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60 Uncommon Things Men Find Attractive About Women _ Thought Catalog

Jul 07, 2018



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  • 8/18/2019 60 Uncommon Things Men Find Attractive About Women _ Thought Catalog


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  • 8/18/2019 60 Uncommon Things Men Find Attractive About Women _ Thought Catalog


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    August 16, 2013

    60 Uncommon Things Men Find Attractive About Women

    Christopher Hudspeth


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  • 8/18/2019 60 Uncommon Things Men Find Attractive About Women _ Thought Catalog


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  • 8/18/2019 60 Uncommon Things Men Find Attractive About Women _ Thought Catalog


    01/02/2016 60 U ncom mon Thi ngs M en Find Attr acti ve About W om en | Thought C atal og 4

    I asked *50 straight males over text, email, and at random on the street for less traditional, obviouscharacteristics or actions that they find attractive about women. Here are the responses:*I actually asked well over 50, but got several repeat answers or unusable responses, so I took thebest version of that.

    1. Butch chicks, which ends up being unfortunate most of the time, for pretty obvious reasons.

    2. Girls who can devour sauce covered chicken wings and aren’t afraid to dive in there without

    hesitation, be aggressive and get messy.

    3. Anytime a girl has an AOL email address because it’s clear to me that she’s the loyal type.

    4. Being satisfied with staying in and doing absolutely nothing more often than not.

    5. A raspy voice.

    6. I don’t want to say crossed eyes, but have you seen Kristen Bells eyes? Well whatever her eyes areconsidered. I feel like they’re a tiny bit crossed, and whenever I meet a girl with a slightly lazy eye, I’minstantly attracted. I don’t even want to say lazy eye though, more like unmotivated eye.

    7. When a woman doesn’t have a Facebook or Twitter, because that means she’s probably not a socialiteat all.

    8. Piles of clothing on their bed and a little cluttered messiness at their place. Not filthy, but I canappreciate a little chaos.

    9. Women who have a kid. Or kids. But she can’t just have the kids, she has to take care of them. Someconsider it baggage, but I think single mothers are sexy. You know they can handle responsibility and Ican’t even remember to wash my feet every day, but they’re raising a human – that’s pretty damnadmirable.

    10. A pudgy stomach. Shredded abs don’t appeal as much to me, but I can appreciate fluffiness, or muffin tops as they call it.

    11. Obviously gorgeous women who drive a crappy car. I don’t know why, I don’t really understand it,maybe it’s a social status thing? Either way, there’s nothing sexier than the thought of like, AdrianaLima in a 1997 Geo Metro.

    12. DISTINCT CLAVICLES! Am I weird? It’s like how women are obsessed with Tatum Channing’s(he meant Channing Tatum) jawline, y’know?

    13. Anytime a girl talks with her hands. Like if she has very animated hand gestures, I find that reallycute.

    14. Women who wear fedoras.

    15. Random talents. Female magicians are my kryptonite. Not the beautiful assistants wearing a gown, but an actual woman doing full-blown tricks. That’s just one example though. If a girl can moonwalk or throw food and catch it in her mouth or shuffle cards well – instant turn-on.

    16. Ponytails pulled through baseball caps.

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    17. Emotionally unstable, crazies. I think I’m subconsciously attracted to them, as I wouldn’t knowinglyseek out insecurity… Right? On second thought, maybe I’m the daddy issue seeking weirdo?

    18. Stretch marks, I swear. I don’t know why they’re so frowned upon, but I like them in the same way people seem to like freckles or whatever.

    19. A girl who’s saving herself for marriage like I am. Maybe she’s not necessarily a virgin, but as longas she can understand why I’m waiting and has the same morals and beliefs that I do, that’s attractive to

    me, even though it isn’t necessarily the popular way to be these days.

    20. Veiny breasts.

    21. Bad lip jobs, which more or less appears to be every lip job. Don’t know what it is about permanentduck status, but I like it.

    22. A woman with a round, potbelly. Not necessarily pregnant, but also not necessarily not pregnant. Aslong as the look is there, baby or not it reels me in.

