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1. Introduction to e-commerce:..................................................................................................3

1.1 e-commerce stores:...........................................................................................................4

1.2 Fashion Apparel and e-commmerce:................................................................................4

2. Online Business Models for e-commerce:.............................................................................5

2.1 Overview of online models for trade:...............................................................................5

2.2 Different Business Models for e-commerce:....................................................................6





Third Party Marketplace:.....................................................................................................7

Virtual Comunities:.............................................................................................................7

Value-chain service provider:..............................................................................................7

Value-chain integrators:......................................................................................................8

Collaboration platforms:......................................................................................................8

Discussions on Business Models for e-Commerce:................................................................8

Best Model for Gogol Designs:..............................................................................................9

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3. Marketing and Promotions:....................................................................................................9

4. Wireframe For Gogol Designs Website:..............................................................................10

5. Legal and Ethical Issues:......................................................................................................17


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Web indexes regularly display no less than two classifications of indexed lists on the results

page. One set is made out of non sponsored (i.e., natural) connects that the internet searcher

decides utilizing its restrictive matching calculation. The other set is made out of supported

connections that show up on the grounds that an organization, association, or individual

obtained the essential word that the searcher utilized as a part of the pursuit question. Paid

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pursuit is the pervasive plan of action for seeking on the Web. Most significant web crawlers,

for example, Google what's more Yahoo!, have received paid hunt very nearly generally,

what's more some site-particular quests like ( have started utilizing the paid pursuit

model. For instance, Google, Yahoo!, what's more AOL, three of the real web crawlers, have

reported that paid quest represented 99, 84, and 12% of 2004 yearly incomes, individually.

(McCarthy, 2005) The way to whether paid inquiry is a feasible plan of action boils down to

saw importance. Are supported connections significant to searchers' data needs? In the event

that clients consider the supported substance applicable to their undertaking, they should

think about selecting the supported connections. If not, searchers will disregard these

connections. Over the inquiry business, there are billions of dollars riding on the response to

this inquiry. Positively for the not so distant future, paid inquiry seems, by all accounts, to be

the dominating income hotspot for web indexes, albeit a few reporters have addressed

supported connections as a long haul plan of action. (Rooney, 2004)


With the assistance of the accessible web innovations design brands can make a drenching

and creative store environment online (Okonkwo, 2009). For instance popular high end brand

Cartier has made a visual voyage through their block and-mortar store, which one can explore

and navigate on the web. ( It is enthralling, keeps the guest included, and it

makes passionate snares by the utilization of features and engagement, and without it, an e-

business that does not give an experience won't flourish (Jennings, 1998). However there is to

date no extravagance site or group which permits the guest to explore through the store, see

the current accumulation on the racks and move and customize them into the bushel while

being exhorted by a continuous e-shopping aide.


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One of the principle sections of E-Commerce that is prime for disturbance is Apparel &

Fashion. (Carroll, 2011) Generally (i.e. prior to 10 years back), if a design clever youngster

needed to buy a thing from Abercrombie & Fitch & there wasn't one found in the

neighborhood shopping center – there were two alternatives: 1. buy through mail request list

(Carroll, 2011)or 2. Hold up until they took a get-away to an area that had an Abercrombie

retail location. (Carroll, 2011) The web apparently straightened the playing field by

empowering anybody in the bordering US to buy anything from an online retailer. (Carroll,


The secured design brands like Dior, Gucci and Prada are all attempting to reexamine their

customary deals and showcasing system to incorporate the computerized channels and

particularly Internet technologies, to make their brands fit for what's to come. They are

reluctant because of the predicament of including the general population and in the meantime

keeping up restrictiveness and brand control. They expect that actualizing intelligent

classifications on their sites, where clients and fans can cooperate or redoing items may

endanger and even make them detached control of their image. This disposition is presently

gradually changing, as the larger part of design brands have understood the significance of

Internet vicinity. Particularly constrained by late declining deals in the physical stores,

because of the monetary downturn, most form brands have turned their consideration online

where e-business still guarantees twofold digit development (Okonkwo, 2009).

