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R P A N T Newsletter of the Retired Police Association Of the Northern Territory Inc Patron – Mr John McRoberts APM, Commissioner of Police Vice Patron – Mr Vince Kelly, President N.T.P.A Issue No: 49 MARCH 2010 OFFICE : TUES & THUR – 9am to 1.00pm Phone/Fax (08) 8922 3374 Web: E-Mail secretary@ All Correspondence and moneys to Secretary at: PO Box 2777 PALMERSTON NT 0831 PRESIDENT WOLTHERS, John Phone 0418 895 352 E-mail [email protected] VICE PRESIDENT JEFFERY, Brian Phone: (H) (08) 89271028 E-mail: [email protected] SECRETARY REES, Graham Phone: (H) (08) 8932 8882 Mobile 040 9726 906 E-mail: [email protected] TREASURER WILLIAMS, John R (08) 8927 1479 PUBLIC OFFICER SCRUTTON, Dennis (08) 8945 5178 COMMITTEE McMANUS Denzil (08) 89831240 WALLBANK, Tony (08) 8983 3087 CASEY, Garry EDITORIAL PANEL Graham Rees Assisted by: Peter Simon John R Williams Shirley McManus The Committee meets on 2nd Wednesday of each month

49 - MARCH 2010 · 2019-08-14 · R P A N T Newsletter of the Retired Police Association Of the Northern Territory Inc Patron – Mr John McRoberts APM, Commissioner of Police Vice

Apr 02, 2020



Welcome message from author
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Page 1: 49 - MARCH 2010 · 2019-08-14 · R P A N T Newsletter of the Retired Police Association Of the Northern Territory Inc Patron – Mr John McRoberts APM, Commissioner of Police Vice

R P A N T Newsletter of the

Retired Police Association

Of the Northern Territory Inc

Patron – Mr John McRoberts APM, Commissioner of Police

Vice Patron – Mr Vince Kelly, President N.T.P.A

Issue No: 49 MARCH 2010

OFFICE: TUES & THUR – 9am to 1.00pm Phone/Fax (08) 8922 3374 Web: E-Mail secretary@

All Correspondence and moneys to Secretary at: PO Box 2777



Phone 0418 895 352 E-mail [email protected] VICE PRESIDENT JEFFERY, Brian

Phone: (H) (08) 89271028 E-mail: [email protected]

SECRETARY REES, Graham Phone: (H) (08) 8932 8882 Mobile 040 9726 906 E-mail: [email protected]


WILLIAMS, John R (08) 8927 1479


SCRUTTON, Dennis (08) 8945 5178


McMANUS Denzil (08) 89831240

WALLBANK, Tony (08) 8983 3087 CASEY, Garry EDITORIAL PANEL

Graham Rees Assisted by: Peter Simon John R Williams Shirley McManus

The Committee meets on 2nd Wednesday of each month

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A big spirited hello to all members. It has been a while since I have put pen to paper but in my absence of President’s Reports I have been ably assisted by our good Secretary, Graham who keeps all the info flowing.

Let me first welcome our new Commissioner of Police, John McRoberts and his family and hope he and his family enjoy the Northern Territory, as I am sure they will.

Our Association has been making good progress in bringing new members to the fold but we could do better. If you know of a former member that is not an Rpant member, please inform us so we can get an application form to them.

Graham and I have been sitting on the Monument Committee which is coming along splendidly. However we do need ongoing support financially as well as ongoing support in maintenance. If anyone is interested in this venture we welcome any support that you can give.

The monument is the idea of former Commissioner Paul White and is being erected to commemorate past, present and future police officers who have, are, or will be, part of the great Territory Police Force, and we should be proud to be a part of it.

