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44.2.Winter (or something like it)

Apr 04, 2018



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  • 7/29/2019 44.2.Winter (or something like it)


    the winter ( ) issue.

    February 2013

    The Flying Walrus

  • 7/29/2019 44.2.Winter (or something like it)


    SAHMPI Agents of Change

    The Student Association of Health Management, Policy, and Informatics(SAHMPI) is a student organization that represents the students of healthstudies, management, policy and informatics at York University. We promoteand represent students in these fields to bring greater awareness andinvolvement between students and the community. SAHMPI helps studentsconnect with other students and to network with faculty and health-relatedprofessionals in our fields. We work to provide opportunities for students to

    interact and explore issues regarding successful health-care leadership. Inaddition, we help students to develop management skills through knowledgeand experience-sharing to build a strong network of current and future health-care leaders.

    This semester SAHMPI will host a number of events. On Wednesday,January 30th, join us for the annual Agents of Change Event which is backagain and bigger than ever! This years event is held in collaboration with StongCollege, Office of the Master, NSAY, UPSA, KAHSSO, Stong College StudentGovernment, and Calumet College Student Government. We introduce to youDean Harvey Skinner and other Faculty of Health members who will provide aninterdisciplinary insight on this years theme, Mental Health.

    Panelists will include Faculty of Health Professors from the followingprograms: Health Studies, Nursing, Kinesiology, and Psychology. Facultymembers will discuss how their field is tackling mental health and their view onthe pressing topic. Students will be allotted a mingling session with panelistsfollowing the panel discussion, and refreshments will be served. We hope to

    inspire students to be Agents of Change by featuring faculty members that aremaking an impact in the world as related to a specific area of research.

    SAHMPI Purple Day

    Celebrate Purple Day!, the global day of epilepsy awareness on March 26thwith Epilepsy Toronto and SAHMPI in Vari Hall. Learn about proper seizure firstaid, myths surrounding this condition, and support people living with epilepsy.There will be interactive educational games, prizes to be won, and delicioustreats. WEAR PURPLE and join us for this international event!

    SAHMPI is offering an Alumni Night where interested students will beprovided with the opportunity to connect with graduates from The School ofHealth, Policy, Management, and Informatics who either currently do or haveworked in the field or in a related field. You will be able to network with ouralumni and gain valuable tips on how to navigate the workforce.

    We look forward to seeing you at these events. If you have any questions or

    would like to contact us at: [email protected].

    Stong Athletics

    Mark your calendars for these upcoming Intramural events:

    All teams for all leagues and tournaments must be sent to [email protected] a week and a half before event starts. There are limited spacesavailable, so sign up on time.

    Beginning January 30: Mens and Womens Volleyball, Every Wednesday

    Beginning January 22: Co-ed Fustal (indoor soccer), Every Tuesday

    January 31: Womens Squash

    February 7: Mens Squash

    February 8, 9, 10: Mens Fustal Tournament (indoor soccer)

    February 9, 10: Womens Fustal Tournament (indoor soccer)

    February 4, March 13: Broomball Tournament

    March 1, 2, 3: Mens Ball Hockey

    March 2, 3: Womens Ball Hockey

    March 8: RAGE Volleyball: 4 on 4 (overnight event)

    March 18: Swimming: Biggest Intramural of the Year

    The Samuel J. Zacks Art Gallery

    The Samuel J. Zacks Art Gallery opened in Stong College in 1972. It ismaintained as a student run gallery promoting student artwork from the YorkUniversity community, and operates through continuous financial support fromthe Zacks estate, administrative support from Stong College, and countlesshours of hard work from student Art Directors and staff.

    Gallery Hours: Monday to Friday, 11:30am to 4pmContact: [email protected] us on Facebook/ZacksGallery

    Listed below is our winter 2013 schedule:

    January 7 31: Etobicoke School of the Arts Group Exhibition

    February 4 8: Stefano Bove, Loosing Track of TimeReception: Thursday, February 7th at 7pm

    February 11 28: Bobby Long, Breaking the CynicReception: Wednesday, February 27th at 6pm

    March 4 8: Lauren Orav, winner of Visual Fray, a juried exhibitionheld at Zacks Gallery this past fall, TBDReception: TBD

    March 11 - April 5: Alex Dabic, EpilogueReception: Thursday, March 21st at 6:30pm

    April 8 - 19: Miles Forrester, Super Actuality #11: IterioritiesReception: Thursday, April 11 at 7pm


  • 7/29/2019 44.2.Winter (or something like it)


