ilecl hujes or otilr bjvlstors korrow sifrls tily eo jot owj fje sldd tila bj tillxplntftboj tift tilbr prbnl wbdd co eowj. Bh bt eols, tily kuy til sifrls kfn` ft til dowlr prbnl, rlturj tila totilbr owjlr fje pon`lt til ebhhlrljnl.

^bjnl til abeedl oh ;767, kro`lrs ifvl kllj rlqubrle to doecl efbdy rlports fccrlcftbjc siort posbtbojs ojklifdh oh ndbljts.

Uil rlports cbvl f sjfpsiot bjebnftboj oh til klfrbsi sljtbaljt towfres f ston`. Uily fdso bjebnftl til

faoujt oh ovlrifjc bj til ston` tift wbdd jlle to kl novlrle ky siort-slddlrs kuybjc tila kfn`.

NOAALJU= Bt rlafbjs to kl sllj bh til joj-noapdbfjnl bssuls woude lvlr ifvl kllj

ebsnovlrle ky F^BN bh bt wfsj‒t hor ljtbtbls bjqubrbjc fkout wift tilbr okdbcftbojs wlrl.

Uil frtbndl outdbjls iow siort slddbjc fje siort novlrbjc bs supposle to tf`lpdfnl oj til F^Y iowlvlr wbti NuElno, bt bs aorl tifj db`ldy tift ’klfrbsisljtbaljt bs fniblvle ky afjbpudftbvl wfsi trfels fje wbti ljtbtbls slddbjc tilston` eowj kltwllj tilasldvls fje wbti bjstbtutbojs kuybjc kfn` til sifrlsdljt hor siort slddbjc fje wbti siort novlrbjc rlcudfrdy tf`bjc pdfnl Ohh Afr`ltwbti zlro prbnl ebsnovlry.

Hurtilraorl, til rlcudftor ifs lbtilr hfbdle to jotbnl til fklrrfjt eftfibcidbcitle fje kroucit to fttljtboj ky sifrliodelr rlslfrni, or tily ifvl

fpprovle til klifvbours fs til prfntbnl nojtbjuls fs plr til fjoafdous eftfhor Mudy kldow.






^iort Novlrs





62/73/;76; ;>9,277 <5,56< 6,97>,5<6 >,375,83< -6,352,7>8

;7/73/;76; 628,677 87,9<8 -;,7>9,3>5  <,975,;8< ;,722,<27

;5/73/;76; >52,<77 >5,>;> 336,7>> <,729,7;2 -3>8,367

;8/73/;76; ;3;,<77 687,859 -;<7,3<7  <,537,;5> 566,>29

;3/73/;76; 83,577 67,9<6 666,528 <,>82,<29 -677,85<

>6/73/;76; 6>5,777 67,795 -655,83>  <,5>2,5;7 6<5,3<3


to oplj

siorts jot

fkdl to kl


wbti F^Y


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Bt woude kl lxplntle tift dfrcl nifjcls bj oplj siorts sioude kl rlhdlntle bj nifjcls to lbtilr korrowle or

dofjle ston` elpljebjc oj wiltilr oplj siorts bjnrlfsle or elnrlfsle. Fpfrt hroa til eftf siowj nbrndle,

jo suni norrlspojeljnl bs lvbeljt fje bjtubtbvldy bt sioude kl til JLU posbtbojs tift sioude rlhdlnt til

nifjcls to oplj posbtbojs. Uift ifsj‒t onnurrle. 






Eln-72 6,667,9>8 ;,<37,6>8 8<,777 256,57; ;,378 5,;8>,69> 6<7,;33 ;,8>5,552 93,29>

Eln-;6 -3>;,<29 ;,<93,736 5<,975 8>>,>8; 3<,;92 5,>29,83< 693,;39 ;,555,288 88,69<

Eln-;> <26,<36 ;,877,8;7 676,358 <7<,597 67,<27 5,<8<,27; 627,>86 ;,537,38; 39,7;<

Eln->7 -6,739,7>8 ;,<93,35< 6>,8>3 559,7>6 69,86< 5,<98,6;; 5,892 ;,558,579 >8,256

Mfj-7> 6,666,682 ;,<>8,277 <7,95< >22,277 59,6>6 5,<;2,><6 <8,336 ;,>2;,><6 <5,7<3

Mfj-7< -889,669 ;,<37,56> ;>,8<7 565,923 62,659 5,367,685 63>,97> ;,<<5,859 682,>76

Mfj-67 329,392 ;,388,6;< 662,39> <87,875 6;<,969 5,85>,579 6,8<8 ;,5>3,993 5,>32

Mfj-63 -989,785 ;,3;3,59; ;68,;5< >>9,;36 ;68,;<9 <,775,37< 32,926 ;,86<,525 32,939

Mfj-69 97;,>5< ;,36<,23; 66,<67 >;3,;97 67,226 5,222,;8< <,557 ;,867,<3> 5,2;6

Mfj->6 -6,>>5,222 ;,869,77> 8,956 5;8,<37 ;,2>< 5,277,2;5 >>,;;7 ;,372,526 5;,228Hlk-76 6,>58,;<9 ;,5<8,335 686,;;2 ;37,327 6<<,397 5,3;2,9>; 636,72; ;,<5>,959 68<,85>

Hlk-7; -338,297 8;;,;29 6,9>5,538 ;35,558 >,8<8 ;,<62,596 ;,;67,><6 ;,636,8;2 >3;,;62

Hlk-7> 95<,9<9 ;,<>6,328 6,272,529 ;82,<2> 5,9<> 5,9;>,>95 ;,>7>,27> ;,<86,696 >92,<<;

Afr-7; -29;,5;; >,768,;7< ;>,878 5;3,97< 57,775 <,3;6,;<5 36,>7; >,6>;,9<5 <5,275

Afr-7< 25<,2>2 >,7><,98; 62,8<3 5;8,;89 6,<>3 <,387,22; >2,3>9 >,6<6,>29 69,<55

Afr-79 -28<,;28 >,785,265 96,3>8 536,26> <7,777 <,3>>,3<8 2>,>97 >,657,3<< 86,855

Afr-6> 265,3;> >,733,8>< 82,8;; 539,632 3>,95> <,358,55< 6,2>3 >,658,292 8,6<9

Afr-68 -23>,963 >,;>8,58< 688,333 8<7,625 6<3,7>5 <,25<,>89 656,>6< >,><2,723 6>6,<3;

Afr-62 6,77<,;5> >,>5<,593 672,7;; 3>3,7<2 98,98< 8,763,<;< 3;,6<3 >,572,723 <7,777

Afr-;> -6,58>,>78 ;,828,2>; 53,52< 5<6,;>9 59,227 <,<7>,936 63,>23 >,;<9,633 6<,27;

Afr-;8 6,533,5<9 ;,<38,799 6;7,955 >6<,525 6><,355 <,57>,835 677,623 >,65>,797 66<,723

Afr-;3 -;22,>82 ;,<93,355 66,8<8 >62,56> >,262 <,558,5>< 5;,386 >,639,675 ><,7;5Fpr-7> -6,772,328 ;,8;7,>79 69,732 ;2;,<2; >6,6;2 <,5;8,<63 88,562 >,729,976 32,582

Fpr-75 6,677,28< ;,8;9,<9< 9,;33 >69,6>6 ;<,<>2 <,558,;>9 62,3;6 >,6><,395 >8,29>

Afy-7; -6,6;<,;58 ;,32;,3<8 -33,369 >;6,25; -38,592 <,925,53> -<6,;8> >,5;>,8<2 <7,7>5

Afy-75 6,6;2,6<3 ;,98<,582 -<7,267 >9<,7>5 -86,<5< <,22>,8;9 -;5,<55 >,<;>,9;9 ;5,589

Afy-73 -6,6<6,9;5 ;,98<,582 7 >9<,7>5 7 <,252,833 -5>,2<6 >,582,;5; <5,<98

Afy-72 6,>7>,>5; ;,95;,25> -6<8,<;; >3>,569 -6><,;29 <,259,>68 -67;,727 >,539,326 97,988

Afy-67 -6,69<,3;; ;,9<>,33; 67,9;2 >95,;53 67,9;2 <,298,2>8 >9,8;7 >,<63,566 >9,8;7

Afy-66 6,;23,<3< ;,2>;,8>< 39,98> 553,2;5 8>,833 8,785,92> 33,2<3 >,<97,69; 8;,336

Afy-63 -6,>62,>75 >,668,;;5 6;,>>> <85,693 66,777 8,>37,;2< ->7,328 >,969,;<9 >;,6;2

Afy-69 6,>;;,;37 >,;2<,373 632,59> <<9,676 -8,798 8,<26,792 ;;7,325 >,9<>,59> ><,;;<

Afy-;; -6,>67,78> >,>8<,7;9 <,<83 877,863 697 8,387,>2> 6;,5>6 >,22<,29; 3,755

Afy-;> 6,><7,;86 >,586,<76 28,53> 889,<37 83,2<> 8,925,><7 6>>,2<3 5,676,562 67<,5>3Afy-;< -6,>85,5>6 >,<6<,886 -65,;69 88>,689 -68,63; 3,766,<8; >7,7>7 5,6<2,782 ;9,738

Afy->7 6,5>5,292 >,<62,697 >6,;5< 85>,75; ;5,;>> 3,668,99< 25,5;2 5,;57,353 93,563

Muj-73 -6,599,9>3 5,;72,<92 5>2,62> 325,3;6 87,92> 3,992,>75 >67,68> 5,535,5>8 89,6>3

Muj-79 ;,<;5,3>< 5,357,329 <>6,;72 6,6<2,>77 >85,<32 9,7<8,338 683,53; 5,53<,;39 95;

Muj-6; ->5;,>7> 5,35>,759 ;,;<7 6,638,2<; 63,8<; 3,293,975 -89,23; 5,5;6,379 <>,<37

Muj-65 -5<<,<7; <,6<6,69< >9>,7;8 339,<79 -522,839 9,839,;6< 97<,973 5,>7<,<>9 38,923

Muj-62 -676,<36 5,<><,99> 6;2,;96 2<;,>75 6;2,25< 9,;96,7<5 653,983 5,823,53< 659,<>6

Muj-;8 <69,37> 5,995,;89 578,>8< 6,752,67; ;86,9;< 9,86<,8<; ;97,8;3 5,397,598 6>8,793

Muj-;2 -6,6;<,;58 <,35>,6;6 588,8;8 6,79<,5>8 -;<8,32> 2,82<,5<2 37>,5>7 <,7>3,335 >8,777

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<.6< ^\AAF[R

Elspbtl alfsurls tf`lj fhtlr til CHN to prlvljt til afjbpudftbvl fkusls onnurrbjc wbti jf`le siort slddbjc,

tilrl nfj kl jo eoukt tift siort slddbjc bs stbdd hrfucit wbti fdd sorts oh nojnlrjs fje tift til alnifjbns hor

afjbpudftbvl siort slddbjc frl stbdd vlry auni bj pdfnl.

^iort slddbjc bssuls bjnduel=

  Uil rlcudftor klbjc ujfkdl to cufrfjtll tift rlportbjc bs fnnurftl or to ljsurl tift fkusls frl

tf`bjc pdfnl wbti siort slddbjc0

  Uil potljtbfd hor jf`le siort slddbjc to stbdd kl tf`bjc pdfnl lvlj bh ojdy oj fj bjtrf-efy kfsbs0

  ^ton` dljebjc fcrllaljts jot klbjc bj pdfnl wbti bjfpproprbftl usl klbjc afel oh poodle sifrls

ujelr afjfclaljt to novlr hor trfels 0

  Uil afjfclaljt oh oplj siort lxposurls ohh-afr`lt fje wbti zlro prbnl ebsnovlry tirouci nfsi

femustaljts or til sukstbtutboj oh otilr slnurbtbls to fddlvbftl lxposurls.

  Uil bjnorrlnt rlportbjc oh siort slddbjc fntbvbty rlspojsbkdl hor absaftnils kltwllj oplj siort

posbtbojs fjeo  F^Y efbdy trfebjc eftf0

o  F^Y ^ton` Dljebjc & ^ton` Korrowbjc eftf, fje0

o  F^Y Efbdy siort slddbjc eftf.

  Uil dfn` oh norrldftboj kltwllj nifjcls to oplj siort posbtbojs fje nifjcls to til noapfjy

rlcbstlr wilrl cfbjs fje hfdds bj bjstbtutbojfd iodebjcs sioude onnur fs ston` bs dofjle out or ston` bs

rlturjle to rlpfy dofjs0

  Bjstbtutbojs bjvodvle bj dljebjc sifrls hor siort slddbjc purposls to tilbr trfebjc fhhbdbftls wio bj til

afbj fdso ifpplj to kl bjstbtutbojs, kut tilj fs f croup kuybjc kfn` til sifrls sode siort oj til

afr`lt ([lhlr ^lntboj 8).Uil fntbvbty woude ljsurl tift owjlrsibp bs rltfbjle ovlr sifrls lvlj bhdljebjc okdbcftbojs frl nrlftle kltwllj ojl fjotilr. Uil sbtuftboj aorl or dlss cufrfjtlls tift

siort novlrbjc wbdd ifvl abjbafd prbnl bapfnt wilj/bh bt onnurs fs cbvlj til eftf trljes fdrlfey bj

lvbeljnl, bt bs db`ldy tift lxposurls kltwllj trfebjc pfrtjlrs wbdd kl afjfcle fcrllfkdy tirouci

efr` pood lxnifjcls fje/or otilr typls oh femustaljts. Hor lxfapdl bt bs possbkdl tift okdbcftbojs

noude kl sftbshble tirouci til sukstbtutboj oh fdtlrjftbvl slnurbtbls or ky til nojvlrsboj oh dofjs to

sfdl fcrllaljts bj rlturj hor nfsi. Fdd suni frrfjclaljts woude lhhlntbvldy fvobe prbnl ebsnovlry oj

til F^Y lvlj tiouci prbnls ifvl kllj slvlrldy bapfntle wibdl oplj siort posbtbojs wlrl klbjc


  Dfrcl oplj posbtbojs frl bj tilasldvls fj bjnljtbvl hor sifrl prbnl afjbpudftboj to ljsurl tift

lxposle posbtbojs eoj‒t klnoal lvlj aorl lxposle.

  Fdtiouci fj oplj siort posbtboj oh sfy <.< abddboj sifrls or ;.2>% oh bssule nfpbtfd bs jot dfrcl bj

noapfrbsoj to otilr noapfjbls, bt bs jlvlrtildlss f ibstorbnfd ibci hor NuElno. Bt fdso rlprlsljts f

sbcjbhbnfjt elvldopaljt klnfusl oh til safdd juaklrs oh sifrls cljubjldy hor sfdl ft prbnbjc dlvlds

wilrl til bjnrlfsls to oplj siort posbtbojs wlrl lstfkdbsile.

  Uil eldfyle rlportbjc oh ^iort ^fdls ky til F^Y (66 fa til jlxt trfebjc efy) fje oh Oplj ^iort

Wosbtbojs ky F^BN (U pdus 5) pdfys bjto til ifjes oh ljtbtbls ljcfcbjc bj eukbous fntbvbty. Uil

frcualjts usle to mustbhy eldfyle rlportbjc tocltilr wbti til frcualjts usle to mustbhy siortbjc

btsldh eoj‒t tf`l bjto fnnoujt til propljsbty hor ljtbtbls to fkusl til systla. Jor eols bt tf`l bjto

fnnoujt til bjfkbdbty oh til systla btsldh to lhhlntbvldy aojbtor fje rlcudftl siort slddbjc fs plr til

wfbvlrs oj ohhbnbfd wlksbtls fje cdfrbjc fjoafdbls bj rlportle eftf oj f rlcudfr kfsbs.

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Uil hoddowbjc snljfrbos noal to abje bj fj fttlapt to lxpdfbj til eftf.

6.  ^iort slddbjc rlportbjc bs bjfnnurftl, ujrldbfkdl fje ujfkdl to kl lhhlntbvldy suplrvbsle. Uil

ebsndfbalrs oj til F^BN fje F^Y wlksbtls bj rlcfre to siort slddbjc frl bj f sljsl feabssbojs tift

jlbtilr koey bs fkdl to eldbvlr afr`lt bjtlcrbty. Uil ebsndfbalrs oj til F^Y fje F^BN wlksbtls frl

rlplftle kldow.

F^Y - ^iort sfdls rlport= Jo rlspojsbkbdbty bs fnnlptle hor fjy bjfnnurfnbls nojtfbjle bj til afttlr pukdbsile.

F^Y - ^ton` Dljebjc [lports F^Y fnnlpts jo rlspojsbkbdbty hor fjy bjfnnurfnbls bj til afttlr pukdbsile.

F^BN - Oplj ^iort [lport Bt bs baportfjt to jotl tift F^BN‒s fccrlcftle siort posbtboj rlports frl rldbfjt oj til

fnnurfny oh rlports wl rlnlbvl hroa bjebvbeufd siort slddlrs. Sibdl wl wbdd aojbtor

noapdbfjnl wbti siort posbtboj rlportbjc fje provbel feebtbojfd cubefjnl wilrl

jlnlssfry, wl frl ujfkdl to vlrbhy til fnnurfny oh fdd bjebvbeufd rlports sukabttle to

F^BN, jor to vlrbhy tift fdd siort slddlrs bj our afr`lt (koti bj Fustrfdbf fje ovlrslfs)frl doecbjc rlports.

Ebsndfbalr= Jo rlspojsbkbdbty bs fnnlptle hor fjy bjfnnurfnbls nojtfbjle bj til afttlr


;.  ^iort slddbjc slttdlaljts frl jot hoddowbjc lxplntle pronlssls fje bs plrifps kypfssbjc til rlcbstlr

wbti soal otilr ’bjhorafd‒ wfy oh `llpbjc nojtrod ovlr til owjlrsibp oh ston` fje til okdbcftbojs

kltwllj dljelrs fje korrowlrs sftbshble0

>.  Bjstbtutbojs frl jot ojdy ljcfcle bj dljebjc tilbr sifrls, kut tily frl fdso bjvodvle wbti kuybjc til

sifrls fs tily frl sode siort.Fdd > succlstbojs rfbsl qulstbojs tift ifvl bapdbnftbojs hor til hfbrjlss fje bjtlcrbty oh til afr`lt.

Uil tibre succlstboj iowlvlr abcit co f dojc wfy to lxpdfbjbjc wiy til oplj siort fjoafdbls ifvl

onnurrle so rlcudfrdy fje wbtiout bapfntbjc til rlcbstlr or tfddybjc wbti F^Y trfebjc. ^ioude tilrl kl ndosl

rldftbojsibps kltwllj til bjstbtutbojs wio frl til dljelrs oh ston` fje til bjstbtutbojs wio frl korrowlrs

oh ston` hor siort slddbjc purposls tilj til eftf fjoafdbls nfj kl rlfebdy lxpdfbjle. Uift bs jot to sfy tift

tilrl afy kl otilr pdfusbkdl lxpdfjftbojs fs wldd fdtiouci tily frl jot baalebftldy okvbous.

8.;.; Uil sbtuftboj wbti siort slddbjc afy kl pdfybjc out fs hoddows=

Fssual bjstbtutboj ’F‒ dljes sifrls to bjstbtutboj ’K‒ hor siort slddbjc purposls kut bjstbtutboj ’F‒ fdso kuys

til sifrls sode siort ky ’K‒, (or hor tift afttlr, ’F‒ noude kl kuybjc til sifrls klbjc siort sode ky otilr

bjstbtutbojs fdso bjvodvle bj korrowbjc/dljebjc). Uift pfrtbnudfr snljfrbo woude lxpdfbj wiy Bjstbtutboj F‒s

iodebjc eolsj‒t nifjcl sbcjbhbnfjtdy fhtlr slttdlaljts frl lhhlntle. b.l. Uil sifrls korrowle hroa ’F‒ woude

hdow out oh tilbr fnnoujt kut til sifrls purnifsle (l.c. til siort sfdls ky ’K‒) woude fdso hdow kfn` bjto tilbr


Uil pronlss woude rlsudt bj bjstbtutboj ’K‒ iodebjc nfsi hor til sfdl kut stbdd owbjc sifrls kfn` to ’F‒ wibni

woude jlle to kl feerlssle ft f dftlr eftl. F‒s porthodbo woude siow afrcbjfd nifjcls oj til rlcbstlr.

Uil okslrvle spb`ls fje troucis bj oplj siort posbtbojs noude tilj rlsudt hroa ’F‒ elfdbjc to ’K‒ ohh-afr`lt

fje vbnl vlrsf (or hor tift afttlr otilr bjstbtutbojs), fdtiouci bt bs jot ndlfr wift suni siort tlra trfjshlrs

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woude kl trybjc to fniblvl. Bt bs fdso possbkdl tift suni trfjshlrs fvobe til rlcbstlr wbti soal otilr sort oh

dlcfd fcrllaljt bj pdfnl to af`l til trfjsfntbojs slnurl hor tiosl bjvodvle.

