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Personal Astrology Reading Adam Smith 3 December 2019 15:44:01 (GMT-5) New York, New York, USA (40°42'51"N 74°00'23"W) MOON DAY 8th Moon Day

5HDGLQJ - Fraternitas Saturni · 2019. 12. 3. · )luvw 4xduwhu 0rrq,i \rx zhuh eruq gxulqj wkh )luvw 4xduwhu 0rrq skdvh \rx duh dfwlrq rulhqwhg kdyh ohdghuvkls txdolwlhv dqg wkh

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Page 1: 5HDGLQJ - Fraternitas Saturni · 2019. 12. 3. · )luvw 4xduwhu 0rrq,i \rx zhuh eruq gxulqj wkh )luvw 4xduwhu 0rrq skdvh \rx duh dfwlrq rulhqwhg kdyh ohdghuvkls txdolwlhv dqg wkh

Personal Astrology ReadingAdam Smith

3 December 2019 15:44:01 (GMT-5)New York, New York, USA (40°42'51"N 74°00'23"W)

MOON DAY8th Moon Day

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First Quarter MoonIf you were born during the First Quarter Moon phase, you are action oriented, have leadership qualities and the ability to get results. You are inclined to push too hard to achieve your ideals.In general, the First Quarter Moon signals a period of accelerated growth. Life is full of activity, organisation, enthusiasm and drive; it is the time when Will can be put into action. Here is the energy and empowerment to build the foundation for one's dreams. Of course decisions have to be made and fears dealt with, but now is the time to move ahead.If you are a farmer or gardener, this is the time to plant annuals that produce their yield above the ground, particularly leafy plants that produce their seed on the outside of the fruit. Examples are asparagus, Brussels sprouts, broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, celery, cress, endive, kohlrabi, lettuce, parsley, spinach, etc. Cucumbers do better in this quarter than the second, even though their seeds are inside the fruit; they are therefore an exception to this rule. This is also the time to plant cereals and grains.

Moon between 90° to 102° from the Sun. Indicates an anxious temperament; also the urge to search for one's identity, and the need to stand out from others. But there is a risk of instability, of being far too easily influenced by others and of a dubious morality.

SUNThe Sun represents our conscious awareness and our "life force". As such it relates to our self expression, our interaction with our environment, our sense of personal dignity and the ability to be in charge of ourselves, our environment and others. The placement of the Sun in a chart indicates the extent of your leadership qualities, creativity and spontaneity, and the quality of your health and vitality.

* 12th degree of SagittariusIn a curious allegorical transformation a flag becomes an eagle, and the eagle becomes chanticleer triumphant.Term Rulership: Venus * Face Rulership: Moon * Day Almuten: Jupiter - Night Almuten: JupiterReligion.A Masculine, Hollow and Dusky Degree, and a Degree of Increasing Fortune.UNIMPORTANT. 12° Sagittarius indicates usually a "run of the mill," undistinguished person who goes along and does his best, but who will not make an outstanding success in life.* Sun in VIIth HouseYou love a social life -- friends and relationships play a major role in your makeup. Close bonds (marriage, yoga) are very important to you.

* Sun in VIIth HouseTHE SUN IN THE SEVENTH HOUSE 7Partnerships are often unsuccessful because of the selfishness of the participants but he who has the Sun in the Seventh House will have no reason to complain in that respect for he will always attract someone with a high sense of honor when in need of a partner, and as marriage is the most intimate of all partnerships, the Sun in the Seventh House is a particularly fortunate position in that respect, because it will bring the person a mate who is absolutely steadfast and true, one who may indeed be depended upon as a helpmeet in all the exigencies and vicissitudes of life till death do part. As there is no earthly treasure equal to such an enduring love this is perhaps the best of all solar positions.Should the person be unfortunate enough to become involved in litigation the Sun in the Seventh House promotes the favor of the judge and a successful outcome.

* Sun in SagittariusYou are always out-front, frank, and even rough at times -- getting to the heart of any subject. On the move, you are a traveler of both the world and the mind -- philosophy and religion. Outgoing, friendly, and well-liked, you may enjoy sports and physical activity. Not petty, you like grand themes and big gestures.

* Sun in SagittariusTHE SUN IN SAGITTARIUSThis gives lofty ideas and a noble aspiring disposition aiming to rise by raising others. It makes the person benevolent, philanthropic and therefore beloved among his associates. He is often the recipient of honors and appointments to positions of trust, and missions of a delicate nature, not could a better selection be made, for such people are the souls of honor. This position will also bring success in religion, law and statesmanship for it gives an expansive mind fitted to grapple with the greater problems of life.

* Sun in DecanatesFrom the 1st to the 10th December, 2nd decanus of Sagittarius, under the lunar empire.A good sign-manual, supported by the Lords of the day. But Saturn gives excessive ambition, the Moon excessive pusillanimity, Mars excessive daring.

* Sun in DecanatesSagittarius 2Your Sun is in the Second Decanade of Sagittarius.Sagittarius is the ninth sign of the zodiac and is ruled by the planet Jupiter. Physically it is related to the pelvis, hips and

