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Maki Nishiyama
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    Prepared for Parent to Parent

    Prepared by Let s Talk PR

    Public Relations CampaignProposal for Parent to Parent

    67 Green Street

    Hamilton 5 670

    (07) 859 67 87

    [email protected]

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  • 8/6/2019 333 Final Final Final-1


    Public Relations ampaign Proposal for Parent to Parent

    Prepared by Let s Talk PR |


    Age ncy Pr ofile

    About Us

    Our small team of communication professionals works to elp local organisations connect more

    effecti vely wit


    e public and t

    eir employees. We specialise in internal communication,government lobbying and media relations. Let s Talk PR as ad o ver ten years experience pro viding

    communication ad vice and solutions to local organisations, largely in t e non-profit sector.

    Our Va lue s

    y C ommitment

    Let s Talk PR is committed to elping t eir clients implement creati ve communication

    strategies to better ac ieve t eir goals.

    y Trust

    Let s Talk PR knows t at trust is essential to building rewarding, long lasting relations ips,

    making it one of our most important values.

    y D iversityD iversity in experience and background allow for t e greatest range of creati ve input,

    t erefore it is important to finding t e most suitable solution.

    Let s Talk PR

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    Our Team

    Claire Murph

    Bachelor of Management Studies

    Claire has graduat ed from Waikato Univ ersity with a publi c relation s major and a spec ific focus on

    working wit h non -profit organi sation s. Claire has sales e perience from working in r etail and al so has

    a ba ckground in event manag ement t hroug h he r involvement wit h Young Ent erpri se Projec ts.

    Ra hael Bu hanan

    Bachelor of Communication Studies

    Rachael is very interes ted in t he role communi cation pla ys in sh ifting attitud es and creating social

    chang e . She volunt ee rs for Refugee Services and i s con cerned wit h human rig hts issues . Now she has

    graduat ed from Waikato Univ ersity she hop es to gain e perience with Amnes ty International w he re

    she can u se he r communi cation skills to he lp advo cat e for t hose who have had t he ir rights abu se d.

    Kurt Kirby

    Bachelor of Sport and Leisure Studies

    Kurt i s a form er stud ent of Waikato Univ ersity having studi ed a doubl e major in publi c relation s andSport and L eisure studi es . Kurt i s now b eginning his caree r in PR and plan s to utili se the skills he has

    developed during t he cour se of his degree to b ecom e a fine publi c relation s e ecutiv e .

    Maki Nishi yama

    Bachelor of Communication Studies

    M aki graduat ed from t he Waikato Univ ersity M anag ement School wit h a major in publi c relation s.

    She is interes ted in journali sm and m edia r elation s as well as prof ess ional writing. Lik e the res t of t he

    Let s Talk team, she has a strong commitm ent to communit y values and non -profit work.

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    Public Relations Campaign Proposal for Parent to Parent

    Prepared by Let s Talk PR |


    Situ a tion Ana lysis

    Bac ground

    Parent to Parent is a non-profit organisation t at pro vides information and support to parents and

    families of c ildren wit disabilities. In t is context, public relations can elp Parent to Parent

    establis and strengt en relations ips wit t eir various stake olders and communicate t eir

    mission of Empowering parents, caregi vers and w anau w o ave c ildren and family memberswit disabilities, ealt impairments or special needs t roug support and pro vision of information .

    Parent to Parent rely ea vily on t e contribution of volunteers to pro vide t eir essential ser vice of

    support and information matc ing. Furt ermore, our agency found t at t ere was a 58% increase in

    requests for information and matc es in t e pre vious year, w ic furt er amplifies Parent to

    Parent s need for volunteer in volvement.

    Our agency c

    ose to focus t

    e campaign on recruiting and retaining volunteers because wit

    out t

    e elp of volunteers, Parent to Parent cannot pro vide t eir ser vices to parents and ac ieve t eir


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    Resear h Findings Report

    Primar y

    In-depth interview with Linda Browne, Volunteer Coordinator for Waikato region ( Appendix 1):

    y No formal r ecruitm ent pro cess in pla ce apart from training da ys, which occur on ce a year.

    y Intrin sic and small a cts of recognition, e .g. flow ers, Christma s card s.

    y Volunt ee r program aim ed mainl y at support par ent s but Par ent to Par ent would b e op en to

    ot he r form s of volunt ee r parti cipation.

    y Volunt ee r s lengt h of sta y tend s to var y from supporting onl y on ce , to supporting for t he res t

    of the ir lives .

    y Support systems in pla ce e .g. follow -up p hon e call aft er support par ent conta ct and al so

    coff ee group s.

