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11 u J th 1 JiI 1 u q I r p r < + r f- H fJf 11 APftIL1 1 1t 4- t THE A EVENING JJ WORLDS HOME 411I- IJI I M A- rG A- I ZIlT E c < I f um un l > BorUJ ublUhed by the Pn Publishing Company No U to ca Park Row Now York Entered at the PoitOfflc at N w Tork ai SccondClui Mall Matter OLUME 44 NO 1BB7O The Evening World First Number of columns of advertising in The Evening World in March 1904 i 501 24 Number of columns of advertising in The Evening World in March 1903 1 032 J INCREASE 4691 No other sixday paper morning or evening In New York EVER carried in regular editions in any one month such a volume of display advertising as The Evening World carried in March 1904 rhep- lW a Fa tJ1 Higher By Martin Green Hurhnrgers Grouch Against Commissioner McAdoo- v I SEE salil tho Hgar Store Man that Jullui I Harbinger Is malting a boiler because he cant sit en Commissioner McAdoos K i < and blorr 1t Second avcntii cigar nmokn Into his faco Julius dont ffnm to ho hop that thn cUr IN h lng run under n now pet of rules remarked the Man Higher Up The old collarMidolbow nictbnd hns been given the slide The people who are running Tnmmjny Hall now are wise to th proposition thnt letting the district leaders run the city Is what hall made the periods nf Tammany eontrol KO variously periodical Maybo Julius would like tn see the old days when n district leader could sit on tho h neh with n Mfglstrato- ond steer tho course of till rottrt mnybu ho would llkn- to sea the rotuni of tho day when n district leader could BO to tho ComiulsnlomTfl of Police and dcmnnd thn transfer or removal IIr a rap with a cinch ohsnco of Rotting th demand sranlod If he would like to sen those daya again It IP a sign tbrt he desires thn present Tammany administration to take H hemorrhage a year from next full and uo run to the bone yard x Yon notice thai Iiilltis niys that It Is a CM thing for a district leader to go to a department for patronapn nnd have to sit out In tlin anteroom for a ioupio of hours H ho didnt llle the way MiAdoo Is running thn- 1ollce nepartment with rffnerf to district ndes uhv T Ud ho Invite McAdoo over to his nieetlnc and ndvortls t that he would mfclto n speech Z ff MrAiltio Is such a bloomer it Is funny that Julius should wnit his ppjpie 1 to listen to htm j Tim Sullivan ought to call Julius iin n to tnp l Howerj and Kive him n couple of rehearsnls Things are not going thn way Sullivan would liio tn fpn Iltlm Rn i but you dhnt hear him mnln nnv yammer nnd ho hns had a line of politlo experience that mU a tho career of Julius Halburger look n courfe In n manual training chrol Everybody knows tKt Hnrliiirger Is a hard worter and ho has our vrnpuhy In the frost ho- Jias run aralust looUln for roniRp but when bo sooi out to throw thn boots Inlotlio hdmlnNtrttlon he ouirlit to remcmbe I that hh illMrlot I nn extremoly small i corner nf Greater Xcw Vnt < There eoems to bo qulto a lot of dissatisfaction with Tammanys policy of liberality toward Its enemies cuggcBtcd tho Clear Store Man Well agreed tho Man Higher Up It does look a little on the white rabbit to oo Tammany Flnll Inviting Vebstor Pls who MOB elected Mayor of Kunsan City an A P A tirket p fev years aso to give it pollticjl uiivice Smallest Soldier The rmnllvst lotisrrlpt nt till litct dra lnc for srnlio- In tlo Pioicli Army n s JnninoY hal aud nf Verpllllfic Ills holsht Is 1 ert 11 Inchrs nnd In wpli 07 13 pound His age Is twcntynp Most Artisjtic Stamps Jnpancso pui t IKO > Imp < IIP utnl in tlin mot nrtlstlc In tho wond Tirr IK a isrrif dcmnnrt for them In London nt prjspnt Thf Irst ftnmpi wire l smd In 1ST J There ar ttvr rnie ones tir hl hrt pilrc rpr known to Juno ben paid for one hflns SVi It Albert t POPRlf or rrECEDixQ CHAPTKH- Crrll IMUrd n ouni N ow Vorktr In- rturlnjt 111I01 K muicsin at Paul rrmlJncVs- mcnU J In Carnfitln Unit Sv ral up- p 1 r ntly guptrnatuisl fvnli nil nrl lil- fath Poison tehlrv r nrr founl In his 1 iockrt uu l 10 rutsi rr 031 rn tince of- liouon In ie st n A nr h nml BeckHlth twti det rthef r llFeii lnr lii- ffalr they an tal thin Ena llthman whomJomt lhA Hiiouiirvn i Iruhom ftI h Idfal rtctrvth To vhlh inha r pllf- iK Do > ou mean to- nuxK II J hla I HOIMKS Th nthfr maltpii an vaitlve rtpli and tflln- Cr iham that the latter may rff r to hint I r rvr as Thn KnKllhman Th Ins Jlihnuxn undertaken to H the Tlnllard my- sttrr t I The Cn ll hman lUfplcliri fail on Jlo > cf- jiallard e brother nf thp niirlfr il man onlnr- to an ovftrb anl ronxrrwitlon b tue n ItoM 4110no i1tanl nn Italian Kl- rlCHUTBR L fe An IV- On tli < Trntl- OR full minute Royce Ballnrd wit as though paralyzed by tlip news ho Had just heard en he spoke It was In so low a tone the unseen listener could not catch- words 1J lat ft fewmoment later his voice luppose Ive of laying I knew that fM uipocted mjebt try t- oT li Mer K i 1r 11 The Rapidtoodleum Solves the HighRent Problem l ifbt1l iiiflJTOODLEHJl5T- 8Y i TJ t CHOP SUSY S1MO 1 OWN 111- LOI + SILK COMP i us OVER 811aU 4- t j 1 < J li- it i 0- iS n t I A SIJ1t5RfLLIf t I I 7171 t I i u u I H The Telephone Girl and Vlatrimonv5- y Nixola GrcclcvJSmitU nay ful VVstern ¬ for thr slalemeit of Kriwt nrmy of em- ployed ¬ women the telephone best chance of mony us n ¬ for th <l preference exhib- ited ¬ by the mnr rlalrnble Ollng 8r iv nlnn for the hello Klrl the faat that h who jroes Intn nn ofllco to tuiswcr fall nt the switchboard often does so- i directly from her own home nnd Is thereto fresh pietiy and absolutely Unspoiled bv buMnesH life Viw Vork o statistics