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    Future Articles : Shree Ganesh Vandana, Shree Navagraha Stotra Future Articles : Shree Ganesh Vandana, Shree Navagraha Stotra

    Astrology and Spirituality as a tool for self development Astrology and Spirituality as a tool for self development T;ksfr"k 'kkL= esa T;ksfr"k 'kkL= esa T;ksfr"k 'kkL= esa T;ksfr"k 'kkL= esa T;ksfr"k 'kkL= esa T;ksfr"k 'kkL= esa T;ksfr"k 'kkL= esa T;ksfr"k 'kkL= esa esykid fopkj esykid fopkj esykid fopkj esykid fopkj esykid fopkj esykid fopkj esykid fopkj esykid fopkj Hypnotherapy, a brief introduction Sakuna Sastra (Astrology of Hypnotherapy, a brief introduction Sakuna Sastra (Astrology of Omens) Omens)

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    AAAA strology : Is it a Science? Now a days, all peoples are getting more attracted towards astrology and also, trying to learn it. Earlier, astrology was limited to certain sec-tions of society, but nowadays, irrespective of caste, religion, profession & gender, many peoples are learning it and using it professionally. But, still a section of society ask: Is Astrology a science?. It is not our fault, because what we study from classical books is General Astrology or Theoretical. But when a person starts practicing astrology as a profession or hobby, many of us find limitations. It is just like same situation like what an engineering student studying in engi-neering college is mostly theoretical, but when he goes to market for job, he finds the day & night difference between what he has studied in college and what he has to do practically in job. Same thing about as-trology, the reason behind all this is very simple. Most of the classical lit-eratures on astrology are in general, while applied science or engineer-ing of astrology is entirely different. Applied science of astrology is hid-den in Nadi Granthas. By this E-magazine in PDF format I am just trying to provide a platform for thoughts and research papers on astrology and allied subject, espe-cially on applied science of astrology. All the works regarding, making this dream true, many volunteer are helping me without any cost. So, this is my duty to put this E-magazine in front all of you to guide us fur-ther on astrology. All the articles and research paper are purely voluntar-ily provided by our respected writers. Readers can also share their views and guide us to improve. In last, I would like to thanks and pay my regards for all seniors, Shri R. D. Vashist, Shri Prabodh Purohit, Shri AV Pathi, Shri P C Pattanayak and friends - Mr. Sashikant, Atul Kakka, Raman Sambhar, Sunit Mehta, Sumit Chadda, Alok, Neeraj Kharbanda. Yours, Jitender Kumar

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    Table of Content

    Address : Jitender Kumar Email: [email protected] New Delhi, India

    The Vedic Astrology Journals Contents

    Phone: +011-24560479 Fax: +011-24560479 E-mail: [email protected]

    The Vedic Astrologers Forum

    Astro Nirala Cell Phone : +91-9013231283 Landline : +011-24560479

    Seriall no. Article Name Author

    01 Shree Ganesh Vandana

    Jitender Kumar

    02 Shree Navagraha Stotra Jitender Kumar

    03 Elementary Astrology I Sashikanta Nayak

    04 Astrology and Spirituality as a tool for self development

    Richa Raghuwanshi

    05 T;ksfr"k 'kkL= esa esykid fopkjT;ksfr"k 'kkL= esa esykid fopkjT;ksfr"k 'kkL= esa esykid fopkjT;ksfr"k 'kkL= esa esykid fopkj Jitender Kumar

    06 Hypnotherapy, a brief introduction Mrs. Kavita Harlalka

    07 Sakuna Sastra (Astrology of Omens) Lizards Falling

    Sashikanta Nayak

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    By Jitender Kumar Email: [email protected]

    Language: Sanskrit , Hindi, English

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    By Jitendra Kumar

    By Jitender Kumar Email: [email protected]

    Language: Sanskrit , Hindi

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    E lementary Astrology I The Zodiac is a belt of heavens extending on both sides of the ecliptic. It encircles the space through which the planets travel in their orbits. Vedic

