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4 Breast Cleanse

Jun 02, 2018



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  • 8/10/2019 4 Breast Cleanse



    Breast Cleanse(Including breast augmentation)

    A womans breasts are truly a symbol of her beauty and femininity. As the breastspair is said to be the second life of all women. We do not have to be an intellect to

    understand the significance of the breasts to women, as they are considered as the

    mark of prettiness, pleasant appearance as well as physical fitness.

    The breast is the upper ventral region of the torso of a primate, in left and right

    sides, containing the mammary gland which in a female can secrete milk used to


    Both men and women develop breasts from the same embryological tissues.

    However, at puberty, female sex hormones, mainly estrogen, promote breast

    development which does not occur in men due to the higher amount oftestosterone.As a result, women's breasts become far more prominent than those of men.

    Each breast contains 1520 lobes.The subcutaneous adipose tissue covering the

    lobes gives the breast its size and shape. Each lobe is composed of many lobules, at

    the ends of which are sacs where milk is produced in response to hormonal signals.

    In women, the breasts overlay thepectoralis major muscles and usually extend from

    the level of the second rib to the level of the sixth rib in the front of the human rib

    cage;thus, the breasts cover much of the chest area and the chest walls. At the front

    of the chest, the breast tissue can extend from theclavicle (collarbone) to the middle

    of thesternum (breastbone). At the sides of the chest, the breast tissue can extend

    into the axilla (armpit), and can reach as far to the back as the latissimus dorsi

    muscle,extending from the lower back to thehumerus bone (the longest bone of the

    upper arm). As a mammary gland,the breast is an composed of layers of different

    types oftissue,among which predominate two types, adipose tissue andglandular

    tissue,which effects thelactation functions of the breasts.

    Morphologically,the breast is a cone with the base at the chest wall, and the apex at

    the nipple, the center of the NAC (nipple-areola complex). The superficial tissuelayer (superficial fascia) is separated from the skin by 0.52.5 cm of subcutaneous

    fat (adipose tissue). The suspensory Cooper's ligaments are fibrous-tissue

    prolongations that radiate from the superficial fascia to the skin envelope. The adult

    breast contains 1418 irregular lactiferous lobes that converge to the nipple, to ducts

    2.04.5 mm in diameter; the milk ducts (lactiferous ducts) are immediately

    surrounded with dense connective tissue that functions as a support framework. The

    glandular tissue of the breast is biochemically supported withestrogen;thus, when a

    woman reaches menopause (cessation of menstruation) and her body estrogen

    levels decrease, the milk gland tissue then atrophies, withers, and disappears,
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    resulting in a breast composed of adipose tissue, superficial fascia, suspensory

    ligaments, and the skin envelope.

    During pregnancy,the breast is responsive to a complex interplay ofhormones that

    cause tissue development and enlargement in order to produce milk. Three such

    hormones are estrogen,progesterone andprolactin,which causeglandular tissue in

    the breast and the uterus to change during the menstrual cycle.

    The Breast:

    Cross-section scheme of the

    mammary gland.

    1.Chest wall

    2.Pectoralis muscles




    6.Milk duct

    7.Fatty tissue


    The dimensions and weight of the breast vary among women, ranging from

    approximately 500 to 1,000 grams each; thus, a small-to-medium-sized breast

    weighs 500 grams or less; and a large breast weighs approximately 750 to 1,000

    grams The tissue composition ratios of the breast likewise vary among women;

    some breasts have greater proportions of glandular tissue than of adipose or

    connective tissues, and vice versa; therefore the fat-to-connective-tissue ratio

    determines the density (firmness) of the breast. In the course of a woman's life, herbreasts will change size, shape, and weight, because of the hormonal bodily

    changes occurred inthelarche (pubertal breast development),menstruation (fertility),

    pregnancy (reproduction), thebreast-feeding of an infant child, and theclimacterium

    (the end of fertility)

    Some common Breast Problems are:

    Skin changes, such as dimpling or puckering.

    Nipple discharge.

    Darkening of the area around the nipple. A nipple being drawn inward.
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    Breast sagging.

    Any breast problem that lasts more than 2 weeks.

    A breast lump in a man.

    Some other Breast problems are:

    Blocked milk ducts

    Breastfeeding mothers may experience breast lumps, which can be caused by a

    blocked milk duct.

