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sus 5002

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1'1 M'l'l r II \ I ' 739

erl',l'l' \\ it h time (.,_kerckt"~Jll.:r et al. 1 97~ : W. \\'. Ke' n.•Jd, unruhli.,hed data I . The 'Ire'' ul infec­th'll. medt:ttl·d h~ ryrogen,. can incre:hl' the rrl'fcrcndum h~ \e\ era! t.k,!!rec-. ( Reyn~IJJ, d al. 19 lla: Kl'\ n"JJ, a nd Co,ert 1917: R~·ynoJJ,

1977cl. \\htch ~Uml·ho" enhancl~ 'unival trom thl' intectllm (J . 8 . Cm'l'rl and \V. \\'. Re\"noJd, unruhll'hl·d data I. Str~\·enhanccd thermoregula­tflln might .. line-tunc .. thl' phy,ioh,gical rC!>JlOn '-'' of th~· urganl'm. 'uch a' thl' immune rl~JlOn''-' to infl·cti"n ,,r '""C3Jll' reaction' from harmful 'ttmuli. F"h maintained in lahora tory tcmpcra­lllrl' and rh,lhtpcrhxl condnio~ Ctlmparahlc to tht,,e o l the 'Jla"ning 'ea,on ma~ al,o he in Jll' rpetual hr'"·eJing condition ( Banner and Hyatt JQ7~ : Smith 1 97~1 . \0 their prdercnda might reflect 'Jla" ning (lptima.

:\nother Jl'l!>.'ihk interpretation o f initially high JahNatMy prderenda in"olves initial o ' crl>hoot during gra\"itation to the final prcfercndum ( cL H:ttknhuizen 1967: Beitinger and Magnuson llJ76 1. a phenomenon not uncommon in physio­logical r~pon~~ to temperature change~ ( P ro\.,cr 196~ : Peh:r!>Cln and Andcr:!\o n 1969: Reynolds 1977h I. Alternati"dy. the laboratory rc~pon~C!>

may he cotl\idl·red to rc!)r~ent the pure 'Jlecies­specific tcmrcrawrc rrdercndum. !Iince every elTon i~ made hl rcnwvc extraneous stimuli. while

a mult tt udc ''t nont hermal 'timuli inlaler l' in :1 C•'mJlk\ fa,hlllll "ilh 1herm:tl r'-''Jl'''h'-'' in natur'"·· lhcrmal dt,trihuti''"' m lhl· lldd ""'"' rrcdt<:tahk In C\tendcd Jahorator\" tl''''· fi,h might ' imilarly !leg in h ' re,Jltmt.l • ~; ntllll hemtal factor,. mtldih ing th'"· uh'l'n l'd thl·nnal Jt,lrih u­tinrl\. ='"'tttritit'n kwl ma~ haw an dfe'"·t. Pcrh:'Jl' mt"re l>igniticantly. 'flCial int~r.•~•ion, in l!rour~

nf fi, h 'eem In incrca'c foil''" ing 1he initial expl(lrator~ phas~ in a newel cn'"irnnment (\\'. \\'. Rcynolll' unpuhli hl'll data) . and 'uch "ocial intcraclionl> haw hccn 'ho\\ n to at feet lhl.'mlal tlil>trihuti'm' and hch:l\'ior (Bacon et :11. 1967: Rc~al 1971 : Bcitingl•r and ~lagnu"'" I Q 51 . '-"'Jll'Cially in the c:ll>c ,,f uhordina1.: indi\ idual, " 'hO:!\e behavior i' interfered with h~ 'ocially dominant individual;;. A ~rcat tkal '"' turther worl i' necdl·d to more full~ cl:uif~ all N th'"· aho"e cons ideralion!>.

I thant.. Dr J . J . Maj! for n.• ,· i~\\inJ! an ~arl> draft of thi~ r aper. I thant.. Drs R. \\'. ~h:Cauler

:.nd l. I. Cra\Hhaw for helrful di~cussionl>. and F. Paul Richard~ for org.anizin)! I hi~ s~ mposium and thcrell> r rC'\'it.linJ! a forum for 1his much-needed cxamin:uiun of an imrortanl ~utoject are01 .

Compilation of Temperature Preference Data 1


Em·irmmwfllal Scie!IWt' .l Dit·i.f itm. Oal. RidJ!c' 1\'atillfwl Luhomtury. Oal. Rid}!c·. Tt'nn. 17830. USA

Col' t A!"r. C. C. 19 7. Compilauon of1empcr.aturc p~fc~ncc: data. J . fish. Re~. Board Can. 3-*: 739-745.

Thtl> rc:ron bricft~ ~oummarizc~ cum:nl inf,,rmatiun from fic:ld and laboratory ... tudie' on lcmpcr.aturc ~l«tion by lil>bcs. wilh a tabula! ion of final temperalure prdc~nda and uppc:r and lo\locr avoidance temperatu~s.

Kry ..-ords: temper.llu~. !oelccuon. prcfc~ndum. 3\0tdance. preference. behavior. orientalion

Cot.:r \!loT. C. C. 1977. Compilation oflempcr.alu~ p~fc~nce dala. J . Fish. Rc!>. Board Can. 3-*: 739-745.

On tiMJmc brii:vcmcnl dans ccl an iclc Jc, connai, sancc' cuuran1c' acqui~' !>Ur le tcrr.ain c1 en labor .. toi~ ur Jc chou dCll tcmper .. lu~' par Jc~ poi!>son,. a\'cC tahulalion de' tcm.,Cr.alu~'

prefcrec' finale!> cl db lcm.,Cr .. turc' d' c\•it~mcn,t supe~ure' cl infcncu~l!> .

Receiv~d ~ptcmber 15. 1976 Acccpt<td February 10. 1977

'Environmental Sciences D ivision Publication No. 9'98.

Rc\u Jc I~ -.eptcmbrc 1976 :\cccptc Jc 10 fcv~r 1977

I I • ·-n , "

,_ ·- f-1 'C !: AK 9?501

, • ~/Tv.

