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3D Plant Design Software

Feb 03, 2022



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Page 1: 3D Plant Design Software

3D Plant DesignSoftware

S o l u t i o n p r o v i d e r f o r i n d u s t r i a l p r o j e c t s

Page 2: 3D Plant Design Software

Plant design and engineering datamanagement solutions

Cadmatic plant design and engineering

data management solutions are used in a

wide range of industries and for a wide

range of projects. Our software development

has always centered around creating

software that suits the needs of plant

des igne r s, p lan t owner s, p lan t

operators/maintenance staff as well as

constructors and suppliers. The versatile

software is designed to make your work

easier and more efficient.

Cadmatic forplant designers

Designers have amongst others appreciated

the powerful and user-friendly design tools

that improve engineering and design quality.

Routine tasks are performed automatically

and reliably with automated document

production. The 3D models are easy to edit

and are furthermore smoothly linked to other

software applications, furthering Cadmatic�s

scope of application.

An intelligent two-directional link between

process diagrams and the 3D model means

that changes are reliably updated.

Specification-driven and pipeline-based

routing as well as the automatic selection

of materials and connector types are some

of the features that ease engineering and

allow engineers to concentrate on design

rather than on laborious routine tasks.

Cadmatic forPlant Owners/Investors

The advanced design features of Cadmatic

and its concurrent and distributed design

capabilities result in shorter delivery times

with reduced investment costs and

design hours while at the same time

ensuring higher quality design.

Owners and investors can use

Cadmatic�s project review and

communication tool, the

eBrowser, to gain greater

control over project develop-

ments. Plant visualizations and

reviews are made easy and ef-

fective with access to the latest design

information. Co-operation and communica-

tion between the owner and other project

partners is greatly improved in this way. As

Cadmatic is used throughout the entire life

cycle of the plant investment the owner can

effectively manage the whole process from

pre-design to operation and maintenance

with the help of eBrowser.

Cadmatic for operation andmaintenance staff

Cadmatic can be used effectively during

the commissioning and operational phases

of the plant. Plant operators and main-

tenance staff can receive training with the

3D visualization tools even before the plant

is completed. The engineering database

and 3D model can be integrated with plant

maintenance management system and

thereafter the 3D model can be used as an

information database and maintenance

scheduler. Information can easily be updated

in the model thereby replacing the tedious

and inaccurate paper trails of former


Cadmatic forsuppliers and constructors

Cadmatic is designed for error-free produc-

tion and the maximization of prefabrication.

High quality production data such as digital

information for numerically controlled work-

shop devices including cutters, bending

machines and welding robots is produced.

Suppliers and constructors receive accurate

production information that can immediately

be used for construction,

prefabrication and instal-

lation. This cuts out time

consuming er rors

leading to faster

product ion and

shor ter bui lding


Plant reviews and inspections are made easy with thevirtual walkaround function in eBrowser to check layout,components, systems, measurements etc in 3D.

Cadmatic is interfaced with leading maintenancesoftware systems allowing it to be used as an informationdatabase and maintenance scheduler.

Cadmatic provides powerful and user-friendly designtools that improve engineering quality while automatingroutine tasks.

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Cadmatic for plantdesigners:

Improves engineering/design quality

Routine tasks automated

Easy editing of 3D model

Smooth links to other applications

Specification and pipeline-based routing and automated selection of materials & connectors

Cadmatic forconstructors andsuppliers:

Error-free production

Maximization of prefabrication

High quality production information

Cadmatic for plantowners/investors:

Enhanced control over project development

Easy plant visualization

Shorter delivery times

Reduced investment costs

Improved communication between project partners

Cadmatic for plantmaintenance andoperators:

Operator and maintenancestaff training in 3D

3D model acts as information database

3D model can be interfacedwith maintenance software

Information can be easily updated in the model

Cadmatic was developed with all project partners in mind. The work of designers, EPC�s, plantowners, plant operators, constructors and suppliers as well as maintenance and operation staffhas been made easier and more efficient with Cadmatic.

