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5 Steps To Double Your Cleaning Business

Apr 12, 2017



Mike Campion
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5 Steps to DOUBLE Your Cleaning Business

Your business- the cleaning business- is NOT glamorous.

Your business- the cleaning business- is hard.

Half the time your friends and family don’t even think you have a “real business”- heck some days you are tempted to believe them.

Face facts- you are work with/ manage/ wrangle minimum wage employees that just don’t care and are prone to do crazy things, no call no show and generally be a pain in your butt.


On top of dealing with high turnover and difficult employees you are constantly bidding against people whose prices are just flat out ridiculous.

Any Tom Dick or Harry can (and does) buy a mop and a bucket and be in the cleaning business. YOUR business.

Sure, they come and go, but the problem is when they come they bring their lack of ability to do basic math and willingness to work for slave wages and steal your customers-

As soon as they go out of business (and they will) the next yahoo steps right in and picks up where yahoo #1 left off.

This leaves you stuck between the rock of low prices/ low margin and the hard spot of losing customers….


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Tired of BANGING Your HEAD against a wall trying to grow your commercial cleaning company?

Once you actually get the job, heaven forbid anything is ever stolen or broken- you can bet the first person your customer is going to point the finger at is those lousy cleaners.

Lost keys? Alarms going off in the middle of the night?

I have been there my friend, but before I tell you my story, lets look at all of the things you deal with in a given day/ 26 minute span…

• Service your accounts- nothing worse than losing a good paying account and going BACKWARDS

• Marketing- websites, mailers, vehicle wraps, uniforms, newsletters and all of the other nonsense that goes along with marketing your business

• New Customers- Sales calls, bidding and getting jobs (at prices that can actually make you money)

• Herding cats- i.e. managing janitorial staff

• Payroll- employees tend to want it on a fairly regular basis…

• Purchasing- Purchase of supplies, equipment repair and replacement, vehicles and maintenance, blah, blah, blah

• A/R- Trying to get lazy or deadbeat customers to PAY THEIR BILLS

• Complaints- never enough time to deal with them properly


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Are You A Business Owner or Professional Juggler??

Don’t fall for the trap of juggling all of these things only to look up YEARS later and realize

• You aren’t growing your business like you know you can

• You’ve lost a lot of that passion you had to start with

• Your business is running you- NOT the other way around

You get so bogged down in the day to day rat race until you finally wake up and realize you have become a

SLAVE To Your Own Business

Insert dramatic music cue here…

You’ve worked your tail of to grow your business, and thrown every ounce of passion and energy you have into your baby, but nothing seems to work.

Remember the big plans you had when you first started your business?

The empire you were going to create?

You never planned for things to turn out this way. You didn’t plan to still be doing every job under the sun including having to actually clean an account now and again…

So what happened?


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You got so dang busy head down working hard that you lost sight of your vision, your first love…

• A business that serves you…

• A business that works so you don’t have to…

• A business that you can sell for seven figures (that’s at least million bucks for all of you who hate math)…

• A business that you, your wife and kids (and even those pesky in-laws) can be proud of and that your competitors are jealous of


You find yourself coming in early, working late, dealing with crazy customers and even crazier employees while barely treading water.

It’s one thing to work hard and make a boatload of money, or to be lazy and broke- but it is INSANE to work this hard and NOT GET THE FINANCIAL REWARDS YOU DESERVE!!

Sorry to yell, but I get excited…

Are you sufficiently depressed?

Me too!

Now that we are crystal clear on the problem, let’s turn the page and figure out how to tame this beast and make your business BEHAVE!!

First things first…


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It’s not your fault.

You want to do the right thing, but there is no college I can find that teaches you how to RUN A SUCCESSFUL CLEANING BUSINESS.

Most of your competitors aren’t making any money and the ones that do seem to be succeeding aren’t all that interested in showing you how they do it…

The good news is- it’s NOT rocket science…

You CAN do it!!

You just need someone to turn on the light and lead the way so you can stop bumbling around in the dark trying to figure it out on your own.

Let’s have a little fun…

Take a mini mental vacation… Close your eyes… Imagine 6 months from today…

• Your business has grown- maybe even doubled in size

• You are making way more money than you ever have

• You are actually having FUN at work and in life

• You are actually building something that you can retire on

• Your customers aren’t beating you up on price

Believe it or not, this is all actually possible. !6

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Consider some of the benefits you have being in the cleaning business…

The combined annual revenue for commercial cleaning is $35 BILLION Dollars??

