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Copyright © 2006, 2007 Sean M. Summerville ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 1 Free Report Reveals… “47 Ways To Buy Property No Cash Down!” Brought to you by The Ultimate No Cash Down Property Kingtm

47 Ways To Buy Property No Cash Down.pdf

Jan 01, 2016




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Free Report Reveals…

“47 Ways To Buy Property No

Cash Down!”

Brought to you by The Ultimate No Cash Down Property King tm

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Copyright © 2006, 2007 Sean M. Summerville ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


Sean Summerville here, hey congratulations on taking ACTION to grab your free copy of my wealth creating report “47 Ways To Buy Property No Cash Down!” I thought I’d start just by sharing a little a bit about my story so you know I am a real person just like you. I do this mainly because I want you to know that you can also achieve the same success that I’ve had in investing in property with No Cash Down. It just takes the right knowledge and mental attitude. Hey believe me I wasn’t born with a silver spoon in my mouth… far from it in fact. I was orphaned at the age of 15 and was raised by my sister. I finished my year 12 schooling at Marist Collage Ashgrove in Brisbane. From there I spent 14 years at Jupiter’s Casino where I was employed as a floor manager. Now I must say this is where my eyes where opened to the extreme wealth of this world. I spent my days among some of the richest men and women in the world, from Royalty, to Movie Stars, Entrepreneurs, Politicians, Colorful Racing Identities and even Sumo Wrestlers. From meeting and dealing with all these truly wealthy people I notice they all had something in common this was an interest in owning large property portfolios and the freedom and the time to do what ever they wanted to. It was during this time that my wife Dianne and I had started our own manufacturing import and export business. I had left my cushy job in the Casino to peruse a full time business career. But what I had really created was a JOB. We were working 80 hours per week and working ourselves into the ground. We were selling our product to 150 retail shops around Australia. I was supposed to be living the Australian dream of running my own company. But in all reality all I was doing was paying everyone else first and making less money per year than doing just 1 property deal.

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That one property deal may have required just 3 days work and not the 365 days the manufacturing business did! I have been investing in property since 1988 and have made a very successful career as a full time property investor. I have been involved in all aspects of property investing from buying property and holding on to it for capital gain, to renovating houses, finance, as well as purchasing property for less than the price of a cup of coffee. The one thing that has really stuck with me whilst working in Casinos was that if the numbers and percentages are in your favor, in the long term you can not lose. This is why I am pro positively geared property and property cash flow that puts money in my pocket and doesn't take it out. I have been desperately poor before and know what that feels like. It is now my turn to give back and this is the reason that I am now willing to share my secrets with you. May you achieve your successes in life no matter what they are? I truly wish the best of investing for all of you. Enjoy your FREE Report and may the “47 Ways To Buy Property No Cash Down” set you free on your journey to financial freedom like it has for me. Have Fun & God Bless Sean Summerville

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The Australian obsession to own property has always been paramount. It is one of the few investment vehicles that do give consistent returns over the long term. To this day, if you own your own home plus one or two investment properties you are considered to be “Rich”. In all reality this could not be further from the truth. The people that do own 2 or 3 properties are just middle class and the middle class are the working poor. Normally they are double income couples just struggling to pay the bills and hopefully after working all of their lives they can look forward to some form of meager retirement. It is only 3.8% of the Australian population that are going to retire on $30,000 a year or more. To me this figure is simply frightening. These investors are normally so highly leveraged that if interest rates rise by just 75 basis points (.75%) the economy seems close to melt down and Governments face getting voted out of power. People tend to panic and they just want to get out of the property market, But what happens if you now have negative equity in your property. This is actually what is happening right now. People now owe more on their property than it is actually worth…sad but true! This is what the phrase negative equity means. Headlines in the papers also state that it is now harder to buy a property than ever before. Ref. (Housing Affordability Index) But don’t despair. It is not all doom and gloom. You don’t have to have the perfect credit rating, enormous income, a huge deposit, be working 15 hours a day and get down on your knees and plead with your local bank manager to purchase a home. What I have created here are a series of techniques that can be used in Australia to purchase property No Cash Down.

