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3D Face Morphable Models “In-the-Wild” James Booth Epameinondas Antonakos Stylianos Ploumpis George Trigeorgis Yannis Panagakis Stefanos Zafeiriou Imperial College London, UK {james.booth,e.antonakos,s.ploumpis,g.trigeorgis,i.panagakis,s.zafeiriou} Abstract 3D Morphable Models (3DMMs) are powerful statistical models of 3D facial shape and texture, and among the state- of-the-art methods for reconstructing facial shape from sin- gle images. With the advent of new 3D sensors, many 3D fa- cial datasets have been collected containing both neutral as well as expressive faces. However, all datasets are captured under controlled conditions. Thus, even though powerful 3D facial shape models can be learnt from such data, it is difficult to build statistical texture models that are sufficient to reconstruct faces captured in unconstrained conditions (“in-the-wild”). In this paper, we propose the first, to the best of our knowledge, “in-the-wild” 3DMM by combining a powerful statistical model of facial shape, which describes both identity and expression, with an “in-the-wild” texture model. We show that the employment of such an “in-the- wild” texture model greatly simplifies the fitting procedure, because there is no need to optimize with regards to the illu- mination parameters. Furthermore, we propose a new fast algorithm for fitting the 3DMM in arbitrary images. Fi- nally, we have captured the first 3D facial database with relatively unconstrained conditions and report quantitative evaluations with state-of-the-art performance. Complemen- tary qualitative reconstruction results are demonstrated on standard “in-the-wild” facial databases. An open source implementation of our technique is released as part of the Menpo Project [1]. 1. Introduction During the past few years, we have witnessed significant improvements in various face analysis tasks such as face detection [20, 43] and 2D facial landmark localization on static images [41, 22, 7, 39, 44, 5, 6, 37]. This is primarily attributed to the fact that the community has made a con- siderable effort to collect and annotate facial images cap- tured under unconstrained conditions [25, 46, 10, 33, 32] (commonly referred to as “in-the-wild”) and to the discrim- inative methodologies that can capitalise on the availability Figure 1. Our “in-the-wild” Morphable Model is capable of recov- ering accurate 3D facial shape for a wide variety of images. of such large amount of data. Nevertheless, discriminative techniques cannot be applied for 3D facial shape estimation “in-the-wild”, due to lack of ground-truth data. 3D facial shape estimation from single images has at- tracted the attention of many researchers the past twenty years. The two main lines of research are (i) fitting a 3D Morphable Model (3DMM) [12, 13] and (ii) applying Shape from Shading (SfS) techniques [35, 36, 23]. The 3DMM fit- ting proposed in the work of Blanz and Vetter [12, 13] was among the first model-based 3D facial recovery approaches. The method requires the construction of a 3DMM which is a statistical model of facial texture and shape in a space where there are explicit correspondences. The first 3DMM was built using 200 faces captured in well-controlled conditions displaying only the neutral expression. That is the reason why the method was only shown to work on real-world, but not “in-the-wild”, images. State-of-the-art SfS techniques capitalise on special multi-linear decompositions that find an approximate spherical harmonic decomposition of the il- lumination. Furthermore, in order to benefit from the large availability of “in-the-wild” images, these methods jointly reconstruct large collections of images. Nevertheless, even 1 arXiv:1701.05360v1 [cs.CV] 19 Jan 2017

3D Face Morphable Models “In-the-Wild” · 3D Face Morphable Models “In-the-Wild ... Menpo Project [1]. 1. Introduction During the past few years, we have witnessed significant

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Page 1: 3D Face Morphable Models “In-the-Wild” · 3D Face Morphable Models “In-the-Wild ... Menpo Project [1]. 1. Introduction During the past few years, we have witnessed significant

3D Face Morphable Models “In-the-Wild”

James Booth Epameinondas Antonakos Stylianos Ploumpis George TrigeorgisYannis Panagakis Stefanos Zafeiriou

Imperial College London, UKjames.booth,e.antonakos,s.ploumpis,g.trigeorgis,i.panagakis,[email protected]