Hbjfddy K‒s dofj fnnoujt noude sukslquljtdy kl rlvlrsle ky ’F‒ slddbjc sifrls to ’K‒ ohh-afr`lt ft f prbnl to

subt bj rlturj hor K‒s nfsi, fje tilj K trfjshlrrbjc til sifrls kfn` to ’F‒ ohh-afr`lt to lxtbjcubsi til dofj.

Lbtilr tift or til korrowle sifrls noude kl nojvlrtle to f sfdl frrfjclaljt wbti F rlnlbvbjc nfsi hroa K.

Fdtiouci nojvodutle fje eukbous bj nojnlpt, til sbtuftboj eols lxpdfbj okslrvle trljes bj til fksljnl oh

otilr pdfusbkdl lxpdfjftbojs. Uilrl bs fdso til possbkbdbty tift bjstbtutbojs noude kl kuybjc kfn` til sifrls

dljt out ky otilr bjstbtutbojs jot jlnlssfrbdy tilbr owj bj f croup fpprofni to til siort slddbjc tf`bjc pdfnl.

Bt fdso alfjs tift tilrl bs aost db`ldy jlxt to jo nifjnl oh fpproprbftl prbnl ebsnovlry tf`bjc pdfnl wilj til

korrowlr(s) jlle to lxtbjcubsi tilbr okdbcftbojs to til dljelr(s). Bjstlfe, nojvljbljt ohh-afr`lt

femustaljts kltwllj ’hrbljedy‒ bjstbtutbojs woude kl lxplntle to rlsodvl fjy outstfjebjc okdbcftbojs.

Iowlvlr, suni f sbtuftboj woude kl hfrnbnfd bj tlras oh afr`lt bjtlcrbty fje woude elkuj` til lhhbnbljt

prbnl ebsnovlry tilory usle to mustbhy siortbjc. Bt woude fdso kl afjbpudftbvl bj til lxtrlal. Bt woude fddowprbnls to kl `lpt ujelr prlssurl ft vbrtufddy jo nost to tiosl bjvodvle hor fs dojc fs rlqubrle.

Uil lxpdfjftboj nlrtfbjdy cols f dojc wfy to lxpdfbjbjc til lsnfdftboj bj efr` pood trfels, til lsnfdftboj bj

oplj siort posbtbojs, til dfn` oh f rlspojsl oj til rlcbstlr elspbtl dfrcl bjnrlfsls to oplj siort posbtbojs

fje bt woude fdso co f dojc wfy to lxpdfbjbjc f poordy plrhorabjc sifrl prbnl sbjnl rl-dbstbjc dftl dfst ylfr.

Fdtlrjftbvl lxpdfjftbojs frl oh noursl wldnoale fs til sbtuftboj bs lxtrlaldy aur`y fje rfbsls fnutl

nojnlrjs hor til bjtlcrbty oh til afr`lt fje til hfbrjlss oh trfebjc.


Hroa til fkovl sournl=

  Fjy sifrliodelr wio fnqubrls (fdojl or wbti fssonbftls) f rldlvfjt bjtlrlst bj <% or aorl oh f

noapfjy‒s sifrls aust ebsndosl tift hfnt ky doecbjc fj F^BN Hora 87> —Jotbnl oh Bjbtbfd ̂ ukstfjtbfd

^ifrliodelr‑ wbti til Noapfjy fje til ston` lxnifjcl. 

  Hor lfni 6% (or aorl) nifjcl bj iodebjc f Hora 875 —Jotbnl oh Nifjcl oh Bjtlrlsts oh ^ukstfjtbfd

^ifrliodelr‑ aust kl doecle. Fje, bh til iodebjc hfdds kldow <% f Hora 87< —Jotbnl oh  Nlfsbjc to kl

f ^ukstfjtbfd ^ifrliodelr‑ aust kl doecle. 

Cbvlj tift til oplj siort posbtboj bjnrlfsle ky >.8; abddboj sifrls bj til 9 aojtis hoddowbjc rl-dbstbjc oj

Ont >6, ;766 to stfje ft <.>3 abddboj sifrls fs ft Mujl >7, ;76;, tilrl bs f hfbr nifjnl tift dljelrs abcit kl

ndosl to krlfnibjc ^ukstfjtbfd ^ifrliodelr rlqubrlaljts. Hor lxfapdl A&C‒s nurrljt iodebjc oh >;.;8

abddboj sifrls hor 63.7<% oh til rlcbstlr woude rlqubrl f jotbnl bh bt wfs tilbr sifrls tift wlrl dljt out to

support til bjnrlfsl bj siort posbtbojs. F hfdd oh >.8; abddboj sifrls bj tilbr iodebjc bj support oh til >.8;

abddboj jlw oplj siort posbtbojs woude trbcclr til 6% nifjcl provbsboj.

Iowlvlr bh A&C wlrl kuybjc kfn` til sifrls sode siort tilj til 6% provbsboj woude aost db`ldy kl

fvobele. Uil sfal woude fppdy to fjy otilr dfrcl iodelr bjvodvle bj ston` dljebjc.

Jlvlrtildlss bt woude kl fjtbnbpftle tift til siort posbtboj bjnrlfsl oj Mudy ;7 oh ;.6 abddboj sifrls sioude

ifvl trbcclrle f jotbnl or ft dlfst siowj oj til rlcbstlr, kut bt ebej‒t. Uil sbtuftboj elaojstrftls slrbous

bjtlcrbty bssuls surroujebjc ’wiftlvlr‒ bt bs tift bs tf`bjc pdfnl fje nfusbjc suni wbelsprlfe eftf fjoafdbls.

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8.5 EB[LNUO[ W\[NIF^L^ FJE K\R KFN@ W\[NIF^L^ „ EB^NDO^\[L B^^\L^

F^Y dbstbjc rlqubrlaljts ljsurl tift aovlaljts oj til noapfjy rlcbstlr suni fs Ebrlntors kuybjc or slddbjc

sifrls (iowlvlr dfrcl or safdd) kl rlportle to til afr`lt. Oj afr`lt purnifsls afel tirouci f sifrl Kuy

Kfn` procrfa frl fdso rlqubrle to kl rlportle. Bj til plrboe rlvblwle tilrl wlrl 3 jotbnls plrtfbjbjc to

purnifsls ky Ebrlntors faoujtbjc to 67<,29> sifrls bj totfd fje slvlrfd Kuy Kfn` jotbnls eltfbdbjc til

purnifsl oh < abddboj sifrls ovlr til 9 aojti plrboe.

Rlt bjstbtutbojs ljcfcle bj trfebjc klifvbours rlsudtbjc bj efbdy femustaljts to siort posbtbojs oh kltwllj 6

fje ; abddboj sifrls wbtiout proplr ebsndosurl cbvlj tift sukstfjtbfd nifjcls wlrlj‒t rlhdlntle oj til

rlcbstlr, wlrlj‒t rlhdlntle bj ohhbnbfd efbdy rlports rldftle to siort slddbjc fje wlrlj‒t bj `llpbjc wbti F^Y

voduals trfele. Uilrl bs fdso f slrbous ebsndosurl bssul nojnlrjbjc til trfebjc kfn` fje horti oh ovlr 677

abddboj sifrls kltwllj til sfal ljtbtbls ovlr fj 9 aojti plrboe lsplnbfddy sbjnl kro`lr bjvodvlaljts frl

nfaouhdfcle ky til slttdlaljt systla fje efr` pood bjtlrfntbojs frl noapdltldy opfqul to til afr`lt. Fj

fksljnl oh ebsndosurl nojnlrjbjc trfebjc fje siort slddbjc bs jot ojdy fj ujhfbr sbtuftboj hor otilr bjvlstors to

ifvl to elfd wbti, kut bt noude kl nojvljbljtdy afs`bjc baproplr trfebjc fntbvbty. Uil lxtrlal dlvlds oh

eoabjfjnl ovlr fdd trfebjc ky bjstbtutbojs fdso succlst tift til afr`lt‒s rodl oh provbebjc hfbr prbnl ebsnovlry

kltwllj cljubjl kuylrs fje cljubjl slddlrs ifs kllj slrbousdy noaproabsle.


Cbvlj til bjstbtutbojfd eoabjfjnl ovlr til rlcbstlr pfrtbnudfrdy eurbjc Mujl fje til lsnfdftboj bj oplj siort

posbtbojs fje til nojtfbjaljt oh til sifrl prbnl tift ifs onnurrle, bt bs ebhhbnudt to noaprlilje til

aotbvftbojs klibje fntbvbtbls tift eldbvlr sifrp sifrl prbnl rleuntbojs wibdl lfrjbjc noapfrftbvldy abjor

hlls tirouci ston` dljebjc. ^uni trfebtbojfd tibj`bjc fssuals cljubjl aotbvls hor trfebjc fje tift sifrlprbnl afjbpudftboj bs jot tf`bjc pdfnl. Iowlvlr bh bjstbtutbojs frl siortbjc fje rltfbjbjc owjlrsibp ovlr til

sifrls sode siort ky rl-purnifsbjc tila bt provbels f jlw plrsplntbvl oj pronllebjcs fje ojl tift rlqubrls

tiorouci bjvlstbcftboj ky rlcudftors. Lsplnbfddy cbvlj tift f nojsbelrfkdl faoujt oh fnnuaudftboj hroa

ebstrlssle rltfbd slddlrs ifs fnnoapfjble til fntbvbty fs wldd.


^iort slddbjc bs ohhbnbfddy mustbhble oj til kfsbs tift bs alfjt to fniblvl lhhbnbljt prbnl ebsnovlry. Bt tilrlhorl

af`ls jo sljsl hor til dlvlds oh siort slddbjc to bjnrlfsl must fs f noapfjy tift bs fdrlfey ujelrvfduleklnoals el-rbs`le wbti f sukstfjtbfd jlw nopplr promlnt aovbjc towfres proeuntboj. Lsplnbfddy bj f afr`lt

tift bs fn`jowdlecle fs noaaoebtbls kooa kroucit fkout ky cljubjl fje ojcobjc suppdy/elafje prlssurls

pfrtbnudfrdy wbti rlcfre to nopplr.

Uil bjnrlfsl bj siort slddbjc bs pfrtbnudfrdy noujtlrbjtubtbvl cbvlj tift promlnt hbjfjnl ifs nojsbstljtdy kllj

fniblvle ky til noapfjy ft strojc prlabuas to til sifrl prbnl. Bt bs wbeldy fn`jowdlecle wbtibj til bjeustry

tift abjbjc noapfjbls rfrldy, bh lvlr, rlnlbvl hujebjc ft prlabuas to tilbr sifrl prbnls. ^ukstfjtbfd ebsnoujts

frl til jora fje tift bs klnfusl ebsnoujts jlle to kl ohhlrle to ohhslt rbs` fje to provbel bjnljtbvls hor

hujebjc to kl afel fvfbdfkdl. Uil noapfjy bj klbjc fkdl to fniblvbjc prlabua pdfnlaljts bj lhhlnt ibcidbcits

bjfelqufnbls wbti til afr`lt‒s fkbdbty to provbel hfbr prbnl ebsnovlry.

Uil ebsnojjlnt kltwllj til sifrl prbnl fje til posbtbvl fn`jowdleclaljt oh til [on`dfjes Wromlnt ky

bjsbelrs wio ifvl eojl tiorouci Eul Ebdbcljnl suni fs til A&C Croup, Nibjf Onlfjwbel, fje Jlw Fplx

Fsbf bs hurtilr ilbcitljle ky f noapfjy suppdblr (^bjostlld) klbjc prlpfrle to fnnlpt sifrls ft $>.27 hor

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pfyaljt hor slrvbnls wilj til sifrl prbnl wfs dfjcubsibjc ft must fkovl $>.77 bj til afr`lt ([lhlr Muj 62,

;76; Fjjoujnlaljt). Uil ^bjostlld elnbsboj fcfbj rlhdlnts til afr`lt‒s bjfkbdbty to provbel hor hfbr prbnl


Uil ebsbjcljuous jfturl oh til siort slddbjc tift ifs onnurrle bs hurtilr put bjto plrsplntbvl ky slvlrfd

otilr noapfjy fjjoujnlaljts tift fdd succlst fj ujelrvfdule sifrl prbnl. Uil fjjoujnlaljts rldftl to=

  Ebrlntors rlcudfrdy kuybjc sifrls oj afr`lt,0  Uil noapfjy kuybjc oj afr`lt hor bts Lapdoyll ̂ ifrl Wurnifsl ^nilal0

  Uil noapfjy nojeuntbjc f vbcorous Kuy Kfn` procrfa,0

  Afmor bjvlstors bjnrlfsbjc tilbr iodebjcs tirouci prlabua pdfnlaljts fje0

  Afmor bjvlstors bjnrlfsbjc tilbr iodebjcs tirouci oj-afr`lt purnifsls.

Uil nifrt suaafrbzls til sifrl prbnl‒s rlduntfjnl to fn`jowdlecl til strojc oplrftbojfd cfbjs afel ky til

noapfjy sbjnl rlsuabjc trfebjc oj Ont >6, ;766.

JOUL= Fppljebx 8 dbsts fdd noapfjy fjjoujnlaljts rldlfsle sbjnl rl-dbstbjc oj Ont >6, ;766. Uily rldftl to afmor

fnnoapdbsialjts rlcfrebjc promlnt hujebjc, abjl fpprovfds, bjhrfstrunturl elvldopaljts, jlw lxpdorftboj sunnlss

fje procrlss wbti sbtl elvldopaljt fje til afjuhfnturl oh afmor noapojljts hor til pronlssbjc nbrnubt.

Ebrlntor Wurnifsl Jotbnls 67

Kuy Kfn` Jotbnls 59

^ukstfjtbfd Iodelr Jotbnls 8

Dlttlrs to ^ifrliodelrs 5

Jlw lxpdorftboj sunnlss 62

Abjl elvldopaljt procrlss 65

Noapfjy [lportbjc

^iort ^lddbjc fs f % oh Aojtidy F^Y Xoduals

Aojtidy Nifjcl to Oplj ^iort Wosbtbojs

+597,<2> +682,;39 +577,393 +<66,>82 ->;;,6>7 +;95,952 +3;;,78> +6,596,385

6>.7% 6<.2% ;6.3% ;<.>% 62.5% ;5.6% ;5.3% >>.>%



Hurtilr noapdbnftbjc bjtlrprltftbojs oh wift bs tf`bjc pdfnl bs til db`ldbiooe tift til siortbjc wibni ifs

nfusle fj lsnfdftboj bj oplj siort posbtbojs bs db̀ ldy to kl f doss af`bjc lxlrnbsl hor kljlhbts otilr tifj

trfebjc prohbts. ^uni fntbvbtbls rfbsl hurtilr nojnlrjs rlcfrebjc afr`lt bjtlcrbty fje possbkdl sifrl prbnl


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3.6 M\JL ;76; U[FEBJC EFUF „ Jlt Kuybjc & Jlt ^lddbjc


A^ES ;77,329 6,6<8,289 -$7.7> 2<8,637 66.67%

KKR >7>,6<8 <7<,<32 $7.77 ;7;,5;> 8.86%

C^ <77,288 <2<,68; $7.7> 25,628 9.28%

O[E^ 6>,<77 <3,777 -$7.7> 5>,<77 7.<9%

BJ^U 658,59; 69<,28< $7.7; >2,59> ;.3;%

^O^D 6;;,395 65;,><< $7.7; 62,<36 ;.63%

^\^V 639,3>9 62;,875 $7.76 6>,988 >.7>%

NAN^ >,567 66,55> -$7.7; 9,7>> 7.6;%

LU[E 6;5,752 6;9,955 $7.7< 5,32< ;.73%

CLUNO 32,662 32,662 -$7.77 7 6.;2%

OUIL[^ >;,97< 55,523 66,82; 7.8>%

^uk Uotfd 6,37<,973 >,722,<>8 6,>2>,3;2 >2.;3%


[K^A <93,75< 7 -<93,75< 5.97%

\K^S <85,<>9 >82,626 -$7.7> -62<,>53 3.8>%

NBUB 27<,767 387,>73 $7.75 -655,37> 6>.86%

N^\B >3;,2;3 ;35,;87 -$7.75 -29,883 <.;2%

AFNV >86,262 ;92,398 -$7.75 -3;,6>> <.>>%

WL[^I 663,>77 37,777 $7.67 -53,>77 6.<>%

NOAA <99,;23 <59,69< $7.75 -57,66; 2.;2%

EAC >23,;>8 ><9,><9 -$7.76 ->9,939 8.63%

AL[D 6>6,<67 23,3;< -$7.79 ->>,39< 6.93%

^KF[ 3<,686 <7,578 $7.75 -;5,3<< 6.7>%

FBLY 6<6,5>6 6;2,755 $7.7> -;;,>93 ;.;2%

AFNW 5;,888 ;7,2;< $7.6> -;6,356 7.<;%

MWA 86,859 55,62< $7.76 -63,5<> 7.98%

KLDD 63,9;6 8,675 -$7.6> -66,363 7.;7%OUIL[^ >;,97< 55,523 ->3,378 7.8>%

^uk Uotfd 5,573,>65 >,78;,29> -6,>2>,3;2 86.7<%

UOUFD 8,66>,6;6 8,68;,<62 7 677%

Kro`lr [K^A Aorcfj Dbabtle ([K^A) wfs pfrtbnudfrdy jotfkdl wbti tilbr slddbjc

eurbjc Mujl hor til hoddowbjc rlfsojs=

Uilbr sukstfjtbfd dlvld oh slddbjc wfs jot fnnoapfjble ky fjy kuybjc wiftsolvlr

wibni bs vlry ujusufd. Fdd proabjljt kro`lr fntbvbty tirouciout ; ylfrs oh

trfebjc ifs aostdy kllj fssonbftle wbti trfebjc niurj. b.l. slddbjc fje kuybjc. Uilbr slddbjc rlprlsljts til dfrclst kdon` oh ston` sode bj f sbjcdl aojti tift

ifsj‒t kllj fnnoapfjble ky kuybjc 

Uil nojnljtrftle slddbjc wfs aost db`ldy hor bjstbtutbojs fs til rlcbstlr siows

ojdy >,>77 sifrls aovle OHH ky [K^A fje zlro sifrls aovle OJ

Uil sifrls sode ky [K^A doo`s to ifvl kllj purnifsle ky bjstbtutbojfd bjtlrlsts

cbvlj til proabjljnl oh A^ES fje KKR wbti tilbr jlt kuybjc. Fdd > kro`lrs

wlrl possbkdy rlprlsljtbjc til sfal or rldftle pfrtbls. Fuebts woude lstfkdbsi

wift fntufddy onnurrle.

Uil slddbjc bs db`ldy to ifvl kllj fssonbftle wbti siort slddbjc fs Oplj ^iort

posbtbojs eurbjc Mujl bjnrlfsle ky f vlry sukstfjtbfd 6,596,385 sifrls

rlprlsljtbjc til dfrclst aojtidy bjnrlfsl bj ; ylfrs oh trfebjc.

Uil ilfvy siortbjc af`ls jo docbnfd sljsl cbvlj til el-rbs`le stftus oh til

noapfjy fje wbti til sifrl prbnl fdrlfey elprlssle noapfrle to koti pllrs

fje hujefaljtfds.

^iort ^lddbjc „ Mujl




Afy >6 - >,92;,88;

Muj-76 >3,;;> >,269,59>

Muj-75 69;,7<< >,23>,2<2

Muj-7< ;87,762 5,778,523

Muj-78 657,5<8 5,78>,8><

Muj-73 6<<,6;< ;,<35,329

Muj-79 37,5>5 <,722,<>>

Muj-6; 59,>86 5,3<3,;>7

Muj-6> 55,7<8 5,95;,37>

Muj-65 >,375 5,>93,;76

Muj-6< 99,989 5,<<8,653Muj-69 ;;>,833 5,865,5>>

Muj-62 ;>,787 5,<6;,98;

Muj-;7 52,765 5,8<8,;;8

Muj-;6 655,269 5,32<,983

Muj-;; 99,;33 5,289,2;;

Muj-;< 65>,3>; <,75>,;;8

Muj-;8 27,;98 <,<86,2;2

Muj-;3 33,>58 <,8;5,2;8

Muj-;9 67;,;;3 <,825,27;

Muj-;2 8>,38> <,>35,5;8

Uotfd ^iort ^fdls= ;,7>8,876Oplj ^iort Bjnrlfsl= 6,596,385

F^Y Xoduals= 8,66>,6;6

^iorts fs f % oh ^fdls= >>%

Kro`lrs ky Uotfd Afr`lt


NBUB  6>.8%

A^ES 66.6%

NOAA 2.>%

C^ 2.7%\K^S 3.8%

KKR 8.8%

EAC 8.;%

AFNV <.>%

N^\B <.>%

[K^A 5.9%

^\^V >.7%

BJ^U ;.3%

FBLY ;.>%

^O^D ;.;%

LU[E ;.6%AL[D 6.2%

WL[^I 6.<%

CLUNO 6.>%

^KF[ 6.7%

MWA 7.2%

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Uil eftf succlsts f strojc dlvld oh bjstbtutbojfd eoabjfjnl ovlr trfebjc eurbjc Mujl wbti ilfvy dlvlds oh

siortbjc nojtbjubjc til eowjtrljes bj pdfnl sbjnl til stfrt oh Mfjufry ;76;.