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If you do things the same as everybody else, you get the same results. This program is all about doing things that allow you to purchase property with little or no cash down thus giving you results that the average Joe simply can’t achieve or will never find out about. Some of these techniques are very easy to do and some are way out of left field. I’ve include some of the easiest and most commonly used ways to purchase property No Cash Down. Some of these techniques have several variations on the one theme. Even though some may have similarities, these subtle differences can make the difference. Make your own subtle changes and maybe I can include them in the future. In this free report I have included 47 different ways of purchasing property No Cash Down. The more astute property investor will need to have some patience. Just remember we all started somewhere and for some people reading this article it will be the first time in their lives they have even considered any of the following as possibility. I can’t tell you the number of times that I have come across someone who says they understand this concept or that concept, but with a just a few simple questions you realize that they really have no idea. As the saying goes, “A little knowledge is dangerous”. My suggestion to you is do as much research on the following topics that appeal to you. As a lot of knowledge is rewarding! Get as much clarity around the area as you can. Remember it has taken me many years and hundreds & thousands of dollars in education to make them work. If you have any questions drop me an e-mail. Also let me know how you are going with it all. If this report can inspire just one person to be able to purchase a property No Cash Down then it was worth all the time to write it for you.

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So let’s get started with number 1…

EQUITY 1) Easily the most common way to buy property No Cash Down is to use the equity in your existing property. For example if you have a $300,000 house and only owe $100,000 you have $200,000 in equity which you can use to purchase another property. The bank portion of your loan is $100,000 and everything else is yours. This is called your equity. Similar loans can be set aside for all sorts of acquisitions and home improvements. However, there is such a thing as good debt and bad debt so be careful not to use this sort of loan for bad debt. We all know people with many toys, big screen television, jet ski, holiday etc. Get your priorities right! What about those people who do not have any equity in their property or don’t have any deposit, what then? Well keep on reading because I have plenty more ways.

TRADE DOLLARS 2) Yes you can use trade dollars from a barter organization. There are also some trade organizations that specifically target trades people in a skill for property trade exchange. They are after people such as plumbers, electricians, painters etc. In exchange for your skills you can accumulate trade dollars that they will let you use as the deposit for a property.

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HIDDEN ABILITY 3) Do you have a hidden ability? I don’t know how many times I have heard someone say, “Boy, if I only had the money to buy that house, I could fix it up and make a fortune on it. Target a property that is in need of some TLC, fix it up and then reap the benefits of the increased equity of the property. This can be done as long as there is an agreement drawn up between the owner of the property and yourself. You then can sell the property as a quick cash sale. You will get to keep all the profit.

WRAP AROUND MORTGAGE 4) The wrap around mortgage. This can be a very successful way to buy a property with little or No Cash Down.

Just make sure that the house you are purchasing is a good price and that the investor is not selling the property at a huge increased profit above retail price.

Make sure that the seller has purchased the property below market value. There are many checks and balances that you can undertake to ensure this. I will explain these at a future date. If you do your due diligence on the property, understand the risks involved this might just work for you.

FIND A PROBLEM AND OFFER A SOLUTION 5) Find a problem and offer a solution. Sometimes people are just so beat up they just need a friend. This deal I am about to describe is what I would term as the ultimate No Cash Down property and business deal.

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A few years ago an ex AFL Football Star and a mentor of mine told me how he was able to purchase a Billion Dollar company in the USA for No Cash Down. He took over the entire corporation using this concept of Find a Problem and offer a solution. It included an 8,000 unit apartment complex, two hotels (good ones), a Diamond Mine in Namibia, Coal Mines in Durban, Two Coal Mines in the Midwest USA, a Law Firm with 27 attorneys and much more much more. How did he do it? He offered a solution applied his property and business knowledge and in exchange was paid 10% of the profits the properties and businesses made.