Your business is based on a continuity model. This means you know just how much money is coming in before the month even starts.

Most businesses start at ZERO dollars in sales at the beginning of the month and have to sell to pay for fun stuff like rent and insurance before they even think about getting paid.

YOU however have already paying accounts on Day 1 of EVERY month- so everything new you sell is gravy.

Most businesses sell something for $500 and have to pay for the product or service, marketing, cost to sell, overhead and profit (if there is any) all out of that $500…

You on the other hand sell an account that pays $500 per month! That means that single sale would pay you $6,000 in the first year and could even have a lifetime value of over $50K!

BONUS: Many cleaning companies are able get paid at the beginning of the month before they even provide the service.

This means increased growth = increased cashflow

With that equation, you can grow as fast as you like!

Throw in the mix that the cleaning industry as a whole is awful at getting clients at a price that makes them money (trust me on this, I work with them every day) things really get exciting…


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Put all three of these facts together and you get a trifecta of awesomeness!

1. Your business is made up of monthly services so you have steady income

2. Growth helps (not hurts) your cashflow

3. Your competition may be cheap, but they are almost ALWAYS terrible at client acquisition

Are you starting to see a sexy opportunity here? Good!! Let’s jump into the 6 steps!!


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Step 1

Your Website

I know, I know, you already have a web guy and he has “got you handled”

I hear that every day, but…

Virtually NO cleaning companies follow the following steps that are Foundational to having a EFFECTIVE website that actually Makes your company $$$.

Does any of this sound familiar??

•Websites must cost $10,000 plus if you want them done “right”

•Websites must be beautiful above all else

•Websites must be all about you and your company and how awesome your

services are

•SEO is the key to the whole operation

All fine and dandy, but how do you use your website to ACTUALLY GET NEW CUSTOMERS

When you do not collect your visitor’s information, you are wasting the 80%–98% of your visitors who show up for 30-90 seconds, look around, leave, and are never heard from again…

Let’s solve that nasty little problem right now. Here comes the good stuff, you might want to be sitting down for this one…

THE First and Foremost job of your website is to…


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You can’t just have a “Contact Us” or “Request a Bid” page.

You have to give your visitor a COMPELLING REASON to leave their info-

Give your visitors something they want in exchange for their contact information.

But what do they want???

Great question!!

They want INFORMATION- that is why they came to your site. They want to know how you and your company can make their lives better.

Here are some ideas of things of value you could give in exchange for their info:

• eBook on how a clean office space affects the bottom line

• Consumer Guid on how to choose a cleaner

• Special Report on the health benefits of regular cleaning

Create something like this in a digital format and offer it for FREE on every page of your website.

Advanced Strategy: You can even put a pop up that makes the offer again when they move their mouse to leave your site

Want to kick it up a notch? !10

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Offer a physical gift, like a book (ideally authored by you), a CD or a DVD, and collect phone number and address as well as email address.

Advanced Strategy: call everyone who requests your physical product to confirm their address, and offer a free consult when you do. Two thirds will take advantage of this, and you

can double your bids overnight!!

Once your website has collected this info, you will create an automated follow up sequence.

There are all sorts of ways you can follow up with your prospects:

• Email

• Webinars

• Local presentations

• Direct mail (newsletters, gifts, etc.)

• Phone calls

• Special offers

The key is to set up an automated system that automatically follows up with every lead without you or your staff having to do anything.

Resource Alert: Aweber and Infusionsoft are excellent tools to automate communication with your prospects and clients.


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It takes a little work to set up, but when your automated sequences are up and running, you can rest easy at night on a big pile of money knowing that

• You aren’t wasting web visitors any more

• You are keeping in touch with ALL of your leads for weeks after they visit your site

• Your leads are getting your best message and you aren’t relying on remembering to call each and every lead

Once you get this locked down, you will want the main focus of your website to be getting visitors information.

After all, what good is a bunch of traffic to your website when they stop by for 17.3 seconds and are gone forever??

Now that you have your website set, it’s time to (insert drumroll here)…

Send Traffic

Instead of focusing on organic (often called free) traffic, that requires a ton of time and often dollars, not to mention is subject to the whims of the Google gods, we are going to focus on something where you have a lot more options and a lot more control!

Say hello to my little friend…

PAID TRAFFIC… (what did you think I was going to say??)

There are dozens of excellent sources of paid traffic, the two largest providers of paid traffic are Google and Facebook.