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thighs. It is considered masculine in nature, which means that it expresses its energy in an active manner. As a Fire sign, it is connected with the identity - specifically with the search to find a deeper meaning in life. It is therefore connected with religion and philosophy. As a Mutable sign, it expresses energy in a flexible and changeable manner, and with a certain restlessness or inconstancy. Sagittarius is depicted as the centaur archer, a mythical creature, half horse half man, who aims his arrow of wisdom to the heart of the matter. Sagittarius tends explore avenues that will ennoble the human spirit. On the other hand, Sagittarius can also be prone to go too far and too fast, but whatever the case, its Jupiterian energies encourage itself and others to see the best side of things. In addition, truthfulness, sincere motives and honest beliefs are strong ethical principles to which Sagittarians apply to themselves and which they also expect from others. Despite their positive outlook on life however, their idealism often causes them to get caught up in disputes; this particularly so because they have the unfortunate tendency to express their truth when it is not wanted. Their electric energies are prodigious but invariably decline when self-motivation and self-confidence become compromised. Sagittarians are eternal students who constantly seek to learn more. Not surprisingly, those born under the sign of the centaur are particularly interested in nature and in animals. Indeed, respect and care for all life forms can come to represent an ideal that Sagittarians feel all humans should emulate. Many Sagittarians will ultimately reject many of society's values in favour of higher truth. They must be careful however to maintain their tolerance and not condemn those who do not share their insights and beliefs. The Sagittarian love of movement and travel is legendary, but Sagittarians can be remarkably content to stay in one place when they find their groove. They will then comfortably explore the realms of thought and develop new and challenging projects, from within the confines their home. All in all, Sagittarians are rarely bored and will always be on the lookout for new ways to express themselves. There is a love of open horizons and travel and a need to expand on an inner intellectual level. There is an innate urge to rise from beyond the animal nature towards the divine, and impatience with the trivial issues of life, that can sometimes result in intolerance for the more mundane interactions between people.Sagittarius II has "The Originator" as its central image. Sagittarius II people are different and are not afraid to show it. One might say that the mold from which they came was broken after they were made. They are extremely difficult to categorize since each person belonging to this group is so highly individual. Most often, they themselves defy established rules of conduct and social codes. This is less out of rebelliousness than simply because they rarely think of doing something in any other way than their own; because of this it sometimes seems that Sagittarius II's are incapable of being anything other than themselves. Consequently, if they make things difficult for others, this is usually completely unintended. Such individualistic and highly original people are not always easy to live with, particularly as they usually expect others to understand their often-intricate thought processes and highly unconventional behaviour. Since they generally dislike any form of compromise and do not care to make excuses for their principles, lifestyles or personal decisions to anyone, Sagittarius II's can experience a considerable amount of conflict and perhaps rejection, not only in personal relationships but also in their careers. The key to their success is, whether they have the tenacity to keep going despite their difficulties. Perhaps those born under Sagittarius II can find success by associating with those who do appreciate them and through seeking out mates and occupations that suite their unusual nature. The majority of Sagittarius II's are interested in advancing themselves. Some born in this period simply give up their worldly goals, perhaps early in life, and cease caring about approval and recognition. Paradoxically, these same people are often fated for success and will be propelled forward whether they like it or not by circumstances and events outside of their control. It is also not uncommon for a hard-working Sagittarius II to finally give up on ever making it and then, just after that achieve the success they had been striving for.The great challenge for Sagittarius II is to try to mix a little more with fellow humans and to be prepared to do what others do from time to time. The best advice to give a Sagittarius II native is to avoid driving themselves into a corner by believing that no one can understand them. Make an effort to let others into your private world. Resist turning off to life: keep things fresh while renewing your commitment.

* Square Sun - Moon ( 85.4°)There is a lack of harmony between your environment and your ambitions. What you need most is not always at hand to make the kind of progress you envision. Or, when the support is there, you can't get the instruction or direction you require. You may have forgotten where it was you wanted to get to, sort of "all dressed up, but which way to go?" It could be historical, too, as simple as being torn between your mother and your father -- a struggle between that which seeks to nurture you (and perhaps baby you) and your ambitions -- a need to succeed and be all that you can be.

* Square Sun - Neptune ( 94.6°)You find yourself fighting to realize your ambitions amidst a sea of fuzzy dreams. A fear of letting go (and trusting the more mystical side of yourself) keeps you hard at it. You can't seem to let yourself dream a little, don't trust your own idealizations, and struggle between your sense of ideals and your more realistic ambitions. Your practical concerns with getting ahead and fulfilling your ambitions tend to ignore your more deep-rooted ideals and dreams. You may not trust those in authority.

* Sun to midpoint Mercury/JupiterA good intellect, wealth of ideas, talkativeness. Success in one's vocation. An orator with expressive gestures, an actor.

MOONThe Moon represents your emotional make-up, unconscious habits, rhythms, memories and moods, and your ability to react and adapt to those around you. It is also associated with nurturing instincts, your home, your need for security, and the past; and especially relates to your relationship with your mother, your early life experiences and your childhood.

* 7th degree of Pisces

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Over the strewn and irregular masses of stone at the shore is low-lying fog, but on one rock a cross rests.Term Rulership: Venus * Face Rulership: Saturn * Day Almuten: Venus - Night Almuten: Venus*STAUNCH. 7° Pisces denotes one who is steadfast in his views and efforts, even though they may come to naught or remain unappreciated by those whom he helps and advises.* Moon in XIth HouseYou need to be part of a group and draw strength and encouragement from your friends and acquaintances. Working with others, especially on community or humanitarian efforts, is perfect for you. You grow through making ideals real.

* Moon in XIth HouseTHE MOON IN THE ELEVENTH HOUSE if well-aspected gives many friends especially among women, but if she is afflicted those who come to the person under the guise of friendship do so in the hope that he may be of benefit to them.

* Moon in PiscesThe world is a sacred place to you, and you have an absolute commitment to spiritual ideas. Intuition is a fact of life, and you are sensitive, kind, and gentle. A romantic too, with a tender heart. You always work for a real future, doing what has to be done. You love all that is musical and artistic. You have sensitivity to all that is psychic. You have real faith.

* Moon in PiscesTHE MOON IN PISCES gives a receptive mind and a fertile imagination with a disposition to indolence and self-pity, vacillation and faint-heartedness, makes one fond of creaming rather than acting, therefore sorrow, trouble and self-undoing beset the path in life. This position not infrequently leads to mediumship, especially if Neptune is in adverse aspect, for these people are peculiarly sensitive to the flattery of spirit-controls and love anything that will stir their emotions. They are also very wordy in their expressions. If a good aspect from Venus and Mercury enables them to take up music they play with extraordinary inspiration and feeling. If the Moon is afflicted in Pisces love-affairs are apt to bring the person into trouble. If Pisces is in the Twelfth House and the Moon there at birth this will give a liability on the part of the parents to drink and thus to neglect their children who may then become the wards of charitable institutions until they reach maturity.