OWNERS TERMS 6) Owners terms. This is the way this has been described in Australia for over 100 years. Vendor terms or finance is another way of saying the same thing. The seller of the property can offer different ways for you to buy his house. These terms might or might not suit the buyer. It might be that the seller wants a certain asking price. Because of this they might have some flexibility on the terms and repayments.

OWNER LEAVES MONEY IN THE DEAL 7) Owner leaves money in the deal. This is simply a way of saying that if you want to purchase my property, I want most of my money now and the balance that you owe me you can pay this at some later stage. Do these deals have terms attached? Sometimes, yes and maybe no. It could also have an interest rate component incorporated so keep your eyes open. In effect what the owner is doing here is leaving his equity in the property for you to use. Remember this is his money and he is going to want it to be repaid.

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EQUITY PARTNERS 8) Equity partners. These are people who already have equity in their property and would be open to the purchase of another property. A good example of this is when a potential purchaser recently phoned me saying that he had no deposit to buy a property. After chatting to this fellow for a while, he asked me whether his parents or in-laws could go guarantor for him as they own 3 houses. Yes this can be done; my suggestion was that they use the equity from these properties to supply the new purchaser with the deposit.

TRUST DEED 9) Trust deed. This is a way of giving the seller of the property access to some of your assets in exchange for a trust deed. If it works for you why not?

GIVING THE SELLER WHAT THEY WANT 10) Give the property seller exactly what he wants. Offer to pay the homeowner the full price for the property. Don’t negotiate; just give him what he wants. You can even offer to pay a little more for his property if he will give you a longer period of time to arrange the purchase. The most important thing about this strategy is terms. You are prepared to pay them what they wants in exchange for a payment plan. You can also include in your agreement with the owner that it is his price or the property valuation. Whichever is lower at the time of the sale.

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Be warned here, the bank will only lend on what the property is worth.

REAL ESTATE AGENTS 11) Real estate agents can be one of the best ways to find a cheap property. If you can find a Real Estate agent who is prepared to work with you, work with them because they are like gold. Some of the good ones will present your offer for you. If you want to, speak to the owner direct and tell him what you need to do, to make the deal work. A slow property market makes this easier to do.

DELAY 2 ND MORTGAGE 12) Delay the 2nd mortgage with the final or balloon payment some years down the track. Once again this is a technique where you have to work with the seller. The concept is simple but the reality is this might not be for every home seller. But at least if you have this in your arsenal and when that opportunity does appear you can act upon it What you are trying to achieve here is 2 things.

1. You are trying to delay the final or balloon payment as long as possible. 2. Then you are trying to keep the 2nd mortgage payment as low as possible with

little or no interest payment. This will allow you to pay down the original or 1st mortgage as quickly as possible. Eventually the property owner will want his money so be aware of this. You could probably structure this type of transaction 1000 different ways so be flexible.

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LEASE OPTION TO PURCHASE 13) The lease with an option to purchase. This will normally go for 1 to 3 years. You are doing just that. Leasing the property with the option to purchase. The key word here is Option. You don’t have to buy the property however be careful, if you don’t purchase it you can lose your payments. What you are trying to achieve here is a grace period so you can purchase in the future, when your financial situation improves.

EMPTY PROPERTY 14) If the property is empty see if you can rent the property and explain to the owner that instead of having his house vacant and uninsured, you will rent it. But instead of paying rent to him you are going to save this money for the deposit and then his house is not vacant. You will look after the property for him until you settle on it. I have done this myself and it worked a treat and do you know the magnificent secret that I used to get him to do this? This one is so massive that I really think you should just keep it to yourself. Well here it is. I simply asked him. I even offered to pay this fellow a nominal rent portion but he was just happy to have somebody reputable in the house.

YOU HAVE A DEPOSIT 15) “Yes I do have a deposit, so how can I make this work for me”? “The bank has told me I need to use all of my hard earned savings to put towards my deposit”!

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What I say to this is rubbish. If a bank insists on this, then shop it around. Some banks can be bullies. If this is the case find a bank that is not a bully. There is plenty of competition from other lenders so shop around. It is as simple as that. A lot of the techniques that I have described are literally techniques that the professional property investor uses. They use as many ways to purchase property No Cash Down because they simply do not like to put their hands in their pockets and use cash reserves.