    Write to Succeed

    Questioning your writing abilities? Visit the Write to Succeed program andsit down with a trained Peer Writing Mentor who will help you recognize anyerrors in your work, plus give you tips and information to help fix your mistakes,and avoid those mistakes in the future! Write to Succeed runs from Mondayto Thursday in The Student Success Centre at Stong College (Room 204).Monthly schedules are posted outside of Room 204. Daily schedules areposted on Stongs Facebook and Twitter pages. Links can be found on Stongswebsite:

    DREAM & Live-in for Literacy

    Around exam time, it feels like students are at the library so often and for solong that they might as well just camp-out there. But its just the start of thesemester, and students are camping out at their university libraries for real!However, these camp-outs arent to facilitate studying. The annual Live in forLiteracy event, held at ten Canadian university campuses every year, featurestwo students camping out in their university library for seven consecutive days

    (leaving only to go to class and shower) in order to raise money for differenteducation projects. The campers experiences are recorded live on webcam tobe viewed by audiences around the world.

    DREAM (Discover the Reality of Educating All Minds), a studentorganization founded at Queens University in 2005, started this unique event toshow its commitment to supporting childrens education in developing areas ofthe world.

    Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man how to fish andyou feed him for a lifetime.

    This Chinese Proverb explains why it is important to provide primary leveleducation for children in impoverished areas: education has the power toeradicate poverty and improve quality of life over the long-term. Every year, theproceeds from the Live-in for Literacy event are estimated to enrich 5000 livesthrough some form of education.

    Since 2005, DREAMs live-in events have raised over $120,000 for theglobal charity Room to Read to build nine libraries in Nepal, five libraries in

    India, a computer lab in Cambodia, and has published 10,000 local languagechildrens books in India. If you would like to learn more about DREAM, pleasevisit:

    York Universitys DREAM team has come a long way since its inceptionin 2010 when it had only three members, two of whom served as campers atScott Library.

    York University will participate in its 4th Live-in for Literacy event fromJanuary 18th to January 24th 2013. All grown-up now, DREAM at YorkU willhold its Live-in for Literacy event at three of Yorks libraries: Steacie, Bronfman,and Scott, with a pair of campers at each one. York University not only spear-headed the practice of camp-outs at multiple libraries on campus, but was alsothe first to mount the Sign to End Illiteracy campaign. To follow the campers onwebcam, visit:

    This years overall fundraising goal is $27,000, in order to complete aschool project through Room to Read. Will you help support the DREAM?

    Weigh-less Winters

    Jenna Ulrich

    With the holiday season over and the dead of winter in full swing, many peopleare concerned about packing on the pounds. This time is generally filled withfriends and family, parties full of alcoholic beverages, and functions filled withdecadent food. Not gaining weight during these frigid months is possible if youplan ahead and use self monitoring strategies.

    One of the most effective strategies is to keep a journal of all the food you

    eat in a day. This way you can look back and see if you really need that extraserving of grandmas fruit cake. Second tip- never go to a party overly hungry.When you reach a certain level on the hunger scale you are more likely to eatway too much before your stomach has the chance to send the signal to yourbrain that it is full. If you are heading out to a party and are feeling hungry, tryhaving an apple, a fibre-full snack, ahead of time. This will help to keep youfrom over indulging, as fibre helps you stay satiated. If you are going to a partyand know that there will not be many healthy options, bring along an appetizeryou know is healthy and that everyone will enjoy (see the recipe below). Thisway you will know that you will have something to eat so you can stay awayfrom the sugar cookies and pigs-in-a-blanket. If you are heading to a buffetstyle dinner party, try walking around the entire buffet before making your pick.Then only try the dishes that really stand out to you. It has been shown that themore variety people are presented with, the more they will eat. Try all the dishesyou want, but only a small serving size of each. Following these strategies willhelp keep you weight stable even while your calendar is full, and youre less

    likely to be getting outdoors. Also, dont give up your regular gym session.Keeping steady dates with your treadmill will not only help prevent weight gain,but research has shown that people who exercise are more conscious of howmuch food they eat.

    Using mindful eating tricks can help you to realize when you are

    full. Here are a few things you can try:

    Eating with chopstickseating Eating without distraction (T.V, magazine, etc.) Setting parameters for the table, such as no texting or answering the phone Putting down your fork after every bite Eating with your non-dominant hand

    Some other easy tips to maintain calorie intake are:

    Alternate each alcoholic beverage with a glass of water. This will not onlyhelp keep you from becoming inebriated, but it will save you approximately120 calories per drink (the average caloric amount in beer or wine).