Uil bjnrlfsle siortbjc prlssurl sbjnl rl-dbstbjc bs ebhhbnudt to lxpdfbj bj docbnfd or hujefaljtfd tlras cbvlj

til ljifjnle prosplnts oh til noapfjy fje vfdbeftboj tift [on`dfjes wbdd klnoal f sbcjbhbnfjt jlw dojc

tlra abjbjc oplrftboj. Uil bjvlstaljt cofds oh bjstbtutbojs frl fdso ebhhbnudt to noaprlilje cbvlj tift til

strftlcbls feoptle ifvl vlry db`ldy kllj rlspojsbkdl hor til sukstfjtbfd rleuntboj bj til sifrl prbnl tift ifs

onnurrle kltwllj lfrdy Mfjufry ;76; fje Mujl ;2 (b.l. f hfdd oh ;<%).Uil sukstfjtbfd ’pfplr‒ dossls bj bjstbtutbojfd porthodbos ljcbjllrle ky sifrl prbnl rleuntbojs ifvl kllj

noapljsftle ky lfrjbjcs fssonbftle wbti ston` dljebjc (fdtiouci abjor ky noapfrbsoj) fje til bjnrlfsl bj

iodebjcs oh bjstbtutbojs ft til lxpljsl oh rltfbd bjvlstors. Uil trfebjc pfttlrjs rfbsls qulstbojs fkout sifrl

prbnl afjbpudftboj fje til hfbrjlss oh til afr`lt cbvlj tift bjstbtutbojs ifvl trfele kfn` fje horti

faojcst tilasldvls usbjc sopibstbnftle fdcorbtiabn trfebjc procrfas kut oplrftbjc wift bs bj fdd db`ldbiooe

f ’zlro sua cfal‒. Bj feebtboj dfrcl voduals oh ston` ifvl kllj dofjle out to siort slddlrs kut ft til sfal

tbal til ston` sode siort ifs kllj rl-purnifsle so tift iodebjcs ifvl kllj rltfbjle aorl or dlss bj kfdfjnl.

Bjstbtutbojs ifvl fdso ljcfcle bj lxtljsbvl efr` pood trfebjc bj support oh tilbr trfebjc okmlntbvls fkout

wibni jlxt to jotibjc bs `jowj.


Uil fntbvbtbls oh bjstbtutbojs ifvl klnoal aorl projoujnle eul to rltfbd bjvlstors wbtierfwbjc hroa

trfebjc klnfusl oh=

6.  Uil hutbdbty oh trybjc to af`l wbjjbjc trfels fcfbjst fdcokot procrfas tift trfel fevfjtfclousdy bj

rlcfre to=

o  til hlls nifrcle hor trfels0

o  wio tily nioosl to trfel wbti, fje0

o  til lxlnutboj splle oh orelrs wilrl bjstbtutbojfd orelrs wbdd stlp bj filfe oh f rltfbd orelr or

wbtierfw elpljebjc oj wiltilr sifrls frl hor cljubjldy sfdl or jot, fje0

;.  F crowbjc nojvbntboj ky rltfbd bjvlstors tift iodebjc sifrls hor potljtbfd ebvbeljes fje lvljtufd

nfpbtfd crowti bs aorl db`ldy to provl prohbtfkdl tifj fttlaptbjc to trfel bj f afr`lt tift ifs til

ifddafr`s oh klbjc frtbhbnbfd fje ilfvbdy afjbpudftle.

^IF[L W[BNL U[LJE ;76;

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Uil trfebjc oh til > dfrclst rltfbd kro`lrs bs f nfsl bj pobjt wbti afr`lt sifrls afr`ledy ebabjbsile hroa

ibstorbnfd trljes. Uil tfkdl noapfrls til F^Y trfebjc ky NOAA, FBLY fje LU[E to til bapfnt tilbr ndbljts

ifvl ife oj til rlcbstlr tirouci Mujl ;76; to wift onnurrle eurbjc Mfj ;766. Uil surpdus trfels hor koti

aojtis frl fssuale to rlprlsljt til bjhduljnl oh bjstbtutbojs wbtibj til rltfbd kro`lrs wilrl tilbr trfebjc bs

nojvljbljtdy nfaouhdfcle ky rltfbd fntbvbty.


AOJUI K[O@L[ ^LDD^ K\R^ OHH OJ ^LDD^ K\R^ U[FEL^ %Mfj ;766 NOAA 6,;95,;76 6,562,62; 8>8,>98 839,82; 853,96< 357,<77 <6.57%

LU[E 363,>7< 5>7,858 585,<58 ;>>,669 ;<;,3<2 623,<;9 >2.;7%

FBLY 538,278 <73,><< 699,<38 >6<,835 ;99,>>7 626,896 59.97%

Muj ;76;  NOAA <99,;23 <59,69< >;>,<27 57>,;5> ;85,373 655,25; >8.7<%

LU[E 6;5,752 6;9,955 6;>,722 22,83> 2<7 ;2,636 66.26%

FBLY 6<9,5>6 6;2,755 6<8,392 6;9,867 6,85; 5>5 7.3;%

Baalebftldy okvbous bs til rleunle trfebjc voduals fje til rleunle faoujt oh bjstbtutbojfd fntbvbty (b.l.

surpdus trfels) tirouciout Mujl ;76;.


Uil proabjljt trfebjc ky bjstbtutbojs eurbjc Mujl ;76; bs lvbeljnle ky til hoddowbjc sifrl hdows OHH fje

OJ til rlcbstlr.BJ^UBU\UBOJ OHH OJ JLU

JFUBOJFD JOABJLL^ ;,338,;23 ;,<9;,756 -625,;<8

NBUBNO[W JOABJLL^ <,;76,926 5,829,66< -<7>,338

I^KN JOABJLL^ ;,;59,776 ;,635,7;< -3>,238

M W AO[CFJ JOABJLL^ 6,6<8,28< 6,566,62> ;<5,;;9

MW AO[CFJ JOABJLL^ 653,327 ;>8,82; 99,27;

UOUFD^ 66,<>7,255 66,67;,788 -5;9,939

Bcjorbjc til sifrl hdows oh Kro`lr Joabjll ljtbtbls wibni frl fssonbftle wbti ston` dljebjc fje siort slddbjc

slttdlaljts, bjstbtutbojfd rlcbstry aovlaljts rlprlsljt frouje 9<% oh rlcbstry sifrl hdows fje rlsudt hroa

koti F^Y kuybjc fje slddbjc fje efr` pood fntbvbty. Bjstbtutbojfd fntbvbty afy kl suaafrbzle fs=

  ^ton` dljebjc (OHH aovlaljts) fje til rlturj oh dofjle ston` (OJ aovlaljts)0

  Kuybjc (OJ aovlaljts) fje slddbjc (OHH aovlaljts) bj tilbr owj rbcit tirouci f abx oh kro`lrs0

  Efr` Wood lxnifjcls (OHH fje OJ aovlaljts) onnurrbjc fwfy hroa til F^Y, fje0

  Urfebtbojfd ohh-afr`lt nrossbjcs slpfrftl to efr` pood trfels.

Uil rlcbstry aovlaljts oh bjstbtutbojs noapfrl to kro`lr fntbvbty oh ojdy 8,669,>;5 kuys fje sldds oj til

F^Y. Uil eftf ifs dle to Efr` Wood trfebjc lstbaftls oh <5% hor Mujl (fs plr ^lntboj 6.;) rlprlsljtbjc

lxtljsbvl faoujts oh ujortioeox trfebjc fntbvbty tf`bjc pdfnl.

Fdd otilr trfebjc fntbvbty noakbjle eurbjc Mujl (b.l. rltfbd trfels, til noapfjy & bjvlstaljt hujes) ojdy

rlprlsljtle noakbjle sifrl aovlaljts oh 6.2; abddboj sifrls OHH fje ;.6> abddboj sifrls OJ

Bjtlrlstbjcdy, fj bjnrlfsl oh 6.< abddboj oplj siort posbtbojs bs jot rlhdlntle ky til rlcbstlr hor Mujl. Fcfbj til

ebspfrbty afy kl eul to ojl or aorl oh til hoddowbjc rlfsojs=

^iort slddbjc rlportbjc bs crossdy bjfnnurftl0

\jortioeox slttdlaljts fje/or ston` dljebjc frrfjclaljts ebscubsbjc wift bs onnurrbjc0

Bjstbtutbojs frl db`ldy to kl kuybjc kfn` til sifrls tily ifvl dljt out to siort slddlrs wio frl fdso

db`ldy to kl bjstbtutbojs.

Uil sbtuftboj bs ebhhbnudt to rlsodvl wbti nlrtfbjty fje rlqubrls proplr bjvlstbcftboj.

Fppljebx > suaafrbzls til efbdy fntbvbty oh fdd kro`lrs hor Mujl ;76;. Uil kro`lrs frl dbstle bj orelr oh jlt

kuybjc fje jlt slddbjc. 

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Uil ovlrfdd bjvodvlaljt oh til ;7 dlfebjc kro`lrs hor fdd oh Mujl ;76; bs dbstle kldow bj orelr oh afr`lt

sifrl (b.l. til kuybjc & slddbjc oh lfni kro`lr noapfrle to fdd kuybjc fje slddbjc).

K[O@L[ ^LDD^ % ^ldds K\R^ % Kuys JLU UOUFD ^IF[L Nuaudftbvl

NBUB 27<,767 65.9% 387,>73 6;.5% -655,37> 6>.8% 6>.8%

A^ES ;77,329 >.>% 6,6<8,289 69.2% 2<8,637 66.6% ;5.3%NOAA <99,;23 2.8% <59,69< 2.7% -57,66; 2.>% >5.7%

C^ <77,288 9.;% <2<,68; 2.3% 25,628 2.7% 5>.7%

\K^S <85,<>9 2.;% >82,626 8.7% -62<,>53 3.8% <7.8%

KKR >7>,6<8 <.7% <7<,<32 9.>% ;7;,5;> 8.8% <3.;%

EAC >23,;>8 8.<% ><9,><9 <.2% ->9,939 8.;% 8>.5%

AFNV >86,262 <.2% ;92,398 5.3% -3;,6>> <.>% 89.3%

N^\B >3;,2;3 8.6% ;35,;87 5.<% -29,883 <.>% 35.7%

[K^A <93,75< 2.8% 7 7.77% -<93,75< 5.9% 39.9%

^\^V 639,3>9 ;.2% 62;,875 >.;% 6>,988 >.7% 96.9%

BJ^U 658,59; ;.5% 69<,28< >.7% >2,59> ;.3% 95.<%

FBLY 6<6,5>6 ;.<% 6;2,755 ;.6% -;;,>93 ;.>% 98.9%

^O^D 6;;,395 ;.7% 65;,><< ;.>% 62,<36 ;.;% 92.7%

LU[E 6;5,752 ;.7% 6;9,955 ;.6% 5,32< ;.6% 26.6%

AL[D 6>6,<67 ;.;% 23,3;< 6.8% ->>,39< 6.2% 2;.2%CLUNO 32,662 6.>% 32,662 6.>% 7 6.>% 25.;%

^KF[ 3<,686 6.;% <7,578 7.9% -;5,3<< 6.7% 2<.>%

MWA 86,859 6.7% 55,62< 7.3% -63,5<> 7.2% 28.6%

AFNW 5;,888 7.3% ;7,2;< 7.>% -;6,356 7.<% 28.8%

UOUFD^ <,92<,597 28.5% <,2;9,239 28.9% >>,529 28.8%

Cbvlj til rleunle bjvodvlaljt oh rltfbd bjvlstors eurbjc Mujl fje til rleunle usl oh rltfbd kro`lrs hor

bjstbtutbojfd kuybjc fje slddbjc, bjstbtutbojfd kuybjc fje slddbjc nfj tilrlhorl kl fssonbftle wbti aost oh til

afr`lt fntbvbty tift onnurrle eurbjc Mujl. Uil kuybjc fje slddbjc hor bjstbtutbojs bs sbapdy horwfrele to F^UN

pfrtbnbpfjts hor slttdlaljt bj hfvour oh bjstbtutbojs bj suni f wfy tift til dbj`s to til kro`lrs rlspojsbkdl hor

til kuybjc fje slddbjc bs jot lvbeljt. Uil Bjstbtutbojfd kro`lr fntbvbty tift eols siow up oj til rlcbstlr bs

fssonbftle wbti kro`lr joabjll slttdlaljt fnnoujts fje rlhdlnts bjstbtutbojfd ston` dljebjc fntbvbty.

3.<.; Aost rltfbd fntbvbty eurbjc Mujl bs fssonbftle wbti 8 oh til dlfebjc kro`lrs wio fdso rlprlsljt

bjstbtutbojs fs wldd. Uil trfebjc voduals oh tilsl kro`lrs fnnoujtle hor frouje ;7% oh fdd trfebjc eurbjc

Mujl, ylt tilbr rltfbd trfels rlprlsljtle ojdy <% oh rlcbstlr sifrl hdows fs siowj kldow. Uil abssbjc trfels

frl fssuale to ifvl kllj oj klifdh oh bjstbtutbojs.


FDD Mujl Fntbvbty 8,669,>;5 8,669,>;5 6>,58>,3>2 6>,;59,96<


NOAA <99,;23 <59,69< >;>,<27 57>,;5>

LU[E 6;5,752 6;9,955 6;3,722 22,83>

FBLY 6<6,5>6 6;2,755 6<3,392 65<,867

AFNW 5;,888 ;7,2;< 7 7

AFNV >86,262 ;92,398 >9,<;< 66,;3<

^KF[ 3<,686 <7,578 38,986 53,678

Uotfds 6,>5>,<;> 6,683,627 3;>,985 378,273

;;% 62% <% <%

Fj lstbaftl hor til joj-rltfbd fntbvbty oh tilsl kro`lrs noals to

frouje 5>% fs eltfbdle bj til hrfal opposbtl. 

Uil ;7 dlfebjckro`lrs fnnoujt

hor frouje 28%

oh fdd kuybjc &

slddbjc bj Mujl.

Uil afmorbty oh

kuybjc & slddbjc

ifs slrvbnle


bjtlrlsts fseleuntle hroa

til rlcbstlr.

^LDD^ K\R^

F^Y Fntbvbty 6,>5>,<;> 6,683,627OHH OJ

[lcbstry 3;>,985 378,273

^urpdus Urfels 862,8<2 587,;9>

^urpdus % 58% >2%

Kfsle oj Uotfds= ̂ urpdus 1 5>%

5>% oh til kuybjc & slddbjc ky

rltfbd kro`lrs bs feebtbojfd to til

bapfnt tift tilbr rltfbd ndbljts

ifvl ife oj til rlcbstlr. Uil

eftf succlsts tift frouje 5>% ohtilbr kuybjc fje slddbjc bs

tilrlhorl fssonbftle wbti


Lstbaftl hor til Joj [ltfbd

Noapojljt oh Urfebjc

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Efbdy kro`lr suaafrbls oh til dlfebjc ;7 kro`lrs tirouci Mujl ;76; frl slt out bj Fppljebx 5. Uilbr

nojtrbkutboj to lfni efy‒s trfebjc tirouci Mujl frl suaafrbzle bj Ufkdl 6 kldow wilrl til fvlrfcls hor

lfni efy fnnoujt hor 28% oh fdd slddbjc fje 2<% oh fdd kuybjc tf`bjc pdfnl.

Uil efbdy nojtrbkutbojs oh dlfebjc kro`lrs bj Ufkdl 6 nfj kl slcrlcftle bjto til trfebjc nojtrbkutbojs afel

ky rltfbd kro`lrs fje til nojtrbkutbojs afel ky bjstbtutbojfd kro`lrs (Ufkdls ; & >).


Efy ^ldds Kuys ^ldds Kuys ^ldds KuysMuj-76 23.5% 2<.6% 69.;% 63.7% 32.;% 39.6%

Muj-75 2>.2% 2;.>% ;3.7% 6;.3% 88.2% 32.8%

Muj-7< 22.9% 22.;% 5;.6% <.3% <3.3% 2>.<%

Muj-78 23.5% 22.9% 65.7% 65.<% 9>.5% 9<.>%

Muj-73 22.2% 25.;% 67.2% 62.3% 92.7% 35.<%

Muj-79 2;.>% 87.;% 9.7% 69.>% 95.>% 56.2%

Muj-6; 28.9% 29.<% ;5.>% ;8.;% 3;.<% 3;.>%

Muj-6> 22.9% 9<.3% 66.6% >5.9% 99.3% <7.2%

Muj-65 2>.<% 9>.5% 6;.6% >6.;% 96.5% <;.;%

Muj-6< 2>.8% 28.2% >>.9% 58.9% <2.9% <7.6%

Muj-69 28.>% 22.>% ;<.9% >5.5% 37.<% 85.2%

Muj-62 22.2% 22.8% >3.3% 65.9% 8;.;% 95.9%

Muj-;7 2;.2% 22.7% ;6.8% 63.8% 36.>% 96.5%

Muj-;6 2<.3% 22.2% 6<.8% 8.>% 97.6% 2>.8%

Muj-;; 26.>% 22.3% ;>.>% ;8.>% 89.7% 3>.5%

Muj-;< 22.5% 22.2% 67.6% 6>.8% 92.>% 98.>%

Muj-;8 25.2% 22.2% 6>.3% 6;.>% 96.;% 93.8%

Muj-;3 28.<% 677.7% 6<.9% ;<.>% 97.3% 35.3%

Muj-;9 29.9% 23.9% ;3.<% >7.<% 36.>% 83.>%

Muj-;2 2;.8% 29.2% >9.6% 6>.5% <5.<% 9<.<%

Fvlrfcls 28.6% 2<.7%

Uil rltfbd kro`lr trfels nfj kl spdbt bjto rltfbd bjvlstor noapojljts fje joj-rltfbd noapojljts fnnorebjc to

til trlje ovlr fdd oh Mujl wilrl rltfbd trfels rlprlsljtle <3% oh til trfebjc ky til dlfebjc rltfbd kro`lrs fs

plr ^lnt 3.<.;. Uil joj-rltfbd noapojljt prlsuafkdy rldftls to bjstbtutbojfd trfels.