have been dithered could determine whether tho presiding geniuses of our switch hnnrili do Indeed nMt with RTeater- iruiirlMniiiil fior than tho slri ale niKiupher or raihlcr Rut lii does the rei on for her supremacy would not be far to seek for I i Hlie hAil cnit about her by her v ry- profr lnii whnt Is sUrt to the great j oat oiurm of womankind that mys- tuy Thn MenoRriher b seen every day In nearly nil thn men with whom sho- ioiiK < In rimtiicl Mimpcr pretty ah- Is nit tn become In lio c > rs uf Uioso who her ilillv a mere ulllrii IlMlirr- pd her icqimlntaine Is limited to thn- nfont It nit sf- Tho I leihuiici Klrl on the contrary tlmuRh eei bv u irv len persons has a prnitltnllv llnillkss utii ilrlancv- hhd often ifldri iii and uldre scil- n I niiiiv na n llmunanil perions n- div iui If sle has n plcirlnc vnln h excitii the iitrloslty nnd IntcriJt ot ovcry man who spcaKs In her The very art tliit lie cinnol he seen adds to her chnrm for she Is left nllo- telher tn thi ImaRlnatlon or her ad- mlrcr nnd Imagination alwnjs kinder thn n Mtturi Women uenernllv do not leillzo thl In appouranre an1 dress nnd inannci1 they strive fill the tooobvioui Tlnlr lie ld i ta display to emphasize And often they forie n muno nttojitlon- to outiie jfi >d point llkp pritty rvc- or < hall which he would npprniutf i mill ii moic if he were left to discover It himself n Klrl who has tine eyes learn I I srlmaco and ngln every time in- iie > looks her direction nnd by her I CIT itiemtit to show lhen oK fro fluently de tro > s their chArm Indeed the hiblt IIC showlic off Is i no t matt pretty women an Klvi n- inVrll1 In a tinosniihir or u us to do It it tile cxpnnse if the I iianilrillou she nlihs tn exelte jis the nlOt siniKlitHfter of Inllronm Iiee I lie telephone girl cint Hliow off She can unlv atrceable 111 Wllcn tn < thit nttrncllon autllcea he By f sent I carry It with me all the time Theres no nvldenco thnt will let them nrrrst me and search my clothes Hut any thlrdratr dotrctlve yes or any woman with a grudge against me for that matter mlyht gain access to my rooms In my absence and find tt Tha where I was wine You no one had evidence sgnmst- vou that could warrant youi arrtft How about mr I didnt know cut tonight that you had any unou ledge of the Vou know It now My dear Tloyce with me for an vou are lost With mo for an ally you nre safe and a millionaire The price cf my all BP C8 Is a plain gold rlnr A wife can- not testify agslnit1 You have conquered he crawled nullenly Ill marry you nut with a nlrl of Irrepressible rage Ill leoil- vou a dags life Ill mnke vou curse the ilav vou forced me Into this hate ¬ I union I Ill tnke my chances on that Iloyce r Tho woman who can make you cringe before her and OBrce to mnrry her can take pretty good care of herself after- ward Thsyre applauding Im really aory to liAve rolised Herr von lUck lff aUL Jtt t 7 tAJJc wo v f lust J t A news- paper H authority that nil the Itll Klrl- hn th nintrl It Rives rea- son mnrk In which If he of fe M Is li Thus In ahlr U lu enemy The Great Only Mr Peewee T Mr Peewee Like Carnegie Doesnt Want to Die Rich ws lADf rnesnevtnrrnf I w SAVING TOOTSIC- MR CARiEcie HAS SET A FINE EXAMPLE TO THE r =5 fc CLASS TO WHICMT BELONG Ij- MSWK I 10T S t i t <0 s OH sjRi CCCOULDNT 5 NEN- j KEEP ITYEKSELFJ- LHAVE THE EVENING FUDGE IT IN A ENVEUUP > WHEN YER DIES J NLVCR TOOK A PORE MANS LAST CENV IN ME LIFE r2- C 5 Was by J18 N Y i PRIZE for 1F M No 145 High street C N 3J B No 261 West War N > 1 oS N 0 had Is It Shall wo Join the crowd that arc him EV Don had stepped through the half drawn hilt snrank hack with a lltlli gnsp Whnts he matter nsketl Ilo > c Win a mans leaning nuralnst t- vall rlirht by the edce of the hay win- dow ¬ within yards of us low much do vou suppose he 1 thought overy one wa a across thn rooni nearer the piano Iloycc lltfd a corner of portltv In the dlreeilon ahn Indicated anrt took a long look at the man Then he diopp the curtnln with a slKh of relief Its only that ntupld Dr Joseoh Watts Pcckwlths friend he juld contemptuously Hes lean- ing ¬ there with his Ors shiu and hli mouth open and his silly head nodding Musics charms seem to have aoothed his savage breast to slumber nvcn It hed been awake ho enough sense to us Can he have been listening whll he prclrnded to bo asleep If he was hed have away the necond we discovered he was therv- Nn Walts Is a negligible quantity Youre sure lie gave me a scare Who Is he anyway An who scraped with BecliWIth on the other aide Ueckvlth seems to think he owes him f lhu tnkes hi- In 1ovor uhla ii i LO I tno onnse of Cyrils tlvnth- Is Mr lleckwlth on that earo Yes lip Is always meddling In other airilrs To Justify his Idotlc nlcktninp nf Tile Millionaire DOne I suppose Therell nothing to- rnr from him No moro than from this Munlil Vitts follow Tho sttinld Watts follow I nwoko froni his doze nnd trollod over to whrrc Yon bv the piano While spemlnglv Id iMilv In the mimlcnl discus- sion ¬ poltic on there ho did not fall ti unto that rtora Plttanl and Jloyce hml from tho hay window and I tel Joined the other tuest Taking an envelope from his pocket The i mnn quietly tore off the stcpplit near to l the envelops fnlUto the floor Excuse me Mr Bnllard he said itoonlnc to pick It up hut I think yen IMA dropped lJj > fO mido nn if thp right hund toward his own breast pocket then seeing thnt what The had picked up was merolv a torn envelope he I lanced cnrcleFSly at It nnd laid No Ii Isnt mine murmured TVta hlmscl This som Mitng that h carries with him all the time for tear of Its belnc discovered Is In the