* Sextile Moon - Venus ( 57.0°)A born charmer with an innate love and appreciation for other people, especially children. A sense of color, of music and all of the arts -- the beautiful and the comfortable. Always welcome in a group, you are a connoisseur of things bright and kind.

* Trine Moon - Mars (117.1°)You find it easy to work with other people and tend to pour a lot of energy into those around you. Your home and surroundings reflect this. When it comes to teaching or coaching younger people, you are a natural, always able to motivate and inspire others. With your powerful spirit, you enjoy your strong emotions and have an active social life as well.

* Sextile Moon - Uranus ( 56.5°)The life of the party, able to loosen up even the most sober. Great at bringing out the best qualities of others, discovering hidden talents. New and innovative ideas regarding the social scene. Spontaneous, on the move. Independent.

* Moon to midpoint Venus/UranusSudden excitement of fulfilment of one's needs in love, in sex, in the arts. Birth.

MERCURYMercury represents the principles of communication, mentality, thinking patterns, rationality and reasoning; and adaptability and variability. Mercury also relates to your schooling and education. In addition, the placement of this planet points to your relationship with those in your immediate environment, such as your siblings, cousins and neighbors. Mercury also relates to your short journeys; and to your communicating and information gathering skills, and your physical dexterity.

* 23rd degree of ScorpioA little white rabbit rests contentedly in his cage; before the eyes he metamorphoses into an elf in a fairy glade.Term Rulership: Mercury * Face Rulership: Venus * Day Almuten: Mars - Night Almuten: MarsFaith. A military degree.A Hollow Degree.FORTUNATE. 23° Scorpio denotes one who is usually just plain lucky, but also one who knows what to do with "Lady Luck" when she smiles upon him. This is a critical degree and the fixed star Agena is here also.* Mercury in VIth HouseYou are skilled at using your mind in an analytical manner, always discriminating. An expert at quality control, you can spot the bad apples every time. You may be skillful when it comes to health-related matters (mental or physical).

* Mercury in VIth HouseMERCURY IN THE SIXTH HOUSE makes the mentality too active for the person's own good, for he is extremely ambitious and therefore liable to over-tax himself to the detriment of his health, and the disability of the nervous system is most likely to express itself by a digestive disorder in the region governed by Virgo, the sixth sign, viz., the intestines. Such people are supersensitive to the conditions of others which affects their health bringing much trouble and worry in dealing

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with servants and subordinates. They are fond of the study of hygiene and diet and meet with considerable success in the practice of the chemistry of foods, particularly if Mercury is well-aspected. Adverse aspects of Saturn to a Sixth House Mercury make a chronic invalid of a most melancholy mind. The adverse aspects of Mars and Uranus are fruitful sources of suicide through brooding over disease.

* Mercury in ScorpioThe original Sherlock Holmes, you are able to ferret out information and all kinds of secrets. You are research-oriented and security minded. A shrewd and penetrating mind, you have great psychological instincts and are able to get at the causes beneath the surface of life.

* Mercury in ScorpioMERCURY IN SCORPIO gives a shrewd mind, a keen aspiration, a quick wit and a sharp tongue with biting sarcasm that can sting like the scorpion. The disposition is bold and stubborn, headstrong and difficult to get along wit. But these people are extremely resourceful, dauntless, and able to overcome difficulties which would crush others. They are attracted to the occult, as a needle is drawn to a magnet. When Mercury is afflicted they are subject to disappointment in everything they undertake, quarrelsome, skeptical and cynical, always holding opposite views to others.

* Sextile Mercury - Saturn ( 55.9°)A real problem-solver, the more tedious the better. Able to reduce any subject matter to the bare bones. Heavy-duty thinker. Could be very serious or philosophical. Enjoy study and thought. Very methodical and practical in approach.

* Sextile Mercury - Pluto ( 59.2°)Penetrating, probing mind that is good for research. Can see far beyond normal concepts in areas of religion and psychology. Always want to get to the bottom of things, get under or beyond the superficial. A sense of the eternal.

* Conjunction: Unukalhai (24 Alpha Serpentis m 2.65) - Mercury (orb 0°0'17"),UnukalhaiKeywords: Success followed by fall, suicide, insanity, accidents, success in war, politics, writing, problems in love, forgery, shipwreck, loss, earthquakeEffect: UnfortunateCharacter: Saturn/ Mars

VENUSVenus is associated with the principles of harmony, beauty, balance and affection, and the urge to sympathize and unite with others. It also relates to one's focus on pleasure and sensuality; and to the desire for personal possessions, comfort, and ease. Venus is the indicator of the nature and quality of your romantic relationships, marriage, sex and business partnerships. The placement of Venus also indicates your interest in the arts, fashion and social life.

* 10th degree of CapricornOn the deck of an old fashioned sailing ship seamen are taming an albatross that feeds from their hand.Term Rulership: Mercury * Face Rulership: Jupiter * Day Almuten: Mars & Saturn - Night Almuten: Mars & SaturnDegree of history.A Light Degree.RESTRICTED. 10° Capricorn denotes one who is restricted or confined in some way, either physically or mentally. Sometimes confined in the sense of a single line of thought or work.* Venus in VIIIth HouseYou don't care much for the superficial. You appreciate getting past the surface and down to the heart--the bare bones of the matter. This could make you a very shrewd and discriminating business person. You value passion in a relationship. VE 08

* Venus in VIIIth HouseVENUS IN THE EIGHTH HOUSE will bring gain by marriage, partnership or legacy if it is well aspected, but if it is afflicted it brings loss and disappointment in love, or an extravagant marriage partner, and legal trouble over a will.