While on the subject of the past, it is with sorrow I mention the passing of Roy (Bluey) Harvey who I had the pleasure of working with in Katherine, It is people like Bluey that we want to remember with things like the Larry Boy Search that he successfully concluded by capturing Larry Boy. Great to catch up with you all till the next newsletter. John Wolthers President

Secretary’s Desk


Hi Members, Well I had a good break over the Christmas and New Year period. We went to the Gold Coast on 20/12/09 and caught up with our youngest daughter and her family and had Xmas with them. On the 27th we flew over to New Zealand for 3 weeks with other family members, what a great time we had. Anyway that is all behind us now and it’s back to work. The Association is holding a barbeque on Sunday 21 March 2010 to welcome and introduce our new Patron, Commissioner John McRoberts to our members. The Executive is to hold discussions with Mr McRoberts regarding the Association’s role within the Police environment, our mutual goals and vision for the future of the Association.


John Peter HEALY

Sergeant Reg. No. 27

03/12/1931 – 22/12/2009 Joined NT Police 22 November 1954

Resigned 24 April 1961 Sadly missed by family, friends and colleagues.

May he rest in peace


Gregory Frank Nutt-Foster

Sergeant Reg. No. 596 10/10/1948 – 27/12/2009

Joined NT Police 19 February 1973 Resigned 28 July 1987

Sadly missed by family, friends and colleagues.

May he rest in peace

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Retired Police Association of the NT Inc.

With sincere thanks for your ongoing support and kindness shown to Greg during his illness over the past seven years.

The Nutt-Foster Family


Note: A donation of $150.00 was made to the Association from Greg’s family.


Roy ‘Bluey’ Harvey S/Constable. No. 66

30/09/1934 – 01/02/2010 Joined NT Police 9th June 1957

Retired 2nd February 1978 Sadly missed by family, friends and colleagues.

May he rest in peace

A donation of $100.00 was made to the Association from ‘Bluey’s family.


We have had a set of keys (3) on an Rpant key ring handed in. They were found at Casuarina Shopping Centre. Contact Secretary if they are yours.


Dear Graham,

Just in case you are ever stuck for newsletter material, perhaps this might help you out.

Three years ago Rain Bird was published in the UK, with certain alterations, a couple of additions and an epilogue.

Prior to publication in the Territory the Historical Society changed miles to kilometres and lubras to aboriginal women. In the UK edition I have reverted to the

originals because it was miles and lubras in those days.

For perhaps PC reasons, the Society omitted the end of the chapter where I described the duties of the night shift reserve constable at the Bennett Street Police Station. This has been included in the UK edition and reads as follows:-

“Of all the cases of alcoholic remorse I witnessed on this shift, the worst was that suffered by a big blonde Norwegian seaman. Grey in the face from the liquor he had consumed in great quantity the day before, he nodded towards a sorry looking lubra who was lying on the concrete floor of the neighbouring cage, snoring heavily.

‘What is she in for?’ he asked. His pallor deepened as I explained that she had been his paramour of the night before and, not only was she drunk, but she was also suffering from leprosy. I was able to reassure him that the compromising position he had been found in would have to be repeated innumerable times before he stood any risk of contracting the disease, but the revelation was too much for his weakened constitution and he started to retch. Poor devil, I thought, and poor lubra, too”.

The Society also omitted a paragraph of my description of the Katherine aboriginals, probably also for PC reasons. This has been included in the UK edition and reads as follows:

“They had a distinctive acrid body odour, but alleviated somewhat by the all pervasive wood smoke. Their habit of sleeping with their dogs all around them didn’t help either. I suppose that water to them meant salvation and using it for washing went against their instincts. To be fair though, they said that they could detect the ‘white fella smell’ from yards away.

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They allowed their dogs to sleep with them, not just because they liked them and could see no harm in it, but also because the dogs kept them warm in the cool nights of the Dry Season. This gave rise to the whites’ good natured gauging of the temperature by the number of dogs. A cool night was a ‘one dog night’, a very cool night was a ‘two dog night’ and so on.”

I deleted the last sentence in the book because a Shakespearean misquotation seemed out of place. It now reads:-

“I had done nothing of note but, had I been called upon, I like to think I would have risen to the occasion because I was a link in the chain, part of a tradition”.

