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6 Impossible Things

Apr 06, 2016




Alice in Wonderland Themed Birmingham Food Magazine.
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Lost & Found jekyll & hyde

Ostrich Burger mr singhs

Meers shisha Heavenly desserts

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1 '’Begin at the beginningand go on till youcome to the end :then stop

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1 '’Begin at the beginningand go on till youcome to the end :then stop

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Full Size spread illustration

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he wheels on the bus go round and round was all Al could think of during

his daily bus journey through Birming-ham. the same boring procedure every day, staring aimlessly as the city scenery. if only some entertainment could come into his life. in the next instance Al was perhaps going to regret those thoughts as the bus hit a sudden bump in the road causing him to jolt forward. when he managed to read-just in his seat, there in front of his eyes in was a rabbit staring intently at his pocket watch. now this was certainly something

different to Al’s ordinary days and it was about to get a lot

more extraordinary.

Lost & Found

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The interior is definitely what stood out to me in the Lost and Found. It used to be an actual Lost and

Found Bank but now it’s turned into a vintage style pub/diner with quirky decoration like plant hanging upside

down and random gardening equipment hung on the walls.

It even has a secret room, which you can book that is located behind a bookshelf.

The flavours of the food would melt together so well it created the ultimate dish. Warm, gooey, cheesy goodness on a mushroom topped with fresh herbs

to give your taste buds that fresh kick afterwards. Good service and

premium quality food.

The interior is definitely what stood out to me in the Lost and Found. It used to be an actual Lost and

Found Bank but now it’s turned into a vintage style pub/diner with quirky decoration like plant hanging upside

down and random gardening equipment hung on the walls.

It even has a secret room, which you can book that is located behind a bookshelf.

The flavours of the food would melt together so well it created the ultimate dish. Warm, gooey, cheesy goodness on a mushroom topped with fresh herbs

to give your taste buds that fresh kick afterwards. Good service and

premium quality food.


In a flash the rabbit was up on his feet and hopping down the bus to get off. without hesitation Al fol-

lowed for when else would one be able to find a rabbit on a bus and especially

one with a pocket watch. as the bus doors open the rabbit hopped out and

disappeared into the ground.

Al became started and didn’t know whether to go or stay on the bus. but with the cue of people behind him wanting to get off he had no other

choice and reluctantly got off the bus too. All too quick everything became

dark and Al noticed he was now falling and picking up some incredible speed.

on and on Al fell until he crashed into a chair.

In a flash the rabbit was up on his feet and hopping down the bus to get off. without hesitation Al fol-

lowed for when else would one be able to find a rabbit on a bus and especially

one with a pocket watch. as the bus doors open the rabbit hopped out and

disappeared into the ground.

Al became started and didn’t know whether to go or stay on the bus. but with the cue of people behind him wanting to get off he had no other

choice and reluctantly got off the bus too. All too quick everything became

dark and Al noticed he was now falling and picking up some incredible speed.

on and on Al fell until he crashed into a chair.


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'’We’re all mad here’’2

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'’We’re all mad here’’2

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double spread photo/illustration?

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text - dark space on image?

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Shortly, Al was the first at the hut and looked back to see where the others were. he had managed to reach the

hut so fast he had left the competition strand-ed and so decided to climb on into the hut to

find his answers."Customer! Customer! Please try this!"

Shrieked the Ostrich.And rammed an ostrich burger into his mouth. Before Al could even object he be-came lost in the rich flavour of the burger. Al finished scoffing the burger down and

licked his fingers clean of all the juices."How was the burger?" Asked the Ostrich.

And before Al could reply "Payment please!" demanded the ostrich, cut-

ting Al off. Al stuff his hands in his pocket hoping

he had some money. as the ostrich saw Al's hand come reveal to be emp-

ty the ostrich struck Al in the air with his leg and sent him fly-

ing, and not for the first time today.

The ostrich burger stand in Birming-ham is hidden in its own little hut amongst the large skyscrapers of the

city and easy to go unnoticed. But, if you do manage to find it then you are in for a lux-urious treat. Not being the most vegetarian friendly place, or for those who prefer there cute ostriches alive, it offers a variety of un-commonly found meats. Ostrich, Kangaroo and Alpaca being freshly cooked in front of your eyes on the fiery stove of the chef you have the additional options of cheese and

onions for your burger of decadence.