    Astrology employs side-real zodiac, which is different from the tropi-cal zodiac used in West-ern Astrology. While the tropical (Western) As-trology uses the vernal equinox (the Sun's posi-tion at the beginning of spring) as the starting point for the measure-ments along the zodiac, the sidereal (Vedic) Astrology uses fixed stars to identify differ-ent segments along the zodiac. The starting points of the sidereal and tropical zodiacs coincide once every 25,800 years. After that the starting points separate from each other by an approximate 1 degree of an arc per each 72 years. The difference between the longitude of the starting points of the sidereal and tropical zodiacs at any given time is called Ayanamsha. Due to the existing controversy about the year in which the two starting points coincided last, there are several ayanamshas used by different schools of Vedic astrologers. Some of them are Lahiri, Krishnamurti, Raman, and Fa-gan ayanamshas. Lahiri is the most widely used Ayanamsha which is based on the last coincidence point taking place in the year 285 A.D. Lahiri Ayanamsha for the year of your birth is 23:36:47 degrees. If you want to convert your sidereal (Vedic) plane-tary positions into tropical (Western), you can do so by adding this ayanamsha to the degrees of the planets in your Vedic chart. To arrive at the sidereal positions by converting the tropical ones, you will need to subtract the ayanam-sha from the tropical positions. Vedic Astrology Basic The Sanskrit name of Vedic Astrology is Jyotish. Jyotish means light, and is called the eye of the Vedas, as its pur-pose is to shed light on our life, on our self understanding, and to help us in the path to enlightenment. There are three main branches within Vedic Astrology, Hora, Ganita and Samhita. The Samhita branch deals with very broad aspects of understanding ourselves. It uses omens and observations from the environment to draw conclusions. Analysis of dreams, sudden sounds, appearance of animals, movement of the planets, twitching of muscles etc are examples. A well known text that describes all that is the Brihat Samhita. The Ganita branch deals with the pure mathematics of the Astronomical basis of astrology. It describes in great de-tail how to calculate the position of the planets and many other calculations that Vedic Astrology is based on. One famous work in the Ganita branch is the Surya Siddhanta. The Hora branch deals with the actual interpretations and predictions of the horoscope. Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra is all about that. Maharishi Parashara makes it a point that the student of Jyotish "are good and peacefully disposed, who honor the preceptors and elders, who speak only truth, and are God-fearing". This knowledge is meant to be used for the good of mankind, and you, the students of Jyotish, are responsible for applying it in a pure and

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    evolutionary way. How can astrology work? The positions of the planets represent the laws of nature at the time of birth. Just like a negative takes on the quality of the surrounding light at the exposure, so does a newborn entity take on the quality of the cosmic light at the time of birth. The relationships of the planets with the other elements in the chart (i.e. the houses and signs) form a so-phisticated mathematical model which mirrors life to an amazing level of depth and completeness. Out of the many luminous bodies in the sky, there are ones that are fixed and ones that move. The background of the fixed stars is called the zodiac and is divided in separate, distinct spaces, called nakshatras. The heavenly bodies that move are called Grahas (for the lack of a better word translated as "Planets"). For predictive purposes Jyotish looks at the positions of the planets in relation to the stars in the Zodiac at the time of one's birth. These positions reveal how the universe was functioning at that instance. In a way, planets are like 9 special measuring points from which the entire subtle state of natural law can be measured. At the time of birth, when the body enters the world, this state of the universe gets projected into the structure of the life of an individual. Therefore, the conditions of these nine measuring points, the nine planets, define the entire life span of events and circumstances for an individual. The 9 Grahas (The Naba Graha) We just mentioned nine planets, even though not all of them are actual planets. Only five of them are planets, one is a star, one is a moon, and the remaining two are special mathematical points. Everyone is familiar with the Sun, the Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, and Saturn. The other two elements included into the group are Rahu and Ketu, known as the North and South Lunar nodes. Rahu and Ketu do not have physical substance, they are two mathemati-cal points that mark the point of intersection of the plane of the Moon's orbit around the Earth with the ecliptic plane. Lunar or solar eclipses occur when the Sun and the Moon are close to one of the nodes. From now on, we shall refer to this group of "planets" with a proper San-skrit term Grahas. Each graha (planet) represents certain facets of human life. Traditional Vedic as-trology does not consider the influences of Neptune, Uranus, and Pluto. Here are the names of the grahas in Sanskrit:

    SUN is SURYA








    THE SOUTH NODE is KETU Grahas have primary and secondary significations. Here is the list of the primary graha significations assigned by the sage Parashara (the author of Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra):

    SURYA (Sun) signifies the soul.

    CHANDRA (Moon) signifies the mind.

    MANGALA (Mars) signifies energy.

    BUDHA (Mercury) signifies speech.

    GURU (Jupiter) signifies knowledge.

    SHUKRA (Venus) signifies reproduction.

