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... . ' / ... YUT ·. r .\. : R X X XV (T'YO 1'lW ff.AR) fJ A RROR GRAC E. NFl 0, TC li:SDA Y, APRIL 17 1894. . <' (SINGLE COPIES TWO CF.NTS ) April Hi. , For · Sale CHE . AP I PHONOCRAPHIC ENTERTAINMENT F or ChpRp-One · • "' ' li11 dnte, I "ill be prepnred to give Ph on 1•:;ro;lltic. Entertain· F f SAFE 1 •. t tv uti requiring such. Th e whi ch connect 1repr00 , with th e" c nn he used wi th cfl'c<1 t. 'l'he sound of the : :: · :: 1.d '' G x •> .J ,·oicu is . u 1• n iu t hat e\' ery nc cent cnn he mit•utdy nnd • I . ·• ' - . th e p; e<'e heard:\!'! c lenriy ns i f _the }IOI 'fOrnlt'J'!:l were Standing by your rl 1 )t' ' "X 0 f' i tl e. The lau g hing cnn be heanl n cor r ec tly here ns in South ( "·' · ('nrol in:t. 'l'hc Songs, Dinlouges, Bnnd pieces , th ., nrc Ly !'lOme of the No. 1 FIR SHINGLES. ;v urhl'l> reM wnc tl perf o rmers. Tn additi on to th e pi ces on hand, I will \\'. ' f. ' LE.\ n Y, hayc an oth er hnicc se!Pc tion on Thurs tlny next. Local "' .1· l' ,··c .. ( a limit t• (l numbor) trill rec ei\'ed , , and prou ue ed free o c 1nrge. s > :1.". 1 6.- F' t'e fur privntc parti es, 85 per ni g ht .; number of persons not to ex ceed 2.) <':t <: h time. 'I'he Tnstrument c an be tnk en to nny prh·nte houu }'OR 'f O CLN.\.H. at short \\'TLLT · DAVJR I fnrvor (1r:tc r. April 10 4i A few t ulll'l Xu. I 'l'imotl1y 1 fay \:-;11 On Saturday 14th April, Next, 99*U'YY-·Y .... V'=II"'Y-11' 1 "* I II Piano · and ·R e ed- Organ From the T a·Ches&- to the Tea· Pot: TUNIN· c; 'V TI . Jones' 35-cent Tea is prrpAred tn n ll eml tn th o Tl ' NDiG and HEPAIIli.\'G of --is equal 111 : trcn gt h and flavor to nny ;30-ceut T e; t.- - _; PI1\XOS und HEED OHGA:.\'5. - Orders for town work nr from outsi de p,Joces will bo gi \'l'll r rl·lllf.t ll tl P ill ion. lliJ"'Ail W (l rk curt>fully nnt! sntisf,tc· torilr pcrfornH:tl n t Lo Wires. Felt, h'oritl\ f \l r Kt•ye, &c., alwaye k<'pt on hnml. ,V. JJ . Water Street, 1J arbM (l ra ce . Give it a trial and You will USE NO OTHER. See om· windows to-night for llarg nin s. M. J. · JONES, 93 Water Street. 70 1 )11:-:h . 0 .\ T:s at li5c. a .l. .T. · \\ ic will o fl'c r to 0111' . :::66AAAA.,e,.e..a.a& 0 s·p R INc · STOCK , . , PARsoNs' . ur -oF- " . . · A 11ril Potato es, Turnips, 6ats Butter ., &c., &c. 500 Boys and Youths Smts English and ScOtch Goods 'I ·1 · S ') · NT 11· '• ·l · ' l) I t' Munn & Co, · To :nrivc in 1Jer !'ch oo ners (• ,,,·rit J: anti ./< 'll•liC .f l'tn..lrong. frut u Prin t·e Ed \\ anl h·lan tl."SCIOU Lu:-.hcls speciallY '-<'l<'dcd Eatin g .. "it l 3000 1 1\tSh <'IR t)at:<. Hutt er, Hay. tb ' . :-..; \ C:--- at Ot , l OliO I C;\1 lOI II' \Cl! ll n lOll. w t 't t Jl 1 l9o- a " ' a et• l'Ce 1 :ll ' JOt t'llCe. i .. 11 0 \\' i 11 I • t. J ()II ll. .. :\II d \\' i 11 Ire here the . t' ; \\ ' <H'nhle Onler:; Lou l\ed .i mmediat e! ,. at .owc::t rat (':>. · J. J. ('om miss ion Ag ent. H arbor t:rn re, .: \prillO, 1 9-t. tf. aho,·e, be ing n , 'ample Lot, will Lc CHEAP. ......... ........... --- ---· -- - - -- - -- MUNN BROS., WATER STREET Just Received per s.s. Grand [LA 'T TRIP.] Potatoes Oats, &c. Fresh Halifax Sausages- . 20 cents per lb· . A,; SOOII :\$ 11:\ \' ig nti on open· , th e Choice E, Bri llinr1t., 84 t on!'!, will Smoked Herrmg In Boxes at 25 cts. each. y cllow Cv rn Mcnl in Dot ti es. WJth a ,.<'rr c hot ce nnd spec ulllr- r:\rgo ofSEED nnd T,\ rH ;E And in s tock-n Fuli Assorsmcut of Groceries nnd Provisions. P OTNl'O I ·::-i. Al so, OAT", T UR- ,\:• ·. All of whi ch will be Munn's Fertilizer in 3 lb. 15 cents each. so ltl at lllarket rat es . 1 f .I I' .... ___ _.... _ ___ ,, ., .......... _ ...................... ...,.,..,. _ __ _ Onl ers now I JOo ke( or u e 1\'e ry on arrh ·: \t t. cre or sc h oo ner. Joseph Ross, Wa\er Harbor Crace I I. ('. \\'A H nru or {:rnrc. A pri l Gtf Novels and Standard WANTED: J,- t ne xt, n GOO D COOK. wh o n set l to Hou sc - ' w"k .. ah ou t 2ll. Al so. a X l' H:-iE-)1 A TD. ng e <l nbout 20. (;oon \\'.\(; E:-i to :mituble p ersons. Si .x Pnga ge me nt guarnn · t eed. Tra, ·cll in g cx pen :: es paid . a piGGi 1\ ppJy to i\.Jf. lh :A'fTY . )Jann gcr Py ntes (;o., Pill ey's Jslnnt.l . "' NOTICE Fo rt t \\' EEK:" n fter th e dnte he reof T to Hi s E.x ce ll en.t y th e li o, ·crn or tlf X e wf o un <l land . for n gran t for Lc tlNS l' aten t for a new mal usC' fu l inv e nti on of a for : md fla) to be gr:m t tl to of Il nrh nr (:ra ce, in th e of Xewfou ud lnnd , eng in ee r. Dat etl 2i th day of :'lf nrC' h, A.D. l .'!I.J . n. )1. llHO \\'XTX G, 30.-li • oli ci ll)r. PARCELS POST -WITII 1 11 f:- Th e uy A. CanAn «•· Firm oJ G inllo:biOnl', by .Jo- ·:! ii ere. A i ll lrrJo - :l;) Cll', Tho Ooing11 of Rnlllc• lhw-, by tlo-25 els. Th e ::lf(:ll of 1-' onr, by dn- 60 cis. C lorkl' , by do-60 c l•. 'J'I,,. ll r•fnj!'rt·l', by tJo_j O ell. ll y Pric•ul •hu Murderer, by <lo-50 c t11, \\' n lf oa b.!rj!' by \V illi•m Ulac k-liO ct 11. Khla.avpoJ by lloohl. L. ouii Stol·a nl0o-26ct•. l'at r lono : A &t")uel lo K lunappod-60 e ll. lhr ion U.r c hl', by M. 'JJ,. F:mi.:ra11t Ship, hy W . 0. Ruu ell-bO ell. Cn tui lll' , I•Y I\ lex. Unmu, jr-16 C\lnl e. Oo,l••. (l>y th o 11cu of tho Archbiehol' of Canter· bury) E. F. Uc n&fl n- 1!6 ctnta. l.c nw ·" ·f ., l .il", l·.r \\'illiams- 00 c. I.e hy •o•no- uiJ A ' """11 l. f'lu•l••n, t,,. 60 c l;, T hu \\' MitJ' l'n rll nu, t flf l:,•li,:l.. us- ..!.0 H•1. 1"' t•:•llu tJUr): lt, l•y ll ri'. '"'· 1 r Flur··' ""' h1 · !'!I n'"· lh•' lluly i.'i" -l•y aa mr , 'J'hn l lr d;. • '• .. r ewoli•" "" (!,, ... , J. A. 1-'r uu•l•·, (! ,., S, )l ac .usr.. .• , ', , •: ....... , tt Athl I•'" " -":{, NnliC. .. · :,. .,,, i ll cenh•. I nt " CtDfl!, 0C .. Ailn, 1 •, 1 ' . 1. 1 \. Cl 8. ShoiWBJ'("'' " • c:;, , ,,l'l, •l o• l' np.·rll-:101'., c:iulh 60 c. .. l ' ou dul h 6U cl,, S. E. CARLAND, 17 7 \Yn .t e r 1 ' t. Enstand 206 W nter S t. "' :-; t JOHN'S. ATTENTION I.J we have on hand a. full ae,sortmept of Suitable - Goods For the Season . . ...... . UN I TED _ STATES. All of & L9W PRICES. On n nd :l.fl l·r th e l \i t ,\pri l ncxl n P A R CE I will he opera t. NI be· twct::'\ cwfou ndlnnd nnd th e 'nitctl Stntu . th,. rntrs ur Poaln g<l L<' ing lixt•tl at l:2 C( nl& p<' r pourul ; limi t. of <:IC\'t!ll po nntls; lilllil. or size 8 f C(!L G i nches in IP nE; lh , nnd G feet leng th nod j!irth combi n<'£1. A Cuatuma tl cc lnm· > BROTHERS Central Dry Goods Store, Water St. lion of th o COI\l <.' lltll nnd vnlu e nf ('1\ Ch Sk. , Q M n . t 1 A t St d. parcel niUIIL IJr fi ll ed up ami oOi.x ct! hy Inner 'f'J 0 umen a . r u 10 · the eendcr. Forma cnn bo hnd ut th o Poet Oflicu. :.\' o Let.t cr, Post CnrJ, or nny writi ng (whclh rr hy hRnd or other· wi l'c) or th o nn turc of p<' rsOnlll C<lrr< pondcnc<', m ny bo NICioa ct l in n pnrce J for the Onited Stnt c,., nnd following or - ti cles at e nl!o prohibited :-PuLlica; ti ona wlli oh vioiRte tho copyright l11.wa; exploaivca, inftammnblc· su b- Q UR Business Place and entire S tock was d estroyed in the Great F'irP The Fancy Goods Stor6 is repl ete with e,· cry d esc r iption · and cla ss of Goo A r tic l cs, Albmu:;. \' io l iu::. :IIHI ot h e r mu:<i c al In s trulll e nl:: , Pipe: . .T c wc ll e ry ,Toy !", Station e ry of a I I l'nrsons' Locnl \'iew 'hri ::: tmns Card s, whi ch hnvo bccomo pnpul: u·. on hand ; Al so, Vi ews of :\lid. The Photographic Room is fitleu with the rcquirclllc nts nec essnry fo r gcu "l wc>rk. Ph o to- graph s nn d •Jf all . ize:: taken in s upe r ior · lyte · and finis h. Pict . ures co piotl :llltl en l:t rg<'d nl low pri ces . )) ,> nnl se nti yo u1· Photograph s fo r e nla rge ment Try for uch wo rk. . . . t' hange ol w I IIl i. . . f'ee this :pace nex t Friday for list or New Goocl :-;. PATERSON ·& · FOSTER. WHILE THANKING OUR MANY PATRONS I for tl.tei t· much-appreciated durin g tl1e past 3!l ye ars, wo beg to sol icit n. co ntinn:m cc of th e nnd would c.tll nltcntion to th e fad :dtltott g-h failul'e in lh e .Bn; .di :-:11 'l 'op:; la:o: t season ha · a g1 ·ent sca rcit .y of 1 EEDS, an d lll) t wi thsttu1ding the extraonlinn.ry acl vn. ncc in prices, we lla vc om· ll ' II:\ I Ia !':!(! a nd \':tried or . . . . . .... The -Furniture arc fillod with ni l ofDo m es ti c Furniture : -Hmcau!', Bed t ends, Cheffioni cnl Shlo Bo:ml s, \\ al' stnnds, Chairs Furniture nnd Cauin el-wo rk mnde to o-ruer, nt low prite and with de- spatch. Pi c tme-frami ng i u nil it s \V c ore now prep:u·ctl to fi 11 nt th e lowest hie 1wi ces nll brnnch cs. We gu nmnt ce orders wit.h whit·h our t·u stomers Hlll. Y he t>lcascd to fa \ 'Ot' us. tion in every depnr tment. in- vite ins pec ti on of th e vari ou" st ocks. Our pri ces will ue· fu und as low a. the lo wes t. W. H. THOMPSON & CO, E. PARSON$. Wnle l' , 't t :c et. llarl>ot· Gmce. OH, BUT I SAy 't G . ·- · rocer1es, Provisions, &c Begin the New Ye nr uy using . . . ----- WOOD BAI<lNG We lta\'e in :-tock n. full nssortmcnt of Pli\i n nml Fan cy it s, • 'yru p R, Fln vou rin g Ex Tinned Fntit s') the new substit ut e for Lurd IL POWDER: A a Full GENERAL GROCERIES, &c. s . Apd · lime, trouble nnd expense in l 894. Ask your Gro .ce. r to get it ! Blacksmith and Farrier Work. The undersigned bt'gs to intimate to {lUblic genernlly, nnd horse-owners part.acularly tbl\l. he is prepnred t(t do all kinds or · in the above-named linea or trad e. HORSE-SHOEING will be given specinl attention , and be guarantet'a to ao nll work in this Hoe With the greateet . car<-. _. Pr1cea to uiL tho tim<'s, !'Ud sat · iafadion aaaur('(). NICHOLAS HA.RRl S, JI,u,·cy WraL Carriages, Sleighs, Carts, &c. JAMES OARRTAGEJ.; S LEI GH BUILDER CHAS. BUTLER· WATER STREET. FOR A Useful Present TO . " Wife,' Mother, Sister or Daughter GO TO .. CASEY'S · AND DUY A WHITE SEWING MACHINE. /Wlmn, ,r •. li quids or nrLicles wl)ich eneily li quify, confcctione ond paat.t>e, Jive <'r dead nnimnls, except dca.d inaecla and r ept ilu, "h<' n thoroughly fruita, V('gotnhlell, lo ttery tickets, circulars or advertisEment&, all ohscene or inmioral of July 8. We havo sin"e succeedocl in a manufacturing Shop and Warf'r oom on t he blcl \\' e h1\\ 'o r tce1ved a la!'Be supply of Mar bl e, freeb from the t ogeth er with a nu10ber of the lat.eet • nnu meat. lJt>u ut.iful dt'siguafor Ctmetery d ec oru tio n!', in lfeadaton83 and Mon ume nts. Mnrblp or liranHe. Also, a few pi eces o( Jtalian Art, aro exquisi te in design and flni sb. for <:horch or hotoe ornamentation. Pt.-reonal aLtenlion is gh·en to ea ch orrler, small or Jar,e. We arc ns well l'rf'pared as ever . to receive aud execu te ordtra Every· •• to work In hll! line ·• • • wl&b delpnte b. Good o.._ fniLbl\11 \fOrk tbJng 18 Qt W, eve rything 18 go01L Will our patrons and fnend1 cote cuuant ee d. THE WHITE SEWING MACHINE COMPANY JOHN CASEY, Gen. Age nt, Water St., Harbor Grnce. Canadian · Government LANDS this '/ Aa in tbe past, we will do notb i og u.ut first-class work, and tbua ntahort nollco suetai.n th e good reputation 81\rned in nineteen yf'ars of aucceeefol bueJ. Vehlr1u built In IAICiiL. uy1 e11 and In nrn- ness life. Toole, Ct>ment, Plaster, and Mallelts eale. guaranteed. or aoy ulicle may in an1 way injure or dcatroy mnil matter or the officials umo. J. O. FRASER, P.M.G. 'G. P. 0., St. Nfld., } March lOtb, J894. TERRA NOVA MARBLE WORKS, Duckwort.b St., . eRSt or Beck's Hill. St. JQhnja. FOR SALE AT rna W. J. RUSSELL, Huse, Sign & General Painter FANCY AND TOY BAZAAR, VICTORIA._ STREET. . -- Blinds made; refiLted and re· . . . n<?•"tetl. Trncea and ahnded Mata <lra1n11 f.\ nud tneule WClrk neatly done. ' , Lettering and SirnPaloUogupecialtl· Berhn Wopl, Color Boxee, Crayons · . .•d .Satiafacti . on guarapteed. link Bottles and Stands, )tlsl encor- a \'ICTORTABT., HARBOR GRACE. , A. & A. BRUNLEES. Wanted InduaLrioua,IOber, reliable men to . our complete linea or Nunef1 &oclt and l'otatoca. A rn varieties conUollcd by ui. Commlleloa or salary poid weckl1, and promptly. Esclueive aod choice ott. ri&ory given. Outfit fret". Dcm't delaJ. Apply at ooce for tt-rma. ALLEN NUBSB&Y Co., Uarcb G, 20i. Roobee&er, N.Y. WATER STREE1', IIARBQR GRACE. . Ju . 111, 1811tS. STEW ART MUNN & Co. SarPPrNG AND CoMMJSSJON MERCHANTS. Board of Trade Building. -- ... Special given to ihe aale of Flab and Fiab Oila. A.Jao, to &be buying and abippiog or !'lour UK! Pro,iaiona &Dd General Pro- duoe. · Cable Addrea-MUNN, Mon're&L rl"IJE OOVERNl\JENT CANADA liAS lN THE NOUTH-\VEST 200,000,- 000 (t\'o •o hufldred millions) or ncl't's or the rcry beat land in the world, whioh iL o trere free to aclunl scttfcrs in eection'e or 160 acres each. Tho \'ield of wheat on · tbcee lands ie from 80 to fO buebela per aero; oata, &0 &o ,o bush els ; bnrlo)', 40 to 00 buehols .L crops and other gmina in }IMJ'Ortion THE LAND JS READY FOR THE rLOW, and doeanotrequiro clearing, fetaclnc or monuro. There ie no rain in the fall w injuf'eitho grain, am i seediug hfgilJI about th e laL of April:in . b e laf1lr&t_l)arC. of the country. Over a great fW" of this region CA TrLE AND HORSm RUN AT LAROE all winttt.r. Thmt b good water caeily found everywhere. Coal ia delive,ed at from e3.00 &o fQ.OO per t on ftll l'ftilway eLations. LUMBER. for building, eoete from IG to t:!O {In M '; sell at ta pel' ll. CAUJo dreaing from 700 lb.., to 000 lbe., •ro raieed on the prairi<'l witbouL any food but the wild graaa. nAJJ.WA \15 aro buUt or being buU& 1 all over lbe country. CburcbN and rreo acbooJa aro. tnblisbed in every rronnce. Good bomee{ good Jande aocl Joatituliu•a tho old llag. Now is tho time for eoterwie ng m en to come and lt'OUN Lbe bfe&. localhica. Special ratt'l gino via I. 0. R. and 0. P. n., oo applieaLion 10 C. C. OARLYLE, Care or Nnrouodladd Ba1lwa,r, 8&. .Jobia'l.