Page 3: 5002 -

J HSH. IU.S. BOAitD CA~ . VIII. . . 4 . 19n

Ttt" pa(k·r '"mn~:~ri1c' mlormation on h:mpcra­lurc' wkcl~·ll hy fi,h~ in lahoratory and field , itua11nn,. lh primary purfiO'e is to provide tah­ular dat a o n three ··"·nt.lpoinb" of temperature wl~·l·t ion that haH' been fo11nd useful for o;clling t"·mpcr;1tur~· 'ltant.lart.l" fC\r " ater hodil"' and for ll"-..crihin~ ami predicting the behavior of f~h~ ncar po""·r \tatit"'n heated discharg~ (Table ll . Thc'e en~lf14'int <; arc the final prefcrcndum and the upper and lower avoidance temperatures. A ~i!!nificant amount o f additional data has been puhli,hed 'ince Coutant ( 1975 I summarized re­Jk""~rh thmugh 1973.

lk-spitc d ifferent \ltldy objectives and methotb among th~o· r~o~earch reporb :o.ummarizcd in Table I . a pallc rn of temperature preference appears in the r~ull\ for many speck-s. Species specificity is

clearly demon-.tratcd with rc:~~onahlc con'i,tcncy among lahoratory and field result,. Fo r M>me 'pccieo;. the tabular .. ummary clarific., the nl.'ed for rc,earch dircctoo toward rl'SOh•ing contradic­tion ... Oi .. crcpanciC'I among rc..ulh indicatl.' where cauti110 !>houhJ he u"-'<1 in applying these data in impact as~'imcnt ... Some tabulated vahtC'I repre­!>ent my own interpretation of the author!l' data. which may differ from theirs. r'!:-:.tinly. the original paper<; should be fully undcrs:.xxt before these data arc used for power plant impact analy'ICS or for other purposes.

Act.wle ... llb

Research was spon50rcd by the Energy Resc.arch and Development Administration under contract .,ith the Union Carbide Corporation.

TABLE I. Summary or available data on final pref'crendum and upper and lower avoidance temperature o( 6sh from field and laboratory studies. Numbers here may vary somewhat from the orilinal author's iftterpretation. Sp = sprina; W = winter; F = fall ; Su = summer; YOY = YOWII of the year.


Size u~ Final Lower Spec in oraF a \'Oiclancc prc(crmclum avoidance Location

.. _ A lb11r11MS IJibllriiiiJ LarF

(bluk) 20 lab Alabaacr and Downina 1966

Atom ~lrr)'S«hloris WF 29 2Z Wabash ll., Ind. Gammon 1973 tlktpjxk htrrinl)

A . pJt'lldolwr~llftlll 18.8 Ca~~L., N.Y. Gallipn 1951 (ak,.ife) 22 .0 1.0 L. hip n Wells 1968

Adult (Sp) ::!1.3 Lab Rcuucr and Hmlcndorr 1974 A. sopldiulmu Small 30 Connecticut R., Marcy et al. 1972

(American •had) Conn. Amblo,lltu '"fi<'Siris 21.3 Wi~eonsin Lakes Hile and Juday t94t tr~ bani 20.7 S. On1arlo llteallll F~IOn 19$8

27-27.8• L. Monona, Wis. Neill t971 26.8-28.3• L. Monona, Wis. Nei11 1971

Small 29.0 26 .2 2S.S Lab" Ncill t97t Small 29.S 28.8 26.0 Lab• Nciii197J Adulr (W) 21.6 Lab Rcuucr and Hcrdcnclorf 1974 Adult (Sp) 20.S lab Reutter and Hcrdcndorf 1974 AdulttFI 22.8 Lab llcuucr and Hmlcndorf 1974

AIICitDIJ '" /tr lti/11 AU )) (bay anchovy)

2~ . 5-32 . 5 Galveston Bay, Tex. Galbway and Strawn 1974

AplodiltOtiiS ftrllllllkiiJ Lar,.c 22.2 Norris lles., T cn:n. Dendy 1948 (freshwater drum) larP' 30 ll Wabash ll., Ind. Gammon 197)

!>mall 29.5-30.3• L. Monona, Wis. Neill 1971 Small ::!7.5-29- l. Monona, Was. Nci11J971 \'OY CSu) 31.3 Lab Rcuncr and Hcrdcndorf 197~ Adult (Su) 26.S Lab Rcuucr and Hcrdendorf 1974 Adulr lfl 19.6 Lab llcuncr and HcrclcnCiorf 1974

Arilu/dis All (sa catfilh)

37 Ga1veston 11.1y, Tex. Gallaway and Strawn 1974

At/tcoriltDf>S lp' 21 2$.2 :u California COUl Doudoroff 19)1 (wl•-enode SJ!CC.ia)

Bur:DMtill fi'U•Oiti • All (plf IM1\hackn)

)0 O.lveston Bay, Tu. Gallaway and Sua•n 1974

C_,oSI- ,_,.,,,. All 23.1 ~ll., Va. Sauffcr ct al 197.5-Cllonct'OIIcrl 26.8 Lab Suuffcr ct al 197 .SO

Adult 33 29 24 Lab CbcrrJ ct al 1975 c., .. w.J .,,,,,s Small 2J. t Lab Fry 1947

lcoldfilh) Small 3) )0 l.llb Roy and Jolwlsm 1970 Adulr (W) ::!4.2 l.llb llcuncr and Hcrdetldor( 1974 Adult ISp) 2$ .) Lab ltcuttcr and Hcrdetldor( 1974 Adult IS..) 27.0 Lab llculiCI' and Jicrdetldor( 197~ Adult (F) 2.4.0 Lab Reutter and Hcrdeadorf t974 Medium 27.9 Lab RC)'DOkb and cown J9n

c.,po~t~n ~""'"' l.arfe 34.5 (rivet' c:arpsuckcr)

2.6 Wabash ll., IJid. Gammon 1973

Page 4: 5002 -

J HSH. IU.S. BOAitD CA~ . VIII. . . 4 . 19n

Ttt" pa(k·r '"mn~:~ri1c' mlormation on h:mpcra­lurc' wkcl~·ll hy fi,h~ in lahoratory and field , itua11nn,. lh primary purfiO'e is to provide tah­ular dat a o n three ··"·nt.lpoinb" of temperature wl~·l·t ion that haH' been fo11nd useful for o;clling t"·mpcr;1tur~· 'ltant.lart.l" fC\r " ater hodil"' and for ll"-..crihin~ ami predicting the behavior of f~h~ ncar po""·r \tatit"'n heated discharg~ (Table ll . Thc'e en~lf14'int <; arc the final prefcrcndum and the upper and lower avoidance temperatures. A ~i!!nificant amount o f additional data has been puhli,hed 'ince Coutant ( 1975 I summarized re­Jk""~rh thmugh 1973.

lk-spitc d ifferent \ltldy objectives and methotb among th~o· r~o~earch reporb :o.ummarizcd in Table I . a pallc rn of temperature preference appears in the r~ull\ for many speck-s. Species specificity is

clearly demon-.tratcd with rc:~~onahlc con'i,tcncy among lahoratory and field result,. Fo r M>me 'pccieo;. the tabular .. ummary clarific., the nl.'ed for rc,earch dircctoo toward rl'SOh•ing contradic­tion ... Oi .. crcpanciC'I among rc..ulh indicatl.' where cauti110 !>houhJ he u"-'<1 in applying these data in impact as~'imcnt ... Some tabulated vahtC'I repre­!>ent my own interpretation of the author!l' data. which may differ from theirs. r'!:-:.tinly. the original paper<; should be fully undcrs:.xxt before these data arc used for power plant impact analy'ICS or for other purposes.