The epilogue reads as follows-

“Thirty-five years later I attended a Police reunion in Darwin, now a colourful city of 80,000 inhabitants.

I was given a guided tour of the multi-million headquarters which included a Police College where recruits are now given six months intensive training.

I caught up with many friends, including Primo Bonato, Denzil McManus, Harry Cox and Bill Jacobs.

I sadly met the widows of Len Cossons, Dinny Conaghan and Bill Taylor. When Joyce Taylor was asked, ‘Do you remember Jim?’ she looked at me accusingly and said, ‘of course I do. He’s the man who shot the cats’.

My mortality was brought home to me when I saw street signs dedicated to ex colleagues and people I had known, some of whom figure in this book. Hanger Bill McKinnon, Big Bill Littlejohn, Jim Mannion, Hughie Deviney and Mr Nichols.

At the Trailer Boat Club one evening I was hailed by another character in the book, Bill MacLean, the passer-by who had found the dying Scotsman in the long grass at Katherine.

That evening at the Trailer Boat Club typified the laid-back Darwin life-style, sitting at a table on a lawn under palm trees, enjoying a barbecued meal and cold beer, listening to the tide lapping up on the beach and watching the sun go down across the bay.

I caught a bus down to Katherine where once again I saw streets named after people I had known, Dinny Smyth among them.

I called in to see Mrs Petersen who had christened me the Rain Bird all those years ago, still hale and hearty at 85.

I did the tourist thing and took a bus out to the Katherine Gorge, flying along on a bitumen road and remembering how I had once plodded out there on horse back along a dusty track.

At Tennant Creek I spent a couple of hours at the Memorial Club, having a few quiet beers and remembering.

I said goodbye to the Territory from Alice Springs, no longer a small bush town but still exerting its charm on me, the proliferation of tourist related businesses and motels more than off-set by the stately ghost gums along the river bed and the grandeur of the McDonnell Ranges looking down on the town”.

Well, Graham, my hand-writing at the start was bad enough and became progressively worse. I hope you can decipher it.

Kindest regards.


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Further to Surveillance – Darwin Style


The Editor’s note at the end of Denver Marchant’s comments on this subject seem to invite further comment, so I thought I would submit my side of the story to, as they say, clear up ambiguities. Firstly, both Denver and Paul’s accounts make reference to the member I was partnered with at that time and I think it only fair that he be named. He was Detective Constable Geoff Bourne; a wry, wily and cagy feller with a long string of good pinches to his credit. Now, I’m going to have to generalise because of unreliable memory for detail but Geoff and I spent several afternoon shifts hanging around the Leyland Limo with only the mozzies and sandflies to keep us on our toes. I’m pretty sure it was a Sunday night around 9pm when the suspects drove into this sad bit of clapped out rainforest to pick up their booty. They did us a big favour by parking their hotted up Ford Falcon Ute with headlights on to illuminate the stash. We crept up from behind and listened to them shouting and laughing about how they had outsmarted the Police, and we not so calmly hatched our plan of attack. I had the phosphorous flare and had read the instructions. I had used parachute flares while in the Army and felt comfortable with this one. I had to hold it at arms length and strike it firmly underneath. I put my shotgun against a small tree and Geoff indicated he was ready. I held the flare out and hit it but not hard enough so I tried a second time and this time it went off with the brightest flash I had ever seen. It was fully alight from the time it left my hand. It was so bright that I lost my vision for 30 seconds or more, so

you can imagine the scene as I stumbled forward with a loaded Remington Pump action shotgun yelling with Geoff; ‘Police:Police! Get down on your guts!’’ and things equally intimidating. I remember I even had the forethought to yell out to two other hypothetical policemen allegedly hiding in the undergrowth to hold their positions and cover us. You can imagine the mortal danger those two suspects (and Geoff) were in as they tried to dig themselves into the turf. Anyway after a while my eyesight was back to normal. I think Geoff handcuffed both of them and we informed them of the inevitable. I had a portable radio and stood on the back of the ute out of their sight whilst informing Comms and requesting that they advise Det.Sgt 1/c O’Brien. In a matter of minutes the cavalry arrived and I think it was a G.D’s van and a Traffic car and they took one each back to the CIB offices. My recollection is that Geoff and I then loaded the goodies into the suspects own vehicle and headed back. I remember driving the Ford Falcon Ute and observing that it was a great and responsive bit of machinery. Geoff drove the Leyland Limo and I reckon we were back in the CIB rooms within an hour of the apprehensions.

