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Pešačenje i biciklizam Sportske aktivnosti pobolјšavaju kvalitet lјudskog života i zdravstveno stanje pojedinaca, grupa i naroda. Izuzet- no veliki broj lјudi upražnjava ili prati sport, a mnogi idu na odmor koji ima sportski ili sportsko - rekreativni karakter. Pod sportskim turizmom pod razumevaju se sve vrste aktivnog i pasivnog učešća u sportskim aktivno- stima, a za koje je neophodan odlazak iz mesta stalnog boravka ili radne sredine. U okviru sportskog turizma postoji više podgrupa, ali će ovde biti predstavljeni samo pešačenje i biciklizam obzirom na ekološki karakter projekta i cilj da se od doline reke Tamiš formira novi ekološki turistički proizvod koji će privući i domaće i strane goste zainteresovane da kroz fizičku aktivnost dožive prirodu u svim njenim ekološkim aspektima. Pešačenje Pešačenje je najzdraviji oblik odmora i način za održavanje telesne i psihičke kondicije. Šetnja pored reke, kroz šume ili nepregledne ravnice, kroz sela, varoši i gradove, pravi su izazov za dobre pešake. Takođe, pešačenje je najbolji način na koji turisti mogu da upoznju određenu destinaciju, lјude i običaje. Biciklizam Biciklizam je rekreacija, sport i načn kretanja korišćenjem bicikla - prevoznog sredstva na lјudski pogon. Danas je bicikl najraširenije prevozno sredstvo. Njegovim korišćenjem obezbeđuje se zaštita životne sredine, a ujedno vrlo pozitivno utiče na zdravlјe lјudi koji voze bicikle. Brojni svetski gradovi iIi turističke destinacije osiguravaju za bicikliste različitu infrastrukturu koja im olakšava vožnju: odvojene biciklističke staze, posebna mesta za odlaga- nje bicikala, lokacije do kojih je moguće doći isklјučivo biciklom ili pešice. Hiking and Biking Sporting activities improve the quality of human life and health of individuals, groups and peoples. An exceptio- nally large number of people practice and follow sports and many of them go on holidays that have sporting or sporting and recreational character. Sports tourism comprises all types of active and passive participations in sporting activities requiring that one should leave his permanent place of residence or working environment. Within sports tourism, there are several subgroups, but only hiking and biking will be presented here, taking into account the ecological character of the Project and the aim to turn the Tamiš River valley into a new ecotourism product that will attract both domestic and foreign visitors interested in enjoying nature in all its ecological aspects, through physical activities. Hiking Hiking holidays are the healthiest holidays and hiking is a way to maintain physical and mental fitness. Hiking along the river, through forests and vast plains, through villages, towns and cities, is a real challenge for good hikers. In addition, hiking is the best way for tourists to get familiar with a certain destination, its people and customs. Biking Biking is a recreational activity, sport and a way of moving by bicycle – a means of transport with the application of human drive, the most widely spread means of transport today. The use of bicycles ensures environmental protection and has positive effects on the health of people that ride bicycles. Numerous cities or tourism destinations throughout the world provide bikers with various infrastructures that facilitate their riding: separa- te biking trails, special places in which they can lay off their bicycles, locations only accessible by bicycle or on foot. PEŠAČKO-BICIKLISTIČKE STAZE Reka Tamiš je tipična ravničarska voda, sa malim nagibom koja u svom toku mnogo meandrira i stvara brojne rukavce, mrtve tokove, zabarena područja i slične pojavne oblike ravničarskih voda. Imajući u vidu bezbednost potencijalnih korisnika akcenat pri mapiranju pešačko-biciklističkih staza u dolini reke Tamiš bio je na korišćenju postojećih odbrambenih nasipa uz Tamiš (gde postoje). Nasipi su pravljeni u zonama gde je Tamiš ranije plavio tako da je i “mreža” staza koje se mogu koristiti raznolika, različite koncentracije i dužine. Ali upravo takav raspored omogućava turističko “povezivanje” sa naseljima duž Tamiša i mogućnost planiranja obilaska