Act.wle ... llb

Research was spon50rcd by the Energy Resc.arch and Development Administration under contract .,ith the Union Carbide Corporation.

TABLE I. Summary or available data on final pref'crendum and upper and lower avoidance temperature o( 6sh from field and laboratory studies. Numbers here may vary somewhat from the orilinal author's iftterpretation. Sp = sprina; W = winter; F = fall ; Su = summer; YOY = YOWII of the year.


Size u~ Final Lower Spec in oraF a \'Oiclancc prc(crmclum avoidance Location

.. _ A lb11r11MS IJibllriiiiJ LarF

(bluk) 20 lab Alabaacr and Downina 1966

Atom ~lrr)'S«hloris WF 29 2Z Wabash ll., Ind. Gammon 1973 tlktpjxk htrrinl)

A . pJt'lldolwr~llftlll 18.8 Ca~~L., N.Y. Gallipn 1951 (ak,.ife) 22 .0 1.0 L. hip n Wells 1968

Adult (Sp) ::!1.3 Lab Rcuucr and Hmlcndorr 1974 A. sopldiulmu Small 30 Connecticut R., Marcy et al. 1972

(American •had) Conn. Amblo,lltu '"fi<'Siris 21.3 Wi~eonsin Lakes Hile and Juday t94t tr~ bani 20.7 S. On1arlo llteallll F~IOn 19$8

27-27.8• L. Monona, Wis. Neill t971 26.8-28.3• L. Monona, Wis. Nei11 1971

Small 29.0 26 .2 2S.S Lab" Ncill t97t Small 29.S 28.8 26.0 Lab• Nciii197J Adulr (W) 21.6 Lab Rcuucr and Hcrdcnclorf 1974 Adult (Sp) 20.S lab Reutter and Hcrdcndorf 1974 AdulttFI 22.8 Lab llcuucr and Hmlcndorf 1974

AIICitDIJ '" /tr lti/11 AU )) (bay anchovy)

2~ . 5-32 . 5 Galveston Bay, Tex. Galbway and Strawn 1974

AplodiltOtiiS ftrllllllkiiJ Lar,.c 22.2 Norris lles., T cn:n. Dendy 1948 (freshwater drum) larP' 30 ll Wabash ll., Ind. Gammon 197)

!>mall 29.5-30.3• L. Monona, Wis. Neill 1971 Small ::!7.5-29- l. Monona, Was. Nci11J971 \'OY CSu) 31.3 Lab Rcuncr and Hcrdcndorf 197~ Adult (Su) 26.S Lab Rcuucr and Hcrdendorf 1974 Adulr lfl 19.6 Lab llcuncr and HcrclcnCiorf 1974

Arilu/dis All (sa catfilh)

37 Ga1veston 11.1y, Tex. Gallaway and Strawn 1974

At/tcoriltDf>S lp' 21 2$.2 :u California COUl Doudoroff 19)1 (wl•-enode SJ!CC.ia)

Bur:DMtill fi'U•Oiti • All (plf IM1\hackn)

)0 O.lveston Bay, Tu. Gallaway and Sua•n 1974

C_,oSI- ,_,.,,,. All 23.1 ~ll., Va. Sauffcr ct al 197.5-Cllonct'OIIcrl 26.8 Lab Suuffcr ct al 197 .SO

Adult 33 29 24 Lab CbcrrJ ct al 1975 c., .. w.J .,,,,,s Small 2J. t Lab Fry 1947

lcoldfilh) Small 3) )0 l.llb Roy and Jolwlsm 1970 Adulr (W) ::!4.2 l.llb llcuncr and Hcrdetldor( 1974 Adult ISp) 2$ .) Lab ltcuttcr and Hcrdetldor( 1974 Adult IS..) 27.0 Lab llculiCI' and Jicrdetldor( 197~ Adult (F) 2.4.0 Lab Reutter and Hcrdeadorf t974 Medium 27.9 Lab RC)'DOkb and cown J9n

c.,po~t~n ~""'"' l.arfe 34.5 (rivet' c:arpsuckcr)

2.6 Wabash ll., IJid. Gammon 1973

Page 5: 5002 -

t>l 1<'1'1 (. II\ 1-.~ 741

TABU I ( Cmll imK•tl I

I (mr I Cl

l>ll( l ""'''

l onal I ~r«'K"> ot :a~ .t\ (Ud;;an«" rr(f(t~ndum .A\UidOIRCt LOC.tiH'\11 lt~ICI<IlC<

( • ,.,.~,,u~ Latf!C' .14~ l<luollb.a<:~l

:!7 0 V. ,.b;»,h R-. I nd r.~mmon 1~7.l

Adult 1• 1 21 . 1 Lah Rnlll<r •nd •t.nkndorl llf74

(.uU• •IOiflll\ • ~ftt\1,._,., , 11 .6 l l<'n .:m»c "'d <TI

MUCMhc~d L., M< (_ OUI'<f" •nd 1-ul~ 19-1~

('. 41'WIIflrhOitl 106 V.o>eOJhtn lmlo.n llik and Jud..~ I"" I ... hot" • ...,~ ... 18 l M~hc3d I_, l'ok Co.o~t ~nd • ullcr 19-1$

L••ll" l ll . lf..21 llo>r><:IO<llh R"'-. Co lo. Uor .. ~ a nd l•nMr l'f6.4 Adult lfl 2~ . .. bb k<ull•r Qnd Hcrd<ndorr 1974