    23. Nerds. Not just scantily clad, big, black frame glasses wearing chicks, but legitimate nerds. The ones

    that know HTML and can recap season a random season three episode of  Naruto.

    24. Military women. We always hear about ‘men in uniform’ being considered attractive, but a lady insome camouflage makes me feel all tingly.

    25. Clumsiness. Like a mild, woman version of Steve Urkel. Tripping, spilling things, knocking stuff over. Weird, but I like it.

    26. Giant ears that hold back a bunch of her hair.

    27. Sweaty girls at the gym. Not glistening, but drenched.

    28. Fiveheads. Maybe Rihanna triggered this for me? I don’t know, but I’ve dated like, three straight girlswith large foreheads.

    29. Back hair, but like, not a beastly amount. That fuzz on women’s lower back is sexy though.

    30. LOUD laughers. The kind that’s beyond infectious, but closer to annoying to most people. Well yeahfor some reason they catch my eye… Or ear, I suppose.

    31. Bouncy hair.

    32. This is going to sound crazy, but girls who joke about poop and gross stuff. A good sense of pottyhumor or at least being open about burps, farts and the sounds our bodies make is a nice change fromthose who treat it like an unspeakable subject.

    33. This is going to sound terrible, but co-dependence. In that need to needed sort of way.

    34. I always find myself being attracted to ladies with crooked teeth, especially the bottom ones!

    35. I recently saw my best friend’s girlfriend’s friend hook up an entire TV system. I was going to help but she insisted she had it under control. Within 20 minutes she had mounted a TV, sorted through thecords of an Xbox360 & a cable box, and had the entire thing up and running. So, I guess seeing a woman

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    handle things that are traditionally done by a man.

    36. Thigh gaps. Wait, are thigh gaps a common thing to like or no? I don’t know. Thigh gaps or pricklylegs. Actually, body hair in general I’m a fan of.

    37. Scars and the explanation of how she got those scars. 9/10 it’s a fairly interesting story.

    38. Big hands, or more specifically, long, skinny fingers. Also, cold or moist hands.

    39. Potty mouths. A lot of people I know are turned off by women who drop f-bombs or whatever but Icould watch Chelsea Handler go on explicit rants all day.

    40. Super pale skin.

    41. Smokers, but that’s probably because my family smoked my entire life and while I don’t, I might belike a secondhand addict or something.

    42. Braces. If you knew about my childhood crush on Eliza Thornberry, this would make so much sense.

    43. Awkward chicks that are so uncomfortable, I’m the calm one for a change. It’s like, oh, so this iswhat being the normal one feels like.

    44. Being really cheap. I’m a frugal dude so if she’s financially conscious and like, willing to be thriftywith me, I dig that.

    45. Big gums.

    46. Baby teeth.

    47. Lisps.

    48. So not like intense acne, but for some strange reason I like a few blemishes and spots. Maybe becauseit just shows that she’s human or something?

    49. Bowlegged girls do it for me.

    50. I just had a talk the other day about how much I love double chins and I can’t figure out why, but Idefinitely do.

    51. Boob sweat. One woman’s annoyance is another man’s strange pleasure.

    52. Priers because I’m a really closed off person and it takes a persistent girl to basically force feelings

    and stuff out of me.

    53. Extreme sarcasm – like, to the point where it’s debatable if she loves me or completely hates myexistence.

    54. Really good handwriting which I know sounds stupid and weird, but I’ve always been fascinated byquality penmanship.

    55. Forehead veins.

    56. Girls with jawlines like Olivia Wilde.

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    01/02/2016 60 U ncom mon Thi ngs M en Find Attr acti ve About W om en | Thought C atal og 8

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    359 Comments 1


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    • •


    40. I have an amazing chemistry with super pale girls ... don't know why really ... am i the only


    • •

    alex  • 


    • •

    watsryt  • 

    this whole article is retarded

    • •

    br e  • 

    This is so not all though but most

    • •

    Miranda Johnson  • 

    can i have Mr. #19?

    • •

    bre  • 


    • •

    Lynnrd  • 

    I have lived in a major beach city and have spent all my life trying to keep my skin creamy and

    soft instead of faux dark with the texture of leather. I still like my creamy skin.

