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[: Freshinen Plan Dance "Moments To Remember" has been the theme chosen bY the freshman class of Fresno Junior College for thelr seml-formal dance to be helil fi'rlday nlght tr'ebruary 1?, from I to 12 P'm' In the Moose Hall ln Fresno. Jack Rustigian's band wiU play. Admission is 50 cents for students without studett botlY cards and. 25 cents with cards' Ente¡tainment will be Provided by the "Harmonettós", a F JC girls trio, and bY Richard'Rasner and George Smith, two Fresno State CoIIege 'students, who will .slng a few numbers' Freshmen Have Been BusY ' Ruben Barrios, President, said the tr.JC freshmen on both cam- puses have been a busy troup for the Past few weeks PreParing all sorts of decorations for their social gatheriDg. Barrios ând Muriel Maxwell, main campus President, have met with their respective groups and haYe appointed Leon Sutton to head a decoration committee on the state college camPus' Max- well rsill be in charge of the main campus committee' Members Assisting F!ES¡0 Jttft0n G0ILEGE ar¡u5s¡D lY A$OCTATED s¡UDENft vot. vlll FRESNO, CALIFORNIA, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 1956 NO. Sutton will be assisted bv Mar-| ::';:;'i;i;:;,,,;:ì::,.;i:;iliil:i::Ï:i:i.q,tl.]i:tll |of Education' saret Ryan, LiIv Carrillo, !"-"ftt" I STO'UT BODY OFFICERS-The spring sem ester officers qre, front row, lefl- to riglt: Capelii, Fred Garcia, Rotl HiII'l Fr'^lí|"'Ë.ãià eo¡¡i" B"rto",-ñoåiãttÉ Hottotd, Delphina Hernqndez, Olgcr Hqrnondez, :î:::i ":i:i, #îåilï"i1'"'TåT:l :f;T'åi1Ëïi*'15È-$t::il#:*""X1'13' 3*il'.X å:*"t1;;,,3'T:""?íååi$;Í: I .J,'"'i:"'?l and Barrlos. I Ë;";-È";iiã, Stcrn Tuscrn,, Atfred Copus, ond Fred Gorcia. lavaitable on Members who will work withl '__ - ; ' . - lanctanestinat IOrgs Have Spring, Off¡cers;l '""Jill,i l"1l',T;,","'";r;:l pf A nCiS LiStS COm m iSSiOnef Sl;?""ï,*'î open to all FJC stu freshm day to | - __-^-__:_^!:--- - | trre moderat drscuss ä; I witrt th€ start"-of !þe-spring senester a.t,!'resng,"_1.-.c_"lt:gf,:-,:l:3"nt orsanizations I ;*;-;; I e groups I e groups Maxwell, Barrios I ä,äH I IRATION DAY-The FiC registration stcnted Jcr¡uc¡if' ,dents now cre in the fir¡ol phcse of the registrction. FSC, FJC Share Site Unfill9óO Ea¡l H. Wisht, dean of edu' cational services at flesno State College, salcl that FSC ProbablY will not be moved entirelY to its new Shaw Âvenue camPus until 1960 and will iointly occupy the olcl tr'SC campus on UniversitY Avenue with the Fresno Junior College until that time. However, he indicated a 90 Per cent move by 1958 will be Possible if the cotlege's building Prog¡am proceeds as expected. Members Of Pan'el Wight r¡¡as'one of five members of a panel ôn "So The People MaY Know" forum on KMJ-TV SuntIaY afternoon r¡ho discussecl whether or not tr'JC should take over the old FSC campus' Other membeis were FJC Presi- dent Stuart M. 'Wlrite, Charles Pa- shayan, chairman of a citizen's committee studYing the ProPosed purchase of the samPus bY the Fresno City Schools; J. C. Trem- betta, the city schools' business manater, and Arthur L- Sella.Dd' president of the Fresno CitY Board White Gives Views


Mar 06, 2016



The Rampage
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Page 1: /56_S_16_Feb09


FreshinenPlan Dance

"Moments To Remember" hasbeen the theme chosen bY thefreshman class of Fresno JuniorCollege for thelr seml-formaldance to be helil fi'rlday nlghttr'ebruary 1?, from I to 12 P'm' Inthe Moose Hall ln Fresno.