3D Morphable Models (3DMMs) are powerful statisticalmodels of 3D facial shape and texture, and among the state-of-the-art methods for reconstructing facial shape from sin-gle images. With the advent of new 3D sensors, many 3D fa-cial datasets have been collected containing both neutral aswell as expressive faces. However, all datasets are capturedunder controlled conditions. Thus, even though powerful3D facial shape models can be learnt from such data, it isdifficult to build statistical texture models that are sufficientto reconstruct faces captured in unconstrained conditions(“in-the-wild”). In this paper, we propose the first, to thebest of our knowledge, “in-the-wild” 3DMM by combininga powerful statistical model of facial shape, which describesboth identity and expression, with an “in-the-wild” texturemodel. We show that the employment of such an “in-the-wild” texture model greatly simplifies the fitting procedure,because there is no need to optimize with regards to the illu-mination parameters. Furthermore, we propose a new fastalgorithm for fitting the 3DMM in arbitrary images. Fi-nally, we have captured the first 3D facial database withrelatively unconstrained conditions and report quantitativeevaluations with state-of-the-art performance. Complemen-tary qualitative reconstruction results are demonstrated onstandard “in-the-wild” facial databases. An open sourceimplementation of our technique is released as part of theMenpo Project [1].

1. IntroductionDuring the past few years, we have witnessed significant

improvements in various face analysis tasks such as facedetection [20, 43] and 2D facial landmark localization onstatic images [41, 22, 7, 39, 44, 5, 6, 37]. This is primarilyattributed to the fact that the community has made a con-siderable effort to collect and annotate facial images cap-tured under unconstrained conditions [25, 46, 10, 33, 32](commonly referred to as “in-the-wild”) and to the discrim-inative methodologies that can capitalise on the availability

Figure 1. Our “in-the-wild” Morphable Model is capable of recov-ering accurate 3D facial shape for a wide variety of images.

of such large amount of data. Nevertheless, discriminativetechniques cannot be applied for 3D facial shape estimation“in-the-wild”, due to lack of ground-truth data.

3D facial shape estimation from single images has at-tracted the attention of many researchers the past twentyyears. The two main lines of research are (i) fitting a 3DMorphable Model (3DMM) [12, 13] and (ii) applying Shapefrom Shading (SfS) techniques [35, 36, 23]. The 3DMM fit-ting proposed in the work of Blanz and Vetter [12, 13] wasamong the first model-based 3D facial recovery approaches.The method requires the construction of a 3DMM which is astatistical model of facial texture and shape in a space wherethere are explicit correspondences. The first 3DMM wasbuilt using 200 faces captured in well-controlled conditionsdisplaying only the neutral expression. That is the reasonwhy the method was only shown to work on real-world, butnot “in-the-wild”, images. State-of-the-art SfS techniquescapitalise on special multi-linear decompositions that findan approximate spherical harmonic decomposition of the il-lumination. Furthermore, in order to benefit from the largeavailability of “in-the-wild” images, these methods jointlyreconstruct large collections of images. Nevertheless, even









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Page 2: 3D Face Morphable Models “In-the-Wild” · 3D Face Morphable Models “In-the-Wild ... Menpo Project [1]. 1. Introduction During the past few years, we have witnessed significant

thought the results of [35, 23] are quite interesting, giventhat there is no prior of the facial surface, the methodsonly recover 2.5D representations of the faces and partic-ular smooth approximations of the facial normals.

3D facial shape recovery from a single image under “in-the-wild” conditions is still an open and challenging prob-lem in computer vision mainly due to the fact that:

• The general problem of extracting the 3D facial shapefrom a single image is an ill-posed problem which isnotoriously difficult to be solved without the use ofany statistical priors for the shape and texture of faces.That is, without prior knowledge regarding the shapeof the object at-hand there are inherent ambiguitiespresent in the problem. The pixel intensity at a locationin an image is the result of a complex combination ofthe underlying shape of the object, the surface albedoand normal characteristics, camera parameters and thearrangement of scene lighting and other objects in thescene. Hence, there are potentially infinite solutions tothe problem.

• Learning statistical priors of the 3D facial shape andtexture for “in-the-wild” images is currently very diffi-cult by using modern acquisition devices. That is, eventhough there is a considerable improvement in 3D ac-quisition devices, they still cannot operate in arbitraryconditions. Hence, all the current 3D facial databaseshave been captured in controlled conditions.

With the available 3D facial data, it is feasible to learna powerful statistical model of the facial shape that gen-eralises well for both identity and expression [15, 31, 14].However, it is not possible to construct a statistical modelof the facial texture that generalises well for “in-the-wild”images and is, at the same time, in correspondence with thestatistical shape model. That is the reason why current state-of-the-art 3D face reconstruction methodologies rely solelyon fitting a statistical 3D facial shape prior on a sparse setof landmarks [3, 17].