If my memory serves me right it was sometimes difficult in those days to avoid getting involved in the paperwork and interviews following a pinch(especially with juveniles); and if you stood still for too long, everybody else had disappeared and you were left holding the bag. So it was that I had the hope of getting a look in with the briefs for these two. Not on your life. This was one of those cases which had aroused the zeal ( See Blue Book for ‘Qualities of Detectives’) of every member who had been involved in the case and there was a queue of about a dozen members in front of us. I clearly remember that some of them must

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have been very tired because they were red eyed and kept bumping into walls, etc., and no; I’m not going to mention Detective Sergeants with a liking for Camel cigarettes. Anyway we didn’t stand a chance! I think we got stuck with logging the Exhibits.

Anyway that brings my recollections to a close. Thanks Paul for bringing back good memories and Denver for adding the highlights. There is no doubt that the old saying is true: ‘The older we get the better we were.’ I’ll always remember that incident and I’ll never forget that bloody flare. I still get flashbacks!

Footnote Further to Surveillance

John Ascoli Reg No 168

I have read with great interest the story by Paul Vanderhaar in issue 46 and Denver (Dogs) Marchant follow up in issue 48. Unfortunately if this is the same matter that I am aware of they have like the good Detectives they were, glossed over the facts leading up to the successful ending to this saga. Who was it that said never let the whole truth get in the way of a good story! It would have been some time in 1976 or there about when a quantity of oxy and acetylene equipment and a large sum of notes and coins were stolen during a break and enter at I think what was then CIG in Winnellie. I was at the time acting Detective Inspector in Charge of the Darwin CIB, in the absence of Robyn Chalker who was on rec leave. Len Cossons was the Superintendent Crime and Terry O’Brien the Detective Sergeant 1/c, OIC CIB Darwin. Some days after the event, a gentleman looking for bush orchids in the Lee Point area, stumbled across the above stolen

goods hidden in the bush off Lee Point Road, near the RAAF Radar Station. The surveillance operation referred to by both members was put in place and the stolen goods including the money which was in a large canvas bank bag was left in situ! The surveillance operation continued for several days, with two Detectives on each shift hiding in the bush in the vicinity of the stolen goods in constant radio contact with CIB. Unfortunately on one occasion due to poor radio reception in the area, one of the members on duty at the time had to leave the scene and go to higher ground to call in leaving the other member near the scene. As luck would have it, no sooner had this occurred then an unidentified vehicle drove up to the scene an offender jumped out of the vehicle, grabbed the cash bag and drove off, all before anyone could get the rego number or description of the vehicle involved! What a bugger, not only had we not apprehended the offenders, we had now lost a considerable sum of money. I recall that Terry O’Brien organised a meeting at the CIB Office in the old Mitchell Street Police Station, to discuss what was now to happen, having missed the crooks as above. It was decided to continue the surveillance as the oxy gear was still in the bush and most likely they would come back to get it in the short term! At the end of this meeting I was talking to Terry O’Brien about the matter of the lost stolen money when the Detective Super Len Cossons walked by, fortunately he was only aware of the surveillance being undertaken and not about the missing money. I thought it prudent at that time not to incur the wrath of the Boss trying to explain that not only had we missed the crooks but lost the money as well! I still think to this day that Cossons was aware of what had happened but decided to let sleeping dogs lie.

