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40 Years of Women at Ridley

Apr 03, 2016




Celebrating 40 years of Women at Ridley College.
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Photo: 1974 House Reach


First Girls Arrive: Barb Ambrose '74, Debbie Campbell '74, Corien des Tombe '75, Heather Graves '74, Robin Huxtable '75, Marianne Long '75, Abbey Newman '75, Beth Ralph '75, Chantal Ramsay '74 and Michelle Reive '74


“In September 1973, returning students were met by a Ridley that was undergoing the finishing touches of its new addi-tions. The new wing, the MacLaughlin Building, comprised of the Resource Centre, art room and various classrooms, was with the exception of a recalcitrant air-conditioning system, ready for occupation...

The big change of the year, however, resided in Dean’s House, the headquarters of Ridley’s new feminine contingent. At first the girls were met with mixed reactions, as the boys did not quite know how to handle this new situation. But after a few hectic weeks, with the novelty having worn off and the many negotiations having been completed, the School settled down to business.

What effect has the introduction of girls had on Ridley? This is an easy question to ask, but its answer is an elusive one…the girls inspired a feeling in the School which is difficult to iso-late, but approaches a ‘pervasive contentedness’… In the final analysis, even Ridley’s devout traditionalists will have to ad-mit that having girls at the School is not such a bad idea after all….

Ridley has changed. It no longer remains a male bastion; its inner mechanism has been overhauled. But rather than under-mining the School, these transformations have given rise to a new optimism. It may be argued that the extensive changes which Ridley has gone through in the past year, with special reference to the introduction of girls, are quickly chiseling away at the pillars of tradition. This may well be true. But at


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the same time, these changes are steadily strengthening the foundations of Ridley.”

by John Mordy ‘74, Editor of ACTA 1974


First Female Graduates: Barb Ambrose ‘74, Debbie Campbell ‘74, Heather Graves ‘74, Chantal Ramsay ‘74 and Michelle Reive ’74

Cross Country: Wendy Dorland ‘75 first girl to place in the standings of the Cross Country finishing in 39th place

Basketball: Robin Huxtable ‘75 first girl to play basketball on the boys 2nd team – only allowed to play exhibition games

Swimming: Debbie Campbell ‘74, Marianne Long ‘75 and Michelle Reive ’74 first girls to swim on boys’ 2nd swimming

Public Speaking: Chantal Ramsay ‘74 first girl to compete in the Public Speaking Contest. Her topic “The Man” (the “man” was Adolf Hitler)

Drama: Chantal Ramsay ‘74 first girl to act in a Ridley play: AB House play “Heroes” was entered in the Niagara District Drama Festival and Chantal was brought in to play the part of Lois Lane.

Debating: Corien des Tombes ‘75 first girl to debate for Ridley

Drama: Doris Jones ‘75 and Susan Stanley ‘76 first girls to take part in a school dramatic production: “The Birthday Party”

Photo: Doris Jones in “H.M.S. Pinafore”, 1975


From Reflections on the first year of girls:

“…They contributed that little intangible something that has been missing all these years. The contribution they made was a group effort. It is hard to express on paper an atmosphere, especially the one around the school. I think in this case the best thing to say is that Ridley was a very happy place to be this year. The girls didn’t bring about by themselves but they sure helped...


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Thank you for sticking it out. I know how hard it was to ad-just. Remember one thing, it was also hard for us to get used to the idea too.”

By Geordie Hendrie ’74

“What can be said when you are part of an experiment that worked? It has worked: the reasons and explanations for its success are as varied as the group of girls which made its suc-cess possible….

During (the course of) the year, it was brought to our atten-tion that the girls were expected to be a mixture of the most intelligent, beautiful, and exciting creatures that ever walked the earth. The school’s dream was brought to reality when it realized we were only human…our absorption into the school body was slow and at times painful, the process of acceptance a frustrating one. But, together we were determined to battle it out. Our perseverance has certainly paid off…

…In retrospect, we have come a long way. Our development has been slow and painful, but at the same time refreshing. The ground has now been turned and the new seed planted; its growth now depends upon future girls. I wish them all pos-sible success.”

By Chantal Ramsay ’74

From Dean’s House Notes:

“It all started before school opened with the prefects entertain-ing the girls, handshakes, smiles and nervous laughter.

We were the “illustrious eleven”. We furnished our common room , slowly but surely, with donations from here and there – and although the colour scheme lacked co-ordination, it was comfortable…

…We had many meetings with persons of authority - regard-ing cars, dress, smoking, girls discipline, etc. We were told we were young ladies and hopefully there would no need for the demerit system. (Doubtful as two girls were caught smoking the first day.)…

Sports for the girls at Ridley first term were a bit haphazard. We had tennis lectures on young ladies and language and ten-nis balls in Mr. Molson’s garden. We had swimming with Mrs. Rose and volleyball that never got off the ground (or over the net)… …The demerit system was instated.”

By Chantal Ramsay ’74

Reflections on the Early Weeks:

“My first memory is the mixture of terror and excitement which filled the first days of school. Everywhere the girls went for the first month or so, eyes would follow. All the boys were checking out the girls. In the cafeteria, the hallway, the li-brary, the classroom, on the playing fields, the girls were never at ease for the first few months. How were you expected to perform? Would all these eyes laugh at you? Judge you?, or worse of all, make fun of you? Fortunately, for the most part, the boys were just curious. In the early days I recall comments by some boys that they didn’t want girls at their school. Such


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comments were distressing, but it was not a pervasive atti-tude. Most boys, I think, were accepting of us.”

By Doris Jones ’75 (excerpt from Ridley: A Canadian School, pg. 304)

Reflections on the Past:

I realize that we really were in unchartered and, at times, un-friendly territory. It was a tough go occasionally because of a few who didn't think we belonged but, for the most part, the boys and staff were welcoming. They just didn't know what to do with us or how to treat us.

I do remember Grade 12 history class with Mr Molson and a pack of 12 boys. I was the lone girl. He naively tried to de-scribe some historical event and included me in this descrip-tion by saying..."and imagine Miss Huxtable strolling across the deserted island wearing nothing..". These testosterone driven boys were actually being told to picture me naked.....and there I sat in that class not knowing what to say. What DO you say to that! The teacher wasn't being unkind. He was just totally unaware because he had never had a fe-male in his class before.

That first year there were no bathrooms for us! We had to use the guest bathroom outside the Great Hall or the one for the admin staff on the second floor of Dean's House. For some rea-son this bathroom issue has really stuck with me.

Sports were my life prior to Ridley. But we were such a motley crew that most of the girls were not even remotely athletic so we had no one to make up a team for anything. I tried out for and made the Second Team boys basketball but when it came to play other schools, Ridley was told they would be disquali-fied from ALL sports if I played! Some silly excuse that there were no change rooms at the other schools for me. I told them the bus would be fine but that didn't go over very well! Instead I had to be the scorekeeper. I wonder now just how accurate my score-keeping was!

I do remember one fine day leaving the gym to walk back to Dean's House after a basketball practice. All of a sudden five or six totally naked boys came streaking across in front of me. They had been waiting for me and so timed their exit to coin-cide with when I would be on the path. They knew I would be alone and thought it would be a hoot. Little did they know I went back into the gym and stood there shaking for an hour until I got up the nerve to walk outside again. Funny the little things you remember. At the time, there was no one to tell these things to other than your friends at the school.

Did you know that they actually had all of the girls go to charm school? We have great laughs about it now but we cer-tainly made the instructor's life hell! We actually walked around our common room with books on our head for posture and practised the fine art of sitting down on a chair!

Reflecting now, I would probably have stood up for a lot of the inequities that existed for us then had I realized how out of bal-


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ance things were. But no one knew or talked about it. We just accepted it or rebelled in our own way (like making fun of pa-rade drills until Col. Iggulden decided we didn't need to be part of it. We were too much trouble. We had female body parts that were in the way when you held your rifle and he didn't know what to say to us about it!) We were an experi-ment.

I have very fond memories of my two years at Ridley. After all this time, I am still in touch with several of the alumni, both male and female. I went in thinking I was somewhat of an in-telligent student and came out knowing I was more so because of the small classes and high expectations. I was completely prepared for university. As a teacher today, I would die to have such small classes and such motivated students.

Good luck with your celebration of the women of Ridley. I am proud to say that I am one of those women.

by Robin (Huxtable) Pawliuk ’75


85th Cross Country Run – first run where girls participated as a group. Susan Stanley ‘76 finished first.

Sports Trophy: Robin Huxtable ‘75 won first sports trophy for the girls – to the graduating student who most exemplifies good sportsmanship and proficiency throughout her years at Ridley.