Jack Rustigian's band wiUplay. Admission is 50 cents forstudents without studett botlYcards and. 25 cents with cards'

Ente¡tainment will be Providedby the "Harmonettós", a F JCgirls trio, and bY Richard'Rasnerand George Smith, two FresnoState CoIIege

'students, who will.slng a few numbers'

Freshmen Have Been BusY 'Ruben Barrios, President, said

the tr.JC freshmen on both cam-puses have been a busy troupfor the Past few weeks PreParingall sorts of decorations for theirsocial gatheriDg.

Barrios ând Muriel Maxwell,main campus President, havemet with their respective groups

and haYe appointed Leon Suttonto head a decoration committeeon the state college camPus' Max-well rsill be in charge of the maincampus committee'

Members Assisting

F!ES¡0 Jttft0n G0ILEGE

ar¡u5s¡D lY L¡ A$OCTATED s¡UDENft


Sutton will be assisted bv Mar-| ::';:;'i;i;:;,,,;:ì::,.;i:;iliil:i::Ï:i:i.q,tl.]i:tll |of Education'

saret Ryan, LiIv Carrillo, !"-"ftt" I STO'UT BODY OFFICERS-The spring sem ester officers qre, front row, lefl- to riglt:Capelii, Fred Garcia, Rotl HiII'l Fr'^lí|"'Ë.ãià eo¡¡i" B"rto",-ñoåiãttÉ Hottotd, Delphina Hernqndez, Olgcr Hqrnondez,:î:::i ":i:i, #îåilï"i1'"'TåT:l :f;T'åi1Ëïi*'15È-$t::il#:*""X1'13' 3*il'.X å:*"t1;;,,3'T:""?íååi$;Í: I .J,'"'i:"'?land Barrlos. I Ë;";-È";iiã, Stcrn Tuscrn,, Atfred Copus, ond Fred Gorcia. lavaitable on

Members who will work withl '__ - ; ' .



IOrgs Have Spring, Off¡cers;l'""Jill,i l"1l',T;,","'";r;:l pf A nCiS LiStS COm m iSSiOnef Sl;?""ï,*'îopen to all FJC stufreshm day to | - __-^-__:_^!:--- - | trre moderat

drscuss ä; I witrt th€ start"-of !þe-spring senester a.t,!'resng,"_1.-.c_"lt:gf,:-,:l:3"nt orsanizations

I ;*;-;;I e groups Ie groups

Maxwell, Barrios I ä,äH I

IRATION DAY-The FiC registration stcnted Jcr¡uc¡if',dents now cre in the fir¡ol phcse of the registrction.


Share SiteUnfill9óO

Ea¡l H. Wisht, dean of edu'

cational services at flesno State

College, salcl that FSC ProbablY

will not be moved entirelY to itsnew Shaw Âvenue camPus until1960 and will iointly occupy the olcl

tr'SC campus on UniversitY Avenue

with the Fresno Junior College

until that time.However, he indicated a 90 Per

cent move by 1958 will be Possible

if the cotlege's building Prog¡amproceeds as expected.

Members Of Pan'el

Wight r¡¡as'one of five membersof a panel ôn "So The People MaY

Know" forum on KMJ-TV SuntIaYafternoon r¡ho discussecl whetheror not tr'JC should take over theold FSC campus'

Other membeis were FJC Presi-dent Stuart M. 'Wlrite, Charles Pa-

shayan, chairman of a citizen'scommittee studYing the ProPosedpurchase of the samPus bY theFresno City Schools; J. C. Trem-betta, the city schools' businessmanater, and Arthur L- Sella.Dd'president of the Fresno CitY Board

White Gives Views

Page 2: /56_S_16_Feb09

Pqge Two IAM?AGE Thursdoy, fcbruory 9, 19 56

AMS Officers Blasted By

scheduled the meeting.

r.r ^Names Lommrssl

(Continaed lom Pagc 1)Assemblies: The duties of this

officer is to. determine the numberand type of\ assemblies, the re8u-lations and policies concernin€ theassemblies, and to schedule assem-blies on the school calendar.