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Thankfully within a couple of days one of the offenders (Jack Hoare) returned to the scene and on this occasion was successfully apprehended by Dutchy Holland and his partner at that time in the spectacular fashion previously described! The money was also successfully recovered. Needless to say I was much relieved and was very glad when Robyn Chalker came back from rec leave and I was able to hand over to him without having any major stuff up apart from the above! During the above time, we were extremely lucky to have what I would only describe as some of the best street wise Detectives that have graced this force. They could give you plenty of headaches but they got the results and we were on top of the crims! PS. Just in passing during the above time, I was on one occasion berated over the telephone by one of the Detectives wives for sending him on a training course, when in fact he was on rec leave and had taken his girlfriend with him! On another occasion I was again berated over the telephone by another wife as to why her husband had to spend so much or his own money working in CIB. Apparently the good lady was going through her husband’s cheque book and noted a number of entries where the cheque was marked simply CIB! Support the Northern Territory Police

Force Monument

The NT Police Force has a proud history of serving the community across the length and breadth of the Northern Territory, often under difficult conditions associated with distance, remoteness, isolation and severe climatic conditions. Throughout its history, the police force has maintained a ‘strength of character’ when confronting and dealing with the many and varied challenges.

It is for this reason that we strive to create a monument that will reflect and express the origins of the NT Police Force from its early role as a mounted police force. The Monument will recognise the service and sacrifice of those who have faced the challenges over the years of policing a Territory unique in terms of its people, remoteness, harsh environment and aiding its progression into the 21st century.

We hope you, as retired NT Police members or as members of the Retired Police Association Inc can support this initiative. We need to raise $300,000 to construct this Monument. The Steering committee have set up a trust fund for any donations, which is tax deductible, and a Monument Foundation with exclusive benefits for your membership.

Contact Rebecca Forrest (08) 8901 0256 or email [email protected] for more information on how you can be involved.

Secretary Graham Rees & Chief Minister Paul Henderson MLA at the Official Launch

of the Police Monument.


Member Dave Swift R/N 225 rang me on 4/2/10 re the passing of ‘Bluey’ Harvey. Dave has been down to Sydney receiving treatment for cancer. Dave advises me that he has been given the all clear for the present time but has a few more bouts of treatment to endure. Also spoke to John Ascoli R/N 168 who has just been given the

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good news that his tests have come back clear. John has had a prostate operation.


Garry ‘Cooch’ Kearney was in town for a few weeks visiting relatives and catching up with friends. He called in and to see us at Rpant House.


On Sunday 31st January 2010 a short Memorial Service was held in the Pioneer Cemetery’ Goyder Road Darwin in memory of the late Inspector Paul Foelsche the first NT Police Inspector who died on 31st January 1914.

Members of Rpant and other guests were in attendance.

Commissioner John McRoberts laid a wreath and spoke of the Inspectors many achievements.


David W Jones R/N 1228 has advised that he has changed address. His new address is 26 Mt Slide Road, Steels Creek Vic 3775.

Mel Lomax being presented with his Police Service Medal at Hervey Bay by Secretary Graham Rees on behalf of the N.T. Police on Tuesday 22nd December 2009.


A decision has been made to engrave membership numbers onto the back of key rings and lapel badges. This has come about due to the keys that were found at Casuarina Square. If they had have had a number on them we would have been able to ascertain the owner. If you are interested in a key tag gives a call. We still have quite a few of the Tags with old style badge.


Robyn Mackenzie wife of former NT Police Officer Roderick P Mackenzie R/N 660 is doing research on Cyclone Tracy. She is trying to ascertain the names of persons, Police wives etc who were in the first evacuations from Darwin.

It appears that these records (if any) may have been lost.

Whilst we have had some research done with NT Archives we are unable to locate those lists of the first evacuations.

If you are able to assist in any way, shape or form, please contact the Secretary.


On Friday 5th February 2010, ‘Bluey’ was laid to rest.

The Association flag was sent to Nambour to be placed over the coffin. Story and photos on page 9.