500 Boys and Youths Smts 1!!~~2~I~!.¥.· English and …… ·  · 2016-10-19the p;e

May 19, 2018



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Page 1: 500 Boys and Youths Smts 1!!~~2~I~!.¥.· English and …… ·  · 2016-10-19the p;e

... .




• Y U T·. r .\.: R X X XV

~ (T'YO DOLr~MI~ 1'lW ff.AR) fJ A RROR GRAC E. NFl 0, TC li:SDA Y, APRIL 17 1894.


April Hi., '!1 l.:~i.

For· Sale CHE.AP I PHONOCRAPHIC ENTERTAINMENT F or ~nle ChpRp-One ~ · • "' ' li11 dnte, I "ill be prepnred to give Phon1•:;ro;lltic. Entertain·

F • f SAFE 1 ; , ,~., •. t tv uti pnrt ie~ requiring such. The . Ear-1',thc~. which connect 1repr00 , with the" ~\>e:tke~:.· ·. cnn he used with ~rent cfl'c<1t. 'l'he sound of the : ::·::1.d ''G x •>.J ,·oicu is . u 1• niu that e \'ery nccent cnn he mit•utdy di~tinguisheu, nnd

• I . ·• ' - . th e p;e<'e h eard:\!'! c lenriy ns i f _the }IOI'fOrnlt'J'!:l we re Standing by your

rl 1 )t' ' "X 0 f'itl e. T h e laug hing Xi~~or cnn be heanl n correctly here ns in South A l~o,-.)O ' ( "·' · ('nrol in:t. 'l 'h c Songs , Dinlouges, Bnnd pieces, th ., nrc Ly !'lOme of the

No. 1 FIR SHINGLES. ;vurhl'l> reMwnctl performers . Tn additio n to the pices on hand, I will \\'. 'f. 'LE.\ n Y, hayc anoth er t·hnicc se!Pc tion on Thurstlny next. Loca l Son~fs,1Speeches, " ' • . 1 · l' ,··c .. ( a limit t•(l numbor) trill recei\'ed, ,and prou ueed free o c 1nrge. ~pnmnru s >:1.".

16.-F't'e fur privntc parties, 85 per night. ; number of persons not to exceed 2.) <':t<: h time. 'I'he Tnstrument can be tnken to nny prh·nte houu

}'OR ~.\.LI•;! 'fO CLN.\.H. at short noti c·~. \\'TLLT · DAVJR I fnrvor (1r:tc r. April 10 4i

A few tulll'l Xu. I 'l'imotl1y 1 fay • \:-;11 •

On Saturday 14th April, Next,

99*U'YY-·Y .... V'=II"'Y-11' 1"* I I I

Piano ·and ·Reed- Organ ~ From the T a·Ches&- to the Tea· Pot: TUNIN·c;

'V TI. KEN~F.O.Y Jones' 35-cent Tea is prrpAred tn n ll eml tn tho Tl 'NDiG

and HEPAIIli.\'G of --is equal 111 : trcngth and flavor to nny ;30-ceu t T e;t.--_; PI1\XOS und HEED OHGA:.\'5. -

Orders for town work nr from outside p,Joces will bo gi \'l'll r rl·lllf. t lltlP ill ion.

lliJ"'Ail W(lrk curt>fully nnt! sntisf,tc· torilr pcrfornH:tl n t motil-e:~ Lo r•l~ce.

Wires. Felt, h'oritl\ f\lr Kt•ye, &c., .~c., alwaye k<'pt on hnml.


Water Street, 1J arbM (l race .

Give it a trial and You will USE NO OTHER. See om· windows to-night for llargnins.

M. J. · JONES, 93 Water Street.

70 1)11:-:h . 0 .\ T:s at li5c. a lm~h .

.l. .T. HE~XE::;:·y. · \\ic will ofl'cr to 0111'. "n~tUill,Cl':-< . :::66AAAA.,e,.e..a.a& 0 s ·p R INc· STOCK

, . , • PARsoNs' . ur -oF- " . . · A 11ril 1 !~.

Potatoes, Turnips, 6ats Butter., &c., &c. 500 Boys and Youths Smts 1!!~~2~I~!.¥.· English and ScOtch Goods

'I ·1 · S ' ) · NT · ~' 11· '• ·l · ' l) I t' Munn & Co, · T o :nrivc in ~by, 1Jer !'chooners

(•,,,·rit J: anti ./<'ll•liC . f l' tn..lrong. frut u Print·e Ed\\ anl h·lantl."SCIOU Lu:-.hcls s peciallY '-<'l<'dcd ~cc(lanll Eating l'•ltatnc~ .. "it l hu~h cl s Tmnip~. 3000 1 1\tSh <'IR t)at:<. Hutter, Hay. tb ' .

:-..; \ C:--- at Ot , l OliO "· I C;\1 lOI II' \Cl!ll n lOll. w t ' t t Jl 1 l9o- a " ' a et• l'Ce 1 :ll' JOt t'llCe.

~ i.. 110 \\' i 11 I • t. J ()II ll... :\II d \\' i 11 ~ Ire here the lir~t . t';\\'<H'nhle

Onler:; Loul\ed .immediate! ,. at .owc::t ra t (':>. ·

J . J. ~ll -ltPJIY , ('om miss ion Agent.

H arbor t:rnr e, .:\prillO, 1 9-t. tf.

Tiu~ aho,·e, being n , 'ample Lot, will Lc ~:)h) CHEAP.

-~ ~ ---~ .................... - - - ---·-- - ---- --MUNN BROS., WATER STREET

Just Received per s.s. Grand [LA 'T TRIP.]

Potatoes Oats, &c. Fresh Halifax Sausages-. 20 cents per lb· . A,; SOO II :\$ 11:\ \' igntion open·, the Choice America~ C~BBAG E,

~chonncr Bri llinr1t., 84 ton!'!, will Smoked Herrmg In Boxes at 25 cts. each. c~mmencc loncli~g ntOhnrloLt~town y cllow Cvrn Mcnl in Dot ti es. WJth a ,.<'rr chotce nnd speculllr-~clrd<'d r:\rgo ofSEED nnd T,\ rH;E And in stock-n Fuli Assorsmcut of Groceries nnd Provisions. P OTNl'O I·::-i. Al so, OAT", T UR-~£1':-i. ,\:•·. Al l o f which will be Munn's Fertilizer in 3 lb. bag~s. 15 cents each. soltl at ln\\J<'~t lllarket rates.

1 f . I I ' ~-------- .... ___ _.... _ ___ ,, ., .......... _ ...................... ...,.,..,. _ __ _

Onlers now IJOoke( or u e 1\'ery on arrh·:\t t.cre o r sch ooner . • Joseph Ross, Wa\er Str~et, Harbor Crace

I I. ('. \\'A TT~.

H nruor {:rnrc. Apri l Gtf ~Famous Novels and Standard Works.~ WANTED:

H~· J,-t ~lay nex t , n GOO D COOK. who i~ nsetl to H o usc­'w"k .. n~ed ahout 2ll. Also. a X l' H:-iE-)1 A TD. nge<l nbout 20.

(;oon \\'.\(; E:-i to :mituble persons. S i .x month ;~' Pngageme nt guarnn · teed. Tra,·cll ing cx pen::es paid .

a piGGi

1\ ppJy to i\.Jf. lh:A'fTY. )Janngcr Py ntes (;o.,

Pill ey's Jslnnt.l .

"' NOTICE Fortt \\' EEK:" n fter the dnte h ereof

T ~hall nppl~· to His E.xcellen.t y the lio,·crnor tl f X ewfoun <l land. for n grant for LctlNS l'atent for a new mal usC' fu l invention of a ~lachine for ~kinnig :md fla) in~ ~eal ' pelt~. to be gr:mt tl to )L~TTu t:w )1.\I:TI~ of Ilnrhnr (:race, in the T~land of Xewfou ud lnnd , eng ineer.

Datetl t hi~ 2i th day of :'lfnrC'h , A.D. l .'!I.J .

n. )1. llHO\\'XTX G, 30.-li • olici ll)r.


The Gr~nl Sh~rlo"'• uy A. CanAn Oo~·lo-26 «•· 'J'l~o• Firm oJ G inllo:biOnl', by .Jo- ·:!ii ere. A ~I ndy i ll S~rlel, lrrJo - :l;) Cll', Tho Ooing11 of Rnlllc• lhw-, by tlo-25 els. The ::lf(:ll of 1-'onr, by dn-60 cis. ~llrnl o Clorkl', by do-60 cl•. 'J'I,,. llr•fnj!'rt·l', by tJo_jO ell. ll y Pric•ul •hu Murderer, by <lo-50 c t11, \\'n lfoab.!rj!' by \V illi•m Ulack-liO ct11. Khla.avpoJ by lloohl. L.o uii Stol·anl0o-26ct•. l'at rlono : A &t")uel lo K lunappod-60 ell. lhrion U.rc hl', by ~·. M. ' JJ,. F:mi.:ra11t Ship, hy W . 0. Ruu ell-bO ell. Cntui lll', I•Y I\ lex. Unmu, jr-16 C\lnle. Oo,l••. (l>y tho 11cu o f tho Archbiehol' of Canter·

bury) E . F. Ucn&fln - 1!6 ctnta.

l.c nw·" •·f ., l .il", l·.r ~' ''"'"!!"• ' \\'illiams- 00 c. l.~lf·r I.e ·•···~. hy •o•no- uiJ C•'" '~· A ' """11 l.f'lu•l••n, t,,. ~nmo- 60 cl;, T hu \\'MitJ' l 'nrllnu,..rot flf l:,•li,:l .. us- ..!.0 cl~. H•1.1 "' t•:•llutJUr): lt, l•y ll ri'. O:l~th '"'· llal.••r~< 1 r Flur··'""' h1· !'!In'"· J crusal•·~o• , lh•' lluly i.'i" -l•y aamr , 'J'hn l lrd;. •' • .. r \\o~ ~t i t'•·- • ·r ~anh•, ewoli•" "" (!,, ... , ~ul,jccl,., l.o~· J . A.

1-'ruu•l•·, ( ! ,., 1~.) S, )lac.usr.. .• , ',, •: ....... , tt Athl I•'" " -":{, NnliC.

.. ·,..,,, t.,·uc'r~- i ll cenh•. lit~··· I nt " 11~ \\' rll iu~l_;iil CtDfl!,

0 C .. Ailn , 1•,1' .1. 1\. l'nuu:t·-~ Cl8. • ShoiWBJ'("' ' " • c:;, ,,,l'l,•lo• l'np.· rll-:101'. , c:iulh 60 c. Trnn~····u·,.. .. l ' ou m~. dulh 6U cl,,

S. E. CARLAND, 177 \Yn.te r 1 ' t. Enstand 206 W nter S t. " ' :-; t ~·r. JOHN'S.

ATTENTION I.J ---o~--~

we have on hand a. full ae,sortmept of

Suitable - Goods ~

For the Season. . ...... . UN I TED_ STATES. All of EXCELL~T QUALIT~ & L9W PRICES.

On n nd :l.fl l·r the l \it ,\pri l ncxl n P A RCE I PO~'£ will he opera t.NI be· twctn· ::'\cwfou ndlnnd nnd the 'nitctl Stntu. th,. rntr s ur Poalng<l L<'ing lixt•tl a t l:2 C( nl& p<'r pourul ; limit. o f wri~hL <:IC\'t!ll ponntls; li lllil. or s ize 8 fC(!L G i nches in IPnE;lh, nnd G feet length nod j!i rth combin<'£1. A Cuatuma tlcclnm·


HAL~ • BROTHERS Central Dry Goods Store, Water St.

lio n of tho COI\l<.'lltll nnd vnlue n f ('1\Ch Sk. , Q M n . t 1 A t St d. parcel niUIIL IJr fi lled up ami oOi.xct! hy Inner 'f'J 0 umen a . r u 10

· the eendcr. Forma cnn bo hnd ut tho Poet Oflicu. :.\'o Let.tcr , Post CnrJ, or nny writing (whclhr r hy hRnd or other· wil'c) or tho nn turc of p<'rsOnlll C<lrr< s· pondcnc<', m ny bo NICioactl in n pnrceJ for the Oni ted Stntc,., nnd following or­ticles ate nl!o prohibited :-PuLlica; tiona wllioh vioiRte tho copyright l11.wa; ~eons, exploaivca, inftammnblc· sub-

Q UR Business Place and entire Stock was d estroyed in the Great F'irP

The Fancy Goods Stor6 is repl ete with e ,·cry d escription

·and class of Goo 1 ,;-Fnnc~· A r ticlcs, Albmu:;. \' iol iu::. :IIHI othe r mu:<ical Instrullle nl::, Pipe: . .T c wcll e ry ,T oy !", Stationery of a I I ki nd~. l'nrsons' Locnl \'iew 'hri:::tmns Cards, which hnvo bccom o ~o pnpul:u·. on hand ;

Also, Views o f :\lid. ~tenery.

The Photographic Room is fitleu with t he rcquirc lllcnts

necessnry for gcu" l wc>rk . Photo­graphs nnd Tiutyp<'~ •Jf all . ize:: taken in superior ·lyte · and finish. Pict.ures copiotl :llltl enl:t rg<'d nl low prices. )),> nnl sen ti y o u1· Photographs nwa~· fo r enlarg ement Try PAH~QN," for uch work.

. . . t'hange ol w I IIli. . .

f'ee this :pace nex t Friday for list or New Goocl:-;.



I for tl.tei t· much-appreciated ~11 pporL during tl1e past 3!l years, wo beg to sol ici t n. continn:m cc of the ~amc nnd would c.tll nlt cntion to the fad :dtltottg-h failul'e in lhe .Bn;.di:-:11 ' l 'op:; la:o:t season

ha · c.11 1~e<l a g1·ent scarcit.y of 1 EEDS, and lll) t withsttu1ding the extraonlinn.ry acl vn.ncc in prices, w e llavc a:'~"•lin ~ccurecl om· ll ' II:\ I Ia !':!(! and \':tried ~tock or . . . . . ....

The -Furniture - Room~ arc fillod with ni l ~ort:-~ ofDom estic Furniture :-Hmcau!', Bed tends, Ch effioni cnl Shlo Bo:mls, \\ al'h· stnnds, ~uits, Chairs ~[attrnsses,&c. Furniture nnd Cauinel -work mnde to o-ruer, nt low prite and with de-spatch. Pic tme-frami ng i u nil its \V c ore now prep:u·ctl to fi 11 nt the lowest pos:-~i hie 1wices nll brnnch cs. W e g unmntce ~atisfac- orders wit.h whit·h our t·ustomers Hlll.Y he t>lcascd to fa \'Ot' us. tion in every d e pnrtment. nn~l in-vite ins pec tion of the variou" s tock s . Our prices will ue· fuund a s low a. the lowes t.

W. H. THOMPSON & CO, E. PARSON$. Wnle l' , 'tt:cet. llarl>ot· Gmce.

OH, BUT I SAy 't G . ·- · rocer1es, Provisions, &c Begin the New Yenr uy using .

. . -----


We lta\'e in :-tock n. full nssortmcnt of

Pli\i n nml Fancy Bi~<cu its, • 'yru pR, Snuce~, Fln vou ring Ex trnct.~J,

Tinned Fntits') ~ttolene, the ne w substit ute for Lurd


Apd · St\V<~ lime, trouble nnd expense in l 894. Ask your

Gro.ce.r to get it !

Blacksmith and Farrier Work. The undersigned bt'gs to intimate to

~be {lUblic genernlly, nnd horse-owners part.acularly tbl\l. he is prepnred t(t do all kinds or ~·ork ·in the above-named linea or trade.