Efy ^ldds Kuys ^ldds Kuys ^ldds KuysMuj-76 69.;% 63.7% 67.5% 2.3% 3.9% 3.>%

Muj-75 ;3.7% 6;.3% 6<.5% 3.;% 66.8% <.<%

Muj-7< 5;.6% <.3% ;5.7% >.;% 69.6% ;.<%Muj-78 65.7% 65.<% 9.7% 9.>% 8.7% 8.;%

Muj-73 67.2% 62.3% 8.;% 66.;% 5.3% 9.<%

Muj-79 9.7% 69.>% 5.8% 67.5% >.5% 3.2%

Muj-6; ;5.>% ;8.;% 6>.2% 65.2% 67.5% 66.>%

Muj-6> 66.6% >5.9% 8.>% 62.9% 5.9% 6<.7%

Muj-65 6;.6% >6.;% 8.2% 63.9% <.;% 6>.5%

Muj-6< >>.9% 58.9% 62.>% ;8.3% 65.<% ;7.6%

Muj-69 ;<.9% >5.5% 65.3% 62.8% 66.6% 65.9%

Muj-62 >3.3% 65.9% ;6.<% 9.5% 68.;% 8.5%

Muj-;7 ;6.8% 63.8% 6;.>% 67.7% 2.>% 3.8%

Muj-;6 6<.8% 8.>% 9.2% >.8% 8.3% ;.3%

Muj-;; ;>.>% ;8.>% 6>.>% 6<.7% 67.7% 66.>%

Muj-;< 67.6% 6>.8% <.9% 3.9% 5.>% <.9%

Muj-;8 6>.3% 6;.>% 3.9% 3.7% <.2% <.>%

Muj-;3 6<.9% ;<.>% 2.7% 65.5% 8.9% 67.2%

Muj-;9 ;3.<% >7.<% 6<.3% 63.5% 66.9% 6>.6%

Muj-;2 >9.6% 6>.5% ;6.3% 3.8% 68.5% <.9%

Ufkdl 6 Ufkdl ; Ufkdl >


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Uil bjstbtutbojfd eoabjfjnl ovlr trfebjc nfj tilrlhorl kl rlprlsljtle ky til trfebjc ky `jowj bjstbtutbojfd

kro`lrs (Ufkdl > fkovl) tocltilr wbti til noapojljt oh trfebjc onnurrbjc wbtibj rltfbd kro`lrs fs siowj


Urfebjc ky

Bjstbtutbojfd Kro`lrs



Bjstbtutbojfd Urfebjc


Efy ^ldds Kuys ^ldds Kuys ^ldds Kuys

Muj-76 32.;% 39.6% 3.9% 3.>% 93.7% 9<.5%

Muj-75 88.2% 32.8% 66.8% <.<% 39.<% 9<.6%

Muj-7< <3.3% 2>.<% 69.6% ;.<% 3<.9% 28.7%

Muj-78 9>.5% 9<.>% 8.7% 8.;% 92.5% 26.<%

Muj-73 92.7% 35.<% 5.3% 9.<% 2>.3% 9>.7%

Muj-79 95.>% 56.2% >.5% 3.2% 93.3% 52.9%

Muj-6; 3;.<% 3;.>% 67.5% 66.>% 9;.2% 9>.8%

Muj-6> 99.3% <7.2% 5.9% 6<.7% 2>.<% 8<.2%

Muj-65 96.5% <;.;% <.;% 6>.5% 98.8% 8<.8%

Muj-6< <2.9% <7.6% 65.<% ;7.6% 35.>% 37.;%

Muj-69 37.<% 85.2% 66.6% 65.9% 96.8% 32.3%

Muj-62 8;.;% 95.9% 68.;% 8.5% 39.5% 26.;%

Muj-;7 36.>% 96.5% 2.>% 3.8% 97.8% 92.7%

Muj-;6 97.6% 2>.8% 8.3% ;.3% 98.9% 28.>%

Muj-;; 89.7% 3>.5% 67.7% 66.>% 39.7% 95.3%

Muj-;< 92.>% 98.>% 5.>% <.9% 2>.8% 2;.6%

Muj-;8 96.;% 93.8% <.2% <.>% 93.6% 2;.2%

Muj-;3 97.3% 35.3% 8.9% 67.2% 93.<% 9<.8%

Muj-;9 36.>% 83.>% 66.9% 6>.6% 9>.6% 97.5%Muj-;2 <5.<% 9<.<% 68.5% <.9% 37.2% 26.>%

Uil totfd fntbvbty hor bjstbtutbojs fje/or sopibstbnftle bjvlstors eurbjc Mujl ;76; kfsle oj til trfebjc oh til

;7 dlfebjc kro`lrs nfj kl rlcfrele fs fnnoujtbjc hor 9>% oh fdd F^Y trfebjc fntbvbty fs fkovl fje 677% oh fdd

efr` pood fntbvbty onnurrbjc ohh-afr`lt.

Uil trlje hor bjstbtutbojfd nojtrod ovlr trfebjc bs qubtl ovlrwildabjc wilj fsslssle hroa til trfebjc eftf

cljlrftle ky tilbr fntbvbtbls. Uil eftf bssuls frl bjelpljeljt oh lxtlrjfd afr`lt hornls, noapfjy

elvldopaljts fje rlsournl lstbaftboj bssuls. Uil prokdlas ibcidbcitle wbti NuElno frl strbntdy trfebjc

rldftle fdtiouci til fttljtboj cbvlj ky bjstbtutbojs bj rlcfre to eoabjftbjc til rlcbstlr eo rlhdlnt oj til

worti oh til noapfjy fs til fntbvbtbls woudej‒t kl onnurrbjc bh til noapfjy‒s [on`dfjes fsslt wfsj‒t

nojsbelrle vfdufkdl.

Mujl wfs f aojti tift sfw f erfaftbn lsnfdftboj bj siort slddbjc supportle ky bjstbtutbojfd ston` dljebjc.

Vubtl tlddbjcdy, wibdl bjstbtutbojfd siort slddbjc ifs ilfvbdy bjhduljnle prbnl ebsnovlry, tilbr bjnrlfsle Efr`

Wood fntbvbty fje tilbr afjfclaljt oh oplj siort posbtbojs fpplfrs to ifvl onnurrle wbti zlro prbnl


Uil trljes lapifsbzl til ujhfbr trfebjc prbvbdlcls fje til ljoraous powlr fje hdlxbkbdbty wbldele bj tilafr`lt ky bjstbtutbojfd sifrliodelrs, auni to til ebsfevfjtfcl oh rltfbd bjvlstors. Bt fdso ibcidbcits til

bjnojcruous sbtuftboj wilrl f dot oh lhhort wljt bjto dowlrbjc prbnls wibni fntufddy rleunle til vfdul oh

bjvlstaljts ujelr afjfclaljt. Uil sbtuftboj ibcidbcits f nojhdbnt oh bjtlrlst kltwllj til norporftl

fcljefs oh huje afjfclrs fje til klst bjtlrlsts oh ndbljt hujes ujelr afjfclaljt.

Fv ‒s= 9>.2% 9>.7% 


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Uil `ly klibje til ibci dlvlds oh nojtrod ovlr til afr`lt kut wilrl bjebvbeufd kro`lr plrhorafjnl frl `lpt

to dlvlds tift eoj‒t fttrfnt fttljtboj, rldftls to til rotftboj oh kro`lrs hroa ojl efy to til jlxt. Lssljtbfddy

f rfjcl oh kro`lrs fntbjc hor bjstbtutbojs tf`l turjs bj ifvbjc f proabjljt bjhduljnl wbti efys oh ibci prohbdl

fntbvbty kfdfjnbjc out wbti efys oh rleunle bjvodvlaljt.

Urfebjc oj Mujl 6


 bs f nfsl bj pobjt fs siowj kldow wilrl tilbr efbdy kuybjc fje slddbjc bjvodvlaljts nfjkl noapfrle to tilbr fvlrfcls hor fdd Mujl fs siowj usbjc rle hojt. 

M\JL 6% ^ldds

Mujl 6 

% ^ldds

Mujl Fvlrfcl

% Kuys

Mujl 6 

% Kuys

Mujl Fvlrfcl

\K^S 69.>% 2.;% 8.3% 8.7%

EAC 65.2% 8.<% >;.2% <.2%

NBUB 66.>% 65.9% 68.3% 6;.5%

NOAA 67.6% 2.8% 9.8% 2.7%

KKR 2.9% <.7% 7.2% 9.>%

A^ES 8.;% >.>% <.6% 69.2%

FBLY 5.9% ;.<% 7.7% ;.6%

N^\B 5.5% 8.6% >.9% 5.<%

^\^V >.2% ;.2% 5.;% >.;%

^O^D >.<% ;.7% >.<% ;.>%

BJ^U ;.<% ;.5% 7.7% >.7%

MWA ;.6% 6.7% ;.6% 7.3%

LU[E 6.2% ;.7% 7.<% ;.6%

C^ 6.;% 9.;% 6.7% 2.3%

CLUNO 6.6% 6.>% 6.6% 6.>%

AFNW 7.9% 7.3% 7.7% 7.>%

AFNV 7.8% <.2% 3.2% 5.3%

AL[D 7.7% ;.;% 7.6% 6.8%

3.3.; Kro`lr A^ES fdso provbels f prbal lxfapdl oh efbdy hduntuftbojs klbjc sukstfjtbfddy ebhhlrljt tifj

wift tilbr aojtidy fvlrfcls abcit succlst. Fs siowj kldow, oj slvlrfd efys tilbr dlvlds oh kuybjc wfs wlddfkovl tilbr fvlrfcl hor til aojti wibni wfs 69.2%. ^lddbjc ky C^ wfs fdso wldd fkovl tilbr aojtidy

fvlrfcl oj slvlrfd efys, fs wfs tilbr kuybjc. Dlvlds oh niurj wlrl onnfsbojfddy ldlvftle fs wldd.

Kro`lrs trfebjc

strojcdy fkovl

tilbr Mujl slddbjc

fvlrfcls frl


Kro`lrs trfebjc

strojcdy fkovl

tilbr Mujl kuybjc

fvlrfcls frl


Ldlvftle dlvlds oh Niurj

Ldlvftle dlvlds oh Niurj

Ldlvftle dlvlds oh


Aojtidy fvlrfcls

hor kuybjc fje

slddbjc fntbvbty

Ldlvftle dlvlds oh


Ldlvftle dlvlds oh Niurj

Aojtidy fvlrfcls

hor kuybjc fje

slddbjc fntbvbty

Efbdy kuybjc fje

slddbjc fntbvbty eftf

A^ES ^ldds Kuys

>.>% 69.2%

Muj-76 8.;% <.6%

Muj-75 6.9% 6.;%

Muj-7< 7.>% <.<%

Muj-78 7.<% 6.>%

Muj-73 7.5% 6.6%

Muj-79 3.6% 7.;%

Muj-6; 6.7% 6;.7%

Muj-6> 6.;% ;.2%

Muj-65 <.2% 7.7%

Muj-6< 7.9% 7.7%

Muj-69 7.7% >.5%

Muj-62 ;.3% 5>.5%

Muj-;7 5.>% ;2.9%

Muj-;6 5.6% 5;.8%

Muj-;; >.2% 58.8%

Muj-;< 62.9% 56.6%Muj-;8 8.2% <6.;%

Muj-;3 6.<% 7.5%

Muj-;9 7.7% >.8%

Muj-;2 7.7% 6.9%

Ldlvftle dlvlds oh


C^ ^ldds Kuys

9.;% 2.3%

Muj-76 6.;% 6.7%

Muj-75 6.6% >.>%

Muj-7< ;.8% >.<%

Muj-78 9.8% ;.7%

Muj-73 5.6% 9.6%

Muj-79 7.7% ;.>%

Muj-6; 7.7% 7.3%

Muj-6> 5.<% <.9%

Muj-65 7.7% ;.9%

Muj-6< 6.3% 2.;%

Muj-69 6.2% <.5%

Muj-62 9.7% <.9%

Muj-;7 6>.9% 66.3%

Muj-;6 ;2.6% ;2.;%

Muj-;; 6.3% 7.<%

Muj-;< 3.<% 5.2%Muj-;8 <.3% >.<%

Muj-;3 <.>% ;5.;%

Muj-;9 9.2% 6<.6%

Muj-;2 6>.;% ;7.9%

K[O@L[ K[O@L[

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3.3.> Fjotilr jotfkdl lxnlptboj wfs [K^A wbti tilbr fvlrfcl slddbjc ovlr til aojti oh 5.9% jot rlhdlntbjc

til strojc bapfnt tily fntufddy ife wbti tilbr slddbjc oj pfrtbnudfr efys. Uilbr strojc slddbjc oj must f hlw

efys bs bj nojtrfst to f noapdltl fksljnl oh kuybjc hor til aojti fje tilbr joj-pfrtbnbpftboj bj trfebjc oj

fdd otilr efys tirouci Mujl.

[K^A ^ldds Kuys

Muj-78 ;8.8% 7%

Muj-73 5<.6% 7%

Muj-6; 6>.5% 7%

Muj-69 5;.7% 7%

Muj-;; ;>.6% 7%

3.3.5 Uo hurtilr elaojstrftl til hduntuftbojs bj efbdy eftf, til tfkdls kldow siow til efbdy dlvlds oh kuybjc

fje slddbjc oh hour oh til dlfebjc bjstbtutbojfd kro`lrs. Uilbr ovlrfdd bjvodvlaljt hor Mujl fs eltlrabjle ky

tilbr aojtidy voduals oh kuybjc fje slddbjc bs siowj ibcidbcitle. Fdso ibcidbcitle (afuvl sifebjc) frl til

efys wilrl trfebjc lxnllele tilbr Mujl fvlrfcls. Efbdy trfebjc stftbstbns hor fdd ;7 dlfebjc kro`lrs hor fdd oh

Mujl frl fvfbdfkdl fs Fppljebx 5 & <. 

Uil nojsbstljt dlvlds oh nojtrod ovlr til afr`lt ky bjstbtutbojs frl nifrfntlrbzle ky wbel vfrbfjnls bj efbdy

eftf ky bjebvbeufd kro`lrs, plrifps to ildp `llp trfebjc fntbvbty ujelr til rfefr oh F^Y afr`lt survlbddfjnl

tlfas. Uilrl bs f strojc tljeljny hor kro`lrs to kl proabjljt oj onnfsbojs kut tilj to stlp kfn` fje pdfy

dlsslr rodls oj otilr efys. \poj stlppbjc kfn`, tilbr rleunle trfebjc fntbvbty bs baalebftldy noapljsftle

hor ky otilr kro`lrs stlppbjc bj to dlje support fje to ildp afbjtfbj nojtrod ovlr lfni efy‒s trfebjc. Uil

eftf ndlfrdy siows til klifvbourfd trljes oh kro`lrs fje succlst f ibci dlvld no-oplrftboj fje no-orebjftboj

jlnlssfry to fniblvl til lje rlsudt.

Sibdl nojtrod ovlr trfebjc ky bjstbtutbojs bs bjebsputfkdl fje ibci dlvlds oh noddusboj frl db`ldy to kl

rlspojsbkdl, rlcudftory fuebts provbel til ojdy alfjs oh klbjc fkdl to erfw elhbjbtbvl nojndusbojs.

NBUB ^ldds Kuys

65.9% 6;.5%

Muj-76 66.>% 68.3%

Muj-75 6<.3% 66.9%

Muj-7< ;>.5% 6<.>%

Muj-78 3.6% 67.9%

Muj-73 3.5% 63.9%

Muj-79 2.2% 6>.<%

Muj-6; 63.9% 8.6%

Muj-6> 6;.8% 69.6%

Muj-65 3.3% 6;.7%

Muj-6< 6>.>% 9.8%Muj-69 8.<% 65.6%

Muj-62 67.8% 8.2%

Muj-;7 ;8.6% ;5.9%

Muj-;6 ;<.8% >.;%

Muj-;; 65.<% 66.>%

Muj-;< 66.>% 69.5%

Muj-;8 8.5% <.2%

Muj-;3 63.;% 6;.5%

Muj-;9 8.8% 2.6%

Muj-;2 7.8% 62.9%

\K^ ^ldds Kuys

2.;% 8.7%

Muj-76 69.>% 8.3%

Muj-75 9.3% 3.7%

Muj-7< 67.5% <.7%

Muj-78 ;7.7% 69.>%

Muj-73 >.<% 9.2%

Muj-79 6>.>% 6.2%

Muj-6; 6<.6% 2.<%

Muj-6> 67.;% 6;.6%

Muj-65 5;.3% <.2%

Muj-6< 2.6% 3.5%Muj-69 3.<% 67.3%

Muj-62 6<.>% 8.;%

Muj-;7 5.;% 6.5%

Muj-;6 6.8% ;.6%

Muj-;; 5.>% 7.9%

Muj-;< 2.3% 8.>%

Muj-;8 6.2% 5.6%

Muj-;3 >>.>% <.9%

Muj-;9 6<.<% 5.<%

Muj-;2 5.5% 6;.9%

EAC ^ldds Kuys

8.<% <.2%

Muj-76 65.2% >;.2%

Muj-75 6;.2% ;5.6%

Muj-7< 5.<% ;.7%

Muj-78 3.9% 5.9%

Muj-73 5.7% >.<%

Muj-79 8.6% 7.5%

Muj-6; 68.7% 66.6%

Muj-6> <.>% 7.9%

Muj-65 67.9% 7.6%

Muj-6< 62.6% ;.7%Muj-69 ;.7% 9.5%

Muj-62 ;.3% <.<%

Muj-;7 9.5% 8.5%

Muj-;6 <.9% 7.7%

Muj-;; 6.2% ;.5%

Muj-;< 3.5% 6.>%

Muj-;8 8.9% ;.3%

Muj-;3 7.6% >.3%

Muj-;9 6.7% 6<.;%

Muj-;2 9.7% 8.9%

KKR ^ldds Kuys

<.7% 9.>%

Muj-76 2.9% 7.2%

Muj-75 <.7% 6<.3%

Muj-7< 5.8% >3.7%

Muj-78 5.2% 62.;%

Muj-73 3.9% 6>.<%

Muj-79 ;7.7% 3.;%

Muj-6; 8.>% ;.<%

Muj-6> ;>.>% 7.7%

Muj-65 6.2% ;6.6%

Muj-6< <.>% 8.8%Muj-69 9.7% 66.7%

Muj-62 7.2% <.5%

Muj-;7 6.>% 7.7%

Muj-;6 6.2% 7.;%

Muj-;; 7.;% >.3%

Muj-;< 8.9% ;.>%

Muj-;8 ;.6% 5.2%

Muj-;3 7.>% 6.2%

Muj-;9 >.8% 5.7%

Muj-;2 2.5% 7.7%

Uil strojc slddbjc prlssurl ky [K^A (wibni

wfsj‒t slttdle ky [K^A fje bs fssuale to kl

bjstbtutbojfddy kfsle) wfs cljlrfddy fksorkleky til kuybjc ebstrbkutle fnross f rfjcl oh

bjstbtutbojfd kro`lrs

Jotl= Uil bjvodvlaljt oh kro`lr KKR Dte jlles to kl nojsbelrle bj nojmujntboj wbti til noapfjy Kuy Kfn`

jot klbjc fntbvl bj Mujl. Uil sukstfjtbfd elfdbjcs ky KKR frl db`ldy to kl fssonbftle wbti bjstbtutbojfd bjtlrlsts.

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3.3.< Uil trlje hor bjstbtutbojfd kro`lrs to wbtierfw hroa trfebjc fje hor otilr bjstbtutbojfd kro`lrs to

klnoal bjvodvle fje to afbjtfbj nojtrod ovlr trfebjc bs hurtilr ibcidbcitle bj til nfsl oh kro`lr NBUB. Efbdy

vfrbftbojs hroa NBUB‒s aojtidy fvlrfcls hor kuybjc fje slddbjc frl siowj ibcidbcitle bj afuvl. Uil eftf

fnnoapfjybjc til noaaljtfry oj til rbcit bs sournle hroa Fppljebnls 5 fje <. 

Uil tfkdl kldow hurtilr elaojstrftls til hduntuftbjc kuybjc fje slddbjc pfttlrjs oh f sfapdl oh bjstbtutbojfd kro`lrs

hor f hlw trfebjc efys bj Mujl. Ojnl fcfbj, elspbtl til bjebvbeufd hduntuftbojs bj kro`lr bjvodvlaljt, wilj suni

nifjcls frl nojsbelrle fnross fdd kro`lrs hor lfni efy, til ovlrfdd dlvld oh bjstbtutbojfd bjhduljnl ovlr til afr`lt

cljlrfddy rlafbjle nojstfjt fvlrfcbjc 9>% fs plr ^lnt 3.8.;. Bjnrlfsls hroa aojtidy fvlrfcls bj til tfkdl kldow frl

siowj bj kdul, fje til norrlspojebjc elnrlfsls frl siowj bj afuvl. Hor lfni efy oh trfebjc, kuybjc dlvlds frl

nojtrfstle hbrst, fje slddbjc dlvlds frl nojtrfstle bj til row kljlfti.



