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356 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON AUDIO, SPEECH, AND LANGUAGE PROCESSING, VOL. 20, NO. 2, FEBRUARY 2012 Speaker Diarization: A Review of Recent Research Xavier Anguera Miro, Member, IEEE, Simon Bozonnet, Student Member, IEEE, Nicholas Evans, Member, IEEE, Corinne Fredouille, Gerald Friedland, Member, IEEE, and Oriol Vinyals Abstract—Speaker diarization is the task of determining “who spoke when?” in an audio or video recording that contains an unknown amount of speech and also an unknown number of speakers. Initially, it was proposed as a research topic related to automatic speech recognition, where speaker diarization serves as an upstream processing step. Over recent years, however, speaker diarization has become an important key technology for many tasks, such as navigation, retrieval, or higher level inference on audio data. Accordingly, many important improvements in accuracy and robustness have been reported in journals and conferences in the area. The application domains, from broadcast news, to lectures and meetings, vary greatly and pose different problems, such as having access to multiple microphones and multimodal information or overlapping speech. The most recent review of existing technology dates back to 2006 and focuses on the broadcast news domain. In this paper, we review the cur- rent state-of-the-art, focusing on research developed since 2006 that relates predominantly to speaker diarization for conference meetings. Finally, we present an analysis of speaker diarization performance as reported through the NIST Rich Transcription evaluations on meeting data and identify important areas for future research. Index Terms—Meetings, rich transcription, speaker diarization. I. INTRODUCTION S PEAKER diarization has emerged as an increasingly im- portant and dedicated domain of speech research. Whereas speaker and speech recognition involve, respectively, the recog- nition of a person’s identity or the transcription of their speech, speaker diarization relates to the problem of determining “who spoke when?.” More formally this requires the unsupervised identification of each speaker within an audio stream and the intervals during which each speaker is active. Manuscript received August 19, 2010; revised December 03, 2010; accepted February 13, 2011. Date of current version January 13, 2012. This work was supported in part by the joint-national “Adaptable ambient living assistant” (ALIAS) project funded through the European Ambient Assisted Living (AAL) program under Agreement AAL-2009-2-049 and in part by the “Annotation Collaborative pour l’Accessibilité Vidéo” (ACAV) project funded by the French Ministry of Industry (Innovative Web call) under Contract The work of X. Anguera Miro was supported in part by the Torres Quevedo Spanish program. The associate editor coordinating the review of this manuscript and approving it for publication was Prof. Sadaoki Furui. X. Anguera Miro is with the Multimedia Research Group, Telefonica Re- search, 08021 Barcelona, Spain (e-mail: [email protected]). S. Bozonnet and N. Evans are with the Multimedia Communications Department, EURECOM, 06904 Sophia Antipolis Cedex, France (e-mail: [email protected]). C. Fredouille is with the University of Avignon, CERI/LIA, F-84911 Avignon Cedex 9, France (e-mail: [email protected]). G. Friedland and O. Vinyals are with the International Computer Science Institute (ICSI), Berkeley, CA 94704 USA (e-mail: [email protected]; [email protected]). Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available online at Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TASL.2011.2125954 Speaker diarization has utility in a majority of applications related to audio and/or video document processing, such as information retrieval for example. Indeed, it is often the case that audio and/or video recordings contain more than one active speaker. This is the case for telephone conversations (for example stemming from call centers), broadcast news, debates, shows, movies, meetings, domain-specific videos (such as surgery operations for instance), or even lecture or conference recordings including multiple speakers or questions/answers sessions. In all such cases, it can be advantageous to automat- ically determine the number of speakers involved in addition to the periods when each speaker is active. Clear examples of applications for speaker diarization algorithms include speech and speaker indexing, document content structuring, speaker recognition (in the presence of multiple or competing speakers), to help in speech-to-text transcription (i.e., so-called speaker at- tributed speech-to-text), speech translation and, more generally, Rich Transcription (RT), a community within which the current state-of-the-art technology has been developed. The most sig- nificant effort in the Rich Transcription domain comes directly from the internationally competitive RT evaluations, sponsored by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) in the Unites States [1]. Initiated originally within the telephony domain, and subsequently in that of broadcast news, today it is in the domain of conference meetings that speaker diarization receives the most attention. Speaker diarization is thus an extremely important area of speech processing research. An excellent review of speaker diarization research is pre- sented in [2], although it predominantly focuses its attention to speaker diarization for broadcast news. Coupled with the tran- sition to conference meetings, however, the state-of-the-art has advanced significantly since then. This paper presents an up-to- date review of present state-of-the-art systems and reviews the progress made in the field of speaker diarization since 2005 up until now, including the most recent NIST RT evaluation that was held in 2009. Official evaluations are an important vehicle for pushing the state-of-the-art forward as it is only with stan- dard experimental protocols and databases that it is possible to meaningfully compare different approaches. While we also ad- dress emerging new research in speaker diarization, in this paper special emphasis is placed on established technologies within the context of the NIST RT benchmark evaluations, which has become a reliable indicator for the current state-of-the-art in speaker diarization. This paper aims at giving a concise refer- ence overview of established approaches, both for the general reader and for those new to the field. Despite rapid gains in popularity over recent years, the field is relatively embryonic compared to the mature fields of speech and speaker recogni- tion. There are outstanding opportunities for contributions and we hope that this paper serves to encourage others to participate. 1558-7916/$31.00 © 2012 IEEE


May 29, 2020



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Speaker Diarization: A Review of Recent ResearchXavier Anguera Miro, Member, IEEE, Simon Bozonnet, Student Member, IEEE, Nicholas Evans, Member, IEEE,

Corinne Fredouille, Gerald Friedland, Member, IEEE, and Oriol Vinyals

Abstract—Speaker diarization is the task of determining “whospoke when?” in an audio or video recording that contains anunknown amount of speech and also an unknown number ofspeakers. Initially, it was proposed as a research topic related toautomatic speech recognition, where speaker diarization servesas an upstream processing step. Over recent years, however,speaker diarization has become an important key technology formany tasks, such as navigation, retrieval, or higher level inferenceon audio data. Accordingly, many important improvements inaccuracy and robustness have been reported in journals andconferences in the area. The application domains, from broadcastnews, to lectures and meetings, vary greatly and pose differentproblems, such as having access to multiple microphones andmultimodal information or overlapping speech. The most recentreview of existing technology dates back to 2006 and focuses onthe broadcast news domain. In this paper, we review the cur-rent state-of-the-art, focusing on research developed since 2006that relates predominantly to speaker diarization for conferencemeetings. Finally, we present an analysis of speaker diarizationperformance as reported through the NIST Rich Transcriptionevaluations on meeting data and identify important areas forfuture research.

Index Terms—Meetings, rich transcription, speaker diarization.


S PEAKER diarization has emerged as an increasingly im-portant and dedicated domain of speech research. Whereas

speaker and speech recognition involve, respectively, the recog-nition of a person’s identity or the transcription of their speech,speaker diarization relates to the problem of determining “whospoke when?.” More formally this requires the unsupervisedidentification of each speaker within an audio stream and theintervals during which each speaker is active.

Manuscript received August 19, 2010; revised December 03, 2010; acceptedFebruary 13, 2011. Date of current version January 13, 2012. This work wassupported in part by the joint-national “Adaptable ambient living assistant”(ALIAS) project funded through the European Ambient Assisted Living (AAL)program under Agreement AAL-2009-2-049 and in part by the “AnnotationCollaborative pour l’Accessibilité Vidéo” (ACAV) project funded by the FrenchMinistry of Industry (Innovative Web call) under Contract Thework of X. Anguera Miro was supported in part by the Torres Quevedo Spanishprogram. The associate editor coordinating the review of this manuscript andapproving it for publication was Prof. Sadaoki Furui.

X. Anguera Miro is with the Multimedia Research Group, Telefonica Re-search, 08021 Barcelona, Spain (e-mail: [email protected]).

S. Bozonnet and N. Evans are with the Multimedia CommunicationsDepartment, EURECOM, 06904 Sophia Antipolis Cedex, France (e-mail:[email protected]).

C. Fredouille is with the University of Avignon, CERI/LIA, F-84911 AvignonCedex 9, France (e-mail: [email protected]).

G. Friedland and O. Vinyals are with the International Computer ScienceInstitute (ICSI), Berkeley, CA 94704 USA (e-mail: [email protected];[email protected]).

Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available onlineat

Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TASL.2011.2125954

Speaker diarization has utility in a majority of applicationsrelated to audio and/or video document processing, such asinformation retrieval for example. Indeed, it is often the casethat audio and/or video recordings contain more than oneactive speaker. This is the case for telephone conversations (forexample stemming from call centers), broadcast news, debates,shows, movies, meetings, domain-specific videos (such assurgery operations for instance), or even lecture or conferencerecordings including multiple speakers or questions/answerssessions. In all such cases, it can be advantageous to automat-ically determine the number of speakers involved in additionto the periods when each speaker is active. Clear examples ofapplications for speaker diarization algorithms include speechand speaker indexing, document content structuring, speakerrecognition (in the presence of multiple or competing speakers),to help in speech-to-text transcription (i.e., so-called speaker at-tributed speech-to-text), speech translation and, more generally,Rich Transcription (RT), a community within which the currentstate-of-the-art technology has been developed. The most sig-nificant effort in the Rich Transcription domain comes directlyfrom the internationally competitive RT evaluations, sponsoredby the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)in the Unites States [1]. Initiated originally within the telephonydomain, and subsequently in that of broadcast news, today it isin the domain of conference meetings that speaker diarizationreceives the most attention. Speaker diarization is thus anextremely important area of speech processing research.

An excellent review of speaker diarization research is pre-sented in [2], although it predominantly focuses its attention tospeaker diarization for broadcast news. Coupled with the tran-sition to conference meetings, however, the state-of-the-art hasadvanced significantly since then. This paper presents an up-to-date review of present state-of-the-art systems and reviews theprogress made in the field of speaker diarization since 2005 upuntil now, including the most recent NIST RT evaluation thatwas held in 2009. Official evaluations are an important vehiclefor pushing the state-of-the-art forward as it is only with stan-dard experimental protocols and databases that it is possible tomeaningfully compare different approaches. While we also ad-dress emerging new research in speaker diarization, in this paperspecial emphasis is placed on established technologies withinthe context of the NIST RT benchmark evaluations, which hasbecome a reliable indicator for the current state-of-the-art inspeaker diarization. This paper aims at giving a concise refer-ence overview of established approaches, both for the generalreader and for those new to the field. Despite rapid gains inpopularity over recent years, the field is relatively embryoniccompared to the mature fields of speech and speaker recogni-tion. There are outstanding opportunities for contributions andwe hope that this paper serves to encourage others to participate.

1558-7916/$31.00 © 2012 IEEE



Section II presents a brief history of speaker diarizationresearch and the transition to the conference meeting domain.We describe the main differences between broadcast newsand conference meetings and present a high-level overview ofcurrent approaches to speaker diarization. In Section III, wepresent a more detailed description of the main algorithms thatare common to many speaker diarization systems, includingthose recently introduced to make use of information comingfrom multiple microphones, namely delay-and-sum beam-forming. Section IV presents some of the most recent work inthe field including efforts to handle multimodal informationand overlapping speech. We also discuss the use of featuresbased on inter-channel delay and prosodics and also attemptsto combine speaker diarization systems. In Section V, wepresent an overview of the current status in speaker diarizationresearch. We describe the NIST RT evaluations, the differentdatasets and the performance achieved by state-of-the-art sys-tems. We also identify the remaining problems and highlightpotential solutions in the context of current work. Finally, ourconclusions are presented in Section VI.


Over recent years, the scientific community has developedresearch on speaker diarization in a number of different do-mains, with the focus usually being dictated by funded researchprojects. From early work with telephony data, broadcastnews (BN) became the main focus of research towards thelate 1990s and early 2000s and the use of speaker diariza-tion was aimed at automatically annotating TV and radiotransmissions that are broadcast daily all over the world. An-notations included automatic speech transcription and metadata labeling, including speaker diarization. Interest in themeeting domain grew extensively from 2002, with the launchof several related research projects including the EuropeanUnion (EU) Multimodal Meeting Manager (M4) project, theSwiss Interactive Multimodal Information Management (IM2)project, the EU Augmented Multi-party Interaction (AMI)project, subsequently continued through the EU AugmentedMulti-party Interaction with Distant Access (AMIDA) projectand, and finally, the EU Computers in the Human InteractionLoop (CHIL) project. All these projects addressed the researchand development of multimodal technologies dedicated to theenhancement of human-to-human communications (notably indistant access) by automatically extracting meeting content,making the information available to meeting participants, or forarchiving purposes.

These technologies have to meet challenging demands suchas content indexing, linking and/or summarization of on-goingor archived meetings, the inclusion of both verbal and nonverbalhuman communication (people movements, emotions, interac-tions with others, etc.). This is achieved by exploiting severalsynchronized data streams, such as audio, video and textual in-formation (agenda, discussion papers, slides, etc.), that are ableto capture different kinds of information that are useful for thestructuring and analysis of meeting content. Speaker diarizationplays an important role in the analysis of meeting data since it al-lows for such content to be structured in speaker turns, to which

linguistic content and other metadata can be added (such as thedominant speakers, the level of interactions, or emotions).

Undertaking benchmarking evaluations has proven to bean extremely productive means for estimating and comparingalgorithm performance and for verifying genuine technolog-ical advances. Speaker diarization is no exception and, since2002, the US National Institute for Standards and Technology(NIST) has organized official speaker diarization evaluations1

involving broadcast news (BN) and, more recently, meetingdata. These evaluations have crucially contributed to bringingresearchers together and to stimulating new ideas to advance thestate-of-the-art. While other contrastive sub-domains such aslecture meetings and coffee breaks have also been considered,the conference meeting scenario has been the primary focusof the NIST RT evaluations since 2004. The meeting scenariois often referred to as “speech recognition complete,” i.e., ascenario in which all of the problems that arise in any speechrecognition can be encountered in this domain. Conferencemeetings thus pose a number of new challenges to speakerdiarization that typically were less relevant in earlier research.

A. Broadcast News Versus Conference Meetings

With the change of focus of the NIST RT evaluations from BNto meetings diarization algorithms had to be adapted accordingto the differences in the nature of the data. First, BN speechdata is usually acquired using boom or lapel microphones withsome recordings being made in the studio and others in thefield. Conversely, meetings are usually recorded using desktopor far-field microphones (single microphones or microphone ar-rays) which are more convenient for users than head-mounted orlapel microphones.2 As a result, the signal-to-noise ratio is gen-erally better for BN data than it is for meeting recordings. Addi-tionally, differences between meeting room configurations andmicrophone placement lead to variations in recording quality,including background noise, reverberation and variable speechlevels (depending on the distance between speakers and micro-phones).

Second, BN speech is often read or at least prepared in ad-vance while meeting speech tends to be more spontaneous innature and contains more overlapping speech. Although BNrecordings can contain speech that is overlapped with music,laughter, or applause (far less common for conference meetingdata), in general, the detection of acoustic events and speakerstends to be more challenging for conference meeting data thanfor BN data.

Finally, the number of speakers is usually larger in BN butspeaker turns occur less frequently than they do in conferencemeeting data, resulting in BN having a longer average speakerturn length. An extensive analysis of BN characteristics is re-ported in [3] and a comparison of BN and conference meetingdata can be found in [4].

1Speaker diarization was evaluated prior to 2002 through NIST SpeakerRecognition (SR) evaluation campaigns (focusing on telephone speech) andnot within the RT evaluation campaigns.

2Meeting databases recorded for research purposes usually containhead-mounted and lapel microphone recordings for ground-truth creationpurposes only.



Fig. 1. General Diarization system. (a) Alternative clustering schemas.(b) General speaker diarization architecture.

B. Main Approaches

Most of present state-of-the-art speaker diarization systemsfit into one of two categories: the bottom-up and the top-downapproaches, as illustrated in Fig. 1(a). The top-down approachis initialized with very few clusters (usually one) whereas thebottom-up approach is initialized with many clusters (usuallymore clusters than expected speakers). In both cases the aimis to iteratively converge towards an optimum number of clus-ters. If the final number is higher than the optimum then thesystem is said to under-cluster. If it is lower it is said to over-cluster. Both bottom-up and top-down approaches are generallybased on hidden Markov models (HMMs) where each state is aGaussian mixture model (GMM) and corresponds to a speaker.Transitions between states correspond to speaker turns. In thissection, we briefly outline the standard bottom-up and top-downapproaches as well as two recently proposed alternatives: onebased on information theory; and a second one based on a nonparametric Bayesian approach. Although these new approacheshave not been reported previously in the context of official NISTRT evaluations they have shown strong potential on NIST RTevaluation datasets and are thus included here. Additionally,some other works propose sequential single-pass segmentationand clustering approaches [5]–[7], although their performancetends to fall short of the state-of-the-art.