* Venus in CapricornYou are in love with what's practical, right down to the last detail. You appreciate tradition and ceremony and are a conservative in all things. You are loyal, seldom emotional, and always proper, even too serious. Cool cucumber. You like to be in control.

* Venus in CapricornVENUS IN CAPRICON, the Tenth House sign, gives social success and popularity, but Venus does not blend well with Saturn, the ruler of Capricorn. There is therefore a slight tendency to melancholy in people who have Venus in that position, Nor are they ever secure in the favors which they receive from other people or in their popularity, for Saturn has a tendency to throw them down when they have reached the highest pinnacle. Therefore, though this influence may help them to climb the ladder of advancement in social circles or in business they are never safe in their position. This influence makes a person very jealous of honor and he takes it to heart when sometimes Saturn throws him down. Venus in Saturn's sign often causes the person to disregard the fact that disparity in ages is so fatal to happiness in marriage and hence if he marries young he

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takes someone who is much older than himself for a partner or if married in later years he selects someone who is still in the bloom of youth with the almost inevitable result that disagreement and dissolution of the marriage tie take place in the course of a few years. Frequently also people with this position of Venus marry for business or as a matter of convenience. In short Venus never reaches her legitimate expression of love in Saturn's House and therefore such unions are always a source of sorrow and disappointment to the contracting parties.

* Sextile Venus - Mars ( 60.1°)All heart! Feelings are always out front and entirely natural. Love of action, motion (sports, physical, sex, and the like). An expert at matters of the heart. Children, animals, and all creative work get top billing. Always act on instinct, feelings.

* Venus to midpoint Jupiter/SaturnMaturation of romantic needs and projections; feeling a little older than one's age; a touch of reserve. A lack of endurance and constancy in love. Changing fortunes in love.

MARSThe placement of the planet Mars indicates the quality and extent of one's confidence, self-assertion, aggression, sexuality, energy, strength, ambition and impulsiveness. Mars indicates the focus you place on sports, competitions and physical activity in general. The influences of Venus and Mars are always related to each other and where Venus is the feminine aspect that provides the overall atmosphere of your personal environment, Mars is the passionate impulse to action, the masculine aspect that provides discipline, will-power and stamina.

* 10th degree of ScorpioA fellowship supper is served to a group of men brought together in reunion to live again in forgotten moments.Term Rulership: Jupiter * Face Rulership: Mars * Day Almuten: Mars - Night Almuten: MarsHomicide.A Hollow Degree and Fixed Sign Critical Degree. This is also the Twenty-fifth Degree of the Via Combusta. It is considered not safe to judge the Ascendant or any significator here. Any non-significator in the Via Combusta shows that the person associated with the House is inclined to encounters much misfortune, and if that planet has an major aspects to the Ascendant or the Significator, then it brings some concern to the Querent.RESTLESS. 10° Scorpio denotes one who tends to be dissatisfied with conditions as they are. May travel extensively. This is a critical degree.* Mars in VIth HouseYou are very motivated when it comes to matters of care and service -- taking care of details. You are up for any task that requires conservation -- separating the wheat from the chaff. An urge to salvage everything.

* Mars in VIth HouseMARS IN THE SIXTH HOUSE when well-aspected makes a quick, energetic worker who is likely to rise to prominent position in the employ of someone else, therefore the larger the firm in which he seeks employment the better. But he should not attempt to start in business for himself, for people with Mars in the Sixth House always succeed better when in the employment of someone else. This position also increases the vitality and should the person on account of other planetary configurations in the horoscope become subject to disease the dynamic energy and recuperative power of Mars will soon burn and leave it in better health than before. But a liability to trouble and quarrels with other employees or employer. Should the person be in the position of employer himself he will always be at a variance with his employees and subject to loss by theft and dishonesty through them. They will waste his goods and have no regard for his interests. An afflicted Mars in the Sixth House also gives a liability to fevers and inflammatory diseases, dangers of burns, scalds and gun-shots and accidents sustained in the course of employment.

* Mars in ScorpioYou possess a powerful, persistent drive and are a hard, steady worker. Others may find you deep, with a sense of mission and mystery. You are willing to do work others would not go near, quietly bending things to your will, having it your own way. You have strong sexual energy, too, and enjoy getting down to the nitty-gritty.

* Mars in ScorpioMARS IN SCORPIO when well-aspected gives a keen, sharp and forceful mentality, a rather blunt manner and an indifference to the finer sensibilities of others, consequently these people often make themselves disliked at first until others get used to them and realize that they are not such ogres as they seem. They are very ingenious and mechanical, with indomitable courage and inexhaustible energy which carry them over all obstacles whatever goal they set themselves. In this respect they are very selfish and ready to sacrifice whatever stands in their way. They make good police officers, soldiers and surgeons and are able to fill any other position where a dominant authority is required, or skill with sharp tools. In a woman's horoscope it shows that the husband has good earning capacity, but is rather too free and generous with his means. It also indicates the possibility of a legacy.When Mars is afflicted in Scorpio it brings out the worse side of the passional nature and leads the person into sex excesses or causes addiction to solitary vice that saps the vitality, and unless corrected it is liable to bring the person to an early grave. In a woman's horoscope it indicates that the husband will squander his money on gratification of self, also that parturition will be a dangerous event. In either sex Mars in Scorpio indicates a quarrelsome nature and a biting tongue.

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* Square Mars - X House ( 87.4°)You are very competitive -- even pushy -- when it comes to partners and other people. You have a great social drive and love to work in a group or with close friends.

JUPITERThe place that Jupiter occupies in the sky indicates your growth in general, and more specifically your prosperity and good fortune. Jupiter also points to long distance journeys and foreign travel. In addition it shows your involvement with higher education, religion, and the law. Jupiter traditionally indicates the quality and extent of your need for freedom and your desire to explore; while it also indicates your protective inclinations and the kind of roles you are likely to play in humanitarian endeavors. Jupiter is also associated with gambling and merrymaking.