^ifrl % 65.9% 6;.5% 2.;% 8.7% >.>% 69.2% <.7% 9.>% 8.<% <.2% 9.;% 2.3% 8.6% 5.<%

Muj-76 66.>% 68.3% 69.>% 8.3% 8.;% <.6% 2.9% 7.2% 65.2% >;.2% 6.;% 6.7% 5.5% >.9%

Muj-76 66.>% 68.3% 69.>% 8.3% 8.;% <.6% 2.9% 7.2% 65.2% >;.2% 6.;% 6.7% 5.5% >.9%Muj-75 6<.3% 66.9% 9.3% 3.7% 6.9% 6.;% <.7% 6<.3% 6;.2% ;5.6% 6.6% >.>% 2.;% ;.2%

Muj-75 6<.3% 66.9% 9.3% 3.7% 6.9% 6.;% <.7% 6<.3% 6;.2% ;5.6% 6.6% >.>% 2.;% ;.2%

Muj-7< ;>.5% 6<.>% 67.5% <.7% 7.>% <.<% 5.8% >3.7% 5.<% ;.7% ;.8% >.<% ;.5% <.2%

Muj-7< ;>.5% 6<.>% 67.5% <.7% 7.>% <.<% 5.8% >3.7% 5.<% ;.7% ;.8% >.<% ;.5% <.2%

Muj-78 3.6% 67.9% ;7.7% 69.>% 7.<% 6.>% 5.2% 62.;% 3.9% 5.9% 9.8% ;.7% >.2% >.7%

Muj-78 3.6% 67.9% ;7.7% 69.>% 7.<% 6.>% 5.2% 62.;% 3.9% 5.9% 9.8% ;.7% >.2% >.7%

Muj-73 3.5% 63.9% >.<% 9.2% 7.5% 6.6% 3.9% 6>.<% 5.7% >.<% 5.6% 9.6% 5.5% 66.7%

Muj-73 3.5% 63.9% >.<% 9.2% 7.5% 6.6% 3.9% 6>.<% 5.7% >.<% 5.6% 9.6% 5.5% 66.7%

Muj-79 2.2% 6>.<% 6>.>% 6.2% 3.6% 7.;% ;7.7% 3.;% 8.6% 7.5% 7.7% ;.>% <.>% <.3%

Muj-79 2.2% 6>.<% 6>.>% 6.2% 3.6% 7.;% ;7.7% 3.;% 8.6% 7.5% 7.7% ;.>% <.>% <.3%

Muj-6; 63.9% 8.6% 6<.6% 2.<% 6.7% 6;.7% 8.>% ;.<% 68.7% 66.6% 7.7% 7.3% ;.7% 8.6%

Muj-6; 63.9% 8.6% 6<.6% 2.<% 6.7% 6;.7% 8.>% ;.<% 68.7% 66.6% 7.7% 7.3% ;.7% 8.6%Muj-6> 6;.8% 69.6% 67.;% 6;.6% 6.;% ;.2% ;>.>% 7.7% <.>% 7.9% 5.<% <.9% >.6% <.9%

Muj-6> 6;.8% 69.6% 67.;% 6;.6% 6.;% ;.2% ;>.>% 7.7% <.>% 7.9% 5.<% <.9% >.6% <.9%

Muj-65 3.3% 6;.7% 5;.3% <.2% <.2% 7.7% 6.2% ;6.6% 67.9% 7.6% 7.7% ;.9% ;.<% 2.<%

Muj-65 3.3% 6;.7% 5;.3% <.2% <.2% 7.7% 6.2% ;6.6% 67.9% 7.6% 7.7% ;.9% ;.<% 2.<%

NBUB bs usle fs fj lxfapdl to bjebnftl iow afmor nifjcls bj efbdy kuybjc fjeslddbjc frl aftnile ky otilr kro`lrs fdso feoptbjc nifjcle prohbdls tift must

ifpplj to af`l up hor til siorthfdds.

Hor lxfapdl oj Muj 3 wilrl tilbr slddbjc wfs rleunle to 3.6%, [K^A ife f

afmor bapfnt wbti 5<% oh fdd slddbjc wilrlky NBUB fdso stlpple up bts kuybjc.

Oj Muj 6; wilj tilbr kuybjc wfs rleunle to 8.6% hroa til fvlrfcl hor til

aojti oh 6;.5%, EAC fdaost eoukdle tilbr kuybjc hroa tilbr usufd <.2% to


Oj Muj 69 wilj NBUB‒s slddbjc hldd to 8.<%, AFNV bjnrlfsle tilbr slddbjc hroa

tilbr fvlrfcl oh <.2% to 65.<% wilrlky NBUB fcfbj stlpple up bt kuybjc.

Oj Muj ;6 wilj tilbr kuybjc wfs ojdy >.;%, Codeafj ̂ fnis (C^) bjnrlfsle

tilbr kuybjc hroa 2.3% to ;2.;% wibni fdso aftnile bjnrlfsle slddbjc ky NBUB.

Uil pfttlrjs rlplft fnross fdd trfebjc efys fje fnross fdd dlfebjc kro`lrs

wilrl rleunle fntbvbty bs noapljsftle ky otilr kro`lrs stlppbjc bj fje

wilrl bjnrlfsle fntbvbty nobjnbels wbti otilr kro`lrs stlppbjc kfn`. Uil jlt

lhhlnt bs hor bjstbtutbojs to afbjtfbj f ibci dlvld oh nojtrod ovlr fdd trfebjc

Fdtiouci noddusboj ky kro`lrs bj rlprlsljtbjc til sfal bjstbtutbojfd bjtlrlsts

doo`s lxtrlaldy db`ldy, til sbtuftboj rlqubrls horljsbn fuebts oh fnnoujts to

proplrdy fsslss til sbtuftboj.


^ldds Kuys

65.9% 6;.5%

Muj-76 66.>% 68.3%

Muj-75 6<.3% 66.9%

Muj-7< ;>.5% 6<.>%

Muj-78 3.6% 67.9%

Muj-73 3.5% 63.9%

Muj-79 2.2% 6>.<%

Muj-6; 63.9% 8.6%

Muj-6> 6;.8% 69.6%

Muj-65 3.3% 6;.7%

Muj-6< 6>.>% 9.8%

Muj-69 8.<% 65.6%

Muj-62 67.8% 8.2%

Muj-;7 ;8.6% ;5.9%

Muj-;6 ;<.8% >.;%

Muj-;; 65.<% 66.>%

Muj-;< 66.>% 69.5%

Muj-;8 8.5% <.2%

Muj-;3 63.;% 6;.5%

Muj-;9 8.8% 2.6%

Muj-;2 7.8% 62.9%

K[O@L[= Nbtbcroup Cdokfd NOAALJU^

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3.9 ^\AAF[R

Elspbtl til efbdy hduntuftbojs bj kro`lr trfebjc, til noakbjle afr`lt sifrls oh til dlfebjc kro`lrs tirouci

Mujl rlafbjle rlafr`fkdy nojstfjt fje elaojstrftl f vlry ibci dlvld oh nojtrod ovlr trfebjc. Uil ;7

dlfebjc kro`lrs rlcudfrdy fnnoujtle hor jlfrdy fdd kuybjc fje slddbjc lfni efy fje aost oh til fntbvbty

rlprlsljts til trfebjc oh sopibstbnftle bjvlstors dle ky bjstbtutbojfd huje afjfclrs. Uil ibci dlvlds oh

nojtrod ovlr til afr`lt woude fdaost nlrtfbjdy rlqubrl ibci dlvlds oh no-orebjftboj fje/or noddusboj

kltwllj bjstbtutbojfd trfebjc pfrtjlrs.

Uil kuybjc siorthfdds oj Muj 9, Muj 6> fje Muj 65 fs ibcidbcitle bj til tfkdl wlrl eul to til onnfsbojfd

fpplfrfjnls oh cljlrfddy dow prohbdl kro`lrs posbtbojle outsbel oh til dlfebjc ;7 dbst. Uilbr kuybjc wfs fs


Baportfjtdy, til kuybjc ky WL[^I, O[E^, fje UWWA eols jot siow oj til rlcbstlr succlstbjc tift bt wfs

slttdle ky otilr F^Y pfrtbnbpfjts. Bh so tilj bt bs db`ldy tift til kuybjc fdso rlprlsljts bjstbtutbojfd bjtlrlsts

feebjc hurtilr to f jltwor` oh fdaost totfd nojtrod ovlr til afr`lt. Dlfebjc kro`lrs ifvl kllj siowj to

fnnoujt hor 9>% oh bjstbtutbojfd kuybjc & slddbjc fje til rlcbstry fdso rlhdlnts 9<% nojtrod ky bjstbtutbojs.

Uil trfebjc suaafrbls nojvly f noaplddbjc portrfbt oh bjstbtutbojfd eoabjfjnl ovlr til afr`lt eurbjc Mujl

fje tocltilr wbti til ibci dlvlds oh siortbjc fje ohh afr`lt efr` pood fntbvbty, til klifvbours tf`l oj til

fpplfrfjnl oh fj ornilstrftle nfapfbcj pusibjc hor dowlr prbnls.

Uil ;7




hor fdaost

fdd trfebjc

lfni efy





Muj-76 23.57% 2<.67%

Muj-75 2>.27% 2;.>7%

Muj-7< 22.97% 22.;7%

Muj-78 23.57% 22.97%

Muj-73 22.25% 25.;7%

Muj-79 2;.>7% <2.37%

Muj-6; 28.95% 29.<7%Muj-6> 22.97% 9<.37%

Muj-65 2>.<7% 9>.57%

Muj-6< 2>.87% 28.27%

Muj-69 28.>;% 25.77%

Muj-62 22.27% 22.87%

Muj-;7 2;.27% 2<.;7%

Muj-;6 2<.37% 22.27%

Muj-;; 26.;<% 22.37%

Muj-;< 22.57% 22.27%

Muj-;8 2>.>7% 22.27%

Muj-;3 28.<7% 677.77%

Muj-;9 29.97% 2<.27%

Muj-;2 2;.87% 29.27%


[lprlsljtbjc 28.8% oh Kro`lr Urfebjc

Eftf hor Mujl


A^ES, EAC, \K^S, NBUB, N^\B, MWA, C^,

BJ^U, AL[D, ^\^V, BJ^U, [K^A, ^O^D CLUNO,




Uil rltfbd trfjsfntbojs oh til 8 kro`lrs

rlprlsljtle <% oh rlcbstry nifjcls.

Ky noapfrbsoj, fdd rltfbd fntbvbty hor Mujl

faoujtle to 9.<% oh rlcbstry nifjcls.

Muj-79 WL[^I ;8.;% fje O[E^ 6;.9%Muj-6> UWWA 6>.8%Muj-65 O[E^ 68.6%

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Uil sbtuftboj prlsljts fs fj lxtrlaldy aur`y trfebjc ljvbrojaljt tift rlqubrls hudd bjvlstbcftboj.


Uil rlcbstlr fje kro`lr trfebjc eurbjc Mujl ;76; ndlfrdy siows bjstbtutbojfd ljtbtbls noddfkorftbjc/fssbstbjc

lfni otilr wbti tilbr trfebjc. Uil dfrcl sifrl hdows kfn` fje horti kltwllj auni til sfal ljtbtbls frl

vlrbhbfkdl hroa til noapfjy rlcbstlr wbti bjstbtutbojs rltfbjbjc fje bj hfnt fnnuaudftbjc sifrls bj faojcst

til lxtljsbvl kfn` fje horti trfebjc niurj fje bjnrlfsle dlvlds oh siort slddbjc tily ifvl cljlrftle. Uil

baprlssboj nojvlyle ky tilbr fntbvbtbls bs oh f nfrtld strojcdy ebntftbjc tlras to til rlst oh til afr`lt.

Uil fntbvbty bs klttlr ujelrstooe ky nojsbelrbjc til hoddowbjc sbapdbhbnftboj oh til trfebjc klifvbours tift

ifvl onnurrle ovlr ft dlfst til dfst two fje f ifdh ylfrs oh trfebjc.

Urfjspfrljt Urfebjc

[ltfbd Bjvlstors, Hujes & Wro Bjvlstors


Joj Urfjspfrljt Urfebjc - 6

Bjstbtutbojfd F^Y Urfebjc


Joj Urfjspfrljt Urfebjc - ;

Bjstbtutbojfd Efr` Wood Urfebjc


[LCB^U[R FNUBXBUR „ M\JL ;76; [LCB^U[R ^\AAF[R „ M\JL ;76;

<5.;% >7.<%


Efr` Wood Urfebjc Bjstbtutbojfd

F^Y Urfebjc









Nojsbelr f sbjcdl ljtbty usbjc two kro`lrs to rlplftledy trfel kfn` fje horti fje to kl rlspojsbkdl hor 9>%

oh fdd trfebjc fntbvbty ovlr f aojti hor jo fpprlnbfkdl nifjcl to til iodebjc. Uilrl bs f hfbr nifjnl tift

suni trfebjc woude kl vblwle fs afjbpudftbvl fje ujfnnlptfkdl. Fje bh til sfal ljtbty wfs to nojstfjtdy

wbtierfw kbes fje ohhlrs fs trfels nfal bj hroa otilr kro`lrs tift ebej‒t subt tilbr trfebjc fcljef, fje bh

tily wlrl to hornl eowj tbn`s ky trfebjc kfn` fje horti ft dowlr prbnls or bapdlaljtbjc nrossbjcs

tilasldvls ft f rleunle prbnl, fje bh tily wlrl to nojtrod fdd funtboj outnoals ky tilbr wlbcit oh slddbjc

fje kuybjc fnnorebjc to wiftlvlr fcljefs tily ife, tilj tiosl klifvbours too woude prokfkdy fttrfnt

snrutbjy fje rlcudftory fntboj. Fdso, bh til ljtbty wfs to nojsbstljtdy hornl til afr`lt to eo til opposbtl oh

wift abcit kl rlfsojfkdy lxplntle suni fs slddbjc bjto cooe jlws kut kuybjc kfn` tirouci til slnoje

kro`lr fje vbnl vlrsf (b.l. trfebjc kltwllj btsldh) tilj tift too woude kl doo`le ft, lsplnbfddy bh til

klifvbours nojtbjuousdy too` pdfnl ovlr >7 aojtis or aorl oh trfebjc. Fje bh tilbr slddbjc fje kuybjcvoduals ovlr 9 aojtis rlsudtle bj 677+ abddboj sifrls swfppbjc kfn` fje horti oj til rlcbstlr, ewfrhbjc

til fntbvbtbls oh fdd otilr sifrliodelrs, fje wilrl aorl tifj ifdh oh til ljtbty‒s sifrl hdows wlrl eul to

fntbvbtbls tf`bjc pdfnl fwfy hroa til F^Y, qulstbojs woude kl fs`le. Fje hurtilraorl bh f cooe pfrt oh

tilbr fntbvbty wfs fdso to eo wbti ston` dljebjc fje ston` korrowbjc wilrl siort sfdls ky ojl kro`lr wlrl

purnifsle ky til otilr hor jo lhhlntbvl nifjcl to til ljtbty‒s iodebjc fje wilrl til rlportbjc oh suni

fntbvbty ohtlj rlsudtle bj slvlrl fjoafdbls tift ebej‒t hbt wbti wift onnurrle oj til rlcbstlr or oj til F^Y

or wbti otilr ohhbnbfd rlports rldftle to siort slddbjc, tilj tilrl bs f cooe nifjnl tift til fntbvbtbls woude

kl doo`le ft too.

Iowlvlr bh f sbjcdl ljtbty wfs to krlf` up tilbr slddbjc fje kuybjc orelrs bjto safdd pfrnlds fje ebstrbkutl

tila fnross ;7 or aorl kro`lrs oj f efbdy kfsbs fje to ifvl til trfjsfntbojs horwfrele to f slttdlaljt

splnbfdbst wilrl tily wlrl poodle, slttdle fje rlnorele oj til rlcbstlr so tift til dbj`s to til two kro`lrs

wlrl jo dojclr lvbeljt, tilrl bs fj lxnlddljt nifjnl tift til trfebjc klifvbour woude kl cbvlj til slfd oh

fpprovfd. Ft til vlry dlfst bt woude bj fdd db`ldbiooe pfss ujelr til jotbnl oh rlcudftors. 

Urfebjc Fjfdocy

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Uil fjfdocy afps out wift lssljtbfddy ifs kllj onnurrbjc wbti bjstbtutbojfd trfebjc wbti til lxnlptboj tift

tilrl frl potljtbfddy < sifrliodebjcs tift nfj kl nfddle upoj fje jot must ojl.

Uilrl bs jo qulstboj tift uj`jowj ljtbtbls or huje afjfclrs frl no-oplrftbjc fje fntbjc wbti f ujbhble

vbsboj fs til trfebjc pfttlrjs lstfkdbsile ovlr >7 aojtis oh trfebjc wbti sifrls nojstfjtdy hdowbjc kfn` fje

horti kltwllj til sfal bjstbtutbojs noudej‒t possbkdy fnnrul tirouci nifjnl fje rltfbj suni syaaltry. Hor

suni sifrl hdows to tf`l pdfnl bt woude kl fj baplrftbvl tift ibci dlvlds oh no-oplrftboj onnur koti oj tilF^Y tirouci til usl oh fdcorbtias to nojtrod trfebjc, fje fwfy hroa til F^Y tirouci efr` poods so tift

sifrls sode nfj kl rlfebdy rlnovlrle to afbjtfbj porthodbo kfdfjnls. Uil afbjtljfjnl oh porthodbos elspbtl

ibci voduals oh til trfebjc niurj bs bj hfnt ojl oh til rlafr`fkdl hlfturls oh trfebjc cbvlj tilbr lxtrlal

eoabjfjnl ovlr til afr`lt. Hor til 9 aojtis oh trfebjc rlvblwle bj [lslfrni Wfplr 8.>, f rlafr`fkdl 676

abddboj sifrls hdowle out oh bjstbtutbojfd fnnoujts ojdy to kl rlpdfnle ky 66> abddboj sifrls hdowbjc kfn` bj,

9 abddboj oh wibni wlrl hroa f pdfnlaljt fs jotle bj ^lntboj 8.6. Bt bs fj lxtrforebjfry onnurrljnl!

Fjy rlfsojfkdl fsslssaljt oh wift ifs onnurrle woude ifvl to nojnduel tift ibci dlvlds oh no-oplrftboj

woude kl f rlqubrlaljt hor til fntbvbtbls to onnur bj til wfy tift tily ifvl, fje cljubjl sifrliodelrs frl

ljtbtdle to fs` wiltilr no-oplrftboj oh til afcjbtuel tift ifs tf`lj pdfnl bs bj hfnt ’dlcbtbaftl‒ sifrl prbnl

afjbpudftboj fs prfntbnle bj elrlcudftle afr`lts. Uily frl ljtbtdle to ifvl fjswlrs fje tily frl ljtbtdle

to kl afel fwfrl oh til trfebjc klifvbours tift ifvl sifple til sifrl prbnl fje afel bt fdd kut rleujefjt

fs fj bjebnftor oh til trul vfdul oh til noapfjy. Ft til vlry dlfst wbti proplr trfjspfrljny fje til

`jowdlecl tift sifrl prbnl afjbpudftboj nfj fje eols tf`l pdfnl tily wbdd kl auni klttlr pdfnle to af`l

aorl huddy bjhorale elnbsbojs fkout tilbr bjvlstaljts.

Urfebjc fje rlcbstry eftf hor Mujl ;76; fje bjelle hor til >7 aojtis rlvblwle ky rlslfrni nojvlys til

ovlrwildabjc baprlssboj oh f nfrtld ebntftbjc tlras to til rlst oh til afr`lt.

Uil toods oh trfel ifvl kllj ibci hrlquljny fdcorbtias, til systla oh siort slddbjc fje Efr` Wood trfebjc fdd

usle bj f wfy tift ifs ljfkdle ljtbtbls to ebntftl tlras to til rlst oh til afr`lt. F hourti tood nojnlrjs

dfrcl voduals oh wfsi trfels tift ebej‒t af`l bt to til rlcbstlr wibni bs outdbjle bj [lslfrni Wfplr 8.5, fje

til hbhti tood bs til systla oh slttdlaljts btsldh wibni ifs ljfkdle til afmorbty oh trfjsfntbojs bj koti til

’dbt afr`lt‒ (b.l. til F^Y) fje til ’efr` afr`lt‒ (b.l. Efr` Wood vljuls) to kl ibeelj hroa vblw.

Uil noakbjle fntbvbty oh til so nfddle nfrtld lhhlntbvldy faoujts to til sfal tibjc fs til ’sbjcdl ljtbty usbjc

audtbpdl kro`lrs‒ fjfdocy wibni jo eoukt woude vlry qubn`dy kl eltlntle fje fntle oj ky rlcudftors.

Bt woude fpplfr tift nfrtld fntbvbty ifs sbel stlpple til usufd protonods covlrjbjc hfbr trfebjc fje bj so

eobjc ifvl noaproabsle til afr`lt fje prlvljt bt hroa plrhorabjc til rodl hor wibni bt bs bjtljele.

b.l. Hfbr prbnl ebsnovlry kltwllj cljubjl kuylrs fje slddlrs.

Fje wibdl til noapfjy fje rltfbd bjvlstors ifvl struccdle wbti f afr`lt tift ifs hfbdle bj bts rodl oh prbnl

ebsnovlry fje ifs klifvle noujtlr bjtubtbvldy to wift noude kl rlfsojfkdy lxplntle hroa proabsbjc

elvldopaljts, dfrcl faoujts oh fnnuaudftboj ifs sdowdy kut surldy tf`lj pdfnl0 fnnuaudftboj tift aost

db`ldy woude jot ifvl kllj possbkdl wbtiout til lxtrlal dlvlds oh afjbpudftbvl bjhduljnl fppdble to til

afr`lt fje wibni ifs sbcjbhbnfjtdy ebsfevfjtfcle til noapfjy fje til afmorbty oh bts sifrliodelrs.

.Uil fkovl okslrvftbojs succlst sifrl prbnl afjbpudftboj fje ujhfbr trfebjc fs

klbjc til okvbous rlfsojs to fnnoujt hor ujusufd rlcbstry trljes sbapdy

klnfusl jo otilr trfebjc snljfrbos noal to abje tift woude rlproeunl til

fjoafdous eftf wibni ifs klnoal f hlfturl oh NuElno trfebjc.