Chttmfi~ • ,,,..,,, 21> 2() K Lah Cabaruo., and J~ddi 11111 ld•m<~CII"hl

C't.#t"~UIIItU Utlt>dU Larp: 20 10 L. l'or,.sinc. Ont. fl) 19.\7 ••• ..,01 Lar.., 7. 2 C~)ujp l .. N .Y. G•ll•l'"n 1'.1$1

( . '/llpc-Uf t lt#ltllt 11 .9 Moosc.hc4d L. Me. <:""per und holler 1,._.$ tul..c .. tut<h~l ~null 11 7 Lab fcrtpJ-.on IY.SII

l:a.n--x 17 :.OUth Bit), Lalo.c R.~kuhn 1970 Lan<~< lluron. Ont~no

12 9 mm 12- 16 Lab llooacnu.n 1974 17. 11 mm 17 ll ~ 12 ub llo:>l!"'"" 1974 2l. l nun 19 IS. 5 14 $ bb llw.:~n 1974

C. lit••• l:arp: 10 6 l. M ocho""n V.~lls 1'1611 Cb~lcrl

C. lut Urt"lll\ l ar\ac cn.c.n.) 160 days) 11- 15. 4 lab Mancclntan 1958

1100 days) K-L! Lab M;antclm3n 1 9~8

Cut l&l\ buirdu 16 .S S. Onuario .uum< F.-r.:u.on 111~8 1 monied .cull)in 1

c .... ~-· .. hl•m)' >Culrtn) Wac 6 ~ L ~lichipn W.-lls 1961

c.~,fr"'"F> ~Hut,.,, IV. hot" Rnn lo.tlhfoshl

29 . ~ V. htlc R .. l'c•. o....ron and Br;W~ 1971

C: I f'H,oJQ#t mu. u/unll\ Adults )6 $ .)$ __ 36 $ .., n ~ ... C :.h(. B.ork.•,. 1 9~t!

c~n pur fKhl Youna .w Ou11ob•4uoh), ""'· l o"'c anJ lle;ath 1969

( t•p ri rru\ ( Ufplil WIC .u.s 21 v. •"'"" k . • l(ld . G•mmon 1973 lo::trrl lllltiC 2\l . l-31 .,. l . Monona. V.t~. l'o:oll 1'111

lar8C 28 .2- 30 7• l . Mono na. Wos ~o:oll 1'111 Youn11 H J:! 28 Lab Poll cl al. 1956 Younfl 33 • .S 31.9 JO lab• l'oo:oll 11171 Younc J2. J 32 29.S lab• ~cill 1'171 Adult CSp) 27.4 l•b Rcu llcr and llcrdcndnrf 11174 Adult cSu) 29. 7 Ub k cullcr and llcrdc:ndon 1974 Adult >31 29 14 lab R~) nokb unpubhsh..,... cbUl

C) lfuinlHt flf~ltatt61_; All 40 29-)2 G;ol•oton a..~ . lc' C.:tll.a .... ) ...... su .... n 197 .. IYnd seatrout) .)$ 30-l~ G11.ho:ston 8.J), lc\, Cof'CI.tnd "nd lkchtd in

L•ll" "'"> 10nd :Otr.l,.n 1974

Doro""'UI Upt'dHI- LatiC lO 235 V.ab;Wt R., Ind. G .. mmon 1'11) tpaud~dl Lar..- 230 'orn~ Ra., T ~nn lknd)' I~

Adult If) 10 . .S Lo~b k~uncr an.l H..,.dcndon 1974 £>ox -..,~.,,._,

I l'fnrll ll/QIIH Small I crass pic:kcrcll

21> l:ab hrwu'iOn 1958

~~. ltfli\QUilfl)"l:) 1 mu~kcllunfl")

Small 24 Lab Fcre~uson I'I.S8

C ... ltittttr Ccham pid>..rch

M.-dtum 27 24 < 10 lab Rc~ nold, unpubli~hcd daca

CuJ .. _r m<NitiiU "'"" .... LariC 8 9 1."-2 0 01\ Fodd T:tt)un .. tn 197:! IAtbnto<: cod) 1-l fJCid T ••>•nlo.on 197:!

1!- 10 held 1 at)Oinlo.on 11172 I.S-2 • ..,ld T ••>•nktn 1972

IS 'I 10 ub l•t)oanktn 1972 Small 16-11 lab &hie 1974

Cumlnoiu ujJm11 ll F"tcld and Lab V.tnkkr 1'11) lm()"''ullollsh) Adult< 29S 27 lab lbc:on ct al. 1'167

I S- Ill mm l2 Lab lbctm cl al. l%7 .. I$ mm l.S LAb Bacon ct al. 1'167

Cilltclltll)'> lfllrublll• Clon~w mudsuck~r)

2) ll 9 lab dcVImmin11 1971

C ,~1/u lfil(r if'GIU Transfomoina 28- 31.2 Ca hforni:a coast :O.orris 1963 lopaley.-) SS-60 mm 26-21! 2 Cahfornoa coast l'oorrl\ 1%3

lO 26 lab Ouodoro ff 1'1311 26 Lab :-.oni~ 1%)

Hrtrrodoet.,_. J•tMKiu-1 I horn sbarkl

Youn1 24 l..:tb c ..... ~ .. and ll:ammd 1973


Page 6: 5002 -

742 IISti. !U.S 80-\RD C-\ :-o. . . VIII. q , ,.,,~

TAIILI I ( C owumt•th

l trnp c Cl

~t/( Lrro:r hn.ol I U\AC'f

:-.pct:tt.' ' or .s~c u'n1do.ncr rn:lcrcndum a,o ,d:•n• • .: l•"'··•llr'n ltch:n:-ncc

H tw/o rr uJu ,HUit ·-. Larll• 28 . 5 22 Waba,h R .. Ind. <..i.unn,on Pl7 \ tl'•~lde~cl

I I . lt11 Vl\U \· ~7 22 ~aba'h R .. ln.t. t ·~'""'"" 1'173 ln't(hlf1C')"t")

J.~tufll'" ' ""'41''' Adult cSul :s . ~ L~b Mcuucr dUd llcrdcnd.,rf 1'17" IY<IIO\< bullhc,tdl

I. "••hulo'u' Adull IWI I I lj Lah Rcutlcr .and llerdcndt>rf 1'17" tb«'"" bullhtddl Aduh CSpl H ~ ldl'o ltc:ltllt:·r ,and ltt.•uh.~•uh,rl 1'17.a

Adull tSu; 1.a.'l lab Rcnllcr .uod licrdcndorf l47.a Adult If) 13 to tab lt<ullcr and llcrdcndo•rl 1'17.a '1.1- l ' •.lmm 17. J l.ab Ro h:ord' 1'174 Adult 1'1- 31 l.ah C'·'"'ha'' 1 '17~ ,.