    In-depth interview with Maree Ho bern, support parent ( Appendix 1):

    y Felt conn ec ted to Par ent to Par ent s values and f elt she was making a significant


    y Identified t he annual famil y camp (an event w hich takes approximat ely ten famili es out on a

    camping trip) a s esse ntial to building r elation sh ips, support n etwork s and al so providingsom e thing fun for t he families .

    y Felt that he r expec tation s of P2P w ere not onl y me t but al so excee ded.

    y Felt satisfied wit h volunt ee r experience .

    Q uestionnaire e-mail surve y of four support parents ( Appendix 1):

    y All respond ent s identified m ee ting ot he r families and building r elation sh ips as the mo st

    rewarding volunt ee r experience .

    y H alf of t he res pond ent s becam e awar e of Par ent to Par ent t hroug h word -of -mout h .

    y 3 in 4 volunt ee rs identified knowing m y contribution to t he organi sation i s appr ec iated. , a s

    a major motivational fa ctor to continu e volunt ee ring.

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    Se ondar y

    Media Anal ysis

    y Analysis of P2P s prese nce in the media sh owed t hey rely he avily on volunt ee r support and

    that P2P i s not a w ell-known organi sation in N ew Zealand.

    P2P Pu b li ations

    y Volunt ee rs are generally par ent s, siblings and committ ee memb ers.

    y Limited m ention of volunt ee rs in all P2P do cum ent s. y In newslett er coverag e of 200 9 to 2 010, the re was only on e volunt ee r event m ention ed

    ot he r than training da ys and camp s.

    y Curr ently 500 support par ent s.

    Academi c Resear ch

    M an y acad emic arti cles identif y volunt ee rs as being a key publi c in the non-profit sec tor (Lattimor e ,H eimen & Tot h , 200 9; Busse ll & Forbes , 200 2). Recruiting and r etaining volunt ee rs is a major i ssue

    that aff ec ts non -profit organization s efficiency as high turnov er rat es indicat e that mor e res our ces

    will be spent on training. Key findings include:

    y Eff ec tive manag ement is paramount and significant to r ecruiting and r e taining volunt ee rs

    (Busse ll & Forbes , 200 2).

    y Recognition of volunt ee r work aff ec ts lengt h of commitm ent ( M icalon e & M c ibbon ey ,

    200 8).

    y Off ering r eward s for volunt ee r work will enhan ce the volunt ee r experience bec au se reward s

    are close ly conn ec ted to a chievement, w hich is a motivational fa ctor (Ro esch , Spitzb erg &

    Dwiggins-Bee ler, 2 006 ).

    y Non -profit organization s mu st und erstand motiv es of targ e t group and off er som e thing

    parti cular for it s members (Busse l & Forbes , 200 2).

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    Anal ysis

    Pro b lems

    y The re is no a ctive volunt ee r rec ruitm ent pro cess put in pla ce at P2P. y P2P do not formall y or publi cly recogni se the contribution mad e by volunt ee rs.

    y Lack of communi cation and r eporting on volunt ee r activities .

    y P2P is not a w ell-known organi sation.


    y Volunt ee rs f ee l a strong lo yalty and conn ec tion to P2P and it s objec tives .

    y Volunt ee rs appr ec iat e acts of recognition for t he ir contribution.

    y Volunt ee rs f ee l the curr ent training i s of a high standard and t hat t he re was a significant

    benefit in att ending.

    Potential Competition

    y Othe r information provid ers, e .g. Int erne t sour ces such as WebH ealth , which might pr event

    pot ential par ent s from b ecoming involv ed in t he organi sation.

    y Othe r non -profit organi sation s who recruit volunt ee rs e .g. New Zealand Socie ty for t he

    Intellec tuall y H andi capp ed (IH C).