The meats are all of a large steak size and pack a real punch for all meat lovers. The ostrich is tender and very textured but full of raw meat flavour. If you like any other kind of meat then this is a contender for you. However, unless your intent of engorging

on 2 of these burgers at once you're go-ing to be left a bit empty as meat and buns

aren’t going to fill you, especially with no added dishes such as chips. Yet it is certain-

ly worth a quick snack as an alterna-tive to Greggs.


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3 '’If you don’

t know

where you are

going, any road will

get you there

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3 '’If you don’

t know

where you are

going, any road will

get you there

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through the air

yet again Al couldn’t make sense

of what was to become of him. as he was airborne

he noticed a stream of smoke coming from a chimney. if Al was ever to find Birmingham again, per-

haps someone causing the smoke could help, and so he aimed towards the chimney

and was luckily able to slip down. Crash! was the sound Al made as landed onto

the floor. fortunately he wasn’t hurt yet he couldn’t help but to cough at his first breath

of the smoke filled environment. in his next breath Al began to inhale the smoke

and noticed the rich flavours of wa-termelon and apple and a variety

of other tastes. Al began to enjoy where he now was

as it was warm and full of exotic things.


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The walls and seats were decorat-ed with gorgeous fabrics and ex-travagant pieces of embroidery.

Al sat back down in to a comfortable bean bag when he noticed a large mush-room in the corner of the room. upon it was a tall caterpillar inhaling deep from a hookah placed at his side. “i know why you here Al, you have lost your way but you will soon find it, all you need is to place your lips on the hookah pipe and

a smile will lead the way.”without hesitation Al grabbed the

hookah placed near him and inhaled as instructed. more and more Al

sucked in until his head was full of foreign flavours and out he

breathed. as the smoke left his mouth in it appeared

bright blue eyes fol-lowed by a wide grin.

as the rest of smoke dispersed to reveal

a cat its only whis-pered “follow

me” and off it pounced with

Al hot on its heels.


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The Shisha was a much different experience to anywhere else in Birmingham or anywhere

else in England. If your already of the middle east it might be a bit of a bore, but for other cultures it is defi-nitely a new experience. The interior gives a great relevant to the culture in which it is based from and helps adding to the atmosphere. The food sticks to the middle eastern theme with meals ranging from curries to baklava. They have a great selec-tion of desserts with freshly made ice cream milkshakes coming in the standard flavours but great for those

who like the simple things.

However the main attraction doesn’t fail to disappoint with the hoo-ka coming in a variety of flavors ranging from watermelon to cus-tard. With one hooka lasting for roughly an hour for four people it is definitely a place to go with a group of friends, but only if they don’t mind taking in the hooka. If you’re not one for smoking it’s not that great of an experience, al-though you can be seated in a separate

area to where the hooka smokers

are, its seri-ously im-

pairs the experi-



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Al chased the cat through alleys and roads and over nearly all of Birmingham, until the cat stopped at the door of a certain store. As Al caught up, he could only

watch as the cat jumped into the door and disappeared back into smoke leaving the words

"We're all mad here" Left confused by his words, Al had no option

other than to try going through the door.

Jekyll & Hyde Bar

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As he entered the store he had no-ticed a huge party was taking place and all the other animals

were here too, along with the rabbit and a new person Al hadn’t met before.He wore a huge purple hat and sat at the top of the table which filled the room. Al saw that perfectly spread across the table was a diverse collection of cocktails, all placed in exquisite ornament glasses. for there were bath tubs and watering cans

and even jars.

The man in the purple hat looked up and said “Oh, it is you! The friend of the cat! You must have plenty of questions and all will be answered. But first, we must play

the game of the Mad Hatter”Once he finished all the animals were on their feet and running around to a new seat dragging Al along. At his new seat, Al found he had been given a drink, It was full to the brim with sweets and ice and he downed it in delight. Before he could place the drink down the Mad Hatter shouted “Round 2” and everyone

was back on their feet.