Google tends to be more expensive but often converts better, while Facebook tends to be cheaper but not convert quite as well (depending on the audience).


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I have found Facebook works better for cleaning companies, so lets dive in there… The huge unfair advantage Facebook offers is the ability to target with scary precision who you pay to see your ad.

For example- you can target only people with the title property manager whose building is within 25 miles of your company and has between 10-49 employees

Advanced Strategy: You can upload your BEST 100 customers to Facebook and it will create the perfect custom audience to show your ads to based on those clients likes, demographics,

psychographics, and the scary amount of data they have on their users/ your prospects.

Have you ever been shopping for something online and felt like for the next couple of weeks or months you see nothing but ads from companies whose sites you have visited?

This is a super fun ninja trick called retargeting

Facebook allows you to track who comes to your website and have your ad “follow” them around the internet even after they leave your site.

Used right, this can create HUGE response and drop your cost per lead all in one awesome tool! Combine it with gathering their info like we talked about in in Step 1 and you have a party!


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I know I am throwing a ton of good loving your way, so let’s sum up:

1. Offer a free information gift to your web visitors in exchange for their information

2. Create an automated follow up sequence to continue educating, adding value

to and generally loving on these prospects as they continue on their journey

to select their cleaning company

3. Send traffic to your site

Before you move on to the next sexy idea- This piece alone has the power to double your business!


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Step 2

Follow Up

Most business owners spend so much time, money and effort on finding new prospective patients, while BLOWING OFF the droves of prospective accounts who have already emailed or called in, gotten a bid or even used you in the past.

This is one of the easiest ways to get big bumps in your business with very little investment. Here’s some good stuff to get you started:

Don’t cheap out here and try to get away with just an email version- you want to send actual dead trees in the mail! Feel free to include an electronic version, but the money is in the physical newsletter…

• The average shelf life of an email is a few seconds, and the open rate is often less than 20%.

• The average shelf life of a paper newsletter is four months with nearly 100% open rate!!

Newsletters are also an amazing tool to grow referrals.

It is much easier (and more impressive) to give a colleague who needs cleaning services your newsletter as opposed to just telling them they “know a guy”.


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Monthly Newsletters- Newsletters connect with your audience every month and keep you and your practice top of mind.

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And that’s not even the best part- clients who receive a physical monthly newsletter are WAY MORE likely to continue working with you and blow off other cleaning companies when they inevitably come sniffing around…

Wanna know how to put together a good newsletter? Let’s do it…

Spend the bulk (50%) of your newsletter on entertaining info that is beneficial to your reader, 40% on interesting info about you personally and your staff and only 10% on offers/info on your products and services.

People respond to stories and trust/are engaged by people who they feel they know.

It is as easy as opening your office for an evening, providing food, maybe entertainment and letting people get to know you and your staff. Yet another strategy almost NONE of your competitors are taking advantage of

Advanced Strategy: Invite strategic partners who also want to connect with and/ or serve your clients to sponsor the event by paying for food drink and entertainment.


5 Steps to DOUBLE Your Cleaning Business

Quarterly Events- These bad boys can be excellent opportunities to connect with clients and their friends (potential referrals) not to mention prospective clients and accounts that you want to get

Gifts- This can be a great way to surprise and delight your clients while arming them with an amazing story they will pass along to other potential clients.

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Depending on the size of the account, you can send gifts anywhere from 2-6 times/ year. Focus on creativity and thoughtfulness over high dollar.

For smaller accounts, consider spot remover for the carpet, a t-shirt with your company logo or even some cookies you bake at home if you really want to make them feel special!!

For larger accounts go nuts and ] take them and a guest to one of your local teams ball game (pay up for good seats). Maybe a handwritten letter attached to a nice bottle of whiskey. They key is to know your client and be creative.

Give past customers incentive to come back, current customers reason to stay with you and everyone the opportunity to give you a referral.

Word to the Wise- If you have a hard time getting yourself or your staff to do this outsource it. It’s that important.


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P h o n e c a l l s - C a l l p a s t a n d prospective clients and ask how they are doing. Survey them and find out what they liked and didn’t like about their experience with you- what they want that you aren’t offering.

Postcards- Postcards can be a great way to engage your clients and and prospects on the cheap. You can give special offers, information, or just touch base.