In this paper, we make a number of contributions thatenable the use of 3DMMs for “in-the-wild” face reconstruc-tion (Fig. 1). In particular, our contributions are:

• We propose a methodology for learning a statisti-cal texture model from “in-the-wild” facial images,which is in full correspondence with a statistical shapeprior that exhibits both identity and expression varia-tions. Motivated by the success of feature-based (e.g.,HOG [16], SIFT [26]) Active Appearance Models(AAMs) [4, 5] we further show how to learn feature-based texture models for 3DMMs. We show that theadvantage of using the “in-the-wild” feature-based tex-ture model is that the fitting strategy gets simplified

since there is not need to optimize with respect to theillumination parameters.

• By capitalising on the recent advancements in fittingstatistical deformable models [30, 38, 5, 2], we pro-pose a novel and fast algorithm for fitting “in-the-wild”3DMMs. Furthermore, we make the implementationof our algorithm publicly available, which we believecan be of great benefit to the community, given thelack of robust open-source implementations for fitting3DMMs.

• Due to lack of ground-truth data, the majority of the3D face reconstruction papers report only qualitativeresults. In this paper, in order to provide quantita-tive evaluations, we collected a new dataset of 3D fa-cial surfaces, using Kinect Fusion [19, 29], which hasmany “in-the-wild” characteristics, even though it iscaptured indoors.

• We release an open source implementation of our tech-nique as part of the Menpo Project. [1]

The remainder of the paper is structured as follows.In Section 2 we elaborate on the construction of our “in-the-wild” 3DMM, whilst in Section 3 we outline the pro-posed optimization for fitting “in-the-wild” images with ourmodel. Section 4 describes our new dataset, the first of itskind, to provide images with a ground-truth 3D facial shapethat exhibit many “in-the-wild” characteristics. We outlinea series of quantitative and qualitative experiments in Sec-tion 5, and end with conclusions in Section 6.

2. Model TrainingA 3DMM consists of three parametric models: the

shape, camera and texture models.

2.1. Shape Model

Let us denote the 3D mesh (shape) of an object with Nvertexes as a 3N × 1 vector

s =[xT

1 , . . . ,xTN

]T= [x1, y1, z1, . . . , xN , yN , zN ]

T (1)

where xi = [xi, yi, zi]T are the object-centered Cartesian

coordinates of the i-th vertex. A 3D shape model can beconstructed by first bringing a set of 3D training meshesinto dense correspondence so that each is described withthe same number of vertexes and all samples have a sharedsemantic ordering. The corresponded meshes, si, arethen brought into a shape space by applying GeneralizedProcrustes Analysis and then Principal Component Anal-ysis (PCA) is performed which results in s,Us, wheres ∈ R3N is the mean shape vector and Us ∈ R3N×ns is the

Page 3: 3D Face Morphable Models “In-the-Wild” · 3D Face Morphable Models “In-the-Wild ... Menpo Project [1]. 1. Introduction During the past few years, we have witnessed significant










Figure 2. Left: The mean and first four shape and SIFT textureprincipal components of our “in-the-wild” SIFT texture model.Right: To aid in interpretation we also show the equivalent RGBbasis.

orthonormal basis after keeping the first ns principal com-ponents. This model can be used to generate novel 3D shapeinstances using the function S : Rns → R3N as

S(p) = s + Usp (2)

where p = [p1, . . . , pns ]T are the ns shape parameters.

2.2. Camera Model

The purpose of the camera model is to map (project)the object-centered Cartesian coordinates of a 3D mesh in-stance s into 2D Cartesian coordinates on an image plane.In this work, we employ a pinhole camera model, whichutilizes a perspective transformation. However, an ortho-graphic projection model can also be used in the same way.

Perspective projection. The projection of a 3D pointx = [x, y, z]

T into its 2D location in the image plane x′ =

[x′, y′]T involves two steps. First, the 3D point is rotated

and translated using a linear view transformation, under theassumption that the camera is still

[vx, vy, vz]T

= Rvx + tv (3)

where Rv ∈ R3×3 and tv = [tx, ty, tz]T are the 3D rota-

tion and translation components, respectively. Then, a non-linear perspective transformation is applied as

x′ =f






where f is the focal length in pixel units (we assume thatthe x and y components of the focal length are equal) and[cx, cy]

T is the principal point that is set to the image center.