left breast podui of his coM or his ¬ Hut how to got at It And what is It Whatever It is It has beMlnffon- ibla mur4er T J u FOLLOW WHtEE OTHtR HAPtHI It- AtfAPPLE HE E fU- DGIUSSEll SCUM HOW SACE- IYES I 1 WOMA- i FOR 11 Of AND MiD TAIES 91 CHAN- rE1010TORIAL r PAGE OF THE EVENING DG Sagacity Oar Veracity One day was as r < and our Simplicity emerging from a Which In n Measure Explains Our getfullqulck res- taurant t Frightful Circulation a pupil of I Copyrot 1KH ty Ih Flint Pub Co his stopped him I and said laster as I saw you going In without an UMBRELLA you come out with one leads me to ask whether you think It wilt RAIN today To which Plato replied If- It I rains we will rain If It DOESNT we wont In I cither case Ill have the umbrella I Thats tbs way with our CIRCULATION If we have It we have It and nobody KNOWS It and If we dont j why NOBODY cares The EVENING FUDGE guesses Id own circulation every day and some day like the weather man It will wake up and GUESS RIGHT j Just SCT lt> trimUrUefltii editor Is COOKING out an Idiotorial on this thrilling topic How MUCH must a young man owe his landlady before he should PROPOSE to her Sweet dreams till we meet again Otl DaCr Jc PA- IIt 111 I Todays Prize I Idiotorial Written J East Eightyninth Street City PEEWEE for today 1 paid each No HADSELL Brooklyn No2CHARLES of Westwood J No ALLAIRE 44th street New York City ToMorrows Prize Idiotorial Cook Tile RnssoJnpimese Must Stop HNNN 4 NN N 0N N i of worth coiiBratulatlng portiores uneasily two heard the ICngllshman lrnt underMand moved ICnifllshmnn nc- nuntntunce sonicthUiif1 vl1araClYAni DlL pooplcV II Hlckerlj stood absorbed superscription- nnd Roice t something Involuntary unward- ijiovoiriin Englishman Good Hngltahmai- to UrothBriai UluMIuII- 4I crS FU Platos 1 PLATO Readers seeing oU- STOP have daughter L Fudge Klein HEADLINES LAUGHTON Fudge In London tlicro are n dozen of my ns- slstnnts who could help mo Ret pon- t CM Ion of It As tt In ilils slupJ Watts fellow miy possibly outwit tho- tho clever Mr HoycQ Unllard after all For some time pait Tho I ngllsltman had been quietly but busy Introduced by lieckwlth as un nngllnh friend who wns Interested In watching American methods of detective work he had the Millionaire Detccllve on the IUlers lnv tlRi tlon of the H1llnrd rase hal oxain- ln sl carefully tho body and ns fnr n- Qraddcck would permit tho In the lattcrs apartment it Car nerjlo Hall where the crime had been committed Here however ho hail en- countered ¬ an unexpvtcJ and Irritable i obstacle Crd lock had calmly rsfused to have a gang of thieftakers prowling bout his rooms as he termed It Any reasonable ho said ho would permit with pleasure But ho saw no rea cn why Ac should be made Tho law did not demand them and he refused to permit such Intru- sions ¬ Tie End hmnn by admitting that he was a wstaotlve might of course i have obtain the necesiary perinlo- slan I from the authorities nut he illI I not ohooie tn jeopard his future sue ceau on the cae by throwing oft tile Incojnlto of Dr Joseph Wnu i Bo know t f = ooIiIIIiiir rooms since Ballnrd had fallen dead there mill that their careless footprints had doubtless blotttd out all ntiiciiit traces of thn crimes origin nnd or- lulnntor Moreover them seemrd In view of such nrobahle obliteration no absolute for such a search Yet The was resolved at tbe first j01 to makp U Though tlat cncli passing day mndn the tliincw of a find there more anti J moro unllkvlv he was detnrmlned to make sonic time such a thorough ml- croHropU of the apartment ai Ids soul cived I With this object In vlow he had cultivated Craddocks ¬ To most of the people whoihad irrt him through Bcckwith The Ens llshmnn seemed lfab orbed and somewhat stupid Crad dock however who saw far deeper Into human nature than did those about him rend Dr Watts He aw the tremendous energy tho keen ana- lytical ¬ mind beneath the diffident ex ¬ terior and he felt an unwonted attrac- tion ¬ toward tho famous sleuth He and Th were much together Tho great detective on Ms Part was keenly Interested In iraddock Here wnH a man who with all hla groat pow ers of deductloo The could not mnliu out Subtle brilliant honor i ill iff lilsfolluw niiiB- CCUTO In tho knowledge of hl owni li Tliuu ciaraoter to ludsized up Craddocka I ndM4 a r1 1 1 2 1 nrsNogdand Mr t By L McCardell- T 1 HIGH Is Smoot the Mormon Senator W hy dont you Jolnthlm out to moT it Smoot Vou dont earn how anxious I am to see Senator You do not know liim Oh Mr Nags do not attempt j to deceive me I try to please you In everything I never t criticise I never contradict you do n Dont you dare 1 1 dol I do not r can provo It by mamma and my little 4 brother Willie They will take my part I know whnt Is In your mind I know why y u are hiding this man Smoot from me You nre plotting to be n Mormon You would Ilka to- e me your toy and plaything a nonenlty In your house for X your other wives 11 I nm for you You think because you hnvo In me a meek patient suf- fering ¬ woman that you could << et a dozen others to terrorize over But other women would not keep silent M B do Than perhaps after I wns dead you would mls my gentle mll I nnd quiet vay No Mr Nagg You would get wives who would not p- up with whnt I do They would not be silent smiling martyrs show you They would scold tind scold nnd jaw anaJaw and fuss and fuss and row and quarrel with you till yqu would wish you wer never married Go Mr Nags bo n Morman elder Break Ute other women aa you break Tnlne but do not stand by- mr side Jeering at mo and taunting me with itamou boasts that you know