* 1st degree of CapricornAn Indian chief is standing before the assembled pow-wow of tribes and demands recognition, coldly and regally.Term Rulership: Venus * Face Rulership: Jupiter * Day Almuten: Venus & Saturn - Night Almuten: SaturnThe Galactic Center. The most important point in astrology. Cusp of the Twenty-Second Lunar Mansion. An ambitious degree.A Cardinal Sign Critical Degree. Also, a planet in the first degree of a Sign indicates a phase of denouement, or entry into a new environment, fresh circumstances, etc.RELIGION. 1° Capricorn denotes one with whom religion plays a large part in the life, either through acceptance of a particular theology or rejection of theology and formulation of his own code. This is a critical degree.* Jupiter in VIIIth HouseYour life path involves cutting through appearances and superficialities and laying bare the reality of a situation. This could mean that the business world is an open book for you -- easy to read. Any career where you get through to what really is there.

* Jupiter in VIIIth HouseJUPITER IN THE EIGHTH HOUSE when well-aspected indicates financial gain by marriage, partnerships or legacy, but when weak or afflicted it indicates lawsuits and losses in connection with these matters. A well-aspected Jupiter in the Eighth House is also a sign of an easy and peaceful termination of the life when the full course has been run.

* Jupiter in CapricornThe perfect manager: conservative and professional in all things. Your career is all-important. A "doer," you are always practical. Never ruled by emotions, you are cool, capable, and competent. You are quick to get the outline or skeleton of a project, to see how things work.

* Jupiter in CapricornJUPITER IN CAPRICORN gives an ambitious nature, self-reliant and self-controlled with a desire to rise to a position of authority over others also the ability to dictate wisely and well. It gives a careful, economical disposition, and an abhorrence of waste; ingenuity, resourcefulness and some mechanical ability. These people are trust-worthy to a degree, sincere and honest in all their undertakings and hold every promise inviolate, therefore they usually rise to honor, esteem and general popularity. As already said their aim is to attain independence at the head of some business, but if they do not succeed in that and have to work for others they are best suited to be in the employ of the government, either municipal or national. On account of the implicit trust generated by their sterling characteristics of honesty, sincerity and faithfulness these people are often made the recipients of confidence from friends who feel the need of sharing their troubles with someone who can be depended upon either to give honest, disinterested advice or else to keep the secrets told then inviolate. If Jupiter is afflicted in Capricorn it makes a miser who will hoard all he can scrape together and deny himself all except the barest necessities and is consequently despised by all who know him.

* Trine Jupiter - Uranus (123.0°)You are independent and value freedom and nonconformity. A great problem-solver, you enjoy working out new solutions, trying new things. Your career will be anything but ordinary, and leave it to you to find unusual ways of supporting yourself. You bring a lot of mental skill and understanding to whatever you do, and could teach or help others to take a more independent approach to their life or career. You pursue electronics, computers, and the like.

* Jupiter to midpoint Sun/SaturnA phlegmatic temperament, a propensity to corpulence, happiness in solitude. Good fortune of a sick, old or serious person. A fortunate separation from somebody else.

SATURNSaturn's position in a chart indicates the quality and nature of the limitations, restrictions and boundaries encountered in life. It also points to one's ability to be practical, realistic and structured. Saturn governs one's ambition and career; and the authority, hierarchy and conforming social structures to be dealt with. Its placement shows the extent of one's sense of duty, discipline and responsibility, and one's physical and emotional endurance during hardships.

* 19th degree of CapricornA little miss of about five has gone to market with a huge shopping bag and is quite as adult as anybody.

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Term Rulership: Jupiter * Face Rulership: Mars * Day Almuten: Mars - Night Almuten: MarsExplosiveness.A Feminine and Light Degree.CONCEPTION. 19° Capricorn denotes one who is capable of conceiving and carrying out his ideas. This may be limited or profound, but he does have the perception and imagination to formulate them in the first place. The fixed star Deneb is here.* Saturn in IXth HouseReligion, philosophy, and truth are essential to your life. You are painstaking and deliberate when it comes to sorting through ideas and values for what is lasting and solid. You may appear to others as too sober or religious.

* Saturn in IXth HouseSATURN IN THE NINTH HOUSE when Saturn gives a deep, serious and thoughtful mind with ability and inclination for the study of law, science and philosophy, physics or metaphysics. It is a splendid position for a president of a corporation or college, a judge or a divine. Such people always make their mark in the world, the scope of being naturally dependent upon the nature of the aspects and the line of endeavor selected by the person.When Saturn is afflicted in the Ninth House he makes a narrow-minded bigot, critical and sarcastic; he also gives liability to trouble and loss through law, danger on voyages and trouble in foreign lands.

* Saturn in CapricornOrganizational problems. You have a tendency to avoid taking charge or responsibility and may need to accept a more disciplined and serious approach to life. Learn to enjoy hard work. Persevere. Learn how to manage. You may feel uncomfortable when in the public eye.

* Saturn in CapricornSATURN IN CAPRICORN when well-aspected is strong and therefore his virtues are also pronounced, with honesty and integrity as staunch as the Rock of Gilbraltar and the determination to work toward the desired goal no mat- ter how long it may take. Hence in spite of all handicaps and obstacles people with a well-aspected Saturn in Capricorn ultimately achieve a large measure of success and are generally esteemed by their contemporaries. But when Saturn is afflicted in Capricorn the mind is gloomy and the person sees life from a biased point of view. There is a general sense of dissatisfaction which sometimes develops into a diseased mind. These people are cunning, underhanded and not to be trusted.