    Feeding more frequently from the affected breast may help to clear a blocked milk

    duct, but do continue to feed from both breasts. Changing the position you use for

    feeding might help too.

    You can also:

    Have a hot shower, or apply warm facecloths to the affected breast.

    Gently massage any lumpy areas towards the nipple.

    Get any painless lumps that wont go away checked by your doctor.

    Breast infection (mastitis)

    Symptoms of a breast infection are:

    aches and pains


    feeling shivery like the flu

    A painful pink or red area on the breast.

    If you are suffering from a breast infection:

    Keep feeding your baby. The symptoms clear more quickly if the breasts dont

    get too full. The milk is not harmful for your baby to drink.

    Get plenty of rest and try to sleep when your baby sleeps, and drink extra


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    Some Dos and Donts for breast health

    Hot compresses : Less shocking than ice packs, but equally soothing to swollen

    breasts, is the hot compress. Run hot water over face towels and place them on your

    chest for a few minutes. Re-warm when necessary. A heating pad will hold the heat

    longer, as will a homemade rice bag. To construct a rice bag, fill a clean, thick sock

    with a cup of uncooked rice, close the opening with a knot, and place in the

    microwave for 30 seconds or so. (Watch it carefully, since you don't want popped

    rice!) Remove, test the temperature, and place on your breasts.

    Ice compresses : Ice packs may be a bit of a shock to delicate breasts, but a cold

    compress can give breasts some relief from tenderness and inflammation. To make

    this initially shocking but ultimately soothing remedy, fill a plastic, reclosable bag with

    crushed ice, or use a bag of frozen peas and wrap in a towel. Lie down and place on

    the sore breast(s) for ten minutes.

    Note: Some women find alternating heat and cold, applying heat first for 30 minutes

    then cold for 10 minutes, helps minimize pain.

    Fish : The best fish for female health include those high in the omega-3 fatty acids,

    such as salmon, trout, and mackerel. These fish are also high in iodine, a deficiency

    of which may be a factor in the development of breast lumps. Eating moderate

    amounts of fish may help prevent lumps.

    Meats : Cut back on meat consumption. Before heading to the butcher's block,

    cows, chicken, and other livestock are often pumped full of hormones. Your body

    doesn't need the additional influx, especially during the hormone high time of your

    period. If meat needs to be on the menu, purchase hormone-free meats and poultry

    at a health food store.

    Vegetables : Diuretics help flush excess fluids from the body and reduce breast

    swelling. Unfortunately, many store-bought diuretics can also deplete your potassium

    reserves, unbalance your electrolyte count, and interfere with glucose production.

    Turn to natural diuretics instead. Parsley, cucumbers, and cabbage are healthy for

    you and will keep you naturally flushed.

    Whole-grain foods : Increasing your intake of fiber can help control the hormonal

    fluctuations behind fibrocystic breast disease. Eat whole-wheat bread, brown rice,

    beans, and fruits.

    Kelp : Kelp and other sea vegetables, such as nori and dulse, are good sources of

    iodine. Studies suggest that an iodine deficiency can predispose women to having

    breast lumps. While you can find these vegetables in some food markets, kelp and

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    dulse are also available in powdered form and can be used in cooking as a salt


    Salt : Two weeks before your period, hide the salt shaker. During the menstrual

    cycle, women tend to retain water, which in turn causes their breasts to feel heavy

    and become sensitive. Salt only increases this uncomfortable bloating. Be aware of

    the hidden salts in processed foods.

    Essential fatty acids : Several studies have looked at the beneficial effects of

    evening primrose oil on fibrocystic breast disease. Evening primrose oil is an

    excellent source of the essential fatty acid linolenic acid and its chemical derivative,

    gamma linolenic acid (GLA). Typical dosages used in the studies were 1,500 mg

    twice a day. (This would amount to taking 6 of the 500 mg capsules commonly

    available at health food stores.) Borage oil and black currant oil are more

    concentrated sources of GLA, so you need to take fewer capsules. For example, 3 or4 capsules per day of borage oil may be sufficient. However, always discuss

    dosages with your physician before taking any of these oils.