Senator Smoot and that you Intend tp be a 4iormon too You never thought of such a thing you ayT How do I know what you thlnk7 But do not itind here with ma about That Is Senator Frye In the chair you sayT What do I carewho is in the chair You would not fir a me any If I begged for It on my knees This Is the House of Representatives Oh thank you hut Im not n dummy I know that much Who Is that SuUer Ana UiM Is Ooldfogle Isnt he cute Thats Bennlngs leaving he Ii going on- to Bennlngs to the races you sayf 10 Why dont you take me to the rnce You never thought of It you eay didnt You never think of anything to Of course you make me happy when all I think of t to plnse you and to j be loving kind and patient We lIre going to the White House you say Pleae else I so tired dont take me anywhere am Where shan w go now Anywhere I like h7- j But never mind now You have wnl1 t to sro taken Rlr Ihe vl wur from my trip by your neJlecI Why did you drag me along to taunt me and to jeer and snarl at me- i Oh I wish I were dead It me die life hall no Intertt t0 me Mr Wg I wont to go to Harvey tor some teamaa I am aa hungr a sir at once oysters And at once bear I The Laziest People to say that the Coreans BM hl latest Is hnrdlv people an on earth All day long they He about thll- atreet1l smoking their gigantic pipes A native pipe Is a Ilx of bamboo with a metal bowl and Is carried length tucked toot into the neckband nnd down the trouser leg All wort nearly very kind Is done by tho women who occupy oC very most degraded portion held by the sex of any C unfortunatefemale I a boast of burden anl denied even the most elementary recor human beIngs A corenn IIlrl hall no name shel nUlon nil of Soandso her father t lercly known as Daughter I I e HE FATAL CHORD or the Carneie Baling Hall Mystery Murder the it Wonderful Detective Story Payson Terhune thought and urahaa4lnta meanwhlli- Krinlunllj pmcrgcd waist- coat DARE- APPROACH InfjjnsUy accompanied suirounl- Ings Investigation measurements tnl- crorcoplc examinations unnecessarily thMdozeneD- t1witramH4ub8utCnlddockl ncccvltv Kngllshtnan opportunity rriillzliiR Invcjtlgntlun iedu- lously acquaint- ance unlhterestlnsr differently Englishman Englishman contiiiiptuous complicated la- Ji0 tJ Roy uncomplaining Theywouia JwarU- of yourJp quarrelling J- Harmons Information speaking Congressman Congressman Congressman everithlnr Irtl1lfnrc6- and exaggeration oanPThe population collectively Beckwlth 111I the two detectlvQS walked homoward down Fifth avenue Into that night Hes the sort of man who stands head and shoulders above the average answered Beckwlth In times of panlo- or trouble the ret Hock to him like frightened children to a rather He- iixs BOLJ nerves ioo to iecp in thut- puco alter Inn vwful tragedy ihat hip pencd there Kapeclally alter the scem mgiy superhumiin orents that accom lImrI It J1 the wuy Have you formed nny theory to account for thnt Instant of utter licjknwa nnd the crashing out of that one loud chord from tho piano Not vet1 answered The English- man ¬ but If l1ere not hot on another trail I should have formed a theory u account for that and for certain conditions I noted about IMlhinls body and which the pollco- nnd th doctors nllkn seem to hav overlooked But that theory WAS so wild so uuerly Improbable and be- sides ¬ I had no chance to verify It by proper examination of the room end Would vou mind tolling me the nature of tills wild theory you at first formed No yos on second thoughts Id rather not until the affqlr Is solved Then Ill tell you of of my false clues that may interest you In tho mean theprobabilities are In favor of our fixing the crime on our friend Rorciv Ballard oa you expected Briefly he recounted theevents tho evening This Plttant girl he finished has swTia strong hold over Ballardi A I take It she and she nlone lias proof that lia hi brother TJie secret of nat crime Tin carries In hla breast not figuratively but In hlhreast pocket Iounc1 that out tonIhtUy inmtMBtfff > oJarMI MM JU 1UW- r 1i tn 1 1 lard and find what tnts secret is QC may be the chemical formula for tile lI poison It may bo some of the poison Itself It may be snmo IncrlmlmltlnR 1 document In nnv cas Out the analysis failed to show any marks po son In the body nnd those mysterious brown tablets whim analyzed no known Olsoil- l None known to loral chemists > ou mean I have sent to mv laboratory In London for certain testa at ny ovn Invention which I moan to to than tablets Tho tests should b- fl I her In a few days 1 tla tier myself thnt they will lay aro the mot nubile poison Whon I find the nature of the poison I will also know Its effects Vhcn It will be an easy matter to body ej < hiim d and see If our Suspicions are correcl But a surer I and far simpler roursowlll beto ol- mln the paper or whatever It Is that I noyce says he carries nlfit and day And that Is what I am to ce nut how1 Oresham can get me a hlank war- rant ¬ nnd I fancy I ran make up sif- flrfntty well as a detectlvoto You mean youd arrest him on sonp tnimpedup fake charge and BO through clothes No no I wouldn t through his clothe Theyd do that at the ne e- stationhouse to which I brought hm Id examine the papers find I h1 jiv- wrqptr man and let him go Thats Pout U Illrgal Its When youre dealing with a criminal YOU must moot him on his own If you hope towlni Tomorrow shall eet the warrant and put my little plnn into execution May 1 count on Your- hoTu1 It ahy other man asked it Id snj t t- evelythlnfIm But you cnn count on me li tliouoh l r iuBer work botdrll wed iflrimjr J i c > < ODthlUA4I- r J h

