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  • 7/21/2019 3 - EnG Speak as Protocole ENG


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    The basic knowledge for begins a business in oil & Gas, as a Mandate seller.



    12 1 2014

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    Reminder - Procedure Tell sell Refined Products:


    This is a market where the most important is to have the seller. There are numerous buyers and

    sellers all have different procedures that vary according to their sizes, the buyer of the caller, and

    their willingness or their preferences. It is possible to meet different types of procedures as well asthe following:

    Major Procedure

    For majors (Shell, Gazprom, Lukoil, Total, Petrobrass), there is no LOI. This is live DRAFT, Procedure

    Following shipment or CI Dip & Pay (commercial Invoice Dip & PAY)


    Airlines Compagny like (American Airlines, Emirates Airlines, Lufthansa) when they buy trough a

    Reseller with the preferred procedure:

    C. I.=> Following dip test / DIP & PAY.(When we say Commercial Invoice Dip Test is a so-called

    procedure: DIP & PAY.)

    - Dip & Pay:Is a purchasing procedure for rapid refined products 24 H 72 hours max).

    - Dip is the fact that one Dip Test Product / is an agent of the SMS (Safety Organization of quality

    control of the product) will move to test the quality of the specified product.

    - Pay:This means that the customer pays their product directly after the SGS test.

    These are complete procedure usually by contract says SPOT CONTRACT.

    Refinery procedure

    To purchase a refinery (IT still depends on the procedure of the refinery). Government companies

    which deal with the majors (usual market) used to buy with their own procedures. When you

    (clients) buying refined product, its the seller who imposes his procedure, not the buyer, however,

    when facing a Major, it often imposes its procedure whether buying or selling. Walking through a

    parallel, like ours it is often the case, However they are still trying to impose their procedure at all


    Behavioural observation:

    Notice receiving emails:

    1) Read all document submitted..

    2) Check all documents before sending them.

    3) Speaking very little email.

    1Reseller: Reseller FR2C. I.: Commercial Invoices

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    => 3 things that can determine if you are someone serious or broker.

    => Observe Your professionalism and keep a cool head.


    Specificity for LNG requires a special terminal, and special boat.

    Generally it is a minimum long-term 20-year contract.

    Possible procedure for the LNG:

    SPOT Contract => direct purchase

    Refined Product: DIP Test => direct purchase

    T.O.P => Take Or Pay (It pays, it takes or not the product)

    Selling protocol procedure

    IntroductionOur presentation is our image, the limit of your language is limited to your words,

    words correspond to the limit our world, we must impose a concrete discourse. Pragmatism

    and coolness as usual, Russia as a result of the original equation, speeches cold, dry, but

    professional access on the performance and result.

    Acquisition of information on the interlocutor: It is necessary for us as a seller mandate toacquire information about the person with whom you are in contact in order to establish their

    profile and to better understand how to handle the deal.

    The interlocutor could only have thoses possible statuts:

    ! Intermediary(Official or unofficial, Broker, Trader, Broker Joker)

    ! Facilitator(Official or unofficial close or less close to the buyer or mandate, VIP, Joker


    ! Mandate buyer side(or no mandate Official

    ! Buyer (Investment Manager, Company owner, Corporate, government agent, VIP,

    etc) (Official or not, Broker, Trader, Joker Broker)

    ! The business Partner during first contact with the caller have to establish the

    hierarchy of the intermediary:

    Hierarchy as possible: Intermediate - facilitator-mandate buyer - End Buyer.

    P.S.: PS: To do this the contributor of case, should establish a Customer SUMMARY which will transfer

    by e-mail to the CEO of Dubai Craydon Group - Oil & Gas Consultancy Amara Drama Department

    to inform the current deal .dropoff window. No conversation is necessary at this stage, a simple

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    email is enough with all the new customer information. any provider of business must imperatively

    follow this process on pain of rejection of the direction of the record by the CEO Craydon Group Oil

    & Gas.

    ! The business Partner must first contact with the interlocutor secures all parties:


    1) We receive CIS (client information System ) FULFILLED+ passport Copy

    2) Then We Will you send the Draft- Intermediary /Facilitator Contractto be signed.

    3) Then we will send our New Procedure (Refinery Usual Procedure).


    1) Business Card Information.

    2) Buyer = Company Profile3) Mandat= Official Mandat Letteror Official Representative LetterFrom The Buyer .4) Official letter As an enquiry letter to explaining their needs ( Or LOI, Or Enquiry

    Letter .

    Presentation and shipments of the procedure:

    It is possible that after sending and presented the procedure, the caller is supposed to have read

    the procedure requires additional information, it may as well malice or intelligence unconsciously

    seek another procedure.

    So there is a problem:

    Either he has not read the proceedings; either the procedure does not suit him, or has its own

    procedure. For the presentation of our process, the buyer either mandate or mandate Buyer must

    return with the requested documents to qualify for a call or TTM Conference to receive further

    informations. Seulement a result of this Step crucial and receipt of all information

    Pre Required:

    He will receive an invitation TTM Face to face:

    - A Dubaiwith the Director, or Paris - with the CEO to present physically confidences who will refuse

    to email or DHL.

    - Germany (Germany Head Office) if it unites with professionalism and kindness all documents


    Solutions from problems

    Remember You This procedure is Not Negotiable, also for you

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    Problem 1: It is possible that, in giving the required documents, the caller mandate or buyer or

    buyer mandate, requires that it does not send e-mail her letter from the bank. Which considers


    Solution 1: Which is totally true, the letter from the bank is a confidential document, only the

    account owner can ask. So we can offer him an exceptional TTM in Dubai or Paris to physicallysubmit the required documents, Law + Letter from the bank. (We are obliged to check that the

    letter is consistent with our seller)

    Problem 2:If we impose interlocutor that his letter be sent only banking entity banking entity?