1) Bottom-Up Approach: The bottom-up approach is by farthe most common in the literature. Also known as agglomer-ative hierarchical clustering (AHC or AGHC), the bottom-upapproach trains a number of clusters or models and aims atsuccessively merging and reducing the number of clusters untilonly one remains for each speaker. Various initializations havebeen studied and, whereas some have investigated -means clus-tering, many systems use a uniform initialization, where theaudio stream is divided into a number of equal length abuttedsegments. This simpler approach generally leads to equivalentperformance [8]. In all cases the audio stream is initially over-segmented into a number of segments which exceeds the antic-ipated maximum number of speakers. The bottom-up approachthen iteratively selects closely matching clusters to merge, hencereducing the number of clusters by one upon each iteration.Clusters are generally modeled with a GMM and, upon merging,a single new GMM is trained on the data that was previously

assigned to the two individual clusters. Standard distance met-rics, such as those described in Section III-C, are used to iden-tify the closest clusters. A reassignment of frames to clustersis usually performed after each cluster merging, via Viterbi re-alignment for example, and the whole process is repeated itera-tively, until some stopping criterion is reached, upon which thereshould remain only one cluster for each detected speaker. Pos-sible stopping criteria include thresholded approaches such asthe Bayesian Information Criterion (BIC) [9], Kullback–Leibler(KL)-based metrics [10], the generalized likelihood ratio (GLR)[11] or the recently proposed metric [12]. Bottom-up systemssubmitted to the NIST RT evaluations [9], [13] have performedconsistently well.

2) Top-Down Approach: In contrast with the previous ap-proach, the top-down approach first models the entire audiostream with a single speaker model and successively adds newmodels to it until the full number of speakers are deemed to beaccounted for. A single GMM model is trained on all the speechsegments available, all of which are marked as unlabeled. Usingsome selection procedure to identify suitable training data fromthe non-labeled segments, new speaker models are iterativelyadded to the model one-by-one, with interleaved Viterbi realign-ment and adaptation. Segments attributed to any one of thesenew models are marked as labeled. Stopping criteria similar tothose employed in bottom-up systems may be used to terminatethe process or it can continue until no more relevant unlabeledsegments with which to train new speaker models remain. Top-down approaches are far less popular than their bottom-up coun-terparts. Some examples include [14]–[16]. While they are gen-erally out-performed by the best bottom-up systems, top-downapproaches have performed consistently and respectably wellagainst the broader field of other bottom-up entries. Top-downapproaches are also extremely computationally efficient and canbe improved through cluster purification [17].

3) Other Approaches: A recent alternative approach, thoughalso bottom-up in nature, is inspired from rate-distortion theoryand is based on an information-theoretic framework [18]. It iscompletely non parametric and its results have been shown tobe comparable to those of state-of-the-art parametric systems,with significant savings in computation. Clustering is based onmutual information, which measures the mutual dependenceof two variables [19]. Only a single global GMM is tuned forthe full audio stream, and mutual information is computed ina new space of relevance variables defined by the GMM com-ponents. The approach aims at minimizing the loss of mutualinformation between successive clusterings while preserving asmuch information as possible from the original dataset. Twosuitable methods have been reported: the agglomerative infor-mation bottleneck (aIB) [18] and the sequential information bot-tleneck (sIB) [19]. Even if this new system does not lead tobetter performance than parametric approaches, results com-parable to state-of-the-art GMM systems are reported and areachieved with great savings in computation.

Alternatively, Bayesian machine learning became popular bythe end of the 1990s and has recently been used for speakerdiarization. The key component of Bayesian inference is thatit does not aim at estimating the parameters of a system (i.e.,to perform point estimates), but rather the parameters of their



related distribution (hyperparameters). This allows for avoidingany premature hard decision in the diarization problem and forautomatically regulating the system with the observations (e.g.,the complexity of the model is data dependent). However, thecomputation of posterior distributions often requires intractableintegrals and, as a result, the statistics community has developedapproximate inference methods. Monte Carlo Markov chains(MCMCs) were first used [20] to provide a systematic approachto the computation of distributions via sampling, enabling thedeployment of Bayesian methods. However, sampling methodsare generally slow and prohibitive when the amount of data islarge, and they require to be run several times as the chains mayget stuck and not converge in a practical number of iterations.

Another alternative approach, known as Variational Bayes,has been popular since 1993 [21], [22] and aims at providing adeterministic approximation of the distributions. It enables aninference problem to be converted to an optimization problemby approximating the intractable distribution with a tractableapproximation obtained by minimizing the Kullback–Leiblerdivergence between them. In [23] a Variational Bayes-EMalgorithm is used to learn a GMM speaker model and optimizea change detection process and the merging criterion. In [24],variational Bayes is combined successfully with eigenvoicemodeling, described in [25], for the speaker diarization oftelephone conversations. However, these systems still con-sider classical Viterbi decoding for the classification anddiffer from the nonparametric Bayesian systems introduced inSection IV-F.

Finally, the recently proposed speaker binary keys [26] havebeen successfully applied to speaker diarization in meetings[27] with similar performance to state-of-the-art systems butalso with considerable computational savings (running inaround 0.1 times real-time). Speaker binary keys are small bi-nary vectors computed from the acoustic data using a universalbackground model (UBM)-like model. Once they are computedall processing tasks take place in the binary domain. Otherworks in speaker diarization concerned with speed include [28],[29] which achieve faster than real-time processing through theuse of several processing tricks applied to a standard bottom-upapproach ([28]) or by parallelizing most of the processingin a GPU unit ([29]). The need for efficient diarization sys-tems is emphasized when processing very large databases orwhen using diarization as a preprocessing step to other speechalgorithms.


Fig. 1(b) shows a block diagram of the generic modules whichmake up most speaker diarization systems. The data prepro-cessing step (Fig. 1(b)-i) tends to be somewhat domain spe-cific. For meeting data, preprocessing usually involves noise re-duction (such as Wiener filtering for example), multi-channelacoustic beamforming (see Section III-A), the parameterizationof speech data into acoustic features (such as MFCC, PLP, etc.)and the detection of speech segments with a speech activitydetection algorithm (see Section III-B). Cluster initialization(Fig. 1(b)-ii) depends on the approach to diarization, i.e., thechoice of an initial set of clusters in bottom-up clustering [8],[13], [30] (see Section III-C) or a single segment in top-down

clustering [15], [16]. Next, in Fig. 1(b)-iii/iv, a distance betweenclusters and a split/merging mechanism (see Section III-D) isused to iteratively merge clusters [13], [31] or to introduce newones [16]. Optionally, data purification algorithms can be usedto make clusters more discriminant [13], [17], [32]. Finally, asillustrated in Fig. 1(b)-v, stopping criteria are used to determinewhen the optimum number of clusters has been reached [33],[34].

A. Acoustic Beamforming

The application of speaker diarization to the meeting domaintriggered the need for dealing with multiple microphones whichare often used to record the same meeting from different lo-cations in the room [35]–[37]. The microphones can have dif-ferent characteristics: wall-mounted microphones (intended forspeaker localization), lapel microphones, desktop microphonespositioned on the meeting room table or microphone arrays. Theuse of different microphone combinations as well as differencesin microphone quality called for new approaches to speaker di-arization with multiple channels.

The multiple distant microphone (MDM) condition was in-troduced in the NIST RT’04 (Spring) evaluation. A variety ofalgorithms have been proposed to extend mono-channel diariza-tion systems to handle multiple channels. One option, proposedin [38], is to perform speaker diarization on each channel inde-pendently and then to merge the individual outputs. In order todo so, a two axis merging algorithm is used which considers thelongest detected speaker segments in each channel and iteratesover the segmentation output. In the same year, a late-stage fu-sion approach was also proposed [39]. In it, speaker segmen-tation is performed separately in all channels and diarizationis applied only taking into account the channel whose speechsegments have the best signal-to-noise ratio (SNR). Subsequentapproaches investigated preprocessing to combine the acousticsignals to obtain a single channel which could then be processedby a regular mono-channel diarization system. In [40], the mul-tiple channels are combined with a simple weighted sum ac-cording to their SNR. Though straightforward to implement, itdoes not take into account the time difference of arrival betweeneach microphone channel and might easily lead to a decrease inperformance.

Since the NIST RT’05 evaluation, the most common ap-proach to multi-channel speaker diarization involves acousticbeamforming as initially proposed in [41] and described in de-tail in [42]. Many RT participants use the free and open-sourceacoustic beamforming toolkit known as BeamformIt [43]which consists of an enhanced delay-and-sum algorithm tocorrect misalignments due to the time-delay-of-arrival (TDOA)of speech to each microphone. Speech data can be optionallypreprocessed using Wiener filtering [44] to attenuate noiseusing, for example, [45]. A reference channel is selected andthe other channels are appropriately aligned and combined witha standard delay-and-sum algorithm. The contribution made byeach signal channel to the output is then dynamically weightedaccording to its SNR or by using a cross-correlation-basedmetric. Various additional algorithms are available in theBeamformIt toolkit to select the optimum reference channeland to stabilize the TDOA values between channels before the



signals are summed. Finally, the TDOA estimates themselvesare made available as outputs and have been used successfullyto improve diarization, as explained in Section IV-A. Notethat, although there are other algorithms that can providebetter beamforming results for some cases, delay-and-sumbeamforming is the most reliable one when no information onthe location or nature of each microphone is known a priori.Among alternative beamforming algorithms we find maximumlikelihood (ML) [46] or generalized sidelobe canceller (GSC)[47] which adaptively find the optimum parameters, and min-imum variance distortionless response (MVDR) [48] whenprior information on ambient noise is available. All of thesehave higher computational requirements and, in the case of theadaptive algorithms, there is the danger of converging to inac-curate parameters, especially when processing microphones ofdifferent types.