različitih kulturno-istorijskih celina što je veoma bitno za potencijalnog turistu. Nivo uređenosti i karakteristike staza su od značaja za potencijalne korisnike. Zatravljene, ne preterano uređene, okružene visokim rastinjem, savršeno se uklapaju u profil destinacija koje eko turisti vole da obilaze. Kako se naseljene sredine nalaze blizu ili na samoj obali reke Tamiš, to je još jedan argument koji povećava njihovu atrak- tivnost, jer omogućava da, osim doživljaja prirode, putovanja imaju i saznajni karakter. Dolina reke Tamiš u delu toka u Srbiji podeljena je na nekoliko zona sa ciljem da se turistička ponuda oblikuje u celine na dnevnoj ili vikend poseti koje su danas najčešće obzirom na potencijalne korisnike koji žele da u kratkom vremenu zadovolje svoje potrebe za fzičkim naporom i uživanjem u netaknutoj prirodi i nauče nešto novo o regionu, gradu, selu koji posećuju. Neke od staza su prilično duge (preko 40 km) pa će svako ko želi da ih savlada pešačenjem morati da prođe kroz više zona i prenoći u nekom od mesta koja se nalaze na njihovom putu. Podela je napravljena prvenstveno za takozvane prosečne korisnike kojima će biti dovoljno da prošetaju duž staza nekoliko kilometara i vrate se u mesto odakle su krenuli, bez ambicija da savladaju kompletnu stazu. Zbog toga su zone napravljene kao celine susednih mesta koje se mogu obići u jednom danu bez nekog velikog napora. HIKING AND BIKING TRAILS The Tamiš River is a typical lowland river with a small inclination, which meanders a lot in its stream, thus forming numerous distributaries, oxbow lakes, waterlogged areas and similar manifestations of lowland waters. Taking into account the safety of potential users, the focus during mapping the hiking and biking trails in the Tamiš River valley was on the use of the existing embankments along the Tamiš River. The embankments have been constructed in the zones that used to be flooded by the Tamiš River so that the “network” of trails that may be used is diverse, with various concentrations and lengths. It is this arrangement that enables tourism “connection” with the settlements along the Tamiš River and provides the possibility for planning visits to different cultural and historical entities, which is very important to potential tourists. The level of arrangement and characteristics of the trails are important to potential users. Grassy, not exaggera- tedly arranged, surrounded by high vegetation, they perfectly fit into the profile of destinations that eco-tourists are fond of. Settlements are located near or on the Tamiš River bank, and this is another argument that increases their attractiveness, as owing to this, travellers can enjoy both nature and educational benefits of their travel. The Tamiš River valley, in its stream through Serbia, has been divided into several zones with the aim to shape the tourist offer into entities intended for daily or weekend visits that are most frequent today, taking into consi- deration potential users that want to satisfy their needs for physical activities and enjoyment in intact nature and to learn something new about the region, town or village they visit, within a short period of time. Some of the trails are rather long (above 40 km) and everyone who wants to hike along the entire trails will have to pass through several zones and stay overnight in one of the settlements on the route. The division has primari- ly been made for the so-called average users who will only have walks along the trails for several kilometres and come back to the place of their starting point, with no ambitions to hike along the entire trail. This is why the zones have rather been formed as entities of neighbouring settlements that may be visited in one day without effort. Hiking and Biking Pešačenje i biciklizam PLANDIŠTE VRŠAC BELA CRKVA KOVIN PANČEVO ALIBUNAR KOVAČICA ZRENJANIN SEČANJ OPOVO Eco Tamiš (Timiş) - New tourism product PANČEVO JABUKA BARANDA GLOGONJ Zona/Zone 1 Pančevo - Jabuka Zona/Zone Zona/Zone 2 Jabuka, Sefkerin Zona/Zone 3 Opovo - Čenta - Baranda Zona/Zone 4 Sakule - Idvor Zona/Zone 5 Uzdin - Tomaševac - Orlovat - Botoš Zona/Zone 6 Neuzina - Sečanj - Boka - Šurjan - Jaša Tomić