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Fppljebx 6= K[O@L[ U[FEBJC EFUF H[OA ONUOKL[ >6, ;766 UO M\JL >7, ;76;= Wc. 9; 

Fppljebx ;= ^IO[U ^LDDBJC ^\AAF[R H[OA ONU >6, ;766 UO M\J ;76; Wc. 9>

Fppljebx >= K[O@L[^ KR JLU ^LDDBJC & JLU K\RBJC „ M\JL ;76; Wc. 93

Fppljebx 5= K[O@L[ EFBDR U[FEBJC ^\AAF[BL^ „ M\JL ;76;  Wc. 99 

Fppljebx <= K[O@L[ AOJUIDR U[FEBJC ^\AAF[BL^ „ M\JL ;76; Wc. 27 

Fppljebx 8= NOAWFJR FJJO\JNLALJU^ - Ont >6, ;766 to Muj >7, ;76; Wc. 2; 

Fppljebx 3= K[O@L[ NOEL^ Wc. 2< 

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FWWLJEBY 6=  Kro`lr Urfebjc Eftf hroa Ontoklr >6, ;766 to Mujl >7, ;76;

[FJ@ K[O@L[ ^LDD^ % ^LDD^ K\R^ % K\R^ AF[CBJ JLU AF[@LU ^IF[L

6 NBUB 8,3;5,>98 6;.;% 8,>69,;<9 66.<% -$7.76 -578,6;9 66.2%

; KKR ;,<2;,>3< 5.3% 9,623,262 65.2% $7.7< <,87<,<55 2.9%

> \K^S <,96<,396 67.8% 5,2<8,>89 2.7% -$7.77 -9<2,56> 2.9%

5 NOAA 8,;;3,89> 66.>% 5,7<3,728 3.5% -$7.7; -;,637,<93 2.5%

< AFNV >,922,<<6 3.6% 5,7>>,>>7 3.>% $7.76 6>>,332 3.;%

8 EAC >,25<,<5; 3.;% >,828,3<< 8.3% -$7.73 -;59,393 3.7%3 A^ES ;,;78,>>< 5.7% 5,<85,8>; 9.>% $7.77 ;,><9,;23 8.;%

9 N^\B ;,869,23> 5.9% >,<9<,873 8.<% -$7.7> 288,8>5 <.8%

2 C^ >,663,32< <.3% ;,983,3>2 <.;% $7.7; -;<7,7<8 <.5%

67 ^O^D ;,7;3,392 >.3% ;,732,;68 >.9% -$7.77 <6,5;3 >.3%

66 FBLY ;,>;<,9<2 5.;% 6,5>>,327 ;.8% $7.7< -92;,782 >.5%

6; LU[E ;,;68,775 5.7% 6,>27,9<5 ;.<% $7.78 -9;<,6<7 >.>%

6> ^KF[ 6,>>9,37< ;.5% 6,5;3,<53 ;.8% $7.67 99,95; ;.<%

65 ^\^V 6,732,928 ;.7% 6,78;,562 6.2% $7.7; -63,533 6.2%

6< BJ^U 28>,<39 6.9% 6,768,<85 6.9% $7.66 <;,298 6.9%

68 AL[D 229,75> 6.9% 326,833 6.5% -$7.75 -;78,>88 6.8%

63 KLDD 993,295 6.8% >58,<<9 7.8% -$7.75 -<56,5;8 6.6%

69 MWA 385,77; 6.5% 576,272 7.3% -$7.67 ->8;,72> 6.6%

62 AFNW 9;;,5;; 6.<% >;3,523 7.8% -$7.76 -525,2;< 6.7%

;7 [K^A 95<,>>2 6.<% 65<,<7; 7.>% -$7.6; -822,9>3 7.2%

;6 O[E^ <>2,<77 6.7% ;88,<77 7.<% $7.66 -;3>,777 7.3%

;; UWWA ;83,868 7.<% ;83,;63 7.<% -$7.7> ->22 7.<%

;> WL[^I ;2<,6<9 7.<% 685,928 7.>% $7.;6 -6>7,;8; 7.5%

;5 CLUNO ;;7,8<3 7.5% ;;7,3>8 7.5% -$7.77 32 7.5%

;< UFRD 659,677 7.>% ;<<,777 7.<% -$7.>> 678,277 7.5%

;8 NAN^ 632,<6; 7.>% ;76,<73 7.5% $7.69 ;6,22< 7.>%

;3 W^D ;2>,>;5 7.<% 33,59; 7.6% $7.;6 -;6<,95; 7.>%

;9 ^IFS >6;,277 7.8% 3,977 7.7% -$7.>8 ->7<,677 7.>%

;2 JFD 6><,335 7.;% 653,558 7.>% $7.6; 66,83; 7.>%

>7 [K^ 9;,335 7.;% 62<,687 7.5% -$7.<3 66;,>98 7.>%

>6 ND^F 639,586 7.>% 65,363 7.7% -$7.88 -68>,355 7.;%

>; KFBD 696,277 7.>% >7; 7.7% $7.>3 -696,<29 7.;%

>> SBD^ 683,23; 7.>% 5,777 7.7% -$7.53 -68>,23; 7.;%

>5 BUC ><,8;8 7.6% 6;<,978 7.;% $7.76 27,697 7.6%

>< BANW 3>,<9; 7.6% 83,;28 7.6% -$7.79 -8,;98 7.6%

>8 K[DD 8;,628 7.6% 56,<77 7.6% $7.68 -;7,828 7.6%

>3 L\[O 56,777 7.6% <>,>6> 7.6% -$7.;3 6;,>6> 7.6%

>9 UBAK >;,89; 7.6% >7,97; 7.6% -$7.76 -6,997 7.6%

>2 FKJF 22; 7.7% 6,997 7.7% $7.7> 999 7.7%

57 DOEC <7,777 7.6% 7.7% #EBX/7! -<7,777 7.7%

56 I\K;5 ;3,;77 7.7<% 63,;77 7.7>% $7.72 -67,777 7.7%

5; E;AY ;;,;>7 7.75% ;7,3>7 7.75% -$7.<5 -6,<77 7.7%

5> OWUX 65,3>3 7.7>% ;5,369 7.75% $7.6; 2,296 7.7%

55 K[BE ;7,<;7 7.75% 65,327 7.7>% -$7.68 -<,3>7 7.7%

5< NFA ;9,777 7.7<% 8,777 7.76% -$7.>3 -;;,777 7.7%

58 HSI ;8,777 7.7<% 7.77% #EBX/7! -;8,777 7.7%

53 DEFD ;>,7<7 7.75% 7.77% #EBX/7! -;>,7<7 7.7%

59 NF[A 2,6>< 7.7;% 67,777 7.7;% -$7.73 98< 7.7%

52 LXFJ 69,>5; 7.7>% 7.77% #EBX/7! -69,>5; 7.7%

<7 F\^U 6<,777 7.7>% 7.77% #EBX/7! -6<,777 7.7%

<6 KR^ 3,<77 7.76% 3,<77 7.76% $7.;8 7 7.7%

<; IF[U 9,777 7.76% 7.77% #EBX/7! -9,777 7.7%

<> AO[[ 5,777 7.76% 5,777 7.76% $7.8; 7 7.7%

<5 HO^U 5,;>7 7.76% 7.77% #EBX/7! -5,;>7 7.7%

<< EFBS >,777 7.76% 7.77% #EBX/7! ->,777 7.7%

<8 NN] ;,777 7.77% 7.77% #EBX/7! -;,777 7.7%

<3 BFKD 7.77% 868 7.77% #EBX/7! 868 7.7%

<9 MEX 7.77% <86 7.77% #EBX/7! <86 7.7%

UOUFD^ <5,2<7,36; 677% <5,2<7,36; 677% 677% 677%

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FWWLJEBY ;= ^iort ^lddbjc ^uaafry hroa Ont >6, ;766 to Muj ;76;.









Ont->6 9<>,978 6;3,5;8 ;>9,695 6,85<,9<> -667,3<9

Jov-76 578,69; ;9,55> 659,<<; 6,<;<,355 -6;7,672

Jov-7; ><2,>8> 69,8<8 -99,6>> 6,8>;,<>> 678,392

Jov-7> >63,>59 ;5,293 2;,32< 6,<85,3;< -83,979

Jov-75 ;3<,269 96,;9; 62,385 6,8;8,;5> 86,<69

Jov-73 67;,96< 7 -;7,76< 6,858,;<9 ;7,76<

Jov-79 >88,;99 6>,<98 2>,278 6,<8<,2>9 -97,>;7

Jov-72 ><;,5;6 ;9,78< 65>,><3 6,5<7,858 -66<,;2;

Jov-67 >53,>9> 67,779 93,572 6,>3>,;5< -33,576

Jov-66 ;7;,52> 6,729 5>,5>< 6,>>7,279 -5;,>>3

Jov-65 >>5,258 9,393 ;,><7 6,>>3,>5< 8,5>3

Jov-6< ;82,969 6;,<76 -68,39; 6,>88,8;9 ;2,;9>

Jov-68 5<3,269 >,58< ;;3 6,>82,988 >,;>9

Jov-63 86;,627 675,<;> 3>,389 6,577,8;6 >7,3<<

Jov-69 835,9<3 29,><2 >7,38> 6,589,;63 83,<28

Jov-;6 >;;,586 ;5,26< 68,655 6,538,299 9,336Jov-;; 369,322 2;,><7 6,3>> 6,<83,87< 27,863

Jov-;> 397,2;; 3<,>>6 2,5<8 6,8>>,597 8<,93<

Jov-;5 <2>,<25 639,535 9<,7;6 6,3;8,2>> 2>,5<>

Jov-;< >2<,8>> 33,633 8;,>85 6,356,358 65,96>

Jov-;9 27<,6>2 >7;,729 666,995 6,2>6,287 627,;65

Jov-;2 6,78>,8;5 6<>,;;9 2;,8<8 6,22;,<>; 87,<3;

Jov->7 6,659,6>< 33,2>5 -<<,297 ;,6;8,558 6>>,265

Eln-76 339,<92 93,2<2 25,>55 ;,6;7,786 -8,>9<

Eln-7; 6,;>6,5<> <8,8;9 5>,633 ;,6>>,<6; 6>,5<6

Eln-7< 7 7 <6,<<7 ;,796,28; -<6,<<7

Eln-78 9<3,;9; 6;<,538 >2,299 ;,683,5<7 9<,599

Eln-73 7 7 -;,8<6 ;,637,676 ;,8<6

Eln-79 <;6,778 9;,778 6,6<<,6<7 6,728,2<3 -6,73>,655

Eln-72 856,<85 23,6;; -6,76>,365 ;,;73,32> 6,667,9>8

Eln-6; <63,2>; 6>2,>67 6<>,386 ;,62>,>5; -65,5<6

Eln-6> 552,668 <;,95< -33,78; ;,>;>,;52 6;2,273

Eln-65 ><7,9;; <5,35> >3,962 ;,>57,63> 68,2;5

Eln-6< 892,>;9 6>6,;33 ;22,998 ;,636,<85 -689,872

Eln-68 6,>69,9<< 6;3,<67 -5;,;;< ;,>56,;22 682,3><

Eln-62 ;85,663 3<,2>6 -<;,2>8 ;,537,688 6;9,983

Eln-;7 >>6,828 39,<93 >9,>32 ;,<67,>35 57,;79

Eln-;6 559,57< 675,>;> 9>8,2;6 6,333,338 -3>;,<29

Eln-;; ;92,359 59,69; 2<,<7; 6,3>7,5<8 -53,>;7

Eln-;> 26,33< ;7,33> -<37,329 ;,>;;,7;3 <26,<36

Eln-;9 63<,356 86,9>> 677,777 ;,;9>,987 ->9,683

Eln-;2 572,6;6 679,<8> 28,822 ;,;2<,3;5 66,985

Eln->7 638,37> 83,38< 6,65<,976 6,;63,899 -6,739,7>8

Mfj-7> 65<,6<7 >8,93; -6,735,;23 ;,>;9,9<3 6,666,682

Mfj-75 627,63> <6,26> 8<,<38 ;,>6<,625 -6>,88>

Mfj-7< 633,7<2 >>,262 37;,7>3 6,853,738 -889,669

Mfj-78 >87,25; 626,;;< 22,2<5 6,3>9,>53 26,;36

Mfj-72 ;2>,897 87,63< ;5,276 6,33>,8;6 ><,;35

Mfj-67 <77,758 6>2,928 -8<9,92> ;,<3;,567 329,392

Mfj-66 628,;<3 >6,332 6>,;>; ;,<27,2<3 69,<53

Mfj-6; ;6;,388 3>,9;< <2,2>; ;,875,9<7 6>,92>Mfj-6> ;;5,256 ;2,52> -3,675 ;,856,553 >8,<23

Fjoafdous eftf bs siowj


Lstbaftle siort novlrstift frl rlqubrle to kl

jlcftbvl bj orelr to

kfdfjnl oplj siort

posbtbojs frl ibcidbcitle

bj ylddow, fje lstbaftle

siort novlrs tift eoj‒t

norrlspoje to F^Y

voduals frl sifrle bj


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Mfj-68 ;<6,7;6 39,387 >7,9;> ;,892,>95 53,2>3

Mfj-63 57>,87< 675,263 23;,296 6,9;6,>;7 -989,785

Mfj-69 58>,>25 56,372 -387,8>8 ;,8;>,88< 97;,>5<

Mfj-62 535,35< <9,<26 82,283 ;,86;,;92 -66,>38Mfj-;7 692,8>; >6,786 55,>7> ;,<22,753 -6>,;5;

Mfj-;> 672,;37 6<,633 -6>,933 ;,8;9,676 ;2,7<5

Mfj-;5 ><<,<>; 56,678 >5,7>5 ;,8><,63> 3,73;

Mfj-;< 68>,2<> 69,998 -9,>26 ;,88;,5<7 ;3,;33

Mfj-;3 ;95,3>> 56,2<; ;<,989 ;,839,<>5 68,795

Mfj->7 ;82,792 ;<,;5< 3,;89 ;,828,<66 63,233

Mfj->6 626,;32 ;9,>;9 6,>8>,>;3 6,>86,<6; -6,>>5,222

Hlk-76 ;97,>7< 57,65; -6,>78,668 ;,373,337 6,>58,;<9

Hlk-7; 5<2,;5> 66>,258 927,2;8 6,2>7,327 -338,297

Hlk-7> <6>,333 6>6,<>; -365,>;8 ;,338,859 95<,9<9

Hlk-78 ;;9,3>; >3,<>7 55,9>5 ;,382,>55 -3,>75

Hlk-73 ;39,3>9 8<,2<5 82,>69 ;,38<,297 ->,>85

Hlk-79 >66,282 ;3,3;8 -;2,992 ;,9;>,<2< <3,86<

Hlk-72 ;58,<37 <5,275 >9,663 ;,957,>9; 68,393

Hlk-67 >>8,795 8;,>;; <8,9;> ;,95<,996 <,522

Hlk-6> 66<,837 >8,97; ->,>;7 ;,998,77> 57,6;;

Hlk-65 ;7;,736 >3,>97 5,5;8 ;,269,2<3 >;,2<5

Hlk-6< ;63,85> 83,9>3 3;,835 ;,265,6;7 -5,9>3

Hlk-68 579,6>6 659,88> 95,55> ;,239,>57 85,;;7

Hlk-63 ;66,787 5>,32< 6<,;69 >,778,263 ;9,<33

Hlk-;7 667,5;2 ;3,557 >2,3<> ;,225,875 -6;,>6>

Hlk-;6 ><8,3<7 83,>7> 55,3;< >,763,69; ;;,<39

Hlk-;; 5;;,2>3 6<7,932 3>,885 >,725,>23 33,;6<

Hlk-;> ;5;,>92 <9,;>; <8,;55 >,728,>9< 6,299

Hlk-;5 ;92,><> 87,>;; ;7,777 >,6>8,373 57,>;;

Hlk-;3 28,>79 ;<,532 65,>;3 >,653,9<2 66,6<;

Hlk-;9 629,><< 679,79; 5<,>26 >,;67,<<7 8;,826

Hlk-;2 >76,<35 67<,<<8 679,;;8 >,;73,997 -;,837

Afr-76 ;62,638 <5,;97 ;3,<2< >,;>5,<8< ;8,89<

Afr-7; >99,277 97,;22 6,78;,3;6 ;,;<;,65> -29;,5;;

Afr-7< >89,>5; >7,8<< -26<,;95 >,629,79; 25<,2>2

Afr-78 ;5<,<29 ;7,><8 >2,;>9 >,632,;77 -69,99;

Afr-73 ;<9,8>> 89,8>2 <;,;28 >,62<,<5> 68,>5>

Afr-79 ;2;,833 67;,>78 6,783,87; ;,;>7,;53 -28<,;28

Afr-72 >6>,932 53,><3 <,792 ;,;3;,<6< 5;,;89Afr-6; ;;9,926 83,;59 88,<83 ;,;3>,628 896

Afr-6> >27,<37 68,2;5 -923,322 >,693,262 265,3;>

Afr-65 >9>,727 66>,>9< 665,5;6 >,698,99> -6,7>8

Afr-6< >7<,2<6 2>,396 673,;58 >,63>,569 -6>,58<

Afr-68 833,283 667,;92 6,795,678 ;,622,876 -23>,963

Afr-62 ;65,69< 5;,755 -28>,622 >,;75,955 6,77<,;5>

Afr-;7 ;35,8<9 >6,57< 2,29; >,;;8,;83 ;6,5;>

Afr-;6 655,793 69,22< ;9,253 >,;68,>6< -2,2<;

Afr-;; 673,>7; ;9,679 <<,228 >,699,5;3 -;3,999

Afr-;> ;6>,928 <<,<;8 6,<69,9>; 6,3;<,6;6 -6,58>,>78

Afr-;8 622,989 57,9>8 -6,5>8,8;; >,;7;,<32 6,533,5<9

Afr-;3 >72,89< <;,5<6 ><6,9;7 ;,27>,;67 -;22,>82

Afr-;9 ;;>,>78 5>,986 86,236 ;,99<,677 -69,667

Afr-;2 6;5,27< 9,355 52,<72 ;,955,>>< -57,38<

Afr->7 ;2;,666 37,275 ;2,592 ;,99<,3<7 56,56<

Fpr-7; 699,;>6 6;,676 8;,>2< ;,9><,5<8 -<7,;25

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Fpr-7> ;><,<67 9>,888 6,72>,58; 6,9;<,887 -6,772,328

Fpr-75 ;<5,3>3 >7,92< -6,737,737 ;,2;8,8;< 6,677,28<

Fpr-7< ;9<,>8< 8;,952 >8,685 ;,2<>,>67 ;8,89<

Fpr-67 625,<7> 3;,978 89,7<; ;,2<9,785 5,3<5Fpr-66 68>,925 5;,;69 -56,666 >,756,>2> 9>,>;2

Fpr-6; 29,2;6 >6,85< ;6,56< >,7<6,8;> 67,;>7

Fpr-6> ;39,562 82,782 >3,97; >,79;,927 >6,;83

Fpr-68 67;,968 56,835 ;8,669 >,729,558 6<,<<8

Fpr-63 >58,>86 69,886 65,3;9 >,67;,>32 >,2>>

Fpr-69 ;>7,56< 85,959 <2,;59 >,673,232 <,877

Fpr-62 5<3,<2< 27,996 6;6,967 >,733,7<7 ->7,2;2

Fpr-;7 ;;8,5>2 <2,6<6 -;2,685 >,68<,>8< 99,>6<

Fpr-;> 96,588 ;6,<77 3>,232 >,66;,998 -<;,532

Fpr-;5 ;62,<98 82,538 89,8;3 >,66>,3>< 952

Fpr-;8 88,7>6 8>,5;9 -;8,2>3 >,;75,677 27,>8<

Fpr-;3 22,759 >7,236 58,287 >,699,666 -6<,292Fpr->7 ;52,869 58,<26 85,67> >,637,<22 -63,<6;

Afy-76 ;<6,753 >8,>;; >6,8<; >,63<,;82 5,837

Afy-7; >>;,36> 88,382 6,62;,76< ;,7<7,7;> -6,6;<,;58

Afy-7> 5;>,;;7 5>,;5; -66,78< ;,675,>>7 <5,>73

Afy-75 >;3,26< >7,268 -6,729,;56 >,;>>,593 6,6;2,6<3

Afy-73 ;<5,8>> 83,>>2 6,;62,68> ;,796,88> -6,6<6,9;5

Afy-79 ;52,6<2 <;,<8> -3,;58 ;,656,53; <2,972

Afy-72 57<,;95 652,7<; -6,6<5,;27 >,555,965 6,>7>,>5;

Afy-67 ;39,855 >3,6<8 6,;;;,939 ;,;<2,72; -6,69<,3;;