I . pum tutu' lar.:c J :! 26 Waba>h R .. Ind. G;unnu.)n 1'17 t lch.annd calh,h) Lart;c H \\ hne R .. Ind. l'rntlill 1')(14

Adult (Sui ~5 . ~ L:.b Rcuucr and llcrdendnrf 1117.a Adult Cfl -~ I lab R"ull<r .uod lkrdcndo•rf 1117.a

H j(d 23 l~b C hen)' c1 al. t•I7S

Jc tlflhll\ sp. I bulbi" ~I'«"~ I

Lar""' 3.a s 17 Wabash 1(. , Ind. Gammon 1'171

Lrio~tm11u" ,\alfllmru' A ll 37. 5 Gal•c;;lon Bay, 'te,. G all.a,.ay and Str~wn 1'174 \SrOII

LttP''"'''·u1 ~~'>c•u, lar11c 3!1-31. 8 l . ~lt,n(ln.a. \\ .,. Ncoll 11171 Clon~no~ t;drl I ar~c 34 5 ~ W:~toa'h R .. Ind. Gammon 1\17.1

YOY cSul :~ 3 L:lb Rclrl l<r und llculc:ndorf l\17.a Aduh CSu) H . I Lab Renner and llcrdcndnrf l \174

f . . ft/il(t)\lt_IIIW\

ts horu1us.< .:;an l:ar.,c: 3.a . ~ 27 Waba• h R .. Ind. Gammon 1971

Lrtmmh • '""''"u' < 74 mm 30 17 . . l 2.a Lab J•lnts and lr,.in 1%5 ·~fl"C'Il '""h,h)

Aduh 33 30.6 23 L:lb Cherry cl al. 1975 Small 30. 3 28. 2 26.5 lab lleitinaer ct a l. 197S

L. ~ihh'1'"' LarttC 2li . S-31• l . 1\h•nonu. \\ rs. :O.coll l\171 crumr~ insn:d 1 LarttC :!7-~lt L Monona, W i,. l'o.coll 1971

~mall ,II ~ Lab hrwuson I'ISII Adull (Sp) :!.& .2 Lab Renner and J.lerdendorf 1')74 Adull (Sui 27 7 L:lb Rcuncr land llcrdcndorf 197.a Lar11c > 31 26 < ~~ Lab Me:> nold~ unpublished dat:~

L. mut rrn lfi ru, 2'1 .a- 31. 3 L Monona. Wi• . l'o.cill 1•111 tb lue .:illl ~.1-'19 mm 28 g-J 1. 2• L M.,nona. \\i, . l'o.coll 1'171

~3 Wmm 27- 2'1• L Monona. \\is . l'o.cill 1'171 100..19.\ mm 19 6- 32 .6' L. MononJ, Wis. Xcrll 1'171 100- 1'13 mm 17 . 2- 211• L. Mo no na. \\ is l'o.eoll 1'17 1

32. 3 Lab t-c:r~u\On l'JSK Yo uniJ .l2 . 1 30.1 211 ~ L:ab• Nc:ill 1'171 Youn.: 32 . 5 31.5 2tL!i lab• Scill 1'171 Youna 33 . 1 .ll.2 211 . 3 Lab lkmin~'c:r l\17.a Adull (W) 27 4 Lab Reuncr .and llcrdc:ndnrf 1'174 A dull 35 32 26 Lab C hc:rry el dl. I'J75 .&~-110 mm 330 32 . 3 26 Lah Rc:) nolds :ond Castcrlin 1'176• 120- 155 mm 30. 5 Lab Reynold' cl J I. I '176•

l~urc,thr' \Uit/um 2S- 160 dll)'5 37 - l2 <10 Lnh Rc~ no lds :and Thomson 147.& 111ulf' .:runo(•nl old

L . ' ' '""'' Aduh ! .a 25 < 20 Lah Rc~ rwld' ct at. 1977•

(Calif. IJIUnoOn l

L (1tu lutu Joru , trh Small 21.1 Lab cf( ... <man et a l. 11153 lburbol) cued by Fcr.:uson 11158

L. Iota mae·ufo j u 11.4 Mo<>sc:hnd L .. Me. Coorc:r and Fulkr ~~~


/tlt'/Q,OJ,!TQ,t#IIU~ Urlllr'"/IIIUl S- 6 Field Tat~'llnkon 1972 I haddock!

.\lrmbru.J murtimc~u All 3) Galveston 8a), To:\ . Gull:a,.:ay and Str.a"n I'J7~

(rUUIIh Sllvc:r.rdel

lltrniduJ brry/linu •llvcrsidc:)

All ).a G ah'c:Sio n 8~>. T c~. G:alla,.:ay and Slra"n 1'17

fit . mrrridiu l2 Lab Mddrim 1970 IAihan lic silvenidc)

Alirropm:o" "'"lulatu f ( Atbnlic croaker)

All 38 Gal•·eston lb)' , Te~ . Gull;a,.ay and Strawn 19-.

/ltlrrllpt..,us Jo/mnl~ui 21.3 Ncbish L., Wis. ll ilc: and Jud;a~· (.smallmoulh bas.) 21.4 S. Ontario streams tcr~u.on 19511

Small 28 .0 Lab hr~uson 19511 YOY CW) 111 . 0 Lab lldr:an• and T ul\b 1'17ro YOY CSp) 19-24 lab and Tubb 1973

Page 7: 5002 -

1'1 K'\PI l" I 1\ t-.~ 743

TABLI I C Cmuimn'll 1

lcmp t C 1 -------u~ Lr~r f tn.ol lo"~

:..-« .... o r :lfC a''~ l:bncc rrckrcndum d\o>ld .. n« l (lC";ttt4•n Rt:lcrC"ncr