    Potential Allies

    y Volunt ee r recruitm ent ce ntr es , e .g. Volunt ee r Now.

    y Extend ed famil y and fri end s of existing volunt ee rs. y G overnm ent and M embers of Parliam ent, parti cularly, Disabilit y Issues M inister and

    Communit y and Voluntar y Sector M inister.

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    Campaign Strateg y

    Campaign Goal

    To increase volunt ee r numb ers at Par ent to Par ent and al so, retain volunt ee rs for a long er period of

    time .

    Campaign O bj ectives

    y To increase communi cation wit h and about volunt ee rs by 30% by the end of 2 011.

    y To strengt he n relation sh ip wit h curr ent volunt ee rs by way of formal r ecognition for t he ir


    y To increase the numb er of volunt ee rs from 500 to 550 by the end of 2 011.

    Campaign Pu b lics

    y Parent s of children wit h disabilities .

    y Siblings of ch ildren wit h disabiliti es .

    y Existing Par ent to Par ent volunt ee rs.

    y Curr ent Par ent to Par ent emplo yees .

    Campaign Strateg y

    A campaign t hat es tabli shes Parent to Par ent a s an organi sation t hat is access ible and r ewarding to

    volunt ee r wit h . The campaign will fo cus on t he everyda y experiences of volunt ee rs and w hat mak es

    the ir experience valuabl e . The campaign slogan i s Our Stori es .

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    Action Plan

    We will be using an int egrat ed approa ch to a ch ieve our strat egy. Our t eam s program will r evolve

    around on e main event for volunt ee rs as we ll as additional ta ctics that will complim ent t he event.

    Our program in cludes:

    y A personal blog about volunt ee r experiences at Par ent to Par ent.

    y A stor y comp e tition sh aring volunt ee r experiences.

    y An award s ceremon y to r ecogni se volunt ee r contribution s.

    Our a ction plan i s aligned wit h our campaign obj ec tives and aim s to :

    y Provid e a platform w he re volunt ee rs can communi cat e with each ot he r.

    y Provid e avenu es for volunt ee rs to sh are what is happ ening in t he ir region.

    y Provid e an opportunit y for volunt ee rs to sh owcase the ir personal experiences with Parent to

    Parent.y Recogni se volunt ee rs for t he ir contribution.

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    Tactic One: Personal Blogs

    y Two blog pag es will be se t up for two diff erent support par ent s (Appendix 4).

    y A volunt ee r webpag e will be creat ed to fa cilitate this activit y.

    y The purpo se of these blogs will be for par ent s to b e able to view the lives and experiences of

    ot he r support par ent s in an in -dept h and p ersonal wa y.

    y The blog will al so provid e a visual expec tation for pot ential volunt ee rs and will suppl y the m

    with tru e-to -lif e information about t he role of a support par ent.

    y The support par ent s will agree to do cum ent t he ir expe riences with Parent to Par ent ov er a

    on e-ye ar p eriod (Januar y 2010 to Januar y 2011).

    y The two par ent s will upload t ext, p hoto s and sh ort vid eos as part of t he ir blog pag e .

    y They will be re uired to upload a n ew piece of information every two w ee ks (text, p hoto or


    y They will also b e re uired to upload on e new video each mont h .

    y The information ma y be relat ed to t he ir own famil y or related to t he ir work a s a support

    par ent.

    y Viewers will be able to log -on to tra ck the ir experiences over the on e-ye ar p eriod.

    y The two par ent s who writ e the blogs will be op erating on a volunt ee r ba sis.

    y Blogging pag es will be an extension of t he existing Par ent to Par ent w ebsite and will

    the refore be of no extra cost to Par ent to Par ent.

    y Success of these blogs will be evaluat ed b y LTPR throug h e-mail survey and in -dept h


    y Depending on t he success of these blog pag es , two n ew par ent s will be approa che d in

    Octob er 2011, to writ e blogs for t he 2012 p eriod.

    y Rese ar ch found t hat volunt ee rs were hugely satisfied wit h the Parent to Par ent experience .