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Why Cadmatic is the smart choice for plantdesign investments

Optimizes organisationalresourceswith immediate and

sustained ROI

At Cadmatic we understand that our

customers are driven by the desire to

maximize the efficiency and quality of their

work. Our software philosophy is based on

optimizing our clients� organisational

resources to allow them to achieve these

goals. Cadmatic software has the shortest

learning time for comparable systems on

the market and has a proven track record

of reducing engineering errors as well as

the man hours and the time required from

concept to fully operational plant. The

immediate ROI on Cadmatic implementation

and use is clear for all to see and sustainable

throughout the operational phase of the


User friendlywith automation of routine tasks

Ease-of-use has always been a core

feature of Cadmatic 3D software as it

improves the efficiency of design work,

eng inee r i ng and product ion . The

software has a logical system structure and

the modules can be navigated easily and

in a familiar way, with the same kind of user

interface available for process-, layout-,

piping design and administrative tasks.

Routine and time consuming engineering

tasks have been automated to speed up

the design process and to allow engineers

to focus on design quality.


Material Take-off


Component in Database

Isometric Drawing eBrowser 3D model

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Flexible, open and customizable

The software is composed of several

modules making it easy for customers to

customize the software package to suit

their individual needs. This also means that

the software is suitable for relatively modest

projects all the way up to the largest and

most complex plants in the world. The

software is easily implemented and runs

on standard PC�s and networks so no

special hardware investments are required.

Cadmatic software is open and can be

integrated with maintenance, ERP and other

design packages.


Cadmatic is a reliable solution for investment

and maintenance projects of all sizes.

Cadmatic has no limit for project size or

complexity. With its open and logical

arch i tecture and comprehensive

functionality, Cadmatic stands up to all your

challenges. Via an open and genuine

dialogue with our customers, Cadmatic

iscontinuously developing the software.

New releases with new and improved

features are published regularly after being

thoroughly tested.

Excellent customer support

The implementation of Cadmatic software

is the beginning of a partnership with

Cadmatic. We have structures in place to

provide our customers with quick and

effective support whenever the need arises.

Our Software Support team is able to handle

all possible helpdesk requests related to

the use of the software and other support

or training needs.

All support team members have design

backgrounds with solid knowledge of

project design work. The support team co-

ordinates help desk services, user training,

special training courses, as well as software

tailoring tasks for special application needs.

Plant Modeller 3D

Document Printouts


Digital Media

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Designed to improve and automateeveryday engineering

Data Management

Component bank

Process Design


3D model Import/Export

Calculation Analyses

Manufacturing Data

Material Management

Document Management

Maintenance Management

3D model linked with process diagrams

Cadmatic features an intelligent two-directional

intergration between process diagrams and the 3D

model. P&IDs as well as intelligent symbols are

linked to the database and 3D model. The link

manages changes in the process and plant design.

3D Model is the interfaceto all engineering information

The Cadmatic 3D model comprises all components,

including machines, equipment, pipelines, piping

supports, ducts, cable trays and steel and concrete

structures. The interface ensures a smooth

changeover from 2D design to 3D modelling. The

system has automatic collision control and data

updates between designers.

Specification-driven / pipeline based routing

Cadmatic piping design is based on specification-

driven and pipeline-based routing. The system

automatically selects the materials and correct

connector types. Once the designer has defined

the routes, the routing proceeds without interruptios

in a quick and accurate manner.

Changes managed by the system

Cadmatic 3D models, layout and piping geometry

are very easy to edit, and it is possible to begin the

design work by using preliminary data. Controlled

system updates to documentation ensure that doc-

umentation is always up-to-date.

Easy point-cloud importation

Laser-scanned point clouds can be directly imported

and there are tools for locating, orientating and

moving them. There are also tools to handle outside

view loaded pointclouds and high intensity


Automated pipe isometric splitting andisometric annotation

Cadmatic has automated splitting of geometries

into isometric sheets and the process can be

configured with splitting rules. Isomertric measuring

and labeling annotations are fully automated.............

Automated documentation

Documents are intelligently integrated with the 3D

model and design database and are generated

automatically. Isometric pipeline drawings are

dimensioned and labeled automatically. Plan, section,

axonometric drawings and different system-specific

drawings of a desired area are easily produced.

Labels, axes are inserted automatically.................

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3D Objects

Project Follow-up

Steel Stuctures

Air Ducts


Cable Trays

Concrete Structures


Plan, section andaxonometric drawings

Isometrics and spooldrawings

Material lists


Powerful and user-friendly design tools allow designers to focus on design quality.Cadmatic automates routine tasks and provides maximum guidance with specification-drivendesign, whi le maintaining data integri ty throughout the design process.