3H#DÏHQMHLELFLNOL]DP Hiking and… · 3h#dÏhqmhlelflnol]dp...

Mar 27, 2021



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Page 1: 3H#DÏHQMHLELFLNOL]DP Hiking and… · 3h#dÏhqmhlelflnol]dp 6sruwvnhdnwlyqrvwlsreroñ#dydmxnydolwhwoñxgvnrj@lyrwdl]gudyvwyhqrvwdqmhsrmhglqdfd

Pešačenje i biciklizamSportske aktivnosti pobolјšavaju kvalitet lјudskog života i zdravstveno stanje pojedinaca, grupa i naroda. Izuzet-no veliki broj lјudi upražnjava ili prati sport, a mnogi idu na odmor koji ima sportski ili sportsko - rekreativni karakter. Pod sportskim turizmom pod razumevaju se sve vrste aktivnog i pasivnog učešća u sportskim aktivno-stima, a za koje je neophodan odlazak iz mesta stalnog boravka ili radne sredine. U okviru sportskog turizma postoji više podgrupa, ali će ovde biti predstavljeni samo pešačenje i biciklizam obzirom na ekološki karakter projekta i cilj da se od doline reke Tamiš formira novi ekološki turistički proizvod koji će privući i domaće i strane goste zainteresovane da kroz fizičku aktivnost dožive prirodu u svim njenim ekološkim aspektima.

Pešačenje Pešačenje je najzdraviji oblik odmora i način za održavanje telesne i psihičke kondicije. Šetnja pored reke, kroz šume ili nepregledne ravnice, kroz sela, varoši i gradove, pravi su izazov za dobre pešake. Takođe, pešačenje je najbolji način na koji turisti mogu da upoznju određenu destinaciju, lјude i običaje.

BiciklizamBiciklizam je rekreacija, sport i načn kretanja korišćenjem bicikla - prevoznog sredstva na lјudski pogon. Danas je bicikl najraširenije prevozno sredstvo. Njegovim korišćenjem obezbeđuje se zaštita životne sredine, a ujedno vrlo pozitivno utiče na zdravlјe lјudi koji voze bicikle. Brojni svetski gradovi iIi turističke destinacije osiguravaju za bicikliste različitu infrastrukturu koja im olakšava vožnju: odvojene biciklističke staze, posebna mesta za odlaga-nje bicikala, lokacije do kojih je moguće doći isklјučivo biciklom ili pešice.

Hiking and BikingSporting activities improve the quality of human life and health of individuals, groups and peoples. An exceptio-nally large number of people practice and follow sports and many of them go on holidays that have sporting or sporting and recreational character. Sports tourism comprises all types of active and passive participations in sporting activities requiring that one should leave his permanent place of residence or working environment. Within sports tourism, there are several subgroups, but only hiking and biking will be presented here, taking into account the ecological character of the Project and the aim to turn the Tamiš River valley into a new ecotourism product that will attract both domestic and foreign visitors interested in enjoying nature in all its ecological aspects, through physical activities.

HikingHiking holidays are the healthiest holidays and hiking is a way to maintain physical and mental fitness. Hiking along the river, through forests and vast plains, through villages, towns and cities, is a real challenge for good hikers. In addition, hiking is the best way for tourists to get familiar with a certain destination, its people and customs.

BikingBiking is a recreational activity, sport and a way of moving by bicycle – a means of transport with the application of human drive, the most widely spread means of transport today. The use of bicycles ensures environmental protection and has positive effects on the health of people that ride bicycles. Numerous cities or tourism destinations throughout the world provide bikers with various infrastructures that facilitate their riding: separa-te biking trails, special places in which they can lay off their bicycles, locations only accessible by bicycle or on foot.