    SHANI (Saturn) signifies grief. The 27 Nakshatras The zodiac is divided into 27 Nakshatras, each of identical size. The first one is called Ashwini, and the others follow from there. The very same zodiac is also divided in a different way: into 12 Rashis (zodiacal signs). Out of the 12

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    signs, the one that is rising in the East at the time of birth is of particular importance. It is called Lagna (Ascendant) and it is used as the main point of reference in analyzing the chart. The Nakshatra rising in the East is also impor-tant. THE 12 RASHIS(SIGNS) The grahas (planets) are constantly moving through the Zodiac. The circle of the Zodiac is divided into 12 equal seg-ments called constellations or rashis (signs). Each rashi (sign) occupies 30 degrees of the celestial space. Each of the rashis (signs) has a unique set of attributes that affect any graha (planet) traveling through that sign. The signs are environments that affect the way a planet feels and behaves. Here are the 12 rashis (signs) listed in their natural or-der: Rashi rulerships Every rashi (sign) has its particular planetary ruler. The Sun and the Moon rule over one sign each, while the rest of the grahas hold rulership over two signs. Traditionally, Rahu and Ketu are considered not to hold rulership over any signs, although, some astrologers consider Rahu and Ketu to co-rule the signs of Aquarius and Scorpio respectively. The sign rulerships are a permanent value.

    ARIES (Mesha) is ruled by Mars.

    TAURUS (Vrishabha) is ruled by Venus.

    GEMINI (Mithuna) is ruled by Mercury.

    CANCER (Karka) is ruled by the Moon.

    LEO (Simha) is ruled by the Sun.

    VIRGO (Kanya) is ruled by Mercury.

    LIBRA (Tula) is ruled by Venus.

    SCORPIO (Vrishika) is ruled by Mars.

    SAGITTARIUS (Dhanu) is ruled by Jupiter.

    CAPRICORN (Makara) is ruled by Saturn.

    AQUARIUS (Kumbha) is ruled by Saturn.

    PISCES (Meena) is ruled by Jupiter. The 12 Bhavas The Zodiac is divided in one more way. Relative to the position of the Earth, the zodiac is divided into 12 bhavas (houses). Just as the proper motion of planets is reflected by their degree positions in rashis (signs), the diurnal (illusionary, relative motion of the planets as per-ceived from the Earth) motion of the planets is shown by their placement in astrological houses. The houses represent the various areas of life. The planets and signs that occupy the corresponding bhavas (houses) will affect those areas of life. The twelve bhavas (houses) represent the totality of the existence as experienced by a human being. Here are the main significations of each house:

    The First House represents the Self.

    The Second House represents your financial assets.

    The Third House represents courage.

    The Fourth House represents happiness.

    The Fifth House represents your children.

    The Sixth House represents your enemies.

    The Seventh House represents your spouse.

    The Eighth House represents your vulnerable points.

    The Ninth House represents your fortune.

    The Tenth House represents your career.

    The Eleventh House represents your income.

    The Twelfth House represents the end of everything. So far, we have briefly covered the general principles of the three main components of Jyotish: the Grahas (Planets), the Rashis (signs), and the Bhavas (Houses). The positions of the planets in the signs and houses are depicted in what is called the Horoscope. Evaluation and understanding of the interactive influ-ences of these three main elements constitutes the interpretation of the vedic horoscope.

    By Sashikanta Nayak [email protected]

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    A strology and Spirituality as a tool for self development. - By Richa Raghuwanshi - Language: English

    Why me? Why I have to go through this pain? Why I am the victim always? I never did anything wrong with anyone then why I have to suffer? These questions only haunt you right? I put so much effort and work hard but in vain. Suddenly a realization comes There is something else which is controlling all this. Is it my bad luck? Or, Is it my karma? Or, Is it evil eye? Or, Is it something else? Here, the chaos in mind starts and confusion takes over the control of thoughts. You linger to know answer of just one question- What went wrong? And the search begins of a GURU who can answer this question. Few end up doing several pujas, wearing stones, changed vaastu of home and office and at worst get in the trap of tantriks. After trying all the remedies, you either find them partially helpful or condemn it completely and feel it a waste of time and energy. Issue is authenticity of astrology and astrologer whom you are consulting. Unfortunately, there is no other way but to hit and try which astrologer and type of practice is suiting you. For few palmistry works and some go for tarot or as-trology or tantra. Most of you have become more fearful and the quest to know the unknown has put you in a weird mindset, now, you are afraid of making almost all the important decisions of life. You always seek advice of your Guru and follow his guidelines. Just stop for a moment and think where you are going?