ASSUMING THE LOAN 16) Assuming the loan. In simple terms the owner just wants out, the bank want their money and I want to buy the property. These are for people normally in distressed situations and in some cases you are there last hope before insolvency. It is you or bankruptcy. Those are the choices. Thankfully you have an option to prevent them going into bankruptcy. Remember you are dealing with some fairly stressed people. I used this technique in Feb 2004 with a couple who were facing bankruptcy. It means some negotiation with the owner and their bank but I was able to purchase the home, on sell it and the owners could move on without insolvency. No matter how often you are told that this is the next big thing to take Australia by storm, there is No Bank in the World that is going to let you assume somebody’s loan unless you meet their lending criteria. Think about it. What bank is going to let you assume a loan unless your financial situation supports the acquisition of a property?

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Yes you can do a sandwich lease option on a property but if you think that a bank will just let you take over the property if the owner gets into financial difficulties then think again. This will apply to a very, very small portion of the investment population but remember you will also have to stay liquid if it all goes sideways. Even if you can assume the loan what happens if the interest rate is 13%? This situation was presented to me recently and the deal was simply a bad deal. In this case I would have just been taking over somebody else’s problem. I’m in the business of solving problems not taking on somebody else’s.

USE CREDIT CARDS 17) Use your credit cards. This sounds a little far fetched however this technique has been used by some of the world’s most successful property investors to get into the property market. You can charge your credit cards for the home deposit. In no way am I advocating this as the best way to purchase a house but it can be done. The big thing here is can you afford all the repayments? So think about it carefully before you make such an undertaking.

RENTAL PAGES 18) Look through the rental pages of the local paper and find a house in a good area. See if the house that you like is for rent then you can also ask the owner if it can be purchased in the future. If you are a good tenant and have a good rental history, why not give it a go. Then refer to the other techniques I have mentioned to negotiate the property.

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PROFIT SHARE 19) Profit share the sale of an existing property with the owner when it is sold in the future. If you find a house that is for sale and needs some work why not offer to fix the property up then sell the property when it is renovated. Split the profit at the end. This can also work with just normal residential property but allow yourself a long period of time for capital appreciation of the property. If you are going to try this with high-end property $1,000,000 plus, make sure you have a very good understanding of the market as to what direction it is headed. If it is trending downwards be prepared for a very long, long, long wait. I hope you get the message.

DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING 20) The department of housing and the department of Indigenous affairs offer a range of loans for eligible people. In Queensland there is the Queensland Housing Finance Loan. The department of housing in each state also offers a series of loans that are available to the general community if you qualify. Some are only for rural and regional areas but with the increase in property prices they are now also looking towards the cities. Government departments do offer a range of services so check them out. These loans can be available to all sections of the population. They are there to encourage or assist people to move into some of the less populated areas.

STRUCTURE OFFER 21) The Structured Offer. This is one of the most profitable ways that you can buy a house.

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I have structured some real beauties over the years. They are the most profitable way to buy a property No Cash Down. I start with a standard format and work from there. This way is clean and simple they will either go for the idea or not but this is a personal favorite of mine.


22) Offer your car or boat as a deposit for a property. Or get these assets refinanced with a loan on them and use that as the deposit. Remember that you can always buy another boat but the older you get, the harder it is to buy a property.

RENOVATE FOR PROFIT 23) Renovate for profit. Buy the property as cheap as possible and renovate the house. Then when you have done all the work get the property refinanced or sell the house. Take your profit and then do it all over again until eventually you can pay cash for your new property.

JOINT VENTURE ARRANGEMENTS 24) Joint venture arrangements. You may have heard about this one but don’t understand how it works. Well this is it in a nut shell… A joint venture is when 2 people or a group of people combine their money, talent or a combination of both to buy property. It can be any split they agree upon 50/50, 40/60, 70/30?