* Sextile Saturn - Neptune ( 57.7°)Making "spirit" matter in day-to-day life, making the ideal real by bringing it down to earth. Incorporation. Perhaps a fear of losing oneself in the beginning, but in the long run, a love of the sea, space, and merging into one. At-one-ment.

* Conjunction Saturn - Pluto ( 3.3°)You may have a tendency to avoid sensitive subjects and to take refuge in duties and responsibilities rather than face issues that might disturb you or put you through some changes. You are a stern pragmatist in all that is psychological -- whatever wells up from inside us. Your need for psychological security and absolute truth in all matters cuts through most chit-chat and settles on core material. You concentrate on deep, inner changes in you and in others -- depth psychology.

* Saturn to midpoint Mercury/NeptuneDark thoughts, a pessimistic outlook on life, inhibitions in thinking, a gloomy reaction to real or imagined circumstances, looking at the down side of things, which may not be valid.

URANUSUranus is a relatively modern inclusion into Astrology, having been discovered only in 1781 by Sir William Herschel. Nevertheless, most modern horoscopes include the planet Uranus in their interpretations; and it is now mostly considered to indicate one's thinking ability and individuality; and as such the quality and extent of one's ingenuity and inventiveness. The placing of Uranus tends to show one's relationships with, and interest in societies and clubs and in groups dedicated to humanitarian or progressive ideals. All-in-all, Uranus is the planet of sudden and unexpected changes, of freedom and of originality. It indicates whether your thinking is likely to be main-stream or individual; or perhaps even radical.

* 4th degree of TaurusThe rainbow's pot of gold is revealed in the midst of shower of sparkling and flashing colors.Term Rulership: Venus * Face Rulership: Mercury * Day Almuten: Venus - Night Almuten: Moon & VenusExaltation of the Moon; a fortunate degree. One accustomed to the exercise of authority.The Moon is at greatest Exaltation in 4 Degrees Taurus.TACTICAL. 4° Taurus denotes a person whose work or life is concerned with plots, plans or schemes. A good degree for writers, policemen, and organizers. Love may come late in life, or be of an "unseasonable" nature.* Uranus in XIIth HouseYou could be unconventional in matters of psychology, the psyche, and all that is mystical or spiritual. Unusual ways to help or care for others -- insight into accepting life and self-sacrifice -- are yours.

* Uranus in XIIth HouseURANUS IN THE TWELFTH HOUSE indicates loss of reputation, exile, and estrangement from one's kin and country, much sickness at various times of life and confinement in hospitals, if Uranus is without configuration with any other planet

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or even if well aspected. But if seriously afflicted it indicates confinement in prison at some period of the life, or restraint in a sanitarium on account of mental trouble, also much annoyance by the underhanded action of others. When well-aspected it brings success in connection with the occult arts or occult institutions, also by the invention of chemical processes which remain secret with their discoverer instead of being protected by patent. These people are haunted all through life by a vague fear of impending disaster.

* Uranus in TaurusYou have new insight into home, possessions, and the whole domestic scene. Financial independence and novel ways to earn money and make a living interest you. You get away from it all with gardening, building, and family life. You discover freedom in steady, predictable growth -- like a plant growing.

* Uranus in TaurusURANUS IN TAURUS gives a very intuitive nature but stubborn and self-willed, so that when these people have made up their minds nothing in the world will turn them, but they cling to their purpose or idea with the quiet determination and persistence which neither persuasion nor threats can alter. If Uranus is afflicted they are suspicious and jealous, also subject to very sudden and unexpected reverses in financial affairs. But if Uranus is well-aspected the opposite may be judged, and comfortable financial circumstances may be looked for.

* Square Uranus - X House ( 86.3°)You have unusual relationships, perhaps a number of them, and not always of long duration. You are creative when it comes to partnerships or lovers; you seem to establish unusual and different relationships.

NEPTUNENeptune was only discovered in 1846, which is relatively recent in Astrological terms. The placement of Neptune is now considered to point to the extent and quality of one's idealism and compassion, but is also seen to indicate one's tendency towards getting caught up in confusion, illusion and deception. All-in-all Neptune does not only govern our ability towards healthy introspection but it is also is an indicator of one's general mental coherence.

* 16th degree of PiscesIn the sacred quiet and afternoon half-lights of the museum a young art student drinks in pure inspiration.Term Rulership: Mercury * Face Rulership: Jupiter * Day Almuten: Jupiter - Night Almuten: JupiterFall of Mercury.A planet located in the midst of a Sign indicates a certain amount of stability, solidity, and a tendency not to make any changes.POETIC. 16° Pisces denotes a dreamy, sensitive person who is apt to spend his life being rebuffed by his stronger associates, Sometimes a victim of them.* Neptune in XIth HouseYou dream of a world where unity and harmony are a reality. Group or community work with high aims (great altruism) would be ideal for you. Your imagination drives you to make your dreams and inner vision a reality.

* Neptune in XIth HouseNEPTUNE IN THE ELEVENTH HOUSE and well aspected shows a person of high spiritual aspirations and the ability to attract others of a similar nature who will be of help to him in realizing his desires, hopes and wishes. When Neptune is afflicted in the Eleventh House it indicates deception and treachery on the part of people who pose as friends; this will bring loss and trouble. Therefore people with this position should be particularly careful whom they cultivate and admit their friendship.

* Neptune in PiscesThe spiritual is seen as the ideal. Intuition, the occult, religion, and all things mystical are desired. Also music, fantasy, and all of the arts. The psyche, psychology, feelings. Also drugs, dreams, and far-out trips. Out-of-the-body. Trance.

* Neptune in PiscesNEPTUNE IN PISCES, when well aspected gives a love of mysticism and a tendency to investigate the occult. Sometimes these people develop their spiritual faculties and obtain first-hand knowledge. They are compassionate towards others, unobtrusive, retiring in their manner, well like also often the recipients of aid from others, cheerfully and willingly given.When Neptune is afflicted in Pisces the person is liable to suffer through mediumship, obsession and deception of secret enemies. There is danger of imprisonment and a tendency to indulge in drink or drugs which will end in sorrow and self-undoing.