Athletiqs CommissionerÂthletics: He shall asslst the

coaches in the plans and arrange-mente for games and toutnaments.He will also be the student bodYrepresentatlve in the selection o(awards for lettermen and champ-ionship teams.

Oral Arts: He shall represent thecommunlcation and music depart-ments of the school and performall necessa.ry tasks for the better-nent and promotion of these de-partments.

Publicatlon: It shall be hls jobto represent all the FJC stualentpublicatious, and he shall performall necessary tasks for the better-ment a¡d promotion of such publl-cations.

Veda Luhm Announces'StudentPrivilege-Cards W¡ll Be On Sale

Veda Luhm, commissionerscholership, 6s,ial that the StuclentPrlvilege Cartls will be on sale onboth campuses all next week. Theprice is $1.

The card is good at all tr'lesnoFox Theaters and will save stu-dents 25 per cett on regular showsand up to 60. per cent on speclalshows. The eards are effectlveanytlme until July 1.

Half of the money made on saleswitl go to the theaters ancl halfwitl be ud-etl at the tr'resno JuniorCollege for scholarshiP funds.

Copus Announces lolenlShow Meeting Todoy

Alfred Copus, chairman, saitlthat the lalent Show committeewill meet today on the main cam-pus in S10 at 11 a.m.

Copug said the reason for themeeting is to Prepare for the Tal-ent Show which wfll bê heltl odMarch 10.

I{e safd that all eamPus clubswill be notifietl later about return-ing appllcation blanks.

PtESto Jût¡oi 3!ttt8tnmnnnr rt I ItrlI.Inillrllu

Publlclty: He shall arrange allmatters of inter-school publtcityconcerning the Associated StudentBody.

Rally CommíssionerRallies: He, in conJunction with

other members of the rally commit-tee, shall be responsible for stu-dent rallies, strive to better schoolspirit and morale, sponsor theelection of cbeer-leaders, and con;duct the selectlons of pep girls.

Scholarslips: lls. sh¡ll. he-. con-cerned with the betterment andpromotion of the scholarships oftÞe student body antl he shall pub-llcize F,ll Eatters pertalning toschola¡ships availeble to the stu-tlents of tr'JC,

The cbtef Justice, s,long wlth theassbclated Justices, wlll hantlle allmatters that will havt to Þe cor-rected for the bettermeDt of theschool. The Justlces lrlll handle therevlsion of the school's constitu-tion. All matter8 pâñsed by the Jus-tices'have to be ratlfletl by thestudent body council.


IVCF HoldsSkclflîng Porly

The Intervarsity Christian tr'el-lowship held a skating pa¡ty forthe nembers of their club last Fri-day.

Ruby Erickson, last 'senestervice-president, saial that the newofficers for the coming semesterwere installerl in the home of Dr.Leroy Just, ab FJC instructor andclub sponsor, following the.skatingparty. Refreshments. were alsoserved.

Red KeyRptl Key, tr'JC's service ,org;anl-

zation, held a coffee sale on thestate campus yegterday.

.A.l Cpnus sald that the Red Keyis plannfng to holcl a coffee s¿le onthe FSC carhpus.

Gampuo ActivityA cake gale will be sponsored by

the Campus Àctivity Club tomor-row in Mclane Hall on the tr'SCcampus.

Newman ClubPat tr'oley, presldent of the.New-

man Club, said that they are goingto hold a snow partg February 22.

Phi Theta KappaMembers of the active and the

the alumni chapter of,Phl ThetaKappa, FJC's national honoraryscholastlc fraternity, met tr'ridayin the home of Mrs. Fred.T. Än-drev¡s to make plang lor a springinitiation.

The inltatíon ie temporerilyscheduled for March 2.

Olgâ tlernandez, president of theregular chapter, is in charge of ar-rangements for tihe initation.

The committee heads of thealumni group iriclude Mrs. .Andrewsand Mrs. Leona Cyr, Dew rnem-ber; Donald Shroye¡ publlc{ty; andMrs. Ðllen Shroyer, sbeÀkers.

Mrs. Dorothy Bliss ls the facultyadvisor of the chapter.