    Is this the way of living life? You are a dependent creature and situation is so pathetic that you cant even make a single move without guidance. The fear of failure has made you so insecure that you have lost all the wisdom. Friends, astrology is not this and it is not there to create fear in you. It is a wonderful tool to make your life empowered and should be used for self-development. It should not be misused by making you more fearful and dependent instead should make you strong and independent. But this needs a new way of perception and a completely widened horizon of thinking only then wisdom will shower on you happiness and more meaningful life. Before we take our first step towards using astrology as a tool we must understand one thing that Vedic astrology alone does not hold accuracy today. It needs perfect blend of EMA (Energy Matrix Astrology) for making accurate pre-dictions (90% accurate) Another important thing is to understand the fact that planets of solar system do affect phenomenon on planet earth and have the affect on beings also. A very simple example to explain this is formation of high and low tides in sea. We all know that moons gravity (1/6 g) which is one-sixth of earths gravity is the reason behind tides in sea. When moon which is very small in size with low gravitational force can have effect like this then just imagine the power of sun and other planets which are much bigger in size. So, conclusion number one is planets affect our life and much phenomenon on planet earth. And conclusion number two is astrology can only predict circumstances and not the result. It can only predict whether

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    the events occurring in a particular phase will be challenging, insignificant, intense or will bring opportunity, break-through or struggle. But no one on the planet can ever predict the outcome. One can only tell you the circumstances in future. Now, one question attacks you What is the use of astrology when we can not know what will happen? What good it is to know circumstances? Answer to this is very simple. For knowing answer to this we need to know the reason of our existence. Why we are born? Why we are sent here? The reason we came to this planet is to clear our Karmic debts and backlogs. The life that we are living is chosen by our soul. The purpose is to experience the different circumstances of this life. We are expected to sail through the difficult times with wisdom so as to clear the karmic backlog. Unfortunately, we become so much involved in this ma-terialistic life that we do wrong things without even realizing its bad impact on the karmic bondages. Many researches have proved that we all our souls and we have come to this planet to refine ourselves. The life that we are living is also chosen by us. We choose difficult lifes to clear the karmic backlogs. As souls our intention is to face difficult times in life and try coming out of them without getting perturbed and without using wrong means so that we become pure and better souls. But after coming to this world we begin cribbing that why we are going through all this. We forget that it was our choice only. In human life we are so busy achieving materialistic things that we forget the very purpose of this life. That is the reason why most of us are either living a life that we constantly curb or are busy achieving materialistic possessions and do anything to get success. The moment we are into this we attract negative energies and make our lives more miserable. The existence is supreme and it has sufficient to give to all of us. One should be thankful to existence for everything that you have right from trees, birds, your own life, music, water, nature and everything that you own. The moment you start thanking your life then you automatically attract positive energy which makes your life beautiful. For this we all need to be aware of our existence and for being aware meditation is the only process as it connects our soul with the cosmic energy which is the supreme power of all energy. To answer the question - What is the use of astrology when we can not know what will happen? What good it is to know circumstances? Once you know the greater purpose of this life you understand that this life is like a school where you are sent to learn and improve yourself. Now you start taking the tough circumstances in life with more enthusiasm. You enjoy these tough times rather than cursing yourself and your life. Thus, by astrology when you know that the time is tough and circumstances will be challenging then your heart under-stands that this is clearing your karmic backlog. So, you become aware of it and you handle the situation with wisdom and do not get trapped in any concentric karmic backlog. You become thankful to God that you got a chance to clear your debts so that you can be free from this vicious circle of life and death and attain moksha. After knowing this entire thing do you feel the need of knowing the result of your actions via astrology? I feel it is futile because result is not important. The process of going through circumstances is important. Being aware of your existence and being thankful to it is important. It does not mean that you become inactive. You do your Karma but do not depend on result for happiness. Enjoy the process as it is the very purpose of your life. I do not say that you do not achieve materialistic things in life. One should try bringing a balance in materialistic and spiritualistic life to attain an empowered life. Also understand the bigger reason of life and treat the issues of life and failures normally. As it has hardly any importance. Live a life full of wisdom and happiness by understanding this ulti-mate truth of existence. All this explains how the understanding of astrology can be used as a tool for self development and empowered living by attaining wisdom and happiness.