    Blogs are a great wa y to communi cat e this satisfaction to curr ent and futur e volunt ee rs.

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    Personal Blogs Timeline

    Personal Blogs Budget

    Activit y Actual cost Estimated cost Pa yment

    We bsite $0 $0 Donat e d tim e

    Task Completion Date Responsi b le

    Conta ct pot ential par ent s to writ e onlin e blogs 01.10.2010 P2P

    Confirm two par ent s to writ e blogs 01.12.2 010 P2P

    P2P website mak es a pag e for blogging 1 5.12.2 010 P2P

    Two support par ent s begin blogging 01.01.2011 P2P

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    Tactic Two: Stor y Competition

    y Parent s will be able to load t ext, videos or p hoto s about t he ir experiences as a volunt ee r.

    y The purpo se of this is to allow volunt ee rs to sh are the ir stori es and al so to giv e pot entialvolunt ee rs a b ett er und erstanding of w hat t he role entail s.

    y This activity will run con curr entl y with the personal blog pag es .

    y A volunt ee r sec tion will b e creat ed on Par ent to Par ent s website to fa cilitate this activity

    (Appendix 4)

    y We will promot e the new webpag e to volunt ee rs via email, n ewslett ers and on t he website

    itse lf.

    y To encourag e traffi c to t he new webpag e , we will be running a numb er of a ctivities onlin e

    that fo cus on showcasing volunt ee r experiences .

    y The the me will be Our Stori es .

    y A new topi c or qu es tion to centr e the onlin e activity will be po sted every three mont hs to

    focus volunt ee r s stori es .

    y Volunt ee rs will be able to comm ent on ot he r parti cipant s upload s.

    y Once onlin e communit y is es tabli she d, we will run a stor y comp e tition wit h the qu es tion :

    W hat has bee n your mo st m emorabl e Parent to Par ent experience? .

    y After par ent s begin loading t he ir stori es , ot he r par ent s will be able to vot e for t he ir favourit e

    volunt ee r entr y.

    y Allentri es mu st b e submitt ed b y the 20th of Novemb er 2011 to b e eligible for an award.

    y Two award s will be prese nt ed t hat ar e relat ed to t he Our Stori es comp e tition

    y M ost V iewed Stor y will be determin ed b y comput er softwar e showing how man y diff erent

    times each video has bee n viewed.

    y M ost Comm ent ed Stor y will be de termin ed b y the numb er of comm ent s each entr y has

    rece ived.

    y Both winn ers will be inform ed in writing

    y Air NZ will provide plan e tickets for t he winn ers and t he ir partn ers to att end t he award s.

    y Ventura Inn will provid e two nig hts accommodation for t he winn ers and t he ir partn ers

    whilst t hey att end t he award s.

    y The winn ers of the comp e tition will b e prese nt ed at t he annual award s ceremon y on t he 5th

    Dece mb er 2011.

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    Stor y Competition Timeline

    Stor y Competition Budget

    Activit y Actual cost Estimated cost Pa yment

    Website $0 $0 Donat ed tim e

    Task Completion Date Responsi b leInform par ent s via e-mail about n ew blogging se rvice 01.12.2 010 P2PP2P website creat es a pag e for uploading cont ent 1 5.12.2 010 P2P1st focus qu es tion r elease d 01.01.2011 P2PVolunt ee rs are able to upload vid eos/ text/ photo s 01.01.2011 P2P2nd fo cus qu es tion r elease d 01.04.2011 P2P3rd fo cus qu es tion r elease d 01.07 .2011 P2PSupport par ent s inform ed of 'blogging comp e tition' 01.08.2011 P2P4th focus qu es tion r elease d (comp e tition) 01.09.2011 P2PParent s load cont ent to b e eligible for comp etiton 01.09.2011 P2P

    Cut off for comp e tition entri es 20.11.2 011 P2PJudging of entri es 27.11.2 011 P2P

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    Tactic Three: Awards Ceremon y

    y Award s ceremon y to b e he ld on t he evening of D ece mb er 5th, 2011 at H amilton City

    G ard ens, in conjun ction wit h International Volunt ee rs da y.