    Vitamin A/Beta-carotene : Some studies have shown that vitamin A can reduce

    breast pain in women with moderate to severe symptoms. There is a risk to taking

    high doses of vitamin A, however, because it can build to toxic levels in the body --

    the body stores it, rather than flushing it out, because it's fat soluble. It's safer to eat

    a diet high in beta-carotene, the precursor to vitamin A, with yellow, orange, red, and

    dark green vegetables and fruits. This is because beta-carotene is water soluble, soany excess intake is harmlessly excreted.

    Vitamin E : In several controlled studies, vitamin E was found to be quite helpful in

    reducing the pain and tenderness, as well as the size, of breast lumps. Vitamin E

    can be found in vegetable oils, nuts, green leafy vegetables, and some fortified

    cereals. Or you can take a daily supplement of 400 IU.

    Breast Massage:

    Regular massage can also perform better to keep breasts in finer condition. Usually,

    it is supposed that by doing regular breast massage will assist to build up breast. If

    womens dont have enough time and would like to have better outcome from

    massaging on daily basis, they can even try doing massage in cold shower while

    taking bath. It is because cold water stimulates faster blood circulation and maintains

    the health of skin in terms of softness and firmness.

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    1. Put your hand in your armpit and push inward and upward. Go deep into the

    armpit. Pump upward and release. Do this ten to twenty times.

    2. Grab your entire breast and move it upward toward the armpit. If your breasts are

    large, this may take more than one hand position. Do this ten times. Grab your

    breast and pump directly inward toward the chest wall. Do this five times.

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    3. Holding your breast stable, pump the upper inner quadrant of your breast up

    toward your neck. Do this five times.

    4. You can do the pumping more than the recommended number of times if you like.

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    Wear proper fitting bra:No other part of your body is as affected by gravity as

    your breasts. One of the most common reasons for sagging breasts is an ill-

    fitted bra. It is very crucial to pick a correct size bra, as it keeps the breast in

    shape and enhances your overall appearance. While trying on a bra, make

    sure that your breasts are not bouncy or spilling out. When the straps becomelose, either tighten them or replace the brassiere. If you are not aware about

    your proper bra size, consult a professional and have your size properly

    measured.When we work out, our breasts tend to move about with the movements

    of our body. Exercising without adequate support (particularly for those with larger

    breasts) can therefore lead to discomfort and pain, as well as damage to ligaments

    which can cause breasts to sag. To make sure your boobs are protected from the

    effects of exercise, make sure you purchase a well-fitting exercise bra which is

    sturdier than your everyday bra and can help minimizebreastmovement.

    Healthy Diet: A healthy diet is very essential to your attempts to avoid breast

    sagging. Your body needs balanced diet to build healthy cells, including the new

    breast tissues. Vitamins are very important for your body. Vitamin E and D are very

    important for healthy skin. Along with this, include Omega-3 fatty acids in your diet to

    reduce risks of breast cancer. Add a lot of green leafy vegetables, carrots, fishes,

    nuts, tomatoes, and whole grains, etc. in your diet

    Water intake: Drink enough glasses of water every day to keep your body hydrated.

    Your skin tends to become wrinkled and saggy when it is dehydrated. So, keep yourskin moist and hydrated to get rid of loose and saggy skin. Other than water, you can

    also rely on other liquids and citrus fruits to keep yourself hydrated.

    Quit smoking and alcohol: Smoking has repeatedly been established as a leading

    cause of many serious illnesses, and breast cancer is no different. The effects of

    smoking are cumulative, with risk increasing according to years of cigarette smoking

    and alcohol drinking, so stopping smoking and drinkingnow could help cut your

    riskof developing the illness.

    Exercise regularly: To begin with, attractive breasts are usually referring to those

    which are firm and raised. There is no healthier method of achieving that goal other

    than doing exercises on daily basis. So as to keep breasts in excellent shape, refer

    those exercises which grip the chest muscles such as swimming. Research has

    shown that exercising four or more hours a week can reduce the risk of breast

    cancer, while separate studies have suggested that weekly workouts can increase

    survival of those suffering from the illness. It can also help prevent sagging and

    improve the look of your boobs. While you may think that chest exercises are just for

    men, working out the pectoral muscles through exercises such as push-ups andbench pressesis great for improvingthe firmness, lift and shapeof your breasts.