B. Speech Activity Detection

Speech activity detection (SAD) involves the labeling ofspeech and nonspeech segments. SAD can have a significantimpact on speaker diarization performance for two reasons.The first stems directly from the standard speaker diarizationperformance metric, namely the diarization error rate (DER),which takes into account both the false alarm and missedspeaker error rates (see Section VI-A for more details onevaluation metrics); poor SAD performance will thereforelead to an increased DER. The second follows from the factthat nonspeech segments can disturb the speaker diarizationprocess, and more specifically the acoustic models involved inthe process [49]. Indeed, the inclusion of non-speech segmentsin speaker modelling leads to less discriminant models and thusincreased difficulties in segmentation. Consequently, a goodcompromise between missed and false alarm speech error rateshas to be found to enhance the quality of the following speakerdiarization process.

SAD is a fundamental task in almost all fields of speechprocessing (coding, enhancement, and recognition) and manydifferent approaches and studies have been reported in theliterature [50]. Initial approaches for diarization tried to solvespeech activity detection on the fly, i.e., by having a non-speech cluster be a by-product of the diarization. However,it became evident that better results are obtained using adedicated speech/nonspeech detector as preprocessing step.In the context of meetings nonspeech segments may includesilence, but also ambient noise such as paper shuffling, doorknocks or non-lexical noise such as breathing, coughing, andlaughing, among other background noises. Therefore, highlyvariable energy levels can be observed in the nonspeech partsof the signal. Moreover, differences in microphones or roomconfigurations may result in variable SNRs from one meetingto another. Thus, SAD is far from being trivial in this contextand typical techniques based on feature extraction (energy,spectrum divergence between speech and background noise,and pitch estimation) combined with a threshold-based decisionhave proven to be relatively ineffective.

Model-based approaches tend to have better performancesand rely on a two-class detector, with models pre-trained withexternal speech and nonspeech data [6], [41], [49], [51], [52].

Speech and nonspeech models may optionally be adapted tospecific meeting conditions [15]. Discriminant classifiers suchas linear discriminant analysis (LDA) coupled with Mel fre-quency cepstrum coefficients (MFCCs) [53] or support vectormachines (SVMs) [54] have also been proposed in the litera-ture. The main drawback of model-based approaches is their re-liance on external data for the training of speech and nonspeechmodels which makes them less robust to changes in acousticconditions. Hybrid approaches have been proposed as a poten-tial solution. In most cases, an energy-based detection is first ap-plied in order to label a limited amount of speech and nonspeechdata for which there is high confidence in the classification. In asecond step, the labeled data are used to train meeting-specificspeech and nonspeech models, which are subsequently used in amodel-based detector to obtain the final speech/nonspeech seg-mentation [9], [55]–[57]. Finally, [58] combines a model-basedwith a 4-Hz modulation energy-based detector. Interestingly, in-stead of being applied as a preprocessing stage, in this systemSAD is incorporated into the speaker diarization process.

C. Segmentation

In the literature, the term “speaker segmentation” is some-times used to refer to both segmentation and clustering. Whilesome systems treat each task separately many of presentstate-of-the-art systems tackle them simultaneously, as de-scribed in Section III-E. In these cases the notion of strictlyindependent segmentation and clustering modules is less rel-evant. However, both modules are fundamental to the task ofspeaker diarization and some systems, such as that reported in[6], apply distinctly independent segmentation and clusteringstages. Thus, the segmentation and clustering models aredescribed separately here.

Speaker segmentation is core to the diarization process andaims at splitting the audio stream into speaker homogeneoussegments or, alternatively, to detect changes in speakers, alsoknown as speaker turns. The classical approach to segmentationperforms a hypothesis testing using the acoustic segments intwo sliding and possibly overlapping, consecutive windows. Foreach considered change point there are two possible hypotheses:first that both segments come from the same speaker ( ), andthus that they can be well represented by a single model; andsecond that there are two different speakers ( ), and thus thattwo different models are more appropriate. In practice, modelsare estimated from each of the speech windows and some cri-teria are used to determine whether they are best accounted forby two separate models (and hence two separate speakers), or bya single model (and hence the same speaker) by using an empir-ically determined or dynamically adapted threshold [10], [59].This is performed across the whole audio stream and a sequenceof speaker turns is extracted.

Many different distance metrics have appeared in the liter-ature. Next, we review the dominant approaches which havebeen used for the NIST RT speaker diarization evaluationsduring the last four years. The most common approach is thatof the Bayesian information criterion (BIC) and its associated

BIC metric [33] which has proved to be extremely popular,e.g.,[60]–[62]. The approach requires the setting of an explicitpenalty term which controls the tradeoff between missed turns



and those falsely detected. It is generally difficult to estimatethe penalty term such that it gives stable performance acrossdifferent meetings and thus new, more robust approaches havebeen devised. They either adapt the penalty term automatically,i.e., the modified BIC criterion [33], [63], [64], or avoid the useof a penalty term altogether by controlling model complexity[65]. BIC-based approaches are computationally demandingand some systems have been developed in order to use the BIConly in a second pass, while a statistical-based distance is usedin a first pass [66]. Another BIC-variant metric, referred to ascross-BIC and introduced in [67] and [68], involves the com-putation of cross-likelihood: the likelihood of a first segmentaccording to a model tuned from the second segment and viceversa. In [69], different techniques for likelihood normalizationare presented and are referred to as bilateral scoring.

A popular and alternative approach to BIC-based measures isthe generalized likelihood ratio (GLR), e.g.,[70], [71]. In con-trast to the BIC, the GLR is a likelihood-based metric and corre-sponds to the ratio between the two aforementioned hypotheses,as described in [39], [72], and [73]. To adapt the criterion inorder to take into account the amount of training data availablein the two segments, a penalized GLR was proposed in [74].

The last of the dominant approaches is the Kullback–Leibler(KL) divergence which estimates the distance between tworandom distributions [75]. However, the KL divergence isasymmetric, and thus the KL2 metric, a symmetric alternative,has proved to be more popular in speaker diarization when usedto characterize the similarity of two audio segments [75]–[77].

Finally, in this section we include a newly introduced distancemetric that has shown promise in a speaker diarization task. Theinformation change rate (ICR), or entropy can be used to char-acterize the similarity of two neighboring speech segments. TheICR determines the change in information that would be ob-tained by merging any two speech segments under considera-tion and can thus be used for speaker segmentation. Unlike themeasures outlined above, the ICR similarity is not based on amodel of each segment but, instead, on the distance betweensegments in a space of relevance variables, with maximum mu-tual information or minimum entropy. One suitable space comesfrom GMM component parameters [18]. The ICR approach iscomputationally efficient and, in [78], ICR is shown to be morerobust to data source variation than a BIC-based distance.

D. Clustering

Whereas the segmentation step operates on adjacent windowsin order to determine whether or not they correspond to the samespeaker, clustering aims at identifying and grouping togethersame-speaker segments which can be localized anywhere in theaudio stream. Ideally, there will be one cluster for each speaker.The problem of measuring segment similarity remains the sameand all the distance metrics described in Section III-C may alsobe used for clustering, i.e., the KL distance as in [10], a modifiedKL2 metric as in [61], a BIC measure as in [79] or the crosslikelihood ratio (CLR) as in [80] and [81].

However, with such an approach to diarization, there is noprovision for splitting segments which contain more than asingle speaker, and thus diarization algorithms can only workwell if the initial segmentation is of sufficiently high quality.

Since this is rarely the case, alternative approaches combineclustering with iterative resegmentation, hence facilitatingthe introduction of missing speaker turns. Most of presentdiarization systems thus perform segmentation and clusteringsimultaneously or clustering on a frame-to-cluster basis, asdescribed in Section III-E. The general approach involvesViterbi realignment where the audio stream is resegmentedbased on the current clustering hypothesis before the modelsare retrained on the new segmentation. Several iterations areusually performed. In order to make the Viterbi decoding morestable, it is common to use a Viterbi buffer to smooth the state,cluster or speaker sequence to remove erroneously detected,brief speaker turns, as in [16]. Most state-of-the-art systemsemploy some variations on this particular issue.