    y Acad emic rese arch indicat ed t hat r eward s for volunt ee r work enhan ces experience and

    increases length of commitm ent

    y The purpo se of t he ceremon y is to r ecogni se and r eward volunt ee rs of Par ent to Par ent.

    y Winn ers will be se lec ted b y; Linda Brown e (Parent to Par ent Volunt ee r Coordinator), Rob yn

    Smith (Par ent to Par ent National M anag er), Tariana Turia (Di sabilit y Issues M inister), Pete

    Williams (Paral ympian) and Jan e M att he ws (support par ent).

    y The re will be a total of se ven award s, including : Volunt ee r of t he Year, Bes t New Volunt ee r,

    M ost Popular Stor y, Parent /S ibling Support er of t he Year, Services to Par ent to Par ent, M ost

    Comm ent ed Stor y and M ost Viewed Stor y.

    y Award winn ers will be confirm ed b efore the event.

    y Award s will be spon sored b y Air New Zealand and W es tpa c (Appendix 2).

    y Certificat es given to award winn ers (Appendix 5).

    y G ift ba skets will be hand ed out to att end ees and will contain : a DVD of the Our Stori es

    comp etition entri es; The Body Shop produ cts; Abe s Bagel s produ cts; thank you not e,

    f ee dba ck po stcard and handmad e chocolat es .

    y G ift ba skets the mse lves will be mad e by local flax weavers.

    y Invitation s for award s will f eatur e artwork b y Yaniv Janson and will doubl e as a fridg e

    magn et for volunt ee r use (Appendix 6).

    y H osted b y gues t M .Cs M ark Bunting and Ju stine Allen from Classic H its Radio.

    y Award s ceremon y location, d ecoration s, drink s and catering all suppli ed, mo stly throug h

    spon sorsh ip and donation s.

    y A press release about t he award s will be distribut ed to t he media prior to t he event

    (Appendix 3).

    y The award s ceremon y will be he ld annuall y from 2 011.

    y Flights and a ccommodation for two major award winn ers (stor y comp etition and volunt ee r

    of the year.).

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    Awards Ceremon y Timeline

    TaskCompletionDate Responsi b le

    Search for spon sorsh ip for fundrai sing(Appendix 2) 01.10.2010 LTPRConta ct AirNZ to spon sor dom es tic air trav el 01.10.2010 LTPRSearch for spon sorsh ip for award priz es 01.10.2010 LTPRSearch for host for ceremon y 01.04.2011 LTPRSearch for spon sorsh ip for giftbag s 01.05.2011 LTPRBook host of ceremon y 05.07 .2011 LTPRSearch for spon sorsh ip for d ecoration s 05.08.2011 LTPRSearch for spon sorsh ip for flow ers 05.08.2011 LTPRSearch for spon sorsh ip for drink s and cat ering 05.08.2011 LTPR

    Search for spon sorsh ip for invitation s/ce rtificat es 05.08.2011 LTPRSearch for judg es for judging pan el 21.08.2011 LTPRFinalise judging pan el 21.09.2011 LTPRFinalise invitation s/ce rtificat es 01.10.2011 LTPRFinalise spon sorsh ip 01.10.2011 LTPRFinalise decoration s 01.11.2 011 LTPRFinalise flowers 01.11.2 011 LTPRFinalise drink s and cat ering 01.11.2 011 LTPRFinalise giftbag s 01.11.2 011 LTPRFinalise award priz es 01.11.2 011 LTPRJudging pan el mee t to choo se award winn ers 04.11.2 011 LTPRRequ es t plan e tickets from AirNZ 05.11.2 011 LTPR

    Print invitation s/ce rtificat es 05.11.2 011 LTPRInform winn ers of award s via telephon e 05.11.2 011 P2PSend plan e tickets to award winn ers 06 .11.2 011 LTPRInvitation s se nt to award winn ers and ot he r att end ees 06 .11.2 011 LTPRRelease news release about up coming award s (Appendix 3) 2 8.11.2 011 LTPRAward Ceremon y 05.12.2 011 LTPR