3J FATAL CHORD it Wonderful Detective Story · training chrol Everybody knows tKt Hnrliiirger Is a hard worter and ho has our vrnpuhy In the frost ho-Jias run aralust looUln for roniRp

Jul 10, 2020



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Page 1: 3J FATAL CHORD it Wonderful Detective Story · training chrol Everybody knows tKt Hnrliiirger Is a hard worter and ho has our vrnpuhy In the frost ho-Jias run aralust looUln for roniRp

11 u J th 1JiI1 u q I r p r< + r f-




11t 4-




ZIlTE c <I

fum un

l> BorUJ

ublUhed by the Pn Publishing Company No U to ca

Park Row Now York Entered at the PoitOfflcat N w Tork ai SccondClui Mall Matter


The Evening World First

Number of columns of advertising in TheEvening World in March 1904 i 501 24

Number of columns of advertising in TheEvening World in March 1903 1 032 J

INCREASE 4691No other sixday paper morning or evening In New

York EVER carried in regular editions in any one monthsuch a volume of display advertising as The EveningWorld carried in March 1904

rhep-lWaFa tJ1Higher

By Martin Green

Hurhnrgers GrouchAgainst Commissioner McAdoo-



SEE salil tho Hgar Store Man that JulluiI Harbinger Is malting a boiler because he cantsit en Commissioner McAdoos K i < and blorr

1t Second avcntii cigar nmokn Into his facoJulius dont ffnm to ho hop that thn cUr IN h lng

run under n now pet of rules remarked the Man HigherUp The old collarMidolbow nictbnd hns been giventhe slide The people who are running Tnmmjny Hallnow are wise to th proposition thnt letting the districtleaders run the city Is what hall made the periods nfTammany eontrol KO variously periodical

Maybo Julius would like tn see the old days when ndistrict leader could sit on tho h neh with n Mfglstrato-ond steer tho course of till rottrt mnybu ho would llkn-to sea the rotuni of tho day when n district leader couldBO to tho ComiulsnlomTfl of Police and dcmnnd thntransfer or removal IIr a rap with a cinch ohsnco ofRotting th demand sranlod If he would like to senthose daya again It IP a sign tbrt he desires thn presentTammany administration to take H hemorrhage a yearfrom next full and uo run to the bone yard

x Yon notice thai Iiilltis niys that It Is a CM thingfor a district leader to go to a department for patronapnnnd have to sit out In tlin anteroom for a ioupio of

hours H ho didnt llle the way MiAdoo Is running thn-1ollce nepartment with rffnerf to district ndes uhv

T Ud ho Invite McAdoo over to his nieetlnc and ndvortlst that he would mfclto n speech Z ff MrAiltio Is such a

bloomer it Is funny that Julius should wnit his ppjpie1 to listen to htm j

Tim Sullivan ought to call Julius iin n to tnpl Howerj and Kive him n couple of rehearsnls Things arenot going thn way Sullivan would liio tn fpn Iltlm Rn


but you dhnt hear him mnln nnv yammer nnd ho hnshad a line of politlo experience that mU a tho careerof Julius Halburger look n courfe In n manualtraining chrol Everybody knows tKt Hnrliiirger Is ahard worter and ho has our vrnpuhy In the frost ho-Jias run aralust looUln for roniRp but when bo sooiout to throw thn boots Inlotlio hdmlnNtrttlon he ouirlitto remcmbe I that hh illMrlot I nn extremoly small i

corner nf Greater Xcw Vnt <

There eoems to bo qulto a lot of dissatisfaction withTammanys policy of liberality toward Its enemiescuggcBtcd tho Clear Store Man

Well agreed tho Man Higher Up It does look alittle on the white rabbit to oo Tammany Flnll InvitingVebstor Pls who MOB elected Mayor of Kunsan Cityan A P A tirket p fev years aso to give it pollticjl


Smallest SoldierThe rmnllvst lotisrrlpt nt till litct dra lnc for srnlio-

In tlo Pioicli Army n s JnninoY hal aud nf VerpllllficIlls holsht Is 1 ert 11 Inchrs nnd In wpli 07 13 poundHis age Is twcntynp

Most Artisjtic StampsJnpancso pui t IKO > Imp < IIP utnl in tlin mot nrtlstlc

In tho wond Tirr IK a isrrif dcmnnrt for them In Londonnt prjspnt Thf Irst ftnmpi wire l smd In 1ST J There arttvr rnie ones tir hl hrt pilrc rpr known to Juno benpaid for one hflns SVi

It Albertt POPRlf or rrECEDixQ CHAPTKH-

Crrll IMUrd n ouni N ow Vorktr In-

rturlnjt111I01 K muicsin at Paul rrmlJncVs-mcnU

JIn Carnfitln Unit S v ral up-

p1 r ntly guptrnatuisl fvnli nil nrl lil-fath Poison tehlrv r nrr founl In his

1 iockrt uu l 10 rutsi rr 031 rn tince of-

liouon In ie st n A nr h nmlBeckHlth twti det rthef r llFeii lnr lii-

ffalr they an tal thin Enallthman whomJomt lhA Hiiouiirvn i

Iruhom ftI h Idfal rtctrvth To vhlhinha r pllf-


Do > ou mean to-


J hla I HOIMKSTh nthfr maltpii an vaitlve rtpli and tflln-

Cr iham that the latter may rff r to hintI r rvr as Thn KnKllhman Th InsJlihnuxn undertaken to H the Tlnllard my-sttrrt

I The Cn ll hman lUfplcliri fail on Jlo > cf-jiallarde brother nf thp niirlfr il man onlnr-to an ovftrb anl ronxrrwitlon b tue n ItoM