Afy-66 627,839 52,623 -6,;59,>39 >,<<8,883 6,;23,<3<

Afy-65 6;7,253 >>,355 ;6,8<2 >,<89,3<; 6;,79<

Afy-6< ;69,776 98,6;3 >6,783 >,8;>,96; <<,787

Afy-68 859,;58 673,6>6 -68,2>2 >,353,99; 6;5,737

Afy-63 ;>;,93< 67>,7>2 6,5;;,>5> ;,5;9,<39 -6,>62,>75

Afy-69 55>,598 662,766 -6,;7>,;<2 >,3<7,959 6,>;;,;37

Afy-;6 >69,669 2<,695 32,<9< >,388,553 6<,<22

Afy-;; ;37,;>< 93,595 6,>23,<53 ;,5<8,>95 -6,>67,78>

Afy-;> ;22,>77 8<,>8> -6,;95,929 >,978,85< 6,><7,;86

Afy-;5 639,577 87,>58 ;6,6>5 >,95<,9<3 >2,;6;

Afy-;< ;39,862 3;,552 6,5>8,997 ;,596,5;8 -6,>85,5>6

Afy-;9 ;<>,239 <3,389 <3,35> ;,596,5<6 ;<

Afy-;2 65<,22< 677,656 65;,9<8 ;,5>9,3>8 -5;,36<

Afy->7 6>5,7<8 >>,<97 -6,576,572 >,93>,3;< 6,5>5,292Afy->6 687,>2> >>,<97 65,85> >,92;,88; 69,2>3

Muj-76 67>,27> >3,;;> 66,57; >,269,59> ;<,9;6

Muj-75 5;8,;88 69;,7<< 6;8,<32 >,23>,2<2 <<,538

Muj-7< 589,;87 ;87,762 ;;3,596 5,778,523 >;,<>9

Muj-78 >62,;9> 657,5<8 9>,>69 5,78>,8>< <3,6>9

Muj-73 ;93,<<2 6<<,6;< 6,85>,28; ;,<35,329 -6,599,9>3

Muj-79 626,75< 37,5>5 -;,5<5,>76 <,722,<>> ;,<;5,3><

Muj-6; 6>9,9;5 59,>86 >27,885 5,3<3,;>7 ->5;,>7>

Muj-6> 653,>5< 55,7<8 -56,563 5,95;,37> 9<,53>

Muj-65 8;,;>2 >,375 5<2,;78 5,>93,;76 -5<<,<7;

Muj-6< ;87,582 99,989 -97,739 5,<<8,653 689,258

Muj-69 59;,>9; ;;>,833 68<,>26 5,865,5>> <9,;98Muj-62 669,25> ;>,787 6;5,8>6 5,<6;,98; -676,<36

Muj-;7 52;,6>8 52,765 -25,><7 5,8<8,;;8 65>,>85

Muj-;6 969,<63 655,269 <,;33 5,32<,983 6>2,856

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Muj-;; <;7,;6; 99,;33 -95,339 5,289,2;; 63>,7<<

Muj-;< ;9<,9>6 65>,3>; 82,5;9 <,75>,;;8 35,>75Muj-;8 >75,>29 27,;98 -5;9,563 <,<86,2;2 <69,37>

Muj-;3 ;<7,;82 33,>58 65,>52 <,8;5,2;8 8;,223

Muj-;9 ;<3,225 67;,;;3 >;,;<6 <,825,27; 82,238

Muj-;2 69;,552 8>,38> >95,;>2 <,>35,5;8 ->;7,538

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FWWLJEBY >=  M\JL ;76; - Kro`lr Urfebjc ̂ uaafry

KR Jlt Kuybjc & Jlt ^lddbjc 

Kro`lrs ^ldds % ^ldds Kuys % Kuys Afrcbj Jlt Afr`lt ^ifrl

A^ES ;77,329 >.>% 6,6<8,289 69.2% -$7.7> 2<8,637 66.6%

KKR >7>,6<8 <.7% <7<,<32 9.>% $7.77 ;7;,5;> 8.8%

C^ <77,288 9.;% <2<,68; 2.3% $7.7> 25,628 2.7%

O[E^ 6>,<77 7.;% <3,777 7.2% -$7.7>  5>,<77 7.8%

BJ^U 658,59; ;.5% 69<,28< >.7% $7.7; >2,59> ;.3%

^O^D 6;;,395 ;.7% 65;,><< ;.>% $7.7; 62,<36 ;.;%

^\^V 639,3>9 ;.2% 62;,875 >.6% $7.76 6>,988 >.7%

NAN^ >,567 7.6% 66,55> 7.;% -$7.7;  9,7>> 7.6%

LU[E 6;5,752 ;.7% 6;9,955 ;.6% $7.7< 5,32< ;.6%

UWWA ;9,;;6 7.<% >;,25< 7.<% $7.7> 5,3;5 7.<%

JFD ;,576 7.7% 5,32; 7.6% $7.7< ;,>26 7.6%

^IFS 6,<77 7.7% >,777 7.7% -$7.7;  6,<77 7.7%

FKJF 87 7.7% 6,>>3 7.7% -$7.78 6,;33 7.7%

OWUX 52; 7.7% 6,<88 7.7% -$7.79  6,735 7.7%

BUC 7 7.7% <8< 7.7% -  <8< 7.7%

BANW 6>6 7.7% ;2; 7.7% -$7.75  686 7.7%

CLUNO 32,662 6.>% 32,662 6.>% -$7.77 7 6.>%[K^A <93,75< 2.8% 7 7.7% - -<93,75< 5.9%

\K^S <85,<>9 2.;% >82,626 8.7% -$7.7> -62<,>53 3.8%

NBUB 27<,767 65.9% 387,>73 6;.5% $7.75 -655,37> 6>.8%

N^\B >3;,2;3 8.6% ;35,;87 5.<% -$7.75 -29,883 <.>%

AFNV >86,262 <.2% ;92,398 5.3% -$7.75  -3;,6>> <.>%

WL[^I 663,>77 6.2% 37,777 6.6% $7.67 -53,>77 6.<%

NOAA <99,;23 2.8% <59,69< 2.7% $7.75 -57,66; 2.>%

EAC >23,;>8 8.<% ><9,><9 <.2% -$7.76 ->9,939 8.;%

AL[D 6>6,<67 ;.6% 23,3;< 6.8% -$7.79  ->>,39< 6.2%

^KF[ 3<,686 6.;% <7,578 7.9% $7.75 -;5,3<< 6.7%

FBLY 6<6,5>6 ;.<% 6;2,755 ;.6% $7.7> -;;,>93 ;.>%

AFNW 5;,888 7.3% ;7,2;< 7.>% $7.6> -;6,356 7.<%

UFRD ;7,777 7.>% 7 7.7% - -;7,777 7.;%

MWA 86,859 6.7% 55,62< 7.3% $7.76 -63,5<> 7.2%

KLDD 63,9;6 7.>% 8,675 7.6% -$7.6>  -66,363 7.;%

NFA <,777 7.6% 7 7.7% -  -<,777 7.7%

K[BE 5,777 7.6% 7 7.7% - -5,777 7.7%

ND^F >,935 7.6% 7 7.7% -  ->,935 7.7%

W^D ;,337 7.7% 7 7.7% - -;,337 7.7%

KFBD 6,277 7.7% >7; 7.7% -$7.6; -6,<29 7.7%

UBAK 585 7.7% 7 7.7% - -585 7.7%

Uotfds 8,669,>;5 677%  8,669,>;5 677%  7 677% 

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M\J 6  M\J 5  M\J <  M\J 8  M\J 3 

^ldds Kuys ^ldds Kuys ^ldds Kuys ^ldds Kuys ^ldds Kuys

A^ES 8.;% <.6% 6.9% 6.;% 7.>% <.<% 7.<% 6.>% 7.5% 6.6%

EAC 65.2% >;.2% 6;.2% ;5.6% 5.<% ;.7% 3.9% 5.9% 5.7% >.<%\K^S 69.>% 8.3% 9.3% 3.7% 67.5% <.7% ;7.7% 69.>% >.<% 9.2%

CLUNO 6.6% 6.6% 6.;% 6.;% 7.<% 7.<% 7.8% 7.8% 7.5% 7.5%

NOAA 67.6% 9.8% 65.<% 3.5% >9.6% 7.2% 66.>% <.8% 9.5% 6>.2%

LU[E 6.2% 7.<% 5.9% 7.8% 7.7% 7.<% 7.;% 7.;% - -

NBUB 66.>% 68.3% 6<.3% 66.9% ;>.5% 6<.>% 3.6% 67.9% 3.5% 63.9%

N^\B 5.5% >.9% 2.;% ;.2% ;.5% <.2% >.2% >.7% 5.5% 66.7%

MWA ;.6% ;.6% ;.;% 7.7% 7.7% 6.2% - - 7.7% ;.8%

C^ 6.;% 6.7% 6.6% >.>% ;.8% >.<% 9.8% ;.7% 5.6% 9.6%

BJ^U ;.<% 7.7% ;.;% 7.>% 7.7% 68.6% 7.7% 6<.>% 7.<% 7.7%

FBLY 5.9% 7.7% >.9% ;.9% 6.9% >.;% 7.7% 3.5% - -

AL[D 7.7% 7.6% 7.6% 7.6% 8.7% 7.7% 7.7% 7.6% 7.7% 7.6%

AFNV 7.8% 3.2% 6.>% 6.2% 6.9% 7.2% ;.6% 7.3% 6.9% <.9%[K^A - - - - - - ;8.8% 7% 5<.6% 7%

^KF[ - - - - - - - - - -

^O^D >.<% >.<% ;.7% 3.7% 6.2% 7.7% 7.7% 5.3% 67.3% 6.7%

^\^V >.2% 5.;% 5.9% <.7% 6.6% 7.9% >.5% <.;% 7.3% 8.<%

AFNW 7.9% 7.7% ;.8% 7.7% 7.5% 7.;% 7.5% 7.8% 7.3% 7.7%

KKR 2.9% 7.2% <.7% 6<.3% 5.8% >3.7% 5.2% 62.;% 3.9% 6>.<%

UOUFD^ 23.5% 2<.6% 2>.2% 2;.>% 22.9% 22.;% 23.5% 22.9% 22.2% 25.;%

M\J 9  M\J 6;  M\J 6>  M\J 65  M\J 6< 

^ldds Kuys ^ldds Kuys ^ldds Kuys ^ldds Kuys ^ldds Kuys

A^ES 3.6% 7.;% 6.7% 6;.7% 6.;% ;.2% <.2% 7.7% 7.9% 7.7%

EAC 8.6% 7.5% 68.7% 66.6% <.>% 7.9% 67.9% 7.6% 62.6% ;.7%

\K^S 6>.>% 6.2% 6<.6% 2.<% 67.;% 6;.6% 5;.3% <.2% 2.6% 3.5%

CLUNO 6.7% 6.7% 7.2% 7.2% 7.<% 7.<% 7.<% 7.<% 6.7% 6.7%

NOAA 8.3% 2.2% 65.9% 6>.6% 3.7% 9.3% 5.<% 2.;% 6.<% ;<.9%

LU[E 7.7% 8.6% 7.7% 67.7% 7.6% ;.5% 6.8% 7.7% ;.2% 6.<%

NBUB 2.2% 6>.<% 63.9% 8.6% 6;.8% 69.6% 3.3% 6;.7% 6>.>% 9.8%

N^\B <.>% <.3% ;.7% 8.6% >.6% <.9% ;.<% 2.<% ;.7% ;.2%

MWA ;.2% 7.7% 7.7% 7.9% 2.8% 7.7% 8.5% 7.7% 7.7% 6.5%

C^ 7.7% ;.>% 7.7% 7.3% 5.<% <.9% 7.7% ;.9% 6.3% 2.;%

BJ^U 7.7% 7.3% - - <.5% 6.8% >.7% 7.7% 7.;% 7.9%

FBLY 7.7% 6.8% <.;% 7.7% - - ;.<% 62.<% 5.7% 3.9%AL[D 7.;% 7.6% 7.7% 7.7% 7.7% 7.6% - - 5.6% 5.;%

AFNV 6.>% 7.;% 5.>% >.6% 5.7% ;7.>% >.<% ;.<% ;<.5% 67.<%

[K^A - - 6>.5% 7% - - - - - -

^KF[ 7.7% 7.<% - - - - - - - -

^O^D 2.5% 9.2% 7.7% ;;.8% 2.6% 7.7% - - 7.7% 6.2%

^\^V 2.6% 7.7% - - >.2% >.;% 7.7% 7.>% >.;% 5.6%

AFNW - - 7.7% 7.7% 7.7% >.5% - - 7.7% 6.;%

KKR ;7.7% 3.;% 8.>% ;.<% ;>.>% 7.7% 6.2% ;6.6% <.>% 8.8%

UOUFD^ 2;.>% 87.;% 28.9% 29.<% 22.9% 9<.3% 2>.<% 9>.5% 2>.8% 28.2%

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^LDD^ K\R^ ^LDD^ K\R^ ^LDD^ K\R^ ^LDD^ K\R^ ^LDD^ K\R^ ^LDD^ K\R^ ^LDD^ K\R^

EFR 65.9% 6;.5% 2.;% 8.7% >.>% 69.2% <.7% 9.>% 8.<% <.2% 9.;% 2.3% 8.6% 5.<%

Muj-76 66.>% 68.3% 69.>% 8.3% 8.;% <.6% 2.9% 7.2% 65.2% >;.2% 6.;% 6.7% 5.5% >.9%

Muj-75 6<.3% 66.9% 9.3% 3.7% 6.9% 6.;% <.7% 6<.3% 6;.2% ;5.6% 6.6% >.>% 2.;% ;.2%

Muj-7< ;>.5% 6<.>% 67.5% <.7% 7.>% <.<% 5.8% >3.7% 5.<% ;.7% ;.8% >.<% ;.5% <.2%

Muj-78 3.6% 67.9% ;7.7% 69.>% 7.<% 6.>% 5.2% 62.;% 3.9% 5.9% 9.8% ;.7% >.2% >.7%

Muj-73 3.5% 63.9% >.<% 9.2% 7.5% 6.6% 3.9% 6>.<% 5.7% >.<% 5.6% 9.6% 5.5% 66.7%

Muj-79 2.2% 6>.<% 6>.>% 6.2% 3.6% 7.;% ;7.7% 3.;% 8.6% 7.5% 7.7% ;.>% <.>% <.3%

Muj-6; 63.9% 8.6% 6<.6% 2.<% 6.7% 6;.7% 8.>% ;.<% 68.7% 66.6% 7.7% 7.3% ;.7% 8.6%

Muj-6> 6;.8% 69.6% 67.;% 6;.6% 6.;% ;.2% ;>.>% 7.7% <.>% 7.9% 5.<% <.9% >.6% <.9%

Muj-65 3.3% 6;.7% 5;.3% <.2% <.2% 7.7% 6.2% ;6.6% 67.9% 7.6% 7.7% ;.9% ;.<% 2.<%

Muj-6< 6>.>% 9.8% 2.6% 3.5% 7.9% 7.7% <.>% 8.8% 62.6% ;.7% 6.3% 2.;% ;.7% ;.2%

Muj-69 8.<% 65.6% 3.<% 67.3% 7.7% >.5% 9.7% 66.7% ;.7% 9.5% 6.2% <.5% 6.7% >.8%

Muj-62 67.8% 8.2% 6<.>% 8.;% ;.3% 5>.5% 7.2% <.5% ;.3% <.<% 9.7% <.9% 5.6% <.>%

Muj-;7 ;8.6% ;5.9% 5.;% 6.5% 5.>% ;2.9% 6.>% 7.7% 9.5% 8.5% 6>.9% 66.3% 6.;% 7.3%

Muj-;6 ;<.8% >.;% 6.8% ;.6% 5.6% 5;.8% 6.2% 7.;% <.9% 7.7% ;2.6% ;2.;% 6.<% 5.9%

Muj-;; 65.<% 66.>% 5.>% 7.9% >.2% 58.8% 7.;% >.3% 6.2% ;.5% 6.3% 7.<% 5.<% 6.9%

Muj-;< 66.>% 69.5% 2.3% 8.>% 62.9% 56.6% 8.9% ;.>% 3.5% 6.>% 3.<% 5.2% 69.>% 8.6%

Muj-;8 8.5% <.2% 6.2% 5.6% 8.2% <6.;% ;.6% 5.2% 8.9% ;.3% <.3% >.<% >>.2% 5.6%

Muj-;3 63.;% 6;.5% >>.>% <.9% 6.<% 7.5% 7.>% 6.2% 7.6% >.3% <.>% ;5.;% 68.8% 5.9%

Muj-;9 8.8% 2.6% 6<.<% 5.<% 7.7% >.8% >.8% 5.7% 6.7% 6<.;% 9.2% 6<.6% 8.6% <.>%

Muj-;2 7.8% 62.9% 5.5% 6;.9% 7.7% 6.9% 2.5% 7.7% 9.7% 8.9% 6>.;% ;7.9% ;.8% 2.7%

UOUFD^ ;<;% ;<3% ;52% 6>3% 89% ;2>% 6;>% 6<3% 658% 6>5% 662% 687% 6;2% 67;%


^LDD^ K\R^ ^LDD^ K\R^ ^LDD^ K\R^ ^LDD^ K\R^ ^LDD^ K\R^ ^LDD^ K\R^ ^LDD^ K\R^

^ifrl % <.2% 5.3% ;.2% >.6% ;.7% ;.>% ;.5% >.7% ;.6% 6.8% 6.>% 6.>% 6.7% 7.3%

Muj-76 7.8% 3.2% >.2% 5.;% >.<% >.<% ;.<% 7.7% 7.7% 7.6% 6.6% 6.6% ;.6% ;.6%

Muj-75 6.>% 6.2% 5.9% <.7% ;.7% 3.7% ;.;% 7.>% 7.6% 7.6% 6.;% 6.;% ;.;% 7.7%

Muj-7< 6.9% 7.2% 6.6% 7.9% 6.2% 7.7% 7.7% 68.6% 8.7% 7.7% 7.<% 7.<% 7.7% 6.2%

Muj-78 ;.6% 7.3% >.5% <.;% 7.7% 5.3% 7.7% 6<.>% 7.7% 7.6% 7.8% 7.8%

Muj-73 6.9% <.9% 7.3% 8.<% 67.3% 6.7% 7.<% 7.7% 7.7% 7.6% 7.5% 7.5% 7.7% ;.8%Muj-79 6.>% 7.;% 2.6% 7.7% 2.5% 9.2% 7.7% 7.3% 7.;% 7.6% 6.7% 6.7% ;.2% 7.7%

Muj-6; 5.>% >.6% - - 7.7% ;;.8% 7.7% 7.7% 7.2% 7.2% 7.7% 7.9%

Muj-6> 5.7% ;7.>% >.2% >.;% 2.6% 7.7% <.5% 6.8% 7.7% 7.6% 7.<% 7.<% 2.8% 7.7%

Muj-65 >.<% ;.<% 7.7% 7.>% - - >.7% 7.7% 7.<% 7.<% 8.5% 7.7%

Muj-6< ;<.5% 67.<% >.;% 5.6% 7.7% 6.2% 7.;% 7.9% 5.6% 5.;% 6.7% 6.7% 7.7% 6.5%

Muj-69 65.5% 6>.6% 7.3% 5.6% - - 7.7% 7.3% 7.>% 7.<% 7.8% 7.8% 7.7% ;.5%

Muj-62 8.<% 5.<% ;.9% 7.7% ;.8% 5.;% 7.5% 7.6% ;.7% ;.7% 67.6% 7.7%

Muj-;7 5.>% >.7% 5.6% 7.7% 6.6% 6.6% 5.;% 6.8% 6.2% ;.8% 7.3% 7.3% 7.7% 7.8%

Muj-;6 6.9% 5.6% 6.<% ;.2% 6.<% 6.<% ;.<% 7.5% ;.<% <.8% 6.6% 6.6% 6.5% 7.7%

Muj-;; 2.7% 9.;% >.3% ;.>% 5.8% 7.7% ;.8% 6.5% ;.8% ;.8% 7.5% 7.7%

Muj-;< 6.<% 6.6% 5.8% 6.8% 6.7% 6.8% 7.6% 7.;% ;.<% ;.<% 7.>% 7.7%

Muj-;8 3.8% ;.>% >.;% >.9% 2.2% >.5% 7.8% 7.;% >.9% >.9%Muj-;3 3.>% 5.>% ;.2% 8.6% 7.7% 9.7% 6.;% >.3% 7.7% 7.6% ;.>% ;.>% 7.7% 6.>%

Muj-;9 67.<% 6.7% >.<% 5.9% 3.9% 7.7% 6.3% >.7% 6<.3% 6.9% 7.2% 7.2%

Muj-;2 66.7% ;.6% 5.7% 5.6% 6.>% 7.7% 3.2% 6.>% 6.9% 8.6% 6.>% 6.>% 7.7% 6.3%

UOUFD^ 6;7% 29% 86% <2% 59% 87% 52% <<% >8% ;>% ;8% ;8% ><% 6<%

Ku bj & ̂ lddbj fvlrf ls hor Mujl k totfd vodual oh trfels usle to noa frl efbd kro`lr bjvodvlaljts

^uaabjc til efbdy bjvodvlaljts oh kro`lrs wbti kuybjc fje slddbjc ljfkdls tilbr bjhduljnl oj trfebjc to kl

noapfrle. Hor til fkovl croup, NBUB fje \K^S ifvl eoabjftle slddbjc wibdl A^ES ifs kllj til proabjljt kuylr.