Interfacing and shopping crosswise over channels is however precisely what the clients

anticipate from brands. Past exploration in the setting of online style demonstrate that clients

need a site encounter that is captivating, paramount and intuitive; a site that can offer social

association, two-way correspondence and a customized association with the brand (Siddiqui

et al, 2003). In addition, the intelligent and community perspectives are additionally what

industry reports from Mckinsey and the Economist business reviews call attention to as

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circumstances for expanding a company’s income or profits. (Economist Intelligence Unit

Research, 2007)



“Business Models” are maybe the most examined and slightest comprehended part of the

web. There is such a great amount of discuss how the web changes conventional “Business

Models”. Anyway there is minimal obvious confirmation of precisely what this implies.

(Rappa, 2010)

In the most fundamental sense, a plan of action is the strategy for working together by which

an organization can support itself - that is, create income. The plan of action spells-out how

an organization profits by tagging where it is situated in the quality chain. (Rappa, 2010)

A few models are very straightforward. An organization creates a decent or administration

and offers it to clients. In the event that all goes well, the incomes from deals surpass the

expense of operation and the organization understands a benefit. Different models can be all

the more complicatedly woven. Television is a decent illustration. (Rappa, 2010) Radio and

later TV programming has been shown over the wireless transmissions allowed to anybody

with a beneficiary for a great part of the previous century. The telecaster is a piece of a

complex system of wholesalers, substance makers, promoters (and their organizations), and

audience members or viewers. (Rappa, 2010) Who profits and the amount of are not

generally clear at the start. The main thing relies on upon numerous contending components.

(Rappa, 2010)

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Web trade will offer climb to new sorts of “Business Models”. (Rappa, 2010) That much is

sure. Anyway the web is likewise liable to rethink proven models. Barters are an impeccable

illustration. One of the most seasoned types of expediting, barters have been generally

utilized all through the world to set costs for such things as agrarian items, monetary

instruments, and special things like compelling artwork and ancient pieces. The Web has

promoted the closeout model and widened its appropriateness to a wide cluster of

merchandise and administrations. (Rappa, 2010)

“Business Models” have been characterized and arranged in various ways. (Rappa, 2010)

This is one endeavor to present a complete and pertinent scientific categorization of

“Business Models” noticeable on the web. The proposed scientific categorization is not

intended to be thorough or conclusive. Web “Business Models” keep on evolving. New and

intriguing varieties can be normal later on.



Business Models for Ecommerce

e-Shops e-Procurement e-Auction e-Mall Third Party Marketplace

Virtual Communities

Value Chain Service


Value Chain Integrators

Collaboration Platforms

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This is Web advertising of an organization or a shop. In first case this is carried out to

advance the organization and its merchandise or administrations. Progressively added is the

likelihood to request and potentially to pay, regularly consolidated with conventional

showcasing channels. Profits looked for the organization are expanded interest, a minimal

effort course to worldwide vicinity, and expense diminishment of advancement and deals.

Profits for the clients can be

lower costs contrasted with the conventional offer, more extensive decision, better data, and

comfort of selecting, purchasing and conveyance, including 24-hour accessibility. Where

rehash visits to the e-shop are carried out, coordinated promoting can expand those profits for

both dealer and purchaser. Vender incomes are from diminished expense, expanded deals,

and perhaps publicizing. Most business Web destinations are business-to shopper electronic

shops, offering for instance blooms by Floraqueen. (


This is electronic tendering and acquirement of merchandise and administrations. Huge

organizations or open powers execute some type of e-obtainment on the Web (an illustration

is Japan Airlines at Profits looked for are to have a more extensive decision

of suppliers which is required to prompt lower expense, better quality, enhanced conveyance,

diminished expense of acquirement (e.g. tendering specs are downloaded by suppliers instead

of sent by post). Electronic transaction and contracting and potentially communitarian work

in particular can further upgrade time- and expense sparing and accommodation. For

suppliers the profits are in all the more tendering open doors, conceivably on a worldwide

scale, lower expense of submitting a delicate, and perhaps tendering in parts which may be

more qualified for littler endeavors, or synergistic tendering (if the e-acquirement site