    By Richa Raghuwanshi Astrologer-EMA Expert

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    TTTT ;ksfr"k 'kkL= esa esykid fopkj;ksfr"k 'kkL= esa esykid fopkj;ksfr"k 'kkL= esa esykid fopkj;ksfr"k 'kkL= esa esykid fopkj By Jitendra Kumar Hkkjrh; lkekftd ifj; esa fookg dks ifo= vkSj kkL= lEer~ laLdkj ekuk tkrk gSA fookg #ih lw= esa ca/ks iq#"k vkSj L=h ^ifr&iRuh^ ds #i esa xg`LFkkJe esa jgrs gq, vius&vius dkZO;ksa ds ikyu ls lekt esa lg;ksx djrs gSaA xg`LFkkJe dks lekt dk iks"kd ekuk tkrk gS D;ksafd ftl dkj ds lnkpkj dk ikyu x`gLFkkJe esa gksrk gS] oSlk nwljs vkJeksa esa ugha gksrk gSaA ;fn ifr&iRuh ijLij vuqdwy jgus okys gks] rks

    x`gLFkkJe ls c

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    tulk/kj.k esa pfyr gSa] fd fookg laca/k r; djus gsrq oj&dU;k dh tUedqf.Mfy;ksa ds ijLij feyku esaa dwV nks"k] ukM+h nks"k vkSj eakx-fyd nks"k dks oSokfgd thou esa ck/kkdkjd gksrk gSaA dwV nks"k & ijLij se esa deh dkjd] ukM+h nks"k & larku vkSj LokLF; esa gkfu dkjd vkSj eakxfyd nks"k & oS/O;@ vyxko dkjd ekuk tkrk gSaA ysfdu oSokfgd oSokfgd lq[k ds lanHkZ esa fd;s x;s v/;;u] kks/k vkSj vusd fookfgr fL=;ksa&iq#"kksa dh tUe dq.Mfy;ksa ds foys"k.k ds nkSjku~ vusdksa foLe;dkjh fLFkfr;ka Kkr gqbZ gSaA tSls dqN fookfgr tksM+ksa dh dq.fMfy;ksa ds feyku ls Lohd`fr ds ckotwn mudk oSokfgd thou d"Ve;@ckf/kr gSa] rks dqN fookfgr tksM+ksa dh dq.fMfy;ksa ds feyku ls vLohd`fr ds ckotwn mudk oSokfgd thou lq[kn vkSj lQy gSaA ,slh fLFkfr esa tUedqf.Myh feyku ds }kjk fookg laca/k r; djus dh Lohd`fr@vLohd`fr nsus dh f;k vlafnX/k rhr gksrh gSaA lkekU;r% tUedqf.Myh feyku ds nkSjku ds oj&dU;k dh tUedqf.Mfy;ksa dk ijLij feyku ds nkSjku eq[;r% xq.k v"VdwV feyku vkSj ekaxfyd nks"k ij gh fopkj djus dh Fkk gSaA ijarq ;g f;k vkafkd #i ls gh lQy ikbZ xbZ gSA izLrqr fopkj e esa fookg laca/k r; djus gsrq tUedq.Mfy;ksa ds ijLij feyku dh izpfyr i)fr ds vUrZxr ^^ekaxfyd&nks"k** ds lUnHkZ esa fuEu 'kks/kiw.kZ fcUnqvksa dk vo'; /;ku j[kuk pkfg,%&

    eakxfyd nks"k dh iw.kZ ifjk"kk D;k gS \ fofUu koksa esaa xzg&foks"k dh mifLFkfr ds vk/kkj ij cuus okys ekaxfyd nks"k dk ko dSlk gksrk gS \ ;fn ko&foks"k esa eakxfyd nks"kdkjh xzg&foks"k ij vU; wj vkSj ikih xzg dk ko gks] ekaxfyd nks"k dh ko dSlh gksxh \ D;k eakxfyd nks"k dh fuof`r lao gS \ yXu&foks"kkuqlkj xzgksa dh fLFkfr] dkjdRo] kqrk@vkqrk vkfn dk fopkjA pfyr&dq.Myh ls ekaxfyd nks"k dk fu/kkZj.k djukA v"VdoxZ i)fr dh dq.Myh&feyku esa mi;ksfxrkA ekaxfyd nks"k ds fu/kkZj.k esa uokak&dq.Myh dk egRoA

    esykid ds vUrxZr v"VdwV feyku ds vfrfjDr ekaxfyd feyku esa mi;qZDr fcUnqvksa dk lw{erk ls fopkj djuk furkar vfuok;Z gSA

    By Jitender Kumar Email: [email protected]

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    H ypnotherapy a brief introduction By Mrs. Kavita Harlalka