Quaternions. We parametrize the 3D rotation withquaternions [24, 40]. The quaternion uses four parametersq = [q0, q1, q2, q3]

T in order to express a 3D rotation as

Rv = 2

12 − q

22 − q2

3 q1q2 − q0q3 q1q3 + q0q2

q1q2 + q0q312 − q

21 − q2

3 q2q3 − q0q1

q1q3 − q0q2 q2q3 + q0q112 − q

21 − q2



Note that by enforcing a unit norm constraint on the quater-nion vector, i.e. qTq = 1, the rotation matrix con-straints of orthogonality with unit determinant are with-held. Given the unit norm property, the quaternion can beseen as a three-parameter vector [q1, q2, q3]

T and a scalarq0 =

√1− q2

1 − q22 − q2

3 . Most existing works on 3DMMparametrize the rotation matrix Rv using the three Eu-ler angles that define the rotations around the horizontal,vertical and camera axes. Even thought Euler angles aremore naturally interpretable, they have strong disadvantageswhen employed within an optimization procedure, most no-tably the solution ambiguity and the gimbal lock effect.Parametrization based on quaternions overcomes these dis-advantages and further ensures computational efficiency, ro-bustness and simpler differentiation.

Camera function. The projection operation performedby the camera model of the 3DMM can be expressed withthe function P(s, c) : R3N → R2N , which applies thetransformations of Eqs. 3 and 4 on the points of provided3D mesh s with

c = [f, q1, q2, q3, tx, ty, tz]T (6)

being the vector of camera parameters with length nc = 7.For abbreviation purposes, we represent the camera modelof the 3DMM with the functionW : Rns,nc → R2N as

W(p, c) ≡ P (S(p), c) (7)

where S(p) is a 3D mesh instance using Eq. 2.

2.3. “In-the-Wild” Feature-Based Texture Model

The generation of an “in-the-wild” texture model is akey component of the proposed 3DMM. To this end, wetake advantage of the existing large facial “in-the-wild”databases that are annotated in terms of sparse landmarks.Assume that for a set of M “in-the-wild” images IiM1 ,we have access to the associated camera and shape param-eters pi, ci. Let us also define a dense feature extractionfunction

F : RH×W → RH×W×C (8)

where C is the number of channels of the feature-based im-age. For each image, we first compute its feature-based rep-resentation as Fi = F(Ii) and then use Eq. 7 to sampleit at each vertex location to build back a vectorized texturesample ti = Fi (W(pi, ci)) ∈ RCN . This texture sample

Page 4: 3D Face Morphable Models “In-the-Wild” · 3D Face Morphable Models “In-the-Wild ... Menpo Project [1]. 1. Introduction During the past few years, we have witnessed significant

Figure 3. Building an ITW texture model

will be nonsensical for some regions mainly due to self-occlusions present in the mesh projected in the image spaceW(pi, ci). To alleviate these issues, we cast a ray from thecamera to each vertex and test for self-intersections with thetriangulation of the mesh in order to learn a per-vertex oc-clusion mask mi ∈ RN for the projected sample.

Let us create the matrix X = [t1, . . . , tM ] ∈ RCN×M

by concatenating the M grossly corrupted feature-basedtexture vectors with missing entries that are represented bythe masks mi. To robustly build a texture model basedon this heavily contaminated incomplete data, we need torecover a low-rank matrix L ∈ RCN×M representing theclean facial texture and a sparse matrix E ∈ RCN×M ac-counting for gross but sparse non-Gaussian noise such thatX = L + E. To simultaneously recover both L and E fromincomplete and grossly corrupted observations, the Princi-pal Component Pursuit with missing values [34] is solved

arg minL,E

‖L‖∗ + λ‖E‖1

s.t. PΩ(X) = PΩ(L + E),(9)

where ‖·‖∗ denotes the nuclear norm, ‖·‖1 is the matrix `1-norm and λ > 0 is a regularizer. Ω represents the set oflocations corresponding to the observed entries of X (i.e.,(i, j) ∈ Ω if mi = mj = 1). Then, PΩ(X) is defined asthe projection of the matrix X on the observed entries Ω,namely PΩ(X)ij = xij if (i, j) ∈ Ω and PΩ(X)ij = 0otherwise. The unique solution of the convex optimizationproblem in Eq. 9 is found by employing an Alternating Di-rection Method of Multipliers-based algorithm [11].