Holstein AnnouncesEnrollment Figures

(Continued from Page I )cluded Bobble Burton, Gayle Kovick, Eleanor trÌancq LorralneJactrto, Diane .A,vlla, Clenny Schel-lenberg, Sally Bennett, ancl Pattltr'o¡d.

The .A,MS station was panagedby Fretl Garcia, Larry Anderson,Edward .A.stone, Glynn Bryant,Benjanin Elchman, Marvin Lutz,Michael Flaherty, and RobertWagner.

Published weekly by the journalism students of the Flesno JuniorCollege, 1430 O Street, Flesno, California, and composêcl at the CentralCallforaia Typographic Service, phone 3-3001, Unsigned editorials arethe expresslgn of the editor.

Editor--------Assist¿nt nAitor--..-.-.-.-.------------------------- --:------.Bobbie BurtonBusiness Manager---- ------Eleanor FrancoSports Editors------ ---Mike Hartman, Ruben Barrios

Nof Announc¡ng MeelingAre the officers of the Associated Men Students trying

to make a farce of the AMS?One example of this is the meeting that was supposed to be

held Friday, but the president changed his mind and re-

The president should have had courtesy to announce.theshange of date in the bulletin. What we don't underståndis that the vice-president was there and the rest of the of-ficers were not. If the officers cannot inform themselves'there must be something wrong.'A photographer was there to take apictúre of the officers.

The rest of the officers did not.shów up so the photographernearly blew his top.

\Me did not go to the meeting for our health ! -Cecil


Spring Officers Elected; Francist.oners, Jusltces




2535 VENTURA PHONE 2.2082

REED'S UNIONAcross from Fresno JC







' ritEccABÍlllÍsrt lheotre


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JÃ,YCEE BARBER SHOPJust oround the corner on Stqhi3lqus

SCHOLARSHIP ÏtiINNERS-Joseph !V. Gibson, cente¡, thestudent body president of Scrnger Union High School, re-ceived q hundred dollqr scholffship from the FresnoTechniccl High School .A,lumni .A,ssocicrtìon. Stuort M. lVhite,president of FJC on the left ond Ä. E. \Vilmer, the Associc-tion's president look on.

Fresno Tech Alumni AwardsSonge r Studenl Scåo/ orshìp

Gibson, president of Sa¡geris to be cholarship to Fresnoe by the High Scliool Alumni

Archie Bradshaw, the FJC scholarship committee chair-

Bobbie Burton, spring semester I president, announced that pioceedspresident, installed t\e lssociated I from an annual beuefit dance otWomen Students' ca\inet at an I the .group tr ebruary 1g will provide

annual beuefit dance ofWomen Students' c

installation dinner held Montlay I funds fo¡ another tr'JC scholarship.night at Estrada's Restâuränt. Wimer said the dance is the an-

Officers i¡stalleal include Pat I nual get together of the former stu-Jones, vice president; Rochelle I tlents of the high school, whlchHe¡ferdi secretå¡y; Selly BeDDetù, I u¡as abol¡shed in 1960. The FJCtreasurer; and Gayle Kovick, hls- I main 6ampüs is the former pl,ant of

Burton lnstallsAWS Cabinet


, After the girls took the oath ofoffice, the outgoing cabinet pre-sented the new officers wlth thelrpIns.

Commlttee cha"irmen are OoiotLyRubaltl, social affairs; BonitaClaire, menbership; Eleanor Fran-co a¡d Pettl tr'oral, publlcatlon; Lor-raine Jacintq publlclty; GennySchellenberg, welfare; Marion Bit-ter, progrem; and Dlane Àvila,decorations.

Guests includeat Mrr. Hazel Ped-erson and Mrs. Caryl Houck, spon-sors, and Miss Wllla Marsh, deanof students.

Miss Buton saltl that plans forthe spring semester include a pastpresidents' dinner, a joint meetiDgwith the Àssociated Men Students,an Ðaste¡ basket for the nutrl-tional home, and a klng and. queeufor cotton day.


man, said Gibson, who will gradu-ate from Sanger HiSh this sprina,wlll receive the association's awa¡dfor the 1956-57 school year.