YOYtl>u) Jl L:st- B;u_.n, :snd l ubb 19H HH' I .. I 24-.:7 t .. t> K.otdn' .. nd I ul>b IY7l YOYtt-1 26 6 L .. b Mcuttct and 11.-rcknclorf I Y7 .. ' 'OY JS J l I ~~ Lab M~) tlOkh ~nd <.. ... tcrltn 1'1711-Adult(\\ I 12 IJ L tb ll.or"' " .. nd I ubb IY73 Adult ll>rl 1~-16 Lab B .. r~'" .. nd 1 ubb 141'3 Adult tSut 30 0 Lab ll.ot .. n~ ~nd 1 ubb 1'173 Adult It I 21- 2) L .. b ll.ot .. u~ lut.J 1 ubb 1'173

J J JI.J 26 Lab Chert) ct 111. I'J7S

o\ 1. JJUIU tuflltll.l lllr~C 2 .. 4 'nrri~ Ro .• 1 cnn. lkndy 1!1"8 hpottc.J b:a>SI La••~ :n ~- " .. b~•h k . . '""· lfonmtun 1973

J .. 32. S ~7 lab <.herr)' ct :at. I'J7S

. \1. ~ulmuult'\ LariiC 21> 6- 27 .7 l'orn~ R('~ .. 1 cnn . IXn.J)' 1'*"8 u .. r.:cmuuth b .. ~s) l:ar~c JO .:!7- .lo l'"r l'und S.C. C lu.:, tun 1'17J

n 'J'Jmm .:!'#. 3- JO 'I l . Monon:.. " " · ~coli I'J71 J(MI-408 mm 29 .3- J.:!• L. Monon:~. \\ os. l'octll 1'171 101J..408 mm .:!li .s-29. 1• L. Monon~. ""''· 'cill 1'171 Aduh 29 :!7 2S S lorn;, II T .. nn. Lat..cs ( uut:anl 197S :O.m:.ll JO-n Lab Fcr!lu>On I'JSII l>m:.ll J0. 7 2:9 H . S Lab :O.coll 1'171 Adult JO Puncl C.. s,.,~nn:tb R. !!>tkr lind Cluptun 1'17S

Pbnt, S.C. llfl- 160 mm lO Lab R .. )nolcb el :al. I'J7f>'

YOY 110-1$0 mm J.& JO 21 Lab R(") oolcb :and Cn~crlin 197&

YOY $0-460 II J0. 2 Lab Reynokb et ~I. I'J1b•

. Uoupu t tHUIR'II ~.s \\ bite R., l'o.e, • l)c;oco n ;and Bndk) 1971 t Mo.ap.o cla«l

.\ lortHfir IIIIWtii'"OIWI ~II 3S ll L:ab Meldnm and Gift 1911 ( .. bn .. pc"hl

.\I • ('/trJ V'f'> Lar~C 2'J "ab;ash R. , Incl. Gammon 197J l '"htte bass) YOYIWI 10-IJ ub &r .. n~ and Tubb 1973

YOYISp) 16- 18 L:ab &r.sns and Tubb 1'113 YOY fSuJ l i.O I ab ll; ilnd 1 ubb t97.J YOYIFJ 21!.0 lllb &r.sns ~and Tubb 1913 't'OY1Su1 ~7 .K L:ab Jtrutter :and licrckndoff 197S AdultCWI 12- 17 L:ab B.or~n' :and Tubb 1913 Adult ISpl ·~- 17 L .. b B:ar:an~ :and Tubb 1'17J Adult ISu) 211- 30 L:ab Bar:ans and Tubb 1'113 Adult IFI 16-17 I :ab lbr:ans and Tubb 1'173

M . IIIIUl»IPJ•inuil Lllrlle ~7 • .5-29.8• l . Monona. Wis. Neill 1'171 l) ellow b•~S) l.&rlle 27- 28 . 7• L. Monona. Wi~. Nctll l971

.\f. •u.~allft> l>mull 34.4 Lab Meldrim 1970, Meldrim and G tft I 'J71

l"npcd b:assl J ) t llld 24 22 21 Small Tenn. L:ako Coutant and C:arroll unpublished ~Ia

4\ f tJ.'fUlltHtlU S-p. Lat~C 26 2.1 \\ :abash R .• Incl. G•mmon I'J7J trcclhor.., species)

,\IJ n.toupllaiM~ qiHIJ,rorwu Llrll<" 4 . S 4 L ~hchipn \\ells 1968 f(Ourhorn ~ulptnl 10 Focld \\c.<~ttn 1970

,S ocfJIJII' I .. PI IKt'pltu/lu Adult 17 IS.O 10 L:ab Cherry rt al. 197S tbluchad chub)

.\'1otrnuroruo f ' ) wi~IKIU

Reuuc:r :and Hcrdcndor( 1'17" I .:olden >hrnc:r) Adult(\\) 16 . 8 Lab A.Jult CSp) l.l . 7 L:ab Rwner and Hc:rcknclorf 1974 Adult l!!.u ) 22. J L:ab Reutter :and tlcrdcndorf 1'17 .. A.dult IFI 21.0 L:ab kwttcr and Hc:rdcnclorf 1'174

.\'olropu oth<-r lno«ks YOYIW) 10-ll Lab ll.or;ons and Tubb 1913 ' ht ncr}

YOY ISpJ IJ-15 L:ab ~~;trans 01nd T ubb 1'17) YOYCSI 22- ll ub &r:a"' :and Tubb 197J YOY IFJ l :l-14 Lab lbr:ans and Tubb 197J AdultiW) S..6 Lab lbr.tns and Tubb 1973 Adult ISpl 16 .0 Lab &r:ans ~and Tubb 1973 Adult CSI 22- 24 Lab Bar;ans and Tubb IY7l Adult IF) IS-16 ub B:ar:ans and Tubb 1973 AdultiW) 9 . ) L:ab Reuncr and He.rdcndorf 1974

.\ ·. hud.JOiflu' Lara.- > 22 IJ l . Michipn Wells 1968 (spou:atl shtncr)

Reuucr ~&nd Hcrckndorf 1974 AdultfWI 10. 2 Lab Aduh (Spl 14 . 3 Lab Reuucr and lierclcndorf 1974

N. ruh<-1/ui Adult 31 26.8 2 1 Lab Cherry ct al. 1'17S ItO.) face shiner)

;\ ". •pt/oprrtM> t~pouon shtncr)

Adult )S 2:9.S 26 Lab Ctw«y et at. 197S

/'o"QifWIIS /llll'll~ AdultfWI S.5 L:ab Reuuer and Hcrcknclorf 1974 ((ton«:at) Adult IF) 2S. I Lab Reutter and Hcrcknclorf 1974