The final texture model is created by applying PCAon the set of reconstructed feature-based textures acquiredfrom the previous procedure. This results in t,Ut, wheret ∈ RCN is the mean texture vector and Ut ∈ RCN×nt

is the orthonormal basis after keeping the first nt prin-cipal components. This model can be used to generatenovel 3D feature-based texture instances with the functionT : Rnt → RCN as

T (λ) = t + Utλ (10)

where λ = [λ1, . . . , λnt]T are the nt texture parameters.

Finally, an iterative procedure is used in order to refinethe texture. That is, we started with the 3D fits provided byusing only the 2D landmarks [21]. Then, a texture modelis learned using the above procedure. The texture modelwas used with the proposed 3DMM fitting algorithm on thesame data and texture model was refined.

3. Model FittingWe propose to fit the 3DMM on an input image using

Gauss-Newton iterative optimization. To this end, herein,we first formulate the cost function and then present twooptimization procedures.

3.1. Cost Function

The overall cost function of the proposed 3DMM for-mulation consists of a texture-based term, an optional errorterm based on sparse 2D landmarks and optional regulariza-tion terms on the parameters.

Texture reconstruction cost. The main term of the opti-mization problem is the one that aims to estimate the shape,texture and camera parameters that minimize the `22 normof the difference between the image feature-based texturethat corresponds to the projected 2D locations of the 3Dshape instance and the texture instance of the 3DMM. Letus denote by F = F(I) the feature-based representationwith C channels of an input image I using Eq. 8. Then, thetexture reconstruction cost is expressed as

arg minp,c,λ

‖F (W(p, c))− T (λ)‖2 (11)

Note that F (W(p, c)) ∈ RCN denotes the operation ofsampling the feature-based input image on the projected 2Dlocations of the 3D shape instance acquired by the cameramodel (Eq. 7).

Regularization. In order to avoid over-fitting effects,we augment the cost function with two optional regular-ization terms over the shape and texture parameters. Letus denote as Σs ∈ Rns×ns and Σt ∈ Rnt×nt the diago-nal matrices with the eigenvalues in their main diagonal forthe shape and texture models, respectively. Based on thePCA nature of the shape and texture models, it is assumedthat their parameters follow normal prior distributions, i.e.p ∼ N (0,Σs) and λ ∼ N (0,Σt). We formulate theregularization terms as the `22 of the parameters’ vectorsweighted with the corresponding inverse eigenvalues, i.e.

arg minp,λ

cs ‖p‖2Σ−1s

+ ct ‖λ‖2Σ−1t


where cs and ct are constants that weight the contributionof the regularization terms in the cost function.

2D landmarks cost. In order to rapidly adapt the cam-era parameters in the cost of Eq. 11, we further expand the

Page 5: 3D Face Morphable Models “In-the-Wild” · 3D Face Morphable Models “In-the-Wild ... Menpo Project [1]. 1. Introduction During the past few years, we have witnessed significant

optimization problem with the term

arg minp,c

cl ‖Wl(p, c)− sl‖2 (13)

where sl = [x1, y1, . . . , xL, yL]T denotes a set of L sparse

2D landmark points (L N ) defined on the image coordi-nate system andWl(p, c) returns the 2L × 1 vector of 2Dprojected locations of these L sparse landmarks. Intuitively,this term aims to drive the optimization procedure using theselected sparse landmarks as anchors for which we have theoptimal locations sl. This optional landmarks-based cost isweighted with the constant cl.

Overall cost function. The overall 3DMM cost functionis formulated as the sum of the terms in Eqs. 11, 12, 13, i.e.

arg minp,c,λ

‖F (W(p, c))− T (λ)‖2 + cl ‖Wl(p, c)− sl‖2 +

+ cs ‖p‖2Σ−1s

+ ct ‖λ‖2Σ−1t

(14)The landmarks term as well as the regularization terms areoptional and aim to facilitate the optimization procedure inorder to converge faster and to a better minimum. Note thatthanks to the proposed “in-the-wild” feature-based texturemodel, the cost function does not include any parametricillumination model similar to the ones in the relative litera-ture [12, 13], which greatly simplifies the optimization.