HORSE-SHOEING will be given specinl attention, and be guarantet'a to ao nll work in this Hoe With the greateet .car<-. _. Pr1cea to • uiL tho tim<'s, !'Ud sat·

iafadion aaaur('(). NICHOLAS HA.RRlS,

JI,u,·cy Stree~ WraL

Carriages, Sleighs, Carts, &c. JAMES WAR~N,



FOR A Useful Present

TO . "

Wife,' Mother, Sister or Daughter


.. CASEY'S· •


/Wlmn,,r •. liquids or nrLicles wl)ich eneily liquify, confcctione ond paat.t>e, Jive <'r dead nnimnls, except dca.d inaecla and rept ilu, "h<'n thoroughly dri~d, fruita, V('gotnhlell, lottery tickets, circulars or advertisEment&, all ohscene or inmioral

of July 8. We havo sin"e succeedocl in <>rcctln~ a manufacturing Shop and Warf'room on the blcl ~pot. \\'e h1\\'o rtce1ved a la!'Be supply of Mar ble, freeb from the quarries;~ together with a nu10ber of the lat.eet • nnu meat. lJt>uut.iful dt'siguafor Ctmetery decoru tion!', in lfeadaton83 and Monuments. Mnrblp or liranHe. Also, a few pieces o( Jtalian Art, wbi~b aro exquisite in design and flnisb. euit~tble for <:horch purpose~ or hotoe ornamentation. Pt.-reonal aLtenlion is gh·en to each orrler, small or Jar,e. We arc ns well l'rf'pared as ever. to receive aud execute ordtra Every· •• pnopmre.~ to o:~:ccule·nll work In hll! line

·• • • • • • wl&b delpnte b. Good o.._ fniLbl\11 \fOr k tbJng 18 Qt W, everything 18 go01L Will our patrons and fnend1 cote cuuanteed.


Canadian · Government LANDS this '/ Aa in tbe past, we will do notbiog u.ut first-class work, and tbua .~·~t'~":!.~~.~:':r'.~'~'l·clonp ntahort nollco s uetai.n the good reputation 81\rned in nineteen yf'ars of aucceeefol bueJ. Vehlr1u built In IAICiiL. u y 1e11 and In nrn-ness life. Toole, Ct>ment, Plaster, and Mallelts fu~ eale. •

011.~tiefnction guaranteed. article~~, or aoy ulicle thn~ may in an1 way injure or dcatroy mnil matter or the officials hudlin~t umo.

J. O. FRASER, P.M.G. 'G. P. 0., St. Jc1h'n'~' Nfld., }

March lOtb, J894.

TERRA NOVA MARBLE WORKS, Duckwort.b St., .eRSt or Beck's Hill. St. JQhnja.


Huse, Sign & General Painter FANCY AND TOY BAZAAR, VICTORIA._ STREET. . --

Ven~tino Blinds made; refiLted and re· . . . n<?•"tetl. Trncea and ahnded Mata

<lra1n11 f.\ nud tneule WClrk neatly done. • ' , Lettering and SirnPaloUogupecialtl· Berhn Wopl, Color Boxee, Crayons

· . .• d .Satiafacti.on guarapteed. ~ link Bottles and Stands, )tlsl encor- a


Wanted • InduaLrioua,IOber, • reliable men to.

•~11 our complete linea or Nunef1 &oclt and ~eed l'otatoca. A rn a~al varieties conUollcd by ui. Commlleloa or salary poid weckl1, and auaraateec~ promptly. Esclueive aod choice ott. ri&ory given. Outfit fret". Dcm't delaJ. Apply at ooce for tt-rma.

ALLEN NUBSB&Y Co., Uarcb G, 20i. Roobee&er, N.Y.

WATER STREE1', IIARBQR GRACE. . Ju. 111, 1811tS. • •



Board of Trade Building. -- ... Special ~ll4!otion given to ihe aale of

Flab and Fiab Oila. A.Jao, to &be buying and abippiog or

!'lour UK! Pro,iaiona &Dd General Pro-duoe. ·

Cable Addrea-MUNN, Mon're&L

rl"IJE OOVERNl\JENT 0~" CANADA liAS lN THE NOUTH-\VEST 200,000,-000 (t\'o•o hufldred millions) or ncl't's or the rcry beat land in the world,

whioh iL otrere free to aclunl scttfcrs in eection'e or 160 acres each. Tho avera~ \'ield of wheat on· tbcee lands ie from 80 to fO buebela per aero; oata, &0 &o ,o bushels ; bnrlo)', 40 to 00 buehols .L roo~ crops and other gmina in }IMJ'Ortion THE LAND JS READY FOR THE rLOW, and doeanotrequiro clearing, fetaclnc or monuro. There ie no rain in the fall w injuf'eitho grain, ami seediug hfgilJI about the laL of April:in . b e laf1lr&t_l)arC. of the country. Over a great fW" of this region CA TrLE AND HORSm RUN AT LAROE all winttt.r. Thmt b good water caeily found everywhere. Coal ia delive,ed at from e3.00 &o fQ.OO per ton a~ ftll l'ftilway eLations. LUMBER. for building, eoete from IG to t:!O {In M '; shingle~ sell at ta pel' ll. CAUJo dreaing from 700 lb.., to 000 lbe., •ro raieed on the prairi<'l witbouL any food but the wild graaa. nAJJ.WA \15 aro buUt or being buU&1 all over lbe country. CburcbN and rreo acbooJa aro. ~ tnblisbed in every rronnce. Good bomee{ good Jande aocl Joatituliu•a :.~ler tho old llag. Now is tho time for eoterwie ng men to come and lt'OUN Lbe bfe&. localhica. Special ratt'l gino via I. 0. R. and 0. P. n., oo applieaLion 10

C. C. OARL YLE, Care or Nnrouodladd Ba1lwa,r, 8&. .Jobia'l.

Page 2: 500 Boys and Youths Smts 1!!~~2~I~!.¥.· English and …… ·  · 2016-10-19the p;e


"Augu~t Flower~'-

I HOUSE OF ASSEltiBLY Highest of all in Leavening Power.- Latest U.S. Gov.'t l<..eport. _



" I l!:n-e been afflict· nmousnoss, " cd wilh biliousness

" :-. u d ~.-omtii pntion Constlp:::.~lon," for, fifteeu years;

• • first one and then " another preparn• " tioo was suggested " to me a.ud tried but


"to no purpose. At las t a friend "recommended August Flower. 1 !'took it according to directions aud "it.; efTe<::ts ' ere "·ondcrful, reliev· " itw me of those disagreeable "st;mach pains which I had heeD "troubled with so long. Words " ·cannot describe the admiration "in which I bold your .August " Flower-it has ~Pveu me a new "lease of life, wb1ch before was a " burden. Such a medicine is a beu­" cfnction to bumnoity, and its goocl "qualities and "wonderful mer· Jesse Barker,


"its shout~ be " made known to


' 'everyone sutTer- Humboldt, "iugwithdyspep-" s ia or biliousness Kansas. Q G. G. GI~EE~.Sole Mno'fr,Wootlbury,N.j.





Wistar's Balsam


Wild · Charry

Thla old reliable epeolflo for oouaha, colda and all dlaeaaea of a pulmonary nature eaally retalna Ita popularity amona tha peo• pie, thouaanda of whom may a I moat be aald to have been ralaed upon It alnce It haa ao I on• been the unl· n ... al oure·all In eo many homee. Ita reool"d for up· warde of a half century Ia known to all and attaatalta remarkable merit. Foraale by all Dru••••t•.

Seth W. Fowle & Sons, norJIIIITOU,


Do not be Depressed

: I


because you have been unable to rid yours elf of

th:tt obstin::te cough. Yon have been experi­menting with new and worthtess compounds.

Ch~er up! There is hope for vou if you will try that stand­ard preparation that has been in ·use for more ·--than 50 y~~-

Wistar's Balsan1 ld Cherry.

II will C~r~ You. SIJid by Q/j C/Jrugrisls.


• TnunsoA Y, April 12. The House met. nt four of the clock,

pursuant. to adjournment. His Honor tho Speaker read to the

Houao mt'ua&e of His Excellency the GO\'ert\Or ftlld judgment or Hon Mr. Juatice Sir J. S. Winter therewith, as follows:- · To the Honorable the Spt'aker or the

Houec of Allembly : MEllO.

I beg to inform you thnt I have re­ceived from tho Surreme Court a judg­m ent on a petition againet tho election

IWd~ ~-Powder

I In 20 ll.atCI or EunlpC the r('gUIRr standing armiea in time of peace hare a force t·f 8,2..'>0,000. Three ue in tho I flower Of t}wir II~U llllll c•pncity tO 1\'0rk. Adtled to t.hr11e must. llo the Utln btr of thoeo who scrre n tt'r na of years in the armif'l and nre driJI d ready to be called on wht'n wanl . 'fhcee are there~en·ea, and yeRr af r year they are drawn from ch·it r kc~t. in the. ~rmy ~eYel'lll years nml trauned to mli1tary hfe. Then they are dishnrged 10 givu pl:tc" to tho nr xt. C<?rps coming of age for a• ld it•rs s:•r· n ee.

of Meurs. Wood• i.ncl Moores •• mem· and took nn active pnrt in making the cellency to 1u1 immcdi ,tle 11i~solut ion o r bers for Bay-de-Verde, and thnt. by thnt. :nratwcmcnt in rcllllion to portions of the Ho 111e f \ I 1 f 1

J'udgmcnt., which under t.he election la~w " l.

0 ' sl!eru '. Y • or t u• purp<'I!C the ~· . of allowmg tho const IUicnci•·s toclccidt'

of this colony Calp. 3, ConaolidRted 'Ihe corrupt. pr1tctices committed this import11nt. cnnat i t1 ~t ion:t l isstll' · Statutes (aecond 1 rit>s). aa nmenJed by through tho :ll!Cnts of t!te rcepondent., .Ancl, whc:en~, H i!! Exccllvncy hn; de­

, 53 \"ic.1

Cap. 1, and fiG Vic., Capt. 17, is withou t. their knowlcdJte and coneent, chn~d the tHl\'lco nllti.s cnnatitutiuani fin•l ; t 1eae members havo ueon uuaent· c~>nsi :>lecl in tho pnying for rdilway adnat-r-', nnl! those g<'nl ll!ml'n hn,·o eel aml diequalificd from rrprro~~cnting ttchts for the cmwcvonco of a number .U111~ been obh)(Cl~ to tend •r thl'ir rrsig· that. or any other diatricL tluring the nf vott u from St. ~John'• to H"rbor nntton 1111 llllch ; sresent. le(i&lltur<', A copy· o r the UrllC<', nt't\r the d istric~ of 8 :\y-de-Venle And, whercn3, the nt!lll:tgl'nH:nL oft he

udgea' cerllficnto accomr.amee this. in ord!'r to induce nntl cnnhle them to affaird of t.his colony is aloout to be 0 11• 'f. O'BRIEN, Lt.. Cu ., Go,·ernor. ,·ote for tho respondents. This convey· t~ a minorit.y nf th is Ll'gisiRtu ro

Government. Houal', } :111ce v.-ns ctl l!ctcd under tho uuthorit.y reprcacutmg one·t hir,l of i t:s 111emhers, St. -Fian"s, 2ocl April,l ~. of the Hon. F'..tlw:ml Morrie, 1m agent. of ami whom the flet•plc wit l•in the lust

b nl.; SUP.RKMF. CouRT o•· ~EWFOUSo- thE~ n pomleuts , by ono Willi~&m J. four mooth1111L the p~tllll hn 1·o dccln rcd usn, IS TKF. )l.ATTF.It oF TilE DIST.IIt T ){1'11'11, nMis lctl hy one Uohert PitmRn. do not. merit t hei r ('•>nfi.l<•ncr.; OF DA \"· DE· \"E111n: EI.ECTIOS PETITIOSS. T ho number of voter.s of DJ\y~lc-Vcrdo . Ucsoh·etl, thut t lti11 H~ou11r i11 nf npin·

Tn Hia"Escf'll('ncy ::>lit TERESCEO'BRn:s , d istrict could not.l•:) cXl\Ctly 11scerLnined, 1011 th11t the mi11ori Ly i 11 this ll•)llso K. c. M.G., Governor, ~\:c., &.c. thuy ha\'i n~ ucc11 included in a tolal a~ouhl not he c.-ntrlhltrd with the C•lllcc·

I S. J ,,.. L· c •[ G f n 111\bcr of ·l!lti !ICIII. to 80\'eml districts tton or tnxrs for tho purp •Sl'S c·f rt' VCIIUO .

• tr "mu ·mtcr, -"-· ·11 · · .,one o inclwl in ... u ,,,,.·tle-Vcn lt>. ' H I l l 1 · 1 ' tho· JudgF.II of t.he Suprr mo Com·t of , ('!JO \'('1 • L tn t t tll4 I nll ~(l "' rQ./.1\' rt'-1 ha \"l', t herd ore, tn report lite f .. J. sct' tttl" lito rA•olttt l.... 1 I 1 1 tl · 'lll ~r"·foundlswd , do hr rcl•)·. in pur6tHIIICt' v ·' , . ., ~1 a • ,., •• n 1e . a l .. win,.. .. Jll' r:!OII:i liS h:\\'ing contl\l1. t'ud tlaw llf ,l\'ar(•lt ,.,. ll •II 1.1 I'

of the " Election Act, lSS!," c('rtif,· that. . ... r lJ • ' J

11' '

11"1lr••u c •r· • c••rrUJ•t tmtcticrs at lh·• clc•' ti.Otl, ll'' ll1e· ce1\'Cr ('ot1cra J 1\tll tl lt t t • 11 1

on tho 13th day of Fcbrullry, A.D. l !14. ~ v u I n • • • • · ' ' uuse l (l I did duly hold a Court in ~t. J uhn'e fur ly : Ch:t rh:~ Trt nch:trJ , Miclu\CI Gcnr, IIIJL m•w r<'stoh·o itsl'l t' in:•• ' 'lllllllli ll•·o

. :'llnst'l! K itw. the llOal. L~. 1'. t\, rorrt". of tlt c \''1101" fill ,,. I 'I tho trid of the election petition f1.1r the .... .... "• ' " ·

1' :~

11111 ·" ''" Ill· Willia m .1 . )h:\\'!, " "" Roh•~•t. Pitmun. The <tnc•tl'o·t I .• · ,,· • t l ' { " k

diatrict of Ua•·..Uc-Y •nlc, hetwccn L·~vi "' " · '' i- 1'11

'." ·' r .. ~1w11 •• J Of llac,c. I consi.lcr t hn• ChArl••s cr Lltn• •Ito \"n I I I I f

March. t>elitioncr , and t.he llCJnour.t l.llt: • ... • • ' r, 5 Jlf•'P'I..~ t'l to ''' ·· L o u t 'l'retwlt:u· I. ~I i1·h:w l licnr, Mo•ca Kin••, 4 t ttntl p11rt. 11f tl1 ' ' 1 • 11 II

ll. J . 13. Woods am•l ticoroc .E. M<l(•rc•, " "' ". . < 'I "11

lo •n, ac •Ht:IC .. " 11.nd RolJt'r t l' nr · entitlecl to re· thvllctl " 'I tl 1 · 1 reepondents, ami thnL 1 dill ou tlt!\t lla \' , . 1

• •. H!ll H·rc "l•ll>':t r•·· 1n L 10 . ('t•ivo t:t·rt ilk :t tl'!! or indcmnit\' ... pro· ·tfilrlll'lli''C le tt II \ I l l II' 'I 1'1 I a nd on subteiJUent. da.u, Jlroccctl with '"" · · ' · · ''. : ·' • :i!lr• . • IIIli • \'itln l II,\ · lii'C'Iinn .')!1, tltlb!ll'CII·,·m (a) Clf fur I 1

' 1) 1u•n J) II I) • }' the trilll Of the lliill petition. \ ' V . : "' I l llltlt' _1", tn:•r, ' r1111••r, And in further pursuance of the s:d

1J the [nt j•rrial Ad, -1 lj uml-li \'ic., c:tp.51. L. Furl1.1ng, Gon•, K t oi ~ht, ~l·>rinc ,

A<'t, [do certify that. at. tho conclnaiun 1 hal·.; a lsu lo repurt. that corrupt. nod Munn i nn,J in tho• n• ~·llil·o• , (· i~h· or tlao aaid trial , to wit. on t.h" 27th ·'1\'' pratctices Jlrcmi l<:tl e xtensively in tho tet.-n, n.uuely : - llo>n. tla•l l'n•tnir r. nnd

" u ·' 1liat rictnt the clrctioo. 'l I' 1 • 1 · I' J) u "' of Morch ioat&nt., I determined a1ntl aJ· '' 1'asra. "••u , :Is alii , ·.. .11\' ••, uu.