4110no i1tanl nn Italian Kl-



fe AnIV-

On tli < Trntl-

OR full minute Royce Ballnrd witas though paralyzed by tlip newsho Had just hearden he spoke It was In so low a tonethe unseen listener could not catch-


lat ft fewmoment later his voice

luppose Ive oflaying I knew that

fM uipocted mjebt try t-

oTli Mer K i


The Rapidtoodleum Solves the HighRent Problem lifbt1l






t j1 <








I 7171t I i

u uIH

The TelephoneGirl and



Nixola GrcclcvJSmitU



VVstern ¬

for thr slalemeitof

Kriwt nrmy of em-


women thetelephone

bestchance ofmony

us n ¬

for th < l

preference exhib-ited


by the mnrrlalrnble Ollng

8r iv nlnn for the helloKlrl the faat that

h who jroes Intn nn ofllco to tuiswcrfall nt the switchboard often does so-

i directly from her own home nnd Isthereto fresh pietiy and absolutely

Unspoiled bv buMnesH lifeViw Vork o statistics have been

dithered could determine whethertho presiding geniuses of our switchhnnrili do Indeed nMt with RTeater-iruiirlMniiiil fior than tho slri aleniKiupher or raihlcr

Rut lii does the rei on for hersupremacy would not be far to seek for I

i Hlie hAil cnit about her by her v ry-profr lnii whnt Is sUrt to the great j

oat oiurm of womankind that mys-tuy

Thn MenoRriher b seen every dayIn nearly nil thn men with whom sho-ioiiK < In rimtiicl Mimpcr pretty ah-

Is nit tn become In lio c > rs uf Uiosowho her ilillv a mere ulllrii IlMlirr-

pd her icqimlntaine Is limited to thn-nfontIt nit sf-


leihuiici Klrl on the contrarytlmuRh eei bv u irv len persons hasa prnitltnllv llnillkss utii ilrlancv-

hhd often ifldri iii and uldre scil-nI niiiiv na n llmunanil perions n-

div iui If sle has n plcirlnc vnlnh excitii the iitrloslty nnd IntcriJt ot

ovcry man who spcaKs In herThe very art tliit lie cinnol he seen

adds to her chnrm for she Is left nllo-

telher tn thi ImaRlnatlon or her ad-mlrcr nnd Imagination alwnjs kinderthn n Mtturi

Women uenernllv do not leillzo thlIn appouranre an1 dress nnd inannci1they strive fill the tooobvioui Tlnlr

lie ld i ta display to emphasizeAnd often they forie n muno nttojitlon-to outiie jfi >d point llkp pritty rvc-or


hall which he would npprniutf i

mill ii moic if he were left to discoverIt himself

n Klrl who has tine eyes learn I

I srlmaco and ngln every time in-iie


looks her direction nnd by her I

CIT itiemtit to show lhen oK frofluently de tro > s their chArm

Indeed the hiblt IIC showlic off Is i

no t matt pretty women an Klvi n-

inVrll1In a tinosniihir or uus to do It it tile cxpnnse if the I

iianilrillou she nlihs tn exelte jis thenlOt siniKlitHfter of Inllronm IieeI lie telephone girl cint Hliow off Shecan unlv atrceable 111 Wllcn tn< thit nttrncllon autllcea he


sent I carry It with me all the timeTheres no nvldenco thnt will let themnrrrst me and search my clothes Hutany thlrdratr dotrctlve yes or anywoman with a grudge against me forthat matter mlyht gain access to myrooms In my absence and find tt Thawhere I was wine

You no one had evidence sgnmst-vou that could warrant youi arrtftHow about mr

I didnt know cut tonight that youhad any unou ledge of the

Vou know It now My dear Tloycewith me for an vou are lostWith mo for an ally you nre safe anda millionaire The price cf my allBP C8 Is a plain gold rlnr A wife can-not testify agslnit1

You have conquered he crawlednullenly Ill marry you nut witha nlrl of Irrepressible rage Ill leoil-vou a dags life Ill mnke vou cursethe ilav vou forced me Into this hate ¬

I union IIll tnke my chances on that Iloyce

rTho woman who can make you cringebefore her and OBrce to mnrry her cantake pretty good care of herself after-ward Thsyre applauding Im reallyaory to liAve rolised Herr von lUcklffaUL Jtt t 7 tAJJc wo v f lust



A news-

paper H authority

that nil the

Itll Klrl-

hn thnintrl

It Rives rea-son mnrk










ahlr U



The Great Only Mr PeeweeT Mr Peewee Like Carnegie Doesnt Want to Die Rich

ws lADf rnesnevtnrrnf I w SAVING TOOTSIC-MR CARiEcie HAS SET A




10T S



t< 0









5 Was by J18 N Y

i PRIZE for 1F M No 145 High street CN 3J B No 261 West

WarN > 1 oS N 0

had Is It Shall wo Join thecrowd that arc himEV

Don had stepped through the halfdrawn hilt snrank hack witha lltlli gnsp

Whnts he matter nsketl Ilo > c

Win a mans leaning nuralnst t-

vall rlirht by the edce of the hay win-dow


within yards of us lowmuch do vou suppose he 1

thought overy one wa a across thn rooninearer the piano

Iloycc lltfd a corner of portltvIn the dlreeilon ahn Indicated anrt tooka long look at the man Then he dioppthe curtnln with a slKh of relief

Its only that ntupldDr Joseoh Watts Pcckwlths friendhe juld contemptuously Hes lean-ing


there with his Ors shiu and hlimouth open and his silly head noddingMusics charms seem to have aoothedhis savage breast to slumber nvcn Ithed been awake ho enough senseto us

Can he have been listening whll heprclrnded to bo asleep

If he was hed have awaythe necond we discovered he was therv-Nn Walts Is a negligible quantity