A. E. Wimer, the asgocl¿tlon's

the high schooi.Gibson has played varslty foot-

ball and baseball for three yearsand has beeD president of tùeSanger Youth Center.


Speciol RotesTo Students

Uf@BEB,Triple Thick


French Fries

'. Cheeseburgers



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Page 3: /56_S_16_Feb09

Thursdoy, Februory 9, 1956 RAM?AGE

Photo by Rolph Thorneberry

Newman Club Wins MODContest; Awarded Trophy

The Newman Club of the Fresno Junior College will beawarded a trophy by'the FJC Student Council for winningthe March of Dimes contest.

The club was awarded the trophy for gollecting the mostmoney,per member among the various campus organizations.

Copus Announces

Spring Semester

Rampage StaffAlfred Copus, edltor of the Ram-

page fbr the .forìrth semester, hasannounced recently the Rampagestaff 'members for the spring se-mester.

Those otr the eclitorial staff in-clude Bobbie Burton, assistant edt-tor; Mtke Ha¡tman and Ruben Bar-rios, sports etlitors; Patti Ford,ne$'s editor; Cecil Tange, copy edi-tor, and reporters Joginder S.Bhore, Mike Noroyan, Jack Her-ge4rader, and Gayle Kovick.

The buslness staff members areEleanor Franco, buslness manag€r;Karlo- DemoorJian, Orland D. Smith,advertising managers; June Trealexchange manager, and LauraLewis, special projects rnaDager.

The photographers Are R¿lphThroneberry, Charles Dishno, andTom Cone; the cartoonist is Stan-ley Tusan, and the advlser isPhilip Smith.

Smlth sai¿ that addttionat staffmembers are needed wtth Jobs ine<litorial, clerical, and business de-partments open. He said studetrtsinterested should contact him lnA3 on the FSC campus.

Compus Pcrsonolity By Stonley Tuson


MEDÄLS WINNERS-The students who received the RedKey sewice medols for service to FIC in extrq currisulcroctivities during the fall semester were frôm left to dght:Bobcncr lVilkinson, Fred Hqll, Mary Lcrnotte, qnd GeneFrcrrcis.

Contest ChairmanThe contest codmlttee chairman,

Cecil Lane, said that the NewmanClub averageal $5.44 per member forits 21 members,

Campus organizations v¡ere res-ponsible for collecting $¿08.44. Theremalnder of this total was raisedby donatlons durlng the day andnight classes and the basketballtemes'

General ChairmenCa¡ol Ba¡sotti and Bert Ereman

werrg the general chalrmen incharge of the March of Dlmes col-lections.

In additlon to these collections,about 60 tr'JC students sold pea-nuts in the city ln cooperationwlth the Btudents of the Fhesno andRooÉevelt lligh Schools. The pro-ceeds from th+sales were all pool-ed together.

I¿¡e will present the trophy toPatrick tr'oley, the presldent of theNewman Club, Diane AvÍla is thesecretary and Francis J. Svilichls the advisor of the club.

WHAT'S THIS?For solulion, see

porogroph below.

QUICK .WAY TO BETTER TASTE: It's illustratedin the Droodle above, titled: Lucky smokeropening fresh pack. (He's mereþ 4oittg awaywith a little red tape.) Better taste is whathe's after, and better taste is what he'll get.Luckies taste better, you see, because they,remadê of f¡e tobacco . . . Iight, rnìld f6þ¿sssthat's TOASTED to taste better. Break outa pack of Luckies yourself. You,ll say LuckyStrike is úå¿ best-tasting cigørette you èuer srnoiked!

DROODLES, Copyrighü 1958 by Roger price

ESKIIIO RANGH HOUS¡(srut-ttvtr)John Dorritb



SIIEEP EOGJamee Hanley

Holy Croes- /a






llEv, srow DowN! WATCH ÏHESE tucKv DRooDLEsl

. 'Twelve NursesReceive Awards. Certificates were given Ín a

graduating ceremony to 12 trkesnoJunior College nursing students,for completing a yeat course lnvoeational uursing in the Roose-velt High Auditorium.