* Conjunction: Achernar (Alpha Eridani m 0.46) - Neptune (orb -0°20'48"),Keywords: Sudden success in public office, religious benefits, access to another realmEffect: FortunateCharacter: SaturnComment: "the mouth of the River" a constellation extending over several Signs.


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Pluto was discovered in 1930 and as such is the most recently discovered of the "new" planets. Pluto is often called "the great renewer", as it is seen to represent the transformation of one thing into another. On a more personal basis, the placement of Pluto indicates how well one deals with the intense drives hidden in the unconscious, and consequently how these will influence one's life. Pluto is a double-edged sword. On the one hand it is associated with the ability to exercise power, with personal mastery, and with the need to co-operate and share with one another; while on the other hand it relates to those self-destructive forces that reside in each and every one of us.

* 22nd degree of CapricornThe defeated general yields up his sword but in failure he wins for his cause a dignity that is real success.Term Rulership: Mars * Face Rulership: Sun * Day Almuten: Mars - Night Almuten: MarsA scholarly degree.A Hollow and Dusky Degree.EXPERIMENT. 22° Capricorn denotes one who is always testing and trying things or other people. A good imagination, but one which may run away with the native if negatively used and not curbed.* Pluto in IXth HouseYou are passionate in your search for truth and essence. Nothing superficial or ephemeral holds your attention. Your intense analytical approach to life cuts through to the heart of things. This directness may not always endear you to others.

* Pluto in CapricornTremendous practical sense and drive cut through all the red tape and exposes the right decisions every time. You may have an ability to organize and manage all that is vulnerable and sensitive in the human psyche... the public mind.

NODEThe Moon's journey in the sky follows in a curved path that in turn brings it in a more northerly and southerly position. The Moon's North Node represents the northernmost turning point of the Moon. The Moon's North Node is considered benefic and to have a quality similar to that of Jupiter and Venus combined. The location of the North Node of the Moon is seen to point to the nature of the lessons and skills we will learn and accumulate during our life.

* 9th degree of CancerA little miss, innocently devoid of any suggestion of clothing, leans over to catch a goldfish in a sparkling pond.Term Rulership: Jupiter * Face Rulership: Venus * Day Almuten: Jupiter - Night Almuten: JupiterCusp of Eleventh Lunar Mansion; a critical degree; Anaemia; hearing.A Lame Degree.CUNNING. 9° Cancer denotes one of great versatility and skill, but who is apt to apply it with more craft than intelligence. The fixed star Alhena is here.* Node to midpoint Moon/MarsEnergetic co-operation with others. An association of women, a women's club.

* Node to midpoint Jupiter/SaturnSatisfaction with others, harmonious living together.

LILITHThe elliptical orbit of the Moon has two foci, the Earth, and a second point that is located in empty space, which is identified with Lilith. Lilith therefore is not a planet but a gravitational focus in space that rotates every 8.9 years around the earth. The location of Lilith points to those aspirations in life that will remain unfulfilled, as well as those things we keep consciously or unconsciously hidden from the world.

* 24th degree of PiscesThe tiny island seems lost in the broad ocean but its happy inhabitants have created a great world all their own.Term Rulership: Mars * Face Rulership: Mars * Day Almuten: Mars - Night Almuten: MarsA Hollow Degree.EXTREME. 24° Pisces denotes one who tends to deal in extremes either in ideas or action. The unexpected is always present for them in life.* LILITH IN THE 11th. HOUSELilith in the Eleventh House engenders a powerful impetus towards personal autonomy. You are very tolerant and open to the unusual, and more than likely have an unconventional, but very creative artistic flair. You also tend to prefer partnerships in your life, that are of an open nature, and that others would see as little more than friendships. You look for adventurous friendships, but may easily misjudge the nature or quality of your friends, or may simply refuse to admit the truth about your friends. Nevertheless your intuition and wisdom are well-developed, as is your ingenuity; you may well have a talent for inventing. You often like to present yourself as being somewhat eccentric.

* LILITH IN PISCESLilith in Pisces indicates a tendency to blur issues, and the desire to become "invisible" to others. You may well withdraw voluntarily into a retreat, or in some other way separate yourself from society. It may also be that you reject yourself as a person and refuse to recognise your inner needs, or deny yourself the fulfillment of these needs. The artistic sense and the concept of fantasy are very prominent in this placing. This can also indicate however, that there is a continual danger of

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succumbing to illusions and unreality. It may well be that life does not appear real to you, but rather as some strange dream or unreality.

* Conjunction: Markab (54 Alpha Pegasi m 2.49) - Lilith (orb -0°8'27"),Keywords: Violence, honours and riches, "Star of Sorrow", literary, legal problems, accidentsEffect: UnfortunateCharacter: Mars/ Mercury/ Venus

* I House - TaurusTaureans can express their potential for power through their financial dealings, and through structuring material and resources. They love the good things of life and create beauty in some form.

* TAURUS ASCENDANTThe Taurus Ascendant endows you with practicality, self-assertion, diplomacy and an affable disposition. You are loving, affectionate, fond of pleasure, cool, self-contained, firm and strong-willed, a lover of peace, quiet, comfort, and harmony. You are quiet-natured and not easily roused to temper, however, once your passion is roused you can be very dangerous - the raging bull. You can be somewhat reserved and self-centred, and show great obstinacy upon occasion. You do not change very easily, and are a little lacking in adaptability. Your course of life tends to move from day to day and even from year to year in its accustomed channels with comparatively little alteration. You are not easily influenced by other people, but are a persistent and patient worker in your own way and according to your own ideas. There is a tendency to laziness and an over attachment to material values. Qualities lacking to some degree which may be found in your partner are aggressiveness, sympathy for others, passion, energy and a capacity for sustained work.