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SWAP A DUMP FOR A MANSION 25) I’ll swap you your $120,000 dump for our $600,000 investment mansion. As funny as it sounds some people are just sick and tired of the repayment on an expensive investment property with low returns. I have been asked to do a trade however the returns on these more expensive properties are less than my minimum so I don’t do it.


26) Borrow the deposit. There are companies that will lend you the deposit. If you borrow hard money as your deposit be aware that the interest on this money can be up to 30%.p.a. All you have to do is look in the local paper you can find plenty of them. Look at some of my more creative ways to purchase property rather than approach these guys.

INVESTMENT PROPERTY MONEY 27) If you already have an investment property and not just your principle place of residence why not use the money in your investment property to buy another. When buying an investment property make sure that you use all stand alone loans. If you cross collateralize your properties it makes it very hard to just off load one of them. Cross collateralization means that one loan is tied to the other. I think it is a common misconception that people already understand this. Sometime back on T.V. there was a marketing campaign using the marketing slogan “Equity Mate”. Some people get into trouble when they used the equity in their property but didn’t realize that they had to pay this money back with interest – always read the contracts carefully.

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POOL YOUR MONEY 28) Back in the 1950s it was common for the main wage earner usually the male partner or father to be the only person on the mortgage. Later as we progressed into the 1970s and 1980s double income families became more common. When my wife and I bought our first property back in 1988 it was almost impossible to qualify for the FHOG (first home owners grant). We were so poor that we had to make our own washing powder from a mixture of grated sunlight soap and borax. We were both professional people but were the working poor. When we got our first bank loan the bank manager looked at my wife and said to her, “Well, I suppose you are going to get pregnant soon”? What a sexist pig! Anyway my point to all of this is now it is possible for 4 people to pool their money and get a combined loan from the bank. This was totally unacceptable from a lenders point of view only a few short years ago. Use all of your financial statements combined to approach the bank or finance broker.

2ND MORTGAGE OR LOAN ARRANGEMENT 29) The 2nd mortgage or 2nd loan arrangement or when they hold back a 2nd. I recently had a property for sale. We had our sign in front of the property which explained that you could buy the property with no deposit. I then had a phone call from a property investor. The first question he asked me was “Would I hold back a 2nd”. What he was asking me was would I be open to selling the property and then take a 2nd mortgage over the deposit.

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In years gone by these sort of questions would have been unheard of. He was a well versed property investor and simply wanted to increase his property portfolio. In other words he wants to use my equity in the property as his deposit.

CONVERTING A RENT TO BUY 30) Converting the rent to buy property into the wrap around mortgage. So you have decided to do a rent to buy on an existing property that you own. Traditionally a rent to buy will last between 1-3 years. The purchasers under the rent to buy have been fantastic clients and have never missed a payment. Still after many years it is just not time to convert them into the owner of the property. So what can you do? At the time of doing the rent to buy you had a loan with an 80/20 LVR on the property. After only a few years down the track your equity has increased even more. Then why not refinance the property. You might find that you can now get a 95% lend on the property. Take your excess equity out of the property then do a wrap around mortgage on it. Thus keeping everybody happy. You get to take your equity out of the property and your tenant can still keep his house.

CONTACT OWNER DIRECT 31) Contact the owner direct. Use a Memorandum of Understanding to formulate the agreement. If you need him to hold the property for a period of time then do it. If you don’t have the deposit somebody else may. This is typical of the example of where you use an investment partner once you have found the property.

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32) Use the investment partner as the funds provider and you as the property investor then finds the property. His money and your talent. This strategy is traditionally used when you are buying positively geared investment property. If you can give your investment partner the stats on your success in property then he might be willing to front the cash. You purchase property as a joint venture arrangement and split the profits or losses 50/50. There are some very successful property investors in Australia who have used this technique when dealing with the wrap around mortgage investment strategy.