The food at Jekyll & Hyde’s appears to be simple at first with such usu-al pub food like burgers and chips

however the tastes are much more rich than you might expect after your first bite. The flavours are intense with a variety of spices but not overwhelming enough to distract from the meat flavour. As for the chips they are freshly fried and decorated with sea salt giving a much more refreshing take on the usual pub


The drinks are where Jekyll and hyde really excels though with the variety of sweet influenced cocktails. They come in quirky little sweet jars to further this feel of being in a sweet shop in comparison to a regular dark pub. The drinks even come complemented with the sweets that inspire them such as actual bon-bons in the lemon cocktail and a honey comb in

the toffee honey cocktail.

Story Review

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'’why, sometimes i’ve believed as many as

six impossible

before breakfast '’things


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'’why, sometimes i’ve believed as many as

six impossible

before breakfast '’things


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As Al walked down the narrow path shown to him by the Mad Hatter, he noticed a variety of plants just up ahead. Not far in front was the cat again and Al began

to run to reach him. "I see you've managed to enjoy your mad-ness. Well, there's not long to go now. All you need to do is meet the Queen. Fol-

low me and I shall take you there".

Al followed the grinning cat and found himself in the most beautiful garden ever. There were a vast range of

flowers and vegetable surrounding him in all directions. "You must eat the vegetable if you want to meet the Queen"

Insisted the cat.

Mr Singhs

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Extremely fresh, top quality, affordable vegetarian food. Lo-cation wasn’t great but the

freshly baked cheesy oven pizza made up for that.

I can see this place being a go-to for vegetarians who are wanting some comfort-ing fast-food. They offer everything from pizzas to wraps and have an array of side orders.


So Al picked up the first vegetable he could reach and took a huge bite out of it. Amazing! Was all

Al could think. It was sweet and juicy, the best pepper he had ever tasted.

”HALT!” Demanded the card shaped guard.

In an instant a fifty two cards sur-rounded Al demanding to know why he was in the garden. Al tried to look for the cat for help but he had run off

laughing. Al had been tricked!

“It does not matter why he is here, arrest him and off with his head, he has trespassed in the royal gar-

den!” screamed the queen. Before Al could argue he was

placed in chains and dragged off to the courtroom to

await trial.

Story Review

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'’Oh, i’ve had such

a wonderful dream’’6

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'’Oh, i’ve had such

a wonderful dream’’6

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As Al was brought into the court-room his nose was tickled with the smell of the various pastry and

cakes which were scattered across the room. he was so interested he had forgotten all about where he was. yet he was soon re-minded as soon the judge be-gan to speak. “we are here to see out the trial of Al, who is charged with entering the royal garden. what does the defendant have to say for

himself?” asked the judge.Al began to open his mouth but

he was cut off by the screech-ing noise of “guilty!” from the queen.

all the audience began to cheer and Al became very scared, for nothing he could

say would change the minds of so many people. “pardon me” declared the white

rabbit as he came hopping up to the stand.

Heavenly Deserts

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“My friend here, Al, is innocent and I shall prove it! All he needs is to eat the cake and then we will see if he is guilty or not” said the rabbit. Hurriedly the guards brought over a

cake to Al. it was covered in thick chocolate sauce and began to make Al’s mouth water. But, all too soon he realised that he was given the cake that would prove him guilty! As he looked around anxiously for some way out of this he caught eyes with the rabbit who only but winked to reassure Al.

Al took a deep breath and took his first bite of the cake. It was an in-tense flavour of chocolate and Al felt like he had heaven in his mouth. It was so good he didn’t want to swallow but as he did, his body be-

gan to grow and grow. He grew so big he broke out of the hand cuffs and carried on growing. He broke

out of the roof of the courtroom and all the little creatures and guards were hang-

ing on to him. Al was panicking and screaming as he kept growing and

then he opened his eyes. there Al was, on the bus in Birmingham,

going about his normal day.

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Their desserts were truly heavenly. It is surely a one-stop shop for someone with a sweet tooth. The menu was a

novel of all kinds of desserts it was almost difficult to decide which to choose. The dish itself was decadent. I indulged in a dessert that had soft freshly baked pancakes engulf-ing sweet, ripe bananas. The service was exceptional and our orders came quick. A definite recommendation for someone who

enjoys a quality dessert!


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