An alternative approach to clustering involves majority voting[82], [83] whereby short windows of frames are entirely as-signed to the closest cluster, i.e., that which attracts the mostframes during decoding. This technique leads to savings in com-putation but is more suited to online or live speaker diarizationsystems.

E. One-Step Segmentation and Clustering

Most state-of-the-art speaker diarization engines unify thesegmentation and clustering tasks into one step. In these sys-tems, segmentation and clustering are performed hand-in-handin one loop. Such a method was initially proposed by ICSI fora bottom-up system [31] and has subsequently been adoptedby many others [9], [41], [52], [84]–[86]. For top-down algo-rithms it was initially proposed by LIA [14] as used in their latestsystem [16].

In all cases the different acoustic classes are represented usingHMM/GMM models. EM training or MAP adaptation is used toobtain the closest possible models given the current frame-to-model assignments, and a Viterbi algorithm is used to reassignall the data into the closest newly-created models. Such pro-cessing is sometimes performed several times for the frame as-signments to stabilize. This step is useful when a class is cre-ated/eliminated so that the resulting class distribution is allowedto adapt to the data.

The one-step segmentation and clustering approach, althoughmuch slower, constitutes a clear advantage versus sequentialsingle-pass segmentation and clustering approaches [5]–[7]. Onthe one hand, early errors (mostly missed speaker turns from thesegmentation step) can be later corrected by the re-segmentationsteps. On the other hand, most speaker segmentation algorithmsuse only local information to decide on a speaker change whilewhen using speaker models and Viterbi realignment all data istaken into consideration.

When performing frame assignment using Viterbi algorithma minimum assignment duration is usually enforced to avoidan unrealistic assignment of very small consecutive segmentsto different speaker models. Such minimum duration is usuallymade according to the estimated minimum length of any givenspeaker turn.


In this section, we review those areas of work which are stillnot mature but which have the potential to improve diarization



performance. We first discuss the trend in recent NIST RT eval-uations to use spatial information obtained from multiple micro-phones, which are used by many in combination with MFCCsto improve performance. Then, we discuss the use of prosodicinformation which has led to promising speaker diarization re-sults. Also addressed in this section is the “Achilles heel” ofspeaker diarization for meetings, which involves overlappingspeech; many researchers have started to tackle the detectionof overlapping speech and its correct labeling for improved di-arization outputs. We then consider a recent trend towards mul-timodal speaker diarization including studies of multimodal,audiovisual techniques which have been successfully used forspeaker diarization, at least for laboratory conditions. Finally,we consider general combination strategies that can be used tocombine the output of different diarization systems. The fol-lowing summarizes recent work in all of these areas.

A. Time-Delay Features

Estimates of inter-channel delay may be used not only fordelay-and-sum beamforming of multiple microphone channels,as described in Section III-A, but also for speaker localization.If we assume that speakers do not move, or that appropriatetracking algorithms are used, then estimates of speaker locationmay thus be used as alternative features, which have nowadaysbecome extremely popular. Much of the early work, e.g.,[87],requires explicit knowledge of microphone placement. How-ever, as is the case with NIST evaluations, such a priori in-formation is not always available. The first work [88] that doesnot rely on microphone locations led to promising results, evenif error rates were considerably higher than that achieved withacoustic features. Early efforts to combine acoustic features andestimates of inter-channel delay clearly demonstrated their po-tential, e.g.,[89], though this work again relied upon known mi-crophone locations.

More recent work, and specifically in the context of NISTevaluations, reports the successful combination of acousticand inter-channel delay features [86], [90], [91] when theyare combined at the weighted log-likelihood level, thoughoptimum weights were found to vary across meetings. Betterresults are reported in [42] where automatic weighting basedon an entropy-based metric is used for cluster comparison in abottom-up speaker diarization system. A complete front-end forspeaker diarization with multiple microphones was proposed in[42]. Here a two-step TDOA Viterbi post-processing algorithmtogether with a dynamic output signal weighting algorithmwere shown to greatly improve speaker diarization accuracyand the robustness of inter-channel delay estimates to noiseand reverberation, which commonly afflict source localizationalgorithms. More recently, an approach to the unsupervised dis-criminant analysis of inter-channel delay features was proposedin [92] and results of approximately 20% DER were reportedusing delay features alone.

In the most recent NIST RT evaluation, in 2009, all but oneentry used estimates of inter-channel delay both for beam-forming and as features. Since comparative experiments arerarely reported it is not possible to assess the contributionof delay features to diarization performance. However, thosewho do use delay features report significant improvements in

diarization performance and the success of these systems inNIST RT evaluations would seem to support their use.

B. Use of Prosodic Features in Diarization

The use of prosodic features for both speaker detectionand diarization is emerging as a reaction to the theoreticalinconsistency derived from using MFCC features both forspeaker recognition (which requires invariance against words)and speech recognition (which requires invariance againstspeakers) [93]. In [84], the authors present a systematic investi-gation of the speaker discriminability of 70 long-term features,most of them prosodic features. They provide evidence thatdespite the dominance of short-term cepstral features in speakerrecognition, a number of long-term features can provide sig-nificant information for speaker discrimination. As alreadysuggested in [94], the consideration of patterns derived fromlarger segments of speech can reveal individual characteristicsof the speakers’ voices as well as their speaking behavior,information which cannot be captured using a short-term,frame-based cepstral analysis. The authors use Fisher LDA asa ranking methodology and sort the 70 prosodic and long-termfeatures by speaker discriminability. The combination of thetop-ten ranked prosodic and long-term features combined withregular MFCCs leads to a 30% relative improvement in termsof DER compared to the top-performing system of the NISTRT evaluation in 2007. An extension of the work is providedin [95]. The paper presents a novel, adaptive initializationscheme that can be applied to standard bottom-up diarizationalgorithms. The initialization method is a combination of therecently proposed “adaptive seconds per Gaussian” (ASPG)method [96] and a new pre-clustering method in addition toa new strategy which automatically estimates an appropriatenumber of initial clusters based on prosodic features. It outper-forms previous cluster initialization algorithms by up to 67%(relative).

C. Overlap Detection

A fundamental limitation of most current speaker diarizationsystems is that only one speaker is assigned to each segment.The presence of overlapped speech, though, is common in mul-tiparty meetings and, consequently, presents a significant chal-lenge to automatic systems. Specifically, in regions where morethan one speaker is active, missed speech errors will be incurredand, given the high performance of some state-of-the-art sys-tems, this can be a substantial fraction of the overall diariza-tion error. A less direct, but also significant, effect of over-lapped speech in diarization pertains to speaker clustering andmodeling. Segments which contain speech from more than asingle speaker should not be assigned to any individual speakercluster nor included in any individual speaker model. Doingso adversely affects the purity of speaker models, which ulti-mately reduces diarization performance. Approaches to overlapdetection were thoroughly assessed in [97] and [98] and, evenwhile applied to ASR as opposed to speaker diarization, onlya small number of systems actually detects overlapping speechwell enough to improve error rates [99]–[101].

Initially, the authors in [102] demonstrated a theoreticalimprovement in diarization performance by adding a second



speaker during overlap regions using a simple strategy ofassigning speaker labels according to the labels of the neigh-boring segments, as well as by excluding overlap regions fromthe input to the diarization system. However, this initial studyassumed ground-truth overlap detection. In [100], a real overlapdetection system was developed, as well as a better heuristicthat computed posterior probabilities from diarization to postprocess the output and include a second speaker on overlapregions. The main bottleneck of the achieved performance gainis mainly due to errors in overlap detection, and more work onenhancing its precision and recall is reported in [99] and [101].The main approach consists of a three-state HMM-GMMsystem (nonspeech, nonoverlapped speech, and overlappedspeech), and the best feature combination is MFCC and modu-lation spectrogram features [103], although comparable resultswere achieved with other features such as root mean squaredenergy, spectral flatness, or harmonic energy ratio. The reportedperformance of the overlap detection is 82% precision and21% recall, and yielded a relative improvement of 11% DER.However, assuming reference overlap detection, the relativeDER improvement goes up to 37%. This way, this area haspotential for future research efforts.