PROPERTY PUT & CALL OPTIONS 33) Property put and call options. Why on earth there is so much misunderstanding over this subject I will never know. A property put option gives the seller of a particular property the right but not the obligation to make the buyer purchase his property during an agreed time period. A property call option gives the purchaser the right but not the obligation to purchase a particular property during an agreed time period. It is Not Science and it is not brain surgery. But it is a very effective way to purchase a property with little or no money down. Remember it is just an agreement between the buyer and the seller over the way a property can be bought or sold.

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34) The property sub-division using a call option. This has been done in Australia for many years. You find the parcel of land, secure it for as long as possible and then find out if you can subdivide the land. Simply call your local council and ask the question. Can this parcel of land be subdivided? If they can’t help you, seek an ex council employee who owns his own town planning consultancy business. The council can probably recommend one. If the land can be subdivided find out what the minimum block size is. Do your due diligence and do your development costing, sewerage, water etc. This happened to me when I was approached by a fellow in northern New South Wales that was dealing with a deceased estate. I then did my due diligence found out that the parcel of land could be subdivided. I always include an assignment clause in my option agreement that then lets me on sell the land to a 3rd party and thus make a handsome profit if you do it right. Be careful of this one as it can be a very expensive process if you get it wrong. Yes you can say “Well I was able to purchase a $2,000,000 block of land or $5,000,000 beach house for only a few dollars”. But what are you going to do with it then? And what are you holding costs? What is your exist strategy?

A CAR AS A OPTION FEE 35) A car as an Option fee? Well funny I should mention this one because this is a personal favorite of mine.

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This is one strategy I use as security over some of my more creative property deals. If I have a car as security I am more inclined to deal with the person I might be funding into a property. Remember you can always use other assets besides cash as an option payment. Your personal property such as a car, truck, football memorabilia, equity resources and even services can work just as well.

RENEGOTIATING THE OPTION PRICE 36) Renegotiating the option price. This is a 4 word sentence that requires some serious examination. It is one of the areas that I specialize in. Unless your communication skills are up to par and you are completely present with the person you are negotiating with, you can get yourself in all sorts of trouble. In my I Buy Property for What You Pay for a Cup of Coffee Plan for Success, I have a section on how to develop winning communication skills. You must understand where the property seller is situated. I go into this in more detail in a chapter called the Ladder of Success. You must connect to them on their level. Get it right and it will make you very wealthy.


37) Property call Option This is a very common way of securing property in Australia. It gives the purchaser the right but not the obligation to purchase a property. I touched on this before and here is a little more information for your reference. You can use .05c as your option fee if you wish. This makes the deal legal. However I am not that cheap so I usually use $2. To begin with, leave property put options aside until you perfect the call option.

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I have mentioned the call option again because it is one of the most powerful vehicles you will ever come across to secure and control property.

BACK TO BACK OPTION 38) Back to Back option with a lease attached to the property or sandwich lease option. This is when you take a call option over a property for usually up to a 3 year period. You then agree to lease the property from the owner during this period. In the lease you have a sublet clause which allows you to sublet the property. You then have another option which allows you to form an agreement with a new potential purchaser to sell the property to him before the option expiry date. This strategy will give you weekly cash flow plus a backend profit. Be careful of people who preach this as an easy way of making a quick buck. There is a lot more to this strategy than you could imagine. I once had a fellow ring me up in April and tell me he was going to do 100 of these sandwich lease options by December the same year. This guy had absolutely No idea of what he was doing. How about just starting with one house and see how you go from there was my reply.

CHECK OUT YOUR SITUATION 39) You might not be in such a bad situation. Don’t assume that your credit is so bad that you can not get a bank loan. You might find that these credit problems that you have no longer exist. You might also find that the bank will actually move outside of there traditional lending criteria and give you a loan. We recently helped a lady who was a discharged bankrupt and was still 12 months away from being able to get a loan. But she was such a good candidate that the bank relaxed its lending policy for her.

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40) Renovate a property then purchase it. Using the owner or sellers equity. While this concept may sound totally crazy it does and can happen. This is a buy and hold strategy. Your aim is to hang onto this property for the long term (10 years).