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    Improve your posture: If you want to give yourself an instant breast lift, the best

    thing you can do is improve your posture. The chest muscles can lose flexibility

    when your shoulders are hunched, causing sagging over time. Furthermore, walking

    with a straighter back will make your boobs look instantly bigger. Try to pay attentionon how you stand and sit throughout the day and consider taking up anexercise that

    will improve your posture

    Check your bra size: Wearing the right sized bra plays a key role in the general

    fitness of our breasts. To be very frank, the right sized bra for you is the only which

    can give the shape of your breasts and you will undergo entirely relaxed in it. More

    than 70% of women regularly wear thewrong bra size. This can not only lead to

    significant health problems including poor posture, skin irritation and breathing

    difficulties,but it can irreversibly damage breast ligaments, leading to breast painand sagging.Breast size can change frequently over your lifetime due to weight

    changes, pregnancy or menopause so, rather than guessing your size, make sure

    you get measured regularly to ensure you are getting the support you need.

    The proper selection of a bra and its cup size.

    Start where the breast starts at (near the side/armpit), and measure all the

    way across the fullest part of the breast, i.e. the nipple. If the ribcage

    measurement is an odd number, add 5" to get the band width. Example: 29"

    ribcage + 5" = 34" band. If your ribcage measurement is an even number, add

    4" to get your band width. Example: 28" ribcage + 4" = 32" band. This is

    because brassieres are available in even sizes only.

    Determining Size through Rice Test

    The Rice Test is a do it yourself sizing method. It is not 100% accurate, but

    its pretty close. This test is primarily used to gauge the extent of

    enhancement desired by a woman. A small thin plastic bag of rounded shapeis filled with rice and placed under a bra that the woman is wearing. The
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    contours of the breast that are achieved after placing these bags are

    indicative of the size achieved through breast enhancement surgery. The

    conversions below are a general indicator of the increase indicated by the

    rice test.

    1/8 cup = 30 cc

    1/4 cup = 59 cc

    1/3 cup = 78 cc

    1/2 cup = 118 cc

    2/3 cup = 156 cc

    3/4 cup = 177 cc

    1 cup = 236 cc

    Breast Augmentation: surgical way of Breast Enhancement

    A majority of women desire breast augmentation, because they want to increase

    their size and/or have their breasts more proportionate to the rest of their bodies.They tend to worry too much about getting the perfect size, which is completely

    understandable. Some women worry about their breasts becoming too big after

    surgery, while others worry about not becoming big enough. The increase in size is

    primarily for their psychological satisfaction. Having realistic expectations regarding

    size is a must. Any attempt to go too large could lead to serious complications, which

    will result in more surgery, more recovery time and last but certainly not the least,

    more money. This is highly undesirable for a transsexual woman who has already

    spent lakhs of rupees and years of her precious life in order to rectify her gender.

    Types of Breast Augmentation

    Three general types of breast augmentation surgery are currently available:

    1) Saline Breast implants

    Saline breast implantsare filled with sterile salt water. Should the implant

    shell leak, a saline implant will collapse and the saline will be absorbed and

    naturally expelled by the body.

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    2) Silicone implants

    Silicone breast implantsare filled with silicone gel. The gel feels a bit more

    like natural breast tissue. If the implant leaks, the gel may remain within the

    implant shell, or may escape into the breast implant pocket. A leaking implant

    filled with silicone gel will not collapse.If you choose silicone implants, you may need to visit your plastic surgeon

    regularly to make sure the implants are functioning properly. An ultrasound or

    MRI screening can assess the condition of breast implants.

    Breast augmentation with saline or silicone implants is performed through skin

    incisions placed either under the breast (inframammary), within the areola

    (transareolar or periareolar) or within the armpit (axillary). Saline breast implants may

    also be placed through annavel incision (transumbilical breast augmentation or


    Endoscopic breast augmentation or endoscopy-assisted breast augmentation refers

    to techniques in which a surgical telescope is used to create the space for the

    implant. Transaxillary endoscopic breast augmentation is the most common type of

    endoscopy-assisted breast augmentation.