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Advanced Strategy: Tie your postcard with the conversation already happening in the recipients mind. In November use a theme of thanks, in October send a scary themed postcard,


BONUS Advanced Strategy- Send postcards for unique holidays like Kwanzaa and Chinese New Year—prospects and clients love them and no one else will be doing it.

Birthday’s & Anniversaries- Make your patients feel loved.

Birthday cards and anniversary cards (one year after they start service with you) are a great way to engage people and make them feel special.

Once you put a system behind sending these cards, it will add a super personal feel with virtually no effort. Life is good…

This list isn’t the be all end all, it is a starting point to get your own creative juices flowing- think surprise and delight!!

You’ll get a much better return on your time and money when you invest in a targeted audience who already knows, likes and trusts you than trying to “convert” the unwashed masses.


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Step 3

Social Media

This is one of the most talked about/least understood gigs of our modern day. There is so much misinformation and misunderstanding around social media, and business owners waste SO MUCH time because they feel like they should be “out there.” but don’t know what the heck they are doing…

The first problem business owners have with social media is there is so much of it—Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Tumblr and on and on the list goes with the latest and greatest of mediums you “must be in.”

The quick and easy answer is twofold:

1. Go where your customers and prospects are. In the case of commercial cleaners,

1. Do one or two things well instead of all of em poorly. I recommend Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn for cleaners

Not long ago, you could make a post to Facebook, and it would be seen by most, if not all of the people who “like” and/or are “following” you and your page so it made sense to get a ton of likes.

Now that Facebook has discovered the massive money tree in their back yard called selling ads, it is almost all “pay to play”. Unpaid posts are getting seen by virtually no one.

This is a great opportunity if you are willing to pay for ads (like in Step 1) but not great for getting a free ride.


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You still want to post to your Facebook page periodically (3-5 times/week) for the limited free traffic you will get as well as to make your Facebook page active and valuable as prospects will often check your Facebook page as well as your website before doing business with you.

The second place you want to have a presence is Twitter. When you tweet, it goes to all of your followers for free, but tweets do not last long as new tweets push them down in the feed. Post more frequently on Twitter, closer to 5–10 times/day if you can.

You are going to want to include bits of content with links to the full version on your website in your tweets to send traffic to your website/ blog.

Commercial cleaning companies target business owners and property managers and these nice people tend to hang out on LinkedIn.

You can post here as well, but you will have better luck connecting with people who can do business with and starting a dialogue one on one with them by sending them a message directly.

You can offer them a version of the information product you offer to your website visitors, or something a little more custom for larger potential connections.

LinkedIn is also a great place to start a group for your target clients, invite your prospects and customers to become members of this closed group and by being the group owner/ moderator, you position yourself as a go to resource in your community.

The type of content you post should be similar to your newsletter—heavy on interesting/valuable/educational information and personal details with just a touch of promotion or offering your products or services.

This can get to be a lot of work/ time, so you are going to want the person managing your social media to batch their social activities. This will allow them to spend an hour or two per week creating and distributing content for instead of constantly trying to tweet, post and message.


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Since you want to do all the work at one time, but don’t want all of your posts to go out at once, it sure would be cool if there were a tool with some sort of time release magic voodoo…

Resource Alert:

1. Hootsuite—free for a basic account, has excellent scheduling options and is easy to use

2. Edgar—Not free ($49/mo at this writing), but keeps the content you post and builds an archive of your pearls of wisdom and continues to post them forever so you don’t have to continually come up with new pearls of wisdom every day for all eternity


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Step 4


Referrals buy quicker, spend more and are generally happier boys and girls. Owners of cleaning businesses often understand the value of a referral, but don’t have a system or process that cranks them out in any dependable fashion.

The first way to get more referrals is to arm your clients (and prospects) with stories of your greatness and content to pass along. Most of the things in Step 3 (newsletters, special events and post-surgery gifts) will do this quite nicely…

Another great tool is case studies. Few commercial cleaning companies even utilize testimonials properly, so when you start creating real live case studies, they won't stand a chance…

A case study walks through the entire process from your customers point of view: how they found you, initial contact, the bidding process, them choosing you, getting them started as an account and how fantastic their lives are after they hire you.

When possible spend a little money and get a 5-10 minute video case study. Show your client and their building that you clean- it will make them feel important and you will look great!

Once you have this you can use the video, the audio and/ or transcribe it and use parts or all of the transcription for written content

Case studies capture and convey your clients hopes, dreams and fears giving you the credibility, authority and expert status that helps you get more jobs and command higher rates.