41) Rent to buy. Once again this can be a win - win situation for all parties involved. Just make sure that you fully understand what you are getting into. If you have never owned a property before this is a great way to see if property ownership is for you. Most people will start repayments close to that of a real mortgage repayment. It is one thing to say that you can afford those payments above your normal rent and it is another to actually make them. If you are looking at using this technique to purchase a property, you need to do a few checks and balances. First of all see a solicitor. If you are happy with the terms and conditions, then get a pest and building inspection. Remember it is the same as any other property purchase. It is most important to make sure after going through this process that at the end you can get the bank loan.

$50,000 DEPOSIT 42) Have you got $50,000 deposit? Why use it to buy one house when you could stretch it to buy five houses. While this is not exactly a ‘No Cash Down’ property technique, don’t be afraid to use your cash if you have got some. Just be wise in the use of this money. Make it stretch as far as possible.

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43) Deposit Bonds or Bank guarantees. We have all heard about these but how do they work?

A Deposit Bond is a substitute for the cash deposit that is required when purchasing a property. The Deposit Bond is a guarantee from the deposit bond lender, to a seller for the amount of the Deposit required.

By using a Deposit Bond instead of cash, the amount of the deposit is retained by the purchaser until settlement. There is no need for the purchaser to withdraw the cash required from other investments or out of equity in other property assets, so their money is left working for them.

The cost of a Deposit Bond can be cost effective. Using a Deposit Bond can be a convenient way to exchange on a property.

The deposit can be secured or unsecured. The example of the unsecured deposit bond might be if you have the First Homeowners Grant.

In this case you know you can get the grant but it is not available until after settlement. The deposit bond will take its place and can be used towards the deposit of the house you are purchasing.

A bank guarantee works along similar lines but they do require some form of security to give you access to this facility.


44) House and Land Packages. No Government stamp duties, no legal’s and no deposit. These have been around for a long time in Australia. Check out what they have to offer. If you want a new house in a new area why not look into it.

NO CASH DOWN WEBSITES 45) No Cash Down property websites or the Vendor Finance Association. There are several websites in Australia that are advertising property with no move in costs.

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Copyright © 2006, 2007 Sean M. Summerville ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


Remember, even if you have saved a deposit for a house you still need closing costs. Some of these No Cash Down websites might work for you as they can cover all of your costs.

106% LOANS 46) No deposit home loans or 106% Lends. Banks are now quite open to 100% or even 106% lends on property. Even with some 100% lends the banks can still build in some of the costs. Just contact your mortgage broker to see if you qualify for this type of lone. As long as you understand your obligations and you can afford the repayments this is still a very useful way of getting in No Cash Down.

GET MONEY 47) Get money from anywhere you can think of. Cash in your stock certificates can be one way. Also a lot of people might also have access to their long service leave. Perhaps cash in an existing insurance policy or property that you own in another country. All of these are genuine possibilities.

Wow… that was some list! As you can well imagine there is a lot more to some of these techniques than what I have disclosed here. I am giving these away for free because it is my way of giving back. It has literally taken me many years to perfect and understand this particular technology. Take them, use them, you have my blessing. The exchange is that you can e-mail me and tell me how you are going.

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Copyright © 2006, 2007 Sean M. Summerville ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


Maybe you need a question answered, drop me a line. I have been described as the underground guy who is now willing to reveal his secrets! I have kept what I do a secret because I have spent an enormous amount of time and money on becoming successful. I have not even touched on all the different ways that you can on sell a lot of these properties for profits. This is where what I do, gets very exciting and you can generate the real cash returns. In controlling that which you do not even own and on selling it for a profit. My biggest problem is that I make it all sound so easy. For this reason, I will personally be teaching these and many other techniques Live Myself in my upcoming Ultimate Nothing Down Property King Advanced Investment Seminar. Stay tuned for more free e-mails and audio to come! Quickly though before you finish this report, I wanted to show you how much money you can make from this type of property investing. I guess you could say that it’s a little bit of proof for you, that I do take ACTION on the information I’ve given you here today. It’s a great deal and just one of the many I’ve completed over the last few years since learning this information.