    What is Hypnosis? Healing by trance state (or an altered state of awareness) is among the oldest phenomena known to man and is found, in one form or another, in virtually every culture throughout the world. It could also be legitimately described as the original psychological therapy and somewhat more contentiously, as the basis for many of the more recent styles of psychological intervention. Although such altered states have been known for thousands of years, the term hypnosis (from the Greek hypnos, meaning sleep) was only coined circa 1840 by Dr James Braid, a Scottish physician and remains a somewhat less than accurate description of the experience, as the hypnotic state is, in most respects, entirely dissimilar to sleep. At our current level of knowledge, the phenomenon of hypnosis cannot be conclusively defined but perhaps a reason-able interim definition might be that: Hypnosis is a state of mind, enhanced by (although not exclusively) mental and physical relaxation, in which our subconscious is able to communicate with our conscious mind. It may be better to define hypnosis by what it does rather than what it is and in this regard, it is widely accepted as a most excellent method by which we may access our inner potential. The state of mind referred to may be brought about either by oneself, unaided (self-hypnosis) or with the help of another person. If this other person is a trained professional, who utilises the resultant state of mind to encourage beneficial change to occur, the process is referred to as Hypnotherapy. What is Hypnotherapy? Psychological therapy and counselling (sometimes referred to as the talking cure) is the treatment of emotional and psychological disorders, unwanted habits and undesirable feelings, using psychological techniques alone. The aim of all such therapy is to assist people (usually referred to as clients) in finding meaningful alternatives to their present unsatisfactory ways of thinking, feeling or behaving. Therapy also tends to help clients become more accepting both of themselves and others and can be most useful in promoting personal development and unlocking inner potential. There are many forms of psychological therapy but Hypnotherapy is distinctive in that it attempts to address the cli-ents subconscious mind. In practice, the Hypnotherapist often (but not exclusively) requires the client to be in a relaxed state, frequently enlists the power of the clients own imagination and may utilise a wide range of techniques from story telling, metaphor or symbolism (judged to be meaningful to the individual client) to the use of direct sug-gestions for beneficial change. Analytical techniques may also be employed in an attempt to uncover problems deemed to lie in a clients past (referred to as the there and then) or therapy may concentrate more on a clients current life and presenting problems (referred to as the here and now). It is generally considered helpful if the cli-ent is personally motivated to change (rather than relying solely on the therapist's efforts) although a belief in the possibility of beneficial change may be a sufficient starting point. Regardless of the techniques employed, perhaps the most important thing is that a client should expect to feel com-fortable and at ease with their therapist. This is of particular importance in Hypnotherapy, in which the value of the treatment is greatly enhanced when there is confidence in the practitioner. For this reason it is recommended that a single session only is initially booked, leaving the client subsequently free to decide if they wish to proceed with more. Unlike many other psychological therapies, Hypnotherapy is generally considered to be a fairly short-term approach in which beneficial change, if it is to occur, should become apparent within a relatively few sessions. N.B. In actual practice, most Hypnotherapists will combine hypnotic procedures with other appropriate counselling and therapeutic techniques. Should there be any doubt about the combination of skills utilised in individual cases, the therapist should be asked directly for a further explanation of their preferred methodology Who can be hypnotised? The answer to this question is undoubtedly virtually everyone. This claim must, however, be qualified by the obser-vation that some are more readily hypnotisable than others and that it will also depend upon ones willingness to be hypnotised at the time. This willingness will itself depend upon a number of factors, not least of which will be the

    Language: English

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    strength of the persons particular need and their trust and confidence in the therapist concerned. A corollary to this question is What level of trance is required in order to achieve a beneficial outcome? Although there remains some disagreement over the answer, most researchers concur that the actual level (or depth) of trance obtained does not relate to the beneficial results that might be obtained. In practice, this means that even where a person feels that they have not been hypnotised, given time (and this is a very important factor), the desired outcome of therapy might yet materialise. This matter of time is especially important in our current society, which has, in many respects, been coerced into believing that gratification of every desire should be instantaneous. Hypnotherapy can be extraor-dinarily effective but it is not magic. However, if the right ingredients are present, if the time is right and if a suit-able practitioner can be found with whom the client is willing to work, then all their (realistic) goals are achievable. Who may benefit from Hypnotherapy? Again, the answer to this question is virtually everyone. Given that hypnotherapy can be utilised to access a per-sons inner potential and that probably no one is performing to their actual potential, then this answer is literally true. However, it is not just potential which Hypnotherapy is well placed to address but also ones inner resources to effect beneficial change. In this regard, it is the innate healing capacity of our own body that may be stimulated by Hypnotherapy. Consequently, the list of problems which may be amenable to Hypnotherapy is far too long and varied to catalogue but certainly includes: stress, anxiety, panic, phobias, unwanted habits and addictions (e.g. smoking, overeating, alcoholism), disrupted sleep patterns, lack of confidence and low self-esteem, fear of examinations and public speaking, allergies and skin disorders, migraine and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). Additionally, it has proved of value within surgery, where normal anaesthetics have not been practical, in the wider sphere of pain management and in the areas of both sporting and artistic performance enhancement. As an adjunct to other counselling tech-niques, it can also assist in helping to resolve relationship difficulties and be useful within anger management strate-gies. Although there remain many other areas of human suffering in which Hypnotherapy may bring relief, there are in-stances in which it may be contra-indicated. These could include some manifestations of depressive illness, epilepsy, psychosis (e.g. schizophrenia) and some breathing problems.