    Try waiting 10-15 minutes before going up for seconds. This will give yourbody time to digest some, and you may realize that you are already satisfied.

    If you are the type of person that will keep eating just because there isfoods in sight, try having a conversation as far away from the food aspossible. Or better yet, take your conversation outside for a walk.

    Quick and easy dip:

    Mix:- 8oz Greek yogurt- 1 tsp parsley- 1 tsp cilantro- 1 tsp onion, chopped- tsp celery salt

    Chill in fridge for one hour.Use as a dip for veggies like carrots, celery, and bell peppers.


  • 7/29/2019 44.2.Winter (or something like it)


    editor in chie:Sara Flemington

    contributing editors:Jessica Bebenek

    Christopher Stager

    Dylan Wagman

    layout & design:Ansel Schmidt


    webmaster:Joshua Moore

    special thanks:Stong College Fellows, Masters Ofce,

    & Student Government

    Webnews Printing

    E : @.V : ../



    R v v . N,

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    v . I , q, . S j

    , !

    My TED Talkdylan wagman


  • 7/29/2019 44.2.Winter (or something like it)


    First Placegavin currie

    Second Placejenni hunt

    Third Placeemily reekie

    Flash Fiction Contest Winners Poetry

    S :

    W ,

    M , .

    S v . I . I -

    C 30 , D. I ,

    -. W . W , x. M P . V z

    v v .W v . T v . I

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    M v

    . T I v q , I I

    I . T I , z , -. I x ,

    G, v . T I , , .

    M v v.

    Tintsarah varnam

    Lunatic Rebelnassy fesharaki

    Homenassy fesharaki




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  • 7/29/2019 44.2.Winter (or something like it)



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    S , . T , Y j .

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    Y , . Y . Y . P .I , . I .

    D , .I .

    A , , .I . I I . T I -

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    . S . I v . T I v . I . C .

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    W ?A . Y .W?

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    . H. L- . I . I , I . I . A q. I .

    W? .S , I .E, . I .

    B , I .W . T v . I . G-

    . , v . S . I . S .S . S . I , . S , . S .

    T , S .B , I .L , . I . B . N

    , I . F .I .S . I v , .

    , I . T I , , . T . I . I . W ? I .

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    . I . T I . I , v , x . B I . I . I

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    . I v v . I , - , q. I q , . I ,

    v , . T . I . I . N , x v. W- , v.

    I . I . T .

    And Then the Worst Onemark jordan manner

  • 7/29/2019 44.2.Winter (or something like it)



    Florencegene goldman

    M. P?O G. I -- -


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    .A ? T -z?I F. S . I

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    T . O I j . M v . S . G G,

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    ? I v v. Wv. S v v , I , Iv j -

    . S . A ?

    T v- . I q vx

    -v . N j - v . I .

    M, v F . M, q? A -, M?S v . R x, M. P.

    Hv , M. I F I x . H . S I

    . A I , I . I , v. H x v , - ,

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    I , I v. H

    . H - --A H- . T x , zz . T

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    I j v x. T I C C. T x . I ,

    . A, v - , . I

    I . T I , , .

    I -

    , - . I v v . S , P. Y F W

    No Visiting After Sevensarah varnam

    U M K. S , . T . T C W ,

    v .

    W ? H M. M . T x- . K

    A v , D. T , x . T v

    v.S , , ,

    R K . H ; .

    V , . T . I , . M . H v; K .

    C D N ? M v.

    H j .W ? H .T.

    K B . K . I 5:03.I v ; I . H ?

    N . T . T . R Pz?

    T , .T . K . H

    v M . S ; , v z.

    H , K? M .U, .K j A .

    O, .K , . H . H

    . O . H . H

    , j v. Rv , . K M v . B . H j .

    K . S . S

    v . S , , , -

    . B , M K .Y, . I Iv .S , v U M

    v . I E .

  • 7/29/2019 44.2.Winter (or something like it)


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    C , v W H.Y I Nx ? I , W, I , I v .

    B G BDSM ? I D. U v v .

    W, I . P ,

    , v, , I . R v. P-

    F x , -v - v.

    S I , , , F ?P. Y. T v -

    . N, I

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    . T H G K? T J I?T E P D V? S E.A. A . H T D -

    . H . H x . W, , .

    GG. I . , I F- x , D. U

    . W, v q, v . B q. M I . I M . A , D

    . S . A - .

    H , M. P? S . S

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    I .

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    G . D. U F , I . H . N , F . I

    , I .W , D? D. U q

    . O, ?

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    H F.F.

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    . T D .

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