    • •

    Ash  • 

    "Super pale skin" is unattractive? Is this a joke? I've never heard anyone say they didn't like

    pale skin on a girl.

    • •

    sarah  • 

     Actually, I've been told by many guys that I'm too pale and I look sick. women also tell

    me this. When I was in school, I was bullied for being, essentially, well- WHITE! I am

    very white and I was bullied for it and often I am told it is unsexy and gross haha.

    However sometimes I feel like telling a white Caucasian person (hints the name) that

    they should "get darker" is like telling an African American to "get lighter". It's rude.

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    • •

    ac84  • 

    you didn't read the article clearly enough

    It says things guys find attractive

    • •

    Shannon  • 

    It says "UNCOMMON" things men find attractive, uncommon meaning not manypeople do, and also meaning most guys find it unattractive.

    • •

    Jay  • 

    These dudes are awesome!

    • •

    Kendra Frazier   • 

    guys please make note these are different men he interviewed not the authorspreferences....smh.

    • •

    Guest  • 

    ...I am nearly all these things except my eyes go outward a little than crossed haha but I agree,

    I think crossed eyes are adorable. Also I think this sort of sounds untrue. My boyfriend hasn't

    exactly said he likes these things :p

    • •

    Samantha  • 

    I don't understand the AOL email one?

    • •

    Nadia  • 

    Because no one uses AOL anymore. If she still has AOL, it means she has stayed loya

    while everyone else ditched their AOL.

    • •

    Samantha  • 

    Lol oh I had a feeling but wasn't sure. I remember those AOl days

    G  • 

    ... has anyone else already pointed out that 100% of these responses are related to a physical

    attribute? Furthermore, there are ZERO responses listed that are related to non-physical

    characteristics, like intelligence, compassion, generosity, moral values, passion, etc. This list is

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    • •

    merely representative of heterosexual men who have fetishistic preferences for superficial

    physical attributes in female partners. There isn't anything profound or unique about that. Also,

    what demographic was sampled for this "study"? Country/state/city/region/ethnicity/religious

    affiliation/class/education level? All of these factors need to be considered before this "study"

    can be evaluated as credible in any way. Also, "50" people is s very small sample for this type

    of sociological study.

    • •

    Wait wait wait  • 

    I counted, there's about 23 that's not related to any physical attribute. One in 3. Plus,

    you don't know how the question was phrased to the sample so ha!!! Let's ask girls the

    same question and check the percentage too!!!

    • •

    Sam  • 

    Number 23 has more to do with personality traits and intelligence. I think if you look a

    little closer I think you will find a lot of them do.

    • •

    Karl Jung  • 

    Nothing is 100% anything. If you really read the article you would have realized some of 

    the responses imply personality characteristics, values, etc. Quit hating on the article

    and hate on western socialization.

    • •

    Kendra Frazier   • 

    I don't think it's a study

    • •

    R  • 

    Wow. Where are some of these guys at and why don't they live where I live?

    • •

    Jay Rulon  • 

    This was written as a joke right? Oh wait I get it the guy who wrote it is a virgin so he finds

    everything and anything on a women attractive.

    • •

    HurpDurp  • 

    If you actually read the first few sentences, you'd see that these were answers from

    over 50 men. It's not one guy's preferences.

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    • •

    Billocles  • 

    This was written by a super beta male or super trendy feminist one, I know it says uncommon,

    but give me a break

    • •

    Wof   • 

    I like imperfections.

    Like stretch marks, acne, and stuff. Not an excessive amount, tho.

    I also like chubbiness. hnnng... chubby people...

    • •

    coucou  • 

    I find this to be a very oddly honest and adorable list, it kind of shows how not all women have

    to comply with 'the list of perfection in every aspect' of the 21st century.

    • •

    RaspNO  • 

    Rasspy voice? Fuck no. That is usually indicative of a smoker.