* II House - GeminiThese natives make money from original ideas and practical thinking with respect to material resources. They are not confined to one financial outlet.

* III House - CancerA maternal/paternal attitude prevails toward brothers and sisters and the neighborhood environment. There is much coming and going and fluctuation in communication. These natives tend to travel in connection with business and financial affairs.

* IV House - LeoThese natives express their power through the home and family. Generally, their homes are showplaces through which they express their creativity and status. They entertain lavishly, and those who come into their homes are treated with warmth and love.

* V House - VirgoThese people express power through careful, analytical thinking and close attention to detail. They are also perfectionists in social matters, making certain that everything is in its proper place, scrupulously organized to the last detail. There is a tendency to he overly critical in affairs of the heart. They want everything to be so perfect that their loved ones become ill at case under the constant scrutiny.

* VI House - LibraThese natives are able to work effectively with others in matters of service. They seek harmony and cooperation with their co-workers, and this is probably one reason for their financial success. As employers they are just and treat their employees as equals.

* VII House - ScorpioThese people are attracted to power and status. They seek energetic partners, those who excel in creative expression and the power to accomplish. However, they must guard against jealousy, combativeness, and possessiveness with partners. Coinciding with the Scorpio need for regeneration where partners and the public are concerned is the need for spiritual detachment.

* VIII House - SagittariusThere is much legal activity in regard to wills, insurance, and joint finances. These natives often profit through inheritance. Their partners usually are financially stable, and useful in assisting their progress toward the next "green field".

* IX House - CapricornThese natives are very traditional and conservative in religion and philosophy. Their philosophical outlook is restricted by materialism. Their humanitarian instincts are expressed through their professional work.

* X House - AquariusThere is a tendency to work in groups where matters of profession are concerned; hence, involvement with large corporations and group endeavors. These natives like to have the reputation of being associated with prominent and stable, yet unusual and ingenious, people.

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* AQUARIUS MIDHEAVENThis placing indicates that your career or area of responsibility in theworld relates to gaining knowledge and expertise associated with thedevelopment of a broad, tolerant and impartial attitude when dealing withfriends and other social groups. Intellectual power is important -original thinking, intuition and an investigative nature need to bedeveloped and given practical application. You are a free soul and aconfirmed nonconformist. You will generally do well working withelectrical and electronic equipment, or in social work, photography, orany group or organisational work.

* XI House - PiscesThese people express their compassion and sympathy by generosity to their friends. They enjoy sharing their aesthetic appreciation with friends. But friends can be a source of disillusionment if they are unwise in their choice of whom to befriend.

* XII House - AriesImpulsiveness and headstrongness can he the cause of undoing, although courage and decisiveness are the hidden support of these natives. They secretly initiate new activities in order to elude competitors.

A Preponderance of the EARTH elementThe heavy concentration of the Earth element in your horoscope suggests that you are cautious, premeditative, conventional, and dependable. You are the type of person who lives by a practical, common sense code; stable, and concerned with physical well-being rather than spiritual attainment. You are quite responsible, if a bit rigid, methodical and detail-conscious. The term "down to earth" may suit you quite well. It might be said that you are one of those people who is very well adjusted to life on this planet. A concern for the physical or material world makes you very much the realist. You are an organizer, a builder, and a hard-worker. The earth sign traits provide you with the skills and attitude necessary to succeed readily in the world of business. So pragmatic, you don't often gamble or take unnecessary chances. You understand the reality of a situation and you understand value, both in a material and in a human sense. Your approach to people is much the same as your approach to life. You are reliable and steadfast. You are predictable and you don't like surprises. Dependability, diligence and a pragmatic, no-nonsense approach to life are your greatest strengths. Lack of ideas or imagination, dullness, rigid conservatism, extreme materialism, and blind adherence to rules and regulations are your potential faults.

Air AbsenceThe limited amount of the Air element in your horoscope suggests a need to learn adaptability and the use of the mental functions in a creative manner. You don't emphasize mental activity in your daily life. This is not to say that you aren't intelligent, but just that you don't place a lot of value on the world of ideas and education's for education sake. Often, a shortage of Air signs signifies an inability to communicate effectively or clearly; you may be somewhat enigmatic and obscure. Sometimes there is a self-consciousness associated with such circumstances, and you may over-compensate by working hard to improve such inclinations. You probably don't enjoy learning unless what you're studying has an immediate and tangible end. A strength of the air-weak chart is generally the enhanced ability to communicate emotionally, physically or psychically. It may be hard for you to stand back, and clearly view an issue in an objective manner. Thus, there is a tendency to have some trouble in the task of planning ahead. You may find yourself wasting a lot of energy on this account. You must make a special effort to communicate clearly and plan very carefully or your advancement will come only through costly trial and error.

Cardinal PreponderanceThe concept of cardinal planets is synonymous with movement or the nature of planets giving movement or action to the nature. This suggests that you are a person who is inclined toward constant activity, with efforts directed at the here and now. You are ambitious and ready to go after whatever it is you want without hesitation. You are likely to act immediately on issues that come to your attention, never sitting idly by waiting for someone else to get things started. Positively expressed, cardinal signs produce constructive initiative. Yet sometimes they produce thoughtless actions that gain little.

Western HemisphereThe planets clustered in the western hemisphere suggest that you are highly adaptable to opportunities, but you are also somewhat dependent on others in many ways. You are passive or subtle in your actions, often permitting others to take the lead. You work best in a partnership or group employment arrangements, always having others involved in your destiny. You have a sense for taking advantage of opportunities that are presented to you, and because of this you usually make the most of them.

Southern HemisphereThe planets clustered in the southern hemisphere suggest that you are ambitious, career oriented, and generally want fame and recognition. You have an objective view of life that lets you enjoys working with others. You are very active in the outside world, having broad material values and goals. There is much that is visible when the planets are in the south; little that you say or do escapes public view.

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