Memories from 1975-1976:

The Girls First Prank....and it was to make a statement about the horrible deportment of the Prefects in their special com-mon room.  Girls were not allowed to enter the hallowed rank of school prefect at that time.  Jennifer Mackey and I were house prefects for Dean's House, the only female house.  Ironi-cally, the prefect's common room was housed in the basement of Dean's House.  Our prank was impressive, and a fairly well kept secret (which in and of itself is amazing, as we were all bursting with pride over our accomplishment!). We 'moved' the prefect's common room from the basement of Dean's House to the School House circle after midnight on a Saturday/ small feat for day students!  We worked around the security guard's rounds (we think!) This is what greeted people on Sunday morning....on a Parents’ Day for Chapel.  I think it was a turn-ing point for many of us, we were finally part of the fabric of the school, no longer just visitors. I think Richard Bradley was the only one who figured out who had done it.  He was our very best advocate at that time.

 The prank involved a lot of planning and chicanery. My father set me up with the tools and know-how to remove the door to the prefect common room!  That was the third year that the girls were at the school, and the Ridley community was wak-ing up to the fact that girls were people with the full range of capabilities and behaviours as the boys.  Initially they'd thought we were just sugar and spice and everything nice!


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Another hilarious chapter of the girl's beginnings were the charm classes that someone thought we'd appreciate instead of a winter sport in 1975.  (Suffice it to say we were the most resistant group of 17 and 18 year old girls Miss Shari had ever encountered!)  We were definitely guinea pigs in a social experiment, and it all turned out well!

by Nancy (Bamford) McIssac ’76


Cross Country: Diana Liljelund ’78 first winner of the Nan Cassels 1914 Steeplechase Trophy for finishing first in the girls cross country

Track and Field: Diane Carley ‘77, Barb McInnis ‘77, Joan Larkin ‘76, Sally Milne ‘76, Myra Montgomery ‘77, Karen Shakespeare ‘77, Gay Stanley ’77 first girls to run track. ACTA reported that “it was a very successful first venture and one we hope will continue for years to come.”

ACTA: Linda Knutson ’77 first girl to be published in Literary section of ACTA: “Why” and “Thoughts”

C.W. Dorland Award: The girls sports award was named the C.W. Dorland Trophy the next year and was won by Susan Stanley ‘76. The C.W. Dorland Trophy is awarded to the girl who has contributed most in the girls’ athletic programme either by proficiency or zeal.


“Girls’ Sports: After the initial shock of discovering themselves to be decidedly overweight had worn off, and a brief but effective training period had been concluded, the girls took up an interest in organized sport. Admittedly, organization of any sort was a challenge to the girls, and they took to sport with particular vigour. At the beginning of Lent term the girls were given a choice of sports in which to participate: either volleyball or fencing. Some were never quite able to decide which of the two they preferred, and, as a result, didn’t do much in the way of athletics at all throughout the term. The remainder persevered, however, and a great deal was accomplished.

Fifteen of our energetic Ridleian females chose to play volleyball under the watchful eye of Mrs. Walker. They were astounded at the vast number of balls allowed them in practice: two in all. There was, of course, one treasured leather ball for official games which Sandy Mackey kept secure under her bed.”

“Girls’ Sports: Perhaps the only thing more interesting than the success of the volleyball team was the hilarity of the fencing squad. Coached by Mr. Bohlmann, eight adventurous girls took up the mask and foil. Even though there was no formal competition the girls were eager to do the basic training in this difficult sport. The group was a joy to watch at work.”

by Colm Feore ’77


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Photo: 1976 Basketball


Ridley’s First Volleyball Team: Ann Aboud ‘78, Diane Carley ‘77, Martha Hunt ‘78, Ingrid Langhorst ‘77, Diana Liljelund ‘78, Sandy Mackey ‘78, Barb McInnis ‘77, Myra Montgomery ‘77, Amanda Preece ‘79, Luann Reese ‘78, Ruth Semple ‘78, Gay Stanley ‘77, Sylvia Szabo ‘79, Sonja Tauss ’79, Valerie Wojtas, ‘77 Coach: Carol Walker

Ridley’s First Female Fencing Team: Karen Durish ‘79, Virginia Kairys ‘77, Linda Knutson ‘77, Karen Lewkowitz ‘79, Barb Nield ‘79, Rachel Park ‘77, Karen Shakespeare ‘77, Kim Stitt ‘79, Coach: Victor Bohlmann

Track and Field: Martha Hunt ‘78 first girl to qualify for SOSSA track (in shot put) and first girl to win colours in track. Diana Liljelund participated in the first UCC Decathlon Meet.

Prefect: Kathy Halliday ‘77 first female Prefect

Harriers: Kim Stitt ‘79 and Ann Patchett ’79 first girls to run harriers

Photo: 1977 Cheerleaders


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Photo: 1977 Kathy Halliday ’77


Best Actress: Elna Mayberry ’80 first girl to win a best actress award in the House Play Festival

Boarding: First girls to board – 26 boarders/18 day girls. Janet Lewis first Housemaster

Full time Faculty: Nancy Blair first full time female faculty member

Rowing: Martha Hunt ‘78 first female rower – 4th place finish in sculls in Philadelphia and silver medal at the Canadian Schoolboy Championships.

Photo: 1978 Fencing Team


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Prefects: Liz-Ann Woolley ’80 first boarder prefect

Basketball: First basketball team: Ros Ball ‘81, Beth Howard ‘80, Anna Horvath ‘79, Sandy Kovacs ‘79, Grey McGarry ‘79, Kelly Neill ‘81, Jeltje ‘Chata’ Olyslager ‘82, Rosemary Powell ‘80, Sidney Taylor ‘79, Marina Turner ‘79, Ruth Wheaton ‘80, Coaches: Carl Dorland, Nancy Blair

Board of Governors: Mrs. Dorothy Burgoyne Doolittle and Mrs. Joan Randall first women members of the Board of Governors. Girls’ brunch parties at The Oban Inn hosted by Mrs. Doolittle.

United Way: Miss United Way Queen is Vanessa Rudolph ’80

Photo: First Boarder Prefect - Liz-Ann Wolley ’80


Track and Field: Ariel Piper ‘82 competed at OFSAA

Cadets: All-female Number 5 Platoon chosen as best platoon on parade at Cadet Inspection. Liz-Ann Woolley ‘80 was the officer in charge.

Swimming: Sandy Schlieman ’81 and Debbie Dean ’81 first girls to swim for Ridley

Soccer: First soccer team: Laurie Bright ‘82, Debbie Dean ‘81, Wanda Hutchinson ‘80, Julie Liber ‘80, Jan Marani ‘82, Alicia Nelms ‘80, Jeltje Chata’ Olyslager ‘82, Chimane Pereira ‘80, Becky Plummer ‘82, Brenda Rowe ‘80, Vanessa Rudolph’80, Sandy Schlieman ‘81, Catherine Shea ‘82, Liz-Ann Woolley ‘80, Coach: Roy Napier

Reflections of Cadets:

I began my two years of boarding at Ridley in the fall of 1978. It was the first year of girl’s boarding, so a time of many new beginnings. As girls, we didn’t yet fit comfortably into the traditional Ridley Cadet Corps: we didn’t have uniforms that really fit us, and we were tucked away into the middle of the various platoons. Personally, I joined the equestrian unit my first year so avoided most of the marching and gun carrying.

In the spring of 1980, however, we finally had uniforms that fit and our own platoon – number 5 - though no guns. This latter point fuelled much controversy, but we were experts at handling such issues of fairness by this point and took it in stride. And, besides, we looked fabulous! Not meaning to


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stereotype too much, but we knew how to turn out a good looking group: not a hair out of place, and (barely) a step out of turn. As lieutenant, it was a bit of blind-leading-the-blind for me. The sword salute, in particular, was a struggle– I had the honour of carrying Col. Iggulden’s sword but it wasn’t designed for my short arms!

Our platoon, with a lot to prove as ever, held extra practices both on the field and in the halls of Dean’s House with the patient help of Rev. Rose. When we won Best Platoon that first year, we were beyond thrilled. Luckily no one had told us that breaking ranks and hugging wasn’t the approved response. I still get chills thinking of that moment.

By Liz-Ann (Woolley) Lawton ’80

Photos Courtesy: Liz-Ann (Woolley) Lawton ’80


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Rowing: Jane Tregunno ‘81 won Ridley’s first Canadian girls’ rowing championship in single sculls.