3.2. Gauss-Newton Optimization

Inspired by the extensive literature in Lucas-Kanade 2Dimage alignment [8, 28, 30, 38, 5, 2], we formulate a Gauss-Newton optimization framework. Specifically, given thatthe camera projection model is applied on the image part ofEq. 14, the proposed optimization has a “forward” nature.

Parameters update. The shape, texture and camera pa-rameters are updated in an additive manner, i.e.

p← p + ∆p, λ← λ + ∆λ, c← c + ∆c (15)

where ∆p, ∆λ and ∆c are their increments estimated ateach fitting iteration. Note that in the case of the quaternionused to parametrize the 3D rotation matrix, the update isperformed as the multiplication

q←(∆q)q =



] [q0




[∆q0q0 −∆qT


∆q0q1:3 + q0∆q1:3 + ∆q1:3 × q1:3

] (16)

However, we will still denote it as an addition for simplicity.Finally, we found that it is beneficial to keep the focal lengthconstant in most cases, due to its ambiguity with tz .

Linearization. By introducing the additive incrementalupdates on the parameters of Eq. 14, the cost function is

expressed as

arg min∆p,∆c,∆λ

‖F (W(p + ∆p, c + ∆c))− T (λ + ∆λ)‖2 +

+ cl ‖Wl(p + ∆p, c + ∆c)− sl‖2 +

+ cs ‖p + ∆p‖2Σ−1s

+ ct ‖λ + ∆λ‖2Σ−1t

(17)Note that the texture reconstruction and landmarks con-straint terms of this cost function are non-linear due tothe camera model operation. We need to linearize themaround (p, c) using first order Taylor series expansion at(p + ∆p, c + ∆c) = (p, c) ⇒ (∆p,∆c) = 0. The lin-earization for the image term gives

F (W(p + ∆p, c + ∆c)) ≈F (W(p, c)) +

+ JF,p∆p + JF,c∆c(18)

where JF,p = ∇F ∂W∂p


and JF,c = ∇F ∂W∂c



the image Jacobians with respect to the shape and cam-era parameters, respectively. Note that most dense feature-extraction functions F(·) are non-differentiable, thus wesimply compute the gradient of the multi-channel featureimage ∇F. Similarly, the linearization on the sparse land-marks projection term gives

Wl(p + ∆p, c + ∆c) ≈ Wl(p, c) + JWl,p∆p + JWl,c∆c(19)

where JWl,p = ∂Wl



and JWl,c = ∂Wl



are the

camera Jacobians. Please refer to the supplementary mate-rial for more details on the computation of these derivatives.

3.2.1 Simultaneous

Herein, we aim to simultaneously solve for all parameters’increments. By substituting Eqs. 18 and 19 in Eq. 17 we get

arg min∆p,∆c,∆λ

‖F (W(p, c)) + JF,p∆p + JF,c∆c− T (λ + ∆λ)‖2 +

+ cl ‖Wl(p, c) + JWl,p∆p + JWl,c∆c− sl‖2 +

+ cs ‖p + ∆p‖2Σ−1s

+ ct ‖λ + ∆λ‖2Σ−1t

(20)Let us concatenate the parameters and their increments asb = [pT, cT,λT]

Tand ∆b = [∆pT,∆cT,∆λT]

T. By tak-

ing the derivative of the final linearized cost function withrespect to ∆b and equalizing with zero, we get the solution

b = −H−1(JT

FeF + clJTWl

el + csΣ−1s p + ctΣ

−1t λ


where H = JFTJF + clJWl

TJWl+ csΣ

−1s + ctΣ

−1t is the

Hessian with








]T (22)

Page 6: 3D Face Morphable Models “In-the-Wild” · 3D Face Morphable Models “In-the-Wild ... Menpo Project [1]. 1. Introduction During the past few years, we have witnessed significant

andeF = F (W(p, c))− T (λ)

el =Wl(p, c)− sl(23)

are the residual terms. The computational complexity ofthe Simultaneous algorithm per iteration is dominated bythe texture reconstruction term as O((ns + nc + nt)

3 +CN(ns + nc + nt)

2), which in practice is too slow.