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backings types of cooperation). The primary wellspring of pay is diminishment of expense

(mechanized delicate preparing, more practical offers)


Electronic barters (on the Internet) offer an electronic execution of the offering instrument

too known from conventional barters. This can be joined by media presentation of the

merchandise. Normally they are not limited to this single capacity. They might likewise offer

mix of the offering process with contracting, installments and conveyance. The wellsprings of

salary for the sale supplier are in offering the innovation stage, in exchange expenses, and in

publicizing. Profits for suppliers and purchasers are expanded effectiveness and time-

investment funds, no requirement for physical transport until the arrangement has been made,

worldwide sourcing. Due to the lower cost it gets to be plausible to additionally offer

available to be purchased little amounts of low esteem, e.g. surplus merchandise. Wellsprings

of pay for suppliers are in diminished surplus stock, better use of generation limit, lower

deals overheads. Wellsprings of pay for purchasers are in lessened buying overhead cost and

diminished expense of products or administrations obtained. Illustrations of electronic barters

are the ESPRIT venture Infomar.


An electronic shopping center, in its essential structure, comprises of a gathering of e-shops,

normally upgraded by a typical umbrella, for instance of a remarkable brand. It may be

improved by a typical - ensured - installment strategy. A case is Electronic Mall Bodensee

(, offering entrance to individual e-shops. When they practice on a certain

business sector fragment such shopping centers get to be a greater amount of an industry

commercial center, like (, which can include esteem by

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virtual group characteristics (FAQ, dialog discussions, shut client bunches, ...). The e-

shopping center administrator might not have an enthusiasm for a single person business that

is being facilitated. Rather the administrator may look for profits in improved offers of the

supporting innovations (e.g. IBM with World Avenue). Then again profits are looked for in

administrations (e.g. Barclays with Barclaysquare), or in promoting space and/or brand

fortification or in aggregate advantages for the e-shops that are facilitated, for example,

expanded movement, with the desire that meeting one shop on the e-shopping center will

prompt visits to "neighboring" shops.


This is a rising model that is suitable on the off chance that organizations wish to leave the

Web showcasing to a third gathering (conceivably as an extra to their different channels).

They all have in like manner that they offer at any rate a client interface to the suppliers' item

lists. A few extra gimmicks like marking, installment, logistics, requesting, and at last the full

size of secure exchanges are added to third gathering commercial centers.


A definitive estimation of virtual groups is originating from the parts (clients or accomplices),

who include their data onto an essential environment gave by the virtual group organization.

The enrollment charges and in addition publicizing create incomes. A virtual group can

likewise be a vital extra to other advertising operations to construct client faithfulness and get

client criticism,


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These practice on a particular capacity for the quality chain, for example, electronic

installments or logistics, with the expectation to make that into their unique game changer.

Banks for instance have been situating themselves all things considered since long, yet may

discover new open doors utilizing systems.


These spotlight on incorporating various steps of the quality chain, with the possibility to

endeavor the data stream between those steps as further included worth. Incomes are

originating from consultancy charges or conceivably exchange expenses. A case quality chain

integrator is the ESPRIT venture


These give a set of instruments and a data environment for joint effort between ventures. This

can concentrate on particular capacities, for example, communitarian plan and building, or in

giving task help with a virtual group of specialists. Business opportunities are in dealing with

the stage (participation/utilization expenses), and in offering the authority devices (e.g. for

outline, work process, archive administration). Samples are in the items and tasks spun off

from the Global Engineering Network idea.


A subjective mapping of the business models of action along two measurements is shown

below (Fig.1). The primary measurement gives the level of development. This reaches from

basically an electronic form of a conventional method for working together to more

imaginative routes, for instance by externalizing by means of the Internet works that at one

time were performed inside an organization or by offering capacities that did not exist in the

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recent past. The second measurement is the degree of incorporation of capacities, going from

single capacity plans of action (e.g. e-shops that just give the showcasing capacity over the

Internet), to completely incorporated usefulness, e.g. worth chain mix.