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Ideally you will have at least one case study for every type of space you service (warehouse, small business, class A office space, etc.) as well as every type of decision maker you help (small business owner, property manager, office manager, etc.)

Each of these types of business/ decision maker is going to have different things that fire him or her up and you want to make sure every one of them feels like you are speaking right to them.

Educate your staff, customers, prospects and vendors and anyone you and your business comes in contact with on how valuable referrals are both to your company and to the company they refer to you.

How you and your staff communicate requests for referrals is key. Which of these do you think will get more referral love??

“Referrals greatly appreciated”


When you get referrals, make a big deal out of both the referrer and the person being referred.

Send a gift to the former thanking them and offer a special complimentary service upgrade to the latter.


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Our absolute BEST clients are referred by our favorite current clients- if you know someone who would enjoy the same love and care we give you, send them our way- let us know you did so we can call and thank you personally

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Acknowledge referrers on Facebook or Twitter, on the walls in your office or in a quick video email thanking them personally. Recognition is key- people who refer once are likely to bring home the bacon again and again!

Here are some additional creative ways/places to ask for referrals:

• Your newsletter • In your email signature • In EVERY bid/ proposal you send out • Signage around your office • In a survey • Postcards • When you get a testimonial or case study • At quarterly events


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Step 5


You must track.

Proper tracking will supercharge the first 5 steps and explode your business.

Here are the foundational things that must be tracked and reported on a monthly (if not daily) basis:

• Number of incoming leads • Percentage of leads that become consults/ bids • Number and dollar amount of bids given • Percentage of bids that become job starts • Number and dollar amount of new job starts • Reason why every lost bid was lost

NOTE: Each of the above needs to be tracked by lead source Beware of any advertising/marketing that is not trackable. What gets measured gets done. Often businesses see 10–20% increases in each of these categories simply by tracking them and posting the results for all to see.

Once you start counting your leads by their source, you can calculate how much each lead costs, as well as what percentage of leads turn into office visits and what percentage of office visits turn into patients.

Use tracking to calculate your Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC) Once you have your CAC, you may be tempted to back off on the more expensive lead sources.


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Bad idea…

Decide what the most you can spend to acquire a customer (and still maintain profitability based on lifetime customer value), and use every lead source you can get your hands on that brings in leads at or below that number.

Advanced Strategy: Don’t try to spend the least you can to get a customer- spend the most! The one who can spend the most to get a customer WINS!!

Keep the party going by recording your incoming calls (let them know they are being recorded to be legal in every state). This will identify which people answering your phone are making you money and which are costing you money.

Ready for Captain Obvious to make a comment??

Have the money makers help the rest of your staff up their game.

You will be shocked when you find some people on the phones convert twice as many calls to consults than others. This alone can double your business.

Truth be told, each one of these steps ALONE has the capacity to DOUBLE your business, put them together and you are going to be unstoppable in your market.

By this point, if you own a cleaning company and have a pulse, you should be fired up!! What do you think your business would look like if you actually did even SOME of this stuff?

Wanna find out???


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Because I am a big nerd and LOVE growing cleaning businesses, I would be happy to personally help you create a strategic plan around these six steps to explode your business!

There’s no charge for this, and it only takes about 45–90 minutes for us to do together.

At the end of this initial planning session one of three things will happen:

1. You love the plan and decide to implement it on your own. If this is the case, I’ll wish you the best of luck and ask that you keep in touch with me to let me know how you’re doing.

2. You love the plan and ask to become my client so I can personally help you execute and profit from it ASAP. If that’s the case, we’ll knock it out of the park…and that’s a promise. Every single one of my clients gets results. Literally. Every. Single. One.

3. In the unlikely (and unprecedented) event that you feel like you wasted your time, I will send you $1,500 immediately. No questions asked. Your time is the most valuable asset you have, and I get that.

It really is that simple, and there’s no catch.

Think about this:

The “worst” that can happen is you get $1,500 for “wasting” 45–90 minutes of your time.

The best that can happen is we work together one-on-one to increase your sales and profit several times over.

Here’s how it’ll go down:

First, we get on the phone one-on-one and go over your business. I take a look at what you’ve got, what you’re doing, and what you want to achieve going forward.


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Once we have those “raw materials,” I help you come up with a strategic plan of action to immediately increase your profits dramatically.

And like I said, there’s no charge for this.

So Why Would I Offer It?