    Awards Ceremon y Budget

    Activit y Estimated cost Actual cost Pa ymentVenue $750 $0 Donated

    Decorations $200 $50 DonatedCatering $2000 $0 SponsoredPrinting $100 $0 SponsoredFlights $400 $0 SponsoredAccommodation $300 $0 DonatedGiftbags $2000 $100 SponsoredSound equipment $150 $0 DonatedTotal $5900 $150

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    The chang e in attitud es of pot ential volunt ee rs can b e measur ed t hroug h onlin e surveys se nt outthroug h email to all vi ewers of the blogs. This survey will measure whe the r pot ential volunt ee rs

    attitud es toward s volunt ee ring wit h Parent to Par ent ar e mor e po sitive and al so whe ther they are

    mor e likely to volunt ee r wit h the organi sation. If t he blogs have achieved t he ir obj ec tives the n

    people will see Parent to Par ent a s a rewarding and a ccess ible organi sation to volunt ee r wit h and

    mor e people will be willing to b ecom e a support par ent.

    Whe the r the campaign has altered p eople s beh aviour can b e measur ed t hroug h volunt ee r numb ers and if t he numb ers have increase d t he n b eh aviour has chang ed. Ultimat ely changing p eople s

    beh aviour i s the most d es ired out com e of the campaign and if it has bee n a chieved t he n Par ent to

    Parent will see a huge benefit from t he campaign and t he PR objec tives would have bee n m et to t he

    fulles t pot ential.

    Due to t he medium u se d it will b e easy to m easure whe the r the campaign has reache d its intend ed

    publi c (volunt ee rs). This can b e anal ysed b y examining how man y viewers the blogs and our stori es

    rece ived and how man y our stor y blog s were upload ed. H owever, a mor e compr ehe nsive anal ysis

    can al so b e achieved. This would involv e using the website to provid e volunt ee rs a spa ce for

    f ee dba ck about t he use fuln ess and r elevance of t he blogs. Throug h the website des ign we will

    encourag e viewers and t hose who upload ed a blog to l eave comm ent s. Two -way communi cation will

    be enabl ed t hroug h comm enting capabiliti es and t his will allow u s to a ssess f ee dba ck continuall y

    throug hout t he year.

    Activity One (the personal blog s) can al so b e evaluat ed b y condu cting informal int erviews with the

    two blogg ers. This will aim to es tabli sh how well the activity reache d t he m and w he the r it mad e

    the m mor e involved wit h Parent to Par ent in a po sitive way. It will examin e how easy it wa s for t he m

    to u se the tech nologi es , how d emanding t he ta sk was on t he ir tim e and w hat po sitive (or n egativ e)

    experiences they had w hile blogging. T he interviews will be condu cted at t he end of t he year to

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    determin e whe the r the activit y sh ould continu e in 2012. The bloggers will also be conta cted b y

    email or p hon e every two mont hs to ensur e that t he e ff ec tiveness of the activity is continuall y

    monitor ed.

    The success of the award s ceremon y will be evaluat ed t hroug h f ee dba ck from att end ees . In t he gift

    bag s we will include a se lf addr esse d po stcard for att end ees to writ e the ir comm ent s on and po st

    ba ck to u s. This will be an easy way to r ece ive f ee dba ck from att end ees in ord er to evaluat e whe the r

    the award s ceremon y was we ll rece ived and w he the r it encourag ed volunt ee rs to sta y with Parent

    to Par ent for long er. Volunt ee r f ee dba ck will also b e important in a ssess ing whe the r Par ent to

    Parent s mess age that volunt ee rs are important w ere rece ived and und erstood.

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    Referen ces

    Busse ll, H ., & Forb es , D. (200 2). Und erstanding t he volunt ee r mark et: The what, w he re , who and

    why of volunt ee ring. International Journal of Nonprofit & Voluntary Sector Marketing , 7 (3),

    244. Re trieved from Bu siness Sour ce Premier databa se .

    Janson, Y. (n.d). Art Bla ckhe ad. Retrieved Sept emb er 30, 2010, from

    http :// artbla ckhe spot. com / 200 8_08_ 01 _arch ive .html

    Lattimor e , D., Otis, B., H e iman, S.T., & Tot h , E.L. (200 9). Public relations: The profession and the

    practice (3rd ed.). New York, NY: M cG raw H ill.