    Some Common Concerns People are sometimes concerned that they will lose control in hypnosis. However, general consensus indicates that regardless of how deeply people may go in hypnosis and however passive they may appear to be, they actually remain in full control of the situation. They are fully able to talk if they wish to (or not, as the case may be) and can stand up and leave the room at any time. Neither can a hypnotised person be made to do anything against their usual ethi-cal or moral judgement or religious belief. It is likely that the notion of a loss of control stems from most peoples misconception of stage hypnosis, wherein participants are apparently made to perform all manner of (usually foolish) acts. However, the reader should be aware that participation in a stage act is an entirely voluntary process (thus permission is already given to the hypnotist) and that there can be no such volunteer who is unaware of exactly what they are letting themselves in for!

    Reference: William Broom

    By Mrs. Kavita Harlalka, [email protected]

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    S akuna Sastra (Astrology of Omens) Lizards Falling By Sashikanta Nayak Lizard (Chipkali in Hindi) is two types and it has a greater significance in Sakuna Sastra which is called As-

    trology of omens. But what is Sakuna Sastra? It is one of the branches of Astrology where an Astrologer can predict the outcome of a question just by observing the changes in the environment is called Sakuna Sastra or Nimitta Sastra or known as Astrology of omens. The word sakuna refers to something indicative. Nimitta represents something happening at the moment. Let us take an example. A person going on a work found a black cat coming opposite in his way. It is a sakuna or indication that he will see delay or failure in his work. The reason is black represents planet Saturn who gives delays and failures. The cat coming in opposite direction is an indication that Saturn is not favorable for him to carry out that work. The Lizards Falling Lizard (Chipkali) is two types and has two types of color (white and black) generally seen at home. In Sakuna Sastra white type of Chipkali is most favorable while Black is un-favorable and inauspicious. So Falling of Chipkali in front of a human or its fall in our hand or climbed into our body or its tik tik sound has different omens and indication in our day to day life. Falling of Chipkali (Lizard) 1. If its fall in to our head then its an omens and indication of getting royals, wealth, luxury and blessing from the


    a. But if its fall in to the person of a Rich mans head then its an omen of destroying of wealth, but reverse incase of a poor person.

    b. If a rich person in Bad health and bed ridden if the Chipkali fall in to his head then the native will get more pain and death like suffering. But its reverse in case of a poor individual.

    2. If the Lizard falls in to the forehead then the native will get class Luxury and meet various good friends in near future.

    3. If the Lizard falls in to the middle of the eyebrow then the native will get royal grant and prestige. 4. If the Lizard falls in to the nose then the native will get auspicious results, rid of pains, and he/she will be fortu-

    nate. 5. If the Lizard falls in to the right ear then it will increase the longevity of the native. 6. If in the left ear them Gains. 7. If the lizard fall in to two eyes then opportunity of Alliances and relationship. 8. In to the lip it will destroy wealth. 9. Under the lip it will Increases the health, wealth and Luxuries. 10. If the Lizard falls in to the right hand shoulder then the native gain respect from ones spouse, higher post in job,

    and meet various good friends and in contact with influence peoples 11. If the Lizard falls in to the left hand shoulder then the native will get fear from Govt or higher authorities. 12. If the Lizard falls in to the above the Larynx (throat) then the native will get favorite good and materialistic and

    destroy his enemy. 13. In the right side of the throat gain of friends. 14. If the Lizard falls above the face then Gain of Sweet food, but no result will experience if its climb into your face

    and shoulder at the same time. 15. If it fall in to nails then Gain of wealth. 16. If it fall into the any of the two Breasts of men then for left side its bring Bad luck and for right side fortunate.