J'ud,.ed the ~lcctiou and return of 9h·en unJr r my hamel, nt 3t. John's, Fox, ~I . .Furloug. K·•nt inl-(, ~l··lir•tLI'

,.. tlua 3 1as~ dll" or )f,, - h, 189·1. 't l !lt•l"s F M I. 'I I 1' I

uid reapondente, and of each of them, " ' '" " ' • · • .. rr s. " urp n·, u!'lltlll:l TOid. J.l:). WINTER." P<Lyne, Tait., Teuicr, Thoniplhlll, and And whcreu charges were made in Committee of the whole on waye and WoodforJ; ao iL IJIIUl!d in tho ot'gativc.

the aaid petition of corrupt. practices ffi Cl\111 a\.lwtling first. on the oruer or the Tho queation bcintr Lhen put t l.lltl. the having been committed at. t.ho eaid elec· 1h,y, nnd the qnl'1!lion being put. by hie wonl11 of tho a.nicmlmcnt he inscrtt<l in­tion to which the aaid petition refcn~, 1 Honor tho 'pea leer, " that. 1 do now stead thereof, it. p·•aacd in the aflirm· do 1'n p c (t.b ·d At • lt:avt> tlll' c hoir," itwa.movcdinamend. &tivoand it Will ordered aocomingh•" aa' follo~~~~nc 0 e 1n1 c' re!JOr• lDe.ttt by the hon. Colonial &crc~L&ry, and Lhnt the said rcaolutions, with tlie'i;

l . That the said respondent ~he lion. seconded uy llon. Mr. Morrie, that t.he prea.mblea, be adopted and do p:us. Henry J. D. Woods wu guilty by him· wonJs ol thu quution after the woru CoR,'mittee of tho whole on Supply a elf, and by .and with hiaknowled~e and " that " be left. out in onler to ina en the •t.and1n1 nt-xt. on t.ho ordtr of t.he day, consent, and also by his agent. Wlthout' following :- \he qutet.ion being put. by Mr. Speaker hia knowledge a net coneent~ of corrupt. Whero!ae, Hi11 Exc ,Heney the Govern· " that I do now laav~ the chair," it wu practices at the

1aid election. or has intimAted to thie Houae,through moved in amendment bv tho bon. Co-

2. That the~&id rHpondent., George E. hia H onor Speaker, that he baa re- lonlal Secretary, eeoondotf b{ hon. Mr. Mooret, wu guilty by bimeelf, and bv ccived from the Supreme Court a jud~- Morrie, that all the wonla o the quu­and with hie knowledge and coneent, ol ment on n petition against. the election t.ion af~er the word .. t.hat .. be left ou t. corrupt. practices at. the said election. of .Mcurs. Woodal\nd Moores u mem- and the followin~~; inserted :

3. Thllt the corrupt. practice or which ~era for Daay.<Je-Verde, and t.bat by t.hat Whereas His Excellency the Gover-a · d d •- d h f th d Judgment. tboee mombcre have been un- nor h .. intimated to this house " &:c. ·

1 1 reapon en .. , an eac 0 em, an ~- • d · "R-"L'" .. D,-Th"t.tlt1'.•1toti11C r'eac1"ndt1

were gmlt.y by t.hemaelvce and each of aeatcu 1m d1squatified from represent.- ..., • • .. u

them, aud by and with tho knowledge in~ th;tl. or any otherdiatrict.duringtbe the reaolution tabled by •tlto hon. Re­aml con1ent. or each of them, wu that e:111tence of the present. Legislature; ceiYer General, on the Gth day of March of bribery. And,wh!!reae,Uia Excellency theGov- gra.nting a aupply to H er Mt'jesty :

Aa rtgnrJa the resJ.ondent, Woods, ernor has furnished this Houee,t.hrough RE80LV£D,-'fbat. for any person or the acts ol bribery wue of aeveral Eorte. his Hunor the Bpt-alccr, with a copy of persona in the Oovcrnment'of this col-

The moat. important. of tho charJell the Judge'• cert1Licate on tho matter re- ony, or in the tl't'ltaury or other depart­proven against thia re11pondent. conllet- ferred to, wherein it ie that " the ment. ~hereof, or ror any person or per­eel in 1he giving of employment. upon moat. i mportnnt of the obarges pro•en aons whateocver employed in the pay­public works in the district of Bay-de- againat. Mr. Wooda con1is&.ed in ghinc ment. of public money, to pay or direc~1 Vr rde to large numbers of volers, in of employment upon public worka in or cauee to be paid any eum or soma or order to induce t.hem to yote for there- the district <~f Day.<J<.'-Verde to larg~ Jl'!Oney foro~ towanla the aupportofaer· epondente. number~ of vult>l"f,• which employment v1cea voted 10 tho preaunL seuion oft.he

Thia employment. wu giYen and pro- Will given nnd provided upon ro&dt in Auembly after tho l.-eg.islaturo ahall cured on roadf'in nriou

1 parte of the nrious pnrta ol the district., t.he work han been pror~ed or cliaso~vecl, be­

diatrict, t.he work upon wh1ch wu not. upon which· wni not. done in the due fore any Act. of t ho LegielRture shall done in the due and regular course of and regular cause ·or the' public eervice1 have been pnn od 1\ppropriating the the public aervice, but. wu, in fact, but. wue carried on without. due ana •upplit·e to ancb aen' iCt!, wtllbe a gron earned on "'ithout. due and proper proper sanc,J.ion and aut.borit.y upon breach of t.he puulic trust, a"tl llcroga­aauction and authorit.y, upon purpoees purpoeea noL authorized by law and tory to the fundamentnl principles of not authorized by law, and without le- withc,)llt IP)tislntive provision for the ex· this Legialat.ure, and subversive of the gialative provision for t.he expenditure, pendu..uro" ; and that. " the respondent, principles of rcepon11iule Government."

Cmmtlng both the 11tandinJ:" nrmil's lutllthe res•·n·e.-, ~heru will bn wh•·n tho Jlr1'8Cnt. Ia~·• incrcnsing the orn\iU of licrmnny, Englnnd ftnd the other nn· ti111111 aHa\11 hR\'e been t nrri l·d inlu ex· I'CI!tion no less thnn !!2.G21 .!)(1() men tmllletl fnr nnd liuule to mili t~~ry arr,·ict'. Sulotntcti n..: from this the mcu in tho 11tnnding armi~·s whose lahor is prru1·1n· c·nt lyh s t. to uulu:~try, ~~~ l'rC 11 r il IJI't>r 1~1,\)()().()ll:}, men out. of \YhotiO li \'o•s several yenr.t lt~wo hc<'n lak1•n fr" m prOilucth·e intlustri03 loy the ti 111e spent. 111 trniuin~ to be IOilliers.

'l'he dept. of tho 111\tinnll or J-:urnpc 1\ IIIOUills to $:!5,000,000,000. Mo~L or it wns ncc:umuluted hy wur aml pn ' IH·r.\· Lions for war. Tho annua l ltli!S t•1 nil the c•luutrit-11 from the mninH·tutnC<' uf t he atnudiug nrmicsnml the wi llulwa l frnm l•ro:luct i ,·cocas of tho luPn i u milita1ry service nmouuts to $ 1 Ua'i liU<.l.OOll. I I

T he l:uiLt'll S lalra hn11 mltw nf t l zi :~ gn•a L ": •:i~-:hL l~ Lt•!\r. ll t•r young lll Pit run 8Wll tl)' 0 11 In C'Ar'ertl Of (lt•:l(;f', (' :ll·h 1>urning hi; lh·inJ.; atntl sunt,.th i l'~ m•·n·. l£t' lt1111 1111t. lo uc I!IIJll ••ltl t••l hv t!tP :' l:lt l'. Fur this whol\• country we ll ll\'o! ouh· n liu l .. nmty .. r :!:,,ooo. 'fhu:~ lr···· a u.! im· l!a lll iH·rt:cl lo>· mil.i.L:artllltl 1 till' l' uill·ol Nn ~l'll wtll r1:1u r.t /'[ lly tu 1h,. !J,.all .. r llllltollf, whitt! tht: lou rtlt·n uf m ilil:tt i~m "!ill ~o:r,,w·h~s\\'h!rnnd heu.vir r in Eur" lll! 1111 the llllllOIIS fall to p tect-a lov tht·ir Oll'tl wci"hl. 'fho ):rCilt.&tnlldin~· ~~rtui<'ll of Eurdpn alone. if tllt·re wcro n<l <•thl·r rlllli'OU, would hold the h11tiuus o ' E urupe back, ao t hat. they C•au :d uvt b••);in to keep up wit.b t.ho Uuitcd St:ltt:s iu the race fur auprem:•cy.

UnlPss Eumpc chang«'e her wllOl'l policy the United Statu will veryahorl­ly out11trip her utterly. Her only hope ia in uol veraal disarm ~ment, perman· ent. peace.

HAVE You A Couou, cold, pain in the cheat. or bronchitis ! In fact hue you the p~~monit.ory 1ymptom~ of con· aumptlon? Iho, know that relief of them ie within r our reach in the ahape of Dn. \V19TAR's B.u..s.ut oF Wtr.o CuEHnY which, in m any e .. ea, has enaat.ehed the victim from the yawoh11 gl'".l\'e.


Snwroxs -Moisture; inten1e itehtng am) ati_nging; moe\ at. night; worse by ecr<Ltchtnft. lf allowed to continue tumors form which often bleed and ul­cerate, becoming nry aore. SwAYNJt'l 91NTWENT stope L~e itching and bl~ed­lng, b cale ulcerahon, and in moat cases remo,·ea the t.umors. At druggiet.s, or by mail, for 50 cent.. Dr. Swllyne & Son, Philadelphia.

When t.he 1yatem ia a ll run down, and DO hope Of obtaining uouriahment by the ordinary food supply, then take " .\lillcr'• Emulaion, t.ho groaL llcah and blcod maker," the kind that cures " collie, coughs, broncbiatis aml·all dis· cnsea of throat ant.llungs. Every bottle warr:anted, No oily taate~ lilce ot hers. In b1g boUlCI, 50o. &nd $1:00, at. drnJ! gista. -

In time to any irregularity of the Stomach, Liver, or Bowela may

prevent serious COnSc<lUOIICCS. Indigestion, costiveness .• heuduche. nau­s e n. bilious­ness, ana ' 'er-

IDM!ir.v:;~ tigo iu'alcate cer t ain func­tional derange. meuts, the baa& r e medy for

which is Ayer'e Pills. rurely \'ege­table, sugar.coatcd, easy to take and 11nick to assimilate, this is thQ ideal family medicine-the most popular, tuue, nnd useful npericut in phar­ma t•y. ~ir:~. ~.!. .A. DnoCKW'ELL, llnrris, 'f eun., says:

''Aycr·s C:ltllartlc 1'111$ cured me of sick he:ulnche nml my hnsiJaud of ueuralgla. We tbluk there Is

No Better Medicine, and h:w.J lutluccd mnu)' to·usc lt.

"Tblrt)··fi\·c )"C:lH I\ GO thi'J S1•rlns:. twas run tlown hy han I " ork nntl n Mtcces lon of cohls. " hll'h mnllc 111c s•• h:ct..le thnt It wns nn crrort ror rne to \\Rlk. I con~ultcd the do<:lor:i. lout l.ct•t ~hal-In~; IO\II'r n11tlt I hnd :;h·cn ut• ull hOI'c ul cn:r hcln~t better. Hnl' l~tt ins: to he In a ~>lurl'. unl:! tla~-. where mc11iclncs ll l'rl' ~old. tltl' Jlruprlctor noticed Ill)' wen!. ou•l:.h-1.1) nl'l" 'at a nee. nml. nflcr 11. few qnC!(IIOth a:l t o my hl'altlt, recorn· rncnllcd me 11: :r)' A~·cr'" 1'111:1. I hnll little f:olth In thc~c or cuy other mctllclnc, but <"OIII'hulctl. :~l l:t 1. ' " lak..: his noh·tcc nntl try a hox. l~clorc t hn•l u~eu them nll. I was \ cry nn1ch hclkr. nn•l t\10 l1oxcs cured me. 1 nm nuw ~ )'(':\,.., ol<l: l•nt : ~IIC\'C that If It hm l not llct·n fnr ,\ )(·t·, l'IIL!, I should l:.,·:r t.c~n In my !!'r:t\•' lOIII! ngo. I bu:; 8 I ''' ~' ~ C\ cry year. \\ hlt.'h mnkc ~10 boxes up !•) lhl•llmc. an•t I ll tmltl no mor be wllb­o:•~ Llu.•m tl~nn \\llhouL b~cad."-ll. U. ln:;n•h~ m. l!oo:klnr.ul. ~~~·.

AVER'S PILLS l'u·t>:~rro by Dr. J . 0 .• \ )·cr S: Co., I.owell, Vue.

E v erlf Dose Effective


QUEEN Insurance- Coy. Lost in the Great Conflngr~t1on

the sum of

$541,000 nnd the

QUEEN INSURANCE CO. paid out to 398 of its patrons. whose policies were involveci in the fire, exactly a similo.t o.mount, viz.,

$541,000 JOHN CORMACK.

Agent, St. J ohn's. A.. T. DRYSDALE, Agent, Hnrl:.or Grace.




ESTABLISHED·-- I~ 17 :2 with~ut. urgent public neccaau.y or other Woot111, J!I\Ve Rnd procured employment Tho queat.ion bPing put thRt. t.he wonts . • The Spring Jlledioine. . aufficnen~ reaeon for the wotk of the ex· upon puhlic works in St . John's, which proposed to bo lefL ouL etnud pl\rl of the "All d • ., f . • penditure. were uml~r Ilia control, to a large num- question the house divilled when there run own rom th'! wenkcnmg

% owo•k• upon wbicb tho employ- be. of V<•l<"' ;" appe• r.d in tho aflt.mAli ve 'len nud in effecta of . wa•m •••1~"• r.ou neod • ,~,,J!.\-~~:.~o.,z~nECTORS' m_ent was given were provided and con· A(ld, \rhereAe, lb. Juatico l1ae tho negative, eighteen; the un~c• being . ~ood tor:uc and purifier hke · H~l 'e H ow r~a,·m. E.q. tr1ved by the responclenL Wooda with held that the carrying out or such' pub· t.ho en me ae in lito lAst di \'ision. ·r ~ar•apartlll-.. ~0 not.. put. orr . tnlnng John Cl.tttonl . The !:lou. JamM By a,. the auiatance of others, for tho purpoee li!l_works, " ~n the ubsencp of any pro- Th~ queeLion bcinr put.lba t. tho worua

1t .. Num.croue httlc aliments, l f m•g· O.!tnv "" 1-J. Coopo, Eli~J .. l\t.P.

of providing employment. Tor tho \'Olen, VI810nll selling forth how the money of tho nmemlmcnt. be ina••rtell instead }£t~dH~'aoon brea~ up lh& ayslem. Ocortg-' Arthur F ullcrb Elq. in order to influcncfl their votes, nnu Will to be ·~nt. and " 'h ere t.he roads ~hereof, it. puaed in the nflirmati vc and !' e

11 .Bal'l!~lpar111 1~ now • to expel M. Rhode llnwlttns h~l:~?" E. Good erL, EJq. were made eubserviont to that. purpose, were int.(,.mled," wn1 ·a violation of the lt. '!'d•• ord

1 er~d acc~nlin~t~:. nml thut. tltc ~i::.nso nnd g

1ve .) ou streng th and !\ppe- s.r J ohn f,ul.lbock, Bart., M.P. ·

a nd were managed in such a mnnner. corrupt. Pr:1ctic~ Act. ; and baa ul\leated aa1 rt-so ut10oa, \\'llh l ht:lr preambles, I (;h'~l~~rT~~~{I~;~~t;~n~~~Q· . at. auch a timP, and under 1\UCh circum· nnd disqua lified Meun. Wooda and be adopted and do pn11s. H •. p -- . · The Hn n. &twin B. f'ortmaa Ellq 11tance1 111 were bea\ ('alculated to pro- Moores the m~·mbcn elcnted to repre- Ordered lltllt. the reml\in ing mnltc.._, ' f

000. 1) ILlS. are tho . ~est. f:umly Dudley Robert ·anlth, ' •

mote that. object eent th~ dis\ric t. of Bay-de-Verde in thie on t.ho order p1•pcr be t efcrrctl. ~ ~nL ~ar! 1.c <Lnd h \er med1clne. lll\rm- W lll ln~a.'.~~~.'~~~. :ruompson, EIIQ.

A )aTrfe proportion of the vot.era of J10UI!O; ·- .And, the house ha\.· ing sat ftflcr mid· cu , rchRble, sure_.__ . flon. Director-JOHN J . n LOOl!FIELD z.q

l d

• ·q m I t fh 1 .. 1 ., 8 · V.'rLLIAll c . MACDO:SAt,D 1 Joint ' · t1e tatnct were sltown to havo been And, whcrt>ns, thie Houie did, in tho ' 1 • urst ay , ,.pn l-, I 9-t, 1t. was Tm-: N y E J:.' u.AsOlll n. ltAcoosALD ~ Seerel&rle.s. notoriou•IY ready and willing bo be 11 aaion of JS!}2, nuLh• rise by AcL tho ·moved by the hon Colon in! Sec retary ·

1 &W ORK XA~Ussn S:\~·a:

comp!et.ely infiu41nced b)' tho work in wiclt·ning nnJ l11ying out. of the atreete that tho rcaolution11 ndo>plcd by t.ho £,·cry mother an~ houeelc.c~per . mus~ Thll ent;:ll;Onw nts or this omc:.o nro guaraa-

queetlon. of. St. J ohu't!, 1\nll, in •be •e••1"on of 1on3, house yeat.crdaw lin Oll"'r•l.~ "&'I bo o{t.-'tl ~ot as " fanuly. phy&ICia&ll tn tho te<.-<t b7 n numt"ron8 nnt.l wenltby Proprte-• u- o" d t " , many 1ltnessandacc1d(Clllll th ' lnr)·,ln nddlllouloaii\TII1l h•vest.OO Capital ' The respondent, \ Voods, gave "and d1d JJilll Rll Act auLhoriaing the raisin, preaenlc to Hus Exl'mllcnoy the over- · n .. occur and tho prompll\udo nmt llbemttty w1tt:

procured employment. upon public by loan of ;:100,000 for the conatruet.ion nor by Mr, SpCAk('r 111111 tho whole Rmong ch1ldren ancleervanle. F:o~ m!lny which clnlml!l hnvo nlw:l)"S been rui'L .,.

