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WebFire Presents: Wednesday Marke2ng Webinars 5 Things Every Business Should Do Today!

5 Things Every Business Should Do Today! · • Gives you a much higher chance of taking up way more space on Google. • Let’s you do things like “click to call,” show menus,

May 22, 2020



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Page 1: 5 Things Every Business Should Do Today! · • Gives you a much higher chance of taking up way more space on Google. • Let’s you do things like “click to call,” show menus,



Page 2: 5 Things Every Business Should Do Today! · • Gives you a much higher chance of taking up way more space on Google. • Let’s you do things like “click to call,” show menus,




Page 3: 5 Things Every Business Should Do Today! · • Gives you a much higher chance of taking up way more space on Google. • Let’s you do things like “click to call,” show menus,



Page 4: 5 Things Every Business Should Do Today! · • Gives you a much higher chance of taking up way more space on Google. • Let’s you do things like “click to call,” show menus,


Page 5: 5 Things Every Business Should Do Today! · • Gives you a much higher chance of taking up way more space on Google. • Let’s you do things like “click to call,” show menus,


Page 6: 5 Things Every Business Should Do Today! · • Gives you a much higher chance of taking up way more space on Google. • Let’s you do things like “click to call,” show menus,



Page 7: 5 Things Every Business Should Do Today! · • Gives you a much higher chance of taking up way more space on Google. • Let’s you do things like “click to call,” show menus,


•  5ThingsAllBusinessesShouldDoToday

•  ExampleswithWebFire•  AnyotherquesNons

Page 8: 5 Things Every Business Should Do Today! · • Gives you a much higher chance of taking up way more space on Google. • Let’s you do things like “click to call,” show menus,


Page 9: 5 Things Every Business Should Do Today! · • Gives you a much higher chance of taking up way more space on Google. • Let’s you do things like “click to call,” show menus,


•  Doyourankforsome/mostofthekeywordsthatyouthinkyoushouldrankfor?

•  Ifnot,mostlikelyyouneedtolookatyourNtletagsandcontenttomakesurethattheycontainthekeywordsthatyou’retryingtorankfor(whatthoseareandexamples)(ExtraNp–maketheNtletagskeywordsrichANDinteresNng–examples)

•  UsetheSEOInfernoorTagMakersinsideofWebFiretohelp.

•  CheckyourImageAltTagstooifyouuseimagesorareane-commercesite(TagMakerorSEOInfernocanhelp–whattheseareandwhythey’reimportant)

•  DosomeaddiNonalkeywordresearch(byusingWebFire’smainKeywordTool)tofindeasyopportuniNestorankformorekeywordsorcreatenewcontenttorankfor.

•  BrainstormquesNonsoraddiNonalkeywordsprospectsmightbesearchingfor,createcontentorvideosforthemthatareopNmizedtorankforthem,andmakesurethatyouanswerallofthosecommonquesNons/searchestocreateagiantspiderwebtograbprospects.(Examples)

Page 10: 5 Things Every Business Should Do Today! · • Gives you a much higher chance of taking up way more space on Google. • Let’s you do things like “click to call,” show menus,


•  Doyouuseschemasonyourwebsite?

•  WhataSchemais…

•  GivesmoreinformaNontoplaceslikeGoogleonyou.•  Givesyouthechancetogetbecerrankings.•  Givesyouamuchhigherchanceoftakingupwaymorespaceon

Google.•  Let’syoudothingslike“clicktocall,”showmenus,showhours,show

reviews,showsocialmedia,etc.ifyou’realocalbusiness.•  Let’syoushowmulNplepages,reviewstars,showprices,etc.evenif


•  UseWebFire’sSchemaMakerTooltoaddrelevantschemastoyoursite(s).

Page 11: 5 Things Every Business Should Do Today! · • Gives you a much higher chance of taking up way more space on Google. • Let’s you do things like “click to call,” show menus,


•  Doyousellanyproducts/offersbehindyourmainoffer?