D. Audiovisual Diarization

Reference [104] presents an empirical study to review defi-nitions of audiovisual synchrony and examine their empiricalbehavior. The results provide justifications for the applicationof audiovisual synchrony techniques to the problem of activespeaker localization in broadcast video. The authors of [105]present a multi-modal speaker localization method using a spe-cialized satellite microphone and an omni-directional camera.Though the results seem comparable to the state-of-the-art, thesolution requires specialized hardware. The work presentedin [106] integrates audiovisual features for online audiovisualspeaker diarization using a dynamic Bayesian network (DBN)but tests were limited to discussions with two to three peopleon two short test scenarios. Another use of DBN, also calledfactorial HMMs [107], is proposed in [108] as an audiovisualframework. The factorial HMM arises by forming a dynamicBayesian belief network composed of several layers. Each ofthe layers has independent dynamics but the final observationvector depends upon the state in each of the layers. In [109],the authors demonstrate that the different shapes the mouth cantake when speaking facilitate word recognition under tightlyconstrained test conditions (e.g., frontal position of the subjectwith respect to the camera while reading digits).

Common approaches to audiovisual speaker identifi-cation involve identifying lip motion from frontal faces,e.g.,[110]–[114]. Therefore, the underlying assumption is thatmotion from a person comes predominantly from the motionof the lower half of their face. In addition, gestural or othernonverbal behaviors associated with natural body motionduring conversations are artificially suppressed, e.g., for theCUAVE database [115]. Most of the techniques involve theidentification of one or two people in a single video cameraonly where short term synchrony of lip motion and speech arethe basis for audiovisual localization. In a real scenario thesubject behavior is not controlled and, consequently, the correct

detection of the mouth is not always feasible. Therefore, otherforms of body behavior, e.g., head gestures, which are alsovisible manifestations of speech [116] are used. While therehas been relatively little work on using global body movementsfor inferring speaking status, some studies have been carriedout [82], [117]–[119] that show promising initial results.

However, until the work presented in [120], approaches havenever considered audiovisual diarization as a single, unsuper-vised joint optimization problem. The work in [120], though,relies on multiple cameras. The first paper that discusses jointaudiovisual diarization using only a single, low-resolutionoverview camera and also tests on meeting scenarios wherethe participants are able to move around freely in the room is[121]. The algorithm relies on very few assumptions and is ableto cope with an arbitrary amount of cameras and subframes.Most importantly, as a result of training a combined audiovisualmodel, the authors found that speaker diarization algorithmscan result in speaker localization as side information. This wayjoint audiovisual speaker diarization can answer the question“who spoken when and from where.” This solution to the local-ization problem has properties that may not be observed eitherby audio-only diarization nor by video-only localization, suchas increased robustness against various issues present in thechannel. In addition, in contrast to audio-only speaker diariza-tion, this solution provides a means for identifying speakersbeyond clustering numbers by associating video regions withthe clusters.

E. System Combination

System or component combination is often reported in theliterature as an effective means for improving performancein many speech processing applications. However, very fewstudies related to speaker diarization have been reported inrecent years. This could be due to the inherent difficulty ofmerging multiple output segmentations. Combination strategieshave to accommodate differences in temporal synchronization,outputs with different number of speakers, and the matchingof speaker labels. Moreover, systems involved in the combina-tion have to exhibit segmentation outputs that are sufficientlyorthogonal in order to ensure significant gains in performancewhen combined. Some of the combination strategies proposedconsist of applying different algorithms/components sequen-tially, based on the segmentation outputs of the previous stepsin order to refine boundaries (referred to as “hybridization” or“piped” systems in [122]). In [123] for instance, the authorscombine two different algorithms based on the InformationBottleneck framework. In [124], the best components of twodifferent speaker diarization systems implemented by two dif-ferent French laboratories (LIUM and IRIT) are merged and/orused sequentially, which leads to a performance gain comparedto results from individual systems. An original approach is pro-posed in [125], based on a “real” system combination. Here, acouple of systems uniquely differentiated by their input features(parameterizations based on Gaussianized against non-Gaus-sianized MFCCs) are combined for the speaker diarization ofphone calls conversations. The combination approach relies onboth systems identifying some common clusters which are thenconsidered as the most relevant. All the segments not belonging



to these common clusters are labeled as misclassified and areinvolved in a new re-classification step based on a GMM mod-eling of the common clusters and a maximum likelihood-baseddecision.

F. Alternative Models

Among the clustering structures recently developed somediffer from the standard HMM insofar as they are fully nonpara-metric (that is, the number of parameters of the system dependson the observations). The Dirichlet process (DP) [126] allowsfor converting the systems into Bayesian and nonparametricsystems. The DP mixture model produces infinite Gaussianmixtures and defines the number of components by a measureover distributions. The authors of [127] illustrate the use of theDirichlet process mixtures, showing an improvement comparedto other classical methods. Reference [128] proposes anothernonparametric Bayesian approach, in which a stochastic hier-archical Dirichlet process (HDP) defines a prior distributionon transition matrices over countably infinite state spaces, thatis, no fixed number of speakers is assumed, nor found througheither split or merging approaches using classical model selec-tion approaches (such as the BIC criterion). Instead, this priormeasure is placed over distributions (called a random measure),which is integrated out using likelihood-prior conjugacy. Theresulting HDP-HMM leads to a data-driven learning algorithmwhich infers posterior distributions over the number of states.This posterior uncertainty can be integrated out when makingpredictions effectively averaging over models of varying com-plexity. The HDP-HMM has shown promise in diarization[129], yielding similar performance to the standard agglom-erative HMM with GMM emissions, while requiring verylittle hyperparameter tuning and providing a statistically soundmodel. Globally, these non parametric Bayesian approaches didnot bring a major improvement compared to classical systemsas presented in Section III. However, they may be promisinginsofar as they do not necessarily need to be optimized forcertain data compared to methods cited in Section II. Further-more, they provide a probabilistic interpretation on posteriordistributions (e.g., number of speakers).


In this section, we report an analysis of speaker diarizationperformance as reported during the four most recent NIST RTevaluations. The analysis focuses solely on conference meetingswhich are the core evaluation condition. We also present an anal-ysis of the ground-truth references in order to underline the char-acteristics of the data with respect to meeting sources and thedifferent evaluation campaigns. Finally we show state-of-the-artsystem results, collated from four NIST RT’07 and RT’09 eval-uation participants, which aim at giving a baseline for futureresearch.

A. Benchmarking Evaluations

Since 2004, NIST has organized a series of benchmark eval-uations within the Rich Transcription (RT) campaigns.3 One ofthe tasks involves speaker diarization of different sets of data.


A common characteristic of these evaluations is that the onlya priori knowledge available to the participants relates to therecording scenario/source (e.g., conference meetings, lectures,or coffee breaks for the meetings domain), the language (Eng-lish), and the formats of the input and output files. Evaluationparticipants may use external or background data for buildingworld models and/or for normalization purposes but no a prioriinformation relating to speakers in the recordings is available.The number of speakers is also not known.

In recent years, the NIST RT evaluations have focussedon the conference meeting domain, where the spontaneousspeaking style presents a considerable challenge for speakerdiarization. Each meeting used in the evaluations was recordedusing multiple microphones (of different types and quality)which are positioned on the participants or in different locationsaround the meeting room. By grouping these microphones intodifferent classes, NIST created several contrastive evaluationconditions. These include: individual headphone microphones(IHM), single distant microphones (SDM), multiple distantmicrophones (MDM), multiple mark III arrays (MM3A), andall distant microphones (ADM). MM3A microphones are thoseexclusively found within the arrays built and provided by NIST.These are usually not included within the MDM condition,they are included within the ADM condition. In this sectionwe show results for the MDM and SDM conditions since weconsider them to be the most representative of standard meetingroom recording equipment. These conditions have also provento be the most popular among evaluation participants.

Participating teams are required to submit a hypothesis ofspeaker activity including start-stop times of speech segmentswith speaker labels, which are used solely to identify the mul-tiple interventions of a given speaker, but do not need to reflectthe speaker’s real identity. These system outputs are comparedto the ground-truth reference in order to obtain the overall DER.The DER metric is the sum of three sources of error: missedspeech (percentage of speech in the ground-truth but not in thehypothesis), false alarm speech (percentage of speech in thehypothesis but not in the ground-truth) and speaker error (per-centage of speech assigned to the wrong speaker). The speakererror can be further classified into incorrectly assigned speakersand speaker overlap error. In the first case, the hypothesizedspeaker does not correspond to the real (ground-truth) speaker.Speaker overlap error refers to the case when the wrong numberof speakers is hypothesized when multiple speakers speak atthe same time. The inclusion of overlapping speech error in theevaluation was restricted to a contrastive metric in the initial RTevaluations but has been the primary metric since 2006. Overlaperrors can be classified as missed overlap (when fewer speakersthan the real number are hypothesized) and false alarm overlap(when too many speakers are hypothesized). In the NIST eval-uations up to four overlapping speakers are considered in thescoring.