On Thursday 4th February 2010 members of the Retired Police Association, serving members, colleagues and friends gathered at the new Casuarina Police Station to witness the commemoration of a framed photo of Ewen in recognition of his service at that station. Ewen was also instrumental in the planting of the gardens when the ‘Old’ station was built in the early 1970s. Member Mick Brennan R/N 889 was a strong advocate regarding this matter.

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A/Commissioner Mark McAdie with

Ewen’s daughters Denise and Sandy.

ROY ‘Bluey’ HARVEY 30/9/34 – 1/2/10

On Friday the 5th of February 2010, Roy (Bluey) Harvey was laid to rest in Nambour (Qld.). Bluey was a legendary figure in the N.T. Police Force having served from 1957 to 1978. His exploits & achievements have been chronicled in the history of the N.T. In the latter part of his career he was forced to move to a less harsh environment due to increasing problems with skin cancer. He retired to Kandanga Qld.

Bluey was widely known & well liked in the Kandanga & Gympie regions where he & his wife, Margaret, farmed his cattle for a number of years. After the death of Margaret, his health began to decline in later years & he entered the Hibiscus Nursing Home at Nambour in 2003 where he became a popular resident. His physical & mental health continued to deteriorate until his eventual death on 1/2/10 at the age of 75 years. A number of retired N.T. Police attended the funeral including, Bryce Fardell, Matt Sodoli, Keith Colebrook, Tony Barton, Neil Plumb, Bob O’Keefe, Warren Fairbairn, Keith Van Ranglerooy, Janelle Cox, Rhonda Walsh, Denny McIver, Slim Rogers, & Norm Breen. Also in attendance were Blue’s sister, Dorothy, & his niece, Jane, & her husband, David Sproule. All regrouped after the service for an afternoon tea and

an exchange of stories of Bluey’s exploits during his life. The following photographs are some of the former Police members who paid their respects.

Bryce Fardell, Matt Sodoli, Slim Rogers, Keith Colebrook, Tony Barton, Norm Breen & Janell Cox.

Keith Van Ranglerooy, Warren Fairbairn, Neil Plumb & Norm Breen.

Rhonda Walsh & Matt Sodoli.

Thanks to Norm Breen and Tony Barton for the resume’ and photographs..

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HAPPY BIRTHDAY MARCH. Stan Bishop, Harold Darwen, Pam McRae, Brian Bates, Peter Hood, Ian Castillon, Jim Green, Lindsay McDowell, Graham Daly, Robin Chalker, Denis Meehan, Barry Frew, John Woodcock, Peter Leacy, Frank Morris, David Barrett, Glen Lynch, Gillian Smith, Marie Hartwig, Peter Akers, Brian Jeffery, Robert Fisher, Gary Gregor, Peter Budden, Paul Vanderhaar, Ian Kidman, Gerry Foster, Lee McNab, Garry Holden, Peter Hanlon, Stephen Sims, Glen Blacker, Greg Fielder, Stewart Woerle, Peter Thomas.

APRIL. Ray Jones, Colin Pope, Jack Nichol, Graham Jones, Pat Murphy, Lance Newton, Hazel Tuck, John Ascoli, Ian Holland, Errol Finn, Peter Quill, John McMaster, Reg Henshaw, John Valentin, Wally Cook, Iain Morrison, Denny McIver, Tony Wallbank, Robert Bruce, Paul Mackellar, Stephen McGeorge, Paul Farnan, Paul Gleeson.

MAY. Peter Riley, Jack Stevens, Denzil McManus, Jim Conmee, John Drinkwater, Penny Jackson, Lin Wollin, Ken Robison, Darryl Alexander, Laurie Kennedy, Frank Saunders, Mel Lomax, Lynn Cox, Bruce Wyatt, Chris Fagg, Allan Mitchell, Allan Gray, Bob Kirby, Peter Woods, Rod Van Houten, Peter Elliott.