PEŠAČKO-BICIKLISTIČKE STAZEReka Tamiš je tipična ravničarska voda, sa malim nagibom koja u svom toku mnogo meandrira i stvara brojne rukavce, mrtve tokove, zabarena područja i slične pojavne oblike ravničarskih voda. Imajući u vidu bezbednost potencijalnih korisnika akcenat pri mapiranju pešačko-biciklističkih staza u dolini reke Tamiš bio je na korišćenju postojećih odbrambenih nasipa uz Tamiš (gde postoje). Nasipi su pravljeni u zonama gde je Tamiš ranije plavio tako da je i “mreža” staza koje se mogu koristiti raznolika, različite koncentracije i dužine. Ali upravo takav raspored omogućava turističko “povezivanje” sa naseljima duž Tamiša i mogućnost planiranja obilaska različitih kulturno-istorijskih celina što je veoma bitno za potencijalnog turistu.Nivo uređenosti i karakteristike staza su od značaja za potencijalne korisnike. Zatravljene, ne preterano uređene, okružene visokim rastinjem, savršeno se uklapaju u profil destinacija koje eko turisti vole da obilaze. Kako se naseljene sredine nalaze blizu ili na samoj obali reke Tamiš, to je još jedan argument koji povećava njihovu atrak-tivnost, jer omogućava da, osim doživljaja prirode, putovanja imaju i saznajni karakter. Dolina reke Tamiš u delu toka u Srbiji podeljena je na nekoliko zona sa ciljem da se turistička ponuda oblikuje u celine na dnevnoj ili vikend poseti koje su danas najčešće obzirom na potencijalne korisnike koji žele da u kratkom vremenu zadovolje svoje potrebe za fzičkim naporom i uživanjem u netaknutoj prirodi i nauče nešto novo o regionu, gradu, selu koji posećuju.Neke od staza su prilično duge (preko 40 km) pa će svako ko želi da ih savlada pešačenjem morati da prođe kroz više zona i prenoći u nekom od mesta koja se nalaze na njihovom putu. Podela je napravljena prvenstveno za takozvane prosečne korisnike kojima će biti dovoljno da prošetaju duž staza nekoliko kilometara i vrate se u mesto odakle su krenuli, bez ambicija da savladaju kompletnu stazu. Zbog toga su zone napravljene kao celine susednih mesta koje se mogu obići u jednom danu bez nekog velikog napora.

HIKING AND BIKING TRAILSThe Tamiš River is a typical lowland river with a small inclination, which meanders a lot in its stream, thus forming numerous distributaries, oxbow lakes, waterlogged areas and similar manifestations of lowland waters. Taking into account the safety of potential users, the focus during mapping the hiking and biking trails in the Tamiš River valley was on the use of the existing embankments along the Tamiš River. The embankments have been constructed in the zones that used to be flooded by the Tamiš River so that the “network” of trails that may be used is diverse, with various concentrations and lengths. It is this arrangement that enables tourism “connection” with the settlements along the Tamiš River and provides the possibility for planning visits to different cultural and historical entities, which is very important to potential tourists.The level of arrangement and characteristics of the trails are important to potential users. Grassy, not exaggera-tedly arranged, surrounded by high vegetation, they perfectly fit into the profile of destinations that eco-tourists are fond of. Settlements are located near or on the Tamiš River bank, and this is another argument that increases their attractiveness, as owing to this, travellers can enjoy both nature and educational benefits of their travel. The Tamiš River valley, in its stream through Serbia, has been divided into several zones with the aim to shape the tourist offer into entities intended for daily or weekend visits that are most frequent today, taking into consi-deration potential users that want to satisfy their needs for physical activities and enjoyment in intact nature and to learn something new about the region, town or village they visit, within a short period of time.Some of the trails are rather long (above 40 km) and everyone who wants to hike along the entire trails will have to pass through several zones and stay overnight in one of the settlements on the route. The division has primari-ly been made for the so-called average users who will only have walks along the trails for several kilometres and come back to the place of their starting point, with no ambitions to hike along the entire trail. This is why the zones have rather been formed as entities of neighbouring settlements that may be visited in one day without effort.