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Concurrent anddistributed design

Cadmatic offers advanced solutions to

shorten the time required by design and to

cut down the design costs by distributing

the project to be carried out to locations

that provide the best performance and cost


The planning and implementation of a

plant investment involve a number of parties:

the plant owner or operator, equipment

supplier, design and consulting offices,

subcontractors etc. These parties have

traditionally generated and stored 3D models

and documents independently in several

dif ferent physical locations before

transferring the data. This however often

results in uncertainty regarding the accuracy

or validity of the design data.

This is avoided by the Cadmatic data-

base-centric client server system where the

3D model and documents are all stored in

databases hosted by a database server. It

is therefore easy to divide design work

globally between several design offices with

server replication and the addition of new

design teams being reduced to a few mouse

clicks. In a globally distributed project the

data is updated between remote design

sites via an online network connection such

as the internet or by simply exchanging the

file in an email attachment.

Connecting project partnersthrough the Internet - eBrowser

The eBrowser application allows the easy

sharing of 3D project information between

designers, project management, plant

owners and sub-contractors. It is a data

publishing tool that is easy to use and no

special training is required. The use of smart

visualization techniques make the 3D models

very light thereby making it easier to

distribute them to all parties.

The eBrowser file containing the latest

design information can be distributed to all

project par tners with ease. Vir tual

walkarounds facilitate plant inspections and

reviews. All of this can be conducted with

the safe knowledge that all the latest design

information is included in the single model.

All sections and systems of the plant

can be visualized as a whole or in isolation.

Component data retrieval is effortless in the

eBrowser. By simply clicking on an object

in the model its position code, pipeline code,

material dimensions, standards and other

details are immediately available. These

features combine to form the ideal platform

for excellent partner co-operation and

information exchange.

The most efficient system for distributeddesign on the market today

In eBrowser a simple mouse click on an object revealsposition code, pipeline code, material dimensions etc.You can follow a pipeline to check the valve locations,walk along a service platform or ensure that thepassages are high and wide enough etc.

All 3D models and documents are stored a singledatabase, making it easy to distribute design workglobally while maintaining information integrity,compatibility and project control.

Cadmatic CoDesigner enables efficient and concurrentdesign. The easy check in/check out feature ensuresthat only one designer can modify an object at anygiven time.

Cadmatic eBrowser enables the easy and efficient sharing of 3D project informationbetween designers, projcet management, plant owners and sub-contractors

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World Wide Engineering

Access to most skilled and cost efficient global engineering resources

3D model and documentsstored in databases hostedby database server

Adding design teams to projects straight forward

Check in/check out feature ensures data integrity

Easy server replication


Efficient sharing of project information

3D visualization of plant

Ideal for plant inspections and project reviews

Component data retrievalmade simple

Easy to learn and no special training required

Exploiting Global Resources





World Wide Engineering

To remain competitive in global business, investors and engineering companies need to haveaccess to the best and most cost efficient resources. Cadmatic�s effective distributed andconcurrent design opens the door to truly global engineering and production.

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Cadmatic�s open architecture with its

simpleand standardized interfaces, ensures

smooth links between other applications

and Cadmatic�s software and databases.

Cadmatic�s macro language enable usersto

configure the software to meet specific

needs. Cadmatic can create special

modules to suit specific needs. Such

modules include links to bending machines,

special calculation programmes, material

management sys tems, document

management systems and ERP systems.

AutoCad 2D Integrations

For the export and import of

2 D d r aw i n g s f r o m / t o

Cadmat ic the re i s an

intellingent module for dwg, dxf

and dwf formats. High quality

AutoCAD drawings automatically

include interactive hyperlinks

between AutoCAD 2D symbols and

Cadmatic 3D objects. By clicking for

example on valves, equipment or

instrument symbols at the AutoCAD level,

Cadmatic eBrowser imme-diately

visualizes the location and provides the

required object data. This can be done

the other way round as well.

AutoCad 3D Integrations

AutoCad 3D models can be directly

imported and exported with Cadmatic


There are a large number of file transfer

plugins to AutoCAD. This enables compati-

bility with dif ferent formats enabling

Cadmatic users to transfer models from and

to other CAD software applications, such

as Solidworks, Autodesk Inventor and Catia.