3.2.2 Project-Out

We propose to use a Project-Out optimization approach thatis much faster than the Simultaneous. The main idea is tooptimize on the orthogonal complement of the texture sub-space which will eliminate the need to solve for the tex-ture parameters increment at each iteration. By substitutingEqs. 18 and 19 into Eq. 17 and removing the incrementalupdate on the texture parameters as well as the texture pa-rameters regularization term, we end up with the problem

arg min∆p,∆c,λ

‖F (W(p, c)) + JF,p∆p + JF,c∆c− T (λ)‖2 +

+ cl ‖Wl(p, c) + JWl,p∆p + JWl,c∆c− sl‖2 +

+ cs ‖p + ∆p‖2Σ−1s

(24)The solution of Eq. 24 with respect to λ is readily given by

λ = UtT (F(W(p, c)) + JF,p∆p + JF,c∆c− t) (25)

By plugging Eq. 25 into Eq. 24, we get

arg min∆p,∆c

‖F (W(p, c)) + JF,p∆p + JF,c∆c− t‖2P +

+ cl ‖Wl(p, c) + JWl,p∆p + JWl,c∆c− sl‖2 +

+ cs ‖p + ∆p‖2Σ−1s

(26)where P = E−UtUt

T is the orthogonal complement of thetexture subspace that functions as the “project-out” operatorwith E denoting the CN × CN unitary matrix. Note thatin order to derive Eq. 26, we use the properties PT = Pand PTP = P. By differentiating Eq. 26 and equalizing tozero, we get the solution

∆p = Hp−1(JT

F,pPeF + clJTWl,p

el + csΣ−1s p

)∆c = Hc


F,cPeF + clJTWl,c


) (27)


Hp = JTF,pPJF,p + clJ


JWl,p + csΣ−1

Hc = JTF,cPJF,c + clJ




are the Hessian matrices and

eF = F (W(p, c))− t

el =Wl(p, c)− sl(29)

are the residual terms. The texture parameters can be esti-mated at the end of the iterative procedure using Eq. 25.

Note that the most expensive operation is JTF,pP. How-

ever, if we first do JTF,pUt and then multiply this result

with UTt , the total cost becomes O(CNntns). The same

stands for JTF,cP. Consequently, the cost per iteration is

O((ns + nc)3 +CNnt(ns + nc) +CN(ns + nc)

2) whichis much faster than the Simultaneous algorithm.

Residual masking. In practice, we apply a mask on thetexture reconstruction residual of the Gauss-Newton opti-mization, in order to speed-up the 3DMM fitting. This maskis constructed by first acquiring the set of visible vertexesusing z-buffering and then randomly selecting K of them.By keeping the number of vertexes small (K ≈ 5000 N ), we manage to greatly speed-up the fitting process with-out any accuracy penalty.

4. KF-ITW DatasetFor the evaluation of the 3DMM, we have constructed

KF-ITW, the first dataset of 3D faces captured under rela-tively unconstrained conditions. The dataset consists of 17different subjects recorded under various illumination con-ditions performing a range of expressions (neutral, happy,surprise). We employed the KinectFusion [19, 29] frame-work to acquire a 3D representation of the subjects with aKinect v1 sensor.

The fused mesh for each subject serves as a 3D faceground-truth in which we can evaluate our algorithm andcompare it to other methods. A voxel grid of size 6083 wasutilized to get the detailed 3D scans of the faces. In orderto accurately reconstruct the entire surface of the faces, acircular motion scanning pattern was carried out. Each sub-ject was instructed to stay still in a fixed pose during theentire scanning process. The frame rate for every subjectwas constant to 8 frames per second. After getting the 3Dscans from the KinectFusion framework we fit our shapemodel in a non-rigid manner to get a clear mesh with a dis-tinct number of vertexes for the evaluation process. Finally,each mesh was manually annotated with the iBUG 49 sparselandmark set.

5. ExperimentsTo train our model, which we label as ITW, we use a vari-

ant of the Basel Face Model (BFM) [31] that we trained tocontain both identities drawn from the original BFM modelalong with expressions provided by [15]. We trained the“in-the-wild” texture model on the images of iBUG, LFPW& AFW datasets [32] as described in Sec. 2.3 using the 3Dshape fits provided by [45]. Additionally, we elect to use theproject-out formulation for the throughout our experimentsdue its superior run-time performance and equivalent fittingperformance to the simultaneous one.