1\'0rke in St. John'• , which were under of ra ilway cuunccting roads; hou~o at a later hout of th is tlny. and }I these C1llf!t I. hav~ uso. Dn.'· 1~1 . .PA t S· ,.T1



::!fn~cuon• ot \be hie control, to a large number of voters And, wbt Wtl, Mr. Juetico Win~r, in it. wae."o ordercrl. ., . II; I.En,, a C!'na


1l"11• 1 ~1 lnt •spcus· PH<ENJX FlJ~Ii Ol<l•'JCE of the district. of Bay-de-Vt:roe in order prceuniiu~ t•1 dent with a matter en- Hon. Cot.O:SI AJ. SttllETAO\" ga \'O no· "~10

acuc!e ln the meth clflo uox. ln may be ~nlmatcd trom the tact tbat alnoe ua to influence their \'otu. lirely outsi•lo h is province a• AJ'udge on tico that. on t.•.·dAy he wi ll n'ICl\'O th 1t. ~hnrrhro:a. lt hu been uee4 and . of~uct.etl !!ilabllshmo:ut-now over o l'f a HoXD ...


u d 1 .. curce For cuts and brn1sce 1t 18 111 VCAR.II-thl' pnymuuts In saU•facUoD ot tbe he respondent., \Vooda, promieed 'ant.l an) lectiun pclit.iou, has not only t>X· an a l t <>as ue ACIIt to tho'J•on. tho · 1~e· , ·b ' . • claims tor Lollae~ htt\'O exceeded 1-"0URTUlf

aCtt;rwarda proc~red, or ~ieted in pro- cc<.~ed his tl ut.r. lmt utabliahed n pro- giell\tive Council rC<\Ilfll ting their con· 'tlua lc. 250

· lor the New Bit; llot- ULWUN~ t;u:rtln~e. eurtn"', an apfoomtment 1n the Cual.o111• cc.-dent. wlli<'h, tf no• pro•A•ted .. ~ .. 1net cu.rrt-nee i.•.• t.ho r• ftOintions ndopL"'l by l c. Ll;;rl

11 nauranc:


n~o:n l nlll.. Lou by Fire u• • " • """ " .. 'I 1" " I II tln nc orrect<.-.1 by Lbo Com~ apoa

DPpartmenL or one Charita Trenchard, by this llousP, mny hereafter lea to a • 118 LlOUIO 1o reforenco to.t.ho 'fiLhclri\W· HO~EYED SWEETNESS. nory description or f'roport.y, on Lbe mOl\ and also paid him money in conaiuera· 6Ub\•ersion of tho fundamental ·princi- al of the-resolution t.l\hlcd by tho bon. norablo terms. lion of his canvaaaing, working, anJ plt·a CJf 1111r cnn1litut.ion ; · Recei.ver General ~n cotu!ectiNt with tho It i,e uiJ wbt!n the great. phlioeopher W.

0 lU.::S DELL, St.. J ohDl.

Ulif\1 his infiul'nce in support. or tho And, whercos, t.hia Hooee ho• been queattooa or Wnys aml ~rcana, and Plllto wu an infant. n IIWRrkll of bees A~rnte for NflwfnnnrUanc\. reap<.ondcnl• in parte of tho district. mnde nwarCl of tho f"ct ~hat His ~- tsupply. • aligh~l on hie lipe, indicating the i J W E wbtore he had a large Ollmber of frchcl1 ccllency'e <'t.tllstiUitionRl !Uivisere have T hen tho house ncljonrnt'd until the honeyed aweetneu or tho elooul'nco I . . 1{ N N ED Y, and acqoaint.ancea, aod poaeeaaed }ICr- 1 pointed out to Ilia Exet-. llency L for bour or 12, noon, nf thie tlay. . that. ~owed afterwards from thom. oot and Shoe - Maker. aonal and polilical influence. a judge or au elootiQ,J pet.ition to at!g· We har.Ye all beard of the honeyed '

Tbie re.pondent raid on~ Mioh.ael matizt• Mil " iUC«al and corruJ>t prao- · The aeYert•e\ cns"s of ewecLnea of Hat""rd bronchial eyrup 0o Vi Gear, a. •ott>r, <Jut of Lbe public fund•, a Uct>e " tho expenditure or publl_o .. ~o.J- are c~red by Ht~otl'a Sarsaparilla '·tb~ 1and the pat lo•e \bat tho childre~ nter wtoria and Water Bu. IUm or eix dollan, ror work upon the eye aut.h~orizt-d by Acta or tbil ~· peat blood purifier. ,..\~ow" is the 'time 11\Ve.for u. We allo know the areaL making or a ~d upon his pri"ate pro- &urt', 1111t>nted t.o t.y Her lfajta\y aoct to take iL Hood's Cur••· effect! no~ or thla cough remedy in 1tYV7 cleiCJ'tpuoa ot ~~":~ P!rly, with a 'fiew t.othereby in0uf:.ncing wltioh could be> carried ou. tin no ~her --- . t.he home. Wile and rruden~ motben .... Hand•ewed Work of aU Jdnda a l••• vote. . j way tlum under the din!OUOD or Bla DEAI'.NJ:SS COK:PLETELY OCR ED alway• ba•e acboUle o h a& hand ror I PPClalt& Ki Thie respondt'nL authorised one MOIN Excellency'• council,la &o t\rlke a blow AnT ~on 1u.lf.;nng from Deafn · emergeacla ~p, hoanenea, whoop- . ====-====:=========

nr:, a \'O~, to go .to work upon the at the very foundat.lona of reeponalble NOliN in the Head clc. mayle&rn er· ing oogb and cPldl oannoL. run rl<~t &I.e , •• L_ -r~•• ftn'-~ eollttructioo or a pnnte road and J>ro- go•ernment.. new aimple treatm t,' b" b •

0 a wlien HarYard bronoblalaJrap 11 aaed 'J'I ... u.. A- -•

~~eJ l.b&L be thould be paidanen dol- And, whero:a1, thla Houe hat heeD !DIYery aucceurut f! !n!~e:!Jypro; a few &Jmn. The oblldfen nenr &an ror work. The work ,.. doae made aw•re of the r.ct that BJa &-,los oaa• or aU kind• I' u · 00

refute &o take It ; llnle ones look OONOEPrl -~ ~ a portion ol Lbe money waa paid Cfllenoy'a conatitotlooal act..._ b&Ye lnOiudlnc many ~010~0/:ctrtic~~· · for it wheu lheftuler, and will ha•o I• pr:ta&ecl Of BAY ADVEBTIBBR ,t rouab na~en' Jloorea. lD re- endeavoured t.o imJ>rell upoa Bla Ex· moalaJa &ad ueWI r ti · · - no o&her. PhJlC&DI dally recommend. ..:t:=.~~-:ln.~ fT: ll'i"' r .. lh1o aa&horitJ and ...,. ... , collencJ the-nitlon ot &bOIIdoail!la wiU be - poa& ~ • .r:;':.&i.... H......t lmlllohiai &JrapJ n tbelr p,.a- _,;_~ ....... ~ 1!11~ U»e ree~en~ bit Yo&e. thaLtbe onlJ tribunala &o wLlob ihe 'lbetJa&em sa witbouL doubt, the moni &ice;&heJkuoW ltuompoall.ion and are tlSO"'; toton'iit'...f:.t~

Tile ff'l~eu& JIOOI'N knew ol1

and adminflka&lplllnea~lbleu ~I ~fuleYer brou h bet: h 01

aatiafted Nodrinclta l!'eo~. n&eawtu~ae alA :;: • OODMD&Iac pan7 to, &h•lhll'l of ~be tox~ndiLuro or publics mooe71 &ie I Uo. Acklnlt Aural's!ecu:.J:t,' A~:ub- will do welT &o pronde \bel'Diel~ with a:tt=:• HI~ ..... .., ........ -:-.!~Dio7m~~ t'CMD .upoa pu&lic the Ulialature or coloo.J aiHI &he ' Buildl~ 89.~ Vlccorla t:S\reet w:l. & larp twen,y.ftye oen~boUle for 018 OODUD..Uoa. ;\~==.::-=-_.. fa &he- aboYe mendontd, electorate, &ad b&Ye ~ Hit Ez. 1 mlal&er. Loadon. 8 w • at Lhlt aeuon. A dote ;na a' &be .. uas. Tile aamtaer or ot 1M . · ' · · · · rip' l1me ID&J •" 10m UWe life. :=:::=..•18

aull\ M '-! tM


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Sick HeadacbP, . Constipation, w 0ak Stomach; Impaired- Digestio.n ,

Disordered -Lwer :---:-- and :::-Female-=Allments. T ill~ :-'.\LE T:-i ~OW SIX ~IILLTO~ B XE~ YEAJ:tLY.

~· rru . Ultt1-:1·TIO:\,. \\' ITII E .\ \.: 11 BOX. -Q

t -.lf" PREI'.-\ HF:O 0:\t.Y IW 'filE l'r:oru JF:TC\Jt-

THOTi.i AS BEECHAM, ~t. Helens, Lancashire. :0:\·\.1 1 y :d l n~:uggi ts and P:l lcnt-)lccli<·inc Dcnlct·~, C\'Crywbcrc.

C. f~F'J OWLINC, 't .. Jol111 '~: A:;ent tor Newfoundland.

Worth their weight ·in Gold. - --·------- -----.--,, 1.1.1• 1 ul: W•JII"If IS 11000 0KIJ~:Jt .

Dr. Y';"-• QRS14''S INDIAN N•>rmnn.OotiJnnunry 15, ISOO. J. L.J W . H . ('Mr..-ror..:. Llrockvll c, Ont

P•l} lit: \1: ~ll!,-\'our " Dr. Morr~c'il lndlnn Root Root 1 s Plllb'' nr•• lhl' IJc:st T('J:UIIllor tor tbe ~J!l('Ol

· • lh~<t hnnumlly c•nn IIIII'. Ll(c llf '" ~116 limo

Dr. Morse's Indian ROOT PILLS.

Dr. Morse's . Indian Root Pills!

Dr· MO)l,SE'S INDIAN Boot Pills· .

Dr. Morse's Indian Boot Pills.

To Save Doctors BiHs use Or . .Morse's Indian Root Pills.

J>l.-rc: 1rnll null tJcllcntc nrc manv 01 111 w.•rL~>. A l lny rn rllc:lc or rorct~rn lu.bstanc:e 111l h\•r••' to I hi' ~>mull c:MI wheel In workl. and whn~ '" the r-·• nlt!-nt tlr11~. only r\ allabL rll lfcreneo h> t>rrco\>UIJio In Ita tlm•kneplna, IJuL \\'RII. V0\1; R8CIIO ObiiCrvatiOD KTOWa, Lbe lrrc~:nlnrl~y IJ~come~~ ~rronter, untn n~ lal\, whnt conltJ ho\'o been reoltded wllb IIUte trouble, In the bt-alnln«. will now require mncb c.-nrt' In thorou1hl7 cleon11nc Ule en· tire -work. So II. 111 In human life-a alhtbL th•rnn(,C1lm ent.l• nctttlect«J,I& l'fOWI and In· cr.•niCs. ln:per~pUbly al ftral. lben rapid· ly IIDIII WbaL COUld, In lbe befl!flDif, baYI ~>ten rnrtd with IIUlo \rouble. beoomu &I· I006l (otnl. TO! Pl'fl'nD& thll,l ad'\'18o all to purify tbe1yatem fNqaenUy, by \be q~e of Mone•• Pill I, and 10 preeerve Ylpr and vi· taii'Y· Yonrl fallbtaliJ1 H. P. A1'WllLL.

THE TR.~ VEJ,L'ER8' 8APBOUABD. Am ... aciGII Pond, N.B., Jan. f7,10 .

W. H. C0m1toek~ Brock ville, On& 1 Drar Blr :";"For man1 J•an.l bave been a

tlrm bellner In yoar Dr. Moneta Indian Root PJIIL" ,Not.wllb IDOb a bliDCl lallb,ba& aeonttde~~ee 'lnOaabl b.ll- ac\aal penonal experience of \berr valUe aacl auirS&. lfJ bnalnHII 11 10eb ' \bel I IJ!e.!ld maob of m1 limo away tro1JJ hom~, and I woalcl DO& eoo­atder ID'f trll.,tlllnt: oaUl' coaaDiete wltboa& a bOs o lloree'l PlliL Y~k,


Ba~bOII llarbor1NJI.'-JaD. II, .. w. Il. Oc>m~lr. Droonn e.~·"

_ ... 41 ~-....... ·--------·..!--:;seat Family Pill in Use I

Denr 8lr,..-Tbla II \0 oer&U'I MaM I ~ Ia Palf'nl Medlclnee, llleladlnt: ~ kiDda of PI IlL I Mil more ortbe Dr. llclnii'81DcllaD BocK PIUI lbiUI oC all lbe OUien OOIIlbiDid. Tbelr Ia Ieai tlnd an 1\111 l(l~q.

'(oan. .tc. • It'. L. lfiOiroLIOif ---- --FoR SALE _BY ALL DE.ALEJ!.S.


What It Ia, and What It Ia :Rot.

n(lna•n· lfous•;, nicbmond, Surro~·, Engiaml, Murch 14, '9-l.

Lady CoCJk pr<'Sente l1< r complimout• ' to t.l.e Jo:ditor CJf tho .. :'t11m!:•r'tl" and· !1• I>" !o sut.ntit th•: .-nl'l• l!l'•l t•or y ave III!CfliOII. U\' l,t\IJY 0001{1 Sl!l' 11:ss .. . , t! C. CLA.I'LIH.

i:!o s pnke I ho •·h~rul•; 1\lltl lr, ,. grave rebuke ~~vcru In Y"Uihlul hr ""'· •ulded grace lo\'lncll•l<· ; rrbu•h~tl.l l" ' I) ·\· It -tood, ,\uti fell !•uw nw:u l ~;u<~llu:l>ll lll , nnd uw \"l rLrru In lo. r """'"' • huw IO\'ely ; llt\W and J•ln·.r 11 1 ~ hJ.Y.-)IIIIuu.

\\'t1rcls lr:l\ " dilli-rt'II L nnd eometimu contr1ulk tury llluu till$!1!. 'fh<'y have eli lfl•n•nt mea1ri n~ts in di ffl' r•·ot age• c.r 11t1tgt11 <•I d c:,·c·l•>pmrnL of tho people• I,~· wlH>III tlr,·y a rt' ·ksi~ncd ami uao!d ; tlwy hn \ 'l' d i tl' .. r• ut uwaui ng1 in tho m ouths of tl i!l', rc•nt d>11!8U and indi· vidu11!s ; uml, ti notl ly, t l1cy hrnro din'erent lllll\UIIIl;tl whcu applied lO different ~·l:lr~ll t II ur I ~ rsmts, and prt··eminenUy, It "1 '1' ' u rto, rn rc~pcd to •omo impor­ranl Wt~l drl wlrcn uppl icd to dill'erenc. or opJ.I<'Si l• ,eXl'l!.

'JIJ1•11e lli ll t' rent lll('nllillyll Of WOrdl 1.0 applittl, al:<l au tliHl·riug wh<'n a pplied, n·\'tn l nn l11•!t• lri!'IOI V otntl a whole l·h i lry. They tt"ll . "lrc-ro the world :;t:11ulg in it~o id, •a~t . Tht•ro ie nothing lll ~>n• ilot. ·Jc,ling n1ul instructh·e than tl~t' ~i uol,:r of word• frvn• this point of \ ' H , \\' . ' I hl' tlllCHIIl!l'ious llli'ILUill~ of t.he w .. rJ i:1 olll·n 111vr~· hv fl\r th1m lle com· 111011 lllt':llli ::J;. -

Xut:dol.\· t!• 1 ~ t!. i!\ luqoprn in respect. lo the \\'o fr-1 ::nJ ,·irluvus :lSili•Plicd to 1111·11 an I t u \1 • mr11.

A fru • ut:lll ir :l lit olrlc It ring; 1\ free ,,.,llll:lll i., a c .. : 11 '' l·l ii ,Jc l,t•in~ . Frec­cl(IJu for II 111M ll i~ l' lllllllciplll!OU from degrading C(JrH! it i"t.!S W'hich J>ri•\·rnl. the cxp11n~ ion of lr i~ 11 •nl intv ~c111Jike gran­deur nnl! n<Jioilit •·. '' loi<-h It i" uaum~ is his nntunrl [,·•ul::nry iu freedom Frt:edom for 1\ \lflllll\ll is, on the con! t rarr, CI!Cape fro111 thnae neccaaary re­s!rlli_nir.g conditiur.a which prevent. the atnluJ?g of l~cr _BO!ll into degra~at.ion Rnd VICC1 W)lldl 1(, IS, all UnCODIClOUily.1 nuumed in her Latural tondencv. In other terme, the liM or thia cne "wonl in ita two·fold application to men and to womeu, rc1'<'nla the unconaciou1 but e\·~r-preacnt con\'iction in the public mtnu. tha~ men tend, of courae, HeaYeil­WArd in their nature nnd tlnelopmeot. and l11RL " omen tend juat •• naturally Hell ward.

ln {he li&ht, frivoloua flaUery or w~.n~n by men, juat the contrary or all tlus 11 uaumed-nnmel1, that. women Are nntnrnlly angela, and that men are moro groea nml I.Jruta&l, an\1 would be quite ao but for tho elenting influence of womtn; an1l with a r, wauperiormeo tltie ia aaid earnuU1 and trulf· But. the unconecioua l<'1timooy contained iD the ordh1nn· uso or tbe word free, u applied to incn and to women r8peo­tl n •ly, ir1 not. crndicatetl, uor in any· acnae weakened, IJy theae casual excep­tions .; a~d that tt'slimO!lY ia, aimply, th:1t n 11 currently IJehc\'cd, both Ly men 1\llll women- (for men ha1'e boro­ uutde .opinion, f11r the moel. part, for women lll resr .,·ct tO wmnen)-that freedom is n cmul i tion desirable and uufa nmtLio for '' vnu·n, t.ceauae women nrc uaturaliy IJncl , and require only. Lbo opportnnity lo &how their iunate ten· d c n C\' h> \'ire or ,,- i,·L:ednua.