Miscellaneous integrations

Cadmatic also has SNDF and XML

integrations with civil engineering systems

such as Tekla Struc-tures for example. Stress

Analysis integrations include some of the

most commonly used systems such as E,

Pipestress, Finsap, CAESAR II etc and for

laser scanning systems such as Leica and

Mensi. Document Management system

intergrations are available to Kronodoc for

example and to a special intergartion with

SAP is also available.

Special integrations

At Cadmatic we often receive requests from

our clients to develop special modules to

meet our clients' specific needs. Examples

of such modules are links to bending

machines, special calculation programmes,

material management systems, document

management systems and ERP systems.

For a more detailed list of these modules

or any software development related

questions please do not hesitate to contact


Open system facilitates links to otherengineering software packages

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A central principle that guides software

development at Cadmatic is design and

data management solutions that encompass

all stages of a plant investment, the so-

called plant investment life cycle. The

software scope covers areas from basic

and process design to detailed design

through to prefabrication/construction,

commiss ion ing and operat ion &

maintenance. The aim is to integrate

databases into a single, controllable entity

that is available for all users at all times. The

Cadmatic 3D model and design database

constitute an efficient project databank.

Integrated data management guarantees

that all data entered into the design systems

will be accessible at subsequent stages of

the design project.

Process anddetailed design

All data entered in the various software

modules during the design stages are

included in databases, making the

information available to all users. The data

generated during the process planning and

entered into process diagrams can be used

in detailed plant design and 3D modelling

etc. For the purpose of change management

between process planning and plant design,

the sof tware features a specia l

communication mechanism that alerts the

system to any changes that have been


Prefabrication, manufacturingand installation

At the construction site, the Cadmatic 3D

model and design database are used by

the installation staff and supervisors. All

engineering details necessary for the

installation work are readily at hand in the

plant model, which allows easy reproduction

of addit ional data to suppor t the

manufacture, installation and supervisory


The detailed Cadmatic 3D model

supports extensive use of prefabricated

units in the manufacture and installation,

thus contributing to reduced project time

and costs. Possible as-built changes are

made directly in the 3D model at the site.


During the commissioning of the plant, the

Cadmatic 3D model and design database

are utilized for operator and maintenance

staff training. In addition to process

diagrams, it is possible to visualize various

processes and systems and to conduct

virtual checks with regards the operation

and maintenance locations.

Operation and maintenace

The Cadmatic 3D model and design

database can be integrated into the

maintenance and document management

systems of the plant. Maintenance

procedures become more efficient and the

accuracy of the data is guaranteed. Manuals

and related documents are stored in the 3D

model and can easily be accessed at any

time by the staff. Operator and maintenance

staff training can take place long before the

plant is in operation with the help of

Cadmatic�s virtual walkaround feature in the

Cadmatic eBrowser.

Software applications for the entire plantinvestment life cycle

Data generated during process planning as containedin P&ID diagrams is used in detailed plant design and3D modelling.

With Cadmatic operator and maintenance staff trainingcan begin long before the plant is in operation.

Accurate production data results in error-free manu-facturing and shorter construction and installation timewith reduced costs.

Cadmatic generates high quality production data suchas digital information for numerically controlledworkshop devices including bending machines, cuttersand welding robots.

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Cadmatic�s cost and time saving design quality and efficiency is present at all plant investmentphases, from process and detailed engineering, manufacture and installation, commissioningup to maintenance and operation.

Plant Investment Life Cycle

Process Design

Design according to standards,specifications, and rules

Integration with 3D model and detailed design

Easy generation ofPI-Diagrams and listings

Continuous access to database

Integration and links to other databases are available

Detailed Plant Design

Plant engineering data in one3D model and its database

Piping, equipment, structural,steel, air ducts, cable trays, etc.all in one module

Integration with process design

Distributed andconcurrent design

Automates routine tasks

Easy generation of drawings, isometrics, and lists

Prefabricationand Manufacturing

Staff access to engineering detailsin plant model

Reproduction of additional data

Supports use ofprefabrication methods

As-built changes made directlyin 3D model

Data for NC tools(bending, cutting, etc.)


eBrowser offers easy access to3D model and walk aroundfor all parties

Easy access to all informationin database

Easy to provide documents forinstallation purposes

Installation schedule can bevisualized in 3D model

Operation and Maintenance

3D model and database can be integrated to plants maintenanceand documentation databases

Direct access to maintenance and documentation data via 3D model

Changes are made in 3D modelinstead of in thousands of2D drawings

Operation & Maintenance

Basic Design

Detailed Design

Prefabrication & Manufacturing


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Cadmatic Diagram

Cadmatic Diagram is an integrated computer-

aided design system for flow diagram and

P&ID design that uses a common master


Information flow from piping diagrams to

later design phases (Plant Modeller and Pipe)

is assured by the full integration of the

modules. Documentation for different piping

and instrumentation diagrams, equipment

lists, pipeline lists, valve lists etc. are

produced. Intelligent symbols, unlimited

process size, control of revisions and

advanced database management with user-

definable repor t generator and script

language are just some of the features of the

Diagram module.