Scotland Alexander, Jim

Wales Jones, Graham

New Zealand Holden, Garry

Canada Coop, Barry*


Crosson, Tom Falconer, Tom Foster, Liz Mills, Robert Rochford, Bernie Saunders, Frank Smith, Lindy (s) Smith, Russell Southwell, Hazel Textor, Roger Valentin, John


Ball, Ian Brown, Richard Budden, Peter Burke, Steven Carolan, Alex Chase, Sidney Cox, Lynn Curley, Kevin Daly, Graham Davis Syd Dethridge, Barry Donald, Warren Drinkwater, John Earle, Sandy Egan, Tim Elgar, Ron*

Evans, Murray Faithfull, John Fensom, Stan Frew, Barry Goodger, Lance Grant, Pat Green, James Greig, Marie Hammersley, Ron Hamori, Les Holdstock, Avril Holland, Margaret Huitson, Lisa Jones, Alan Jones, Philip Jones, Ray Lambkin, Sandra Lloyd, Les Maley, John Maley, Kevin Malone, Hugh Mayer, Roger Morrison, Iain O’Meara, Warren Philpott, Stuart Quill, Peter Sandry, Bruce Setter, Kevin Simpson, George Simpson, Harry Smith, Gillian (s)

Smith, Joe Stevens, Margaret Symons, Barry Thomson, Patricia Tisdell, Margaret Van Houten, Rodney Walker, Euan White, John M Wilson, Eleanor Young, Joan (s) Young, Tassie Zydenbos, Tom


Adams, Michael* A’Hang, Jack Ascoli, John Baker, Thomas N Barrett, David Bell, John F Bell, Trevor Boag, James Brennan, Michael Bruce, Robert Burke, Maurie Carter, Gowan Casey, Garry Castillon, Ian Chalmers, Eric Chandler, Beres Chapman, Les Chung, Barbara Conmee, Jim Cossons, Eileen Crowell, Robert Darken, Vicki Elliott, Peter Faint, Norm Fields, Denis Fisher, Robert Gordon, Helen Graetz, Dallas Grant, A.A. Hamon, Peter Hardman, Colin Hart, Dennis Henwood, Ross Hunter, Trevor James, Geoff Jeffery, Brian Jones, John Jones, Mel* Josephs, Eddie Liebelt, Steven Loft, Doug Lynch, Glen

MacCarthy, Margaret Manzie, Daryl Matchett, William McDowell, Lindsay McGregor, Helen McMahon, Graham McManus, Denzil McMaster, John* McNab, Lee McQuaid, Paddy McRae, Pam Meehan, Denis Mitchell, Allan Morris, Frank Murphy, Pat Newman, Roger O’Brien, John* O’Brien, Tony O’Brien, Terry O’Mahoney, Monty Pedersen, Paul Petersen, Robert Picker, Dave Pollitt, George Rees, Graham Roberts, John Robson, Terri (s) Rowe, John Scott, John E Scrutton, Dennis Shervill, Geoffrey Sims, Stephen Skelton, David Smith, Maree Smith, Michael H Smith, Pauline Steley, Rick Styles, Peter Summerton, Peter Swift, David Taylor, Barbara Taylor, Joyce Taylor, Robert Thomas, Peter Trenerry, Rob Tuckwell, Mark Vanheythusen, Mick

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Wallbank, Tony Watters, David Weir, Ray White, Carol Williams, John R Williams, Taffy Williams, Sand Wilson, Val Woerle, Stewart Wolthers, John Woodcock, John Young, Rita


Aebersold, Peter Akers, Peter Barton, Anthony Bensley, Ray Bishop, Stan Blake, David Blake, Geoff Boldiston, Michael Bradford, Robert Bradley, Steven Breen, Norm Browning, Beverley Burgdorf, Gary Cain, Ben Caswell, Noel Chalker, Robin Chamberlain, John Clift, John Colebrook, Keith Courts, Basil Cox, Janell Darby, Brian Darwen, Harold Fielder, Greg* Francis, John Gilbert, Steve Gillow, Sabby Godwin, Lesley Grass, Rex Hanlon, Peter Hayes, Kendall Haymon, Colin Henshaw, Reg Hogan, Alan Horswell, John Hosking, Geoffrey Jobberns, Blake Kearney, Garry Kent, Kerry Kidman, Ian Kilworth, John Le Couteur, Murray Leacy, Peter Lomax, Mel Marchant, Denver Materna, Robert