· All tbia is aim ply exccral.rlc. H ia whnL tht>so worJs nrc meauL to con,·ey ; ; d~radiug, inaulting m ocktry, to ddinc lmL mcrdy that she shall let the v;orlcl female \'trtuo in' tl1i11 wtw, r r in u.ny kuow Lim~ fcnmh: Yirtuo mcnns hr.m· WAy different 1\ lll:.m'e\·irtue. And after 11\•lrlclhing dilfl•rcnL; th:lL iL OICIU~ women nro coualrnincJ to llCOeiJL these in 1\ wor.l,just whnt. would mako a ma&n t dieparugiog dicerimina\tioms by 1111 or- virtuous :111J );lk>ll. Ho <•r she who canisetl aocial opinion which i~ excra· "·ouha Ito fr.·c mnsLtlcfy the enemy, nnd airel1 tymnni~ll. Fr<•m lhe mr ro.: i111· lllllsL IJC u itm enough to exhnn11L the Jllll.ltion of impr,, priety in this 1111e par· pliSI!ihi lit i1•s of 1 he euemy's aunult; and th:uiHr. " " 1111'11 al1ri11k :111d co~ wt•r with It "ill l11.t l•c uutil women c•u cortrlll· the lllOet-:rl j c t l t•rwr. 'r1ris lll:tn·n · to

1 pla te tlll\ 1 :tl"CI'I'I, Ullcunct•ruo.TI", what·

opinion uau .. 1 t: .. ah•ol is!1r1l ; ,\·o:'m:u I :ill\' \'o•r iinpnrnrio n nn il-(nonu~, biller, muat Yilulic·a.lo' 1! • ~r rij.:hL l~ 1111 nlo:~o· 1.' 1 11~, :rml pt'rt\ ·o·ntia:: \\'ltrld n ·ty lrl"AJI Jute freedom 111 t l111t' • •\\'11 t'IJIII! ut·l, \ ' X· " " 1111'111 1 l llolltl ... \' 1\i illw n •t\ · free. cepl. th"t llr"y ha\·,, :H• right tv l'ncru.•l'll If th~: t t rri lolc t' l• itlrt·ls "'ith which the on ot!tera. 'J he r .. \·uh :I(!UingL ai.'Y op· j \\'• •rhl st:ll•ll tl11• rt•pu t:lli.•:IVIU•Ilorlurcs 1

preaaton usui\11.' ' gnc.i tn nn •1J•posnc ex· 1\lhl n111rdl r<1 lire l!lllll:s of ·.\·um e u \fCre trt!me fur 11. ti nll'; :.~.nol tl1:tl ia ri~o:hL ami en:n ju tly llietri butecl, a ccc•nl ing to the DCC• llllary. \\'u l':tlllltiL rt:lul •r the ll' rllld worhl 'l! 11\fll ide!\ of just ic~, it wuuhl hu '! lillertiua', a nd ·• nckc " . 11 " PI•r•,trriuus lhl lllt' 111iti;.:ation. Uut iL is nolurifJUI aa m(.'n I111\'0 lll.l.!t• "111i11 r.·:~:~" nud llr:•t \\',\1111' 11 iiiiHici<'Ly, who rcl\ lly t•lfc,~11d " courtesan "; tlu o11~h 1lao (oru~o ·r i• 1110 L ag:ti ust the cun,·cntivnnl irl~ of .eim!Jiy the fc rn o i r o i :t~ .,r" 111:11\ler," :urd \'irllle, 1•ll••11 J:" thrtltlJ.:h li fo Ulli~ILiretl the lllllt'r l'i~;ui li~:d 1•riu1.n il.' '• in thu ""tl with ncccptAoce ex,crywhere, and J, unilline eeus{) ;,, llw wvrd , ":1 fl' ll llllc ""'·•· the n •pulativn, in li. son ol l'icl.:­·cuurth•r." J. .. l 113. t h1·11, rr .. ort. to l he wit-I; inn !ll'IISl', of l~t•in)! immnculaLc; oppoeitc tnctic:<, :u 11 l ll• h • tl11· ~ti11b •mL while other.s, who non !r drCI\lliCd of of­of' thue IJr\d W\lr.lrS l>y lr:ll'ioj; a. COil· r' •nding, :1 re hr.utth•tl null l'XI•l"llcd. aciouenesa 'of reel;. a11cl then llllt \\' 0111en 111\lt!l, 1 hr·rcfore, ho their own ahrinking from any impu!l1tion -wh!\t· dcfcn h·r!'l ; .. ucl \\h.\L I rccmumcnd ia, to Cl1'er. The woriJ t•nsln \'l':S our a ex Ly hlu11L the wcap1111 of crlllllliiiY lJy 11 com­the m ere fenr of 1111 c:pi tlll't; awl us long plc tc imlitl'l·rcncc 'to what the woriJ aa iL can throw nuy die term at us IIII,YII, o1w wuy or t.he other, where tho which we C011'<:r Lcfvr,., it cnn mnintai1; atrrugth cnn b,• aummonctl for such n our tnaiKl"Cmont. It is nut." frc1' clom "


t:ou rsc. Y• lnr 11wlto t.e," .\ly miml al~ne, LIUt eHry other epithet intenllcd to me a k i n~;Jum is." Satisfy your to degrade tlu1L wou11u1 11111st J::ro w own illcnl of right, prnpriCt.), und puri· a\rong «IIIOUlh to defy before she will be

1 ty, a ni defy Mrs. Grundy to do her

free. I do n•Jt mean thnt 11hc shnll he worst.

WfNT to BANFF HOT SPRINGS ---------- ------- --

Returned Home Racked with ~ain Lost 43 pounds-~ WondetfJl


Jn~nllin~ as tl.i~ Ciltima\e if Lo our sex, iL i& thl· l•;ll, il\ on which the whole quut j..,n .. r il d.l r r,•c>.IOnl r. arxtiCd by tho lllllllllk wurlal. It is naively and cont_inu~t lly o .. sulnul tlH\1, if aocial re­sl rntlll tS "'• rt· r l·lllu\'C\1. nil women, the 1notln-rrS u11d r;i1111 ra anJ wivea and dawghl(.'r!l or(llll' ri l'tllllll8 malo eit izena, would im mcd ial t:ly :mtl ~o to l~ laud. ~lt·n sro e'·~ry day 'Yil'­tun ll~· ~nyin • 1 h is llf their own mot hera; nnd ""' 111111 a rH t l:c-tt~hlltuly claiming in, nnd pron• rtlllcillg tho l.ulll or repro­lmt ion upcm. t !w mune c,f their OWl I wom:u1h1•t.KI. It 111'\'('r aecma to occur A patil!nt 31>irit. iR Otll'\ of the mo't I celery ~·mpnuntl. F.or m ore titnn a to d thcr I :rrly 1 hat. t he true woman'• imporl.l\nt. e lomcnt" in the chnrt\CLer or yonr I wrus suOilriog from the ngonizing I!OUi ll' .. ul, lX ptut.! int(ln.higher purity a hum11n boin~. ~hny occat~ions will I pnins of scinticn;"nnd after trying nil in fret t!om, jw~t a:~ wo recognize thaL occur when pnticnco will he the only th:tt m edic:\1 sk ill could devtsc, and tho m~tnl:· ,.u·tl is ~xRitt!d ~y the poe· virtue which will conunnnd 11uccesll. !using mnny remcdiea, pRtcnt nml other-8l'81!10n or th:.t. ~AI)IC Jarcctoua boon ; While we would stron~ly urge the pn\C··t wi@e, I concluded to try t.he Hot. Springs thnt. nla11vlnt<• frl'( Jmu is even more Lice of patience in tho J :dJur<~ of c. ' 'cry- t•f Unnn: under tho nblc supcrinton. dence cuenti~ l.\ 1 lh\' hK·ks and growth of a daf life, it. woultl IJe m:ulncu ancl folly of Dr. Brett. I took the treatment true womllnhOO.I thn.n iL is for the de- to u.culcate its pn1cLioo wilen sufie riug thoroughly nnd c~trefully for aix weeks, \'CI11pmen~ l•f K tru.: nuwhood; and thatl from rheumRtism or nny of the mAuy nn<l cnme home nt. tho end of thnt tin\O ns mnn'r1 frCl'(hllll it chil'lly politica trouLlf>l that nriso from n disonl t>r1•d r•lOhrl with pnin Ami weighing 43 ''hue Ilia life c~:nt r,.,., eo worunn'e free- condition of ~he uer\·ous syatem. ~ P11ti- pounds lcs'- At~ thia juncture, when uo m mu11t. t.o sociul

1 her lifo centring in once exercised whcn eufiering from hope Luulnlmost fled, 1 hcnrd of J>llino'a

the audnl r"lationlf. diaeaat', is not a Yirtuo; it is a heinous celt'ry compound. It seemed suited to ln the anmo 11trikiog WRY the two crime. \Vhen tho first. l!yrnptoma of my cnee, nod I sent. to my druggist., Mr.

ueCll of tho word "irl.nt: tell the ••me diaeue, are folt wo ahould be ¥p nod J. W. Higginbothnm, of this place, and ""d t11 lc of the (l('ljllll.Lr estimate or the doing, to rid oursch·ea of danger nnd asked 1\IJout. it. He recommended it to chnn1cter ·<•r 1111t urc: of the two au:e1. death. _. m~. nnd I took n bottle. I soon began Tho "Yery tvurd drtuo ie, I bl'lievc; part.· When 1unounded in a house by fire to feel better, Rnd after tAking the sec· ly derh·ed from tho Lrttin \ir, the dia· we m~rke hast.e to cacnpe from dutruc- ond bo.ttle I was a cured DlJln· nod threw tioctive nnme of llll\11

1 and meant. ori· Lion ; ln like m:mner should every sur~ awny my cru~ches. ·

~;innlly ·• mnnlinc~t!." It waa natural ferer endeavor to frco himaclf or hcrst lf I ket•p a IJottle on hand in caao of any in a cru,l~; ngo t hnt. all queetioO. of from the awful fire of dieense. return of tuo compi1Lint.. I am now 58 \fOm~nlincu · •bonld be len out ot ao- We implore you to free yourselvea nt. yrn rcl o ld, nod ferlllll apry and healthy count. Enn in-respccL W: man it wu ooee from tboaed('ath•fires which rrsult and freo frorli' pain ns I ever did in my the ,,..rlike quality of mere pbyaical rrom a diaeaae<\ condition of tho gre~tt life. I Willi born in Norfolk, England, strength which W:t8 lh·at priJed, ancl nervouaayalem. • 'rhue de~t.h fires mny and camo to Canada when only three which firat. rccci r ed tho name or dnue. be iD the form of rbeumlltism, aciatica, yeal'!l old. I wu brought up in . tho We retnint.bia.gtnl'rall idea of ltrellJLh, neunl1ia, dyapep1ia, liver or kidney townehipofComwnll,Ootario,andcamo cfficienc1; •• Lhe first meaoin&ohinue &roublet. ,. ' to MamtoiJa eight year• ago. Have atill ; u when wo apeak of tbe Yirt.ue of Th001and1 in C1ma<la hue roaaon to alwnya been a farmer, and am aa able a me'<Jicine, of n public meuure, and rejoice and ii"o thankS for almoat. im· to do hard work no« na over I w ... like. But in this more aplrltual mediate dehveraoco from tho grAip of With n heart. full of gntituc!e for the aud cultured nge, ,.irtue, u applied to aucb &rouLln. Owing to the existcueo bonefita derived from tllo u1e or your men, has riaim to a higher degree of ol PaiDe'a ctolery compound, aufTcring t emcdy, nnJ a wish to influence othel'11 aigo1ticance, aud now meana mOral aod t.enibie agony ha\•e beap avoided who mAy eulfer, [gladly And freely in· gOOdneu, or a general oonfooniLJ oHhe wben the great. medi<'ine was uaed oarly. dilo thie letter. whole life to liigh moralldeaa iDd pW" Jlr: Jamta l.everin~tton, of Virden, Rev. Mr. 'f,\lbot, Methodist Minuter, poeu. But. applied to woman, ooa- Kani&oba, wboeo portrait appean abovt•, or F:lkhorn, can confirm my 1t.atementa, tined to a narrow ad inaoit.lng apeclal• uDionuna&ely for himself, endured tcr· and will do 10 if wriUen to." · ty. It mcana Lhat woman baa· DeTer • dbll &odmetl for O\"er a yeAr before be Mr.J. W. Higginbotham, the aucceu· been approached in a ·~ W"3 br . beard ol &be wonderful curing. powen ful And extremely popular druggut or man; and nothio1 but \bat • • A~ ol Paine'• celery compound. MedicAl Virden, v()ucbea f·. r ilr. LeYeriogton's rrom that. lperual idea of 'rirtue, lh• a1d11, pa&ent. medicint'J and the Ylrtuce atatementa •• follow• : ·-woman ma) have aU the noblft ~ 01 Lhe wa&en or Banff Hot Sprinp !nil· "I have< known Mr. Leverington for tiee of her au, be a p&Uern olnailllll- I ed to cure. two )'t'&ra or more, and can confirm. ty, inapiratloa, religlooa emoiioaa1U1 Wl\b a heart Cull ot gratitude Yr. 'fhat he eays in regaru to hla cure br even aDd abe b n oL flrtU\IUia AQ4 ~ I.enrln&ton writca •• Colfowa :- P11 inC' a celery compound. Ever since can become 110; but lt 1be lleoaDCIIII "I tbfnk lt. my duty, withouL aolioi&a- hie c ure be baa beeu aounding I &a tba& m&Uer, abe maJ be & a a tlcmfram anJ ODO, to write in the ln- praiace, llOd be ia a perf~ enLhUJlUt tblel, ora friend, but. de II ~ MNI&aofolher autferen, and give )OU on Lho aubjecL or Paine'• celery oom· •lrtuou•-•he poea ... ee U..& ht6 li • tlldiDObialln favor or your (to me) pound. I bollo:vebim to bo thoroughly "priaed above rubiee." alaaOI& mlraculoua remedy, Nne'• reliable." •

KNOWLEDGE Brings comfort and improTemeot ancl

tondl to personal enjoyment wh1o rit;htly used. The mAny, who lin be~ ler thnn others and enjoy life more, with lou e:cpcntliture, by more p romptly adapting the world'• beat prodacta to the nccda of physical being, will atteat the value to health of the pure liquid lnsnth·e principle~ embr&C41d iD the remedy, Syrup of Figa.

Its excellence ia due to ite preeentin1 in tho form m oab acceptab~e anct.pleu­nnt to U1o tal! to, the rc( and trul7 boncfici~ proport.ica of a perfoct lax­at( \' O ; effectually clel\naing the ayat.m, disvclling colds, hudachea and fevora and permAnently curing conalipatjon. It ba giYon IAtiaf•ction to millio111 and m1~ with the apprcmu of the medical profeasion, bccnu .. it act• on the Kid­ne1a, Linlr and Bowel• 11'ithout weak­onmg them and it ia perf~ctly free ftolll e\'cq objectionable aubalAnc~.

Syrup of F ig• i1 for Bale by all dru1· gista in 75c. bottles, but it ia maou­fncturcd by the California Fig 8yru1• Co. only, whose name is printed on e,·~ry pl\Ckn:;c, alMO tho name, Syrup of Figs, and bcin~t well infonned, you will nut ao<:Ct•t auy subatitute if <'frercd.

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Everybody's Law Book is th~ tiLle of the new 768 paKe wotk now in press, prepnrod by J. Alex­ander Koones, L.L.B., member of the N.ow York Bnr.

I1. enables O\"Cry mnn and womua Lo-bo their own lAifyer. It. t.e&cbeawha& aro your right. and bow to maintaba them. Whon to begin a law ault. &ad when to ahljft ooc. It coutaiu. Use uae­Cul informatioo every b\llineae DWa needa in overy State in &be UDlcm. I& oonL&iDJ bUii.neu forma ot=ftrf -:r UJeful to laWJ:er u u t U who b&YO lepl b~ to ..

lneloee two dollarl ~~a 30pJ, • .111-cJoae t.wo-ccnt. poatqe at&Dlp._ a table or o6ntenta aria \erma to ~ Ad­dre. DENJ. W. BITCBQOOI[, ~ ll1ber, 885 Slxl.b .A. venae, Hew Yen.

July. 28 '98,-lv

Page 4: 500 Boys and Youths Smts 1!!~~2~I~!.¥.· English and …… ·  · 2016-10-19the p;e

. ....




'fuE.<~DAY, Arnu. li, l~':tl. . . .

N'E\\'FOUSDf.ASD':; FonEtON Til.\ DE. - 'l'it~ at all tiut<:s m :lttor ofiuteres't t:> note tho.yolu:uc of the trnde re­lations suusisti n~ Let ween this colony unci other t:&lUntriC3. H ero it i s not:\blo l•• ·,J!J:icrvo tlwt for aome time p:t.--L tho tracle ofC;tnarln with tho o lrle3t Cqlony h!is been fa:;l incn·a~iug ; this WI\S especially the cnse~lnst year1 when, it is estt· mnte<l hy com potent authorities, she imported about double tho value o l goons from the Domini<?n that she dill from the Unitecl S~ Hero also H is worth\' of n ote "'W o l> s e r ,. e thnl Nc\vfoundlnnd :5 foreign trade in 1892 aggregated in ,·aluo S5.Gl5 000, as cumpared with Si' ,437.000 the pro,·ious yenr. Dur­ing tho flrlit·named year (1..:9:l) Newfoundland i 111 porlll frOJll Can· adalmountetl to $1,9 1,-H>..'i.