Diagram can be used independently or

with Plant Modeller and it can be interfaced

with calculation software packages.

Cadmatic Plant Modeller

Cadmatic Plant Modeller is an integrated,

database-driven design module for 3D layout,

piping-, HVAC- and structural design of plants

in shaded and colored views.

Documentation such as layout-, piping-,

HVAC- and structural drawings, is

automatically produced. Plant Modeller uses

a unique 3D viewing technique to allow the

designer to ef ficiently change from

conventional work methods to computer

model design. Plant Modeller includes

collision detection, shading and walk-around

and its 3D modelling is among the fastest on

the market. Plant Modeller has advanced

database management with user-definable

repor t generator and powerful macro

language. It includes an interactive

component modeller and special features

such as tank design for example. Plant

Modeller can be used independently or with

the Diagram and Pipe modules.

Cadmatic Modular approach gives

the user a freedom of customization

Cadmatic Pipe

Cadmatic Pipe efficiently produces all the

required isometric and spool drawings and

material take-offs in the manufacture and

installation of piping.

Completed drawings (isometrics, spools,

material take-offs) are produced automatically

from the 3D model. The flexible and

cus tomizable P ipe modu le takes

manufacturing technology into account. Data

for bending machines and o ther

manufacturing parameters can for example

be added to the database. Pipe outputs

manufacturing information such as cutting

lists, surface treatment, welds, total weight

and center of gravity.

Pipe Support Designer

Cadmatic Pipe Support Designer makes

modelling of primary and secondary piping-

, ducting- and cable tray supports very easy

and fast.

It creates exact production drawings of

supports. The designer simply inputs the

location of the supports and the drawings

are automatically produced. The dimensions

of primary and secondary supports based

on the pipe dimensions are also automatically



The Cadmatic eBrowser enables effective

communication between all parties involved

in design projects by linking partners through

the internet.

Designers, engineers, subcontractors and

end clients are linked to a mutual 3D model

allowing easy and concurrent project reviews,

facilitated by the ability to virtually walk around

the design area and access all design data.

The eBrowser is a useful maintenance and

project follow-up tool as it provides easy

access to equipment-, pipeline- and

instrumentation data by clicking on objects

viewed in the eBrowser. Measurements can

be taken in the plant 3D model and systems

and objects can be located, visualized and

isolated in the model with full linkage to related

databases and documents.

Cadmatic CoDesigner

Cadmatic CoDesigner enables concurrent

project design work from several different

locations. Cadmatic users are able to utilize

the best resources around the world which

substantially saves time and money.

CoDesigner makes it possible to add new

design teams to a project with a few clicks.

All object data is accessed via a check

in/check out procedure that guarantees that

only one designer can modify the same object

at any given time. In a distributed project data

is updated between the remote design sites

via an on-line network connection such as

the Internet. A new distributed project site is

easily set up with the module's interactive


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Cadmatic OyItäinen Rantakatu 72, 20810 Turku, Finland,

tel.+358-2-412411, fax +358-2-4124444,[email protected]











DownloadeBrowser Light


Cadmatic is a leading developer and supplier of 3D

plant and ship design software and engineering data

management solutions. Cadmatic's innovative and

dedicated personnel are constantly working on the long-

term development of our software solutions. Our technical

expertise and dedication to understanding customer

needs make Cadmatic your ideal long-term partner.

The close relationship between Cadmatic and its

customers has allowed Cadmatic to keep its software

up-to-date with the requirements of modern design,

engineering, manufacturing, production and operating

companies. Our growing list of references include over

4500 satisfied users in more than 40 countries worldwide.

Cadmatic has a growing network of certificated sales

and support centers in over 20 countries around the

world. We pride ourselves on providing excellent service

to our customers.

Cadmatic Ltd is part of Elomatic Ltd, a leading

Scandinavian consulting and engineering company.