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7~ J. FISH. llf.S. BOARD CAS .. VOL. .\.l. t'in


lcmpl Cl

l>IIC' LPJIC't Fon;ol l o,.cr ~on ( ... liiC :a•Otcbntt rrdcrcnd'um 11\0tebntt Lo.:~hon Rcfn·cncc

lJt.uJ.flrlltt "" Y,:t'llbiiultu !wmll II 7 lab Brett 195.! lponlo. wlmon) "",. ly cmcrccd II 7 11! !I lab llur lc) :and W.>Od.all l'lf>li

~";I); 9 . J lmb IIUJ"Ie)' :~n.J ~~II I~

0 . 4~111 !wnall 14 I Lab llrcll 1952 lchum wlmon)

() 4111111 h Aduh ISpl 11 .4 Lab llcuncr :and ~lcr.Jc1ldorr 197.6 ccohu wlmon) Adulc 11>. 6 L Mochopn l>poprclli 197$

0 . ~trr4u CuhiD L . • B.C. Foerster 1937 h oclo.c)'c s:~lmon) 10 6-1:! . 11 •lor>etooc h ltC\., Colo. llor.ak and Tanner 1964

21 Olo.iln:apn R .. W:a\h. Ha,or :and M r!Jhcl 1%6 Small 14 . 5 lab Brcn 1952

(). hlfUM'Yh•/tu Small II . 7 La b Brett 11152 cchrnoulo. !>lllmo n) Adult 17. 3 L. Moehopn Sprprclli 1975

Q,,,."" lll(lri/IJ~t 6 ,6-I. J Ca~u~ L .. N.Y. Galllpn 1951 lr.aonbo,. smell) 14 II L Mochol!lln Well$ 1961

12.1 !,.. ( "IQmpb in , N.Y. Greene 1930 p,.,,.u flu, ,..),,.,, Small 12. 2 M~Dhllun~ L .. W~ tlilc a nd Jud.a) ION I

(ycllo,. perch) LflriiC 202 Musl.cllunJIC L .. Wk . Hole and Juda) ION I 202 Sil•cr L . Wi~. Hr1 · and Juday I CUI 21.0 Ncbr~h L .. Wos. Hile and Juda~ I CUI 20.1 Trooc L. Wis. Hilc and J uday 19.61 19 .7 L "'"'"'"f· Orn. Fcrprson 1'1511 21.2 L. ~"''One. Fcr~....on I 9511 21 .0 Costcllo L .. Ont. Fcr...-n l'in

II L. ~hchrpn ~ells 1%11 Small 21 0 Lab t-crauson 19n Small 24. 2 Lab .. .,.uson 1958 Small 26 . 5 2J. J 20. 2 Lab- Nn ill971 !wNII !S u .s 1'1. 5 Lab• Ncill 1971 Small 23. 3 lab McCauley and ltt'ood 197) Adulu ::0. 1 lab 'lllc:Caulc) and ltcood 1973 VOYIW) 10-IJ Lab & raM and 1 ubb I\ 7J YOY ISrl 18 0 lab !brans and Tubb 191l YOYtSI 2$-27 Lab Barans :and Tubb 191l ~·ov CFI 211 . 0 Lab l;uaru and 1 ubb 191) Adult (W) 7- 12 l:ab lbr.ans :and Tubh 1'173 Adull tSpl I J-Ill Lab llaraM and Tubb lq7J Adult lSI 27 0 lab Barans :and Tubb 197) Adult IFI 2:- :!S Lab &rans and Tubb 1973 Adult CW) 1<1. 1 l:lb Rcull<'r and Ut'rdcndurf 197<1 Adult lSI 20.9 lab Rcuncr and llcr.Jcndorr 197<1 Aduh If) 111 .9 Lab ltcuncr :an" Hcrdcndo rf 1974

I', lfMr'lul lli> 28. 5 Poli~h lakn Horoucwkz 1973 tEura\ian I'CfCh)

l'~•~op~IJ omi~OIIIQ,'CMJ llfOUI•pcfch)

A dull 16 10 L. Mochipn Wells 1'168

l'rmr,.ltul<'• promt'IUJ 28 5 lab {)rUSL)Mio.i 1971 Cfachc:ad monnowl

A dull 32 !'I !S lab Chary"' al. 197~ < 7-4mm 28 2.) . <6 lab Jones and lr,.on 1'165

1'. ltOIOIM< Adult 31 tbluntnosc minno,.)

2'1 2 1 L:ab Cherry "' al. 1975

1'/t'lm_N,. f'ID1~>:w 15-2.3 em 16-17 Lab Zahn 1963 IJ'loiiCC)

I'<N~tllll uti~luta Adult .mle 28. 2 lab Rulf :ond ZoPJIC'I 1%6 I~UJII))I Adult fanalc :!7 6 lab Rulf :and ZopPt'l I~

Adult 2'1 lab Qsilnc :and f-f)<'f 1971

l'o/nkKI}'fM> t>NOitf'mlls tAtloanuc tbrcadlinl

. lJ. S GaJ.-cston lb). T u . G:alb,..,y and Scr.a .. n 197-4

l'omo:ds tmlllllllr~s lar.., 27 !:! Wabnh R ., Ind. Gammon 1973 1,. bite crappie I

ltcuncr :and Ht'rdt'ndorl 197.6 Aduh (WI 19.8 lab Adult ISp) 18 . ) Lab ltt'ullcr "nd Ht'rdcndorf l \17.6 Adull CF) lOA Lab Rt'ullcr :and Hcrdcndon l'i7<1

,. • lt iotfiiiiiQCII/QtiiJ LariiC 27. 2<1 . 8• L. Monona. Wi~. Nem 1971 lbbclo. cr:applc) L11riiC 27- 28 .. 2• L Monona, Wos. Nei111971

Small JO 26. S Lab• Neill 1971 Sm:all 29. 5 25. 5 L:ab• Neill 1971 Adult (W) 20 . 5 L:ab Rcullet' and Herdcndorr 197-4 Aduh (Spl 21.0 L:tb lteullet' and Herdcndorf 197-4 Aduh ISu) 21.7 lah ltcullet' lind Herdcndorf 197-4 Adult CFI 22. 2 lab llWIICt' and Herdendorf 197.6 Mt'dium 26 24 20 Lab Reynolds unpublisht'd dat:a

Prtuopluur rJ'IIIIdru.-t"lllll (round ,.hucfishl "·' MOOKhcad L. Cooper and Fuller 194S


Page 9: 5002 -

, t• ... KSI'I£ 11\' .. ~ 7~~

TAHlf I ( C nllcludl'd J

lcmpl Cl

S11r lmrcr I mal Lo,,tr Srcc..,, or ;.gc: a\ttJdanc~ orrlf:rC"nd um a ... ,u\Jo~ncc Loc~t1nn Jt ... fcrcn~:.:

p, ,,,.,,,,,, ,,,,.,,,, Lar~C 32 Ol~thu.J C~llt,hj

1 \\ ~"·"" lt .. Ind. t.•o~mmtlll 1tJ7.'