Two reasons:

First of all, I enjoy it. This is one of the few things I am awesome at, and it makes me very, very happy to see someone achieve financial success (and all that comes with it) as a result of the help I give them.

Second of all, it’s how I attract top-level clients.

Here’s how that works:

Assuming you’re happy and you want me to crank out these types of plans for you all the time, you’ll probably want to continue working together long term so I can help you implement them.

If this is the case, I might invite you to become a consulting client.

My “fee” is $1,500 a month…but if you think about it, it really doesn’t “cost” you anything.


Because I expect to make you at $3-$6K in the first month…and if we keep working together over the next 12 months, I’m confident I can double your entire business…at a minimum.

Actually, we are going to create a plan to make you more than $1,500 during our first conversation- which is free!

You’ll see the value by the time we hang up- without ever spending a dime.


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And look, if you don’t want to become a client, don’t worry about it. You won’t get any sales pitch or pressure from me of any kind, as you may have picked up, that’s just not my thing.

In fact, here’s my “GIANT BALLS PROMISE” to you :

You Find Our Conversation to Be Incredibly Valuable or I’ll Pay You $1,500.00 Immediately to Compensate You for Your Time.

Now, obviously this is an amazing offer which you’ll probably never see from anyone else in the world.

Think about it.

I’m personally generating a profit-plan for you up front- for free- and then letting you pay me later if (and only if) you decide to work together long term.

Plus, I’m taking it one BOLD step further by guaranteeing you’ll find this free plan immensely valuable—or I’ll pay you $1,500 just for wasting your time.

Just tell me, and it’s yours. No questions asked.

Who Else Would Do That For Cleaning Companies?

NOBODY. (I checked)

But I’m happy to put it on the line like this because my consulting clients always get great results.



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My stuff works, and I know that if we work together, you’ll make money.

Consider this:

My first business at age 21 was a commercial cleaning company which I tripled in the first 2 1/2 years and then sold it for a juicy profit.

Since then, I’ve built several Multi-MILLION DOLLAR businesses for myself and am helping my private clients do the same.

Anyway- as you can imagine, I’ll get a LOT of interest from this offer.

And that’s why I need you to read this next part carefully:

This Is NOT For Everybody.

I’m VERY picky about who I’ll speak with, and I’ve got a strict (but reasonable) set of criteria that needs to be met in order for us to proceed.

1. You have to have a solid business already- this offer is for businesses that are up and running already and simply want to run a lot faster and further.

2. You must provide good, solid service and have a good reputation.

Everything we do together will not only be bring you more sales and profits, but we’ll be doing it in a way that creates MASSIVE goodwill in your market.

In order for us to do that you need to be legit.

3. You MUST follow directions. (Don’t worry, I won’t ask you to do anything weird.)

After all, if you don’t actually implement the stuff I give you, neither one of us will make money.

That’s it! Those are all my requirements.


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Here’s What I Want You to Do Next

If you meet the criteria above and want to talk to me personally about getting you incredible results, then I’ll happily set aside some time for you.

Here’s how the process works:

First, you’ll need to fill in an application. Don’t worry, it’s simple and unobtrusive.

I just need to know what your current process is, get an idea of what you want to accomplish and so forth.

Here’s What Will Happen after That.

Once I have your application, Nathalie from my office (who also happens to be my amazing wife) will call you and set up a time for us to talk.

Our initial call will be between 45 and 90 minutes.

This is where we really begin working to figure out exactly what you want… and how to make it happen.

We will review your goals, your current processes, and so forth… and I’ll deliver a plan to bring in money immediately.

If you see the value in becoming a high level client, great! We can talk about it.

And if you don’t want to become a client—that’s OK too. We can hug it out and hang up friends.

And if you tell me I’ve wasted your time, I’ll give you $1,500 immediately So,

you literally can’t lose.


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(By the way—I’ve never had anyone feel like their time was wasted. EVER. That’s why I can make this offer. I DELIVER. Would anyone else take such a risk?)

WARNING—TIME IS A FACTORThis opportunity is extremely limited because of the intense one-on-one time needed in order to provide you with results.

Therefore, it is physically impossible for me to work with more than a handful of people.

Also, you should realize there’s a very large demand for personal one-on one help from me, and what I’m offering to you is unprecedented.

So with that said, know that the window of opportunity won’t be open long.

If you feel like this is right for you, click here, leave your application and let’s talk.

Talk soon,

Mike Campion


5 Steps to DOUBLE Your Cleaning Business