    Solution 2:He made clear that the simple letter of the requested bank or "bank reference letter,"

    are not bank instruments and therefore are not presented bank banking entity to entity.

    Problem 3:If the buyer is a major, and she wants to buy with CI Dip Test procedure

    Solution 3: Our procedure is non-negotiable even if Total (response of the Vice President ofrefineries)

    PS 1:Stay Strong in the head, even if you are sure that your contact is potential (he has the money

    to buy the products) will not yield.

    In the field of Oil and Gas, the procedure does not change. If he wants he buys and if he

    does not want it do not buy; he goes look elsewhere. We can offer what we have.

    P.S. 2: What are we allowed to do? : We are Consultancy & trading Company Mandate from the

    Seller Side in power autority To :

    Little Council:

    This is not because we do not do the procedure of the interlocutor that we are mythos! Or that we

    do not have the product. Be Careful to some blows of bluffs, Scammers, wanted to intimidated you

    and manipulat you .

    ! The business Partner must have a protocolary behavior:

    Do not talk too much (1st meeting maximum 4 minutes)

    Example of argumentation & sales pitches:

    The New Client: in this case, it is a common case the interlocutor starts talking to himself, like a

    monologue tells the story tall, or tries to intimidate you with his past experience or his Title position

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    The Business Partner: break the caller entry, impose some moments of silence

    The Business Partner: Introduce yourself By a clear & cold Climat.

    Ex: I am Sofiane Bouyahia - Deputy Director Craydon Group Oil Gas Consultancy


    The New Client: (I call you because one of my friend give me your number, I am intermediary, I

    know you are selling petroleum product, I am buyer I want to buy, tell me what can I do)

    The Business Partner: Classify the interlocutor & nominate his position


    Business Partner /(Apporteur daffaire): first off all, :

    1. I will send you the C.I.Sto fulfilled, You will have to add your Passport Copyalso to

    pretend receive your commission (SILENCE)


    Then, i will send you a Contract for Intermediary to signed and send Us Back

    (Silence) .

    3. Then,only I will send you Our procedure, this Procedure is no negotiable if you are

    ready to deal with us. (Silence).

    4. Then we will go to the next step InshaAllah.


    Thank you good-bye (Silence)

    Do not hang up. Let the interlocutor do it


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    Business Partner (Apporteur daffaire): First off all,

    1. you will have send us You Business Card Information

    2. + His Company Profile

    + Mandate Copy.

    3. Thenif we could send us a Short EmailAs enquiry letterexplaining your needsor

    the buyer needs (SILENCE).

    4. Then ONLY, i will send you our procedure.

    5. Thenwe will wait to receive from your side the required document as mention in

    the procedure.

    6. without this required document no More Informationwill be provide.

    7. Thank you good-bye (Silence)

    Do not hang up. Let the interlocutor do it

    A customer wishing to buy our product, always follow the procedure and will be ready with

    the required documents. This procedure is non-negotiable; talking about another thing is

    waste of time.

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    TP - Procedure PROTOCOLARY - Practice Oral work:

    The purpose of practical work in oral is to put everyone in the team situation and enable it to

    master the techniques to impose a protocolary speech, comply with field of Oil and Gas.


    Ex1: Suzanne Cherubin in Malaysia: Billionaire and manages investments. Returns procedure andmake a Caff Call. => wanted directly to Signe a document (time discussion less than 5 min)

    Ex2: Government Agent / American Airlines: Ready to buy, conference call, ready for CI - Dip & Pay

    with Title Holder, but realize that we are refinery (Under 3 Min)

    Ex3: China CNPC => In CC Direct Buyer mandate, have their own procedure, and our procedure

    too much different, finally not ready through parallel Market. If your Seller Accepts ,otherwise ok.

    Ex4: Ren - Petrochemicals: present us his customers already known customers vice president .deal

    done and categorize.

    The purpose of this exercise is to show to the member of the partner company,that it is

    important to follow several rules:

    1. Be pragmatic .

    2. Do not talk too much in discussions between client and team staff (Contact Buyer- Side

    and mandated group).

    3. Install a cold Climat (cold, repetitive, not willing to open any change).

    Requested Oral Capacity :

    - break the caller entry

    - impose some moments of silence

    - Introduce yourself By a clear & cold Climat.

    - Classify the interlocutor & nominate his position

    - Ask if he has knowledge of our procedure

    - Show that we are awaiting documents requested in the procedure,that it should read:

    PS:Show him that he has no choice but to return to the process and not get into any further


    Know repeat the same information (informative sentence) when the person speaks too

    much or she did not understand or that it emphasizes an indiscreet question.

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    4objectives That you cant Forget

    1) To Performe

    2) Impose our procedure

    3) Show that we are unable to negotiate Our Procedure.

    4) show Our impatience with thoses required documents

    Mistake to avoid

    Being too personal, too familiar, discuss, too warm, try to understand his interlocutor,

    understanding too, too sweet, too long discussion Hold the phone, too onomatopoeia

    (uh ...) suggest that one can DC or a modification in the procedure

    Remember that we are in a trading facilities globally, it is a trade at the state level.

    You can imagine that in this area there are very few people who laugh, very fewfriendly people, very few people who have the time and ready to assist you. When

    you work in the Oil and Gas you have to be in that state of mind.


    Car in front there are many people who will not hesitate to shoot us in the

    back at the first opportunity.