As we hn\'e before remark<><!. 'the aituation lately uLlcliniug in go\'· ernmenlnl circ leR nt ~t. Juhn':1 w:ts nltogethor without a parullol in ~l~c history of the Colony-t he cr1s1s being one of tho gra\'c. t nnd :tlhl· g111thcr unprecedented . That the


clima:oc should be reached at in the re:-:ignntion of the Go\'crnment w:ts to l>c ox pee tell. This took pl.lce lnst. Thur5clay, "hen llis Excel­lency the <:o\'ernor ·ailed upon Mr. tioodridgo, tho Lender of the OJ,>position, to fMm a ministry . Tlus \Yn~ accord ingly done. Tho Executive wns s worn in by II is Ex-

• cellency on Sa~urduy, 1\e was cnn­\'eyed in n spec1al d espatch to the ~rA~DARD, ns follow -

ST. Jous'e, Satnnllly Aftern,.on. Executive sworn in. .Mr. tiooJri.Jgc,

Premier. Mr . .Morison, Allorn<'Y Gen­cr.ll. Mr. Donnelly. Hec~her (i~ncrA I. Mr. Morine, c.,lu•ti:d Sc<·r..:Lu ry. ~lr. L. 0 '11. Fnrlonl!'. Uhnirman Bo:U\1 ol Works. M. T. KnigltL, Surn•yor Ol'n­eral. .Mc11n5. C. U.lWC ami J. S. Pitts, wit.houL J>Ortfolio.

th!'t "His F..xc~llency would re. their address allege as the reuon c~1ve Mr. peaker and the House, I of their derpand for a General Elec­wtth the address, on to-morrow I tion that in tho Judgmentdt:livered (~aturday) nt half vast 12 o'clock, in the case of Woods und 'Moores 1:'· m.'' I" the learned Judge had gone out-

--.- . " sido the r1ue~ttion as to the ex-St. John 11'lht~ (~(lcl'lloon. " istence of bribery l\,nd corrup7

Tho new Government \vas sworn


"tion,11 nnd had determined ques· in on aturdny. The Whiteway tions ns regard~J ·'the legality of Party next formed in procession " the expenditure by your Excel­and· \\'COt to see the Qoyernor. On " Ieney in Council of monies au· t?eir return :they foun~ t~~ ~ew " thonzed by nets of the Legisla­Gonrnment mstnlled. Str \\ llham "ture to be· expended for certain Whiteway, Hon. R. Bond, H on. F.:. ' • purposes therein named." II n Morris, apd Mr. Furlong in n de· "is the opinion,'' they go on to state bate prior to prorogation frnmcd " of this House that if the law be resolutions whtcb wero sent to the I" such ns to empower any tribunal Governor. The galleries were fill- " outside the Legislature to eo ad­eel. The Sp81lker, 'ir Willia!lt ~nd "judicnte, the lnw should be other members \YOre proct:9810mng ' amended without delay." while the Commi:SSioners prorogued 13 . A mong~t the ~rounds nl· the House. On their return they lcged ngainst the granhn~ of a new found no House. elec~ion is that the parbes to the

address do noLjoin issue fnirly and 'l'fiE PRESENT EMJJRQG/,/0. equnroly with tho Judgment of Mn

• Justice Winter ; thnt there is n o OUTI.INEO FOR TilE OESEf.JT OP Tllt; constitutional point involved 1\8 tbc JSTERE3TED nuT u snF;Ao R~:ADF:lt. Petitionen ll!'l::ume ;· that its ron!

A General Election was held in the Full of 1893, resuhin& in tho ret urn of the Government Pnrtv b\' a majority of 24 out of a H ouie of 36 members.

1. On the ln~:~t dny within tho time prescribed l>y lnw, the return of 1 i out of the 2-1 members of tho Whiteway Party, includin~ tho Premier himself, (Sir W. V. White· way), the Colonial ecretary. ( Iron. R. Huncl), the ~urveyor tienl'ral, (Hon.H.J.B.\\' oods), the 'hnirmnn of the Jlonrd of Works. (~rr. ~[c­Gmth) . the b on. the pe11ker, ( :'llr. Emerson), were petitioned n~amst on the ground of bribery nntl cor­ru,>lion, personally nnd by agents.

2. The first trinl resulted in Messrs. Woods nnd ){oores, lrov· ern mont :\[embers for Hny-de·\' erdo District, being unsented and dis­qunlified from sitting during the existence of the present Assembly.

3. Amongst the counts on which Messrs. Woods and ;\[oores were found guilty was the charge that the former ( who was urve}'orGen· ernl ), with the kno\Vledge nod con­sent of the llltter, had spent on cer·

A short t-ime previously nn nd- tnin ronde, etc., moneys out of a dres~> had been drnwn up by thfl s um of 8100,000 votP.d by the Le­Hou~e of Assembly , and, after it gislatme last session for R.'\ilwny hnd been concurred in bv the Le- Connecting Ronds, on certain roads, gislnth·c <.,;,,ullcil , wa~ p1;escnted to etc., for tho purpose of influencing His E xcellency the Go\·ernor, on tho elcctornle. Tbe Judgo who the sultjegt of a dissolution, and tried the case (Sir. J. S. Winter) praying fer the transmission of a held that (n), although the Amount copy of the s:uuot(l the Right H on· was voted, there was no provision orablo the :O:ecrctary o f ::)tate for in the Act for ils dh1bursement i tho 'olunies. ( b) lhnt s0111e at leaetofthis money

, In th e H ouse, o u Friday, :\lr. was di\·erled from ita ori~inal vur­OufT, :\I em her fM ('arhononr, mo\'od, pose, as I! !.a ted in the Act, nnd em­

object is to tlofent the ndminietrn­tion of j u tico and to nullify n good law, the objectors pointin't out it is a :Jk od for hy n hody of men two of whose tormcr colleagues hnvc been unsoatotland diRtJU:\lificd for brit.· e1·y and corruption , and 15 of whom out. of the remaining 22 have similnr chnrges pending ngninst them, and clread n sim\lnr verdict. Thnt, in :\<lditio n to the charges sbtetl in the address as the reason of escap· i1~g th e p<>nnlty of the law through <hssolutwn, there were other charge:'! l'ro\·ecl, itwolving in them­selves tI C penalties provided UY lnw · that itut for the lavish <'X· pemht.ure o f public monies, jus ti­tled by the petitioners, they might not hnve been returned to power nt the C:onernl Election, and mdis­putnbly would not have found the electorate ns faYorable to theu1. That it would neither bo ec1uitable nor to the interest o f the country to send men lH'O\'cd to hnvo corrupted the constituency, or charged there­with, itnmedintoly back to the constituency thus corruptly dealt with ; thnt if )[r. Justice Winter in his Judgment harl ncted ultra viru. the matter could be best determined by nn appeal to the Judicial Com­mittee of the Privy Council i and so forth.

Tho Leader of the Opposition \\'1\S called on by the Gonrnor to form n Cabinet. Tbis he did on Saturday .- ann.



and ;\[ r. Pn~·ne, :'llcml,er for Burin, £1oyed in building other roads, t~tc. • i nee writing you lnst, political seco1uled, the following :uldrcss to fhe Judge held alsu " thnt the affnirtt hnve assumed a very excit­His Excelleucy the (io\·ernor :- " Surveyor General had no power in~ s tage, but I am not eo eure the

The C.•mm"n' Jfnuse of Abscmbly or •· under the Hebuilding Act to go cnsis has yet. been reached. The ~ewronntllnnol, h:wing been informed ' ·on with certain work done in St. 'Vhiteway Government tendered t.hat. Your Exct•llt•ncv'" Exccutin~ Cllnn- " .T ob n 's, which wns the province their resignntion to His Excellency. cil, untlcr the l e~<h·rihip of Sir William "of the Municipal Council." The new Government hns been­V.,y, hl\,·o t.coJ.-rml their rc- 4. Besides these there \Vere other formed as follows: Premier, Mr. ai:znAtion, in conscqnrnce or Your Ex· charges of personal bribery sustain- A. F. Goodridge i Attorney General, cellency hnvin;: refused to ncct!pL Lheir d · h d l\[ D )[ · Re · G 1 :u!vicc fClt an irnm<!llhtto clinolutiou of e ngamat t e respon ents in the r. . . . onson ; ce1ver enern , the ugi,!f,1 t :a r~.1,nt! thnt.such Rei vice was cases of C. Tr~~ard, l\1. Genr and Mr. W. J : S. Donnelly i Colonial offt>rctl "-" loy reason of a judgment. M. King; an~thout their know- Secretnry, Mr. A. R. Mormei· Chair­of .Mr. JLJetico Winter, on the trinl of nn letlg~) in the cases of Hon. E. ;\[or- Dlan Boarjl Worktt, Mr. . O'B. election petition of MArch against risJ \v . Mews, and R. Pittmnn. Furlong. Woods and Moores, in which it. would :>. ThiA decision created .an im- Mess ra. Harvey & Co.'s steamer Rppeu thnt the learned Judge had gone mensa sensation. It was considered Wincunr lAke arrived from the outside the queation ns to the existence b.v most people to be likely that Gulf Heal fishery, via Channel, on of bril.tcry nn,l enrmption, umler the F Election Act, nt tho <'lcction referred to the other gentlemen petitioned ridal morning, nnd bas turned and had Jet< rill inc.! quHtiuna na rl'gard~ against would be similarly unseat- out 2,,30 eeals. As abe had only t.he ~ality of Lilc <'xpcnlliture uy Your ed 11.nd diaqualifie(l. 120 m en, thev will make a few dol­EsO«slfency in C.•uncit of moneyuuthor- 'fhe J adge who presided in the Iars ench. This steamer re}lorts iled by acta of the Legislature to ex- case became the subject of strong very stnrmy weather . all through pended for certnin purpoecs therein attnclc (amounting in some cases to the spring, and I hear that she got na.fb~·houae ,lOOft not. aeom it. nec~asary chnrgee of political p:1rtiality) in " nippoll " tn the ice, and is lenk­to enter upon a discuuion nf the ~ucs- the Erening Tdegrnm's editorial and iog bndly. " All is well that ends tion •• to who!lur Mr. Justice w1ntt'r correspondence columns. well " may truly be enid of thit wu acting ultra '' irca or otherwiar. G. The Government Pl\rty re- st.eam~r's trip, ns thirty of ber crew

It is tullicient for t.his bouse to Lo in· quested His Excellency to dissolve barely e cnpod death on the frozen formed or the fnct. of hie hning so nd· the House. Tl'.e Opposition pro- pane. It nm>enre that .early in the judicat.ed, aud if the lAw ho such "• to tested against it. HJs Excellency spring tho stel\mel struck some

~ empower lUI)' trihunul ou .. itle the Lcgi•· after taking time to consider • and' seale, antl one wat~h (30 men) was Jature to aaume t>OW<'r to eo :uljutli· cate, theon it is the opt"ion of this house doubtless to confer with the Home put out, th e st~nmer moving a little t.hau&elll1uhoulllllcnmem.lctl wiUiout Office, refu11ed. further on to put out 1:10me more. delay. 7. omc days thereafter, the She hatl stonmed perhaps a mile

'The repr~tcnl:tLivea o~ tho people arc Executil"e resigned their_portfolios and was about to put out the second t.he sole guanli:u1a of the pultlic pur~e on the ground that Hie Excellency party, when a s torm came on (snow and are rrtponsible to tho PCOJIIe only would not consent to a dissolution. nod winct), nnd the ship immedi-for the fatithful di•chargo of thAt. trus~. . 8. To prevent the Oppos•'tion ntoly returned to ""'iok up her crew.

The E:rccutive C>urcil which hu ten· t' dered ita ruignntion hns the confidence taking the reins of government, the This BlH: fniled to do, owing to the or th r, awt!, 111 Your E:ccel- dominant party in the House re- blinding snow; nnd it was not

to necepL their ndvict-, scinded the r~solutiona respecting until the following e'\"cning that A11cmbly rnpectfully re- supplies and the raising of re,·enue. they were rescued.from their peril-

queet• Your E•collency fort.bwit.h In consequence of this action, after oua position. During that fttar'"l diaoh'o Ltgi•latureAnd cause writs the 11th Juno ned, when the Rev- night they, burned some 300 ~Ita to be iaueJ ror a G~neral Election, to A • d k b 1 prevtnt. t.hd condition or chaoe which· enue ct expues, no taxes can be to trf an eep t emee ves rom moa~ cneue in the abaence Clf lle•enue collected, nor public monies paid freeztng. Wo on term firma can and SuppiJ Acta aad in the outn11t.iug out, oxcept the newly created Gov- llearcely imagine· what hardships the GoYeroment. t4 a part.y contistiug ernment obtail_l a majority in the our hardy sel\lers have to endure of only one-t.bird o(tbe mcmlJcr~ or t.ho House meantime-(the members on the frozen pans. · J BOUH or A .. mlJ11~ . now et&nd 22 to 12.) The crew of the . .teamer ~

And lbb hou.e rurt.btr ~ueeta t.hAt fl. The Governor next day call· shared 136.87 ; the Dillfwlt.Jaen Your.EsoellenoJ willtraaanau,bJcable, ed ·on Air. Goodridge, Leader of U1.10; those of the Walrw81.67; ;_.;:~~~!!i!!s!:=o'fs~:r:!f::! the Opposition, to form a ministry, ~he Ptiftlher'• crew...__..

I Colonia. aDd will defer 6nal aotioo in whicii he did. The cue agailm M~. Herder

.. the premiMI unlll receipt. ot a replJ 10. The \Vhiteway Party in the and Parsons, P~prietor and Editor ·~ &be Beorelary of Btato. . Houae paued an addreu to HiJ of the E«Aing ~tJift, wu to have

U wu ordered that the addreat Excellency the Governor urging been concluded on WednaMa7 but be Oiaii'Osaed ancl forwarded to tho a dlaoluUon, in which a majority u.their Solicitor, Mr. Morril,~etl J.Aalafative Couootl for ita concur· oJ the Legislative Council coocur- for a poetponement of the oue 'ht"

... reiiOt thereio. After which it was red. Judg~ •••eU.em a tow dayaii' orclered that Uae addrea be Pr'e· 11. The Governor on Saturday The Editor~ are ha'fiDa a • 1011W ·to Hie Ezcellenor b7 Mr •• proroaued the LeaiaWure fWO '-· bard time latell_t..~ JCr. Speaker, who subsequently lt.ated ~i. The Whiteway Pany In' Editor of the F-.y2Wbunf, p

before Judge Pro\YSO on Th ursdny lAst, charged by Mr. Johnson with crueUy to Jn the court room, Mr. Bowers t.ecame oxcited, and used some unbeco1ning lnn­guage to the Plaintiff, whereupon the Judge, to restore order, had to threnten Mr. B., with inc:Hcemtion if he did not tleslst. As some wit­nesses were to be exan1inecl, tho case was J?OSt,Poned till Wed v . [ nm bogmntng to think thaC nn Editor's life is n ot nt nll times n bed of roses.

Our harbor is now p:tckecl \Tith ice, with very little sign of a change. Tlris is to be regret ted, a a ntun­ber of·Wcstern crnft arc waiting to get home. 'l'wo fro m Pluconlia Bny Jtavo been rc:tdy s ince T uc'\­tlay nnd cannot get out. 'fhc l.•t•l!l G/()rcr is nl sCI dotninecl here. Le t tt3 h npo fo r n nor-\\'t'Slor.

Yours truly, ('1£.\T:\ R ) (' K . . t. J ohn's,'il tG. J ;o;~- 1.

t.ho St.atN, t.ho uur quuti•m i.s the pro- By Telegraph. blem of tho hour, Rnd tho soluti·m wu --o-!lOL improbllbly binlccl :\Lin tho nm~11- HAr.n·Ax, April r.t.-A terrible mg fnue so well .rclhlcrcd by Mlaa gale of north-enst winds has pre.· Gonion ami her aslllllllllle. '1 d 1 p · · T

NewfoundlanJcr• clln row, as well tho vat e 011 t lO 1\Cihc coast. here world knows, l.tuL seldom ns J!rllccfully . ~ave been utany wreckaJ nntl many ns the boys who II\ II~ " tho rowing song." 11 wes lo:~t. ~ftts~t'r Willie. Duu .l!JIIst. lun-c ~ccn , Hno\\; s t,?rulii have pre\'uilod in rCAdang the ovHlence gtv.Jn at tho Stllt.u Nov!\ Scotia unntinuou I" fo r five Trials, as .he .?vi&leutly entered itt~a days, Deprcs,.:ion o f bti'siness has hcuLy behef that moat. ~f them do t. been occ.tr3iuu c::d b,· the b·ld well·

~~cta~h~~{~; if~~~ ~~:t'c~1b~~~~~~hha e I the)'. , · · bem cas~ on the O:lJ;II used. H was The steamer } ,, ,·rrdu!f loftl.ondon well rendered. l\fiu Winnie Macnal• • yesterday tc' lay the ut~w cable be­ann~ a lJeautifnl son~" Who can toll." I tween [rt:l:mcl anal :\o\'a ~cotia for 1:he ch!lrn• "!a• fAirly ... well rendered. I the ':wHnercial ( \ 110 pany. 1 ho e;ahelhcmc dl\uco w'"· the mo•t Mo rley 1110\'0tl tlt o fir~<t rending ucnn.llful .~n:.l succeuful .P!ece or the I or (he Regi:;tt·~thHI Bill which vro-cventng. Iho most fASw houa couhl 1 • 1 II' · 11 · · nnt obj •d w tho 11i).!hL of th~o lw:lllti- ''H c;; 1~n Ill.'" .tn a . . co:1. lth1oncles, f11l Rn<l hi!-!hly trcined chihlr •n pt•r· oxccpt111g l. ul\·e~.~lll<'" · csn tho same forming the.ic e,·olutions. The Huh in~ d :l\·. Hcg1 ratwn t) be mndc Hct.urn W•ls sialguiMiy 11pJlr·•pri.&LC to • twice \'C:trh·, ~ i cl«'ncc qnalificn· tho I CMu:l 1\1 11t Wl\8 11't'll. n ·nllcr •1l. 1 ti •m tci he t}\rce tn•mtla .. , each voter Out th~. s~1cceu of th,~ even1nr.; wtts !'o I to h:H·c one! V••lo'. Jo: ,·i<·tctl T cn­cl' ''!ut . 1ho Quurr~. .In Lhu M!•s ant:~' Bil l wi ll J,r intnll llli.'Od next Urttsy Spouce nnd ~llss n•J\\' ahowcct ~~ 'fl .. I· . \'' 1.:1 ' t , 1 , . 11 . f11r from common rvwt•r of ).!ritsping thu llll ::.! ·~) · ' e · I .nc111 )CIS lrC.l·

[t·oll Till': 11.\I:I:Ott ou·"n: STA~Il.\ l:n. l ricliculnus in ll ai lnl\tion. The roauh·r· l tell lll Withdraw l.h~~r li.Jl J .. Ort, be· HIGH SCHOOL ENTERTAINMENT· ing pru,·ul.:cJ t hunls of l~tu;.:hter 1uad can,;.: nn <'h:tncc ol dl .:c.: talill~hmcn L