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 100











Business Models for e-commerce:

e-shops e-procurement e-auction

e-mall Third Party Marketplace Virtual Communities

Value Chain Service Providers Value Chain Integrators Collaboration Platforms

[Source: (Timmers, 1998); (Pereira & Fife, n.d)]

In the above Figure (Fig.1) the x-axis represents degree of innovation, and the y-axis

represents functionality.


As per the requirements of Gogol Designs, it is proposed that it follows the model of e-shop.

Even though e-shops rank the lowest in terms of both functionality as well as innovation, it is

believed that it will be the best fit for Gogol Designs, keeping in mind its need to cater to

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online customers, especially its regular customers who want Gogol Designs to have an online



[Source: (Mulvenna & Tanner, n.d)]

The Marketing for Gogol Designs will be a six step approach, as described by Mulvenna and

Tanner (n.d) for a successful e-shop. It will include Search Engine Optimization (SEO) which

is forming appropriate keywords, so that the site is indexed at the top by the popular search

engines such as Google, Yahoo or Bing. Creating the appropriate content is also a marketing

activity as it helps users to identify which products they can buy and how. Social media has a

huge impact on consumer behavior these days. Sites such as Facebook and Twitter are

extremely popular, especially with the target audience of Gogol Designs. Advertisements

include paid advertising through Adsense on Google and Facebook advertisements. Affiliate

networks are basically partner websites who help promotion of a website on a reciprocal

basis. Not all employees at Gogol are specialists when it comes to being successful

Marketing for Gogol Designs

Maximize Search Engine Visibility

Creating Approppriate Content

Engage Social Media


Creation of Affliate Networks

Hiring Professionals

Page 15: 50067

marketers, especially online. Gogol Designs will have to hire professionals who are adept in

doing this.


PC version

(16:9 aspect ratio)

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Text box

Menu 1 Menu 2 Menu 3 Menu 4 Menu 5

Logo and business name


PC version sub-page

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M enu Item

Menu Item

List item 1 List item 2 List item 3 List item 4

Gogol Desgins Content.


Radio button unselected

Radio button selected

Print Button

Shopping Cart Button

Email Button

Menu Item Button


Menu Item drop-down list


Content Box


Footer Area


Links List

Product Image Placeholder


Footer Info

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Text box

Menu 1

Menu 2

Menu 3

Menu 4

Menu 5

Logo and business name




Menu 1

Menu 2

Menu 3

Menu 4


Drop down menu

Content highlights

Links List






Image Text

Sub content Sub content


Wireframe 1

Wireframe 2

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Wireframe 3



Menu items Additional settings/options

Logo and search box

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Wireframe 4

Wireframe 5



ContentSub article

Sub article

Sub article



ImageBusiness name


Navigation/ Links

Image Content

Sub article

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Wireframe 6





Sign in/Register

Menu items

Sub navigationSearch



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Mobile version

(representative of 480x800)

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Mobile version sub-page

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The acknowledgement of the Internet by the business group in the mid 1990s has brought

about a time of uncommon development in worldwide electronic correspondences. Then

again, to guarantee the more extended term achievement of e-Business there have been

requires a satisfactory empowering system to be placed set up, especially of an administrative

nature. Stakeholders are requesting a more steady environment in which to direct standard

business and customer exchanges.

[Source: (Roman, 2007); (Nardal & Sahin, 2011)]



Issues for Gogol Design e-shop


Privacy Rights

Network Advertising

Electronic Payments




Safe guard against frauds

Page 25: 50067


Design and implementation

Fully managed services Hosting

24x7 support and individual service level agreements

Customized, agile monitoring

Highly redundant server


Various scaling technologies

Redundant distribution of all

components across

several data centers

State-of-the-art eCommerce technologies

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The website shall operate on the HTTP Protocol for communications over the internet as well

as use TCP/IP protocol for intranet. Additionally, the following is required:

Basic Browsing Features such as a Browsing software (Examples: Internet Explorer; Mozilla

Firefox; Google Chrome). Java Applet (latest version), Microsoft Front Page or EJB will be

required for user interface.