Page 7: 3D Face Morphable Models “In-the-Wild” · 3D Face Morphable Models “In-the-Wild ... Menpo Project [1]. 1. Introduction During the past few years, we have witnessed significant

0.00 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06Normalized dense vertex error




















Figure 4. Accuracy results for facial shape estimation on KF-ITWdatabase. The results are presented as Cumulative Error Distribu-tions of the normalized dense vertex error. Table 1 reports addi-tional measures.

5.1. 3D Shape Recovery

Herein, we evaluate our “in-the-wild” 3DMM (ITW) interms of 3D shape estimation accuracy against two pop-ular state-of-the-art alternative 3DMM formulations. Thefirst one is a classic 3DMM with the original Basel labo-ratory texture model and full lighting equation which weterm Classic. The second is the texture-less linear modelproposed in [17, 18] which we refer to as Linear. For Lin-ear code we use the Surrey Model with related blendshapesalong with the implementation given in [18].

We use the ground-truth annotations provided in the KF-ITW dataset to initialize and fit all three techniques to the“in-the-wild” style images in the dataset. The mean meshof each model under test is landmarked with the same 49-point markup used in the dataset, and is registered againstthe ground truth mesh by performing a Procrustes alignmentusing the sparse annotations followed by Non-Rigid Iter-ative Closest Point (N-ICP) to iteratively deform the twosurfaces until they are brought into correspondence. Thisprovides a per-model ‘ground-truth’ for the 3D shape re-covery problem for each image under test. Our error metricis the per-vertex dense error between the recovered shapeand the model-specific corresponded ground-truth fit, nor-malized by the inter-ocular distance for the test mesh. Fig. 4shows the cumulative error distribution for this experimentfor the three models under test. Table 1 reports the corre-sponding Area Under the Curve (AUC) and failure rates.The Classic model struggles to fit to the “in-the-wild” con-ditions present in the test set, and performs the worst. Thetexture-free Linear model does better, but the ITW model ismost able to recover the facial shapes due to its ideal featurebasis for the “in-the-wild” conditions.

Figure 6 demonstrates qualitative results on a wide rangeof fits of “in-the-wild” images drawn from the Helen and

Method AUC Failure Rate (%)ITW 0.678 1.79Linear 0.615 4.02Classic 0.531 13.9

Table 1. Accuracy results for facial shape estimation on KF-ITWdatabase. The table reports the Area Under the Curve (AUC) andFailure Rate of the Cumulative Error Distributions of Fig. 4.

0 10 20 30 40 50Mean angular error



















Figure 5. Results on facial surface normal estimation in the formof Cumulative Error Distribution of mean angular error.

300W datasets [32, 33] that qualitatively highlight the ef-fectiveness of the proposed technique. We note that in awide variety of expression, identity, lighting and occlusionconditions our model is able to robustly reconstruct a real-istic 3D facial shape that stands up to scrutiny.

5.2. Quantitative Normal Recovery

As a second evaluation, we use our technique to findper-pixel normals and compare against two well estab-lished Shape-from-Shading (SfS) techniques: PS-NL [9]and IMM [23]. For experimental evaluation we employ im-ages of 100 subjects from the Photoface database [42]. Asa set of four illumination conditions are provided for eachsubject then we can generate ground-truth facial surfacenormals using calibrated 4-source Photometric Stereo [27].In Fig. 5 we show the cumulative error distribution in termsof the mean angular error. ITW slightly outperforms IMMeven though both IMM and PS-NL use all four available im-ages of each subject.

6. ConclusionWe have presented a novel formulation of 3DMMs re-

imagined for use in “in-the-wild” conditions. We capitaliseon the annotated “in-the-wild” facial databases to proposea methodology for learning an “in-the-wild” feature-basedtexture model suitable for 3DMM fitting without having tooptimise for illumination parameters. Furthermore, we pro-pose a novel optimisation procedure for 3DMM fitting. We

Page 8: 3D Face Morphable Models “In-the-Wild” · 3D Face Morphable Models “In-the-Wild ... Menpo Project [1]. 1. Introduction During the past few years, we have witnessed significant

Figure 6. Examples of in the wild fits of our ITW 3DMM taken from 300W [32].

show that we are able to recover shapes with more detailthan is possible using purely landmark-driven approaches.Our newly introduced “in-the-wild” KinectFusion datasetallows for the first time a quantitative evaluation of 3D fa-

cial reconstruction techniques in the wild, and on these eval-uations we demonstrate that our in the wild formulation isstate of the art, outperforming classical 3DMM approachesby a considerable margin.

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