•  Ifnot(andoMenevenifso)youshouldreallyexaminehowyoucanaddaddiNonalupsellsorbackendofferstomakemoremoneyfromdayoneandbeyond.

•  You’llwantamixoflow-end,high-end,andrecurringopportuniNesinanidealfunnel(examplesofsome).

•  Supereasytocreatenewoffers:Extracourses/infoproducts,trainingwebinar(s),interviewswithexperts,doneforyouservices(evenonesyoucaneasilyoutsource–examples),soMware,etc.

•  HavingtherightfunnelcandrasNcallyincreaseyoursalesandturnanokayorevenbadbusinessmodelintoagreatone!


Page 12: 5 Things Every Business Should Do Today! · • Gives you a much higher chance of taking up way more space on Google. • Let’s you do things like “click to call,” show menus,


•  Doyouonlytrytosellyouroffersyourself?

•  IfsoyoucouldbeleavingaTONofmoneyonthetable!•  TrytoidenNfyotherbusinessorindividualswhomightbenefitbybeingabletosellyourproductsor


•  Reachouttothemandjustaskifthey’deverbeinterestedinsuchadeal(andmakeitclearthatyou’llhandleallsupport,salespages,etc.iftheywantwhiletheygetamassivecutoragreatlyreducedpricesotheycanchargetheircustomerswhatevertheywant).

•  Asingledealcanbeafullonbusinessallbyitself!

•  SomeofWebFire’sToolsliketheBacklinkToolcanhelpidenNfycompeNtorsandtheirtrafficsourcesforyoutoinstantlyreachouttoinordertomakeyourproposals!

•  Remember,evenifyoudon’thaveyourownoffernow,youcanliterallygetonemade(orevenoutsourceaserviceoruseWebFire’stoolstocreateaserviceofyourown)withinadayorso,sodon’tletthatholdyouback!

Page 13: 5 Things Every Business Should Do Today! · • Gives you a much higher chance of taking up way more space on Google. • Let’s you do things like “click to call,” show menus,


•  Doyoujustwaitforprospectstocometoyou?

•  Ifsoyou’reprobablyleavingatonofmoneyonthetablebyjustwaiNngforprospectstocometoyouinsteadofyougoingaMerthem!

•  IfsomeoneisaskingaquesNonrelatedtoyournicheorareevenaskingaquesNononwheretobuywhatyou’reselling,ifyou’renottakingtheNmetoreachouttothemonline,you’redoingamajordisservicetoyourself.

•  PeopleareaskingquesNonsalltheNmeonlineonforums,socialmedia,blogcomments,Q&Asites,etc..

•  TakingjustacoupleminutestoreplytosomeofthemWITHVALUABLEreplies/posts/commentscannotonlyhelplandsomeofthoseprospects,butdozens,hundreds,thousands,oreventensofthousandsofpeopleinthefuturemightseeyourresponsesandcheckoutyourwebsite,offer,e-mail,video,etc.toreachouttoyou.(Examples)

•  UsesomeofWebFire’sleadtoolstohelpfindsuchleadsoutthere(RealTimeLeadFinder,RankedLeadFinder,Q&ALeadTool,TweetLeadFinder,etc.).

Page 14: 5 Things Every Business Should Do Today! · • Gives you a much higher chance of taking up way more space on Google. • Let’s you do things like “click to call,” show menus,


Page 15: 5 Things Every Business Should Do Today! · • Gives you a much higher chance of taking up way more space on Google. • Let’s you do things like “click to call,” show menus,



Page 16: 5 Things Every Business Should Do Today! · • Gives you a much higher chance of taking up way more space on Google. • Let’s you do things like “click to call,” show menus,

Page 17: 5 Things Every Business Should Do Today! · • Gives you a much higher chance of taking up way more space on Google. • Let’s you do things like “click to call,” show menus,