Additionally, there is also a requirement for ERP and CRM Softwares for management

enquiry and benefit.

It will also be beneficial for Gogal Designs to incorporate the Verisign Signature on its e-

shop to promote trust and reliability.


Likewise with any business move or extension, considering an online vicinity can raise an

occasionally bewildering rundown of inquiries for an ambitious person. Precisely what must

be placed set up to get it going? How does an online vicinity change the business sector for

the business? What's happening with rivals? In what capacity will individuals shop? What

sort of security is needed? In what capacity will clients pay online? We assemble this guide, a

first stage of sorts, to help answer those inquiries. Little organizations that have practically no

e-trade abilities on their sites will look into making the following stride in changing over their

promoting locales into offering areas that develop their client bases, pictures and deals in

altogether new ways. Those business people not yet online will find how the Internet is prone

to change their organizations and acquaint them with businesses a long ways past those which

are at present in span.

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The most astounding part of e-trade is its capacity to effect deals and promoting endeavors

quickly. By going on the web, abruptly an area pastry shop or a home based counseling

administration extends its span to a national, or even universal base of potential clients.

Online deals know no global limits.

Not just is the web expanding the quantity of potential clients that an organization can

achieve, but at the same time its driving gainfulness, as indicated by exploration from IPSOS,

authorized by Paypal. The overview found that, a long way from being an additional "cost,"

web operations helped organizations' primary concerns.


There are many challenges that Gogol Designs must first overcome to successfully operate an

e-shop, these are:

Appropriate Content designing of the e-shop

Considering Shipping Charges.

Advertising Strategies (paid versus Free)

Identification of Target market

Attracting New Customers’

Paying importance to technological, ethical and legal demands.



In the worldwide level internet shopping business sector, individuals for the most part favor

purchasing books took after by apparel/adornments/shoes, air transport ticket/reservations

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and electronic supplies. The web shopping is for the most part used by the more youthful era,

so the items that are sold online are likewise basically centered towards this band of

individuals. Keeping in mind the end goal to acquire the senior individuals inside internet

shopping group, more items/administrations focused on towards them ought to additionally

be made accessible on the web.

Because of the expansion of promotions on web, individuals are presented to extensive

variety of advertisements, and more often than not the promotion never achieves the focused

on group of onlookers; this makes individuals to disregard advertisements and profits.

Arriving at the focused on gathering of people on account of web publicizing is progressively

getting to be mind boggling as the subtle elements being given by the vast majority of the

individuals in sites is not exact. This virtual showcasing additionally makes the purchaser to

purchase things what they like on the screen as opposed to what purchasers truly requirement

for them. Individuals who can hardly wait for quite a while before having the item on their

hand won't be settling on internet shopping, as the conveyance may require some serious

energy. Security issues are getting to be progressively essential in this data age. An alternate

examination discovering calls attention to that very nearly 15% of all Americans and 19% of

all Internet clients have been casualties of charge card misrepresentation. Moreover, paying

little respect to whether purchasers have encountered such protection infringement episodes

firsthand or not, the incessant scope by prominent media makes such occurrences simple to

envision. This is a vital element that needs to be tended to pick up the goodwill of a purchaser

keeping in mind the end goal to create a long haul purchaser merchant relationship through

internet shopping locales.


Moose Consultancy recommends that Gogol Designs

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Start an e-shop for its apparel and fashion lines.

To be successful Gogol Designs must

Carefully plan their entry into virtual markets.

Identify their main and target customers.

Hire appropriate professionals for website designing, maintenance and

developing, along with SEO and market surveys.

Develop the proper infrastructure to venture into the virtual markets by investing

in the appropriate technologies.


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