Ok flip to the next page to find out…

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Copyright © 2006, 2007 Sean M. Summerville ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


“How I Banked in $55,588 in 12


A couple were looking at moving back overseas and had a house that was 12 months old. It was a big house 5 bedroom plus study. They wanted to sell the property but did not want to leave it vacant or tenant the property as this could hinder the sale.

But if the house is untenanted for more than a month and something happens to the property i.e. it burns down, then the insurance will not cover it. I suggested that if I took an option out on the property, I could then lease it from them for the agreed time period and settle on the property 12 months later.

My lease from them had a sublet clause in it and told them that I was going to on sell the property to the tenant. They agreed and were happy to do so. I then placed an ad in the local paper

Rent to buy this home

Nice 5 bedroom home + study

Easy Qualifying, Low deposit

Call Sean 07)xxxxxxxxx

I found a couple who were on very good money but could not buy straight away. I charged them a $5000 option fee and rent of around $699 per week.

I was renting the property off of the owner for $380 per week and then subletting for $699 per week giving me a total cash flow on the property of $319 per week for the next 12 months.


Before the agreement expired, it was exercised in favor of the tenant. In this particular deal I made $32,000 profit on settlement, $5000 option fee and $319 per week positive income from the property over the 12 month period.

This left me with a total profit of $53,588 in 12 months all of which was paid in full into my bank account.

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Copyright © 2006, 2007 Sean M. Summerville ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


How good is that? And what’s even better is you can do the same, you just need to know how. Hey have you ever really wondered what makes the difference in successful people's lives?

It isn't luck... I can assure you of that (How many people do you know who have won at least a million dollars on Lotto?).

And it isn't intelligence. Nor is it talent.

You see the difference lies in what each person knows and what he or she chooses to do with that knowledge!

To put in a nutshell it’s the knowledge we learn and the action we take that makes the difference between success and failure in our lives!

Interesting isn’t it?

I remember hearing Earl Nightingale, one of the great success education authors and speakers, say that with as little as one dedicated hour a day, you could become a world class expert in just about anything in 1 – 3 years.

Which I thought was really interesting because it was also about the same time that I heard this saying...

"Formal Education Will Make You A Living, But Self-Education Will Make You A Fortune!"

Think about it for a second, in fact you may want to read it again because it could change your life! Like it changed mine.

You see the good news is that you can gain the knowledge you require to be successful, the only thing is you have to be prepared to invest your time, energy and money to make it happen.

But Why Am I Telling You This?

Well simply because I believe we share a common interest in, Total Financial Freedom.

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Copyright © 2006, 2007 Sean M. Summerville ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


You see over the last 3 years I have brought in and invested in experts to help refine my property investing systems.

And now with the help of these experts I’m able to bring to you my…

Real Estate Wealth Creation Systems Program

This is an opportunity for you to self-educate yourself on how to create wealth using the strategies that I have tested and proven to work over the last 3 years.

Click on the link below to get a FREE sneak peek at the first part of this program

Make sure you take time to read the information as it could change your direction in life like it has change mine. Hey, put it this way it beats going to a 9 – 5 JOB for a living ☺ Take Care & Happy Investing

Sean Summerville

P.S. Make sure you get your FREE sneak peek of my Real Estate Wealth Creation Systems Program

It’s easy just click on the link…

P.P.S And don’t forget…

"Formal Education Will Make You A Living, But Self-Education Will Make You A Fortune!"

Copyright © 2006, 2007 Sean M. Summerville ALL RIGHTS RESERVED The information and strategies contained in this booklet is provided by the author and/or publishing company as generalizations which they have formulated. They are not offering the information and strategies as financial, accounting, legal, investment, and/or tax advice, and are not offering the advice as advice to be relied upon.. Readers must obtain specific financial, accounting, legal, investment, and/ or tax advice from their professional advisor. Any testimonials included may not represent typical results. The results obtained by following the strategies will vary, according to the skill and experience of the user, and therefore are not guaranteed. Specific experiences and past performances do not guarantee future results.