Note that as the DER is time-weighted, it ascribes little im-portance to the diarization quality of speakers whose overallspeaking time is small. Additionally, a nonscoring collar of 250ms is generally applied either side of the ground-truth segmentboundaries to account for inevitable inconsistencies in precisestart and end point labeling. When comparing the system out-puts with the ground-truth, and given that the labels identifyingthe speakers are just relative identifiers, the scoring algorithm





Fig. 2. Examples of turn and speaker durations in the presence of overlappedspeech and silences.

first computes an optimum mapping between both sets of la-bels in order to obtain the DER. This is normally performed ac-cording to a standard dynamic programming algorithm definedby NIST.

B. Ground-Truth Analysis

Ground-truth references for evaluating speaker diarizationwere initially obtained via manual labeling of the acoustic data;however, high variations between different labelers proved tobe problematic. Therefore, more recently, an automatically gen-erated forced alignment has been used in order to extract morereliable speaker start and end points using an automatic speechrecognition (ASR) system, human-created transcriptions, andthe audio from individual head microphones (IHM).

As meeting data come from a variety of sources some differ-ences between them are expected. Furthermore, large changes inthe final DER scores from different evaluations would suggestthat there are differences between the sets of meetings used eachyear. To gauge the differences we have analyzed over 20 dif-ferent parameters computed on the ground-truth data. In Table I,we report four of these parameters, which we found most inter-esting, and group results by meeting source and by evaluationyear.

In the left side of the table we report average speaker and turndurations. As exemplified in Fig. 2, the average speaker durationrefers to the average time during which a speaker is active (i.e., asingle line in the RTTM reference files). Conversely, the averageturn duration refers to the average time during which there isno change in speaker activity and is thus always smaller thanthe average speaker duration. The difference between the twostatistics reflects the degree of overlap and spontaneity. Withoutany overlap and a pause between each speaker exchange theaverage speaker and turn durations would be identical. Increasesin overlap and spontaneity will result in a larger speaker/turnratio. In the right side of Table I we report the percentage ofsilence and of overlapping speech.

For RT’05 the average speaker segment duration is 2.5 s. Thisvalue decreases continuously for subsequent datasets (2.3 s forRT’06, 2.0 s for RT’07, and 1.8 s for RT’09). This tendencyleads to increasingly more frequent speaker turns and increasesthe chances of miss-classifying a speech segment. The averageturn segment duration is 2.1 s for RT’05. This value falls to 1.4 sfor RT’06 and remains stable for RT’07 and RT’09 (1.5 s and 1.4s respectively). The consistent decrease in speaker/turn durationratio highlights a general trend of increasing spontaneity andhelps to explain the differences in results from one dataset to an-other. There are no distinct differences across different meetingsites.

There are also noticeable differences in silence and overlapstatistics. The percentage of silence is lower for the RT’05 andRT’09 datasets than it is for the RT’06 and RT’09 datasets(10.3% and 17.5% cf. 31.5% and 24.9%). However, the RT’05and RT’09 datasets have a higher overlap rate than the RT’06and RT’07 datasets (16.0% and 13.6% cf. 7.7% and 7.6%).This is primarily due to three meetings (from CMU, ICSI,and NIST sites) which have overlap rates over 25% (note thatvalues in Table I are averaged across sites, and do not reflectindividual meeting scores). In the case of the RT’09 dataset,the slightly high average overlap of 13% is due to a singlemeeting (recorded by NIST) in which the overlap reaches 31%.Listening to this meeting we concluded that the reason of suchoverlap is that it is not a professional meeting but a socialrendezvous. Conversely, RT’05 and RT’09 have in average alower percentage of silence (10% and 17%) compared to RT’06and RT’07 (31% and 25%). A lower silence rate and higheroverlap might indicate that these meetings are more dynamic,with less idle time and more discussion, although this doesnot mean that they are more spontaneous, as their speech andspeaker segment lengths are still high compared to the RT’09dataset.

Overall, we see that, although all recordings belong to thesame task, there are large differences between the datasets usedfor each evaluation campaign, as well as between recordingsfrom the same source (recording site), but from differentdatasets. This emphasizes the need for robust systems whichperform well regardless of particular dataset characteristics. It isimportant to note, however, that the NIST RT datasets discussedhere typically contain around eight meetings per dataset, eachof them contributing to a single DER score. Random variationson any meeting from these small datasets have a significantimpact on average results. It is then difficult to reliably interpretresults and hence also difficult to draw meaningful conclusions.



Fig. 3. DERs for the RT’07 and RT’09 (a) in multiple distant microphone (MDM) condition, and (b) single distant microphone (SDM) condition (note thatspkr_error in meeting NIST_20080201–1405 has been trimmed to fit the screen, with a speaker error of 31.79% and a total DER of 49.65%).

Comparisons with the work of the speech and speakerrecognition communities highlight the rapid acceleration inresearch effort and progress stemming from the availabilityof huge datasets. Advances in sophisticated modeling andnormalization strategies have revolutionized research in theserelated fields over recent years. It becomes apparent that thefundamental lack of larger speaker diarization datasets, whichmakes it difficult to assess novel algorithms, is a critical barrierto further research in our field. Significantly larger datasets areneeded in order to obtain more robust and meaningful perfor-mance estimates and comparisons. As a result of processingmore data, faster algorithms will also need to be investigatedfor research in speaker diarization to be feasible with standardcomputing resources.

C. Evaluation Results

To assess the current state-of-the-art and provide a baselinefor future research we present results for the RT’07 (Fig. 3 lefthalf) and RT’09 (Fig. 3 right half) NIST evaluations for theMDM [Fig. 3(a)] and SDM [Fig. 3(b)] conditions. Both fig-ures have been compiled from a comparison of results fromfour of the participating sites (LIA/Eurecom,4 I2R/NTU, ICSIand UPC) and by selecting the result with lowest DER for eachmeeting recording. Given the volatility of the results describedand studied in [3], by selecting the best result in each case we hy-pothesize that these results are a more meaningful estimation ofthe state-of-the-art performance in speaker diarization for con-ference meeting data than selecting all results from any singlesystem output. To illustrate the variation in performance for dif-ferent meetings we provide results for individual meetings. Inboth figures, errors are decomposed into the speaker error (Spkrerror), overlap error (OVL error), false alarm speech error (FAspeech), and missed speech error (MISS speech).

For the MDM condition [Fig. 3(a)] the average DER for theRT’07 and RT’09 datasets is 7.5% and 10.1%, respectively.Performance varies between 3.5% and 15.7% for the RT’07dataset whereas for the RT’09 dataset performance varies be-tween 5.3% and 22.2%. For the SDM condition the averageDER is 11.6% and 17.7% for the RT’07 and RT’09 datasets, re-spectively. Performance is always poorer than that for the MDMcondition and varies between 3.7% and 19.9% for the RT’07

4Eurecom was associated with the LIA for the RT’09 campaign only.

dataset and between 7.4% and 49.7% for the RT’09 dataset.Thus, there is a large variation in performance across differentmeetings and in all cases we observe significant overlap er-rors and their often-dominant impact upon the final DER. Ofparticular note is the poor performance obtained on the singleNIST_20080201–1405, which correlates with the particularlyhigh percentage of overlapping speech for this meeting as illus-trated in Table I. Hence, the detection and appropriate treatmentof overlapping speech remains an unsolved problem. In fact, theoverlap error shown in Fig. 3 is entirely due to missed overlapregions, as none of the speaker diarization systems consideredin this analysis included an overlap detector. Also of note isthe general stability of speech activity detection (SAD) algo-rithms which achieve impressive levels of performance in bothMDM and SDM conditions (i.e., they are robust to the qualityof the signal). Values of around 1% to 2% missed speech errorrates and 2% to 3% false alarm error rates are currently typ-ical. The main difference between MDM and SDM performancerests mainly in the speaker error. Here diarization systems areaffected by the reduced signal quality which characterizes theSDM condition.

Overall, the large variations in DER observed among the dif-ferent meetings and meeting sets originate from the large vari-ance of many important factors for speaker diarization, whichmakes the conference meeting domain not as easily tractableas more formalized settings such as broadcast news, lectures,or court house trials. Previous work has highlighted the diffi-culty in assessing the performance of speaker diarization algo-rithms with the view of improving performance [130]. As re-ported in Section III, current approaches to speaker diarizationinvolve a sequence of separate stages where each stage takesits input from the preceding stage(s). When combined in such afashion, it is exceedingly difficult to assess the performance ofeach system component since every single one is affected by theperformance of all previous processing stages. Furthermore, itis not guaranteed that improvements to one stage, for examplethat of segmentation, will lead unequivocally to improvementsin later stages, for example that of clustering. This makes the op-timization of different system components rather troublesome.Once again, by drawing comparisons to the speech and speakerrecognition fields, it is reasonable to foresee more unified ap-proaches, as is already in progress with the now commonplace



combined approaches to segmentation and clustering. In par-ticular, we believe that important decreases in DER will haveto come in the near future from systems incorporating effec-tive algorithms that can detect and correctly assign overlappingspeech.