Matthews, Malcolm McGeorge, Stephen McIver, Denny Meehan, Brian Metcalfe, Joyce Milera, Terry Morrison, G.E.M. Newton, Lance Nichol, Jack Nicholson, Mark Nieborg, Aub O’Keefe, Bob Pascoe, Ken Plumb, Neil Plumb, Mark Preston, Geoff Pryce, Len Riley, Peter Riley, Amanda Robertson, Janet Rogers, Ian Rosier, Robert Smith, Keven Smith, Michael K Sprigg, Dan Stavers, Umina Taylor, Charlie Taylor, Bill Tenthy, Norbert* Torney, Wayne Towers, Bill Townsend, Glen Tunney, Jean Tyson-Doneley, Peter Van Ranglerooy, Keith Vanderhaar, Paul Walter, David Watts, Annette (s) Wilkinson. James Wollin, Lyn*


Adey, Trevor Ayliffe, John Blacker, Glen Bowers, Dianne Bretones, Jan Brown, Wendy Bullock, Robin Clapin, Phil Cook, Wally Cooke, Jack Ey, Terry Farnan, Paul Fegan, Terence Gamlen, Jan Gilroy, Val Gleeson, Paul Graham, Barry Gregor, Gary

Harris, Kevin Hartwig, Marie Haywood, John Hill, Max Holland, Ian Hook, Allan Howard, S.J. Ilett, Marlene Jackson, Penny Kelly, Anthony Kennedy, Laurie King, Malcolm Kirby, Bob Lane, Healani Longe, Bruce Mannion, Robert McAndrew, Patrick McKew, Lynn McNeill, Marlene Mettam, Bert Natt, Ron Norris, Chris O’Brien, Patrick Ortlipp, Charlie Pain, John Penney, Bruce Pope, Colin Potts, Anthony Prior, Nancy Simpson, Glenys Symons, Dean Taylor, Kingsley Trenham, Denise Tuck, Hazel Van Der Sman, R Vogelsang, Neil Walter, John Whait, Donald White, Paul Wright, Geoff Wyatt, Bruce Wyatt, Matthew


Fagg, Chris Ralph, Peter Schindler, Heinz Wilson, Peter Woodroffe, Tony VICTORIA

Alexander, Darryl Armistead, Barry Baker, Thomas C Bates, Brian Bates, Jeffrey Belton, Harry Bird, Stephen Bond, Peter*

Boxall, Terry Burgoyne, Graham* Carr, Phillip Courtney, Eric Crellin, Chris Davis, Michael Farrow, Ray* Finn, Errol Forster, James Foster, Gerry* Furnell, Marian Gray, Allan Green, Norm Hockley, Myra Hodson, John Holloway, Bruce Jones, David W Le Cerf, David Mackellar, Paul McEvoy, Anthony McLean, Bryce O’Donoghue, Shane Perry, Les Pollock, David Rabl, Eddy Robison, Ken Seears, George Thorning, Bob Wallace, Steve Wilson, W.R. Woods, Peter Woodyard, Diane WEST AUSTRALIA

Allen, Jeff Blackwood, Allan Bowie, Lucy

Charlwood, Graeme Drage, Rosa Evans, Graham Ferrari, Peter Fry, Graeme Greaney, Jeff Hart, Ron Henfry, Robert Hood, Peter James, Marty Kelly, Stephen* Manison, Gary Melville, Lee Meredith, Andrew Mugge, Allan Rollnik, Joe Wilson, J.A Wright, Jo

Note: Those members with an * beside their name indicates that their current membership is overdue, Members with ** beside their names are more than two (2) years overdue. Under the Constitution they may be removed from the Members’ List. Are you unfinancial - please rectify