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  • This document has been prepared by UBS Securities Australia Ltd.


    UBS does and seeks to do business with companies covered in its research reports. As a result, investors should be aware

    that the firm may have a conflict of interest that could affect the objectivity of this report. Investors should consider this report

    as only a single factor in making their investment decision.

    The Australian 2015-16 Budget

    UBS Economics Day

    Andrew Lilley Interest Rate Strategist [email protected]

    DATE: 26 May 2015

  • 1

    How do you solve a problem like an output gap?

    1979 1982 1984 1986 1988 1990 1992 1994 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 2012

    GDP Actual and Potential (log scale)

    Actual GDP

    Potential GDP

    Source: UBS, Australian Bureau of Statistics





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    Ye a r

    O u t p

    u t G

    a p ( %

    o f p o t e

    n t i a l G

    D P


    Output Gap



    Au st ra l i a ' s O u t p u t G a p (1 9 8 0 : 2 0 1 4 )



  • 2

    The competing opinions of economists Keynesian response: The government should spend more, and use the circular flow of income to close the potential output gap.

    Recall: Y = C + mpc*Y + I + G + NX Y/(1-mpc) = C + I + G + NX Y = 1/(1-mpc) x (C + I + G + NX)

    So Y = G * kmultiplier [k = 1/(1-mpc)]

    Hence, the government can get a more than 1 for 1 increase in GDP from increasing government spending.

    To close the current output gap, the government should increase spending such that G/Y * kmultiplier = 3.5%.

    John Maynard Keynes

    Source: UBS, Australian Bureau of Statistics

  • 3

    The competing opinions of economists

    The crowding out response: The government should not go into deficit, because they will

    1/ draw on savings, which will 2/ increase interest rates and 3/ reduce (crowd out) consumer spending in the medium run perhaps doing more damage than good.

    Friedrich von Hayek

  • 4

    Keynes wins from behind!

    In the prior 14-15 budget, the government offset an increase in the cyclical deficit by cutting spending, which was net contractionary for the economy.

    In the 15-16 budget, the budget position fell further into deficit due to cyclical factors (look at 14-15, which worsened by 0.8% of GDP, and is not affected by structural policy decisions in the 15-16 budget).

    This time, the government cut revenues and increased spending which increased the structural deficit and delays the budget's return to an underlying surplus. This is net stimulatory for the economy.

    The budget will remain in deficit for the next four fiscal years, and turns to a surplus in 2019-20.

    Source: UBS, Australian Treasury


    -1 -0.6





    -0.8 -0.4








    2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19

    % o

    f G


    14-15 Budget 15-16 Budget

  • 5

    So what does this mean for unemployment?

    Start with Okuns Law, if:

    GDP Growth (%) = [Productivity Growth (%) + LF Growth (%)] Unemployment (%) stable

    GDP Growth (%) > [Productivity Growth (%) + LF Growth (%)] Unemployment (%) falls

    GDP Growth (%) < [Productivity Growth (%) + LF Growth (%)] Unemployment (%) rises

    Budget predicts unemployment will rise by ~0.5% to 6.25% on low real GDP growth (2.5%), but then fall as growth recovers to above-trend from 16-17.

    Fiscal Year

    Real GDP Growth (%)

    Unemp Rate (%)

    15-16 2.75% 6.5%

    16-17 3.25% 6.25%

    17-18 3.5% 6.00%

    18-19 3.5% 5.75%

    Source: UBS, Australian Treasury

  • 6

    And inflation?

    With unemployment above the natural rate, inflation is forecast to remain contained.

    (The Philips curve has shifted to the left since pre-2000 due to a lower natural rate of unemployment.)

    Fiscal Year

    Unemp Rate (%)

    CPI Inflation (%)

    15-16 6.50% 2.5%

    16-17 6.25% 2.5%

    17-18 6.00% 2.5%

    18-19 5.75% 2.5%

    Source: UBS, ABS, Australian Treasury

  • 7

    And what if they're wrong?

    Source: Grattan Insititute

    It's becoming something of a habit!

  • 8

    What will the RBA do about it?

    The low inflation, high unemployment outlook in 2015-16 will allow the RBA to keep monetary policy in a stimulatory stance.

    Financial markets expect a 1/3 chance of a cut in 2015, as the unemployment rate rises to 6.5%.

    Source: UBS, Bloomberg

  • 9

    So if the government stays in deficit, the current account deficit should?

    In theory, the Twin Deficits theorem says that a government deficit should result in a CAD.

    Since we know that:

    Y = C + I + G + NX and also Y - C T = S

    therefore S = G + I + NX T

    therefore (S I) + (T G) = NX

    so if we have a [Savings deficit] + [Government deficit] = [Trade deficit]

  • 10

    ASIDE: Twin deficits? What twin deficits?

    The real world evidence for the twin deficits theorem in Australia is weak.

    Source: UBS, ABS

  • 11

    But the current account deficit is expected to narrow

    Why? Its the mining boom. We had a current account deficit precisely because of the mining boom. Now it should (finally) shrink because its no longer an investment boom.

    Less I and more X = smaller CAD

  • 12

    And the currency

    In theory, the AUD should have depreciated. Why?

    For a small, low safe borrower like the Australian government, budget deficits have resulted in currency appreciation.

    Consider the flow of funds. Around three quarters of government debt is held offshore. Foreigners have to purchase AUD to lend to the government in AUD).

    It follows that a smaller budget deficit equals less borrowing leading to less demand for AUD.

    Lenders for Aust Govt Debt





































    Domestic Banks Pension / Insurance RBA other Foreign Holders

    Source: UBS, ABS

  • 13

    And so did it?

    But It appreciatedwhy?

    1.Because economics is hard.

    2.While we still have a AAA credit rating, our whole-of-state (federal and state government) debt has been getting reasonably large for a AAA rated nation. Owning AUD is like owning shares in Australia. If Australia becomes less risky as a sovereign, it should appreciate, in the same way a share appreciates when a company becomes less risky.

  • 14

    Policy impact focus: National Disability Insurance Scheme

    The National Disability Insurance Scheme will shift Australias distribution of income and wealth to be more equal.






























    United K




    United S









    n o

    f in



    Type of Employment



    Not in Labour Force

    Income levels of people with a disability as a proportion to national average

    Source: UBS, OECD

  • 15

    Policy impact focus: University fee deregulation & pension test

    But changes to pension payment eligibility and an increase in the user-pays component of university education will shift the distribution of income to be less equal.

    Why? Because young people and the elderly have the lowest incomes, so if you decrease their disposable income, the gini coefficient for income rises.

    But both should make the distribution of wealth more equal over time.

    Distribution of income and wealth by age,

    % of national average

    Source: Australian Treasury Source: Grattan Institute

    Median increase in income by university degree,

    (compared to Year 12 graduate, no further study)

  • 16

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  • 19

    Contact information

    Andrew Lilley

    Level 16, Chifley Tower

    2 Chifley Square, Sydney NSW 2000

    Tel: +61-2-9324-2618