The pins and certificates \ilereawarded by Robert P. Hansler,trad€ aDd industrial chairman atFJC, aud President Stuart M.White, introduced the speakers.The processional a"nd recessionalwas played by Jan Bosteder, a¡rdJaniee Ross,sang "\üith a Song InMy lleart."

Mrs. Anna Thompson, one of thevocatioDal nursing instructo¡s, pre-sented the class and also announc-ed the freshman students who willEFaduate next fall. Flora tr'ulton.dirêctor of nursing services of theValley Chlldren's llospital, con-gratulated the Êraduates, and ÐlderW. C. Reynolds of the Seventh DayAdventist Church pronouúced theiuvocation and benediction.

The graduøtes include Miss .A.l-britton, Mrs. Ilajean Blahm, MaryHope Castillo, Mrs, Josephine Ca-tanesi, Mrs. Ine[ tr'ew, JeanenneNadine Legrande, Jacqueline C,Mathews, Whelm Jean Moore, Mrs.Viola Sevey, Erma Cakey, Benlta Solarlo, an' vtolet Eleazarian ofthe nurslng consulta¡t for the StateBoard of Vocatlonal Nurse Ex-eniners, ga,ye a. talk on ,,BuilttingGood Brldges."







1 FOttAltoNPeter Sarant

U. of Mørylatd.

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fASfE B¡ffER -Cleaner, Fresher $noofher!PRoDücr

"' ,%,y'tru¿.*r%"*"ârrt"-f ^-t"rc^'s LEADTN. MANUFAcruRrn orf .TGARETTES

Page 4: /56_S_16_Feb09

F resnoRock s U pSeve nthLeagueWinOverReed l"Y

over Coalinga, 83-68 winBalersfielil. a 94'76 win over theFSC Frosh and a 70'65' vlctorYover Reedley last SaturdaY night'

Sport 7-0 RecordThe Rams now have a seven win

no loss record in CCJCÀ PlaY and

are practically conceded the title.Saturday night the Rams won the

game oh the free throw line, scor;ing 18 points in 26 foul tries com-pared ùo 13 of 21 for Reedley. Bothteams had 26 fielcl goals.

The Tfgers jumped off into a

brief lead, leading 23-19 just beforethe half. Ät the intermission theRams led 31-29.

Late in the tame ReedleY Pulledinto a 59 all tie. 'W'ith four minutesto go the Rams went into a stalla"nd maintained control, taking atl-

vantate of the fouls resulting fromReedley's over-eagerness.

Scores 23

Fhesno's HueY Davis took incli-

vidual scoring honors with 23

points.Gary Alcorn, Davis, and Â't

Brown topped the Fhesno scoringthrough the six games with 137,

BEN EICHMAN. . . Gucrrd

anct 93 pornts respectively.Eichman ancl Polly Carver

rrere next with 35 Points each.The Rams obtained two new

players during the Past week inthe person of BobbY Palacios andChuck Wimer. Palacios ¿is formerlyof Edison High School and Wimeris from tr'resno High.



Coach Joe Kelly's Ram qulntetseem well o-n their way to capturetheir thirct consecutlve CentralCalifornla Junlor College Associa-tion basketball tltle'. r

The Rarirs, holtllng a Perfect7-0 record'ln CCJC.A' PIaY, andnot tasting defeat since losing toLos Angeles City College, 85-?6'in thq, Modesto tournament, nowneed oDly to get Past Taft andÄÏlen Hancock in that order tobe assured of the conference tltle.

Tbat woulal give the Rams a9-0 record with onIY weak Porter-ville College and Coalinga JuniorCollege to clash with before theCollege of the Sequoias tilt.

COS will have a tough oppon-ent in Reedley Juûior College ¡'rt-day nitht. The Tigers gave tr'JC ascare before bowing to them 70-65 Saturday night in ReedleY.

Allen Hancock of Santa Maria'the.only other team figured togive Fresno any trouble, will PlaYhost to Taft College in whatshould be an easy victorY forHancock.

Porterville JC, who holtls fifthplace in the standing, will enter-tain Coalinga tonight and meetReedley Saturday night.