NBUB bs fdso jotle hor til ibci dlvlds oh niurj tily ifvl suppdble to til afr`lt.

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FWWLJEBY <= K[O@L[ AOJUIDR U[FEBJC ^\AAF[BL^ „ M\JL ;76; nojt‒e 


^LDD^ K\R^ ^LDD^ K\R^ ^LDD^ K\R^ ^LDD^ K\R^ ^LDD^ K\R^ ^LDD^ K\R^

^ifrl % 7.3% 7.>% ;.<% ;.6% 2.8% 2.7% ;.7% ;.6% >.2% 7% 66.;% 7.9%

Muj-76 7.9% 7.7% 5.9% 7.7% 67.6% 9.8% 6.2% 7.<% - - 7.7% 7.7%

Muj-75 ;.8% 7.7% >.9% ;.9% 65.<% 3.5% 5.9% 7.8% - - 7.7% 7.7%

Muj-7< 7.5% 7.;% 6.9% >.;% >9.6% 7.2% 7.7% 7.<% - - 7.7% 7.7%

Muj-78 7.5% 7.8% 7.7% 3.5% 66.>% <.8% 7.;% 7.;% ;8.8% 7% 7.7% 7.7%

Muj-73 7.3% 7.7% - - 9.5% 6>.2% - - 5<.6% 7% 7.7% 7.7%

Muj-79 - - 7.7% 6.8% 8.3% 2.2% 7.7% 8.6% - - 7.7% 7.<%

Muj-6; 7.7% 7.7% <.;% 7.7% 65.9% 6>.6% 7.7% 67.7% 6>.5% 7% 7.7% 7.7%

Muj-6> 7.7% >.5% - - 3.7% 9.3% 7.6% ;.5% - - 7.7% 7.7%

Muj-65 - - ;.<% 62.<% 5.<% 2.;% 6.8% 7.7% - - 7.7% 7.7%

Muj-6< 7.7% 6.;% 5.7% 3.9% 6.<% ;<.9% ;.2% 6.<% - - 7.7% 7.7%

Muj-69 7.5% 7.7% >.>% 5.>% 3.5% 67.3% 7.>% 6.7% 5;.7% 7% 7.7% <.>%

Muj-62 5.;% 7.7% 67.6% 7.;% 8.9% <.6% 67.6% <.7% - - 7.7% 7.7%

Muj-;7 7.3% 7.7% 8.6% ;.7% 2.2% 9.9% 7.8% 7.7% - - 7.7% >.9%

Muj-;6 6.6% 7.7% 6.>% 7.7% 8.8% ;.;% 5.9% 7.7% - - 7.7% 7.7%

Muj-;; - - 7.7% ;.7% 7.9% 9.;% 7.7% 3.2% ;>.6% 7% 6>.<% 7.7%

Muj-;< - - ;.7% 7.7% 8.7% 6;.<% 7.8% 7.7% - - 7.7% 7.7%

Muj-;8 - - 7.3% 7.>% >.7% 2.3% 7.9% 7.7% - - 6.8% 7.7%

Muj-;3 ;.5% 5.7% 7.<% 7.;% <.8% 6<.5% 7.7% 6.5% - - 7.7% 7.7%

Muj-;9 - - >.;% 7.7% 3.>% 65.2% 8.<% 6;.3% - - 7.7% 6.2%

Muj-;2 - - 2.6% 7.7% 2.5% 67.>% 9.8% 6.7% - - 7.7% 7.7%

UOUFD^ 65% 2% <9% <6% 697% ;76% 55% <6% 6<7% 7% 6>.<% 66.<%



Muj-76 23.5% 2<.6%Muj-75 2>.2% 2;.>%

Muj-7< 22.9% 22.;%

Muj-78 23.5% 22.9%

Muj-73 22.2% 25.;%

Muj-79 2;.>% <2.3%

Muj-6; 28.9% 29.<%

Muj-6> 22.9% 9<.3%

Muj-65 2>.<% 9>.5%

Muj-6< 2>.8% 28.2%

Muj-69 28.>% 25.7%

Muj-62 22.2% 22.8%

Muj-;7 2;.2% 2<.;%

Muj-;6 2<.3% 22.2%

Muj-;; 26.>% 22.3%

Muj-;< 22.5% 22.2%

Muj-;8 2>.>% 22.2%

Muj-;3 28.<% 677.7%

Muj-;9 29.9% 2<.2%

Muj-;2 2;.8% 29.2%

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FWWLJEBY 8=  Noapfjy Fjjoujnlaljts

WL[BOE= Ont >6, ;766 to Muj >7, ;76;

>6/67/;766 ! ^ifrl Wdfnlaljt

>6/67/;766 ! [lbjstftlaljt to Ohhbnbfd Vuotftboj

6/66/;766 ! [on`dfjes Nopplr Wromlnt \peftl

;/66/;766 Dlttlr to ^ifrliodelrs - [on`dfjes Nopplr Wromlnt

>/66/;766 Faljele Wroxy Hora5/66/;766 ! Aorl ibci crfel abjlrfdbsftboj lxpfjes Hfbrhblde Wrosplnt

9/66/;766 ! [on`dfjes Wromlnt procrlssls towfres proeuntboj

65/66/;766 Norporftl Covlrjfjnl ^tftlaljt

65/66/;766 ! Sbdcfr - Ibci Crfel Abjlrfdbsftboj

6</66/;766 Efbdy sifrl kuy-kfn` jotbnl - Fppljebx >L

68/66/;766 ! Erbddbjc bjtljsbhbls ft Sbdcfr

68/66/;766 Efbdy sifrl kuy-kfn` jotbnl - Fppljebx >L

63/66/;766 ! Wdfnlaljt Fcrllaljt sbcjle ft $>.87 plr sifrl

63/66/;766 ! Sbdcfr eldbvlrs aorl ibci crfel bjtlrslntbojs

63/66/;766 Efbdy sifrl kuy-kfn` jotbnl - Fppljebx >L

69/66/;766 ! \peftl oh Lvljts oh til pfst 3 efys

69/66/;766 Efbdy sifrl kuy-kfn` jotbnl - Fppljebx >L

;6/66/;766 ! Sbdcfr - Ibcilst crfel code rlsudts ylt to eftl

;6/66/;766 Efbdy sifrl kuy-kfn` jotbnl - Fppljebx >L

;;/66/;766 Fuebt Noaabttll ^trunturl

;>/66/;766 Wrlsljtftboj to ^ifrliodelrs ft FCA - ;5 Jovlaklr ;766

;>/66/;766 Efbdy sifrl kuy-kfn` jotbnl - Fppljebx >L

;>/66/;766 Efbdy sifrl kuy-kfn` jotbnl - Fppljebx >L

;5/66/;766 [lsudts oh Alltbjc

;5/66/;766 \peftle FCA Wrlsljtftboj eul to Abjbjc Dlfsl crfjt

;5/66/;766 ! Vde Covt crfjts [on`dfjes Abjbjc Dlfsls

;</66/;766 ! Hfbrhblde bjtlrslnts slab-afssbvl sudpibels

;</66/;766 Efbdy sifrl kuy-kfn` jotbnl - Fppljebx >L

;9/66/;766 Efbdy sifrl kuy-kfn` jotbnl - Fppljebx >L

;2/66/;766 ! Sbdcfr - Aorl ibci crfel code rlsudts

6/6;/;766 ! Sbdcfr eldbvlrs kojfjzf crfel code sbdvlr fje tlddurbua.

;/6;/;766 Kofre Noaabttlls

;/6;/;766 Altfd Lqubvfdljt - Noapltljt Wlrsoj ^tftlaljt

</6;/;766 ! Urfebjc Ifdt

8/6;/;766 Noapltljt Wlrsoj ^tftlaljt

8/6;/;766 ! ^unnlsshud Noapdltboj oh Wdfnlaljt


3/6;/;766 Urfebjc Ifdt

3/6;/;766 ! Urfebjc Ifdt

9/6;/;766 ! Wdfnlaljt to rfbsl $>;a

2/6;/;766 ! Lxpdorftboj \peftl - Hfbrhblde fje Jlw Ufrclts

6;/6;/;766 ! Jlw jftbvl nopplr ebsnovlry bj prlvbousdy ujerbddle frlf

;7/6;/;766 Jotbnl oh Lxtrforebjfry Cljlrfd Alltbjc/Wroxy Hora

;;/6;/;766 ! Fppljebx >K

;;/6;/;766 Fppljebx >K

;9/6;/;766 Fppljebx >K

;9/6;/;766 Klnoabjc f sukstfjtbfd iodelr

>/76/;76; Efbdy sifrl kuy-kfn` jotbnl - Fppljebx >L

>/76/;76; Efbdy sifrl kuy-kfn` jotbnl - Fppljebx >L

5/76/;76; Faljele >K.

2/76/;76; ! Sbel 6>>a zojl oh abjlrfdbsftboj bj jlw frlf.

2/76/;76; Efbdy sifrl kuy-kfn` jotbnl - Fppljebx >L

67/76/;76; Fppljebx >K

67/76/;76; Efbdy sifrl kuy-kfn` jotbnl - Fppljebx >L

66/76/;76; Hora 595 - Nifjcl to Noapfjy Eltfbds

66/76/;76; Dlttlr to ^ifrliodelrs - Sbel zojl oh abjlrfdbzftboj

68/76/;76; ! Sbdcfr \peftl

62/76/;76; Nifjcl oh Ebrlntorgs Bjtlrlst Jotbnl x <

62/76/;76; Efbdy sifrl kuy-kfn` jotbnl - Fppljebx >L

;7/76/;76; [lsudts oh Alltbjc;7/76/;76; Efbdy sifrl kuy-kfn` jotbnl - Fppljebx >L

;>/76/;76; [lspojsl to F^Y Fppljebx >R Vulry

;</76/;76; Efbdy sifrl kuy-kfn` jotbnl - Fppljebx >L

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FWWLJEBY 8=  Noapfjy Fjjoujnlaljts nojt‒e 

;3/76/;76; Ndosl oh Wrosplntus fje Doeclaljt oh >Kgs

;3/76/;76; ! Hfbrhblde aovbjc to Wromlnt ̂ tftus

;3/76/;76; ! NuElno Wrosplntus

>7/76/;76; Efbdy sifrl kuy-kfn` jotbnl - Fppljebx >L

>6/76/;76; ! Vufrtlrdy Fntbvbtbls [lport

>6/76/;76; ! Vufrtlrdy Nfsi hdow [lport

>6/76/;76; Efbdy sifrl kuy-kfn` jotbnl - Fppljebx >L

6/7;/;76; ! [on`dfjes Nopplr Wromlnt - \peftl6/7;/;76; Efbdy sifrl kuy-kfn` jotbnl - Fppljebx >L


>/7;/;76; Efbdy sifrl kuy-kfn` jotbnl - Fppljebx >L

8/7;/;76; Efbdy sifrl kuy-kfn` jotbnl - Fppljebx >L

3/7;/;76; Efbdy sifrl kuy-kfn` jotbnl - Fppljebx >L

2/7;/;76; ! Ibci crfel nopplr hroa surhfnl ft Dfs Abjlrfdl

2/7;/;76; Efbdy sifrl kuy-kfn` jotbnl - Fppljebx >L

67/7;/;76; ! Nojtrfnt fwfrele hor hbrst stfcl oh Wroeuntboj Wdfjt

67/7;/;76; Efbdy sifrl kuy-kfn` jotbnl - Fppljebx >L

6>/7;/;76; Efbdy sifrl kuy-kfn` jotbnl - Fppljebx >L

65/7;/;76; Nifjcl to Noapfjy Eltfbds - Hora 595

65/7;/;76; Fppljebx >K

6</7;/;76; Nifjcl oh Ebrlntorgs Bjtlrlst Jotbnl

6</7;/;76; Efbdy sifrl kuy-kfn` jotbnl - Fppljebx >L68/7;/;76; Efbdy sifrl kuy-kfn` jotbnl - Fppljebx >L

63/7;/;76; Efbdy sifrl kuy-kfn` jotbnl - Fppljebx >L

;7/7;/;76; Efbdy sifrl kuy-kfn` jotbnl - Fppljebx >L

;5/7;/;76; Efbdy sifrl kuy-kfn` jotbnl - Fppljebx >L


6/7>/;76; Nifjcl oh Ebrlntorgs Bjtlrlst Jotbnl - Jlw Hora

6/7>/;76; Nifjcl oh Ebrlntorgs Bjtlrlst Jotbnl Norrlnt Eftl oh Nifjcl

6/7>/;76; Nifjcl oh Ebrlntorgs Bjtlrlst Jotbnl

</7>/;76; Noapfjy \peftl Wrlsljtftboj

</7>/;76; Noapfjy \peftl Wrlsljtftboj

6;/7>/;76; Hora 595 Nifjcl to Noapfjy Eltfbds

6;/7>/;76; ! Sbdcfr - ibci crfel rlsudts

6</7>/;76; Ifdh Rlfrdy Fnnoujts

68/7>/;76; ! Sbdcfr ibci crfel rlsudts fje possbkdl jlw nopplr zojl

62/7>/;76; Nifjcl oh Ebrlntorgs Bjtlrlst Jotbnl

;7/7>/;76; Dlttlr to ^ifrliodelrs - Sbdcfr ibci crfel rlsudts

;9/7>/;76; Nifjcl oh Ebrlntorgs Bjtlrlst Jotbnl

;9/7>/;76; Nifjcl oh Ebrlntorgs Bjtlrlst Jotbnl Norrlnt Eftl oh Nifjcl

;9/7>/;76; Nifjcl oh Ebrlntorgs Bjtlrlst Jotbnl

;2/7>/;76; Efbdy sifrl kuy-kfn` jotbnl - Fppljebx >L

5/75/;76; ! Afmor stlld strunturl fcrllaljt sbcjle

5/75/;76; Fppljebx >Y

5/75/;76; Ebrlntors Fppobjtaljt

5/75/;76; Fppljebx >L

67/75/;76; Fppljebx >L

66/75/;76; ! ^bcjbhbnfjt upcrfel ft Sbdcfr

6>/75/;76; Fppljebx >L

6>/75/;76; Dlttlr to ^ifrliodelrs - ^bcjbhbnfjt \pcrfel ft Sbdcfr

63/75/;76; Fppljebx >L

69/75/;76; ! Wort oh Uowjsvbddl Elvldopaljt \peftl

69/75/;76; Fppljebx >L

62/75/;76; Nifjcl oh Ebrlntorgs Bjtlrlst Jotbnl

;7/75/;76; Fppljebx >L

;>/75/;76; ! Vde Covt fpprovls [on`dfjes Wdfj oh Oplrftbojs

;5/75/;76; Nifjcl oh Ebrlntorgs Bjtlrlst Jotbnl

;8/75/;76; Fppljebx >L

;3/75/;76; Hora 595 - Nifjcl to Noapfjy Eltfbds

;3/75/;76; Nifjcl bj sukstfjtbfd iodebjc

>7/75/;76; ! Afrni Vufrtlrdy [lport - Fntbvbtbls fje Nfsi hdow

3/7</;76; ! Audtb-\sl [fbd-Dofe Hfnbdbty \peftl

6</7</;76; Fppljebx >K

68/7</;76; Fppljebx >L

63/7</;76; Fppljebx >L

69/7</;76; Fppljebx >L

;;/7</;76; Fppljebx >L

;6/7</;76; Fppljebx >L

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FWWLJEBY 8=  Noapfjy Fjjoujnlaljts nojt‒e 

;>/7</;76; ! Wort Elvldopaljt Fpprovfd fje Norrbeor Abjbjc Dlfsl Crfjt

;5/7</;76; Fppljebx >L

;</7</;76; ! Sbdcfr Erbddbjc lxpfjes frlf oh abjlrfdbsftboj

;</7</;76; Fppljebx >L

;9/7</;76; Fppljebx >L

>6/7</;76; Fppljebx >H


6/78/;76; Faljele ;<ti Afy Fjjoujnlaljt6/78/;76; ! Fppljebx >N

5/78/;76; ! Lxpdorftboj to klcbj oj jlw LWA

</78/;76; [on`dfjes Lxpdorftboj \peftl Krblhbjc

8/78/;76; Hora 595 Nifjcl to Noapfjy Eltfbds

8/78/;76; ! Ibci crfel nopplr bjtlrslntle ft elpti ft Dfs Abjlrfdl

3/78/;76; ! [on`dfjes Wbntorbfd \peftl

65/78/;76; ! Sbdcfr rlsudts bjhbdd prlvbousdy ujerbddle frlfs

6</78/;76; Nifjcl oh Ebrlntorgs Bjtlrlst Jotbnl

69/78/;76; ! ^bjostlld tf`ls sifrls bj dblu oh nfsi

62/78/;76; Nifjcl oh Ebrlntor's Bjtlrlst Jotbnl

;7/78/;76; Bjtlrjftbojfd [ofesiow Wrlsljtftboj

;8/78/;76; HO[A 875 NIFJCL OH BJUL[L^U^ OH ^\K IODEL[

;9/78/;76; Nifjcl bj sukstfjtbfd iodebjc

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KL[J 666> Klrjefdl ^lnurbtbls Dbabtle

FKJF 662> FKJ FA[O Ndlfrbjc ^yejly Wty Dte

FBLY 8>96 Fustrfdbfj Bjvlstaljt Lxnifjcl Dbabtle

KFBD >66> L. D. & N. Kfbddblu ^ton`kro`bjc DteKKR 6;;5 KKR Dte

KLDD 6<5> Kldd Wottlr ^lnurbtbls Dbabtle

K[BE 678; Krbecls Hbjfjnbfd ^lrvbnls Wty Dbabtle

NFA 66>< Nfalroj ^ton`kro`lrs Dbabtle

NBUB ;7>; Nbtbcroup Cdokfd Afr`lts Fustrfdbf Wty Dbabtle

ND^F ;>6; ND^F Fustrfdbf Wty Dte

NAN^ ;88; NAN Afr`lts ^ton`kro`bjc Dbabtle

NOAA 657; Noaaojwlfdti ^lnurbtbls Dbabtle

N^\B 667> Nrlebt ^ubssl Lqubtbls (Fustrfdbf) Dbabtle

EAC ;67> Elutsnil ^lnurbtbls Fustrfdbf Dbabtle

LU[E 655; Ltrfel Fustrfdbf ^lnurbtbls Dbabtle

CLUNO ;;2; CLUNO FustC^ >867 Codeafj ^fnis & Wfrtjlrs Fustrfdbf Wty Dte

BANW 2<6; BAN Wfnbhbn

BJ^U ;63; Bjstbjlt Fustrfdbf Wty Dbabtle

BUC >5<> BUC Fustrfdbf Dbabtle

MWA ;23; M.W. Aorcfj ^lnurbtbls Fustrfdbf Dbabtle

AFNW ;55; Afnqufrbl Lqubtbls Dbabtle

AFNV 6<3; Afnqufrbl ^lnurbtbls (Fustrfdbf) Dbabtle

AL[D >88> Alrrbdd Dyjni Lqubtbls (Fustrfdbf) Dbabtle

^KF[ >>9> Aorcfj ^tfjdly ^abti Kfrjly Fustrfdbf Wty Dte

A^ES ;22; Aorcfj ^tfjdly Fustrfdbf ^lnurbtbls Dbabtle

JFD 6;26 Joaurf Fustrfdbf Dbabtle

OWUX 2;>; Optbvlr Fustrfdbf Wty Dte

O[E^ ;>>2 Ore Abjjltt Dbabtle

W^D 8338 Wftlrsojs ^lnurbtbls Dbabtle

WL[^I 6326 Wlrsibjc ^lnurbtbls Fustrfdbf Wty Dte

[K^A 5785 [K^ Aorcfjs Dbabtle

^IFS ;29; ^ifw ^ton`kro`bjc Dbabtle

^O^D 8399 ^tftl Ojl ^ton`kro`bjc Dte

^\^V 25<; ^usqulifjjf Wfnbhbn Wty Dbabtle

UFRD <6;9 Ufydor Noddbsoj Dbabtle

UWWA ;<<; Uibre Wfrty Wdfthora Wty Dte

UBAK 257; Ubaklr Ibdd Fustrfdbf Wty Dbabtle

\K^S 6<7< \K^ ^lnurbtbls Fustrfdbf Dte

SWN 67<6 Slstpfn ^lnurbtbls Dbabtle