    The space in which the breast implant is placed is known as the surgical pocket. The

    implants may be placed in a surgical pocket either under the chest muscles

    (subpectoral or dual-plane) or over the chest muscles (subglandular). With theexception of transumbilical breast augmentation, a third surgical pocket is available

    over the chest muscles, but under the fascia which covers the muscles the

    subfascial plane.

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    Above the Muscle (Sub glandular Implant)

    The breast implant is placed over the pectoralis muscle and below the breast



    1. Less postoperative discomfort and swelling,

    2. Lower chance that the breast will appear to move when the patient

    exercises the upper body.


    1. Greater risk of visible rippling appearance of the breast,

    2. Worst cosmetic results are seen in women with small breasts.

    Beneath the Muscle (Sub pectoral Implant)

    The breast implant is placed under the pectoralis muscle.


    1. Less interference with a mammogram,

    2. Less rippling appearance in the upper half of the breasts,

    3. More cushion between the implant and the skin,

    4. Ideal for thin and small-breasted women.


    1. Not well suitable for large breasted women,

    2. Worse cosmetic result are seen in athletic women.

    ImplantShape, Projection and Texture


    The external surface of all breast implants is available in either smooth or texturedvarieties.

    Textured implants are rough, similar to sandpaper. They were developed to

    decrease the risk of capsular contracture. However, studies have not shown a

    consistent advantage over smooth implants regarding capsular contracture. They

    have an increased risk of rippling, have a higher deflation rate and are firmer than

    smooth implants. They are also more expensive. Most breast cosmetic surgeons

    favour smooth implants.

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    Both saline breast implants and silicone breast implants are available in two basic

    shapes: round and ast augmentation using the patients own fat (autologous fat

    transfer or fat micrografting) is aanatomic (tear drop). Round implants are shaped

    like jelly donuts. They are not affected by rotation and cost less than teardropimplants. Teardrop implants are shaped more like the breast. The teardrop implant

    may rotate, creating a distorted breast shape. It also requires a textured surface to

    prevent rotation.


    Each shape is available in three different profiles or degrees of forward projection

    from the chest: low profile (moderate), medium profile (moderate plus), and high

    profile.With a high profile implant, the liquid volume is the same as a standardimplant but its diameter (footprint) is narrower and the projection (the amount it

    protrudes out and away from your body) is greater.Most women are better

    candidates for standard implants. If the diameter of the implant size (standard

    implant) selected is about the same as or smaller than the measured breast

    diameter, then a standard implant is the best choice. If the diameter of the desired

    breast implant size is larger than the breast diameter, then a high profile breast

    implant is best.

    Types of Incisions

    There are four types of incisions a surgeon can use when placing breast implants.

    They are:

    1. Periareolar Incision

    Alsoknown as Areola breast argumentation. When it comes to the areola

    method, the incision is made around the outline of the areola, the brown

    or pink colored area surrounding the nipple. The surgeons goal is to

    make the incision in between the dark area of the areola and its

    surrounding skin, which helps to minimize the incisions visibility. Thedrawback of the Periareolar Incision is the 2-5% of patient loses nipple

    sensation, and 20% are unable to breast feed.

    2. Inframammary Incision

    Perform along the bottom of breast, the inframmary incision is placed along

    the crease or fold of the breast where the breast and skin come together. The

    surgeon creates the pocket to place the implant, and then slides it upward

    through the incision site and places it behind the may leave a scaralong the lower portion of the breast where the bra strap lies.

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    3. Transaxillary Incision

    This incisionis made under the arm. A lighted camera(Endoscope) is used to

    help tunnel through the subcutaneous fat to create a pocket behind the

    breast. This incision site is used primarily to place unfilled saline breast

    implants. Made in the natural fold of the armpit tissue, the transaxillary

    incision is created through a channel from the armpit to the breast and then

    the implant is placed behind the nipple. Sometimes the surgeon uses an

    endoscope; a small tube with surgical light and camera to guide the surgeon

    through the incision. One disadvantage is that 10-15 % of patients who

    undergo the transaxillary incision will have a greater risk of asymmetry in the

    breast implants position

    4. Transumbilical Incision

    Also known as TUBA Breast this the cut is made on the rim

    of the navel, and underneath the skin through a tunnel of fatty tissue. The

    endoscope helps to guide the surgeon through the pathway from navel to

    breast, and pocket is created which allows the breast implant to be inserted

    through the incision site, and placed behind the nipple. Because the TUBA

    incision is a blind procedure. This incision site has not been studied and is not


    Disadvantages of Breast Augmentation

    Each method of breast augmentation has advantages and disadvantages which

    must be considered before deciding to undergo painful cosmetic surgery.