Hiking and BikingPešačenje i biciklizam











Eco Tamiš (Timiş) - New tourism product





Zona/Zone 1

Pančevo - Jabuka


Zona/Zone 2

Jabuka, Sefkerin

Zona/Zone 3

Opovo - Čenta - Baranda

Zona/Zone 4

Sakule - Idvor

Zona/Zone 5

Uzdin - Tomaševac - Orlovat - Botoš

Zona/Zone 6

Neuzina - Sečanj - Boka -

Šurjan - Jaša Tomić

Page 2: 3H#DÏHQMHLELFLNOL]DP Hiking and… · 3h#dÏhqmhlelflnol]dp 6sruwvnhdnwlyqrvwlsreroñ#dydmxnydolwhwoñxgvnrj@lyrwdl]gudyvwyhqrvwdqmhsrmhglqdfd

Pešačenje i biciklizam / Hiking and BikingRad na mapiranju pešačko-biciklističkih staza u dolini reke Tamiš predstavljao je izazov u pogledu strukturira-nja zona u kojima se etapno može odvijati šetnja ili vožnja biciklom sa mogućnošću da se pored fizičke aktivnosti doživi priroda u svim svojim ekološkim aspektima.Obzirom na ekološki karakter Projekta i cilj da se od doline reke Tamiš formira novi ekološki, turistički proizvod dostupan domaćim i inostranim turistima u analizi su prednost dobile staze koje nisu asfaltirane i ne idu kroz naseljene sredine (uglavnom) kako bi doživljaj potencijalnog šetača/bicikliste kao korisnika ekotu-rističkog proizvoda bio potpun.Na stazama je predviđena vožnja biciklova sa širim gumama, takozvanih mauntinbajkova koji vozačima daju mogućnost da lakše savladavaju postojeće neravnine i eventualne manje, vodom nakvašene delove staza. Takva vožnja će pričinjavati zadovoljstvo korisnicima i pružati im mogućnost fizičkog izazova u vožnji po ravnom terenu koji po svojim karakteristikama nije izazovan kao vožnja po brdovitim i planinskim predelima.The work related to mapping the hiking and biking trails in the Tamiš River valley was a challenge in respect of structuring zones in which hiking or biking could take place in stages, with the possibility for enjoying nature in all its ecological aspects, in addition to physical activities.Taking into consideration the ecological character of the Project and the aim to turn the Tamiš River valley into a new ecotourism product available to domestic and foreign tourists, those trails that are not asphalted and that do not run through settlements (mainly) have had priority in the analysis, as they can ensure that a potential hiker/biker as a user of the ecotourism product has full experience. The trails are suitable for riding bicycles with wider tyres, the so-called mountain bikes that enable bikers to easily surmount the existing uneven parts and some smaller wet parts of the trails. Such rides will be pleasant to users offering them physical challenges in their rides over a flat terrain that by its characteristics is not as challenging as hilly and mountainous areas.

Zona/Zone 1 Pančevo - Jabuka

Zona/Zone 2 Glogonj - Sefkerin

Zona/Zone 3 Opovo - Čenta - Baranda

Zona/Zone 4 Sakule - Idvor

Zona/Zone 5 Uzdin - Tomaševac - Orlovat - Botoš

Zona/Zone 6 Neuzina - Sečanj - Boka - Šurjan - Jaša Tomić.