    • •

    Amuuu  • 

    He likes smokers though, it's right there on the list

    • •

    Sasha Skyy  • Um nope sorry. Some like myself have just have had a raspy voice their entire life.. And

    guys do indeeed dig It. They love that's shit

    • •

    ShortTheMarket  • 

    ugh. all the people commenting on here are women, and i wouldn't be the least surprised if this

    "survey" consisted solely of female responses (or even made up responses by the "author").

    hey, traffic is traffic and the more participants on this page the merrier.

    the thing i find the most attractive of a woman is her determination to consume commercialproducts that promise(mislead millions of consumerist women) to make even the least

    appealing person ever more so enticing.

    i absolutely love frivolousness! it is so charming and cute! so go on now! save up your monies

    and travel to the nearest cosmetic store and (literally) make yourself up. :)

    M3  • 

    This list does not speak to me. There's a mix of thing here i find attractive and things i find

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    • •


    Guess if you're a guy with no options.. you'll just accept everything in the hopes that something

    with a pulse rescues you from your scary life of being alone.

    But then this article should be rewritten to be called:

    "60 Uncommon Things Christopher Hudspeth Finds Attractive About Any Women"

    • •

    K  • 

     As a straight guy with a long dating history, I can assure you that there's some guy out there

    who finds a woman attractive no matter what she's got going on. I can be paradoxical: I LOVE

    very thin women with almost no boobs, AND I love big, curvy women (the current love of my

    life is big and curvy). I also love big noses, especially on really thin women. Gap teeth, thigh

    gaps and extreme nerdiness---all turn-ons for me. If a woman can talk to me about whether a

    TIE fighter really could or could not do what Darth Vader's ship does---instant love!! And any

    great talent---whether a woman is Joyce Carol Oates, Tori Amos or Rhonda Rousey---makesup for any unattractive physical traits.

    • •

    a  • 

    only true when the girls are pretty

    • •

    Zay • 

    My big hands/ long fingers and front teeth gap are two things that makes me self-consciouseveryday.. It's good to know that not everyone feels the same way as I do..

    • •

    A  • 

    What the fuck kind of weirdos did you interview? This must have been done in California

    • •

    Kevin  • 

    I'm wondering the same shit. Some made up BS list.

    • •

    getyourshittogetherrrrr   • 

    Okay, he likes thigh gaps and stretchmarks!?!?

    SaveTheMinions  • 

    ok, except some few points (big ears or back hair for instance), I'm basically your perfect


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    01/02/2016 60 U ncom mon Thi ngs M en Find Attr acti ve About W om en | Thought C atal og 14

    • •


    • •

    Matt  • 

    I think the author is retarded. He likes lips that looks like a duck's ass? what the shit man?

    veiny breasts?

    that's pretty rank

    • •

    Guest  • 

    It's okay, man. There is something for everyone. In your case, all the magazines in the

    convenience stores in the wrappers on the top shelves are just for dudes like you. The

    women have all their imperfections airbrushed out, and then, they are photoshopped to

    bits so any semblance of being human is thoroughly erased. You can also rest assured

    that there is something about you that many women out there will find unbearable. Veiny

    breasts quite possibly kept you alive as a baby if mom breastfed you. Just saying.

    • •

    LM  • 

    Everyone seems so surprised by these but they are incredibly normal, we are being so

    conditioned by society to think that normal isn't sexy and sexy is what's dictated in the

    magazines, it's nice to know that some men think way!

    • •

    lili  • 

    34, 35, 39

    • •

    india  • 

    Whsre are these men because I have several of these qualities!!

    • •

    Guest  • 

    They probably spend most of their time caring for Jesus' stable of unicorns.

    • •

    More Like 1 Out Of 1,000 Men  • 

    I have a thigh gap, visible clavicles, awkward tendencies around guys, acne/acne scars, scars

    because I'm too fucking clumsy, stretch marks from a huge weight loss and I'm one of those

    emotionally unstable, crazy chicks. Do I win a prize for having a lot of things men find

    attractive? No. Ok :/


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    Load more comments

    • •

    Dez  • 

    I hear you on that! As flattering as this list sounds, sometimes women just don't believe

    it and men don't go for it. Also, let's commiserate on the acne. Adult acne is the worse.

    • •

    Kmart  • 

    He's pretty much saying he finds something in all women attractive. As should they.

    • •

    liv  • 

    Kick ass

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