    High Cost

    The patient will need to take substantial time off work to recover from the

    surgery so a loss of earnings is possible.

    There will be a need to have the breast implants replaced before ten years,

    which is often not considered. The patient needs to consider beforehand

    whether she will be able to afford the subsequent (second and often third)

    sets of surgery required.


    Breast implants are treated as foreign objects by the body, and the risk of

    rejection is high. Under these circumstances the bodys immune system will

    attack the implants, attempting to remove them from the body in whichever

    way it can. This can be a very unpleasant process.

    Infection is a risk for any major operation, and usually means the breast

    implants will have to be removed meaning the cost and risk will have beenfaced for nothing.

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    After breast enlargement surgery the patient will experience loss of

    independence to a degree depending on her bodies reaction to the surgery.

    Due to pain and swelling it may be difficult to undergo simple tasks such as

    making meals and bathing.

    Possible breast augmentation surgery risks include:

    Anesthesia risks



    Changes in nipple or breast sensation

    Poor scarring of skin

    Wrong or faulty position of the implant

    Implant leakage or rupture The formation of tight scar tissue around the implant (capsular contracture)

    Fluid accumulation (seroma)

    Wrinkling of the skin over the implant

    Pain, which may persist

    Possibility of revisional surgery

    Breast augmentation with fat injections.

    Breast augmentation procedure that involves removing fat from one or several areas

    of the body by liposuction and then injecting that fat into the breast tissue to achieve

    a cosmetic augmentation. Modest augmentations are possible through these. Unlike

    saline or silicone breast augmentation, some loss of the implanted volume is typical

    in the first three months after surgery. In order to compensate for this effect, many

    women are augmented to a larger initial volume. Another factor to consider is that

    the mammographic changes created by implanted fat may make the future

    interpretation of such studies difficult. Hence, it is recommended that patients

    considering this type of breast augmentation receive proper mammographic

    screening prior to surgery and not have an elevated risk for breast cancer.

    The natural way to make your breasts larger

    Breast augmentation surgery may be unavoidable but for normal gendered women it

    cannot be recommended. Considering the high cost of breast enhancing surgery,

    both financially and in terms of high risks, it is sensible to consider natural and

    effective ways to get bigger breasts without surgery. Lots of breast enhancing pills

    contain synthetic hormones which can be just as dangerous as surgery, causing

    hormone imbalances and an increased risk of breast cancer. There are natural

    products out there that dont contain dangerous hormones, and offer a clinically

    proven way to get larger breasts. Externally applied creams work by increasing the

    amount of estrogen in your body, the hormone responsible for depositing stored fat

    to the right areas of your body, including the breasts. Follow the instructions for the

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    medication and monitor your results over a sufficient period of time. Eliminate stress,

    eat healthy foods, and get plenty of exercise to keep your body and immune system

    strong. Psychologically, it is tempting to think that bigger breasts are more attractive

    for men but studies have proved that such attraction is short-lived. The key to lasting

    relationships is love and care, which is in no way connected with beauty. The author,therefore, does not favor artificial means for breast augmentation.

    Massage for Breast Enlargement

    There are a number of breast massage techniques you can do but the Chi breast

    massage is one of the most popular and effective breast massage techniques

    around for breast growth. If you dont have time to do multiple massage techniques,

    you should at least try to fit the Chi Breast massage into your schedule.

    How to Do Chi Breast Massage?The Chi Breast massage is the best because it serves a dual purpose massage

    and acupressure. The massage helps to improve circulation and increase prolactin

    flow while working with your pressure points to help with the flow of chi (or energy)

    around your breast.

    Step by Step Chi Breast Massage

    1) Place hand over your breasts.

    2) Spread your fingers out a little and apply the slightest bit ofpressure on the fingertips. These are the chi points.

    3) Move breast in circular rotations inward. So you would start by

    moving the breasts towards each other, like you are trying to create

    cleavage. Then down and out (away from each other) then up and

    back towards each other again. That would be one full rotation.