Research on speaker diarization has been developed in manydomains, from phone calls conversations within the speakerrecognition evaluations, to broadcast news and meeting record-ings in the NIST Rich Transcription evaluations. Furthermore,it has been used in many applications such as a front-end forspeaker and speech recognition, as a meta-data extraction toolto aid navigation in broadcast TV, lecture recordings, meetings,and video conferences and even for applications such as mediasimilarity estimation for copyright detection. Also, speaker di-arization research has led to various by-products. For example,with the availability of recordings using multiple microphones,a set of algorithms has been proposed in recent years both forsignal enhancement and to take advantage of the extra infor-mation that these offer. In addition, the availability of othermodalities, such as video, have started to inspire multimodaldiarization systems, thus merging the visual and the acousticdomains.

This paper provides an overview of the current state-of-the-art in speaker diarization systems and underlines severalchallenges that need to be addressed in future years. For ex-ample, speaker diarization is not yet sufficiently mature sothat methods can be easily ported across different domains, asshown in Section V, where small differences in meeting data(recorded at identical sites) lead to large variations in perfor-mance. In the meantime, larger datasets need to be compiled inorder for results to become more meaningful and for systems tobe more robust to unseen variations. Of course, with increasingdataset sizes, systems will have to become more efficient inorder to process such data in reasonable time. Still, the biggestsingle challenge is probably the handling of overlappingspeech, which needs to be attributed to multiple speakers. Asa relatively embryonic community, at least compared to themore established fields of speech and speaker recognition, thereare thus outstanding opportunities for significant advancesand important changes to the somewhat ad hoc and heuristicapproaches that currently dominate the field.

Overall, the future of the field seems even broader andbrighter than the present, as more and more people acknowl-edge the usefulness of audio methods for many tasks that havetraditionally been thought to be exclusively solvable in thevisual domain. Speaker diarization is one of the fundamentalproblems underlying virtually any task that involves acousticsand the presence of more than one person.


The authors would like to thank those RT participating sitesthat lent them their results for this study, in particular J. Luquefrom UPC, Spain, and T.H. Nguyen and H. Li from I2R andNTU, Singapore.


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Xavier Anguera Miro (M’06) received the Telecom-munications Engineering and European Masters inLanguage and Speech (M.S.) degrees from the Uni-versitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC), Barcelona,Spain, in 2001 and the Ph.D. degree from UPC, with athesis on “Robust Speaker Diarization for Meetings.”

From 2001 to 2003, he was with Panasonic SpeechTechnology Lab, Santa Barbara, CA. From 2004 to2006, he was a Visiting Researcher at the Interna-tional Computer Science Institute (ICSI), Berkeley,CA, where he pursued research on speaker diariza-

tion for meetings, contributing to ICSI’s participation in the NIST RT evalua-tions in 2004 (broadcast news) and 2005–2007 (meetings), obtaining state-of-the-art results. He briefly joined LIMSI, Paris, France, in 2006. He has beenwith Telefonica Research, Barcelona, Spain, since 2007, pursuing research inmultimedia. His current research interests include speaker characterization (in-cluding diarization, recognition, etc.), language identification (including a par-ticipation in NIST LRE’07 evaluation) and several topics in multimodal multi-media analysis (e.g., video copy detection, involving the participation in NISTTRECVID 2009 and 2010 evaluations). He has authored or coauthored over 50peer-reviewed research articles. He is the main developer of the BeamformIttoolkit, extensively used by the RT community for processing multiple micro-phone recordings.

Dr. Anguera Miro is a member of ISCA, ACM, and IEEE Signal ProcessingSociety and has been involved in the organization of several ACM and IEEEconferences. He has been a reviewer for many conferences, as well as for severaljournals in the multimedia domain.

Simon Bozonnet (S’08) received the diploma inelectrical engineering from INSA de Lyon, France,in 2008 with specialization in signal processingand the Master of Research in Images and Systemsfrom INSA. He undertook his M.S. thesis at theNuclear Energy Center (CEA), Bruyères-le-Châtel,France, where he worked on signal fusion andintelligent systems for source localization. He iscurrently pursuing the Ph.D. degree from TelecomParisTech, Paris, France, and joined the MultimediaCommunications Department as a Ph.D. candidate

with LIA-EURECOM, Sophia-Antipolis, France.As part of his studies, he spent one year at KTH (Royal Institute of

Technology), Stockholm, Sweden. His research interests include multimediaindexing, and specifically speaker diarization. He participated in LIA-EU-RECOM recent submission to the NIST RT’09 evaluation and contributes hisexpertise in speaker diarization to the national “ACAV” project which aims toimprove web accessibility for the visually and hearing impaired.

Nicholas Evans (M’06) received the M.Eng.and Ph.D. degrees from the University of WalesSwansea (UWS), Swansea, U.K., in 1999 and 2003,respectively.

From 2002 and 2006, he was a Lecturer at UWSand was an Honorary Lecturer until 2009. He brieflyjoined the Laboratoire Informatique d’Avignon(LIA), at the Université d’Avignon et des Pays deVaucluse (UAPV), Avignon, France, in 2006 beforemoving to EURECOM, Sophia Antipolis, France,in 2007 where he is now an Assistant Professor. At

EURECOM, he heads research in speech and audio processing and is currentlyactive in the fields of speaker diarization, speaker recognition, multimodal

biometrics, speech enhancement, and acoustic echo cancellation. His team ledLIA-EURECOM’s joint entry to the NIST Rich Transcription evaluations in2009. He has authored or coauthored in excess of 50 peer-reviewed researcharticles and participates in several national and European projects, all involvingspeech processing.

Dr. Evans is a member of the IEEE Signal Processing Society, ISCA, andEURASIP and he serves as an Associate Editor of the EURASIP Journal onAudio, Speech, and Music Processing.

Corinne Fredouille received the Ph.D. degree fromthe Laboratoire Informatique d’Avignon (LIA), Uni-versity of Avignon, Avignon, France, in 2000

She was appointed as an Assistant Professor atLIA in 2003. Her research interests include acousticanalysis, voice quality assessment, statisticalmodeling, automatic speaker recognition, speakerdiarization and, more recently, speech and voicedisorder assessment and acoustic-based characteri-zation. She has participated in several national andinternational speaker diarization system evaluation

campaigns and has published over 15 research papers in this field.Prof. Fredouille is a member of the International Speech Communication As-

sociation (ISCA) and secretary of the French speaking communication associ-ation (AFCP), Special Interest Group (SIG) of ISCA.

Gerald Friedland (M’08) received the diplom anddoctorate (summa cum laude) degrees in computerscience from Freie Universität Berlin, Berlin, Ger-many, in 2002 and 2006, respectively.

He is a Senior Research Scientist at the Interna-tional Computer Science Institute (ICSI), Berkeley,CA, an independent nonprofit research lab associatedwith the University of California (UC) at Berkeleywhere he, among other functions, is currently leadingthe speaker diarization research. Apart from speech,his interests also include image and video processing

and multimodal machine learning. He is a Principal Investigator on an IARPAproject on video concept detection and a Co-Principal Investigator on an NGANURI grant on multimodal location estimation. Until 2009 he had been a siteCoordinator for the EU-funded AMIDA and the Swiss-funded IM2 projectswhich sponsored the research on multimodal meeting analysis algorithms.

Dr. Friedland is a member of the IEEE Computer Society and the IEEE Com-munication Society, and he is involved in the organization of various ACM andIEEE conferences, including the IEEE International Conference on SemanticComputing (ICSC), where he served as cochair and the IEEE International Sym-posium on Multimedia (ISM2009), where he served as program cochair. He isalso cofounder and Program Director of the IEEE International Summer Schoolfor Semantic Computing at UC Berkeley. He is the recipient of several researchand industry recognitions, among them the Multimedia Entrepreneur Award bythe German government and the European Academic Software Award. Most re-cently, he won the first prize in the ACM Multimedia Grand Challenge 2009.

Oriol Vinyals received a double degree in math-ematics and telecommunication engineering fromthe Polytechnic University of Catalonia, Barcelona,Spain, and the M.S. degree in computer science fromthe University of California, San Diego, in 2009.He is currently pursuing the Ph.D. degree at theUniversity of California, Berkeley.

His interests include artificial intelligence, withparticular emphasis on machine learning, speech, andvision. He was a Visiting Scholar at the ComputerScience Department, Carnegie Mellon University,

Pittsburgh, PA, in 2006, where he worked in computer vision and robotics.Dr. Vinyals received a Microsoft Research Ph.D. Fellowship in 2011.