Wt\S lhoruughly enj .. yeJ hy ull present, tlai,.: :,c"'i on. or all tho n:.tione of Antiquity wh? The !Jach. in Lho cnso got of Clllme Three llllllllrCil liHHI"lU\d lllinCr:l

hn ,.e left impressions nn the hc:crL nml what all Lache lora llc.scn c. 'l'lyo t~ong<~ i 11 the l' 11 j 1 .,,1 ~t:a Lc . t h rca len to the history or Lho wor!,l none stt"ltl out ~vel I rcmlc~etl conclud,•tl o.mnst tnl t·~c:st· !It ri kc 110 x t F ri• l a, .. 10 clearly 1\S C!X)lOII"IIIS of the hi).!h ' L I ll~ C\'t'lllll~ 'll entt•rtaUillllCIIL. I he \ • f ·. \I , l.:i n&l or inlcll cc·tu:tlitr liS thl· Gr.·cks. "'hole CIIIIIJI:IIly IIIUIA G.Kl Stl\"(' Lhc . l'~tll. 11·.- 11."1H·c . ('( a rthy .a tl· In the drl\nH\ wo lm,·Z. t•l ln•'k L·• t!&C'III ll • ll~ll wi th 1, hol\rt~· zesl th:tL :slunH'd tlrc.~~ 1ng a lllt't·tlllg at J·,·>\·e for lllodcls l' ''c'n \"<'1. In f:H·I, u·.111sla· ~hctr h..:nrta Wt•ru iu the ri~;hl pla<·t•. tla c as~ur:11we tltnt Ho:;('hery wns tionsuftlu:irgrcn'Lm.IStl'r:<:lr<'c' ·,·n now C. '. G. f.1i lhl'u l til Il"mc Hulc. 'l'h e Irish upon the llii).;C, 1\aul c• xcitt" the J i\~ • l it•at II.uLor (ir.ICC', 13th Apri l, J ':J I. hclt l the En~li::h (;o\'Cl'IIIIICil l m interat. lleCiuase they d<'pkl with Lhl· • • • tlac holltJw of their lt:lncl,:. grrut.t>sl. p siblc uccur.u·y tiso wo~rkin~: T uc r,.!l~wtng 111 ~he pr.,~;r.llll !lle. ~lail !'teamer .\"umidi•cu :trrh·e<l 1lf pnuiuns tl111t arc ns ol•l u · the ach·c,,t 1.-Daalo~m·, (.,.,.Jtll-s:! ,)r l.1l"'r1y naul . . . I . . . of the human rae<', nnd ~· cL 11s new IUIII Son!; . . lnJ.llr&~•>n ·ILion~. Lib,•rt\'. ~l i.u L. ~ c,tcll a~. 11wrnm~. mec~tng ox­wonderful Lo c,·cry chilli of Ad:1111 " ' ·1111w. Agricultt rc, \l i ~ (:u.os·.: ;o;.;j,.111.,,. 1 tromcly .. v:ul weather. :->tcamers 1lfJPCI\rt5 LO us the aun,· rl'luruing 'prin,;. ~Ii11;s A .. \l:llrin. l'.li ut iu~. ~li~ l'.~r., rcport ~·llolent gall'S. . In Sculptur.l n111l nil Lhl.! .\rt11, u" t tc• 81111s. ~c:ulptn r.•, Mi.,~ ~r. (;.,nl·m. ~f , nu· Allm1ral ~l cllo !IUrrondcred to spcnk Clf 1\lclr~·, their sul'n us.1uy i11 ftlctun•:~ , .\11.-111 ~l.41lwt. ~Ju .• i,·, ~l i:1 i l 'rugu:w. l~cbellion {11tally s up­c·qunlly pronounced. lu ftlcl' the If ~lth .. Hcligio:a .:'lit:!:!)). ::i;•.:n·..:·:- ::.- l'I'C:S ·eel: Grl'ek millll \\'118 II uni•IIIC . !Jf•>- ~rill, :j<!llf\'C8, ~hsii.('S .J •• lhwklll~, n. President ('arnot decline to loe 1\ duclion of tho Creator : nothing lik.: it 1'\ ICI, ,\:t, Lhrt'il. .1 -:-\On;:,(.,,L t h•· :O.loncy d · l t f I · · "' t'Xiatcd beforo it, uoLhin~; Jil.: u it hus ex- ~liC!sDclle Marlin . .J.-l .. cstimt,< iypsic:!. cnn I l l\ c . or rc c ect1un Ill 1'\0 \'· istcd sincr. In pueon Lhe Greek WC\11 Imper6uaaliuna, tl•l ·~c·n, Mis.s ::i· •;•hi<• omb?r next. . the moeL perfectly dc\·cloped man t.hA~ Wet>brr. Vypsit••, .\lis8ltl'• FlO!!Sic ll i:~· Pncc wheat :Hl mnc1 ng. Lhe worltl hRI over seen. Not. only was cock. M. Paraons, I\. Ash, llml oLhcrJ. A ru11. 1 i' .-Tho Chnncc:llor oftlse his personlllstrcn~;lh immense, l.tnt his ~aaler E .Hilwl.:ir.a, ~ .. \lunn, \\'. IL1.w· E:tch e•1ucr HarcfJ ttrt, introtluccd Jlction Ji1U1 equally rnpill nnd accumt..e. kme.antl G. T11pp. F11rlnnc-teller. MtdJ tho Budget ,-0~tordnv. Expctuli­Hia acTi\·c movements made it. alnwaL Ne_lll.e Spence. Yt~nl.:~o 1', dl:lr,. ~l.lsLor lure next yeai· ui nctr :fh·e mil l ioits impoui!Jle for An enemy of "c:JY super· Wtfhb ~utt .. 5.-DhLl>Jgue, l•rclltuL li\'O hundr ·cl 111 1 t'ort .• 1· ·e tl _ ior force to cvpe with him tn wnr. J'h&guo to LJfc. Cllllrllctor11, urantl- c 1 < • • ) • 1\ l O U Furle.s, active amd stronJ;, he Wl\1 t.ho mother BueUe, Miss M. OurJon. ~t11ry sand po_u1~ds. l>efictl , lour ~tnd .tt enbodim~nt. or cour.,~~. gr ... co 1\llJ>, ~liu F. Noel. Mrs. lluslle. Millll hnlf mtlhon.; In t year. Oefictt beauty. Tho Greek wall from his in- Ethel P•u•on11. Scn·tull, Miu Lilit~n half n million. l nco m e tn:oc in­fancy lminetl to every movenumt. thAt. Suo'!· . Kitty Clo,·~r (aerY•l!at), ~f!sa creased a penny in the pountl. Six­wouiJ develop the muscles aud strength· A~!'lO 1 mpnell. .. llr1Jgt:L M~Gmre_.M 111 pence n gallon on spirt t.s, i. x pence en the nervous energy. lie mo,·ed with Lthan Snow. Mtes .Muon~lune, Mtas U. a barrel on beer. l> t nlh cluties in­cooaummalo gro~.ce, becauec he mo\·eo Spence. li~zy Black, Mus llelle M•tr· crcnsod. Sa\'ingi!' lhnk return sin-naturally. All hit thought. ami actions un. G.-Urtll Song, How, Jtow-D ,,·s. . . . · were the outcome and result. or nn inter- 7.-Song Bod Cborua. They're Oft.m1 'on ·c re:\se one m:~ h~m JIO.u~cls. •. nal force that flowed like tho electric the Sly, 1\l:letcr W. llu tt., Arthur J•11r. " hm peror \\ tlltnnt n s.1 tetl \ ~enna. current througb tho plane or lc111L re· aone, U. and H. Ar..:hil.tnh.l, W. 'fmpt.OJI, I he lH II to allow J CSUJts to return sitt.ance. He was perfect Lccauae lso F. Alc_Dougall, Ma.x Cron ~ntl oLhe~4. ~o U~rmany pas~ecl th!:d reading neglected nolhin~. S.-Dnll, Flags, M1aee11 D. Noel, n. llus- m Hc1chstng by a \'Ole (If 163 to 14!}.

'The French ha•e been cAlled Lhe cock, S. Panson• aud others. ~.-:song modern Gn:okt. Ia some rctpeeta t.Ai.e and Gh lrus, Who can Tell, Misaet Me· The schooner!! Thrasher anu ~. comparisonbaaforccini~. TheFrench· Na!J, McRae, lloaa and other~. 10.- II. Morse, bound to )leRsrs. J ohn man doea every thing with a coneum· Drill, Gymnastic, Miues l''itzgcrald, L. 'l ' · r- • h mate grace nnd qniolcn~u unappronch· P~&raona, S.Smhh andolhcm. 11.-Soug 1• unn ft~ '- 0 ·h· \Y\It\' cn

1rgoos of mo­

ablo lJy Any other people. The warlike and (;horus, The Robin's Return, Miast:a n&~e~ rom t e e t ndies, nrc at cluuacter of llis uce has entangled him F. ~ocl, L. Thompton, Mitchell, ~l.BRd- pre~cnt-the one in Trepnssey, the in numlJerleu wur~, with tho con!k... cock, Gertie Sparkes and other&. 1~.- other in Cnplin J3ay. quent necessity of conetant militRry Oi~&fogue1 A Quarrel, Character~, Old rise in tho morning whb a •<Jrill. He 'does things grace(ully be- Maida, M1aaes ::;pence and Snow. llllche· headache 11nd no inclinution for brcAic CAuse ho could not. well do otherwise. hu-. lS.-8ong anti Chorus,Driftinr , fttaL. Tl1is is duo to you to torpidity He act1 nAtumlly becan1e ho is folly Miuea Spence, }•ike, Simm•, Wlllsh, of. the !her nnd dtmngcd conditton Cl( developed, and natuml nction is always SlvceLiand, Heath, MarLin anll othens. the 1tomach. 'l'o re1tore be,llhJ ~raeerul action-just aa natural feeling 14.-Ciosing Song and Uood llye Speech, action to t.hHe organa, nothing it so ts always riJtbl. reeling. Goo anti naturo Miss F. Hi.tcock and School. God Sa'·" eflloacio'Js at an OCCASional dose or mAke no mtat.ake• . the Queen. Tableaux. Aycr'• Pilla.

These were aomo of tho r~flectione -The icc blockade hns incre:u?ed that flowed Lhrou~th the mine! or tbe Local and othE'r Items. s ince 'aturday. On that day, the writer aa he viewed the bcauLiful ancJ mnsil extended only a mile or 80 accurAte movementa of tl\e children of .......... ,......-.~""'''_"_'."""~'~- 1 t.Le High School last. C\'Cning in Lhe -It. S. Uunn, Esq., ~I. H. A. nrrh·cd b<: ow Harbor Grace f. land, and performance of lheir drill ami CAlia· here by train t<Hlay. ~ · the greater part o f the Bny wns thenica. The tftlented and indefati- There huve been fi\'e \ · eks of was clenr, the different nrmstnlcing gable teacher, Mi11 Martin. hnse,•ident.· drought in };urope. up nll tho icc. 'inco then, how­If caughl.lhe correct idea in t.ho.<'Jnca· -:Fhe Cnrboncnr sch ooner Rh·or o,·er. m ore icc hns come along from tton of tho young. 'hu does not llcli(' \'e Queen, Winsor master , wns henrd the :\orth, nnd tho whole Hny is in crampi~~ the mi!1d by r d 1 1 . now n h eeL o i \Vhilc, with a small the eluttuJtv of Ita structure in rum yester ny. lO was t ten In I f keeping the' au.:-ntion t•IO Jon,; Forrplnnd, and had 200 Hoals for ot o wa~uear tho Cape. The confined to one snl•ject. The time her hort t rip. X . .E. win bro ught this nlong~ &.nkcn in Jcnrning woulct be n poor w11y \ . 1 . I and the pr aLi liLy is that the of meAsuring tho amount wo - J s pecln tmtn cnmo t JrOu';h whole cou t is n mn s o f ice. To­A mind prcparc·d will gr•lsp n~n ~l"ncc lnst evening fro m ~t. J ohn's to Ttl- clay 111nke eleven dnys that the wbt\t one out of ton will not imbiiJe ton, with tlle cre w of tho ·. :-:. J>an- X. K wind hns prC\'1\ilou: The in " month:- 'l hcac young minds ther. Conductor Spence Wt\. in outlook. i now for n long blockade. will grow all tl.o bl•UI'r f,,r nuL charge. . ·o,·crnl \'CS&ol aro expected from bt-ing root.-buuud io n puorly rlo,···lope-\ --Q~ DtT.-Ihnt Judge Lillie of foreign Jlortl'. nnd tho ice will aftect body. 'fhe nccur,\CV llf tho lllO\'f'niCIIlS, tJ C d 1 [ ' the beAutiful grnce nndsymmetn• wert•, 111 ~u~reme ' urt nn on. E. 1>. tmclo con idernbly. coneiclcring Lhu means IlL th ,iiaJXIilll .'hen l rc:;ident o r tho Legis lati\'0 -~:AI.En:-:' .\TC III!:.<~.-The s. s. of ~Usa Mnrtin tuulller pupils, s i111 ply Counci l, nro lo roceh·c the honor ~[a tifT finis hed landing ho1· seals wonderful. Tho ' diaphly uf ~: lllci .. ucy llnd dignit~r of Knighthood . \\'ell ycstcnlay, and went to her berth at iu drill "'oniJ h"''"' hccn jlonsiJcrotl lleser\'C.[l ! • tho lowe r-room about noon. Her An eminent. •ucceas ill Clna 1c Boaton or - Not much ne ws of an,· im port- output in number wal1-Gi62 Fonls. ln~ellectunl Toronto, 1\nd the writrrCJ\n nnce hns boon rccei\·etl ·rrom. th o I r 1 1 $2 now wellundert5Lnnd why Httrbor(in,co cr crews 1nrec · L po&: man. ia proucl of ~ho High "'..·hool, prolul of ice-fields lately. The l imo ·for tho '!'he ·. S. Wnlrus lnnded 9,989 her t.Jt.lcntc11 d:&, tho cOic:ic.sL pro~ecution of t.heindustry oxpiro3 voung harps, 12 old harps, 4 bed­teach<'r, and, abo"o Rll, proud of tho m three days' time-20th ins t. 'o Tumers-10,065 sottiR, weighing 213 hright.. vivncim11, kindly, bellut.iful, nuJ thnt tho voyage 'fill soon be at nn tons, cwt. 2 qrs. 9lbs. gross. Her obroient pupils. In tho first. pioce ~nd. By all 1\ppoarnncos now. it crew shared 831.oi per mnn. Libert.y lookccllike n you::g lt\tly tl1f\t. threatens to bo far below oven an 'fhc S .. ·. Windsor Lake landed WfJuld have or.ler at well "' freix.lum. 2 Her enuncillt.ion was ,·crv goot.l, a nd n'\"erage one. ,6 2 young, 1 bedlnmor, 30 old ber attitudes well t.akcn. · The impor- -5EAt.s.-Four saals were killed harp , 4 ~·oung nnd 12 old boods­sonatiooawHewellrendered,'jt~rLiuulM· on the ice off Spaniard's Bny on 2.i4!n seals, weighing 51 tons, 11 11 that or Boienco and Sculp41re. Re- SntUtday by a man belonging tothat owt. 2 qrs. G lbe gross. hgion folt tha~ whtl.o wings place. On Sunday 2 fir.e Sfa ·l were 1 The 8. S. Hope lnnded-16,425 wen all Yer1 well for a mere angel, yet. seen in the water off Brown's Hill. , young nod 74 old harpe-16,499 'be1 are horribly inconvenient. for that They have gone out tlto Harbor seals, wei~;hinf G,SiO cwt. 3 qre. 4 ~~much superior being-a chArming · d • lb Tb h roung, lady. Should win~ for young smce, an parttea have been eager- s . e tota caa vnlue amount-ladite 100n come into fashion, it. will' be lif watching the lakes S om e e1 to •21,499.59. Her crew of 249 neccwaary t.o alao adop' "improven." men off Bryant's Cov~ came ncros~ men shared •36.87 eaQb. '!'be JOUng ladle. who took part. in a lot of seal-oaroassea off that place The S. S. Diantt. lAnded-14,886 Scarf Drill mi&ht., if unfort.unat.e on Saturday lut, but aaw no senle. young and 236 old harps-15,122 eDOUJh &o bavo been of a different. lOX, -Lut nring, a report Will seals, weighing~7069 owta. and 7 Je& hAve carried the V-ictoria Croea at- lb H red •..tt10 &aobecl to lbe t.auel. n wa• a beautiral ourren\ tha' steftrner was in the 8• er crew a .-. · each disDla1 oiJOOd training. Jr all 0'11!17 Bay. No steamer haaarrived here, 'l'BBBVOLU!IOJI malclent were u ~nobanLfag ~ &be but the one Hen waa no doubt the or medJciDal•eoca Ia ~uallt nle­ laa& nftbt. 1urrou~ their S. S. Auro_ra1 Capt Jackman, w.bich • pl1111 t.beoJd.Ume herbl. p&U.,draapl8 •hole lalancl would ~ wa~ reponea lu' night u being off aDd v~e a.,. a 1o &be Nar &ncl

"and afewyeanwould St . .John'~. The ice Ja heavv there, bri.Saa ln&o_~ uae the pltuu& ~":!:. Maalterl w1._1~ie And her arrival in St. John'• is not aad elree&be ~old luaU.e, 8J1Up or

YAIIIkee ..,....uu- waa n m wwle. , rted Sh i 'd PI& To pt. t.b8 true rem\ldba'r t.bat. Ia life Ia, aa far aa ye .. repo • e • 1A1 to have inanafaot.arecl 'b7' &be fonda

....,, no& known In t.bla a good. trip, fC not a load, of hood l'lc e1rop 0o. CJD11. I'• .ue bJ aU Omlda, aad parUoalarlJia 1 1eils. . leaCliDI diuglaca.


. .