Ram N¡ne To PlayModesto Tomorrow

edge ritht now, but isstrong competition from RubenBarrios. Basketballer IIueY Davisis expected to give botti a run fortheir money as soon as the cageseason ends.' Kãlem Barserian, another candi-date for first base is out with aback injury and maY Ëe tost for theseason.

Fight For SecondAt second base'the fight is on

betv¡een Larry Garcia and PatFoley, with Garcia having the edge.

At the hot corner two basketballplayers, Don Birkle and Ben Eich-man plus Don Rossi are battliDgit out.

At the short Batch Dorman Mar-tin. ex-Roosevelt and FSC tr*roshplayer, looks to be a shoe-in. Be-hind Martin is David Nozuki.

In the outfield Coach ClareSlaughter has FloYcl Linderman'Larry Kaprielian, LarrY Keller,Tony Masakian, and Bob 'Wagner.

Linderman, t'rom Roosevelt, wa*

in the service last year and shouldprovide the Rans with power atfþs plate. Kaprielian played forRoosevelt two years ago beforecoming to tr'JC, he cliiln't play lastyear.

Keller, who pitches also, is fromRoosevelt and should Prolride th€Råms ï¡ith speed in the outergarden. Masakian is from Sangerand. 'Wagner's from San JoaquinMemorial.

Behintl the plate, Slaughter hasEddie .A.stone a¡d Dick Kelton.Astone probably has the betterarm while Keltòn wields the biggerstick.

Toiling on the mound for theRams this year, besides l(eller, willbe holdovers John Troxel and JimCalt, plus prepster FreddY Garciafrom Roosevelt and former se¡ticemen Chuck Wimer, Tom De-Vecchio, and Russell TiPton.

The Rams will leave for Modestotomorrow at 11 a.m.

Rams'HostCeilar TaftTomorrow

The Fresno Junior College Rams'perchcd atop the Central Califo¡niaJunior College Association basket-ball standings, shoultl have an easy

time tomorrow night when theYplay host to the v¡inless Taft Col-

lege Cougars in the Yosemite Juni.or High School GYmnasium. Thetipoff is scheduled at 8:00 P.m'

X'resno, who ra.n wild against thehapless Cougar five on its previous

meeting, will be heavily favorecl toadd one more win to their stringof seven in leagr.e PlaY.

The Rams, currently holùing a

22-4 season record, are led bY theirbig center, GarY Alcorn, who is

Rolly Committee Plons

Donce Ïornorrow NightThe RallY Committee of Fre+

.no Junior College is sPonsoringan after the game dance Frl-day night from 10 to 12 P.m. in

the Yosemite Junior High School

Social Room following the Taft'FJC basketball game.

The price will be 50 cents forstudents without student body

cards and 25 cents w¡th studentbody cards.

Ron Haskins dance band willprovide the music.

well over the 400 Boint mark inscoring. trtresno Coach Joe KeliYhas two other starters that are also

high scorers. HueY Davis and AlBrorvn, both forwards, usuallyscore irr.douþle numbers.

Ben Eiehman has moved ahead ofMarion Daniels and is nov¡ a retu-lar startint' guard. Eichman haspicked up Ùs, scoring in the Pastfew games açtt the other startingguard, Polly Carver, is the PlaY-maker and is \also considered a

scorlng threat. Elichman and Carverare top ball handlçrs.

With KellY's dþadlY front lineand hie capable glrards the Rams

should not haYe tò much troublewith the Cougars. fellY has good

ctepth in Dick PaYn{, Marion Dan-

lels, and his two nelvcomers, Bob

Palacios and Chuck Wimer.Taft, althou good

height, has not nlt andhae tsken its its oP-

The more perfeclly pocked yourcigarette, the mo¡e pleasure itgives . .. . and Accu-Ray packsChesterfield far more perfectlY.

To the touch .. . lo lhe lqsle,an Accu-Ray Chesterfield satis-fies the most . . . burns moreevenly, smokes much smoother.

Firm qnd pleosing lo the lips. . . mild yet deeply satisfying tothe taste - Chesterfield alone ispleasure-packed by Accu-Ray.

' Søtis¡þ Yoarsv{fwith a Milder, Better'Tastin$ smoke-packed for more pleasure by exclusive Accu-Ro!

OLæn& MniTore CÂ