Photo: Jane Tregunno ’81Swimming: First girls swim team: Ros Ball ‘81, Ellen Briant ‘81, Anna Bright ‘83, Sheilagh Croxon ‘82, Debbie Dean ‘81, Susan Lockhart ‘81, Catherine McMahon ‘82, Eleanor Misener ‘83, Ariel Piper ‘82, Sandy Schlieman ‘81, Karen Shaver ’81, Patricia Stephenson ‘83, Ingrid terHorst ‘82, Jane Tregunno ‘81, Coach: Susan Hazell

Swimming: Ariel Piper ’82 first winner of the Girls’ Swimming Crown

Rowing: First coxed four rowing crew: Ros Ball ‘81, Meredith Cartwright ‘83, Kirsten Eastwood ‘82 (cox), Catherine McMahon ‘82, Sandy Schlieman ‘81, Coach: Leslie Anderson, Ridley’s first female rowing coach (first place at the Early Bird Regatta, third place at Mother’s Day Regatta, fifth at Schoolboy)

Miss Teen Canada: Anna Bright ‘83 chosen as first runner-up to Miss Teen Canada

Photo: Mud Wrestling 1981


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Photo: Volleyball 1981


Debating: St. John’s-Ravenscourt International Debating Tournament – Kendra Gransden ’84 represented Ridley.

Gymnastics becomes co-educational: Melanie Ingle on floor, high bar and balance beam

Tennis: First girls tennis team: Kate Ashworth ‘83, Kendra Gransden ‘84, Leighan Leggat ’83, Christine Liber ‘83, Clare Newell ‘82, Erin O’Brien ‘83, Catharine Purdom ‘84, Sally Rowland ‘82, Kit Snyder ‘82, Coaches: Sandy Peters and Wayne Fraser

Photo: Tennis 1982

Photo: Concert in Chapel


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Photo: Basketball 1982

Cadet Band: Anna Bright '83 and Jennifer Frosst '84 first fe-male drummers in the Cadet Band


ACTA: Amy Copland ’83 first female editor of ACTA

Bradley Shield instituted: Gooderham West first house to win Bradley Shield

Field Hockey: First Field Hockey team: Deirdre Ayre ‘85, Leslie Beaton ‘85, Anu Bhalla ‘86, Paula Copland ‘85, Fiona Frey ‘85, Dawn Grigor ‘84, Flora Hadjiyannakis ‘85, Tara Johnston ‘86, Sarah Kestle ‘85, Robin Lampard ‘85, Samantha Peeris ‘85, Anne Mason ‘84, Melanie Mitra ‘85, Carol Mordy ‘84, Nicki Pollock ‘86, Fiona Proctor ‘84, Robin Richardson ‘87, Coach: Nancy Drope

Photo: Field Hockey 1983


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Photo: Swimming 1983

Photo: Squash 1983


Rowing: Jane Tregunno ‘81 – Ridley’s first female Olympian winning a silver medal in the coxed fours in Los Angeles

Squash: Girls squash introduced as league sport


First Lower School Girls (all ’90): Denise Cadeau, Heather Daniel, Erin Howard, Jane Lewis, Heather McArthur, Petra Ribbink, Erika Szijarto, Christina Tomin, Marika van Hoogenhuize, Arima Ventin, Kate Verge, Susanne von Kaufmann, Kathryn Yates

Photo: 1985 First Lower School Girls in the Courtyard


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Swimming: Emily Bright ‘88 first girl to swim competitively on the boys team

Gymnastics: First girls only gymnastics team: Natalie Baird ‘86, Wendy Bedford-Jones ‘88, Shireen Cassimjee ‘86, Julie Chan ‘86, Holly Lang ‘87, Alex Robison ‘87, Leslie Strong ‘85, Coaches: Jane MacAdam, and Jo-Ann Tingley

Swimming: Heather McArthur ‘90 and Kathryn Yates ’90 first Lower School girls to swim on the boys team

Photo: Basketball 1985

Photos: Nick’s Chicks 1985


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From ACTA RIDLEIANA 1986 The First Lower School Girls

“They have liked the Ridley experience more than they have disliked it; they wish that there had been more girls, and some of them wish that had been fewer boys – but they would like the fewer to be selective – and they would like to do the select-ing.

Most boys, I think, enjoyed having the girls around, but would have liked more of them. Girls were an obvious minority, and as such attracted a great deal of attention. There were cries of “favouritism”, and perhaps some of them were well founded. Minorities, by their very existence, often need special atten-tion.”

By The Reverend Donald P. Hunt, Headmaster of the Lower School

Grade Nine Girls

“Changing a Ridley tradition and making history is not as glamorous as one may think. Although the first thirteen girls in grade nine had to dress like the guys, it was soon realized that we were different. After it became apparent that we were outnumbered approximately six to one, we learned quickly. Al-though we were received with open arms by most, we did expe-rience some friction. Whether it was because of our competi-tive nature in academics and extra-curricular activities , or

whether it was our tendency to go where no ‘man’ has ever gone before still remains a mystery…

Next year in grade ten, having retired from the position of visi-ble minority, we will take our places as normal Ridley stu-dents in the Upper School. Despite this, I am sure that some of us will look back sometimes and remember how sweet ab-normality was.”

By Erin Howard ’90

Photo: Soccer 1985


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Photo: Mandeville House- 1986-87 Courtesy: Melissa (Gruyich) Tomlin ’95


Dance: Introduced as an extra-curricular activity


Assistant Headmaster: Janet Lewis appointed as Ridley’s first woman Assistant Headmaster

Amnesty International Concert: First Amnesty concert organized by Angela McArthur ‘87 and Sue-Ann Finlay ’87. $1500 was raised – the largest benefit in Canadian Amnesty International’s history.

Cricket: First Lower School girls to play on the boys cricket teams: Under 14: Yoona J.Y. Lee ‘92, Brefney Charlton ‘92.

Under 13: Jennifer Heys ‘92, Sarah Stevens ‘92, Bridget Kerr ’92

Soccer: First Lower School girls to play soccer on the boys Under 12 team: Naledi Bainbridge ‘95, Megan McArthur ’95

Rowing: Vanessa Wakil ‘89 named National Sculler of the year by C.A.R.A. and female Athlete of the Year by the Ontario Rowing Association

Squash: Cathy Tyler ‘91 first girl to play on boys squash team


Cadets: Melanie Vukovic ’88 first female Drum Sergeant Major of the Band

Photo: Danielle Richardson ’93, Band Drum Sergeant Major


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Tribesman: Bridget Kerr ’92 first female winner of the Lower School Leslie J. Ashburner First Tribesman Award

Track and Field: Tricia Lennox ‘88 first Ridleian to win medals at OFSAA: gold and silver. Coach: Maggie Swan

Gymnastics: First Lower School gymnastics team: Naledi Bainbridge ‘95, Beth Elliott ‘93, Jane Gadsby ’94, Melissa Gruyich ‘95, Shirley Hapangama,’94, Dani Huber ‘93, Lizy Kiraga ‘95, Tamara Kotar ‘94, Audra Martin ’92, Kate Sharp ‘94, Susan Stremlaw ’93

J.R. Hamilton Award: Yolanda Lewczwk ’88 first female winner of the Lower School J. R. Hamilton Award

Photo: Kate Verge ’90, Kara Kerr ’89, Bridget Kerr ’92


Volleyball: First Lower School volleyball team: Senior: Alex Burroughs ‘94, Cathy Fox ‘94, Alison Loat ‘94, Bronwen Marshall ‘94, Laura Meehan ‘94, Sarah Rose ‘94, Sarah Scott ‘94, Catherine Sharp ‘94, Susan Stremlaw ‘93, Rosalind Warshawski ‘93, Coach: Dianne Purdie

Junior: Sarah Andrew ‘96, Erica Blackman ‘95, Tanja Braun ‘94, Lori Eastmond ‘95, Shirley Hapangama ‘94, Lizy Kiraga ‘95, Siobhan McLaughlin ’96, Heather Scott ‘96, Coach: Dianne Purdie

Isobel Burton and Mason Gold Award: Alison Loat ’94 first winner of the Lower School Mason Gold and Isobel Burton Memorial Award

Governor General’s Award: Serene Wong ‘89 first winner of the Governor General’s Medal and T.R. Merritt Matriculation Gold Medal

(Note: the first female winners of the top academic prizes in Upper School and Lower School happened in the same year.


