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5 Lessons We Can Learn From Successful Early Stage Philanthropies

Apr 16, 2017


Jeff Greenstein
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Page 1: 5 Lessons We Can Learn From Successful Early Stage Philanthropies




Page 2: 5 Lessons We Can Learn From Successful Early Stage Philanthropies

Only some embryonic philanthropicorganizations have been successful at

driving change and making a significantimpact in the communities they serve

while effectively scaling their reach to abroader group within their target market.

What sets these organizations apart from the rest?

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Organizations such as Brothers For Lifeare designed to operate much like a

successful start-up business.

Here are fiveimportant lessonsBrothers for Life

can teach us aboutsuccessful venture/


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CLEAR MISSION AND FOCUS1Identifying a clear mission statementand encouraging all team members

to stay focused on fulfilling thatmission is the foundation of any

successful enterprise.

A mission statement adds clarity thatdefines future areas of expansion.

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Brothers for Life launchedmany initiatives, but all the

while they are anchored by aclear mission - helping

recently disabled and injuredIsraeli combat soldiers

recover from their injuriesand live productive lives.

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ENGAGEMENT ON BOTH SIDES2“There are three levels of giving thatprogressively get more difficult and

demanding but at the same time morevaluable and impactful: giving one’s

money; giving one’s time; giving one’shome and heart.”

- Rabbi Chaim Levine,Founder and Executive Director of Brothers For Life

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Simply sending money to those in need isn’tenough to build a successful organization.

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It’s important to interact withthe communities involved,

beneficiaries and donors, andreally look into these people’s

eyes and learn about their story.

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philanthropies operate withlimited resources in terms ofhuman resources and cash. Given these constraints it is

absolutely critical todetermine where those

resources are best allocated.

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The individuals involved with managing theorganization’s financials need to be acting inthe best interest of the organization, settingrealistic budgets, and working to maximize

the budget at every opportunity.

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Brothers For Life started ona shoe string where its

leadership carefullyevaluated how every dollarwas spent. This attention to

detail analyzed how eachdollar spent impacts the

organization’s objectives andlong term aspirations.

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quantify the impact of anorganization’s efforts, so it

is up to the leadershipteam or committee

members to define exactlyhow they will measure the

effects of their efforts.

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Success is often not a straight lineso it is valuable to measure what

works and what doesn't on aregular basis in order to make

appropriate adjustments.

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It’s important to keep in mind that it’snot always about numbers.

While it is valuable to knowhow many families you fed

after a food drive, for example,there are other ways to

measure impact.

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Genuinely understanding how therecipients are benefiting at a personal

level means far more than any statistic.

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BUILD PARTNERS NOT DONORS5Donations and particularlyrecurring donations are the

lifeblood of most early stagephilanthropies.

It is important to turn donors intopartners by igniting their passion and

commitment to the cause.

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Partners internalize the organization andfeel vested in its success. These feelings

lead to both larger and more regularcontributions to the organizations cause.

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Donations, particularly recurringdonations, are the lifeblood of most

early stage philanthropies.

At Brothers for Life, however,partners do a lot more than simply

donating. They are dedicated tosupport and scale the organization

through various efforts such asnetworking. Not all organizations canaccomplish this structure but they all

should endeavor to.

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Successful philanthropic organizationsare built with a strong structure and

foundation, operating much like asuccessful start-up business.

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