    M acNee la, P. (2 00 8). The G ive and Tak e of Volunt ee ring : M otives , Benefits, and P ersonal

    Conn ec tion s among Iri sh Volunt ee rs. Voluntas: International Journal of Voluntary &

    Nonprofit Organizations , 19 (2), 12 5-139. doi :10.1007 /s 112 66-00 8-9058-8 .

    M icalon e , G ., & M cG ibbon ey, J. (200 8). Re tention and R ecognition : It's Easy if You M ake the Effort.

    Campus Activities Programming , 40 (8), 52-55 . Retrieved from Edu cation R ese ar ch Compl ete

    databa se .

    Roesch , S., Spitzb erg, B., & Dwiggins-Bee ler, R. (2 006 ). Vec tor s of Volunt ee rism:Communi cation

    Corr elat es of Volunt ee r Retention, R ec ruitm ent, and Job Satisfaction in a Nonprofit

    Organization. Conference Papers -- International Communication Association , 1-37. Retrieved

    from Communi cation & M ass M edia Compl ete databa se .

    Ruf er, A. (2010). Keys to Recruitm ent and R e tention. Fire Engineering , 163 (8), 14-16.Retrieved from

    Comput ers & Applied Sciences Compl e te databa se .

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    Appendi ces

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    Appendix One:

    Survey for Parent to Parent Volunteers

    We are students of Management Communication at the University of Waikato. We request 10

    minutes of your time to fill in the following survey. The aim of the survey is to gather information

    about what motivates Parent to Parent volunteers and what could be done to improve the

    volunteer experience.

    Please be aware that anything you tell us will remain entirely confidential and be used only for our

    assignment research purposes. Your name is not required and your participation is entirely

    voluntary and may be discontinued any time.

    1. H ow did you hear about the volunteer positions at Parent to Parent?

    67% of people hear about P2P through word of mouth

    2. H ow satisfied were you with the training?

    100% satisfaction with the quality of the training

    33% expressed a need for further follow up training sessions

    3. H ow long have you volunteered with Parent to Parent?

    Ranged between 4 20 years, the averaged time was 11 years.

    4. What has been your most rewarding experience while volunteering with Parent to


    100% said that building relationships and supporting other families was the most


    5. What has been your biggest challenge while volunteering with Parent to Parent?

    100% of participants said that setting boundaries as to what the support volunteer

    position involves was the biggest challenge.

    6. What would motivate you to continue to volunteer?

    All expressed that recognition was a motivating factor.

    Thank you for your time, it is greatly appreciated.

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    In-depth Interview Findings

    Linda Browne, Volunteer Coordinator for Waikato region

    y N o formal recruitment program in place apart from training days, which occur once a year.

    y S mall acts of recognition, e.g. sending flowers and Christmas cards.

    y V olunteer program aimed mainly at support parents but they are open to other forms of volunteer


    y S ome support parent communication across regions but little communication between committees.

    Maree H obern, support parent

    y F elt connected to P2P s values and felt she was making a significant contribution.

    y S he identified the annual family camp as essential to building relationships and developing a support


    y H obern began volunteering with P2P after her children left home because she felt she could not

    commit enough time to the role, but now regrets not becoming involved sooner.

    y S he indentified the importance of the sibling support program and taking a holistic approach to

    family support.

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    App e ndix Tw o: Sponso r Le tt er

    PO Box 234 Waikato Mail Centre

    Hamilton 3240

    Email waikato@parent

    P ! one 07 853 8491

    [Insert sponsor address]

    Friday 1st October, 2010

    D ear [insert name of sponsors ! ip director],

    I am writing t ! is letter in regards to a sponsors ! ip opportunity between Parent to Parent and [insertorganisation]. Parent to Parent is a unique non-profit organisation t ! at pro vides support to parentswit ! c ! ildren wit ! disabilities. T ! e organisation ! as been running for 27 years and currently ! elps

    ! undreds of families li ve wit ! disabilities day to day. Parent to Parent relies ! ea vily on its voluntarySupport Parents to pro vide information and emotional support to ot ! er parents.