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Photo: Serene Wong ’89, Prize Day 1989


Cadets: Christine Hoffer ’90 first female Regimental Sergeant Major of the Cadet Corps

Softball: First girls softball team: Holly Alban ‘90, Susan Balint ‘93, Diana Brinkos ‘92, Jennifer Dekker ‘91, Rebecca Doucet ‘92, Sarah Etherington ‘91, Greer Flowers ‘92, Kelly Gairdner ‘94, Amy Finch ‘91, Frances Hahn ‘94, Anne Hartman ‘94, Vanessa Lin ‘92, Lynda Lyons ‘91, Shawna Parzygnat ‘91, Kathy Parsons ‘93, Sonja Schwieg ‘94, Jennifer Smith ‘92, Clare Spearing ‘94, Sihin Tamene ‘92, Coaches: George Briggs, David Gagné

Basketball: First Lower School girls basketball team: Katrina Damouni ‘99, Vanessa Doucette ‘96, Emma Gilfillan ‘95, Lara Housez ‘98, Kris Johnson ‘95, Elaine Lee ‘95, Heather Scott ‘96, Nina Shin ‘95, Mara Chaplin ‘95, Jennifer Tough ‘95, Coaches: Dianne Purdie, Ruth Court

Field Hockey: First Lower School field hockey team: Chirine Alameddine ‘95, Sarah Andrew ‘96, Naledi Bainbridge ’95, Erica Blackman ’95, Tanja Braun ‘94, Mara Chaplin ’95, Jodi Crossingham ‘97, Vanessa Doucette ’96, Lori Eastmond ‘95 , Michelle Graham ’97, Shirley Hapangama ’94, Kate Hollowell ‘97, Kris Johnson ‘95, Siobhan McLaughlin ‘96, Rebecca Pascoe ’97, Heather Scott ’96, Nina Shin ‘95, Coach: Maureen McLaughlin, and Rosie Kelly


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Photo: Swimming 1991

Photo: Field Hockey 1990-1991 Courtesy: Suzanne (Stephens) McAleenan '94


Hockey: First girls hockey team: Naledi Bainbridge ‘95, Rachel Bartlett ‘94, Erin Buchanan ‘96, Liz Coote ‘92, Rebecca Doucet ‘92, Stacey Graham ‘92, Olina Hadala ‘94, Amy Holliday ‘95, Anne McIntosh ‘92, Emily MacLean ‘92, Rosanna Maunder ‘94, Felicia Neal ‘94, Heather Palmer ‘95, Maxine Petrick ‘92, Zehra Pirani ‘92, Regan Shea ‘94, Susan Stremlaw ‘93, Coach: Colin Brzezicki

Mason Gold Medal: Stacey Graham ’92 first female winner of the Mason Gold Medal

Except from “Pioneers In Our Own Time”, article in Tiger 1992

“Despite an uncertain and somewhat hesitant start, Ridley has gradually gained strength in dealing with this sensitive issue (co-education) and now stands near the top of the class... While we have dealt successfully with the provision of facilities and programs...there are still some challenges to be met. The Ridley community faces the same struggles that we see in society around us: ensuring equal treatment for both sexes and providing role models for all students. Our Board of Governors must be commended for its steady progress toward the goal of providing a membership which reflects the nature of the school.... In spite of the fact that 43% of the current student population is female, only 22% of the full time faculty is female and one department head (out of ten departments) and one member of the administration team of six is female. These lingering inequities can be addressed only by a strong


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commitment to thoughtful advance planning and recruitment ... an exciting challenge, not an insurmountable barrier.”

- Janet Lewis, Assistant Headmaster of Administration


Photo: Lower School Prize Winners 1992


Cadets: Robyn Campbell ’93 first female Commanding Officer of the Cadet Corps.

Dance: First Dance Company

Photo: Junior Coxed Four 1993

Photo: 1993 Hockey Team


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School Reach: First girls house to win House Reach: Gooderham East

Photo: Sarah Rose ’94, Heather MacLeod ’94

Photo: 1994 Tara Cuddihy ’95, Amy Holliday ’95, Heather Tredway ’98


Board of Governors: Liz-Ann (Woolley) Lawton ‘80 first female graduate appointed to the Board of Governors

First Female Lifers Graduate: Naledi Bainbridge ’95, Melissa Gruyich ’95, and Lizy Kiraga ’95


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Photo: 1995 Karen McGlone ’95, Siobhan McLaughlin ’96

Photo: Cadet Band Inspection 1995


Lower School Student Council: Hilary Nudel ‘00 and Caroline Smith ’00 first Lower School Student Council Executive members


Chimes Challenge: Michelle Gretzinger ’00 first winner of the girls’ Chimes Challenge

Ridley College Association: Chantal Ramsay ’74 first woman President of the RCA

Faculty: Andrea Charlton ’92 first woman graduate to join the faculty (Admissions)

Photo: 1997 Burgoyne House


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US Foundation: Michele-Elise Burnett ’86 first female to sit on the US Foundation


Valedictorian: Beth Ruzylo ’99 first female valedictorian (co-valedictorian with Charlie Locke)

Photo: 1999 ‘Lifers’

Photo: Maggie Lind ’00, Inspection 2000


Hockey: Seanna Conway ’01 first female to start in a 1st boys hockey game (goaltender)


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Photo: Prefects 2000-2001

Photo: Soccer 2001

Photo: Hockey 2001


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Rugby: First girls rugby team: Amanda Ballard ‘02, Diana Bentley ‘03, Melissa Burgess ‘03, Diana Charabin ‘02, Candace Culmer ‘02, Ainsley Denyer ‘03, Nikki Fowler ‘02, Jasmine Furbert ‘03, Andrea Griffin ‘04, Lisa Grybowski ’04, Vanessa Hollis ‘02, Jane Hope ‘02 (manager), Ashoka Kanungo ‘03 (manager), Julia Kindellan ‘03, Stefanie König ‘02, Jamie Manchee ‘04, Caitlin Martin ‘02, Meaghan Meredith ‘03, Melissa Morgan ‘02, Brittany Myers ‘03, Sheetal Nanda ‘02, Rebecca Nash ‘03, Jennifer Reid ‘02, Lorraine Roach ‘03, Anna Sobkowska ‘02, Sarah Wölf ‘02, Chanel Wood ‘03, Emily Zeller ’02 Coaches: Carol Cambre, Shannon Harrigan, Brian Martin


Dean’s House: The final group of girls moves out of Dean’s House in June 2003 and across the field to ‘switch’ homes with Leonard House.


Ridley College Association: F. Kelly Neill ’81 first female to be Secretary-Treasurer to the Ridley College Association


Board of Governors: Georgina Black ‘85 first female chair of the Board of Governors


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Housemasters of the Girls’ Houses 1973-2014

Dean’sJack Rose 1973-1978 Janet Lewis 1978-1987 Libby Rupp 1987-1994Kristine Corolis 1994-2000Penny Steele 2000-2001Elizabeth Clarke 2001-2003

Gooderham East Rosemary Iggulden 1981-1987 Ingrid Cronin 1987-1989Vera Wilcox 1989-2001Anne Kravchenko 2001-2011Heather Cousins 2011-2013Julie McCourt 2013-present

Gooderham West Lynne Facey-Crowther 1983-1986Kristine Ashbury (Corolis) 1986-1989Karen Close 1989-1995 Patricia Dawson 1995-1997 Marilyn Martin 1997-2008 Bobbie Filion 2008-present

Mandeville/then Mandeville Burgoyne Catherine Parkinson 1986-87 Connie Cosgrove 1987-88 Marion (and Michael) Hamilton 1988-1990Pamela Tansley 1990-1995 Danielle Mitra 1995-2003

Mandeville Danielle Mitra 2003-2005 Kim Becken 2005-2009Sarah Thompson 2009-present

Burgoyne HouseConnie Cosgrove 1991-1997

Burgoyne (Junior)Leanne Mladen 1997-2001Rachael Scott 2001- 2003Kim (and Paul) O’Rourke 2003-2006 Bobbie (and Paul) Filion 2006-2009Julia Bertollo 2009-2010Karen Thacker (and John Sweeney) 2010-present

Leonard Elizabeth Clarke 2003-2007 Rachael Scott 2007-2014Sarah Bylsma 2014-


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Children of Ridley Girls who have attended/are attending the SchoolKate Anderson ’82 Isabel Thomas ’15, Maggie Thomas ’13

Dana Bates ‘86                        Harrison Stewart ‘16

Georgina Black ’85 Andrew Watson ’14, Jack Watson ’17

Rebecca Blue ‘76 Kate DeRose ’03, Tess DeRose ’04 , Patrick DeRose ’06,

Michele-Elise Burnett ’86 Zander Metz ’12

Charlene Ebert ’83 Jeremy Hutton ’10, Sidney Hutton ’13, Julia Hutton ’16,

Lisa Ellis ‘80 Calleigh Plener ’10

Shanaze Galagoda ‘88 Sebastian Zarazua ’17

Fiona Halliday ’86 Campbell Shaw ’16, Emmeline Shaw '18, James Shaw '19

Erica Liu ’98 Ethan Kerr ‘17

Eilean MacKay ‘86 Brady Pitcher ’13, Raven Pitcher ’15

Catherine McMahon ’82 Curtis Docherty ’11, Caleb Docherty ’13

Kelly Neill ’81 Harrison Neill-Morabito ’12, Pip Neill-Morabito ’15, Kenya Neill-Morabito ’18

Frances Russell ’83 Baden Russell-Petigrow ’11, Trinity Russell-Marquez ’17

Sharlene Schrompf ’00 Sharlize Price '25, Annalize Price '26

Marina Shum ’87 Jasper Lee ’17

Erica Szijarto ’90 Lauren Szijarto ‘17

Jenny Walker ’82 Christopher Robinson ‘11


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Female Members of the

Board of Governors (Current and Past)

Linda Alexanian ’85

Georgina Black ‘85

Cathryn Boak

Sharon Brintnell

Dorothy Burgoyne Doolittle *

Michele-Elise Burnett ’86

Beverley Chandran *

Ann Clarke ’78

Janet Fraser

Helen Graham

Nadine Karachi de Estrada ’87

Jeannie Kwoh

Robin Lampard ’85

Liz-Ann Lawton (Woolley) ’80

Nancy MacDonnell *

Diana MacKay ’87

Maria Menechella

Alix Morgan

Les Anne Morrison

Sarah Nadherny

Eleanor Osler

Roseanne Partington

Kim Pepper

Stephanie Perry '93

Diana Pitfield

Chantal Ramsay ’74

Joan Randall

Geneva Rutherford

Donna Smith

Bette Stephenson

Donna Tigert

Margaret Wilson

Janet Wright

By Invitation:

Debbie Bryant (Stevens) ’89 (RCA)

Lorie Crouch (Women’s Guild & Dev Comm.)