Youre sure lie gave me a scareWho Is he anyway

An who scrapedwith BecliWIth on the other

aide Ueckvlth seems to think heowes him f lhu tnkes hi-

In1ovor uhla

ii i


tno onnse of Cyrils tlvnth-Is Mr lleckwlth on that earoYes lip Is always meddling In other

airilrs To Justify his Idotlcnlcktninp nf Tile Millionaire DOne

I suppose Therell nothing to-

rnr from him No moro than from thisMunlil Vitts follow

Tho sttinld Watts followI nwoko froni his doze nnd

trollod over to whrrc Yonbv the piano While spemlnglv

Id iMilv In the mimlcnl discus-sion


poltic on there ho did not fallti unto that rtora Plttanl and Jloycehml from tho hay window andI tel Joined the other tuest Taking anenvelope from his pocket The i

mnn quietly tore off thestcpplit near to l the

envelops fnlUto the floorExcuse me Mr Bnllard he said

itoonlnc to pick It up hut I thinkyen IMA dropped

lJj > fO mido nnif thp right hund toward his

own breast pocket then seeing thntwhat The had picked upwas merolv a torn envelope he I lancedcnrcleFSly at It nnd laid

No Ii Isnt minemurmured TVta

hlmscl This som Mitng that hcarries with him all the time for tear

of Its belnc discovered Is In the leftbreast podui of his coM or his ¬

Hut how to got at It And whatis It Whatever It is It has beMlnffon-

ibla mur4er

TJ u



HE E fU-







i FOR11 Of AND





Sagacity Oar Veracity One daywas



and our Simplicity emerging from aWhich In n Measure Explains Our getfullqulck res-



Frightful Circulation a pupil of I

Copyrot 1KH ty Ih Flint Pub Co his stopped him I

and said lasteras I saw you going In without an UMBRELLAyou come out with one leads me to ask whether you

think It wilt RAIN today To which Plato replied If-



rains we will rain If It DOESNT we wont In I

cither case Ill have the umbrella I

Thats tbs way with our CIRCULATION If we haveIt we have It and nobody KNOWS It and If we dont j

why NOBODY cares The EVENING FUDGE guesses Idown circulation every day and some day like theweather man It will wake up and GUESS RIGHT j

Just SCT lt> trimUrUefltii editor Is COOKING outan Idiotorial on this thrilling topic

How MUCH must a young man owe his landladybefore he should PROPOSE to her

Sweet dreams till we meet again

Otl DaCr Jc PA-


111 I

Todays Prize I Idiotorial Written J East Eightyninth Street CityPEEWEE for today 1 paid each No HADSELL Brooklyn No2CHARLES

of Westwood J No ALLAIRE 44th street New York City

ToMorrows Prize Idiotorial Cook Tile RnssoJnpimese Must Stop

HNNN 4 NN N 0N N i










ICnifllshmnn nc-nuntntunce







superscription-nnd Roice t

somethingInvoluntary unward-



Good Hngltahmai-to

UrothBriai UluMIuII-




Platos 1











In London tlicro are n dozen of my ns-

slstnnts who could help mo Ret pon-

tCM Ion of It As tt In ilils slupJWatts fellow miy possibly outwit tho-tho clever Mr HoycQ Unllard after all

For some time pait Tho I ngllsltmanhad been quietly but busyIntroduced by lieckwlth as un nngllnhfriend who wns Interested In watchingAmerican methods of detective workhe had the MillionaireDetccllve on the IUlers lnv tlRitlon of the H1llnrd rase hal oxain-ln sl carefully tho body and ns fnr n-

Qraddcck would permit thoIn the lattcrs apartment it Car

nerjlo Hall where the crime had beencommitted Here however ho hail en-


an unexpvtcJ and Irritablei

obstacleCrd lock had calmly rsfused to have

a gang of thieftakers prowling bouthis rooms as he termed It Anyreasonable ho said howould permit with pleasure But hosaw no rea cn why

Ac should bemade Tho law did not demand themand he refused to permit such Intru-sions


Tie End hmnn by admitting thathe was a wstaotlve might of course i

have obtain the necesiary perinlo-slan


from the authorities nut he illI I

not ohooie tn jeopard his future sueceau on the cae by throwing oft tileIncojnlto of Dr Joseph Wnu i

Bo know


f = ooIiIIIiiir

rooms since Ballnrd had fallen deadthere mill that their careless footprintshad doubtless blotttd out all ntiiciiittraces of thn crimes origin nnd or-

lulnntorMoreover them seemrd In view of

such nrobahle obliteration no absolutefor such a search Yet The

was resolved at tbe firstj01 to makp U Though

tlat cncli passing day mndnthe tliincw of a find there more anti J

moro unllkvlv he was detnrmlned tomake sonic time such a thorough ml-

croHropU of the apartmentai Ids soul cived I

With this object In vlow he hadcultivated Craddocks ¬

To most of the people whoihadirrt him through Bcckwith The Ensllshmnn seemed lfaborbed and somewhat stupid Crad

dock however who saw far deeper Intohuman nature than did those about himrend Dr Watts He awthe tremendous energy tho keen ana-lytical


mind beneath the diffident ex ¬

terior and he felt an unwonted attrac-tion


toward tho famous sleuth He andTh were much together

Tho great detective on Ms Part waskeenly Interested In iraddock HerewnH a man who with all hla groat powers of deductloo The couldnot mnliu out Subtle brilliant honor

i ill iff lilsfolluw niiiB-

CCUTO In tho knowledge of hl ownili Tliuu

ciaraoterto ludsized up Craddocka I

ndM4 a r1

1 1 2


nrsNogdand Mrt

By L McCardell-



HIGH Is Smoot the Mormon SenatorW hy dont you Jolnthlm out to moT


SmootVou dont earn how anxious I am to see Senator

You do not know liim Oh Mr Nags do not attemptj to deceive me I try to please you In everything I nevert criticise I never contradict you do n Dont you dare 1

1 dol I do not r can provo It by mamma and my little4 brother Willie They will take my part