    We are organising a volunteer awards ceremony to celebrate t ! e volunteers and acknowledge ! owimportant t ! eir work is in t ! e running of Parent to Parent. T ! e first awards ceremony will be ! eld ont ! e 5 t " of D ecember 2011 and will be ! eld annually t ! ereafter. T ! e awards will be ! osted by C lassicHits radio personalities Mark Bunting and Justine Allen and will take place in t ! e Hamilton CityGardens.

    To acknowledge your support we would like to gi ve you exclusi ve naming rig ! ts to an award. T ! e[insert organisation] logo will also be printed on all t ! e certificates and in vitations, gi ving yourorganisation a large amount of exposure wit ! in t ! e e vent. I ! ope t ! at you will seriously consider

    ! elping Parent to Parent and, in doing so, young New Zealanders w ! o live wit ! disabilities, I lookforward to ! earing from you.

    Yours sincerely,

    V enessa Rice

    C ommunications officer, Parent to Parent

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    App e ndix Three : New s Re lea se

    Parent to Parent New Zealand Inc.

    Venessa Rice, Public Relations Officer

    Phone/Fax: (07) 839 1276

    E-mail: [email protected]


    HAMILTON, 28 November 2011


    Charity Awards Attract Big Name Sponsors

    On the 5 th of December, Parent to Parent will hold an awards ceremony to recognise the

    contribution of their volunteers. The event will be held at Hamilton City Gardens. Classic Hits Radio

    personalities, Mark Bunting and Justine Allen have offered their services to host the evening.

    Parent to Parent will present seven awards in total throughout the ceremony. These awards

    include Mary Smith, Volunteer of the Year, Jason Pentecost, Best New Volunteer, and Sandra Wilson,

    Most Popular Video. The awards aim to recognise different areas including volunteer contribution,

    services to the organisation and Our Stories their new online blogging facility.

    - MORE -

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    Parent to Parent has attracted several important sponsors to assist with their volunteer

    recognition programme. Air NZ, Ventura Inn, The Body Shop and Abes Bagels have all made

    donations towards their cause. All award winners have been given plane tickets for them and their

    family to attend the awards ceremony, with accommodation being provided by Venture Inn.

    All award winners have been chosen by a panel of judges including: Linda Browne, Parent to

    Parent Volunteer Coordinator; Robyn Smith, Parent to Parent National Manager; Tariana Turia,

    Disability Issues Minister; Pete Williams, paralympian; Jane Matthews, support parent. Im happy to

    give my time to help out such a meaningful organisation says Jane Matthews, support parent,

    acknowledgment of volunteers is an important part of motivation for parents.

    At the beginning of 2010, Parent to Parent introduced a new blogging service, Our Stories , on

    their website. The service enables support parents to upload text, photos and videos about their

    experiences as a volunteer. Our Stories helps give new volunteers better insight as to how

    volunteering will affect their lives. Parents who have successfully used this service will be recognised

    at the awards ceremony with Most Inspiring Story, Most Downloaded Video and Story of the Year.


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    The awards ceremony is the first of what will become an annual event for Parent to Parent.

    Waikato Regional Coordinator, Linda Browne, states, volunteers are crucial to our organisation,

    without their contribution we would be unable to help so many families and we want to take an

    opportunity to recognise their efforts.

    Parent to Parent is a non-profit organisation established in 1983. Their purpose is to empower

    parents and caregivers who have children with disabilities. Parent to Parent have 11 regional groups

    throughout New Zealand and they have over 500 support parents.


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    App e ndix Fou r: Web sit e

    Ho epage

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    Blog page

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    Our Sto rie s page

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    Appendix Five: Certifi cate

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    App e ndix Six: n it a tion

    Ba c # :

    Front: Mag ne tis ed st rip w ill be includ ed so ar two rk can be displ a yed a s a f ridge mag ne t

    Y aniv Janson

    You are cordially invited to P arent to P arents Annual Awards Ceremony 201

    When: Monday, 5 th December 2011, 7.30 pm

    Where: Hamilton City Gardens Dress Code: Smart Casual;

    R.S.V. P . (07) 839 1276 by 20 th November