Kathryn DeBenetti (Women's Guild)

Cathy Hopkins (Women's Guild)

Susan McCann (Women's Guild)

Debbie Moir (Women's Guild)

Antonia Sinclair (Women’s Guild)

Cat Birchall (Trustee for one year)

Sarah Eyton ’86(Development Committee)

Kelly Meighen (Development Committee)

* deceasedxxxi

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Ridley Olympians


Jane Tregunno ‘81 1984   Los Angeles

1988 Seoul

Rowing - Coxed Four


Silver Medal (1988)


Maria Maunder ’90    1992 Barcelona Rowing - Coxed Eight Silver Medal Canada

Fiona Milne ’902000 Sydney

2004 AthensRowing  - Double Scull Canada

Samantha McGlone ’97 2004 Athens Triathlon Canada

Samantha (Majendie) Albert ’90 2008 Beijing

2012 London

Equestrian Dressage Jamaica

Brianne Jenner ’09 2014 Sochi Ice Hockey Gold Medal Canada


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1976-1977 Kathy Halliday


1978-1979Sonja Tauss

1979-1980 Liz-Ann Woolley

1980-1981Rosamonde ‘Ros’ Ball Beth Cameron

1981-1982 Kate AndersonClare Newell

1982-1983Heather Leishman

1983-1984 Robin MacAulay

Carol MordyLiz Murphy

1984-1985Georgina BlackSarah Kestle Samantha Peeris

1985-1986 Sarah EytonSally Anne Leggett Jennifer Macdonald Kay Tisdall

1986-1987 Liz Ashworth Nadine Karachi Robin RankinDiana Walker

1988-1989Heather BeatonDebbie Chin Loy Kathryn MacDonald

Barbara PennerBarb Silk

1989-1990 Jensa Bell Christine HofferFiona Milne Arima Ventin

1990-1991 Hilary Cole Yolanda LewczukWendy MastersLouise SmithCasey Wilson

1991-1992 Stacey GrahamJill Hopkins Bridget KerrDebbie Lang

1992-1993 Susan Balint Robyn Campbell Lesley DolmanPaula Kling Danielle Richardson

1993-1994 Rachel Bartlett

Maggie BoakMegan ColeFrances HahnAlison Loat Felicia Neil Clare Spearing

1994-1995 Naledi Bainbridge Allison Griffiths Miranda IonsonSummer Nudel Jennifer Olchowy Heather Rigby Penny Smith Sarah Sterne

1996-1997 Lynne Chlala Philippa Davis Anjali Kundi Aku Kwamie Victoria Laine Samantha McGlone Stephania Varalli

1997-1998 Serena Gundy Lara HousezNatalie Iggulden


Ridley College Female Prefects


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Sarah Lachowsky Nicola McLaughlinSerena Nudel Kate Tanner

1998-1999 Wendy CrossinghamJane Lai Eizabeth Ruzylo Andrea Speck

2000-2001Vicky BambergerRhiannon Davies Johanna DeSantis Smita JoshiJenna Macfarlane Melanie Ramsay Jennifer Tocchio

2001-2002Cassie Benoit Laura GrahamLawrie HamiltonGillian JohnsonLaura Pressey Nijah Smith Evelyn Wentworth-Stanley

2002-2003Elizabeth Allen

Nastassia Appleyard Natalie AzizDiana Bentley Julia KindellanJoanna McFarlaneAlexandra Petrocci Kate Mitchell Traci Stewart

2003-2004Meghan Crouch Sarah Cumming Tara HadlerNavaz Khory Jaime Manchee Sarah MilliganAinslie Wood

2004-2005Jenny AhnSarah Cicchine Jillian Levy Laura LopezCaileigh PilmerMorgan Ritch-AzanAlexandria Veffer

2005-2006Ania Bedkowski Emily Bradley

Elizabeth Consky Jillian Evans Alyshia Iafrate Sacha Kessaram Katelyn Rickers Courtney SmithKristine So

2006-2007Sharifah Issaka Leeza KurusiAnna Mackenzie Ashley Thomson

2007-2008Emily FosterBritt FranklinCyndii Harris Alexandra Maletta Chantal Primeau Madeline Shirriff Karoshee Vikayesekere

2008-2009Nadine Burgess Michaela Eaton-Kent Eva SonnenscheinJeannette StockNikolina Vujosevic

Hilary Whitty Diana Zakaeva

2009-2010 Lauren ChisholmSu-Jin Jung Gaelen Martin- Timms Erica OlsthoornLaura Pickard Gloria Salvat

2010-2011Eun Ah Choi Savannah Cowherd Sarah Greenwood Briony Kemp-GriffinRachel KindellanMadeline KlimekErin O’Rourke Chibuzo Osakwe Ijeoma Osakwe Jillian Robinson An Na Song

2011-2012 Madeleine HeavenDaniella LeacockShannon McNally Sophie MundenBethany Pile


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Charlotte Smith Alison Whitty

2012-13 Kennedy Farr Arinola Folabi-OwlabiChristina Gimenez-HinestrosaChloe Johnstone Chelsea MacNeil Ellen McCannKaila Raimondo Emma Rigg Maggie Thomas Olivia Thompson

2013-2014 Jade BiggarBiana Di BelloniaElizabeth Gross EChin MakLea MüllerAshley O’BrienJacqueline O’Rourke Alyssa Toffolo Mackenzie Wiens

2014-2015 Odera Ebeze Sydney GlynnHelen Himebaugh Laurissa Maddocks Lydia SchurmanIsabel Thomas


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First Girl Winners of Prizes

Upper School

Grade 9 Academic Prizes

The Gerald Blake Memorial Prize for first place in Grade 9 (1922)1988 Yolanda Lewczuk ‘91 (awarded when Grade 9 was in the Lower School)

Stephen R. Court ’89 Prize for Art (1986) 1988 Yolanda Lewczuk ‘91

Price Memorial Prize for English (1900)1989 Cassandra Mitchell ‘91Ridley College Prize for Geography (1995) 1995 Judy K.I. Wong ‘97

The Anthony M. Partington ’65 Prize for History (2005) 2005 Hyla Nemy ’08

The Dr. Ellen Smoor Foster Prize for French (2002)2002 Caileigh Pilmer ‘05

The W.G. Trethewey Memorial Prize for Mathematics (1930)1984 Kay Tisdall ‘86

The Ridley College Prize for Music (1995)1995 Leah Hamilton ’99

The Ridley College Prize for Grade 9/10 Physical and Health Education (1995)1995 Katherine-Anne Kallinis ’98

The Frank Hollinrake ’57 Memorial Prize for Science (2002)2002 Amy MacBeath ’05

Grade 10 Academic Prizes

The E. Osborne and George C. Powell Memorial Prize for first place in Grade 10 (1998) (First awarded as Mr. E.G. Powell Award - named E. Osborne and George C. Pow-ell Prize in 1998)1990 Anne McIntosh ’921998 Ami Tsuchida ’00

The McElligott Prize for Art (1988) (First awarded in 1987 – named McElligott Prize in 1988)1987 Christine Karall ‘87 1988 Lisa Gnat ‘89, Jennifer Sinclair ’90

The Ridley College Prize for Drama (2005)2005 Christy Walker ‘07

The Colin Brzezicki Prize for English (2002)2002 Meghan Crouch ‘04


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The Hanna Flandrak Memorial Prize for History (1990) 1991 Alana Tervo ’96

The Charlotte Francis Norah Thomas Memorial Prize for Languages (1950)1988 Sue Myong ’90

The Sean S.T. Oh ’07 Prize for Mathematics (2007) (Previously awarded as Ridley College Prize for Mathemat-ics - 2002)2002 Navaz Khory ’042007 Christina Sung Han Ahn ’09