    4) Do 360 inward rotations 1-2 times per day

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    Frequently Asked Questions

    Q: Does breast enlargement depends on genes. My mother was also having small

    breast. There was no increase during her first pregnancy but after delivery of her

    baby, breast size increased by almost two cup size but due to greater milk

    production. Whether there is any possibility that same will happen with me? And ifthis does not take place, what exercises and herbs etc. can I take after delivery to

    stimulate breast size and when (means how much time after delivery)?

    A: Yes, genes do determine the size of the breast.

    Since, you have a genetic predisposition; it is quite likely, that what happened in your

    mothers case, may happen in yours. There is no need for you to be alarmed. The

    amount of milk produced does not depend on the breast size. Milk production takes

    place irrespective of their size. Therefore physiologically there is no trouble. Growth

    and enlargement of the breast, takes place up to the age of 18 years. Beyond that

    period enhancement becomes quite difficult.

    Q: What are the limitations of breast enlargement with implants?

    A: Breast augmentation with implants will not improve nipple asymmetry, move your

    breasts closer together, lift droopy breasts, or remove stretch marks.

    Q : What are the possible risks and complications of breast enlargement with


    A : Anesthesia reaction, asymmetry, bleeding, breast droop, capsular contracture(hardening of scar tissue around implant), deflation, displacement, hematoma

    (pooling of clotted blood), implant leak, infection (always involves removal of the

    implant), interference with mammography, keloid (heavy scar), nerve damage, nipple

    numbness, pain, permanent numbness, reactions to medications, rippling, rupture of

    the implant (often due to injury), seroma (pooling of watery blood), skin irregularities,

    sloshing, slow healing, swelling, symmastia (breasts merge into one mass) and

    visible scars.

    Q: What are the patient instructions before and after breast implant surgery?

    A : On the day of surgery the patient may feel drowsy and experience pain or be

    nauseated. The chest may feel tight and uncomfortable. Your arms and back may

    also be sore. Pain medication will be prescribed to minimize your discomfort. After

    surgery your breasts will be very firm, high, and swollen.

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    For best health of breasts:


    Being active reduces a woman's risk of breast cancer. Exercise reduces the number

    of fat cells, which are responsible for the release of hormones such as oestrogen

    and testosterone. It is these fat cells that are thought to encourage tumor growth.

    Women should aim for 30 minutes of moderate physical activity a day. This can

    reduce breast cancer risk by at least 20 per cent. Anything that gets your heart rate

    up and leaves you feeling a bit out of breath will do, so tackle every day chores like

    dusting the house with gusto.


    Women who breast-feed for a year over their lifetime, not necessarily continuously,likely to develop less breast problems than those who don't breast-feed at all. The

    longer a woman breast-feeds, the lower her chances of getting the disease. It's

    thought that breast-feeding lowers the levels of cancer-related hormones in the

    mother's blood. When breast-feeding ends, the body gets rid of damaged cells that

    could turn cancerous.


    Women who work at least three night shifts a week for six years or more are twice as

    likely to develop breast problems. However, its the unhealthy behavior caused byworking night shifts, like eating poorly and being inactive, that's the possible cause,

    rather than the shift work itself. Women, therefore, need to think about their overall

    lifestyle, whatever hours they work.


    Women who take statins (drugs that lower cholesterol levels) for more than a decade

    face doubling the risk of developing invasive ductal carcinoma, or IDC, the most

    common type of breast cancer. The short-term use of statins appears to have a

    protective effect against breast cancer, in the long run; statins may damage certain

    chemical pathways that lead to the growth of tumors. However, do not stop taking

    statins without consulting the doctor.


    Don't use canned food and drinks and don't microwave food in plastic containers.

    They contain chemicals that behave like oestrogens, increasing breast problems.

    High temperature barbecuing, grilling or frying meat can trigger the production of

    acrylamide that also increase cancer risk so try to cook meat gently and make aneffort to avoid preserved meats as well.

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    Natural sunlight is the best way of increasing stores of vitamin D, which can lower

    your risk of breast cancer. Breast cells can convert vitamin D to a hormone that has

    anti-cancer properties. This advice should, however, be balanced against the risk of

    developing skin cancer from sun exposure.