I know whnt Is In your mind I know why y u arehiding this man Smoot from me

You nre plotting to be n Mormon You would Ilka to-

e me your toy and plaything a nonenlty In your house for X

your other wives 11 I nm for youYou think because you hnvo In me a meek patient suf-


woman that you could <<et a dozenothers to terrorize over

But other women would not keep silent M B do Thanperhaps after I wns dead you would mls my gentle mll

Innd quiet vay

No Mr Nagg You would get wives who would not p-

up with whnt I do

They would not be silent smiling martyrsshow you They would scold tind scold nnd jaw anaJawand fuss and fuss and row and quarrel with you till yqu

would wish you wer never marriedGo Mr Nags bo n Morman elder Break Ute

other women aa you break Tnlne but do not stand by-

mr side Jeering at mo and taunting me with itamouboasts that you know Senator Smoot and that you Intendtp be a 4iormon too

You never thought of such a thing you ayT

How do I know what you thlnk7But do not itind here with ma about

That Is Senator Frye In the chair you sayTWhat do I carewho is in the chair You would not fir a

me any If I begged for It on my kneesThis Is the House of Representatives Oh thank you

hut Im not n dummy I know that muchWho Is that SuUer Ana UiM

Is Ooldfogle Isnt he cuteThats Bennlngs leaving he Ii going on-

to Bennlngs to the races you sayf 10

Why dont you take me to the rnceYou never thought of It you eay

didnt You never think of anything toOf course you

make me happy when all I think of t to plnse you and to j

be loving kind and patientWe lIre going to the White House you say Pleae

else I so tireddont take me anywhere amWhere shan w go now Anywhere I like h7-


But never mind now You havewnl1 t to srotaken Rlr Ihe vl wur from my trip by your

neJlecIWhy did you drag me along to taunt me and to jeer and

snarl at me-i Oh I wish I were dead It me die life hall no Intertt

t0 meMr Wg I wont to go to Harvey tor some teamaa

I am aa hungr asir at onceoysters And at oncebear


The Laziest Peopleto say that the Coreans BM

hl latestIs hnrdlv


on earth All day long they He about thll-

atreet1l smoking their gigantic pipes A native pipe Is a Ilx

of bamboo with a metal bowl and Is carriedlengthtuckedtoot

into the neckband nnd down the trouser leg All wort

nearly very kind Is done by tho women who occupyoC very

most degraded portion held by the sex of anyC

unfortunatefemale I a

boast of burden anl denied even the most elementary recorhuman beIngs A corenn IIlrl hall no name shel

nUlon nilof Soandso her father t

lercly known as DaughterI

I e

HE FATAL CHORD or theCarneie



the it Wonderful Detective StoryPayson Terhune












measurements tnl-

crorcoplc examinations

unnecessarily thMdozeneD-t1witramH4ub8utCnlddockl




iedu-lously acquaint-ance







Ji0 tJ






quarrelling J-



speaking CongressmanCongressman





oanPThe population collectively

Beckwlth 111I the two detectlvQS walked

homoward down Fifth avenue Into thatnight

Hes the sort of man who standshead and shoulders above the averageanswered Beckwlth In times of panlo-

or trouble the ret Hock to him likefrightened children to a rather He-

iixs BOLJ nerves ioo to iecp in thut-puco alter Inn vwful tragedy ihat hippencd there Kapeclally alter the scemmgiy superhumiin orents that accomlImrI It J1 the wuy Have you formed

nny theory to account for thnt Instantof utter licjknwa nnd the crashing outof that one loud chord from thopiano

Not vet1 answered The English-man


but If l1ere not hot onanother trail I should have formeda theory u account for that andfor certain conditions I noted aboutIMlhinls body and which the pollco-nnd th doctors nllkn seem to havoverlooked But that theory WAS sowild so uuerly Improbable and be-sides


I had no chance to verify It byproper examination of the roomend

Would vou mind tolling me thenature of tills wild theory you at firstformed

No yos on second thoughts Idrather not until the affqlr Is solvedThen Ill tell you of of my falseclues that may interest you In thomean theprobabilities are In favorof our fixing the crime on our friendRorciv Ballard oa you expected

Briefly he recounted theevents thoevening

This Plttant girl he finished hasswTia strong hold over Ballardi A Itake It she and she nlone lias proofthat lia hi brother TJie secretof nat crime Tin carries In hla breast

not figuratively but In hlhreastpocket Iounc1 that out tonIhtUyinmtMBtfff >oJarMI MM JU 1UW-

r 1i tn 1 1

lard and find what tnts secret is QC

may be the chemical formula for tile lIpoison It may bo some of the poisonItself It may be snmo IncrlmlmltlnR 1

document In nnv casOut the analysis failed to show

any marks po son In the body nndthose mysterious brown tablets whimanalyzed no known Olsoil-

l None known to loral chemists > oumean I have sent to mv laboratoryIn London for certain testa at ny ovnInvention which I moan to tothan tablets Tho tests should b-

flI her In a few days 1 tla tier myselfthnt they will lay aro the mot nubilepoison Whon I find the nature ofthe poison I will also know Its effectsVhcn It will be an easy matter to

body ej <hiim d and see If ourSuspicions are correcl But a surer

Iand far simpler roursowlll beto ol-

mln the paper or whatever It Is that I

noyce says he carries nlfitand day And that Is what I amto ce

nut how1Oresham can get me a hlank war-


nnd I fancy I ran make up sif-flrfntty well as a detectlvoto

You mean youd arrest him on sonptnimpedup fake charge and BOthrough clothes

No no I wouldn t through hisclothe Theyd do that at the ne e-

stationhouse to which I brought hmId examine the papers find I h1 jiv-wrqptr man and let him go Thats

Pout U Illrgal ItsWhen youre dealing with a criminal

YOU must moot him on his ownIf you hope towlni Tomorrow shalleet the warrant and put my little plnninto execution May 1 count on Your-hoTu1

It ahy other man asked it Id snj tt-

evelythlnfImBut you cnn count on me litliouoh lr iuBer work botdrll wediflrimjr J i c >

< ODthlUA4I-

r J