The Daniel H.T. Oh ’09 Prize for Music (2007) (Previously awarded as Ridley College Prize for Music - 2002)

2003 Jenny D.W. Ahn ’05 2007 Carol Chai ’09

The Mrs. A.F. Harris Memorial Prize for Science (1952) (First awarded as Science Prize in 1931)1984 Kay Tisdall ’86

Grade 11 Academic Subject Prizes

The Eric Mossom Boyd Memorial Prize for first place in Grade 11 (1923) 1985 Kay Tisdall ‘86

The Leach Memorial Prize for Second Place in Grade 11 (1943)1979 Tracey Dobson ’80

The Ridley College Prize for Accounting (2010)2011 Sultana Vukor-Quarshie ’12

The J.C. McLaughlin Prize for Visual Art (2002)2002 Elaine Shum ’04

David A. Rokeby Prize for Media Art (2004) (First awarded in 2002 – named Rokeby Prize in 2004)2003 Natalia Valentova ’05 2005 Courtney Smith ’06

The Elizabeth Bae Kurusi ’07 Prize for Drama (2007) (Previously known as Ridley College Prize for Drama - 1995)1995 Kenzie Thompson ’962007 Tamara Kit ‘08

The John Hastings Kerr Memorial Prize for English (1961)1979 Rosamonde Ball ’81

The Ridley College Prize for Geography (1995)1996 Lynne Chlala ’97


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The Bentley/Wakeman-Long Memorial Prize for His-tory (1997) (Previously awarded as the Grade 11 History Prize since 1989)1997 Katherine-Anne Kallinis ’98 1989 Marie-Helene Morency ’91

The Ridley College Prize for Information & Technol-ogy (1995)1999 Lucia Sei Hyung Lee ’00

The C.N.D. Rosmarin Prize for Languages (1996) 1997 Christina Schwade ’97

The Ernest Gregory Powell Memorial Prize for Mathe-matics (1951) 1983 Margaret Y.Y. Chung ‘85

The Rensselaer Medal for Mathematics & Science (1957) 1985 Kay Tisdall “86

The Reverend George Dunkley Prize for Music (1995)(Previously awarded as the Grade 11 Music Prize since 1989)1994 Yvonne H.L. Lee ’951996 Lara Housez ‘98

The Ridley College Prize for Physical and Health Edu-cation (1994) 1994 Heather Cukierski ‘94

The Boreal Prize for Science (1995) 1995 Sophie Kallinis ’96

Grade 12 Academic Subject Prizes

Governor General’s Medal (1897) (Highest average on six Ontario credits)1989 Serene S.K. Wong ’89

The T.R. Merritt ’44 Matriculation Gold Medal (1906) (First place in combined averages in last two years - Grade 12/13 until 2003/Grade 11/12 after 2003)1989 Serene S.K. Wong ’89

The T.R. Merritt ’44 Matriculation Silver Medal (1906) (Second place in combined averages in last two years - Grade 12/13 until 2003/Grade 11/12 after 2003)1986 Kay Tisdall ’86

The Ridley College Prize for Accounting (2010)2010 Catherine Yeuk Ching Chan ’10

The Klaus Peter Schoenfeld Memoral Prize for Art (1987) (Previously awarded in 1973 as Art Prize)1980 Lisa Ellis ’801987 Christine Karall ’87

The Ridley College Prize for Business Leadership (2002)2009 Stephanie Hui Ting Wu ‘09


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The Ridley College Prize for Computer Science (2002)2005 Caitlin Weldon ’05

Rita Z. Newell Prize for Design & Technology (2003) (first awarded in 2002 – named in 2003)2002 Theresa Lecraw ’042003 Katie Zaborski ’05

The Ridley College Prize for Drama (1994)1994 Summer Nudel ‘95, Heather Rigby ’95

The John S. Drake ’35 Memorial Prize for Economics (2005) No female winner - yet!

The Birks Medal for English (1969) (First awarded for English and History 1977 – named for English in 1994) 1977 Gold: Kathy Halliday ’77 Silver: Ingrid Langhorst ‘77

1994 Frances Hahn ’94

The Birks Medal for Geography (1969) (First presented for English and History – changed to Geogra-phy in 1994) 1994 Heather Cukierski ’94

The Robert L. Hunter Prize for History (Created in 1987 – named Hunter Prize in 1989)1990 Victoria Frizelle ‘90

The Harold A. Wilson Prize for Kinesiology (1996) 1997 Serena Gundy ’98

The H.A. Staples Prize for Languages (1979)1979 Sidney Taylor ’79

Kelly Matthews Memorial Prize (1932) (Named as one prize in 1932. Awarded in subject areas in 2004) 1989 Serene Wong ‘89

Kelly Matthews Memorial Prize (Calculus and Vec-tors) (1932)2004 Calculus: Jennifer Shun Lok Ma ’05 2009 Calculus & Vectors: Christina Sung Hee Ahn ‘09

Kelly Matthews Memorial Prize (Data Management) (1932)2004 Caitlin Weldon ‘05

Kelly Matthews Memorial Prize (Advanced Func-tions) (1932) 2008 Tracy So Yeon Lee ’08

The O. Michael G. Hamilton Prize (AP Calculus)2010 Rachel Yun Jeong Yang ’10


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The E.A. Woolley ’80 Prize for Music (1983) (First named OAC Music Prize – named Woolley Prize in 1995) 1983 Miye Kadonaga ’85 1995 Ada W.Y. Chung ‘95

The Dr. Jack C. Arnell ’34 Prize for Science (1995) (Named as one prize in 1995. Awarded in subject areas in 2004) 1995 Nadia Krupp

The Dr. Jack C. Arnell ’34 Prize (Biology) (1995) 2004 Meghan Crouch ‘04

The Dr. Jack C. Arnell ’34 Prize (Chemistry) (1995) 2004 Meghan Crouch ‘04

The Dr. Jack C. Arnell ’34 Prize (AP Chemistry) (1995) 2010 Heather Ji Hyun Yoon ‘10

The Dr. Jack C. Arnell ’34 Prize (Physics) (1995)2005 Caitlin Weldon ‘05

The Dr. Jack C. Arnell ’34 Prize (AP Physics) (1995)2010 Heather Ji Hyun Yoon ’10

Robert J. Malyk Scholarship (AP Biology) (2004)2004 Mary Rose Bufalino ‘04

Frederick C. Clarkson ‘62 Memorial Prize for Senior Latin (2005) (Previously known as the James M. Donnelly Prize – 1986 – no longer awarded) 1986 Arima Ventin ’902009 Franziska Heinz ’10

House Zealous Achievement Prizes

Zealous Achievement Prize in Burgoyne House (1992)1992 Stacey Graham ‘92

Zealous Achievement Prize in Dean’s House (1975) (From 1975 to 2004, Dean’s House was a girls’ house) 1975 Marianne Long ‘75

Zealous Achievement Prize in Gooderham East (1944) (1944 Gooderham House Zealous Achievement first awarded – prior to 1980 GE & GW were one house - 1982 Gooderham East became a girls’ house) 1982 J. Jill Hopkins ’82

Zealous Achievement Prize in Gooderham West (1944) (1944 Gooderham House Zealous Achievement first awarded – prior to 1980 GE & GW were one house - 1983 Gooderham West became a girls’ house) 1984 Catharine Purdom ‘84

Zealous Achievement Prize in Leonard House (2004)(Prior to 2004 Leonard House was a boys’ house.)2004 Nompumelelo Nkungu ‘04


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Zealous Achievement Prize in Mandeville House (1988)1988 Shanaze Galagoda ’88 2004 Meghan McCready ‘04 (In 2004 Mandeville re-verted back to a single house)

Zealous Achievement Prize in Mandeville-Burgoyne House (2000)(Mandeville and Burgoyne Houses amalga-mated from 1999-2004)2000 Sarah Buckley ’00

Special Achievement Awards

The Dr. Alan and Mrs. Jean Rice Memorial Award (2003)2003 Ruth Abraham ’03

Dorothy Burgoyne Award for Leadership (1980)1980 Julie Liber ’80

The Headmaster’s Prize for Zealous Achievement (1935)1985 Georgina Black ’85

The Judge Benson Memorial Prize for Diligence (1903)1980 Liz-Ann Woolley ’80

The Terence Cronyn ‘20 Prize (1968)1982 Kate Anderson ‘82

The J. Herbert Mason Gold Medal 1902 (Originally The Blake Gold Medal 1890/Mason Gold Medal from 1902) 1992 Stacey Graham “92

Akshay Shetty ’04 Valedictorian Award (2004) (First valedictorian 1975)