    Womens, Left side good luck and right bad. 17. If in to the womb then native will get well-wisher and good loveable friends 18. If it fall in to the right hand of any native then he/she will get new wearer and reverse in case of left hand 19. Bring death if it fall above your heart, or death like sufferings 20. If the Chipkali fall into a pregnant womens womb the she will birth great fortunate son 21. If fall in the back area then one lose his son 22. If fall in to the hip then indication of new diseases, but after falling, if it climb up to the top then once get good

    dresses 23. For the right thigh it will destroy ones wealth and for left it is a good omen regarding your son. For two thighs its

    bring sound wealth 24. Between the two keens you will get Good vehicles 25. If its fall into your genitalia then you will meet friends 26. For right foot brings long distance travel, and for left foot its destroy your good friends and longevity 27. If its fall in to your two feet then you will be in danger

    Language: English

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    28. If its fall in to your toes then its a omen of being tension and getting in to life threaten danger 29. If it fell between your big toe and small toe then you may opt for a big holiday with your all family members 30. If the lizard fall between your ankle and foot then it will kill your wife 31. If its fall into your (head)hairs then danger to death 32. If it fell in to your feet and at that time if its climbed upward up to your head then you will get Royals and vast

    land 33. If its fell in to your left body part and simultaneously if its get down through the same left side body then you

    will get all types of gains 34. If its fell in to your right body part and simultaneously if its get down through the left side of your body then you

    will get all types of deprivations 35. If youre sleeping and then its fall in to you, so after one month the native will die or he/she may get some res-

    pite. But death like suffering would be sure 36. If it fall while you eating vessels then you will get wealth 37. If the lizard fall in front of you not in you then you will get desired result and wishes 38. If the lizard fall in to any part of your body and if its go upward then its a omen of improvements of that period

    of time 39. There would be no result if during the Panchanga time of Vadra or Dagda Thithi , Krura Var, Baidhruthi, Mrutu,

    Jama Ghantaka Yoga, Krura Lagna 40. Days : Monday, Wed, Thursday, Friday : Auspicious result Tuesday, Saturday, Sunday : Inauspicious result 41. Tithi : Pratipada(1st), Dwitiya(2nd), Chaturthi(4th) Create Diseases; Trutiya(3rd) Gaines; Panchami(5th) , Shasthi

    (6th), Saptami(7th), Dwadasi(12th) Wealth; Astami(8th), Navami(9th), Dasami(10th) Painfull; Ekadashi(11th) Gain of Son; Tryodashi(13th), Chaturdashi(14th), Poornima(Full Moon), Amavasya (full waning moon) Danger. (NB. These are the Moon cycle from 1 to 14th day and Poornima is the full moon while Amavasya is full waning moon, please check the Vedic Panchang will help to understand these termilogy)

    42. Nakshatra(Constellation): Aswani(Beta Arietis) Cure and successful; Bharani(41 Arietis) Diseases giver; Krittika(Alcyone), Vishakha(A Librae) Destroyer of wealth; Rohini(Aldebaran), Mrigashira(l Orionis) Gain of wealth; Arudra(Betelgeuse) Danger to death; Punarvasu(b Geminorium), Pushya(d Cancri) Gains; Hasta(l Aquarii), Chi-tra(Spica), Swati(A Bootis) Auspicious; Ashlesha(e Hydrae), Jeysta(Antares), Moola(l Scorpii), Purva Ashadha(d Sagittarii), Uttara Ashadha(s Sagittarii), Abhijit(), Dhanista(b Delphini) Pain till the death; Magha(e Hy-drae),Purva Phalguni(d Leonis),Uttara Phaguni (Denebola) Auspicious; Anuradha(Betelgeuse), Shravana(A), Shatabhishaj(l Aquarii), Purva Bhadrapada(b Pegasi), Uttara Bhadrapada(g Pegasi) Huge gain or Gain of Royal or States; Revati (z Piscium) Gain of longevity.

    DOS or Remedies

    After the Lizard fell in to you go and do a bath without changing your clothes. Donates to priest like (Black grams, til,

    money, gold etc with proper Dakshina) pray to your lord or esta devi to get rid of evil effect by chanting 108 time the

    Mantra, also light some lamps to get rid of the evils. This above remedies also can be done if the fall of lizard is auspi-

    cious to strengthen its effect.

    By Sashikanta Nayak, Email: [email protected]

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    Thank You!