#l/tod•·l4) \ t ' I'U FU' Adult ~~ Lab Z.thn J•H,\ lbiiiCrfllt¥\

Rut llu' rutiiiH 17 ltl\n Trent. L.K A l~b~'"" .md ()"" nm~ I'.IM troach t ~ 20 Cnl 15 l :ah Alaba"~r an.J Do""'"~ 11166

211 ~ l'oli•h luke; ltnn.,~.IC'" IC'/ 1''7 .l

Sufm, f..•utrtl,.•, f 4duh 18 9- 21 Hor..,tc,.>l h lte~ •• Co lo . ~l c>r~~ an.J 1 anncr 1'.164 (r.unbt•~ trout) Ked lln~-.:rlin(;• 22 Lab J.t\ai.J ;,nd An.Jen.nn l ':lf-7• •

~lanc:d tlnrcrhn~ 18 Lab Jtn .ud ond A n<kUt::'n I'H•7""' .,,n~~ri•n~s 21- 22 18- 1'1 1-' Lab \1 Oaule~ and l'o nd I'J7 1 A•JUh 1.1 lab c.~.-o.Je ~nd 1•11 1'158 Adult 16. 5 l . M t<:hipn !.1)1(;3n:lh 1 '17~

I 'I 18 1.1 l ab ~herr) el ul. I'17S

S . I Yi t/f"IH Alc\•tn< :'!1 11>-17 'J l ab Mantelman 1958 ' huro i)C'.an r:unhu" Ftn~erhn.:> 1 4- 1 ~ Lab Mantelman 1958 uoull

S . •alar IAII:antk ""lnto nl 1-' :-.e .. ro•undbnd l~ke" lell¥<11 nnd p, ,.er 1%9

v.~unt; 1-' lab t'o her :an.J El'"" 1'.1~0 't uunv. 16 Lab M~ntclm •• n I Y~~ L ndcryurlin~ 6-8 Lull <1J!•""' :md Anderson 19M '"""II· fed 18 Lall Ja\ald and Andcr..on l 'lfl7h• Yo un11. ~l :tr\·ed 20 l :sll J;a\atd and Andcrsvn 1'.167•·•

$ . \ UftU \l'bu'!H

fl:andloo:ked Al l. ,~tmonl

16. 2 Mooschcad L .. Me. Coof)<'r :and Fuller 19o65

S . trul/a 12 l . Orcdon, Fr:arK:c Jum.:< I?J I tbro .. n truu t) .:!0 lnb Alabaster and Ot•,.nin~: 1966

"f<lUiliJ 17 . I\ lub .. erau~n 1 '1~8 Adull 13.11 L M ichipn Splprclli 197S

Sail •·lmu~ tout mall\ 19 Field Cruser I ~JO t brout.. &roue; 20. 3 :\tc..~hcad L. Me. Coof)<'r and Fuller 1945

20.0 Redrock L. ,Ont. Bald,.in 1~11 20 held studies Smith and Saunders 1958

A dull 15. 7 S. Ontario 5trcam~ t-er~uson I '158 Adult lo6 . l! L Michipn Spt~:arclli I '.175 ~m311 Ill lab C.rdh:tm 1'1-'9 Small. (all 20 16 l ab Sulhvan and F•~hcr 1'1~.1. 19So6 Small. >~inter 8- ll lab Sulh\an and Fisher~~~ l. I '.IS-' Small, fed 18 L:ab Jav:aid :and Anderson 1'167•·•

20 18 14 L~b Cherr~ et al. 1 97~

!.rn•ll. ~uancd 16 Lab J:l\uid :and Anderson 1967• • Youn.: 16 Lab ~terson 1'173

s. numaxl'll\11 14 While L.. Ont. Kennedy 1941 tlake lrOUI) 1.1 Moosche:ad L. Me. Coof)<'r and Fuller 1945

II l ac La Ro n.:e. l"WT Ra,.son 1 9~6

10 Loui5:a and Redrock Martin 1952 L . Ont.

15. 5 Cayu~ L.. N.Y. Gallip n 1951 (in hr~:uson 1958)

Youn~ IS 11. 7 l ab McCuulcy :and Tail 1970 Youns 14 11 .5 Lab Godd:ard et al. 197-' Adult - 11 .8 l. Michipn Spi(;3rclli 1975

$ , /0 111/IIQ/t\ ll . l J:ack and Sproule L. FerJ!uson 1958 O nt.

S . IIUmU)'Ciult lspl:okc) Youn11 12.0 Lab FcrlluSOn 1958

Stur~liniu' t't J'tlrropluhaluuo lrudd)

28 . 5 Polish l:akcs Homue .. icz 1973

SrorpUI'IIU smrf u 26 20 8 Lab C:ab:anac and Jeddi 197 1 t!>C•Jrpionrish)

~511:tj.\f,.tltnn ranufkn.\r Lar~:e I '.I . :! Norris Res .. Tenn. lkndy 19-'S C~u.:cr) lar11e 28 Z:! Wabash R .. Ind. Gammo n 1'173

.s·. f. r i trt'llm lar~o~e 20 .6 Tro ut lake. Wis. Hilc :and Juday 1941 l"alleyc) lar.:e :!3 .2 !"orris Res. Tenn. lkndy 1948

Tlt)'mu/lu; tl11·mul/u.• 111rayli nr.;) ·

18 Lab Abbaslcr and Oo,.ninw 1966

Tilupia ,,,.,liUJIIbiru bique mo uthbrooder)

33 .5 28 .S lab Badenhuiten 1967

T. nil<atlru 28- 29.5 lab Beamish 1970

Tint·a ttnc~u 26 (lench)

l ab Al:aba>lcr and Oownina 1956

•Day; •:>.o~:ht ; ' May be other ~:ener:1 as \\ell. See Reynolds et al. 19773.