1999 Elizabeth Ruzylo ‘99 (co-valedictorian with Charlie Locke) 2000 Alyssa Milot ’00

Extra-Curricular Awards

The Prefects’ Award (1983)1986 Barbara Silk ’89

The Jay Feagan-Philip Davies Memorial Award (1969) 1986 Indira Pillay ’88

The Plener Perseverance Prize (2011)2013 Sabrina Grand ’14

The M.R. Mandeville ’62 Prize (1992)1992 Robyn Campbell ’93

Brian J. Maher ’83 Memorial Prize - Chapel Reading Prize (1965) (Named Maher Prize in 2002)

1985 Samantha Peeris ’85 2002 Jane Hope ‘02


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The A.E. Mix Memorial Prize - Chapel Service Prize (1945)1989 Barbara Silk ’89

The Harry ‘Red’ Foster Prize for Social Service (1975)(First known as Social Service Prize – named Foster Prize in 1995) 1983 Leighan Leggat ’831995 Jennifer Coburn ’95

Bruce M. Hicks Public Service Award (1997)1999 Anne Pitts ’00

The Lieutenant Governor’s Community Volunteer Award (2000)2000 Anne Pitts ’00

The Don and Karen Rickers International Student Award (2011)2011 AnNa Song ’11

Ruth E. Brown ACTA Editor’s Award (1969)1983 Amy Copland ’83

The Gwyn Morris Librarians’ Award (1967) 1988 Meghan Newman ’89

Herald Benjamin Greening ‘51 Memorial Music Award for Proficiency in Extra-Curricular Music (1969) 1976 Vocal: Rebecca Blue ‘76 Instrumental: Kathy Halliday ‘77

S.O. Greening ’26 Memorial Prize – Proficiency in Classical Piano (1994 – name changed to S.O. Greening ’26 Memorial Music Award in 2009)1997 Lara Housez ’98

Public Speaking

The Dr. W.H. Merritt Memorial Prize for first place senior (1930)1984 Nadine Karachi ‘87

The Hon. Mr. Justice A. Courtney Kingstone (1892) Memorial Prize for second place senior 1974 Chantal Ramsay ‘74

The Ridley College Family Guild Prize for first place junior (1950 as Women’s Guild Prize)1990 Stacey Graham ‘92

The Tony Kwok Memorial Public Speaking Prize for an ESL student (2011)2012 Sunshine S.X Wang ‘15

The UK Branch Prize for Dramatic Monologue (1996) 1997 Jennifer Marion ‘98


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The H ‘Tony’ Cassels Tuesday Night Club Trophy for Debating (1982)1988 Iona Brindle ‘88

The Terence Cronyn ’20 Trophy for Top Debater in the Valentine’s Debate (1991)1998 Nicola McLaughlin ‘98


The James Filby Memorial Prize for Humour (1987) 1988 Barbara Penner ‘89

The Take Notice Prize for Best Opinion Piece (1987)1990 Marie-Helene Morency ‘91

The Colin G. Brzezicki Prize for Thought Provoking Writing (2005)2012 Elizabeth Gross ‘14

The Terence Cronyn ’20 Prize for Best News Story (1993)1993 Kendall Anderson ‘94, Alison Loat ‘94

The Tiger Post Prize for Best Editorial (1989) (for-merly Tiger Tribune) 1990 Marie-Helene Morency ‘91

The Matthew A. Davis ‘94 Memorial Prize for the Edi-tors of Tiger Post (1982) (Formerly Tiger Tribune - named Davis Prize 1996)1990 Christine Hoffer ’901996 Amy LeMar ’96


The Julian Street Memorial Prize for Prose (1947) (Prior to 1986 - awarded for prose and poetry)1977 Prose: Kathy Halliday ‘77 1981 Poetry: Teanna Brown ‘82

The Virginia Vickers Essay Award (2004)2004 Michelle Alexiu ’04

The Gerald S. Shantz Award for Poetry (2005)2005 Jennifer Flores ‘07

The Richard B. Wright Prize for Fiction (Formerly Liter-ary Prize for Short Fiction) 1987 Jane Lewis ’90


The Richard Naylor ’79 Drama Award (1994)1994 Summer Nudel ‘95

The Hume Cronyn ’31 Trophy – Outstanding Perform-ance in the Theatre (created in 1991, awarded in 1992)1992 Megan Cole ‘94


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The Mandeville Trophy for Contribution to Life in the Theatre (1990)1991 Ciara Adams ‘91

The Stephen L. Souter ’81 for Contribution to Techni-cal Theatre (2008)2008 Ailene Tam ’08

The Nan Cassels Prize – Best Female Contribution to the Arts (1976)1976 Sally Milne ‘76

The Scott Paterson ’82 Stock Market Challenge (2006) No female winner - yet!

Class of 1939 Dr. J.R. Hamilton Award for Science En-richment 1993 Rasha Mourtada ‘94

The Richard A. Bradley Trophy – Day Student Contri-bution 1987 Angela McArthur ‘97

The A. Stoddard Jones Award for Unique Talent (1980)1982 Melanie Ingle ’82

Headmaster’s Tie1992 Kathy Chyla ‘92, Vanessa Hawthorn ’92 Cassie Ionson ‘92, Serena Southam ‘92

Athletic Awards

Michaelmas Term


Kristine Corolis Trophy – Most Valuable Player (1982) (First awarded 1982 – named Corolis Award in 2006) 1982 Cathy Purdom ‘84

Becken-Whitty Trophy Best Defensive Player (1999)1999 Martha Fischer ’99

Field Hockey

The I.S. Cronin Trophy for Leadership and Ability (1986)1986 Diana Walker ‘87

1st Field Hockey Most Valuable Player (1984)1984 Carol Mordy ‘84

Bainbridge Cup (1989 - not awarded as of 2006)1989 Leanne Zaniol ‘89

Caroline L. Sherk ’12 Field Hockey Award – Top De-fender (2013)2013 Eliza Coffin ‘13

2nd Field Hockey Most Valuable Player (1998)1998 Chris Lawrence ’00


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The Dr. Angela Zuliani ‘88 Memorial Award (2005)2005 Celeste Doucet ‘07

The Geoffrey Seymour ‘69 Harriers Trophy (1995) (First awarded in 1995 – named Seymour Trophy in 2005)1995 Samantha McGlone ’97 2005 Courtney Smith ‘06

Michael J. Moulden ’70 Coaches Award (1995) (First awarded in 1995 – named Moulden Award in 2005) 1995 Sophie Kallinis ‘96 2005 Heather Roberts ’06

Cross Country

The G.F. Leigh ’16 Trophy Junior Boys/Girls (1927) (Boys’ trophy until 2011)Junior First Girls (1989) Krissy LockyerMidget First Girls (1989) Heidi Gibb 2011 Heather Petrick ‘13

The L.H. Harmer Trophy Midget Boys/Girls (1905) (Boys’ trophy until 2011)2011 Olivia Kit ‘14

The Nan Cassels 1914 Steeplechase Trophy – first place Senior Girls (1977) 1977 D.M.Liljelund ’78

The Seymour Trophy – second place Senior Girls (1999)(Named Seymour Award in 2006)1999 Catherine Scandrett ’992007 Joannie Lemay ’08

Lent Term


The G-East and G-West Trophy for the Most Valuable Player (1995)1995 Amy Holliday ‘95

The Bartlett Trophy for the Rookie of the Year (1999)(Named Bartlett Trophy in 2002)1999 Danielle Lizak ’002002 Natalie Aziz ‘03

The Most Improved Player (1999) 1999 Danielle Lizak ‘00

The Colin G. Brzezicki Trophy for Leadership, Dedica-tion and Commitment (2003) 2003 Elizabeth Allen ‘03

The S.D. Vaughan Tier II Girls’ Hockey Award for leadership, spirit and work ethic (2004)2004 Bhreagh Sheppard ’06


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The David ’83 and Andrea Shemilt Trophy (1977) (Named as Shemilt Trophy in 2005)1999 Catherine Scandrett ’992007 Tamara Kit ‘08

P.E. Lewis Cup (1990)1990 Casey Wilson ‘91

The Girls’ Swimming Crown 1981 Ariel Piper ’82


The Judy Lane Trophy - greatest contribution to sen-ior volleyball (2003)2003 Marianne Bottriell ‘03

Senior Most Valuable Player (1986) 1986 Melanie Vukovic ‘88

Under 16 Most Valuable Player (1994) 1994 Elizabeth Kiraga ’95

Trinity Term


Michael J. Johnson ‘05 Award - Most Valuable Player (1996) (Named Johnson Award in 2005)2006 Morgan Washuta ‘06


The Cap’s Cup (1929)1985 Leslie Strong ‘85

The Karen Oude-Reimerink Award (2002)2002 Aerin Lim ‘03


The Kindellan Cup – Most Valuable Player (2002)2002 Candace Culmer ‘02, Jaime Manchee ‘04