Zona/Zone 1 Pančevo - JabukaPančevo je gradska sredina u kojoj se reka Tamiš uliva u Dunav. Staze su predviđene na desnoj obali reke, na nasipu koji odvaja Gradsku šumu od Tamiša, ali i na levoj, na keju koji se proteže od mosta, pa do svetionika na ušću Tamiša u Dunav. Sa te, osnovne, staze se može ući u nekoliko staza kojima je ispresecana Gradska šuma, ali i preći u sam grad Pančevo.Staza Jabuka počinje van sela na obali Tamiša, u zoni restorana Stara koliba, nastavlja dalje kroz samo selo, asfaltnim putem do spomenika Stratište na putu Pančevo-Jabuka.Pančevo is an urban environment in which the Tamiš River flows into the Danube River. Trails have been envisaged on the right bank of the river, on the embankment that separates the City Forest from the Tamiš River, but they have also been envisaged on the left bank, on the quay spreading from the bridge to the lighthouse at the confluence of the Tamiš and the Danube Rivers. From this main trail, several trails crisscro-ssing the City Forest can be accessed, as well as the City of Pančevo itself. The Jabuka trail starts outside the village, on the Tamiš River bank, in the zone of the Stara Koliba (Old Hut) restaurant, and then goes further through the village and by an asphalt road to the Stratište Memorial Complex on the Pančevo-Jabuka road.

Značajne lokacije / Significant localities:Prevodnica / Navigation Lock N 44.853967 / E 20.634605Nasip-fabrika vode / Embankment-Water Factory N 44.870493 / E 20.620948Stratište / Stratište, Memorial complex N 44.928723 / E 20.633497Jabuka / The village of Jabuka N 44.946807 / E 20.606156Jabuka, Stara koliba / Jabuka, Old Hut restaurant N 44.943275 / E 20.573318

Hiking and BikingPešačenje i biciklizam

Zona/Zone 3 Opovo - Čenta - BarandaOd Sefkerina staza/nasip prolazi kroz potpuno nenaseljene oblasti obrasle gustom šumom pa se tako vožnja ili šetnja pretvaraju u pravu ekološku avanturu koja se završava kod drumskog mosta kojim se ulazi u Opovo. Sa ove staze se ulaskom u Opovo i Čentu mogu obilaziti kulturno-istorijski spomenici tih mesta i u svakom od njih šetati ili voziti bicikl ulicama ili nasipima. Iz Čente, koja je krajnja tačka ove staze, laganom šetnjom (vožnjom) putem dugim 5.5 km preko mostova koji su napravljeni preko Tamiša i njegovih rukavaca, može se doći do Barande i tako povezati sa sledećom zonom. From Sefkerin, the trail/embankment passes through entirely unsettled areas covered with a dense forest so that a hike or a ride turns into a real ecological adventure that ends by a bridge with a road leading to Opovo. Upon entering Opovo or Čenta, from this trail one can go sightseeing in these places and go for a walk or ride a bicycle along the streets and embankments in each of them. From Čenta, which is the end point of this trail, one can go for a slow walk (ride) along a 5.5 km long road, over bridges constructed over the Tamiš River and its distributaries, and thus reach Baranda and the next zone.

Značajne lokacije / Significant localities:Opovo nasip / Opovo Embankment N 45.053507 / E 20.408785Čenta-Beogradski put / Čent-Belgrade Road N 45.094523 / E 20.375453Čenta / Čenta N 45.107057 / E 20.385957Baranda most / Baranda Bridge N 45.093800 / E 20.428197Baranda / The village of Baranda N 45.084190 / E 20.442417Opovo / Opovo N 45.052560 / E 20.424100Baranda ribnjak / Baranda Fishpond N 45.088693 / E 20.452855