The Athena Award (2002)2002 Stefanie Koenig ‘02

The Brian Martin Coaches’ Award – best contribution as a first year player (2009)2009 Erica Olsthoorn ’10


The Neil Campbell ’51 Trophy – oarsperson of the year (1969)1988 Vanessa Wakil ‘89

The Seymour Trophy – oarsperson of the year (2013)2013 Alyssa Toffolo ‘14

The Captain Terence Cronyn ‘20 Trophy – novice oar-sperson (1978)1986 Amanda Rankin ‘88


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The William Dick Award (1989)1989 Sandra Bourk ’89


The Dr. R.B. Robinson Trophy (1985 – named Robin-son Trophy in 1993) 1985 Catriona Ross ’85 1993 Stephanie Perry ‘93

The Headmaster’s Trophy (1992)1992 Erin Battis ‘96

The Jill Hopkins ’92 Trophy for perseverance and commitment (1995) 1995 Brittany Lett ’98


The Mann Family Trophy – Most Valuable Player (1988)(Named Mann Trophy in 2007)1988 Susie Lang ’89

Track and Field

Best New Colour (2001)2001 Alexandra Petrocci ‘03

Most Improved Award 2000 2002 Lara Robbins ’03

The Scott Daniel Trophy (1985)1987 Tricia Lennox ‘88

The Dr. Bryan A. Henry ’91 Prize (1992) (Named Henry Prize in 2000)1992 Ashley Hahn ’93

The C.W. Dorland Trophy (1975) (Named Dorland Tro-phy in 1976) 1975 Robin Huxtable ’75 1976 Susan Stanley ’76

Tiger Tie1982 Clare Newell ’821988 Tricia Lennox ‘88, Vanessa Wakil ’89


The S.F.D. Sampson Memorial Cup – Best Recruit in the Band (1968) 1988 Sandra Y.F. Cheung ‘99

The Newman-Rigby Trophy for the Best Contribution to the Band (1962) Brass: 1990 Andrea Butorac ’91 Percussion: 1994 Heather Scott ‘96 Woodwind: 1981 Barbara Fry ‘81

The McIntyre-Cassels Rosebowl – Best graduating NCO in the Band (1966) 1987 Melanie Vukovic ‘88


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The Major R.S. Cockburn Shield – Best New Recruit (1963)1982 Sheila Mahoney ‘83

The Captain C.W. Iggulden Shield – Best Cadet (1964)1983 Julie Ballard ‘84

The John B. McHardy Shield – NCO who has done the most for the betterment of the Corps (1955)1991 Louise Smith ‘91

The Lt. Col. Iggulden Rosebowl – Best Officer (1968)1988 Bridget Kerr ‘88

The Heaman Prize for Military Proficiency (1985)1990 Christine Hoffer ‘90

Lower School Awards

General Academic Proficiency

Grade 5 1990 Lara Housez ’98

Grade 61989 Heather Scott ‘96

Grade 7 1989 Shirley Hapangama ‘94

Isobel Burton Memorial Prize and The Mason Gold Medal - Grade 8 1989 Alison Loat ‘94Endeavour Award (2004)2007 Nancy Jimenez ’11

Academic Prizes

The John Martin Prize for Art (1965) 1989 Rosalind Warshawski ’93

The C.E. Miller Prize for Creative Writing (1963) (Named Miller Prize in 1966)1986 Erin Howard ’90

The Terence Cronyn ‘20 Award for Drama (1968) 1991 Siobhan McLaughlin ’96

The F. Kendrick Venables ‘34 Prize for History (2008) 2012 Arwyn Workman-Youmans ’16

The Evelyn Dobson Memorial Prize for English Litera-ture (1983)1986 Erin Howard ’90

The Dr. Alan and Mrs. Jean Rice Award for Mathe-matics (2003)2003 Samantha Sul Hee Kim ‘07


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The Dr. S.G. Bett Prize for Lower School Music (1965) 1990 Heather Scott ’96

The Keith Dorrington Memorial Prize for Science (2005) 2008 Emma Hudson ’13

Special Achievement AwardsThe Mentone Cup - Enthusiastic Participation in Grades 5-6 (1988) 1989 Heather Scott ’96

The Harry J. Daniel Award - Enthusiastic Participa-tion in Grade 7 (1983) (Prior to 1989 the prize was awarded to a student in Grade 8) 1987 Yolanda Lewczuk ’911990 Heather Scott ‘96 The John S. Guest Prize - Lower School New Student Academic Achievement (1980) 1989 Chirine Alameddine ’94

Mrs. W.H. Merritt Memorial Prize – Lower School Diligence (1935)1986 Heather Daniel ’90

The W.T. Bright ‘58 Prize – Lower School Persever-ance (1979) 1989 Catherine Fox ’94

The Bullied Award – Lower School All-Round Effort (1973)1989 Laura Meehan ‘94, Susan Stremlaw ’93

The Fischer Family Lower School Valedictorian Award (2000) (Named Fischer Award in 2007)2002 Courtney Smith ’062007 Rachel Kindellan ’11Zealous Achievement Award - Burgoyne House (1993)1993 Katherine Clark ’98 Zealous Achievement Award – Lower School Day Stu-dents 1993 Lara Housez ’98

The Stephen R. Court ‘89 Memorial Prize – Lower School Successful Participation (1985)1991 Heather Scott ’96

The J.R. Hamilton Prize – Lower School Dedication (1961) 1988 Yolanda Lewczuk ’91Tribe Awards

Tribe Leaders

Algonquins 1989 Alexandra Burroughs ‘94


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Hurons 1989 Sarah Rose ‘94

Iroquois1989 Susan Stremlaw ‘93

Mohawks 1988 Bridget Kerr ’92

The E.V. Brown Trophy for Lower School Tribe Leader (1955)1988 Bridget Kerr ’92

Third Junior Tribesman 1989 Siobhan McLaughlin ‘96

Second Junior Tribesman 1989 Heather Scott ‘96

First Junior Tribesman - E.H.M. Burn Memorial Prize (1970)1988 Shirley Hapangama ‘94

Third Senior Tribesman 1989 Sarah Rose ‘94

Second Senior Tribesman - Dr. W.J. Chapman Memo-rial Prize (1950)1990 Shirley Hapangama ‘94

Leslie J. Ashburner ‘39 Memorial Prize - Lower School Chief Tribesman (1927) (Named Ashburner Prize in 1957) 1988 Bridget Kerr ’92

Herald Benjamin Greening ‘51 Memorial Awards for Proficiency in Music (1969)1989 Kate Hollowell (Grade 5) ’97 Heather Scott (Grade 6) ’96 Melissa Gruyich (Grade 7) ’95 1991 Kate Tansley (Grade 8) ’96

Michelle A. Morrissey Intermediate "Always Artistic" Award (2012)2013 Faith Bell ‘18

The H.G. Williams Memorial Prize for Public Read-ing (1938) Senior 1988 Bridget Kerr ’92Intermediate 1994 Elizabeth Dancy ’00Junior 1987 Heather Madar ’90English Language Learner (2013) 2013 Rachel Min Ji Kim ‘19


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The John K.H. Mason ‘39 Memorial Award for Public Speaking (1936) (Named Mason Award in 1953)Senior 1986 Heather Daniel ’90Intermediate 1995 Hilary Nudel ‘00 Junior - Ridley College Family Guild Prize (1954) 1988 Shirley Hapangama ’94English Language Learner (2013) 2013 No girl winner yet.

Athletic Awards

Cross Country Race

Reid Trophy – Under 14 Open 1st (1912) 2006 Eunice Lee ’10

Cadeau Cup (1987 – named Cadeau Cup in 1988) Under 13 1988 Carla Ventin ‘92 1987 Elizabeth Willson ‘91

Under 12 1989 Shirley Hapangama ’94Under 11 1996 Ruth Abraham ‘03

Gymnastics – José Ignacio Macia ‘41 Trophy (1967) 1992 Andrea Speck ’99

Sports Day - Open Championship Shield (Girls’ Cham-pionship 1986) 1990 Tanja Braun ’941986 Christine Tomin ‘90

A. J. Corolis Award – Lower School Sportsmanship and Fair Play (2009)2010 Emily Dargel ’14

The R.P. Tidy ‘38 Award for Outstanding Athlete1998 Lauren Hoogasian ’03


The Stephen R. Court ’89 Memorial Shield: Best Band Contribution from Lower School 1991 Kate Tansley ‘96

Lt. Colonel A.C. Iggulden Memorial Shield for Out-standing Cadet in D Company (1983) 1987 Yoona Jee Young Lee ‘92

The Captain F.A. Hollinrake “57 Memorial Bowl for Enthusiastic Participation and Quiet Leadership (2001) 2001 Eileen Akitt ’05

The Mackenzie S. Fowler ’11 Trophy for Best Officer in D Company (2008)2008 Shannon McNally ‘12


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