Zona/Zone 4 Sakule - IdvorStartom sa parkinga ribnjaka Baranda ili lokacije “Pečena slatina”, (zone za posmatranje ptica) preko nasipa se stazom dugom 6.2 km stiže se do Sakula. U ovoj zoni je, ipak, najjednostavnije ići stazom “Sakule” koja, u stvari, put od Opova pa sve do Idvora u dužini od 19.7 kilometara koji se završava u samom centru Idvora u kome se može obići Muzej Mihajla Pupina.Iz Sakula se do Idvora može stići stazom dugom 8.3 km prateći obalu Tukoša koji teče paralelno sa Tamišom i čini zanimljivu mrežu vodotokova i meandara. Pešačenje i vožnja biciklom se u ovoj zoni obavljaju na levoj obali Tamiša i staze su još neuređenije od staza u prethodnim zonama. Na, žalost ovde prestaje povezanost zona i mogućnost neprekidne šetnje ili vožnje u dolini reke Tamiš. Starting from the parking area of the Baranda fishpond or from the location called “Pečena slatina” (meaning “Roasted Salt Marsh”), (bird-watching zone), along a 6.2 km long trail on the embankment, one can reach Sakule. Nevertheless, in this zone, the simplest way is to go along the trail called “Sakule” that leads from Opovo to Idvor, with a length of 19.7 kilometres, and ends in the centre of Idvor where one can visit the Muse-um of Mihajlo Pupin.From Sakule, there is an 8.3 km long trail leading to Idvor, along the bank of the Tukoš that flows in parallel with the Tamiš, making an interesting network of water flows and meanders. In this zone, hiking and biking take place on the left bank of the Tamiš River and the trails here are less arranged than the trails in the previo-us zones. Unfortunately, the interconnection between the zones ceases here, as well as the possibility for going for a continuous walk or ride along the Tamiš River valley.

Značajne lokacije / Significant localities:Sakule ribnjak / Sakule Fishpond N 45.141723 / E 20.469320Sakule-Idvor, raskrsnica / Sakule-Idvor crossroad N 45.181367 / E 20.504995Idvor / The village of Idvor N 45.189913 / E 20.512337

Zona/Zone 6 Neuzina - Sečanj - Boka - Šurjan - Jaša TomićU ovoj zoni postoji mogućnost šetnje i sa jedne i sa druge strane reke jer postoje odbrambeni nasipi sa obe strane Tamiša uz napomenu da se turisti moraju informisati o činjenici da se sa jedne strane reke na drugu može preći samo na ustavi u Tomaševcu i preko mosta u Sečnju.U ovoj zoni postoje dve staze: “Banatski Despotovac” kojom se može stići do same granice i njena je dužina 24.4 kilometra od početka do kraja, ali se ona može podeliti na dve etape. Od B. Despotovca do Sečnja dužina je 9.2 km i od Sečnja do granice 15.2 kilometara.Druga staza je “Boka” koja je asfaltni put. Na žalost, mora se reći da ova pogodnost šetanja nasipima sa obe strane reke postoji od katastrofalnih poplava koje su 2005. godine pogodile ovaj region. In this zone, one can hike on both sides of the river as there are defensive embankments on both sides of the Tamiš River, but tourists must be informed that they can only cross the river at the Water Gate in Tomaševac and over the bridge in Sečanj.There are two trails in this zone: “Banatski Despotovac” that leads as far as to the border of the country and that is 24.4 km long. However, it can be divided into two sections. Its length from B. Despotovac to Sečanj is 9.2 km, while from Sečanj to the border its length is 15.2 km.The other trail is “Boka” which is, in fact, an asphalt road. Unfortunately, it must be pointed out that this convenience of hiking along the embankments on both sides of the river has existed since the disastrous floods that hit this region in 2005.

Značajne lokacije / Significant localities:Sečanj most / Sečanj Bridge N 45.358960 / E 20.770707Raskrsnica Boka – Neuzina / N 45.354342 / E 20.770313Crossroad Boka – Neuzina Boka / The village of Boka N 45.355142 / E 20.834878Boka, Stari Tamiš / Boka Stari Tamiš N 45.358637 / E 20.828592Sečanj kej / Sečanj Quay N 45.360518 / E 20.775582Jaša Tomić / The village of Jaša Tomić N 45.445460 / E 20.858720Jaša Tomić nasip / Jaša Tomić Embankment N 45.443508 / E 20.870483

Zona/Zone 5 Uzdin - Tomaševac - Orlovat - BotošU zoni Uzdina postoji veliki broj rukavaca, zabarenih površina, meandara kao i veliki ribljak pa je, skoro nemo-guće, pratiti tok reke bez vodiča i poznavanja sezonskih meteo uslova. Zbog toga u ovoj zoni staza prelazi na desnu stranu Tamiša i može se savladati na dva načina: asfalnim putem od Orlovata, preko Tomaševca do Botoša, i tada je duga 11.2 km ili direktno od Orlovata do Botoša poljskim putem i tada je duga 9.2 kilometara. Staza “Uzdin” vodi od obale Tamiša u Uzdinu, oko ribnjaka, kroz centar mesta pa putem do Tomaševca i dužine je 11.5 km. In the zone of Uzdin, there are numerous distributaries, waterlogged areas, meanders, as well as a large fishpond, and therefore it is almost impossible to follow the stream of the river without a guide, and without being familiar with seasonal meteorological conditions. This is why the trail in this zone runs to the right bank of the Tamiš River and it may be used in two ways: along an asphalt road from Orlovat, through Tomaševac to Botoš, where the trail is 11.2 km long, or directly from Orlovat to Botoš, along a country road, where it is 9.2 km long.The trail called “Uzdin” leads from the Tamiš River bank in Uzdin, around a fishpond, through the centre of this place and along the road to Tomaševac, and it is 11.5 km long.

Značajne lokacije / Significant localities:Uzdin ribnjak / Uzdin Fishpond N 45.213283 / E 20.595522Uzdin / The village of Uzdin N 45.200458 / E 20.622823Tomaševac-raskrsnica / Tomaševac-Crossroad N 45.262045 / E 20.618378Tomaševac-ustava / Tomaševac-Water Gate N 45.285697 / E 20.633555Orlovat / The village of Orlovat N 45.240445 / E 20.584925Botoš most / Botoš Bridge N 45.318098 / E 20.638403

Zona/Zone 2 Glogonj - SefkerinKroz ovu zonu se može nastaviti šetnja po nasipu sa desne strane reke Tamiš. Ponegde je nasip uz samu reku, a ponegde udaljen par desetina metara od glavnog toka ili meandara. Njime se može iči sve do Čente u koju se ulazi sa puta Beograd-Zrenjanin. Prva naselja pored kojih će šetač ili biciklista proći su naselja: Glogonj, i Sefkerin od kojih Glogonj nije na samoj obali Tamiša, dok je Sefkerin jednim svojim delom na samoj obali uz most preko koga prolazi put kojim se ide prema regionalnom putu Beograd - Zrenjanin. Through this zone, a walk can be continued along the embankment on the right bank of the Tamiš River. In some places, the embankment runs along the river itself, while in other places it is a few dozen meters away from the main stream or meanders. Going along the embankment, one can reach Čenta that can also be accessed from the Belgrade-Zrenjanin road. The first settlements to be passed by a biker or hiker are: Glogonj and Sefkerin. Glogonj is not situated on the Tamiš River bank itself, while part of Sefkerin is situated on the bank near a bridge with a road leading over the bridge and to the Belgrade-Zrenjanin regional road.

Značajne lokacije / Significant localities:

Glogonj / The village of Glogonj N 44.986186 / E 20.525834

Sefkerin-ulaz / Sefkerin-entrance N 44.999980 / E 20.495845

Sefkerin-most / Sefkerin-bridge N 45.004902 / E 20.471943

Eco Tamiš (Timiş) - New tourism product



Project title: Eco Tamis ( ) - New tourism product (eMS Code: RORS-39)Material editor:

Publishing date: March 2019The content of this material does not necessarily represent the official posi�on of the European Union.In case of any complaints, contact: [email protected]

Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Serbia Regional Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the South Banat Administra�ve District
